What is a one word card game


  • 1000 Sets of clues on 200 Cards
  • Spin Timer
  • 5 Scoring Markers
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Rack up points by solving clues!


  • Place the Cards, the 5 Scoring Markers and the Spin Timer in the center where all can easily reach them.

  • Everyone should practice twirling the Spin Timer to get the hang of it — during play, when it comes to a complete stop, time is up.

  • Get a pen and paper to keep score.

  • Divide into two teams — it doesn’t matter if they are uneven.

Game Play

  • Players try to solve a set of 5 clues.

  • Here’s an example of what you might find on a card:

  • Pick a team to start.

  • Players on a team take turns twirling the Spin Timer and reading the clues aloud in order to your teammates.

  • Your teammates must try to guess the answer to each pair of clues, and may shout out as many answers as they wish.

  • When somebody gets the correct answer, grab a Scoring Marker from the center.

  • lf at any time the players are stumped, the reader may choose to skip to the next clue. Players may not returned to any clues that were skipped.

  • Keep playing until all 5 clues are answered correctly, or until time runs out.

  • When time’s up, stop play immediately, and add up the Scoring Markers.


A team scores one point for each of the Scoring Markers it took during the round. Put all the Markers back in the center and it becomes the other team’s turn. Designate a new reader, take a new card, twirl the timer, and play as before.

End of the Game

The game ends when everyone has had two turns as the reader! lf you have more than 5 players per team, the game ends when everyone has had one turn as the reader.

The team with the most points wins! ln the case of a tie, play additional rounds until a winner is determined.

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One Word plays on the same word with two different meanings. One questions might be something like a part of a house and the noise a dog makes. What would your answer be? Roof! Make clever connections between one word. This game is a fun party game where player or teams can work together. One Word is simple to play and portable to take with you. One Word players race to make the most correct answers and win. Play the game One Word and find out how much meaning can really be packed into one word.

One Word is a social game that challenges players to connect two different meanings into a single word. The game involves five rounds of clues, with each correct answer earning one point for the player. To succeed, players need to be fast and shout out their answers before the spinner comes to a stop. Learn how to play the game One Word with the official game rules below and tell us what you think of this game. One Word can be played just about anywhere and almost anyone can play it. Purchase your own copy of One Word today.


The game One Word should come with the following components. These are based off of the original game and don’t include components from any expansion packs or different editions.

  • 1000 Sets Of Clues On 200 Cards,
  • A Spin Timer
  • 5 Scoring Markers
  • Official One Word Game Rules And Instructions


How to Win

Rack up points by solving clues!

How to Win


Please keep in mind that the official One Word rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. The rules below are some of the exact directions that came in the original packaging and will teach you how to play One Word. Download these original PDF game rules or print them for later use.

  • Official One Word Game Rules


Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the directions or anything you want about One Word. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.



Human Question:

Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala: Chess, Uno, Monopoly, Battleship or Rummycube

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Uno Card GameUno has been a favourite for Australian families for decades. The rules of the game are easy enough for children to understand and the game has enough excitement to keep adults entertained.

It’s a quick moving game that keeps you on your toes and even though the rules of the game are quite simple, using strategy to be the first to get rid of your cards is imperative. This article will teach you how to play this classic game which was invented in America in the early 1970s by Merle Robbins.

Who Invented Uno?

Uno was actually created as a family game by an avid card player who worked as a barber in Ohio as his day job. Merle Robbins first introduced the game to his own family in 1971 and it wasn’t long after that he paid to have more Uno card packs printed.

Other investors joined the venture and the game continued to grow in popularity until it eventually became a Mattel product, and from there the number of Uno packs distributed sky-rocketed.

In Australia most department stores and chain toy stores sell Uno decks and you still see families wheeling out this old classic, year after year.

The Aim of the Uno Card Game

In short, the aim of the game is to win the most points. This is done in two parts – first you must be the first player to get rid of all your cards. There are different strategies to do this, but you must only discard cards in your turn in a way that abide by the rules (more on this later).

