What is a word for a group of four

A group of 4 people doesn’t always have a specific name, but it would help to know of a few good choices. This article will explore how you can refer to a group of four friends. They don’t have to be friends, but they would at least need to be part of a larger group of four.

The best ways to refer to a group of 4 people are “quartet,” “foursome,” and “group of 4.” These words refer to the specific size of a group, allowing you to highlight that four people are present. If one fewer or more is included, these words no longer work.

group of 4 people

1. Quartet

“Quartet” is a great term you can use to refer to four people. It shows that 4 people are present, and it’s tied to a musical ensemble of 4 people in a band.

“Quartet” doesn’t have to refer to musical contexts, either. You can call any group of 4 people a quartet if you like the word.

  • We’re part of a quartet, meaning we always travel together. We come as a group of four, and there’s no reason for that to change.
  • This quartet won’t be breaking up anytime soon. We like each other’s company, and we’re not going to stop that from happening.
  • I want to be part of a quartet, but I don’t have three friends to be in one with me. Maybe I should start branching out to see what’s what.

2. Foursome

“Foursome” is a common word used to refer to a group of four people. You can add the “-some” suffix to the end of most numbers to show how many people are present in a group.

It’s a great way to highlight the precise size of a group without anyone needing to ask for clarification. “-some” suffix words are some of the easiest ways to refer to the group size.

  • This foursome is going strong, and I don’t think that will ever change. I hope we can remain friends for as long as possible.
  • What do you say about turning this threesome into a foursome? We would really like to have you on our team.
  • We’re a great foursome, and we always know how to win these trivia game nights. They’re so easy when we work together.

“Group of 4” is a simple choice if you want to refer to the size of a group. Some native speakers don’t use a specific word because it’s much easier to say “group of 4.”

When “group of 4” already makes the group size clear, there is no need to come up with any other word that might confuse the reader.

  • They only come as a group of 4, and there’s no way you can change that. I think you should just invite them all to be safe.
  • We’re part of a group of four, and we want to invite you in. Of course, we’ve been a four for so long that it’ll be weird to be a five.
  • They’re a group of 4, and they don’t invite outsiders to join them. They’re a tight-knit friend group. Sorry about that.

4. Four People

“Four people” is a simple alternative showing that four people are part of the same group. It’s quite self-explanatory, but it’s also quite common.

Most native speakers will use a term like this because they do not know (or care) about terms like “quartet” or “foursome.” It’s not common for a specific name to refer to a group of four people. That’s why “four people” works so well.

  • They are only ever in a group of four people. It might seem strange, but I think they struggle to make other friends.
  • Four people together are always interesting to see. It shows that there are some close friendships between the group of people.
  • These four people are the best four people I know. They’re always there to help me understand things about myself.

5. Quad

“Quad” is a decent choice if you’re looking for a colloquial term. It shows that four people belong to the same group. Often, you’ll hear the people within that group refer to themselves as a “quad” if they like the word.

“Quad” also refers to plenty of other things that come in fours (like street corners, where a “quad” is the four corners that create a block).

  • We’re the local quad and keep things in order on the streets. We don’t want things to get out of hand.
  • I am part of a quad, and I don’t think we’re looking for newcomers. As much as that must suck to hear, I think it’s only fair to say.
  • Sorry, but this quad needs to move on out. It needs to be said, and I don’t want things to get awkward between any of us.

6. Group

“Group” is a simple way to refer to a group of any size. You don’t need to specify the size of the group in most situations, which is why “group” works well.

Unless somebody specifically asks you for the size of the group, there’s no need to include a number. “Group” is already a great way to show that more than one person is present at a time.

  • This group is strong enough as it is. We have no reason to add a fifth member because we already get on so well.
  • I’m part of a few groups, but this group is my favorite one. I hope we never have to stop speaking to each other.
  • They are a great group, and they do so much together. It’s cute that they’re able to remain so close after all these years.

7. Gang

“Gang” is a great term to refer to a group of 4 people. It isn’t specific, meaning it can work for groups much larger. Generally, if you want to use this phrase, you should specify how many people belong to the gang.

For example, you may say “gang of four,” which highlights that there are four members in the gang.

It’s up to you to decide whether you want to do this or not. “Gang” usually suffices to show that multiple people are part of the same group.

  • The gang is all here, and it’s nice to see smiles on all of their faces. I wonder if there’s anything else they do besides this, though.
  • I was part of the gang once, but they ousted me for a different fourth member. I suppose I can’t be too mad about it.
  • The gang of 4 is on their way over. You should probably clear out before they get here. They can be quite ruthless.

