What is a word for feeling good about yourself

proud Add to list Share. When you are proud, you are feeling pride, or satisfaction with yourself. The word proud can also mean too much of this feeling––sometimes saying someone is proud is the same as saying they’re arrogant. It’s also possible to feel proud of someone else.

What’s a word for only caring about yourself?

Someone who is selfish cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others.

What’s a word for loving yourself?

Find another word for self-love. In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-love, like: self-esteem, amour-propre, arrogance, narcissism, self-will, self-knowledge, narcism, haughtiness, self-realisation, worldliness and egotism.

How do I know what do I want in life?

Sitting down and trying to answer everything about your “ideal life” is difficult, so here are some tips and guiding questions to get you started.

  1. Think about what you DON’T want.
  2. Focus on Experiences.
  3. Plan an Ideal Week.
  4. Find People You’re Jealous Of.
  5. Experiment More.
  6. Think About What Kind of Fun You Want.

How can I be strong and brave?

10 Ways to Live a More Courageous Life

  1. Embrace vulnerability. People who live fear-based lives often have little or no confidence in themselves.
  2. Admit you have fears. In addition to opening yourself up to others, admit you have fears.
  3. Face your fears.
  4. Think positively.
  5. Reduce your stress.
  6. Demonstrate courage.
  7. Cope with risk and uncertainty.
  8. Continue to learn.

Why do I have fear?

Sometimes fear stems from real threats, but it can also originate from imagined dangers. Fear can also be a symptom of some mental health conditions including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How do I get stronger mentally?

How to Get a Better, Stronger and More Confident Mind

  1. Get Things Done. Confidence and accomplishment go hand-in-hand.
  2. Monitor Your Progress.
  3. Do The Right Thing.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Be Fearless.
  6. Stand-up For Yourself.
  7. Follow Through.
  8. Think Long-term.

For example: You want approval and people to think you’re smart, just to feel good about yourself.

asked Oct 21, 2015 at 8:53

Nine's user avatar


To say someone is «looking for approval» already suggests a lack of self-confidence, which might or might not lead to arrogance, but which in any case focuses on the person’s state of mind rather than an idea or opinion. «Validation» is often used to suggest someone’s need for support, but it does not imply arrogance without additional context, as in ‘You want approval and people to think you’re smart, to «validate» or «justify» your sense of self-importance.’

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 16:18


I think you are looking for reassured:

  • (of a person) feeling less worried about something, usually after receiving help or advice.


Community's user avatar

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 9:03


need for recognition

Recognition and appreciation are fundamental human needs: we want to
know that our effort is valued and appreciated by others.

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 9:26

Graffito's user avatar


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The need to be comforted maybe?


: improve the mood of or restore a sense of well-being to:


answered Oct 21, 2015 at 9:36

Elian's user avatar


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Feeling Good About Yourself

You might have noticed that some people spread cheer wherever they go. They are amazingly positive and always pleasant. This is because they are happy with what they do and most importantly, what they are. It is only when a person feels satisfied and lives a life of fulfillment, can he feel good about himself. For that, you need to have an invincible self-esteem and take pride in what you are. Humans have a malleable mind; you can whittle it any way you want. If you haven’t really tried doing that before, it is the time you mould your mind in a way to beef up your self-image and feel good about yourself. Steer clear of all negative thoughts or doings. This often has serious implications on the way you think. Frustrated, demoralised people are more prone to depression and other psychological disorders and often develop suicidal tendencies. So, it’s best to evade all negativities and make it a point to feel good about yourself. This article will help you with tips on how to make yourself  happy. Read on. 

How To Feel Good About Yourself 

Always Be Happy
You should always try to keep yourself happy. There may be difficult situations to confront, but realize that those situations are not permanent, difficult times shall pass. Optimism is the only thing that can drive your life forward. You should be aware of your thoughts—never allow any negative thought to dominate your mind and brain. 

Build Self-Esteem
Work on building your self-esteem. Remember, unless you value yourself, no one else would value you. Always make sure that you give your best to everything you do.  Build self-respect and reap good results.

Maintain Healthy Relationship
Maintaining healthy relationship is very important for happiness. Relationships are energy boosters, as they pep you up whenever you feel down in the dumps. It provides immense moral support that helps you overcome every difficult situation. Besides, relationships make you feel loved, cared for, and appreciated which is any day a big booster.

Change is Good
Dare to experiment! Changes are good. They are refreshing and always give you something new to explore. This avoids boredom and creates new relationships and contacts. You can also experiment with your looks and style. You may receive appreciations and comments on your make over and you can definitely enjoy it. People often feel comfortable with their regular activities and thus are stuck inside a shell. Break out of the shell and explore the possibilities around you.

You are as beautiful as you feel. It is important that you maintain your body with care. You should eat healthy food and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body. A healthy body is the abode of healthy mind. It is very important to be active in today’s fast pace world. You need a healthy body to utilize your competence, skills and ideas to the maximum. Weak body always makes you lethargic and takes away the enthusiasm and thus, you lose the excitement to achieve more.

Do Things You Are Good At
Utilize your skills and do things you are good at. This will provide you with confidence. Utilize the free time to develop your talents—dance, music or whatever you are passionate about. Hobbies are excellent stress busters, which absorb the stress in your daily life and make you feel fresh and good. You can also try something innovative like testing your cooking skills. All these make you feel good about what you are.

Take Breaks
In today’s busy world, you may not get enough time to relax. However, it is not good to remain continuously in stress for a long time. Schedule breaks so that it takes you off from the work atmosphere and gives you an opportunity to enjoy life. You can plan some trips if you like travelling or do what you feel like doing.

Spend Time With People You Love
This is an excellent way to make you feel good. Being amongst your loved ones provide you with the feeling of being loved and care for, which is very important in life.  We are social animals and so, we cannot survive alone. Busy work life may take you away from your close ones and gradually you may move on to a mechanical life. This is not good. Do not lead a mechanical life. Always make sure that you don’t lose those good things in life.

No Comparisons
Never compare yourself with others. This one mistake can destroy the happiness and peace in your life. Why should you think about others? You should design your life and live it according to your wish. Different people have different situations around. Success and failure are relative. Do not bother about them and try to be happy about what you have.

Create Your Own Style
You can always create your own style to standout from others. The only thing you should consider is that it should be sensible. If you have a good sense of the current fashion and trends, it won’t be a big task to create your own style. This experiment may help you to create a different impression in others and you will be confident enough to present yourself in a group.

Accept Compliments And Criticisms
Acknowledge your acceptance whenever someone says something good about you. If someone says that your new hairstyle suites you, just say a ‘Thank You’ just to show that you accepted it. There may be situations you face criticism. Try to take it in the right way. Respect the other persons thought and do not feel bad. If someone criticizes you, then sort those criticisms into one of the following three piles (in your mine) – “not valid,”” “not a moral fault but worth putting in correction” and “I’m not going to change that one”, This will help you deal with criticisms effectively.

Do not hesitate to laugh. It is the best medicine that can make you feel light and happy within matter of seconds.  Also, try to cheer yourself up whenever you feel low. Listen to comic videos, watch movies, read books or do anything you like.

Feeling good about yourself is very important to develop confidence and self-esteem. It keeps your life lighter and makes you happy and pleasant every time. It relieves your tension and fills you with a positive energy. Follow the tips mentioned above and always feel good about yourself.

