What is a next word for sorry

There are many situations in life where people tend to say sorry.

When you have bumped someone in your busy schedule, the very first reaction would be sorry from your side though you did not make a mistake.

Apologizing quickly is human nature but at times it seems to be irrelevant to certain situations, hence you can use other words for saying sorry at certain circumstances and presented in some other way.

It is also assumed bad for one’s self-respect as we also lose respect. Here are a few ways where you could use other ways instead of saying sorry or another word for I’m sorry.

another word for sorry

11 Alternative Approaches To ‘I’m Sorry‘:

Saying sorry is the best way of apologizing for the mistake you have done. But usage of the phrase “I am sorry” has been very routine and commonly used. Though apologizing is the minimum etiquette that one should maintain, doing it in a different way would help convey what we really mean and avoid over apologizing.

As per, Forbes Coaches Council members, provided here are 10 instances where saying sorry can be avoided, and the things to say instead.

  1. Finding a better Way To Say ‘Thank You
  2. Show self-awareness and desire to achieve the expected result
  3. Do not use words, but instead use actions
  4. Respond confidently
  5. Discuss about the expected outcome
  6. Try to correct the mistake
  7. Apologize without the term SORRY
  8. Be practical in approach rather than emotional
  9. Your apology should not bother others
  10. Demand constructive feedback and suggestion
  11. Practice empathy rather than showing sympathy

The ways above mentioned intends to same as ‘I am sorry‘ but it is done in a different way without taking a dragged approach.

The following mentioned are a few tips on using another word for sorry and different words for sorry.

1. Thanking the opponent:

When there is a minor mistake in some chore that you’ve done, thank your opponent or customer instead of asking a sorry.

Your thanks would be for pointing out the mistake and you can assure the opponent that you’ll fix it.

In such a context, sorry can be averted and thanks can be used. A word of appreciation or thanks can be better instead of sorry.

2. Own the mistake:

In a scenario where you have made a mistake and being inquired, own the mistake instead of asking for a sorry.

Explain ways how would you mend and fix it rather than apologizing. This is what the customer or your boss is looking for; they do not want to see you standing with face down and sorry for what has been done.

You can also use sentence such as “can you forgive me for the error happened” in that situation.

3. Frustrating instead of sorry:

Sorry is again used by individuals to show sympathy, at the same time colleagues use it to show consideration for their co-workers.

It is a fact that most people apologize for random facts which is unavoidable. To understand your colleagues and develop trust in them, there are many other words that can be utilized instead of sorry.

Suppose you’re late to work from heavy traffic. The usual mode used is “sorry I am late due to heavy traffic”, but instead the following phrase can be used “it’s so frustrating that I am late to work due to traffic”.

4. Silence instead of sorry:

At times sorry is being used a number of times, where it tends to lose its meaning completely.

There may be situations where one can be nervous and use words like “um”, “ah”, “sorry” also which isn’t needed in that context.

In such scenarios, it would be better if the individuals remain silent and recall what has been forgotten. Remaining silent and avoiding sorry can be the right option in this situation.

5. At times of interruption:

It is usual that most women are silent at work, for the same it is mandatory to learn your work environment.

Learn about the type of meeting you’re in, people present there, and the culture prevalent in that situation.

In such a meeting intruding with an apology can bring your status down. It is also needed to look out if others are using the same word ‘sorry’.

If there are questions to be raised in the mid of the meeting you can use words like “let me ask” or “excuse me” or “pardon me”. Sorry, can be avoided in such situations.

6. An alternative of sorry to maintain peace:

In order to uphold social harmonysorry’ is the only word that is used by almost all women.

Whenever there is argumentation, rough moments and conflict, apologies are used so that the conversation is made smooth and reset. One should also remember that sorry is a word which makes you looks weak.

Whenever you have a situation where you are unable to understand some concept, do not use the word sorry instead you can appreciate the work and ask the opponent for clarification.

7. Whoops:

When you face situations where something goes wrong and you need to take responsibility, ‘whoops’ can be used in that scenario rather than apologizing for what happened.

