What is a word for such as

The phrase «such as» is widely used in the English language, and it is almost impossible to go a day without using or coming across it. But, using a word or a phrase frequently does not mean you know how to use it correctly. There is a lot you need to learn and this article will cover everything.

The phrase «such as» is used as an introduction to an example or series of examples of something mentioned earlier. An example depicting the use of «such as» is: You must have a form of identification, such as a national ID card or driver’s license on you when going out.

You should encounter no problem while learning how to use the phrase correctly. We will make it very simple and easy to understand, so you will not encounter any complexity. Hop in and let’s discover everything about the phrase.

meaning such as

What Does The Phrase «Such As» Mean?

You must not use a word or phrase without having a deep understanding of it and if you have, you should try to find out all you can about the word. You are assured of communicating effectively when you understand a word beyond the surface.

For us to achieve easy and effective communication, we will look at some essential parts of the phrase «such as,» the meaning and the origin. You should be able to use the phrase effortlessly when communicating after reading this article.

The meaning of a word refers to the idea the word conveys when used in a sentence, what the reader infers when they see the word in a sentence. The origin of a word on the other hand refers to where the word was derived from, usually a root word, which is mostly from other languages.

So, What Does The Phrase «Such As» Mean?

The phrase «such as» has a wide range of meanings. Some people refer to it as an idiomatic expression that means something or of a kind mentioned earlier.

It is also used to introduce other examples of the type of thing you just mentioned. An example would be,

  • The art museum in Dallas has a lot of exquisite paintings from artists, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Pablo Picasso.

There is another meaning to the phrase «such as,» although it is now archaic and outdated, it is good to know it. It means «those who,» an example is,

  • Such as promises to engage in lawful activities not only break their promise, but they are also dangerous if they do not fulfill their promise.

From the example above explaining the last meaning of the phrase «such as,» a person that is familiar with the modern English language will find it very difficult to comprehend. If you replace the «such as» at the beginning of the sentence with «those who,» the sentence makes a lot of sense.

Next, we will dive into the etymology of the phrase «such as.»

We will look at the separate origins of the words «such» and «as,» this is because «such as» is a phrase, not a word.

The «such» is from the Middle English word «such» (also swich, swulch, swilch, and swuch), this is from an Old English word «swelċ,» gotten from the Proto-Germanic «swalīkaz.»

And the word «as» is from the Middle English word «as» (variations of the word are als(a) and alswa). This is in turn from an Old English «eallswā» a reduced form of «also.»

This is the origin of the root words of the phrase «such as.»

examples such as

Synonyms and Antonyms of the Phrase «Such As»

Our next focus is on the synonyms and antonyms of the phrase «such as.» First, we will examine some synonyms of the phrase.

  • For Example
  • Like
  • In Particular
  • For Instance
  • Namely
  • Similar To
  • Suchlike
  • Including
  • Akin To
  • Identical To
  • Resembling
  • Just Like
  • Exempli Gratia (e.g.)
  • As An Example Of
  • As In

To make it more understandable, below are some examples to show how you can use the synonyms of «such as» as an alternative in sentences.

Examples with «Such As»

  1. Children born in the 2010s missed the best Nickelodeon cartoon characters, such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Avatar Aang.
  2. There are different consequences and motives for criminal activities, such as tax evasion, theft, and robbery.

Examples with the synonyms of «Such As»

  1. Children born in the 2010s missed the best Nickelodeon cartoon characters, like SpongeBob SquarePants and Avatar Aang.
  2. There are different consequences and motives for criminal activities, for instance, tax evasion, theft, and robbery.

On the other hand, the antonyms of the phrase «such as» are,

  • Aside From
  • Besides
  • Except
  • Apart From
  • Excluding
  • Leaving Out
  • Exclusive Of
  • Omitting
  • Other Than
  • Outside Of
  • With The Exception Of
  • Unlike
  • All But
  • Exempting
  • But

Examples with the antonyms of «Such As»

  1. Jones expected to meet his room arranged but to his surprise, it had been emptied, except for his study table.
  2. One of the agreements David had to sign before commencing his duties in the organization was to make no deals with anyone asides from the company deals.
  3. Harry claimed he read all but the concluding part of the message so he could not decipher the message.
  4. Kane was ashamed of telling Olivia, his girlfriend that apart from changing a car tire, he had no clue of car maintenance.

These examples should show you how you can use the antonyms of the phrase «such as» in a sentence.

How To Properly Use «Such As» In A Sentence

In this session, we will look at a few tips and additional knowledge that will assist you in using the phrase «such as» in a sentence.

You use the phrase «such as» when you want to provide specific examples of something you are talking about. This means when you are talking or referring to something and you need to provide examples to explain better, you use «such as.»

Another thing you need to know when using the phrase «such as» is the accurate use of punctuation marks before and after the phrase.

