What is a word for center of attention

Synonyms. cynosure crosshairs object center of attention eye-catcher centre center conversation piece.

Keeping this in consideration, what does center of attention mean?

Definition of center of attention. : the person, thing, or area that everyone nearby notices and watches He loves being the center of attention at any party.

Secondly, what is meant by center?

center(Noun) The point on a line that is midway between the ends. center(Noun) The point in the interior of any figure of any number of dimensions that has as its coordinates the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all points on the perimeter of the figure (or of all points in the interior for a center of volume).

Is Center and Centre the same?

Depending on your answer, you may differ on which spellings you favor. Center and centre have the same meaning. Center is the correct spelling in American English, but British English writers usually prefer centre. Notice that center (and centre) can be a noun, adjective, or a verb.

Write Your Answer

Center of Attention Meaning

Definition: The person or thing that everyone pays attention to or focuses on.

There are a few possible origin stories for this common phrase.

The first origin story is that the expression developed from the verb center. The word center comes from the Greek kentrum, which means the center point of a compass. This word entered English in the 1300s and meant the center of a circle. By the 1590s, it meant the center of anything. People began using center figuratively by the 1680s. Center of attention is attested from 1868.

The second origin story comes from a related phrase the center of attraction, which, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, comes from the field of physics.

According to this theory, center of attraction has been in use since around 1770, where it has denoted the point to which bodies tend by gravity or the action of centripetal force.

Examples of Center of Attention

The centre of attentionIn this example, a woman uses the idiom to tease her friend. 

Rodrigo: There’s a new play starting at the theater in a few weeks. I was thinking of trying out for the lead part.

Alisha: That doesn’t surprise me.

Rodrigo: Why do you say that?

Alisha: You always loved doing plays back in college. And you especially loved being the center of attention.

Rodrigo: Hey!

Alisha: You know it’s true.

how to be the center of attentionIn the example below, two friends are discussing an upcoming marriage.   

Luis: I am so happy. I really think my girlfriend and I are meant to be together forever.   

Stephanie: Really? That’s so exciting! Are you going to propose? 

Luis: Not yet. I want to wait for the perfect moment.

Stephanie: I can help you plan the wedding!

Luis: No, I don’t want a wedding. I can’t stand being the center of attention. I think we’ll just elope.

More Examples

This excerpt is from a letter to the editor. This letter writer believes that people should stop protesting a public speaker. She thinks they should ignore him instead. This is because he likes the attention.

  • As abhorrent and ridiculous as I find Yiannopoulus, I don’t think he deserves fiery protests. Being the center of attention is his only interest. Had he spoken without incident, he would not have met his goal. –LA Times

This excerpt is from a movie review. One of the characters wants other people to notice him.

  • This is especially the case when Eligio inevitably starts acting like his old self even in frigid Iowa, becoming the center of attention and attracting notice from friendly, blond Irene (Ashley Grace), a fetching young woman. –LA Times


The phrase center of attention means a person or thing that is interesting to everyone and draws the most attention in the room.


  • 1 Center of Attention Meaning
  • 2 Origin of Center of Attention
  • 3 Examples of Center of Attention
  • 4 More Examples
  • 5 Summary

What is another word for center of attention?

135 synonyms found


[ sˈɛntəɹ ɒv ɐtˈɛnʃən], [ sˈɛntəɹ ɒv ɐtˈɛnʃən], [ s_ˈɛ_n_t_ə_ɹ ɒ_v ɐ_t_ˈɛ_n_ʃ_ə_n]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    center of attention (noun)

    • center.

    centerpiece (noun)

    • focal point,
    • nucleus,
    • hub,
    • main features,
    • high points,
    • keynote,
    • keynotes,
    • high point,
    • best part,
    • main event,
    • heart,
    • main feature,
    • climax,
    • high spot.

    cognition (noun)

    • center of attention,
    • centre.

    focal point (noun)

    • focus attention,
    • focus of attention,
    • prime focus,
    • centerpiece,
    • point of convergence.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • object.
  • Other synonyms:

    focal point

    • focus.