The first player to successfully unload all their cards is the only player who is awarded points for that round. Points come from how many cards are left in the other players’ hands, and different cards are worth different amounts. The player with the most points at the ends of all the rounds wins the game.

How Many Cards are There in Uno?

There are 108 cards in Uno and below we give an overview of what those cards are, and what they all mean.

  • 19 Blue Cards numbered from 0-9
  • 19 Green Cards numbered from 0-9
  • 19 Red Cards numbered from 0-9
  • 19 Yellow Cards numbered from 0-9
  • 8 Draw Two Cards: there are two Draw Two Cards in each colour. When you put down a Draw Two Card the player next to you must pick up two cards from the Draw pile.
  • 8 Reverse Cards: there are two Reverse Cards in each colour. Reverse Cards reverse the direction of the game, if it was going in a clock-wise direction, players now take their turns in an anti-clockwise direction.
  • 8 Skip Cards: there are two Skip Cards in each colour. When a Skip Card is played the next player’s turn is skipped, and the player next to them gets to have their go.
  • 4 Wild Cards: when a player puts down a Wild Card they get to change the colour being played. They also get to put down a card of the new chosen colour afterward. Players can play a Wild Card even if they have other cards that they could play.
  • 4 Wild Draw Four Cards: A player can only play a Wild Draw Four Card if they don’t have a card the same colour as the last card played. A Wild Draw Four Card means whoever plays it gets to pick a new colour and the player next to them must pick up four extra cards.
  • 1/ Deal each player 7 cards face down. Stack the rest of the cards in the middle of the gameplay and turn the first card of the pack upwards so it makes another pile next to the stack. The cards facing downwards will be the Draw pile and the cards facing up will be the Discard pile.

    2/ The first card drawn has a big impact on the start of the game. The first card on the Discard pile cannot be a Draw Four Wild Card (if it is put it at the back of the pack and draw another). The first player must match the number or colour of the first card. If the first card is a word card it is as if the dealer played that word card for example if the first card is a Reverse Card then the player to the right of the dealer gets to put a card down first.

    3/ Players continue to put down their cards, trying to discard all their cards before everyone else, but they must abide by the restrictions of the card played before them. If a player cannot put down a card of the same colour, same number, same word card or a Wild Card they cannot put down a card and must pick up a card from the Draw pile.

    4/ Once you have only one card left you yell “UNO!” If another player notices you have only one card left and you haven’t called UNO yet then you must pick up another two cards.

    5/ After the last player has put down their card the hand is over. Score the points gained from the other players’ hands and allot them to the winner – then it’s time to start a new round!

    How to Score in Uno

    The winner of each round is given a different number of points, it all depends what cards and how many cards the other players have left. Here are the values of all the Uno cards:

  • All coloured numbered cards = 20 points
  • Draw Two Cards = 20 points
  • Reverse Cards = 20 points
  • Skip Cards = 20 points
  • Wild Cards = 50 points
  • Draw Four Wild Cards = 50 points
  • Playing Uno With Only Two Players

    Uno is designed for up to 10 different players, but if you only have two players the rules change a little. The direction of the game obviously can’t be reversed when you’re only playing with two, so Reverse Cards become Skip Cards (and whoever put the card down gets to play another card). Also after a Draw Two Card is played whoever puts the card down immediately gets to have another go. Aside from these little alterations the rest of the rules remain the same.

    Variations You Can Play With a Standard Pack of Uno Cards

    Elimination Uno: Instead of playing around who has the most points at the end of the game, an elimination version of Uno puts the focus on avoiding points. Once a player successfully unloads his hand in a round all other players must add up the points in their hand and keep them. When a player reaches 500 points they are eliminated from the game. The last man standing wins.

    Speed Uno: This variation on the game let’s you take over someone else’s turn if you’re quick enough. If you have the exact same card that’s on the Discard pile you may put it down before the next player has their turn. The play will then continue on from you.

    Pirate Uno: This version of the game makes Uno more boisterous than it usually is. In Pirate Uno whoever puts down a 7 card can swap hands with any other player, and every time a 0 is played everyone gives their hand to the person to their left. In this game you’re encouraged to cheat, try to look at other peoples hands and you can put down a wrong card as long as no one else notices.

