What is a middle english word

After the Norman Conquest, in which the Normans invaded England, the English language was strongly influenced by the Anglo-Norman French. This included changes in the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of the English language, which eventually led to the evolution from Old English to Middle English. Middle English was the language period spoken and written from the mid-1100s until the mid-1400s.

Let’s begin by taking a look at a brief history of the English language!

Brief History of English

Before delving into the Middle English alphabet and some examples, let’s start by acknowledging the four main periods of the English language, which are as follows:

1. Old English

2. Middle English

3. Early Modern English

4. Modern English

Old English

Old English was the earliest form of English, spoken and written from around 450 — 1150 AD. It was very different from the current English we know and was influenced by Latin and Germanic languages.

Middle English

After the Norman Conquest, the English language was slowly replaced by the Anglo-Norman dialect (a dialect of Old Norman French), this eventually evolved into what is known as Middle English. It was heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman French, particularly words relating to law and religion. Middle English was spoken and written from the mid-1100s until the mid-1400s.

Middle English The Norman Conquest StudySmarterFIg. 1 — The Norman Conquest was an invasion of England that started in 1066 and ended in 1075.

Early Modern English

Early Modern English was used from around 1500 until the 1800s. This was the form of English used by Shakespeare. His work was highly influential during this time and helped shape the English language into what it has become now.

DID YOU KNOW? Shakespeare invented around 1700 words! Many of these are still used in the English language today!

Modern English

Modern English has been spoken since the late 17th century. The use of Modern English was due to «The Great Vowel Shift,» which refers to the mass change of vowel pronunciations in English. This meant that the vowel sounds (particularly long vowels) were pronounced in a different place in the mouth. The shift occurred between the 1400s and 1700s.

Middle English Period

Now we have a basic understanding of the history of English, let’s return to Middle English. The introduction of the Middle English period mostly saw changes in grammar, namely:

  • Word order became more fixed

  • Fewer inflections (word forms)

  • Fewer word endings (suffixes)

  • Using word order instead of word endings to express meaning

Also, vocabulary became more extensive as new words were invented and old words became redundant. Vocabulary continues to change to this day, reflecting the evolution of the English language!

What about the differences between Middle and Modern English?

The main changes were:

  • The standardization of spelling

  • The Great Vowel Shift (changes in the pronunciation of long vowel sounds)

  • Changes in vocabulary (new words invented, old words no longer used)

Middle English Alphabet

The English alphabet we know today contains 26 letters. Old English contained 24, but some letters are no longer used. During the evolution of Middle English, some of these letters were dropped or changed. Let’s take a look at a few of the dropped letters:

Þ / þ — Thorn

Have you ever seen an old sign that said «Ye olde»? Most of the time, the «ye» is mispronounced as «yee.» But in this instance, the «y» actually came from the thorn letter, which made a «the» sound. So «ye» is actually pronounced as «thee.» The «þ» was often written similarly to the letter «y,» which is why we see the spelling «ye olde» instead of «þe olde.» The thorn was later replaced with «th,» which is what we still use today.

Ð / ð — Eth

The eth was pronounced as «th» (such as the /th/ sound in «thorn»). However, it soon got replaced by the thorn due to how similar they sounded in certain accents. Nowadays, we combine the letters «t» and «h» to create a /th/ sound instead of using a single letter.

Ȝ / ȝ — Yogh

The yogh was derived from the Old English letter «g.» There is no Modern English equivalent of the yogh, but it was pronounced similarly to the «ch» in the Scots word «loch.» It was quite a harsh, throaty sound. The yogh was later replaced with «gh.» For example, the word «niȝt» became «night.»

Æ / æ — Ash

The ash looks like a mix of «a» and «e.» It was pronounced the same as the «a» sound in words like «mat» and «bat.» It stopped being used around the 14th century, as it was simply replaced with «a.»

Œ / œ — Ethel

The ethel looks like a mix of «o» and «e.» It was originally pronounced as an «oi» sound (like in the word «foil») but was later pronounced like a mixture of «o» and «e» together. It was later replaced with «e.»

