What is a word for bad behavior


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Anxious young woman cover wing ears with hands sitting on chair Young troubled woman using laptop at home Unrecognizable young woman demonstrating prohibition sign showing gesture of refuse using hand and note with sign stop Black and white of confident female in polka dot dress sitting near wall and looking at camera while smoking cigarette on street A Man and Woman Wearing Angel Costumes Silhouette of Persons Hand

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Synonyms for Bad behaviour. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_behaviour

Synonyms for Bad behaviour. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_behaviour>.

Synonyms for Bad behaviour. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_behaviour.

Asked by: Conrad Dobrin

asked in category: family and relationships Last Updated: 30th September, 2020

misbehavior. noun. bad behavior or behavior that offends other people.

See full answer. Besides, what is another word for bad behavior?

The state of being naughty. delinquency. misbehaviourUK. misbehaviorUS. misconduct.

Also, what is it called when someone does something bad? If you’ve ever felt joy when something bad happened to someone else, you’ve experienced schadenfreude.

Likewise, people ask, what is the meaning of bad behavior?

This term is used to describe the bad conduct of a criminal while he is serving a sentence. It is the opposite of good behaviour.

What is an antonym for behavior?

behavior. Antonyms: misdemeanor, misbehavior, misconduct. Synonyms: conduct, bearing, demeanor, proceeding, comportment, action, manner, deportment.

What is another word for bad behavior?

mischief mischievousness
unprofessional behaviour UK unprofessional behavior US
impishness ill-discipline
horseplay misdeeds
disobedience devilry

Second, What are the top 10 bad habits? 10 Unhealthy Habits You Need to Break Now

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water.
  2. Eating Late at Night.
  3. Not Getting Enough Exercise.
  4. Skimping on Sleep.
  5. Eating Too Much Sodium.
  6. Choosing Foods Because They “Sound Healthy”
  7. Eating Lunch at Your Desk.
  8. Cooking Everything in Olive Oil.

however What is the most common bad habit?

The 7 Most Common Bad Habits and Why They’re So Hard to Break

  1. Nail Biting. Of course, nail biting is not a dangerous habit, but it is not particularly appealing either.
  2. Playing With Hair.
  3. Using “Ummm” And “Like” Frequently in Speech.
  4. Snacking Late At Night.
  5. Avoiding Eye Contact.
  6. Skipping Breakfast.
  7. Cracking Joints.

How can I control my bad habits?

With the idea of the 3 Rs in mind, here are 15 tips to help you break that old, stubborn habit.

  1. Identify your triggers.
  2. Focus on why you want to change.
  3. Enlist a friend’s support.
  4. Practice mindfulness.
  5. Replace the habit with a different one.
  6. Leave yourself reminders.
  7. Prepare for slipups.
  8. Let go of the all-or-nothing mindset.

Still, What are the 5 unhealthy habits?

Prevalence of Unhealthy Behaviors

Among the five individual behaviors analyzed, insufficient sleep is the most common (see Appendix 2). ‘ *Unhealthy behaviors: Smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, excessive drinking, and insufficient sleep.

Does everyone have bad habits?

Newsflash: Everyone has bad habits. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all do things that are counterproductive, lackadaisical, and a complete waste of time. The funny thing about bad habits, is that even though we know what they are, we still let them happen.

What are good and bad habits?

Good habits are those repetitive actions or behaviors you want to repeat. They have positive physical, emotional, or psychological consequences. Bad habits are those actions you repeat that have negative consequences. Some bad habits are harmless, while others can have a deeper, long-term impact.

How do psychologists change habits?

What Can You Do To Change a Habit?

  1. Identify Your Habits. As mentioned earlier, habits can be quite subtle and hidden from your view.
  2. Find out the Impact of Your Habit.
  3. Apply Logic.
  4. Choose an Alternative.
  5. Remove Triggers.
  6. Visualize Change.
  7. Avoid Negative Talks and Thinking.

How habits affect our lives?

The major psychological benefit that a habit provides us with is structure. “By and large, structure is important since it gives us a sense of rhythm in our lives,” says Dr. Orme. “We don’t do well with a lot of uncertainty, and we like to feel a sense of control.

What are the benefits of changing bad habits?

Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. New habits, like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may also help you manage your weight and have more energy. After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine.

What are bad habits for students?

Break your bad habits

  • Highlighting.
  • Cramming for exams.
  • Unhealthy eating.
  • Multitasking.
  • Assuming you remember what you’ve read.
  • Not exercising.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Not getting enough sleep.

Is overthinking a bad habit?

Overthinking is linked to psychological problems, like depression and anxiety. It’s likely that overthinking causes mental health to decline and as your mental health declines, the more likely you are to overthink. It’s a vicious downward spiral.

How habits change your brain?

Neuroscientists have traced our habit-making behaviors to a part of the brain called the basal ganglia, which also plays a key role in the development of emotions, memories and pattern recognition. Decisions, meanwhile, are made in a different part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex.

Is it good to have bad habits?

Occasionally, we feel guilty about them. But some bad habits—at least when carried out in moderation—might actually benefit our psychological or physical well-being. Most bad habits alter our mood state and reduce stress (at least in the very short-term) but tend to become less helpful, the more we engage in them.

Are bad habits OK?

Many of your supposedly “bad habits” may actually be perfectly good for you, according to scientific research. Whether you like naps, can’t commit to a 2-hour daily workout, or occasionally indulge in fatty foods, there are studies to support you.