Not all minor mistakes at works can chase you out from job and hence, apologizing for petty issues isn’t needed.

8. Okay:

At scenarios when you’ve done the right thing and you’re questioned about it just proceeds it by saying okay. There is never a need to say sorry when you have done nothing wrong.

9. Confidence:

When you’re late for your office meeting, do not run in a hurry and get trembled, but compose yourself and built confidence after you reach in.

Speak confidently with a prominent voice rather than a low voice with eye contact. Open up the reason rather than apologizing.

10. Control the situation:

There are aspects which can be forgotten in the busy schedule, situations where you have forgotten something you promised.

Do not apologize or excuse rather control the situation and make it yours. Use the words “let’s do it”, rather than “sorry I forgot”. Have an alternative idea in hand when such situations occur.

11. It’s unfortunate:

When something bad or unnecessary has happened, you can use words such as “it’s unfortunate that“, rather than asking for a sorry.

This is another thoughtful way by which you can express your state of mind.

12. How sad:

At situations where something bad or disastrous has happened, when you meet up you can bring out your thoughts by saying “how sad that this happened for you“.

Rather than using sorry to show your sympathy, the above-mentioned words can be used.

Things to Say Instead of “I’m Sorry“:

Mentioned here are few things which you can mention instead of sorry. Though the prime focus is to apologize but here is a list of ideas to say or consider the next time when you really mean it. In simple words, it is better of dealing with the situation.

  • I’m tired.
  • Let’s take a coffee
  • Let’s take a walk
  • Thank you
  • I’m confused.
  • I’m frustrated
  • Doing Nothing
  • Finally, “I truly am sorry”

Final Words:

In this way, there are many words in English vocabulary that can be used instead of sorry, at worse situations it would be good to own up the mistake and say “It’s completely my fault and I apologize”.

In this manner, many situations can be handled with suitable words rather than using sorry. Excuse me is another word for sorry which can be used in many instances.

So make sure that you craft and use the right sentence and word rather than apologizing for all situations.

In this page you can discover 99 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sorry, like: sorrowful, apologetic, regretful, grieved, remorseful, contrite, penitent, regret, melted, pitiful and beggarly.

Similarly, What can I say instead of I’m sorry?

Bonus: “Excuse me” and “pardon me” also work as great replacements for “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Another bonus: “Excuse me” and “pardon me” also work as great replacements for “I’m sorry” when you bump into someone.

Additionally, How do you politely apologize?

  1. Please accept my apologies.
  2. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to..
  3. (I’m) sorry. I didn’t realize the impact of…
  4. Please accept our deepest apologies for…
  5. Please accept my sincere apologies for…
  6. Please accept this as my formal apology for…
  7. Please allow me to apologize for…
  8. I would like to express my deep regrets for…

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  • 2 How do you say sorry without actually saying sorry?
  • 3 How do I stop saying I’m sorry?
  • 4 How do I give sincere apologize?
  • 5 How do you say sorry without admitting fault?
  • 6 Can you say I sincerely apologize?
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  • 8 Why do I constantly say I’m sorry?
  • 9 What does it mean when a person keeps saying sorry?
  • 10 What is the sorry syndrome?
  • 11 How do you apologize meaningfully?
  • 12 How do you apologize to someone you hurt deeply?
  • 13 How do you know if an apology is sincere?
  • 14 How do you apologize without admitting guilt?
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  • 16 Is it sincere apology or apologies?
  • 17 How do you apologize professionally in an email template?
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How do you say sorry in a cute way?

1. I messed up I know, I’m really sorry, but it’s your fault I’m crazy about you! 2. Before I say I’m sorry, before we argue over what I did, I just want you to know that when we first met I never imagined you’d mean this much to me, like you’d become the only I really care about!

How do you say sorry without actually saying sorry?

The following are some of the phrases and words you can use instead of Sorry to prove your point.