Ƿ / ƿ — Wynn

The letter wynn was used in Old English to represent the «w» sound. In Middle English, this changed to two u’s, so it looked like: uu. This later changed to the «w» we all know today.

Also worth mentioning are the letters «k,» «q,» and «z.»

These letters were rarely used in Old English but came to be more commonly used in Middle English!

Examples of Middle English

Check out an example of The Lord’s Prayer below, written in Middle English. Notice how some words are similar to the Modern English we are familiar with today. One of the main differences is the non-standardized spelling, which makes Middle English more difficult to read!

The Lord’s Prayer — The Wyclif Bible (around 1390)

Oure fadir that art in heuenes,

halewid be thi name;

thi kyngdoom come to;

be thi wille don, in erthe as in heuene.

Yyue to vs this dai oure breed ouer othir


and foryyue to vs oure dettis, as we foryyuen to

ore dettouris;

and lede vs not in to temptacioun, but delyuere vs fro yuel. Amen.

Modern English translation:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;

thy kingdom come;

thy will be done;

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


The standardization of spelling was greatly due to the invention of the printing press, which was a mechanical device used to transfer copies of texts onto paper or cloth. Spelling was standardized for efficiency, as this allowed for the mass production of texts. This saw a major shift between Middle and Modern English; as a result of the gradual standardization of spelling, language became easier to read, write and pronounce.

Middle English Geoffrey Chaucer StudySmarterFig. 2 — Chaucer was nicknamed the Father of English Poetry.

Another example of Middle English comes from English author and poet Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales — a collection of stories by Chaucer — were written in Middle English. Below is an extract:

Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,

And bathed every veyne in swich licour

Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

When Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

That slepen al the nyght with open yë

(So priketh hem nature in hir corages). —

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,

To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

And specially from every shires ende

Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,

The hooly blisful martir for to seke,

That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

— The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue (1387)

Modern English Translation:

When April with its gentle showers has pierced

the March drought to the root

and bathed every plant in the moisture

which will hasten the flowering;

when Zephyrus with his sweet breath

has stirred the new shoots in every wood and field,

and the young sun

has run its half-course in the Ram,

and small birds sing melodiously,

so touched in their hearts by nature

that they sleep all night with open eyes–

then folks long to go on pilgrimages,

and palmers to visit foreign shores

and distant shrines, known in various lands;

and especially from every shire’s end

of England they travel to Canterbury,

to seek the holy blessed martyr

who helped them when they were sick.

Middle English Words

Here are some examples of Middle English words. As you read through these, think about how many of them are similar to the modern-day words we use.

Middle English word Modern English translation
Lite Little
Anon At once
Ny Near
Lasse Less
Forthy Therefore
Ech Each
Gan / gonne Began
Morewe Morrow / morning
Swich Such
Ynogh Enough

Middle English Pronouns

The pronouns used in Middle English were not all the same as the pronouns used in the English language today. Due to spelling not being standardized, many pronouns in Middle English had more than one spelling and pronunciation. Here is a list of Middle English pronouns and their Modern English translations, starting with singular pronouns:

Singular Middle English pronouns Modern English translation
Ic / ich / I I
Me / mi Me
Min / minen My
Min / mire / minre Mine
Min one / mi selven Myself
þou / þu / tu / þeou You (thou)
þe You (thee)
þi / ti Your (thy)
þin / þyn Yours (thine)
þeself / þi selven Yourself (thyself)
He He
Him / hine Him
His / hisse / hes His (as a possessive determiner)
His / hisse His (as a possessive pronoun)
Him-seluen Himself
Sche(o) / s(c)ho / ȝho She
Heo / his / hie / hies / hire Her (as an object)
Hio / heo / hire / heore Her (as a possessive determiner)
Heo-seolf Herself
Hit It (as a subject)
Hit / him It (as an object)
His Its (as a possessive determiner)
His Its (as a possessive pronoun)
Hit sulue Itself
Plural Middle English pronouns Modern English translation
We We
Us / ous Us
ure(n) / our(e) / ures / urne Our
Oures Ours
Us self / ous silve Ourselves
ȝe / ye You (ye)
eow / (ȝ)ou / ȝow / gu / you You
eower / (ȝ)ower / gur / (e)our Your
Youres Yours
Ȝou self / ou selve Yourselves
From Old English: heo / heFrom Old Norse: þa / þei / þeo / þo They
From Old English: his / heo(m)From Old Norse: þem / þo Them
From Old English: heore / herFrom Old Norse: þeir Their
From Old Norse: þam-selue Themselves

