What is a word in spanish that starts with i

-í 1st person preterite verb form for -er verbs {suffix} -í Suffix indicating certain demonyms, especially from Arabic and Indo-Iranian countries and regions, like iraní, iraquí, azerí, marroquí, penyabí, and others {suffix} -ía Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -ía Suffix indicating the third-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -íais Suffix indicating the second-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -íamos Suffix indicating the first-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -ían Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -ías Suffix indicating the second-person singular imperfect indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} íbice ibex (type of wild mountain goat) {m} ícono icon {m} ídolo idol {m} ígneo igneous {adj} i and {conj} [archaic] i Name of the letter I {f} i The ninth letter of the Spanish alphabet {letter} -ió Suffix indicating the third-person singular indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} I Ilustre {abbr} I The ninth letter of the Spanish alphabet {letter} Iñaki male given name {prop} -iano -ian (all instances) {suffix} -iatría -iatrics {suffix} -iatría -iatry {suffix} iatrofobia iatrophobia {f} iatrogenia iatrogenesis {f} Iberia Iberia (Caucasian Iberia) {prop} Iberia Iberia (European peninsula, consisting of Portugal and Spain) {prop} ibicenco Ibizan {adj} Ibiza Ibiza {prop} -ible {suffix} [l/en, -ible] ibérico Iberian (of Iberia) {adj} ibérico Iberian (native of Iberia) {m} iceberg iceberg {m} iceburgo iceberg {m} icónico iconic {adj} -ico -ic; added to nouns to form adjectives {suffix} -ico usually derogative diminutive suffix; added to nouns to form nouns {suffix} icono icon (all senses) {m} iconoclasta iconoclastic {adj} iconoclasta iconoclast {mf} iconografía iconography {f} iconográfico iconographic {adj} iconología iconology {f} icoságono icosagon {m} [geometry] ictericia jaundice {f} ictiólogo ichthyologist {m} ictiológico ichthyological {adj} ictiología ichthyology {f} ictérico jaundiced; afflicted with jaundice {adj} ida going {f} ida march {f} -idad Form of -dad used generally for adjectives of three or more syllables; Comparable to English suffix -ity {suffix} Idaho Idaho {prop} ida y vuelta round trip {phrase} idea idea {f} idea clave key idea {f} ideal ideal {adj} ideal ideal {m} idealista idealistic {adj} idealista idealist {mf} idealizar to idealize [US], idealise [UK] {v} idealmente ideally {adv} idear to devise {v} identidad identity {f} identificable identifiable {adj} identificación identification {f} identificado identified {adj} identificar to identify {v} ideo- ideo- {prefix} ideograma ideogram, ideograph {m} ideológico ideological {adj} ideología ideology {f} idilio idyll {m} idioma A language {m} idiomático idiomatic {adj} idiosincrasia idiosyncrasy {f} idiosincrático idiosyncratic {adj} idiota idiotic {adj} idiota idiot {mf} [pejorative] idiotez idiocy {f} idiotismo idiom {m} [linguistics] idiotismo ignorance {m} [social] idiotizar to idiotize {v} idiótico idiotic {adj} idólatra idolatrous {adj} idílico idyllic {adj} idóneo fitting {adj} idóneo suitable {adj} idénticamente identically {adv} idéntico identical {adj} -ido Suffix indicating the past participle of regular -ir and -er verbs {suffix} idolatrar to idolize {v} idoneidad appropriateness {f} -idor Form of -dor attached to -ir verb stems. Forms (usually agent) nouns and adjectives {suffix} -idora feminine form of -idor {suffix} idos alternative form of idus {mp} idosa idose {m} [carbohydrates] -idura Form of -dura used with -ir verbs to form nouns {suffix} idus ides {mp} [historical] -iendo Suffix indicating the gerund of regular -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -ieron Suffix indicating the third-person plural indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} IFE Instituto Federal Electoral; the Mexican body for controlling elections {initialism} -ificar -ify, -fy, suffix to form verbs with the meaning of to turn into, to transform into {suffix} iglú igloo (inuit snow house) {m} iglesia church {f} Iglesias Spanish surname {prop} Ignacio male given name, equivalent to Ignatius {prop} ignífugo fireproof (something that protects against fire) {adj} ignición ignition {f} ignominia ignominy {f} ignominiosamente ignominiously {adv} ignominioso ignominious {adj} ignorancia ignorance {f} ignorante ignorant {adj} ignorar to disregard {v} ignorar to ignore {v} Íñigo male given name {prop} i griega Former name of the letter y. Now called ye {f} igual equal {adj} igual equals sign {m} igual equal {mf} igualar to make equal {v} igualdad equality {f} igualmente equally {adv} igualmente likewise {adv} igualmente likewise; the same to you {interj} iguana iguana {f} Íñiguez Spanish surname {prop} -il -ile (indicating relation or pertaining to) {suffix} ilícito illicit {adj} Ilda female given name, cognate to the English Hilda {prop} ilegal illegal, unlawful {adj} ilegalidad illegality {f} ilegalizar illegalize, criminalize, outlaw {v} ilegalmente illegally {adv} ilegible illegible {adj} ileso unharmed {adj} ilógico illogical {adj} ilimitadamente in an unlimited way; without limit {adv} ilimitado unlimited, boundless {adj} -illa Added to feminine nouns to denote a diminutive form {suffix} Illinois Illinois {prop} -illo Added to masculine nouns to denote a diminutive form {suffix} ilmenita ilmenite {f} ilota helot {mf} iluminación lighting {f} iluminada feminine form of iluminado {m} iluminado lit, illuminated {adj} iluminado lighting, illumination, light {m} iluminado visionary, seer, illuminist {m} iluminar to illuminate {v} Iluminismo Enlightenment {prop} iluminista member of the Enlightenment {m} ilusión hope, expectation {f} ilusión illusion {f} ilusión wishful thinking {f} ilusionado eager (excited by desire) {adj} ilusionante exciting {adj} ilusionar to excite {v} ilusionista illusionist {mf} ilusivo illusive {adj} ilusorio illusory {adj} ilustración illustration {f} ilustrado member of the Enlightenment {m} ilustrar to illustrate {v} ilustre illustrious {adj} im- a form of the prefix in-, used before b, m and p {prefix} imagen image {f} imaginable imaginable, cogitable {adj} imaginación imagination {f} imaginar to imagine {v} imaginario imaginary {adj} imaginativo imaginative {adj} imantado magnetized {adj} imantar to make magnetic; to magnetize {v} imbécil dumb, having the properties of an imbecile {adj} [offensive] imbécil moron, imbecile {mf} [offensive] IMC índice de masa corporal: BMI (body mass index) {initialism} IME Industria Maquiladora de Exportación {initialism} Imelda female given name, most common in the Philippines {prop} imidazol imidazole {m} [organic compound] -imiento alternative form of -miento {suffix} imitación imitation {f} imitador imitating {adj} imitador imitator {m} imitadora feminine form of imitador {f} imitar to imitate {v} imán attraction, charm {m} imán imam {m} imán magnet {m} -imos suffix indicating the first-person plural present indicative of -ir verbs {suffix} -imos Suffix indicating the first-person plural preterite indicative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} impaciencia impatience {f} impacientar to loose patience {vr} impacientar to cause impatience {vt} impaciente impatient {adj} impacientemente impatiently {adv} impactante shocking {adj} impactar to impact {v} impacto impact {m} impagable priceless {adj} impagable unpayable, very expensive {adj} impago nonpayment {m} impar odd {adj} impar odd number {m} imparable unstoppable {adj} imparcial impartial {adj} imparcialidad impartiality {f} imparcialmente impartially {adv} impartir to impart {v} impasible impassive {adj} impavidez cold-bloodedness {f} impavidez fearlessness {f} impecable impeccable {adj} impecable perfect {adj} impedimento impediment {m} impedimento obstacle {m} impedir to impede, hinder {v} impeler to propel {v} impenetrabilidad impenetrability {f} impenetrable impenetrable {adj} imperar to be in command, to be emperor {v} imperar to prevail {v} imperar to reign, to rule {v} imperativo imperative {adj} imperativo imperative {m} [grammar] imperceptiblemente imperceptibly {adv} imperdonable unforgivable, unpardonable {adj} imperfección imperfection {f} imperfectamente imperfectly {adv} imperfecto imperfect {adj} imperial imperial {adj} imperialismo imperialism {m} imperialista imperialist {adj} imperialista imperialist {mf} imperio empire {m} imperio an allegedly imperialistic country, in particular the USA {m} [Venezuela] impermeabilidad impermeability {f} impermeabilización impermeabilization, waterproof {f} impermeable impermeable {adj} impermeable raincoat {m} impersonalidad impersonality {f} impertinencia infamy, intrusiveness {f} impertinente impertinent, cheeky {adj} impetuoso impetuous, rash {adj} impetuoso spirited, lively, vehement {adj} impiedad impiety {f} implantación implantation (the action or the result of implanting.) {f} implantar to implant {v} implante implant {m} implícitamente implicitly {adv} implícito implicit; tacit {adj} implementación implementation {f} implementar to implement {v} implemento appliance {m} implemento implement {m} implemento tool {m} implicación implication {f} implicado implicated, involved {adj} implicar to imply {v} implicatura implicature {f} implorar to implore {v} implosionar to implode {v} impoluto pure, virgin {adj} impoluto unpolluted; unspoiled; pure; untouched {adj} imponente imposing, impressive {adj} imponer to enjoin {v} imponer To impose, enforce {v} imponer To impose, impress {v} importación import {f} importación importation {f} importancia importance {f} importante important {adj} importantemente importantly {adv} importar to import {v} importar to matter, to be important {v} importe price, cost {m} importe sum {m} importes prices, costs {fp} importes sums {fp} importunar to inconvenience {v} imposibilidad impossibility {f} imposibilitar to make impossible {v} imposible impossible {adj} imposiblemente impossibly {adv} impostor impostor {m} impotencia disability {f} impotencia impotence / impotency {f} impotencia powerlessness {f} impotente impotent, powerless, helpless {adj} impotente impotent {adj} [medicine] impreciso imprecise, vague {adj} impredecible unpredictable {adj} impregnar to impregnate {v} imprenta printer (a factory where printing is done) {f} imprenta printing press {f} imprenta printing (the technology) {f} imprescindible indispensable {adj} impresentable disgraceful {adj} impresentable inept {adj} impresentable unpresentable {adj} impresión impression {f} impresión print {f} impresionable impressionable {adj} impresionado impressed {adj} impresionante impressive {adj} impresionar to impress; to make an impression on {v} impresionismo impressionism {m} impresionista impressionistic {adj} impresionista impressionist {mf} impresora printer {f} imprevisible unpredictable {adj} imprevisión improvidence {f} imprevisto unforeseen, unexpected {adj} imprevisto unforeseen event; contingency {m} imprimir to print {v} improbable improbable, unlikely {adj} improbablemente improbably {adv} improcedente inappropriate {adj} improperio insult, affront, diss {m} improvisación improvisation {f} improvisar improvise (to make something up as one goes on) {v} imprudencia imprudence {f} imprudentemente imprudently {adv} impuesto tax {m} impuesto al consumo excise tax, sales tax {m} impuesto de capitación poll tax {m} impuesto electoral poll tax {m} impuesto indirecto excise tax {m} impuesto por cabeza head tax {m} impuesto real property tax {m} impuesto real royal tax {m} impuesto sobre bienes tax (goods tax especially property tax bienes raices) {m} impuesto sobre bienes y servicios A goods and services tax {m} impuesto sucesorio estate tax, inheritance tax {m} impugnar to contest {v} impulsar to impel, to drive, to force {v} impulso drive, urge {m} impulso impulse, pulse {m} [sciences] impulsor driving {adj} impulsor impulsive {adj} impulsor impeller {m} impunemente with impunity, scot-free {adv} impunidad impunity {f} impuramente impurely {adv} impureza taint; impurity {f} impuro impure {adj} imputable attributable; imputable {adj} imputar to impute; to ascribe {v} impávido fearless {adj} in- not (negation) {prefix} ión ion {m} inacabable endless, interminable {adj} inaccesible inaccessible {adj} inacentuado atonic, unstressed {adj} [phonetics] inaceptable unacceptable {adj} inaceptablemente unacceptably {adv} inactividad inactivity, idleness {f} inactivo inactive {adj} inadecuado inadequate {adj} inadmisible inadmissible {adj} INAH abbreviation of Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History) {prop} [Mexico] inalcanzable unreachable {adj} inalámbrico wireless {adj} inamovible fixed, stationary {adj} inane inane; pointless {adj} inanición starvation, inanition {f} inapropiado inappropriate {adj} inarmonía inharmonicity {f} inarmonicidad inharmonicity {f} inaudito outrageous {adj} inaudito unheard-of, unprecedented {adj} inauguración inauguration {f} inaugural inaugural {adj} inaugurar to inaugurate {v} inca Inca {mf} incalculable incalculable {adj} incandescente incandescent {adj} incansable tireless, indefatigable {adj} incapacidad disability, handicap {f} incapacidad inability, incapability {f} incapacitar to incapacitate {v} incapaz incapable, unable {adj} incautación confiscation, seizure {f} incautar to confiscate {v} incautar to seize {v} incauto dupe, gullible, unwary, naive {adj} incendiar to set fire to {v} incendiario incendiary, inflammatory {adj} incendiario arsonist {m} incendio fire (especially burning buildings or forests) {m} incensación incensation {f} incensar to incense {v} incensario censer {m} incentivar to foster, provide incentive {v} incentivo incentive, stimulus {m} incertidumbre uncertainty {f} incesante incessant; ceaseless {adj} incesantemente incessantly, ceaselessly {adv} incesto incest {m} incógnito incognito, anonymous, unknown (with a hidden or unknown identity) {adj} incha a soccer fan or sometimes a hooligan {m} incidencia (countable) an incident, or happening {f} incidencia (uncountable) repercussion, impact, or effect {f} incidentalmente incidentally {adv} incidente incident {m} incidir to have influence or affect on, to have bearing on {vi} incidir to enter into, to incur {v} incienso incense {m} inciertamente uncertainly {adv} incierto uncertain {adj} incineradora incinerator {f} incinerar to incinerate {v} incipiente beginning {adj} incisión incision, cut {f} incisivo incisive {adj} incisivo incisor {m} incitación arousal {f} incitación incitement, incitation {f} incitación seduction {f} incitar to incite {v} incivil uncivil {adj} inclasificable unclassifiable (that one cannot classify) {adj} inclemente inclement, rough (of weather) {adj} inclemente merciless, severe {adj} inclinación inclination {f} inclinación incline {f} inclinar to tilt {v} incluido included, supplied {adj} incluir to include, to enclose, to contain {v} inclusive inclusive {adj} inclusive inclusively {adv} incluso enclosed, included {adj} incluso even {adv} incluso including {adv} incómodo uncomfortable {adj} incoación Start, or commencement, or initiation {f} [legal, formal] incoherente incoherent {adj} incoherentemente incoherently {adv} incoloro colourless {adj} incombustible Not capable of catching fire and burning; not flammable {adj} incomodar to inconvenience {v} incomodidad incommodiousness, inconvenience, discomfort {f} incompatibilidad incompatibility {f} incompatible incompatible {adj} incompetencia incompetence {f} incompetente incompetent {adj} incompletamente incompletely {adv} incompleto incomplete, unfinished {adj} incomprensible incomprehensible {adj} incomunicado Of a prisoner, incommunicado; not permitted to communicate with anyone by speech or writing. Often used substantively. {adj} incomunicar to isolate, to deny communication {v} inconcebible inconceivable, unthinkable {adj} inconciliable irreconcilable {adj} inconcreto imprecise, unspecific {adj} incondicional unconditional {adj} incondicionalmente wholeheartedly, unconditionally, unreservedly, unquestioningly {adv} inconexo disconnected {adj} inconexo disjointed, random {adj} inconexo unconnected {adj} inconformismo nonconformism, nonconformity {m} inconformista nonconformist {mf} inconfundible unmistakable {adj} inconsciencia unconsciousness {f} inconsciente unconscious {adj} inconsecuente inconsistent {adj} inconstitucional unconstitutional {adj} incontable uncountable {adj} incontenible unstoppable, uncontrollable {adj} inconteniblemente in a manner that is not capable of being contained {adv} incontestable incontestable {adj} incontrolable uncontrollable {adj} inconveniente inconvenient {adj} inconveniente drawback {m} inconveniente problem, trouble {m} incorporación incorporation {f} incorporar to fold, stir gently {v} [culinary] incorporar to incorporate {v} incorporarse reflexive form of incorporar {vr} incorrectamente incorrectly {adv} incorrecto wrong, incorrect {adj} incorregible incorrigible {adj} incorregible uncorrectable {adj} increíble incredible, unbelievable {adj} increíblemente incredibly {adv} incredulidad incredulity {f} incrementar to increment {v} incremento accrual {m} incremento increment {m} increpar to rebuke, to chastise {v} incriminar to incriminate {v} incrustación inlay {f} incrustar to embed {v} incubar to incubate {v} inculcar to instill, inculcate (in), drum (review to establish memorization) {v} inculpar to accuse {v} inculto ignorant {adj} inculto