What is a word for figured out

  [ˈfɪgə aʊt ]  

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  2. Посчитать

У Figure Out есть брат-близнец Find Out. Оба фразовых глагола могут переводиться как «найти ответ». Однако употребляются они по-разному.

☝️ Мы говорим Figure Out, когда что-то понимаем в результате умственной деятельности или активности.

I figured out where the stairs are by exploring the building.

Я выяснил, где находится лестница, исследуя здание.

☝️ Мы употребляем Find Out, когда ведем себя пассивно, а информация прилетает сама.

I found out where the stairs are when Bob told me.

Я узнал, где лестница, когда Боб сказал мне.

В первом случае нам пришлось побегать, во втором Боб сам принес ответ на блюдечке.

А теперь проследуем к примерам.

Находить ответ = To Understand

figure out Заголовок Forbes.com

5 Tips To Help You Figure Out What To Do With Your Life.

5 советов, которые помогут вам понять, что делать со своей жизнью.

We couldn’t figure her out.

Just need to figure out a way to get to Moscow to drop him off.

Просто нужно придумать, как добраться до Москвы, чтобы высадить его.

Нам надо разобраться и помочь им.

Сначала мы должны решить, что нам делать. Сдаться полиции или свалить.

I’m trying to figure out a way to make this work.

Я пытаюсь придумать, как заставить это работать.

Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out.

Не волнуйся, мы что-нибудь придумаем.

I don’t have to be a detective to figure that out.

Мне не нужно быть детективом, чтобы понять это.

Before stepping in, we need to figure out the motives of North Korea.

Перед тем, как вмешаться, надо понять мотивы Северной Кореи.

We just need to figure out what we do next.

Нам просто нужно решить, что делать дальше.

Фразовый глагол Take Over – 1. Получить контроль (над бизнесом); 2. Захватить (власть, объект); 3. Занять должность или заменить кого-то на посту.

Посчитать = To Calculate

Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?

Вы уже подсчитали, сколько будет стоить поездка?

Или можно перевести, как: Вы уже поняли, сколько это будет стоить?

  •     Фразовые глаголы с FIGURE
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием OUT

Definition of figure out

transitive verb. 1 : discover, determine try to figure out a way to do it. 2 : solve, fathom figure out a problem. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About figure out.

What is the same meaning of to find out? discover; find out; see; learn; hear; pick up; get word; get a line; get wind; catch out; determine; find; ascertain; check; watch. find out; get hold of; ascertain.

Likewise Is it figure or figure out?

Figure tends to mean realised or thought. Figure out tends to mean solve.

How do you say figure out?

What does it mean to have things figured out?

to understand or solve something: figure out how/why/what, etc. If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again.

What can I say instead of find? Phrases

  • discover, become aware, learn, detect, discern, perceive, observe, notice, note, come to know, get to know, work out, deduce, fathom out, realize.
  • bring to light, reveal, expose, unearth, disclose, lay bare, unmask, ferret out, dig out, dig up.
  • establish, determine, make certain of, pin down, grasp.

Where do you find synonyms?

The 10 Best Synonym Sites to Find Similar Words Online

  • Thesaurus.com.
  • Synonym.com.
  • Synonyms.com.
  • Synonym Finder.
  • Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
  • Big Huge Thesaurus.
  • The Free Thesaurus.
  • Collins Dictionary.

What happened to you synonym? Here’s a list of synonyms for happened.

What is another word for what happened?

developed followed
appeared come
arrived proceeded
come to pass become a fact
played out come into being

How do you use figure out in a sentence?

Figure out sentence example

  1. She’s smart enough to figure out what to do. …
  2. She’s started having symptoms that the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. …
  3. Well, he has a home office and he goes there pretty often, but I can’t figure out what he’s doing. …
  4. I can’t figure out who owns this house or who has the money.

Will figure it out meaning? to begin to comprehend someone or something; to come to understand someone or something better.

What is the past tense of figure out?

The past tense of figure out is figured out. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of figure out is figures out. The present participle of figure out is figuring out.

What can I say instead of figured out? calculate; draw up; figure out; value; puzzle out; estimate; compute; work; solve; work out; lick.

What can I say instead of figuring out?

