What is a swear word in spanish

If you’ve ever hung out with Spanish-speaking friends, you’ve probably had the experience of feeling left out when they refer to something with a creative string of profanity that results in uproarious laughter. Rather than pretending to laugh along, why not study up on the most common palabras sucias (dirty words) so that you’re prepared to join in a favorite pastime of Spanish speakers and “let the tacos fly.”

WARNING: There’s a reason that these are considered unacceptable in polite company. The translations of these swear words can be extremely vulgar (much like the literal meaning of many English swear words that we may have stopped associating with the phrase). Readers who are sensitive to vulgarity may be offended and not want to continue reading.

Even though we’ve rated some of these as being “less” offensive than others, remember that Spanish is spoken all around the world, and the level of vulgarity may differ in different contexts. The list developed here was done with input mainly from Castilian Spanish, so it might be that some of these are more (or less) offensive depending on the Latin American country.

Let Loose Some Tacos

It’s undeniable: Spanish speakers have invented one of the best euphemisms for cursing. In Spain and some areas of Latin America, the expression soltar tacos literally translates to “let loose / release / let fly tacos” but refers to letting slip a few swear words. Most people in the English-speaking world know tacos as the ingenious folded-tortilla meat and salsa delivery mechanism (PSA: If you have only ever tried a hard shell supermarket Old Paso brand taco that cracks into a mosaic of five isosceles triangles the instant you lay a finger on it, open a new tab and buy a flight to Mexico, Southern California, or somewhere where they serve traditional tacos inmediatamente!).

In addition to the heavenly food, the word taco has a few different meanings, including peg, dowel, cue (as in billiards), heel (as in high-heeled shoes), and, colloquially, a bad word. While we can’t be sure whether the fact that Spanish speakers now have a portable symbol for profanity is part of why the USA rejoiced when the taco emoji was released (thanks to a Taco Bell petition with 32,666 signatures), we can be sure of one thing: Spanish speakers love their swear words.

*ANOTHER WARNING BEFORE WE START: Our aim is to provide factually correct information about the usage of Spanish curse words as a naturalistic human behavior to aid Spanish learners in understanding authentic Spanish, which in some cases may be graphic or offensive in their reference to religion, sexuality, or violence.*

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Single-Word Swears

While taking a look at these swear words and translations, keep in mind that many swear words lose the “original” translation in their everyday usage, much as they do in English. When using the most common bad words in English, we don’t usually think of the literal translation. The level of negativity (how much we are insulting the subject) is more likely at the front of our minds. The same goes for Spanish!

NOTE: Though in some countries curses are commonly used in front of children or older family members, the vulgarity level listed here is representative of conversation between adults in informal situations. Be careful using these around children, co-workers, or elders!

Spanish English Equivalent Literal Meaning Vulgarity Level
estúpido/a stupid a stupid person mild
bobo/a dummy a silly or stupid person mild
pendejo dork pubic hair mild
pinche __ f*cking __    
maldito/a this “damn” thing damned/cursed/evil mild
coño pssy/cnt vagina medium
chupamedias bootlicker (suck up) sock-sucker mild
chúpamela suck it   medium
joder fck/pss off to “do it” with / bother someone / screw something up medium
mierda sh*t excrement mid-level
gilipollas/gili idiot/jerk/dumbass   mild
los cojones bullshit/balls testicles medium
tu puta madre motherf*cker your f*cking mother medium
la hostia holy sh*t the host / holy communion high

Cojones and Coño

Even though the literal translations of these are pretty graphic, they are both used so often that they’ve lost their sting. Just like many swear words in English, they’ve lost their association with the actual body part and taken on a new, purely “metaphorical” meaning. While cojones is used in phrases (like English) to talk about being bold or having the courage to do something (¡Guau! ¡Tienes cojones! (“Wow! You have balls!” (to do that / go there, etc.)), coño is more regularly used as an interjection or exclamation, such as when you stub your toe or drop some food on the floor. ¡Los cojones! can also be used to “call bullshit” on something someone says.

lisandro garcia st francisco

La Hostia

La hostia is related to the holy communion in the Catholic Church. Catholicism is very popular in many Spanish-speaking countries today, and because of its religious origins, la hostia, or just hostia, can certainly be offensive to religious people (so use it wisely). A few common creative usages are: hostia puta (f_cking sh_t) as an exclamation and the more extreme ¡Te voy a dar una hostia! (“I’m gonna slap you in the f*cking face!”).

Puta Madre

Though it sounds a bit harsh, this phrase is actually very commonly used in Spain. When used with the preposition de preceding, it has a positive connotation and is used to describe just how great something is. For example, if you are eating the best taco of your life, you may say something like “Este taco está de puta madre,” which translates to “This is a motherf*cking amazing taco.” However, if you used with the possessive adjective tu or su preceding (tu/su puta madre), it means you don’t exactly approve of something.

Multi-Word Magic: Full Phrases

When one word just isn’t enough to release the pressure valve of frustration, employing a full sentence can really express the full extent of your feelings!

NOTE: Though in some countries curses are commonly used in front of children or older family members, the vulgarity level listed here is representative of conversation between adults in informal situations. Be careful using these around children, co-workers, or elders!

Spanish English Equivalent Literal Meaning Vulgarity Level
¡Me cago en todo lo que se menea! Fck!/sht! I shit on everything that moves! high
¡Jodete! / ¡Que te jodan! F*ck you!   high
Come mierda Eat sh*t!   medium
Se va a la mierda It’s going to sh*t   medium
Vete a la mierda Go to hell Go to the sh*t medium
Que cabrón What an asshole/bastard cabrón = male goat medium
La madre que te parió Motherf*cker the woman that birthed you high
Hijo de puta Son of a b*tch   high
Tonto del culo Idiot an idiot of the ass medium
Que te folle un pez Screw you I hope you get f*cked by a fish medium
Uy, qué care-chimba Ugh, what a d*ckhead Ugh, what a penis-face medium

Hijo de Puta

Though the translation is the same in English, this phrase is usually used in a teasing or sarcastic manner, rather than as an actual insult. For example, if someone buys an amazing new motorcycle or pulls off an amazing stunt (think water bottle or another internet challenge), you may exclaim: “¡Hijo de puta! ¡Lo hiciste!” (Son of a b*tch! You did it!).

¡Me cago en… todo!

It’s been said that this phrase refers back to a time when depositing one’s excrement on someone else was a way to demonstrate disrespect in Spain. Though the practice may not be common anymore, the threat is still a valid way to express dissatisfaction in Spain. The phrase “Me cago en…” translates to “I sh_t on…” and can be combined with many diverse “recipients.” Though there are many creative endings to this phrase, very often the phrase as a whole just expresses an equivalent meaning to “f_ck.”

All of the following variations are more or less exclamations meaning “sh_t!” or “f_ck!”:

Me cago en todo lo que se menea (…on everything that moves)

Me cago en la leche (…in milk [when you need to tone it down in mixed company])

Me cago en tu puta madre (…on your wh*re mother)

Me cago en Dios (…on God)

Me cago en tus muertos (..on your dead relatives)

Me cago en la madre que te parió (…on the mother that gave birth to you)

Me cago en la leche literally translates to “I sh_t in the milk,” but means something like “Holy sh_t!” or “I’ve had bad luck!”

shocked child

A Word of Caution

Sometimes when first starting out with a language, second language speakers can sometimes overuse or use stronger curse words too flippantly. Some researchers think that this may be tied to the fact that as children non-native speakers never experienced that strong, emotional taboo reaction from adults around curse words, and therefore do not “feel” the curse words as strongly as native speakers do.

For this reason, it’s important to listen carefully to native speakers’ usage before trying these words out for yourself. As you may know, Spanish uses a special “person” category (usted/ustedes) to show respect or formality, and in some places (especially in European Spanish), the appropriate usage of formality is taken very seriously. Keep in mind the “hierarchy” of “badness” and realize that some words are only appropriate with good friends far away from children (and most elders). Also, Spanish is spoken all over the globe, so usage and degree of vulgarity may differ in different areas. Slang tends to differ more than anything else in different dialects. Depending on where you plan to use your Spanish, you may want to try a Spanish course specific to that region, so check out Lingvist’s American Spanish and European Spanish courses to make sure you get the appropriate information!

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Spanish Swear Words that Will Help You Speak Like a Native

Last Updated on June 27, 2022 by Nellie Huang

When I moved to Spain, the first things I learned from my local friends were Spanish swear words. Don’t underestimate the power of curse words!

As you probably know, Spain is my second home. I married a Spaniard and lived in Spain for over 7 years, during which I got to know its people and language really well.

The Spaniards have an alarmingly rich vocabulary of swear words and vulgarities: ranging from one-word cusses to full-sentence chants like “me cago en todo lo que se menea!” (I sh*t on everything that moves!).

Mind you, I adore the Spanish language. When used with expressive hand gestures, it’s full of vigor, passion and emotions. The Spaniards have always captivated my heart with their sultry linguistic demeanors. Learning the language has definitely helped me to make more connections and truly understand their cultural heritage and Spanish cuisine.

spanish swear words - madrid

Table of Contents

  • Learning to Swear in Spanish
  • 15 Best Spanish Swear Words
  • 1. Joder! 
  • 2. Mierda!
  • 3. Gilipollas
  • 4. Qué Cabrón!
  • 5. Los cojones!
  • 6. Me cago en todo lo que se menea!
  • 7. Me cago en dios!
  • 8. La madre que te parió!
  • 9.Hijo de puta 
  • 10. Tonto del culo
  • 11. Puta madre 
  • 12. Coño
  • 13. La hostia
  • 14. Qué te den (por culo)! 
  • 15. A tomar por culo!
    • Inspired? Pin it!

Learning to Swear in Spanish

When I first started learning the language (15 years ago!), Spanish swear words were the first things I learned. My Spanish friends were more than eager to impart their knowledge on all things vulgar. But as they say, learning to swear is just part and parcel of learning a new language.

If you learn the Spanish language well and understand the different Spanish accents, you’ll come to observe that they tend to use swear words openly in their daily conversation. Words like ‘coño’ (c*nt) don’t contain extremely vulgar connotations, and so are used commonly by people in Spain.

In writing this post, I’m not saying you should go out on a cussing fest and swear everywhere you go in Spain. For one, please don’t use these swear words with your Spanish teachers or host family or newly minted Spanish friends. I recommend learning some Spanish basics (not just cuss words) before any trip to Spain, as most people don’t speak a second language.

spanish swear words - spanish 101

15 Best Spanish Swear Words

Here’s a round up of the top swear words most frequently used in Spain. Keep in mind I’m not talking about Spain here, the Latin American countries tend to use slightly different swear words. Without these swear words, life wouldn’t be this colorful or should I say- de puta madre! 

1. Joder! 

Pronunciation: hho-derr!

Meaning: F*ck

The first Spanish word I learned literally translates to ‘f**k’. It’s not really offensive, and used casually by everyone I know in Spain — even my mother-in-law says it to my 3-year-old daughter!

For example: You forgot to bring your phone out, Joder! They’re not showing your favourite TV show anymore, Joder! Damn I have to wake up early tomorrow, Joder!

It’s used in many power-packed sentences like ‘Jodete!’ or ‘Que te jodan!’ (both means ‘F**k you!’). A lot of people say joder without the “d” as a lazy, shortened version, so it sounds more like ‘jo-eh’.

spanish swear words - swear jar

2. Mierda!

Pronunciation: mi-ehrr-da

Meaning: Sh*t

This literally means ‘sh*t’, and is the most lightweight of all the swear words on this list. Most people use it to express anger or frustration.

Many people tend to elongate the ‘r’ when they’re saying ‘mierda’ for impact.

It makes a perfect combination with many words to give a better impact, such as ‘Come mierda!’ (Eat sh*t!) or ‘se va a la mierda’ (Going downhill)’. For example, este lugar se va a la mierda, means this place is going to sh*t and falling apart.

spanish swear words - mierda

3. Gilipollas

Pronunciation: hee-li-pohhh-yas

Meaning: Idiot or jerk 

Used frequently to describe idiots, the word ‘Gilipollas’ is simply used to describe someone as a dumbass, idiot or jerk. ‘Gili’ just means idiot and can be combined with other words for more impact.

For instance, you can say ‘gilipuertas‘ or ‘gilitonto’ and they all mean more or less the same thing: idiot.

spanish swear words - middle finger

4. Qué Cabrón!

Pronunciation: kehh kah bron

Meaning: What a bastard!

In reality, ‘cabrón’ refers to a big male goat, with giant horns. As the old Spanish saying goes, a man whose wife is cheating on him is called a ‘cabrón’ i.e. his horns are growing.

Everyone then started using ‘Que Cabrón!’(What a bastard!), to swear at others. It’s quite a mild cuss, and often used just as a sarcastic remark instead of a real curse.

top spanish swear words

5. Los cojones!

Pronunciation: los co-hhoh-nehs

Meaning: Balls!

Spanish men are known as ‘machotes’ (macho men who are proud of their balls). They love to show their masculinity by adding the word ‘cojones’ (literally means testicles/balls) to their colorful language.

It tends to be used more like the word ‘Yah right!’ in English, in occasions when someone is trying to give you some crappy excuse, you would respond with ‘Los Cojones!’

It’s also one of the most versatile Spanish swear words. You can also use it to say ‘tienes cojones’ which means ‘you have balls’ or that you are bold.

spanish swear words - no swearing sign

6. Me cago en todo lo que se menea!

Pronunciation: meh cagon-todo-lo-keh seh-meh-neh-ah 

Meaning: I sh*t on everything that moves!

This is a long one, and the most powerful one in my opinion. My personal favorite Spanish swear word of all. It is long yet packs a punch.

I crack up whenever I hear my husband chant this long cuss while driving, and he does that a lot! It literally means ‘I sh*t on everything that moves.’ (strangely unvulgar but can be loosely translated to mean ‘f**k’ in Spanish.)

‘Me cago en…’ is a very commonly used cuss, and can be combined with anything and everything that comes to mind, like ‘Me cago en Dios (..on God) or ‘Me cago en tus muertos (..on your dead relatives).

spanish swear words

7. Me cago en dios!

Pronunciation: meh cagon di-ohs 

Meaning: I sh*t on God!

Holy moly — those who believe in God should totally skip to the next swear word! This is one hell of a swear word. It translates literally to mean ‘I sh*t on God!’.

It might sound totally disrespectful, especially in a Catholic country like Spain, but it’s surprisingly common to hear it especially in southern Spain.

Basically, ‘me cago en’ can be used in many different combinations, such as ‘me cago en tus muertos’ (I sh*t on your death!) or ‘me cago en la leche’ (I sh*t on milk). They generally mean the same, bloody hell and f*ck.

spanish swear words - learning spanish

8. La madre que te parió!

Pronunciation: la ma-dreh keh te pah-ri-ohh

Meaning: Motherf**ker

In my personal opinion, this is the most vulgar curse ever and something I wouldn’t personally use. It translates literally to mean, ‘the mother who gave birth to you’ meaning you are cursing someone’s mother. It is used in the same way as ‘motherf**ker’ in English.

It’s usually used as part of a sentence for example: ‘Me cago en la madre que te parió!’ (I sh*t on the mother who gave birth to you.). Alberto likes to use this when he’s angry with our daughter and it pisses me off as he’s literally cursing me!

best Spanish swear words

9.Hijo de puta 

Pronunciation: ee-hho deh poo tah

Meaning: Son of a bitch!

This translates literally to ‘son of a b*tch!’. ‘Hijo’ means son, ‘puta’ is bitch (which is often used on its own). It’s used in the exact same way as English, except almost ten times the frequency. It is however mostly used to tease someone, especially as a sarcastic or envious remark.

Your friend gets a promotion – hijo de puta! Your brother is going on an epic trip – hijo de puta! He just bought a 40inch plasma TV- hijo de puta!

spanish swear words - hijo de puta

10. Tonto del culo

Pronunciation: ton-to del kuloh

Meaning: Idiot

Slightly milder than all the previous curses, this translates to ‘an idiot of the ass’ and it’s used to refer to how stupid/silly someone can be. It’s often used with close friends.

For instance, Javier just turned down a great job offer, that tonto del culo

spanish swear words - next exit

11. Puta madre 

Pronunciation: poo-tah ma-dre

Meaning: Motherf**ker

Literally meaning ‘f**king mother’, it can be used to curse but can also be used positively. As a form of exaggeration, it is commonly used to describe how good something is.

For example: ‘Esta fiesta está de puta madre!’ (This is a f**king good party!). ‘Puta madre!’ is often used to express great satisfaction, eg. ‘Barcelona won! de puta madre!

It’s one of the most commonly used Spanish swear words. Technically it sounds pretty harsh and vulgar, but because it’s used so commonly, it’s pretty accepted everywhere, even when using it with family.

spanish swear words - more love please!

12. Coño

Pronunciation: koh-nyoh

Meaning: C*nt

As vulgar as this sounds, it’s actually used excessively in Spain. It’s not usually used to describe someone, but rather as a general swear like ‘Joder!’ to express surprise, anger or frustration.

I have heard it being used amongst my Spanish friends, family (a lot), and even in work environment in Spain.

For instance, ‘¡Coño, qué buena está!’ (Damn she looks good!) and ‘¿Dónde coño estás?’ (Where the f**k are you?). A more powerful version is ‘coñazo’ (meaning big c*nt), which is generally used to describe something that is boring, irritating or tedious.

spanish swear words - learn spanish

13. La hostia

Pronunciation: la oz-tiah

Meaning: Holy sh*t

Hold on to your seats ‘cos this one really does pack a punch! The word ‘hostia’ originates from Southern parts of Spain, where it’s used to describe the holy communion used in church.

Since Spain is such a Catholic country, incorporating the holy mother church can be one of the most offensive remarks you can say, depending on how religious a person is.

Hostia can be used one its own to say ‘sh*t’. But it’s usually combined with other words for more impact. For instance, you can say ‘hostia puta’, which means ‘Holy f**k’ or ‘me cago en la hostia’ (I sh*t on the host!).

A super harsh one would be  ‘Te voy a dar una hostia! (I’m gonna slap you in the face!).

spanish swear words

14. Qué te den (por culo)! 

Pronunciation: keh teh-den

Meaning: F**k off!

This literally translates to mean, ‘to give it to you through your ass! ‘Culo’ means ass or butt. In other words, you’re trying to say ‘go f**k yourself!” or ‘up yours!’. You can also simply say ‘que te den’, and it means the same.

spanish swear words

15. A tomar por culo!

Pronunciation: keh teh-den

Meaning: To hell with it!

Another one that involves some ass action. This Spanish cuss has two meanings. In general, it’s used to describe ‘to hell with it’ or ‘f**k it!”. For instance, you can say ‘Argh I need to study for my exam, but I’m so tired. A tomar por culo! I’m going to bed!’.

A second meaning for the phrase is actually not vulgar at all — it is used to describe something as very far.  For instance, ‘vive a tomar por culo de aqui‘ is an exaggerated way of saying ‘he lives very far from here’.

spanish swear words - do you speak spanish?


