What is a word from the lord

This article will serve as a good followup to an an article we just released titled, “How to be Led by the Holy Spirit.”

In that article, we gave you 8 basic ways in which the Lord will use to supernaturally communicate to us in this life.

In this new article, I now want to take you one step further and show you how to properly test any type of supernatural communication you may receive so you know for sure the word you are receiving is really coming from the Lord and not from your own imagination or from a demon.

Many Christians do not properly test any type of supernatural communication they receive and as a result, they sometimes get duped by a demon who is trying to masquerade as the Lord with the message he is giving to them.

Below I will give you 8 very basic tests that you can use to test any type of supernatural communication you think you are receiving.

The word “test” means to carefully analyze, scrutinize – to prove and to try.

Remember, if you are receiving any type of supernatural words or messages, it is either coming from one of three sources:

  • From the Lord Himself
  • From your own mind and imagination, as the OT has told us how some prophets would prophesy out of their imagination
  • Or it could be coming from a demonic spirit who is trying to knock you off course

As we have said in our first article on how to be led by the Holy Spirit, do not be afraid if sometimes you miss this, as all of this is a learning process with the Lord.

You will learn how to hear from God through a process of trial and error with Him. And just because demons can try and mess with us at times does not mean you want to totally shut God down with the different ways He will use to supernaturally communicate to us in this life.

God was constantly communicating to His people back in both the OT and NT, and He still wants to do it in this day and age since He is the same today as He was yesterday. We just have to learn how to do this with Him.

Now I will break down these 8 different ways on how to test a word from the Lord so you will know for sure that the word you are receiving is really coming directly from Him and not from your own imagination or a demon.

How To Test Any Type of Supernatural Communication You May Receive

Before I get into the 8 different ways in which you can test any type of supernatural, divine communication you think you may be receiving, here are a few good verses from the Bible showing us that we have to test these kinds of supernatural things out when we do receive them.

  • “Test all things; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
  • “For Satan himself transforms himself into an ANGEL OF LIGHT. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)
  • “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:1-4)

The first verse hits the nail right on the head when it tells us to test all things. And all things means any kind of supernatural communication you think you are receiving, including those that are coming direct from the Lord.

God will not be offended if you attempt to test what He is trying to tell you. He will want you to test it, otherwise He would have never put the above verses in His Word. Too many Christians have been seriously hurt over the years because they have never stopped to test the words they were receiving.

Here are the 8 basic tests you can use to test any type of supernatural communication you think you may be receiving. I will first list them out in a bolded, numbered format so you can have them right at the top of this section. Here they are:

  • Does the Word Line Up With Scripture?
  • Does the Word Line Up With the Character of God?
  • Does the Word Line Up With What God is Doing With Your Life?
  • Does Your Spirit Bear Witness With the Word?
  • There is Safety in the Multitude of Counselors
  • Ask God to Confirm the Word For You
  • Will the Word Glorify God?
  • Will the Word Produce Liberty or Bondage?

Now here is a breakdown on each one of these 8 tests so you will know how to use each one of them to properly test any type of supernatural word you think you may be receiving from the Lord.

1. Does the Word Line Up With Scripture?

This is without a doubt the first test you must use to make sure that what you are receiving is truly coming from the Lord. If the word or message does not pass this first test, then you have to immediately throw it out, as it is no longer trustworthy.

This first test is that the word and message that you are are receiving has to line up with the Word of God – the Bible. God will never go against His own Word. And if the message you are receiving is not lining up with Scripture or is blatantly going against Scripture, you have to immediately discard it – no questions asked!

Here are some examples of where you can receive a false word that will not be lining up with Scripture:

a)  If you are dating a girl and all of a sudden you think you are receiving a word from the Lord that it would be alright for you to start having sex with her, that word will not be from the Lord.

This would be the sin of fornication and this sin is specifically mentioned in the Bible numerous times. Thus the word you are receiving cannot be trusted as being a pure true word from the Lord, as God would never go against one of His own basic commands in the Bible.

Demons love to try and get people off track by committing these types of sins, so do not fall for it if you think that type of word is coming in on you. Immediately rebuke the demon and tell him to leave you in the name of Jesus if you ever feel that kind of false word is coming in on you.

b)  If you are married and you are starting to have some troubles in your marriage, and then all of a sudden you feel like you have received a word that it would be alright to start having an affair with someone else because you are no longer happy and fulfilled in your marriage – again, do not fall for for it.

