What is a sentence with the word river

Examples of how to use the word “river” in a sentence. How to connect “river” with other words to make correct English sentences.

river (n): a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea, a lake, or another river

Use “river” in a sentence

They found an abandoned car by the river.
I am able to swim across the river.
I attempted to swim across the river.
They’re constructing a bridge over the river.
I crossed the river by boat.
The river flows through the city.
The railroad is parallel to the river.
The river flooded the entire region.
What is the name of this river?
I often walk along the river with my dog.
We crossed the river by boat.

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river — перевод на русский


On the other side of the river was his father’s farm.

На той стороне реки находилась ферма его отца.

The bridal procession was to meet by the river, and then they would proceed to the village together.

Они должны были встретить процессию невесты у реки, а затем отправиться в деревню вместе.

You can play in the mountains and rivers -— everywhere.

Вы можете играть в горах, у реки — повсюду.

The hands of an artist that painted seas, rivers, mountains…

Руки художника, которые писали моря, реки, горы…

«They separate, go up hills and cross rivers»

Они расходятся, поднимаются на холмы, пересекают реки.

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A gold shipment leaves the Deep River mine.

Груз с золотом отправляется из шахты Дип Ривер.

— Mr. River.

— Мистер Ривер.

— Old Deep River himself, eh?

— Сам старый добрый Ривер?

After he was drowned in the East River.

После того, как он утонул в Ист Ривер.

Well, boys, a man of my years hates to make an admission like this but a Miss Phinlay is living in my cottage on the river.

Человек в моем возрасте не любит такие признания, но… У меня есть подруга, мисс Финли. Живет в Колледж Ривер.

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I spent the next day at the river, with IsabelIa, Ferruccio, Maria Luisa.

Весь следующий день я провел на речке с Изабеллой, Ферруччо, Марией Луизой и гувернанткой.

Children, go to the river and I’ll be back soon.

Дети, вы идите к речке, а я скоро вернусь.

As I bathed him in the river I saw the spot and washed it off.

Это я виновата. Когда я его купала в речке… -… увидела винное пятно и вывела его.

On the «Magic River»?

На волшебной речке. Ну, подумай хорошенько.

Can John and I go down to the river? No.

Можно нам с Джоном к речке сбегать?

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That’s Connie Rivers with her.

А это с ней Конни Риверс.

In all which time you and your late husband… together with his son Dorset here… were factious for the house of Lancaster— and, Rivers, so were you.

А прежде вы и муж ваш Грей стояли на стороне Ланкастерского дома. Вы также, Риверс.

Rivers, Hastings… take each other’s hand.

Риверс и Хестингс, протяните руки:

Of you, my noble cousin Buckingham… if ever any grudge were lodged between us — of you, Lord Rivers, and, Lord Grey, of you — of you, my noble Marquess, lord of Dorset —

И вас, кузен мой Бекингем, о том же прошу, коль ссоры между нами были. И вас, лорд Риверс и лорд Грей, хоть вы и без причины на меня сердились.

Grandam, one night as we did sit at supper… my uncle Rivers talked how I did grow… more than my brother.

За ужином недавно мы сидели, и дядя Риверс мне сказал, что брата я перерос.

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By that river Styx

К берегу Стикса

— Okay. On the other side of the river.

— Это напротив, на другом берегу.

I grew up in Hoboken on the Hudson River.

И я вырос в Хобокене, на берегу Гудзона.

So why was I brought to this side of the river?

Тогда почему я на этом берегу?

If we’re on the other side of the river attacking the Tourelles what’s to stop Talbot attacking the city from the north?

Если мы будем атаковать Турель на другом берегу кто остановит атаку Толбота с севера?

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A characteristic winding river in Las Hurdes with tiny plots beside it.

Это типичный результат, учитывая поведение речных вод в Лас Хурдес и близость полей к реке.

Papa always has a Fourth of July ball for the river families… after the farmers have their kermis.

Папа всегда устраивает бал 4 июля для речных семей,.. после фермерского праздника.