    Other relevant words:

    • consistence,
    • orgasm,
    • add together,
    • summarize,
    • culmination,
    • cracker bonbon,
    • coming,
    • spotlight,
    • magnetic core,
    • direction,
    • body,
    • culminate,
    • nerve,
    • flood tide,
    • sum up,
    • burden,
    • sum total,
    • concentrate on,
    • foreground,
    • concenter,
    • eyeball,
    • focus on,
    • lens nucleus,
    • congress of racial equality,
    • aggregate,
    • target,
    • means,
    • focussing,
    • consistency,
    • nidus,
    • amount,
    • focusing,
    • cracker,
    • midsection,
    • totality,
    • common snapping turtle,
    • perfume,
    • centerfield,
    • optic,
    • stress,
    • tally,
    • highlighting,
    • aim,
    • promenade,
    • summarise,
    • fondness,
    • summate,
    • effect,
    • objective,
    • piazza,
    • marrow squash,
    • vegetable marrow,
    • sexual climax,
    • play up,
    • mediate,
    • revolve around,
    • bone marrow,
    • midway,
    • spirit,
    • warmheartedness,
    • ticker,
    • pump,
    • bosom,
    • centrepiece,
    • tot,
    • centering,
    • spunk,
    • body and soul,
    • subject matter,
    • midriff,
    • stub,
    • in-between,
    • place,
    • oculus,
    • summation,
    • mettle,
    • cell nucleus,
    • amount of money,
    • add up,
    • core group,
    • message,
    • union,
    • warmness,
    • sharpen,
    • affectionateness,
    • join,
    • tote up,
    • tot up,
    • rivet,
    • revolve about,
    • tenderness,
    • concentrate,
    • center on,
    • focalize,
    • halfway,
    • focalise,
    • total,
    • content,
    • meaning,
    • highlight,
    • centre of attention,
    • karyon,
    • affection,
    • concentre,
    • tonic,
    • add,
    • physical object,
    • pore,
    • sum of money.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • center of consciousness,
    • center of interest.

How to use «Center of attention» in context?

When you feel like no one is paying attention to you, it can be tough to feel confident and happy. However, if you’re comfortable with who you are and what you bring to the table, you can find happiness in the center of attention. Cherish the time and moments when you feel like you’re the center of attention, because they will probably be rare. When you’re in the company of loved ones, or you have a group of people who are excited to hear what you have to say, it can be a very sweet and special experience.

Hypernym for Center of attention:

  • n.

    • cognition
      cynosure, crosshairs, conversation piece, eye-catcher.

Hyponym for Center of attention:

  • n.

    • cognition

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,

Nearby words

  • center infield
  • center line
  • center mass
  • center of action
  • center of activity
  • Center of attention
  • C
  • c & w
  • c a
  • c and w
  • c as


  • CENTER OF ATTENTION synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • CENTER OF ATTENTION synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — CENTER OF ATTENTION synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of CENTER OF ATTENTION
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for CENTER OF ATTENTION

1. I

1) we all turned мы все повернулись [кругом]; he turned and went away in a rage он повернулся и в гневе пошел прочь; it is time for us to turn нам пора повернуть назад /пойти обратно/; he did not know which way /where/ то turn a) он не знал, куда повернуться; б) он не знал, к кому обратиться; the river turns and twists речка извивается /петляет/; the tide has turned начинается отлив или прилив; the wind is turning ветер меняется /меняет направление/; the weather has turned погода изменилась; I fear my luck will turn боюсь, мне изменит счастье /мне перестанет везти/

2) the wheels turned колеса вертелись; the ball turns крутится шар; the merry-go-round turned карусель вертелась /вращалась/; this key is hard to turn этот ключ трудно повернуть; the tap won’t turn кран не поворачивается

2. II

1) turn in some manner turn abruptly резко и т.д. повернуть или свернуть; somewhere turn this way повернуть в эту сторону и т.д.; the main road turns sharp right шоссе круто уходит направо; turn homewards направляться домой и т.д.; let’s turn back давайте вернемся [назад]; she turned aside and began to sob она отвернулась и начала всхлипывать; turn round and let me see your face повернись и дай мне посмотреть тебе в лице; he turned round and round он все время поворачивался /крутился/; turn at tome time it is time to turn now теперь нам пора возвращаться /поворачивать назад/