    Uno is quite a basic card game. There are many variations to the game possible. Get creative and see what works well for you and who you’re playing with.

    Uno Theme Packs

    There are a number of themed Uno card packs including; Disney Princess Uno, Dora The Explorer Uno, Glee Uno, Pokémon uno, Simpsons Uno, Star Trek Uno, X-Men Uno and countless more.

    In Australia you can also order customised pack of UNO cards on MyUnoCards.com.au. You need to download their software to design your pack of cards. The design process is pretty simple from your end – just select a few of your favourite photos to be in the middle of your playing cards. Once you’re happy with how your pack looks, you can place an order and have it delivered to your home.

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The One Word Card Game

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  • #1

    Sep 20, 2007

    Just like the «Buid a Card: Salvation Version» game, but only one word is allowed at a time. Each mana symbol counts as one word. Each number counts as one word as well. P/T works as infollow: 1/1, for example, is unallowed; instead it should be 1/ and the next person completes it 1/1. Improtant: Don’t make over or underpowered cards.
    Let’s start.


  • #2

    Sep 20, 2007


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    • Archmage Overlord

    Valonus88's avatar

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    Not quite sure if this is how its spoosed to work, but you used counter, so:

    Counter Surge

    Is that right? Or was I supposed to go strait to the mana cost?

    About Mindslaver rulings:

    Quote from ebcubs03 »

    so if i am that player do i get to sleep with his girlfriend ?

  • #5

    Sep 20, 2007


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    Counter Surge 3 mana

    About Mindslaver rulings:

    Quote from ebcubs03 »

    so if i am that player do i get to sleep with his girlfriend ?

  • #6

    Sep 20, 2007

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the

  • #7

    Sep 20, 2007

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the gates

    Memento Mori, if the nineth lion ate the sun.

  • #8

    Sep 20, 2007

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the gates

    Wha? you can’t make cards that don’t follow the rules of Magic.. gates?! I’ll ignore that until you come up with a damn good expalnation.

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining

  • #9

    Sep 20, 2007

    «At the gates»? Have we moved on to flavour text already? Because I’ve never seen «At the gates» in any rules text before. So far as I know, in the context of the rules of the game, this makes no sense.

    So what now? Do we keep going to try to make sense of it? Do we overrule the nonsense word? Do we scrap this card and start another?

    EDIT: Someone else has taken the initiative and overruled the nonsense word. I will follow with the obvious article:

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining of

    «Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me—and with music.»
    —Ertai, wizard adept

  • #10

    Sep 20, 2007

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining of each

  • #11

    Sep 20, 2007

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining of each player’s

    Credit for banner goes to: a passer by

  • #12

    Sep 20, 2007


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    • Archmage Overlord

    Valonus88's avatar

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    Wow, this game is gonna take forever.

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the gates of hell

    Oh, wait…

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining of each player’s upkeep

    About Mindslaver rulings:

    Quote from ebcubs03 »

    so if i am that player do i get to sleep with his girlfriend ?

  • #13

    Sep 20, 2007


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    Voila!'s avatar

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    Ugh. All anyone does anymore is cut-and-paste. Is it really that hard to correct ONE spelling error??

    Counter Surge
    3 mana

    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that


    About any «subpar» mechanics or cards: Context is king.

    If I make a templating or grammar error, let me know.

    The franchise MtG most resembles is Battlestar Galactica. Why? Its players exist in, at most, a dozen different models at any given point in time, with perhaps up to 3% variation, 5% if you’re lucky.

  • #14

    Sep 20, 2007


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    hawk1674's avatar

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    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s

    no offense but to build one card, will take like a week to make and that included flavor text.

    I miss you mom! Frown

    Our hearts still ache in sadness
    And secret tears still flow
    What it meant to lose you
    No on will ever know

    But we know you want us
    To mourn for you no more
    To remember all the happy times
    Life still has much in store

    Since you’ll never be forgotten
    We pledge to you today
    A hallowed place within our hearts
    Is where you’ll always stay

  • #15

    Sep 20, 2007

    Ugh. All anyone does anymore is cut-and-paste. Is it really that hard to correct ONE spelling error??