To really feel good about yourself, you need to learn to love yourself, inside and out. It takes time, effort, and a few adjustments to learn to accept yourself, and to map out the unfortunate elements in your life. If you want to feel good about yourself, start by adopting a different attitude. Then you can create a way of life that makes you feel valuable, loved and fulfilled. If you want to know how to start feeling good about yourself, skip to Step 1.


Part 1 of 3: Changing your perspective

Feel Good About Yourself Step 11

Feel Good About Yourself Step 11

Step 1. Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others

This will blow your confidence and make you feel bad. There is no one in the world like you, no one who possesses your experiences and talents. If you keep comparing yourself to other people, you will eventually start to feel bad about yourself because you will always find someone who is prettier, stronger, or smarter than you. Instead, try to focus on the person you want to become. Not the person your neighbor is, or that popular girl at school, or your older sister. If you map out what your version of success consists of, you can start working on achieving that version.

You can feel that everyone is better off than you. The problem with this is that you rate your weaknesses more than your strengths. You probably don’t even realize what you’ve managed to play together. You may just wish you were more like one of your girlfriends, the one with all that confidence. But for the same money, she wishes she had more of your sense of humor or intelligence

Feel Good About Yourself Step 12

Feel Good About Yourself Step 12

Step 2. Develop your confidence

Self-confidence is essential to feel good about yourself and to love who you are and will become. Unfortunately, you cannot develop it overnight. Try to follow a path that leads you to self-confidence, a path that gives you a sense of who you are or what you can achieve. Remind yourself that you are a great person and that it doesn’t matter what others say about you. If you think you matter, then you do. Here are some ways you can build your confidence:

  • Improve your body language. Stand up straight, don’t slouch, and look straight ahead. Don’t pick yourself, and don’t cross your arms. If you do this, your appearance will become a lot more positive and friendly. Plus, it will make you feel more confident.
  • Find something you excel at. Or try to excel in something that you are already active in. You’ll start to feel better about yourself if you’re good at something!
  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself; not with people that make you feel bad.
  • When you jump in at the deep end, focus on the best possible outcome; not on the things that could go wrong.

Feel Good About Yourself Step 18

Feel Good About Yourself Step 18

Step 3. Be proud of your strengths

Surely there is something you feel good about! Take the time to make a list of things you love about yourself. Force yourself to sit until you’ve written a whole page. By the way, we’re not talking about how beautiful your fingernails are here, but about real deep-seated things that make you a good person. Think of qualities such as your compassion, your sense of humor, your strength, or your capacity to work hard. The longer and more sincere the list is, the better.

  • Traits can be: loving, eager to learn, hardworking, friendly, strong, smart, sharp, fun, easy going, etc.
  • Keep this list close at hand at all times, and refer to it every now and then to keep yourself feeling good. You can even fold the list and put it in your wallet.
  • Add attributes to the list if you come up with something you’re even more proud of.
  • By the way, if you like your hair or your eyes you can write that too. Not everything on your list has to be super serious.

Feel Good About Yourself Step 15

Feel Good About Yourself Step 15

Step 4. Don’t blame yourself if you’re having a bad day

Sometimes you just have to live with the bad feelings, and comfort yourself with the thought that they will subside on their own. If you’re really sad, talk to an adult who cares about you. If you’re in a bad mood, your body knows it too. Think of the body part that acts a little weird when you’re a little cranky or upset. Do you get a stomachache when you’re nervous for a test? Do you get a headache when you’re a little worried? If you learn to recognize your body’s signals, you can figure out what’s bothering you. Then you can start working on making yourself feel better.

People think that in order to feel good about themselves, they need to feel good 24 hours a day. That is impossible. If you’re having a bad day, especially if the days before that were great, don’t be too hard on yourself. Know that this day too shall pass

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Step 5. Try to develop a positive attitude

You may be thinking «Ha! If only it were that easy!» If you could flip a switch that would keep you positive all the time, you would have done it already, wouldn’t you? Well, you’re wrong there. Developing a positive attitude is as much a choice as it is an innate quality. You can learn to recognize negative emotions early and mess them up to make you feel better about yourself. You will also develop a more positive image about future prospects and everything that you could achieve in it. Here are some things you could do:

  • Fight each negative thought with two or three positive thoughts. For example, if you think you look very tired today, tell yourself that your hair looks really good and that you still have a great smile. On a deeper level, you might think something like «I’m always so clumsy in social situations»; fight these thoughts with «but I always make people laugh!»
  • Try to talk positively about yourself in front of your friends. You don’t have to brag about yourself when you’ve accomplished something, or when you’re excited about something. But you will find that optimism is contagious; you will feel better about yourself by talking about yourself out loud.

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Step 6. Know that you have a lot to offer

You may feel a little bad about yourself because you think you’re useless, or that no one needs you. Well, this is only very rarely the case! Talk to people you love to see how much they need you and how much people appreciate you. Tell your relatives how you feel, and they will provide you with a list of great qualities that you possess. Talk to your friends about your problems and they’ll say you’re out of your mind; they wouldn’t have accomplished anything if it weren’t for you!

If you remember that you are a valuable person, that it is worth knowing you, you will soon realize that you have a lot to offer. And when you feel appreciated, you’ll soon feel better about yourself

Feel Good About Yourself Step 1

Feel Good About Yourself Step 1

Step 7. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for

You may feel bad about yourself because you have nothing to be happy about. Feeling bad about yourself has to do not only with your perception of who you are, but also with how you view the world around you. If you make a list of all the things you are grateful for-such as your health, siblings, the weather, etc.-you will soon see that there is no reason to feel bad. There is so much happiness, fun and hope to be had, you just have to know where to look!

Treat this list the same as the list of traits you like about yourself. Try to fill an entire page, and check the list regularly. Add things to the list if anything else comes to mind

Feel Good About Yourself Step 6

Feel Good About Yourself Step 6

Step 8. Don’t obsess about your appearance

Everyone is beautiful, each in their own special way. It’s okay to want to see what’s changing, and to daydream about what you’re becoming. But it’s not worth spending too much time in front of the mirror, or constantly checking your reflection in the store windows. You have better things to do! If you want to feel good about yourself, okay, then the best thing to do is try to create a well-composed look. But don’t make your appearance your top priority. If you spend all day wishing you could look perfect, you will never experience true happiness or true peace.

One way to do this is to limit your ‘face time’. Allow yourself 10-15 minutes to do your hair and makeup before you head out the door. If you spend more time on it, you will undoubtedly find imperfections that aren’t even there

Feel Good About Yourself Step 21

Feel Good About Yourself Step 21

Step 9. Stop caring what other people think

Have you ever been hurt by words? Remember this: People who insult others often do this to make themselves feel stronger. Do you know what that means? That those people are probably insecure themselves. They are the ones who lack self-confidence. Don’t stoop to their level by bouncing back their insults. The best thing you can do to annoy these people is to live your life the way you want to.

It is, of course, easier said than done to ignore what other people think. Think about why you want to please other people. Ask yourself if it’s worth trying to impress the people who hurt you. You will soon find that those people are just an obstacle on the road to your happiness, not a way to achieve it

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

Feel Good About Yourself Step 4

Feel Good About Yourself Step 4

Step 1. Tell your friends and family about your achievements

When you’ve accomplished something that you’re really proud of-you passed a difficult test, or you’ve won a soccer tournament-you’re at your best. Give yourself a pat on the back. Call a grandparent or email your aunt to share the news. Celebrate your achievements with friends and family. This will make you feel better about yourself. That’s because other people encourage you.