This would be adultery, and the Bible has the sin of adultery listed as one of the 10 commandments. Again, God would never, ever tell you to commit this sin, as this would be going against His own direct Word on this topic.

Believe it or not, we have heard from numerous Christians over the years who felt they were receiving this kind of word and release from the Lord due to the bad state of their marriage.

In each case, we told these people that God would in no way authorize this kind of sinful behavior and that they could not act on it, as this word was not coming in from the Lord. This word was either coming in from their own imagination and their own desires, since they were no longer happy in their marriages, or it was coming in from a demon.

c)  Another very interesting area where this test will come into play is when a Christian is dating an unbeliever. They then all of a sudden think they have received a release and a word from the Lord to marry this person, even though their partner still has not been saved and still has not shown any interests on getting saved.

Again, the Bible tells us not to be yoked together with unbelievers, and if you marry this unbeliever, you are definitely going to be yoked together with them, thus violating this basic command from the Bible.

Unless God is making a strong move to get your dating partner saved, I would never commit to marrying this person, as the Bible is very clear on this command. Once again, here is this verse if you were not aware that it was in the Bible:

“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God.” (2 Corinthians 6:14)

I had a friend from work who married an unbeliever and within one year, the entire marriage blew up and she was divorced several months later. There was no anointing on this marriage because God never authorized it in the first place because she was violating this basic verse from Scripture on not being yoked together with an unbeliever.

I could go on and on with more examples, but the point to get is to make sure the word you are receiving is lining up with the Bible. If you are a bit weak in the Bible, then talk to your pastor or to another Christian who does know their Bible and then run the word by them. They should be able to tell you if the word is lining up with Scripture or not.

2. Does the Word Line Up With the Character of God?

Another basic test that you have to use is to make sure the word you are receiving is lining up with the character and personality of God Himself. In other words, is this something that God would really ask you to do or tell you to do? Is this one of His ways?

The closer you get to God in your own personal relationship with Him, and the more time you spend reading the Bible, the better you will get to know God. And the better you get to know God, the better you will be able to see and discern if a word is lining up with His character and personality.

Many Christians get burned in this area because they are not walking close to God nor have they spent much time in the Bible. As a result, they really do not know God and they thus are easier pickings for demons to give them false words of guidance.

Again, if you think you are receiving a word, but you may not be really close to God, ask several other Christians who do have close walks with the Lord and who do know their Bible and their God. They should be able to help you with the word you think you are receiving.

Where this particular test will come in is when you receive a word, but there is really nothing in Scripture on it. If there is nothing in the Bible on it, then you will really need to apply this test to it to see if the word is lining up with the character and personality of God Himself.

3. Does the Word Line Up With What God is Doing With Your Life?

Sometimes the word you may receive has to be analyzed to see if it will fit into what God has already been doing with your life. The Bible tells us that God is one One who will build the “house” of our lives. As a result, any word that you receive that has to do with your big picture with the Lord has to be carefully analyzed and see if it fits into what God has already been doing with your life.

If God is calling you to be an attorney, and He is building you up in that area so you can enter into that calling when the time is right, God is not going to be throwing you a curve ball and all of a sudden ask you to go off into the far reaches of Africa to do missionary work for the next 20 years of your life.

If God is going to put a call on your life, then He is going to carefully build you up in that call so you can enter into it when the time is right. Demons love to try and knock Christians off course by trying to give them a false word to try something else different so they can knock them right out of their calls with the Lord.

There have been documented cases of Christians thinking they have received a word from the Lord to go off and be missionaries. Without seeking or getting any type of confirmation that this word was really from the Lord, they immediately pack up their bags and leave for the missionary fields. And then a year or two later, they are flat broke, all beat up, and they then return back home with absolutely no success on the missionary fields.

The reason they were not successful was because God never called them to do this in the first place. And since God never called them to do this, there was no anointing on their efforts. And with there being no anointing to do this, they had no basic protection, provision, favor, money, or supplies coming to them when they were needing it.

