What is a regional word

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    regional words

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > regional words

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    regional words

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > regional words

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    sincere words

    искренние (лицемерные/неискренние, устаревшие, заимствованные, диалектные) слова

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > sincere words

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    dialectical words

    such special colloquial words which

    — are normative and devoid of any stylistic meaning in regional dialects, but used outside of them, carry a strong flavour of the locality where they belong;

    — markedly differ on the phonemic level: one and the same phoneme is differently pronounced in each of them;

    — differ also on the lexical level, having their own names for locally existing phenomena and also supplying locally circulating synonyms for the words, accepted by the language in general.

    «son of a bitch», «whore», «whorehound»

    English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > dialectical words

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    1. сущ.
    1) слово to write a word ≈ сделать запись to coin a word ≈ создать/придумать новое слово to mispronounce слово ≈ неправильно произнести слово to distort smb.’s words ≈ переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов to hang on (to) smb. ‘s words ≈ придираться к чьим-л. словам of few words ≈ немногословно She took the words right out of my mouth. ≈ Она читает мои мысли (говорит то, о чем я хотел сказать) to get a word in edgewise ≈ ввернуть словечко, сделать дельное замечание to have the last word ≈ сказать послпеднее слово (положить конец спору, распре) to take smb. at her/his word ≈ поймать на слове кого-л. Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. ≈ Об этом никому ни слова. There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. ≈ В газетах нет ни слова о происшествии. She would like to say a few words about the incident. ≈ Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии. not to mince any words ≈ рассказать все без утайки angry words cross words sharp words choice word harsh word hasty words high-sounding words hollow words hypocritical words sincere words weasel words archaic words obsolete words borrowed words compound word dialectal words regional words foreign words four-letter words obscene words monosyllabic words nonce words portmanteau word simple words taboo word guide word household word in a word in one word put in a word say a word word in one’s ear it is not the word take at his word on the word with the word
    2) часто мн. разговор, речь to put in a good word for smb. ≈ произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л. to have words ≈ крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л. (with smb.) warm words, hot words ≈ брань, крупный разговор fair words ≈ комплименты
    3) замечание
    4) обещание, слово to break one’s word ≈ не сдержать обещание, нарушить клятву one’s solemn word ≈ торжественное обещание one’s word of honor ≈ слово чести She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. ≈ Она пообещала мне, что отправит сообщение. She’s a woman of her word. ≈ Она человек слова. man of his word ≈ человек слова upon my word ≈ Честное слово!
    5) вести;
    известие, сообщение
    6) приказание to give word ≈ отдать распоряжение word of command ≈ команда
    7) пароль
    8) девиз;
    лозунг ∙ hard words break no bones посл. ≈ брань на вороту не виснет a word spoken is past recalling посл. ≈ слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise ≈ умный с полуслова понимает big words last word sharp’s the word! in so many words code word
    2. гл. выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения
    слово — primary * корневое слово — half a * полслова — to be not the * for it быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л. — tactlessness is not the * for it! «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/! — I am repeating his very /actual/ *s я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им часто pl речь, разговор, слова — concluding *s заключительное слово — to have a * with smb. поговорить с кем-л. — to take (up) the * заговорить;
    перебить( кого-л.) — to put smth. into *s, to give *s to smth. выразить что-л. словами — to put one’s thoughts into *s высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли — to get /to put/ in a * вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор — *s fail me у меня не хватает слов — I have no *s to express my gratitude мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность — a truer * was never spoken совершенно верно!;
    лучше не скажешь — bold in * only смелый только на словах — «A * to the Reader» «К читателю» (введение к книге) pl размолвка, ссора — high /hard/ *s разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор — they had *s, *s passed between them они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора замечание, совет — a * in season своевременный совет — a * in smb.’s ear намек (тк. в ед. ч.) вести;
    известие, сообщение — to receive * of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде — please send me * as soon as possible пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее — please leave * for me at the office пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии (тк. в ед. ч.) обещание, заверение — to give one’s * дать слово;
    обещать — to keep one’s * сдержать слово — a man of his * человек слова — to be as good as one’s * сдержать слово — to be better than one’s * сделать больше обещанного — to take smb. at his * поверить кому-л. на слово;
    принять чьи-л. слова всерьез — his * is as good as his bond на его слово можно положиться;
    его слово — лучшая гарантия — take my * for it (разговорное) уверяю вас, поверьте мне рекомендация, совет — to say /to put in/ a good * for smb. хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.;
    замолвить за кого-л. словечко — to give smb. one’s good * рекомендовать кого-л. (на должность и т. п.) (тк. в ед. ч.) приказ, приказание — * of command( военное) команда — to give the *, to say the * отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/ — * to be passed! (военное) (морское) слушайте все! — his * is law его слово — закон — sharp’s the *! поторапливайся, живей! — mum’s the *! тихо!, ни слова об этом! пароль, пропуск пословица, поговорка слух, молва( the W.) (религия) Слово господне (о священном писании, особ. о Евангелии;
    тж. W. of God, God’s W.) — to preach the W. проповедывать евангелие /христианство/ Слово, Бог-слово, Христос (тж. Eternal W.) — ministers of the W. (христианское) духовенство pl (музыкальное) (театроведение) текст, слова ( песни) ;
    либретто( оперы) ;