Synonyms of figure out

  • answer,
  • break,
  • crack,
  • dope (out),
  • puzzle (out),
  • resolve,
  • riddle (out),
  • solve,

What does figuring out life mean? Figuring out life, in essence, is learning YOU. The better you know yourself, the better choices you can make for yourself. Example: I was a “self raised” kid mostly, so I didn’t have a real set of values and morals taught to me. However, I decided being honest, having my word mean something, was important to me.

What’s another word for figured out?

What is another word for figure out?

solve answer
assess calculate
compute make out
untangle work
figure something out decode

Can you figure things out? to finally understand something or someone, or find the solution to a problem after a lot of thought: [ + question word ] I can’t figure out why he did it.

What’s a antonym for find?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#2032 miss
#3169 lose
#10524 withdraw
#20010 overlook

Is YEET in the dictionary? Slang. (an exclamation of enthusiasm, approval, triumph, pleasure, joy, etc.): If we’re lucky, all of Wisconsin will be yelling “Yeet!” when the Packers make a second trip to Tampa this year. to hurl or move forcefully: Somebody just yeeted a water bottle into the crowd.

What is the longest word in the world?

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

Can could synonym? synonyms for could be

  • perchance.
  • perhaps.
  • as it may be.
  • can be.
  • conceivable.
  • conceivably.
  • credible.
  • feasible.

What’s been happening synonym?

What is another word for what’s happening?

what’s doing what’s going on
what’s up what else is new
what’s new what’s been happening
what’s popping what’s cracking

Do u happen to know? Do you happen to know = “do you perchance know”, “might you know”, “would you know”. Did you know = “have you heard”.

  • 1
    figure out

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > figure out

  • 2
    figure out

    Персональный Сократ > figure out

  • 3
    figure out

    I can’t figure her out, she’s a mystery to me — Я никак не могу разобраться, что она из себя представляет. Она для меня загадка

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > figure out

  • 4
    figure out


    1. вычислять

    2. понимать, постигать

    I couldn’t figure out what he was going to do — я не мог понять, что он собирается делать

    НБАРС > figure out

  • 5
    figure out

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > figure out

  • 6
    figure out

    to solve, to find an answer, to understand
    вычислить, разобраться, понять что-то/кого-то

    I can’t figure out how much I owe them. I can’t figure out where all the money has gone. I can’t figure him out.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > figure out

  • 7
    figure out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > figure out

  • 8
    figure out

    1. phr v вычислять

    2. phr v понимать, постигать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. reach a conclusion (verb) assume; conclude; deduce; gather; infer; judge; presume; reach a conclusion; reason

    2. solve (verb) answer; break; clear up; crack; decipher; decode; dissolve; explain; puzzle out; resolve; solve; unfold; unravel; unriddle

    English-Russian base dictionary > figure out

  • 9
    figure out

    Father is trying to figure out his tax. — Папа пытается подсчитать сумму налога, который ему надо уплатить.


    2) понимать, постигать



    Англо-русский современный словарь > figure out

  • 10
    figure out



    подсчитывать, вычислять

    Father is trying to figure out his tax. — Папа пытается подсчитать сумму налога, который ему надо уплатить

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > figure out

  • 11
    figure out

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > figure out

  • 12
    figure out


    9) Вычислительная техника: выяснять

    11) Макаров: вычислять , подсчитывать, понимать, постигать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > figure out

  • 13
    figure out

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > figure out

  • 14
    figure out

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > figure out

  • 15
    figure out


    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > figure out

  • 16
    figure out

    Англо-русский металлургический словарь > figure out

  • 17
    figure out

    Англо-русский технический словарь > figure out

  • 18
    figure out


    понимать, постигать


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > figure out

  • 19
    figure out

    Англо-русский словарь дорожника > figure out

  • 20
    figure out

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > figure out


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • figure out — figure (someone) out to understand why someone behaves the way they do. I ve never been able to figure her out. Could anyone ever figure out my parents? …   New idioms dictionary

  • figure out — (something) to understand something by thinking about it. After I figured out that I would earn only eighty cents an hour, I said forget it. She spent an hour trying to install the software, but John finally figured it out. Related vocabulary:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • figure out — index ascertain, calculate, conceive (comprehend), construe (comprehend), find (discover) …   Law dictionary