You must not use a comma before the phrase «such as» if it is part of a restrictive clause. By restrictive clause, we mean if you take out the phrase the sentence does not make sense. If there is a nonrestrictive phrase, in the sentence, you must use a comma.

An example is you will find a lot of coniferous trees, such as spruce and pine in this forest. The phrase «such as spruce and pine» is nonrestrictive because if you take it out of the sentence, it still makes sense. You will find a lot of coniferous trees in this forest.

You also need to understand that if you are using examples that are not essential in making your sentence accurate and clear, you must add a comma before «such as» and also after the examples, except the example us at the end of the sentence. if the examples make your sentence clear and accurate, you can omit the commas.

We will look at situations you cannot use the phrase «such as.»

  • You cannot use the phrase to compare things.
  • You cannot use the word «as» on its own to introduce examples.

You should know that the phrases «such as» and «as such» are very different and cannot be used interchangeably because they do not have any similarity in meaning despite looking very similar. «As such» is used to give a reason for something but «such as» is used when giving examples to make a sentence clearer.

how to such as

Illustrative Examples on how to use the phrase «Such As»

Here are some examples to simplify the explanations we have provided on how you can use the phrase «such as» correctly in a sentence.

  1. It is vital to remove the stalks of leafy vegetables, such as silverbeet and spinach before using them in your meal.
  2. Most western countries are ready to get rid of tariffs on different items such as electronics, foodstuffs, and solar panels.
  3. External factors, such as smoking while being pregnant is a major external factor that results in miscarriages.
  4. People with poor eyesight need to wear corrective lenses, such as contact lenses or eyeglasses.
  5. Since he received parole, he partnered with teenagers in trouble, trying to help them avoid getting into a life of crime such as he had.
  6. Explaining and defining abstract ideas such as friendship and love to children can be difficult and frustrating.
  7. The drugs prescribed for him were very effective in treating his sickness, but there were some adverse effects, such as dizziness and allergy reactions.
  8. The natural resources will continually deplete as long as activities such as mining and logging are still carried out.
  9. Different people believe their success is to be attributed to external causes such as luck and favor.
  10. The senator from the eastern part of the state constructed a hospital to treat emergencies such as accidents and fire burns.

With these examples, you should not find it difficult to use the phrase «such as» in your sentences.

Final Thoughts

You do not have to stress yourself out trying to figure out how to use the phrase «such as» correctly in a sentence.

All you need to do is read up and get the knowledge.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.



Another Word for SUCH AS: 30 Useful Synonyms for Such As with Examples


Such as Synonym! What is another word for such as? Useful list of 30 synonyms for such as with examples and pictures in English. Learn these such as synonyms to master your English vocabulary and improve your essay writing skill.

Such as Synonym

List of Synonyms for Such as

Learn useful list of 30 synonyms for such as in English.

  • Acting as
  • As
  • As an example
  • As an illustration
  • As for example
  • As for instance
  • By way of example
  • By way of illustration
  • Comparatively
  • E.g.
  • Equally
  • For case in a point
  • For example
  • For instance
  • Functioning as
  • In particular
  • In the manner that
  • In the same manner with
  • Just as
  • Just for
  • Like
  • Namely
  • On the lines of
  • Resembling
  • Same as
  • Similar to
  • Similarly
  • Some of which are
  • Suchlike
  • The same as

Learn more with the full list of transition words in English.

Another word for Such as | Infographic

Another Word for SUCH AS: 30 Useful Synonyms for Such As with ExamplesPin

Another Word for Such as

Another Word for Such as with Examples

Learn another word for such as with example sentences.

  • As

Nothing so necessary for travellers as languages.

  • As an example

As an example, they have broken the purchasing activity into teams.

  • As an illustration

Let us take, as an illustration, the boundaries of bureaucracy.

  • As for example

Any slower rate, as for example in the first half of the eighteenth century, allowed real wages to rise.

  • As for instance

Some can swim, as for instance, fishes, molluscs, and crustaceans, such as the crawfish.

  • By way of example

By way of example, he suggests a threat by a debtor not to pay the £100 he owes her.

  • By way of illustration

Here, by way of illustration, are some extracts from our new catalogue.

  • E.g.

They keep animals, e.g. goats and cattle.

  • For example

Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.

  • For instance

Which parts, for instance, of a car, a television, a house, are based on chemical products?

  • Functioning as

It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.

  • In particular

I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.

  • Like

Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.

  • Namely

One group of people seems to be forgotten, namely pensioners.

