What is a sentence for the word dialect

1. English is an Indo-European dialect.

2. In the fifties, many Italians spoke only local dialect.

3. It was difficult to understand the local dialect.

4. The proportion of the population still speaking the dialect is very small.

5. She speaks a dialect, not the Queen’s English.

6. English is a West Germanic dialect.

7. The poem is written in northern dialect.

8. They began to speak rapidly in dialect.

9. The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas.

10. The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect .

11. He wrote a play in a local dialect.

12. Dialect refers to vocabulary and grammar.

13. At home(http://sentencedict.com), they speak in dialect.

14. The narrator uses the local dialect where necessary.

15. The males could be classified into dialect groups.

16. Only a dialect, a mishmash.

17. Tom Emmett’s story is laced with thick Yorkshire dialect.

18. «Nowt» is a northern dialect word meaning «nothing».

19. For example, authors writing in dialect and authors from certain social groups have been under-represented.

20. A dialect is a form of a language, and every form of any language is a dialect of it.

21. Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.

22. But dialect features are not errors in this sense at all, but are characteristics of a pupil’s native language.

23. We all speak the Yorkshire dialect here, but of course you don’t understand that.

24. The poem’s main interest resides in the use of dialect.

25. In any event, it must be kept in mind that from a linguistic point of view dialect is a theoretical concept.

26. It was a country voice with a soft accent which was an intonation more than a dialect and was hard to place.

27. Especially in large urban areas, a particular linguistic feature of a regional dialect might well be influenced by social factors.

28. However, Trudgill also shows that different speakers may follow different routes towards complete acquisition of a new dialect.

29. It has been shown that there are as many as 10 major regional dialect areas.

30. He just went to the pagoda until he met some one who spoke his dialect.

The term dialect (from Latin dialectus, dialectos, from the Ancient Greek word διάλεκτος, diálektos, «discourse», from διά, diá, «through» and λέγω, légō, «I speak») is used in two distinct ways to refer to two different types of linguistic phenomena:

One usage refers to a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular group of the language’s speakers. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Staying relative steady from last year’s 59 presenters, the 2017 edition includes a presentation of art by Greg Haberny with Catinca Tabacaru Gallery and a private collection of drawings dating between 1890 and 1900 with written passages making use of a colloquial dialect, exhibited with Tanner Hill Gallery.


-LSB-…] Ruth Harris suggests using style sheets that detail the appearance, dress, dialect, mannerisms, and so on.


The research supports the idea that imitation plays a role in how killer whales develop their elaborate dialects of bleating pulses.


Like those religious fellowships of Liberia and Sierra Leone, the north Georgia congregations conveyed their culture (later he used the more precise term «subculture») by means of distinct idioms, symbolic dialects constructed both to express and to maintain group identity.


Artist Statement «In the multicultural place like America where there are different characteristics, such as music, arts, cuisine, social habits, dialect etc. persist together under one umbrella.


They brought in Mike Myers to replace him, who gave Shrek a very different dialect and persona.


Surprisingly, these dialects are not linked to geography per se, with most young whales «conforming» and choosing to perform codas used by their families or social group, says Mauricio Cantor, one of the study’s authors on CBC:


It is unknown how wild orcas develop their unique dialects, and the study authors wanted to test the mimicry abilities of a captive orca, to see if that might be a factor.


Every country has its own sign language with various dialects, which are based on different rules than the spoken language.


In the Ga dialect, the mosquito is referred to as tonton and the fly adidon.


Schools and Universities show understudies different dialects in IT and in this manner request from them assignments for accomplishing grades and moving further in life.


The Cochin Jews trace their own history back to the time of King Solomon and have their own dialect of the local Malayalam language.


Host Alex Trebek reads a clue, such as, «While Maltese borrows many words from Italian, it developed from a dialect of this Semitic language.»


The family tree is necessary to keep track of the characters, and the glossary of Jamaican dialect is helpful.


But if those don’t contain enough samples of a particular accent or dialect, the voice assistants will struggle to understand people who speak that way.


The reader must believe that the three-thousand-year-old past is present, that Homer writes in English, and that his dialect knows of nothing that has happened in the intervening millennia.


Your photography, colorful dialect, wonderful recipes captivate my spirit.


The seven drawings created for his exhibition at the Hammer Museum clearly demonstrate the artist’s fluency in various dialects of the common abstract language, resonating with Constructivist and Minimalist tones and with a few refrains in less analytical abstract traditions.


Different systems and layerings of visual elements — color, mark, shape, division — yield crystalline structures, linear networks, and other abstract dialects.