  1. Say Thank You. …
  2. Actions Speak Louder than Words. …
  3. Replace “I am Sorry” with “I Desire” …
  4. Apologize Without Using the Word Sorry. …
  5. A Simply Sorry is Nothing Without Any Sympathy. …
  6. Do Not Apologize for Bothering People.

How do I stop saying I’m sorry?

How to stop over-apologizing

  1. Notice what you’re thinking, feeling, and saying. Awareness is the first step in making a change. …
  2. Question whether an apology is necessary. Did you do something wrong? …
  3. Rephrase. Instead of saying I’m sorry, try another phrase.

How do I give sincere apologize?

5 Steps To A Sincere Apology

  1. Name what you did wrong. Don’t just say: “I’m sorry you got hurt.” That’s not owning up to your actions. …
  2. Use empathy. Maybe your actions wouldn’t have hurt you, but the fact is that they hurt someone else. …
  3. Make it all about you. …
  4. Keep explanations brief. …
  5. Let it go.

How do you say sorry without admitting fault?

Here are sample expressions of a sincere and harmless apology: “I’m sorry that you had to make this call today.” “I’m sorry for any frustration you may have experienced.” “I’m sorry for any inconvenience this misunderstanding may have caused you.”

Can you say I sincerely apologize?

A sincere and effective apology is one that communicates genuine empathy, remorse, and regret as well as a promise to learn from your mistakes. In other words, you need to really believe you did something wrong and feel sorry for the hurt you caused.

How do you say sorry in chat?

You may have done something wrong so you might want to apologise by saying sorry.

  1. I’m sorry that we made so much noise last night.
  2. I apologise for my lateness!
  3. A: I’m having a very tough time at work. …
  4. I was sorry to hear that you lost your job.
  5. I’m terribly sorry about your chair. …
  6. Pardon me for this mistake.

Why do I constantly say I’m sorry?

Over-apologizing can stem from being too hard on ourselves or beating ourselves up for things,” Dr. Juliana Breines, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island, explained. In addition to anxiety, another mental health disorder that can lead people to over-apologize is OCD. Dr.

What does it mean when a person keeps saying sorry?

If you feel anxious when you’re saying sorry, you might have developed the habit of over-apologizing as a means to cope, says Boyle. “Apologizing too much can be a sign of anxiety,” she says. “In other words, it can be the way you manage emotions of fear, nervousness, and worry.

What is the sorry syndrome?

What is Sorry Syndrome? It’s basically the compulsion to apologize for things incessantly, even for things outside of our control. Here are a few signs you might be afflicted, according to a few articles we found: You apologize for things you have no control over. You apologize for someone else’s actions.

How do you apologize meaningfully?

6 Tips To A Meaningful Apology

  1. Make sure you truly feel sorry for what you plan to apologize for. …
  2. Identify the best time to share your apology. …
  3. Apologize for how you feel you’ve wronged the person. …
  4. Listen to the other persons perspective on how they were affected. …
  5. Apologize for what you did not know or understand.

How do you apologize to someone you hurt deeply?

How to Apologize When You’ve Hurt Someone

  1. Listen closely before rushing to apologize. …
  2. Prepare your apology in advance when possible. …
  3. Be specific and detailed in your apology. …
  4. Try not to turn your apology into a debate. …
  5. Remember that actions speak louder than (apologetic) words. …
  6. Be patient after you apologize.

How do you know if an apology is sincere?

Before accepting an apology, you first have to determine if it’s genuine.

  1. A statement that contains a “but” (“I’m sorry, but…”) invalidates the apology.
  2. Similarly, “if” (“I’m sorry if…”) suggests that your hurt may not have happened.
  3. Vague wording (“for what happened”) fails to take personal responsibility.

How do you apologize without admitting guilt?

Simply apologise for the effects without naming yourself as the cause. For example, say “I’m so sorry you fell…” instead of “I’m so sorry I pushed you.” Pride keeps most people from saying those four little words: “It’s all my fault.”

How do you apologize in an email?