    Oh man, I didn’t even notice. Especially bad for me since I’m taking two editing classes this year…

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s hand

    «Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me—and with music.»
    —Ertai, wizard adept

  • #16

    Sep 20, 2007


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    Hey, can we modify the wording so its slightly more «right»?
    For instance, I wanted to put this:

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s creatures

    But thats not correct wording, so could I have this instead:

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, creatures that player controls


    Edit: Well dang, never mind.

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s hand size

    Does that make sense? Hand size really only matters @ the end phase.

    About Mindslaver rulings:

    Quote from ebcubs03 »

    so if i am that player do i get to sleep with his girlfriend ?

  • #18

    Sep 20, 2007


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    • Archmage Overlord

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    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s hand size becomes 9

    About Mindslaver rulings:

    Quote from ebcubs03 »

    so if i am that player do i get to sleep with his girlfriend ?

  • #19

    Sep 20, 2007

    «At the gates»? Have we moved on to flavour text already? Because I’ve never seen «At the gates» in any rules text before. So far as I know, in the context of the rules of the game, this makes no sense.

    So what now? Do we keep going to try to make sense of it? Do we overrule the nonsense word? Do we scrap this card and start another?

    EDIT: Someone else has taken the initiative and overruled the nonsense word. I will follow with the obvious article:

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the begining of

    BINGO! I was turning the card into a vanilla creature with the flavor text «At the gates…» For some reason, no one else caught on, and my idea was rejected, even though I followed the rules. That’ll teach me to be creative.

    Memento Mori, if the nineth lion ate the sun.

  • #20

    Sep 20, 2007


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    hawk1674's avatar

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    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s hand size becomes 9.

    I miss you mom! Frown

    Our hearts still ache in sadness
    And secret tears still flow
    What it meant to lose you
    No on will ever know

    But we know you want us
    To mourn for you no more
    To remember all the happy times
    Life still has much in store

    Since you’ll never be forgotten
    We pledge to you today
    A hallowed place within our hearts
    Is where you’ll always stay

  • #21

    Sep 20, 2007

    BINGO! I was turning the card into a vanilla creature with the flavor text «At the gates…» For some reason, no one else caught on, and my idea was rejected, even though I followed the rules. That’ll teach me to be creative.

    Creative, sure. The problem is that flavour text is usually in italics, and none of the text at that point was. hawk1674 has the right idea with this italicized addition.

    Also, you wanted to make it into a vanilla creature, which you couldn’t have done anyway because we were already past the type line. And why would you ever want an artifact that doesn’t do anything, let alone create one?

    Also, I was really hoping that a card named «Counter Surge» would not be a vanilla creature. Granted, I was also hoping that it would have something to do with counters or countering. At the very least I had hoped this card might actually make sense in the end. (The ability we currently have would never see print as is; why would it not just read «Each player’s maximum hand size is nine»?) In short, it seems nothing turned out the way it was meant to.

    With any luck, whatever card we create next will make sense. More sense, at least.

    Counter Surge 3 mana
    At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player’s hand size becomes 9.
    Never again.

    «Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me—and with music.»
    —Ertai, wizard adept

  • #23

    Sep 20, 2007


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    hawk1674's avatar

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    I miss you mom! Frown

    Our hearts still ache in sadness
    And secret tears still flow
    What it meant to lose you
    No on will ever know

    But we know you want us
    To mourn for you no more
    To remember all the happy times
    Life still has much in store

    Since you’ll never be forgotten
    We pledge to you today
    A hallowed place within our hearts
    Is where you’ll always stay

  • #25

    Sep 20, 2007


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    hawk1674's avatar

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    I miss you mom! Frown

    Our hearts still ache in sadness
    And secret tears still flow
    What it meant to lose you
    No on will ever know

    But we know you want us
    To mourn for you no more
    To remember all the happy times
    Life still has much in store

    Since you’ll never be forgotten
    We pledge to you today
    A hallowed place within our hearts
    Is where you’ll always stay

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Uno.