8. Quadruplet

“Quadruplet” is a great synonym you can use. It shows that four people are part of a close group. “Quad-” is the prefix used in many words to show that four things are involved.

Also, “quadruplet” is used when four babies are born at the same time from the same womb. It’s the term that comes after “twins” and “triplets.” The familial connection does not need to be present when referring to a close group of 4 friends.

  • We’re referred to as a quadruplet because we’re always together and look so similar. There’s no familial relationship there, though.
  • I’m part of the quadruplet, and I’m sure I can get you in with them. Would you like me to see what I can do?
  • The quadruplet has asked that you keep the noise down. They’re practicing for their next gig, and they need silence to perform.

9. Quadra

“Quadra” is a rare choice, but it works well to show that there is a group of four people. It doesn’t have to refer to people, either. You can use it to refer to items, objects, and animals.

Most people think that “quadra” sounds a little jarring as a name for a group of people. That’s why it’s fairly rare. You won’t often find it used.

  • This quadra won’t work very well if we add a fifth person. There’s a reason we keep it closed to only the four of us, Joe.
  • I want to be part of the quadra. Surely, there’s something I can do to get myself involved. I’ll turn it into a penta.
  • It’s a quadra for a reason. We don’t want to open up to more members right now. Come back to us when someone leaves.

10. Four Individuals

“Four individuals” is a formal way to refer to a group of four people. “Four” is referenced to highlight the number of people, and “individuals” is the formal synonym for “people.”

It’s most common to hear a phrase like this in legal terms. You might hear a policeman say, “the four individuals are escaping on foot.” “Individuals” allows someone to identify a group of multiple, independent people.

  • They are four individuals, but you’ll always catch them together. They rarely leave each other’s sides.
  • These four individuals would all like to have a word with you. I heard it’s something about the way they’ve been treated.
  • I have spoken to the four individuals involved. I do not believe they will want to continue these proceedings or press charges against you.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What is the word for a group of four?


What is called a group of soldiers?

A troop is a group of soldiers within a cavalry or armoured regiment.

What is the leader of an organization called?

Chief: the leader of an organization or department (informal except in such titles as chief of police and chief information officer, or in reference to the leader of a band or tribe of Native Americans) Chieftain: the leader of a band, clan, or tribe.

What’s another word for leaders?


What is a good leader?

“A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help along the way.”

What is leadership one word?

Words such as influence, wisdom, inspiration, passion, drive, power, knowledge, credibility, energy, foresight, sensitivity, charisma, action, perseverance, uniting, and responsible are just a few of the terms that are used to define leadership (out of over 16,000 responses).

What are the six styles of leadership?

The six styles of leadershipCoercive leadership.Authoritative leadership.Affiliative leadership.Democratic leadership.Pacesetting leadership.Coaching leadership.

What is the word leadership?

Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.

What is the most important leadership skill?

Effective leaders have the ability to communicate well, motivate their team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace. Employers seek these skills in the candidates they hire for leadership roles.

What are some ways to show leadership?

Sharpening Your Leadership Skills1 – Be proactive. Strong leaders take positive action and employers love it! 2 – Be Present. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘having command of the room. 3 – Cultivate Conversation. 4 – Master Presentation Skills. 5 – Learn to Delegate. 6 – Listen More. 7 – Mentor Someone.

What are examples of good leadership?

Examples of Strong Leadership Skills That Lead to SuccessActing With Integrity. Leaders who inspire trust show great integrity. Demonstrating Competence. Prioritizing Relationships. Motivating and Supporting Others. Delegating Tasks. Thinking Creatively and Encouraging Innovation. Serving a Cause Greater Than Yourself. Speaking Your Vision.

What is an example of leadership?

Taking a lead role in a school project is a great example of leadership experience. If you delegated tasks, chose the overall strategy for the project, or anything like that, that’s leadership! Organizing a team presentation can also be considered leadership.

How do you show teamwork?

How to enable teamwork in the workplaceDivide up the work. Teamwork does not mean everyone does everything together. Ask for help. Work out loud. Share a prototype. Build in a review process. Rally to a common goal. Celebrate together.

What is a good definition of teamwork?

: work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about teamwork.

What are the 5 roles of an effective team?

The five functions are trust, conflict management, commitment, accountability and focusing on results. To have a functioning team, one thing is a must and that is Trust.

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∙ 14y ago

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One word is quartet.

Some others are tetrad and foursome.

If they are four people, a jocular term is «gang of four».

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