    текст (роли) (полиграфия) слово (условная единица объема, равная 5 печатным знакам) — 8000 *s = 1 печатный лист — a book of 160000 *s книга в 20 печатных листов (компьютерное) слово;
    кодовая группа;
    группа символов (биология) кодовое слово (в генетическом коде) > for *, to a * дословно, буквально, слово в слово > a man of few *s немногословный человек > a man of many *s велеречивый человек;
    болтун > by * of mouth на словах, устно > in a /one/ * одним словом, короче говоря > in other *s другими словами, иначе говоря > in a few *s в нескольких словах, вкратце > without many *s без лишних слов > not a *! (разговорное) ни слова!, ни гу-гу!, молчок! > in * and deed на словах и на деле > a play on /upon/ *s игра слов, каламбур > big *s хвастовство > upon /on/ my * (даю) честное слово > my *! подумать только! > in the *s of… говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то… > in so many *s определенно, ясно, недвусмысленно;
    прямо, откровенно > on /with/ the * как только было сказано;
    без промедления;
    тут же, сейчас же > to hang on smb.’s *s ловить чьи-л. слова;
    внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л. > beyond *s неописуемый, невыразимый > conduct beyond *s поведение, не поддающееся описанию > a * and a blow необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие > to eat /to swallow/ one’s *s брать свои слова обратно;
    извиняться за сказанное > fair /good/ *s комплименты > fine *s красивые слова > fine /fair, soft/ *s butter no parsnips, *s are but wind (красивые) слова ничего не стоят > he has a kind /a good/ * for everyone у него для каждого человека найдется доброе слово > last *s последние /предсмертные/ слова > the last * (in smth.) последнее слово, новейшее достижение > the last * has not yet been said on this matter последнее слово по этому поводу еще не сказано, вопрос еще окончательно не решен > to have the last * сказать последнее слово (в споре) > not to know the first * about smth. ничего не понимать в чем-л., не знать азов чего-л. > he hasn’t a * to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься > to suit the action to the * смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом;
    сказано — сделано > a * spoken is past recalling слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь > *s are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money только дурак верит на слово > a * to the wise умный с полуслова понимает > hard *s break no bones брань на вороту не виснет выражать словами;
    подбирать слова, выражения;
    формулировать — I should rather * it differently я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе — how should it be *ed? как бы это выразить?
    address ~ вчт. адресное слово
    alphabetic ~ вчт. буквенное слово
    associatively located ~ вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском
    banner ~ вчт. начальное слово
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство
    binary ~ вчт. двоичное слово
    block descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор блока
    buzz ~ вчт. основное слово
    call ~ вчт. вызывающее слово
    ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами
    check ~ вчт. контрольное слово
    code ~ кодированное слово
    command ~ вчт. имя команды
    comparand ~ вчт. характеристический признак
    computer ~ вчт. машинное слово
    constant ~ вчт. константное слово
    control ~ вчт. управляющее слово
    data ~ вчт. слово данных
    descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор
    digital ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    double ~ вчт. двойное слово
    edit ~ вчт. редактирующее слово
    empty ~ вчт. пустое слово
    entry ~ док. порядковое слово описания
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    full ~ вчт. слово
    function ~ вчт. функциональная команда
    ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    half ~ вчт. полуслово
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.)
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    identifier ~ вчт. идентификатор
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    index ~ вчт. модификатор
    information ~ вчт. информационное слово
    isolated ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    key ~ вчт. ключевое слово
    the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    lock ~ вчт. блокировочное слово
    long ~ вчт. двойное слово
    matching ~ вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком
    nonreserved ~ вчт. незарезервированное слово
    numeric ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    offensive ~ оскорбительное слово
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    optional ~ вчт. дополнительное слово
    packed ~ вчт. упакованное слово
    parameter ~ вчт. параметр
    partial ~ вчт. часть слова
    primary ~ вчт. встроенная операция
    processor status ~ вчт. слово состояния процессора
    program status ~ вчт. слово состояния программы
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде
    request ~ вчт. слово запроса
    reserved ~ вчт. зарезервированное слово
    ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.)
    search ~ вчт. признак
    secondary ~ вчт. вторичная команда
    selected ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    she had the last ~ ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась
    spoken ~ вчт. произносимое слово
    status ~ вчт. слово состояния
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    test ~ вчт. тестовое слово
    unmarked ~ вчт. непомеченное слово
    ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово!
    upper half of ~ вчт. старшее полуслово
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    wide ~ вчт. длинное слово
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму ~ выражать словами ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство ~ заверение ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) ~ замечание ~ известие ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово! ~ обещание ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль ~ пароль ~ приказ ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение ~ приказание ~ пропуск ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах ~ слово ~ вчт. слово ~ совет ~ сообщение ~ формулировыать ~ элемент информации
    ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму
    ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
    a ~ to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает
    written-in ~ вчт. записанное слово

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > word

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    archaic / obsolete words — устаревшие слова

    dialectal / regional words — диалектные слова

    four-letter / obscene words — непристойные, неприличные слова, ругательства

    angry / cross / sharp words — резкие, оскорбительные слова

    hollow / hypocritical words — неискренние, лживые слова

    to distort smb.’s words — переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов

    to say a few words about smth. — высказать своё мнение о чём-л.