UNO Logo.svg
Type Shedding-type
Players 2–10 players[1]
Skills Hand management
Age range 7+[1]
Cards 112[2]
Playing time Varies
Chance High

Uno (; from Spanish and Italian for ‘one’; stylized as UNO) is an American shedding-type card game that is played with a specially printed deck. The game’s general principles put it into the crazy eights family of card games, and it is similar to the traditional European game mau-mau.

It has been a Mattel brand since 1992.[3]


The game was originally developed in 1971 by Merle Robbins in Reading, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati. When his family and friends began to play more and more, he spent $8,000 to have 5,000 copies of the game made.[4] He sold it from his barbershop at first, and local businesses began to sell it as well. Robbins later sold the rights to Uno to a group of friends headed by Robert Tezak, a funeral parlor owner in Joliet, Illinois, for $50,000 plus royalties of 10 cents per game. Tezak formed International Games, Inc., to market Uno, with offices behind his funeral parlor. The games were produced by Lewis Saltzman of Saltzman Printers in Maywood, Illinois.

In 1992, International Games became part of the Mattel family of companies.[5]

Official rules[edit]

The aim of the game is to be the first player to score 500 points, achieved (usually over several rounds of play) by being the first to play all of one’s own cards and scoring points for the cards still held by the other players.

The 2018 edition of the game consists of 112 cards: 25 in each of four color suits (red, yellow, green, blue), each suit consisting of one zero, two each of 1 through 9, and two each of the action cards «Skip», «Draw Two», and «Reverse». The deck also contains four «Wild» cards, four «Wild Draw Four», one «Wild Shuffle Hands» and three «Wild Customizable».[2] Sets manufactured prior to 2018 do not contain these last two types of Wild cards, for a total of 108 cards in the deck.[6]

For each hand, a dealer is determined by having each player randomly draw one card from the deck. The player with the highest number card deals, and all cards are reshuffled into the deck to begin the dealing.

To start a hand, seven cards are dealt to each player, and the top card of the remaining deck is flipped over and set aside to begin the discard pile. The player to the dealer’s left plays first unless the first card on the discard pile is an action or Wild card (see below). On a player’s turn, they must do one of the following:

  • play one card matching the discard in color, number, or symbol
  • play a Wild card, or a playable Wild Draw Four card (see restriction below)
  • draw the top card from the deck, and play it if possible

Cards are played by laying them face-up on top of the discard pile. Play initially proceeds clockwise around the table.

Action or Wild cards have the following effects:

  • A player who draws a playable card from the deck must either play or keep that card and may play no other card from their hand on that turn.
  • A player may play a Wild card at any time, even if that player has other playable cards.
  • A player may play a Wild Draw Four card only if that player has no cards matching the current color. The player may have cards of a different color matching the current number or symbol or a Wild card and still play the Wild Draw Four card.[6] A player who plays a Wild Draw Four may be challenged by the next player in sequence (see Penalties) to prove that their hand meets this condition.
  • If not otherwise challenged, an illegally played Wild Draw Four stays without penalty for its player.
  • When playing a Wild or Wild Draw Four card, a player may declare the current color as the next one to be matched.
  • If the draw deck runs out during play, the top discard is set aside and the rest of the pile is shuffled to create a new deck. Play then proceeds normally.
  • It is illegal to trade cards of any sort with another player.

A player who plays their penultimate card must call «Uno» as a warning to the other players.[7]

The first player to get rid of their last card («going out») wins the hand and scores points for the cards held by the other players. Number cards count their face value, all action cards count 20, and Wild and Wild Draw Four cards count 50. If a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card is played to go out, the next player in the sequence must draw the appropriate number of cards before the score is tallied.

The first player to score 500 points wins the game.


