What is a prefix for the word able

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Valerie Hoeger

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(75 votes)

-able. adjective suffix. variants: or less commonly -ible. Definition of -able (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) —chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs breakablecollectible.

What words have the suffix able?

likeable; peaceable; debatable; pleasurable; adaptable; inimitable; capable; adorable; desirable; justifiable; preferable; disposable; knowledgeable; amiable; durable; laughable; fashionable; reliable; excitable; lovable; believable; excusable; manageable; serviceable; measurable; sizeable; noticeable; suitable; …

Does the suffix able mean full of?

a suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin (laudable); used in English as a highly productive suffix to form adjectives by addition to stems of any origin (teachable; photographable). Also -ble, -ible.

What does the suffix Able and ible mean?

-able and -ible are both suffixes, groups of letters that are added to a word to change its meaning or use. When -able and -ible are added to words it generally means ‘capable of being‘ e.g. Enjoyable: can enjoy.

What does as able mean?

«As you are able» simply refers to ability without detailing what kind of ability. It applies equally to physical ability, mental/emotional ability, temporal/geographical ability, etc.

18 related questions found

What is a prefix for Able?

Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something. en- to make the word enable,…

How do you use Able?

We use be able to to express ability. «Able» is an adjective meaning: having the power, skill or means to do something. If we say «I am able to swim», it is like saying «I can swim». We sometimes use be able to instead of «can» or «could» for ability.

What is the suffix of ible?

Suffix. -ible. An adjective suffix, now usually in a passive sense; forms adjectives meaning «able to be», «relevant or suitable to, in accordance with», or expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense. convertible.

What is the rule of ible and able?

Here is the rule: If you remove -able from a word, you are left with a complete word (renewable, renew). If you remove -ible from a word, you are not left with a complete word (sensible, sens). But note that accessible, contemptible, digestible, flexible and suggestible are among the exceptions to this rule.

What is the difference between the suffix ible and able?

1. The suffix ‘able’ is attached to complete root words while ‘ible’ is generally connected to incomplete root words. … The suffix ‘able’ is usually attached to root words that are non-Latin in origin whereas ‘ible’ is usually used with words of Latin nature.

What is the rule for the suffix able?

When the base word is a complete and recognizable word, you will usually use -able. When the base word ends in -e, you should remove then -e, then add -able. Leave the -e when the word ends in -ce or -ge. If you must double the final consonant of the base word or change the final -y to i, add -able.

What does the suffix full mean?

-ful. a suffix meaning “full of,” “characterized by” (shameful; beautiful; careful; thoughtful); “tending to,” “able to” (wakeful; harmful); “as much as will fill” (spoonful).

What is the suffix of ability?

-ability, suffix. -ability, a combination of -able and -ity, is used to form nouns from adjectives that end in -able:capable (adjective) → capability (noun); reliable (adjective) → reliability (noun).

How many English words end in Able?

There are 1744 words ending with able, listed below sorted by word length.

What is a suffix word example?

countable noun. A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘-ness,’ which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘quick’ to form ‘quickly.

How does the suffix able change a word?

-Able is a cool suffix that allows you to describe things in new and interesting ways. Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that indicates something or someone is capable of or worthy of something. For instance, if a doughnut is dunkable, that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee.

Why do some words end in able or ible?

The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.

Do you drop the e when adding able?

Suffixes Starting with Vowels

The key rule is that, most of the time, you should drop the “e” from the end of a word when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel (e.g., “-ing,” “-ed” or “-able”). For example, we can add the suffix “-ed” to the word “talk” to make “talked” without any problem.

How do you find the suffix of a word?

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word (for example, -ful). If you add the suffix -ful to the base word, help, the word is helpful. A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word (for example, un-). If the prefix un- is added to helpful, the word is unhelpful.

What does the suffix ant mean?

-ant. noun suffix. Definition of -ant (Entry 5 of 6) 1a : one that performs (a specified action) : personal or impersonal agent claimant coolant. b : thing that promotes (a specified action or process) expectorant.

How do you use able and unable?

The players were able to show their better skill. She could not control her emotions. She was unable to control her emotions.

Will be able examples?

«Hopefully I will be able to recover for Sunday. «Someday,» she said, «I will be able to do it. «I think I will be able to pull it off». «I will be able to stay in Paris.

What is the difference between can and able to?

Can, could, and be able to are all used to talk about a person’s ability to do something. You use can or be able to to talk about ability in the present. Be able to is more formal than can.

What is the opposite prefix of Able?

Hence opposite of able is incompetent.

