What is a sentence for the word structure

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How would you put the word structure in a sentence?

«The structure was about to collapse»
«Proper sentence structure is very important»

A sentence with the word atmospheric structure?

The atmospheric structure of the environment is layered.

What is a sentence that has the word structure in it?

There is always a structure to every complete sentence.What is
the structure of a paragraph?

Can you start and end a sentence with the word sentence?

Sentence structure is very complicated, you would not want to
uses the same word in one sentence.

Does grammatical structure refer to how words sound in a sentence?

No, grammatical structure refers to where words are placed in a
sentence, or word order.

1. What is Sentence Structure?

A sentence’s “structure” is the way its words are arranged.

In English, we have four main sentence structures: the simple sentence, the compound sentence, the complex sentence, and the compound-complex sentence. Each uses a specific combination of independent and dependent clauses to help make sure that our sentences are strong, informational, and most importantly, that they make sense!

2. Examples of Sentence Structures

In the examples, independent clauses are green, dependent clauses are purple, and conjunctions are orange. Here are examples of each type of sentence:

  1. The dog ran.                                                                                    Simple Sentence
  2. The dog ran and he ate popcorn.                                                    Compound sentence
  3. After the dog ran, he ate popcorn.                                                   Complex sentence
  4. After the dog ran, he ate popcorn and he drank a big soda.           Compound-complex sentence

3. Parts of Sentence Structures

All forms of sentence structures have clauses (independent, dependent, or both), and some also have conjunctions to help join two or more clauses or whole sentences.

a. Independent Clause

Independent clauses are key parts of every sentence structure. An independent clause has a subject and a predicate and makes sense on its own as a complete sentence. Here are a few:

  • The dog ate brownies.
  • The dog jumped high.
  • She ate waffles.
  • He went to the library.

So, you can see that all of the clauses above are working sentences. What’s more, all sentences have an independent clause!

b. Dependent (Subordinate) Clause

A dependent clause is a major part of three of the four sentence structures (compound, complex, and compound-complex).  It has a subject and a predicate; BUT, it can’t be a sentence. It provides extra details about the independent clause, and it doesn’t make sense on its own, like these:

  • After he went to the party
  • Though he ate hotdogs
  • While he was at the dance
  • If the dog eats chocolate

Each of the bullets above leaves an unanswered question. By itself, a dependent clause is just a fragment sentence (an incomplete sentence). So, it needs to be combined with an independent clause to be a sentence.

c. Conjunction

A conjunction is a word in a sentence that connects other words, phrases and clauses. Conjunctions are a big part of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The most common conjunction that you know is “and.” Others are for, but, or, yet, and so. Conjunctions are important because they let us combine information, but still keep ideas separate so that they are easy to understand.

Here are two sentences, with and without conjunctions:

Incorrect: The girl ran to the ice cream truck then she ate ice cream.

Correct: The girl ran to the ice cream truck, and then she ate ice cream.

So, you can see that we need a conjunction for the sentence to be clear!

It is important to know that the word “then” is NOT a conjunction—it’s an adverb.

4. Types of Sentence Structures

As mentioned, there are four main types of sentence structures: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. To begin, here is a simple chart that outlines the patterns of each type.


a. Simple sentence

A simple sentence has only one subject and one predicate—one independent clause.  In fact, an independent clause itself is a simple sentence. Here are some examples:

  • She jumped.
  • The cheetah ran.
  • He ran to the gas station.
  • He ate dinner.

Simple sentences don’t have many details and they don’t really combine multiple ideas—they are simple!

b. Compound sentence

A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses. It uses a conjunction like “and” to connect the ideas. Here are some examples:

  • The dog ate pizza but the cat drank apple juice.  
  • The dog ate pizza but the cat drank apple juice and the fish had eggs.

As you can see, a compound sentence allows us to share a lot of information by combining two or more complete thoughts into one sentence.

c. Complex sentence

A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. It sometimes uses conjunctions and other words to combine all of the clauses together.

  • When he was on the airplane, the man bought cookies.
  • When he was on the airplane, the man bought cookies, but not brownies.

A great way to make a sentence more detailed is by adding dependent clauses (which couldn’t be sentences on their own). So, complex sentences let us add information to simple sentences.

d. Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause—so, it uses conjunction(s) to combine two complete sentences and at least one incomplete sentence. Here is an example:

The girl smelled cookies, which were baking at home, so, she ran all the way there.

The result of combining the three clauses and the conjunction is a compound-complex sentence that is both informational and easy to understand. The independent clauses give the main information, and the dependent clause(s) give the details.

5. How to Avoid Mistakes

When it comes to making sure your sentence is clear and complete, having the right sentence structure is very important. A couple of common mistakes can happen when you forget how to use clauses or conjunctions in the right way, like run-on sentences and fragment sentences.

a. Run-on sentences

In simple terms, a run-on sentence is a sentence that is too long. For instance, if a writer forgets to use conjunctions, a sentence seems like it “runs on” for too long. For example:

The fox really liked pancakes, he ate them every day for breakfast, he couldn’t eat them without syrup and butter.

But, with the right conjunctions, this can be a normal compound sentence:

The fox really liked pancakes, so, he ate them every day for breakfast; but, he couldn’t eat them without syrup and butter.

