What is a preposition word in a sentence

“Watch out! There’s a snake!”


“Behind you!”

Thank heavens for prepositions. Imagine not knowing where the threat was lurking. Prepositions describe the location or timing of something concerning something else.

Indeed, they play a vital role in our daily conversations with the people around us. 

But what are prepositions exactly? Search no further, on this page we will discuss the 80+ prepositions and their uses. Please continue reading. 

A preposition is a word that links nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words in a sentence. 

Prepositions describe the position or chronology of something to something else. 

They are short words that are frequently used in front of nouns and, in some cases, in front of gerund verbs.

In English, prepositions are quite idiomatic. Although there are some usage guidelines, fixed expressions govern many preposition usage. It is preferable to memorize the phrase rather than the individual preposition in these situations.

What are the Different Prepositions and their Functions?

In the English language, there are over 100 prepositions.

Furthermore, the possibilities for forming prepositional phrases (phrases that start with a preposition and end with a noun or pronoun) are limitless.

Remember that prepositions frequently express notions such as comparison, direction, place, purpose, source possession, and time as you read the examples and analyze the list below. 

Note: Some prepositions have more than one function.

Here are the various functions of prepositions:

  • Prepositions of Time
  • Prepositions of Place 
  • Prepositions of Spatial Relationships
  • Prepositions of Direction or Movement
  • Prepositions that Show Connection Between Ideas
  • Prepositions of Agency 
  • Prepositions of Instrument or Device
  • Prepositions of Manner
  • Prepositions of Reasons or Purpose
  • Prepositions of Origin
  • Prepositions of Possession
  • Prepositions of Measure

1. Prepositions of Time

Function Prepositions Examples
For months, years, centuries, seasons, and times of day in “I first met my husband in 2002.”

“It’s always hot in June.”

“I plan to visit my family in summer.”

“The telephone was invented in the 19th century.”

“I will go jogging in the afternoon.”

For days, dates, and specific holiday days on “I don’t go to school on Sundays.”

“Halloween is on October 31st.”

“My parents never miss giving me presents on my birthday.”  

For times, markers of exception, and festivals at “My dad leaves the house at 7 AM every morning.”

“She works better at night.”

“They are always busy at Christmas time.”

To express when something occurred, is occurring, or will occur in relation to something else before Before you go, make sure to lock the door.” 

“We have to finish this before 3 PM.”

To express when something occurred, is occurring, or will occur in relation to something else after “They will go home after watching the concert.”  

“Let’s have some drinks after work.”

To state a beginning time and an ending time from and to “The lecture is from 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon.”

“Winter lasts from December to March.”  

To specify a time that separates any two given periods between “They have to be there between 6:00 and 7:00 in the morning.”

“The package is expected to arrive between the months of March and April.”  

“The best time to shop is between Thanksgiving and Christmas.”  

To refer to a continuous event that started taking place in the past since “She has been living alone since she was a teenager.”
To refer to events that are simultaneous during “Flights are limited during the pandemic.”
To refer to a specific time action must be completed by “I should be at the airport by 5 in the morning.”
To state when an action will end at a specified time in the future until “I waited for your call until midnight.”
To state duration of time for “He lived in the US for ten years.”
To express a given time in relation to the succeeding hour of the day to “My phone says it’s ten minutes to five right now.”
To state how long an action is done throughout “The sale will last throughout the holiday season.”
To indicate a time that is not precise or exact about “It was about 7 in the evening when the accident happened.”
To indicate a time that is not precise or exact around “Expect me to be there at around 8 in the morning.”

2. Prepositions of Place 

Function Prepositions Examples
When talking about something with a flat surface  on “The painting hangs on the wall.”

“The books are scattered on the floor.”

When anything is inside or within constrained borders.
Anything, including a country, might be included
in/inside “Dan is in Germany visiting his relatives.” 

“I put the excess food in the fridge.”

“My things are inside my bag.”  

“I do not have any liquids inside my suitcase.”   

When referring to anything at a certain/specific point at “I will meet him at the gate before he boards the plane.” 

“The dairy products are at the fourth lane.”   

When something is at the back of something behind “The boy is hiding behind the shelf.”
When something is situated before another in front of you “Pick up the trash in front of you.”
When something is lower than something/another  below “She is waving at them from below the stairs.”  
When something is lower than something/another  under “The folder is under the pile of books.” 
When something is higher than something above “One of my friends lives in a flat above mine.”
When something is higher than something over  “There is a bee flying over your head.”
When something is not in a specific location but nearby outside “The kids are outside playing.”

3. Prepositions of Spatial Relationships

Function Prepositions Examples
When something is in line with something long and wide or thin  along “You can find the receipts along the counter.” 
When something is located near another thing that is being mentioned by “The plates are by the cups and saucers at the counter.” 
When something is located near another thing that is being mentioned beside “I want you to sit beside me at dinner.”
When something is located near another thing that is being mentioned next to “The lady sitting next to the city mayor is the widower.”
When something is farther from something beyond “That tollbooth is immediately beyond the bridge.”
When something is facing someone or on the other side opposite “The shop is opposite the drugstore.” 
When something is on a lower level than another beneath “Just beneath the stairwell is a door.”
When something is beneath and covered by something else  underneath Underneath her coat, are three more layers of warmers.” 

4. Prepositions of Direction or Movement

Function Prepositions Examples
To emphasize that something is moving towards a specific goal to “She has gone to Paris for a vacation.” 

“The whole family is going to the beach.”

To state that something is getting from one side to another  across “She traveled across Asia for a month.” 

“The interviewer extended his hand across the table to shake the hand of the applicant.”

To express that something is moving directly from something and out the other end  through “I can see the streets through my window.” 

“The bullet had gone through his right hand.”

To state that something is entering or peering into something  into “She dove into the pool without hesitation.” 

“He was staring into the darkness with no emotions.”

To state movement that ends up on top of something  onto “The speaker stood and made his way onto the platform.” 

“Be careful when you step onto that ledge.”

When a movement is closer or approaching something towards

*’Toward’ and ‘towards’ are interchangeable. 

“She ran towards the door and hugged her parents.”

“He was driving towards the gate when he realized he left his glasses.”

To state a movement that is higher than something else    above “She shot the arrow way above her target.”
To state a movement that is higher than something else    over “On our route to Grandma’s house, we’ll travel over some tough terrain.”
To state a movement that is higher than something else    up “They went up the mountains to hunt.” 
To state a movement on a straight ledge or line     along “He was walking along the shore and saw a dead starfish.” 
To state a movement in a circular pattern  around “He was roaming around the house wasting his time.”
To state a movement that is farther from something  away from “I had to stay away from the fire because it was getting bigger.”
To state a movement that is farther from something out of “We need to get out of here before somebody comes and sees us.” 
To state a movement that is lower than something  beneath “The snake slithered beneath the earth.”
To state a movement that is lower than something  down “He immediately got down the stage and left.” 
To state a movement originating from a specific place  from “He traveled from Spain to Prague to meet some old friends.”
To indicate a movement alongside and beyond something  past “On the highway, a car sped past a truck.