Don’t be afraid that this will make you look boastful. When you’re talking to loved ones, that’s definitely not the case. Besides, if you want to start feeling good about yourself, you’re not really known for always bragging

Feel Good About Yourself Step 7

Feel Good About Yourself Step 7

Step 2. Sincerely accept compliments

If your girlfriend says you look good, don’t wave her off with something «I think these pants look a little weird on me.» Just thank her, and let her words sink in on you. If you keep selling yourself short when someone tries to cheer you up, stop. The next time you hear something positive about yourself, try to feel really happy; don’t go against the compliments.

Look them in the eye and thank them as if you really mean it

Feel Good About Yourself Step 8

Feel Good About Yourself Step 8

Step 3. Make a party of your personal care

Take the time to pamper your skin with a nice scented soap or lotion. Clean and trim your nails. You don’t have to stand in front of the mirror for hours; you better relax in the bath for a long time. If you really put time and effort into your personal hygiene, you’ll feel like it’s worth taking care of yourself. This is very different from putting on a lot of makeup, or spending a lot of money on fashionable outfits. It means recognizing that your body needs time and care.

And if you want a massage because you want to get rid of certain tensions, just do it! It will make you feel better, both physically and mentally

Feel Good About Yourself Step 19

Feel Good About Yourself Step 19

Step 4. Wear clothes that make you feel good

You know for yourself which tops will make you feel insecure, or which pants will make you a bit ticklish. It’s time to donate these garments to charity. Wear your favorite color, and choose colors that go well with your skin, hair and eyes. If you feel good in the clothes you wear, your confidence will shine through! If someone teases you about your clothes, just brush it off. Just say you like it yourself. Remember: people look at you a lot less than you think, and they talk about you a lot less than you think.

Don’t wear clothes that make you feel ridiculous, and certainly don’t because those clothes are currently in fashion. Do what makes you feel good. Everyone will see that you feel a lot more comfortable in your own skin that way

Feel Good About Yourself Step 20

Feel Good About Yourself Step 20

Step 5. Develop your own style

Experiment with clothes to see what you feel most comfortable in. On some days you prefer to choose something fashionable, on other days you don’t. That’s fine. This week, take a friend to a clothing store and choose five new outfits in colors and styles that you normally would never choose. Customize them, and have a little fun with them! Some of these outfits will look amazing on you. Just laugh at the outfits you don’t like.

  • While changing your style won’t immediately improve your self-image, it can help you discover a side of yourself you didn’t know you had.
  • Also try a new haircut. Girls can braid, twist, or wear their hair in a bun. Boys can opt for a shorter haircut, or a slightly rougher cut. Experiment! You can express yourself through your aura, and there is no right or wrong. It ‘s about you.

Feel Good About Yourself Step 14

Feel Good About Yourself Step 14

Step 6. Befriend people who make you feel good about yourself

Try changing the subject when your friends are talking about their weight or diet. Show them that there are more interesting things to talk about, such as their golden retriever puppy, or their soccer team. If you find yourself constantly in a group obsessed with their appearance, try to steer the conversation to something less superficial. And if you can’t, then maybe it’s time to find new friends with different values.

Ask yourself whether your friends often compliment and support you, or whether they constantly put all your actions under the microscope. If they are negative about you, then you should drop them ASAP. This may sound crude, but it’s better for you

Feel Good About Yourself Step 22

Feel Good About Yourself Step 22

Step 7. Learn something new

Read a good article about something going on in the world. You will feel as if you are up to date on current affairs, and you will begin to find that you matter too. This will also pull you out of your rut. Take a pottery course or watch a documentary. Do something that inspires you to learn, and that makes you appreciate the world. You will feel empowered by your willingness to change, and by all that you have learned.

If you’ve learned something interesting, share it with others. This will give you the feeling that you have even more to offer the world

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Step 8. Exercise

Exercising will make you feel better both physically and mentally. Getting fit or losing weight alone won’t make the difference. But it does make you feel like you’re paying more attention to your body and developing a healthy lifestyle. Plus, the endorphin rush can’t hurt you either! Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Try to love whatever you are doing. This simple change in your daily schedule will make you feel a lot better.

Try to find one or more sports friend(s) to make the process more fun and encouraging. It will also do you good if you have a friend who encourages you to exercise, even if you don’t feel like it

Part 3 of 3: Holding on

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Step 1. Volunteer

You shouldn’t be doing this just to feel better about yourself. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and show you have a lot to offer the world. Look for a form of volunteering that showcases your talents. Whether this is talking to people, or teaching people to read, it doesn’t matter. Try to volunteer at least a few times a month. Once you’ve started, you’ll find that a lot of people think you’re worth it. They will think that you should not have been alone and unhappy all this time. Here are a few examples of volunteer work:

  • Teaching adults or children to read
  • Cleaning up a nearby park
  • Volunteering at a library or bookstore
  • Volunteering in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter

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Step 2. Keep a journal

Keeping a journal can be a great way to start feeling better about yourself. Enroll at least once or twice a week and track your progress that way. Write down the things that made you feel better about yourself; Also write down the things that made you feel less good. It doesn’t have to be a plan, and you will always encounter obstacles in the way. It’s important to be honest, and to keep asking yourself what you can do to feel better.

  • Remember that you are on a journey, and it will take some time. Be patient, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t expect to feel better about yourself overnight.
  • Take the time to read from your journal at least once a month. This will help you see how much you have grown.

Feel Good About Yourself Step 16

Feel Good About Yourself Step 16

Step 3. Pick yourself up if you need to

During the day you can open the window to let in some fresh air and sunlight. When it’s evening, put on clean pajamas and immerse yourself in your favorite movie, book or CD. Do you feel tense? Then take a nice warm shower or bath. Imagine the water washing away your worries. Also try to create your own calming rituals. If you are angry or stressed, take three deep, slow breaths. Turn on your favorite music. Look for ways to calm your mind. Do this every time you are concerned.

  • Don’t ignore it if you’re upset. The faster you can identify the problem, the faster you can get over it.
  • Find the best possible «uplifting way»; try to find out what makes you feel the best when you’re not feeling well.
  • Sometimes the best thing you can do to feel good about yourself is to just take a break. Go for a walk with your friends/friends.

Feel Good About Yourself Step 17

Feel Good About Yourself Step 17

Step 4. Start a dream list

Grab a nice notepad and write down the places you would like to visit. Write down the experiences you want to have, the people you want to meet, and the skills you want to learn. A dream list is a great way to live a life filled with fun, adventure, and interesting experiences. Put a box next to each dot so you can check it off when you’re done. Try to make exciting plans for the future, and do your best to fulfill them. This can help you feel good about yourself because you have a lot of things to look forward to.

Just make sure the adventures on your list are reachable, no matter how bizarre they are. You don’t want to discourage yourself by writing down things you can never accomplish

Feel Good About Yourself Step 27

Feel Good About Yourself Step 27

Step 5. Get your inspiration from a role model

Ask yourself what it takes to live the life of your role model. It doesn’t matter if it’s your mom, Shakira or your math teacher. Take the actions you think are necessary. How nice is he/she to other people, how does he/she react to disappointing situations, how beautifully does he/she live his/her life? Especially when you’re feeling down, it can help to close your eyes and ask yourself how your role model would handle the situation.

By using an external source of inspiration you can imagine what you need to do when you are faced with certain challenges. It will make you feel like you can overcome adversity

Feel Good About Yourself Step 3

Feel Good About Yourself Step 3

Step 6. Maintain a strong support network

If you want to keep feeling good about yourself, you can’t do it alone. You need friends, siblings, parents, partners, and other important people in your life to do that. In crises you need to be able to fall back on people who can offer you a listening ear and who know what you should do. You also want to have good, lovely people around you to keep realizing that life has all kinds of beautiful things in store for you.