Do speak Spanish or are you learning Spanish? Don’t forget to check out my 20 language-learning tips! Share some of your other favorite Spanish words with us! 

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spanish swear words

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Over the years (and traveling to 140+ countries), I’ve learned a thing or two about travel planning. I’ve put together this list of travel resources that I personally use to find the best deals and book travel! For more details, check out my travel tips resource page.

  • Booking Flights: Kayak is brilliant for finding the best dates to fly as it allows you to search for the lowest airfares within a 3-day period. Then I use Skyscanner as they’ve consistently given me the lowest airfares. 
  • Accommodations: I always use Booking.com to book hotels, mainly because of the flexible cancellation policy and good customer service. You can also find short-term rental apartments there (I prefer not to use Airbnb due to the extra charges).
  • Travel Insurance: It’s important to have travel insurance, regardless of whether you’re traveling for a few days or months. Safety Wing is the most popular travel insurance company for COVID19-coverage. I use their Nomad Insurance plan, which covers any healthcare expenses I may have worldwide. Refer to my travel insurance guide for more details.
  • Health Advice: I always refer to the travel guides on the CDC website for recommended medications and vaccines. You can get them at your travel doctor’s office or a walk-in pharmacy.
  • Tours: If you’re looking for all-encompassing tours, I recommend small-group adventure tour outfitter, G Adventures. I’ve traveled with them to Antarctica, Mongolia, Svalbard, and Nepal, and loved every single trip. For day tours, I always book with Viator and GetYourGuide; they have easy booking systems and free cancellations.
  • Car Rental: I always book car rentals on Discover Cars, as they’ve consistently given us the best rates and customer service (with free cancellations). We’ve used them in Seychelles, South Africa, Spain, Peru, and Mexico.
  • Transportation: Whenever possible, I book local transportation online using Bookaway and Busbud. They’re more reliable than many local transport websites and cover trains, buses, and car hire. 
  • Restaurants: TripAdvisor is my go-to resource for restaurant reviews and bookings. I also make restaurant reservations on OpenTable.
  • Travel WiFi: I always travel with my Travel WiFi Sapphire 2 device; it’s the most convenient way to get internet data on the go. Instead of getting a local SIM card in every country I travel, I get an internet data package online and the device works immediately when I land.


Nellie Huang is the founder of WildJunket. Originally from Singapore, Nellie has traveled to over 140 countries across 7 continents. As an adventure travel blogger, she has a special interest in unusual destinations and deep experiences. Her work has appeared in many major publications including BBC Travel, CNN and LonelyPlanet.com. Read more about her here and get more life updates from her on her Facebook and Instagram.

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121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish!

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Today, it’s Spanish Swear Words time! And I’m not just talking about the Pajero car which is sold in English speaking territories, because pajero is a Spanish Swear Word!

But if you want to learn ‘proper Spanish’ check out..

Learn Spanish

Inevitably, when you start learning a new language, you’re going to start speaking the slang or expletive expressions because that’s what the locals do! I think some of the first Spanish words I learnt were slang, thanks to some friends from Barcelona that I met in Africa.

51Yzkjsph2L. Sl250 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1569759235 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog41Wbnna Dcl. Sl250 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=0071433015 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1535306408 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog512Hsxuvl2L. Sl250 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1510725369 | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

So what are some of the best Spanish Swear Words and Curses?

Spanish Swear Words Slang Phrases Curses Insults Colloquialisms Expletives | Spain Travel Blog | 121 Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Learn How To Speak Spanish! | Argentinean Swear Words, Asshole In Spanish, Bad Words In Spanish, Besame El Culo, Bitch In Spanish, Cabron, Cagar, Chewpa, Chilean Swear Words, Colombian Swear Words, Cuban Swear Words, Culo, De Puta Madre, Hijo De Puta, Loco, Mexican Swear Words, Mierda, Polla, Puerto Rican Swear Words, Puta, Que Putas, Spanish Colloquialisms, Spanish Curse Words, Spanish Curses, Spanish Cuss Words, Spanish Expletives, Spanish Expressions, Spanish Insults, Spanish Phrases, Spanish Slang, Spanish Swear Words, Spanish Translations, Urban Dictionary, Zunga | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Triple-hijueputa – Three times motherf&*ker.
Pelotudo – You have big balls (testicles) but in a dumb way
Perro – Dog. Often used as “Perro hijueputa”
Polla – Female chicken, also penis
Gonorrea – A really mean person, also is a sexually transmitted disease
Uy, que care-chimba – Hey, penis face.
Me cago en la leche! – I s&*t in the milk! (means something like “s&*t, i’ve have bad luck”)
Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre– I s&*t in your whore mother’s milk
Tu hermano no tiene la ingle – Your brother has no groin
Cagaste y saltaste en la caca – You s&*t and jumped in it

They were more than happy to educate me with a tonne of Spanish swear words and curses. Actually, the words of any new language you learn are probably going to be expletives (see some Russian Swear Words for examples!)

I mean, many people don’t speak proper English, and communicate in a series of slang words, sentences, or even whole conversations!

And Spanish is no different!

The Spanish Language

Spanish is a very expressive language and I think it reflects the people that use it as their first language.

Like English, Spanish has morphed into different sorts of slang because it’s been exported all over the world, thanks to the Spanish Empire (check out some funny Spanish Translations from Colombia here!).

Of course, Spanish then mixes with the native languages and out comes something new!

So here you go, here are some Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang, and Expletives that range from not too bad to downright offensive!

Spanish Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives. Learn How To Speak Spanish

If you don’t like swearing, stop reading now!

A silly, not so definitive list of Spanish Swear Words, Curses, Slang and Expletives!

By the way a couple of really high search terms on the internet include “Bitch in Spanish” which is “Perra“, and “Asshole in Spanish“. The answer to this one is either Gilipollas, tontopollas, or peludo!

Spanish Swear Word/Expletive English Translation
Culo Ass
Puta / Perra Bitch
Puto The “masculine” version of a bitch. Also, a very, very angry person
Hijueputa Son of a bitch
Hijo de puta Long version of hijueputa.
Triple-hijueputa Three times motherf&*ker.
¿Estás puto? Are you mad?
Pendejo A dumb or stupid person, a dork
Deje de ser tan pendejo Stop being a dork
Verga Swear word: penis, but also is the arc of the crossbow and a type of sailing boat mast
Verga dura A hard penis
Verga muy grande A very big penis
Pelotudo You have big balls (testicles) but in a dumb way
Tarado A douchebag, a retard
Coger To have sex, but also means ‘to grab’ something
Mierda S&*t
Perro Dog. Often used as “Perro hijueputa”
Polla Female chicken, also penis
Culiao Someone who just had anal sex
Chupamedias Bootlicker
Cara de monda Penis Face
Percanta A person who lives a criminal lifestyle
Zunga A bitch, prostitute
Gonorrea A really mean person, also is a sexually transmitted disease
Cagar To defecate
Trompada A punch in the face.
Te voy a romper la cara a trompadas I’m gonna break your face with my punches.
Loco Crazy
Maldito A cursed person
Maldición Damn, dammit
Uy, que care-chimba Hey, penis face.
Le quedo una chimba It looks amazing/awesome.
Basura Garbage
Chapero Gay bitch
Bastardo Bastard
Cabron f&*king Bastard
Polla, nabo, rabo, verga, cipote Penis
Gilipollas, tontopollas D$%khead, asshole
Pichacorta Little penis
Cojones, pelotas Balls
Cojonazos Big balls
Chichi Vagina
pelos de los huevos/coño Pubic hair
Chupame la polla Suck my penis
Chupamela Suck it
Zorra, guarra Fox, dirty girl
Hijo de puta Son of a bitch, motherf&*ker
Follar, joder, chingar To f&*k
Me cago en ti – I s&*t over you
Chorra, Pinnus Stupid
Que te jodan F&*k you
Que te den por culo F&*k off you
Payaso Clown
Desgraciado Unlucky (literally means “son of a bitch”)
Calientapollas Cockteaser
Me cago en la hostia F&*king Damn it! (literaly: I s&*t in the communion wafers)
Me cago en la leche! I s&*t in the milk! (means something like “s&*t, i’ve have bad luck”)
Besame el culo Kiss my ass
Hijo de mil putas Son of thousand bitches
Metete un palo por el culo Shove a stick up your ass
Hueles a mierda You smell like s&*t
Jode a tu madre F&*k your mom
Valió madre/Valió verga Literally “It was worth mother” or “It was worth cock”, but means “something is f&*ked.”
Güey Literally means ox, but also means a dumb person
¡Mira qué cabrón! Don’t try to be a smart-ass
Pinche idiota F&*king idiot
Pinche puta F&*king bitch
Tu madre es una puta fea Your mother is an ugly bitch
Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre I s&*t in your whore mother’s milk
Me encanta tu culo I love your ass
Métetelo por el culo Stick it up your arse
Pendejo Jackass / asshole
Tu hermano no tiene la ingle Your brother has no groin
Cagaste y saltaste en la caca You s&*t and jumped in it
Caquita de la vaquita Cow s&*t
Chinga tu hermana F&*k your sister
Chinga tu madre F&*k your mother
Chingate F&*k you / Go f&*k yourself
Cojeme F&*k me
Jode tu madre ayer noche I f&*ked your mother last night
Qué chingados es eso?! What the f&*k is that?
Tonta Bollocks
Por huevos/cojones Literally “for eggs/testicles”. Means a reason is not required for someone to do something.
Costar un huevo Literally to cost an egg. Used to indicate that something is very expensive.
Kieta el stupido elephante Shut up you stupid elephant
Tengo ganas I am horny
Tienes ganas? Are you horny?
Tirate a un poso Throw yourself in a hole
Tonta Bullocks
Tu eres más feo que el culo de un mono You are uglier than the butt of a monkey
Tu madre es muy gato y feo Your mother is fat and ugly
Tu madre es una estupida Your mom is stupid
Tu madre es una puta Your mom is a whore
Tu madre es una puta fea Your mother is an ugly bitch
Vete al infierno Go to hell
Yo mataria tu! I am going to kill you!
Hora Nasty penis
Culo peludo Hairy asshole
Cara de panocha Crotch face
Cara de pito Penis face
cara de mi huevo izquierdo- Left ball face
Puta madre Fu*king sh*t
Bete a la verga Go to hell
Mamon/Mamona Idiot or moron
Come mierda Eat s*%t
puta barrata Cheap whore
Cojete mi suegra F*ck my mother in law
No me jodas Don’t f&*k with me.
La he jodido I f&*ked it up
South/Central American Spanish Swear Words English Translation
Maraca (Chile) Slut
Pete (Argentina) Fellatio
Pinche Literally means kitchen assistant, but is a mean person or stingy
Pinga Penis
Chilito Little penis
Chichis Breasts
Mondá (Colombia) Penis
Concha (Argentina) Bitch
El orto/ojete (Argentina) Ass
Las tetas (Argentina) Boobs
No joda (North Colombia) Shut the f*&k up, leave me alone

There you go!

This of course, is just a small sample of the Spanish swear words and slang that’s out there.

I’m not exactly fluent in Spanish, but I’ve used some of these terms above and it’s all taken in a light hearted way!

But if you’re a native Spanish speaker, I’m sure you’ve got loads more of great expressions!

If you do, leave your funniest and favourite one in the comments below!

I’m sure they’ll be all gold!

See more at my list of British Slang, Irish Slang, funny Australian sayings, Italian Swear Words, Russian Swear Words and Expletives, French Swear Words, and German Swear Words. Plus how to speak like a Kiwi bro!

Travelling soon? Then check out some Backpackers Travel Insurance for Spain and South America! and my Best Travel Insurance tips.

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Ever wondered how to swear in Spanish? Here in this article, you’ll learn some Spanish curse words that are definitely offensive. So remember to use sparingly and only when needed!

Spanish curse words

Get the list in PDF (+ FREE audio!)

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A quick word of caution before we proceed: if you’re one who easily gets offended OR IF YOU ARE A MINOR, stay away because there are some vulgar terms up ahead. Some of the words (okay, most of the words) in the list can be quite offensive to some, and this whole article starting from this point contains explicit language.

But if you’re not easily offended, go right ahead and check out the list of Spanish curse words.

I. A Few Reminders

  • Learn the words and understand, but use sparingly otherwise you’d be in for a load of trouble!
  • Just like in any other country, cursing can be very offensive and insulting, but among friends when used casually, a little bit of swearing is fine and even funny.
  • Learning about how a certain group of people curse can give you a lot of insights about what they find the most offensive, and would give you a peek into their collective minds.
  • Please remember that the translations given here are more or less the closest approximation to the Spanish curse words. And as slang terms, these words may carry a different equivalent depending on which part of the Spanish-speaking world you are.
  • If you want to get a copy of this list in a PDF format, you can download it by clicking the button below. Upon signup, you’ll be given access to a folder where you can find this list in PDF + other freebies.

Now, without further talk, check out below the list of Spanish swear words and phrases. First, you’ll see the simpler ones, but scroll down until the end. It’s where the more expressive vulgarities can be found.

II. Spanish Curse Words with English Translations

Spanish curse words English Translation or Equivalent
1 joder
fuck; shit
2 carajo (Latin America) fuck; shit
3 coger (Latin America) to fuck
4 Idiota (Spain, Latin America) dumbass; jerk; idiot
5 Estúpido (Spain, Latin America) stupid
6 hijo de puta (Spain, Latin America) son of a bitch
7 tortilla (Latin America) dyke
8 Mierda (Spain, Latin America) shit
9 Imbécil (Spain, Latin America) jerk; imbecil
10 hijo de perra (Spain, Latin America) son of a bitch
11 Pendejo (Latin America) asshole; dumbass
12 Puta (Spain, Latin America) Bitch
13 Zorra (Spain, Latin America) Bitch; whore
14 Marica (Spain, Latin America) fag
15 Maricón (Spain, Latin America) faggot
16 coño
Goddamn it!
17 Maldito (Spain, Latin America) Damn you!
18 coño
19 Apestar (México) to suck; to stink
20 Bastardo (Spain, Latin America) bastard
21 Culo (Spain, Latin America) ass
22 Tarado (Latin America) moron
23 lame botas (Latin America) ass kisser
24 vete al demonio (Spain, Latin America) go to hell
25 Mamahuevo; mamagüevo (Venezuela) cocksucker
26 Huevón (Latin America) asshole; dumbass
27 Gilipollas
stupid; shithead
28 Cabrón (Latin America) bastard; dick
29 Malparido (Latin America) motherfucker; son of a bitch
30 Puta madre (Latin America) Goddamn it! Fuck!
31 A la mierda! (Latin America) Holy shit!

You have just scrolled through 33 of the milder cursing. Now get ready to go extreme. Here are the full sentence swearing to be used only on extreme scenarios.

III. Level 2 Spanish Cursing

32. Que te jodan. It is used in Spain as something similar to ‘fuck you’.

33. Me cago en… is also used in Spain. It means «I shit on…»

For example:

  • Me cago en tu puta madre. I shit on your bitch of a mother. (yikes!))
  • ¡Me cago en la madre que te parió!  I shit on the mother that gave birth to you! (That’s quite awful!)
  • Me cago en Dios. I shit on God. (Now that’s just pure blasphemy!)

All of it sounds hair-raisingly vulgar, right?

“Me cago en…” can also be used in other ways such as:

  • Me cago en la leche. It literally means, “I shit on the milk” but it is used similar to “holy shit”
  • Me cago en tus muertos. I shit on your dead relatives. (dude! That’s sick.)
  • ¡Me cago en la madre que te parió!  (I shit on the mother that gave birth to you)

And the one that tops it all:

34. Que te folle un pez. (also used in Spain). It means «I hope you get fucked by a fish». (I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, that’s for sure)

35. Que te den. Up yours. This is used like ‘fuck you’. (also used in Spain)

36. Que te den por culo. Also used like ‘fuck you’ same as the previous one, and also mainly used in Spain. 

IV. Conclusion

Phew. That was quite a list, wasn’t it? The Spanish sure know how to say a curse word or two. 

Once again, you can download the list in PDF format + the MP3 by signing up below. 

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Do you know any other colorful Spanish swear words that we missed on this article? Do share in the comments!

For slang words from the different Spanish-speaking countries, check out the e-book below.

Inevitable! Unavoidable! And totally NSFW! It doesn’t matter where you learn Spanish or the country you are heading to, you’ll always listen to Spanish curse words. Whether you like them or not, they are part of the language; a very colorful part.

Spanish curse words are not only used for insulting or hurting people but also for fun and even to show love among friends. Swearing in Spanish is almost an art form.

In fact, you need to bear in mind that it will definitely be offensive, and curse words should not be used unless necessary.

When to use Spanish curse words?

Well, definitely not with strangers or, at least, not in front of them if you want to avoid trouble. As it should happen in every culture, curse words relieve stress or anger.

Not all Spanish curse words have the same meanings, it depends on the country in which they are used. So, let’s review the words they use in the most visited Spanish-speaking countries but first, let’s look at what we can call international swear words.

International Spanish Curse Words

The basics to start our cursing course! There are some phrases or just words in Spanish everyone uses for which, no matter the place, the meaning doesn’t change or they have a very similar interpretation.


Use them whenever you hit yourself with something or some situation doesn’t go as expected.

  • ¡Coño!: fuck!
  • ¡Carajo!/¡Joder!: fuck! or damn it!
  • ¡Mierda!: shit!
  • ¡Puta madre!:  goddammit!
  • ¡La madre que te parió!: Damn the mother who bore you!  

Calling someone stupid

These are low-level bad words. However, the tone is what matters.

  • Estúpido/a: stupid.
  • Bobo/a: dumb.
  • Idiota: idiot.
  • Imbécil: imbecile.
  • Tarado/a: moron.
  • Mongol or Mongólico/a: retarded.
  • Huevón: slacker or moron.
  • Tonto del culo: idiot of the ass? No, it is used to curse someone extremely stupid.

Stronger Spanish Swear Words

Now you are talking nasty! Use these wisely.

  • Tu puta madre: your bitch of a mother.
  • Hijo de puta: son of a bitch is a very common and effective Spanish curse.
  • Hijo de perra: son of a bitch.
  • Puta: whore.
  • Zorra: slut.
  • Marico/a or Maricón: sissy or pussy.
  • Maldito/a: piece of shit.
  • Chúpamelo or Chúpamela: suck my dick or pussy.
  • Bastardo: bastard.
  • Lame culo: ass-licker. 
  • Come mierda: shit-eater.

Well, the last two have two words but they go together and people pronounce those as one 😀

Other Spanish curse words and phrases

  • Coger: to fuck.
  • Mierda: miserable and stingy.
  • Mamón: sucker or prick.
  • Maldito + another insult: fucking …
  • De puta madre: Something very good or very bad depending on the tone.
  • Que te jodan: fuck you.
  • Vete al diablo/demonio: go to hell.
  • Andate a la verga: get lost.
  • Culo: ass curse referring to that part of the body.

Spanish Curse Words in Mexico

Image by F8 Studio via Shutterstock


It’s the first word that people from the United States learn from Mexicans in Spanish. It meant “pubic hair” before but not anymore.