What is habit in psychology?

habit, in psychology, any regularly repeated behaviour that requires little or no thought and is learned rather than innate. A habit—which can be part of any activity, ranging from eating and sleeping to thinking and reacting—is developed through reinforcement and repetition.

What are three things people can do to start changing bad habits?

How to Break Bad Habits and Change Behaviors

  • Make a healthy snack.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Don’t waste time on cell phone.
  • Read a classic novel.
  • Housetrain Rex.

How long does it take to change a bad habit?

It takes 21 days to break an addiction

According to psychologists, while it may take approximately 21 days of conscious and consistent effort to create a new habit, it takes far longer to break an existing habit.

Are habits good or bad?

Too often, habits are distinguished as “bad” because they’re coined with being difficult to break. Any habit, good or bad, can be hard to break. This is because habits become so ingrained in who you are. But the ability to break bad habits and cultivate healthy ones can change your life for the better in many ways.

How do habits change your brain?

Neuroscientists have traced our habit-making behaviors to a part of the brain called the basal ganglia, which also plays a key role in the development of emotions, memories and pattern recognition. Decisions, meanwhile, are made in a different part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex.

How do you break bad habits and change behavior?

6 Steps to Changing Habits

  1. Identify Cues. Something has to trigger a habit, and a cue can be anything.
  2. Disrupt. Once you know the cues, you can throw bad habits off track.
  3. Replace.
  4. Keep It Simple.
  5. Think Long-Term.
  6. Persist.

What is the effect of bad study habits?

The most common bad study habits can affect even if a student is gifted, bad habits can hurt a students’ scores. Studying with friends while having fun, sometimes a student may lose out on quality study time by socializing. To fix this, the student needs to find a good study group which he/she likes.

What are some bad habits with family?

Top 10 Habits to Break as a Family

  • Fast Food. The nutrition you get for the calories, sodium, and fat you consume is a bad deal.
  • Bickering.
  • Disorganization.
  • Wasteful Spending.
  • Overscheduling.
  • Failing to Eat Together.
  • Screentime Overload.
  • Skipping Church.

How do habits affect your life?

The major psychological benefit that a habit provides us with is structure. “By and large, structure is important since it gives us a sense of rhythm in our lives,” says Dr. Orme. “We don’t do well with a lot of uncertainty, and we like to feel a sense of control.

What is another word for bad behavior?

What is another word for bad behavior?

misbehaviourUK misbehaviorUS
misconduct transgression
wrongdoing delinquency
ill-discipline impishness
waywardness wickedness

What means disobedient?

: not doing what someone or something with authority tells you to do : refusing or failing to obey rules, laws, etc. See the full definition for disobedient in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the difference between rebellion and disobedience?

As nouns the difference between rebellion and disobedience is that rebellion is (uncountable) armed resistance to an established government or ruler while disobedience is refusal to obey.

What are the causes of disobedience?

Disobedience can have a variety of causes. At times, it is due to unreasonable parental expectations. Or it might be related to the child’s temperament, or to school problems, family stress, or conflicts between his parents.

What does God say about disobedience?

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death.”

Why Is disobedience a sin?

Now it is included among God’s precepts that one should obey his superiors. And so the disobedience by which one disobeys his superior’s commands is likewise a mortal sin, in the sense that it is contrary to love of God—this according to Romans 13:2 (“He who resists those powers resists God’s ordination”).

What are the consequences of disobeying rules and regulations?


  • Unhappiness.
  • Punishment (let them mention different kinds of punishment).
  • Denial of privileges such as food, playing with the mates, etc.
  • Rejection by loved ones.

What are the consequences of disobeying school rules and regulations?

Some of the consequences of disobeying school rules and regulations include:

  • Punishment: This punishment ranges from one form to the other.
  • Failure: A student who disobeys rules is likey to fail his examinations and may likely not be promoted to the next class.

Why do we need to obey rules?

Following rules and regulations help employees understand what is expected of them and what will happen if they violate the rules. So, by having everyone follow properly communicated rules and regulations, the team does better; thus, the company makes more money.

What are the consequences of not following the rules?

Disobeying the rules leads to punishment. There is no discrimination in punishments for breaking the rules. In this way equality is the basis of rule. Day to day life becomes efficient and work can be done more efficiently.

What do you call someone who doesn’t follow rules?

non-conformist, rebel and a deviant are what are currently defined as “someone who doesn’t follow the rules.” (at least according to google’s search results) A nonconformist is someone who doesn’t conform to other people’s ideas of how things should be.”

Should rules always be followed?

Every society needs rules because without rules, there will be chaos. Rules are meant to stabilize the society as well as to organize our lives. We should obey the rules and regulations because they are there to comfort us and to make our lives easier. Rules do not confine us.

What are rules everyone should follow?

Here are 75 simple life rules to follow to have a better life.

  • Be yourself.
  • Know yourself.
  • Pick up after yourself.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Say please and thank you.
  • Have good table manners.
  • Make healthy food choices.
  • Don’t eat more food than you need.

What rules are meant to be broken?

Denzel washington, once said in his speech,“Rules are there to be broken. Take risks,professionally.”These rules that I am talking about are not just the rules out there in the world that we have been following but it also includes the rules that we have made for ourselves within our minds to comfort ourselves.

What rules should be broken?

Here are some of the rules that sometimes should be broken and the ways we can know when we should do it.

  • Rule # 1 Obey the rules.
  • Rule # 2 Respect authority.
  • Rule # 3 No talking.
  • Rule # 4 Never tell a lie.
  • Rule # 5 Dress appropriately.

Who said rules are meant to be broken?