  • Achieving your goals is important, but so is socializing! Try to hang out with other people at least a few times a week. People who spend all day alone no doubt get down to business at some point.
  • It’s important to spend time with the people you love, but of course there’s always plenty of time to meet new people too! Surrounding yourself with a variety of friends and loved ones will improve your perspective on the world and make you feel better about yourself.


  • Walk upright and with your head held high. Good posture gives you confidence. You will also look better.
  • Television, film, and media overwhelm you day in and day out with what a beautiful girl should look like. However, these media are full of unrealistic images. Look around you. Out of 100 people around you, maybe 2 or 3 fit that image.
  • Are you feeling a little confused? Then remember that your body is growing and changing. So it’s not crazy at all to be a bit clumsy sometimes. Take it easy. Don’t scold yourself. And if you go on your face in the hallway, laugh at yourself a little. Just try again.
  • Be good friends with your journal, and write about the following topics:

    • Three good things that happened to you today
    • The nicest thing anyone has ever said to you
    • Five things you are grateful for
    • A time when you have overcome adversity
  • Look at yourself in the mirror every day, and name out loud some of the things you really like about yourself. Do this every day, for example after brushing your teeth. Believe sincerely in the things you say.
  • Take the pose of a dancer. Imagine that there is a wire connected to your head. Now imagine that there is someone gently pulling that string so that you stay upright. Try to hold this pose throughout the day.
  • Take a dance class with a partner. It’s fun, it’s good for the weight, and it’s cozy. It will boost your confidence and also teach you a useful skill.


  • Don’t change yourself so that other people will like you. The first step to getting others to like you is to like yourself.
  • In order to feel good about yourself, you must first get to know yourself. Knowing yourself will make you understand what’s going on inside you, and why. Knowing yourself allows you to love yourself and those around you. One way to feel good about yourself is to appreciate yourself. Don’t be tempted to speak ill of yourself. Don’t use negative sentences like: «I’m not good enough; «Nobody loves me»; «I’m boring». It’s better to say that you are good enough, and that there are people who love you. words will restore faith in yourself, and if you believe in yourself again, you can start to feel good about yourself again.

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Your guide to boosting self-worth and making positive changes

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  • Cultivating Self-Love
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  • Expert Q&A

Feeling truly good about yourself means loving the person you actually are, inside and out. It takes hard work and some major adjustments to learn to accept yourself and to address the unhappiness in your life. If you want to feel good about yourself, it starts with identifying the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that might block you from feeling good about yourself. After that, you can work on creating a lifestyle that makes you feel valuable, loved, and fulfilled. If you want to know how to feel good about yourself, follow a few simple steps to be on your way.

Things You Should Know

  • Focus on your strengths and identify what makes you unique to build your confidence and self-love.
  • Use cognitive behavioral therapy to challenge your negative thoughts and address your insecurities.
  • Practice self-care and surround yourself with loved ones to make your life better.
  • Make positive changes stick by finding your support network, journaling, and learning how to cheer yourself up on bad days.
  1. Image titled Feel Good About Yourself Step 1


    Embrace your individuality. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others and embrace your individuality. Comparing yourself to others will not make you feel good about yourself because you are different than any other person. There’s no one out there just like you, who has grown up with your experiences and who has your talents.

    • If you try to compare yourself to other people, it will not affect your self esteem well, because you can always find someone who is stronger, smarter, or prettier than you. Instead, focus on being the person that you want to become, not like your neighbor, the «cool» people in your school, your job, or your neighborhood. Once you define your own version of success, you’ll be able to achieve it.
    • You may feel like everyone around you has it better than you do. However, you probably forget all of your amazing strengths. You may not even realize all of the things you have going for you and that someone else wants to be more like you.[1]
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    Develop your confidence. Confidence is the key to feeling good about yourself and loving the person you are and will become. You can make an effort to feel confident in who you are and what you can achieve, although it might take time. You have to remind yourself that you’re an amazing person and that you deserve to be confident in yourself. If you think you’re worth it, then you are.[2]

    • To look more confident, perk up your body language. Stand taller, have better posture, and look straight ahead instead of at the ground. Try to sit still or stand with an open demeanor to give off a more positive, approachable vibe.
    • Find something to really excel at or work on excelling in something you already love. If you are already great at something, focus on how amazing you are for being able to do those things. Try to focus on your abilities and how capable you are. You’ll feel better about yourself if you’re good at something that you love.
    • When you’re entering an unknown situation, focus on the best thing that can possibly happen instead of what can go wrong.[3]


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    Take pride in your strengths. Every person has something that they can feel good about. Take the time to sit down and make a list of all of the things you love about yourself. Force yourself to sit there until you fill a whole page. Dig deep to find things that really make you an amazing person. Think of qualities like your compassion, your sense of humor, your trustworthy character, or your work ethic. The longer and more sincere the list, the better.[4]

    • Some qualities to describe yourself might be loving, studious, hardworking, friendly, strong, clever, sharp, easygoing, and fun. You can also add things about your physical appearance that you like as well, as long as they are sincerely important to you. You want to cover every aspect of you in this list. You should also add to the list any time you think of something else you’re proud of.
    • Keep this list nearby and consult it often to continue feeling good. You can even fold it up and put it in your wallet.
    • If you are having trouble making this list yourself, consult people who know you well. Ask your friends or coworkers to describe your strengths; some of them might surprise you!
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    Expect to have bad days. Sometimes you just have to live with the bad feelings and understand that they pass. People think that, to feel good about themselves, they have to feel amazing 100% of the time. If you’re having a bad day, especially if it’s after a string of great days, then avoid putting yourself down about it and know that this too will pass.[5]

    • If you feel extremely sad, be sure to talk someone who cares about you and who will listen to your problems. If you have felt very sad for at least half a year, consult a medical professional.
    • When you’re in a bad mood, your body also knows it. Think about which part of your body gets out of whack when you’re crabby or upset. If you recognize your body’s signals, you may be able to figure out what’s bothering you and make yourself feel better.[6]
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    Work on developing a positive attitude. This can be difficult. It may take time to be positive all the time, but you can make it more a part of your life. Developing a positive attitude is a decision you have to make yourself, and stick to every day. If you have a more positive attitude, then you’ll feel better about yourself, as well as your future prospects and all that you can accomplish.[7]

    • You can work on recognizing when your thoughts are overly negative and turn them around to lead yourself to a healthier mindset. For every negative thought that crosses your mind, fight it with at least two or three positive thoughts. For example, if you think, «I look so tired today,» you can say, «But my hair looks pretty great and I still have an amazing smile.» Be compassionate toward yourself. Talk to yourself like you would the person/animal you most love when you’re hurting inside.
    • On a deeper level, if you think something like, «I am just so awkward in social situations,» you should say, «But I usually know how to make people laugh and people seem really comfortable around me.»
    • Work at it every day. Even if your attitude goes unnoticed, practice your positive attitude. You never know how large a difference it can make, and practice will make it easier to do.
    • Practice talking about yourself positively to your friends. Talk about something you’ve accomplished or something you’re excited about. You’ll find that your optimism is contagious, and that you’ll feel better about yourself just by talking about it out loud.[8]
      If your friends do not like talking about the good parts of your life, consider if these people truly make you happy and feel good about yourself.
    • Decide on the significance of things before deciding to get upset. For example, many people get upset with unexpected, bad traffic. However, only sometimes
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    Know that you have a lot to offer. Even if you feel like no one needs you or that you are not helpful, this is rarely the case. Talk to your loved ones to see how needed you really are and how much people appreciate you. Let your family members or friends know how you’re feeling, and they’ll come back at you with a list of all of the amazing qualities that you posses. Talk to your friends about your problems and they’ll tell you underestimate yourself and that they need you in their lives.