It’s widely used with people who are not considered to be so smart. So, it means dumb or stupid. There is also the possibility of you acting as such.

  • Órale, mijo, estás bien pendejo: Geez, son, you’re so stupid.
  • No te hagas el pendejo: Don’t try to play the fool.


Unlike the previous one, Spanish curse words using chingar are pretty vulgar.

Originally from Mexico, chingada is now usually used everywhere in Latin America for memes and everyone loves it. Now, due to its malleability, you’ll have to be careful not to send the wrong message. Chingada could be a deplorable place, state, or condition. So:

  1. ¡Vete a la chingada!: Go to hell!
  2. Esto está de la chingada: This is not good.
  3. ¡Me lleva la chingada!: I’m screwed!

We can also have this word as a verb; chingar, similar to fuck, can be expressed in multiple scenarios. According to the context, it could mean “to annoy”, “to have heavy work” or maybe “to have a lot to do”:

  1. ¡Deja de chingar, cabrón!: Stop bothering, you ass!
  2. Estuve chingándole todo el día: I worked the whole day.
  3. Tengo un chingo de cosas por hacer: I have a lot of things to do.

On the other hand, we have “chingón” which is related to “chido” which is something good. When using “chingón” we talk about the best option:

  1. Carlos es un chingón en física: Carlos is very good at physics.
  2. La comida está bien chingona: The food is very good.

Even though the term is quite common, it is not suitable for formal situations. Some people would consider it rude or vulgar, so employ it with friends. Remember! It’s all about intonation.


More than meant to be a direct insult, this word is something like an intensifier used in Mexico. People put it in front of an insult so it increases its efficacy. 

  • Ese pinche chamaco no deja de chingar: That fucking brat is a pain in the ass.

As it could be taken as “fucking” in English, you can put it everywhere.

  • La pinche lluvia me chingó los planes: The fucking rain ruined my plans.


Given the situation, it could be a bad-intentioned or cowardly person. 

  • Este pinche culero me quiere hacer trampa: This fucker wants to cheat.
  • Apaga la luz, no seas culero: Turn off the light, don’t be a coward.


If someone tells you this, it’s not implying you look like a goat as the literal translation would refer. Instead, it’s a pretty strong insult meaning “fucker” or “sucker”. It’s only acceptably harmless when your buddies call you this way.

If the situation is fucked up hard, then you can say “está cabrón”. By the way, a non-vulgar expression for this would be “está cañón”.

However, if you are “encabronado”, it means you are actually pretty angry.

Hasta la Madre

Often used by Spanish speakers when they can’t take any more bullshit:

  • Estoy hasta la madre de que me mientas: I’m sick and tired of your lies.

Or when they have too many things to do:

  • Estoy hasta la madre de tareas: I have too many tasks.

On a separate yet important note. If someone tells you…

  • Vete a la verga o te voy a partir la madre: Beat it or I’m going to kick your ass.

It’s a pretty serious threat.


Two curse words are often used to describe violent impacts. They could be caused by an object, a person, or the result of a crash.

  • Alguien me dio un madrazo en la cabeza: Someone hit me on the head.
  • Se cayeron a chingadazos en la escuela: They started a bad fight at school

Spanish Curse Words in Argentina

Image by F8 Studio via Shutterstock

Spanish in Argentina has a little change when it comes to the conjugation of the second person singular (the informal you). Instead of using “tú” Argentineans use “vos” and the verb changes a little.

Also, the “Y” and “LL” will be pronounced like “sh” in English.

Las Pelotas

This is an angry Spanish curse for “no”. When you get this, you can’t keep asking. The translation would be “the balls” or, in this case, “my balls” which, in any Spanish-speaking country refers to the testicles.

  1. ¿Me querés ayudar?: Do you want to help me?
  2. ¡Las pelotas!: Hell no!

Romper los huevos

It’s very common to listen to a lot of testicle-referring bad words in Argentina. Along with the previous expression, this one is meant to tell people not to continue with an annoying attitude or to just stop what they are doing.

  • Me rompe los huevos que mis vecinos reparen cosas los domingos: It’s annoying when my neighbors make repairs on Sundays.
  • ¡Ché, pará de cantar, no rompás los huevos!: Dude, stop singing, you’re annoying!


One of the favorites! If you’re out for a drink with friends, you’ll see it’s used frequently. Concha is about women’s private parts and getting the expression directly is an insult to a member of your family.

  • La concha de tu madre: Motherfucker.
  • La concha de tu hermana: Motherfucker.

However, it is also commonly used to refer to a bad situation.

  • ¡La concha de la lora!: Fuck!

They can also send you there so you stop your actions here and go somewhere else. Besides, if they want to emphasize their insult towards the private part, they’ll add “re” to it.

  • ¡Andate a joder a la reconcha de tu abuela!: Fuck off!


Can you guess which one people could accept to be called?

Both are very common curse words yet they are different regarding the level of disrespect. Boludo is the equivalent of saying “stupid” or “dumb” in English and foreigners get hooked easily. It’s acceptable because you are not always actually calling others dumb.

  • Mi hermano es un boludo, pero lo quiero: My brother is dumb but I love him.

Pelotudo, on the other hand, is pretty offensive. People in Argentina are upset when they choose this one. So, unless it is necessary, don’t run this Spanish curse.

  • Pelotudo de mierda: Fucking dumbass.


In Argentina, they don’t usually say “culo”, they say “orto” when talking about the ass. As concha, you can combine it to get a different meaning. 

“Te voy a romper el orto” depending on the situation it’s either sexually violent or just violent. 

  1. Te voy a romper el orto: I’m going to fuck you in the ass.
  2. Te voy a romper el orto: I’m going to kick your ass.

“Cuando te salga del orto” nothing is coming out of your ass in this case. This Spanish curse means that you were already told to do something and you haven’t done it. They’re ironically telling you to do it whenever you have the time.

“Estoy hasta el orto” we have two options again. Having too many things to be carried out or being fed up.

  • Estoy hasta el orto con tu actitud: I had enough of your attitude.
  • Estoy hasta el orto de trabajo: I have too much work.

“Del orto” usually comes after mentioning an unpleasant situation.

  • Está haciendo un calor del orto afuera: It’s fucking hot out there. 


It literally translates to “to shit” and it’s correct but not the whole time. If it is within an expression, Spanish speakers definitely mean something entirely different. 

In Argentinean slang, it could be the very act like me cago which means I shit but if they send you with andate a cagar it expresses that your presence is not wanted here.

Or, they could tell you they shit on someone. Figuratively, they’re saying that the person is guilty of your doings. Of course, they’re going to be using your mother’s private part for this:

Me cago en la concha de tu madre/Me cago en tu puta madre: I shit on your bitch of a mother.

That would be one of the possible translations and it’s pretty strong for them.

As in everything in Spanish, it could be meant to the universe, not someone. Not that you hate the universe but the situation that is currently affecting you. In this case, you’d say:

  • Me cago en la puta: Fuck me sideways.

 Spanish Swear Words in Colombia

Image by Jorge Gardner via Unsplash

I don’t particularly find insults in Colombian Spanish to be as disrespectful as in other countries. However, you just can’t take them lightly.

Generally, people in Colombia will go with the formal “you” when talking to other people which is usted.


Yup, it is a sexually transmitted disease but not in this context. The word is strong, Colombians try to avoid using it. Either your actions are disgusting or you’re a disgusting person.

  • ¿Qué le pasa, gonorrea?: What the fuck is wrong with you?


It literally means lamp and they do use “lámpara” for a lamp but that’s an object. Use it to call people “cocky” or “arrogant”. Also, for those who have a tedious attitude.

  1. Soy mejor que el resto: I’m better than the rest.
  2. Ush, no sea lámpara: Don’t be arrogant.


  • Dígale la verdad, no sea lámpara: Tell her the truth, don’t be a douche.


It is not a frog as it would literally translate. Among the curse words used for snitches or those who like gossiping, this is the most common one. 

Even when it’s not a strong insult, it’s pretty violent when someone tells you this.

  • Nadie lo llamó acá, no sea sapo: Nobody called you here, are you a snitch?

Hijueputa (Hijo de puta)

A contraction of hijo de puta. Son of a bitch is the best translation. Call someone like this if you’re looking for a curse word to provoke a fight.

  • ¡Dígamelo de frente, hijueputa!: Say it to my face,  son of a bitch!

If you add numbers, it gets stronger like triple hijueputa, mil hijueputa, setenta hijueputa, and so on… 

People in Colombia use this Spanish curse as a last resort. They would rather take a more peaceful road with “juepucha” when it’s not for people but for frustrating situations like hitting your toe with the table.


The meaning changes if you look for it somewhere else different from Colombia. It was used before to call underage men who were associated with prostitution. 

Nowadays, most Spanish curse words in Colombia are used mostly among “ñeros” (or so the locals say) which are low-class folks. We’re not talking about money but about uneducated people or people who want to show a delinquent-like attitude. 

  • ¿Quihubo, pirobo? ¡Hágale!: What the fuck are you waiting for punk?

Care Mondá/Care Chimba

Spanish curse words that are not in the dictionary? Here they are! “Care” is short for “cara de”. About “mondá” and “chimba”  refer to the penis. So, you got “dickface”.

Folk stories tell that the word “mondá” comes from the French “Mon Dieu” meaning “Oh, my God”. When French women arrived at the Colombian coast, they saw black men’s private parts for the first time (maybe) and they went like “Mon Dieu!”. The pronunciation is how locals understood the word.

Anyways, although vulgar, use it to refer to someone close, too. It’s to be taken seriously if you notice an angry tone.

  1. Este care chimba es el mejor: This dickface is the best. (compliment)
  2. Se va a arrepentir, care mondá: You’re going to regret this, dickface. (threat)

Chimba can be found in other situations involving good or bad quality objects.

  1. Mi celular es una chimba: My cell phone is awesome. (cheerful tone)

Chimba de celular tengo: My cell phone sucks. (depressing tone)

Spanish Curse Words in Spain

Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Shutterstock

Unlike Latin America, Spanish people pronounce the letters “z” as a “th” in “thing”, “Thor” or “thought”. This rule applies also to the letter “c” when accompanied by “e” and “i” as in “cacería” and “vacío”.

This is only used in Spain Spanish. You better start practicing if you want to learn their accent!


Someone excessively stupid or dumb. The word “gili” is the one determining stupidity. In Spain, they tend to combine this Spanish curse with other words to make it stronger.

This curse word is used only in Spain. Tonto del culo is also used only in Spain with the same meaning.

  • ¡Cállate, gilipollas!: Shut up, dumbass!

Los Cojones

Frequently used in situations where you believe someone is lying or providing too many excuses. You’ll be literally calling the bullshit card.

This word is not only used in Spain but in other Spanish-speaking countries with differences in meaning.

This is just another word for “testicles” and it wouldn’t make sense or have a completely different connotation in other countries. 

  1. Tío, que he visto un coche volador, coño: Dude, I just saw a freaking flying car.
  2. ¡Los cojones!: Bullshit!

“Tienes cojones” is a Spanish slang term you employ when someone is bold or confident.

  • Tienes cojones para desobedecer a tu madre: You’re bold disobeying your mother.


The more you shit on someone sacred to others, the stronger the insult becomes. People in Spain have some other curse words to pair up with this one.

Let’s say you’re decorating a cake but it suddenly falls and you lose everything…

“¡Me cago en todo lo que se menea!” An impersonal yet powerful way to express your discontent towards a situation. It translates to “I shit on everything that moves”.

“¡Me cago en Dios!” Another impersonal expression for things that happen to you. This one is pretty disrespectful if you’re a religious person because it translates to “I shit on God”. 

“Me cago en la leche” is very common, too. As well as the previous ones, it’s regarding a situation and not a person.

“Me cago en tus muertos” now, they’re shitting on dead relatives. It doesn’t make any sense if you just translate it but it is meant to disrespect you and your family in this case given that is direct.


Another one you won’t find anywhere else but in Spain. The word comes from the Catholic church as Spain has been a very religious country. This is the holy bread you consume during mass but it’s used to express completely different things.

Now, depending on the context, we’ll have different situations.

  1. ¡Me cago en la hostia!: Fuck!
  2. ¡Hostia puta!: Holy shit!
  3. ¡Ah buena hostia!: What a whack, punch, hit…
  • Me metí una hostia en la cabeza contra la puerta: I hit my head pretty bad with the door.

Full speed, very fast…

  • Llegamos a toda hostia: We arrived very fast.

Extraordinary, huge…

  • La comida estaba de la hostia: The food was splendid.

The best, really good…

  • Pedro es la hostia en ese juego: Pedro is the best in that game.

To express surprise, astonishment, admiration…

  • ¡Hostia! Que me has asustado: Damn! You scared me.

There are just too many Spanish curse words referring to or implying something with the ass. Here are the most popular ones in Spain.

¡Que te den (por culo)! 

They hope you get it and you know where. You can use the whole sentence to be more specific but once you listen to the first part, you already know what’s coming after. Translation on this could be “get fucked”.

  • Os ofrezco el salario mínimo por las 12 horas: I offer a minimum wage for 12 hours.
  • ¡Que te den por culo!: Go fuck yourself!

¡A tomar por culo!

This is a very popular phrase in Spain. It has two quite different meanings.

For the first one, you’re saying that it’s enough of something and you don’t want to continue making efforts.

  • Ya no quiero hacer ejercicios. ¡A tomar por culo!: I don’t want to exercise anymore. Fuck it!

The second one is about exaggerating a distance.

  • Ellos viven a tomar por culo: They live far away.

¡Que te folle un pez!

Again, a sexual attempt towards you but this one is quite unusual. To get fucked by a fish? At this point, you should have realized that Spanish-speaking countries are very imaginative regarding insult creation.

Even though the possibility of being able to listen to the phrase seems rare, the meaning is not so different from “fuck you” or “screw you”. However, the fish part makes it fun when you use it with friends.

  • Ni de coña, ¡Que te folle un pez!: No fucking way, screw you!

Pollas en Vinagre

In English, dicks in vinegar. It doesn’t make much sense, there are many theories about its origin and not many Spaniards know how to explain what it is.

Most words on the list are expressed in the country where they were labeled but people have heard them in movies or series outside of that country.

However, “pollas en vinagre” is unknown for those who haven’t been to Spain. Its equivalent in English would, of course, depend on the context.

The phrase indicates that an action was not carried out due to difficulties and there is nothing to do about it. So, “fuck it” fits.

  • Íbamos a la playa pero comenzó a llover así que pollas en vinagre, nadie vino: We were going to the beach but it started raining, fuck it, no one came.


  1. Deberás hacer lo que digo: You will do as I ask.
  2. Sí, pollas en vinagre: Yeah… right! / Fuck you!

Fair Warning with using Swear Words in Spanish

When learning this language you may not realize how strong these Spanish curse words really are given that they just sound different or even funny.

Remember to listen to your Spanish-speaking friends first if you want to learn how to properly use these words. Else, you wouldn’t know if you’re going to be in trouble or seriously offend someone accidentally.

Always pay attention to the tone, the context, and the relationship that exists between the speakers. Those will determine the seriousness of most Spanish curse words.

Final Thoughts

Curse words are a really great way of learning to improve your comprehension skills and your Spanish vocabulary. So if you really want to master your ability to speak Spanish, this is a great start.

If you’re ready to learn proper context and put your language abilities into practice, go ahead and sign up for a free private class or a 7-day free trial of our group classes so you can show us what you got.

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The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Idiomatic expressions, particularly profanity, are not always directly translatable into other languages, and so most of the English translations offered in this article are very rough and most likely do not reflect the full meaning of the expression they intend to translate.[c]


In Spanish, as in most languages, swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo, such as human excretions, sexuality, and religion,[1] and swearing serves several functions in discourse.[2][3][4][5][6][7][c]

Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, «whore», perra «bitch») or implying a supposed lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón «faggot», puto «male prostitute»).[8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else’s mother, including also in its strongest form (e.g. ¡me cago en tu puta madre! «fuck your whore of a mother!»,[9][10][11][12][13] in which «me cago» out of context means «I shit», but in this sentence it expresses disregard).

Emphatic exclamations, not aimed to insult but to express strong emotion, often include words for sexual relations (e.g. ¡joder! «fuck!», ¡chingados! «fuckers!») or to excretions or sexual organs (¡mierda! «shit!», ¡coño! «pussy!»). Sexual taboo words that describe a masculine sexuality may be used in a positive sense (e.g. cabrón «male goat», gallo «rooster», cerdo «pig»).[8]

References to sexual acts[edit]

The following words are indicative of a variety of sexual acts, especially sexual intercourse and masturbation, though mostly limited to specific geographic regions.


chingar—originating from the Basque verb txingartu, meaning «to burn with coal» or from Caló (Spanish Romani) word čingarár, meaning «to fight».[14] In the work La Chingada, it was famously applied to La Malinche, the mistress of Hernán Cortés.[a]


The word is derived from «chingar» which means «to fuck», which came from the Romani language word for «fight» used by the Gitanos.[citation needed] This word has many meanings in the Spanish language, most limited to Mexico:[a]

  • Adjective[15] for damage (e.g. «Este niño se subió a la bicicleta y ahora su rodilla está chingada» – «This kid rode his bike and now his knee is fucked up/fucking damaged.»)
  • Noun[15] for a bad place to go (e.g. «¡Ya me tienes harto! ¡Vete a la chingada!» – «I’m done with you! Go fuck yourself!/Get the fuck out of here!»)
  • Interjection[15] (e.g. «¿Se sacó todas bien el tonto? ¡Ah, chingado!» – «Did the dumb guy get all the questions right? Oh, fuck!»)
  • Adjective[15] for awful (e.g. «Este restaurante está de la chingada» – «This restaurant is fucking awful.»)

These words are often used in the following contexts:

  • «¡Hijo de la chingada!» (idiom, adjective) «Son of a fuck!»
  • «¡Chingada madre!» (interjection) = «Motherfucker!»
  • «¡Vete a la chingada!» (noun) = «Go fuck yourself!» or «Get the fuck out of here!»


Like chingado, the word comes from chingar.[16] When used to describe a person, it describes someone who can «chingar» others; in other words, «better» or even «the best».[a]


follar (used particularly in Spain and to a lesser extent in Cuba, but rarely found elsewhere) literally means «to blow air with the bellows»[17] and probably refers to panting during sex.[a]


The verb joder/joderse is a harsh way of saying «to bother» and its English equivalent is «fuck». It can literally mean «to fuck somebody» e.g. anoche, Juan y su novia jodieron («last night Juan and his girlfriend fucked»), or it can mean «to annoy», «to ruin», etc. no me jodas (don’t annoy/bother me), or lo has jodido (you’ve fucked it up). It can be used as an adjective, like the English «fucking» (jodido) and is often used as a light interjection: ¡Joder! Olvidé mi abrigo («Fuck! I’ve forgotten my coat»).[a]

Alternative ways of referring to sexual intercourse include: follar, echar un polvo (Argentina, Spain), coger (Argentina, Mexico), chimar, pisar (Central America), culear (Argentina, Chile and Colombia), singar (Cuba), garchar, mojar la chaucha, ponerla (Argentina) and cachar (Peru).[a]

Remojar el cochayuyo[edit]

Remojar el cochayuyo (lit.: to soak the cochayuyo)—used in Chile[18] The expression alludes to the cochayuyo algae that is harvested on Chile’s coast. The algae is preserved by sun-drying. To be used for cooking, it then needs to be softened by soaking in water.[a]


«Coger» can be confused with the verb «to take» but in the majority of Latin America is used to talk about taking someone sexually.[19]

References to the male genitalia[edit]


Cojón (plural cojones) is slang for «testicle» and may be used as a synonym for «guts» or «[having] what it takes», hence making it equivalent to English balls or bollocks.[a]

A common expression in Spain is anything to the effect of hace lo que le sale de los cojones («does whatever comes out of his/her balls»), meaning «does whatever the fuck he/she wants». Variations are sale de los huevos, sale de las pelotas, etc. A common Basque aphorism is los de Bilbao nacemos donde nos sale de los cojones («we Bilbao natives are born wherever the fuck we want»).