As you can see, the new sentence is much easier to read and makes more sense.

b. Fragment (incomplete) sentences

A “fragment” is a small piece of something. So, a fragment sentence is just a piece of a sentence: it is missing a subject, a predicate, or an independent clause. It’s simply an incomplete sentence. Fragment sentences can happen when you forget an independent clause.

For instance, by itself, a dependent clause is just a fragment. Let’s use a couple of the dependent clauses from above:

  • While he was at the dance            What happened?
  • If he eats chocolate                       Then what?

As you can see, each leaves an unanswered question. So, let’s complete them:

  • While he was at the dance, the dog drank fruit punch.
  • The dog will get a stomachache if he eats chocolate.

Here, we completed the fragment sentences by adding independent clauses (underlined), which made them into complex sentences.

Test your Knowledge


Which type of sentence combines two independent clauses?

a.Compound sentence

b.Simple sentence

c.None of the above

d.All of the above


Which type of sentence can have two or more independent and dependent clauses?

a.Simple sentence

b.Compound-complex sentence

c.Compound sentence

d.None of the above


Add a conjunction or conjunctions to make the following sentence clearer: The dog and the cat loved to eat ice cream, they liked going fishing, searching for clovers.

a.The dog and the cat loved to eat ice cream, they liked going fishing, and searching for clovers.

b.The dog and the cat loved to eat ice cream, so they liked going fishing, searching for clovers.

c.The dog and the cat loved to eat ice cream, and they liked going fishing, searching for clovers.

d.The dog and the cat loved to eat popcorn, and they liked going fishing and searching for clovers.


Add an independent clause to complete the following sentence: If the rabbit goes to the dentist,


b.and gets a sticker.

c.he will get his teeth cleaned.

d.and his teeth cleaned.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.7 / 6 votes

  1. structure, constructionnoun

    a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts

    «the structure consisted of a series of arches»; «she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons»

  2. structurenoun

    the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts

    «artists must study the structure of the human body»; «the structure of the benzene molecule»

  3. structurenoun

    the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations

    «his lectures have no structure»

  4. structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structurenoun

    a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing

    «he has good bone structure»

  5. social organization, social organisation, social structure, social system, structureverb

    the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships

    «the social organization of England and America is very different»; «sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family»

  6. structureverb

    give a structure to

    «I need to structure my days»

WiktionaryRate this definition:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. structurenoun

    A cohesive whole built up of distinct parts.

    The birds had built an amazing structure out of sticks and various discarded items.

  2. structurenoun

    The underlying shape of a solid.

    He studied the structure of her face.

  3. structurenoun

    The overall form or organization of something.

  4. structurenoun

    A set of rules defining behaviour.

    For some, the structure of school life was oppressive.

  5. structurenoun

    Several pieces of data treated as a unit.

    This structure contains both date and timezone information.

  6. structurenoun

    Underwater terrain or objects (such as a dead tree or a submerged car) that tend to attract fish

    There’s lots of structure to be fished along the west shore of the lake; the impoundment submerged a town there when it was built.

  7. structurenoun

    A body, such as a political party, with a cohesive purpose or outlook.

    The South African leader went off to consult with the structures.

  8. structurenoun

    A set along with a collection of finitary functions and relations.

  9. structureverb

    To give structure to; to arrange.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Structure

    Etymology: structure, Fr. structura, from structus, Latin.

    1. Act of building; practice of building.

    His son builds on, and never is content,
    Till the last farthing is in structure spent.
    John Dryden.

    2. Manner of building; form; make.

    Several have gone about to inform them, but for want of insight into the structure and constitution of the terraqueous globe, have not given satisfaction.
    John Woodward.

    3. Edifice; building.

    Ecbatana her structure vast there shews,
    And Hecatompylos her hundred gates.
    John Milton.

    High on a rock of ice the structure lay.
    Alexander Pope.

    There stands a structure of majestick frame.
    Alexander Pope.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Structure

    A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals. Abstract structures include data structures in computer science and musical form. Types of structure include a hierarchy (a cascade of one-to-many relationships), a network featuring many-to-many links, or a lattice featuring connections between components that are neighbors in space.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. Structurenoun

    the act of building; the practice of erecting buildings; construction

  2. Structurenoun

    manner of building; form; make; construction

  3. Structurenoun

    arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent particles, in a substance or body; as, the structure of a rock or a mineral; the structure of a sentence

  4. Structurenoun

    manner of organization; the arrangement of the different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of animals and plants; cellular structure

  5. Structurenoun

    that which is built; a building; esp., a building of some size or magnificence; an edifice

  6. Etymology: [L. structura, from struere, structum, to arrange, build, construct; perhaps akin to E. strew: cf. F. structure. Cf. Construe, Destroy, Instrument, Obstruct.]