    She took the words right out of my mouth. — Она прямо читала мои мысли.

    Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. — Об этом никому ни слова.

    There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. — В газетах не было ни слова о происшествии.

    — harsh word
    — hasty words
    — high-sounding words
    — sincere words
    — borrowed words
    — compound word
    — foreign words
    — monosyllabic words

    — guide word
    — in a word
    — in one word


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word order[/ref]

    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word classes[/ref]

    2) разговор, речь

    to put in a good word for smb. — произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л.

    3) замечание, высказывание

    She said a few words about his last book. — Она сказала несколько слов о его последней книге.

    4) размолвка, ссора

    to have words with smb. — крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л.

    5) обещание, слово

    She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. — Она дала мне слово, что доставит сообщение.


    6) вести; известие, сообщение

    to get the word out, to spread the word — сообщать

    He sent us word that he would be late. — Он прислал нам сообщение о том, что будет поздно.


    7) приказ, приказание, распоряжение, команда

    Don’t move till I give the word. — Не двигайся, пока я не подам знак.



    9) девиз; лозунг




    поговорка, пословица


    11) ; = the Word of God Слово Божие, Библия


    12) текст , либретто


    man of his word, woman of her word — человек слова, хозяин своего слова

    to hang on / to smb.’s words — внимательно слушать, ловить каждое слово

    to take smb. at her / his word — поймать кого-л. на слове

    to put in / say a word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.

    It’s too beautiful word words. — Слов нет — это прекрасно.

    He hasn’t a word to throw at a dog. — От него слова не добьёшься.

    Hard words break no bones. посл. — Брань на вороту не виснет.

    A word spoken is past recalling. посл. — Слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь.

    A word to the wise. посл. — Умный с полуслова понимает.

    — last word
    — in so many words
    — code word
    — fair words
    — have a word in smb.’s ear
    — It is not the word!
    — Upon my word!
    — Sharp’s the word!
    — Mum’s the word!



    1) формулировать, выражать словами; подбирать выражения

    Unfortunately, your idea is coarsely worded. — К сожалению, ваша идея плохо сформулирована.


    They worded it a long while. — Они долго говорили об этом.







    заговаривать , приставать

    Англо-русский современный словарь > word

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    1) word;
    term брать слово ≈ (с кого-л.) to make smb. promise/swear помяните мое слово ≈ mark my words мн. в полном смысле слова ≈ in the true sense of the word владеть даром слова ≈ to have a way with words к слову пришлось ≈ it just happened to come up к слову сказать ≈ by the way, incidentally слов нет ≈ there’s no denying it, there is no question/doubt about it, it is beyond dispute( that) (это справедливо) ;
    I can’t tell you how…,it is beyond belief( это так хорошо или плохо, что невозможно выразить словами) перекинуться словами ≈ to exchange a word with, to have a quick word with поминать недобрым словом ≈ разг. to think ill/badly of smb. двух слов связать не может ≈ he can’t put two words together слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь ≈ words once spoken you can never recall слово — серебро, молчание — золото ≈ speech is silver, silence is golden/gold за словом в карман не лезет ≈ he is never at a loss for words, he never has to search for words выражать в словах ≈ frame без слов ≈ wordless слова общего происхождения ≈ cognate мн.;
    линг. веское слово ≈ loaded word диалектные слова ≈ dialectal words, regional words брать свои слова назад, брать свои слова обратно ≈ to retract/take back one’s words;
    to eat one’s words идиом. верить на слово ≈ to take smb.’s word for smth., to take on trust what smb. said честное слово ! ≈ upon my life!, upon my word!, honestly!, honour bright( в детской речи) давать( честное) слово ≈ to give/pledge one’s word (of honour) давать себе слово ≈ to promise oneself сдержать слово ≈ to keep one’s word;
    to be as good as one’s word нарушать слово ≈ to break one’s word, to go back upon/on one’s word не проронить ни слова ≈ to say nothing, to say no word не обмолвиться ни единым словом, не обмолвиться ни одним словом ≈ (о ком-л./ чем-л.) not to mention smb./smth. at all, to say no word about ловить каждое слово ≈ to hang on smb.’s every word, to catch everything smb. says честное слово ≈ word of honour живое слово ≈ living word, fresh idea крепкое слово ≈ strong language новое слово ≈ a (major) breakthrough, a step forward, a major advance первое слово ≈ the start/beginning of smth. последнее слово ≈ the last word, the latest (thing) (новейшее) ;
    the last word, the final word (в споре) ;
    concluding statement, final plea (в суде) взвешивать слова, взвешивать каждое слово ≈ to weigh/choose one’s words (carefully), to weigh one’s every word ловить на слове ≈ to take smb. at smb.’s word дар слова ≈ gift of words;
    talent of speaking ни слова ≈ not a word, not a syllable пустые слова ≈ mere words к слову сказать ≈ by the way на словах ≈ by word of mouth, orally по словам ≈ according to smb. слово в слово ≈ word for word от слова до слова ≈ from beginning to end, word for word от слова к слову ≈ with every word одним словом ≈ in a/one word;
    in short другими словами ≈ in other words своими словами ≈ in one’s own words последними словами ≈ (ругаться) to curse in the choicest language с чужих слов ≈ (to know) from what others have told, (to report) what others have said со слов ≈ (to hear, to find out, to learn) from smb. слово за слово ≈ little by little;
    one word led to another без лишних слов, без дальних слов ≈ without wasting words, without another word исконное слово ≈ aboriginal заглавное слово ≈ (словарной статьи) catchword, headword рифмованное слово ≈ catchword сложное слово ≈ compound, compound word, stem-compound линг. союзное слово ≈ connective word грам. коррелятивное слово ≈ correlative линг. производное слово ≈ derivative линг. определяющее слово ≈ determiner, determinative грам. уменьшительное слово ≈ diminutive двусложное слово ≈ dissyllable иностранное слово ≈ foreign term, (в языке) exotic вставное слово ≈ expletive непристойное слово ≈ four-letter word звукоподражательное слово ≈ imitative word односложное слово ≈ monosyllable многосложное слово ≈ multisyllable восьмисложное слово ≈ octosyllable разделительное слово ≈ partitive пятисложное слово ≈ pentasyllable меткое слово ≈ choice word
    2) (речь на собрании) speech, address брать слово ≈ to take the floor (выступать с речью) просить слово ≈ to ask permission to speak, to ask for the floor предоставить слово, дать слово ≈ to give to smb. permission to speak, to give smb. the floor, to ask to speak лишать слова ≈ to take the floor away from smb., to cut smb. off, to cut smb. short заключительное слово ≈ concluding remarks мн. надгробное слово ≈ funeral oration ∙ держаться на честном слове ≈ to be hanging by a thread сказать свое слово ≈ to make smb.’s presence felt словом и делом ≈ in word and deed прощальное слово ≈ valedictory амер.