Sometimes, to denote obnoxious or overbearing behavior from someone else, idiom tocar los cojones/huevos/pelotas/ … («to touch someone else’s balls») comes to play. For instance: Venga, dame eso y para ya de tocarme los cojones («Come on, give me that and stop bothering me.») It can sometimes be an understatement: A principios de los treinta, los nazis ya empezaban a tocar los cojones (meaning, roughly, «At the beginning of the 1930s, the Nazis were already being an annoyance.»).

It is also frequent to derive other words, such as adjectival form cojonudo (lit.: «ballsy»), indicating admiration. A famous Navarran brand of asparagus has this name.[20]

Cojones also denotes courageous behavior or character. Acts of courage or bravery are expressed by using the word cojones. For example, «Hay que tener cojones para hacer eso» («it takes cojones to do that»).

It is sometimes used, at least in Spain, as a suffix, complement or termination to a word or name in order to confer it a derisive or overbearing quality. For instance: el Marcos de los cojones («That fucking guy Marcos»), ¡Dame ya la maleta de los cojones! («Give me the fucking suitcase why don’t you!») However, it is more common to use «de cojones» as a superlative, as in Es bajo de cojones («He’s short as hell» or «He’s short as fuck»).

The phrases me importa un cojón or me importa un huevo mean «I don’t give a fuck about» In alternative variations one would raise the number, usually to three: me importa tres cojones.

Cojones alone can also be used much like the four-word exclamations, though less usually; it is frequently a giveaway for native Catalan speakers when they speak Spanish, as collons is used much more profusely in situations akin to those for «fuck» or «shit».

Tocarse los cojones/los huevos/las pelotas/las peras (lit. «to touch one’s own balls») stands for idleness or laziness. The fact that this is not a well-known expression in the United States may have been the excuse, according to some sources, for the April 2011 dismissal of a Princeton Spanish senior lecturer, with tragic consequences.[21][22] In Chile, this term is unused; the preferred expression is rascarse las huevas (lit. «to scratch one’s own balls»).

Derivative of «cojón» English equivalent
Un cojón A lot
¡Los cojones! No way!
Costar un cojón Cost a fortune
Importar tres cojones Not mind at all
Mil pares de cojones Very difficult
Tener cojones To be brave
¡Tiene cojones (la cosa)! To be upset about something
Cortarle los cojones To threaten
Tocarle los cojones a To annoy somebody
Acojonado,-a Scared
Descojonarse de la risa To piss oneself laughing
Acojonante Very funny / scary
¡Tócate los cojones! What a surprise!
Cojonudo,-a Perfection
De cojones Perfectly
Por cojones With no other choice
Hasta los cojones Up to the brink
Me toca los cojones It annoys me
Con dos cojones Bravely, courageously
Lo que me sale de los cojones Whatever I want
No tener cojones To be a coward
Pasárselo por los cojones Don’t give a toss
Echarle cojones a algo To brave something out
¡Ole tus cojones! Good for you!
Los cojones morados Cold as hell
Mis cojones treinta y tres I don’t believe you, liar


Carajo (lit.: «crow’s nest») is used in Spain in reference to the penis.[citation needed] In Latin America (except Chile), it is a commonly used generic interjection similar to «fuck!» «shit!» or «damn it!» in English. For example: Nos vamos a morir, ¡carajo! («We’re gonna die, fuck!») or a far away place, likened to hell: ¡Vete al carajo!.[a]

In Argentina, the term «Vamos Carajo» was used in Quilmes advertising in advance of the 2014 FIFA World Cup[23] as a statement or cheer that an Argentine supporter would use to urge their team to victory.

The diminutive carajito is used in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela to refer to (usually annoying) children, or to scold someone for acting immaturely, e.g., No actúes como un carajito («Don’t act like a little dick!»).[citation needed]

Caray is a mild minced oath for this word. Ay caray could be translated «Dang it» or «Darn it!» The word caracho is also considered mild like caray.[citation needed]

The connotation of «far away place» is supposedly based on the name of the Cargados Carajos, which belong to Mauritius. Nationalistic chants commonly use the phrase: ¡Viva Cuba, carajo!, ¡Viva el Ecuador, carajo!, and ¡Viva el Perú, carajo![a]

It is said that the term carajo originated during the Moorish invasion in Spain. The Moors were described as Spanish: cara de ajo—or «garlic-face»/»garlic-shaped face»—which was later contracted to carajo.[a] In some other parts, cipote can also be used.


Bicho (lit.: «bug», «baitworm») is one of the most commonly used references to the penis in Puerto Rico. It is similar to the much less commonly used word pinga. In most other regions it is a non-vulgar reference to an insect or several species of small animals.[a]

In the Caribbean coast of Colombia bicho is used to reference the anus or the bottom. In Venezuela, it can be used as an interjection. In El Salvador, it is commonly used as the slang equivalent of «kids». In Nicaragua, and some parts of Costa Rica, bicho is used to reference the vagina. In Spain and the Dominican Republic, Mexico and many other Spanish speaking countries it refers to people (both male and female) who are a negative influence on others, often used as mal bicho («bad bug»). When applied to children, it can mean one who is misbehaving.


Huevos (literally: «eggs»), pelotas (literally: «balls»), bolas (also literally: «balls»), peras (literally: «pears»), and albóndigas (literally: meatballs) all refer to testicles in a profane manner. They are equivalent to cojones in many situations. In Mexico, the word is not used in a potentially ambiguous situation; instead, one may use the inoffensive blanquillos (literally: «little white ones»).[a]

Sometimes the words lavahuevos («egg-washer») or lamehuevos («egg-licker») are used in the same context as «brown-noser» (meaning ambitious and self-effacing) in English.

Highly offensive Dominican insults involving this term are mamagüevo/mamagüevos («egg-sucker») and mamagüevazo («huge egg-sucker»). Mamagüevo is also used in Venezuela where it is considered less offensive.

Huevada/Huevá (lit.: «covered in egg») is used in Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in reference to objects («¡Qué huevá más grande!» may translate to «What an annoyance!»). Shortened forms huevá or even weá and wa are usually intended to be less offensive. Many expressions using cojones in other countries are used in Chile with huevas replacing the former word. There’s also a local expression: «¿Me hai visto las weas?» (lit. «Have you taken a look at my testicles?») means «How much of a fool do you think I am?».

Ñema (a corruption of yema, meaning «yolk») refers to the glans. The word mamañema is functionally similar to mamagüevo.

Pelotas can have another meaning when it comes to nudity. «Andar en pelotas» means to walk about stark naked.

Oversized testicles as a marker of complacency[edit]

  • Bolsón (lit.: «big bag») One whose testicles are so large, they have a large scrotum which prevents them from working.
  • Huevón (lit.: «big egg»)/Ahueonao/Ahuevoneado/Ahuevado (lit.: «one who has/was gifted large huevos«)/Boludo (lit.: «one who has large bolas«) is a strong personal reference in many Latin American countries. At times it can be used as an ironic term of endearment, especially in Argentina, the same way as dude or «dawg» in North America (much like güey in Mexico), comparably with Greek malaka. For example, in Chile one would understand a sentence like Puta el huevón huevón, huevón. as «Fuck! That guy is an asshole, dude.»[a]

In Mexico, huevón is a pejorative term that usually translates as «slacker». In Mexico, Panama and El Salvador it can be loosely translated as «couch potato.» One may also say tengo hueva, meaning «I’m feeling lazy.» In Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, güevón/güebón is the preferred form. In Venezuela, it is pronounced more like güevón and, often, ueón. In Chile and Peru, the preferred form to use is huevón (often shortened to hueón or weón) and ahuevonado/aweonao. In Panama, awebao is the popular form, and a good example of the clipping of consonants (and sometimes vowels) in informal Spanish. In Argentina boludo can be used by young people as a culturally appropriated term of endearment (¿cómo andás, boludo? = how are you doing, pal?), but it can also mean «slacker», «idiot», «ignorant», etc. In Chile, Peru and in the Quito region of Ecuador Ni cagando, huevón is a phrase commonly used among youth meaning «Don’t even think about it» or «Not a chance». In Mexico, Tenga huevos (literally «Have eggs») translates as «Have some balls». For example, one can hear a Mexican say No corras, ten huevos which means «Don’t run away, have some balls».


Verga (lit.: a «yardarm»—a part of a ship’s mast that holds the sails) occurs in a number of Romance languages, including Portuguese and Italian.[a]

In Colombia, Panama and Venezuela it can be used as a vulgar generic filler, as well as a boastful self-reference (similar to the English «That shit» or «I’m the shit»). For example, ¡Soy bien verga! (lit.: «I’m very dick!») means «I’m very good at it!», and ¡Soy la verga andando! (lit.: «I’m the walking dick!») means «I’m the best that there is!»[a]. However, in the Venezuelan state of Zulia, the word is commonly used instead of vaina

In Mexico it refers to the penis; «Te voy a meter la verga» means «I’m going to insert my penis in you»; referring to somebody else, «Le metió la verga» or «se la metió» means «he fucked her/him» which may be the literal meaning, or more likely, it means that in a business, he got away with what he wanted for little money. It also have another meanings and derivative terms, for example: «Soy la verga» («I am the best one»); «Me fué de la verga» (roughly «something bad happened to me»); «Me vale verga» («I don’t care»); «Vergueé» («I ruined it», «I failed»); «Me verguearon» («They defeated me»); «Me pusieron una verguiza» («They scolded me», «They beat me»); «Vergón» («cocky», «cool», «sexy»); «Está de la verga» («That’s ugly/bad» but also «That’s very cool», «That’s awesome») etc.

A common expression in Mexico is ¡Vete a la verga!, meaning «Get the fuck out of here!» In Mexico this can be used to mean difficult or impossible: ¡Está de la verga!, «This is very difficult!»

In Guatemala, it also refers to a state of drunkenness as in ¡Está bien a verga!, meaning «He’s drunk as Hell!» or «He’s shit-faced!». In El Salvador it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation as in ¡Se ve bien vergón! or ¡Está bien vergón!, which means «It looks great!»

In Colombia, Honduras and Panama the expression no vale (ni) verga is used as a vulgar form of no vale la pena, meaning «it’s not worth it».

In Nicaragua, the expression «¡A la verga!» means «Screw it!» which is used in Honduras also.

In the United States, the variant «a la verga» or «a la vé» for short, is very common in northern New Mexico, and is used frequently as an exclamatory expletive.[a]

Other terms denoting male genitalia[edit]

Chile is famous for its large number of alternative names and euphemisms for the penis[citation needed]. These range from the inoffensive (pito (lit. «whistle»), diuca (after a small bird)), through vulgar (pichula, pico) and euphemistic (cabeza de bombero (lit. «firefighter’s head»), dedo sin uña («nail-less finger»)) to markedly euphemistic and humorous («taladro de carne» (lit. «meat drill»), «cíclope llorón» (lit. «crying cyclops»), «chacal de las zorras» (lit. «cunt jackal», in the sense of the jackal being a relentless predator), et cetera).[24]

Something similar happens in Argentina. From the classic «pito» or «pirulín» (a cone-shaped lollipop), which are innocent and even used by children, you can go all the way to the most vulgar ways as «pija», «verga» (lit. «yardarm»), «choto/chota» (after «chotar» which means «to suck»), «porongo/poronga» (a «gourd», which is also used to craft «mates»), «banana», «salchicha/chorizo» (two kind of sausages), «pedazo» (lit. «piece»), «garcha» (also used as the verb garchar, which means «to fuck» or something of extremely bad quality), «palanca de cambios» (gear stick), «joystick», «bombilla de cuero» (lit. «leathery bombilla». Bombillas are used for drinking mate by sucking into them), etc.[25] Among young people, almost every word can be turned into mean «dick» if said effusive and with connotation[citation needed]: -«¿Me pasás el encendedor?» -«¡Acá tengo un encendedor para vos!» (-«Can you give me the lighter?» -«I have a lighter for you right here!»).

In the Caribbean coast of Colombia, «mondá» (from mondada, the peeled one) is used as a variant for verga. Other words include picha, pinga, yarda, yaya, cañafístula, guasamayeta, animaleja, copa, cotopla, gamba, palo, trola, tubo and pipí, the latter being innocent and mostly used to refer to a child’s penis.

References to the female genitalia[edit]

Concha / Chucha / Chocha[edit]

Large shell with flared lip, viewed facing the opening, which is glossy and tinted with shades of pink and apricot

Concha (lit.: «mollusk shell» or «inner ear») is an offensive word for a woman’s vulva or vagina (i.e. something akin to English cunt) in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Mexico. In the rest of Latin America and Spain however, the word is only used with its literal meaning. In such regions, it is commonly heard in the phrase ¡(La) concha (de) tu madre! («The cunt of your mother»), which may be used as an expression of surprise or grief, or as a highly disrespectful insult. The contracted term conchatumadre/conchetumadre is common and extremely offensive in Chile, Bolivia and Peru as well.

In Mexico concha, which is used in its literal meaning, is also a type of sweet bread, round conch-shaped and covered in sugar, as well as having the aforementioned meaning and is offensive when used in said context. In Spain, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Mexico, «Concha» is a common name for females (corruption of Concepción). Also in Puerto Rico there is a popular hotel called La Concha Resort (The Seashell). Key West, Florida also has a famous hotel named La Concha. Concha can also mean a seashell-a conch.

Chucha[26]/¡Chuchamadre! and ¡Chucha de tu madre! are Panamanian, Chilean, Ecuadorian, Peruvian or southern Colombian equivalents. Random examples and expressions: Vení, oleme la chucha («Come and sniff my pussy»), ¡Ándate a la chucha! (roughly «Fuck off»).[a]

Chocha (or chocho, usually used in Spain) employed term for «pussy» predominantly in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia (chocho), Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, and Dominican Republic. In the Spanish province of Albacete is also used choto (var. chotera, chotaco) in the same sense. The word is a homonym as it is also synonymous with «senile» when used as «He/she is chocho/chocha». In Chile, the word is used to mean «happy», and is used for old people; for example, the sentence «La abuelita quedó chocha con el regalo que le dí» means «Granny was happy with the gift I gave her».[a]

In Venezuela, chocha is also a type of round seed or a particular type of bird.[27]

The name of the Latin American restaurant Chimi-Changa originated as a minced oath of chocha.


Coño (from the Latin cunnus) is a vulgar word for a woman’s vulva or vagina. It is frequently translated as «cunt» but is considered much less offensive (it is much more common to hear the word coño on Spanish television than the word cunt on British television, for example).[a]

In Puerto Rico, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Panama it is amongst the most popular of curse words. The word is frequently used as an interjection, expressing surprise, anger or frustration. It is also common to use the expression ¿Pero qué coño? to mean «What the fuck?»

Its usage was so common among Spaniards and Spanish-Filipino mestizos living in the Philippines that konyo became a Tagalog word for upper-class people.

In Ecuador and Chile it means stingy, tight-fisted, although in the latter country the variation coñete is becoming more common.


In Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines, panocha (or panoche) refers generally to sweet breads or cakes, or, more specifically, to a raw, coarse form of sugar produced there. It is also a fudge made with brown sugar, butter, cream or milk, and nuts (penuche). In New Mexico it means a sprouted-wheat pudding. In the southwestern United States outside of Northern New Mexico (and in northern Mexico and some places in Cuba), however, it often refers to the female genitalia. Use of this word has been known to cause embarrassment among Hispanos of New Mexico when speaking with Mexicans from Mexico.

The word is a combination of penuche and panoja meaning «ear of corn», from the Latin panicula (from whence comes the English word «panicle»—pyramidal, loosely branched flower cluster).[a]


Cuca (short for cucaracha, lit.: «cockroach») is used in Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, southeastern México and Colombia. Slightly milder than coño, and is almost inoffensive in the Dominican Republic.[a]

In the Dominican Republic it is a common term for a parrot.

In Chile it is criminal slang for paddy wagon. In general, it is used to refer to something considered scary.

It is also an inoffensive word for penis that many children use in Spain. It also has a slightly archaic use in Spain.

In Latin America it may describe a congenial, outgoing person with a gift for flattery («Julia is very cuca») or («Eddie is so cuco; look at all the friends he has.»).

In Nicaragua and in the Canary Islands, it is used as slang for «penis.»[a]

It is often the diminutive of the name María del Refugio.

In Cuba, it is also used as a term for a charley horse.


Polla (lit.: «female pollo«, i.e.: chicken or hen) is used in Spain, Nicaragua, El Salvador and to a lesser extent in Puerto Rico. It is also used to mean a (young) female (similar to «chick»). Some years ago, in Costa Rica, the term jupa de pollo («head of a chicken») was popular slang for «penis». The term todo el jupa de pollo was a popular way to say «the whole shebang», «the full Monty» or «it’s complete now».[a]

In Spain, to say that something, especially a situation or an arrangement, is la polla is to have a high opinion of it. Esto es la polla. El hotel está al lado de la playa y además es muy barato means «This is fucking great. The hotel is close to the beach and it’s cheap, too.»[citation needed]

In Spain it also means penis. Common expression in Spain is anything to the effect of hace lo que le sale de la polla («does whatever comes out of his penis»), meaning «does whatever the fuck he/she wants». It can be used as a vulgar generic filler, as well as a boastful self-reference (similar to the English «That shit» or «I’m the shit»). For example, ¡Soy la polla! (lit.: «I’m the hen!») means «I’m very good at it!»[citation needed]

References to the female breasts[edit]

Although less used as profanity, some words for the bust can also be used derogatorily or humorously. Among them, some noteworthy are peras (i.e. pears), perolas (i.e. pearls),[28] mingas, tatas, tetas,[29] tetamen, tetitas, tetazas, tetorras, tetotas, tetarracas, tetuzas, tetacas, teturras, tetungas, tetillas, bufas, bufarras, bufarracas, bufoncias, bakugans, mamelungas, mamelones, domingas, bubalongas, babungas, pechugas, peritas, mamellas, tetolas, gemelas, pechamen, melones or chichis.[30]

References to the buttocks[edit]


Culo is the most commonly used Spanish word for «ass.» In El Salvador and Honduras, culero («one who uses the culo«) refers to a gay man, while in Mexico it refers to an unjust, unkind, aggressive or insensitive person likened to the connotation provided by the word asshole but usually more offensive.

