What is a smart word for sad

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

Likewise, How do you cry?

Close your eyes and gently rub your eyelids for about 25 seconds, then open your eyes and stare at something until the tears start rolling. This might take a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, it can work wonders.

Also, What is a sad person called?

A morose person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed — not a happy camper. When someone is morose, they seem to have a cloud of sadness hanging over them. … Whether you’re morose due to an event or just because you’re feeling blue, you should try skipping or whistling a little tune to perk things up.

Secondly, What is a sad story called?

tearjerker. Noun. ▲ An emotionally charged film, novel, song, opera, television episode, etc. sentimental story.

Furthermore How can you cry blood? What causes bloody tears?

  • hormone changes.
  • menstruation.
  • inflammation.
  • conjunctival injuries.
  • trauma.
  • blocked tear duct.
  • high blood pressure.
  • blood disorders, such as hemophilia.

What is the saddest song that will make you cry?

39 Sad Songs That Make You Cry Like a Baby Every Time

  • 2 Nobody – Mitski. MitskiVEVO. …
  • 3 Dancing On My Own – Robyn. …
  • 4 Lose You To Love Me – Selena Gomez. …
  • 7 See You Again – Charlie Puth ft. …
  • 8 What Hurts the Most – Rascal Flatts. …
  • 9 When I Was Your Man – Bruno Mars. …
  • 10 I’m Not The Only One – Sam Smith. …
  • 11 Last Kiss – Taylor Swift.

Can you run out of tears?

Cry all you want — you won’t run out of tears

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears every year. Your tears are produced by lacrimal glands located above your eyes. Tears spread across the surface of the eye when you blink.

What is a sad smile?

The ‘miserable smile’ is a stoical grin-and-bear-it expression – a slight, asymmetric smile with an expression of deep sadness pasted over the top. … It’s a socially acceptable way of showing that you’re sad or in pain.

What do you call a fake smile?

The Pan Am smile, aka the ‘Botox smile, » is the name given to a fake smile, in which only the zygomatic major muscle is voluntarily contracted to show politeness.

Who is the saddest person in the world?

Tomasz Liboska – The saddest man in the world | LensCulture. The saddest man in the world lives in Bytom.

What is Sobfest?

Filters. (informal) Something sad or moving, especially a film. noun. (informal) An episode of intense crying.

How do you describe feeling sad?

When you’re sad, you might describe yourself as feeling: lonely. heartbroken. gloomy.

How do you write a sad story in 3 words?

Here are 20 sad running stories in only three words:

  1. Buns up buttcrack.
  2. Need to poop.
  3. Dopers stealing medals.
  4. Starring Jared Leto.
  5. Chafed nipples bleeding.
  6. Swam during steeplechase.
  7. Who’s got spikes?
  8. Where’s my bib?

How do you cry pretty?

Instead, take slow and steady breaths and just sob or sniffle every once in a while. Giggle a bit when you cry. If you act all serious and dark, you won’t look cute. Although giggling does induce a few more tears, it makes you look prettier and happier, so giggle!

Is crying Blood bad?

Case in point: A 52-year-old man in Italy went to the emergency room because bloody tears streamed from both eyes. It may seem unbelievable, but crying bloody tears is a completely legitimate, although rare, medical condition called haemolacria.

Can you cry without tears?

Yes, when you cry inside and act like everything is fine to people around you. Only physical pain causes crying with tears. Or if you are crying alone, or you when crying together with others with a common cause like death of a loved one.

What is the world’s saddest song?

  1. Eric Clapton – ‘Tears in Heaven’
  2. Nine Inch Nails – ‘Hurt’ …
  3. R.E.M. – ‘Everybody Hurts’ …
  4. Harry Chapin – ‘Cat’s in the Cradle’ …
  5. Nirvana – ‘Something in the Way’ …
  6. George Jones – ‘He Stopped Loving Her Today’ …
  7. Pearl Jam – ‘Black’ …
  8. John Prine – ‘Sam Stone’ …

Is it healthy to cry?

It’s OK to cry. It may even be beneficial to you. If you feel the need to cry, don’t hold back your tears. Tears are a normal, healthy way to express emotion.

What triggers crying?

It’s triggered by a range of feelings—from empathy and surprise to anger and grief—and unlike those butterflies that flap around invisibly when we’re in love, tears are a signal that others can see.

What are the 19 smiles?

There are 19 types of smile but only six are for happiness

  • Smile ≠ happy. Those who smile often are thought of as more likeable, competent, approachable, friendly and attractive. …
  • Duchenne smile. …
  • Fear smile. …
  • Miserable smile. …
  • The dampened smile. …
  • Embarrassed smile. …
  • Qualifier smile. …
  • Contempt smile.

What is the most attractive smile?

The ‘Sideways Look Up’ Smile: Both men and women will love you. This type of smile is considered the most attractive to both men and women. For men, it evokes masculine feelings of protection while women will naturally feel warmth towards you.