Table of Contents

  1. What words have the suffix able?
  2. When can you use the suffix able?
  3. How do you add a suffix to Able?
  4. How do you use Able?
  5. What is the verb of Able?
  6. How do you use able as an adjective?
  7. What is the suffix able Meaning?
  8. What does able to mean?
  9. What does the suffix able ible mean?
  10. What is the sentence of Able?
  11. What is adjective form of Able?
  12. What are some words with the suffix able?
  13. What words end with the suffix able?
  14. What do suffixes ible and able mean?
  15. What is the suffix for able?

Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something. en- to make the word enable,…

What words have the suffix able?

likeable; peaceable; debatable; pleasurable; adaptable; inimitable; capable; adorable; desirable; justifiable; preferable; disposable; knowledgeable; amiable; durable; laughable; fashionable; reliable; excitable; lovable; believable; excusable; manageable; serviceable; measurable; sizeable; noticeable; suitable; …

When can you use the suffix able?

-Able is a cool suffix that allows you to describe things in new and interesting ways. Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that indicates something or someone is capable of or worthy of something. For instance, if a doughnut is dunkable, that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee.

How do you add a suffix to Able?

When the base word ends in -e, you should remove then -e, then add -able. Leave the -e when the word ends in -ce or -ge. If you must double the final consonant of the base word or change the final -y to i, add -able.

How do you use Able?

“I am able to go with you.” “He is able to come with me.” “They are able to go together.” “He seems able to do the work.”

What is the verb of Able?

able used as a verb: To make capable; to enable; to strengthen.

How do you use able as an adjective?

Adjective He will buy a new car as soon as he is able. He turned out to be an able editor. She is one of the ablest lawyers in the firm.

What is the suffix able Meaning?

capable of
-able. adjective suffix. variants: or less commonly -ible. Definition of -able (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) —chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs breakablecollectible.

What does able to mean?

phrase. If you are able to do something, you have skills or qualities which make it possible for you to do it.

What does the suffix able ible mean?

capable of being
-able and -ible are both suffixes, groups of letters that are added to a word to change its meaning or use. When -able and -ible are added to words it generally means ‘capable of being’ e.g. Enjoyable: can enjoy.

What is the sentence of Able?

[M] [T] She is able to skate. [M] [T] I was able to help her. [M] [T] I am able to drive a car. [M] [T] The baby is able to walk.

What is adjective form of Able?

a•bly, adv. able is an adjective that usually comes after some form of be, ably is an adverb, ability is a noun:John is able to run fast. He did the work ably and efficiently.

What are some words with the suffix able?

It is estimated that there are about 180 words that have the suffix ‘ible.’ Some of the most common examples of words that make use of ‘ible’ are: accessible, audible, combustible, comprehensible, irreversible and many more. The suffix ‘able’ can also be attached to words with a Latin root but only in rare occasions.

What words end with the suffix able?

Words ending in “-able” or “-ible”. The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.

What do suffixes ible and able mean?

-able and -ible. The suffixes -able and -ible both mean capable of or suitable for, but we treat them differently. The most important difference is that -able is a living suffix, meaning we can affix it to virtually any verb without using a hyphen, while -ible is not used to make new words.

What is the suffix for able?

The suffix able mean was able to do something. Payable. Examples. The word “-able” is a suffix that is used widely in the English language. It is very similar to the suffix “-ible”. Both these suffixes mean the exact same thing and are pronounced in similar ways but are spelt differently.

What is the prefix of Able?

Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something. en- to make the word enable,…

What does able mean?

To be able is to have the skill, knowledge, or permission to do something. It can also mean very skilled or capable, as when you describe your sister as an able tap dancer. Able comes from the Latin word habilis, “easily handled or apt.” The h is silent in Latin, which led to it being dropped from the English able.

What does the suffix able mean?

adjective suffix. variants: or less commonly -ible. Definition of -able (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) —chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs breakablecollectible. 2 : tending, given, or liable to agreeable perishable.

What does the suffix ible and able mean?

capable of being

What are some ible words?

Here are some common words ending in -ible: illegible; responsible; eligible; incredible; reversible; invincible; suggestible; contemptible; feasible; negligible; susceptible; convertible; flexible; ostensible; tangible; gullible; terrible; horrible; plausible.

What is the rule for ible and able words?

Rule of thumb Here is the rule: If you remove -able from a word, you are left with a complete word (renewable, renew). If you remove -ible from a word, you are not left with a complete word (sensible, sens).

How do you know if it’s ible or able?