FreebaseRate this definition:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. Structure

    Structure is a fundamental, tangible or intangible notion referring to the recognition, observation, nature, and permanence of patterns and relationships of entities. This notion may itself be an object, such as a built structure, or an attribute, such as the structure of society. From a child’s verbal description of a snowflake, to the detailed scientific analysis of the properties of magnetic fields, the concept of structure is now often an essential foundation of nearly every mode of inquiry and discovery in science, philosophy, and art. In early 20th-century and earlier thought, form often plays a role comparable to that of structure in contemporary thought. The neo-Kantianism of Ernst Cassirer is sometimes regarded as a precursor of the later shift to structuralism and poststructuralism.
    The description of structure implicitly offers an account of what a system is made of: a configuration of items, a collection of inter-related components or services. A structure may be a hierarchy, a network featuring many-to-many links, or a lattice featuring connections between components that are neighbors in space.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Structure

    struk′tūr, n. manner of building: construction: a building, esp. one of large size: arrangement of parts or of particles in a substance: manner of organisation: an organic form.—adj. Struc′tūral, morphological.—n. Structūralisā′tion.—adv. Struc′tūrally, in a structural manner.—adjs. Struc′tured, having a certain structure; Struc′tureless.—adv. Struc′turely, in structure, by construction.—n. Struc′tūrist, one who rears structures. [L. structurastruĕre, structum, to build.]

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. structure

    A number of materials, mechanisms, methods to construct.

    The structure of the house was known and created with efficiency.

    Submitted by MaryC on April 22, 2020  

  2. structure

    The various elements of a whole, how the elements connect and their purpose.

    The structure of the property is accurate and demonstrates excellent architectural structures.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 24, 2020  

  3. structure

    To feel, know and understand intuitively what is required and how every facet connects together and works.

    The organisation structure is logical, rational, easy and simple.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 24, 2020  

Matched Categories

    • Artifact
    • Cognition
    • Constitution
    • Organize

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘structure’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #720

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘structure’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #965

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘structure’ in Nouns Frequency: #211

How to pronounce structure?

How to say structure in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of structure in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of structure in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1

Examples of structure in a Sentence

  1. Maamoun Abdulkarim:

    They destroyed an incredibly important architectural structure, it is the first structure in the Palmyra complex to be destroyed, although they recently destroyed two Islamic shrines nearby.

  2. Alain Djeumfa:

    We prepared our structure and formation, but Canada are fifth in the women’s ranking and we are 46th, so we had to be realistic and focus on defending and hitting on the counter-attack.

  3. Yuri Lapshin:

    The hydrotechnical structure was built in a makeshift way, as I surmise, in violation of all conceivable and inconceivable standards.

  4. Kedar Joshi:

    The best thing about the world is that it has a mysterious structure and the worst thing is that it has a grievous structure.

  5. Chiaki Osaka:

    I was afraid to, one, get out of shape, and, two, I’m staying inside and working on my computer all day, i needed a change, and I needed structure to my life.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for structure

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • هيكلArabic
  • структураBelarusian
  • структураBulgarian
  • estructuraCatalan, Valencian
  • strukturaCzech
  • strwythuroWelsh
  • strukturieren, StrukturGerman
  • strukturoEsperanto
  • estructuraSpanish
  • ساختارPersian
  • rakennelma, järjestelmä, rakenneFinnish
  • structureFrench
  • struchtúrIrish
  • dèanamh, togailScottish Gaelic
  • estruturaGalician
  • מתכונת, מבנה, תצורה, מסגרתHebrew
  • striktiHaitian Creole
  • struktúra, szervezet, felépítés, szerkezetHungarian
  • structuraInterlingua
  • byggingIcelandic
  • מבנהHebrew
  • 構造, 構造体Japanese
  • structureLatin
  • രൂപംMalayalam
  • struktur, rangkaMalay
  • structureren, structuurDutch
  • estruturar, registro, estruturaPortuguese
  • структураRussian
  • रूपम्Sanskrit
  • strukturera, strukturSwedish
  • структураUkrainian
  • cấu trúcVietnamese

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Are we missing a good definition for structure? Don’t keep it to yourself…

Sentences in the English language come in a variety of forms and sizes, and it’s important for you to have a firm grasp of the different sentence patterns so that they may enhance the correctness and clarity of their own writing. 

Whether using basic, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences, a piece of writing with a diversity of sentence structures should be more dynamic and fascinating to read – and, as a result, should obtain a higher score.

As a result, this article will present the two basic sentence forms, simple and compound sentences, out of the four primary varieties.

However, before diving into particular sentence patterns, it’s critical to analyze the main aspects of a sentence so that we can effectively break any phrase down into its most relevant components.

What Are Sentence Structures?

In simple terms, a sentence is a group of words with a complete thought, either direct or implied. The standard structure contains:

  • subject – what is being talked about
  • predicate – adds more details to the subject

A predicate and a subject are required in every phrase; a predicate contains a verb which is an action, and a subject is a noun that performs the action.

Sentence Structure Example 1

The verb in this phrase is ‘am writing.’ The base form of the verb is writing, but in the present continuous, we conjugate it with the –ing form and the auxiliary word am. While the subject or the doer of the action is “I.”

The sample sentence above is quite brief. Of course, a sentence might be lengthier and more sophisticated, but a subject and a predicate are always there. Take a look at this more detailed example:

Sentence Structure Example 2

It’s worth noting that the predicate is always followed by a verb. In certain cases, the predicate is just a verb:

Sentence Structure Example 3

As a result, we may argue that a sentence must have both a subject and a verb.

The imperative, however, seems to be an exception. When giving an order (the imperative), most people do not utilize a subject. They don’t state what the topic is because it’s self-evident: it’s YOU! Consider the following imperative examples, both with and without a subject:

Sentence Structure Example 4

Because both of the preceding statements, ‘I rested’ and ‘My ice cream has melted,’ include both subjects and verbs, they create grammatical sentences despite their small length. Sentences may be considerably longer in reality, and they can be made longer by adding objects, complements, and adverbials.