5. Prepositions that Show Connection Between Idea

Function Prepositions Examples
To signify ‘concerning’ or ‘on the subject of’ about “The meeting was about the new set of company policies.”
To mean something in oppose to something  against “Our teams are going against each other in tonight’s match.” 
To express the purpose of something or someone  as “My mom works as a nurse in the city’s first-ever public hospital.” 
To specify a direction or destination   to “You can give that gift to her later this afternoon.”
To exclude something or someone  except “I would love to catch up, except my break time is over.” 
To express one’s someone’s thoughts and opinions  for  “This book is worth reading for me.” 
To compare nouns like “The little boy looks like his grandfather when he was young.”
To show belonging or connection  of “That scent reminds me of a very special moment in my life.”
To show belonging or connection with “She lives with her aunt, with their four cats.”

6. Prepositions of Agency

 A person or thing that has caused or is causing something to happen is described as a preposition of agency.

Sentences with prepositions of agency are often written in the passive voice and use the prepositions ‘by’ (for people) and ‘with’ (for things). 

Prepositions Examples
by Passive: “This purse was given by my sister.” 

Active: “My sister gave me this purse.”

Passive: “Her gown was designed by a renowned fashion icon.” 

Active: “A renowned fashion icon designed her gown.”

with Passive: “The room was filled with sadness.” 

Active: Sadness filled the room.”

Passive: “Her dress was adorned with a lot of crystals.”

Active: A lot of crystals adorned her dress.”

7. Prepositions of Instrument or Device 

These discuss specific technologies, machines, or gadgets, the preposition instrument or device is utilized.

‘With’ and ‘on’ are usually used to explain the use of machines and other devices, whereas ‘by’ is used to describe modes of transportation.

Prepositions Examples
by “They chose to travel to Georgia by plane.” 

“You can reach the other island by ferry.” 

on “May I research my homework on your phone?”

“She edited her thesis on her mom’s laptop.” 

with “She filled up the questionnaire with a pencil.” 

“He was able to open the door with an ATM card.” 

8. Prepositions of Manner

These explain the way things happen or by the means things happen, just like prepositions of device.

The only difference is it does not include any machine or device. 

Prepositions Examples
like “He sings like a professional and everyone is amazed.”  

“Don’t act like a child.” 

with “He answered the question with eagerness in his voice.”

“They left the house with sadness in their eyes.”  

9. Prepositions of Reasons or Purpose

The reason or purpose prepositions explains why something happened or will happen. 

Prepositions Examples
because “Classes were canceled because of the storm.” 
for “I did it for my family.”
from “She knows from past incidents how to handle the situation.” 
on account of “He pressed charges against his neighbor on account of trespassing.” 
through “They were able to get their freedom through their bravery.” 

10. Prepositions of Origin

These identify a person or thing’s origin such as nationality, hometown/state, ethnicity, and the location where something was made or designed.  

Prepositions Examples
from “I am from Chicago originally, but I have been living in Colorado for a decade now.” 

“The new batch of computers are from the biggest software company in the country.”

of “Our new classmate is of Turkish descent.” 

“This toy is made of plastic.”

11. Prepositions of Possession 

These indicate that something or someone is owned by something or someone.

Prepositions Examples
of “This house is the property of my brother.” 

“The leg of the dog is wounded.”

to “That red car over there belongs to my friend.” 

“She gave the phone to her grandmother.”

with “The lady in black with the sunglasses is my mom.” 

“He met a girl with the most beautiful smile.”

12. Prepositions of Measure

These state the quantity of something with someone or something.

Prepositions Examples
by “The textile shop sells its products by yards.” 

“They are entering the museum by batches.”

of “My mom bought a kilogram of potatoes for the salad.” 

“Half of the class was infected by the virus.”  

What are the Grammar Rules for Prepositions?

Prepositions play a crucial role in English grammar.

Although English appears to be simple, even grammar nazis have difficulty answering prepositions questions.

As such, it is a must that you familiarize yourself with the different rules governing prepositions.

Let us look at some instances to see how different rules for prepositions and usage work.

1. Prepositions must have an object. 

The presence of an object is required for prepositions. The preposition is just an adverb without an object.

An object is always placed after a preposition, whereas an adverb is never followed by an object.


“My mom is in the kitchen.” 

Preposition: in

Object: the kitchen

“Please get inside.”

‘Inside’ here is not a preposition but an adverb, because there is no object that comes after it.

2. Prepositions do not always come before its object. 

This rule states that, in most cases, the preposition comes before the object, however, this is not always the case.

Before a noun or a pronoun, there should be a preposition.


“We will see you in December.”

Preposition: in

Object: December

It is a common English grammar fallacy that you cannot end a sentence with a preposition.

However, that is not true at times. 


Who were you with?”

Preposition: with

Object: Related to the pronoun ‘who’ 

3. When a preposition is followed by a pronoun, it should be in object form.

A ‘prepositional object’ is a noun or pronoun that comes after a preposition.

If it is a pronoun, use the objective form (me, her, them) rather than the subjective form (I, she, they).


“He bought a gift for her.” 

Preposition: for

Object: her (object form)

4. Prepositions do not have a specific form. 

Prepositions, in particular, do not have a formal structure.

The majority of prepositions are one word, however complex prepositions are two to three words long.


  • one-word prepositions: in, on, from
  • complex prepositions: away from, on account of, next to

5. ‘To’ as a preposition and ‘to’ as an infinitive are not the same. 

If you are confused, always remember that ‘to’ as an infinitive comes before a verb (as in ‘to eat’, ‘to dance’ ‘to swim’).

To as a preposition always has an object (‘to me’, ‘to the park’, ‘to London’).

Do not interchange the function of the two. 

‘To’ as a preposition: 

  • “She gave her old clothes to her younger sister.” (her younger sister – object) 
  • “He plans to go to the beach this weekend.” (the beach – object) 

‘To’ as an infinitive:

  • “I love to fish on weekends.” (fish – verb) 
  • “My friends forced me to go jogging with them.” (go – verb)

6. A preposition’s object cannot be a verb.

The Golden Rule of Preposition is this: the preposition ‘to’ can sometimes be followed by phrases that appear to be verbs, but a verb can never be the object of a preposition.


  • “I love to bake.”
  • “An oven is for baking.”

‘Bake’ and ‘baking’ are not verbs in the examples above. ‘To bake’ is part of the infinitive in the first example, and it happens if a verb is employed as an adverb, adjective, or noun.

Baking is not an action that is performed here, but rather something that a person enjoys doing.

‘Baking’, in the second example, is a gerund, which is essentially a noun but is created from a verb.

The oven is inextricably linked to her baking. In this sentence, no one is actually baking.

Are Prepositions Important?