    слов|о — с.
    1. word;
    вовремя сказанное ~ a word in season;
    понимать без слов understand* without a word having been spoken;
    ни ~а! not a word!;
    моё ~ твёрдо when I say a thing, I mean it;
    верить кому-л. на слово take* smb.`s word for it;
    take* it trust;
    романс на ~а Пушкина song to words from Pushkin;
    на два ~а! may I have a word with you?;
    мне надо сказать вам два ~а! a word in your ear!;

    2. (речь, язык) language;

    3.: просить ~a ask to speak, ask for the floor;
    ~ имеет господин Иванов Mister lvanov will now speak, Mister Ivanov has the floor;
    ~ за вами, теперь за вами ~ it is for you to decide;
    последнее ~ за защитой the defence has the last word;
    последнее ~ осталось за ним be had the last word;

    4. (повествование) tale, story;
    ‘Слово о полку Игореве’ УThe Song of Igor`s CampaignФ;
    ~ в ~ word for word;
    ~ за слово one thing led to another;
    на ~ах (устно) by word of mouth, только на ~ах in word only;
    не на ~ах, а на деле е not merely in words but with deeds;
    нет слов, чтобы выразить… words fail to express…;
    я не нахожу слов, чтобы… I have no words to…;
    слов нет (правда, конечно) there`s no denying, of course;
    новое ~ в чем-л. fresh departure in smth., milestone in smth. ;
    advance in smth. ;
    к ~у (сказать) by the by;
    к ~у пришлось but that`s by the way;
    завод оборудован по последнему ~у техники the plant has all the latest equipment;

    5. Слово Божие церк. The Word of God.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > слово