Why are Sentence Structures Important?

Reason #1: Thorough Editing

The first way that knowing sentence structures confidently will help your academic performance is that it will make you a better editor. While certain grammatical faults may be overlooked by a reader because they have little impact on meaning, this is not the case with problems in sentence structure.

Consider the following sample paragraph to show how such mistakes might alter meaning in context:

Sentence Structures Thorough Editing

Clearly, when sentence structures are written wrongly, as in the example above, the meaning of such phrases may become quite difficult to understand. When reading the same text after making the appropriate modifications and edits, see whether you can see a difference in incoherence and clarity:

Sentence Structures Thorough Editing 2

Many frequent sentence construction problems, such as phrase fragments, comma splices, and sentence run-ons, may all be avoided with a better understanding of this area of grammar. As a result, a student with this understanding and a good editor’s eye should be able to write better academic writing.

Reason #2: Active Writing

Another reason to study sentence structure is to make your writing more interesting and livelier. Examine the two paragraphs below. The first paragraph has nine brief sentences, most of which have just one subject and one verb. Contrast this with the second paragraph, which just has four phrases and communicates the same meaning:

Sentence Structures Active WritingSentence Structures Active Writing 2

Varying your sentence structure, just like in paragraph (2), is not just making your writing more dynamic than paragraph (1) but also simpler and more enjoyable to read since it employs a diversity of language styles. Your writing should become more dynamic and diverse as well, assuming you comprehend and can employ a range of sentence forms.

What are the Different Types of Sentence Structure?

It’s possible to categorize sentences into four different categories. Previously, we looked at the minimal prerequisites for constructing a sentence. We may now examine the four different forms of sentence construction in further depth.

Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex
“She likes reading books.” “She likes reading thriller novels, and her brother loves listening to classical music.” “While her brother loves listening to classical music, she is more interested in thriller novels.” “While her brother loves listening to classical music, she is more interested in thriller novels, and she prefers to be in a serene place.”

Simple Sentences

Following that, we’ll look at a simple sentence like I love scuba diving.’ This kind of sentence is as simple to learn and recognize as it sounds, and it is one of the first structures that each English student will practice making. You just need to memorize the following four guidelines to write basic phrases correctly.

One Subject and One Verb

Subjects and verbs are required in practically all clauses (and hence all sentence constructions. The easiest way to figure out how many clauses are in a sentence is to count the number of subjects and major verbs. Fortunately, since simple sentences only need one clause, this is a fast and straightforward task. To demonstrate, each of the following phrases is basic since it only has one subject and one major verb:

One Subject and One Verb

One Independent Clause

As previously stated earlier, sentences may be made up of one or more clauses, and clauses can be independent or dependent. 

Simple sentences, on the other hand, usually include a single independent clause with a single subject and one major verb. Below are both independent clauses since they may stand alone as entire ideas and phrases:

One Independent Clause

In other terms, a sentence’s structure is simple if it consists of just one independent phrase.

Additional Functional Phrases

A simple sentence, like the three examples in the table, can include objects, complements, and adverbials in addition to the subject and verb. It’s important to remember that a simple sentence can have a lot of objects, adverbials, and complements, but it always has one subject and one verb phrase:

Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbials
am writing an article.
She dances gracefully
Seth dove into the pool

Be mindful of compounded subjects/verbs

While we previously examined how simple sentences (and clauses in general) only have one subject, it is possible for such clauses to seem to have two subjects. 

Subject Predicate
“Moises and Joyce” “am writing a news article”

Although these sentences seem to contain two subjects – ‘Moises’ and ‘Joyce’ – which have been united by the coordinate conjunction ‘and,’ these two subjects really constitute the single subject ‘we,’ as in ‘We are writing a news article.’ Even though there are two parts that seem to be independent topics, this sentence is nevertheless deemed simple in structure.

Compound Sentences

Compound sentences, on the other hand, must have two distinct subjects in order to be grammatical — however, these subjects should be spread out across two separate clauses rather than one.

Since compound sentences are one of the most popular of the four sentence forms, it’s critical for you to know how to utilize and recognize this sentence type correctly – especially in academic writing. The following four principles, similar to the rules for simple sentences, should be observed at all times if you want to utilize compound sentences appropriately in your written work.

Use Independent Clause Only

Compound sentences, like simple sentences, are made up of just separate clauses with both subject and predication and can stand on its own as full ideas and phrases. The employment of coordinating conjunctions like ‘and’ or ‘but’ to unite these clauses is one evident evidence of a compound phrase. If the phrase in issue, on the other hand, includes subordinating conjunction like ‘because’ or ‘even though,’ it is a dependent clause and not a compounded construction.

Use Can Use Multiple Independent Clauses

Compound sentences, unlike simple sentences, must include two or more separate clauses to be termed compound. To show compound structures with two or more separate clauses, consider the following examples:


  • “We were told to work on these pages, yet I am still confused about the task.”
  • “I am confident, and I know I can make it to the finish line, but I am a bit worried.”

The compound sentence in:

  1. contains two separate clauses united by a comma (,) and the coordinate conjunction ‘and,’ while the compound phrase in 
  2. has three independent clauses joined by commas and the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘and.’

There is no grammatical limit to how many independent clauses may be combined in this manner in compound phrases like these; but more than three separate clauses in one sentence becomes difficult for readers to follow.