Would it be thrown off course by regional dialects, short samples, background noises or the hum of air conditioning in the test centre?


Recently the school has started to emphasise English as an «additional language or dialect teaching».


Does it occur to anyone that our translation of the scrap of paper in an ancient dialect is likely a little off.


She’s first seen trying to make Eva Longoria effect a Cockney dialect for an (obviously staged) voiceover role, and this scene is every bit as humorous as it is intriguing.


Consider yourself lucky if your girl speaks «Hochdeutsch» because if she has a dialect, she’d be


SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA — In the study of regional dialects, Twitter turns out to be a world of its own.


There is nothing more Canadian than seeing all manner of people and hearing all kinds of Canadian dialects at a Tim Hortons in the «Peg.


Zefzafi, 39, emerged as the leader of the movement by broadcasting passionate speeches online in the local Tarifit dialect from his home or the street, denouncing «corruption» and «dictatorship».


This a game to practice accents and dialects.


Traditionally, people of this vast region, which stretches from as far as what now is Balgo in the north to Tjuntjuntjara and Yalata in the south, and from what now is Jigalong and Wiluna in the west to Amata and Indulkana in the east, spoke dialects of a single language, and shared a similar socio-cultural system.


British actress Swinton certainly had a bit of trouble with her American dialect, but it’s in the quiet moments that she transcends language and gets to the heart of a desperate mother.


Language: Despite being home to multiple dialects, Tagalog is considered as the National language.


(Such as dialect, slang, or other such phrases)


In the field of linguistics, a language may have numerous dialects or variations.


But the best laid plans of mice and men, often go astray, as the saying goes (well actually best-laid schemes o» mice an» men gang aft a-gley is the proper line, still in Scots dialect from Robert Burns» poem).


The gun-runners are led by Sharlto Copley as Vernon, a cocky, mouthy South African whose dialect sounds an awful like New Zealander Murray in the classic TV gem «Flight of the Conchords».


«And hence, in the second place, I concluded as assuredly that, in the obscurer places of that Testament (which are very many), the best and most natural method of searching out the sense is, to inquire how, and in what sense, those phrases and manners of speech were understood, according to the vulgar and common dialect and opinion of that nation; and how they took them, by whom they were spoken, and by whom they were heard.


Come, let the ancient narratives lead you to a new appreciation of all that this «separate kingdom» (known as Taua’i in the native dialect) has to offer.


Among the black community, the slur nigger is sometimes rendered as nigga, a pronunciation emphasizing the unique intra-racial dialect of black people, a self-referential pronoun in African-American Vernacular English usage popularized by the rap and hip-hop music cultures.


Island Chumash had different dialects on Santa Cruz Island and Santa Rosa Island, but all speakers were relocated to the mainland in the early 19th century.


The multitude of words both real and made up can almost seem like a completely different language, if not at least a different dialect.


Issue 2 features interviews with artist Marc Quinn, photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia, fashion stylist and designer Antony Price (Roxy Music), The The’s Matt Johnson, author and founder of the School of Life Alain de Botton, Massive Attack’s Robert del Naja, artist Robert Zandvliet, typeface designers Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones, dialect coach Andrew Jack, winemaker Lalou Bize-Leroy, opera singer Brad Cooper.


Today, there are three distinct Mayan groups, each speaking their own dialect of the Mayan language.


And do so in a way that’ll let your story travel internationally despite relying heavily on regional dialect with no recognizable cast at all?


Dead Space’s dialect is unlike any other game out there.


May fob slow on to endeavour evening dialect poke with function verifiable strap, carried former and on the side immense, hanging, or despite that a hatchback it thinks accessories desideratum a atypical taste.


Argentine Spanish or castellano is unlike any other Spanish dialects in South America.


He also drank too much, had $ 10 to his name and spoke in that special dialect only reserved for those who are either surfers or are under the age of 25.


Investigative dialect, legitimate organizing and outright adherence to a sure reference style are ensured.


A school based case study is frequently proposed for a fanciful group of onlookers, thus it is huge that your decision of dialect and tone style essentially suits your gathering of people.


It seems clear that the inclusion of dialects in DQIV is there to colour each township with a distinct linguistic flavour — and the game is no doubt effective at doing so.


What do we mean by dialect?

A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists. noun

A variety of language that with other varieties constitutes a single language of which no single variety is standard. noun

The language peculiar to the members of a group, especially in an occupation; jargon. noun

The manner or style of expressing oneself in language or the arts. noun

A language considered as part of a larger family of languages or a linguistic branch. Not in scientific use. noun

To make dialectal.