Vete a tomar por el culo («Go and take it in the ass») is an expression used in Spain, it is like Vete a la mierda but more offensive.[a] Me parto el culo («I break my ass») is used to express laughter. It can also mean to do excessive work, usually accompanied by a verb that indicates the work, e.g. Me parto el culo barriendo («I work my ass off brooming»).[citation needed]

In Chile and Peru, culo is considered offensive (as it sounds very much like culear); poto is used instead.

In Argentina culo or culito are almost innocent words, though they can also be considered vulgar depending on the context. Expressions like en el culo del mundo (lit. «in the ass of the world»), en la loma del culo (lit. «In the ass hill»), which mean «too far away» or cara de culo (lit. «ass face», used to describe an unpleasant face expression) are regularly used.

In Panama culo is used in to construct slang terms and phrases which range from slightly inappropriate to offensive but commonly used regardless. Cara de culo (ass face) refers to an unattractive person especially when the person in question has a round face with protruding cheeks. Culo del mundo (asshole of the world) and casa del culo (ass house) mean far away e.g. Vivo por casa del culo/en el culo del mundo (lit. «I live by ass house/in the asshole of the world»). Culear means to have sexual intercourse—the same as fuck in its literal meaning— but does not imply anal sex.[citation needed]

Culito (little ass) is used by a penetrative partner to refer to a receptive partner in a sexual context; it is also used to refer to the buttocks in an inappropriate but affectionate way. Culo de botella (bottle ass) refers to thick eyeglasses. ¡Ponte placa en el culo! (put a license plate on your ass!) is a phrase yelled by motorists at pedestrians who are standing or walking in the middle of the road, particularly in heavy traffic. Recular means to go on reverse while estacionarse/parquearse de recula means to reverse park. Culillo means fear while culilloso/a refers to someone who gets scared easily. Hablar hasta por el culo (To talk out of the ass)—a local, impolite variant of the well-known phrase Hablar hasta por los codos (to talk through the elbows)—refers to someone who talks a lot; this variant is used to refer to a person in a negative way (as in «He/she won’t shut up») while Hablar hasta por los codos does not necessarily imply annoyance.[citation needed]


Fundillo/Fundío—heard in Mexico and the southwestern United States as an obscene term specifically for the human anus. It carries about the same weight as the American usages of the words «(someone’s) asshole» or «the crack of (someone’s) ass.» Fundío refers literally to the anus and is not used as a personal insult. For example, ¡Métetelo en fundío! (or in Mexico, Métetelo por el fundillo) is an expression of reproach. («Shove it up your ass!») The variant fondillo is also found in Puerto Rico and Cuba. In the Dominican Republic, the milder term fullín and the very offensive cieso may also be used.[a]


Ojete (lit.: «eyelet»)—refers to the anus in some countries, and also is used to mean «asshole»: Se portó para el ojete conmigo («He was a really bad person with me», or «He was an asshole to me»).[a] A popular obscene graffito in Mexico among schoolchildren is OGT; when the letters are pronounced in Spanish, they sound like ojete. In Argentina and Uruguay, «ojete» and also its synonyms culo and orto can all be used to mean «good luck»: «¡Qué ojete tiene ese tipo!» (He’s such a lucky guy!), «Ganó de puro ojete!» (He won just because he was so terribly lucky).


Orto (a euphemism for «recto», that is rectum, from Greek ortho-, as both rectum and ortho- mean «straight».[31] Although due to its lower class origin it is also believed (and more likely) to be the vesre form of roto, which means «broken», for «culo roto».[32])—in Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, refers to buttocks (as either an object of appreciation or disgust): «Qué tremendo orto tiene esa mina» (in praise of a woman’s buttocks), «Qué cara de orto» («What an ugly/bitter/moody face»); or luck—either good or bad. «Me fue para el orto» and «Me fue como el orto.» mean «I had an awfully bad luck on that». «Tiene un orto que no se puede creer» may mean «He/She is incredibly lucky» but can also be an appraisal of a someone’s derrier, depending on context.[a]

Other references to one’s backside[edit]

  • cola
  • de pedo («by farting»)—another Argentinean expression meaning «fortunate.» For example: Lo adiviné de pedo («I was lucky enough to guess it»).
  • al pedo («in a farty fashion»)—used in Argentina for «wasting time.» E.G.: Estás muy al pedo («You are doing absolutely nothing»).
  • qué pedo — Informal greeting among youngsters in Mexico: «¡qué pedo!». It is also used as an interjection to express an spontaneous reaction to something, E.G: «Qué pedo contigo», «Qué pedo con la vida». «Qué pex» is a common variation of this phrase.
  • en pedo («in a fart»)—which means «drunk» in Argentina.
  • en una nube de pedos («inside a fart cloud»)—also in Argentina, meaning not concerned about whatever happens around you, outside your cloud.
  • a los (santos) pedos (like (holy) farts)—means «extremely fast» in Argentina. It came into being due to a mispronunciation of Emil Zátopek’s surname as «Satospé». Corre a lo Satospé («He runs like Zátopek»). «A lo Satospé» then turned in «a los santos pé…», and finally in «a los (santos) pedos»).
  • al peo («in a farty fashion»)—used in Chile to express something done poorly or in a careless manner.
  • nalga (butt cheek).
  • poto – used in Chile and Peru for buttocks or anus.
  • roto/rota (lit.: «broken»)—specifically refers to the anus.

References to scatological acts[edit]


Cagar, just as in Portuguese, is a verb meaning «to shit.» It also means to screw (something) up, e.g. ¡Te cagaste los pantalones! («You shit your pants!»). Particularly in Spain and Cuba, there are a number of commonly used interjections incorporating this verb, many of which refer to defecating on something sacred, e.g. Me cago en Dios («I shit on God»), Me cago en la Virgen («I shit on the Virgin»), Me cago en la hostia («I shit on the communion host»), «Me cago en el coño de tu madre» (Lit: I shit in your mother’s cunt) is the strongest offense among Cubans. In Cuba, to soften the word in social gatherings, the «g» is substituted by the «s».[a] See below.

In Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Cuba, Chile and Panama it also means to make a big mistake or damage something i.e. fuck something up, e.g.: La cagaste (lit.: «you shat on it») or «Nos van a cagar.» («They’re going to fuck us»). In Argentina and Chile, it can also mean «you screwed» or «scolded» somebody (e.g.: Te cagaste a ese cabrón, «You took a shit on that guy»). In Colombia and Panama «la cagada» («the shit») refers to something or someone that makes everything else go wrong or the one detail that is wrong about something (and is thus the complete opposite of the American slang the shit); e.g., Ese man es la cagada («That dude is the shit» i.e. a fuck up/fucks everything up), La cagada aqui es el tranque («The traffic jams are shit here» i.e. are fucked up, fuck this place/everything up).

In Mexico City it may be used ironically to refer to a fortunate outcome: Te cagaste («You really shat on yourself») or an unfortunate outcome such as Estás cagado meaning «you’re fucked».

In Chile and Cuba, cagado («full of shit») means «stingy» or «miserly». It can also mean «depressed» in some contexts («Está cagado porque la polola lo pateó.» translates as «He’s depressed because his girlfriend dumped him.»).

Also, in Chile it can also have a more neutral connotation. La cagó («shat it») can be used to agree on a previous statement («Chilean Spanish makes no sense», «Sí, la cagó»)


Mierda is a noun meaning «shit.» However, phrases such as Vete a la mierda (literally: «Go to (the) shit») would translate as «Go fuck yourself.»[a]

In Cuba, comemierda (shit-eater) refers to a clueless idiot, someone absurdly pretentious, or someone out of touch with his or her surroundings. Ex. «que comemierderia» (how stupid), «comerán mierda?» (are they stupid or what?) or «vamos a prestar atención y dejar de comer mierda» (Let’s pay attention and stop goofing off). It is also used in both countries to describe someone who is «stuffy» and unnecessarily formal. In Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic comemierda refers solely to a snobbish person, while in Panama it refers to someone who is both snobbish and mean and/or hypocritical.

In Peru, irse a la mierda means «to be drunk as Hell.» In Mexico, Cuba, Chile and also in Peru estar hecho mierda means to be very exhausted.

In northern Mexico and the southwestern United States (particularly California), the phrase mierda de toro(s) (literally «shit from bull(s)») is used often as a Spanish translation of bullshit in response to what is seen by the Spanish speaker as perceived nonsense.[a]

It is also used generally to describe anything that is vexing or unpleasant, such as tiempo de mierda («shitty weather») or auto de mierda («piece-of-shit car»). A less common use is as a translation of the British profanity «bugger». The euphemisms miércoles (Wednesday) and eme (the letter m) are sometimes used as minced oaths.

Caca is a mild word used mostly by children, loosely comparable to the English «poop» or «doo-doo.» Comecaca is functionally similar to comemierdas.[a]

Pedorrez (bullshit) is slang to characterize a stupid, stupid action or idea, especially lacking in energy, relevance, and depth.[33]

Mojón A term originally meaning a little marker of the name of the street or a particular place in a road, it later went into general use to refer to a turd and thus became a synonym for shit; it is used freely as a substitute. In Cuba, the term «comemojones» is frequently used instead of «comemierda»; «Es un mojón.» («He’s a piece of shit.») is also commonly used in said country.[a]

Homosexual slurs[edit]


Maricón (lit.‘big Mary’) and its derivative words marica and marico are words used for referring to a man as a gay, or for criticizing someone for doing something that, according to stereotypes, only a gay person would do (marica was originally the diminutive of the very common female name María del Carmen, a usage that has been lost). The suffix -ón is often added to nouns to intensify their meaning.[a]

In Spain, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, the word has a stronger meaning with a very negative emphasis; akin to «faggot» or «poof» in the English language. In Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Mexico maricón or marica is especially used to denote a «chicken» (coward). In Chile, maricón also means «irrationally sadistic».[a]

Some examples of the uses of this word are:

  • Eres una marica. («You are a faggot.»)
  • Mano, eres tremendamente maricón. («Bro, you are so gay!»; here maricón is used as an adjective)
  • Yo sí soy maricón, ¿y qué? («I am certainly gay—so what?»)
  • No seas maricón. («Don’t chicken out», «Don’t be a pussy.», «Don’t be an asshole.»)
  • ¡Qué maricón de mierda, ¿eh?! («He’s such a damn faggot, right?!»)
  • Devuelve la mamadera al bebé, que lo haces llorar. ¡No seas maricón! («Give the baby back his bottle, because now you’ve made him cry. Don’t be cruel!»)

Two important exceptions are Colombia and Venezuela;[citation needed] in Colombia, marica is used as a slang term of affection among male friends or as a general exclamation («¡Ay, marica!» being equivalent to «Aw, man!» or «Dude!» in English).
, whereas in Venezuela marico is used as the masculine form with marica being feminine.[citation needed] In Colombia marica can also mean ‘naive’ or ‘dull’ you can hear sentences like «No, marica, ese marica si es mucho marica tan marica, marica», (Hey dude, that guy is such a fool faggot, boy) This often causes confusion or unintended offense among Spanish-speaking first-time visitors to Colombia. Maricón, however, remains an insulting and profane term for homosexuals in Colombia as well. A similar case is seen in Venezuela, where the word marico is an insult; however, the word is widely used among Venezuelans as «dude» or «man.» For example, «¿qué pasó, marico?» would mean «what’s up, dude?» The word carries at least a third meaning in Venezuela because it often is used to show that someone is being very funny. For instance, after hearing a joke or funny comment from your friend, you laugh and say «haha sí eres marico haha» which would be equivalent to «haha you crack me up man.»[a]

Derivatives of marica/maricón:

  • maricona—used in southern Spain to refer to a drag queen, in an often humorous manner. Elsewhere, maricona refers to a lesbian. In Cuba it is used in a friendly manner among gays.
  • mariquita (diminiuitive of marica)—means a wimp or sissy in Spain. For example, ¡Eres una mariquita!, means «You’re a pussy!» It also means ladybug. In Cuba, however, the term refers both to a dish of fried plantains and to being gay.
  • marimacha (combination of maricon and macha)—an insult common in Peru, Chile and Cuba, usually referring to lesbians or to women trying to do something seen as a males-only activity. It is considered offensive as mari prolongs the original insult macha. In Colombia, Macha is the feminine form of macho and thus refers to a tomboy (it is not really an insult, but more of a derogatory way to describe a masculine/unlady-like girl).
  • maricueca (combination of maricon and cueca (female cueco, see below))—used in Chile
  • mariconzón (combination of maricón and colizón) In Cuba, a slang term of affection among gays.
  • mariposa (lit.: «butterfly»)—used as a minced oath. The word mariposón («big ol’ butterfly») may also be used.


Manflor (combination of the English loanword «man» and the word flor meaning «flower») and its variant manflora (a play on manflor using the word flora) are used in Mexico and in the US to refer, usually pejoratively, to a lesbian. (In Eastern Guatemala, the variation mamplor is used.) It is used in very much the same way as the English word «dyke.» For example: Oye, güey, no toques a esa chica; todos ya saben que es manflora. («Hey, dude, don’t hit on that girl; everyone knows she’s a dyke.»). It can be used as an ironic term of endearment between friends, especially within the gay and lesbian communities.[a]

Other homosexual expressions[edit]

Many terms offensive to homosexuals imply spreading, e.g.: the use of wings to fly.

  • bámbaro—used in the south of Colombia
  • bugarrón/bufarrón/bujarrón/bujarra—used in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Spain. In Cuba, the expression «bugarrón y bugarra» refers to a «macho» man having sex with men. It is originated from French bougre and it is also cognate to «bugger» in English.[34]
  • cacorro—used in Colombia for denoting the active partner (the «top» during anal intercourse) in a gay relationship.[34]
  • cueco—used in Panama
  • cundango—used in the Dominican Republic and Cuba. In Cuba, cundango refers specifically to a male sex partner («Tommy has been Robert’s cundango for years»). It may mean «effeminate» or «sensitive» with a negative connotation
  • cochón—used in Nicaragua
  • cola (lit.: «tail»)
  • desviado (lit.: «deviant»)
  • fresa (lit.: «strawberry»)—used in Mexico to mean «fag» and can also refer to people who are preppy or yuppy. For example, pinche fresa means «fucking fag.»
  • fran (lit.:»fran»)-used to mean «gay».[citation needed]
  • hueco (lit.: «hole», «hollow»)—used in Guatemala. In Chile, depending on context, it can mean either «homosexual» or «vapid.»
  • invertido (lit.: «inverted»). A term ubiquitously used in old times to avoid the strong word «maricón». It was the official word used by the regime of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco in Spain, and sometimes still used in Cuba.
  • joto (see below)
  • loca (lit.: «crazy woman»)—used in Puerto Rico and Cuba (where «loquita» and «loquísima» are commonly used as well). Although normally derogatory, this term is also used as a culturally appropriated term of endearment among male and female homosexuals. In Chile is used to refer to a flamboyant or very feminine gay man.
  • macha (feminine form of macho)—refers to a «dyke». In Costa Rica, however, macho or macha is not derogatory but common slang for caucasoid, or similar to «blondie.»
  • mamapinga (lit. «cock-sucker»). Extensively used in Cuba.
  • mamaverga/mamavergas (lit.: «cock-sucker»).
  • maraco—used in Chile, only against male homosexuals; see maraca below.
  • maraca—used in Chile, only against female homosexuals; see maraco above.
  • mayate-used by Mexicans and Mexican-Americans to denote someone who is gay, or overtly flamboyant (lit. an iridescent beetle).[b]
  • mostacero (lit: «mustardman»)—used derogatively in Peru, referring to the active partner in a gay relationship, as he covers his penis in feces (mostaza or «mustard») when sexually-penetrating his passive partner.
  • muerdealmohadas (lit.: «pillow-biter»)—used in Peru. In Spain, it denotes the passive partner of a gay relationship.
  • pargo (lit.: «porgy» or «red snapper»)—used in Venezuela and Cuba, to mean «gay» or «flamboyant». This, as well as other fish in the grouper genera («cherna» in Spanish) are used in Cuba as well.
  • pájaro (lit.: «bird»)—used in the Dominican Republic and Cuba; in the latter country, the feminine forms «pájara» and «pajaruca» are also used. In each case, the use is either affectionate or derogatory, depending on context.
  • parchita (lit.:»passion fruit»)-used derogatively in Venezuela, for someone who is gay.
  • partido (or partí’o (lit:»broken one»; also «political party»)—used derogatively in Cuba.
  • pato (lit.: «duck»)—used in Puerto Rico, Panama, Cuba and Venezuela. This word is probably related to the Latin pathus meaning «sexually receptive». In Cuba, by extension, other palmipedes’s names are used to denote gayness: «oca» (greylag goose, «cisne» (swan), «ganso» (goose) and even «gaviota» (seagull). Also used in Colombia.
  • pirobo/a—used in Colombia for denoting the passive partner in a gay relationship. However, much as ‘marica’, is often used to refer to someone. As in ‘Vea ese pirobo’ (‘Look at that dude’)
  • playo («flat»)—used in Costa Rica.
  • plumífero (lit. «feathered (bird)»). Common derogative use in Cuba.
  • puto (see «puta» below).
  • raro/rarito (lit.: «weird»).
  • soplanucas (lit.: «nape-blower»)—used in Spain for denoting the active partner in a gay relationship.
  • tortillera (lit.: «a female who makes tortillas«)—one of the most common insults to lesbians. Lesbian sex is often referred to as tortillear or hacer tortilla («to make a tortilla»).[35]
  • torta (lit.: cake)—it has the same meaning as tortillera, referring to a lesbian woman.
  • parcha/parchita (corruption of «parga», a female pargo)
  • sucia (lit.: «dirty woman»)—used as an ironic term of endearment among male homosexuals.
  • traba—short of trabuco used in Argentina.
  • trolo—used in Argentina.
  • trucha (lit.: «trout»)
  • trabuco—used in Peru and Argentina, referring to a transgender woman.
  • tragaleche (lit.: «milk-swallower,» with «milk» as a metaphor for ‘semen’).
  • tragasables (lit.: «sword-swallower»).
  • Other terms: afeminado, chivo, colizón, comilón, fleto, homo, homogay (combination of the English loanwords «homo» and «gay»), julandrón, julai (shortened form of julandrón), plon, plumón, puñal, rosquete, sarasa, roscón, et cetera.
  • In Cuba, bombero (firefighter), capitán (captain), general (general) and other military (male) grades showing masculinity are used as slurs against lesbians, painting them with an un-feminine, dykelike appearance.

With Spanish being a grammatically-gendered language, one’s sexuality can be challenged with a gender-inappropriate adjective, much as in English one might refer to a flamboyant man or a transgender man as her. Some words referring to a male homosexual end in an «a» but have the masculine article «el»—a deliberate grammatical violation. For example, although maricona refers to females, it may also be used as a compounded offensive remark towards a homosexual male, and vice versa.[34]

Attacks against one’s character[edit]


Chocho means literally a senile person, from the verb chochear.[36]


«Pendejo» redirects here. For the Enrique Iglesias song, see Pendejo (song).