Structure Compound Sentences Correctly

When constructing compound sentences, you must learn to combine their independent clauses appropriately; otherwise, they may end up with ungrammatical run-on sentences, comma splices, and sentence fragments.

As seen in the preceding instances, the basic and most generally used rule is that every independent phrase should be coupled with a comma (,) and a coordinating conjunction (and, so, but, etc.).

When the writer wants to establish a stronger relationship between two independent clauses, he or she might use a semi-colon (;), which is likewise fully valid in compound sentences:

  • “We had a meeting; we did not resolve anything.”
  • “I am working on the project; I am not sure when it can be done.”

What isn’t grammatically correct is linking two distinct sentences with simply a comma, since this results in an ungrammatical comma splice, which is a sort of phrase run-on:

“We had a meeting, we did not resolve anything.”


“I am working on project, I am not sure when it can be done.”


A comma splice is when two distinct clauses are joined with a comma and no conjunction. Some people view this as a run-on phrase, while others see it as a punctuation mistake.

Compounding, in General, Should Be Avoided.

Finally, make sure that you don’t get mixed up between the general compounding of sentence parts like noun phrases and the merging of two or more separate clauses. Because both structures employ coordinating conjunctions like ‘and’ to unite their elements, such misunderstanding is likely to arise. As seen in the instances below, poor identification of these structures may lead you to employ inappropriate punctuation or conjunctions, resulting in grammatical structures:


  • “I am learning French and Spanish languages, and I am practicing everyday.”

In example (i), a comma (,) has been used to divide the two nouns ‘French’ and ‘Spanish,’ although the comma should be put before the second ‘and’ conjunction, not the first. This is because the second conjunction marks the combining of the two separate clauses that make up the grammatical compound phrase in the first place (i).

Complex Sentences

While simple and compound sentences are helpful while writing academically, you’ll also need to employ a range of complicated sentence forms to make your writing more dynamic and interesting. We will give three guidelines that you should grasp and follow attentively to help you recognize and use complicated phrases.

Have a Combination Independent with Dependent Clauses

Unlike simple and compound sentences, complex sentences need both an independent clause and a dependent clause to be deemed grammatical, as seen in the examples below. The independent clauses have been highlighted in both of these sentences:

  • “He struggled badly with his exams because he did not study last night.”
  • Since he did not study last night, he struggled badly with his exams.”

Because (1) all sentence structures require at least one independent clause, and (2) these clauses have been joined with the bolded subordinate conjunctions because’ and ‘since,’ we can tell that these two example complex sentences are made up of a mixture of independent and dependent clauses. Subordinating conjunctions like these are often employed to introduce dependent clauses, which aren’t entire ideas or sentences on their own.

Expect to See a Wide Range of Dependent Clauses

While it may seem that the independent and dependent clauses in the preceding instances may be easily distinguished, there is such a wide range of dependent clause forms that this isn’t always the case.

In general, dependent clauses can join independent clauses with relative pronouns like ‘who‘ or ‘which,’ they can show the time or sequence of a clause with subordinate conjunctions like ‘since‘ or ‘while,’ and they can show the causal relationship between clauses with conjunctions like ‘because’ and ‘if.’ To aid in recognition of such sentence patterns, the four-alternative dependent-clause forms have been highlighted in bold below.

Various Kinds of Dependent Clause

Adjective Clauses We love the teacher who teaches our English subject. 
Adverbial Clauses Unless you pass the exam, you will surely fail the subject.
Noun Clauses Are you aware of why we are here?
Non-finite Clauses Nadia went to the village to visit her family.

Notice how the dependent clause in the non-finite clause example ‘to visit her family’ appears to breach the first requirement of being a clause in that it lacks both a subject and a verb, instead of relying only on the word ‘visit.’ This is due to the fact that in non-finite clauses, the subject (in this example, ‘Nadia’) is deemed to be included inside the superordinating independent clause.

Correctly Punctuate Complex Sentences

Finally, you’ve undoubtedly noticed several differences in the punctuation and sequence of the preceding sample difficult phrases. It’s worth noting that, especially with adverbial clauses, the dependent or independent clause might be positioned either at the start or end of a sentence, depending on the writer’s preference:

Dependent Clause Independent Clause
Since the Covid-19 cases are rising, students are still attending online classes.” “Students are still attending online classes since the Covid-19 cases are rising.
Although the majority of Indonesians are vaccinated, the government continuously reminds the population to be careful.” “The government continuously reminds the population to be careful, although the majority of Indonesians are vaccinated.

When putting the dependent clause first, however, writers must always include a comma (,) between the dependent and independent clauses to properly link them. When the independent phrase is at the beginning of the complicated sentence, however, a comma is not required – in fact, including one would be grammatically incorrect.

Compound-Complex Sentences

Compound-complex sentences, as the name implies, are the hardest to comprehend. 

Longer, more difficult concepts may be expressed using compound-complex sentences, which have more elements than normal phrases. They’re useful for presenting complex concepts or detailing extensive sequences of occurrences.

Writers may simply generate a compound-complex sentence structure by combining compound and complex sentences, which will have at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause. In principle, a compound-complex sentence may be as long as it wants to be, but in fact, excessively long phrases might be difficult to understand.