    • The more you remember that you’re a worthy person who anyone is lucky to know, the sooner you’ll realize that you have so much to offer. And if you feel valued, then you’ll be on your way to feeling better about yourself.[9]
    • Even if you are currently in a difficult phase of life, you still have the potential to expand upon some interests and become really passionate or skilled at something. You might even offer to ability to share your passion with others. These are all valid reasons to feel good about yourself. Don’t forget the compassionate self dialogue during these times.
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    Make a list of all of the things you’re thankful for. You may feel bad about yourself because you feel like you have absolutely nothing to be happy about. Feeling bad about yourself has to do with your perception of who you are and with how you feel about your surroundings. Start making a gratitude list and write down all of the things you’re thankful for, from your health to your siblings to the lovely weather outside. This will help you see that you can feel good because there is so much joy, luck, and hope all around you.[10]

    • Treat this list like the list of qualities you love about yourself. Fill a whole page and read it over often, adding to it whenever you think of something else.
    • If it is difficult for you to find things to be grateful for, turn this into a positivity exercise. Think of what you are mad about, and push yourself to find 2 good things about every bad situation. For example, you can counter “I’m mad that the dog barking woke me and the baby up at 5am today.” with “1. I spent some bonding time with my son this morning, calming him down; every moment I have with my son is special; and 2. I got to hear the birds chirp as the sun rose.”
    • If you are still struggling, ask others what they are thankful for. You might have something in common.
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    Focus less on your appearance. Everyone is beautiful in their own special way. It’s fine to want to see what’s changing and to daydream about who you’re becoming. But your self-esteem should rely mostly upon your personal qualities and character; not your physical appearance. If you want to feel good about yourself, then your main priority should be who you are; and if it’s related, then what you look like. But do make exercise a regular part of your life. You’ll feel stronger physically and emotionally.[11]

    • Limit your prep time. If you spend all your time wishing you looked perfect, then you will focus on less positive, constructive areas of your life. Determine how much time you will spend doing your hair and makeup and looking in the mirror before you go out. Find a routine that fits into that amount of time. If you spend any more time than that on yourself, you are bound to find flaws where none exist.
    • You have much more self worth aside from your appearance. You should take strength and confidence from your actions and achievements instead of your appearance. For example, you have an amazing day where you get commended for a project you have spent weeks working on. When you get home, you finally get a chance to look in the mirror and realize you had mascara smeared under your eye. Despite the fact that you had a smudge on your face, you still accomplished something great and you should be confident in your abilities.
    • If people compliment you based on your looks, feel free to take the compliment. However, ignore negative remarks, and recognize that compliments your personality are more significant.
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    Pay less attention to what others think. Care more about what you think of yourself instead of what others think of you. Focus on your own uplifting, positive thoughts about yourself instead of on others opinions about you. At the end of the day, you are the only person who has to live with himself or herself, so your opinion should matter the most.[12]

    • People who insult others usually do it to make themselves feel more powerful. This means that they are probably just as insecure as you are. They are the ones who lack confidence, so try to avoid the comments and avoid jabbing back with an insult. The best thing you can do is to live your life exactly how you want to live it without looking back.
    • This may be easier said than done. Instead of being in denial about caring, ask yourself what is at the heart of wanting to please other people. Ask yourself if the people who hurt you are worth impressing. Soon enough, you’ll see that they are only an obstacle to your happiness, not a means toward it.[13]
    • Know whom to trust, and when. For example, most people will say that they trust their own mother the most. However, few people would blindly trust their mother to, say, fly an airplane or rig the lottery. If you want to pay attention to what others think, pick your trusted advisors wisely.
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    Understand where the insecurity comes from. Some securities get ingrained in us from an early age. Some children are harshly criticized or ignored and have a tendency to develop low self esteem. Other people develop insecurity when they fail for the first time at something, or are in a new environment. Know how your insecurities develop, and what makes them worse, to handle them better.[14]

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    Learn about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There are ways to change your perspective on yourself so that you can begin to feel good about yourself. However, it is a long process. The brain can grow and change long after our bodies reach their permanent size, a phenomenon called brain plasticity. This allows you to learn or to change your thinking patterns at any age.[15]

    • By changing your thoughts, you can ultimately change your behavior.[16]
    • You can do CBT by yourself or with a therapist. Keep in mind that, if you find any of the steps difficult, you should see a therapist who is knowledgeable about CBT to help you.[17]
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    Identify your thought patterns. The first step in CBT is to identify your thought patterns. Many people who have negative thoughts about themselves believe they are not worth very much, and they will also believe that there is little they can do to change the situation. You need to begin to change the way you think about yourself by first acknowledging how you feel.

    • Being self aware can be difficult at first. Well meaning friends wishing to help you may just tell you to “get over it” and recognize your strengths. There’s more to it than merely making the decision to change.[18]
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    Start a journal. You should start a journal of all the thoughts you have a day, both positive and negative. Write down the situations that surrounded the event, what your feelings were, and how you handled the situation. This will help you examine your thought patterns over time so you can start changing the negative thinking.[19]

    • Be honest with yourself in the journal. You need to know all your different thoughts to get a full picture. The more honest you are, the more you can change your behavior.[20]
    • Be consistent. Write about everything that you think is important; or, everything that happened at work; or, everything that you worry will happen to your spouse when you’re gone travelling.
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    Accept your thoughts as valid. Once you journal for a while, you should look back over what you’ve written. This way, you can achieve more objectivity in relation to your thoughts so you can accept them and come to terms with yourself.[21]

    • Try to remember how you felt when you wrote them, and instead of feeling ashamed or bad about your negative thoughts, accept them. Everyone has them and if you first accept them, you can start to change them.
    • By allowing yourself to feel your negative thoughts, you can own them and begin to make changes. Once you recognize the thought pattern that is causing you to have low self esteem, you can begin to change the way you think.
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    Change your thoughts. Once you journal all of your thoughts and feelings for a few weeks and accept your feelings as being valid, you need to examine your thoughts and start changing the way you think. Look over your journal, looking for common thought patterns. Find a common thread through some of your thoughts or choose a particularly harsh thought. Take that negative thought and try turn it around to something positive.[22]

    • For example, you were feeling bad because you got behind on an assignment at work. Instead of focusing on your short comings, think about all the times you achieved something great at work or pulled off a hard project. Think to yourself, «I can turn this around because I have a history of doing great work. I just need to focus and I will do amazing, just like on my other work.»
    • You want to take things that you feel and make them into positive situations. Know it is okay to feel them, but acknowledge that there are more productive ways of seeing yourself that will help you feel better about yourself.[23]
    • Forgive yourself for past mistakes or events. There is no way to change the past, and you have to give yourself the opportunity to improve. Do you know the saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”? Treat yourself according to who you want to be, not who you were. It will be easier to become that person.[24]
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    Learn coping skills. Once you look over your activities, you may see that you miss out on certain situations because of your low self esteem. If you notice a pattern of behavior, such as refusing to go into certain social situations because of anxiety and negativity, you should start trying to move past these behaviors. Once you change the thought processes around these events, you can push yourself to enter into them without the worry that there will be negative consequences.[25]

    • For example, you often say no to going out with coworkers because you think they will find you boring and you will just make a fool of yourself. Instead of thinking this way, think about the positive things about yourself and what might come out of it. You have other friends who like you and enjoy your company, so you are interesting. You may also make some new friends and become closer to those at work.
    • If you think of the possibilities of a situation instead of the horrible things that might happen, you might be able to think about yourself in a positive light as well.[26]
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    Practice. This type of thinking can take time to change. Learning new ways to think about yourself takes practice, but don’t be afraid to think positively about yourself. It may seem difficult at first, but if you keep acknowledging your feelings and recognizing your negative behavior, you can make small moves to change it. After a while, you will find yourself doing it more and more to the point where you have more positive thoughts in your day than negative.