Language; speech; mode of speech; manner of speaking. noun

One of a number of related modes of speech, regarded as descended from a common original; a language viewed in its relation to other languages of the same kindred; the idiom of a district or class, differing from that of other districts or classes. noun

The idiom of a locality or class, as distinguished from the generally accepted literary language, or speech of educated people. noun

4 Dialectic; logic. noun

Means or mode of expressing thoughts; language; tongue; form of speech. noun

The form of speech of a limited region or people, as distinguished from ether forms nearly related to it; a variety or subdivision of a language; speech characterized by local peculiarities or specific circumstances noun

A variety of a language (specifically, often a spoken variety) that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group, often with relatively minor differences in vocabulary, style, spelling and pronunciation. noun

A dialect of a language perceived as substandard and wrong. noun

The usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people noun

A variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular area, community or social group, differing from other varieties of the same language in relatively minor ways as regards grammar, phonology, and lexicon.

Language that is perceived as substandard or wrong.

A language existing only in an oral or non-standardized form, especially a language spoken in a developing country or an isolated region.

A lect (often a regional or minority language) as part of a group or family of languages, especially if they are viewed as a single language, or if contrasted with a standardized idiom that is considered the ‘true’ form of the language (for example, Cantonese as contrasted with Mandarin Chinese, or Bavarian as contrasted with Standard German).

A variant of a non-standardized programming language.

A variant form of the vocalizations of a bird species restricted to a certain area or population.

The kind of logic that reasons from commonly accepted opinions to probable conclusions. It is distinguished from Analytic, which reasons from true and primary premises. Urban Dictionary

1. A dialect is a particular form or derivative of a language that can vary greatly from the main language so as to be mutually unintelligible. The line between dialect and language is plastic depending on the political status of the dialect’s speakers (see Cantonese). If you aren’t sure, here’s a good rule of thumb: A language is a dialect with an army and navy. Urban Dictionary

1. when there is two of something
2. when there is two of something Urban Dictionary

The ability to recognize multiple value frameworks as legitimate in their own terms invariably leads to contradictions. Urban Dictionary

«deliciously evil»
take the dia..from diabolical and the lectable from delectable..and well there you go. Urban Dictionary

Bullshit you give your english teacher when he aske you to read a book and take notes Urban Dictionary

1. Used to describe the illogical or false arguments of an opponent during a debate that are counter to your position and are spoken by the opponent to annoy, rather than to actually counter your argument.
2. Used to desribe the incessant complaining of a significant other, e.g. boyfriend/girlfriend, usually regarding your oft-immoral behaviour. Urban Dictionary

The Marxian interpretation of reality that views matter as the sole subject of change and all change as the product of a constant conflict between opposites arising from the internal contradictions inherent in all events, ideas, and movements. Urban Dictionary

The new (and current) reality which consciously (and unconsciously) dominates our language, thoughts and reasons for being in this post-modern, 21st century, third millennium world. Urban Dictionary

Eye dialect is the representation of the pronunciation of words by members of a specific social middle. There is no change in the use, only a change in the way the word is written. Urban Dictionary

The guard knew it was a northern dialect but it was one he didn’t understand

We still have the ancient Dorian dialect

She stood 22 feet, and had a clear throaty voice with a definite Irish dialect

Daniel stepped forward with Kate and bowed to Wolf, “Daniel, rider of Queenie; she was from California wasn’t she? You speak the dialect of the surfer crowd, very unusual

Roman stopped without turning around, matching the dialect with

“I think they have more news, but it is in the local dialect

I tried again in Aeolian, then in the Egyptian dialect spoken on Crete

dialect, as – most notably – due to the fantastic

They responded with a form of Afrikaans which was hilarious, even if their Afrikaans school teacher was from Cape Town where they speak original (weird dialect) Afrikaans, which only they can understand

He made it to refuge in a dilapidated barn and was calling for the American helicopter on a portable radio, when a man’s voice rang out in the local Indian dialect: “Put down that radio and turn around slowly!”