  • If a player does not call «Uno» after laying down their penultimate card and is caught before the next player in sequence starts to take a turn (i.e., plays a card from their hand, draws from the deck, or touches the discard pile), they must draw two cards as a penalty. If the player is not caught in time or remembers to call «Uno» before being caught, no penalty applies to that player.[6]
  • If a player plays a Wild Draw Four card, the next player in turn order may choose to challenge its use. The player who used the Wild Draw Four must privately show their hand to the challenging player in order to demonstrate that they had no prior matching colored cards. If the challenge is successful, then the challenged player must draw four cards instead and play continues with the challenger. Otherwise, the challenger must draw six cards – the four cards they were already required to draw plus two more cards – and lose their turn.[6] In either case, the Wild Draw Four stays with its chosen color.

Two-player game[edit]

In a two-player game, the Reverse card acts like a Skip card; when played, the other player misses a turn.[8]

House rules[edit]

The following house rules are suggested in the Uno instructions to alter the game:

  • Progressive or Stacking Uno: If a draw card is played, and the following player has a card with the same symbol, they can play that card and «stack» the penalty, which adds to the current penalty and passes it to the following player[6] (although a +4 cannot be stacked on a +2, or vice versa).[9] This house rule is so commonly used that there was widespread Twitter surprise in 2019 when Mattel stated that stacking was not part of the standard rules of Uno.[9]
  • Seven-O: Every time a «7» is played, the player who played the «7» card must trade their hand with another player of their choice. Every time a «0» is played, all players pass their hands to the next player in the current direction of play.[6]
  • Jump-In: If a player has exactly the same card (both number and color) as the top card of the discard pile, they may play it immediately, even if it is not their turn. The game then continues as if that player had just taken their turn.[6]

2018 rule changes[edit]

The two new types of Wild cards have the following functions:

  • Wild Shuffle Hands: The player using this card collects all cards held by all players, then shuffles and re-deals them.
  • Wild Customizable: These cards are blank and can have a house rule assigned to them.

Either type can be played on any turn and is worth 40 points when a player goes out.[2]

Card and deck styles[edit]

A deck of English Uno cards from 1994. This particular deck uses the older card design, where letters appear on the action cards instead of symbols.

Modern Uno action cards bear symbols which denote their action, except for the Wild cards which still bear the word «Wild». Before the design change,[when?] such cards in English versions of the game had letters only. Earlier English versions can be recognized by the absence of the white rim that surrounds the edge of most Uno cards.

Other versions of the game use symbols and images in both old and new designs, especially ones with Wild cards that do not bear the word «Wild». There are also language-free versions of the newer styles that do not bear the word «Wild» but have the same styling.

The 2010 «Uno Mod» edition uses symbols instead of letters or numbers.

On September 16, 2017, Mattel released Uno ColorAdd, which was designed specifically for those suffering from color blindness.[10]

On October 1, 2019, Mattel released a Braille version of their game with Mark Riccobono, president of the National Federation of the Blind. Riccobono said in a press release, «The fact that a blind person is now able to play a classic game of UNO straight out of the box with both blind and sighted friends or family members is a truly meaningful moment for our community.»[11][12]

Special Uno games[edit]

  • Uno 50th Anniversary (2021)
  • Uno Wild Twists (2022)
  • Uno All Wild (2022)
  • Uno Attack (Uno Extreme in the UK and Canada) (1999)
  • Uno Attack Jurassic World (2018)
  • Uno Attack Refill Deck
  • Uno Bingo (1997)
  • Uno Blast (2012)
  • Uno Blitzo (2000)
  • Uno Choo-Choo (2011)
  • Uno Color Screen
  • Uno Deluxe
  • Uno Dare (2014)
  • Uno Dice (1987, 1996, 2011)
  • Uno Dominoes (1986)
  • Electronic Uno
  • Uno Flash (2007)
  • Uno Flip (2009) (Target Store Exclusive)
  • Uno Flip! (2019)
  • Giant Uno (2016)
  • Giant BTS Uno (2020)
  • Uno H2O (2004)
  • Uno H2O To Go
  • Uno Hearts (1994)
  • Uno Junior (1992)
  • King Size Uno (1994)
  • Uno Madness (1995)
  • Uno Moo (2008, 2014)
  • Uno Party! (2022)
  • Uno Power Grab
  • Uno Reflex
  • Uno Roboto
  • Uno Royal Revenge (2014)
  • Uno Rummy Up (1993)
  • Uno Spin (2005)
  • Uno Spin Hannah Montana (2005)
  • Uno Spin One Piece (Japan)
  • Uno Spin To Go (2010)
  • Uno Stacko (1994)
  • Travel Uno Stacko
  • Uno Tippo (2009)
  • Uno Slam
  • Uno Tiki Twist (2014)
  • Uno Wild Jackpot (2016)
  • Uno Wild Tiles (1982)
  • Get Wild for Uno (2016)
  • Uno Minecraft (2018)
  • Uno Showdown Supercharged (2020)
  • Uno Triple Play (2021)
  • Uno Go! (2022)

