What is a word for feeling lost

Table of Contents

  1. What is a word to describe Feeling lost?
  2. What is another word for getting lost?
  3. What is the word for no emotion?
  4. What does it mean to be passionless?
  5. Whats the meaning of emotionless?
  6. What is an emotionless?
  7. What does frigid mean?
  8. What is another word for no feelings?
  9. What is a person called that has no emotions?
  10. What is frigging slang for?
  11. What is a thrived?

1 forfeited, gone, missing. 3 confused, perplexed. 4 squandered.

What is another word for getting lost?

What is another word for getting lost?

going astray losing one’s way
straying becoming disoriented
wandering away wandering off
going off course getting separated
going amiss losing

What is the word for no emotion?

flinty. adjective. a flinty expression is unfriendly and without emotion.

What does it mean to be passionless?

Passionlessadjective. void of passion; without anger or emotion; not easily excited; calm.

Whats the meaning of emotionless?

Definition of emotionless : showing, having, or expressing no emotion an emotionless stare.

What is an emotionless?

(ɪmoʊʃənlɪs ) adjective. If you describe someone as emotionless, you mean that they do not show any feelings or emotions. Synonyms: unfeeling, cold, cool, remote More Synonyms of emotionless.

What does frigid mean?

intensely cold
1a : intensely cold frigid water. b : lacking warmth or ardor : indifferent had an emotionally frigid father. 2 : lacking imaginative qualities : insipid writing precise and frigid poetry. 3a : abnormally averse to sexual intercourse —used especially of women.

What is another word for no feelings?

having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.

What is a person called that has no emotions?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alexithymia. A drawing by an artist with alexithymia depicting confusion about one’s own emotions. Pronunciation.

What is frigging slang for?

frĭgĭng. Frigging is a vulgar slang term defined as emphasize upset, anger or annoyance.

What is a thrived?

verb (used without object), thrived or throve [throhv], thrived or thriv·en [thriv-uhn], thriv·ing. to prosper; be fortunate or successful. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish: The children thrived in the country.

Those who wander aimlessly through life frequently have a warped perception of who they are. They are unable to recognize their own brilliance, brightness, or flawlessness, and hence, they are unable to acknowledge the fact that they are sufficient in and of themselves. Their understanding of what’s going on around them appears clouded and warped.

How does it feel to feel lost in life?

This sensation gradually spreads to a wide variety of spheres, including friendships, relationships, job trajectories, and personal development, amongst others. When faced with challenging circumstances, it is common to experience a sense of being disoriented as a result of feeling overwhelmed.

What does it feel like when you lose sight of yourself?

You can get the impression that ″life has no purpose.″ Danielle Kepler, LCPC, a clinical therapist based in Chicago, Illinois, who specializes in adults who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and life transitions, as well as couples who are having problems with their relationships, said that you may also feel as though you’ve lost sight of the person you want to be.

Why do I feel like my life has no meaning?

Experiencing a sense of disorientation may have several origins, including a deficiency in purpose, fulfillment, or direction. At this moment, it could appear as though life has no purpose at all. However, when this does occur, it is important to keep in mind that you need to be more kind with yourself rather than condemning yourself for the sense of being lost.

What happens when you feel lost in your identity?

When you are feeling lost, one of the most hazardous parts is when you no longer know who you are. This may have a negative impact on both your self-image and your confidence. Since of this sensation, you may have a sense of disconnection because you no longer identify with who you formerly were.

How does it feel being lost?

It’s possible that you’ll experience feelings of helplessness, emotional numbness, or as though you’ve lost your spark. The dissolution of a significant relationship, the sense that opportunities have passed you by, or the realization that your life is not progressing in the way you had envisioned it can all contribute to feelings of disorientation.

What is lost emotion?

Flat affect is the state that occurs when a person loses the capacity to experience or express any emotions. Anhedonia is the condition in which a person is able to sense unpleasant emotions but is emotionally numb to anything associated with happy feelings. Anhedonia is a prevalent sign of depression, as well as appearing in a variety of other mental health problems.

Why do I feel like I’m lost in my mind?