All around him now, he could pick up on the rounded vowels and the preferred grammatical construct, (“We was late for the kick-off” and “D’ya think we’ll win them, Ron?”) That dialect, which had annoyed him as a youth, now came across as warm and welcoming

“Will you try to harm me or yourself again if I untie you?” His dialect was thick and unfamiliar

It was at that point when he attracted the attention of one of the armed men, who pointed his rifle at him and shouted something incomprehensible; it sounded like Igbo but not a dialect Ethan could understand clearly

Yuembe broke down in laughter and said something in that dialect Ethan couldn’t quite get

The mother superior’s proud facade had collapsed; she was now begging the men in whatever dialect ran through her tongue, with what few words she knew

There was no hope in hell that he’d talk his way out of this: for one thing, he didn’t even speak that damnable dialect and for another, they were already letting off a blind hail of bullets at the mud-and-hay brick walls of the monastery, trying for the shooter

Their little discussion was interrupted by the boy who spat out a glob of some sort of local chewing tobacco variety and said something in what must have been a local Igbo dialect

On page 1, the reader is informed that Burger’s book has been translated into English, Arabic, Indian dialect and soon it will also be available in Portuguese and Russian

While I had a fair grasp of the Napoles dialect, I was dismayed while at Atella to discover I could not communicate with the Italianos from the north

Hais—a Caddoan-speaking tribe (Eyeish) with a dialect rather distinct from other Caddoan tribes

Kituhwa—the Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) dialect spoken along the Tuckasegee River in western north Carolina around the principle city by the same name

monkey in the local dialect

If the dialect is

in some Russian dialect Mick didn’t know

He said something in some dialect of

babbling in a dialect that Petrov did not fully understand

welcome first in Russian, then in the dialect the boy had been

The accent was unfamiliar to her, and he spoke in a strong dialect, but by listening carefully she could understand what the old man was saying

Immediately west of this north-south narrow band, the population speaks French, until we get to Belgium, when most of the people along the Belgian-German border speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch

Their mother tongue, Yiddish, was a dialect of German

Youssaf stepped out well in front of the others and, speaking in the High Egyptian dialect that he had used during the time when he had sought to hide his heritage, he called out loudly

Momentarily taken aback by such a bold challenge spoken in the unique dialect used only by his superiors, the low-ranked captain reined his mount to a halt

grenades, and yelled something in the Shan dialect

“Have you not heard?” asked one, seemingly disarmed by the familiar dialect of the reply as he slowly moved in their direction

Again, the same soldiers who had pinned him lurched toward him rasping in a dialect

every step grudgingly given, chanted something in unison in a dialect strange to Moshe that

” His choice of a Hebrew dialect for his greeting puzzled

front of the others and, speaking in the High Egyptian dialect that he had used during the time

“Have you not heard?” asked one, seemingly disarmed by the familiar dialect of the reply as he

translated the words into the most popular Bantu dialect as he sang of a return to their

Partly dialect, I imagine, since we’re a good distance from Witanceaster—Winchester—but also my skills aren’t the absolute highest, and back uptime we only think we know what pronunciation was back here, based on deductions from poetry and analogies with other Germanic languages and later versions of English

Whereas the crew in my previous station had all come from Bremerhaven and surrounding areas, these were from Thuringia and Saxony and spoke a dialect I occasionally had trouble understanding

Do you know what day this is?” he questioned in his soft rolling Saxon dialect

I talked to the patients through one of the nurse’s aides who happened to speak a particular dialect in addition to Spanish

Srey Dar told them that the replicant had motioned something and had spoken, but she could not recognise the dialect

The man was speaking rapidly in a Shemite dialect she found hard to understand

She yawned again, stretched lithely, and without any show of fear or surprize, shifted to a language he did understand, a dialect of Yuetshi which sounded strangely archaic

‘If there is fighting in the hills there will be looting,’ muttered a voice behind him, in the dialect of the Irakzai

He was gibbering in the Stygian tongue, though in a dialect unfamiliar to her

The black spoke in a sea-coast dialect, and Conan replied; he had learned the jargon while a corsair on the coasts of Kush

Clemens started babbling commands in our dialect

unknown dialect imprinted on it then it should provide their escape route

dialect to cause the miraculous act that he was hoping for

His dialect sounds Antwerp, I can hear now, and not Ostend

Razz had assumed that this was going to be in some old ancient dialect, “You can read that?”

al dialect dubbed MACLISP

He had to concentrate on his English or his tongue would revert back to a thick Gaelic dialect, and then his words would roll like the very peat of the Irish hillsides

His thick Swedish accent twisted into his throaty English dialect

The American Dialect Society, a panel of linguists, used the word to best reflect the year 2005

Ingrid then surprised the Filipinas by speaking in Tagalog, the dialect mainly spoken on the island of Luzon, in which Manila was situated

He actually got one local station that broadcasted in Tagalog, the local dialect, plus two American local military entertainment stations broadcasting in English

Opening his eyes and seeing Sylvie over him, he spoke a few words in his dialect, to which she replied in Neo-English

Both now speak Neo-English, English and French, plus of course their native Neanderthal dialect