  • figure out — verb find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of (Freq. 6) did you solve the problem? Work out your problems with the boss this unpleasant situation isn t going to work itself out did you get it? Did you get my… …   Useful english dictionary

  • figure out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms figure out : present tense I/you/we/they figure out he/she/it figures out present participle figuring out past tense figured out past participle figured out 1) to be able to understand something or to solve a… …   English dictionary

  • figure out — UK US figure out Phrasal Verb with figure({{}}/ˈfɪgər/ verb ► to understand or solve something: figure out how/why/what, etc. »If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again. »It takes… …   Financial and business terms

  • figure out — {v.} 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. * /Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test./ * /Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how./ * /Mary… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • figure out — {v.} 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. * /Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test./ * /Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how./ * /Mary… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • figure out — v 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test. Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how. Mary couldn t figure… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • figure out — PHRASAL VERB If you figure out a solution to a problem or the reason for something, you succeed in solving it or understanding it. [INFORMAL] [V P wh/that] It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment… [V P n (not… …   English dictionary

  • figure out — v. (colloq.) (AE) 1) (L) he figured out that we could not possibly get there on time 2) (Q) she could not figure out how to do it * * * [ fɪgə(r) aʊt] (Q) she could not figure out how to do it (colloq.) (AE) (L) he figure outd out that we could… …   Combinatory dictionary

What is another word for figure out?

solve answer
assess calculate
compute make out
untangle work
figure something out decode

How do you say figured out?

figured out

  1. answered,
  2. broke,
  3. cracked,
  4. doped (out),
  5. puzzled (out),
  6. resolved,
  7. riddled (out),
  8. solved,

What is the meaning of you figured it out?

0. tiffy 7350. It means that person knows the answer. For example: After thorough observation of the crime scene, the policemen figured it out that it was indeed an inside job.

What is the meaning of figured out?

Definition of figure out transitive verb. 1 : discover, determine try to figure out a way to do it. 2 : solve, fathom figure out a problem. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About figure out.

How do you use figure out in a sentence?

Examples of ‘figure out’ in a sentencefigure out

  1. Beyond the fact that they evidently had a great deal of money, she could not figure out anything about them. …
  2. Tell you what; I’m goin’ to figure out some kind of a badge. …
  3. Bob meanwhile was wracking his brains trying to figure out what could have happened.

What is the difference between find out and figure out?

To find out implies that the answer exists elsewhere, and through research or investigation, you will get that existing answer. To figure something means to apply logic and reason. To figure out implies that you will determine the answer yourself without outside help, often through trial and error.

What is the synonym of figured?

calculated. adjectivefigured by mathematical calculation. computed. determined. estimated.

What is the synonym of deduce?

Some common synonyms of deduce are conclude, gather, infer, and judge.

What is the meaning of figure out in phrasal verb?

to be able to understand something or to solve a problem. We had to figure out the connection between the two events. figure out how/what/who etc: I couldn’t figure out what the teacher was talking about.

What is the phrasal verb of figure out?

phrasal verb. figure somebody/something out. to think about somebody/something until you understand them/it.

What does have it all figured out mean?

you have it all figured out = You know all the answers to life, the universe, and everything, probably.

Is it figure or figure out?

Figure tends to mean realised or thought. Figure out tends to mean solve.

What I figured means?

Origin of I Figured As Much Figured is also an informal way to say thought, concluded, or had the opinion. Therefore, this expression is fairly literal. It means, What I thought is the same as what really happened. This meaning of figure can also be seen in the expression to figure something out.

What is the past tense of figure out?

The past tense of figure out is figured out. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of figure out is figures out. The present participle of figure out is figuring out.

How do you use pass out in a sentence?

lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example.

  1. The teacher began to pass out the papers at 8:15.
  2. Polly is due to pass out from training college at the end of July.
  3. Guys would pass out from heatstroke.
  4. Pass out the Mystery Box Observation Sheets and tell the students to record their observations on it.

Will work out synonym?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for work out, like: come-to-terms, compromise, reach an agreement, get something done, exercise, calculate, agree, resolve, achieve, satisfy and finish.

What is the opposite of figured?

Opposite of to have ascertained through analysis or investigation. disproved. challenged. contradicted. controverted.

What are the different types of figure?

Types of Figures

  • Bar Graphs.
  • Line Graphs.
  • Pie Charts.
  • Scatter Plots.
  • Photographs.
  • Line Art. Maps.