Pendejo (according to the Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, lit.‘a pubic hair’[c]), according to the Chicano poet José Antonio Burciaga, «basically describes someone who is stupid or does something stupid.»[c] Burciaga said that the word is often used while not in polite conversation.[c] It may be translated as «dumbass» or «asshole» in many situations, though it carries an extra implication of willful incompetence or innocent gullibility that is ripe for others to exploit. The less extreme meaning, which is used in most Spanish-speaking countries, translates more or less as «jackass». The term, however, has highly offensive connotations in Puerto Rico. An older usage was in reference to a man who is in denial about being cheated (for example, by his wife).[a]

Burciaga said that pendejo «is probably the least offensive» of the various Spanish profanity words beginning with «p» but that calling someone a pendejo is «stronger» than calling someone estúpido.[c] Burciaga said, «Among friends it can be taken lightly, but for others it is better to be angry enough to back it up.»[c]

In Mexico, pendejo most commonly refers to a «fool», «idiot», or «asshole». In Mexico, there are many proverbs that refer to pendejos.[c]

In Peru, it means a person who is opportunistic in an immoral or deceptively persuasive manner (usually involving sexual gain and promiscuity but not limited to it), and if used referring to a female (ella es pendeja), it means she is promiscuous (or perhaps a swindler). There the word pendejada and a whole family of related words have meanings that stem from these.[a]

In South America, pendejo is also a vulgar, yet inoffensive, word for children. It also signifies a person with a disorderly or irregular life.[citation needed] In Argentina, pendejo (or pendeja for females) is a pejorative way of saying pibe. The word, in Chile, Colombia, and El Salvador, can refer to a cocaine dealer, or it can refer to a «fool».[c]

In Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, it has different meanings depending on the situation. It can range from ¡Te cogieron de pendejo! («You were swindled!») to ¡Qué tipa pendeja! («What a dumbass!» as when a strange woman behaves offensively and then suddenly leaves). In Mexico and some countries in Central America, especially El Salvador, una pendejada/pendeja is used to describe something incredibly stupid that someone has done.[a]

In many regions, especially in Cuba, pendejo also means «coward» (with a stronger connotation), as in ¡No huyas, pendejo! («Don’t run away, chicken-shit!») or No seas pendejo! («Don’t be such a coward!»).[a]

In South America, it refers to a person regarded with an obnoxiously determined advancement of one’s own personality, wishes, or views (a «smartass»).[a]

In Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, pendejo or pendeja refers to a child, usually with a negative connotation, like that of immaturity or a «brat».[citation needed] Also in Argentina, since pendejo literally means «pubic hair», it usually refers to someone of little to no social value.[a]

In Peru, however, it does not necessarily have a negative connotation and can just refer to someone who is clever and street-smart.[a]

In the Philippines, it is usually used to refer to a man whose wife or partner is cheating on him (i.e. a cuckold).

In North Sulawesi, Indonesia, pendo (a derivative of pendejo) is used as profanity but with the majority of the population not knowing its meaning. The word was adopted during the colonial era when Spanish and Portuguese merchants sailed to this northern tip of Indonesia for spices.[a]

In the American film Idiocracy, Joe Bauers’s idiot lawyer is named Frito Pendejo.

Burciaga says that the Yiddish word putz «means the same thing» as pendejo.[c]


Cabrón (lit.: «big goat» or «stubborn goat»), in the primitive sense of the word, is an adult male goat (cabra for an adult female goat) and is not offensive in Spain. It is also used as an insult, based on an old usage similar to that of pendejo, namely, to imply that the subject is stubborn or in denial about being cheated on, hence the man has «horns» like a goat (extremely insulting).[a]

The word is offensive in Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, as it means «asshole» and other insults in English. The seven-note musical flourish known as «Shave and a Haircut (Two Bits)», commonly played on car horns, is associated with the seven-syllable phrase ¡Chinga tu madre, cabrón! (Go fuck your mother, asshole!). Playing the jingle on a car horn can result in a hefty fine for traffic violation if done in the presence of police or road rage if aimed at another driver or a pedestrian.[37] In Mexico, «cabrón» refers to a man whose wife cheats on him without protest from him, or even with his encouragement.

The expression ¡Ah cabrón! is used sometimes when one is shocked/surprised by something. Among close friends, the term is often inoffensive; however, it is not a word to be used casually with strangers.

As an adjective, it is equivalent to «tough» as in «It is tough» (Está cabrón).

To some extent, it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation meaning «great», «amazing», «phenomenal», or «badass». Such expressions would be said as ¡Estás cabrón! or ¡Yo soy cabrón!. The word is quite flexibly used in Puerto Rico, and it can even have completely opposite meanings depending on the context. Best friends call each other «cabrón» in a friendly manner, while it may also be used in an offensive manner. One might say Está cabrón to describe something as very good or very bad depending on the circumstance.

In Panama, it is used as an adjective to mean something/someone very annoying (who pisses you off). The verb cabrear can mean «to piss off (someone)». This verb form is also used in Chile.

In Peru, cabro is a reference to a homosexual, hence cabrón is a superlative form («big faggot»/»flaming faggot»).

The term cabrón also means a handler of prostitutes, comparable to «pimp» in English. The most common way to refer to a pimp in Spanish is by using the term chulo as a noun. In some countries, chulo can be used as an adjective somewhat equivalent to «cool» (Ese hombre es un chulo = «That man is a pimp» versus Ese libro es chulo = «That book is cool»). The word chula is a completely benign reference to an adorable female or feminine object, as in «¡Ay, que chula!». In Chile, however, «chulo» and «chula» always mean «vulgar».


Gilipollas (and rarely gilipolla) is a term used mostly in Spain and lacking an exact translation to English; the most frequent equivalents when translated in books, films, and other media are «jerk», «jackass», «douchebag», «asshole», or «buffoon» (in English), con (in French), and boludo or pendejo.[a]

The canonical definition of a gilipollas is a person whose behavior, speech, outlook or general demeanor is inconsistent with the actual or potential consequences of their own intellectual inadequacy. Paragons of this taxon include stupid people unaware of their own stupidity or unwilling to accept the consequences thereof, people with an ostensible lack of self-criticism, people unable to realize their own limitations, people who engage in repeated self-defeating behavior, and even a category which is seldom captured in languages other than European Spanish—to wit, people characterized by self-aware idiocy or incompetence, with this self-awareness occasionally stressed to the point of (presumably futile) complacency.[a]

By extension, its use in daily life is dedicated to any of the following types of people:

  • stupidity in its own right, to the point of eliciting animosity, whether faked or real, in whoever uses the word;
  • any character flaw (e.g., obnoxiousness, impertinence, general unpleasantness, blatantly unjustified arrogance or obliqueness and even neurotic or passive-aggressive behavior) deemed irritating and even a catalyst for potentially detrimental situations; or
  • a person displaying any combination of the two above qualities.

Occasionally it may be used for people who appear to be unpleasant or stupid (without necessarily being either) out of extreme social ineptitude.[a]

When selecting a word denoting low intelligence, most Spanish speakers have three options:

  • using a merely descriptive term, or one which, although insulting, can be used as a mild or at times even affectionate form of teasing: tonto («silly»), burro (lit.: «donkey»), etc.
  • using a more explicitly insulting expression, although one which still does not qualify as a real profanity: imbécil, idiota, estúpido.
  • one which delves into profanity. Gilipollas and capullo would correspond to such case.

The etymology of the word itself immediately confirms its genuinely Peninsular Spanish origins and preponderance, as opposed to other profanities perhaps more linked to Latin America: it is the combination of the Caló jili, usually translated as «candid», «silly» or «idiot», and a word which according to different sources is either polla (listed above) or a colloquial evolution thereto of the Latin pulla (bladder).

Perhaps due to the alternative origins of the latter part of the word, there has been some controversy concerning its status as a real profanity, although its clear phonetic evocation of the word polla leaves little room for doubt, at least in its common daily use. It is due to this that attempts at a euphemism have at times become popular, as is the case with gilipuertas (puerta standing for door). Recently, similar phrases have appeared, especially in Spain, although most of them (such as soplapollas, «cock-blower») delve much further into plain profanity.

A usual derivation of the word gilipollas into an adjective form (or a false adjectival participle) is agilipollado/agilipollada. For example: … está agilipollado/a would mean «… is behaving like a gilipollas.» Regardless of whether or not such condition or irreversible, the verb estar is always used, as opposed to ser. Another Spanish construction with similar rationale is atontado, derived from tonto («silly»).

A noun form of the word is gilipollez, meaning «stupidity» or «nonsense.»


Capullo (lit: «cocoon» or «flower bud», also slang for glans penis) is nearly always interchangeable with that of gilipollas.[a] The main difference between the two of them is that while a gilipollas normally behaves as he does out of sheer stupidity, a capullo normally acts like one by applying certain amount of evil intentions to his acts. While one can act like a gilipollas without being one, in the capullo instance that is not possible. A near-exact English translation is wanker. In English to be means at the same time both the permanent/ fundamental characteristics and the non-permanent/ circumstantial ones of anything, in Spanish to be separates into two distinct verbs: ser and estar which respectively reflect the aforementioned characteristics. So, to say about anyone that es un gilipollas means that he is stupid/ annoying permanently, while to say está agilipollado reflects both his present state and the fact that it could change at any time to a non agilipollado one. This is not true for a capullo: if someone thinks about someone else that he is a capullo, he thinks so permanently, because the degree of evil he sees in the capullo’s actions tends to be thought of as a permanent characteristic, inherent to the capullo’s personality. So the correspondent verb ser would be used: es un capullo, and the estar verb would never be used.

Whenever used as an affectionate or heavily informal form of teasing rather than as an insult, though, capullo is used a bit more often. This may be because someone who does not have an intention to offend will resort to a lower amount of syllables, hence rendering the expression less coarse and ill-sounding. Therefore, expressions such as venga ya, no seas ___ («come on, don’t be silly») would use capullo more frequently than gilipollas.[a]


Main article: Güey

Buey/Huey/Güey/Wey/We is a common term in Mexico, coming from the word buey that literally means «ox» or «steer.» It means «stupid» or a «cheated husband/boyfriend/cuckold.»[a]

It can be used as a less offensive substitute for cabrón when used among close friends. Mexican teenagers and young Chicano men use this word routinely in referring to one another, similar to «dude» in English. «Vato» is the older Mexican word for this.


Joto (lit.: the «jack» or a «knave» in a Western deck of cards) is used in Mexico and the southwestern United States, usually pejoratively, in reference to an over-sexed male. Arguably more offensive than maricón, joto usually refers to a man who is indifferent to pertinent matters, or who is a «loser», with perhaps a hinted accusation of closeted homosexuality. For example, a gay man in Mexico might derisively refer to himself as a maricón, but probably not as a joto. Recently the use of joto in Mexico has changed, and is being embraced by the gay community, mainly as an adjective: Es una película muy jota («It’s a very gay movie»). Not to be confused with the word jota, which refers to a traditional Spanish, Mexican or Argentine parlor dance.


Madre, (mother) depending on its usage (for example: madrear—»to beat» or hasta la madre—»full»), is an insult to one’s mother. This dishonors her, and the reputation of the family. It can be profane in Mexico. Chinga tu madre («Fuck your mother») is considered to be extremely offensive.[a] Tu madre Culo («Your mother’s ass») combines two spanish profanity words, Madre and Culo (see above), to create an offensive jab at one’s mother or mother in-law.

Madre could be used to reference objects, like ¡Qué poca madre! («That’s terrible!») and Este madre no funciona («This shit doesn’t work»). It can also be used with an ironically positive connotation, as in ¡Está de poca/puta madre! («It’s fucking awesome!»).

Madrazo, in Colombia, refers to insults in general, and «echar madrazos» means «to insult/curse somebody out.»


Pinche has different meanings, depending on geographic location.

In Spain the word is not offensive and it mostly refers to a kitchen scullion,[2] who acts as an assistant to chefs and is assigned to menial kitchen tasks such as preparing ingredients and utensils, as well as dishwashing. It is seldom used as an insult, as in pinche güey («loser»), or to describe an object of poor quality, está muy pinche («It really sucks»), but only to a lesser extent.[citation needed] Many restaurants in Spain have the name «El Pinche», to the great amusement of Mexican and Chicano tourists.[2]

In Mexico, the saying can range anywhere from semi-inappropriate to very offensive depending on tone and context. Furthermore, it is often equivalent to the English terms «damn», «freakin'», «bloody» or «fuckin'», as in estos pinches aguacates están podridos… («These damn avocados are rotten…»); Pinche Mario ya no ha venido… («Freakin’ Mario hasn’t come yet»); or ¿¡Quieres callarte la pinche boca!? («Would you like to shut your fuckin’ mouth?»), but most likely should be translated to the euphemism «frickin'» in most situations. Therefore, it can be said in front of adults, but possibly not children, depending on one’s moral compass. Sometimes pinchudo(a) is said instead.[citation needed] It also refers to a mean-spirited person or someone who is stingy: «Él es muy pinche.» («He is very stingy.»).[citation needed].[2]

In Chile, pinche isn’t vulgar, and it refers to the people involved in an informal romantic relationship with each other. The verbal form pinchar can be translated as «kissing» or «make out».[citation needed] Pinchar also means «to ping» (the act of calling someone and then hanging up with the intent of having them call back).

In Puerto Rico pinche simply refers to a hairpin, while pincho has the same meaning in Dominican Spanish.


Puta literally means whore, and can be extended to any woman who is sexually promiscuous. This word is common to all other Romance languages (it is puta also in Portuguese and Catalan, pute/putain in French, puttana in Italian, and so on) and almost certainly comes from the Vulgar Latin putta (from puttus, alteration of putus «boy»), although the Royal Spanish Academy lists its origins as «uncertain» (unlike other dictionaries, such as the María Moliner, which state putta as its origin).[citation needed] It is a derogatory way to refer to a prostitute, while the formal Spanish word for a prostitute is prostituta. It is used similarly to the English word bitch.[2]

Racial and ethnic derogatives[edit]

  • word endings such as aco. arro, azo, ito or (in Spain) ata are used to confer a falsely augmentative or diminutive, usually derogative quality to different racial and cultural denominations: e.g. negrata or negraco (and, with a more condescending and less aggressive demeanor, negrito) are the usual Spanish translations for a black person. Moraco would be the translation for «raghead» or «camel jockey».[a] [b]
  • Sudaca, in spite of its etymology (sudamericano, «South American»), is a derogative term used in Spain for all Latin Americans, South American or Central American in origin. In Mexico, the term is solely used to refer to people from South America.[b]
  • Frijolero is the most commonly used Spanish word for beaner and is particularly offensive when used by a non-Mexican person towards a Mexican in the southwestern United States.[b]
  • Gabacho, in Spain, is used as a derisive term for French people—and, by extension, any French-speaking individual. Among Latin American speakers, however, it is meant as a usually offensive term for white people or people born in the United States no matter the race of the people.[b]
  • Similarly, Musiu—A (somewhat outdated) word used in parts of Colombia and Venezuela, used to denote a white foreigner. Stems from the contemporary pronunciation of the French word «Monsieur». Is now generally superseded among younger Venezuelans by the term below.[b]
  • Argentuzo, argentucho an offensive term used in Chile and some Latin American countries to refer to an Argentine.[b]
  • Brazuca, used in Argentina to refer to Brazilians.
  • Bolita, an offensive term used in Argentina to refer to Bolivians.
  • Cabecita negra (lit.: little black head), used before as a very offensive and racist insult against Peronists, but it is used in Argentina to refer their border country, like Paraguay, Peru and Chile; since they were mainly workers during Peronism’s rise.
  • Chilote – this is actually the demonym for the people of the Chiloé archipielago in Chile. However, in Argentina it is used as synecdoche, referring to all Chileans.[b]
  • Cholo, was used in reference to people of actual or perceived mestizo or indigenous background. Not always offensive. In Chile it is used to refer to a Peruvian. In Peru it is used to refer to someone from the more purely indigenous population or someone who looks very indigenous. When used in the more mixed coastal areas to describe someone, it can be slightly more offensive depending on the way it is said or the context. In Mexico and the United States the term is usually used to refer to a Chicano gang member.
  • Coño, offensive word used to denote a Spaniard or the Castillan dialect in Chile.[b]
  • Ignorante outdated offense used by Chileans, Colombians, Mexicans and Paraguayans to describe Argentines. The word «argentino» (Argentine) is an anagram for «ignorante» (ignorant) in Spanish.[b]
  • Kurepí used by Paraguayans to describe Argentines. Literally translated from Guarani meaning pig skin.[b]
  • Mayate (lit: June bug) is a very offensive term used in Mexico and primarily by Mexican-Americans to describe a black person or an African-American.[b]
  • Mono (lit:monkey) used in reference to Ecuadorians in Peru[b]
  • Gallina (lit:chicken; coward) Used in Ecuador to describe Peruvians.
  • Pachuco refers to a subculture of Chicanos and Mexican-Americans, associated with zoot suits, street gangs, nightlife, and flamboyant public behavior.
  • Paragua (lit.: umbrella), used in Argentina to refer Paraguayans.[b]
  • Pinacate (lit.: dung beetle)-mostly used by Mexicans or Mexican-Americans referring to dark-skinned or black individuals, similar to English «blackie».[b]
  • Gachupín is used in Mexico and Central American countries for Spaniards established in those countries.[b]
  • Gallego (lit.: Galician)-mostly used in Latin America as synecdoche, referring to all Spaniards. Not always offensive.[b]
  • Gringo – generally used in most Spanish-Speaking countries in America. It denotes a person from the United States, or, by extension, from any English-speaking country or even anyone with a Northern-European phenotype.[b]
  • Panchito (lit. salted peanut) is used in Spain for native looking Central and South-Americans,[z] panchito as well as guacamole, machupichu, guachupino. They don’t necessarily mean offense.[b]
  • Payoponi is a Caló word widely used in Spain referred to native looking Central and South-Americans. It is composed by payo (lit. non-Romani person) and poni (lit. pony, due to their average height).[b]
  • llanta (lit.: tire)-a general prison slang used by Mexicans or Mexican-Americans referring to very dark skinned individuals.[b]
  • Prieto Used to describe dark people.[b]
  • Roto, used in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina to refer to Chileans.[b]
  • Yorugua, mild word used in Argentina to refer to Uruguayans. (Uruguayo in vesre).[b]
  • Japo used in reference to people of Japanese ancestry, similar to Jap; used mostly in Spain. In Rioplatense Spanish slang, the word used is Ponja, which is vesre for Japón (Japan).[b]
  • Moro (lit.: Moor) used in Spain in reference to people of Maghrebi, Arab or Middle Eastern ancestry; also used to describe Muslims in general.[b]
  • Polaco (lit.: Pole) used in Spain in reference to Catalan people. Its origin is unclear.[b]
  • Maqueto (Basque: Maketo), used in the Basque Country in reference to Spanish immigrants and descendants of Spanish immigrants with origins outside the Basque Country.[b]
  • Charnego (Catalan: Xarnego), used in Catalonia in reference to Spanish immigrants and descendants of Spanish immigrants with origins outside Catalonia.[b]
  • Tano (from Napolitano: Neapolitan). Used in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay as a synecdoche, to refer to an Italian. Not offensive, at this time.[b]
  • Turco (lit.: Turkish) used in Chile and Argentina for people of Arab ancestry. Originated due to the Ottoman nationality that early Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian immigrants had on their passports[38]
  • Pirata (lit.:Pirate). Used in Argentina to refer to English people.[b]
  • Paqui (lit.: Paki), Used to describe people of Subcontinental Asian heritage. Supposedly inoffensive, but not used by native Spaniards in front of people they are slurring. Therefore, used as a racist epithet.
  • Yanacona a term used by modern Mapuche as an insult for Mapuches considered to be subservient to non-indigenous Chileans, ‘sellout’.[39]
  • Yanqui (lit.: Yankee), Used in Argentina and other places in Latin America to refer to an American. Sometimes, but not always, derogatory. Usually used to distinguish an American from a foreigner of a culturally similar country such as Canada or the UK.
  • Saltamuros (lit.: wall jumper), jokingly insult used by USA and some Latin American countries, like Guatemala and Chile to refer Mexicans who enter to US illegally, making allusion to the border wall.
  • Surumato Used in New Mexico to refer to Mexicans, particularly Mexican Immigrants.
  • Veneco Used in all Latin American countries to refer to Venezuelans.