Marlow is one of the pleasantest river centres I know of, with many quaint nooks and corners.

ћарлоу — один из самых при€тных речных центров, которые € знаю, с большим количеством оригинальных и при€тных уголков.

Her eyes are the color of blue river stones.

Её глаза… .. цвета синих речных камней.

Now she’s got one of those river people working for her.

Наняла на работу одного из этих речных парней.

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When she first met Mark Antony, she pursed up his heart upon the river of Cydnus?

На берегу реки Кидны?

About 300 yards this side of the river there’s a big tree, you can’t miss it.

Метров 300 по этому берегу реки есть большое дерево. Мимо не пройдёшь.

You go and look at the major buildings works on the banks of the river, and the gutted streets that resemble ploughed fields, the pipe laying, the blocks of flats being razed to the ground.

Направляешься посмотреть на масштабные строительные работы на берегу реки, на развороченные улицы, похожие на вспаханные поля, на прокладку канализационных труб, на жилые дома, разрушенные до основания.

They hesitate in front of the maps in the metro, they eat their buns sitting on the river banks.

Раздумывают, застывая перед планом метро, едят хлеб, сидя на берегу реки.

They run a restaurant out on the river.

У них ресторан на берегу реки.

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Maybe it was Brannom’s. He could’ve died in the car, they dropped him in the river.

Его приятели могли сбросить его в воду.

The car accident, the facial burns, the long immersion in the river.

Авария, ожоги лица, длительное погружение в воду.

Do you know why you can never step into the same river twice?

Знаете, почему нельзя дважды войти в одну и ту же воду?

I looked at you and then I looked at the bend in the river.

Смотрю на вас, затем перевожу взгляд на воду.

No news since you chucked him in the river.

Не знаю! С тех пор как ты бросил его в воду, у меня нет от него вестей.

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We let ourselves get sold down the river.

Мы сами позволили спустить нас по течению.

And soon she was floating down the river, far away, where the toad could not reach her.

И вскоре она уже плыла вниз по течению, подальше — туда, где Жаба не могла её найти

They shot him to pieces six miles down the river, poor man.

Его, беднягу, расстреляли на куски 6 миль ниже по течению.

You can get anyplace up that river that suits you, young Captain.

Капитан, можете выбрать любой участок вверх по течению, который вам приглянулся.

Then the flies and the antlers, like branches, flowing down the river.

После того, тучи мух и обломки оленьих рогов поплыли вниз по течению.

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So I do a beautiful swan dive into the East River.

Я плыл как лебедь на Ист-Ривер.

When boys go swimming in the East River, for example… why report it to the Homicide Squad?

Когда мальчишки идут купаться, например, в Ист-Ривер,… почему об этом сообщают в отдел убийств?

— Well, yesterday morning… some kids swimming in the East River found a body.

— Сегодня утром… дети, которые купались в Ист-Ривер, обнаружили труп.

Miss Gravely, what would you say… if I told you… I was only the captain of a tugboat… on the East River… and never got more than a mile or so off shore?

Мисс Грэвели, что вы скажете, если я скажу вам, что был капитаном буксира, на Ист-Ривер, и никогда не отходил от берега больше чем на милю?

Well, I would say that… that you were the handsomest tugboat captain that ever sailed up the East River.

Я скажу, что вы самый красивый капитан буксира изо всех, что плавали по Ист-Ривер.

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River example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use river in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for river.