In other words, there was no divine support for them because they were out of the will of God and they were either following their own imaginations and desires, or they got played and duped by a demon. That is why you have to carefully analyze and test any type of divine communication you think you are receiving – to make sure that it really is the Lord talking to you and not your own imagination and desires, or possibly a demon.

Again, if you are receiving a word from the Lord that has to do with what He is calling you to do in this life, make sure that you carefully analyze this word to see if it fits into what He has already been doing with your life and with what He has already built up in your life.

4. Does Your Spirit Bear Witness With the Word?

As we explained to you in our article, “How to be Led by the Holy Spirit,” the number one way the Holy Spirit will communicate to you in this life is through the inner witness – the inner knowing. If you are receiving a true word from the Lord, the Holy Spirit should be bearing witness with that word out of your own human spirit.

So the next test will be – does your own spirit bear good witness with the word, since the Holy Spirit lives in your human spirit and that is where He will be bearing witness at.

If you are not getting a good witness from the Holy Spirit, or the witness feels really flat and dull, then stop and ask God the Father for confirmation to make sure this word is really coming from Him. Not getting a good witness from the Holy Spirit is always a major red flag, since the Holy Spirit is always in perfect unity and harmony with both God the Father and Jesus Christ.

5. There is Safety in the Multitude of Counselors

Another test you can use is to run the word by a few other seasoned Christians who really know their Bible and their God. The Bible tells us that there is safety in the multitude of counselors. Sometimes another seasoned Christian will be able to see something with the word that you are not seeing.

Here are several good verses from the Bible telling us that we can do this with the Lord:

  • “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)
  • “A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 24:5)
  • “Every purpose is established by counsel; by wise counsel wage war.” (Proverbs 20:18)
  • “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” (Proverbs 15:22)
  • “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.” (Proverbs 19:20)
  • “Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 19:27)

As you can see from the way these verses are being worded, God does want you to consult with other wise and seasoned Christians from time to time depending on exactly what it is that you are dealing with.

And sometimes when you think you are receiving a word from the Lord, you may need to run this word by a few of these wise and seasoned Christians so you can make sure that you are reading the word correctly, and that the word is really coming in from the Lord and not from a demon or your own mind and imagination.

So if need be, do not be afraid to run your word by a few other wise Christians if you are not 100% sure the word is from the Lord. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes are needed to see what the real truth is and whether or not the word is truly coming from the Lord.

This is why the Lord has given us the above verses, to let us know that sometimes we will need help from other Christians due to our own imperfections and possible shortsightedness.

6. Ask God to Confirm the Word For You

Another big thing you can do if you are not quite sure the word is from the Lord is to just go back to God in prayer and ask Him to confirm His word for you.

This is one area that gets many Christians into major trouble. They receive a quick word, but instead of properly testing it and/or asking God to help confirm the word for them, they immediately take off running with the word. And if that word was not from the Lord, they then end up taking a major wrong turn in their life and serious damage can be done as a result.

Marrying the wrong person because you did not wait for more confirmation from God, or taking the wrong job at the wrong time could all lead to disastrous results. The bigger and more serious the word is, the more you have to properly test it and get God’s confirmation to make sure that it really is Him talking to you.

Many Christians have ended up marrying the wrong people in this life because they did not wait for God’s confirmation to the original word. Again, demons love nothing more than to try and knock you off course by trying to get you to marry the wrong person or take the wrong jobs in this life. This is why you should never be afraid to ask God to confirm His own word for you.

The way God can confirm His own Word for you can be done in many different ways.

The Bible says that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every word will be established. What people have found out is that sometimes God will cause two or three witnesses to come up to you in close proximity and basically tell you the same thing that God told you in the original word.

These two or three witnesses could be total strangers or people you already know, but in either case, they will know nothing about the original word that was given to you by the Lord.

Another way God could confirm the word for you is through the gift of prophesy. All of sudden you will have someone prophesying over you telling you basically the same thing you were told with the original word. Many times prophecy is used by God to help confirm what was already given to you by Him. And the person prophesying over you will have no prior knowledge of the original word given to you by the Lord.

When you get a person prophesying over you, or two or three witnesses coming up to you who have no prior knowledge of what God had told you – and they then tell you basically the same thing that God had originally told you – this will be so supernatural, that is how you will know that it really was God talking to you in the first place and not your own imagination or a demon.