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    диалектные слова

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > диалектные слова

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    dɪsˈtɪŋkʃən сущ.
    1) различение, распознавание;
    выделение, разграничение without distinction as to race, sex, or religion ≈ без разграничения рас, пола или религиозных убеждений Syn: differentiation, discrimination, distinguishing, discerning
    2) отличие, различие all without distinction ≈ все без различия, без исключения clear-cut distinction ≈ явное различие dubious distinction ≈ сомнительное различие fine distinction, subtle distinction ≈ тонкое различие the distinction between ‘imply’ and ‘infer’ ≈ различие между ‘imply’ и ‘infer’ The jugglery of words was never more successful than in this distinction without a difference. ≈ Жонглирование словами никогда не приносило большего успеха, чем при этом кажущемся различии. draw a distinction make a distinction blur a distinction Syn: difference
    3) отличительная признак, отличительная особенность regional distinctions ≈ региональные особенности enjoy a distinction have a distinction hold a distinction
    4) уважение, признание, почтительное отношение;
    знак отличия, награда Some were beheaded with the sword, — a distinction reserved for persons of condition. ≈ Некоторые были обезглавлены с помощью меча — почесть, предназначенная для людей высокого положения. He won many distinctions. ≈ Он получил много наград.
    5) а) известность, популярность a politician of some distinction ≈ политик, обладающий определенной популярностью б) высокие качества, исключительность The book has more quality and distinction than four-fifths of the novels which come under our notice. ≈ Эта книга обладала высоким качеством и исключительностью, которых были лишены четыре пятых всех привлекших наше внимание романов.
    различение, распознавание;
    разграничение — nice /fine/ * умение тонко различать разница, отличие, различие — nice * тонкое различие — * in meaning различие в значении — * of degree количественное различие — without * без различия;
    без исключения;
    без разбора — in * from smth. в отличие от чего-л. — a * without a difference несущественное разграничение;
    кажущееся /искусственное/ различие — to make /to draw/ a * between smth. провести различие между чем-л. — to make no * between traitors and spies не делать никакого различия между предателями и шпионами — to see no * between two things не видеть разницы между двумя вещами отличительный признак;
    особенность, характерная черта — the chief * of Egyptian sculpture основная особенность египетской скульптуры почтительное отношение, почет;
    почесть — academic *s академические почести — to load smb. with *s окружить кого-л. почетом — to give /to grant/ smb. *s оказывать кому-л. почести награда — to confer a * on smb. наградить кого-л. знатность — person of * знатная особа известность — man of * известный человек — writer of * популярный /выдающийся/ писатель — to gain * приобрести известность оригинальность;
    индивидуальность, исключительность — * of style своеобразие стиля — the book has * в книге ощущается яркая индивидуальность, исключительность исключительность, безупречность — to serve with * безупречно служить — the book has * это замечательная книга
    all without ~ все без различия, без исключения
    distinction безупречность ~ высокие качества;
    poet of distinction выдающийся, знаменитый поэт ~ известность ~ индивидуальность ~ исключительность ~ награда ~ оригинальность ~ особенность ~ отличие;
    знак отличия;
    mark of distinction знак отличия ~ отличие ~ отличительная особенность, оригинальность, индивидуальность;
    his style lacks distinction в его стиле нет индивидуальности ~ отличительный признак ~ почесть ~ почет ~ разграничение ~ различение;
    разграничение ~ различение ~ различие, отличие;
    nice distinction тонкое различие;
    a distinction without a difference искусственное, (только) кажущееся различие ~ различие ~ разница ~ распознавание ~ характерная черта
    ~ различие, отличие;
    nice distinction тонкое различие;
    a distinction without a difference искусственное, (только) кажущееся различие
    ~ отличительная особенность, оригинальность, индивидуальность;
    his style lacks distinction в его стиле нет индивидуальности
    ~ отличие;
    знак отличия;
    mark of distinction знак отличия
    ~ различие, отличие;
    nice distinction тонкое различие;
    a distinction without a difference искусственное, (только) кажущееся различие
    ~ высокие качества;
    poet of distinction выдающийся, знаменитый поэт

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > distinction

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    1) различение, распознавание; разграничение

    without distinction as to race, sex, or religion — без разграничения рас, пола или религиозных убеждений


    2) отличие, различие

    fine / subtle distinction — тонкое различие

    to draw / make a distinction — различать


    3) отличительный признак, отличительная особенность

    to enjoy / have / hold a distinction — иметь отличительный признак, отличаться чем-л.

    4) уважение, признание, почтительное отношение

    Some were beheaded with the sword, — a distinction reserved for persons of condition. — Некоторые были обезглавлены – такой почёт был оказан людям высокого положения.

    5) знак отличия, награда

    He won many distinctions. — Он получил много наград.

    7) известность, популярность

    8) высокие качества, исключительность

    The book has more quality and distinction than four-fifths of the novels which come under our notice. — Эта книга лучше, чем четыре пятых всех привлекающих наше внимание романов.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > distinction

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    1. n выступление; речь; обращение; адрес

    2. n арх. манера

    3. n арх. ловкость, искусство, такт

    4. n ухаживание

    5. n вчт. адрес

    6. v адресовать; направлять

    7. v написать адрес

    8. v обращаться

    9. v выступать

    10. v направлять силы или энергию; браться за

    11. v арх. ухаживать, обхаживать, добиваться руки

    12. v вчт. указывать адрес хранения информации

    address line — линия адреса; адресная линия; адресная шина

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ability (noun) ability; adroitness; art; artistry; cleverness; deftness; dexterity; dexterousness; prowess; readiness; skill; sleight

    2. bearing (noun) air; bearing; comportment; deportment; mien; port; presence; set

    3. lecture (noun) allocution; declamation; discourse; harangue; lecture; oration; sermon; speech; talk

    4. poise (noun) appearance; behavior; behaviour; demeanor; demeanour; manner; poise

    5. residence (noun) abode; domicile; dwelling; habitation; headquarters; house; location; lodging; residence

    6. tact (noun) delicatesse; diplomacy; savoir faire; tact; tactfulness

    7. accost (verb) accost; bespeak; call to; greet; hail; memorialize; salute; speak to

    8. appeal (verb) appeal; apply to; ask; invoke; plead; style

    9. apply (verb) apply; approach; petition; sound; sue

    11. court (verb) court; make up to; pursue; spark; sweetheart; woo

    12. direct (verb) aim; cast; direct; head; incline; lay; level; point; present; set; superscribe; train; zero in

    13. give (verb) apply; bend; buckle; buckle down; concentrate; dedicate; devote; focus; give; throw; turn

    15. lecture (verb) declaim; discourse; harangue; lecture; orate; prelect; sermonise; sermonize; speak; talk

    16. send (verb) consign; dispatch; forward; remit; route; send; ship; transmit

    Антонимический ряд:

    avoid; folly; ignore; overlook; pass; shun; stupidity

    English-Russian base dictionary > address

  • Regionalism

    Regionalism is a linguistic term for a word, expression, or pronunciation favored by speakers in a particular geographic area.

