What is a sentence using the word composition



  1. Composite Sentences. General

  2. Compound, Complex, Semi-Complex Sentences.

The word «composite» is used by H. Poutsma as a common term
for both the compound and complex sentences.

There are three types of composite sentences in Modern English:

1. The compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses
with no dependent one.

2. The complex sentence contains one dependent
clause and one or more independent clauses. The latter usually tells
something about the main clause and is used as a part of speech or as
a part of sentence.

3. The semi-composite sentence combines the two
previous types. The compound-complex sentences are those which have
at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent
(subordinate) clause in its structure: Blair found herself smiling at
him and she took the letter he held out to her.

That there are three types of composite sentences in languages is
contemporary approach to this issue. Historically not all the
grammarians were unanimous in this respect. According to it H. Sweet
there are structurally two types of sentences: simple and complex.
“Two or more sentences may be joined together to form a single
complex sentence … In every complex there is one independent
clause, called the principal clause together with at least one
dependent clause, which stands in the relation of adjunct to the
principal clause. The dependent clause may be either coordinate or


Principal clause

1.You shall walk, and I will ride.

Coordinate clause


Principal clause

2. You are the man I want.

Subordinate clause


As one can see in H. Sweets conception there’s no place for
compound sentences since even so-called “cocomplex” there’s

One of the representatives of structural linguists Ch. Fries
considers two kinds of composite sentences: sequence sentences and
included sentences. The sequence sentences consist of situation
sentence and sequence sentence.

Example:1. The government has set up an agency called Future

2. It has a certain amount of fund to make loans to social

These two sentences are connected with each-other.
The first sentence is a situation sentence and the second one is a
sequence sentence since it develops the idea of the situation

In the following example “The
biggest loan has gone to M. Trust, which runs a school for
handicapped children
.” There are also
two sentences included into one.

C.H. Fries, as we see, makes an attempt to reject the traditional
classification and terms. He substitutes for the traditional doctrine
his theory of included sentences and sequences of sentences.

We shall classify the composite sentences into
three types as has been mentioned above.

Composite Sentence

The composite sentence is formed by two or more predicative lines,
i.e. it consists of two or more clauses.

Composite sentences display two principal types of construction:
hypotaxis (subordination) and parataxis (coordination).

Within a composite sentence clauses may be joined by means of
coordination or subordination, thus forming a compound or a complex
sentence respectively.

Coordination is a way of linking grammatical elements to make them
equal in rank.

Subordination is a way of linking grammatical elements that makes one
of them dependent upon the other (or they are mutually dependent).

The means of combining clauses into a
polypredicative sentence are divided into syndetic, i.e.
conjunctional, and asyndetic, i. e. non-conjunctional.

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Composition is basically what something is made up of. A good
sentence would be, he mixed the chemicals to create a composition
of science.

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Synonym: blend, combination, composite, document, mixture, paper, script, work, writing. Similar words: position, opposition, transition, acquisition, deposit, compose, situation, edition. Meaning: [‚kɒmpə’zɪʃn]  n. 1. a mixture of ingredients 2. the way in which someone or something is composed 3. the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole 4. a musical work that has been created 5. musical creation 6. the act of creating written works 7. art and technique of printing with movable type 8. an essay (especially one written as an assignment) 9. something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole. 

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1. This is a good topic for your composition.

2. Make an outline before trying to write a composition.

3. He played a piano sonata of his own composition.

4. He commented on the composition.

5. Your composition is full of spelling mistakes.

6. The teachers failed me on the written composition.

7. The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher’s time.

7. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.

9. The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the researcher.

10. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy.

11. The overall composition of the Senate was Democrats 57 and Republicans 43.

12. My composition has not been completed yet.

13. Have you studied the composition of the chemicals?

14. The composition is well constructed.

15. Has household composition changed in the last decade?

16. The boy flattered on his composition.

17. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.