Another Word for Such as with Examples | Infographic

Another Word for SUCH AS: 30 Useful Synonyms for Such As with ExamplesPin


Смотреть что такое «such as» в других словарях:

  • such — [ sʌtʃ ] function word *** Such can be used in the following ways: as a predeterminer (followed by a or an and a singular noun): She s such an intelligent woman. It was such a shame that you couldn t be with us. as a determiner (followed by a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Such — Such, a. [OE. such, sich, sech, sik, swich, swilch, swulch, swilc, swulc, AS. swelc, swilc, swylc; akin to OFries. selik, D. zulk, OS. sulic, OHG. sulih, solih, G. solch, Icel. sl[=i]kr, OSw. salik, Sw. slik, Dan. slig, Goth. swaleiks; originally …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • such — W1S1 [sʌtʃ] determiner, predeterminer, pron [: Old English; Origin: swilc] 1.) of the same kind as the thing or person which has already been mentioned ▪ Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school. ▪ The rules make it quite clear what… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • such — 1. such as an emphasizer. • How can the House express its indignant rejection of football hooliganism while setting such a persuasive example of undignified and daily indiscipline? Guardian Weekly, 1986. The construction with such a followed by… …   Modern English usage

  • such — /such/, adj. 1. of the kind, character, degree, extent, etc., of that or those indicated or implied: Such a man is dangerous. 2. of that particular kind or character: The food, such as it was, was plentiful. 3. like or similar: tea, coffee, and… …   Universalium

  • such — [such] adj. [ME suche < OE swilc, swelc, akin to Ger solch, Goth swaleiks < PGmc * swalika : for components see SO1 & LIKE1] 1. a) of the kind mentioned or implied [a man such as his father] b) of the same or a sim …   English World dictionary

  • such as — For example • • • Main Entry: ↑such * * * such as phrase used for introducing more examples of the type of person or thing that you have just mentioned The museum has paintings by such Impressionist artists as Manet and Degas. The money is used… …   Useful english dictionary

  • such — ► DETERMINER , PREDETERMINER , & PRONOUN 1) of the type previously mentioned. 2) (such as/that) of the type about to be mentioned. 3) to so high a degree; so great. ● as such Cf. ↑as such ● …   English terms dictionary

  • such as it is — Being what it is (and no better) • • • Main Entry: ↑such * * * such as it is mainly spoken phrase used for showing that you do not have a good opinion of the thing that you have mentioned The countries are still allies, but the special… …   Useful english dictionary

  • such as it is — Just as it appears or is presented, not being any better or worse than most others of its kind; being average or mediocre. * /This pie, such as it is, is the best I can make./ * /Jane told her grandmother her grades, such as they were./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • such as it is — Just as it appears or is presented, not being any better or worse than most others of its kind; being average or mediocre. * /This pie, such as it is, is the best I can make./ * /Jane told her grandmother her grades, such as they were./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

What is a better word for such as?

Find another word for such-as. In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for such-as, like: for-instance, including, similarly, for-example, to give an example and thus.

What should I say instead of as?

What is another word for as?

although though
conversely then again
by contrast instead
despite that just the same
except that but still

What we can say instead of but?

other words for but

  • although.
  • however.
  • nevertheless.
  • on the other hand.
  • still.
  • though.
  • yet.

What can I say instead of please?


  • amuse.
  • charm.
  • cheer.
  • entertain.
  • gratify.
  • satisfy.
  • tickle.
  • wow.

How do you say please in a cute way?

Would you make me beg you, “pretty please?” > “pretty please?” used to emphasize the please . It’s an extra cute way to say please .

How do you say please in a good way?

Please synonyms

  1. demand. Demand is defined as to urgently ask for something or someone ordering someone to do something.
  2. s’il vous plait (French)
  3. if-you-please.
  4. tickle.
  5. have a mind.
  6. make up to.
  7. see-fit.
  8. by-your-leave.

How do you say please in all languages?

How To Say ‘Please’ And ‘Thank You’ In 10 Languages

  1. Spanish. Please: Por favor.
  2. French. Please: S’il vous/te plaît (formal/informal)
  3. German. Please: Bitte.
  4. Italian. Please: Per favore.
  5. Portuguese. Please: Por favor.
  6. Chinese. Please: Qǐng.
  7. Arabic. Please: Min fádlak (to a man), Min fádlik (to a woman)
  8. Russian. Please: Pazhalsta.

How do you speak politely in English?

Follow these tips and you should make the right impression when you talk to people.

  1. Listen and be understanding.
  2. Avoid negative words – instead use positive words in a negative form.
  3. Say the magic word: Sorry.
  4. Use little words to soften your statements.
  5. Avoid ‘finger pointing’ statements with the word ‘you’

What does Pazhalsta mean in Russian?

Please – Pazhalsta. Thank you (very much) – Spaseeba (balshoye) I am English (American) – Ya Anglichaneen (Americanets)

What does Nandayo mean?

Bloody hell

What is Nande in Japanese?

Nande means “why”. Not to be confused with nanda which is the informal word for “what”. Or even nandesuka which is a short version of nani desu ka (often heard as nandesuka which is also valid and fine). Nani meaning “what”, desu is a copula, ka is the “question mark” in Japanese language.