    «Many regionalisms [in the U.S.] are relics,» notes R.W. Burchfield: «words brought over from Europe, chiefly the British Isles, and preserved in one area or another either because of the continuance of older ways of life in these localities, or because a particular type of English was early established and has not been fully overlaid or undermined» (Studies in Lexicography, 1987).

    In practice, dialect expressions and regionalisms often overlap, but the terms are not identical. Dialects tend to be associated with groups of people while regionalisms are associated with geography. Numerous regionalisms can be found within a particular dialect.

    The largest and most authoritative collection of regionalisms in American English is the six-volume Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE), published between 1985 and 2013. The digital edition of DARE was launched in 2013.


    From the Latin, «to rule»
    Examples and Observations

    The following definitions were adapted from the Dictionary of American Regional English.

    • flannel cake (n) A pancake. (Usage: Appalachians)
    • flea in one’s ear (n) A hint, warning, disquieting disclosure; a rebuke. (Usage: chiefly the Northeast)
    • mulligrubs (n) A condition of despondency or ill temper; a vague or imaginary unwellness. (Usage: scattered, but especially the South)
    • nebby (adj) Snoopy, inquisitive. (Usage: chiefly Pennsylvania)
    • pungle (v) To shell out; to plunk down (money); to pay up. (Usage: chiefly West)
    • say-so (n) An ice-cream cone. (Usage: scattered)
      (Celeste Headlee, «Regional Dictionary Tracks The Funny Things We Say.» Weekend Edition on National Public Radio, June 14, 2009)

    Pop vs. Soda

    • «In the [American] South it’s called Coke, even when it’s Pepsi. Many in Boston say tonic. A precious few even order a fizzy drink. But the debate between those soft drink synonyms is a linguistic undercard in the nation’s carbonated war of words. The real battle: pop vs. soda.» (J. Straziuso, «Pop vs. Soda Debate.» Associated Press, September 12, 2001)


    • «In Delaware, a turnpike refers to any highway, but in Florida, a turnpike is a toll road.» (T. Boyle, The Gremlins of Grammar. McGraw-Hill, 2007)

    Sack and Poke

    • «Sack and poke were both originally regional terms for bag. Sack has since become a Standard term like bag, but poke remains regional, mainly in South Midland Regional dialect.» (Kenneth Wilson, The Columbia Guide to Standard American English, 1993)

    Regionalism in England

    • «What some call a roll, others call a bun, or a cob, or a bap, or a bannock, while in other areas [of England] more than one of these words is used with different meanings for each.»
      (Peter Trudgill, The Dialects of England. Wiley, 1999)
    • «How do you make your tea? If you come from Yorkshire you probably ‘mash’ it, but people in Cornwall are more likely to ‘steep’ it or ‘soak’ it and southerners often ‘wet’ their tea.»
      (Leeds Reporter, March 1998)

    Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE)

    • «As chief editor of the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE), a massive effort to collect and record local differences in American English, I spend my days researching the countless examples of regional words and phrases and trying to track their origins. Launched in 1965 at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the project is based on thousands of interviews, newspapers, government records, novels, letters, and diaries. . . .
      «[E]ven as we near the finish line, I encounter a common misperception: people seem to think that American English has become homogenized, making the dictionary a catalog of differences long since flattened out by media, business, and population shifts. There’s a grain of truth to that. Certain regional terms have been weakened by commercial influences, like Subway’s sub sandwich, which seems to be nibbling away at hero, hoagie, and grinder. It’s also true that strangers tend to talk to each other in a somewhat homogeneous vocabulary, and that more Americans are moving away from their linguistic homes as they relocate for school, work, or love.
      «But DARE’s research shows that American English is as varied as ever. The language is diversified by immigration, of course, but also people’s creative license and the resilient nature of local dialects. We have dozens of ways to refer to a remote place, for instance, including the boonies, the sticks, the tules, the puckerbrush, and the willywags. The proverbial village idiot, in such a place, might still be described as unfit to carry guts to a bear or pour piss out of a boot. If his condition is temporary, a Southerner might call him swimmy-headed, meaning dizzy. And if his home is dirty, a Northeasterner might call it skeevy, an adaptation of schifare, the Italian verb ‘to disgust.’
      «As these examples suggest, the regionalisms that persist are often not those we learn from books or teachers or newspapers; they are the words we use with friends and family, the phrases we’ve known forever and never questioned until someone ‘from away’ remarked on them.» (Joan Houston Hall, «How to Speak American.» Newsweek, August 9, 2010)

    Regionalisms in the American South

    • «Vocabulary is . . . strikingly different in various parts of the South. Nowhere but in the Deep South is the Indian-derived bobbasheely, which William Faulkner employed in The Reivers, used for ‘a very close friend,’ and only in Northern Maryland does manniporchia (from the Latin mania a potu, ‘craziness from drink’) [mean] the D.T.s (delirium tremens). Small tomatoes would be called tommytoes in the mountains (tommy-toes in East Texas, salad tomatoes in the plains area, and cherry tomatoes along the coast). Depending on where you are in the South, a large porch can be a veranda, piazza, or gallery; a burlap bag can be a tow sack, crocus sack, or grass sack; pancakes can be flittercakes, fritters, corncakes, or battercakes; a harmonica can be a mouth organ or french harp; a closet can be a closet or a locker; and a wishbone can be a wishbone or pulley bone. There are hundreds of synonyms for a cling peach (green peach, pickle peach, etc.), kindling wood (lightning wood, lighted knots) and a rural resident (snuff chewer, kicker, yahoo).» (Robert Hendrickson, The Facts on File Dictionary of American Regionalisms. Facts on File, 2000)



    In the work you’ve done so far on ways to identify word classes, you have seen that many words can be identified by form, function and distribution.