2) turn in some manner the boat turned over лодка и т.д. перевернулась; the aircraft struck the ground and turned over and over самолет врезался в землю и несколько раз перевернулся; turn head over heels перекувырнуться; the boat turned upside down лодка перевернулась /опрокинулась вверх дном/; my umbrella turned inside out у меня вывернулся зонтик и т.д.; the whole world turned topsy-turvy весь мир перевернулся, все в мире перевернулось

3) turn in some manner the key turns easily ключ и т.д. легко поворачивается

4) turn in some manner the dancer turned quickly танцовщица быстро и т.д. кружилась

5) turn in some manner the metal turns well этот металл и т.д. хорошо и т.д. поддается обточке

3. III

1) turn smb., smth. turn one’s horse повернуть лошадь и т.д. обратно /назад/; she turned her steps она повернула назад; turn one’s head обернуться, повернуть голову; turn the course of a river изменить течение реки и т.д.; turn the conversation изменить тему разговора, повернуть беседу в другое русло; turn the corner а) поворачивать за угол; the саг turned the corner машина завернула за угол; б) выходить из затруднительного положения; once he has made up his mind, nothing will turn him если он что-нибудь решил, ничто не заставит его изменить своего решения

2) turn smth. turn a page of a book переворачивать страницу книги и т.д.; turn hay ворошить сено; turn soil пахать; turn a bed перетряхивать постель; turn a sheet отогнуть простыню; turn a garment перелицовывать одежду и т.д.; turn a complete circle делать полный оборот и т.д.; turn a somersault делать сальто, кувыркаться || turn one’s ankle вывихнуть /подвернуть/ ногу; turn smb.’s brain сводить кого-л. с ума; grief has turned his brain от горя и т.д. он сошел с ума

3) turn smth. turn a wheel вращать колесо; turn a handle крутить ручку; turn a key поворачивать ключ и т.д.

4) || turn smb.’s head вскружить кому-л. голову; success had not turned his head от успеха голова у него не закружилась; turn smb.’s stomach вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; the mere sight of food turns his stomach его воротит /мутит, тошнит/ от одного вида пищи; I’m afraid the rolling of the ship will turn my stomach боюсь, что качка на корабле вызовет у меня тошноту

5) turn smb. turn an excellent husband стать [со временем] прекрасным мужем и т.д.; turn traitor стать предателем и т.д.

6) || turn some colour стать какого-л. цвета, принять какую-л. окраску; turn all the colours of the rainbow окраситься во все цвета радуги; he turned colour он покраснел или побледнел

9) turn smth. turn a blow отводить удар; the metal is thick enough to turn a bullet металл достаточно прочен, чтобы пуля от него отскочила /его не пробила/

10) turn smth. turn candlesticks вытачивать /обтачивать/ подсвечники и т.д.

11) turn smth. turn an epigram сочинить эпиграмму и т.д.; turn a pretty compliment сделать тонкий комплимент; he has a knack for turning a phrase он очень ловко жонглирует словами; I don’t know how he managed to turn the trick я не знаю, как ему удалось провернуть это дельце

12) turn smth. turn the edge of a knife затупить лезвие ножа и т.д.

4. IV

1) turn smth., smb. somewhere turn one’s саг back повернуть машину и т.д. назад и т.д.; turn your eyes /your look/ this way посмотри сюда; turn smth. in some manner turn your chair so that the light is on your left поверните стул так, чтобы свет падал слева; turn the corner at full speed поворачивать за угол на полном ходу

2) turn smth., smb. in some manner turn the pages of a book thoughtlessly бездумно и т.д. переворачивать страницы книги /перелистывать книгу/ и т.Л; turn some old letters nostalgically с грустью перебирать старью письма; turn a patient easily легко перевернуть больного и т.д.; the doctor turned him over and looked at his back врач перевернул его и осмотрел его спину; turn the boy around, I want to sound him поверий мальчика, я его выслушаю; turn the handle three times повернуть ручку три раза и т.д.; turn one’s pockets inside out выворачивать карманы и т.д. [наизнанку]; turn the boat upside down опрокидывать лодку и т.д. вверх дном; don’t turn this box upside down этот ящик нельзя кантовать; turn a room upside down перевернуть все в комнате вверх дном || turn one’s ankle unexpectedly неожиданно и т.д. подвернуть ногу; I turned my ankle painfully я подвернул ногу и мне очень больно

5) turn smth. somewhere turn aside a blow отвести удар

5. VI

turn smth., smb. into some [other] state

1) turn the light low уменьшить свет; the lamp low подвернуть лампу; fear turned him cowardly страх сделал его трусом; what turned the milk bad /sour/? от чего скисло молоко; his behaviour turns me sick от его поведения меня всего переворачивает

2) turn a bird loose выпустить птичку и т.д. на свободу; why don’t you turn them free? почему ты не отпустишь их?