Prepositions are a challenge for many English learners. The first thing we need to understand about prepositions is how they are used both in speaking and writing.

Using the wrong prepositions can entirely shift the context of a phrase, causing complications for the speaker. As a result, proper preposition usage in English is critical.

In the context of tossing a ball, for example, knowing the difference between ‘to’ and ‘at’ could save your life.

When someone asks, “Can I throw this ball to you?” they are expecting you to be prepared to catch the ball.

On the other hand, when someone asks, “Can I throw the ball at you?”, they are implying that they want to hit you with it. Prepare yourself as well.

Here is the difference:

“Can I throw this ball to you?”

“Sure, I’ll catch it.”

“Can I throw this ball at you?”

“Please don’t, it could hurt me.” 

Another example is this one. Take note of the prepositions ‘about’ and ‘except’

  • “Everything about the hotel is fantastic.” 
  • “Okay, we’re going to book the same hotel when we go there.”
  • “Everything except the hotel is fantastic.”
  • “Oh, really? Well, I guess I should try to look for another hotel when we go there.” 

Notice how a preposition can change the meaning of the sentence. So, as you can see, using the correct preposition is extremely crucial in expressing your thoughts and ideas. 

With many prepositions out there, you have to exert any effort to learn them and how they should be used.

Otherwise, misunderstanding may occur and that is something you do not want. 

What are the Most Common Mistakes in the Use of Prepositions? 

Prepositions are tricky little beasts. There are a lot of them and their rules can be extremely perplexing!

Because there are so many possible prepositions, picking the right one might sometimes be influenced by the word that comes before it. It may also rely on what comes after the preposition in other circumstances. 

For your reference, here are the most common mistakes when it comes to using prepositions:

1. Depending on the situation, use ‘with’ or ‘about’ after the word ‘upset’.

We use ‘about’ + something and ‘with’ + someone. 

“I am upset with the flight being delayed.”  “I am upset about the flight being delayed.” 
“She was upset about him for being rude.”  “She was upset with him for being rude.” 

2. The correct usage for ‘in’ and ‘at’ may differ depending on the time of day.

We use ‘in the’ with ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, and ‘evening’.

When talking about the night, though, we commonly use ‘at’. 

“I take my vitamins at the morning.” “I take my vitamins in the morning.” 
“I have a habit of writing in my journal before I go to sleep in night.”  “I have a habit of writing in my journal before I go to sleep at night.”

3. When talking about journeys, you can use the preposition ‘to’.

However, use the words ‘in’ or ‘at’ to signify reaching a destination when we use the term ‘arrive’.

For cities, countries, and other major areas, use ‘in’.

For specific locations (e.g., a library, a bar, or someone’s home), use ‘at’.

“She arrived at Indonesia before midnight.”  “She arrived in Indonesia before midnight.” 
“They arrived in the venue just minutes before the program started.”   “They arrived at the venue just minutes before the program started.”  

4. Depending on the situation, employ different prepositions when referring to a time or date.

When referring to a specific time of day, use ‘at’.

Meanwhile, use ‘on’ to refer to a certain day or date. The right preposition for a month or year is ‘in’.

“The concert starts in 8 PM.”  “The concert starts at 8 PM.”
“Let’s watch a movie at Saturday.”   “Let’s watch a movie on Saturday.”  
“School ends on June.”  “School ends in June.”

5. When using auxiliary verbs like ‘should’ or ‘must’, avoid using the preposition ‘of’.

Instead, use the verb ‘have’, which sounds similar to ‘of’ when uttered.

“You should of called me earlier.”  “You should have called me earlier.”
“I must of forgotten to turn off the tv.” “I must have forgotten to turn off the tv.”

6. Use the preposition ‘for’ to refer to a period of time when discussing how long something has been going on.

When referring to a certain time period, use ‘since’.

The difference is that the first relates to a unit of time, whereas the second refers to a specific point in time when the activity started.

“She has been crying since an hour.”  “She has been crying for an hour.” 
“They have been waiting for the bus for 2 PM.”  “They have been waiting for the bus since 2 PM.” 

7. Because ‘talking’ and ‘discussing’ are comparable activities, many people use them interchangeably.

However, the word ‘about’ should only be used after ‘talking’.

“They were discussing about the project proposals.”    “They were discussing the project proposals.”   
“I am talking about the plans for the party tonight.”   “I am talking about the plans for the party tonight.”  

8. It is correct to mention that one person is married ‘to’ (not ‘with’) another when describing someone’s marital status.

“Tom is married with Jane.” “Tom is married to Jane.”

9. Another difficulty for non-natives is whether or not to put a preposition between ‘ask’ and the name of the person to whom the verb refers.

“I asked to Sue what time we should get going.”  “I asked Sue what time we should get going.”

Are Prepositions Challenging for Students?

It is extremely difficult to use prepositions effectively in English, and they cause a slew of issues for teachers and students alike.

To begin with, most prepositions, especially the most popular ones, have many purposes. 

Depending on whose dictionary you consult, the preposition ‘at’ has as many as 18 different functions.

As vocabulary words, prepositions can be difficult to grasp on their own, and it is not uncommon for English learners to ask teachers to explain what a term like ‘at’ means.

Second, there is no rational way to determine which preposition is appropriate for a given noun, verb, or adjective.

Because it is not always possible to predict the correct preposition, the expression must be mastered in its whole.

The problem is compounded when a single vocabulary item, again, the most commonly used ones, flirts with a range of prepositions, prolonging the teaching-learning activities beyond what we might expect.

Finally, a learner’s native language can obstruct the learning process and prevent proper English usage. 

Prepositional errors are possibly the most egregious example of this.

Some English formulations, for example, do not contain a preposition, although the same expression in another language does, and vice versa. 

Additional FAQs – Prepositions in English Grammar

Can you End a Sentence with a Preposition? 

Ending a statement with a preposition is not incorrect, but it is less professional.

It is absolutely okay in emails, text messages, and notes to friends. 

If you are writing a research paper or presenting a business proposal, though, avoid using prepositions at the end of sentences.

Why Should I Care About Prepositions?

While prepositions are few in number, they are crucial because they serve as structural markers in sentences, indicating particular relationships between people, objects, and places.

Without prepositions, misunderstanding, confusion, and miscommunication may arise. 

How Do I Use Prepositions Correctly? 

Prepositions are always used to illustrate the relationship between a noun or phrase and anything else. 

When using a preposition, it must always be followed by a noun and before by the subject and verb. A verb should never be used after it.

Additional Reading — ENGLISH GRAMMAR

Main Prepositional Phrase Takeaways:

  • Prepositional phrases help show the relationships between the nouns, pronouns, and other supporting words in a sentence.
  • Prepositional phrases contain a preposition, an object, and sometimes one or more modifiers.
  • There are two types of prepositional phrases: adverbial and adjectival.
  • “Before I leave,” is an example of an adverbial prepositional phrase.
  • “The sandwich on the table” is an example of an adjectival prepositional phrase.
  • Simple prepositions are just one word.
  • Complex prepositions contain two or more words.
  • Some words can be both adverbs and prepositions. Prepositions always relate to an object.