  • The river was full of life. (20)
  • He goes away towards the river. (8)
  • He walked slowly along the river. (8)
  • Through Winton flashed one dreadful thought: The river! (8)
  • This place was on the river Connecticut. (19)
  • By moonlight too, the river must be ravishing! (8)
  • They were passing the river at Casalmaggiore. (10)
  • Johnson was a settler on the Upper Hudson River. (19)
  • The river began to be the focus of rural activity. (20)
  • Fleur too had stopped, and was frowning at the river. (8)
  • The sky was dark above the river; the wind had risen. (8)
  • He had snatched her as by a miracle from that snaky river. (8)
  • They talked only of the river; they cared for nothing else. (9)
  • I was beginning to think we should w have to drag the river. (8)
  • Rowing clubs are numerous all along the river from Ulm to Vienna. (20)
  • She entered our noble river somewhat early on a fine July morning. (10)
  • In any case the river line would naturally be picketed or patrolled. (7)
  • Just then the moon came out, and I could see the river shining below. (8)
  • The river streamed on steadily through pleasant riverside landscapes. (2)
  • Duck River was directly in our rear; I suppose both our flanks rested on it. (7)
  • When they reached the mighty river they ran great danger for want of a pilot. (19)
  • The great volume, the indefatigable purpose of the river, held the mind in chain. (2)
  • So it showed beneath the bridge, and down the river till the curving shores hid it. (9)
  • He had not been there since the day before that night on the river, twenty years ago. (8)
  • My way lay up the bald valley of the river, along the march of Vivarais and Gévaudan. (2)
  • There was the river gleaming before us under a rainbow mist that hallowed every shape. (8)
  • The Bois-Brulés then set out to wipe the colony of Red River from the face of the earth. (19)
  • It was written on the notepaper of an inn twelve miles up the river: these were the words. (8)
  • When the storm was over, he left his retreat and went down the wet path to the river bank. (8)
  • There was a stout gentleman with a knowledge of the river, which he seemed eager to impart. (2)
  • A lovely stream, your river Thames, so calm and broad; it is like the spirit of your people. (8)
  • Below the window the river in spring flood rushed down the valley, a stream, of molten bronze. (8)
  • The bright river, and their boat grounded on the shallows, and the swallows flitting over them. (8)
  • A far-away river, a hill, or a meadow might be brought to sight by trimming some trees or brush. (17)
  • As in a dream the river lay, and dream-like the shipping moved or rested on its deep, broad bosom. (9)
  • The valley looked even lovelier by morning; and soon the road descended to the level of the river. (2)
  • Down went the heads of the poplars, the river staggered in its leap, the vale was shuddering grey. (10)
  • After a good woman, and a good book, and tobacco, there is nothing so agreeable on earth as a river. (2)
  • He stood against the rail, looking west where the river swept round in a wide curve under the woods. (8)
  • Spring came, and it was decided to venture again to plant the colony on the banks of the Red River. (19)
  • Meanwhile Cuthbert Grant and his Bois-Brulés began final hostilities against the Red River settlement. (19)
  • Their imagination had been stirred by the tales they had heard of the country by the St. Lawrence River. (19)
  • On the point of land thus projecting into the bend of the river, six redoubts were bristling with cannon. (18)
  • Sometimes it had to serve mills; and being still a little river, ran very dry and shallow in the meanwhile. (2)
  • But the river had us round an angle in a twinkling, and we were alone with the green trees and running water. (2)
  • From far down the river by which they rode came the sound of a cannon, breaking the Sabbath repose of the air. (9)
  • The sultry air, charged with a scent of meadow-sweet, of river and roses, closed on his senses, drowsing them. (8)
  • I went back into the corn, found the river, followed it back a long way and mounted into the fork of a low tree. (7)
  • Dotted along the hill-sides and in the broad valley on the left bank of the river are many prosperous little towns. (20)
  • They told him that the settlers and a large part of the property of Red River had been transported to Fort William. (19)
  • The chateau stood square at a branch of the river, tossing three light bridges of pretty woodwork to park and garden. (10)
  • Arnold, concealed in the shadow of the cliff, lay near the river bank anxious for the boat to return with Major Andre. (18)
  • But you must be positive of victory, otherwise, with the river behind you, your new position is likely to be ticklish. (10)
  • It was bare of trees just here, and she could see, across the river valley, the high larch-crowned tor on the far side. (8)
  • A new brigade of immigrants from Scotland also arrived at Red River only to gaze upon the embers of the burnt settlement. (19)
  • Night was fast settling upon the low flat banks of the stream, and nothing stirred, save the ceaseless ripple of the river. (6)
  • Hungry river of the crag Stretching hands for earth he came: Force and Speed astride his name Pointed back to spear and flag. (10)
  • Down the hill, through a wood of larch-trees, to the river, and across the bridge, to mount at once by a path through hay-fields. (8)
  • The click and swish blended with the rustle of the willows and the poplars, and the cooing of a wood-pigeon, in a true river song. (8)
  • Where we swam the Yellowstone we had an abundance of both, for the entire river valley, two or three miles wide, was dotted with elk. (7)
  • Donacona and the other chiefs, on hearing this, did their utmost to dissuade him by inventing stories about the dangers of the river. (19)
  • The sky was blue and cloudless, and the sliding surface of the river held up, in smooth places, a mirror to the heaven and the shores. (2)
  • The good mother was dead, the meadowside home by the great river was broken up, and the brothers were parted between two of their kinsmen. (1)
  • Peasants were at work repairing the low dikes that protect the farms from the overflow of the river, or weaving fresh rods in the wattled fences. (20)
  • The sun set, dew began to fall; the river changed, and grew whiter; the sky paled to the colour of an amethyst; shadows lengthened, dissolved slowly. (8)
  • The commonest flowers on the sandy patches near the river are the yellow snap-dragon (butter and eggs), pink ononis, and a pale-green eryngium, very prickly. (20)