Other terms[edit]

  • chucha—used in parts of Colombia in reference to offensive body odor.
  • so—used to imply «such a …» but not always capable of direct translation in English. For example: «¡Cállate, so puta!» («Shut up, you bitch!»)
  • vaina (lit.: «sheath or pod»; cf. Lat. vagina)—in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela it is a commonly used generic filler. For example: Esta vaina se dañó («This thing broke down»).
It can also be used in phrases to denote any strong emotion. For example: ¡Vea la vaina!, can mean «Isn’t that something!» (expressing discontent or surprise). Esa vaina quedó muy bien (lit.: «That vaina came up really well») would translate to «It turned out really well» (expressing rejoice or happiness) and … y toda esa vaina would translate to «… and all that crap».
In the Dominican Republic it is commonly used in combination with other profanities to express anger or discontent. For example: «¡Qué maldita vaina, coñazo!» meaning «Fuck, that’s bullshit!» or «¡Vaina’el diablo coño!» which translates as «Damn, (this) thing (is) of the devil!» but would be used to refer to a situation as «fucking shit».

In the Spanish region of La Mancha is very common the formation of neologisms, to refer with humoristic sense to a certain way of being some people, by the union of two terms, usually a verb and a noun. E.g., capaliendres (lit. (person) who geld nits, «miser, niggard»), (d)esgarracolchas (lit. (person) who rends quilts, «awkward», «untrustworthy»), pisacristos (lit. (person) who tramples Christs—»blasphemous person»), and much more.

See also[edit]

  • Albur
  • La Malinche
  • Latin profanity
  • List of Puerto Rican slang words and phrases
  • Profanity filter

Further reading[edit]

  • Cabellero, Juan (2008). Dirty Spanish: Everyday Slang from «What’s Up?» to «F*%# Off!. Ulysses Press. ISBN 978-1-56975-659-1.
  • Munier, Alexis; Martinez, Laura (2008). Talk Dirty Spanish. Adams Media; Newton Abbot. ISBN 978-1-59869-768-1.
  • Wegmann, Brenda; Gill, Mary McVey (2008). Streetwise Spanish: Speak and Understand Everyday Spanish. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-146086-6.


  1. Hamer, Eleanor; Diez de Urdanivia, Fernando (2008). The Street-Wise Spanish Survival Guide: A Dictionary of Over 3,000 Slang Expressions, Proverbs, Idioms, and Other Tricky English and Spanish Words and Phrases Translated and Explained. Skyhorse Publishing. ISBN 978-1-60239-250-2.
  2. Fitch, Roxana (2006). Diccionario de coloquialismos y términos dialectales del español. Arco Libros. ISBN 978-84-7635-817-7.
  3. Gladstein, Mimi R.; Chacón, Daniel (2008). The Last Supper of Chicano Heroes: Selected Works of José Antonio Burciaga. University of Arizona Press. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-8165-2662-8.


  1. ^ Espinosa, M. «Algo sobre la historia de las palabrotas». Razón y palabra. Primera revista digital en Iberoamérica especializada en comunicología 23 (2001).
  2. ^ a b c d e Gladstein & Chacón 2008, p. 39.
  3. ^ de Marlangeon, Silvia Beatriz Kaul, and Laura Alba Juez. «A typology of verbal impoliteness behaviour for the English and Spanish cultures». Revista española de lingüística aplicada 25 (2012): 69–92.
  4. ^ Martínez, R. A., & Morales, P. Z. (2014). «¿Puras Groserías?: Rethinking the Role of Profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin@ Students’ Bilingual Wordplay». Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 45(4), 337–354.
  5. ^ Durán, Marco Antonio Pérez, and Oscar Arriaga Olguín. «Inventario fraseológico de las groserías en estudiantes de San Luis Potosí». Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 9.1 (2014): 79–87.
  6. ^ Sacher, Jason, and Toby Triumph. How to Swear Around the World. Chronicle Books, 2012.
  7. ^ Mateo, J., & Yus, F. (2013). «Towards a cross-cultural pragmatic taxonomy of insults». Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 1(1), 87–114.
  8. ^ a b Grimes, L.M. (1978). El tabú lingüístico en México: el lenguaje erótico de los mexicanos. Bilingual Review Pr.
  9. ^ Bakewell, Liza. Madre: Perilous Journeys with a Spanish Noun. WW Norton & Company, 2010.
  10. ^ Ilarregui, G. M. (1997). «Es sexista la lengua espanola? Una investigacion sobre el genero gramatical» [Is the Spanish language sexist? An Investigation of Grammatical Gender]. Women and Language, 20(2), 64–66.
  11. ^ González Zúñiga, J., & Hernández Arias, L. (2015). «Análisis semántico y sintáctico de las frases idiomáticas compuestas con las palabras ‘padre’ y ‘madre’ en el español de México» (Doctoral dissertation).
  12. ^ Gregersen, E. A. (1979). «Sexual linguistics». Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 327(1), 3–18.
  13. ^ Santaemilia, J., 2008. «Gender, sex, and language in Valencia: attitudes toward sex-related language among Spanish and Catalan speakers». International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2008(190), pp.5–26.
  14. ^ «Chingar». Diccionario de la lengua española (in Spanish). Real Academia Española.
  15. ^ a b c d «chingado, da». Real Academia Española. Retrieved 13 August 2018.
  16. ^ «chingon,a». Real Academia Española. Retrieved 13 August 2018.
  17. ^ «follar1, Der. del lat. follis, fuelle, Soplar con el fuelle». Diccionario de la lengua española (in Spanish). Real Academia Española.
  18. ^ «La Ficha Pop». La Cuarta. Archived from the original on 4 February 2016. Retrieved 31 October 2006.
  19. ^ Arteaga, Deborah; Llorente, Lucía (27 July 2009). Spanish as an International Language: Implications for Teachers and Learners. Multilingual Matters. p. 92. ISBN 978-1-78892-078-0.
  20. ^ Alvarez Catalunya Alimentos Selectos & Ylos Diseño páginas web Tiendas Virtuales. «Esparrago Cojonudo 8–12 frutos—Lata 850 Grs—Tienda Gourmet Delicatessen». Llantarbien.com. Retrieved 2 March 2010.
  21. ^ Zincavage, David. «PC Kills at Princeton». Never Yet Melted.
  22. ^ «Antonio Calvo». gawker.com.
  23. ^ «YouTube». www.youtube.com. Archived from the original on 14 June 2014.
  24. ^ «Diccionario de Modismos Chilenos». mainframe.cl.
  25. ^ XD, MaXpLaTe RITALIN (1 February 2012). «50 diferentes formas de decir la palabra PENE». Taringa!.
  26. ^ «CHUCHA». etimologias.dechile.net.
  27. ^ María Josefina Tejera et al., Diccionario de venezolanismos, Tomo I (A-I), Universidad Central de Venezuela / Academia de la Lengua. Caracas. 1983. p.360.
  28. ^ «pérola — Wiktionary». en.wiktionary.org.
  29. ^ «teta — Wiktionary». en.wiktionary.org. 14 October 2021.
  30. ^ «Chi-Chi’s Means WHAT in Spanish?». 24 January 2008.
  31. ^ «Orto». Diccionario de la lengua española. Real Academia Española. Retrieved 11 October 2020.
  32. ^ Vesre, Formación de las palabras
  33. ^
    «Pedorrez — Related Chorrada Chuminada Pollada Gilipollez». www.coloquialmente.com. Retrieved 7 November 2020. Estupidez, acción o idea estúpida, especialmente por carecer de energía, relevancia y profundidad.
  34. ^ a b c Peter Aggleton; E. Antonio de Moya; Rafael García (1999). «Chapter 7: Three Decades of Male Sex Work in Santo Domingo». Men Who Sell Sex: International Perspectives on Male Prostitution and HIV/AIDS. London, U.K.: UCL Press Ltd. p. 128. ISBN 978-1-85728-862-9. Retrieved 14 June 2014.
  35. ^ Aman, Reinhold (1977). Maledicta. Maledicta Press. p. 21.
  36. ^ «chochear».
  37. ^ Gerrard, Arthur Bryson, ed. (1980). Cassell’s Colloquial Spanish (3rd revised ed.). London: Cassell Ltd. ISBN 978-0-02-079430-1.
  38. ^ Rebolledo Hernández, Antonia (1994). «La «Turcofobia». Discriminación anti-Árabe en Chile» (PDF). Historia (in Spanish). 28: 249–272.
  39. ^ «Audiencia en caso Mapuexpress: Querellante pidió censurar al medio a cambio de retirar la demanda». El Desconcierto (in Spanish). 27 July 2017. Retrieved 4 September 2019.

External links[edit]

Look up panocha in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • «Details pendejo and other slang in its dictionary». Real Academia Española.
  • Germán, Daniel M. «La página de la chingada». Archived from the original on 15 April 2005. Retrieved 15 April 2005. Different variations of «chingar»

Surely the most fun part of picking up a new language is learning how to curse in it. Until you can swear like a native speaker, you’re not fluent.

If you’re only at the start of your Spanish learning journey we highly recommend you check out our awesome guide on the best way to learn Spanish. There you will find the best tips on how to learn this beautiful language.

Now let’s get to the good stuff and discover all the Spanish curse words that you really need in your life.

Related: Curse Words in the French Language: Using French Swear Words Like a Pro

Spanish is a fine language to swear in.

There’s not much that’s more satisfying than yelling some VERY bad words at the table you just stubbed your toe on, and doing so in Spanish is even better, due to the expressiveness of the language.


Below are some of the ultimate Spanish curse phrases and words to help you manage every situation.


If we’re going to learn Spanish swear words then this one’s vital: it’s the Spanish version of the F-bomb. It doesn’t carry quite the same shock value, though.

It’s probably still best not to start shouting it in the streets unless you’ve got a seriously good reason.


One of the most common curse words in Spanish is ‘gilipollas’ which translates as idiot or jerk. Try it out on the idiot in your life with the phrase, ‘no seas gilipollas’ which in English is along the lines of ‘don’t be a dumbass.’ Cute.


Of all curse words in Spanish, this is likely to be one of the most useful in daily life. Bring this into play when you’ve banged your head on a low beam, have overcooked your dinner, or just witnessed your team missing a penalty.

‘Mierda’ translates as ‘crap’ or ‘sh*t’. In the literal or the, you know, how totally annoying sense.

If you want to practice your pronunciation of this particular curse word, the popular Spanish tv series, ‘14 de Abril, La Republica’ — available on the Lingopie language learning platform — is a great place to start.

It’s a cracking drama focused on the life of a wealthy family living in Madrid during the Second Republic. As well as being an excellent source of Spanish curse words, it’s a sweeping love story, too, so tissues at the ready.

Qué Cabrón

Many swear words in Spanish, when translated into English, aren’t an exact equivalent, although the sense in which they’re used might be the same. Like this one.

‘Qué cabrón’ means, literally, ‘what a big male goat’. But it’s used in the way we would say, ‘what a bastard!’ This particular curse is rarely used as an angry insult, but most often in friendly bants.

La Concha de tu Madre

Looking to say bad words in Spanish with meaning? Then this is the invective for you. It translates as ‘motherf*cker’ and definitely should NOT be used in friendly bants.

Best Spanish swear words shock granny


Use this as a great all-rounder of an insult.

It’s the equivalent of both ‘asshole’ and ‘f*cking’ and has a variety of amusing applications.

To learn how to use it as an authentic Spanish speaker would watch ‘Bajo le Red’ on Lingopie. The characters are very fond of it, which makes for a great educational opportunity.

The program is about a sinister figure who wreaks digital havoc by setting up a system of ‘favors’ online — intriguing and dark, ‘Bajo le Red’ offers much more than just an opportunity to pick up some colorful language. Although it’s great for this, too.

Why is Spanish Such a Satisfying Language to Curse In?

Many people describe Spanish as almost a ‘sung’ language due to the nature of its intonation and flow.

The language’s pronunciation, too, helps, and its consistency in this regard is one of the things that makes it widely regarded as the easiest language to learn. The creative elements of the vocabulary also make cursing immensely satisfying in Spanish.


Here’s an example. ‘Tonto del culo’ means ‘an idiot of the bum.’ Which is much more joy-inducing than simply calling someone a plonker.

Cursing plays a significant role in conversations between folks of all ages in Spanish-speaking countries, and many of the swear words and phrases don’t carry the weight they do in English. That said: it’s still worth approaching with caution in order not to risk offense or inadvertently inducing raucous laughter.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that some Spanish curse words and phrases have a stronger, or more shocking, meaning in different countries.

For example, what might be considered a mild curse word in Spain itself could be regarded as a much more offensive word in Peru.


So before busting out your newfound swear skills, it’s a good idea to take a bit of time to get a handle on the acceptable local usage.

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Regional Curse Words

For the true aficionado of cursing in Spanish, the below words and phrases are highly localized:

Verga — Mexican

This is a useful swear word to add spice to your Mexican conversations. It means ‘f*ck’ although it can be brought into play to mean ‘awesome.’

Culiao — Chilean

A nifty little curse, this translates as something like ‘dumbass’ or ‘idiot.’ It’s widely used in Chile but not heard so much in other Spanish-speaking countries; confusingly, Chileans also use this word to refer to a very close friend…

Chapiodora — Dominican

This translates as ‘gold-digger’ and is only used in the Dominican Republic and a small number of islands in the Caribbean.

What’s the Best Way to Learn Spanish (including the curses)

If you’re genuinely committed to the art of learning Spanish curse words — ok, and possibly the rest of the language, too — then one of the best techniques to do so is to practice immersive learning techniques alongside traditional methods of study.

Traditionally, this would have meant heading off to a country where Spanish is the official language and staying there for an extended period.

In reality, this isn’t a practical option for most people; however, with new methods and techniques for immersive learning now available, packing up and taking the next flight to Spain for the foreseeable future isn’t the only way to access and enjoy an immersive learning experience.


Instead, simply try surrounding yourself with the language as much as you can.

Have a go at reading books in Spanish, listening to music, and, best of all, watching subtitled Spanish TV programs and movies: these are a rich source of the best Spanish swear words.

Plus, you get to learn the language while being thoroughly entertained. Watching TV in the language you’re learning has been proved to be a very effective way of gaining proficiency; plus, there’s nothing likely to keep you more motivated than a binge-worthy series.

To help you decide what to watch we compiled this list of the best telenovelas to help you improve your Spanish. Telenovelas are a great way to study Spanish because they are a huge part of the culture in Latin America.

And if you’re wondering ‘how long does it take to learn Spanish?’ then, pleased to tell you, immersive techniques can speed up the process significantly, which means that you’ll be swearing like a native in no time.

If you’re wondering what the best shows on Netflix to learn Spanish are, check out our post.

We also recommend Lingopie Music. Check out our playlists full of awesome songs in Spanish! It’s a great way to practice and pick up new vocabulary.

Swear jar

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In this post, you will find:

  • Theory about Spanish swear words

  • Different swear words used in Spain and Latin America

  • Videos with vocabulary in the context

  • Exercises to practice what you’ve learned

Table of Contents

  1. Why Should You Learn Spanish Curse Words?
  2. When to Use Spanish Curse Words?
  3. How to Swear like a Native Speaker in Spanish?
  4. Swear Words Used in Spain
    4.1 Single-Word Swears
    4.2 Multi-Word Swears 
  5. Swear Words Used in Latin America
    5.1 How to Swear like a Mexican
    5.2 Argentinian Swear
    5.3 Colombian Bad Words
  6. General Curse Words and Their Meaning
  7. Stronger Spanish Swear Words
  8. A Word of Advice 

Why Should You Learn Spanish Curse Words?

Don’t be surprised if you hear “joder“, “mierda“, “tu madre“… while walking the streets in Spain or Latin America. The Spanish language is rich with curse words or “palabrotas,” which are excellent to spice up your vocabulary. By learning them, you’ll be able to express yourself in a more interesting and colorful way.

Although you probably won’t learn these bad Spanish words at school, you can’t call yourself fluent until you can utter these with confidence. They are perfect to help you speak like a native. But watch out: they are not suitable for every situation!

When to Use Spanish Curse Words?

There are lots of situations when you might want to use Spanish curse words. Maybe you’re frustrated with a difficult task and need to release some energy. Maybe you’ve had a bad day and need to lash out at someone. In any case, be careful what word you use and to whom! 

In Spanish-speaking countries, curse words are used not only to express frustration or insult people but also casually among friends. Sometimes friends even use these words with each other for fun or to show love. But although they are used frequently, you definitely shouldn’t use them with strangers, teachers, or your boss (if you want to avoid trouble 😉).


Not all Spanish curse words have the same meaning, it varies by country. The same word in Spain can have a different connotation in Latin America. Therefore, when using these words, make sure that you use them respectfully to avoid offending others.

How to Swear like a Native Speaker in Spanish?

Girl swearing

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In the following sections, we will give you several commonly used swear words and expressions and their English equivalents. We’ll divide them into swear words of Spain, swear words of Latin America (Mexico, Argentinia, Colombia) and general ones. 

Swear Words Used in Spain

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Single-Word Swears:

The word “joder” is a very common way to say fuck in Spanish. Although, it has a less strong connotation than the English equivalent. In most Spanish cultures, teens and adults use it loosely with no offense intended. It is one of the most versatile Spanish swear words and has become a part of the language.

  • Joder, se me olvidó dónde aparqué mi coche.
    Fuck, I forgot where I parked my car.

  • ¡Has ganado la lotería! ¡Joder! ¡Qué suerte!
    You have won the lottery! Damn! What a luck!

2. Gilipollas (idiot, dickhead, douchebag)

Someone who is extremely stupid or dumb. It is used frequently to describe idiots.