Prepositional phrases give your content power. Instead of simple, drab sentences that lack color, you can create an entire world of detail. Here’s a look at prepositional phrases, how they work, and the best way to use them.

A cartoon girl sits on the left side of the image leaning against the text PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE. Above her head is a thought bubble that contains examples of prepositional phrases like "under the tree", "behind the tree", and "on the tree".

Prepositional phrases outline the relationships between a sentence’s nouns, pronouns, and other supporting words.

What Is a Preposition?

Before we start discussing prepositional phrases, let’s first define what a preposition is. Prepositions are words that show the relationships between words in sentences. They usually come before nouns, pronouns, gerunds, or clauses to show place, location, time, and direction or introduce an object in a sentence. For example:

On, near, over, since, and under are all prepositions. These words allow readers to visualize where an object is located or when something happened. If you want to know more about prepositions, feel free to check our article 5 Types of Prepositions: An Easy Guide. Now, moving on to our main topic, what is a prepositional phrase?

What Is a Prepositional Phrase?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words composed of a preposition, an object (noun or pronoun), and the word that modifies the object. Prepositional phrases function as information-givers in a sentence. Let’s take this sentence as an example: With a sharp knife in hand, the man freed the dog from its leash.”With” is the preposition, “knife” is the object, and “sharp” is the word that modifies the object. Together as a prepositional phrase, it tells the readers what the man used to free the dog off its leash.

In most cases, writers use a prepositional phrase to modify a verb or a noun.

For example, why say “you went out” when you can say that “you went out to an incredible party?”

Then, you have the option to add a modifier.

“A bit” modifies or further describes the time of departure.

How Do You Identify a Prepositional Phrase?

A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition and ends with an object, which could be a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause. The object at the end of the prepositional phrase is referred to as the object of the preposition.” For you to easily identify a prepositional phrase, you need to know the format or pattern it follows in a sentence. There are two ways to write a prepositional phrase, as illustrated below:

Preposition + Modifier + Object (Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause)

Preposition + Object (Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause)

Here are some examples of prepositional phrases following the preposition + modifier + object format:

Now, the following are examples of prepositional phrases written in the preposition + object format:

If you can spot any of these two patterns, you’ll be able to identify prepositional phrases easily in any sentence.

To characters show the relationship between prepositions and nouns. On the right is a taller man with a sign around his neck that reads Preposition. To his left is a smaller woman holding his hand. She has a sign around her neck that reads NOUN.

We use prepositions with nouns to emphasize, connect, or clarify ideas.

What Is an Example Of a Prepositional Phrase?

Here are some examples of prepositional phrases in action. We’ll give you a sentence, identify the prepositional phrase, and explain how it works.

Here, we’re demonstrating the connection between the rainbow and where the Wicked Witch lives.

How are the couch and magazine related? One fell behind the other!

Why did Eliza jump? “For joy!”

“By the elevator” indicates where the room is.

Types Of Prepositional Phrases

There are two types of prepositional phrases, depending on the modifier describing the object: adverbial and adjectival. Adverbial prepositional phrases function as adverbs and answer questions like where, when, how, and why. Adjectival prepositional phrases act as adjectives and answer one of these two questions: What kind of?Which one?

In the succeeding sections, we’ll discuss the major differences and effective usage of these two types of prepositional phrases.

What Is an Adverbial PrepositionalPhrase Example?

Adverbial clauses get their name from the fact that they function as adverbs.

For example, we use adverbial prepositional phrases to show timing or cause and effect. They might tell you when or where something happened. They might also detail how something happened or to what extent.

Adverbial Prepositional Phrases contain a preposition. But, the entire phrase functions as an adverb. This is because the phrase shows when, how, or why something happened.

In this example, “because I went to the store early” is an adverbial clause. This is because it demonstrates how the action in the second part of the sentence came to be.

“Before it sold out” is also an adverbial phrase because it described when that action took place.

Here, “Since Marika left her wallet at home” demonstrates what caused her to have to borrow money.

What Is an Adjectival Prepositional Phrase Example?

On the other hand, an adjective phrase modifies the noun or pronoun that comes immediately before it.

Adjectival Prepositional Phrases contain a preposition. But, the entire phrase functions as an adjective. This is because the complete phrase describes the object it follows.

“On the island” describes the man. The object of the prepositional phrase is the island. What’s more, the phrase itself indicates how the island and the man are connected.

In this case, the pantry is the object, and the prepositional phrase is describing the link between the cake and its location.

A boy and girl holding hands while pointing in different directions. The girl on the left wants to go somewhere else.

An adjectival phrase modifies the noun or pronoun that comes immediately before it in a sentence.

Prepositions That Begin Prepositional Phrases

Here are some examples of common prepositions that you often see at the start of prepositional phrases. Jump over to our types of prepositions guide to explore a full list of common, simple and complex prepositions.

Aboard About Above Across After
Against Along Amid Among Around
As At Before Behind Below
Besides Between Beyond But By
Concerning Considering Despite Down During
Except Excluding Following For From
In Inside Into Like Minus
Near Of Off On Opposite
Outside Over Past Plus Regarding
Round Save Since Than Through
To Toward Under Underneath Unlike
Until Up Upon Versus With
Common Prepositions

There are also some multi-word prepositions. These contain two or more words that function together to create a complex preposition.

  • According to
  • In spite of
  • Along with
  • On account of

Can You Begin a Sentence With a Prepositional Phrase?

The quick answer to this question is YES. You can begin a sentence with a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases appearing at the beginning of sentences are called introductory prepositional phrases. Besides giving additional information, introductory prepositional phrases also help provide a sense of flow to any written work. They make the text less choppy and pleasurable to read. Read the following paragraph:

The ones underlined in the paragraph above are introductory prepositional phrases. Notice how they provide extra information and help with the flow of the sentences? Now, you also need to pay attention to the placement of your comma when using introductory prepositional phrases.

Comma After a Prepositional Phrase

As a general rule, you can choose to use a comma after a short introductory prepositional phrase or forego using one. By “short,” we mean prepositional phrases that are no longer than four words. Prepositional phrases longer than four words automatically get a comma after them. For example:

Is It a Preposition or an Adverb?

Some words can function as prepositions and as adverbs. You can easily figure out whether a word is acting as a preposition or an adverb by looking for the object.

Preposition or Adverb?

  • If your word refers to an object, it’s probably a preposition.
  • If your word doesn’t refer to an object, or there is no object in sight, it’s probably an adverb.

In the first sentence, “up” doesn’t refer to anything. There is not object. Therefore, “up” is acting as an adverb here.

However, in the second example, “up” does refer to an object. For example, “up” is followed by a noun (the hill). As a result, it’s a preposition in this case.