God can also use dreams, visions, or possibly a very strong witness from the Holy Spirit Himself to help confirm for you that the word was really from Him.

Again, just ask God to confirm the word for you if you are not sure, and then watch and wait for that confirmation to come to you if the word was truly from the Lord. You will know the confirmation when it does come to you from the Lord. You will not be able to miss it, because many of these confirmations will be so supernatural and “so in your face.”

7. Will the Word Glorify God?

Another test you will want to use is to make sure any words, messages, or guidance you are receiving from the Lord will always bring Him all of the glory. Always remember – we work, live, and die for the Lord. We work for Him in this life, not for ourselves or for our own glory.

Many secular men and woman in this world only work for their own self-interests and their own glory in this life. It is all about them, and anything they achieve and accomplish in this life is all for their own ego.

They work for themselves, they do not work for God. As Christians, we always have to remember that these divine calls and assignments are all coming direct from the Lord, not from us or the world in general.

As a result, we always have to remember that we work for the Lord in this life, not for ourselves, our parents, our friends, or the world in general. This is why you always have to make sure that anything you do in this life will always bring all of the glory to the Lord.

Demons are all about their own glory and their own self-exaltation, as that is what got Satan thrown out of heaven.

As a result, they will try to get people to think it is all about them rather than the Lord. Satan fell as a result of this kind of prideful, evil, and wrong thinking, and he still wants to try and bring down as many people as he can through this same type of prideful and evil thinking.

The devil’s tactics are always the same. Inflate the ego, get major pride worked into someone’s personality, and then it won’t be long until that person takes his eyes off God and then places it all on his own self. And from there, it will only be a matter of time before they fall and lose it all, as the Bible tells us that pride and a haughty spirit will come before the fall.

Here are 5 very good verses showing us that all of the glory always belongs to the Lord, not to us:

  • “I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images.” (Isaiah 42:8)
  • “Therefore let no one glory in men. For all things all yours …” (1 Corinthians 3:21)
  • “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
  • ” … that no flesh should glory in His presence.” (1 Corinthians 1:29)
  • “So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.” ( Acts 12:22-23)

The very last verse is rather bone-chilling, as an angel of the Lord literally struck a man dead as a result of him trying to steal the glory that only belongs to the Lord.

By always remembering to make sure that all of your activities for God always bring Him all of the glory, this will really help you in making sure that you never take your eyes and attention off the Lord and then start to place too much of it on your own self.

8. Will the Word Produce Liberty or Bondage?

The last test you will want to use on any type of word you think you are receiving is to make sure the word will lead to liberty and not to any type of bondage and fear.

The Bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is at, there is liberty and freedom.

Here is this most important verse, along with two others that will show you that the Lord is all about liberty and freedom – not fear, intimidation, and bondage.

  • “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)
  • “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:15)
  • “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me … to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound …” (Isaiah 61:1)

If you are a Christian woman dating a Christian man, and this man has been severely verbally abusing you during most of your dating life, and then all of a sudden you think you are receiving a word from the Lord to marry this man, this word will have major red flags all over it.

If you are in a verbally abusive relationship, you are in a certain amount of bondage. And if you marry this man, you will go into even more bondage, as you will now have to put up with that verbal abuse 24/7 as compared to what you had to put up with in the dating relationship.

Unless God is making a strong move to get your partner cleaned up, I would not commit to marrying this kind of man, as many of the times the abuse will only get worse once you marry him.

Too many women marry abusive men thinking or hoping they will change once they get married. But most of the time they never do unless God Himself makes a strong move to convict them and get them cleaned up.

Again, demons would love nothing more than to try and get you to marry into an abusive relationship so they can use this abusive person to try and control you and completely destroy your life. That is why you always have to make sure that any words you are receiving from the Lord will lead to liberty and freedom, not to any type of bondage, fear, or slavery.


If you use the above 8 tests to test any type of divine communication you think you are receiving, they should for the most part be able to tell you what is truly coming from the Lord, and what may be coming from your own natural desires and imagination, or from a demonic spirit.