At some point or another, a good many of us have found ourselves thinking something along the lines of ″I feel like I’m losing my mind.″ This concept may come to mind during times of increased stress; however, it may also be a symptom of a mental health issue, such as anxiety, panic disorder, or depersonalization, on the other hand.

What to do when you have lost yourself?

When you’re feeling lost, here are seven things you may do to find yourself.

  1. Remember what it is that you enjoy doing, and then go do it!
  2. Engage in some exciting endeavor.
  3. Get in touch with your innermost desires, and don’t be afraid to dream big.
  4. Regularly push yourself beyond of your comfort zone.
  5. Get still and listen.
  6. Keep in mind that you have the ability to become, have, and carry out everything your heart desires
  7. Ask for aid

What’s a word for feeling lost?

1 lost, disappered, or unaccounted for. 3 lost in thought and bewildered 4 wasted.

How do I find myself again?

Developing into the person you see being

  1. Get started doing more of the things that you enjoy. More of the tasks on the list that you made should be done.
  2. Surround yourself with upbeat and optimistic individuals, both in real life and online.
  3. Experiment with new stuff.
  4. Get your act together
  5. Take care of your physical self.
  6. Set goals.
  7. Enjoy each moment as it comes.
  8. Keep a journal and think on it

Can I lose my emotions?

There are numerous different channels via which feelings might be misplaced.An individual is at risk of losing them as a direct consequence of being exposed to stressful experiences.There is a possibility that some of us are acquainted with somebody who has had brain surgery that went well.

The cancer has been eradicated, and everyone is rejoicing—everyone, that is, except for the patient, who can no longer feel either happiness or despair.

What is emotional detachment?

The inability or reluctance to connect with the emotions of other people on a personal level is the hallmark of emotional detachment. Some individuals benefit from developing the ability to maintain an emotional distance in order to guard themselves from unwelcome drama, worry, or stress.

Does anxiety make you feel like you’re losing your mind?

When the stress response is activated, there is a shift in the functioning of the brain.As a result of this change, we may have a heightened feeling of danger yet have a harder difficulty explaining our responses.At other instances, this transformation is sufficient to convince us that we are on the verge of going insane and losing our brains.

This is especially true at times when we are feeling nervous.

How do I learn to love myself again?

Rekindling Your Love for Yourself: 10 Easy Steps

  1. Take your time when dealing with your feelings
  2. Avoid adopting behaviors that aren’t good for you
  3. Engage in all the activities that brought you joy
  4. Give yourself forgiveness
  5. Put an end to your hostility and rage
  6. Maintain a tight relationship with your buddies
  7. Put some effort into yourself
  8. Self-reflect

How do I get back in touch with myself?

21 Loving Methods to Establish a More Profound Connection With Yourself

  1. 1) Focus on your own requirements and strive to fulfill them
  2. 2) Let your breath be the tool that brings you within
  3. 3) Dedicate a Special Amount of Time to the Morning
  4. 4) Ask Yourself Questions Before Making a Commitment
  5. 5) Give Yourself Support By Thinking Loving Thoughts
  6. 6) Move Your Body While Being Present and Kind to Yourself

Lost definition: The word lost functions as a verb. More specifically, it is the past tense and past participle of the word to lose. To lose has a few common meanings. If you misplace something, you might say that you lost it.

Hereof, what is the synonym of loss?

SYNONYMS. deprivation, disappearance, losing, privation, forfeiture, waste, squandering, dissipation. diminution, erosion, reduction, impoverishment, depletion.

One may also ask, how do you express bad feelings?

  1. Emotional awareness: being consciously aware of what kind of mental and emotional process going on you. Try to identity those small discomforts that cause negative emotions.
  2. Control your emotion. Take a timeout to calm down.
  3. Express your negative emotions in a healthy way.

What is a sad smile called?

The ‘miserable smile‘ is a stoical grin-and-bear-it expression – a slight, asymmetric smile with an expression of deep sadness pasted over the top. It’s a socially acceptable way of showing that you’re sad or in pain.

WHAT IS AN loss?