Douglas MacArthur said, ” Rules Are Mostly Made To Be Broken and Are Too Often For The Lazy To Hide Behind.” Good Thing He Did Not Practice Before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

How do you break the rules in photography?

10 photography rules to break

  1. A good exposure has a bell-curve-shaped histogram.
  2. Shoot in manual for better exposure control.
  3. Customize your white balance before every shot.
  4. For maximum sharpness, focus one-third of the way into a scene.
  5. Always shoot with the sun at your back.
  6. Turn off image stabilization when shooting on a tripod.

«words for bad behavior» at online dictionary. Definition of words for bad behavior. What is another word for words for bad behavior? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does words for bad behavior? However, check words for bad behavior at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • 22 Synonyms & Antonyms for MISBEHAVIOR | Thesaurus.com
  • What is another word for «bad behavior»?
  • Misbehaving Synonyms, Misbehaving Antonyms | Merriam-Webster …
  • BAD BEHAVIOR in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for BAD …
  • MISBEHAVIOUR | Synonyms of MISBEHAVIOUR by Oxford …
  • morally bad or wrong behaviour — synonyms and related words …
  • List of Words that Describe Behavior
  • Words That Describe Behavior
  • 31 Bad behaviour Synonyms. Similar words for Bad behaviour.
  • word meaning «promoting a bad behaviour» | WordReference Forums

1. 22 Synonyms & Antonyms for MISBEHAVIOR | Thesaurus.com

22 Synonyms & Antonyms for MISBEHAVIOR | Thesaurus.comsynonyms for misbehavior · immorality · impropriety · insubordination · misconduct · misdeed · transgression · wrongdoing · mischief …

2. What is another word for «bad behavior»?

What is another word for bad behavior? · Behavior that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected · An act that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, …

3. Misbehaving Synonyms, Misbehaving Antonyms | Merriam-Webster …

Misbehaving Synonyms, Misbehaving Antonyms | Merriam-Webster ...Synonyms & Antonyms of misbehaving · bad, · contrary, · errant, · froward, · mischievous, · naughty.

4. BAD BEHAVIOR in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for BAD …

BAD BEHAVIOR in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for BAD ...Similar meaning · misconduct · misbehavior · boorishness · misbehaviour · misdemeanor · rudeness · impudence · immorality …

5. MISBEHAVIOUR | Synonyms of MISBEHAVIOUR by Oxford …

MISBEHAVIOUR | Synonyms of MISBEHAVIOUR by Oxford ...SYNONYMS. bad behaviour, misconduct, disorderly conduct, badness, naughtiness, disobedience, mischief, mischievousness, delinquency. misdeed, misdemeanour.

morally bad or wrong behaviour - synonyms and related words ...Synonyms · evil · sin · wrong · immorality · enormity · decadence · depravity · iniquity.

7. List of Words that Describe Behavior

List of Words that Describe BehaviorWords that Describe Task-Oriented Behavior · Anxious: worried, uneasy, or nervous · Careless: not being careful; rushing into things · Impatient: quickly irritated …

8. Words That Describe Behavior

Words That Describe Behaviordim — (negative insult) used to describe someone who is not very intelligent. Be careful when using this word! Using neutral adjectives to describe people is …

9. 31 Bad behaviour Synonyms. Similar words for Bad behaviour.

31 Bad behaviour Synonyms. Similar words for Bad behaviour.What is another word for Bad behaviour? · misconduct. bad behaviour and misconduct · misbehaviour misbehavior. bad behaviour and misbehaviour · mischief. bad …

10. word meaning «promoting a bad behaviour» | WordReference Forums

word meaning «Accept», «tolerate», «allow» and «encourage» could all be used with «bad behavior». If somebody is actively promoting bad behavior rather than …

In conclusion, we hope that you got 22 Synonyms & Antonyms for MISBEHAVIOR | Thesaurus.com. Still have any questions words for bad behavior. then feel free to tell us.

  • 1
    bad behavior

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bad behavior

  • 2
    bad behavior

    дурное поведение, упречное поведение, ненадлежащее поведение; неправомерное поведение

    * * *

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > bad behavior

  • 3
    bad behavior

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > bad behavior

  • 4

    поведе́ние с

    good (bad) behavior — хоро́шее поведе́ние

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > behavior

  • 5
    bad social behavior

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bad social behavior

  • 6
    bad social behavior

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > bad social behavior

  • 7
    some bad teenage behavior could be a sign of a healthy personality

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > some bad teenage behavior could be a sign of a healthy personality

  • 8

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > behavio(u)r

  • 9

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > behavio(u)r

  • 10
    tell on

    tell on someone
    1. to have a bad effect on someone; 2. to inform of bad behavior
    1. сказываться на ком-то/чем-то; 2. ябедничать на кого-то

    1. Hard work is beginning to tell on his health. 2. Promise not to tell on me!

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > tell on

  • 11


    1) Общая лексика: давать возможность, давать возможность или право , давать право, дать возможность, делать годным, облегчать, облегчить, позволять, потакать, приспосабливать, обеспечить возможность , давать возможность , давать право , дать толчок, попустительствовать , наделять

    8) Вычислительная техника: активизировать, допускать, разблокирование, разблокировывать, разрешать, разрешающий вход, разрешающий сигнал, разрешение, снимать запрёт, снимать запрет, активировать, предоставлять

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > enable

  • 12
    tell on

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tell on

  • 13
    bring up


    I don’t seem to take my meals well. I bring up most of what I’ve taken — Мой желудок плохо усваивает пищу. Стоит мне что-то съесть, как меня рвет