You can confirm that “up” is a preposition here by asking and answering this question: Where did she run? She ran up the hill!

Here’s another one:

In the first example, all we know is that Clark walked across something. We don’t know what that something is, because there is no object. Consequently, “across” is an adverb here.

In the second example, we find out that Clark walked across a courtyard. Since “courtyard” is the object, and across becomes a preposition.

Prepositional phrase cheat sheet. Prepositional phrases show the connections between parts of speech. A girl holding a rope with banners labeled as noun, pronoun, and supporting words. A prepositional phrase is a combination of a preposition and an object. Two types of prepositional phrases: adjectival phrases and adverbial phrases. A boy saying adjectival phrases are prepositional phrases that function as adjectives. A young woman saying adverbial phrases are prepositional phrases that function as adverbs. Some examples of prepositional phrases include by chance, in time, at the end, on schedule, in demand, out of breath, by accident, out of date, in danger, on a diet, in focus, at risk, by luck, and at sight. Preposition vs. adverb. A preposition needs and object. An adverb doesn't need an object.
INK Prepositional Phrase Infographic

Quick Prepositional Phrase Grammar Quiz

Prepositional Phrase Question #1

A. under the bed

B. whispers

C. the monster

D. at night


The answer is A. Under the bed shows the relationship between the monster and the whispers.

Prepositional Phrase Question #2


The answer is TRUE. Prepositional phrases can function as either adjective phrases or adverb phrases to modify other words in a sentence. For example, «The girl with him is his daughter.»

Prepositional Phrase Question #3

A. by the door

B. over the line

C. he stole it

D. near the pool


The answer is C. A prepositional phrase must include a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of the object.

Prepositional Phrase Question #4

A. The noun of the preposition

B. The noun of the sentence

C. The object of the preposition

D. The object of the sentence


The answer is C. The object of the preposition can either be a noun or a pronoun.

Read More: When to Use Comma Before Such As: the Definitive Guide

What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.  Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions in front of gerund verbs.

A nice way to think about prepositions is as the words that help glue a sentence together. They do this by expressing position and movement, possession, time and how an action is completed.

Indeed, several of the most frequently used words in all of English, such as of, to, for, with, on and at, are prepositions. Explaining prepositions can seem complicated, but they are a common part of language and most of us use them naturally without even thinking about it.

In fact, it’s interesting to note that prepositions are regarded as a ‘closed class’ of words in the English language. This means, unlike verbs and nouns, no new words are added to this group over time. In a way, it reflects their role as the functional workhorse of the sentence. They are unassuming and subtle, yet vitally important to the meaning of language.

There are two very important rules to remember when using prepositions. Because they are somewhat vague, learning about prepositions and using them correctly in sentences takes practice. Because 1:1 translation is often impossible when dealing with prepositions, even the most advanced English students have some difficulty at first.

  • The first rule is that to make sentences clear, specific prepositions are needed. For example, the preposition in means one thing and the preposition on cannot substitute for it in all cases. Some prepositions are interchangeable but not always. The correct preposition means one particular thing and using a different proposition will give the sentence a very different meaning. I want to see you in the house now, Bill! means something very different from I want to see you on the house now, Bill! In the house means Bill should go through the door, walk inside, and stand in the hall or living room. On the house means Bill would need to get a ladder and climb to the roof where he would be on top of the house.
  • The second rule for using prepositions is that prepositions are generally followed by nouns or pronouns. There was a time in the past when teachers held strictly to this rule, but it made for some clunky sentences. I am seeking someone I can depend on ends with the preposition on, so people who insisted that sentences shouldn’t end with a preposition would be forced to use convoluted and unnatural phrasing. To avoid ending that sentence above with a preposition, you’d have to say, someone I can depend on is whom I am seeking.
  • There are more than 100 prepositions in the English language. In addition, there are endless possibilities for creating  prepositional phrases, phrases that begin with a preposition and end with a noun or pronoun.  In the following sections, you will find examples of prepositions, types of prepositions, a comprehensive list of prepositions, and some helpful preposition exercises. As you read the examples and study the list, remember that prepositions usually convey concepts such as comparison, direction, place, purpose, source possession, and time.

In the following sentences, examples of prepositions have been italicized. As you read, consider how using different prepositions or even different types of prepositions in place of the examples might change the relationship between the rest of the words in the sentence.

  • I prefer to read in the library.
  • He climbed up the ladder to get onto the roof.
  • Please sign your name on the dotted line after you read the contract.
  • Go down the stairs and through the door.
  • He swam across the pool.
  • Take your brother with you.

Types of Prepositions

There are three types of prepositions, including time prepositions, place prepositions, and direction prepositions.
Time prepositions are those such as before, after, during, and until; place prepositions are those indicating position, such as around, between, and against; and direction prepositions are those indicative of direction, such as across, up, and down. Each type of preposition is important.

Type of Prepositions

Prepositions of Time
Basic examples of time prepositions include: at, on, in, before and after. They are used to help indicate when something happened, happens or will happen. It can get a little confusing though, as many different prepositions can be used.

Prepositions of time examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

For example:

  • I was born on July 4th, 1982.
  • I was born in 1982.
  • I was born at exactly 2am.
  • I was born two minutes before my twin brother.
  • I was born after the Great War ended.

The above makes it seem quite difficult, with five different prepositions used to indicate when something happened. However, there is a set of guidelines that can help decide which preposition to use:

For years, months, seasons, centuries and times of day, use the preposition in:

  • I first met John in 1987.
  • It’s always cold in January
  • Easter falls in spring each year.
  • The Second World War occurred in the 20th century.
  • We eat breakfast in the morning.

For days, dates and specific holiday days, use the preposition on.

  1. We go to school on Mondays, but not on Sunday
  2. Christmas is on December 25th.
  3. Buy me a present on my birthday.

For times, indicators of exception and festivals, use the preposition at:

  • Families often argue at Christmas time.
  • I work faster at night.
  • Her shift finished at 7pm.

Before and after should be much easier to understand than the other examples of prepositions of time. Both are used to explain when something happened, happens or will happen, but specifically in relation to another thing.

  • Before I discovered this bar, I used to go straight home after work.
  • We will not leave before 3pm.
  • David comes before Bryan in the line, but after Louise.

Other prepositions of time could include: During, about, around, until and throughout.

  • The concert will be staged throughout the month of May.
  • I learned how to ski during the holidays.
  • He usually arrives around 3pm.
  • It was about six in the morning when we made it to bed.
  • The store is open until midnight.

Prepositions of Place

To confuse matters a bit, the most common prepositions to indicate time – on, at, in – are also the most common prepositions to indicate position. However, the rules are a little clearer as place prepositions are a more rigid concept than time prepositions.

Prepositions of place examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

  • The cat is on the table.
  • The dogs are in the kennel.
  • We can meet at the crossroads.