Middle English — Key takeaways

  • After the Norman Conquest, the English language was slowly replaced by the Anglo-Norman dialect, which later evolved into Middle English.
  • Middle English was heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman French, particularly words relating to law and religion
  • Middle English was spoken and written from the mid-1100s until the mid-1400s.
  • The spelling of Middle English was not as standardized as it is today, leading to multiple spellings of the same word.
  • The letters «k,» «q,» and «z» were rarely used in Old English but came to be used more in Middle English.
Middle English
Englisch, English, Inglis

A page from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales

Region England (except for west Cornwall), some localities in the eastern fringe of Wales, south east Scotland and Scottish burghs, to some extent Ireland
Era developed into Early Modern English, Scots, and Yola and Fingallian in Ireland by the 16th century

Language family


  • Germanic

    • West Germanic
      • North Sea Germanic
        • Anglo-Frisian
          • Anglic
            • Middle English

Early forms


  • Proto-Germanic
    • Old English

Writing system

Language codes
ISO 639-2 enm
ISO 639-3 enm
ISO 639-6 meng
Glottolog midd1317
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Middle English (abbreviated to ME[1]) is a form of the English language that was spoken after the Norman Conquest of 1066, until the late 15th century. The English language underwent distinct variations and developments following the Old English period. Scholarly opinion varies, but the Oxford English Dictionary specifies the period when Middle English was spoken as being from 1150 to 1500.[2] This stage of the development of the English language roughly followed the High to the Late Middle Ages.

Middle English saw significant changes to its vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and orthography. Writing conventions during the Middle English period varied widely. Examples of writing from this period that have survived show extensive regional variation. The more standardized Old English language became fragmented, localized, and was, for the most part, being improvised.[2] By the end of the period (about 1470) and aided by the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439, a standard based on the London dialects (Chancery Standard) had become established. This largely formed the basis for Modern English spelling, although pronunciation has changed considerably since that time. Middle English was succeeded in England by Early Modern English, which lasted until about 1650. Scots developed concurrently from a variant of the Northumbrian dialect (prevalent in northern England and spoken in southeast Scotland).

During the Middle English period, many Old English grammatical features either became simplified or disappeared altogether. Noun, adjective and verb inflections were simplified by the reduction (and eventual elimination) of most grammatical case distinctions. Middle English also saw considerable adoption of Norman vocabulary, especially in the areas of politics, law, the arts, and religion, as well as poetic and emotive diction. Conventional English vocabulary remained primarily Germanic in its sources, with Old Norse influences becoming more apparent. Significant changes in pronunciation took place, particularly involving long vowels and diphthongs, which in the later Middle English period began to undergo the Great Vowel Shift.

Little survives of early Middle English literature, due in part to Norman domination and the prestige that came with writing in French rather than English. During the 14th century, a new style of literature emerged with the works of writers including John Wycliffe and Geoffrey Chaucer, whose Canterbury Tales remains the most studied and read work of the period.[4]


Transition from Old English[edit]

The dialects of Middle English c. 1300

The transition from Late Old English to Early Middle English occurred at some point during the 12th century.