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > bring up

  • 14

    1) Общая лексика: степень надёжности ниже средней

    13) Сокращение: Bankers’ Blanket Bond, body-bound bolts, Better Business Bureau, best-best-best, bundle branch block, treble best, Bè, Baby Beehinds Bamboo (Australian modern cloth nappy), Baby Boomer Bistro (chat site), Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, Bad Blue Boys, Balik-Bayan Box (Filipino overseas delivery system), Balintawak Beer Brewery (Philippines), Bam Bam Bigelow (wrestler), Bare Bottom Boys (band), Baruga (SIL code, New Guinea), Baseball Bat, Basic Brown Bear (San Francisco), Basic Building Block, Bassoon Bulletin Board, Beach Boys Band, Beans, Bullets, Bandaids (Military 3 Bs), Bed Bath & Beyond, Bed and Breakfast Bureau, Beetles Bugs and Butterflies, Before Breaking Bulk (freight), Belgrade-Bucharest-Budapest, Benson Municipal Airport, Beta Beta Beta, Bevel Buddybox, Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, Beyond Black Boxes, Big Bad Bow (game), Big Barbeque Bacon (McDonald’s), Big Beautiful Backgrounds, Big Big Brother (Elite Clan), Big Black Boots (band), Big Blue Box (gaming), Big Boy Boards, Big Brother Brasil (TV show; Brazil), Big Butt Buffet (Christian rap band, Canada), Big, the Bad and the Beautiful, Biological Basis of Behaviour, Biotic Baking Brigade, Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar (UK fetish market), Birmingham Black Barons (Negro-league baseball team), Bit by Bit, Bluegrass by the Bay (magazine, CA), Bob’s Big Boy (US restaurant chain), Body Bound Bolt, Bonsal Blues Bands (Woodbury, NJ), Booking, Billing, Backlog, Bookmark for Banska’ Bystrica, Books Before Boys, Booze, Broads, and Bucars, Bop’n’blues Band, Bored Beyond Belief, Boston Baked Beans (candy), Bottles Blocks and Books, Boulder Big Band (Boulder, CO), Bouncing Baby Boy, Branch Behavior Buffer, Bredbandsbolaget (Swedish ISP, fiber to the home), Brigittes Bretonischer Basar (German), Brisbin, Brook, Beynon (architectural firm), Broadband Box, Broadcast Based Broadband, Bueno Bonito y Barato, Building Bright Beginnings, Bullshit Baffles Brains, Bullstuff Baffles Brains (polite form), Bunker Busting Bomb, Burn Baby Burn, Burn Burn Burn (record company), Buses By the Bridge, Business Bulletin Board, Busy Beyond Belief, Bykez, Bordz and Bladz, taBedrijvenBeurs

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > BBB

  • 15

    1) Общая лексика: степень надёжности ниже средней

    13) Сокращение: Bankers’ Blanket Bond, body-bound bolts, Better Business Bureau, best-best-best, bundle branch block, treble best, Bè, Baby Beehinds Bamboo (Australian modern cloth nappy), Baby Boomer Bistro (chat site), Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, Bad Blue Boys, Balik-Bayan Box (Filipino overseas delivery system), Balintawak Beer Brewery (Philippines), Bam Bam Bigelow (wrestler), Bare Bottom Boys (band), Baruga (SIL code, New Guinea), Baseball Bat, Basic Brown Bear (San Francisco), Basic Building Block, Bassoon Bulletin Board, Beach Boys Band, Beans, Bullets, Bandaids (Military 3 Bs), Bed Bath & Beyond, Bed and Breakfast Bureau, Beetles Bugs and Butterflies, Before Breaking Bulk (freight), Belgrade-Bucharest-Budapest, Benson Municipal Airport, Beta Beta Beta, Bevel Buddybox, Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, Beyond Black Boxes, Big Bad Bow (game), Big Barbeque Bacon (McDonald’s), Big Beautiful Backgrounds, Big Big Brother (Elite Clan), Big Black Boots (band), Big Blue Box (gaming), Big Boy Boards, Big Brother Brasil (TV show; Brazil), Big Butt Buffet (Christian rap band, Canada), Big, the Bad and the Beautiful, Biological Basis of Behaviour, Biotic Baking Brigade, Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar (UK fetish market), Birmingham Black Barons (Negro-league baseball team), Bit by Bit, Bluegrass by the Bay (magazine, CA), Bob’s Big Boy (US restaurant chain), Body Bound Bolt, Bonsal Blues Bands (Woodbury, NJ), Booking, Billing, Backlog, Bookmark for Banska’ Bystrica, Books Before Boys, Booze, Broads, and Bucars, Bop’n’blues Band, Bored Beyond Belief, Boston Baked Beans (candy), Bottles Blocks and Books, Boulder Big Band (Boulder, CO), Bouncing Baby Boy, Branch Behavior Buffer, Bredbandsbolaget (Swedish ISP, fiber to the home), Brigittes Bretonischer Basar (German), Brisbin, Brook, Beynon (architectural firm), Broadband Box, Broadcast Based Broadband, Bueno Bonito y Barato, Building Bright Beginnings, Bullshit Baffles Brains, Bullstuff Baffles Brains (polite form), Bunker Busting Bomb, Burn Baby Burn, Burn Burn Burn (record company), Buses By the Bridge, Business Bulletin Board, Busy Beyond Belief, Bykez, Bordz and Bladz, taBedrijvenBeurs