Definition: In financial accounting, a loss is a decrease in net income that is outside the normal operations of the business. Losses can result from a number of activities such as; sale of an asset for less than its carrying amount, the write-down of assets, or a loss from lawsuits.

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Hopeless, Unsure, confused…when your lost, you just got to
sing, I’m blue-da-ba-di-da-ba-die

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This guide aims to help you if you’re feeling lost.

First, we’ll investigate what it means to feel lost, then explore some tips to help you gain more control of this feeling.  

In my role as a life coach, I am often offering guidance and motivation to people feeling lost in their lives.

That’s why I’m keen to share this guide with you.

Let’s dive right into it.

Feeling Lost

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Feeling lost means you’re unsure whether you’re going in the right direction in life.

It’s common to feel lost in a certain aspect of your life, such as your relationship or your job. 

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2. What Does It Mean When You’re Feeling Lost? 

When you’re feeling lost, it’s often because you don’t know what makes you happy. 

But sometimes it’s deeper than that.

Perhaps you know what makes you happy, but don’t know how to translate that into your professional life or personal relationships.

Maybe you know what you want, but there’s something blocking you from pursuing it (either internally or externally).

Either way, these feelings mean you need to take action to explore what you want from life. 

This will involve a period of self-reflection, perhaps with the assistance of a life coach. 

But, it should absolutely also involve you trying new things. 

Indeed, feeling lost typically follows an extended period of being stuck in a routine that doesn’t satisfy you.

3. Can Lost Be A Feeling? 

Absolutely. Being lost can make you feel panicked and anxious. You often struggle to be present because you’re lost in your thoughts. You might feel jealous of people who seemingly have their life under control. 

In extreme cases, you can feel symptoms of depression because you feel your life is meaningless.

Being lost is an unpleasant feeling, and it’s certainly in your best interests to get to the bottom of these emotions so you can stop feeling this way.  

4. The Link Between Feeling Lost And Feeling Stuck

To feel stuck is when the desire to move forward in life meets a strong desire to stay exactly where you are.

In this case, the desire to remain where you are usually comes from self-doubt or other similar limiting beliefs.  

Still, this uncomfortable feeling will usually lead to one feeling lost in life.

The video below explores the subject in more detail.

5. What Causes A Person To Feel Lost? 

The feeling of not knowing what you want to do with your life can come from inexperience.

Indeed, it’s common for teenagers to feel lost at the moment where they have to choose what to study in college or university. This is essentially the moment they’re expected to choose what career path to follow in adulthood, yet many have just a vague idea of their ideal job because they don’t have enough experience in any field.

This is why it’s often recommended for young adults to simply try a lot of new things until they ‘find themselves’. A gap year travelling the world is an interesting solution for young people who feel lost to figure things out. These can be expensive, but not as costly paying for a degree you never use. 

With that said, it’s also common for someone to know deep down what they want to do, but still feel lost. 

Let’s investigate why this happens right now…  

6. Limiting Beliefs Can Hold People Back

When you were a young child, the chances are you proudly told your parents – or anyone who asked – what you wanted to be when you grew up. The chances are these people told you that’s amazing!

Yet, as we’re older, people stop telling us that we can be anything. Often, our parents and teachers tell us to go after something secure. Perhaps our so-called friends begin to laugh at any lofty ambitions we share. 

Then, we turn into adults with limiting beliefs about what we can achieve. Indeed, many people who feel lost know exactly what they want to do, but don’t believe they’re able to do it.   

7. Fear Plays A Huge Role In Feeling Lost

Many people experience negative thoughts about chasing their dreams. What happens if I fail? What happens if I don’t like it? What happens if people make fun of me?

These questions don’t serve you at all. For starters, it’s useless to focus on something that might not happen. Most of these realities are in your head. 

In reality, if these scenarios did occur, you’ll also probably be able to overcome them. 

However, a lot of people don’t ever learn this lesson because they’re too scared to even take the first step towards their dream life.   

8. Many People Feel Lost Because They Don’t Fit In      

We all have a natural desire to be accepted by other people. 

The problem comes when we’re so desperate to fit in that we don’t chase our own unique passions. We become too worried about what other people will think to do what makes us happy.