Also see sentences for: brook, creek, current, run, stream.

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Okay, based on the angle of the tree and the weight distribution, uh, estimated by the barycenter balancing point, as well as the relatively weak tensile strength of the river Sheoak, which is really no more than a weed…

Once you get the drift of it, and feel the energy of it, it makes you wanna go back again and again because it’s where life seems to be. Going out to the street, being in this river of humanity and seeing unexpected incidents occur, how do you make the moment yours?

And we cross the river (we head West)

In the middle of the wood, very close to the river,

«What is Europe’s second longest river

In fear of Turkish revenge, he went Over Sava river to Srem, but… His stepfather Petronije changed his mind and said that he is going to give them away to Turks if they don’t come back.

A gold shipment leaves the Deep river mine.

Deep river Mining Chicago, Illinois. Dear Sir:

Caesar’s legions retire to the river Rubicon.

Well, she was playing near the river, fell in, and drowned…

By the river and the distant music of the falls — Around them the sweet scent of summer fields.

The David points out the two forks of the river, that go into one…

When the river starts you’d better look out down below there!

Lost in thought on the bank of the crystal-clear river, she was a picture of beauty and serenity.

Up the river to the village of Sannikovo.

Yes, but I didn’t believe him. We were near this big river, and we saw some huge splashes. Suddenly a 20 meter serpent came out of the water.

59-year-old Mr. Gottschling of Brieg, winner of many marathons… runs barefoot 15 miles a day so he may bathe in the river in the summer as well as in the winter.

On the other side of the river was his father’s farm.

When Ola reached the other river bank there wa a suprise… in store for him.

The bridal procession was to meet by the river, and then they would proceed to the village together.

«I will send a horse over then Tore can cross the river

The goats at the Ulu-Usen river

There … where the herds cross the river

«At Nine o’clock tomorrow morning our supply trains will meet and unite with General Parker’s army at the Rock river bridge.»

«That bridge is not burned enough to stop you, and my men will ford the river

«You left all that slush in the river, Baby.

Half way between Dniepro-Petrovsk and Zaporozhje the «Wild river» rushes over the rocks.

«Looks like you’ll have to look for a new river

«I’ll run on this river if I’m the only passenger on the boat.»

William Canfield Sr. Steamboat Stonewall Jackson, river Junction, Mississippi.

«I’ll pick the young man for you …. and it won’t be the son of a river tramp.»

(Train Ticket) Destination From : river Junction To : Boston, Massachusetts

In one quick move, he jumped into the river.

The chase continued in the river.

The river is getting crowded with too many rascals.

Now all along here, this is the riverfront, and all along the river… all along the river, those are all levees.

We’ll swim the rest down the river.

Map of the Caucasian Mountains, showing the Ingur river and the locations of various tribes.