The influence of Old Norse aided the development of English from a synthetic language with relatively free word order, to a more analytic or isolating language with a more strict word order.[2][5] Both Old English and Old Norse (as well as the descendants of the latter, Faroese and Icelandic) were synthetic languages with complicated inflections. The eagerness of Vikings in the Danelaw to communicate with their Anglo-Saxon neighbours resulted in the erosion of inflection in both languages.[5][6] Old Norse may have had a more profound impact on Middle and Modern English development than any other language.[7][8][9] Simeon Potter says: «No less far-reaching was the influence of Scandinavian upon the inflexional endings of English in hastening that wearing away and leveling of grammatical forms which gradually spread from north to south.»[10]

Viking influence on Old English is most apparent in the more indispensable elements of the language. Pronouns, modals, comparatives, pronominal adverbs (like «hence» and «together»), conjunctions and prepositions show the most marked Danish influence. The best evidence of Scandinavian influence appears in extensive word borrowings, yet no texts exist in either Scandinavia or in Northern England from this period to give certain evidence of an influence on syntax. However, at least one scholarly study of this influence shows that Old English may have been replaced entirely by Norse, by virtue of the change from the Old English syntax to Norse syntax.[11] The effect of Old Norse on Old English was substantive, pervasive, and of a democratic character.[5][6] Like close cousins, Old Norse and Old English resembled each other, and with some words in common, they roughly understood each other;[6] in time the inflections melted away and the analytic pattern emerged.[8][12] It is most «important to recognise that in many words the English and Scandinavian language differed chiefly in their inflectional elements. The body of the word was so nearly the same in the two languages that only the endings would put obstacles in the way of mutual understanding. In the mixed population which existed in the Danelaw these endings must have led to much confusion, tending gradually to become obscured and finally lost.» This blending of peoples and languages resulted in «simplifying English grammar.»[5]

While the influence of Scandinavian languages was strongest in the dialects of the Danelaw region and Scotland, words in the spoken language emerge in the 10th and 11th centuries near the transition from the Old to Middle English. Influence on the written language only appeared at the beginning of the 13th century, likely because of a scarcity of literary texts from an earlier date.[5]

The Norman Conquest of England in 1066 saw the replacement of the top levels of the English-speaking political and ecclesiastical hierarchies by Norman rulers who spoke a dialect of Old French known as Old Norman, which developed in England into Anglo-Norman. The use of Norman as the preferred language of literature and polite discourse fundamentally altered the role of Old English in education and administration, even though many Normans of this period were illiterate and depended on the clergy for written communication and record-keeping. A significant number of words of Norman origin began to appear in the English language alongside native English words of similar meaning, giving rise to such Modern English synonyms as pig/pork, chicken/poultry, calf/veal, cow/beef, sheep/mutton, wood/forest, house/mansion, worthy/valuable, bold/courageous, freedom/liberty, sight/vision, and eat/dine.

The role of Anglo-Norman as the language of government and law can be seen in the abundance of Modern English words for the mechanisms of government that are derived from Anglo-Norman: court, judge, jury, appeal, parliament. There are also many Norman-derived terms relating to the chivalric cultures that arose in the 12th century; an era of feudalism, seigneurialism and crusading.

Words were often taken from Latin, usually through French transmission. This gave rise to various synonyms including kingly (inherited from Old English), royal (from French, which inherited it from Vulgar Latin), and regal (from French, which borrowed it from classical Latin). Later French appropriations were derived from standard, rather than Norman, French. Examples of resultant cognate pairs include the words warden (from Norman), and guardian (from later French; both share a common Germanic ancestor).

The end of Anglo-Saxon rule did not result in immediate changes to the language. The general population would have spoken the same dialects as they had before the Conquest. Once the writing of Old English came to an end, Middle English had no standard language, only dialects that derived from the dialects of the same regions in the Anglo-Saxon period.

Early Middle English[edit]

Early Middle English (1150–1300)[13] has a largely Anglo-Saxon vocabulary (with many Norse borrowings in the northern parts of the country), but a greatly simplified inflectional system. The grammatical relations that were expressed in Old English by the dative and instrumental cases are replaced in Early Middle English with prepositional constructions. The Old English genitive —es survives in the -‘s of the modern English possessive, but most of the other case endings disappeared in the Early Middle English period, including most of the roughly one dozen forms of the definite article («the»). The dual personal pronouns (denoting exactly two) also disappeared from English during this period.