18. His composition is good, yes, very good.

19. They decided to make a composition with their rivals.

20. The teachers laughed over Tom’s composition.

21. Your composition is full of spelling mistakes / errors.

22. His composition teems with spelling mistakes.

23. They duetted a musical composition with violin and piano.

24. Her drawing is competent,(sentencedict.com) but her composition is poor.

25. My first attempt at English composition was poor.

26. At music school I studied piano and composition.

27. He taught the piano, organ and composition.

28. I’m glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your school.I’d like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success.

29. He played a piece of music of his own composition.

30. The teacher limited her to 800 words for her composition.

More similar words: position, opposition, transition, acquisition, deposit, compose, situation, edition, addition, munitions, coalition, tradition, condition, in addition, expedition, exhibition, definition, additional, conditions, compensation, practitioner, recognition, traditional, in addition to, traditionally, supposing, impose, compound, component, as it is. 

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  • Презентация: Word composition

  • Слайд 2

    Word composition is the type of word- formation, in which new words are produced by combining two or more Immediate Constituents ( ICs), which are both derivational bases.

  • Слайд 3

    The Ics of compound words represent bases of all three structural types:

    Bases that coincide with morphological stems
    Bases that coincide with word-forms
    Bases that coincide with word-groups

  • Слайд 4

    The bases built on stems may be of different degrees of complexity:

    Simple week-end
    2) Derived letter-writer
    3) Compound aircraft-carrier

  • Слайд 5

    The meaning of compound word is made up of two components: structural and lexical.

  • Слайд 6

    The structural meaning

    The meaning of their distributional pattern

    The meaning of their derivational pattern

  • Слайд 7

    The lexical meaning

    is formed on the base of the combined lexical meanings of their constituents.
    ex. Handbag is not “a bag designed to be carried in the hand” but “ a woman’s small bag to carry everyday personal item”

  • Слайд 8

    Classification of compound words

  • Слайд 9

    According to the relations between the Ics compound words fall into:


  • Слайд 10

    Coordinative compounds:

    A) reduplicative : poof-poof, fifty-fifty
    B) compounds formed by joining the phonically variated rhythmic twin forms: chit-chat, zig-zag
    C) additive compounds: actor -manager

  • Слайд 11

    Subordinative compounds

    Based on the domination of the head-member which is the second IC.
    ex. Stone-deaf, age-long

  • Слайд 12

    According to the part of speech compounds fall into:

    Compound nouns- sunbeam
    Compound Adjectives – heart-free
    Compound pronouns- somebody, nothing

  • Слайд 13

    Compound adverbs- nowhere, inside
    Compound verbs- to bypass

  • Слайд 14

    According to the means of composition:

    1) compounds, composed without connecting elements, ex. Dog-house
    2) compounds, composed with a help of a vowel or a consonant as a linking element, ex. Statesman
    3) compounds, composed with a help of linking elements represented by preposition or conjunction stems, ex. Son-in -law

  • Слайд 15

    According to the type of bases

    Compounds proper

    ex. Door-step
    Derivational compounds

    Ex. Long-legged

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In the literary sense, a composition (from the Latin «to put together») is the way a writer assembles words and sentences to create a coherent and meaningful work. Composition can also mean the activity of writing, the nature of the subject of a piece of writing, the piece of writing itself, and the name of a college course assigned to a student. This essay focuses on practicing how people write.

Key Takeaways

  • In writing, composition refers to the way a writer structures a piece of writing.
  • The four modes of composition, which were codified in the late 19th century, are description, narration, exposition, and argumentation.
  • Good writing can include elements of multiple modes of composition.

Composition Definition

Just like a musician and an artist, a writer sets the tone of a composition to his or her purpose, making decisions about what that tone should be to form a structure. A writer might express anything from the point of view of cool logic to impassioned anger. A composition might use clean and simple prose, flowery, descriptive passages, or analytical nomenclature.

Since the 19th century, English writers and teachers have been grappling with ways to classify forms and modes of writing so beginner writers can have a place to start. After decades of struggle, rhetoricians ended up with four categories of writing that still make up the mainstream of Composition 101 college classes: Description, Narration, Exposition, and Argumentation.