3) turn the leaves red окрашивать листья багрянцем и т.д.; the very thought turned me pale одна мысль об этом заставила меня побледнеть, я побледнел при одной мысли об этом; illness turned his hair white /grey/ он поседел от болезни и т.д.; the success of others turns him green with envy он зеленеет от зависти, когда слышит об успехах других

6. XI

1) be turned out of some place be turned out of the country быть высланным /водворенным/ из страны и т.д.; he was turned out of the hall for making too much noise его вывели /выгнали/ из зала за то, что он очень шумел; be turned from smth. he was turned from the door его прогнали от дверей

2) be turned to for smth. this book may be turned to for accurate information в этой книге можно найти точные сведения и т.д.

3) be turned the dress must be turned платье и т.д. надо перелицевать

4) be turned by smth. be turned by steam приводиться в движение паром; be turned by gas вращаться при помощи газа; the mill wheel is being turned by water-power мельничное колесо приводится в движение /вращается/ силой воды и т.д.

5) be turned to smth. the drawing-room was turned into a study гостиная и т.д. была превращена в кабинет, из гостиной и т.д. сделали кабинет; his love was turned to hatred его любовь перешла в ненависть; it was formerly thought that common metals could be turned into gold раньше думали, что обычные металлы можно превратить в золото

7. XII

have smth. turned have one’s coat turned отдать пальто и т.д. в перелицовку


turn to do smth. turn to look behind повернуться, чтобы посмотреть назад и т.д.

9. XV

turn into some state turn pale побледнеть: the leaves are beginning to turn yellow листья начинают желтеть; turn blue with cold посинеть от холода; turn green with envy позеленеть от зависти; her hair was said to have turned grey in one night говорили, что она поседела за одну ночь; this ink turns black on drying эти чернила становятся черными, когда высыхают; turn cold /colder/ холодать; the weather turned rainy погода стала дождливой и т.д.; whenever I come he turns sulky всегда, когда я прихожу, он начинает дуться; don’t leave the milk on the table, it’ll turn sour не оставляй молоко на столе, оно скиснет

10. XVI

1) turn to smth., smb. turn to the window повернуться к окну и т.Л; turn off the highway сворачивать с шоссе; the road turns to the north here здесь дорога уходит на север; the boat turned to windward лодка развернулась по ветру; he turned towards home он направился домой; turn into a wide road свернуть на широкое шоссе и т.д.; they turned from the road into the woods они повернули с дороги в лес; turn at smth. turn at the corner завернуть за угол, поворачивать на углу; turn in bed вертеться в постели и т.д.; the wheels won’t turn in this mud в такой грязи колеса будут буксовать и не будут вращаться/; it’s enough to make him turn in his grave он от этого в гробу перевернется; turn on one side while sleeping повернуться на бок во сне

2) turn into smth. turn into a house завернуть /заглянуть/ в дом и т.д.; turn into a town заехать в город

3) turn to smth., smb. turn to the last page заглянуть на последнюю страницу; you’ll find those figures if you turn to page 50 вы найдете эти цифры на странице/, если откроете страницу/ пятьдесят; my thoughts often turn to this subject мои мысли часто возвращаются к этой теме /к этому вопросу/; I shall now turn to another matter теперь я перейду к другому вопросу; I have no one to turn to мне не к кому обратиться; he is not the man you could turn to in these questions он не тот человек, к которому можно было бы обратиться с просьбой по таким вопросам; turn to smth., smb. for smth. turn to the dictionary for a word обращаться к словари в поисках слова и т.Л; turn to his friend for help искать помощи у друга и т.д.; turn to the secretary for information обратиться к секретарю за справкой и т.д.; he turned to us for a loan он попросил нас дать ему взаймы денег