Gradually, the wealthy and the government Anglicised again, although Norman (and subsequently French) remained the dominant language of literature and law until the 14th century, even after the loss of the majority of the continental possessions of the English monarchy. The loss of case endings was part of a general trend from inflections to fixed word order that also occurred in other Germanic languages (though more slowly and to a lesser extent), and therefore it cannot be attributed simply to the influence of French-speaking sections of the population: English did, after all, remain the vernacular. It is also argued[14] that Norse immigrants to England had a great impact on the loss of inflectional endings in Middle English. One argument is that, although Norse- and English-speakers were somewhat comprehensible to each other due to similar morphology, the Norse-speakers’ inability to reproduce the ending sounds of English words influenced Middle English’s loss of inflectional endings.

Important texts for the reconstruction of the evolution of Middle English out of Old English are the Peterborough Chronicle, which continued to be compiled up to 1154; the Ormulum, a biblical commentary probably composed in Lincolnshire in the second half of the 12th century, incorporating a unique phonetic spelling system; and the Ancrene Wisse and the Katherine Group, religious texts written for anchoresses, apparently in the West Midlands in the early 13th century.[15] The language found in the last two works is sometimes called the AB language.

More literary sources of the 12th and 13th centuries include Layamon’s Brut and The Owl and the Nightingale.

Some scholars[16] have defined «Early Middle English» as encompassing English texts up to 1350. This longer time frame would extend the corpus to include many Middle English Romances (especially those of the Auchinleck manuscript c. 1330).

14th century[edit]

From around the early 14th century, there was significant migration into London, particularly from the counties of the East Midlands, and a new prestige London dialect began to develop, based chiefly on the speech of the East Midlands, but also influenced by that of other regions.[17] The writing of this period, however, continues to reflect a variety of regional forms of English. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, a translation of a French confessional prose work, completed in 1340, is written in a Kentish dialect. The best known writer of Middle English, Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote in the second half of the 14th century in the emerging London dialect, although he also portrays some of his characters as speaking in northern dialects, as in the «Reeve’s Tale».

In the English-speaking areas of lowland Scotland, an independent standard was developing, based on the Northumbrian dialect. This would develop into what came to be known as the Scots language.

A large number of terms for abstract concepts were adopted directly from scholastic philosophical Latin (rather than via French). Examples are «absolute», «act», «demonstration», «probable».[18]

Late Middle English[edit]

The Chancery Standard of written English emerged c. 1430 in official documents that, since the Norman Conquest, had normally been written in French.[17] Like Chaucer’s work, this new standard was based on the East-Midlands-influenced speech of London. Clerks using this standard were usually familiar with French and Latin, influencing the forms they chose. The Chancery Standard, which was adopted slowly, was used in England by bureaucrats for most official purposes, excluding those of the Church and legalities, which used Latin and Law French (and some Latin), respectively.

The Chancery Standard’s influence on later forms of written English is disputed, but it did undoubtedly provide the core around which Early Modern English formed.[citation needed] Early Modern English emerged with the help of William Caxton’s printing press, developed during the 1470s. The press stabilized English through a push towards standardization, led by Chancery Standard enthusiast and writer Richard Pynson.[19] Early Modern English began in the 1540s after the printing and wide distribution of the English Bible and Prayer Book, which made the new standard of English publicly recognizable, and lasted until about 1650.


The main changes between the Old English sound system and that of Middle English include:

  • Emergence of the voiced fricatives /v/, /ð/, /z/ as separate phonemes, rather than mere allophones of the corresponding voiceless fricatives.
  • Reduction of the Old English diphthongs to monophthongs, and the emergence of new diphthongs due to vowel breaking in certain positions, change of Old English post-vocalic /j/, /w/ (sometimes resulting from the [ɣ] allophone of /ɡ/) to offglides, and borrowing from French.
  • Merging of Old English /æ/ and /ɑ/ into a single vowel /a/.
  • Raising of the long vowel /æː/ to /ɛː/.
  • Rounding of /ɑː/ to /ɔː/ in the southern dialects.
  • Unrounding of the front rounded vowels in most dialects.
  • Lengthening of vowels in open syllables (and in certain other positions). The resultant long vowels (and other pre-existing long vowels) subsequently underwent changes of quality in the Great Vowel Shift, which began during the later Middle English period.
  • Loss of gemination (double consonants came to be pronounced as single ones).
  • Loss of weak final vowels (schwa, written ⟨e⟩). By Chaucer’s time this vowel was silent in normal speech, although it was normally pronounced in verse as the meter required (much as occurs in modern French). Also, non-final unstressed ⟨e⟩ was dropped when adjacent to only a single consonant on either side if there was another short ⟨e⟩ in an adjoining syllable. Thus, every began to be pronounced as evry, and palmeres as palmers.