Ingrid whispered a few words in Wagiman, a dialect of the Ginwinyguan tongue that Djanggawula had spoken

clash with the indistinct dialect of local educated businessmen and the

“I do, along with Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Tagalog, a dialect spoken in the Philippines, where I was stationed before

But fortunately the clothes one wears and dialect he speaks doesn’t define a person

been using the contemporary Hebrew dialect of

The question that she had greeted Tammas with was broken English, a Trinidadian dialect

“It requires a different skill set which you have not learned or have not mastered, and it may save you time and frustration for me to add that you may not have the physical structures necessary to reproduce the Vulcan dialect in song

He was about sixteen stone, spoke in a strange dialect, and was wearing curious blue trousers

She caressed it, chanting an acient Gorn dialect

“Nice donger, dude,” Chantelle said in an affected, over-the-top, hipsterese dialect

spoke to her in a Vulcan dialect he was not familiar with

They think, though, that it could be a foreign language of some sort, or at least a heavy dialect, but more likely foreign than British

Is he not play-acting love to worm his way into my heart? Isn’t it strange that the emotions of love and the afflictions of lust are look-alike, bewildering women from discerning the lover from a seducer and unfortunately for them the language of love and the dialect of lust have a common alphabet causing this confusion

One of the cheapest members of the family did try to lobby for the word ‘n,’ which in Lincran dialect can sometimes mean ‘peace,’ but it was decided the word ‘n’ is too easily mistranslated into something offensive in a thousand other alien languages

The words swam visually before his eyes in scripted pictures of birds and boats, slowly words of English crept into his dialect, until finally,

Their dialect does not differ from that of the Bhumij proper

In his broken English, sprinkled with a pinch of his oriental dialect, he lectures them

Then, suddenly she would summon courage and in local dialect ask the following question: “my dear husband, how many times would you have me in a single night?” By this time, the vicinity remains silent and one could hear the drop of a pin as they expect the groom’s response

Harry H came down the spiral staircase and out of the crew door, and then we heard some talking again this time it sounded like an Austrian dialect

“Who are ye really, Donald? I mean, are ye really Donald? How can ye have two accents, one Scottish when speakin to yer followers,” Michael said in a rough dialect similar to Donald»s, he hoped it would be sufficient, “and one when speaking to me?” he said in his normal accent

The docks of Dunkirk weren’t much different from the docks of New York City; they were filled with sweaty bare-chested men, shouting to each other, not in English, but in a French dialect I didn’t understand

“Reverend Keller,” he nodded, the trace of a native Italian accent intermingling with an acquired Jersey dialect

Many of the Woiwurong men could not understand the words Binjie spoke, and although the dialect had its similarities, much still needed to be acted out, or simply substituted with a smile and a nod

To go to a historically important place in the heart of Europe, with an old University and endless museums and libraries, or off to a small fisherman’s village in Scotland to study the specific dialect and custo ms there, to be able to peer out to the sea with the eyes of an old seaman and imagine the swell of the sea as you hear the swell in his voice

After a year in Hong Kong I could speak a smattering of the local Cantonese dialect, I knew a northern Chinese restaurant from a Guangdong restaurant, and I had convinced myself that there was no better beer in the world than San Lik, the slang way of pronouncing San Miguel which identified you as a resident which in turn identified you as being off limits when it came to overcharging or harassing

He spoke in an obscure desert dialect that only his fellow villager at the other end of the communications link would understand

She replied, “It was in a dialect that we could not translate

Most probably it was a dialect peculiar to a single isolated village out there in the remote desert

During the Second World War Navajo soldiers passed messages in a dialect that only they could translate

It is written partly in dialect; but the dialect, for the most part, isnot local, as most

“I still converse in distinct Kelantan dialect with my two children,

collections of popular or semi-popularballads in the dialect of the gauchos, or cowboysand

Pyrenean frontier towns, whose dialect is fullof French elements—hence the extension of the

which hotel we wanted in the man’s own regional dialect

in another dialect, pleasing the man

ordering drinks in some weird dialect

in some local dialect: a lion knows another lion when he sees one

Definition of Dialect

the way a section of a country speaks the language using some different words and pronunciations

Examples of Dialect in a sentence

With her southern dialect, the young woman’s way of addressing her friends was by saying “ya’ll.”


Even though I spoke English, sometimes I didn’t understand the dialect of some areas of the English-speaking region because some words meant something else.


The German student could fully understand her American teacher’s accent, but her dialect used a few different words from what she had previously learned in her English class.


Sometimes a dialect in an African village can contain so many different words from other dialects of the same language that people in the country struggle to understand each other.


For the most part, the child from Upper Louisiana could mostly understand the Cajun dialect from his friend in New Orleans.


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