4) turn to smth. turn to music заняться музыкой и т.д.; turn to one’s work приниматься /браться/ за работу; he is giving up the stage and turning to film work он бросает сцену и переходит на работу в кино; turn to drink начать пить; turn to crime заняться преступной деятельностью; the starling only turns to worms when there are no berries скворцы питаются червями только тогда, когда нет ягод

5) turn on smth. turn on an axle вращаться на оси и т.д.; the door turns on its hinges дверь поворачивается на петлях; he turned on his heel and walked out of the room он круто повернулся и вышел из комнаты

6) turn with smth. his head turns with giddiness у него кружится голова; his head has turned with success успех вскружил ему голову; the weathercock turns with the wind флюгер крутится по ветру; turn at smth. his stomach turns at the sight of blood у него поднимается тошнота при виде крови и т.д.

7) turn to smb., smth. turn into a butterfly превратиться в бабочку /стать бабочкой/ и т.д.; fog sometimes turns to snow туман иногда переходит в снег ; the water has turned to ice вода превратилась в лед; the snow had turned to slush снег превратился в слякоть; can a wolf turn into a lamb? разве может волк обернуться /стать/ овечкой?; my admiration soon turned to scorn мое восхищение скоро сменилось презрением; turn from smth. to smth. the wind turned from west into south-west Южный ветер сменился юго-западным; the sphere has turned from blue to red шар из голубого стал красным; turn for smth. turn for the better

8) turn on smth. everything turns on his answer все и т.д. зависит от его ответа и т.д.; the success of the trip turns on the weather успех поездки будет зависеть от погоды; everything turned upon the result of the battle все определялось исходом боя; the conversation turned on sport .разговор вертелся вокруг /касался/ спорта и т.д.; the debate did not turn upon any practical propositions обсуждение не касалось никаких практических вопросов

9) turn on smb. the dog turned on its trainer собака и т.д. набросилась на своего дрессировщика и т.Л; even the most friendly dog may turn on you if you tease or annoy it даже самая добродушная собака может наброситься на человека, если ее раздразнить; why have you turned on me? что ты на меня взъелся?; what a fine excuse for turn logon me прекрасный повод, чтобы наброситься на меня; he turned angrily against his relatives он яростно ополчился на своих родственников и т.А; the newspapers turned against the Parliament газеты начали кампанию против парламента; his words turned against him его слова и т.д. обернулись против него самого

11. XXI1

1) turn smth., smb. to smth., smb. turn the саг to the bridge повернуть машину к месту, въехать на мост; turn one’s car to the left повернуть машину налево и т.д.; turn one’s саг towards the centre of the town направиться [на машине] к центру города; turn one’s horse to the hills погнать лошадь в горы; turn cows to pasture выгнать коров на пастбище; turn one’s chair to the fire повернуть свое кресло к камину; plants turn blooms to the light растения поворачивают головки к свету; turn one’s back to one’s guests повернуться /стать/ спиной к гостям и т.д.; turn the light into the dark room направить луч света в темную комнату; turn a telescope on a star направлять телескоп на звезду и т.д.; turn the talk into other channels перевести разговор на другую тему; turn one’s eyes on the stage обратить или перевести взгляд на сцену; turn smth. with smth. he turned the blow with his arm он отвел удар рукой id turn a deaf ear to smb.’s request./to smb./ отказаться выслушать чью-л. просьбу, остаться глухим к чьей-л. просьбе

2) turn smb. out of smth. turn smb. out of his room выгнать кого-л. из комнаты и т.д.; turn a beggar from one’s door прогнать нищего от своих дверей

3) turn smth. to smth., smb. turn one’s thoughts to one’s work сосредоточить свои мысли и т.д. на работе и т.А; at last they turned their attention to her наконец они занялись ею; turn one’s efforts to something more important направлять свои усилия на что-либо более важное

4) turn smth. to smth. turn one’s hand to useful work заняться полезным делом; he can turn his hand to almost anything он умеет делать почти все; he knows how to turn things to advantage /to account/ он знает, как из всего извлечь пользу; he turns even his errors to account даже из своих ошибок он извлекает пользу

5) turn smth. on smth. turn a wagon on its side опрокинуть телегу на бок; turn a chop in a pan перевернуть котлету на сковородке || turn one’s ankle on the edge of the sidewalk вывихнуть ногу, споткнувшись о край тротуара

6) turn smth. in smth. turn one’s hat in one’s hands вертеть шляпу в руках и т.д.; turn the key in the lock поворачивать ключ в замке и т.д. id turn smb. round one’s little finger вертеть кем-л. [как хочешь], помыкать кем-л.