uncivilized {adj} inculto uncultivated {adj} incumbencia duty, responsibility, incumbency {f} incumbir to be incumbent {v} incumplidor deadbeat, disappointer {m} incumplir to disobey (rules) {v} incumplir to fail to complete {v} incunable incunable, incunabulum {m} incurrir to incur {v} incursión raid; incursion {f} incursionar to stage a raid on {v} indagación investigation {f} indagar to investigate {vt} indebido undue, unowed {m} indecisión indecision {f} indeciso indecisive, irresolute, wavering, uncertain, hesitant {adj} indeciso undecided, unsettled, unresolved {adj} indefenso helpless, defenseless {adj} indefinidamente indefinitely {adv} indefinido indefinite {adj} indemnización indemnity {f} indemnizar to indemnify {v} independencia independence {f} independencia lineal linear independence {f} [linear algebra] independiente independent {adj} independientemente independently {adv} independizarse to become independent {v} indescifrable illegible {adj} indeseable undesirable {adj} indestructible indestructible {adj} indeterminado indeterminate {adj} indexar to index {v} indígena indigenous {adj} indígena indigenous person, native {mf} india feminine form of indio {f} India India {prop} indiana (textile) printed calico {f} Indiana Indiana {prop} indicación indication {f} indicado appropriate {adj} indicado indicated {adj} indicado suitable {adj} indicador indicator, trafficator {m} [automotive] indicador indicator {m} indicar to indicate {v} indiciar to index {v} indicio clue, hint {m} indicio evidence {m} indicio sign {m} indiferencia apathy {f} indiferencia indifference {f} indiferente indifferent {adj} indigencia indigence {f} indigente indigent {adj} indigestión indigestion {f} indigesto indigestible {adj} indigesto suffering indigestion {adj} indignación indignation {f} indignado Someone protesting the bankster occupation of the European Union {m} [Spain, 2010s] indignar to outrage {v} indignidad indignity {f} indio Indian (India) {adj} indio Indian (native Americans) {adj} indio A native of India {m} indio An indigenous person of the Americas {m} indio indium {m} indirecta hint {f} indirecta insinuation {f} indirectamente indirectly {adv} indirecto indirect {adj} indiscreto indiscreet {adj} indispensable indispensable {adj} indisponer to cause to become indisposed {v} indisponer to upset {v} indisputable indisputable {adj} indisputablemente indisputably {adv} indistinguible indistinguishable {adj} inédito not published {adj} individual individual {adj} individual place mat {m} individualidad individuality {f} individualismo individualism {m} individualista individualist {mf} individualisto individualistic {adj} individuo individual {m} indivisible indivisible {adj} indizar to index {vt} indlandsis ice sheet {f} indómito indomitable {adj} indómito untamed {adj} indómito wild {adj} indoblegable unyielding {adj} indocumentado undocumented {adj} indocumentado An undocumented person {m} indol indole {m} [organic compound] Indonesia Indonesia {prop} indonesio Indonesian {adj} indonesio Indonesian {m} inducción induction {f} inducido armature (in a dynamo) {m} inducir to induce {v} inducir to lead {v} inductor inducing {adj} inductor inductor {m} indudable indubitable, undoubtable {adj} indudablemente indubitably, undoubtedly {adv} indulgencia indulgence {f} indultar to pardon (grant an official pardon for a crime) {v} industria industry {f} industrial industrial {adj} industrializar to industrialize {v} inefable ineffable (beyond expression) {adj} ineficaz ineffective {adj} ineficiencia inefficiency {f} ineficiente inefficient {adj} inelástico inelastic {adj} inequívocamente unequivocally, unambiguously {adv} inequívoco unambiguous {adj} inequívoco unmistakable {adj} inercia inertia {f} inercia química Chemical inertness. unreactive {f} inerme unarmed, defenceless, helpless {adj} inerte inactive, sluggish {adj} inerte inert {adj} inesperadamente unexpectedly {adv} inesperado unexpected {adj} inestabilidad instability {f} inestable unstable {adj} inevitable inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable (unable to be avoided) {adj} inevitablemente inevitably, inexorably {adv} inexistencia inexistence {f} inexistente nonexistent {adj} inexorable inexorable {adj} inexorablemente inexorably {adv} inexperiencia inexperience {f} inexplicable inexplicable, unexplainable {adj} inexplicablemente inexplicably, unaccountably {adv} infalible infallible {adj} infame awful, dreadful {adj} infame infamous, vile, wicked {adj} infamemente infamously {adv} infamia infamy {f} infancia infancy {f} infanta princess {f} infante foot soldier, infantryman {m} infante infant {m} infantería infantry {f} infanticida infanticide (person) {mf} infantil childish {adj} infantil immature {adj} infarto infarct, heart attack {m} infatigable indefatigable, tireless {adj} infección infection {f} infeccionar to infect {v} infectado infected {adj} infectar to infect {v} infelicidad misfortune {f} infelicidad unhappiness {f} infeliz unfortunate {adj} infeliz unhappy {adj} inferencia inference {f} inferior inferior (below) {adj} inferior inferior (of lower quality) {adj} inferior inferior (of lower rank) {adj} inferioridad inferiority {f} inferir to infer {v} infernal infernal {adj} infertilidad infertility {f} infestar to infest {v} infidelidad unfaithfulness {f} infiel unfaithful {adj} infielmente unfaithfully {adv} infierno hell {m} infijo [of an affix] infixed {adj} infijo infix {m} infiltrar to infiltrate {v} infinidad infinity {f} [countable and, uncountable] infinitamente infinitely {adv} infinitivo infinitive {m} [grammar] infinito boundless, unlimited, unbounded, immeasurable {adj} infinito endless, countless {adj} infinito infinite {adj} infinito infinity {m} inflación inflation (expansion or increase in size) {f} inflamable inflammable {adj} inflamación inflammation {f} inflamar to ignite {vt} inflamar to inflame {vt} inflar to inflate {v} inflexible inflexible {adj} inflexión inflection (a change in the tone of voice) {f} inflexión inflection (a turning away from a straight course) {f} infligir to inflict {v} inflorescencia inflorescence {f} [botany] influencia influence {f} influenciar to influence {v} influenza influenza {f} influir to have influence on {v} influir to influence {v} influyente influential {adj} información data {f} información information {f} informado informed {adj} informal informal {adj} informalmente informally {adv} informante informant, telltale {mf} informar to find out, see informarse {vr} informar to inform {vt} informarse reflexive form of informar To find out {vr} informativo informative {adj} informe misshapen {adj} informe shapeless, formless {adj} informe report {m} informática computer science, informatics, information technology {f} informática feminine form of informático, a female computer scientist {f} informático informatic {adj} informático computer scientist {m} infortunio adversity {m} infortunio misfortune {m} infracción infraction, infringement, violation {f} infraespinoso infraspinatus {m} infraestructura infrastructure {f} in fraganti red-handed, in flagrante delicto {adv} inframundo underworld {m} infranqueable impassable (of roads) {adj} infranqueable insurmountable, impassable (of obstacles) {adj} infranqueable unenterable (of doors) {adj} infrarrojo infrared {adj} infrasónico infrasonic {adj} [physics] infrasonido infrasound {m} infrecuente infrequent {adj} infringir to infringe {v} infértil infertile, sterile {adj} infructuosamente fruitlessly {adv} infructuoso fruitless {adj} infundir to instill (especially a feeling) {vt} [ditransitive] infusión infusion {f} infusión tea (infusion made from herbs) {f} infusorio infusoria {m} [zoology] ingeniar to devise {v} ingeniería engineering {f} ingeniero engineer {m} ingenio genius {m} ingenio mind {m} ingenioso ingenious, artful {adj} ingente great, considerable, enormous {adj} ingenua feminine form of ingenuo {f} ingenuidad naivety {f} ingenuo naive, ingenuous, candid, innocent {adj} ingenuo naif {m} ingerir to ingest {v} ingestión ingestion {f} Inglaterra England {prop} ingle groin {f} [anatomy] inglesa Englishwoman {f} inglés English {adj} inglés Englishman {m} inglés The English language {m} inglés antiguo Old English {prop} inglés medio Middle English {prop} ingravidez lightness {f} ingravidez weightlessness {f} ingrediente ingredient (one of the parts of a whole) {m} ingresar to commit someone to a medical institution {v} ingresar to enter {v} ingresar to join {v} ingresar to put {v} ingreso deposit {m} ingreso entrance, ingress {m} ingreso income {m} inhabilitar to disqualify {v} inhalación inhalation {f} inhalador inhalator {m} inhalagüeño disagreeable, obnoxious, unpleasant {adj} inhalar to inhale {v} inherente inherent {adj} inhibición