Again, it is extremely important that you test all supernatural communication you think you are receiving, as believing and acting on a false word could either destroy your life, or cause major delays to occur with what God is doing with your life.

If demons cannot kill you, they will either try and paralyze you, or knock you off the path that God has set up for your life.

That is why all supernatural communication has to be tested – to make sure that it really is coming in from the Lord and not from your own imagination or from a demon.

Many Christians have been seriously burned and hurt because they did not properly test a word that was coming to them. They have either married the wrong people, took the wrong jobs, or hung out with the wrong people.

As a result, they either lost their calls and their divine destinies with the Lord, or they lost valuable years in that call due to having to deal with the consequences and repercussions of making those wrong turns in the roadway.

And this was all because they jumped the gun too quickly and did not properly test the word they were receiving – especially words of actual guidance like who they should be marrying and what jobs they should be taking in this life.

We do not want to scare anyone away from learning how to hear from God and how to be led by Him in this life. Every Christian can learn how to do this, but you always have to remember that we still live in a fallen, cursed, and imperfect world with demons still being allowed to roam in the air.

As a result, we always have to filter any type of supernatural communication we think we are receiving through some of the above tests so we can make sure that we are on safe ground and that the word we have received has truly come to us from the Lord.

And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for any one to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.  1 John 2:27  NASB

Have no need – Let’s just read this verse without its context, culture or theological history.  Why not?  Many do.  Doesn’t it clearly say that you don’t have to study or debate or concern yourself with all the scholarship?  All you need is the “anointing.”  In fact, doesn’t John guarantee that you already have this anointing, and therefore you “have no need” for any teachers?  You’re saved.  You have the Holy Spirit (is He a “possession” of yours?).  What more do you need?  Apparently, nothing!

Did John really endorse what I call the “Holy Spirit epistemology” in this verse?  Did John really mean that no further instruction is necessary?  Just pray and wait for illumination, right?  Perhaps we need to back up a few verses and look at John’s opening statements.  What we find changes the meaning of this very convenient verse.

Let’s start with verse 24.  It’s obviously connected since John is introducing the topic of abiding.  In verse 24 he writes that we abide because we continue to exercise a faith based on what we heard from the beginning.  In fact, John implores us to let the original message have its full impact in our lives.  Of course, John uses Greek terms to express Hebrew ideas.  So when he says “heard,” you can be sure that he doesn’t mean “just listen.”  To hear is to obey.  So abiding is not merely acknowledging or taking notes or storing information away for a rainy day.  It is doing what you have heard.

Clearly this is an allusion to the path of the Tanakh.  In fact, when we realize that John had no other Bible than the Tanakh, when we put aside all of the New Testament documents, then we are left with the obvious conclusion that what his readers heard “from the beginning” could only be the teaching of Moses, as James clearly states in Acts  15:21.  Put the verse in its context.  The reason John’s readers can abide without teaching is simply because they have God’s instructions in hand.  They have the Tanakh and the community.  Furthermore, John’s statement echoes the proclamation of Yeshua in the gospel (John 14:26), “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my Name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”  If the Spirit is sent from the Father, can we imagine that He would not carry the Father’s message?  If He comes in order to bring the teaching of Yeshua to mind, can we imagine that Yeshua’s views of the Tanakh’s instructions would somehow be altered by the Spirit?  Of course not.  The Father, the Son and the Spirit teach the same thing.  John insists that any teacher who does not convey this consistent message is a false teacher (see verse 23).  His readers have no need of anyone who contradicts the same message preached from the beginning.

The context suggests that John is referring to those who are teaching contrary to what his readers already know to be true.  His readers have no need of any of these kind of teachers.  They have the Spirit, and the promise of the Messiah, to countermand anything such false teachers would say.  The Greek indefinite pronoun, tis, can also be translated “someone,” as in “you have no need of someone to teach.”  But this is not the same as saying that they have no need of any instruction at all.  John’s polemic against those who claim to be teaching the truth, but who in fact are denying the message of Yeshua, does not eliminate all teaching, as the translation “someone” demonstrates.  “Holy Spirit epistemology” that denies the need for instruction is fallacious, especially if it stands in contradiction to “what you heard from the beginning.”