    In this activity, we’ll look at how you might use these ideas to identify some words which appear in regional varieties of English. You’ll see examples of regional dialect terms in the context which they were used, and your task will be to work out what grammatical role the word is performing.

    Regional words (not in context)

    • mithered
    • cobs
    • mardy
    • snickleway


    1. Identify the word class of each of the above. How can you tell?
    2. Explain what you think the word might mean, based on the elements that it is made up of, and that you have come across before.

    Regional words (in context)

    • She just mithered and mithered and wouldn’t stop.
    • I’ll have two of those cobs, please.
    • She was acting really mardy.
    • We went down the snickleway to get away from the crowds.


    1. Identify the word class of each of the above. How can you tell?
    2. Explain what you think the word might mean, based on its context.

    Extension tasks

      1. Can you think of four more dialect terms that you have come across in your local area?
      2. Dialect consists of more than just words as it usually covers meanings and grammar too (and some linguists also use it as an umbrella term to include accent). Can you think of any ways in which grammar is used differently in your own regional variety of English, or varieties that you have come across?

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      But if you wish to use it in your classroom, please register your details on Englicious (for free) and then log in!


      English speakers throughout the United States sound different, even though they are from the same country. People use different vocabulary, grammar, and syntax depending on their geographical location. This variation is called regional dialect. Studying a regional dialect helps people better understand differences within their communities and countries. It can also help writers understand how to write dialogue and readers understand how to interpret it.

      Regional and Social Dialects

      A dialect is a form of language unique to a particular group. Language in this context refers to vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and pronunciation. The two main types of dialect are social dialect and regional dialect.

      Social dialect describes variation in language use on the basis of a social group, like socioeconomic status or ethnic background. For example, African American Vernacular English (also called Ebonics) is a social dialect. This dialect is not based on where people live but on what ethnic group they belong to. On the other hand, a regional dialect is the result of where people live.

      Regional Dialects, Conversation, StudySmarterFig. 1 — A dialect is a form of language unique to a particular group.

      Dialect is different from accent because it refers to a person’s pronunciation, vocabulary, and other elements of language, while accent refers to just pronunciation.

      Although people share social and regional dialects, everyone has a distinct personal style of speaking that makes them unique from others. This style is called an idiolect. An idiolect is a mix of combining social factors that shape social dialect, elements of regional dialect, and personality traits. People change their speech patterns depending on the context they find themselves in, such as a professional working environment or an informal social environment with close friends. How they change these speech patterns is partly shaped by their personality and their understanding of the world around them.

      Regional Dialect Definition

      What is the definition of a regional dialect? Also called a regiolect, a regional dialect is a form of language unique to a geographical area. A person who studies regional differences in speech is called a dialectologist.

      Regional dialect is a variation in language use based on geographical area.

      It is important to note that the word region makes up the word regional. This can serve as a reminder that regional dialects are different than national dialects. Regional dialects differ throughout various areas of one country.

      For instance, a standardized form of American English is found in media outlets such as newspapers and television scripts across the nation. However, people in the Southern United States use different vocabulary, sentence structures, and grammar in their everyday speech than is found in newspaper articles. Studying regional dialects means studying such differences within a country, not differences between countries, like the difference between American English and British English.

      Regional Dialect Analysis

      A regional dialect is an interesting reflection of life in particular geographical areas. Parents pass down their way of speaking to their children who live in that region, and those children eventually pass down their way of speaking. However, suppose children are raised elsewhere or have parents from different regions. In that case, they do not develop as strong of a single dialect because they are not surrounded by it in their community. This leads to variations within regional dialects and evolutions of new dialects.

      Analyzing a person’s regional dialect can provide insight into where they are from and how people communicate in that area. Migration between and within regions has also led to the development and segmentation of distinct regional dialects. Therefore, analyzing regional dialects can provide insight into rich histories of human geography.

      Regional Dialects, Book, StudySmarterFig. 2 — Readers should note regional dialects when reading fictional dialogue.

      Analyzing Regional Dialects in Literature

      Readers should be on the lookout for indications of a regional dialect in literature. For instance, in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), Mark Twain writes about a boy named Huck from the American South. In the dialogue, Twain uses distinctive indications of the boy’s regional dialect, like in the following excerpt:

      Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldn’t do no good (Chapter 1).

      In this quote, Huck uses double negation that is distinctive of his regional dialect. When analyzing literature like this, readers should note how the authors enhance characterization and establish time and place through regional dialect.

      Writers should also think about regional dialects too! If you are writing a fictional story, consider how the region a character is from would impact how they speak.

      American Regional Dialects

      There are as many as thirty regional dialects in the United States. These fall under the umbrella of the three main regional dialects in the United States: the North, Inland South, and the West.

      Regional Dialects Examples

      The following dialects are the main regional dialects in the United States.