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bbb

  • 16

    1. сущ.
    1) форма;
    внешний вид;
    очертание to assume, take the form of smth. ≈ принимать форму чего-л. to assume human form ≈ принимать человеческий вид a fiend in human form ≈ волк в овечьей шкуре The cookies were in the form of squares. ≈ Булочки были квадратной формы. Syn: configuration, contour, figure, outline, shape, structure
    2) фигура( особ. человека) This coat really fits one’s form. ≈ Это пальто действительно хорошо сидит на фигуре. Syn: body, figure, shape, build, physique
    3) форма, вид abridged, condensed form ≈ сокращенная форма, сокращенный вариант concise form ≈ краткая форма convenient form, handy form ≈ удобная форма revised form ≈ исправленная форма The book came out in abridged form. ≈ Книга издана в сокращенной форме. Ice is water in another form. ≈ Лед — это вода только в другом виде. Syn: appearance, phase, aspect, manifestation
    4) вид, разновидность The ant is a form of insect. ≈ Муравей — это вид насекомых. Syn: type, variety, kind, sort;
    genus, species, genre, class
    5) порядок;
    общепринятая форма in due form ≈ в должной форме, по всем правилам
    6) бланк, образец, форма;
    анкета to fill in a form брит., to fill out a form амер., to fill up a form уст. ≈ заполнить бланк tax form ≈ декларация о доходах tax return form ≈ бланк декларации о доходах application form
    7) формальность;
    церемония, этикет, установленный порядок They didn’t follow the traditional form of the marriage service. ≈ Они не придерживались традиционных форм бракосочетания. Syn: prescribed method, rule, habit, proceeding, practice, ritual;
    etiquette, conventionality
    8) манеры, поведение good form, proper form ≈ хороший тон, хорошие манеры bad form ≈ дурной тон, плохие манеры It’s bad form to come late to a formal reception. ≈ На официальную встречу опаздывать неприлично. Syn: social behavior, manner, deportment, conduct, style, mode;
    way, manner
    9) готовность, состояние;
    хорошая спортивная форма The horse is in form. ≈ Лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам. off form ≈ не в форме She was in superb form today. ≈ Она была сегодня в превосходной форме. If she’s in form, she can win the match easily. ≈ Если она будет сегодня в форме, она легко выиграет матч. Syn: trim, fettle, fitness, shape, top condition, healthy condition
    10) скамья
    11) класс( в школе) in the fourth form ≈ в четвертом классе
    12) нора( зайца)
    13) грам. форма bound form colloquial form combining form diminutive form free form inflectional form obsolete form plural form singular form surface form underlying form
    14) иск. вид, форма;
    композиция You paint well, but your work lacks form. ≈ С красками у тебя все в порядке, но в твоей картине нет формы. Syn: order, system, structure, harmony, arrangement;
    shapeliness, proportion, symmetry
    15) тех. модель, форма When the cement has hardened, the form is removed. ≈ Когда цемент затвердеет, форма удаляется. Syn: mold, cast, frame, framework, matrix
    16) полигр. печатная форма
    17) строит. опалубка
    18) ж.-д. формирование( поездов)
    19) расписание racing form ≈ расписание скачек, программа скачек
    2. гл.
    1) а) придавать форму, вид to form chopped beef into patties ≈ делать лепешки из кусков говядины б) принимать форму, вид
    2) а) составлять, образовывать The sofa is formed of three separate sections. ≈ Диван составлен из трех отдельных секций. б) включать в себя, содержать ∙ Syn: compose, comprise, make up, constitute;
    serve to make up
    3) а) создавать;
    формулировать( идею, план и т. п.) б) создаваться, возникать
    4) воспитывать, вырабатывать, формировать (характер, качества и т. п.) ;
    приобретать He formed the habit of peering over his glasses. ≈ У него выработалась привычка смотреть поверх очков. Syn: develop, acquire, contract, pick up
    5) а) формировать, образовывать;
    воен. формировать (части) ;
    ж.-д. формировать (поезда) They formed an army out of rabble. ≈ Они сформировали армию из толпы. б) формироваться, образовываться;
    6) тех. формовать Syn: mould
    7) забираться в нору (о зайце) ∙ form up
    внешний вид;
    очертание — without shape or * бесформенный — in any shape or * в любом виде — in the * of a cube в форме куба — to take * принять должную форму — to take the * of smth. принимать вид /форму/ чего-л. — the cloud was changing its * облако меняло очертания фигура (человека) — well-proportioned * пропорциональное сложение, хорошая фигура — fair of face and * с прекрасным лицом и фигурой — I saw a well-known * standing before me я увидел перед собой хорошо знакомую фигуру обличье — Proteus was able to appear in the * of any animal Протей мог являться в обличье любого животного стать (лошади) форма, вид — literary * литературная форма — in tabular * в виде таблицы — in the * of a sonnet в форме сонета — in the * of a drama в драматической форме — * and substance форма и содержание — a sense of * чувство формы вид, разновидность;
    тип — *s of animal and vegetable life формы животной и растительной жизни — it’s a * of influenza это особая форма гриппа — a * of activity род деятельности стиль, манера — his * in swimming is bad он плавает плохо /плохим стилем/ — bad * дурной тон;
    плохие манеры — the rules of good * правила хорошего тона состояние;
    форма (часто спортивная) ;
    готовность — to be in( good) * быть в хорошем состоянии;
    быть в хорошей спортивной форме;
    быть в ударе — to be in bad *, to be out of * быть в плохом состоянии;
    быть в плохой( спортивной) форме;
    быть не в ударе, «не в форме» — to round into * (спортивное) приобретать спортивную форму настроение, душевное состояние — Jack was in great * at the dinner party Джек был в приподнятом настроении на званом обеде формальность;
    проформа — as a matter of *, for *’s sake для проформы, формально — to attach importance to *s придавать значение формальностям церемония, порядок — in due * по всем правилам — found in good and due * (дипломатическое) найденные в должном порядке и надлежащей форме (о полномочиях) — * of action (юридическое) процессуальная форма установившаяся форма выражения;
    формула — the * of greeting формула приветствия класс (в школе) — upper *s старшие классы — first * младший класс форма, бланк, образец;
    анкета — printed * печатный бланк — a * for a deed бланк /форма/ для соглашения — a * of application форма заявления — to fill in /up/ a * заполнить бланк /анкету и т. п./ длинная скамья, скамейка нора (зайца) (грамматика) форма слова( специальное) форма исполнения (машины) модель, тип, образец;
    торговый сорт( металла и т. п.) (техническое) форма для литья (полиграфия) печатная форма (строительство) форма;
    опалубка — * removal распалубка( математическое) выражение придавать форму, вид — to * a piece of wood into a certain shape придавать куску дерева определенную форму — to * smth. after /upon, from, by, in accordance with/ a pattern создавать /делать/ что-л. по определенному образцу — state *ed after the Roman republic государство, созданное по образцу Римской республики принимать форму, вид составлять, образовывать;
    формировать — these parts together * a perfect whole эти части образуют вместе гармоничное целое — the rain *ed large pools on the lawn от дождя на газоне образовались большие лужи — the clouds *ed a veil over the mountain-top облака затянули вершину горы — the baby is beginning to * short words ребенок начинает произносить короткие слова образовываться;