The guidelines can be broken down as follows:

On is used when referring to something with a surface:

  • The sculpture hangs on the wall.
  • The images are on the page.
  • The specials are on the menu, which is on the table.

In is used when referring to something that is inside or within confined boundaries. This could be anything, even a country:

  1. Jim is in France, visiting his aunt in the hospital.
  2. The whiskey is in the jar in the fridge.
  3. The girls play in the garden.

At is used when referring to something at a specific point:

  1. The boys are at the entrance at the movie theater.
  2. He stood at the bus stop at the corner of Water and High streets.
  3. We will meet at the airport.

Lot’s of other prepositions of place, such as under, over, inside, outside, above and below are used in English. There is, however, a lot less confusion as they refer to rigid positions rather than abstract ones.

  • The cat is under the table.
  • Put the sandwich over there.
  • The key is locked inside the car.
  • They stepped outside the house.
  • Major is ranked above corporal.
  • He is waving at you from below the stairs.

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement are quite easy to understand as they are less abstract than prepositions of place and time. Essentially, they describe how something or someone moves from one place to another. The most commonly used preposition of movement is to, which usually serves to highlight that there is movement towards a specific destination.

Prepositions of movement examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.

  • He has gone on vacation to France.
  • She went to the bowling alley every Friday last summer.
  • I will go to bed when I am tired.
  • They will go to the zoo if they finish their errands.

Other more specific prepositions of movement include: through, across, off, down and into. These prepositions can sometimes get mixed up with others. While they are similar, they have individual meanings that add context to the movement.

Across refers to moving from one side to another.

  • Mike travelled across America on his motorcycle.
  • Rebecca and Judi are swimming across the lake.

Through refers to moving directly inside something and out the other end.

  • The bullet Ben shot went through the window.
  • The train passes through the tunnel.

Into refers to entering or looking inside something.

  • James went into the room.
  • They stare into the darkness.

Up, over, down, past and around indicate directions of movement:

  1. Jack went up the hill.
  2. Jill came tumbling down after.
  3. We will travel over rough terrain on our way to Grandma’s house.
  4. The horse runs around the track all morning.
  5. A car zoomed past a truck on the highway

How to Recognize a Preposition?

Recognizing prepositions can be challenging as they do not always follow a consistent pattern in terms of their position in a sentence, nor do they have a discernible structure or spelling. We do know, however, that prepositions are almost always short words, with the majority having less than six letters. One technique people use to identify a preposition is to think of a preposition as anywhere a mouse can go. Above, below, next to, between, beyond, through, by, with…It won’t cover them all, but it can be a useful question to ask when trying to identify and recognize a preposition. While there are over 100 prepositions, there are around 500,00-700,000 nouns in English! It is unlikely anyone will learn so many nouns, but recognizing and then mastering prepositions might be a worthwhile and attainable goal.

Prepositions with Nouns

There are lots of different nouns that carry specific prepositions to consolidate their meaning. These are called dependent prepositions. Again, there isn’t a set rule that says a particular type of noun will take a dependent preposition, although they normally follow the noun. Moreover, there are many possible combinations. Essentially, it’s case of familiarizing yourself with the different possibilities of nouns and dependent prepositions. Examples:

  • He displayed cruelty towards his dog.
  • She had knowledge of physics.
  • The trouble with Jack.
  • 21 is the age at which you are allowed to drink.
  • Bolt made another attempt at the world record.
  • The police held an inquiry into the murder.

Prepositions with Verbs

Prepositional verbs – the phrasal combinations of verbs and prepositions – are important parts of speech. The prepositions again act as links between the verb and noun or gerund, giving extra meaning to the sentence. The prepositions most commonly used with verbs are: to, for, about, of, in, at and from. The good news is that these will always come after the verb in the sentence. However, it should also be noted that the prepositional verbs can have slightly different meaning compared to the original verb. For example, to relate a story simply means to tell a story, to relate to a story means you identify with it, find some personally meaning in that story.

Verb + to:

  • He admitted to the charge.
  • I go to Vancouver on vacation twice a year.
  • William can relate to the character in the play.

Verb + for:

  • He must apologize for his actions.
  • We searched for ages before we found the perfect apartment.
  • I provide for my family by working two jobs.

Verb + with:

  • I don’t agree with your claim.
  • The lawyer said he will meet with your representatives.
  • They began with a quick warm-up.

Verb + of:

  • I dream of a better life.
  • Have you heard of Shakespeare?
  • The bread consists of dough, raisins and a little honey.

Verb + in:

  • Does Rick believe in miracles?
  • Fallon lives in New York.
  • The bus accident resulted in my being late to work.

Verb + at

  1. We arrived at our destination.
  2. Ilene excels at singing.
  3. Will the baby smile at her mother?

Verb + on:

  • We should really concentrate on our studies now.
  • Helen insisted on Brenda’s company.
  • Morris experimented on some canvas.

Verb + from:

  • Since turning 80, she suffers from lapses in concentration.
  • Dad retired from the navy in the 1970s.
  • Billy Bob, please refrain from doing that.

Prepositions with Adjectives

Prepositions can form phrases with adjectives to give further context to the action, emotion or thing the adjective is describing. Like verbs and nouns, adjectives can be followed by: to, about, In, for, with, at and by.

  • I am happily married to David.
  • Ellie is crazy about this movie.
  • Michelle is interested in politics.
  • We are sorry for your loss.
  • Jane will be delighted with her results.
  • Is he still angry at the world?
  • The entire room was astonished by the election results.

There can sometimes be a pattern in deciding which prepositions go with adjectives, for example, when adjectives have the same or very similar meaning to each other, they might take the same preposition:

  • Frightened of, afraid of, scared of, terrified of

Indeed, when adjectives have opposite meaning they might also take the same preposition:

  • Good at, great at, superb at, wonderful at
  • Bad at, terrible at, woeful at, inept at

There are always many exceptions to the above, but it can help that there seems to be some

consistency when adjectives have the same meaning or opposite meaning.

Nevertheless, perhaps a more general rule is that English speakers simply need to learn which prepositions go with which adjectives, as meaning can change significantly by using a different preposition.

  • I am good at sports means I have some athletic talent.
  • The nurse was good to my mother means she took care of her and was nice, kind, and helpful.
  • I am good with animals means I get along with them and handle them well.
  • Swimming is good for your health.
  • That was good of you to come means you were begin nice and good to visit.
  • My little brother is good inside (his body) means even though you can’t see how he thinks and feels, he is good. Even if his behavior is bad.
  • The blueberry jam will be good on toast. 

Prepositions Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositions work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The bone was _______ the dog.
a. About
b. For
c. After
d. Considering

Answer: b. The bone was for the dog.

2. We are going on vacation _______ August.
a. On
b. At
c. In
d. Since

Answer: c. We are going on vacation in August.