One such river is the Ingur.

That reminds me of a story… about a man building a boat to cross a river.

You remember, Bill, that time up, uh, on the Snake river

Now, who discovered the Columbia river?

I’ll see you at the river crossing.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. rivernoun

    a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)

    «the river was navigable for 50 miles»

WiktionaryRate this definition:2.6 / 5 votes

  1. rivernoun

    A large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, ending at an ocean or in an inland sea. Occasionally rivers overflow their banks and cause floods.

  2. rivernoun

    Any large flow of a liquid in a single body (e.g., ‘a river of blood’).

  3. rivernoun

    The last card dealt in a hand.

  4. riververb

    To improve one’s hand to beat another player on the final card in a poker game.

    Johnny rivered me by drawing that Ace of spades

  5. Etymology: From riviere, from *, from riparius, from riparia, from ripa, from rei-.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Rivernoun

    A land current of water bigger than a brook.

    Etymology: riviere, Fr. rivus, Lat.

    It is a most beautiful country, being stored throughout with many goodly rivers, replenished with all sorts of fish.
    Edmund Spenser.

    The first of these rivers has been celebrated by the Latin poets for the gentleness of its course, as the other for its rapidity.
    Joseph Addison, Remarks on Italy.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. River

    A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater stream, flowing on the surface or inside underground caves towards another waterbody at a lower elevation, such as an ocean, sea, bay, lake, wetland or another river. In some cases, a river flows into the ground or becomes dry at the end of its course without reaching another body of water. Small rivers can be referred to using names such as creek, brook, rivulet and rill. There are no official definitions for the generic term river as applied to geographic features, although in some countries or communities a stream is defined by its size. Many names for small rivers are specific to geographic location; examples are «run» in some parts of the United States, «burn» in Scotland and Northeast England, and «beck» in Northern England. Sometimes a river is defined as being larger than a creek, but not always: the language is vague.

    Rivers are an important part of the water cycle. Water from a drainage basin generally collects into a river through surface runoff from precipitation, meltwater released from natural ice and snowpacks, and other underground sources such as groundwater recharge and springs. Rivers are often considered major features within a landscape; however, they actually only cover around 0.1% of the land on Earth.
    Rivers are significant to mankind since many human settlements and civilizations are built around sizeable rivers and streams. Most of the major cities of the world are situated on the banks of rivers, as they are (or were) depended upon as a vital source of drinking water, for food supply via fishing and agricultural irrigation, for shipping, as natural borders and/or defensive terrains, as a source of hydropower to drive machinery or generate electricity, for bathing, and as a means of disposing of waste. In the pre-industrial era, larger rivers were a major obstacle to movement of people, goods, and armies across regions. Towns often developed at the few locations suitable for fording, to build bridges or to support ports, and many major cities such as London are located at the narrowest and most reliable site at which a river could be crossed via bridges or ferries.In Earth science disciplines, potamology is the scientific study of rivers, while limnology is the study of inland waters in general.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:4.0 / 2 votes

  1. Rivernoun

    one who rives or splits

  2. Rivernoun

    a large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream; a stream larger than a rivulet or brook

  3. Rivernoun

    fig.: A large stream; copious flow; abundance; as, rivers of blood; rivers of oil

  4. Riververb

    to hawk by the side of a river; to fly hawks at river fowl

  5. Etymology: [F. rivre a river, LL. riparia river, bank of a river, fr. L. riparius belonging to a bank or shore, fr. ripa a bank or shore; of uncertain origin. Cf. Arrive, Riparian.]