The combination of the last three processes listed above led to the spelling conventions associated with silent ⟨e⟩ and doubled consonants (see under Orthography, below).



Middle English retains only two distinct noun-ending patterns from the more complex system of inflection in Old English:

Middle English nouns

Nouns Strong nouns Weak nouns
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative -(e) es e en
Accusative en
Genitive es[20] e(ne)[21]
Dative e e(s)

Nouns of the weak declension are primarily inherited from Old English n-stem nouns, but also from ō-stem, -stem and u-stem nouns,[citation needed] which did not inflect in the same way as n-stem nouns in Old English, but joined the weak declension in Middle English. Nouns of the strong declension are inherited from the other Old English noun stem classes.

Some nouns of the strong type have an -e in the nominative/accusative singular, like the weak declension, but otherwise strong endings. Often these are the same nouns that had an -e in the nominative/accusative singular of Old English (they, in turn, were inherited from Proto-Germanic ja-stem and i-stem nouns).

The distinct dative case was lost in early Middle English. The genitive survived, however, but by the end of the Middle English period, only the strong -‘s ending (variously spelt) was in use.[22] Some formerly feminine nouns, as well as some weak nouns, continued to make their genitive forms with -e or no ending (e.g. fole hoves, horses’ hooves), and nouns of relationship ending in -er frequently have no genitive ending (e.g. fader bone, «father’s bane»).[23]

The strong -(e)s plural form has survived into Modern English. The weak -(e)n form is now rare and used only in oxen and, as part of a double plural, in children and brethren. Some dialects still have forms such as eyen (for eyes), shoon (for shoes), hosen (for hose(s)), kine (for cows), and been (for bees).

Grammatical gender survived to a limited extent in early Middle English,[23] before being replaced by natural gender in the course of the Middle English period. Grammatical gender was indicated by agreement of articles and pronouns, i.e. þo ule («the-feminine owl») or using the pronoun he to refer to masculine nouns such as helm («helmet»), or phrases such as scaft stærcne (strong shaft) with the masculine accusative adjective ending -ne.[24]


Single syllable adjectives add -e when modifying a noun in the plural and when used after the definite article (þe), after a demonstrative (þis, þat), after a possessive pronoun (e.g. hir, our), or with a name or in a form of address. This derives from the Old English «weak» declension of adjectives.[25] This inflexion continued to be used in writing even after final -e had ceased to be pronounced.[26] In earlier texts, multi-syllable adjectives also receive a final -e in these situations, but this occurs less regularly in later Middle English texts. Otherwise adjectives have no ending, and adjectives already ending in -e etymologically receive no ending as well.[26]

Earlier texts sometimes inflect adjectives for case as well. Layamon’s Brut inflects adjectives for the masculine accusative, genitive, and dative, the feminine dative, and the plural genitive.[27] The Owl and the Nightingale adds a final -e to all adjectives not in the nominative, here only inflecting adjectives in the weak declension (as described above).[28]

Comparatives and superlatives are usually formed by adding -er and -est. Adjectives with long vowels sometimes shorten these vowels in the comparative and superlative, e.g. greet (great) gretter (greater).[28] Adjectives ending in -ly or -lich form comparatives either with -lier, -liest or -loker, -lokest.[28] A few adjectives also display Germanic umlaut in their comparatives and superlatives, such as long, lenger.[28] Other irregular forms are mostly the same as in modern English.[28]


Middle English personal pronouns were mostly developed from those of Old English, with the exception of the third-person plural, a borrowing from Old Norse (the original Old English form clashed with the third person singular and was eventually dropped). Also, the nominative form of the feminine third-person singular was replaced by a form of the demonstrative that developed into sche (modern she), but the alternative heyr remained in some areas for a long time.