    • If you find yourself having a hard time with this process, you may need to see a therapist. CBT is aided by having a trained professional who knows the methods and might be able to see things about yourself that you may not.
    • In CBT sessions, the therapist works in partnership with you as you work towards your goals.[27]
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    Do what you consider right. Sometimes people have low self-esteem because they do an action that they themselves consider wrong or unhealthy. Sticking to your moral and ethical codes in everyday life will help you build self-esteem and confidence.[28]

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    Tell your family and friends about your accomplishments. When you accomplish something you’re really proud of, that’s when you’re at your most beautiful. Acknowledge your hard work, congratulate yourself, and ask others to join your celebration. This will make you routinely feel better about who you are, because you’ll have other people cheering you on.

    • Call a grandparent or e-mail a favorite aunt to share the news so you can celebrate with family and friends.
    • Know that this is great for you and them. If you’re just talking to your family or friends, it’s sharing with those you love. And chances are that if you want to feel good about yourself, then you’re have a lot to tell others about your accomplishments.[29]
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    Accept compliments genuinely. When your friend says,»I liked your presentation,» try to avoid brushing her off with «I was so nervous, I forgot a whole slide!.» Just say «Thanks,» and let the words sink in. If you’re self-deprecating or put yourself down any time people try to make you feel good, then they may avoid doing it in the future. Instead, the next time you hear something nice about yourself, look and feel legitimately happy to hear it instead of fighting it.[30]

    • Look the person in the eye and thank her like you really mean it.
    • If the compliment makes you uncomfortable, you do not have to accept it. However, if you like the compliment, accept it.
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    Celebrate taking care of yourself. For some people, putting in real time and care into their hygiene will make them feel that they are worth taking care of. Taking care of your body is just as important as taking care of your mind, and many extreme forms of hygiene are also relaxing.

    • Examples include taking a long bath or pampering your skin with great-smelling soap or lotion.
    • This is different from throwing on a lot of makeup or buying trendy outfits. This means seeing that your body should be given time and care.
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    Wear comfortable clothes. You know which shirt makes you feel self-conscious and which pants make you squirm. If you have these clothes, it’s time to donate those to charity. Wear your favorite color. If you feel great in it, your confidence will show. If someone teases you about the clothes you wear, shrug it off and say, «Oh well, at least I like them!»[31]

    • Remember that people aren’t looking at you or talking about you nearly as much as you think they are.
    • Avoid wearing clothes that make you feel uncomfortable just because you think they are stylish. Do what makes you feel good and everyone will see that you’re much more comfortable in your skin that way.
    • In some situations, it will actually be more comfortable for you if you dress according to the venue. For example, if you are going to a business meeting, you should dress according to your employer’s code of conduct, even if the clothing makes you uncomfortable.
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    Develop your own style. Experiment with clothing to see what makes you feel the best. Some days you might feel fancy and other days you might feel more comfortable. This is normal. Try to visit a clothing store with a friend and try on a few new outfits in colors and styles.You most likely will find something that actually looks good on you.

    • Focusing on your appearance is not unhealthy when your appearance is a fulfilling expression of who you are. For example, wearing your favorite color expresses a preference.
    • Always laugh at the ones that might be less than ideal. The clothes just may be more suited for others.
    • Changing your style can help you discover a side of yourself you never knew you had.
    • Also try a new hairdo. Those with long hair can braid it, twist it, or wear it in a bun. Experiment to find the best way you can express yourself through your appearance and remember, there are many right options. They’re all you if you like it.
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    Be friends with people who make you feel good about yourself. If you are out with friends and they start talking about things that make you uncomfortable, change the subject. If you always find yourself in company that obsesses over appearance, try to change the conversation to less superficial matters. If this happens often, then you may have to find some friends with stronger values.

    • Ask yourself if your friends are mostly complimenting you and supporting you, or nit-picking everything you do. If they are negative about you, then you need to drop them as soon as you can. This may sound harsh, but this can lead you to feel better about yourself.[32]
    • For example, try to change the subject if your friends start talking about their weight or diet and you don’t want to talk about it. Show them that there are more interesting things to talk about, such as how their soccer team is doing and how old their little golden retriever pup is this month.
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    Learn something new. Read an article about something going on in the world. You will feel like you are knowledgeable about some current events, and will also help you get out of your routine and feel like you’re branching out. Take a pottery class or watch a documentary. Do something that inspires you to learn and appreciate the world. Soon, you’ll feel empowered because of your willingness to change and all of the knowledge you’ve gained.

    • If you’ve learned something really interesting, share it with others. That will make you feel like you have even more to offer to the world.
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    Exercise. Exercising will make you feel better both physically and mentally. Though losing weight or getting in shape may be a byproduct, exercise itself is the important part and will make you feel like you are paying more attention to your body and developing a healthy routine. Plus, the rush of endorphins that make you happier will help. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and learn to love whatever it is you’ll do. You’ll feel good about yourself just by making this simple change in your schedule.[33]

    • Get a workout buddy or two to make the process more fun and encouraging. You’ll feel even better if you have a friend cheering you on when you want to quit.
    • If you aren’t satisfied with your current workout routine or haven’t found something you like, keep switching it up and trying new sports. There is a workout regimen for everyone; the question is finding the one that’s right for you.
    • Cheap forms of exercise include running in your neighborhood or park; doing aerobics or weight-free exercises; burpees.
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    Volunteer. Volunteering is a good way to feel good about yourself and a great way to give back to the community and to see that you have so much to offer to the world. Find a form of volunteering that fits your talents, whether it’s teaching people to read or just talking to them. Make a habit of doing it at least a few times a month. Once you start volunteering, you’ll see that there are plenty of people who think you are worthwhile, and that you shouldn’t have spent so much time being down on yourself.[34]

    • You can get involved by teaching adults or children to read, cleaning up a local park, volunteer at a local library or bookstore, or volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
    • Depending on your skill set, there might be specific forms of volunteering available to you. For example, lawyers often can take pro bono cases, or house architects can help build housing for free.
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    Continue to keep a journal. Continuing to keep a journal after you’ve done CBT, or if you have yet to try CBT, because it can help you go down your path to feeling good about yourself. You should write in it at least once or twice a week and chart your progress, noting the things you do to make yourself feel better as well as those that make you feel worse. It can help start a path to happiness but there will always be some obstacles or days when you feel less than ideal. It’s important to be honest and to always ask yourself what can make you feel better.

    • Remember that you’re on a journey and that it will take some time. Be patient and kind to yourself. Know it takes times to work.
    • Take the time to read over your journal at least once a month. This will help you see how much you have grown.
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    Cheer yourself up when you need it. If you are feeling sad, accept that it is normal and sometimes even good to feel sad. However, you also can control your emotions and decide not to feel sad if you don’t want to. Experiment with what will make you happy, or ask friends for help. Most people have a go-to activity that makes them feel better.