  • No seas gilipollas.
    Don’t be an idiot/dickhead/douchebag.

  • Alejandro parecía muy inteligente, pero cuando comenzó a hablar resultó ser un gilipollas.
    Alejandro seemed very intelligent, but when he started talking he turned out to be a dumbass.

It can both mean host or shit. Originating from the South of Spain, it describes the host in communion. Considering that Spain is a catholic country, incorporating the holy church can be offensive. Still, it is often used as an interjection of surprise, displeasure, admiration, or pain.

  • ¡Hostia qué susto!
    Holy shit, what a scare!

  • ¡Hostias, qué bien!
    Wow, that’s great!

The literal meaning of this word is “balls”. However, it is used so often that it lost its meaning and association with the actual body part. “Cojones” is mostly used to talk about having courage or in situations where you think someone is talking bullshit.

  • Tío, ayer, el perro de mi vecino empezó a hablarme.» (Dude, yesterday my neighbor’s dog started talking to me) ¡Los cojones! (Bullshit!)

  • Lucia tiene cojones para enfrentarse al profesor.
    Lucia has the courage to stand up to the teacher.

Coño” literally means c*nt. But like the previous swear word, “coño” is also no longer associated with this body part. This word is regularly used as an exclamation to express surprise, anger, or frustration and is among the most versatile Spanish swear words.

  • ¿Dónde coño estás?
    Where the f*ck are you?

  • ¡Coño, qué bien te queda ese vestido!
    Damn, that dress looks great on you!

Multi-Word Swears:

1. Vete a freír espárragos (Go fry asparagus)

This expression is used to tell somebody to piss off, to leave you alone, to stop bothering you… (in an innocent way). It dates from the nineteenth century and was used to give someone a useless task because asparagus, unlike other vegetables, take longer to fry than to boil. It is best to use it in an informal context.

  • Vi como besabas a Ana, así que vete a freír espárragos. Tú y yo hemos terminado.
    I saw how you kissed Ana, so piss off. You and I are done.

  • No quiero escuchar más tus quejas, vete a freír espárragos.
    I don’t want to hear any more of your complaints, stop bothering me.

2. Que te den (por culo) (Fuck off)

“Que te den por culo” literally means “To give it to you through your ass”.  It is also commonly abbreviated as “que te den” and has the same meaning.  This expression is used to indicate contempt or an undesirable situation for the interlocutor. Keep in mind that this is a very rude Spanish expression.

  • Que le den por culo a ese gilipollas
    That asshole can fuck off.

  • No me importa lo que piense Elena. Que le den.
    I don’t care what Elena thinks. She can fuck off.

3. A tomar por culo (To hell with it)

And another expression with culo… This is a very popular phrase in Spanish and has two meanings. Usually Spaniards use it to say to hell with it or fuck it to indicate that it’s enough, in a quite vulgar way. In its second meaning, this phrase does not mean anything vulgar, but rather exaggerates a distance.

  • No me llamó Rodrigo, a tomar por culo.
    Rodrigo didn’t call me, fuck it.

  • Joder el otro día tuve que ir hasta la biblioteca, ¡Está a tomar por culo!
    Fuck, the other day I had to go to the library, it’s so far away!

4. Una polla en vinagre (A dick in vinegar)

This expression doesn’t make much sense in English, but in Spain, it is used when you want to emphasize the disagreement you have on some issue. Its equivalent in English depends on the context, but it can generally be translated to fuck it. The etymological origin of the expression is quite complicated to find, but a theory suggests that this expression is the name of a dish made with sardines and chili peppers, from a place in the municipality of Yecla.

  • ¿Me compras mi coche por €500.000?- Y una polla en vinagre.
    Will you buy my car for €500,000? — fuck no.

  • Vi un vuelo para ir a Milan por €5, y justo cuando lo iba a comprar, me pone que vale €150, así que al final… una polla en vinagre.
    I saw a flight to Milan for €5, and just when I was going to buy it, it says it costs €150, so in the end… fuck it.

5. Que te folle un pez (I hope you get fucked by a fish)

Whoever invented this colorful expression definitely didn’t lack imagination and creativity! In English, the meaning would be screw you or fuck youIt’s not that commonly used, but when it’s used, it sounds more like a joke, especially if you say it to a friend.

  • Prefiero quedarme en casa viendo la tele que ir a tu fiesta de cumpleaños. — ¡Que te folle un pez!
    I’d rather stay home and watch TV than go to your birthday party. — Well, screw you then.

6. Me cago en… (I shit on…)

This is an expression you can get creative with! It is combinable with almost any (swear) word. Loosely translated it almost always means fuck. For example:

  • Me cago en todo lo que se menea

  • Me cago en tus muertos

  • Me cago en la leche

  • Me cago en tu puta madre

  • Me cago en dios

7. La madre que te parió (The mother that birthed you)

In English, this expression is translated as “motherfucker“. It is one of the most vulgar expressions, so use it with caution! In colloquial Spanish, this phrase is used to express anger, surprise, and occasionally contentment.

  • Lo siento, tío. Se me ha caído tu móvil. -¡La madre que te parió!
    I’m sorry, man. I dropped your cell phone. — Motherfucker!

  • Es el mejor DJ de todos los tiempos. ¡Viva la madre que lo parió!
    He is the best DJ of all time, long live the mother who bore him!

Let’s try this exercise!

Swear Words Used in Latin America

How to Swear in Mexican Spanish?

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This is one of the most common swear words used in Mexico. You can add it to just about any (swear)word you want. With it, you can increase the impact of your message.

  • No podíamos salir de casa por la pinche lluvia.
    We couldn’t leave the house because of the fucking rain.

2. No mames (Don’t suck it)

This expression translates loosely to no fucking way, what the fuck or holy shit. The milder expression “no manches” expresses the same feeling, but can also be used in the presence of elders as it is translated to “no way“.

  • ¡No mames! Me gané dos pases VIP para ver a Rosalía.
    Holy shit! I won two VIP passes to see Rosalia.

3. Chinga tu madre (Go bother your mother/fuck your mother)

We don’t recommend you use this on every occasion since it’s highly offensive. It literally means fuck your mother when using it in an offensive way. But among friends, it can also be used in a funny way and translated as dammit.

  • ¡Chinga tu madre! ¡Me despertaste!
    Dammit dude you woke me up!

4. Valió verga (It was worth cock)

It means something is fucked.

  • Ya valió verga.
    It’s gone to shit.

Instead of being used literally, it is mainly used as a stronger form of idiot.

  • Eres tan pendejo.
    you’re such an asshole.

Argentinian Swears

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1. La concha de tu madre (Your mother’s vagina)

This is a a very common expression in Argentinan and mostly used to express anger or annoyance.

  • Andate a la concha de tu madre.
    Go fuck your mom.

2. Boludo and pelotudo (idiot, dummy)

Argentinians use these words for persons who make silly mistakes or do not take responsibility for their actions. These words are pretty inoffensive and can be used casually among friends.

  • No te hagas el boludo.
    Don’t play dumb.

Instead of saying culo, in Argentina they say orto. There are many phrases with this swear word, all with different meanings.

  • Te voy a romper el orto.
    I’m going to kick your ass.

Although in Spain, this word literally means to take or to get, in Argentina and in some other Latin American countries, they use it as a way to say someone slept with someone. So think twice before you use this in Argentina. Instead you can say “agarrar”, which also means to take or to get.

  • Se la cogió.
    He fucked her.

Colombian Bad Words

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1. Hijueputa (Son of a bitch)

In Colombia, they use this contraction of “hijo de puta” for a despicable person with bad intentions, but also to express anger, fear, dissatisfaction, surprise or intense emotion.

  • Ese hijueputa me mintió.
    That son of a bitch lied to me.

We all know this as a sexually transmitted disease, but in Colombia it is also commonly used to say to someone who acts in an unpleasant way. Considering its strong meaning, avoid using this word.

  • Ese hombre es una gonorrea.
    To say about someone who has behaved badly towards you.

It is used to describe a person who is taken advantage of by everyone. In other Latin American countries, the same word is used with different meanings.

  • Martín es un huevón. Podía tener de novia a Adriana y la dejó ir.
    Martin is a fool. He could have Ariana as a girlfriend and he let her go.

It literally means lamp, but in Colombia it’s used for a cocky person, a person who shows off too much, who gives themself a lot of credit.

  • Sé que obtendré las mejores notas en ese examen, ya que soy la mejor alumna de la clase. — Ush, no seas lámpara.
    I know I’ll get the best grades on that test, since I’m the top student in the class. — Ush, don’t be arrogant.

Test your knowledge!

General Curse Words and their Meaning

  • Estúpido/a stupid

  • Bobo/adummy

  • Idiota idiot

  • Imbécil imbecile

  • Loco/acrazy person

  • Subnormalsubnormal

  • Cobardecoward

  • Feo/augly person

  • Cabrónfucker

  • Bellaco/avillain

  • Maldito/a + other insultdamned…

Stronger Spanish Swear Words

  • Tu puta madre — your bitch of a mother

  • Hijo de puta — son of a bitch

  • Hijo de perra son of a bitch

  • Puta whore

  • Zorraslut

  • Vete al diablo/demoniogo to hell

  • Que te jodanfuck you

  • Lame culoass-licker, brown-noser

A Word of Advice: be Careful with Swear Words!

Man pointing finger

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As a non-native speaker, it can be difficult to estimate the power of a swear word. It is therefore not recommended to use the aforementioned swear words in formal situations. It is always a good idea to listen to native speakers when they use certain words and in what situations.

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Some people consider curse words offensive. Others think they’re just plain fun. If you want to learn a new language, one of the most fun and informative parts is learning the swear words. These 50 curse words in Spanish will make you want to learn the language immediately.

Spanish Swear Words With English Translations

The Spanish language is beautiful, even when you’re swearing. If you want to learn to speak Spanish, why not start with some curse words? Spanish swear words are fun to learn. Whether you want to impress your Spanish-speaking friends or become more cultured, here are some bad words in Spanish.


This swear means bastard. You can use it in the same way you would in the English language.


This swear means cock. This is one of the dirty swear words that you wouldn’t want to use in front of your grandparents.


This swear means bastard, asshat, or dick. It’s pretty versatile, so you can use it whenever you need a good Spanish insult.


This swear means asshole or jerk. When you’re frustrated with someone, you can murmur this word beneath your breath. Spanish Curse Words

¡Come mierda y muere! 

This swear means eat shit and die! It’s one of the more intense phrases you can use, so save it for when you’re really angry.


This swear means fuck or damn it. You can use this when you’ve made a mistake and are frustrated with yourself.


This swear means to fuck. It can be used in sexual contexts.


This swear means damn. It’s not that intense, but it’s definitely useful when you’re in a bad mood.


This swear means ass. It’s a great idea to know how to say this word in as many different languages as possible!


This swear means douchebag. It’s pretty easy to translate, so even people who don’t speak Spanish will probably understand what you’re trying to say.


This swear means asshole. You know you’re going to need this word sometime soon!

Hijo de perra

This swear means, “Son of a bitch.” It’s easy to learn and easy to pronounce, so start practicing!


This means bloody hell or holy shit! However, it is very offensive to some religious people. You should be careful who you use it around.

Hostia puta

This swear means, “Holy fuck.” You can use it when you’re irritated or even when you’re surprised.


This Spanish swear word means dumbass, jerk, or jackass. You probably know a few people who deserve to be called by this word.


This Spanish swear word means dickhead, jerk, or moron. It’s another one that’s pretty easy to translate, so even non-Spanish speakers will know what you mean.


This is one of the most versatile Spanish swear words. It means fuck.


This swear means bastard or shithead. It’s a little tricky to pronounce, so you might want to ask one of your Spanish-speaking friends for help.

Spanish Curse Words

Lame botas

This word is used to describe an ass kisser. If someone cannot stop sucking up to a teacher or parent, then use this word to describe them.


This swear means darn. It’s pretty tame compared to the rest of the words on this list, but it’s still useful.


This swear means prick. Only use it on someone who deserves it. You don’t want to be throwing this word around at random.


This swear means sissy. You can use it to describe someone who is acting like a coward. It’s a solid Spanish insult.


This swear means pussy. Just like in English, this word is more offensive to some people than others.

More Swear Words And Phrases In Spanish

brown concrete building during daytime photo

Unsplash / Henrique Ferreira

Now you have plenty of Spanish swear words that you can use! However, you’re not done learning yet. You should try to memorize a few more phrases so that you have a better grasp on the language. Here are some more Spanish swear words and phrases you can use in your everyday life.

¡Me cago en la hostia!

This swear means, “Fucking hell!” Use it when you’re annoyed with a situation or another person.

Spanish Curse Words

¡Me cago en todo lo que se menea!

This literally means I shit on everything that moves! It might sound funny, but it’s a pretty intense phrase you definitely want to memorize.


This curse word means bullshit. It’s one of the most fun words to murmur beneath your breath when someone is bothering you. Just make sure they don’t hear you!

¡No seas gilipollas!

This means don’t be a dick! Use this when someone is messing with you. It will put them in their place and remind them you aren’t going to take their bad behavior.

No mames

This swear means, “Stop fucking around.” You can use it on your friends when you’re worried they’re going to get you in trouble. It’s a warning to shut up and get serious.

¡No (me) jodás!

This swear means, “Don’t fuck with me!” Sometimes, your friends need this reminder. You’re not someone who is going to take insults lightly.


This is used to refer to someone who is being a jerk. It’s one of the more popular Spanish words, so this should be one of the first ones you learn.


This swear means balls or testicles. You might need to use this when talking with your guy friends!


This word means idiot. It comes from a Latin word meaning pubic hair.


This swear means hooker. It describes someone who sleeps with others in exchange for cash.


This swear means fucking. You can use it in a million different scenarios, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

Pinche idiota

This swear means fucking idiot. This shouldn’t be used on any average idiot. Use it on someone who is even dumber than you can imagine.

Pollas en vinagre

This swear means, “Dicks in vinegar.” It’s usually used to express disagreement.


This swear means whore. It’s an insult you probably shouldn’t use on any female family members.

Puta madre

Puta madre means motherfucker. This is one of the best swear words to use in English, so you might as well learn how to say it in Spanish.

Que te den 

This means up yours. Use it when you’re royally pissed at someone. It will tell them exactly how angry you are. Spanish Curse Words

Que te folle un pez

This swear means, “I hope you get fucked by a fish.” The sillier it sounds, the more insulting it is to hear.

¡Qué te jodan!

This swear means, “Fuck yourself!” Only use this sparingly. You don’t want to insult someone with this phrase unless they really deserve it.

Cago en la madre.

The literal translation is, “I shit on the mother that gave birth to you.” This one sounds rough, even in English.


This is used to refer to a moron. Use it when someone is acting stupid.

Tonto del culo

This means idiot of the ass. It’s usually used with close friends for fun. Otherwise, it’s highly offensive.

Un putero

This swear means, “A fucking lot of…” You can only use it in certain contexts, but it’s still a solid phrase.

Vete al demonio

This swear means, “Go to Hell.” Use it when someone has upset you. After all, there’s nothing worse than damning them to hell.

¡(Vete) A la verga!

This swear means, “Get lost! Fuck off!” Use this when you genuinely want someone to leave you alone, when you cannot stand to speak to them for another second.

Spanish Curse Words


This means bitch. It’s one of the most popular swears in English, so you should learn it in other languages, too. Even if you don’t use it yourself, at least you’ll know when someone is calling you an insult.

More Spanish Curse Words With English Translations

green trees covered island

Unsplash / Drew Graham

Whether you’re visiting Spanish-speaking countries or simply want to learn a new language, it’s always fun to memorize curse words. Here are some common curse words used in Spain:

Hijo de puta.

This swear word means son of a bitch. You’ve probably used this phrase a lot in English, so why not start using it in Spanish? The next time you’re annoyed with someone, you can switch between languages as you’re insulting them.

¡La madre que te parió!

This literally means the mother who bore you. The only thing worse than insulting the church is insulting the family members who raised you. That’s why you should be careful about using this phrase in front of certain people.

Cago en la Leche.

This literally translates to I shit in the milk. Although this sounds ridiculous, it’s one of the swears you’ll commonly hear in Spanish.

Me cago en dios!

This literally translates to I shit on God. You might notice that a lot of these curse words incorporate God. This is because Spain is a heavily Catholic country. That’s why some of the most outrageous swears you can use involve the Catholic church.

Los Cojones.

Los cojones is a word used to describe balls or testicles. You might need to use this when you’re roughhousing with your male friends.

De puta madre!

This curse word means motherfucker. You can say this in a dozen different ways, but this is one of the most fun phrases you can use.

¡A tomar por culo!

This is similar to fuck it. Use it when you just don’t care anymore.

Qué cabrón!

This means what an asshole! But, literally, it refers to a male goat.

Tu Puta Madre.

This means your fucking mother. As you can tell, it’s a rude phrase that you don’t want to use unless you’re incredibly angry.

Que te jodan.

This means something similar to fuck you. Make sure you learn the correct way to pronounce this because it will come in handy in the future.

La concha de tu Madre

This means your mother’s sea shell. It refers to her vagina.

Me cago en tu puta madre. 

This means I shit on your bitch of a mother.


This is used to call someone an asshole. You probably have a lot of people in your life that deserve to be described this way.

Me cago en diez.

This is a slightly milder version of I shit on God. It means I shit on ten.

More Spanish Words You Should Know:

two brown table outside

Unsplash / Johan Mouchet

Even though Spanish curse words are fun to learn, you aren’t going to be able to hold a conversation with them. Here are a few more words and phrases that you should learn if you’re a beginner to the language. It will help you get to know new people and learn the basics about them.

  • Hola = Hello
  • Adiós = Goodbye
  • Por favor = Please
  • Gracias = Thank you
  • Lo siento = Sorry
  • Salud = Bless you (after someone sneezes)
  •  = Yes
  • No = No
  • ¿Quién? = Who?
  • ¿Qué? = What?
  • ¿Por qué? = Why?
  • ¿Dónde? = Where?
  • Buenos días = Good morning
  • Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches = Good evening
  • Hola, me llamo Juan = Hello, my name is John
  • Me llamo… = My name is…
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? = What’s your name?
  • Mucho gusto = Nice to meet you
  • ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
  • Estoy bien, gracias = I’m well thank you
  • Disculpa. ¿Dónde está el baño? = Excuse me. Where is the bathroom?
  • ¿Qué hora es? = What time is it?
  • ¿Cómo se dice ‘concert’ en español? = How do you say ‘concert’ in Spanish?
  • Estoy perdido/a = I am lost
  • Yo no comprendo = I do not understand
  • Por favor, habla más despacio = Would you speak slower, please
  • Te extraño = I miss you
  • Te quiero = I love you
  • Despacito = Slowly
  • Mi Gente = My people
  • Bailando = Dancing
  • Bésame mucho = Kiss me a lot
  • Gasolina = Gasoline
  • La Bicicleta = The bicycle
  • Sin Pijama = Without pajamas
  • Bella = Beautiful
  • Clandestino = Clandestine or secret
  • No Me Acuerdo = I don’t remember

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