As with nouns, there was some inflectional simplification (the distinct Old English dual forms were lost), but pronouns, unlike nouns, retained distinct nominative and accusative forms. Third-person pronouns also retained a distinction between accusative and dative forms, but that was gradually lost: the masculine hine was replaced by him south of the Thames by the early 14th century, and the neuter dative him was ousted by it in most dialects by the 15th.[29]

The following table shows some of the various Middle English pronouns. Many other variations are noted in Middle English sources because of differences in spellings and pronunciations at different times and in different dialects.[30]

Middle English personal pronouns

Personal pronouns 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Masculine Neuter Feminine
Nominative ic, ich, I we þeou, þ(o)u, tu ye he hit s(c)he(o) he(o)/ þei
Accusative mi (o)us þe eow, eou, yow, gu, you hine heo, his, hi(r)e his/ þem
Dative him him heo(m), þo/ þem
Possessive min(en) (o)ure, ures, ure(n) þi, ti eower, yower, gur, eour his, hes his heo(re), hio, hire he(o)re/ þeir
Genitive min, mire, minre oures þin, þyn youres his
Reflexive min one, mi selven us self, ous-silve þeself, þi selven you-self/ you-selve him-selven hit-sulve heo-seolf þam-selve/ þem-selve


As a general rule, the indicative first person singular of verbs in the present tense ends in -e (ich here, ‘I hear’), the second person in -(e)st (þou spekest, ‘thou speakest’), and the third person in -eþ (he comeþ, ‘he cometh/he comes’). (þ (the letter ‘thorn’) is pronounced like the unvoiced th in «think», but, under certain circumstances, it may be like the voiced th in «that»). The following table illustrates a typical conjugation pattern:[31][32]

Middle English verb inflection

Verbs inflection Infinitive Present Past
Participle Singular Plural Participle Singular Plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Regular verbs
Strong -en -ende, -ynge -e -est -eþ (-es) -en (-es, -eþ) i- -en -e (-est) -en
Weak -ed -ede -edest -ede -eden
Irregular verbs
Been «be» been beende, beynge am art is aren ibeen was wast was weren
be bist biþ beth, been were
Cunnen «can» cunnen cunnende, cunnynge can canst can cunnen cunned, coud coude, couthe coudest, couthest coude, couthe couden, couthen
Don «do» don doende, doynge do dost doþ doþ, don idon didde didst didde didden
Douen «be good for» douen douende, douynge deigh deight deigh douen idought dought doughtest dought doughten
Durren «dare» durren durrende, durrynge dar darst dar durren durst, dirst durst durstest durst dursten
Gon «go» gon goende, goynge go gost goþ goþ, gon igon(gen) wend, yede, yode wendest, yedest, yodest wende, yede, yode wenden, yeden, yoden
Haven «have» haven havende, havynge have hast haþ haven ihad hadde haddest hadde hadden
Moten «must» mot must mot moten muste mustest muste musten
Mowen «may» mowen mowende, mowynge may myghst may mowen imought mighte mightest mighte mighten
Owen «owe, ought» owen owende, owynge owe owest owe owen iowen owed ought owed ought
Schulen «should» schal schalt schal schulen scholde scholdest scholde scholde
Þurven «need» þarf þarst þarf þurven þurft þurst þurft þurften
Willen «want» willen willende, willynge will wilt will wollen wolde woldest wolde wolden
Witen «know» witen witende, witynge woot woost woot witen iwiten wiste wistest wiste wisten

Plural forms vary strongly by dialect, with Southern dialects preserving the Old English -eþ, Midland dialects showing -en from about 1200 and Northern forms using -es in the third person singular as well as the plural.[33]

The past tense of weak verbs is formed by adding an -ed(e), -d(e) or -t(e) ending. The past-tense forms, without their personal endings, also serve as past participles with past-participle prefixes derived from Old English: i-, y- and sometimes bi-.

Strong verbs, by contrast, form their past tense by changing their stem vowel (binden becomes bound, a process called apophony), as in Modern English.