How do you use deduce?

Deduce in a Sentence

  1. By counting backwards, the clerk was able to deduce the correct change to give back to the customer.
  2. As soon as the police saw the planted evidence, they were able to deduce the homeowner had faked the robbery.

What does deduce mean in math?

Proof by Deduction Notes Proof by deduction is a process in maths where we show that a statement is true using well-known mathematical principles. … The word deduce means to establish facts through reasoning or make conclusions about a particular instance by referring to a general rule or principle.

Is it deduce or deduct?

Although both deduce and deduct are related to the noun deduction, they mean different things. Deduce means ‘conclude through reasoning’, while deduct means ‘take away’: … You can deduct reasonable business expenses from your income for tax purposes.

Why do we say figure out?

This is a common expression Figure out how, and it means something like Find a way, or Find a solution. Like, you know when you’re trying to assemble furniture from IKEA.

What is the meaning of the phrasal verb pass out?

intransitive to suddenly become unconscious, for example because you are too hot. People everywhere were passing out from the heat. Synonyms and related words. Losing and regaining consciousness.

Is figure out formal or informal?

figure out, [Informal.] to understand; solve:We couldn’t figure out where all the money had gone.

How to use figure out in a sentence

I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to do, at first, or I’d have rushed out and tried to stop him.


Textures and surface qualities, local or personal colors, lose their significance to the figure out-of-doors.


But I know that is all wrong, and I have set to work to figure out just how to be thankful like other people.


But we could not figure out how to capture them without alarming the city.


We hope, someday, to figure out a method of restoring their sanity.


But the killer never stopped to figure out the ultimate end-point of his schemes.


These city fellers ‘ll find they ‘ve bit off more ‘n they can chew when they try to figure out John Wood done that.


We’ve nearly messed this thing up a dozen times trying to figure out motives and counter motives.


Trying with half his mind to figure out what it was that had quickened these emotions, he listened all the harder as Weil went on.


Well, in regard to this woman: She’s talking so fast I can’t figure out at first what she’s trying to tell me.





figure out — производить подсчёт; проставлять размеры; С трудом понимать
figured out — вычисленный
figuring out — представивший; выясняющий; вычисление
figure it out — выяснять это
figure them out — выяснять их
I can’t figure him out — я никак не могу раскусить его
how do you figure it out? — как вы это себе представляете?
shape a figure out of wood — вырезать фигуру из дерева
figure out overhead expenses — подсчитывать накладные расходы
to shape a figure out of wood — вырезать фигуру из дерева

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Перевод по словам

figure  — рисунок, фигура, цифра, диаграмма, образ, фигурировать, полагать, считать
out  — из, вне, за, вне, наружу, выход, аут, наружный, изгнать


She figured out the rest.

Она разобралась с остальным.

Can you figure out this word?

Ты знаешь, что значит это слово?

Can you figure out how to do it?

Вы можете разобраться, как это сделать?

Well, we’ll figure something out.

Ну, мы что нибудь придумаем.

Women. I just can’t figure them out.

Женщины. Я просто не могу их понять.

If I have a map, I can figure it out.

Если у меня будет карта, я смогу в этом разобраться.

Father is trying to figure out his tax.

Папа пытается подсчитать сумму налога, который ему надо уплатить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘Hey, it’s Bill Door, isn’t it?’ said a figure looming out of the dusk.  

…found out halfway through the project that I was reduplicating another team member’s efforts, so we had to figure out who was going to do what…  

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figure out — перевод на русский

/ˈfɪgə aʊt/

There’s still so much I’m trying to figure out about this…

Я все еще столько всего пытаюсь понять про то…

I could not figure out why for the longest time.

Я всё не мог понять, почему.

What I’m tryin’ to figure out is why.

И я всё не могу понять почему. Почему?

You’ve got to figure out how you’re going to take care of her.

Я хочу понять, как вы собираетесь заботиться о ней.

I’m just trying to figure out how I ever got mixed up in all this.

Я просто пытаюсь понять, как я вообще во все это ввязался.

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— Well, I was just trying to figure out how your brother’s still getting PBJs into the yard even after Pork Chop got busted.