Uno H2O[edit]

Uno H2O differs from the standard game in that the cards are transparent and waterproof. Play is identical to the standard pre-2018 Uno game, with the addition of two types of «Wild Downpour» cards. When one of these is played, all other players must draw either one or two cards as indicated on the card. The player using it may then declare the next color to be matched.

Video games[edit]

  • Uno (handheld video game – 2000)
  • Uno (handheld video game for the Game Boy Color of the classic Uno board game)
  • Uno DX (Japanese exclusive Sega Saturn game by Mitsui & Co. – 1998)
  • Uno (PlayStation Network)
  • Uno (Xbox Live Arcade)
  • Uno Rush (Xbox Live Arcade)
  • Uno Challenge (mobile version of the classic Uno board game)
  • Uno Free Fall (puzzle game for mobile phones)
  • Uno 52 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
  • Super Uno (Super Famicom)
  • Uno (Facebook) (Adobe Flash–based version of the classic Uno card game produced by GameHouse Studios)
  • Uno (iPhone) Features online and local play. Produced by Gameloft
  • Uno (iPad) The same as on the iPhone, but with enhanced graphics. Produced by Gameloft
  • Uno (Android) Released as three versions: SD, HD and Free with adverts. Produced by Gameloft
  • Uno (DSi)
  • Uno (WiiWare) Produced by Gameloft[13]
  • Uno & Friends (various platforms)
  • Pocket Uno
  • Uno[14] and Uno & Friends[15] for Windows Phone
  • Uno Undercover (Windows)
  • Uno (2016 video game for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One by Ubisoft)
  • Uno – 2017 video game (release of 2016 game on the Nintendo Switch), produced by Ubisoft[16]
  • UNO! – developed and published by Mattel163 in 2017


Many variations from standard gameplay exist, such as Elimination Uno, Speed Uno and Pirate Uno.[17]

In 2018, Mattel released a spin-off of Uno entitled Dos; the game is differentiated primarily by having a «center row» of discard piles, where pairs of cards that add up to the sum of a card on the top of one of the piles may be discarded.[18][19]

The game can be played with two decks of standard playing cards, if the jokers are marked up as the zeroes of the four suits, and the royalty treated as the special cards.


Uno Slot[edit]

In 2002, International Gaming Technology (IGT)[20] released a video slot machine based on Uno.

Uno: The Game Show[edit]

In March 2013, it was announced that Mattel and the Gurin Company[21][22] were teaming up to create a game show based on the card game, produced as a half-hour daily strip with a $100,000 cash jackpot along with a primetime version in which contestants competed for 1 million dollars. However, the idea was scrapped later on.

Film adaptation[edit]

On February 4, 2021, an action heist comedy film based on the game was announced to be in development for Mattel Films with Lil Yachty of record label Quality Control Music developing and being eyed for the lead role alongside the label’s managers Kevin «Coach K» Lee and Pierre «P» Thomas, and Brian Sher for Quality Films producing, Marcy Kelly writing, and Robbie Brenner and Kevin McKeon leading the project as executive producer and supervising producer, respectively.[23]

Similar games[edit]

Uno is a member of the shedding family of card games. The shedding family of card games consists of games where the objective is to get rid of all your cards while preventing the other players from getting rid of their cards.