    формироваться — crystals *ed in the retort в реторте образовались кристаллы — clouds are *ing on the hills на вершинах холмов сгущаются облака (грамматика) образовывать — to * the plural of the noun образовать множественное число существительного создавать, составлять;
    формулировать — to * an idea создавать себе представление — to * an opinion составить мнение — to * a plan создать /выработать/ план — to * a habit приобрести привычку, привыкнуть( к чему-л.) возникать, оформляться — the idea slowly *ed in my mind эта мысль постепенно становилась у меня более отчетливой представлять собой;
    являться — chocolate *s a wholesome substitute for staple food шоколад является полноценным заменителем основных продуктов питания — bonds *ed the bulk of his estate основную часть его состояния представляли облигации тренировать, дисциплинировать;
    развивать — to * the mind развивать ум — to * the character воспитывать характер — to * a child by care воспитывать ребенка заботливо — to * good habits прививать хорошие привычки /навыки хорошего поведения/ формировать, организовывать;
    образовывать, создавать — to * a class for beginners создать группу начинающих — to * an army формировать армию — to * a government формировать правительство — to * a society организовывать общество — the children were *ed into small groups дети были разбиты на небольшие группы — they *ed themselves into a committee они сорганизовались в комитет( военное) строить — to * a column вытягиваться в колонну (военное) строиться( специальное) формировать (специальное) формовать (садоводчество) обрезать, подвергать обрезке;
    формировать крону забираться, забиваться в нору (о зайце) форма (таксономическая единица)
    account ~ документ бухгалтерского учета
    adjustment ~ схема регулирования
    bill ~ бланк векселя bill ~ бланк счета bill ~ вексельный формуляр
    blank ~ чистый бланк
    business tax ~ бланк налоговой декларации для предпринимателя
    charge ~ форма платежа
    cheque ~ бланк чека
    claim ~ бланк заявления о выплате страхового возмещения
    clausal ~ вчт. стандартная форма
    coding ~ вчт. бланк программирования
    company ~ форма компании
    complete a ~ заполнять бланк
    contract ~ форма контракта
    customs declaration ~ бланк таможенной декларации
    customs ~ таможенный формуляр
    data collection ~ вчт. форма для сбора данных
    deposit ~ депозитный бланк
    draft ~ эскиз бланка
    due ~ установленная форма due ~ установленный образец
    entry ~ вчт. бланк ввода информации
    export ~ экспортный формуляр
    form анкета ~ бланк ~ вид, разновидность ~ воспитывать, вырабатывать (характер, качества и т. п.) дисциплинировать;
    тренировать ~ заключать (договор) ~ класс (в школе) ~ нора (зайца) ~ образец, бланк;
    анкета ~ образовывать ~ стр. опалубка ~ основывать ~ полигр. печатная форма ~ порядок;
    общепринятая форма;
    in due form в должной форме, по всем правилам ~ придавать или принимать форму, вид;
    to form a vessel out of clay вылепить сосуд из глины ~ скамья ~ создавать(ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    I can form no idea of his character не могу составить себе представления о его характере ~ создавать ~ составить ~ составлять;
    parts form a whole части образуют целое ~ составлять ~ состояние, готовность;
    the horse is in form лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам ~ сформировать ~ установленный образец, проформа, бланк, формуляр, анкета ~ установленный образец ~ утверждать ~ учреждать, образовывать, основывать ~ фигура (особ. человека) ~ тех. форма, модель ~ иск. форма, вид;
    literary form литературная форма ~ грам. форма ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.) ~ вчт. форма ~ форма ~ формальность, этикет, церемония;
    good (bad) form хороший( дурной) тон, хорошие (плохие) манеры ~ ж.-д. формирование (поездов) ~ воен. формирование, построение ~ ж.-д. формировать (поезда) ~ воен. формировать (части) ~ формировать(-ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    строиться ~ формировать ~ тех. формовать ~ формуляр forme: forme =form
    ~ придавать или принимать форму, вид;
    to form a vessel out of clay вылепить сосуд из глины
    ~ for advance statement форма заявления об авансовых платежах
    ~ for estimating future income форма для оценки будущего дохода
    ~ of a summons бланк судебной повестки
    ~ of a writ форма искового заявления
    ~ of borrowing форма займа
    ~ of cooperation форма кооперации
    ~ of government форма правительства ~ of government форма правления
    ~ of organization форма организации
    ~ of request бланк заявки ~ of request форма запроса ~ of request форма требования
    ~ of sales форма продажи
    ~ of saving форма сбережения
    ~ of taxation форма налогообложения
    ~ of tender форма заявки ~ of tender форма предложения
    giro in-payment ~ бланк для платежа в системе жиросчетов
    giro transfer ~ бланк для жироперевода
    ~ формальность, этикет, церемония;
    good (bad) form хороший (дурной) тон, хорошие (плохие) манеры
    horizontal ~ выч. бланк счета
    ~ состояние, готовность;
    the horse is in form лошадь вполне подготовлена к бегам
    ~ создавать(ся), образовывать(ся) ;
    I can form no idea of his character не могу составить себе представления о его характере
    in (good) ~ в ударе in (good) ~ «в форме» (о спортсмене)
    ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.)
    in-payment ~ форма платежа
    income tax ~ бланк декларации на подоходный налог
    inquiry ~ анкета
    legal ~ правовая форма legal ~ юридическая форма
    letter ~ образец письма
    linguistic ~ лингвистическая форма
    ~ иск. форма, вид;
    literary form литературная форма
    market ~ форма рынка
    missing letter ~ утерянный бланк письма
    model ~ типовая форма
    money order ~ бланк денежного перевода
    mortgage deed ~ бланк залогового сертификата mortgage deed ~ бланк ипотечного свидетельства
    narrative ~ форма отчета
    order ~ бланк заказа order ~ бланк требования order ~ форма приказа
    outpayment ~ форма выплаты
    ~ составлять;
    parts form a whole части образуют целое
    payment notification ~ бланк уведомления о платеже
    postal note ~ бланк почтового перевода на сумму до 5 долл. (США)
    postal order ~ бланк денежного перевода
    printed ~ печатный бланк
    proposal ~ бланк заявки на торгах
    receipt ~ бланк квитанции receipt ~ образец расписки
    reduced ~ вчт. приведенная форма
    registration ~ регистрационный бланк
    reply ~ бланк для ответа
    report ~ анкета report ~ опросный лист report ~ переписной бланк report ~ форма статистического опросного листа
    requisition ~ бланк заявки requisition ~ форма заявки
    screen ~ file вчт. файл экранных форм
    sentential ~ вчт. сентенциальная форма
    share transfer ~ форма передачи права собственности на акции
    signature ~ образец подписи
    stamped ~ бланк со штампом
    standard ~ вчт. стандартная форма
    statement ~ форма заявления
    table ~ вчт. табличная форма
    tabular ~ полигр. плоская печатная форма tabular ~ вчт. табличная форма
    ~ форма;
    внешний вид;
    in the form of a globe в форме шара;
    to take the form (of smth.) принять форму (чего-л.)
    tax ~ бланк налоговой декларации
    transfer ~ бланк перевода