I might suggest that the NASB choice of “any one” rather than “someone” pushes the reader toward the belief that study and consultation is unnecessary.  I hope that this wasn’t the reason for choosing “any one.”  But our contemporary penchant for spiritual individualism and our tendency to ignore history feeds this idea, to our detriment.  John would never have suggested that study was unnecessary.  Neither would he suggest that a believer can be all that God intended if he is separated from biblical tradition and community.  We must shift the paradigm if we are to read the text in its context.  And shift we must!  Otherwise, we can all retire to the armchair and hope that God speaks personally to each of us.

Topical Index:  Holy Spirit, epistemology, instruction, teach, 1 John 2:27

A Word from the LORD is a message from God to His children to address a specific need or condition. It can also mean a prophetic word, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, sermons etc.

These are words or phrases believe to be coming from the LORD God Almighty, in fact coming directly from heaven. Ex. 20: 22; Matt. 3: 17

It can also mean answer to our prayer by God. 1 Sam. 30: 7 – 8

The word from God brings relieves to a troubled soul, it can also be a warning, correction, direction, guidance etc. Jer. 21:1- , Isa. 30: 21; 2Tim. 3:16 – 17

A Word from The LORD comes with one major reason, which is to bring the children of God back to God and to strengthen, restore or establish a strong relationship with His children. Zech. 1: 2 – 4

How do you know “A Word from The LORD” is coming from God?

To hear from the LORD, the child of God must know the following;

  1. Know and understand the “Word of God”.
  2. Practice the “Word Life” – by leaving your life according to the Word of God.
  3. Know and be able to recognize the voice of God.
  4. Be prayerful and committed to prayer and fasting.
  5. Practice righteousness and actually leave by the standard of the Word.
  6. Know and have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. Be in – tune with the Holy Spirit of God and obey Him in all times.

These lists above are not exhaustive but the child of God filled with the Holy Spirit of God stand the chance of hearing from God clearer and better than the one who is not filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

What do you do when you receive “A Word from God”?

When you receive a word from the LORD you must;

  1. Give thanks and praise to God for His Word to you.
  2. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s assistance to be able to obey it.
  3. Check and see if it is not contrary to the written Word of God.
  4. Make sure you understand the Word you’ve received.
  5. Act on the Word you’ve received by obeying the instructions accompanying it.
  6. Pray into the instructions from the Word you’re obeying.
  7. It is also good to write it down so you don’t forget the Word.

With the Holy Spirit in control of your life the child of God will not struggle to receive and obey “A Word from The LORD”, because the Word is the breath of God and the breath of God is the Holy Spirit of God.

2 Tim 3:16-17

16All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

That is why your body is the temple of God who is LORD, so to receive His Word and benefit from that Word you need to pursue the holiness of the temple because God will not dwell in an unclean place but holy and clean temple He will dwell in it forever.

1 Cor 3:16-17

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.

How is “A Word from The LORD” like?

A Word from The LORD can be in any of the following forms.

  1. WARNING – A Word from the LORD can come to draw our attention to a way of life that will draw us away from God. Most often it comes repetitively so you have no reason to say that I did not hear.

Jeremiah 18: 12, 15 – 17; Ezekiel 3: 17 – 21

  1. CORRECTION– Human as we are we normally err and begin to do what we think is right, in His unfailing love, God tries to draw our attention to the fact that we are doing something the wrong way.

Hebrews 12: 3 – 11; Proverbs 3: 11 – 12

Correction is not always about sin, but it could be an action you want to take, the way you speak, how you eat etc. it simply means something is not been done the right way and the Word comes to correct you.

Prov 29:17

Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.

  1. GUIDANCE – A Word from the LORD also comes to show us the right way. In the issues of life you can choose a path that may lead to sin or an end that is not the destination.

Isaiah 28: 23 – 29; Proverbs 3

  1. DIRECTION – Mostly comes when we have to take some kind of steps to move from one state or level to the other. When the issues of life are dealing with you in a way that every help to solve the problem have failed. God intervenes then put forth a solution which when we follow brings victory and success.

2Kings 4:1 – , 38 – , Exodus 14: 21, 26; Joshua 3: 14 – 16

  1. REVELATION – In revelation we are looking at the use of the revelational gifts by theHoly Spirit to bring “A Word from The LORD” to any of His children. This word always come to solve an issue now or in the future.

Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Dreams, Visions of all forms, discerning of spirits could be one of the means we can also receive revelation.

Acts 11: 27 – 30; Gen 37: 5 – 7, 9 – 10; Gen 41: 1 – 8; Dan 2: 18 – 19

It can also be the Written Word of God (Logos) revealed to us by God, which brings better understanding of His word and the situation we find ourselves and how to deal with that situation. It is normally called “Rhema – the living word”.

Matt 16: 16 – 19


1 Samuel 30:1-19

Now it happened, when David and his men came to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the South and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire, 2and had taken captive the women and those who were there, from small to great; they did not kill anyone, but carried them away and went their way. 3So David and his men came to the city, and there it was, burned with fire; and their wives, their sons, and their daughters had been taken captive. 4Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep. 5And David’s two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the widow of Nabal the Carmelite, had been taken captive. 6Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

7Then David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, “Please bring the ephod here to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David. 8So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”

And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.

9So David went, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and came to the Brook Besor, where those stayed who were left behind. 10But David pursued, he and four hundred men; for two hundred stayed behind, who were so weary that they could not cross the Brook Besor.

11Then they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David; and they gave him bread and he ate, and they let him drink water. 12And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. So when he had eaten, his strength came back to him; for he had eaten no bread nor drunk water for three days and three nights. 13Then David said to him, “To whom do you belong, and where are you from?”

And he said, “I am a young man from Egypt, servant of an Amalekite; and my master left me behind, because three days ago I fell sick. 14We made an invasion of the southern area of the Cherethites, in the territory which belongs to Judah, and of the southern area of Caleb; and we burned Ziklag with fire.” 15And David said to him, “Can you take me down to this troop?”So he said, “Swear to me by God that you will neither kill me nor deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will take you down to this troop.”

16And when he had brought him down, there they were, spread out over all the land, eating and drinking and dancing, because of all the great spoil which they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah. 17Then David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled. 18So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. 19And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.


This is a wonderful peace of how “A Word from The LORD” changed the situation David find himself when he was still not the King of Israel.

Both David and his Soldiers had lost their wives, children and material possession, but the Soldiers behave as if David had lost nothing and even plan to attack him. But David their leader was even in more pain and troubled than them all. We always come to a point in life that we become so self – centered that we even forget what other people are going through, we make others look so bad with respect to what we are going through to the extent that we literally forget what they are going through also.

  • Pause and ask yourself are others going through some kind of trouble?
  • Can I do anything to help others?


“But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God”.

After mourning for a while David remembered God and strengthened himself in the LORD his God, David realize he can only solve the challenge confronting him if he can depend on God.

Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the hills — From whence comes my help? 2My help comes from the Lord,Who made heaven and earth. 3He will not allow your foot to be moved;He who keeps you will not slumber. 4Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5The Lord is your keeper;The Lord is your shade at your right hand.

6The sun shall not strike you by day,Nor the moon by night. 7The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;He shall preserve your soul. 8The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in. From this time forth, and even forevermore.

David strengthening himself simply means he turn his focus and attention toward God who he know will hear him and come to his aid.

Psalm 123

Unto You I lift up my eyes,O You who dwell in the heavens. 2Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters,As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress,So our eyes look to the Lord our God,Until He has mercy on us. 3Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us!For we are exceedingly filled with contempt. 4Our soul is exceedingly filledWith the scorn of those who are at ease,With the contempt of the proud.


7Then David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, “Please bring the ephod here to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David. 8So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”

David calls for the Ephod – something girt, a sacred vestment worn originally by the high priest (Exodus 28:4 – 14), besides its use as a garment, an Ephod was also used for oracular purposes, in conjunction with Urim and Thummim.

Urim and Thummim has traditionally been translated as lights and perfections.

So before David went before God he realize the need to approach God in holiness and righteousness not just anyhow. You must learn and know how to go before God in times of trouble, because your right standing before God is a guarantee that he will listen to you.


Psalm 86:6-8

6Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer;And attend to the voice of my supplications. 7In the day of my trouble I will call upon You,For You will answer me. 8Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Norare there any works like Your works.

Isaiah 65:24

24“It shall come to pass, That before they call, I will answer;And while they are still speaking, I will hear.