How To Write an Apology Email

  1. Express your most sincere apologies. …
  2. Own the mistake. …
  3. Explain what happened. …
  4. Acknowledge the customer’s goals. …
  5. Present a plan of action. …
  6. Ask for forgiveness. …
  7. Don’t take it personally. …
  8. Provide clients with customer feedback.

Is it sincere apology or apologies?

To say you’re sorry, you might offer your personal apology. However, the expression “my apologies” is used specifically to express regret for not being able to do a certain thing. Just remember to keep apology singular if you are using it as a noncount noun, as in “letter of apology.”

How do you apologize professionally in an email template?

Be transparent and tell customers what went wrong and what caused the problem. Give a clear recovery plan and explain what you’ll do or have done to make things right. Describe the steps you take to ensure that the mistake won’t happen again. Offer a refund or any other reasonable compensation, if it makes sense.

How do I apologize to my friend over text?

150 Sweet Sorry Text Messages

  1. I thought I was right, but now I know how wrong I was. …
  2. After the kind of jerk I was toward you, I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to talk to me for a while. …
  3. I have hurt myself by hurting you. …
  4. My love, you have every right to be upset with me. …
  5. I’m sorry, sweetheart.

How do you say sorry example?

Here are some examples: “I’m sorry about the mean thing I said to you.” “I’m sorry I lost your book.” “I was mad, but I shouldn’t have called you a name.

How can I apologize to a girl in chat?

How to Apologize to a Girl over Text

  1. Put yourself in her shoes.
  2. Tell her that you’re wrong and you’re sorry.
  3. Take responsibility for your actions.
  4. Express remorse for what you did.
  5. Talk about why you were wrong.
  6. Don’t try to justify your mistakes.
  7. Let her talk about her feelings.


as in lame

arousing or deserving of one’s loathing and disgust

one more sorry stunt like that and you’ll be fired


as in sad

causing unhappiness

we have sorry news to report tonight


as in pathetic

deserving pitying scorn (as for inadequacy)

the ragtag circus was a sorry spectacle indeed


as in ashamed

feeling sorrow for a wrong that one has done

she’s genuinely sorry for hurting his feelings


as in heartbroken

feeling unhappiness

was sorry to see the family farm being sold


as in weeping

expressing or suggesting mourning

those sorry rituals that we go through when somebody dies are not for the dead but for the living


as in poor

deserving of one’s pity

some sorry wretch had the task of putting all of those files back in order

Synonym Chooser

How is the word sorry different from other adjectives like it?

Some common synonyms of sorry are contemptible, despicable, pitiable, and scurvy. While all these words mean «arousing or deserving scorn,» sorry may stress pitiable inadequacy or may suggest wretchedness or sordidness.

this rattletrap is a sorry excuse for a car

When is contemptible a more appropriate choice than sorry?

The meanings of contemptible and sorry largely overlap; however, contemptible may imply any quality provoking scorn or a low standing in any scale of values.

When might despicable be a better fit than sorry?

The synonyms despicable and sorry are sometimes interchangeable, but despicable may imply utter worthlessness and usually suggests arousing an attitude of moral indignation.

Where would pitiable be a reasonable alternative to sorry?

While in some cases nearly identical to sorry, pitiable applies to what inspires mixed contempt and pity.

a pitiable attempt at tragedy

How are the words scurvy and despicable related as synonyms of sorry?

Scurvy adds to despicable an implication of arousing disgust.

a scurvy crew of hangers-on

Thesaurus Entries Near sorry

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“Sorry.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/sorry. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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  • Английский (британский вариант)

@boukni_lamia you could say “I want to apologise”, or “excuse me” depending on the scenario.

If you’ve just slightly inconvenienced someone by accident, you can just say “Ah, do excuse me!” But then, it would be more natural to just say “oops, sorry!”

If you’ve said/done something slightly rude by accident (e.g. swearing in an inappropriate situation, burping in front of people you don’t know that well), you could say “pardon me”

If you’ve hurt someone’s feelings or insulted them, you can say “Hey, I wanted to apologise — I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings/offend you.”