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > form

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    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > error

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    1. n путь; дорога; маршрут

    2. n направление

    3. n расстояние

    4. n движение вперёд; ход

    5. n образ действия; метод, способ

    6. n манера поведения

    7. n особенность, характерная черта

    8. n уклад, обычай, привычка

    the way of the world — общепринятый уклад жизни; традиционные взгляды; общепринятые нормы поведения

    9. n отношение, аспект

    10. n положение, состояние

    11. n размах, масштабы деятельности

    12. n разг. область, сфера; занятие

    13. n возможность, путь, средство

    14. n мор. стапель

    15. n тех. направляющая

    16. n юр. право прохода, проезда

    any way — и в том и в другом случае; в любом случае

    better by a long way, a long way better — гораздо лучше

    in a way — в известном смысле; до некоторой степени, в известной мере

    one way or another, some way or other — так или иначе; в любом случае; как бы то ни было

    nothing came my way — мне ничего не удавалось, мне не подвёртывалось ничего хорошего

    to make way — уступить дорогу ; расчистить путь; расступиться, раздвинуться

    to pay its way — окупаться, оправдывать себя, быть рентабельным

    17. a промежуточный; расположенный по пути

    18. adv амер. усил. далеко; на значительном расстоянии, в отдалении

    19. adv амер. усил. полностью, до конца

    20. adv амер. усил. близ

    21. int тпру!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. behaviour (noun) actions; behaviour; comportment; conduct; demeanour; deportment

    3. door (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; door; entrance; entree; entry; ingress

    4. habit (noun) consuetude; custom; form; habit; habitude; manner; practice; praxis; trick; usage; use; wont

    5. means (noun) design; fashion; means; method; mode; modus; plan; policy; procedure; process; style; system; technique; wise

    6. passage (noun) channel; course; drag; line; passage; path; route; throughway

    8. road (noun) artery; avenue; boulevard; drive; freeway; highway; road; roadway; street; thoroughfare; track

    9. type (noun) breed; cast; character; class; cut; description; feather; ilk; kidney; kind; lot; mold; nature; order; persuasion; sort; species; stamp; stripe; type; variety

    English-Russian base dictionary > way

  • 19

    5) Медицина: астматический бронхит , вспомогательное дыхание

    9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade

    10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service

    18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman , Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board , Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base , Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag , Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping , automated bibliography , auxiliary breaker , abbreviation