FreebaseRate this definition:3.0 / 4 votes

  1. River

    A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into the ground or dries up completely at the end of its course, and does not reach another body of water. Small rivers may be called by several other names, including stream, creek, brook, rivulet, and rill. There are no official definitions for generic terms, such as river, as applied to geographic features, although in some countries or communities a stream may be defined by its size. Many names for small rivers are specific to geographic location; examples are «run» in the United States, «burn» in Scotland and northeast England, and «beck» in northern England. Sometimes a river is defined as being larger than a creek, but not always: the language is vague.
    Rivers are part of the hydrological cycle. Water generally collects in a river from precipitation through a drainage basin from surface runoff and other sources such as groundwater recharge, springs, and the release of stored water in natural ice and snowpacks. Potamology is the scientific study of rivers while limnology is the study of inland waters in general.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. River

    riv′ėr, n. a large running stream of water.—adj. Riv′erain, riparian.—ns. Riv′er-bank, the bank of a river; Riv′er-bās′in, the whole region drained by a river and its affluents; Riv′er-bed, the channel in which a river flows; Riv′er-birch, the red birch; Riv′er-bott′om, the alluvial land along the margin of a river; Riv′er-carp, the common carp; Riv′er-chub, the horny-head or jerker; Riv′er-course, the bed of a river; Riv′er-crab, a fresh-water crab; Riv′er-craft, small vessels which ply on rivers; Riv′er-cray′fish, a crayfish proper; Riv′er-dol′phin, a Gangetic dolphin; Riv′er-drag′on (Milt.), a crocodile; Riv′er-duck, a fresh-water duck; Riv′eret, Riv′erling, a small river; Riv′er-flat, alluvial land along a river; Riv′er-god, the tutelary deity of a river; Riv′er-head, the spring of a river; Riv′er-hog, the capybara; Riv′er-horse, the hippopotamus.—adj. Riv′erine, pertaining to, or resembling, a river.—ns. Riv′er-jack, the common water-snake of Europe; Riv′er-man, one who makes his livelihood by dragging the river for sunken goods; River-muss′el, a fresh-water mussel; Riv′er-ott′er, the common European otter; Riv′er-perch, a Californian surf-fish; Riv′er-pie, the water-ousel; Riv′er-shore, the shore or bank of a river; Riv′er-side, the bank of a river; Riv′er-smelt, the gudgeon; Riv′er-snail, a pond snail; Riv′er-swall′ow, the sand-martin; Riv′er-tide, the tide from the sea rising or ebbing in a river; Riv′er-tor′toise, a soft-shelled turtle; Riv′er-wall, a wall made to confine the waters of a river within definite bounds.—adj. Riv′ery, pertaining to rivers, like rivers. [Fr. rivière (It. riviera, shore, river)—Low L. riparia, a shore district—L. ripa, a bank.]

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. river

    A body of water.

    The river brings much freedom and joy to the children during the various seasons.

    Submitted by MaryC on March 17, 2020  

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. river

    Song lyrics by river — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by river on the Lyrics.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. RIVER

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, River is ranked #26313 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The River surname appeared 928 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname River.

    52.3% or 486 total occurrences were White.
    28.7% or 267 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    12.2% or 114 total occurrences were Black.
    2.8% or 26 total occurrences were Asian.
    2.6% or 25 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    1% or 10 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Matched Categories

    • Stream
    • Water System

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘river’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1050

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘river’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #1850

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘river’ in Nouns Frequency: #389

How to pronounce river?

How to say river in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of river in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of river in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of river in a Sentence

  1. Geoffrey Neighor:

    ONE WHO WAITS There are those who believe that time is a wheel turning forever. Which would mean that your moment will surely come. Then, there are those who believe that time is a river. Which, if that’s true, it’s possible that your moment has already flowed by. ED Which one do you think it is ONE WHO WAITS Ah. I think that time is just time.

  2. Christopher Pyne:

    Suddenly, there will be literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of tonnes of carp that will be dead in the River Murray.

  3. Neila Bolsonaro:

    When they search for gold in our land, they damage our river, our water. They are pushing away our beasts of prey.

  4. David Barber:

    The law states that the queen can own any swan swimming in open waters if she so wishes, but she mainly exercises that right on the River Thames, today swan upping is about conservation and education.

  5. Sergio Cabanas:

    It’s a river of lava that overflowed its banks and affected the El Rodeo village. There are injured, burned and dead people, we have 7 confirmed dead, 4 adults and 3 kids, who were already taken to the morgue.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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