Use the –able ending if the root word is not changed e.g. comfort – comfortable. Use the –able ending if there is a related word that ends in –ation e.g. consideration – considerable. Use the –ible ending when you can’t hear a whole root word e.g invisible.

What is another word for Able?

What is another word for able?

capable clever
masterly qualified
skilled accomplished
gifted talented
competent effective

What is the difference between ible and able?

The suffix ‘able’ is attached to complete root words while ‘ible’ is generally connected to incomplete root words. The suffix ‘able’ is usually attached to root words that are non-Latin in origin whereas ‘ible’ is usually used with words of Latin nature.

What do Able and ible have in common?

The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.

What does adding able to a word do?

-Able is a cool suffix that allows you to describe things in new and interesting ways. Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that indicates something or someone is capable of or worthy of something. For instance, if a doughnut is dunkable, that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee.

What does the suffix ible mean in the word flexible?

An adjective suffix, now usually in a passive sense; forms adjectives meaning “able to be”, “relevant or suitable to, in accordance with”, or expressing capacity or worthiness in a passive sense. convertible.

How do you use the word able?

[M] [T] Tom is not yet able to swim. [M] [T] He is able to swim very fast. [M] [T] He is able to play the guitar. [M] [T] She is able to sing very well.

What does AL mean as a suffix?

-al 1. a suffix with the general sense “of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character of” that named by the stem, occurring in loanwords from Latin (autumnal; natural; pastoral), and productive in English on the Latin model, usually with bases of Latin origin (accidental; seasonal; tribal).

What does Al stand for in work?

An access list (AL) is a list of permissions used in physical and information technology (IT) security to control who is allowed contact with a corporate asset. The asset can be a building, a room or a computer file.

What is Al slang for?

AL means “Animal Lover”. This is the most common definition for AL on online dating sites, such as Craigslist, Tinder, Zoosk and Match.com, as well as in texts and on adult chat forums.

How does the suffix al change a word?

The Suffixes -al, -ial, and -ual One -al changes verbs to nouns: renew + al = renewal. The other -al changes nouns and bound bases into adjectives: incident + al = incidental and capit + al = capital. The suffix -al that changes nouns and bound stems to adjectives has two other forms, -ial and -ual.

Is Al a Derivational suffix?

A suffix is a bound morpheme that attaches to the end of the stem of a word to form either a new word or a new form of the same word….Types of English Affixes: Derivational and Inflectional Prefixes and Suffixes.

Derivational Suffix Meaning Example
-al relating to bacterial, theatrical, natural

What does the suffix cracy mean?

rule by

Is Ly a prefix or suffix?

-ly, a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives:gladly;gradually;secondly. a suffix meaning “every,” attached to certain nouns denoting units of time:hourly; daily.

What suffix means like?

suffix -esque

What words end with Ly?

Common Adverbs Ending with -ly

  • accidentally.
  • accusingly.
  • adamantly.
  • angrily.
  • anxiously.
  • argumentatively.
  • automatically.
  • badly.

What part of speech are the words with the prefix IM?

GRAMMAR & STRUCTURE — Examples Prefixes & Suffixes

Affix Meaning Part of Speech it is Used With
im- not adjective
in- not adjective
ir- not adjective
mis- wrong, bad verb

What part of speech is IM?


What are words with the prefix IM?

Study the word list: prefix im-

immature The children were silly and immature. *
impossible It’s impossible to hear you.
immortal Vampires in gothic horror stories are immortal. *
imperfect It didn’t fit because it was imperfect. *
impatient She was feeling impatient and tired of waiting. *

-able. a suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin (laudable); used in English as a highly productive suffix to form adjectives by addition to stems of any origin (teachable; photographable). Also -ble, -ible.

How do you use the suffix able?

Use the –able ending if the root word is not changed e.g. comfort – comfortable. Use the –able ending if there is a related word that ends in –ation e.g. consideration – considerable. Use the –ible ending when you can’t hear a whole root word e.g invisible.

What is a prefix for Able?

Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something. en- to make the word enable,

What do the suffixes Able and ible mean?

-able and -ible are both suffixes, groups of letters that are added to a word to change its meaning or use. When -able and -ible are added to words it generally means ‘ capable of being ‘ e.g. Enjoyable: can enjoy.

able used as a verb: To make capable; to enable; to strengthen.

How do you use able as an adjective?

a• bly, adv. able is an adjective that usually comes after some form of be, ably is an adverb, ability is a noun:John is able to run fast. He did the work ably and efficiently. John has the ability to run fast.

What is the suffix prefix of Able?