    38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин

    45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > AB

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    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Across Breed Comparison, алфавитный указатель , атомный, биологический и химический, букварь, железнодорожный алфавитный указатель, начатки, простейший, простой, самые простые знания и понятия, азбука, алфавит, азбука, алфавит, основы

    5) Военный термин: Advanced Blade Concept, Air Bridge to Canada, Airborne Command, Airborne Corps, All Blocks Covered, Allied Baltic Command, American, British, and Canadian, American-British-Canadian, Army Battle Command, Asian Brown Cloud, Atomic Bacterial Chemical, advanced basing concept, advanced biomedical capsule, air bubble craft, airborne cigar, airborne control, assistant beach commander

    6) Техника: ABC method, American bibliographic benter, absolute binary code, after bottom center, after bottom dead center, air-blast cooled, augmented bibliographic citation, automatic bass control, automatic bias compensation, automatic blip counter, блок питания накала, анода и сетки, справочник железнодорожных станций с расписанием поездов

    7) Сельское хозяйство: abscess

    8) Шутливое выражение: A Bored Capitalist, A Boring Channel, Absolute Best Channel, Absolutely Boring Comedy, All Bout Cancellations, Already Been Cancelled, Always Be Cool, Always Burn Colorado, Americas Bin Collapsed, Another Bad Choice, Another Book Club, Anything But Chaos, Anything But Competence, The Almost Broadcasting Company

    24) Сокращение: Activity Based Costing , Activity Based Costing, Advanced Ballistic Concept, Advanced Bar Code: 62 bar POSTNET code representing 11 digit ZIP , Advanced/ing Blade Concept, Aerated Bread Company, Alcoholic Beverage Control, All-purpose Ballastable Crawler, All-purpose Battle Computer, America, Britain & Canada, American Broadcast Company, American Broadcasting Corporation, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Aruba, Bonaire, And Curacao, Associated British Pictures Corporation, Atomic, Bacteriological, Chemical , Atomic, Biological / Bacteriological & Chemical, Audit Bureau of Circulations Inc. , Australian Broadcasting Commission, Automatic Boost Control, Automatic Brightness Control, atomic, bacteriological and chemical, atomic, biological and chemical, American Broadcasting Company, вычислительная машина Атанасова — Берри , American Brahma Club , American Bowling Congress , Arab Banking Corporation , Automotive Booster Clubs International , Associated British Cinemas , automatic bass compensation , automatic background control , automatic blade control , accounting and budgetary control , automatic binary computer , air blast cooled , aggregate base course , Already Been Chewed, Absorbing boundary condition

    26) Физиология: Absolute Brain Control, Abstinence Behavioral Change, Airway Breathing And Circulation, Airway Breathing Circulation, Airway Breathing Cold, Always Breastfeed Children, Aspiration, Biopsy, Cytology, Atp Binding Cassette, Automated Blood Collection

    28) Вычислительная техника: Atanasoff-Berry Computer , activity-based costing, analog boundary cell, American Broadcasting Company , классы построения приложения, оплата на базе фактического использования, функционально-стоимостный анализ

    32) Португальский язык: Бразильская академия наук

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ABC


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См. также в других словарях:

  • bad behavior — index miscarriage, misdeed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Excuses for Bad Behavior (Part One) — Infobox Album Name = Excuses For Bad Behavior (Part One) Type = Album Longtype = Vinyl record Artist = Sandra Bernhard Released = 1991 Recorded = Genre = Pop Length = 68:19 Label = SB.com Producer = Sandra Bernhard, Mitch Kaplan Reviews = The… …   Wikipedia

  • Excuses for Bad Behavior Part 2 — Infobox Album Name = Excuses for Bad Behavior (Part Two) Type = Album Longtype = vinyl record Artist = Sandra Bernhard Released = January 2004 Recorded = 1998, 2003 2004 Genre = Pop Length = 79:03 Label = SB.com Producer = Sandra Bernhard Reviews …   Wikipedia

  • Behavior modification — is the use of empirically demonstrated behavior change techniques to improve behavior, such as altering an individual s behaviors and reactions to stimuli through positive and negative reinforcement of adaptive behavior and/or the reduction of… …   Wikipedia

  • behavior — I noun actions, air, bearing, beliefs, carriage, character, comportment, conduct, consuetude, course, course of conduct, course of life, decorum, demeanor, deportment, habits, habituation, habitude, inveteracy, line of conduct, manner, manner of… …   Law dictionary

  • bad — adj: not valid: void bad notice; esp: not covered by sufficient funds a bad check Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • bad judgment — I noun aberrancy, aberration, blunder, distortion, errancy, erroneousness, error, fallacy, falseness, faultiness, inattention, indiscretion, inexactness, misapplication, miscalculation, misconception, misestimation, misinterpretation, misjudgment …   Law dictionary

  • bad conduct — bad behavior, improper behavior, misbehavior …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bad seed — noun A genetic source of bad behavior or other results …   Wiktionary

  • Behavior-based safety — (BBS) is the ”application of science of behavior change to real world problems”. [Staff. “How Does Behavioral Safety work?” Cambridge Center for Behavior Studies. ] BBS “focuses on what people do, analyzes why they do it, and then applies a… …   Wikipedia

  • Behavior — Be*hav ior, n. Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one s self; conduct; deportment; carriage; used also of inanimate objects; as, the behavior of a ship in a storm; the behavior of the magnetic needle. [1913 Webster] A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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