3. Please put the vase ________ the table.
a. In
b. On
c. For
d. Over

Answer: b. Please put the vase on the table.
4. I received a present ________ Janet.
a. From
b. Of
c. By
d. About

Answer: a. I received a present from Janet.
5. School begins ________ Monday.
a. In
b. On
c. From
d. Since

Answer: b. School begins on Monday.

List of Prepositions

While there are only about 150 prepositions in the English language, these words are among the most important. Without them, the sentences we speak, read, and write would be difficult to understand. The following list of prepositions is not a complete one, however it is among the most comprehensive lists of prepositions available anywhere.














































































What is a preposition? A preposition is a word or group of words that shows relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Prepositions add extra information to sentences such as direction, time and place.

What is a Preposition?

Four Kinds of Prepositions

1. A Simple Preposition

A simply preposition is made up of one word, such as: by, for, in, at, with, on or of.

  • David drove the car on the race track.
  • Jonathan leaves for work at 8.00am everyday.
  • Rachel brushes her hair with a special brush.

2. A Compound Preposition

A compound preposition consists of two words used as one, such as: into, without, before, inside, outside, upon, underneath or throughout.

  • David drove the car into the shed.
  • Jonathan leaves for work before dawn.
  • Rachel brushes her hair throughout the day.

3. A Participial Preposition

A participial preposition is a present participle of certain verbs that function as a preposition, such as: during, regarding, barring, respecting or considering.

  • David drove the car during the thunder storm.
  • Jonathan works hard considering his age.
  • Bec will travel overseas barring sickness.

4. A Phrasal Preposition

A phrasal preposition is a phrase that functions as a preposition, such as: according to, in spite of, with regard to, out of, round about or in reference to.

  • David will drive his car in spite of his health.
  • Jonathan arrives at work round about noon.
  • Bradley won the game according to the rules.

Two Functions of the Prepositional Phrase

A preposition always has an object (noun or pronoun) and is called the object of the preposition.

  • David drove the car into (preposition) the fence (object of preposition).
  • Jonathan works late during the summer (object of preposition).

The preposition with its object becomes a prepositional phrase, which functions as either an adjective or an adverb.

1. Prepositional Phrases Functioning as An Adjective

If the prepositional phrase modifies a noun, then the phrase is functioning as an adjective.

  • David will drive the car of the century. (of the century describes the car)
  • The house with the new roof was repaired by Jonathan. (with the new roof describes the house)

2. Prepositional Phrases Functioning as An Adverb

If the prepositional phrase modifies a verb, then the phrase is functioning as an adverb.

  • The boy ran through the field. (through the field modifies ran)
  • David drove the car into the mud. (into the mud modifies drove)

Preposition Versus Adverb

Some words can be used as either prepositions for adverbs. If the word has an object, then the word is functioning as a preposition. If the word has no object, then it is functioning as an adverb.

  • Please come inside. (adverb)
  • The cat came inside the house. (preposition)

Resources For What is a Preposition

English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy

Plain English Handbook by J. Martyn Walsh and Anna Kathleen Walsh

The Only Grammar Book by Susan Thurman

Mastering English Grammar by S.H. Burton

In this post, we are covering preposition, its types with examples and rules. Following points will be covered.

  1. What is a preposition?
  2. List of Prepositions
  3. Types of Preposition
    • Simple Preposition
    • Double preposition
    • Compound preposition
    • Participle preposition
    • Phrase preposition
  4. Types of Prepositions According to Function
    • Preposition of time
    • Preposition of place
    • Preposition of manner
    • Preposition of cause and effect
    • Preposition of instruments/devices
    • Preposition of direction/movement
    • Preposition of agent
  5. Rules of Preposition

A preposition is an important part of the English language and grammar. Prepositions are common but they seem complicated when we use them. These are the words used to link the noun and pronoun or other words.

Preposition is used to prove a correlation between nouns and pronouns in a sentence.


  • She is going to school.
  • He put the flowers by the door.
  • The jug was placed on the table.

In above sentences the bold words are prepositions.

Preposition + Noun

I gave the jug to Alan.

Preposition + Pronoun

I gave the wallet to him.

Preposition + Gerund

I devoted my time to stitching.

2 – List of Prepositions

  • Above
  • About
  • Absent
  • Across
  • After
  • Along
  • Among
  • Around
  • As
  • Before
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Beside
  • Beneath
  • Between
  • Beyond
  • By
  • Considering
  • Despite
  • During
  • Except
  • For
  • From
  • Given
  • In
  • Inside
  • Into
  • Minus
  • Of
  • Off
  • On
  • Onto
  • Opposite
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Per
  • Plus
  • Round
  • Since
  • Than
  • Through
  • To
  • Towards
  • Under
  • Until
  • Up
  • Upon
  • Via
  • Without
  • Within

3 – Types of Preposition

There are different types of prepositions

  1. Simple preposition
  2. Double preposition
  3. Compound preposition
  4. Participle preposition
  5. Phrase preposition

3.1 – Simple Preposition

It usually contains only two syllables.

Simple prepositions are; by, at, in, of, off, out, till, up, to, with, on, etc.

Simple Preposition Examples

  • Cat sat on the bed.
  • There is some water in the jug.
  • He is working hard to pass the exam.
  • My baby is suffering from flu.
  • I am from Islamabad.
  • She is working at grocery store.
  • This book belongs to Tom.

3.2 – Double preposition

When two simple prepositions are combined, they are called double prepositions. They habitually indicate directions.

Double prepositions are

  • into
  • upon
  • along
  • onto
  • out of
  • behind
  • without
  • within
  • next to

Double preposition examples

  • Once upon a time, there was a lion.
  • The cat climbed onto the table.
  • The dog is sitting behind the chair.
  • Hira never goes out without her mobile.
  • The ducks are eating along the river.
  • The bank is next to the post office.

3.3 – Compound preposition

Compound prepositions composed of two or more words. They are easy to known because the last word of a compound preposition is always simple preposition.

Compound preposition = Prefix + Noun / adjective / adverb

Compound prepositions are

  • In behalf of
  • According to
  • Beyond
  • In front of
  • Beneath
  • Besides
  • Between
  • Without
  • Around

Compound preposition examples

  • The children ran around the table.
  • His personality is beyond imagination.
  • There is a station beneath this area.
  • There is a show inside the box.
  • The dog is jumping around the seat.
  • The auto pulled along the drive way.
  • She is picked in front of bank.

3.4 – Participle preposition

There are the verbs that act as a preposition. Frequently, such words end in –ing and –ed.

Participle prepositions are

  • During
  • Considering
  • Barring
  • Provided
  • Laughing
  • Concerning
  • Frustrated

Participle prepositions examples

  • The teacher, sometimes gets frustrated with her class.
  • Everyone, please keep quiet during the class.
  • The kept following her home.
  • Considering his education, he did a great job.
  • Sara is interested in anything concerning novels.
  • All the brothers were there including the mother.

3.5 – Phrase preposition

Group of words used with a single preposition is called phrase preposition.