What is Nande Kore?

“Nanda kore wa”, written “なんだこれは” means “what is this?” – kind of in astonishment, in a casual setting (e.g. among family or equal friends).

What do you reply to Nande?

Nande desuka is kind of informal way of Naze desu ka? Naze means why and therefore this question means “why is that?”. You should respond with “-dakara desu” which means “because…”. When one’s voice sounds angry and upset, it means the person feels he/she has been offended.

What is Senpai Japanese?

In Japan, senpai (先輩, “senior”) and kōhai (後輩, “junior”) represent an informal hierarchical interpersonal relationship found in organizations, associations, clubs, businesses, and schools.

Is Baka a bad word?

The expression baka-yarō 馬鹿野郎 is one of the most insulting terms in the Japanese lexicon, but it is vague and can range in meaning from an affectionate ‘silly-willy’ to an abusive ‘jerk-off fool’. Baka-yarō is so widely used that it has become semantically weak and vague.

Can u call a girl senpai?

No, senpai is for both genders. I went to an all girls school through elementary, middle, and high school and senpai was the most used word in school. Besides celebrities, Japanese students really really admire their senpais, (and everything they do) so it was often something talked about everyday.

What is the Japanese name for Moon?


Can Tsuki be a boy name?

Tsuki – boy(male) name meanings | Japanese Names .

Can Tsuki be a name?

Tsuki is of Japanese origin and it is also used largely in the Japanese language. The name is of the meaning ‘moon’. Tsuki is unusual as a baby name for girls. It is listed outside of the top 1000 names.

What is the Japanese name for Sun?

The Japanese name Himari means “is sun”.

What is a Greek name for Sun?

Helios, (Greek: “Sun”) in Greek religion, the sun god, sometimes called a Titan.

What Greek name means sun?

Helios. Helios is a Greek name meaning sun. In ancient Greek mythology, Helios was the sun god who rode across the sky each day in a four-horse chariot. His sister was Selene, the moon goddess.

What girl name means sunshine?

Girl Names that Mean Sun

Names Meaning
Elaine This Scottish form of the name Helen, that means ‘shining light’, ‘sunlight’.
Elidi The name Elidi has a Greek origin, which means ‘gift of the sun’.
Helen A name from Greek origin means ‘ray of sun’, ‘shining light’. The name also implies beauty since ancient times.

What is Sun’s name?

We English speakers always just call it the sun. You sometimes hear English-speakers use the name Sol for our sun. If you ask in a public forum like this one, you’ll find many who swear the sun’s proper name is Sol. But, in English, in modern times, Sol is more a poetic name than an official one.

What girl name means star?

Feminine Names That Mean Star

  • Astra (Greek)
  • Astraea (Latinized Greek)
  • Bituin (Tagalong)
  • Csilla (Hungarian)
  • Dzvezda (Macedonian)
  • Estelle (French)
  • Estrella (Spanish)
  • Seren (Welsh)



such as — такие как; такой как; а именно
Such as? — А именно? Например?
such as below — такой, как приводится ниже
such as he is — какой бы он там ни был
such as it is — какое бы оно там ни было; какой-никакой
such as live by the pen — те, кто живёт литературным /писательским/ трудом
traumas such as death or divorce — такие психологические травмы, как смерть или развод
topics such as health and fitness — такие темы, как здоровье и физическая форма
open source software such as Linux — программное обеспечение с открытым кодом, например, Linux
a noble gas such as helium or neon — инертный / благородный газ, например, гелий или неон

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

например, как например

Перевод по словам

such  — такой, таковой, такой-то, определенный, такой, такие, таковой, те, тот
as  — как, согласно, как, так как, когда, какой, что, который, в качестве, в виде


Go easy on salty foods such as bacon.

Не налегайте на солёные продукты, такие как бекон.

Respect is not the appanage of such as I am.

Уважение — удел не таких людей, как я.

His illness is not such as to cause anxiety.

Его болезнь не настолько серьёзна, чтобы вызывать беспокойство.

He had a bag such as a doctor usually carries.

У него была сумка, с какими обычно ходят врачи.

Do not ignore warning signs such as tiredness.

Не игнорируйте такие тревожные признаки, как усталость.

Moderate exercise, such as walking, is recommended.

Умеренные физические нагрузки — например, ходьба, — очень желательны.

He will have no books but such as I’ll let him have.

Он не получит никаких книг, кроме тех, которые я разрешу ему взять.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

English bilabials such as and .  

…corporeal cravings such as hunger and thirst…  

…sacerdotal garments such as a cassock and miter…  

The Renault Clio competes against such cars as the Peugeot 206.  

…boorish behavior, such as yelling for service in restaurants…  

Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.  

Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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