How do you call a sad smile?

Synonyms for Sad smile

  1. depressed smile. n.
  2. mournful smile. n.
  3. sorrowful smile. n.
  4. blue smile. n.
  5. regretful smile. n.
  6. rueful smile. n.
  7. sorrowful expression. n.
  8. apologetic smile. n.

What is a forced smile?

When forcing a smile, we use a muscle in each cheek, called the risorius, to pull our lips into the right shape, but the eye muscles don’t contract. To demonstrate this, Duchenne electrically stimulated the risorius muscles of his tooth-less friend. Here’s what that smile looked like: Wellcome Images.

What is a word for fake happiness?

fool’s paradise. nounillusory state of happiness.

Is smiling an emotion?

While smiling is perceived as a positive emotion most of the time, there are many cultures that perceive smiling as a negative expression and consider it unwelcoming. … In some parts of Asia, people may smile when they are embarrassed or in emotional pain. Some people may smile at others to indicate a friendly greeting.

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What is another word for “sad”? The following list includes some useful synonyms for the word “sad”. Each word has an example sentence to help to understand these synonyms for sad. This list will help you build your vocabulary, especially at advanced levels.

Sad Synonyms

List of Other Words for Sad

  • Doleful
  • Unhappy
  • Out of sorts
  • Bitter
  • Regretful
  • Downhearted
  • Pessimistic
  • Blue
  • Heavy-hearted
  • Morbid
  • Disappointed
  • Troubled
  • Anguished
  • Despairing
  • Tearful
  • Broken-hearted
  • Pensive
  • Disgusted
  • Forlorn
  • Gloomy
  • Rueful
  • Dreary
  • Grieved
  • Hurting
  • Despondent
  • Sorrowful
  • Crestfallen
  • Heartsick
  • Dismal
  • Glum
  • Languishing
  • Somber
  • Distressing
  • Melancholy
  • Cheerless
  • Bereaved
  • Discouraged
  • Woeful
  • Low-spirited
  • Down
  • Pitiful
  • Solemn
  • Despondent
  • Miserable
  • Dejected
  • Inconsolable
  • Wretched
  • In grief
  • Desperate
  • Upset
  • Heartbroken
  • Weeping
  • Desolate
  • Lugubrious
  • Mournful
  • Depressed
  • Painful
  • Woebegone
  • Downcast
  • Low
  • Joyless
  • Distressed
  • On edge
  • Frustrated
  • Morose
  • Disheartened
  • Wistful
  • Pathetic
  • Subdued
  • Down in the dumps

Sad Synonyms Examples


  • His doleful expression showed that he had failed in the examination.


  • She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories from her mind.

Out of sorts

  • She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.


  • Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.


  • Mother was most regretful when she saw the remains of the meal.


  • He was very downhearted about the poor grades he got in school.


  • He remains deeply pessimistic about the peace process.


  • When the baby arrived, it was blue and distressing.


  • For the past three months, I have been feeling uneasy, heavy-hearted, and furious.


  • He wouldn’t say why just said it was one of his morbid moods.


  • We were all disappointed to learn that the picnic had been canceled.


  • Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.


  • He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.


  • Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing.


  • She became very tearful when pressed to talk about it.


  • She is heartsick that she did not see his poor behavior before she married him.


  • The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.


  • She was very glum and was obviously missing her children.


  • His expression was somber as he listened to the report of the accident.


  • The divorce was extremely distressing for the children.


  • He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes, and his melancholy smile.


  • One who is really at home never feels cold and cheerless.


  • Don’t be discouraged at failure.


  • She was looking very woeful, with her eyes red and swollen.


  • I was very low-spirited, but my father and mother encouraged me a lot.


  • The little girl looked so pitiful; I hadn’t the heart to refuse.


  • She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.


  • His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.


  • Don’t look so miserable!


  • She looked a bit dejected when she was told that she hadn’t got the job.


  • Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that?


  • He was wretched when he failed the examination.

In grief

  • I don’t want to be in tears, but I am still in grief.


  • He was desperate when he lost all his money.


  • My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.


  • He was heartbroken when she left him.


  • Her eyes were red with weeping.


  • In the heart of a grave, a smile will become desolate, a person crazy.


  • He had a long lugubrious face with drooping and soft pouches beneath the eyes.


  • He was at the graveside looking mournful and interesting.


  • I realized I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.


  • Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.


  • In the bathroom, her woebegone face stared at her from the mirror.


  • I thought you were looking a little downcast this morning.


  • Cleared eventually, can the mood as before depressed! Why am I joyless?


  • I feel very alone and distressed about my problem.

On edge

  • She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe.


  • Are you feeling frustrated in your present job?


  • For days she was morose, and he could do nothing to cheer her up.


  • She was very disheartened by the results of the test.


  • He felt wistful and then smiled to himself.