  • Crazy Eights
    • Black Jack (Switch)
    • Switch (card game)
  • Eleusis
  • Last Card
  • Macau
  • Mao
  • Mau Mau (game)
  • O’NO 99
  • One Card (game)
  • Phase 10
  • Taki
  • Whot!


Games magazine included Uno in their «Top 100 Games of 1980», noting that the game «borrows so much from the familiar card game of Crazy Eights» but that «it’s a much better game and just as simple to

Games magazine included Uno in their «Top 100 Games of 1982», noting that its «popularity is based on its simplicity, not on its strategic aspects» and that «the game has a rummylike scoring system».[25]


  1. ^ a b Uno instruction sheet, 1983, International Games Ltd.
  2. ^ a b c «Uno Instructions, 2018» (PDF). mattel.com. Retrieved 14 November 2022.
  3. ^ «Mattel to buy International Games». UPI. Retrieved 29 November 2018.
  4. ^ «Uno History». Unorules.org.
  5. ^ «30 Anniversary rule Book» (PDF). Mattel. 2001. Retrieved 9 February 2013.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g «UNO Basic Instructions» (PDF). Mattel. 2008.
  7. ^ Exact wording of the official rules: «When you play your next-to-last card, you must yell ‘UNO’ (meaning ‘one’) to indicate that you have only one card left».
  8. ^ «Uno Instruction Sheet» (PDF).
  9. ^ a b Hourigan, Adam. «The Uno rule you’re all getting wrong». Daily Examiner. Retrieved 25 September 2019.
  10. ^ Jacobson, Candice; Lussier, Muriel (16 September 2017). «UNO® Introduces The First Card Game For The Colorblind». news.mattel.com. Mattel Newsroom. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  11. ^ Capron, Maddie; Zdanowicz, Christina (1 October 2019). «Mattel releases a braille version of UNO». cnn.com. CNN. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  12. ^ Tucker, Devin; Hein, Joanna; Cascone, Stephanie (1 October 2019). «UNO® Introduces First Official Braille Deck». businesswire.com. Business Wire. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  13. ^ «Nintendo Life – Uno WiiWare review». Nintendo Life. November 2009. Retrieved 5 March 2019.
  14. ^ «Buy Uno». Microsoft Store.
  15. ^ «Buy UNO ™ & Friends». Microsoft Store.
  16. ^ «UNO Now Available On Nintendo Switch». Gamasutra. 7 November 2017. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
  17. ^ «Uno Variations».
  18. ^ Friedman, Megan (13 February 2018). «The Makers of UNO Are Releasing a Spinoff Game Called DOS». Good Housekeeping. Retrieved 28 March 2018.
  19. ^ Beck, Kellen. «‘DOS,’ the sequel to ‘UNO,’ is a new take on an old favorite». Mashable. Retrieved 4 December 2018.
  20. ^ «UNO Slots» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2004.
  21. ^ «‘UNO: The Game Show’ In The Cards From Mattel And Gurin Co». Deadline. 25 March 2013. Retrieved 25 March 2013.
  22. ^ Lyons, Margaret (26 March 2013). «Who Doesn’t Want an UNO TV Show?». Vulture. Retrieved 26 March 2013.
  23. ^ «Lil Yachty Developing Action Heist Movie Based on Card Game Uno». Variety. 4 February 2021. Retrieved 4 February 2021.
  24. ^ «Top 100 Games of 1980». Games. No. 20. November–December 1980. p. 58.
  25. ^ Schmittberger, R. Wayne, ed. (November 1982). «The Top 100 Games 1982». Games. No. 33. p. 52.


  • Current official rules, from Mattel
  • Official Mattel Uno site
  • Uno Rules at UnoRules.org
  • Uno Variations at UnoVariations.com
  • Uno variants at pagat.com
  • Uno News at Wonkavator
  • Uno at BoardGameGeek

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to UNO.

  • Uno H2O rules
  • Uno at BoardGameGeek

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