7) turn smth. to smth. turn water into ice превращать воду в лед и т.д.; turn a theatre into a cinema переделать /перестроить/ театр в кинозал и т.д.; turn one’s land into money обратить землю в деньги и т.д.; turn coins into paper money поменять звонкую монету на бумажные деньги; turn this piece of prose into verse переложить этот прозаический отрывок на стихи; turn this passage into Greek перевести этот отрывок на греческий язык и т.д.; turn smb. to smb. turn her into a cinema star сделать из нее кинозвезду и т.д.; turn a pessimist into an optimist превращать пессимиста в оптимиста; the fairy turned the prince into a frog фея превратила принца в лягушку id turn swords into ploughshares перековать мечи на орала

8) turn smb., smth., against smb. turn the children against their father восстанавливать детей против отца и т.д.; turn friends against friends восстановить друзей друг против друга; it turns their argument against them это направляет их доводы против них самих

9) turn smb., smth. from smth. turn smb. from his duty отвлекать кого-л. от исполнения своих обязанностей; nothing will ever turn him from his purpose ничто не заставит его изменять своему решению или отказаться от своей цели; turn a vessel from her course заставить судно отклониться от курса; turn the conversation from an unpleasant subject увести разговор от неприятной темы

12. XXII

turn smb. by doing smth. the police turned the advancing crowd by firing over their heads полиция заставила наступающую толпу повернуть назад, начав стрельбу в воздух

13. XXV

turn when… she turned when she saw us увидев нас, она отвернулась или свернула; he turned as if to go он повернулся, делая вид, что собирается уходить

14. XXVI

turn smth. when… she turns his shirt-collars when they get frayed она перевертывает воротнички его сорочек, когда они вытираются

Table of Contents

  1. What does attention mean?
  2. How do you use center of attention in a sentence?
  3. What is center of attraction?
  4. What is another word for Centre of attraction?
  5. Can you attract someone by thinking about them?
  6. How do you ask the universe for a sign?
  7. How do you tell if someone is manifesting you?
  8. Is manifesting a sin?
  9. What happens right before manifestation?
  10. Can someone manifest bad things for others?
  11. Can you manifest someone to be happy?
  12. Can you manifest karma on someone?
  13. Do you get bad karma from manifesting?
  14. Are there consequences for manifesting?
  15. What are the consequences of manifesting?
  16. Why is manifesting people bad?
  17. Can you manifest someone who doesn’t want you?
  18. Does manifestation really work?
  19. Can you manifest someone back into your life?
  20. How do you manifest a friend back?
  21. How can I attract him back?

: the person, thing, or area that everyone nearby notices and watches He loves being the center of attention at any party.

What does attention mean?

Attention: The ability to focus selectively on a selected stimulus, sustaining that focus and shifting it at will. The ability to concentrate. Attention is important to learning. Learning is most efficient when a person is paying attention.

How do you use center of attention in a sentence?

Center-of-attention sentence example

  1. The man at the center of attention ceased screaming and lowered his head, panting.
  2. Kiera watched them, somewhat relieved not to be the center of attention any longer.
  3. That would terrify me personally, to be the center of attention from someone like him.

What is center of attraction?

center of attraction, the Something or someone that attracts the most interest or curiosity. For example, The Ferris wheel is always the center of attraction at our carnival, or Jan is the center of attraction wherever she goes.

What is another word for Centre of attraction?

What is another word for center of attraction?

hub heart
nucleus hotbed
locus axis
marketplace mecca
nexus seat

Can you attract someone by thinking about them?

To manifest a specific person, the Law of Attraction for Love works by focusing on you. It isn’t about the other person. Sometimes this can be the hardest part of the Law of Attraction to grasp because when there’s a person we love or are attracted to, he/she is all we can think about.