The four classical types of composition (description, narration, exposition, and argumentation) are not categories, per se. They would almost never stand alone in a piece of writing, but rather are best-considered modes of writing, pieces of writing styles that can be combined and used to create a whole. That is to say, they can inform a piece of writing, and they are good starting points for understanding how to put a piece of writing together.

Examples for each of the following composition types are based on the American poet Gertrude Stein’s famous quote from «Sacred Emily,» her 1913 poem: «A rose is a rose is a rose.»


A description, or descriptive writing, is a statement or account that describes something or someone, listing characteristic features and significant details to provide a reader with a portrayal in words. Descriptions are set in the concrete, in the reality, or solidity of an object as a representation of a person, place, or thing in time. They provide the look and feel of objects, a simultaneous whole, with as many details as you’d like.

A description of a rose might include the color of the petals, the aroma of its perfume, where it exists in your garden, whether it is in a plain terracotta pot or a hothouse in the city.

A description of «Sacred Emily» might talk about the length of the poem and the facts of when it was written and published. It might list the images that Stein uses or mention her use of repetition and alliteration.


A narration, or narrative writing, is a personal account, a story that the writer tells his or her reader. It can be an account of a series of facts or events, given in order and establishing connections between the steps. It can even be dramatic, in which case you can present each individual scene with actions and dialog. The chronology could be in strict order, or you could include flashbacks.

A narration about a rose might describe how you first came across it, how it came to be in your garden, or why you went to the greenhouse that day.

A narration about «Sacred Emily» might be about how you came across the poem, whether it was in a class or in a book lent by a friend, or if you were simply curious about where the phrase «a rose is a rose» came from and found it on the internet.


Exposition, or expository writing, is the act of expounding or explaining a person, place, thing, or event. Your purpose is not to just describe something, but to give it a reality, an interpretation, your ideas on what that thing means. In some respects, you are laying out a proposition to explain a general notion or abstract idea of your subject.

An exposition on a rose might include its taxonomy, what its scientific and common names are, who developed it, what the impact was when it was announced to the public, and/or how was it distributed. 

An exposition on «Sacred Emily» could include the environment in which Stein wrote, where she was living, what her influences were, and what the impact was on reviewers.


Also called argumentative writing, an argumentation is basically an exercise in comparing and contrasting. It is the methodological presentation of both sides of an argument using logical or formal reasoning. The end result is formulated to persuade why thing A is better than thing B. What you mean by «better» makes up the content of your arguments.

Argumentation applied to a rose might be why one particular rose is better than another, why you prefer roses over daisies, or vice versa.

Argumentation over «Sacred Emily» could compare it to Stein’s other poems or to another poem covering the same general topic.

The Value of Composition

A great deal of debate enlivened college theoretical rhetoric in the 1970s and 1980s, with scholars attempting to throw off what they saw were the confining strictures of these four writing styles. Despite that, they remain the mainstay of some college composition classes.

What these four classical modes do is provide beginner writers a way to purposefully direct their writings, a structure on which to form an idea. However, they can also be limiting. Use the traditional modes of composition as tools to gain practice and direction in your writing, but remember that they should be considered starting points rather than rigid requirements.


  • Bishop, Wendy. «Keywords in Creative Writing.» David Starkey, Utah State University Press, University Press of Colorado, 2006.
  • Conners, Professor Robert J. «Composition-Rhetoric: Backgrounds, Theory, and Pedagogy.» Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture, Hardcover, New ed. Edition, University of Pittsburgh Press, June 1, 1997.
  • D’Angelo, Frank. «Nineteenth-Century Forms/Modes of Discourse: A Critical Inquiry.» Vol. 35, No. 1, National Council of Teachers of English, February 1984.
  • Hintikka, Jaakko. «Strategic Thinking in Argumentation and Argumentation Theory.» Vol. 50, No. 196 (2), Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 1996.
  • Perron, Jack. «Composition and Cognition.» English Education, The Writing Teacher: A New Professionalism, Vol. 10, No. 3, National Council of Teachers of English, February 1979. 
  • Stein, Gertrude. «Sacred Emily.» Geography and Plays, Letters of Note, 1922.

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