  • Арабский

Thank you, your explanation was helpful 😊

  • Английский (британский вариант)

There are a few,
«(Please) excuse me» -> when you want to pass by someone walking slow ib front of you for example or when ordering something at a restaurant to catch the waiter’s attention.
If you add ‘please’ it becomes very polite
«My apologies» -> very polite (and kind of old fashioned) way of saying ‘sorry’
You can also say «i’d like to apologize «, it’s less formal than «my apologies»

But the most natural is just saying «I’m sorry»

  • Арабский

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Published February 15, 2017

WATCH: These Words Are Guaranteed To Ruin An Apology

You may have been friends with someone for years, but it only takes a second to damage that friendship with the wrong word or two. Now that you’ve made the mess, it’s time to clean it up with a well chosen apology. There are different ways to say you’re sorry, of course.

Let’s examine the words and a few of the situations they’re most suited for. Hopefully you won’t find yourself in too many of these jams, but let’s face it. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes—whether it’s breaking a window or forgetting you were supposed to meet someone for that Valentine’s Day lunch. Whoops. Pro Tip: don’t forget to be sincere when saying you’re sorry.

I’m Sorry

You’re expressing regret for your actions. Sorry means “feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity.” Emotion comes into play with this one when it’s used as a verbal cue. If you just backed into someone’s car, you hop out and say it with a lot of emphasis. Or, if you merely bump someone on the subway as you head for the door, proper etiquette dictates you simply nod and give a quick sorry as you exit. No need to belabor that one. Depending on the situation, adding words extremely or sincerely may help (and if you’re using those additional words, then yes—get flowers or candy on the speed dial, it’s better late than never).

Elton John thinks this word is a tough one.

I Apologize

Pretty much in line with number one on our list, when you apologize, you “offer an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or injury.” This word is used in formal situations, but is equally at home in an informal context.

It’s All My Fault

You’re drawing deep from the well of sincerity here. You’re taking all the blame; you’re all in. You’re confessing one’s  faults.

I Regret

If you use the word regret in an apology statement, it sounds a bit too formal and seems rather, oh what’s the word—insincere? Then again, inflection and circumstance come into play. In the World Wars, the military would send telegrams to families who lost loved ones, using this phrase. There’s no doubt they were sincere, and it brought them straight to the point.

Beg Pardon

We cite beg pardon as “an expression of apology (used especially in the phrase with no beg-pardons).” However, this one seems a bit off the mark, does it not? The phrase I beg your pardon seems more useful when used as a statement of indignation when someone cuts in front of you in the movie line. So…maybe you’re not actually sorry (ending the phrase with an upward inflection is key). 1960s singer Lynn Anderson never promised anyone a rose garden, so she went on begging people’s pardon’s all the way to the top of the pops.

I’m Sorry (Textspeak Version)

This being 2017 and all, we’re adding some versions you can use in phone messenger form. If you’d like to tap something appropriate (you’re still too scared or too busy to meet them face to face) SMSTXTs suggests: apologies r in order and then add whatever transgression has been committed: 4 ruining ur day4 making u feel bad4 always being late4 not showing up, etc.

My Bad

Quite popular as an informal way of getting yourself off the hook, my bad works wonders. You admit it, it’s done, let’s move on, not a big deal.

Forgive Me

You’ve really gone and done it. You’re not even in the doghouse anymore—Fido kicked you out of there, too. Our top reference to forgive is “to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve.”

Thank You

Throwing you a curve with this one, of course. Try it sometime, maybe in something like the following situation. According to The Muse, “If someone points out a small typo in the rough draft of a presentation you put together or helps you wipe up some coffee you spilled on the conference table, a ‘thanks’ is more in order than a ‘sorry.’ Neither situation is dire, and showing someone you appreciate the help is better than having his or her confidence in you diminished.”

I’m Sorry (Emoji Version)

If you just can’t find the right words (even after reading the rest of this list) maybe firing off a few choice emoji would work better for you. Be our guest.

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