Words ending in “-able” or “ -ible ” The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words.

How does the suffix able change a word?

-Able is a cool suffix that allows you to describe things in new and interesting ways. Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that indicates something or someone is capable of or worthy of something. For instance, if a doughnut is dunkable, that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee.

What words have able in them?


  • uncomfortable.
  • unpredictable.
  • knowledgeable.
  • indispensable.
  • unforgettable.
  • interoperable.
  • inconceivable.
  • objectionable.

What does able to mean?

phrase. If you are able to do something, you have skills or qualities which make it possible for you to do it.

Is Able The root word of ability?

First attested in the 1300s. From Middle English abilite (“suitability, aptitude, ability”), from Middle French habilité, from Old French ableté, from Latin habilitās (“aptness, ability”), from habilis (“apt, fit, skillful, able”), equivalent to able +‎ -ity.

What is the origin of the word able?

able (adj.) “having sufficient power or means,” early 14c., from Old French (h)able “capable; fitting, suitable; agile, nimble” (14c.), from Latin habilem, habilis “easily handled, apt,” verbal adjective from habere “to hold” (from PIE root *ghabh- “to give or receive”).

What is the difference between the suffix ible and able?

1. The suffix ‘able’ is attached to complete root words while ‘ible’ is generally connected to incomplete root words. The suffix ‘able’ is usually attached to root words that are non-Latin in origin whereas ‘ible’ is usually used with words of Latin nature.

What is the rule for Able and ible?

Here is the rule: If you remove -able from a word, you are left with a complete word (renewable, renew). If you remove -ible from a word, you are not left with a complete word (sensible, sens). But note that accessible, contemptible, digestible, flexible and suggestible are among the exceptions to this rule.

What does the suffix tion mean?

a suffix occurring in words of Latin origin, used to form abstract nouns from verbs or stems not identical with verbs, whether as expressing action (revolution; commendation), or a state (contrition; starvation), or associated meanings (relation; temptation).

Some prefixes that can be added to the word able are: un- to make the word unable, which means not able to do something.

How do you describe able?

Definition of able

  1. 1a : having sufficient power, skill, or resources to do something able to solve a problem.
  2. b : having the freedom or opportunity to do something hopes to be able to visit soon.

What are some able words?

Study the word list: More words with the suffix -able

adorable Your new puppy is adorable.
agreeable The decision to move was agreeable.
available I’ll let you know when she’s available to talk.
believable Your story seems believable.
capable Are you capable of managing so many different tasks at once?

What is another word for being able to?

What is another word for able to?

allowed to capable of
free to qualified to
competent to equal to
fit to prepared to
up to in a position to

What is suffix ness?

When you add “-ness” to an adjective, it becomes a noun. The suffix “-ness” means “state : condition : quality” and is used with an adjective to say something about the state, condition, or quality of being that adjective. For example, redness is a red quality, and redness means “the quality of being red.”

What is it called when you are able to explain something?

Here’s another good one: lucidity the quality of being easily understood, completely intelligible, or comprehensible. – FumbleFingers Jun 16 ’15 at 11:22. Or for a verb, explicate – to make plain or clear; explain; interpret – FumbleFingers Jun 16 ’15 at 11:30.

What is the verb for Able?

able. (transitive, obsolete) To make ready. [Attested from around (1150 to 1350) until the late 16th century.] (transitive, obsolete) To make capable; to enable.

What are some al words?

Study the word list: AL words

hospital He went to hospital so they could mend his wound.
local The local farmer reared cattle.
mental Psychiatry is the study and treatment of mental illness.
metal The metal began to corrode.

What is the rule for ible and able words?

Use the –able ending if the root word is not changed e.g. comfort – comfortable. Use the –able ending if there is a related word that ends in –ation e.g. consideration – considerable. Use the –ible ending when you can’t hear a whole root word e.g invisible.

What is a word for not being able to do something?

incapability, incapacity, impotence, incompetence.

What is the example of suffix ness?

Review (Answers)

Noun = Adjective + Suffix
1. smoothness = smooth + ness
2. stubbornness = stubborn + ness
3. exactness = exact + ness
4. brightness = bright + ness

What are the words ending with Ness?

14-letter words that end in ness

  • farsightedness.
  • unpleasantness.
  • intolerantness.
  • benevolentness.
  • fraudulentness.
  • roundaboutness.
  • felicitousness.
  • solicitousness.

How do you describe something clearly?

Some common synonyms of explain are elucidate, explicate, expound, and interpret. While all these words mean “to make something clear or understandable,” explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

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