      The Northern Dialect Regions

      Inland North

      The Inland Norther American dialect stretches from the Great Lakes to Western New York. It includes major cities like Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Toledo. The Inland North regional dialect is known for «the Northern Cities Shift,» a distinctive use of short vowel sounds common throughout the region. For instance, people from this region might pronounce the word «cat» like «kiy-ut.»

      Eastern New England

      On the East of the Inland North barrier is the Eastern New England regional dialect. This includes major cities like New York City and Boston. Native New Yorkers tend to switch the letter T for D and say «da» instead of «the.» A similar dialect is the Boston dialect, where they switch R for H. For instance, someone from Boston might say «wadah» instead of «water.»

      Regional Dialects, Mountains, StudySmarterFig. 3 — People in the Appalachian mountains have a unique regional dialect.

      Inland/Mountain Southern Dialect Regions

      The Inland/Mountain Southern dialect is prominent among people from Appalachia, Texas, Tennessee, and other nearby Southern states. In this region, people are known for their distinctive drawn-out vowel sounds, which combine phrases like «you all» into «y’all.»

      The West Dialect Regions

      The Western United States has fewer distinctive regional dialects than the North and the South. However, the region is known for its long and short open /o/. For example, speakers in this region may pronounce the words «Cot» and «Caught» similarly.

      Some linguists worry that regional dialects are dying out, although others disagree. Others argue that regional dialects aren’t dying out, but rather evolving in an era of more globalization and migration. As people move around the world, they interact with others who have other regional and social dialects. When people settle in new areas, they bring their own regional dialects to that area. Over time, this can lead to a merge between dialects or what sounds like standardization of the language.

      Regional Dialect Vocabularies

      Vocabularies also vary by regional dialect. For example, people who live in the Southern United States have different words for different items and use different slang than those who live in the North. For example, people in the Midwestern United States drink «pop,» while on the East coast the same drink is called «soda,» and those in certain parts of the South just call it «Coke.» Similarly, in the Southern United States, people call shoes you work out in «tennis shoes,» while in the East Coast, people call these shoes «sneakers.»

      Regional Dialects, Shoes, StudySmarter.Fig.4 — What you call these depends on where you are from in the United States.

      Each regional dialect also has its vocabulary that people within their regional dialects might not use or understand. For example, in the Inland North dialect, words like Buckeye (an Ohio resident) and Fish tug (a Michigan fishing boat) are words that someone with the Inland Mountain Southern regional dialect would not be familiar with.

      Learning such vocabulary words that are distinct to a regional dialect can help people understand a way of life in parts of a country they are unfamiliar with.

      Regional Dialects — Key Takeaways

      • A dialect is a form of language unique to a particular group.
      • A regional dialect is a variation in language use based on geographical area.
      • A regional dialect is different than a social dialect because a social dialect is a variation in language based on social factors.
      • The three main regional dialects in the United States are North, Inland South, and West.
      • Regional dialects are important because they provide insight into how people communicate in different parts of a country.

      Though dialects can be considered of various kinds, the most widespread and evident way of differentiating or defining a dialect is regional or geographical.

      Though dialects can be considered of various kinds, the most widespread and evident way of differentiating or defining a dialect is regional or geographical.

      A language is used in many ways, and sometimes speakers of the same language have a hard time understanding each other. Within our own countries, we see that the use of national languages can vastly differ from one region to another- whether it is in terms of grammar, specific expressions or even words that have been localized to some extent. Regional variations in how the same language is constructed and employed is thus what are referred to as regional dialects. Regional dialects are considered to be a distinct form of a standard or common language, that could be geographically from a province, rural spaces or in some cases also specific to a social group. 

      Though dialects can be considered of various kinds, the most widespread and evident way of differentiating or defining a dialect is regional or geographical. The differences between regional dialects, as it would seem, depends on proximity- the further you move from one region to another in the same country or territorial space, the more  dissimilar the dialect. The classification of regional dialects, however, more concretely follows specific linguistic features as displayed in the usage of the language. Grammar and vocabulary, studying the word formation, helps us understand better where the classification of one regional dialect starts, and another stops. 

      Regional Dialects In The English Language

      The English language is one such language that is considered to have a wide variation in regional dialects in countries where it is spoken as a native tongue. Taking an example of  how regional dialects vary, countries such as the United Kingdom come up as an interesting case with 37 dialects to boast of- while these differ between smaller and larger regional dialects, yet the sheer variation in the way English is used showcases the power of regional dialects. In the UK, regional accents include the famous Cockney, considered to have emerged as a social dialect of working class Londoners but also now associated with the region in and around London itself. Another regional dialect from the UK is the Yorkshire dialect, which is spoken in the Yorkshire county itself. Interestingly, though one could classify Scottish dialect as a regional one, within the dialect as well there are smaller differing dialects.

      Languages are malleable and fluid, not only in their use, but also in their sound. While some might argue there’s only one proper way to pronounce a specific word in a language, variations in accents and dialects show how this isn’t the case. Both these words are used to explain the distinctive ways of using the same language. The differences in accents, however, is mostly limited to the aspect of sound in the usage of specific words and phrases, whereas regional dialects showcase variations or versions of a language, which includes not only pronunciation but also grammar, vocabulary as well as syntax. While accents are generally used to differentiate between the way a native speaker and a non-native speaker of a language speaks it, dialects differ between native speakers themselves. More importantly, accents can also be considered as part or subject of a regional dialect.

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