This not only contributes to us feeling lost because we ‘don’t know’ what we want to do with our lives. It also makes us feel alone in this world, because we’re not the same as everyone else. 

As we get older we tend to learn that it’s better to be unapologetically yourself than to try and fit in with the crowd. The sooner you learn this the better. 

Related: Easy Ways Out Of “I Can’t Do Anything Right” Thinking

9. How Do I Know If I Am Lost? 

“These Pains You Feel Are Messengers. Listen To Them.” 

The above is a quote from the poet Rumi about feeling lost.

As previously mentioned, feeling lost can make you feel uncomfortable and anxious about the future. You sense an undeniable feeling that something is wrong, even if you’re consciously trying to deny that.

While it’s common to feel lost, that doesn’t mean these feelings should be ignored. These feelings are your wake-up call, signalling that you need to make a change. Like any other pain, ignoring it will only hurt you more in the long run.

10. What To Do When Feeling Lost

In the following sections, we’ll dive deep into some specific exercises for what to do when feeling lost.

With that said, the whole process can be simplified into:

  • Self-discovery. Explore who you really are and what you really want to do, beyond all your fears and social conditioning. 
  • Take action. Take the first step forward to realize your dream. Then, the next step and the next. 
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11. Ask Yourself What You Would Do If You Weren’t Afraid 

Here’s a great idea to help you decide what to do if you feel lost. 

Answer this question: “What would I do with my life if I wasn’t afraid.” 

Push yourself to write down at least five answers. 

This is a great exercise to complete with a life coach, or at the same time as a loved one who maybe feels lost as well. Either way, you could push each other to write more explicitly defined answers.

The point of the exercise is to become aware of where fear is limiting you. Maybe, before performing this exercise, you held onto other excuses why you weren’t going after certain goals.

But by pushing yourself to write down five goals that scare you, you’ll realize that fear is the only thing holding you back. 

Hopefully, this will give you the motivation to go after the things you really value. After all, no-one likes admitting that fear is the only thing preventing their success. 

12. Ask Yourself What You Would Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

This similar exercise specifically targets your fear of failure.

Once again, you’ve probably made excuses for why you can’t get started with this passion. But, in most cases, these are made simply to mask a fear of falling short. There’s probably someone out there who has achieved your dream with bigger obstacles in their way.  

So, why not focus on how to overcome these obstacles, rather than how they’re blocking your success?  

13. You Discovered You’ve Got Two Weeks Left On Earth. What Will You Miss Most When It’s All Over?  

This is another writing exercise, designed to help you understand your biggest passions. Once you’ve finished writing these down, brainstorm some ideas for how you can incorporate these passions into your everyday life more often.

After all, while you might have more than two weeks, your time on this planet is limited. So, you may as well spend as much time as you can doing what makes you feel good.  

14. It’s Normal To Feel Lost In Some Part Of Your Life 

It’s common to feel secure in some parts of your life, while also feeling unsure and nervous about other aspects of it. 

So, don’t panic or wallow in self-pity if you feel like you’ve taken one or two wrong paths. Most people feel the same.

To realize this and make changes is a key part of personal growth. 

With that said, let’s now dive into some advice for feeling lost in specific parts of your life. 

15. Feeling Lost And Alone

Feeling Lost And Alone

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Feeling lost and alone are two separate emotions that often arrive together.

  • A person might feel alone, because they (wrongly) think they’re the only one not in control of what’s happening in their life.  
  • They might feel lost because they’re the only one in the social circle who doesn’t want to party and get drunk every weekend, for example.
  • A person might feel detached, lost and alone because they’re different to those around them, but are yet to embrace it. There’s part of them that would rather ‘fit in’ than do what truly makes their heart sing.

Can you relate to any of these examples?

Well, the good news is that the internet has made it easier than ever to connect with people who share your hobbies, passions and viewpoints. Even if there is no-one in your home town, you can bet there are plenty across the globe. As a matter of fact, there’s probably an online community surrounding your passion on one of the major social media websites.  

If there isn’t, how about writing a blog or creating a YouTube channel and finding your audience that way?