inhibition {f} inhibidor inhibitor {m} inhibidora feminine form of inhibidor {f} inhibina inhibin {f} [protein] inhibir to inhibit {v} inhumano inhuman {adj} inhumar to bury or inter {v} iniciación initiation {f} iniciado initiate {adj} inicial initial {adj} inicial initial (first letter of a name or word) {f} inicialmente initially {adv} iniciar to begin; initiate {v} iniciativa initiative {f} iniciativo initiatory {adj} iniciativo initiative {m} inicio start, initiation {m} iónico ionic {adj} [chemistry] inicuo iniquitous, nefarious {adj} Iniesta A Spanish surname {prop} inimaginable unimaginable {adj} ininteligible unintelligible {adj} ininterrumpidamente uninterruptedly {adv} ininterrumpido uninterrupted {adj} iniquidad iniquity, injustice {f} injertar to graft {v} injerto grafting {m} [horticulture] injerto graft {m} [horticulture, surgery] injuriar to insult {v} injustamente unjustly, unfairly {adv} injusticia injustice {f} injustificable unjustifiable {adj} injustificado undue, unjustified {m} injusto unfair {adj} Inmaculada female given name {prop} inmaduro immature {adj} inmaduro unripe {adj} inmaterial immaterial {adj} in medias res in medias res {adj} in medias res in medias res {adv} inmediatamente immediately {adv} inmediatez immediacy {f} inmediato immediate {adj} inmejorable unbeatable {adj} inmemorial immemorial {adj} inmenso immense {adj} inmersión immersion {f} inmerso immersed {adj} inmerso submerged {adj} inmigración immigration {f} inmigrante immigrant {adj} inmigrante immigrant {mf} inmigrar to immigrate {v} inminencia imminence {f} inminente imminent {adj} inmiscuirse to interfere [in] {v} inmobiliaria real-estate agency {f} inmobiliario real-estate (related to real estate) {adj} inmolar to immolate {v} inmoral immoral {adj} inmoralidad immorality {f} inmortal immortal {adj} inmortal immortal {mf} inmortalidad immortality {f} inmortalizar to immortalise {v} inmovilidad immobility {f} inmovilizar to immobilize {v} inmueble property, estate, building {m} inmundicia filth, dirt {f} inmundo filthy (of or pertaining to filth) {adj} inmune immune {adj} inmunógeno antigen, immunogen {f} [immunology] inmunidad immunity {f} inmunitario immune (relating to immunity) {adj} inmunizar to immunize {v} inmunólogo immunologist {m} inmunoglobulina immunoglobulin {f} [protein, immunology] inmunológico immunological {adj} inmunología immunology {f} inmunotransferencia immunoblot, or western blot analysis {f} inmutable immutable {adj} inmutar to alter {v} inmutarse reflexive form of inmutar {vr} inmutarse to become disturbed, turn pale {v} inmóvil immobile {adj} innato innate, inborn {adj} innecesariamente unnecessarily {adv} innecesario unnecessary {adj} innegable undeniable {adj} innombrable unmentionable {adj} innominado unnamed, nameless, innominate {adj} innovación innovation {f} innovador innovative {adj} innovar to innovate {v} innumerable innumerable {adj} inocencia innocence {f} inocentada practical joke, prank {f} inocente innocent {adj} inocente innocent person {mf} inocentemente innocently {adv} inocuidad innocuity, innocuousness, harmlessness {f} inocular to inoculate {v} inocuo harmless {adj} inocuo innoxious {adj} inodoro odorless {adj} inodoro toilet {m} inofensivo harmless, innocuous {adj} inolvidable unforgettable {adj} inopia indigence, poverty {f} inoportuno inopportune {adj} inorgánico inorganic {adj} inositol inositol {m} [organic compound] inoxidable inoxidizable {adj} inprudente unprudent, foolish {m} inquebrantable unbreakable, firm {adj} inquebrantable unswerving, unshakable {adj} inquietar to upset {v} inquieto anxious, worried {adj} inquieto restless, agitated, unquiet, cross {adj} inquietud inquietude, restlessness {f} inquilinaje tenancy {m} inquilinaje The system of tenant farming, especially during the colonial era {m} inquilino tenant farmer {m} inquilino tenant, renter {m} inquirir to inquire {v} inquirir to investigate {v} inquisición inquiry, investigation {f} inquisición Inquisition {f} Inés female given name, cognate to Agnes. Diminutive: Inesita {prop} Inés The letter I in the Spanish phonetic alphabet {prop} insaciable insatiable {adj} insalubridad insalubrity {f} insalvable insurmountable {adj} insano insane {adj} insano unhealthy {adj} insatisfactorio unsatisfactory {adj} inscribir to inscribe {v} inscribirse (reflexive form of inscribir) to sign up {vr} inscripción inscription {f} insecticida insecticide {f} insecto insect {m} insectívoro insectivore {m} inseguridad insecurity {f} inseguridad uncertainty {f} inseguro insecure (lacking self-confidence) {adj} inseguro unsafe {adj} inseguro unsure, uncertain {adj} inseminable inseminable {adj} inseminar to inseminate {v} insensato senseless, crazy, foolish, insensate {adj} insensibilidad insensitivity {f} insensibilizar to desensitize {v} insensible insensible, insensitive, cold, tactless {adj} inseparable inseparable {adj} inseparable lovebird {m} inseparablemente inseparably {adv} insertar to insert {v} inservible useless, good for nothing, unserviceable {adj} insignia badge, insignia {f} insignificancia insignificance {f} insignificante insignificant {adj} insinuación hint {f} insinuación innuendo {f} insinuación insinuation {f} insinuar hint {v} insinuar insinuate {v} insipidez insipidity, insipidness, tastelessness, vapidity, blandness {f} insipidez tameness {f} insipiente fool {adj} insipiente ignorant {adj} insistir to insist {v} insólito unusual, weird, strange {adj} insolación insolation, sunshine {f} insolación sunstroke {f} insolencia insolence {f} insolente insolent, impudent, impertinent {adj} insolvente insolvent {adj} insomnio insomnia (sleeping disorder) {m} insondable abysmal; deep {adj} insoportable unbearable, insufferable, insupportable, unendurable, intolerable {adj} inspección inspection {f} inspeccionar to inspect {v} inspector inspector (male) {m} insípidamente insipidly {adv} insípido insipid {adj} inspiración inspiration {f} inspirador inspiring {adj} inspirador inspirer (person who inspires) {m} inspirar to inhale {v} inspirar to inspire {v} instalación installation (process) {f} instalación production plant {f} instalar to install {v} instancia institution {f} instancia request {f} instante moment {m} instantánea snapshot; photo {f} instantáneamente instantaneously {adv} instantáneo instantaneous {adj} instar to urge, to be urgent {vt} instaurar to establish {v} instigar to instigate, incite, urge {v} instintivamente instinctively, intuitively {adv} instintivo instinctive {adj} instinto instinct {m} institución institution {f} institucional institutional {adj} institucionalización institutionalization {f} instituir to institute {v} instituto institute {m} instrucción instruction {f} instructor instructor, teacher {m} instruir to educate, school {v} instruir to inform {v} instruir to instruct {v} instrumental instrumental {adj} instrumentar to orchestrate {v} instrumento instrument {m} insubsanable inexcusable {adj} insubsanable irreparable {adj} insuficiencia deficiency {f} insuficiente insufficient {adj} insufrible insufferable {adj} insular insular {adj} insular islander {mf} insulina insulin {f} [hormone] insulso insipid, bland {adj} insulso ungracious {adj} insultar to insult, to offend {vt} insulto insult {m} insuperable insuperable {adj} insurgencia insurgency {f} insurgente rebel {mf} intacto intact {adj} intangible intangible {adj} integración integration {f} integral brown (rice) {adj} integral integral {adj} integral whole {adj} integral whole-grain {adj} integral integral {f} [mathematics] integrante member {mf} integrar to make up; compose {v} integrasa integrase {f} [enzyme] integridad integrity {f} integrina integrin {f} [protein] integumentario integumentary {adj} integumento integument {m} intelecto intellect; faculty of knowing, reasoning, and understanding in general (uncountable) {m} intelecto intellect; of a person in particular (countable) {m} intelectual intellectual {adj} intelectualmente intellectually {adv} inteligencia intelligence {f} inteligente intelligent, clever {adj} inteligente smartphone {m} inteligentemente intelligently {adv} inteligibilidad intelligibility {f} inteligible intelligible {adj} inteligiblemente intelligibly {adv} intemperie outdoors, open air {f} intención intention {f} intencional intentional {adj} intencionalmente intentionally {adv} intendencia management, administration {f} intendente comparable to a superintendent {mf} intensamente intensely; acutely {adv} intensidad intensity {f} intensificación intensification {f} intensificar to intensify {v} intensivo intensive {adj} intenso intense, strong {adj} intenso intensive {adj} intentar to try; especially, to put forth effort or to attempt {v} intento attempt {m} inter- inter- {prefix} interacción