The following compound-complex statement with eleven clauses, for example, is entirely grammatical despite its awkwardness:

The professor stepped onto the stage1 to make his guest appearance2, despite the fact that he wasn’t prepared3 to make a speech or deliver this lecture4, which he’d spent barely five minutes rehearsing5, to the audience of peers and students6 who sat eagerly awaiting the first word7 that would soon leave his mouth8, given confidence by years of experience9 and energized by the anticipatory crowd10.

Adjective Clauses 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 
Adverbial Clauses 3
Noun Clauses 1
Non-finite Clauses 2, 4, 6

Sentence Run-Ons and Fragments

Now that you should be able to recognize and employ basic, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence structures in your own writing, we should look at the sorts of errors that you tend to make while writing sentences. A run-on (or fused) phrase is the first major type of error. 

When two whole phrases are mashed together without a coordinating conjunction or suitable punctuation, such as a period or a semicolon, run-on sentences are also known as run-on sentences.

Short or extended run-on phrases are acceptable. A lengthy phrase isn’t always synonymous with a run-on sentence.

Why Should Sentence Run-ons Be Avoided in English for Academic Purposes (EAP)?

Below are examples of run-on sentences made up of two separate clauses. It combines two entire ideas into a single statement with no punctuation:

Incorrect Correct
“Even though Lila prefers roses John gives her a bouquet of tulips instead.” “Even though Lila prefers roses, John gives her a bouquet of tulips instead.”
“Lila liked the tulip bouquet John gave her on prom night, she loves roses.” “Lila liked the tulip bouquet John gave her on prom night; however, she loves roses.”

In example (a), the dependent clause ‘even though Lila prefers roses’ has been attached to the independent clause following it without the use of a comma (,), resulting in a complicated ungrammatical phrase.

 Similarly, in example (b), two separate clauses have been joined into a compound phrase with just one comma, resulting in a comma splice. This method of joining two separate clauses is ungrammatical and should be avoided by you at all costs.

Thankfully, as the examples below show, there are two straightforward solutions to correct each statement. 

In example (a), we can simply add a comma or reverse the order of the dependent and independent clauses, however in example (b), we may add coordinate conjunction or replace the comma with a semicolon (;).

When employing compound-complex sentences, things become a little more challenging since these structures may be virtually any length and yet be correct (although overly long sentences are admittedly difficult to understand). 

It is consequently not the length of a phrase that determines whether it is regarded as a run-on but rather the presence or absence of improper or missing conjunctions and punctuation. 

With this in mind, there are three common methods for students to construct sentence run-ons rather than correct sentences, and students should learn to avoid each:

Connecting Two Independent Clauses + Conjunctive Adverb

Incorrect “The flight was delayed for an hour, nevertheless, the passengers did not mind.”
Correct “The flight was delayed for an hour; nevertheless, the passengers did not mind.”
Correct “The flight was delayed for an hour. Nevertheless, the passengers did not mind.”

Using a Pronoun Antecedent in the Second Independent Clause

Incorrect “The Angat Dam was heavily damaged, it was not built properly.”
Correct “The Angat Dam was heavily damaged because it was not built properly.”
Correct “The Angat Dam was heavily damaged; it was not built properly.”

Adding a command as a Second Independent Clause

Incorrect “We might have unfavorable weather, bring an umbrella.”
Correct “We might have unfavorable weather, so bring an umbrella.”
Correct “We might have unfavorable weather. Bring an umbrella.”

When conjunctive adverbs like ‘although’ and ‘therefore’ are used to connect two separate clauses in scenario 1, a semicolon (;) should come before the adverb, and a comma (,) should come after it. Scenarios 2 and 3 are, however, somewhat different.

Both of these examples include comma splices, which occur when a comma is used wrongly to combine two separate clauses – a typical mistake.

Thankfully, using the correct conjunction and/or punctuation mark may typically correct such problems quickly.

What are the Grammar Rules for Creating Various Sentence Structures?

You must also obey the grammatical rules in addition to understanding the elements of a phrase.

Here’s a short rundown in case you forgot:

  • In a sentence, capitalize the initial letter of the first word.
  • Use a period, a question mark, an exclamation point, or quote marks to end a phrase.
  • The subject of the sentence usually appears first, followed by the verb, and then the objects. (Subject -> Verb -> Object)
  • If the subject is single, the verb must be singular as well. Subject-verb agreement occurs when the verb must be plural if the subject is plural.

Are Sentence Structures Challenging for Students?

When it comes to sentence building, it’s not just about grammar; it’s also about style and flow. A range of sentence lengths and styles are used in effective academic writing. Overly lengthy sentences might be confusing to readers, while too many extremely short sentences can make your content seem jagged and fragmented.

Don’t Use Run-on Phrases.

An independent clause is has a complete thought and that may stand alone. Independent clauses may be combined in a variety of ways, but when they are joined without adequate punctuation, a run-on phrase results.

Run-on sentences are a grammatical issue, not a long one; even short phrases may include this problem. Run-on phrases are the consequence of two typical errors.

Incorrect Correct
Comma Splice “Nadia loves to take cream and sugar with her tea, when she drinks it warm, she also likes it black.” “Nadia loves to take cream and sugar with her tea; when she drinks it warm, she also likes it black.”

Sentence Fragments Should be Avoided.

Remember that fragments are groups of words that lack all of the elements of a complete sentence. To be considered complete, a sentence must contain a subject and a predicate.

Sentence fragments are frequently used stylishly in journalism and creative writing, but they are seldom acceptable in academic or other formal writing.