Many unique people have found great success doing this. In fact, being unique is one of the most reliable ways to build an audience of adoring online fans.

It’s not easy to build an online audience, but doing so will help you stop feeling so detached from the rest of the world.  

16. Feeling Lost In Career

It’s easy to feel lost in your career when your job isn’t linked to your passions or overall mission.

The simple solution to this is to begin crafting an exit plan that’ll allow you to chase a job in a field that fulfills you. It’s incredibly common advice to “find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Indeed, for many people it has been incredibly fulfilling to follow that catchphrase.

But this does take a lot of bravery, especially if you’d be sacrificing a lot of money in the short-term future at least. Indeed, for some it would be a bad thing to take that financial risk at this point in their lives. Some people are parents with mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay, after all.

Thankfully, it’s not the only way to curb this feeling of being lost in your career. 

Another solution is to make peace with the fact that your job and life mission are two different things. This shouldn’t be too difficult, provided you can create the time to focus on your passion outside of work.

At this point, you can begin to view your job from a different perspective. You can see it as the task you do to fund your passion. This gives it some form of meaning and can help to ease that feeling of being lost at work.   

17. Feeling Lost After Break-Up

This is a completely different reason for feeling lost in life, but a common one nonetheless.

When a man or woman makes the mistake of basing all their happiness within their relationship, they’ll usually end up feeling like their existence is meaningless after a break-up. 

That’s why it’s always recommended for people to build a life they enjoy, regardless of whether they have a partner. They should learn to love themselves before they love someone else. They should have goals other than getting married and having children with a certain person. 

If you didn’t have the sense to build this self-reliance before coupling up, now’s the time to do it. This break-up is your opportunity to make these improvements. 

Engage in hobbies. Spend more time with your friends and family. Make some serious money.  Learn to enjoy being single at this moment. Realize that this world is your oyster. 

Once you do that, you’re far less likely to feel lost after a break-up. Ironically, this mindset will also help to attract even better partners in future. 

18. Feeling Lost In A Relationship

One might feel lost in their relationship if their partner is taking them down a path they don’t want to go down. Perhaps you’ve just realized you want different things from your lives.

Honestly, it makes sense that men and women talk about the big picture sooner rather than later in their relationship. This can stop you both wasting a lot of time and spare you the heartache before you catch serious feelings.

If you haven’t done that yet, now is the time to do it. And, if you can’t reach a compromise on where you each see your relationship heading, it’s probably best to break it off altogether. 

19. It’s Not A Bad Thing To Make Changes

There’s no shame in making changes during any period of your life, if you’re unhappy with the way things are going. They say variety is the spice of life. In other words, this is what makes it memorable.

There’s a great quote from Robin Sharma which echoes this sentiment. 

He said: “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

You might feel some self-doubt when aiming to make improvements to your life, but that’s completely normal. Don’t use this as a reason to ignore the sensation of being lost.  

Usually, if you don’t like the changes you made, you can head back to the life you had before. Or at least something very similar. 

20. People Tend To Regret What They Didn’t Do

It’s a bit scary to act upon feeling lost and making changes in your life. When you do so, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed during this decision-making process. After all, you’re surrendering control of your life and thrusting yourself out of your comfort zone.


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However, when it comes to the latter years of their life, most people regret what they didn’t do. 

If you fail to act upon these feelings now, the chances are you’re going to regret it. So, wake up and find the motivation to do what really excites you NOW, no matter how scary it might seem.

You got this!  

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The shock and confusion of your diagnosis may leave you feeling lost and unsure of yourself.

It suggests that you may be feeling lost and still trying to find yourself and your purpose in life.

Это говорит о том, что вы можете чувствовать себя потерянным и все еще пытаться найти себя и свою цель в жизни.

Worse, inaction leaves people feeling lost and unstable.

But something is observing even this sense of feeling lost, by the way.

An increasing number of people are feeling lost.

Many are feeling lost during this time.

If you find yourself feeling lost, go with your «sixth sense» and let yourself be guided by intuition.

Если вы чувствуете себя потерянным, идите со своим «шестым чувством» и позволяйте себе руководствоваться интуицией.