interaction {f} interacción débil weak interaction {f} [physics] interacción electromagnética electromagnetic interaction {f} [physics] interacción fuerte strong interaction {f} [physics] interacción fundamental fundamental interaction {f} [physics] interacción gravitatoria gravitational interaction {f} [physics] interacción nuclear débil weak nuclear interaction {f} [physics] interacción nuclear fuerte strong nuclear interaction {f} [physics] interaccionar to interact {v} interactivo interactive {adj} interatómico interatomic {adj} intercalar to intersperse {v} intercambiador interchange; interchange station {m} intercambiador terminal (transport facility) {m} intercambiar to interchange {v} intercambio exchange {m} intercambio interchange {m} intercambio de idiomas language exchange {n} interceder to intercede {v} intercepción interception {f} intercepción tapping {f} interceptar to intercept {v} intercomunicador intercom, talkback, doorphone {m} [telephony] intercontinental intercontinental {adj} interconversión interconversion {f} intercostal intercostal {adj} [anatomy] intercostal intercostal {m} [anatomy] intercostal externo external intercostal {m} intercostal interno internal intercostal {m} intercross lacrosse {m} [sports] interdecir to interdict {v} interdependiente interdependent {adj} interesadamente interestedly {adv} interesado acquisitive, grabby {adj} interesado interested {adj} interesado opportunistic {adj} interesante interesting {adj} interesar to interest {v} interesarse reflexive form of interesar To be interested {vr} interestatal interstate {adj} interfase interphase {adj} interfase interphase {f} interfaz interface (the point of interconnection between two entities) {f} interferencia interference {f} interferir to interfere {v} interferón interferon {m} [protein] interino A temp: a temporary clerk {m} interior interior {adj} interior interior {m} interior de la República the national territories outside of the capital territory or city {m} [Mexico, Peru] interjección interjection {f} [grammar] interlingüe translingual {adj} interlingua Interlingua {f} interlocutor negotiator {m} intermediador intermediating {adj} intermediador intermediator {m} intermediaria feminine form of intermediario {f} intermediario intermediating {adj} intermediario intermediary {m} intermediario middleman {m} intermedio intermediate {adj} intermedio interval, intermission {m} [theater] interminable unending, interminable {adj} intermitente intermittent {adj} intermitente indicator, trafficator, turn signal {m} internacional international {adj} internacionalismo internationalism {m} internacionalizar to internationalize {v} internacionalmente internationally {adv} internado boarding school {m} internar to intern; to work as an intern {vi} internar to enter (especially surreptitiously) {vr} [~se en] internar to immerse oneself in (e.g. a topic of study) {vr} [~se en] internar to commit or confine inside a place or institution {vt} [~ en] internar to send into (especially the interior of a country or region) {vt} [~ en] internauta An Internet user, a netizen {mf} internet internet {mf} interno internal {adj} interno patient {m} interno prisoner {m} interpelar to question {v} interpersonal interpersonal {adj} interpolar to interpolate {v} interponer to interpose {v} interpretable interpretable {adj} interpretación interpretation {f} interpretar to perform {v} [music] interpretar to act a part {v} [theater] interpretar to interpret, to explain, to decipher {v} interpretar to interpret, to translate orally {v} interrogación interrogation {f} interrogar to interrogate {v} interrogatorio An interrogation; a questioning or inquiry {m} interrumpir to interrupt {v} interrupción interruption {f} interruptor interrupting {adj} interruptor switch {m} interés interest (all senses) {m} intersección crossroads {f} intersección intersection {f} intersexual intersexual {adj} intersticial interstitial {adj} intersticio interstice {m} interurbano intercity {adj} interurbano trunk, long-distance (phone call) {adj} intervalo intermission {m} intervalo interval, gap, break {m} intervalo interval {m} [mathematics] intervalo interval {m} [music] intervalo recess {m} intervención intervention {f} intervenir to intervene {v} interviú interview {mf} [informal] intestinal intestinal {adj} intestino intestine {m} intestino ciego cecum {m} intestino delgado small intestine {m} intestino grueso large intestine {n} inútil useless {adj} inútilmente in vain {adv} inútilmente uselessly {adv} intimar to get close, to grow close {v} intimar to inform {v} intimidación intimidation {f} intimidad intimacy {f} intimidad privacy {f} intimidar to intimidate {v} intitular to title (give a title to a work) {v} intocable untouchable {adj} intocable untouchable {mf} intolerancia intolerance (all senses) {f} intoxicación intoxication {f} intoxicar to intoxicate {v} intrafamiliar intrafamilial {adj} intranquilo restless {adj} intransitable immovable {adj} [of a location] intransitivamente intransitively {adv} intransitivo intransitive (of a verb, not taking a direct object) {adj} intrascendencia unimportance; insignificance {f} intrascendente unimportant; insignificant {adj} intravenoso intravenous {adj} intricar alternative form of intrincar {v} intriga intrigue {f} intrigado intrigued {adj} intrigante intriguing {adj} intrigante scheming {adj} intrigante intriguer {mf} intrigante schemer {mf} intrigar to intrigue {v} intrincar To confuse, to tangle, to complicate {v} intrínsecamente intrinsically {adv} intrínseco intrinsic (inherent, intimate) {adj} introducción introduction {f} introducir to bring in {v} introducir to insert {v} intromisión meddling, intrusion, interference {f} introspectivo introspective {adj} introversión introversion {f} introvertido introverted {adj} introvertido introvert {m} intrépido adventurous {adj} intrépido bold {adj} intrépido fearless {adj} intérprete interpreter (one who interprets speech in another language) {mf} intrusar to intrude, nosey-about, trespass {vt} intrusión encroachment {f} intrusión intrusion {f} intruso intrusive {adj} intruso gatecrasher {m} intruso intruder {m} intruso nosy, busy body {m} intubación intubation {f} intubado connected with tubes, intubated {adj} intubar to intubate (connect with tubes) {v} intuición intuition {f} intuitivamente intuitively, by intuition {adv} intuitivo intuitive {adj} inuit Inuit {adj} inuit Inuit {mf} inulina inulin {f} [carbohydrates] inundación inundation, flood {f} inundado flooded, inundated {adj} inundar to inundate {v} inusual unusual {adj} inusualmente unusually {adv} inutilidad uselessness {f} inutilizar to disable {v} inutilizar to make unusable {v} inutilizar to spoil {v} inutilizar to void {v} invadir to invade {v} invalidar to invalidate {v} invalidez handicap {f} invalidez invalidity {f} invariancia invariance {f} invariante invariant {f} invasión invasion {f} invasión trespass {f} invasivo invasive {adj} invasor invasive {adj} invasor invader {m} invectiva invective. Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language {adj} invencibilidad invincibility {f} invencible invincible {adj} invención fiction {f} invención invention (something invented) {f} invención invention (the act of inventing) {f} inventado invented {adj} inventar to feign {v} inventar to invent {v} inventariar to inventory {v} invento invention {m} invernadero greenhouse {m} [botany] invernal winter (attributive) {adj} invernar to hibernate, to winter {v} invernáculo greenhouse {m} [botany] inverosímil implausible {adj} inverosímil incredible {adj} inversión inversion {f} inversión investment {f} inversionista investor {mf} inverso inverted, reverse {adj} inverso opposite {adj} inversor investor {m} invertible invertible {adj} invertido gay, bent (homosexual) {adj} [colloquial] invertido gay, bender {m} [colloquial] invertir to invert {v} invertir to invest {v} investidura investiture {f} investigación investigation {f} investigación research {f} investigado investigated {adj} investigador researching, investigating {adj} investigador researcher, investigator {m} investigadora feminine form of investigador {f} investigar to investigate {v} investigar to research {v} inviable inviable {adj} invicto invincible, unbeatable {adj} invicto unbeaten, undefeated {adj} invidente blind {adj} invidente blind person {mf} invierno winter {m} invierno nuclear nuclear winter {m} inviolable inviolable {adj} invisibilidad invisibility {f} invisible invisible {adj} invisiblemente invisibly {adv} invitación invitation {f} invitada feminine form of invitado {f} invitado invited {adj} invitado guest {m} invitar to invite {v} inválido invalid {adj} inválido void {adj} invocar to invoke {v} involucrado