For example,

  • On the behalf
  • On time
  • At home
  • Before class
  • By virtue of
  • Inspite of
  • In place of
  • On the floor

Sometimes they are used as an adverb and sometimes as a preposition.

  1. A word is preposition when it adds noun or pronoun. For example, The knife lies in the basket.
  2. A word is an adverb when it adds verb. For example, Let’s move on.

Phrase preposition =  Preposition + object + modifier

  • Jon received the trophy on the behalf of his friend.
  • The match got canceled because of heavy rain.
  • I will get to the class on time.
  • Teacher met to discuss lecture before class.
  • In course of time, the wounds healed.

4 – Types of Prepositions According to Function

There are many types of prepositions according to function.

  1. Preposition of time
  2. Preposition of place
  3. Preposition of manner
  4. Preposition of cause and effect
  5. Preposition of instruments / devices
  6. Preposition of direction / movement
  7. Preposition of agent

4.1 – Preposition of time

These types of prepositions show time in a sentence. It discusses the specific time period like dates, days of the week etc.

Preposition of time

  • At: Used for precise time.
  • In: Used for months, years, centuries and long periods.
  • On: Used for days and dates.


At 9 o’clock In June On Monday
At night In the spring On 8 February
At breakfast In 1991 On Sunday
At dinner In December On a summer eve
At noon In the age On independence day
At school In the past On my birthday
At college In the future On new year’s eve
At university In the summer On the way
At home In a row On a ship
At sunrise In the garden On a radio
At the moment In the sky On 30th June 2010
At the cinema In winter On the wall

Uses of at

  1. We have a meeting at 9 a.m.
  2. I went home at lunch time.
  3. We have a party at midnight.
  4. The shop closes at 6 o’ clock
  5. The stars shine at night.

At is used to express

  1. Exact time           at 5 o’ clock
  2. Meal time           at lunch
  3. Festivals               at New Year
  4. With age              at the age of 20
  5. Time                      at this time

Uses of in

  1. I shall return in an hour.
  2. In this town, it often rain in July.
  3. Would you think we will go to Greece in the future?
  4. I shall be successful in the next year.
  5. We will go to hill station in the summer.

In is used to express

  1. Parts of the day                in the morning
  2. Months                               in December
  3. Centuries                           in 20th Century
  4. Years                                   in 2013
  5. Season                                in Autumn
  6. Time period                      in those days

Uses of on

  1. I work on Monday.
  2. His birthday on 1st April.
  3. Vacations end on Tuesday.
  4. We are going to Texas on 1st June.
  5. We will meet on Friend’s Day

On is used to express

  1. Festivals                             on independence day
  2. Dates                                  on 1st May
  3. Days of the week             on Monday
  4. Occasion                            on that day
  5. Anniversaries                   on wedding day

4.2 – Preposition of Place

These types of prepositions show a place in a sentence.

  • At:  It is used to discuss a certain point.
  • In: It is used an enclosed space.
  • On: It is used to discuss a surface.

Examples of Preposition of Place

Uses of In

  • I live in Multan
  • She is in the bus.
  • He is the most famous artist in the world.
  • She watches TV in the room.
  • Google is the best search engine in the world.

Uses of At

  • I met him at the bust stop.
  • We are going to watch the movie and we met him at cinema.
  • Sun rises at 05:30 a.m.
  • There is a rod at the roof.

Uses of On

  • Look at the lizard on the wall.
  • There is a book on the table.
  • There is a smile on her face.
  • My room is on the first floor of the hotel.
  • There is a beautiful picture of my father on the wall.

4.3 – Preposition of Manners

Preposition of manners are about the method something happens or how something is complete. Commonly used words are “by” and “with”. Some other words are also used (in, like, on).


  • She will dies by the cancer.
  • Teacher faces students with big courage.
  • My baby sings like a cuckoo bird.
  • We are going by taxi.
  • The tourist arrived on the island on a bus.

4.4 – Prepositions of cause and effect

They are used to show the cause of something or a reason of something done.

Commonly used words are; due to, because of, from hence, on account, therefore through etc.


  1. He cannot run the bicycle because of his leg.
  2. He is sick from fever.
  3. Her sales increased repeatedly through good marketing.
  4. The quarrel was increased due to discourtesy of both sides.
  5. She does not eat meal regularly on account of her disease.

4.5 – Preposition of Devices / Instrument

This type of preposition is used to express different technologies, machines or devices. Some words are used for, by, with and on.

On, with = describe the use of machines and devices.

For examples,

  1. My aunt is back home by taxi.
  2. Bob opened the lock with an old key.
  3. May I do my work on your computer?
  4. We are going on a trip by ferry.
  5. My work is done with the use of your cell phone.

4.6 – Preposition of Direction / Movement

This type of preposition tell us a direction or location of something.

Some words used are

  • Across
  • Along
  • Among
  • At
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Into
  • Towards
  • Onto etc.


  1. Supervisor walked towards the examination hall.
  2. Sana was sitting among her family.
  3. Meet me at the bus stop.
  4. The ducks are eating along the river.
  5. I have the poster below the mirror.

4.7 – Preposition of agent

These types of prepositions are used to show a causal connection between noun and usually a verb. Words used as preposition of agent are:

  • By
  • With


  1. A literature book was written by John Keats.
  2. This work was done by me.
  3. Some institutes were closed by government.
  4. Hira graduated with a public administration degree.

Some commonly used prepositions are:

In front of

It is used to show that someone is standing in front of other person. For example,

The teacher stands in front of the class.


It is used to show that at the back of something.


There is a shoe behind the table.


It is used to show that two things or boejcts


There is a strong relationship between Tom and Alice.

Across from

It is used to show an opposite direction.


She lives across from school.

Next to

It is used to show that a person that is at the side of another thing.


A guard stands next to the entrance gate.


It is used to show low level of something.


There are boxes under the bed.

5 – Rules of prepositions

There are three rules

  1. Pair them accurately.
  2. Watch what follows them.
  3. Avoid using them at the end of sentences

5.1 – Pair them properly

Determining which preposition to exercise be a capable of tricky prepositions. It is notably difficult when dealing with idioms. Idiomatic expressions are expressions you just give birth to memorize, and at what time errors are made.

That’s why you need to write them accurately with their places and easy to understand.

5.2 – Watch what follows them

Prepositions are always be followed by a noun / pronouns. The noun is called the object of preposition. Note that a verb can’t be the object of a preposition.


The bone was for the dog. (correct)

The bone was for walked. (incorrect)

5.3 – Avoid using them at the end of sentences

Because prepositions must be followed by a noun and have an object, they should rarely be sited at the end of sentences.


The table is where I put my books on. (incorrect)

I put my books on the table. (correct)

Further Reading:

  • 50 sentences of prepositions
  • Preposition Usage and Examples
  • Learn Prepositions

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types of prepositionsPin

What is preposition? Types of prepositions

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