How do you ask the universe for a sign?

Ask the Universe for it to send you a clear or obvious sign within a specific time frame. For example you can say something like, “Ok Universe, send me a clear sign within the next 24 hours if I’m supposed to go through with this decision,” or whatever you want to ask about.

How do you tell if someone is manifesting you?

5 Signs Someone Is Manifesting You

  1. A Change In Their Behavior. One of the most tell-tale signs someone is manifesting you is by a sudden change in how they behave.
  2. A Change In Their Energy.
  3. You Feel Drawn To Them.
  4. You See A Sign From The Universe.
  5. You Receive A Vision.

Is manifesting a sin?

Without God we can do nothing. Christ has commanded us to “deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Me [Him].” Matthew 16:24–26. The Law of Attraction is a fad totally opposed to Christianity, and to living a Christian life. In short, yes, it is a sin.

What happens right before manifestation?

Signs just before manifestation are a common way that the Universe communicates that our desires are close by. For example, you might start seeing your desire in an abundance of places all of a sudden. This is a clear sign from the Universe that you are in alignment with this desire.

Can someone manifest bad things for others?

Yes, we can manifest bad things for others if the other person is open to that bad thing. But we can’t manifest something bad if the other person is not open to that. Everybody has their own point of attraction. But if the other person is open to the manifestation, we can “help” them to manifest that thing.

Can you manifest someone to be happy?

The answer is yes, you can. But only if this person desires the same thing. The Law of Attraction works when you are aligned with your desire. And this also applies when you want to manifest for someone else.

Can you manifest karma on someone?

That’s instantaneous karma. Or it can happen in the same life time. In case one swindled someone, karma can manifest when the occasion is appropriate. Or it can be carried over from previous life times, if one had killed several people.

Do you get bad karma from manifesting?

Do you get bad karma from manifesting love through the law of attraction? No. It is not that you are manifesting love that matter.

Are there consequences for manifesting?

The key to manifestation is and always was the feeling from the Heart. When we manifest from the mind, we create duality. We get what we want, but we also get consequences… It brings the strongest feelings without trying too hard (which can also block the Qi flow and then you would have no results).

What are the consequences of manifesting?

Another consequence that comes along with the art of manifesting is the inability to blame anybody else for what happens to us in this lifetime. If you truly believe in all that manifesting has to offer, then you understand that you have created every single event that has unfolded in your life.

Why is manifesting people bad?

There are multiple reasons why manifesting a specific person is a bad idea in most cases, but the bottom line is this: You never know if you actually want them in your life. This applies with almost no exception to the second situation — in which you don’t know them but would like to attract them into your life.

Can you manifest someone who doesn’t want you?

To manifest anything through the Law of Attraction, you need to have your thoughts, your feelings and your beliefs in alignment. If any one of those three are not in alignment with the other two you will not be able to manifest what you are focusing on.

Does manifestation really work?

No, manifesting doesn’t actually work It is fine, of course, to believe this. But there are limits. One concern psychologists have with ideas like manifesting is that it doesn’t take into account people whose thoughts can be inherently negative — those with anxiety, depression, or other mental health diagnoses.

Can you manifest someone back into your life?

The answer is YES. Like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is a law of the universe that is always in action. Without exception, you will always attract into your life whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to. Of course, this law will apply to romantic relationships.

How do you manifest a friend back?

To attract your friend back, you need to forgive the incident that caused you to break friendship. If you have any remorse or bitterness towards your friend, simply let go of it and forgive him/her. After doing so, imagine and feel yourself being re – united with your friend.

How can I attract him back?

So here are 4 proven steps to attract your ex back into your life again.

  1. STEP 1: Stop Anything That Is Pushing Your Ex Away.
  2. STEP 2: Start Limited Contact.
  3. STEP 3: Be Okay With Just Being Friends.
  4. Step 4: The Power of Perceived Happiness.
  5. 7 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back To You Again.