After David had call on the name of the LORD the heard him and gave to him all that the enemy. If you call on the LORD He will answer you “With A Word” and if you apply the Word you will definitely get results.


Ever have anyone tell you that they have a Word from the Lord for you? BEWARE! Usually, such words from the Lord surprisingly like personal opinion, and usually, the “word from the Lord” benefits or helps the person who shares it with you in some way.

a word from the Lord

I remember several years ago when my family was moving from one town to another, another Christian in town called up my parents and said that they had a word from the Lord for them. Apparently, God had told this person that my parents should give them their house. My mom responded wisely, I think. She said, “If God wants us to give you our house, He will let us know.” He never did.

Anyway, be careful and wary of people who have words from the Lord for you.  Such “words from the Lord” may even be what God meant by “taking His name in vain.“

Original message written and published by End Time Apostle-Prophet Adrianne Kendell


THE HOUSE OF JACOB WILL POSSESS THEIR POSSESSIONS.   Count it All Joy!   Count it All Joy when you fall into Divers Temptations!


This is YOUR Inheritance Son, this is YOUR Inheritance Daughter.  I called you, I chose you, I anointed you, I appointed You.  No one can EVER STEAL that which God has Commanded YOU TO POSSESS when you have obeyed and SUBMITTED to God.  Your obedience was FAR better than…  their SACRIFICE.   Their sacrifice was based on Greed and Lust, and the approval of Man.  (Saul) Your obedience was based on LOVE! (David)

You did it because you Love GOD, they did it because they loved THEM!


Hear the Holy Ghost today!

You can not fight against anything that is birthed out of LOVE?

Stop you, HOW?

You gave it all up for ME when they were not there, but they did it ALL for their own Greed!

I said…   IF YOU LOVE ME, You will keep My commandments.  Discern the Difference Child of God.  Walk this thing OUT, like YOU know you already WON!

Yes, its a real WAR, but you already have THE REAL VICTORY!

You will possess your possessions and possess your Promise by Faith and the Commandment I MADE in the EARTH REALM.  Not just in the Spirit Realm, I ALSO OWN, the Earth Realm  (Psalm 24).

“I myself have COMMANDED THE BLESSING…..  Who, WHO, can reverse it?”  (Numbers 23:19-21).

You are not a Slave to any Man, You are My Son, You are My Daughter.

Babylon can not hold you, Egypt cannot hold YOU, when I commanded you to be FREE.


You are a servant Son, a servant Daughter, A Royal Priesthood in My Kingdom, Chosen before the Foundation of the World was framed!

Let those rebels fight for those crumbs from the Masters Table and go get what is YOURS!


Obadiah 15-17

For the day of The Lord is near upon all the Heathen:
As thou has done,
For as he have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea they shall drink and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been!  But upon…  MOUNT ZION, Shall be Deliverance!
And there shall be HOLINESS;

Did you hear Me Chosen One?

Listen to the Sent One…   and Hear the Holy Ghost today!

No One can ever STEAL that which God has COMMANDED FOR YOU TO POSSESS when the GREAT I AM has already approved it, ordained it, sealed it, decreed it and commanded it from HIS THRONE!

When God commands the Blessing over your Life, even Jezebel has to Bow!  When God has commanded the Blessing over your life, even the Prophets of Baal has to Bow!  When God has commanded the Blessing over your life, either SAUL HAS TO BOW…..  or they Saul will fall on his own SWORD!  They are delusional in this.  God says, the cannot Stop His Hand, they are only heaping up Judgment for themselves!  Lord will make them believe they have done something….  stole something, hindered something, but have done nothing but PUSHED YOU HIGHER…   God loves the underdog,  He saves the best for Last!

That is why the First shall be Last and the Last shall be FIRST.




And there is nothing the devil and his wicked ones can do about IT!  Count it all Joy!

Forgive again and again.  Love to the End.  Endure to the End!

They have not stopped YOU, they only caused judgment upon themselves, to be in the HOT SEAT with the Great I AM.


God does not bless evil!!!

HE blesses Repentance, and whole hearted Submission!!!



Adrianne KendellOriginal message written and published by End Time Apostle-Prophet Adrianne Kendell

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