And if you’re feeling lost in that aspect of your marriage, don’t worry.

Young people are feeling lost in life and are struggling to cope with reality.

For those times when you’re feeling lost.

Stripping down your identity and confronting negative personal traits takes hard work and can leave one feeling lost or confused.

Устранение вашей личностной маски и противодействие негативным личностным признакам требует тяжелой работы и может вызвать чувство потерянности или смущенности.

That’s why feeling lost is an emotional state of mind you need to get out of.

Чувство потерянности — это эмоциональное состояние ума, от которого нужно избавиться.

I knew nothing about insurance at the time and remember feeling lost at first.

He took me in when I was feeling lost and alone. confused.

Did some of your decisions in 2010 lead to incidents that left you feeling lost or betrayed?

Возможно, какие-то из ваших решений в 2010 привели к инцидентам, оставившим у вас чувство потерянности или предательства?

There are tons of reasons why you might be feeling lost and below I am going to go over some of those reasons.

Есть множество причин, по которым вы можете чувствовать себя потерянным, и ниже мы остановимся на некоторых причинах подробнее.

Why are they feeling lost in life?

So, if you’re feeling lost in life, firstly remember that you’re not the only one and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Итак, если вы чувствуете себя потерянным в жизни, во-первых, помните, что вы не один такой и с вами не происходит ничего уникального.

The process of evolution can leave a person feeling lost and even panicked if they have no idea of what is taking place as their comfortable but illusory foundation begins to dissolve.

Процесс эволюции может вызвать у человека чувство потерянности и даже паники, если он не понимает, что происходит в целом, а иллюзорная основа начинает растворяться.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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If you’re feeling lost in life, the first thing to keep in mind is that you are not alone in these feelings. Even the most charismatic people you know, whether in person or celebrities of some sort, experience days where they are feeling lost in life, are losing interest in life, or are feeling confused and frustrated at the same time.

While it’s good to know we aren’t alone in this feeling, the question still remains:

What to do when you feel lost?

12 Reminders When You’re Feeling Lost In Life

Here are 12 things to remember when you feel lost in life:

1. Recognize That It’s Okay!

As stressed above, it’s okay to be in a position where you need to figure out what to do when you feel lost. At the same time, recognize that there are times you need to be alone. If you’ve always been accustomed to being in contact with people, this may prove difficult.

However, learning how to be alone and comfortable in your own skin will give you confidence and a sense of self-reliance.

We cheat ourselves out of the opportunity to become self-reliant when we look for constant companionship. It’s understandable though as we are social creatures and believe being constantly around people gives us a direction in life.

The reality is having these periods where you are alone is good for you and feeling lost in life is your body telling you to spend some time with yourself.

Learn how to embrace your me-time: What Your Fear of Being Alone Is Really About and How to Get over It

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2. Use Your Lost and Loneliness as a Self-Directing Guide

You’ve most likely heard the expression: “You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going.”

Loneliness and feeling lost in life also serve as a life signal to indicate you’re in search of something. Telling yourself I feel lost in life, is a good first step as it can prompt action.

Because deep down, our strongest revelations don’t all stem from being around the constant company. It’s normally when we’re alone and in a place of relaxation.

Remember, there is more to life than what you’re feeling.

3. Realize Loneliness Helps You Face the Truth

Being in the constant company of others, although comforting, can often serve as a distraction when we need to face the reality of a situation. And the reality is that we often bury negative emotions and deny their existence through indulgence of comforting emotions.

Solitude cuts straight to the chase and forces you to deal with the problem or negative emotions at hand. See the event of what to do when you feel lost as a blessing that can serve as a catalyst to set things right!

Take a look at the 10 Things That Happen When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone.

4. Be Aware That You Have More Control Than You Think

Typically, when we see ourselves as feeling lost in life or lonely, it gives us an excuse to view everything in a negative light. It lends itself to putting ourselves in the victim mode when the truth of the matter is that you choose your attitude in every situation.