involved {adj} involucrar meddle {vr} involucrar involve {vt} involucro involucre {m} [botany] involuntariamente involuntarily {adv} involuntario involuntary {adj} involuntario unintentional {adj} invulnerabilidad invulnerability {f} invulnerable invulnerable {adj} inyección injection {f} inyectable injectable {adj} inyectable injectable {m} [pharmacy] inyectar to inject {v} -io -ium {suffix} iodo iodine {m} iodopsina photopsin, iodopsin {f} [protein] ion ion (atom bearing an electrical charge) {m} ionización ionization {f} [chemistry] ionizar ionize {v} ionosfera ionosphere {f} iota iota (Greek letter) {f} Iowa Iowa {prop} iPhone iPhone {m} -iré Suffix indicating the third-person singular future indicative of -ir verbs {suffix} -ir A verb ending for infinitives {suffix} ir to go away, to leave. See irse {vr} ir to go {v} ir (with preposition a followed by an infinitive), to be going to (near future) {v} ira ire, wrath {f} Irak Iraq {prop} ir al grano to get to the point {v} iraní Iranian {adj} iraní Iranian {mf} Iraq alternative spelling of Irak {prop} iraquí Iraqi {adj} iraquí Iraqi {mf} ir de compras to shop, to go shopping {v} Irene female given name {prop} iridio iridium {m} -iréis Suffix indicating the second-person plural future indicative of -ir verbs {suffix} iris iris {m} [anatomy] irlanda A fabric of Irish wool {f} Irlanda Ireland {prop} irlandesa feminine form of irlandés (Irishwoman) {f} irlandés Irish (from or native to Ireland) {adj} irlandés Irish (pertaining to Ireland) {adj} irlandés Irishman {m} irlandés the Irish language {prop} irlandés antiguo Old Irish {prop} Irán Iran {prop} irónicamente ironically; with irony {adv} irónico ironic {adj} iro A Mohawk hairstyle {m} [rare] ironía irony {f} ironizar to speak with irony {v} irracional irrational, absurd {adj} irracionalmente irrationally {adv} irradiar to irradiate {v} irreal fantastic {adj} irreal unreal {adj} irrealidad unreality {f} irreconciliable irreconcilable {adjmf} irreconocible unrecognizable {adj} irrecuperable irrecuperable {adj} irrefutable irrefutable {adj} irregular irregular {adj} irregularidad irregularity {f} irregularmente irregularly {adv} irrelevante irrelevant, unimportant {adj} irremisible irremissible. unpardonable {adj} irreparable irreparable {adj} irreparablemente irreparably {adv} irrepetible extraordinary, unrepeatable {adj} irreprimible irrepressible {adj} irresistible irresistible {adj} irrespetuoso disrespectful {adj} irresponsabilidad irresponsibility {f} irresponsable irresponsible {adj} irrestricto limitless, unrestricted {adj} irreverencia irreverence {f} irreverente irreverent {adj} irrigar to irrigate {v} irritable irritable {adj} irritablemente irritably, touchily {adv} irritación annoyance; irritation {f} irritante abrasive {adj} irritar to excite {v} irritar to irritate {v} irrogar to cause harm or danger {v} irrompible unbreakable {adj} irrumpir to burst into {v} irse to die {v} irse to go away, to leave, to depart {v} irse al garete to go bad, to spoil {vp} irse de la olla to lose it, lose the plot {v} [idiomatic] irundarra Of or from Irun {adj} irundarra Someone from Irun {mf} Isaí Jesse {prop} [biblical character] Isaac Isaac (Biblical figure) {prop} Isaac male given name {prop} Isabel Elizabeth {prop} [biblical character] Isabel female given name, cognate to Elizabeth {prop} isentrópico isentropic {adj} Isidoro male given name, cognate to English Isidore {prop} Isidro male given name, variant of Isidoro, cognate to English Isidore {prop} isla island {f} Isla de Pascua Easter Island {prop} islam Islam {m} islamismo Islamism {m} islamizar to Islamicize {vt} Islandia Iceland {prop} islandés Icelandic (from or native to Iceland) {adj} islandés Icelandic (pertaining to Iceland) {adj} islandés Icelander {m} islandés the Icelandic language {prop} Islas Baleares Balearic Islands (group of islands in the Mediterranean, belonging to Spain) {prop} Islas Cook Cook Islands {prop} islas Malvinas Falkland Islands {prop} Islas Marshall Marshall Islands {prop} Islas Salomón Solomon Islands {prop} isleña feminine form of isleño {f} isleño insular (of, relating to, or from an island) {adj} isleño islander {m} islámico Islamic {adj} islándico Icelandic (from or native to Iceland) {adj} islándico Icelandic (pertaining to Iceland) {adj} islote islet {m} Ismael Ishmael {prop} [biblical character] Ismael male given name {prop} isómero isomer {m} [chemistry] -ismo -ism {suffix} iso- iso- {prefix} isoaloxazina isoalloxazine {f} [organic compound] isobutano methylpropane {m} [organic compound] isocianato isocyanate {m} [organic compound] isocitrato isocitrate {m} isocromosoma isochromosome {m} [genetics] isocítrico isocitric {adj} isodecágono icosagon {m} [geometry] isoenzima isoenzyme {f} [enzyme] isoespín isospin {m} isoforma isoform {f} [biochemistry] isoglosa isogloss {f} isoleucina isoleucine {f} [amino acid] isomaltasa isomaltase {f} [enzyme] isomaltosa isomaltose {f} [carbohydrates] isomería isomerism {f} isomerasa isomerase {f} [enzyme] isometría isometry {f} isomorfo isomorphic, isomorphous {adj} isopreno isoprene {m} [organic compound] isopropil isopropyl {m} [organic compound] isopropilbenceno isopropylbenzene {m} [organic compound] isopropílico isopropyl {adj} isospín isospin {m} isotrasplante isotransplant {m} [surgery] isotrópico isotropic {adj} isozima isoenzyme {f} [enzyme] isquemia ischemia {f} isquémico ischemic {adj} israelí Israeli (of or describing the country of Israel) {adj} israelí Israeli (person) {adj} israelí Israeli (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) {mf} Israel Israel {prop} Israel Jacob {prop} israelita Israelite {adj} israelita Israelite {m} Issachâr Issachar (Biblical character and tribe) {prop} -ista Indicates one that practices a profession of the noun stem; Example: periódico periodista {suffix} -ista -ista; one who follows a principle. Example: optimista {suffix} -iste Suffix indicating the second-person singular indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -isteis Suffix indicating the second-person plural indicative preterite of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} istmo isthmus {m} isótono isotone {m} isótopo isotope {m} -ita -ite {suffix} -ita Substituted for «a» at the end of feminine words and names to denote a diminutive form {suffix} itacate food provisions, rations {m} [Mexico] Italia Italy {prop} italiana feminine form of italiano {f} italiano Italian (from or native to Italy) {adj} italiano Italian (pertaining to Italy) {adj} italiano an Italian {m} italiano hot dog {m} [Chile] italiano the Italian language {prop} iteración iteration {f} iterbio ytterbium {m} itinerario itinerary {m} itinerario schedule {m} itálica italic (typeface whose letters slant to the right) {f} -ito Forms the name of an salt derived from an acid (similar to -ate in English) {suffix} [chemistry] -ito Forms names of minerals {suffix} -ito Substituted for “o” at the end of masculine words and names to denote a diminutive form {suffix} itrio yttrium {m} -itud -itude, state of, used to form a noun form an adjective {suffix} IU initialism of Izquierda Unida {prop} Iñupiaq Inupiaq {prop} IVA VAT, value-added tax {abbr} Iván male given name, equivalent to English Ivan {prop} -ivo -ive {suffix} -iza feminine form of -izo {suffix} Izabal A department of Guatemala {prop} -izar -ise/-ize {suffix} izar to hoist {v} [nautical] -izo Forms adjectives from other adjectives, nouns, and verbs usually denoting propensity or likeness {suffix} izote A species of yucca, Yucca aloifolia, native to Mexico and Central America {m} izquierda the left {f} izquierdista leftist {mf} izquierdo crooked {adj} izquierdo left-handed {adj} izquierdo left; on the left side or toward the left; the opposite of right {adj} Iztaccíhuatl Iztaccíhuatl {prop} íleon The ileum {m} ímpeto Variant form of ímpetu {m} ímpetu energy; vigor {m} ímpetu force {m} ímpetu impetus {m} -ín A suffix to form the diminutives of nouns, often one already with a diminutive suffix {suffix} íncubo incubus {m} índice index {m} índigo indigo (colour) {m} índigo indigo plant {m} índole type {f} íntegramente entirely {adv} íntegramente with integrity {adv} íntegro complete {adj} íntegro having integrity {adj} íntegro Integer (number) {m} [neologism, nonstandard] íntimamente intimately {adv} íntimo close {adj} íntimo familiar, cosy {adj} íntimo intimate {adj} íntimo private {adj} ípsilon upsilon; the Greek letter Υ, υ {f} írrito invalid {adj} -ísimo Added to adjectives to form the absolute superlative {suffix} -ísimo Added to adverbs to form the superlative (e.g. lejísimo and tardísimo) {suffix} ítalo- Italo-; italo- {prefix} ítalo-español Italo-Spanish {adj} ítalo-francés Italo-French {adj} ítem item (distinct physical object) {m}