Incorrect Correct
Missing subject or predicate “The newspaper article today” “The newspaper article today is very controversial.”
Very controversial
A dependent clause “When the sky is clear” “The sky is clear.”

Overly Long Sentences Should Be Broken Up.

A lengthy sentence may be grammatically accurate, yet it is difficult to follow due to its length. Avoid using too many overly long sentences in your writing to make it clearer and more readable.

Take note that a typical sentence is usually 15 to 25 words long. If your sentence becomes longer than 30-40 words, you should consider revising it. Getting rid of redundancies and inflated phrases is a good place to start, but if all of the words in a sentence are necessary, try breaking it up into smaller sentences.

Incorrect Correct
“While numerous previous studies have shown that there are 80% of Filipinos are willing to get a Covid booster, our data show that the percentage of people who refuse to obtain a booster dosage varies little by region, ranging from 6-7 percent.” “While numerous previous studies have shown that there are 80% of Filipinos are willing to get a Covid booster.

Our data, however, show that the percentage of people who refuse to obtain a booster dosage varies little by region, ranging from 6-7 percent.”

Join Sentences that are Too Short Together.

Shorter sentences are usually cleaner and easier to read, but too many of them may make writing appear jagged, fragmented, or repetitious. Use transition words and a range of sentence lengths to let readers understand how your thoughts fit together.

Incorrect “San Francisco is one of my beloved cities to live in. I live in a beautiful apartment. It provides a spectacular perspective of the whole city. Underneath, I can see the Golden Gate Bridge. Every day, a great number of ships pass through. San Francisco is also a favorite of mine. I can discover fantastic restaurants that serve cuisine from almost every nation. The city’s traffic irritates me.”
Correct “San Francisco is one of my beloved cities to live in, and I live in a beautiful apartment. In addition, it provides a spectacular perspective of the whole city. Underneath, I can see the Golden Gate Bridge. Every day, a great number of ships pass through. San Francisco is also a favorite of mine, where I can discover fantastic restaurants that serve cuisine from almost every nation; however, the city’s traffic irritates me.”

7 Best Tips in Varying your Sentences 

The necessity to alter your syntax and written rhythms to keep your reader interested is a crucial part of the writing process. Word choice, tone, vocabulary, and, perhaps most importantly, sentence structure are all examples of diversity.

When reading a book, news story, or magazine article, readers strive for sentence diversity, even if they aren’t aware of it. No matter what writing style you use, one of the finest writing advice a first-time author can get is to use a variety of sentence structures. 

Here are some writing strategies to help you add diversity to your sentences.

Enjoying brevity 

If your first statement is complex, keep your second sentence brief and straightforward. Shorter phrases with no unclear words are strong. The reader is engaged when you write with clarity and conciseness.

Simple Sentences After Lengthy Phrases 

A thick sentence is one with at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause. Simplifying statements are excellent, but repeating them may be boring. If you compose one, use a different sentence type. 

Avoid Using Passive Voices. 

Active voice verbs describe the action. “He caught the ball.” This sentence conveys the same information in a less pleasant manner. A passive statement might adequately describe a situation, but you should usually employ the active voice.

Use a Mix of Transitions

“However,” “therefore,” “moreover,” and other conjunctive adverbs may be used as transition words. These terms are excellent as long as you don’t use pet phrases.

Using Semicolons Reduces Conjunctions. 

A compound sentence joins two separate clauses with a coordinating conjunction. To add variety to your sentences, use a semicolon after the first independent clause. But you’ve introduced variation to your sentence patterns.

Start Paragraphs with a Concise Thesis Statement. 

A thesis statement is a straightforward and declarative phrase. Generally, longer sentences are preferable to shorter ones. In the body of your paragraphs, elaborate on these claims.

Use Rhetoric. 

Rhetorical questions are assertions posed as questions to arouse curiosity. “What if there was no war?” These lines work well in both creative and content writing. Use them wisely.

Exercises in the Different Sentence Functions

Determine whether the sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.

  1. Tony raced his scooter up the hill.
  2. Though Sarah was healthy, she sometimes felt weak.
  3. After eating, Nate felt sleepy.
  4. I love reading books and magazines, and I prefer reading in a quiet place.
  5. Nate wants to get to the bus quickly because he is tired and wants to rest.
  6. Animals should not be slaughtered for their fur, yet it still happens.
  7. I came to study in the UK because I wanted to enhance my English; therefore, I chatted to as many English people as possible.
  8. Pollution is common, yet nothing is done to avoid it.
  9. He failed the exam for lack of preparation.
  10. She came to class late.

Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

  1. Sudha / stand / class / studying / is / in / to / her / first
  2. birds / free / to / caged / campaigned / he
  3. flows / without / time / any stop / on
  4. oil / depends / the / industry / the / on / forests
  5. crowded / last Sunday / railway platform / unusually / the / was

Connect the sentences using the correct conjunction.

  1. The expense of transferring a corporation from the city to a regional area is significant. You have to create new facilities.
  1. Our species must evolve. We are naturally sluggish.
  1. Copyright laws encourage innovation. The creator’s works of art are protected by copyright laws.
  1. Family members like using Skype to communicate. Family members may now speak with each other for free from anywhere on the planet.
  1. Technology has modified our way of living. It made it a lot easier. There are also advantages and disadvantages.