— Я тут пытаюсь выяснить как твой брат поставляет бутеры во двор даже после того, как Жирдяя повязали?

My method would be to do some digging and figure out what’s really going on inside your mind.

Я же предлагаю нам немного покопаться и выяснить, что же на самом деле происходит в вашей голове.

‘Cause I’m just trying to figure out how much I need to eat and if it’s gonna be after 10:00, I’m gonna order the whole chicken.

Просто я пытаюсь выяснить, сколько можно есть, и если это будет после 10, я закажу целую курочку.

We were trying to figure out which day we went to the aquarium.

Мы пытались выяснить, в какой день пошли в аквариум.

If I could only figure out what Joe meant when he held up his hand.

Если бы я только мог выяснить, что имел ввиду Джо, когда поднял руку.

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We gotta figure out something.

Эдд, надо что-то придумать.

Maybe we can figure out some other way.

Может быть, мы сможем придумать другой способ.

— I’m a writer. When I think up a story and get somebody in trouble, I try and figure out some way to get them out of it.

Когда я сочиняю историю, и в ней у кого-то неприятности, я пытаюсь придумать способ избавить его от них.

We got to figure out some way to get you out of here.

Надо придумать, как тебя отсюда вывести.

All we gotta do is just figure out a way to go steal it.

Нам нужно только придумать, как это всё заиметь.

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I needed to figure out the situation.

Мне нужно было разобраться в ситуации.

Take an hour to figure out.

— Можно? Понадобится час, чтобы разобраться.

I was in the kitchen, trying to figure this out.

Я был на кухне, пытался разобраться, что к чему.

I gotta figure out how to get my stuff back.

Мне надо разобраться, как вернуть свои вещи.

I mean, we could sit here and try to figure out… who forgot to pick up who till the cows come home.

Я хочу сказать, а мы можем тут, в машине, спокойно разобраться, кто кого забыл забрать?

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Say, Dutch, by jimminy, I don’t mind waiting on myself and figuring out how much I owe, but would it be too much trouble for you to take my money?

Датч. Черт побери, я не против подождать и и узнать, сколько я задолжал, но, может быть, тебя не затруднит взять мои деньги?

There is so much more that we must figure out than the genes can know.

Существует так много всего, что нам нужно узнать, и чего не знают наши гены.

See if you can figure out a way to find out about that foreigner. I want that pig.

Надо узнать об иностранце, мне нужна эта свинья!

Maybe he’ll realise I’m the woman of his dreams, because I’m gonna help him figure out who killed Laura.

А может, он поймёт, что я — женщина его грёз, потому что я помогу ему узнать, кто убил Лору.

I gotta figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Я должен узнать что я делаю не так.

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Well, we’re going to figure out right now what to do with your last 18 days.

Надо решить, что будем делать в ваши последние 18 дней.

We still need to figure out what we’re going to do.

— Мы все должны решить, что нам делать дальше.

And I have to get back to my ship and figure out how I’m gonna enter all this in my log.

А я должен вернуться на свой корабль и решить, как записать все это в своем журнале.

Rhoda and I are just trying to figure out where we might spend our vacation.

Мы с Родой пытаемся решить, где бы провести отпуск.

Hey, that’s something you got to figure out all by yourself, man.

Эй, тебе нужно это решить самому.

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He’s figured out how it was worked. He knows it was somebody else on the train… and he’s dug up a witness he thinks can prove it.

Он догадался, что в поезде был кто-то другой.

You figured out something that never happened, and so it’s all lies.

Ты догадался о том, чего никогда не было, это и есть ложь.

Pooh has already started to worry, but Rabbit was very smart and figured out himself it was a time for a little snack.

Рассказчик: «Пух уже начал волноваться, но Кролик был очень умный и сам догадался, что пора бы немного подкрепиться.»

He’s never been able to figure out why we always have our parties on Friday nights.

Он так и не догадался, почему мы всегда устраиваем вечеринки в пятницу вечером.

Well, some of you may have figured out we’re not home yet.

Ну, кое-кто из вас уже, наверняка догадался, что мы ещё не дома.

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I can’t figure out how he got that message.

Не понимаю, как он мог получить эту телеграмму.

I can’t figure out any of this.

Вообще ничего не понимаю.

— They register something, sir, but I’m blessed if I can figure out what it is.