    • Examples include fishing, shopping, going on hikes, working on a house project, meditating, bowling, seeing friends, exercising, and writing.
    • If it’s daytime, open up the window and let in some fresh air and sunlight. If it’s nighttime, put on some clean pajamas and curl up with a favorite book, movie, or CD. Take a warm bath or shower if you are feeling stressed. Imagine the water washing away your worries.
    • Also try to create your own peace rituals. When you’re angry or stressed out, take three long, slow, deep breaths. Turn on some of your favorite music. Find ways to calm your spirit, and return to those practices whenever you feel anxious.
    • Know it’s okay to be upset. The sooner you can address the problem, the sooner you’ll feel better.[35]
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    Start a dream list. Find a notebook and write down places you’d like to visit, experiences you’d like to have, people you’d like to meet, and skills you’d like to learn. A dream list is a great start to creating a life filled with fun, adventure, and interesting experiences. Put a box next to each item on your list so you can check it off when it happens. Having an exciting plan for the future, and making it a priority to actually accomplish it, can help you feel good about yourself because you’ll feel like you have a lot to look forward to.

    • Make sure the adventures on your list are actually attainable, no matter how outlandish they are. Try to avoid discouraging yourself by writing down something you can never accomplish.
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    Get inspired by a role model. Think about what it would take to live like your role model, whether it’s your mom, Shakira, or your math teacher. Think about how generously she treats people, how she reacts to disappointing or insulting situations, and how graciously he lives every tiny moment of life and enjoys the purpose of living. Especially if you are feeling low, close your eyes and imagine how your role model would have handled the situation.

    • Using an outside source of inspiration can help you envision what you would do in challenging situations, and will make you feel like you can overcome adversity.[36]
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    Maintain a strong support network. If you want to continue feeling good about yourself, then you may need help. You have to lean on your friends, siblings, parents, a significant other if you have one, and any other important people in your life. This can include your coworkers, neighbors, or classmates. You need to turn to people in times of crisis and have a listening ear help you out when you need help. You also just want to keep good, kindhearted people around so you can feel excited about what life has in store for you.

    • Though achieving your goals is important, so is being social. Make it a habit to spend time with other people at least a few times a week.
    • It’s important to spend time with your loved ones, but there is always time to meet new people. Having a variety of friends and loved ones in your life will enhance your perspective and will make you feel even better about yourself.[37]
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    How can I make my body feel amazing?

    Sandra Possing

    Sandra Possing is a life coach, speaker, and entrepreneur based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sandra specializes in one-on-one coaching with a focus on mindset and leadership transformation. Sandra received her coaching training from The Coaches Training Institute and has seven years of life coaching experience. She holds a BA in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

    Sandra Possing

    Take a little bit of time every day to go outside and get some fresh air to help you feel better.

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Article SummaryX

In order to feel good about yourself, it’s important to avoid comparing yourself to others, and instead to embrace what makes you unique. Write down a list of all of the things you love about yourself, and read the list when you’re feeling low. While you’re working on building your self-esteem, you can project confidence by standing up straight, holding your head up, and making eye contact with people when you’re talking to them. The more confident you act, the more likely you are to start feeling that way. For tips from our counseling reviewer on how cognitive behavior therapy can help you feel good about yourself, read on!

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feel good about yourself — перевод на русский

But what you keep is the idea that you feel good about yourself.

Проникнись этой идеей, она поможет тебе чувствовать себя лучше.


Не говоря уже о том, что я буду чувствовать себя лучше, это поднимет мою самооценку.

It’ll be worth it, Stan, you’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll have earned it when it comes.

Оно того стоит, Стэн, ты будешь чувствовать себя лучше и это всё окупится, когда придёт время.

I think you do it to feel better about yourself.

Я думаю, ты делаешь это, чтобы чувствовать себя лучше их.

Triumphing over others makes you feel better about yourself.

Победа над другими, заставляет тебя чувствовать себя лучше.

Показать ещё примеры для «чувствовать себя лучше»…

Does she make you feel good about yourself?

Заставляет ли она тебя гордиться собой?

— I loved that, it made me feel good about myself.

— Мне это понравилось, заставило гордиться собой.

My grandmother killed herself out of shame, and now he wanted to make a museum out of it so he could feel better about himself.

Моя бабушка покончила с собой из-за позора, и он хотел создать из всего этого музей, чтобы он мог гордиться собой?

I fetched coffee for my boss and made him feel good about himself.

Приносил(а) кофе своему боссу, и заставлял(а) его гордиться собой.

Kevin: TheseL.A.actors, they come out here, right? They do their little stint in theater just to feel better about themselves.

Эти актеры из ЭлЭй, что приезжают сюда, стараются мелькнуть в театре, чтобы гордиться собой.

Показать ещё примеры для «гордиться собой»…

So you can feel good about yourself?

Так ты можешь почувствовать себя лучше?

Daphne, you abused your powers because you wanted to feel good about yourself, and you didn’t give a damn about the consequences.

Дафни, ты злоупотребила способностями, потому что хотела почувствовать себя лучше, и ты забила на последствия.

I don’t need Nationals to feel better about myself.

Мне не нужны Национальные для того, чтобы почувствовать себя лучше

I think that you’re a sad, deeply insecure little man, who has to tear people down just to feel better about himself.

Я думаю, что ты жалкий, крайне неуверенный в себе типчик, которому приходится принижать остальных людей, лишь для того чтобы почувствовать себя лучше.

(Morgan) Dr. L, you wanna feel good about yourself?

Доктор Лахири, хотите почувствовать себя лучше?

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We will not be supportive of one another so that we can get in touch with our feelings in order to feel good about ourselves.

Мы не будем друг для друга опорой, и не станем копаться в своих чувствах…! …чтобы стать лучше!

You’ll make more money, you’ll have more responsibility, you’ll feel better about yourself.

Будет больше денег, больше ответственности, жизнь будет лучше!

— Everybody’d feel better about you.

Так будет лучше всем.

Lara’s kind of hot. I could bang her and feel good about it.

Ћара сексуальна€ девочка. я бы мог засадить ей и мне было бы хорошо.

— But why not? You said sometimes people need surgery to make them feel better about themselves.

Ты же говорила, что людям иногда нужна операция, чтобы они казались себе лучше.

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You feel good about it, Tobe?

А тебе нравится, Тоб?

He’s feeling good about himself, and I want him to be healthy,

Ему это нравится и я тоже хочу чтобы он был здоров

Guy wants to dress up as a chick, makes him feel good about himself?

Чувак хочет одеваться как баба, ему так нравится?

But even worse than that is the fact, that …I feel good about it

Но еще хуже этого тот факт, что мне нравится это.

She’s feeling good about it and just wanted me to meet her…

Ей нравится это, и она просто хочет, чтобы я с ней встретилась…

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I feel good about myself doing it.

Я доволен собой, занимаясь этим.

When I start getting down to where I start feeling better about myself, and being able to do things with my youngest son, throw a football or baseball in the park.

Когда я начну возвращаться к своему прежнему состоянию, когда я был доволен собой, смогу проводить время с моим младшим сыном, пойти с ним в парк, попинать мяч или покидать мяч в кольцо.

You must feel good about yourself, humiliating him in front of all of those people.

Ты доволен собой – унизить сына на глазах у всех этих людей.