Additional Reading — ENGLISH GRAMMAR

English sentence structure refers to the different ways in which you can use word order and parts of speech to form sentences. Learning how to vary sentence structure in your writing and speech can also get you one step closer to English fluency! In today’s guide, we will look at sentence structure rules in English, the basic types of sentence structure, and how to vary your sentences in both English writing and speech. So, let’s get started!

What Is Sentence Structure in English?

If you’ve spent any amount of time studying English, you know that sentences can get pretty long and complicated. However, at their core, most English sentences adhere to specific sentence structure rules. More specifically, the basic sentence structure in English depends on two important elements: the subject and the predicate. Additionally, sentences can contain one or more objects, indirect objects, and complements. 

  • Subject – The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is performing an action. 
    • The man laughed.
  • Predicate – The predicate is the part of a sentence that contains the main verb and any modifying words or clauses.
    • The man laughed.
  • Object – The object is the person, place, thing, or idea that receives the action in a sentence.
    • The man bought a newspaper.
  • Indirect Object – The indirect object of a sentence signifies to whom or for whom an action is done. 
    • The man bought a newspaper for me.
  • Complement – The complement refers back to the subject of a sentence. In order for a sentence to contain a complement, there must also be a linking verb.
    • The man is a good person.

What are Clauses in English?

To fully understand sentence structure in English, you must also understand the role of clauses. There are two primary types of clauses in English: independent clauses (main clauses) and dependent clauses (subordinating clauses). An independent clause must contain a subject and a verb (predicate). Therefore, an independent clause can work independently from any other clause. Multiple independent clauses can even be linked together using a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon. For example:

  • The woman worked.
  • The woman liked her job, but she really wanted a promotion.
  • Even though the job was great, the woman decided to quit.
  • The woman quit her job and she never looked back.
  • The woman quit her job; it was the best decision she ever made.

Alternatively, a dependent clause cannot stand on its own. In other words, a dependent clause depends on the presence of an independent clause to form a complete sentence. A dependent clause always begins with a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun. For example:

  • The boy walked to school because he missed the bus.
  • Since he was late for school, the boy couldn’t use his favorite seat.
  • The teacher scolded him when he arrived.
  • After that day, the boy felt embarrassed, because he was known as the boy who was late for school.

4 Types of Sentences in English

Now that you know the basic terms for different parts of a sentence, it’s time to start making sentences! There are four basic types of sentences that you can create: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.

  • Simple Sentence – A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate. In other words, it is made up of one independent clause.
    • The girl borrowed a book.
  • Compound Sentence – A compound sentence has at least two subjects and two verbs. This means that a compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
    • I really love this author, but I don’t have time to read her new book.
  • Complex Sentence – A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
    • We laughed while we walked to the library.
  • Compound-Complex Sentence – A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.
    • Since I couldn’t find my car keys, my roommate drove me to work, and I was very grateful.

How to Form a Simple Sentence in English

Ok, so we’ve covered a lot of information so far. Now you know the basic parts of a sentence, the two main types of clauses that make up English sentences, and the different types of sentences you can make. So, now let’s practice making some simple sentences!

Fortunately, sentence structure exercises don’t have to be tedious. Let’s begin with some of the most basic sentence forms to help get you started!


Independent Clause
Subject Predicate
Isabella walks.
The dog plays.
We laugh.

Can you think of some other examples? Simply replace any of the words in the “subject” column with a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. Then, replace the word in the “verb” column with a verb that agrees with the subject. It’s that easy! Now let’s start adding some new elements:


Independent Clause
Subject Predicate
Verb Object
He sees a tree.
My teacher reads the book.
I carried my bag.


Independent Clause
Subject Predicate
Verb Adjective
The man feels happy.
The painting looks creepy.
She is kind.


Independent Clause
Subject Predicate
Verb Adverb
They walk quickly.
He stares intensely.
We performed well.

How to Vary Sentence Structure

Needless to say, only using simple sentences (like those outlined above) will let you express very basic thoughts, attitudes, and information — but not much else. Therefore, you will need to vary your speech and writing patterns to include compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. However, when it actually comes to varying sentence structure, thinking about the kind of sentence you want to make doesn’t help very much. In fact, it can make the process a lot more confusing than it needs to be.

Instead, focus on sentence length. Whether you’re writing or speaking, try to sprinkle in a mixture of short, medium, and long sentences. This will guarantee that you use more than one type of sentence structure. 

Another great way to vary sentence structure is to include transition words. These words help your sentences sound more varied and give multiple statements a sense of continuity. Here are a few common transition words that you can put in the beginning or middle of sentences:

  • And
  • But
  • However
  • Therefore
  • Moreover
  • Thus
  • Although
  • Because
  • Yet

Finally, remember to use different verb tenses. This doesn’t mean that you should suddenly switch from past to present, and then back to the past again. This might sound confusing. Instead, you should try to mix in different English tenses that make sense in the context of your speech or writing. 


When it comes to sentence structure in English, it can feel like there’s a lot of ground to cover. You need to have a basic understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, parts of speech, clauses, as well as the different parts of a sentence. Fortunately, with time and practice, all of these sentence structure rules and terms will start to come naturally to you!

We hope you found this guide on English sentence structure useful! If you’d like to hear a native English speaker using varied sentence structures, be sure to subscribe to the Magoosh Youtube channel today!

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