There are 437 million, or more, Spanish-speaking people in the entire world. Therefore, it will be beneficial to you to learn about the language. So, we gathered 20 Spanish words that start with I. Let’s learn about them below!

Spanish Words That Start With I (in Alphabetical Order)



  • (Verb/Noun) Identificar is the Spanish translation for “to idenitfy” or “identification.”
  • Example: Ayúdame a identificar cuál de estos es suyo. 
  • English: Help me to identify which of these is hers.



  • (Noun) The Spanish word “idiota” means “idiot” in English.
  • Example: No tengo la energía para hablar con un idiota.
  • English: I don’t have the energy to talk to an idiot.



  • (Noun) The Spanish word for “church” is “Iglesia.”
  • Example: Te perdiste la iglesia hoy. ¿Te sientes bien?
  • English: You missed church today. Are you feeling well?



  • (Verb) When a person illustrated something, the Spanish word for it is “ilustrado.”
  • Example: Esta es una pieza ilustrado de un artista famoso. 
  • English: This is an illustrated piece by a famous artist.



  • (Verb) Imagen is the Spanish translation for “image.”
  • Example: ¿De dónde salió esta imagen? 
  • English: Where did this image come from?



  • (Verb) Imperfecto is the Spanish word for “imperfect.”
  • Example: Está bien ser imperfecto. Nadie es perfecto, de todos modos.
  • English: It’s okay to be imperfect. Nobody is perfect, anyway.



  • (Verb) When something is important, the Spanish translation for that is “importante.”
  • Example: La siguiente lección es importante. Todos deben estar presentes.
  • English: The next lesson is important. Everyone must be present.



  • (Verb) When a person is unconscious, he or she is “inconsciente.”
  • Example: ¡Alguien ayúdeme! ¡Mi madre está inconsciente!
  • English: Someone help me! My mother is unconscious!



  • (Verb) When a person can live on his or her own without relying on anybody else, he or she is “independiente.”
  • Example: He sido independiente desde que tenía dieciocho años.
  • English: I’ve been independent since I was eighteen years old.



  • (Verb) Infinito is the Spanish translation of “infinite.”
  • Example: Estos números son infinitos. No puedo seguir.
  • English: These numbers are infinite. I can’t keep going on.



  • (Noun) In Spanish, an engineer is called an “ingeniero.”
  • Example: Tengo un amigo ingeniero que puede ayudarte con tu problema.
  • English: I have an engineer friend that can help you with your problem.



  • (Noun) Inglés is the Spanish translation for “English.”
  • Example: Mi primer idioma es el inglés. Pero, estudié español de inmediato.
  • English: My first language is English. But, I studied Spanish right away.



  • (Adjective) When someone has innocence, you can use the Spanish term “Inocencia.”
  • Example: Estas llena de inocencia.
  • English: You are full of innocence.



  • (Adjective) When someone inspires you to do something good, you can use the Spanish term “Inspiración.”
  • Example: Eres la inspiración del artista.
  • English: You are the inspiration of the artist.



  • (Adjective) Inteligente is the Spanish translation of “intelligent.”
  • Example: Tenemos un niño inteligente. Siempre estamos orgullosos de ella.
  • English: We have an intelligent child. We are always proud of her.



  • (Verb) In Spanish, “intento” means intentional of someone is trying.
  • Example:Su intento es apreciada.
  • English: Your intent is appreciated.



  • (Verb/Noun) Interes is the Spanish version of “interest.”
  • Example: ¿Esto te interesa? Podrías probar uno.
  • English: Does this interest you? You could try one.



  • (Adjective) The word “inutil” is the Spanish version of “stupid” or “useless.”
  • Example: ¡Siempre estás borracho! ¡Eres un inútil!
  • English: You’re always drunk! You are useless!



  • (Noun) Isla is the Spanish word for “island.”
  • Example: Vayamos a la isla que vimos ayer.
  • English: Let’s go to the island we spotted yesterday.



  • (Noun) Izquerda means “left” in Spanish.
  • Example: ¡Te dije que giraras a la izquierda! Ahora no podemos volver atrás.
  • English: I told you to turn left! Now we can’t go back.


*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Spanish Words That Start With I

ida – importación

Spanish English
ida one way
ida y vuelta round trip
idealismo idealism
idéntico identical
identidad identity
identificación identification
identificar identify
ideología ideology
idiota idiot
ídolo idol
iglesia church
ignorado ignored
ignorancia ignorance
ignorante ignorant
igual equal
igual equal
igualdad equality
íleon ileum
iletrado illiterate
iluminación illumination
iluminado illuminated
iluminancia illuminance
iluminar illuminate
ilusión illusion
ilustración illustration
ilustrado illustrated
ilustrar illustrate
ilustre illustrious
imagen image
imaginación imagination
imaginario imaginary
imaginativo imaginative
imitación imitation
imitar imitate
impaciencia impatience
impaciente impatient
impacto impact
imparcial impartial
imperfecto imperfect
imperio empire
impermeable raincoat
ímpetu impetus
implementar implement
implicar implicate
implicar imply
implícito implicit
implorar implore
imponente imposing
imponer impose
importación importation

importancia – inefable

importancia importance
importante important
imposibilidad impossibility
imposible impossible
impotencia impotence
imprenta printing
impresión impression
impresionando impressed
impresora printer
impuesto impost
impuesto taxi
impulso impulse
impureza impurity
impuro impure
incapaz incapable
incentivo incentive
incesante incessant
incidencia incidence
incidente incident
inclinación inclination
inclinar incline
incluso inclusive
incomodo/a uncomfortable
incompleto incomplete
inconsciente unconscious
inconveniente inconvenient
incorporar incorporate
increíble incredible
indeciso indecisive
indefenso defenseless
indefinible indefinable
independencia independence
independiente independent
indicación indication
indicar indicate
indicativo indicative
índice index
índice UV UV index
indicio index
indiferencia indifference
indiferente indifferent
indignación indignation
indigno indignant
indirecto indirect
indiscreto indiscreet
individualismo individualism
individuo individual
inducir induce
indudable indubitable
industria industry
inefable ineffable