No one can force a feeling upon you other than yourself! It is YOU who has the ultimate say as to how you choose to react: How to Control Your Thoughts and Be the Master of Your Mind

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5. Embrace the Freedom That the Feeling of Being Alone Can Offer

Instead of wallowing in self-pity – which many are prone to do because of loneliness – try looking at your circumstances as newfound freedoms.

Most people are in constant need of approval of their viewpoints. They seek validation and when they don’t it’s easy for them to be feeling lost in life.

Try enjoying the fact that you don’t need everyone you care about to support your decisions and ideas. This is easier said than done of course, but removing that need for validation can allow you to do things your own way and to think for yourself.

6. Acknowledge the Person You Are Now

Perhaps you are feeling lost in life because your life circumstances have taken you away from the persona that others know to be you. In those situations it’s understandable why you are telling yourself I feel lost in life.

Learn to accept that people change over time. You might’ve liked the old you, but you are now in the new you. Learn to accept the new you, flaws and all. Realize that life is about change and how we react to that change. It’s okay that you’re not who you used to be.

Take a look at this article and learn to accept your imperfect self: Accept Yourself (Flaws and All): 7 Benefits of Being Vulnerable

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7. Keep Striving to Do Your Best

Often when you are figuring out what to do when you feel lost, you will develop a defeatist attitude. You stop caring about what’s going on and even your self esteem is low as a result of this.

When you reach this stage, remind yourself to never let this feeling take away your sense of worth! Do your best always and when you come through this dark time, others will admire how you stayed determined in spite of the obstacles you had to overcome.

And to live your best life, you must do this ONE thing: step out of your comfort zone.

8. Don’t Forget That Time Is Precious

When we’re lost in a sea of loneliness and depression, it’s all too easy to reflect on regrets of past life events. This does nothing but feed negativity and perpetuates the situation of feeling lost in life.

Instead of falling prey to this common pitfall, put one foot in front of the other and acknowledge every positive step you take. By doing this, you can celebrate the struggles you overcome at the end of the day.

9. Remember, Things Happen for a Reason

Every circumstance you encounter in your life is designed to teach you and that lesson is in turn passed on to others.

Sometimes you’re fortunate enough to figure out the lesson to be learned, while other times, you simply need to have faith that if the lesson wasn’t meant directly for you to learn from, how you handled it was observed by someone who needed to learn.

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Your solitude and feeling lost in life, in this instance, although painful possibly, could be there in order to be teaching someone else.

10. Journal During This Time

Record your thoughts when you’re at the height of loneliness and feeling lost in life. You’ll be amazed when you reflect back at how you viewed things at the time and how far you’ve come later.

This time (if recorded) can give you a keen insight into who you are and what makes you feel the way you feel.

11. Remember You Aren’t the First to Feel This Way

It’s quite common to feel as if you’re alone and no one else has ever felt this way before. You think this because, at the time of your distress, you’re silently observing others around you who are seemingly fine in every way.

The truth is, you can’t possibly know the struggles of those around you unless they elect to share them. We ALL have known this pain! As stressed at the start, even celebrities and people who seem to have “life figured out” could be feeling just as lost as you.

Try confiding in someone you trust and ask them how they deal with these feelings when they experienced it. You may be surprised at what you learn.

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12. Ask for Help If the Problem Persists

Feeling lost in life is common to everyone, but typically it will last for a relatively short period of time. It’s a stark comparison to having mid-life crises.

Most people will confess to, at one time or another, being in a “funk.” And those are fine. But if the problem persists longer than you feel it should, don’t ignore it. There is a reason for it.

When your ability to reason and consider things rationally becomes impaired, do not dismiss the problem and think it isn’t worthy of attention. Seek medical help.

Also, consider it further in the event that you’ve tried the tips above and nothing seems to have changed.

Afraid to ask for help? Here’s how to change your outlook to aim high!

Final Thoughts

A sense of feeling lost in life can in many ways be extremely painful and difficult to deal with. However, these feelings can also serve as a catalyst for change in your life if you acknowledge them and act.

Above anything, cherish your mental well-being and don’t underestimate its worth. Seek professional guidance if you’re unable to distinguish between a sense of freedom for yourself and a sense of despair.

Featured photo credit: Andrew Neel via unsplash.com

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