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Metal post with direction indicator on avenue with high skyscrapers in New York Corridor with decorated wall near conference room Traffic light with red color and TV tower between skyscrapers Hallway of company with letters on wall Signboard with inscription subway placed on steel railing of fence on street in daytime Sign with direction of metro station

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yoga, buddha, deity impala, flock, center yoga, buddha, wave yoga, buddha, wave yoga, buddha, wave yoga, buddha, deity

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Synonyms for Center of attention. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/center_of_attention

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Synonyms for Center of attention. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/center_of_attention.

I am not sure if it’s duplicate, but what is the term for someone who likes to be the center of attention by talking about himself and greatness (and not sure about the word, but dislikes and fails what people say or do).

Example: A guy with some people, he talks most of the time and does not always give people a chance to talk, he likes it when people ask him questions or give him advice, and when he talks, he speaks about the great things he did (I traveled to Paris with girls and spent nights at. . .) and if people talk about what they did he start to minimize that (oh I can do that its simple. . .)

What is the term for this? I am not looking for ego or selfish.

Lambie's user avatar


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asked Jul 3, 2015 at 8:06

moudiz's user avatar


There is a question on the ELU.se which is a little similar to this.

While there is no single word that completely covers all of the things you mention, this might be the closest you’ll get. The top answer on that question suggests ostentatious.

marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 3, 2015 at 10:10

Jimmy S's user avatar

Jimmy SJimmy S

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A bore. Or you could say «They are full of themselves» or that «they like to belittle other’s accomplishments».

answered Jul 3, 2015 at 8:14

Steve Ives's user avatar

Steve IvesSteve Ives

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Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes.

answered Mar 18, 2018 at 12:59

modrobert's user avatar

Maybe one of these is what you’re looking for: conceited, big-headed, pompous, smug.

And a quote from «Use the right word»

Boastful and vainglorious concentrate on this last possibility of
egotistical, both referring to self-praise and attention-seeking in
public. Boastful emphasizes unsubtle and even boorish public displays
of vocal self-approval: after a few drinks, he always became boastful
about his wartime activities. Vainglorious focuses more exclusively on
hollow show, boastful self-praise, but conspicuous displays of status
symbols are often involves: vainglorious dowagers dripping minks and

I really like this book (I found a .bgl for GoldenDict on internet). Usually words that are used in explanations are difficult and not common, but they clearly convey the sense of every single word and clarify every single nuance nuances you are curious about.

answered Jul 3, 2015 at 23:02

Fotyna Abram's user avatar

In the states we say, «hogging the limelight» ( or spotlight) so I like to say that such a person is a «limelight hog.»

answered Sep 19, 2019 at 20:07

Mollie Daugherty's user avatar

«Pretentious» adjective
adjective: pretentious

attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

Davo's user avatar


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answered Jan 10, 2020 at 16:46

Steve's user avatar


I’m quite astounded to see that no one mentioned the word that I constantly use when I refer myself to somebody.

One who seeks attention is: Attentiomonger;

And the habit/ characteristic is called: Attentionmongerism.

answered May 17, 2016 at 10:37

Anugreh Raina's user avatar


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The phrase center of attention means a person or thing that is interesting to everyone and draws the most attention in the room.

How do you center a conversation?

A great way to place yourself in the center of attention is to reach out to other individuals around you; bring them into a conversation or game. Reach out to new people and use light conversation and humor to keep the situation friendly and fun.

How can I get attention from a friend?

Try to spend more time by playing or doing some work together. Invite them in your house for gossiping or playing. create different groups in social apps and stay active, You can also share some interesting things over there which will helps to snatch attention from others.

How can I get a girls attention?

Whether you are in class or at a bar, eye contact is a key part of getting a girl’s attention. Glance at her, but when she sees you looking, look away. Repeat this and then hold eye contact for a moment and throw in a smile if you feel like its the right time to do so, then look away again.

#center #attention #AnsToAll

centre of attention — перевод на русский

/ˈsɛntə ɒv əˈtɛnʃ(ə)n/

And you’ll be the centre of attention.

Ты будешь в центре внимания.

Maybe you like being the centre of attention !

Может, тебе нравится быть в центре внимания.

You don’t like being the centre of attention, do you?

Не любишь быть в центре внимания. — Да.


Я подумал, что тебе понравится быть в центре внимания.

Always has to be centre of attention.

Обязательно надо быть в центре внимания.

Показать ещё примеры для «в центре внимания»…

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