— Они что-то регистрируют, сэр, но будь я проклят, если понимаю что это.

I can’t figure out how you knew about this map. This is the only real one.

Единственное, что я не понимаю, как ты узнал об этой карте, что она настоящая.

What I can’t figure out, Frank, is how that kid Davis got in there first.

Я до сих пор не понимаю, Фрэнк, как этот Дэвис успел туда раньше всех.

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I’ve gotta stall for time and figure this out.

Я должен остановиться на время и подумать.

Shoot Dillinger and we’ll figure out a way to make it legal.

Застрелить Диллинджера, и мы должны подумать как сделать это законно.

Yeah, they say that we gotta figure out if we want to come in dead or alive.

Да, они сказали подумать, хотим мы сдаваться мертвыми или живыми.

So if you’re up to it, we really ought to figure out how you want to deal with this.

Если ты готов, то нам надо подумать как поступить.

Let’s figure out how to do it without killing everyone in Engineering.

Надо подумать, как сделать так, чтобы не убить всех в инженерном.

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I’ve just been trying to figure out a way to kind of get her back.

Я пытаюсь найти способ вернуть её.

But of course, we’d have to figure out a way to avoid the things that cause the little problems.

Конечно, мы должны найти способ избежать маленьких проблем.

We’ve got to figure out a way to make Mr. Hall sublimely happy.

Нам нужно найти способ сделать мистера Холла возвышенно счастливым.


Я… думаю тебе стоит найти способ…

He said he came here to figure out a way to make things right.

Он сказал, что приехал сюда найти способ связаться с Пророками, чтобы поступить правильно.

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Well, you figured out the bad news.

Что, ж вы выяснили в чем заключается плохая новость.

We finally figured out time travel.

Мы наконец-то выяснили, как путешествовать во времени.

Think I figured out your problem.

Кажется, я понял, в чём проблема.

You still haven’t figured out your responsibilities in our marriage.

Он сказал: Ты до сих пор не понял, что ты несёшь ответственность в нашем браке.

Because I finally figured out how to stop it.

Потому что я, наконец, выяснил, как это остановить.

Suppose I’ve figured out which option is morally best.

Предположим, я выяснил, какой вариант лучше с моральной точки зрения.

Avi figured out how to cuddle and be nice.

«АиФ» выяснил, как обезопасить себя и остаться красивой.

They still figured out who I was.

«Они все же выяснили, кто я такой.

Magicforum figured out how to understand what your body lacks magnesium.

МедикФорум выяснил, как понять, что в вашем организме не хватает магния.

He’s figured out why kids don’t succeed in college and dropout.

Он выяснил, почему молодые люди не добиваются успеха и уходят из колледжа.

I figured out who the END-CLIENT was.

Хотя я сразу понял, кто был тем конечным покупателем.

Isaac has finally figured out how to roll.

ПСВ наконец-то понял, как играть.

We never figured out why schrader killed stacy ryan.

Мы так и не выяснили, почему Шрейдер убил Стейси Райан.

I finally figured out why Peter and Alison picked us.

Я, наконец, понял, почему Питер и Элисон выбрали нас.

I figured out who killed Mickey.

Я понял, кто убил Микки — Погоди.

I figured out how to control expenses and figured out a way to build a business on a shoestring budget.

Я понял, как контролировать расходы и понял, как строить бизнес на маленьком бюджете.

You’ve probably figured out that I like different.

Наверное вы уже обратили внимание на то, что я люблю разные поговорки.

I just figured out what your problem is.

До меня только сейчас дошло, в чем твоя проблема.

I figured out it probably happened to you.

Вот почему я сразу догадался, о том, что произошло, и как ты сюда попал.

I figured out why they attacked us.

Ну, я выяснял, почему они напали на нас.

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Other forms: figuring out; figures out

To figure out is to investigate or think something through in order to understand it. You might figure out through a little online sleuthing that your kindergarten teacher moved to Alaska and became a salmon fisherman.

You can figure out the answer to a tricky math problem using a calculator, and you can figure out how old you were when you visited Disney World by looking at photographs and consulting your parents. This informal phrase comes in handy whether you’re finding the solution for a big problem or simply puzzling out something small, like when you figure out which kind of treat your dog likes best.

Definitions of figure out

  1. verb

    find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

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