  • Are you telling me you’re frightened to speak to her? Don’t be so pathetic!


  • You’re very subdued. What’s wrong?

Down in the dumps

  • If you’re feeling down in the dumps, come over and have a chat.

Another Word for Sad | Infographic

Other Words for “Sad” Students Should Know

Sad Synonyms

Last Updated on January 8, 2021


Here are other words for sad. Hope this helps you in your story etc.


*Fallen =)*


unhappy, melancholy, downcast, dejected, depressed, low, sorrowful, gloomy, morose, glum, lugubrious, mournful, heartsick, crestfallen, chap-fallen, disheartened, downhearted, blue, despondent, broken-hearted, heartbroken, woebegone, miserable, wretched

unfortunate, unsatisfactory, awful, bad, shabby, dirty, lamentable, miserable, sorry, wretched, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, deplorable, terrible, lousy, rotten

depressing, gloomy, disheartening, dreary, dismal, funereal, sombre, lugubrious, saddening, heartbreaking, bleak, distressing, dispiriting, calamitous

Asked by: Jennings Daugherty

Score: 4.9/5
(53 votes)

Examples of ‘saddening’ in a sentence saddening

  1. The whole show is ostensibly quite saddening to watch. …
  2. It is clear-sighted, restrained and inevitably saddening.
  3. As an insight into the man’s priorities, it’s truly saddening. …
  4. And that is, perhaps, the most saddening thing about this whole episode.

How do you use saddening?

«It’s deeply saddening for everybody. Pat’s actions demonstrated his convictions to fight this saddening trend .» But 2004 was also a saddening year of loss. Her death was deeply saddening to Hovey who was slow to recover emotionally.

Is saddening a correct word?

to make someone sad: [ + to infinitive ] It saddens me to think that we’ll never see her again.

How do you use saddened in a sentence?

Examples of sadden in a Sentence

We were saddened to see how ill she looks. She was saddened over the death of her friend. Her face saddened when she heard the news.

Is saddening a adverb?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsad‧ly /ˈsædli/ ●●○ adverb 1 in a way that shows that you are sad SYN unhappily Peter shook his head sadly. 2 [sentence adverb] unfortunately Sadly, the business failed.

18 related questions found

What is a fancy word for SAD?

pessimistic, melancholy, bitter, somber, dismal, wistful, heartbroken, sorry, sorrowful, mournful, dark, pathetic, regrettable, moving, bad, unhappy, depressing, poignant, tragic, serious.

What is the adverb for easy?

“I climbed up ten flights of stairs easy.” Comfortably, without discomfort or anxiety. Without difficulty.

What part of speech is saddened?

SADDENED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is Sadded?

SADDED is an online invoicing system that allows businesses and individuals to issue invoices to their customers via SMS or email, with a URL/link to process the payments.

What’s the definition of saddening?

(ˈsædənɪŋ) adjective. causing someone to become sad. I find public squalor very saddening. a saddening experience.

Is heart-wrenching one or two words?


Not a word. It may have originated by mistakenly connecting it to the similar word gut-wrenching. The correct word is heartrending. Heartrending means “inciting anguish, arousing deep sympathy; extremely moving.”

What is a heart-wrenching mean?

: very sad a heart-wrenching story.

What does dishearten mean in a sentence?

: to cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to cause to lose spirit or morale were disheartened by the news.

Is it sadden or saddened?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsad‧den /ˈsædn/ verb [transitive] formal to make someone feel sad Those who knew him are saddened by his death.it saddens somebody that It saddened him that they no longer trusted him.

What is the adverb of sad?

sadly. In a sad manner; sorrowfully. Unfortunately, sad to say. (dated) Very much (of a desire etc.); dearly; urgently.

What means cast down?

Definitions of cast down. verb. lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted. synonyms: deject, demoralise, demoralize, depress, dismay, dispirit, get down.

Whats the definition of informational?

informational Add to list Share. The adjective informational describes anything that provides facts or knowledge. … Your science class most likely requires informational textbooks and informational lectures. This word comes from inform and its Latin root, informare, «to shape or educate.»

When one is deeply saddened is called?

saturnine, somber. (or sombre), sullen.

What is deeply saddened?

Meaning of saddened in English

to make someone sad: [ + to infinitive ] It saddens me to think that we’ll never see her again. We are deeply saddened by this devastating tragedy. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Making people sad, shocked and upset.

What are adverb give 10 examples?


  • He swims well.
  • He ran quickly.
  • She spoke softly.
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. ( after the direct object)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. ( after the direct object)

What is adverb for good?

Summary: Good is an adjective. It modifies a noun. Well is an adverb.

What is the adverb for polite?

in a polite manner.

What are 5 synonyms sad?

synonyms for sad

  • bitter.
  • dismal.
  • heartbroken.
  • melancholy.
  • pessimistic.
  • somber.
  • sorry.
  • wistful.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

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