I feel good about it.

Я доволен этим.

I feel good about myself.

Я собой довольна.

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You can go suckle the little bastard child who makes you feel good about yourself.

Иди-иди, давай сиську своему маленькому ублюдышу, который повышает твою самооценку.

You can go suckle the little bastard child if it makes you feel good about yourself.

Иди-иди, давай сиську своему маленькому ублюдышу, который повышает твою самооценку.

It’s the only thing that makes me feel better about myself.

Только это повышает мою самооценку.

Coming to weight watchers is not just a chance to feel better about yourself.

Посещение нашего общества это не просто шанс повысить самооценку.

Then you wouldn’t have moved in, and I wouldn’t have wasted 15 years of my life trying to make you feel better about yourself.

Тогда бы ты не переехала ко мне, и я бы не потратила 15 лет моей жизни, пытаясь повысить твою самооценку.

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Yeah well, maybe I’d feel better about it if I was wearing a 600-carat choker.

Ну да, может, и мне было бы легче, если бы на мне было колье в шестьсот карат.

Then why don’t I feel good about it?

Но от этого мне не легче.

How would that make her feel better about her marriage ending?

Как из-за этого ей станет легче?

I thought that you were taking me seriously and it made me feel better about my life.

Я думал, что ты так считаешь. И от этого мне было легче жить.

A toast to me. — Make me feel good about myself. — There you go.

Выпей за меня, и мне будет легче.

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I know how to make women feel, feel good about themselves.

Я помогаю им понравиться себе.

I know how to make women feel good about themselves.

Я помогаю женщинам понравиться себе.

I actually feel good about myself.

А мне понравилось.

— Did you feel good about it?

— Тебе всё понравилось?

You think your wife and daughter would feel good about you killing in their name?

Думаешь твоей жене и дочке понравилось бы что ты убиваешь ради них?

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Can I recommend that instead of a war to feel better about yourselves, perhaps sit-ups, maybe a fruit-cup, six to eight glasses of water a day.

Могу ли я посоветовать вместо войны, чтобы лучше думать о себе, возможно приседания?

So I can’t help feeling like the reason you wanna talk is so you can feel better about yourself.

Так что я не могу отделаться от ощущения, что ты хочешь поговорить чтобы лучше думать о себе.

They make them feel good about themselves.

Благодаря им, люди думают о себе хорошо.

You can’t let a girl feel good about herself.

Нельзя позволять девушке думать о себе хорошо.

But it helps insecure people feel better about themselves.

Но она помогает неуверенным в себе людям думать о себе лучше.

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  • чувствовать себя лучше
  • гордиться собой
  • почувствовать себя лучше
  • лучше
  • нравится
  • доволен собой
  • самооценку
  • легче
  • понравиться себе
  • лучше думать о себе

Feeling depressed and dejected? Can’t come over these cumbersome sentiments? Start feeling good about yourself by incorporating the ideas given below in your daily schedule.

Life is a continuous joyride with its peaks and valleys. While at a certain times, you feel elated and at the top of the world, on other occasions you feel like being down the dumps. However, you might have noticed a few people in your vicinity who are always at the peak of their mood—always chirpy, cheery and effervescent. Wondering what is it that gives them such a high? Well, the answer is they have learnt to live life, and have learnt to look at the brighter side of the situations in life. If, somehow, you haven’t figured out the importance of the aforementioned words till yet, you would by the end of this article. Feeling good is more about attitude rather than waiting for the circumstances to improve. If a person is stuck in a dicey situation, he should rather try to pay attention to the positive side of it and start working towards making things better instead of cribbing over the negatives. This attitude brings out the positive energies and consequently, you acquire good feelings about life and yourself. There are a number of reasons because of which people start feeling depressed and dejected. For instance, while teenagers can most probably feel low because of a zit or any physical feature they are unhappy about, an executive might feel low if his colleague, who is much less experienced, gets promoted to the same post as him. Remember, one can not control all the situations in life but one can always change one’s perspective towards life, as life may not always be fair but it always gives everyone a fair chance to make the best out of it. To feel good, we must love ourselves and should be true. We should accept the shortcomings we have and should try to overcome them. Along with this, we should appreciate and feel good about the qualities we have which not only make us unique, but also valued among people we know and care about. Here are a few points which will help you in feeling good about yourself.

Be Blissful

This may sound really easy, but can anyone be in the ‘always happy’ mode forever? Your answer may be no, but try to think this way, can there be anything which will make you more content than being alive and in good health? For being happy, you just need to keep a check on your thoughts. Whenever you feel that your mind is divulging into the realms of negativity, stop thinking about the same and try diverting your attention to something completely new. If it seems difficult try changing the topic altogether and think about something which soothes you and makes you glad.

High Morale

What is the point of living when you don’t have self-confidence and self-esteem to your aid? Though it’s easier said than done, there are numerous ways by which you can boost your morale, the most simple of them being by setting small or short-term goals for yourself. This way, when you will achieve a goal, it’ll automatically boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. Also, break your long-term goals into many short-term goals and go ahead and achieve them. Not only will the objective look realizable, it would also give a boost to your morale.

Get Fitter

How can you expect to feel good about yourself when you are 20 pounds overweight? How can you expect feel good when all that you eat is hamburger and fries? Being unhealthy and not indulging in proper food habits can also make you feel low and miserable. As such, get the better of your laziness and move on to the treadmill to shack off those extra pounds. Also, fuel your body with a nutritious plate rather than high-fried stuff. The fitter you are, the better you will feel. The better you feel, the more confidence you would have.

Include Variety

Experimenting with new things is good and distracting. Not only do you learn novel things, but you also break the monotony of life and give yourself boost of energy. Learning a new art would also instill in you a verve of confidence and self-belief. So, take time out of your daily schedule and sign up for guitar lessons, pottery making, cookery classes, snorkeling or anything that you thought will be fun but never tried because of whatever reasons. This spontaneity will help you forget the past negative memories and will fill you with a lot of new nice memories.

Revisit Your Hobbies

What happened to the art of painting that once made you so happy? Priceless was that moment when you would loosen yourself on to the canvas with the colors taking over the mind, body and soul. Each one of us has a hobby, a recreational activity that we loved indulging in as a kid, that stayed with us till we became adults and that gave us immense joy. But what happened to the hobby after that? Did work pressure, deadlines and 9-5 routine take the glory off the hobby? Revisit the hobby and see your ‘feel-good’ factor soar up, high and lofty.

Each One is Unique

Nothing good comes out with comparisons, so try not to compare yourself with others, as each human being is different from the other and thus, comparisons can never be fair. Instead of comparing yourself with others, you can learn good qualities from others and try to add those to your personality. Also, working on your uniqueness and exclusivity will enrich you with a novel attribute that none have. 

Adhere to all of the above and see your life changing dramatically. You would not only start feeling good about yourself, but also get a new zeal and verve of living! Go, try, and feel good about yourself! 

By being a little more creative, you can make the most of your potential and aim for the sky. Leaf through this write-up and discover tips on how to be creative.

Happiness is a mental state having varied emotions of joy and contentment. In this article, there are mentioned some easy tips that will help you in the process of being happy.

Motivation is the driving force that encourages an organism to act towards a desired goal. Read the following article to know the art of motivating yourself.

Articulation exercises are meant to infuse attention grabbing verbal abilities. Go through this article to achieve eloquence while speaking.

Entrepreneur is a person who finds, creates and works upon an idea to establish a new enterprise. Read the following article to know some characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

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