inestable – inquieto

inestable unstable
infancia infancy
infante infant
infantil infantile
infeliz infelicitous
inferir infer
infiel infidel
infierno inferno
infinidad infinity
infinito infinite
influencia influence
influjo influx
influyente influential
información information
informar inform
informatica computing
infraestructura infrastructure
ingeniero engineer
ingenioso ingenious
ingenuidad ingenuity
ingenuo ingenuous
inglés english
ingnorar ignore
ingreso ingress
inherente inherent
inhibir inhibit
iniciación initiation
iniciado initiated
inicial initial
iniciar initiate
iniciativa initiative
injuria injury
injusticia injustice
injusto unjust
inmediatamente immediately
inmediato immediate
inmenso immense
inmersión immersion
inmigración immigration
inmigrante immigrant
inmigrar immigrate
inmiscible immiscible
inmortal immortal
inmóvil immobile
inmune immune
innovación innovation
innovar innovate
inocencia innocence
inocente innocent
inofensivo inoffensive
inquieto unquiet

inquietud – intersticial

inquietud inquietude
insatisfacción dissatisfaction
insecticida insecticide
insecto insect
insignificante insignificant
insoportable unsupportable
inspección inspection
inspeccionar inspect
inspiración inspiration
inspirado inspired
instalación installation
instalado installed
instancia instance
instante instant
instintivo instinctive
instinto instinct
institución institution
instituto institute
instrucción instruction
instruido instructed
instrumento instrument
insultar insult
integración integration
integridad integrity
intelectual intellectual
intelectualismo intellectualism
inteligencia intelligence
inteligente intelligent
inteligente smart
intención intention
intensidad intensity
intenso intense
intento intent
intento attempt
interactivo interactive
interes interest
interés interest
interesado interested
interesante interesting
interestelar interstellar
interfase interface
interferencia interference
interferir interfere
intermediar intermediate
internacional international
internet internet
interno internal
interpretación interpretation
interrumpido interrupted
interrupción interruption
intersticial interstitial

intervalo – izquierdo

intervalo interval
intervención intervention
intervenir intervene
intestino intestine
intimidad intimacy
íntimo intimate
intrínseco intrinsic
introducción, la presentacion introduction
introvertido introvert
intuición intuition
inundacion flood
inutil useless
invadido invaded
invencible invincible
invención invention
inverso inverse
investigación investigation
investigador investigator
investir invest
invierno winter
invitación invitation
invitado invited
invitado guest
invocar invoke
ironía irony
irónico ironic
irreprochable irreproachable
irresponsable irresponsible
isla island
Italia Italy
italiano Italian
itinerario itinerary
izquierdo left

Spanish Words That Start With I

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What are Spanish words that start with the letter I?

Study Spanish Cognates: Letter I

  • idealism-idealismo. identical-idéntico. identification-identificación. identify-identificar. identity-identidad.
  • ignore-ingnorar. ignored-ignorado. ileum-íleon. illuminance-iluminancia. illuminate-iluminar.
  • illustration-ilustración. illustrious-ilustre. image-imagen. imaginary-imaginario. imaginary circle-círculo imaginario.

What are adjectives that start with I?

Adjectives That Start With I

  • icy – very cold or, in dealing with people, unfriendly; hostile.
  • idealistic – unrealistically aiming for perfection.
  • idiotic – incredibly stupid.
  • illogical – lacking sense or reason.
  • immoral – not conforming to the standards of morality.
  • impeccable – the highest standards of propriety; flawless.

What are compliments that start with I?

Incorrupt unspoiled; free from immorality or corruption; pure. Incredible extraordinary good; amazing; astonishing; wonderful; awe-inspiring; fabulous; marvelous; unlikely. Inculpable innocent; blameless; faultless; free from guilt. Indefatigable tireless; extremely persistent; seemingly or incapable of being fatigued.

What to say at the beginning of a letter?

Beginning the letter

  1. Most formal letters will start with ‘Dear’ before the name of the person that you are writing to:
  2. ‘Dear Ms Brown,’ or ‘Dear Brian Smith,’
  3. You can choose to use first name and surname, or title and surname.
  4. ‘Dear Sir/Madam,’
  5. Remember to add the comma.

How do you greet a non-binary person?

Many non-binary people use “they” while others use “he” or “she,” and still others use other pronouns. Asking whether someone should be referred to as “he,” “she,” “they,” or another pronoun may feel awkward at first, but is one of the simplest and most important ways to show respect for someone’s identity.

Is Dear Sirs gender neutral?

In the UK the firm will now address all communications to “Dear Sir or Madam”, while in the US all correspondence will start with “Dear Ladies and Gentlemen”. …

What is the MR MRS for non-binary?

A gender neutral title is an alternative to the gendered honorifics Miss, Mrs, Ms and Mr, for people who don’t fit the gender binary and therefore don’t feel that a gendered title fits their identity. It is used in formal situations when it is inappropriate to refer to someone by their first or last name only.

What do you call a non-binary parent?

“Cenn” – Short for “Cennend”, gender neutral Anglo-Saxon word for parent. “Nibi” – Derived from N.B. for Non-Binary. You might also just wait for something to organically arise, out of baby talk and nicknames.

What are some good non-binary names?

If you’re looking for a common gender neutral name, explore the 25 options below:

  • Morgan.
  • Finley.
  • Riley.
  • Jessie.
  • Jaime.
  • Kendall.
  • Skyler.
  • Frankie.

What title do you use for non-binary?

You may want to share your pronouns as well. Titles such as Mr and Mrs indicate binary gender of male or female. Mx is a gender-neutral title that is commonly used by non-binary people.

Is dude gender-neutral?

In the early 1960s, dude became prominent in surfer culture as a synonym of guy or fella. The female equivalent was “dudette” or “dudess”. but these have both fallen into disuse and “dude” is now also used as a unisex term.

How do you address a gender-neutral letter?

The standard salutation is “Monsieur,” “Madame” or “Madame, Monsieur.” However, to be gender-neutral in letters and emails, use “Bonjour” instead, followed by a comma….Salutation in French.

Use Avoid
Marie Lafontaine, J’ai le grand plaisir de vous inviter… Madame, J’ai le grand plaisir de vous inviter…

Do you want to speak the Spanish Language? Or are you want to learn Spanish words that start with I. Then we recommend you that please see this post for learning huge Spanish words list. Because from this post you can learn various types of Spanish nouns and Spanish adjectives where each word begins with J. So, keep learning different types of Spanish words to boost your Spanish vocabulary skill.

You know that Spanish is the most famous language on the planet, there is the huge person who speaks the Spanish language. So, we seem each person should need to learn around two or three languages. If you desire to learn two or three languages, then we recommend you that please learn Spanish, English languages.

If you see this valuable list then definitely you will get huge words list of Spanish which every word starting with I.

Iluminadas Identidad Ilusión
Iluviación Ibargüen Ideal
Imbricadas Iberismo Invierno
Insoportable Instituto Ídolo
Impalpable Idealmente Implícito
Insuficiente Igualado Instalar
Incidente Imaginar Insecto
Indecente Instructivo Inexacto
Inteligente Illinois Ilegales
Imaginar Ilustran Inválido
Iconográfico Iglesia Ictérico
Intelligente Invierno Idiáquez
Idiotización Irritar Insistir
Iconoclastas Ictiología Inspirar
Ilegitimidad Infierno Iglú
Ilógicamente Igual Indice
Ideologías Idiomático Idealmente
Ilegitimar Ibtissam Ifriqiya

Spanish Adjectives That Start With I:

In this part, we are not sharing various types of Spanish, we just share some Spanish adjectives starting with I. So, we seem from the little segments you can learn some Spanish adjectives .

Ignorante Ilegal Incómodo
Importante Imaginario Imprevisto
Innumerable Intacto Intenso
Ilustre Imponente Indirecto
Impreciso Increíble Idéntico
Infantil Inglés Invisible

Spanish Nouns That Start With I:

In the last section, we are trying to show you the top listed Spanish nouns which beginning with the alphabet I. So, Don’t waste your valuable time, just check it now for more details about the Spanish nouns.

Impaciencia Iglesia incómodo
invernadero Inocencia invierno


Final Thoughts:

We think already you learned many new Spanish words which you did not know before. If you want to A to Z Spanish Words Then we suggest you that please see our previous post or go to the website search option and search “Spanish Words” keywords for details.

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