With the discontinuation of the Late West Saxon standard used for the writing of Old English in the period prior to the Norman Conquest, Middle English came to be written in a wide variety of scribal forms, reflecting different regional dialects and orthographic conventions. Later in the Middle English period, however, and particularly with the development of the Chancery Standard in the 15th century, orthography became relatively standardised in a form based on the East Midlands-influenced speech of London. Spelling at the time was mostly quite regular (there was a fairly consistent correspondence between letters and sounds). The irregularity of present-day English orthography is largely due to pronunciation changes that have taken place over the Early Modern English and Modern English eras.

Middle English generally did not have silent letters. For example, knight was pronounced [ˈkniçt] (with both the ⟨k⟩ and the ⟨gh⟩ pronounced, the latter sounding as the ⟨ch⟩ in German Knecht). The major exception was the silent ⟨e⟩ – originally pronounced, but lost in normal speech by Chaucer’s time. This letter, however, came to indicate a lengthened – and later also modified – pronunciation of a preceding vowel. For example, in name, originally pronounced as two syllables, the /a/ in the first syllable (originally an open syllable) lengthened, the final weak vowel was later dropped, and the remaining long vowel was modified in the Great Vowel Shift (for these sound changes, see under Phonology, above). The final ⟨e⟩, now silent, thus became the indicator of the longer and changed pronunciation of ⟨a⟩. In fact vowels could have this lengthened and modified pronunciation in various positions, particularly before a single consonant letter and another vowel, or before certain pairs of consonants.

A related convention involved the doubling of consonant letters to show that the preceding vowel was not to be lengthened. In some cases the double consonant represented a sound that was (or had previously been) geminated, i.e. had genuinely been «doubled» (and would thus have regularly blocked the lengthening of the preceding vowel). In other cases, by analogy, the consonant was written double merely to indicate the lack of lengthening.


The basic Old English Latin alphabet had consisted of 20 standard letters plus four additional letters: ash ⟨æ⟩, eth ⟨ð⟩, thorn ⟨þ⟩ and wynn ⟨ƿ⟩. There was not yet a distinct j, v or w, and Old English scribes did not generally use k, q or z.

Ash was no longer required in Middle English, as the Old English vowel /æ/ that it represented had merged into /a/. The symbol nonetheless came to be used as a ligature for the digraph ⟨ae⟩ in many words of Greek or Latin origin, as did ⟨œ⟩ for ⟨oe⟩.

Eth and thorn both represented /θ/ or its allophone /ð/ in Old English. Eth fell out of use during the 13th century and was replaced by thorn. Thorn mostly fell out of use during the 14th century, and was replaced by ⟨th⟩. Anachronistic usage of the scribal abbreviation EME ye.svg (þe, i.e. «the») has led to the modern mispronunciation of thorn as ⟨y⟩ in this context; see ye olde.[34]

Wynn, which represented the phoneme /w/, was replaced by ⟨w⟩ during the 13th century. Due to its similarity to the letter ⟨p⟩, it is mostly represented by ⟨w⟩ in modern editions of Old and Middle English texts even when the manuscript has wynn.

Under Norman influence, the continental Carolingian minuscule replaced the insular script that had been used for Old English. However, because of the significant difference in appearance between the old insular g and the Carolingian g (modern g), the former continued in use as a separate letter, known as yogh, written ⟨ȝ⟩. This was adopted for use to represent a variety of sounds: [ɣ], [j], [dʒ], [x], [ç], while the Carolingian g was normally used for [g]. Instances of yogh were eventually replaced by ⟨j⟩ or ⟨y⟩, and by ⟨gh⟩ in words like night and laugh. In Middle Scots yogh became indistinguishable from cursive z, and printers tended to use ⟨z⟩ when yogh was not available in their fonts; this led to new spellings (often giving rise to new pronunciations), as in McKenzie, where the ⟨z⟩ replaced a yogh which had the pronunciation /j/.

Under continental influence, the letters ⟨k⟩, ⟨q⟩ and ⟨z⟩, which had not normally been used by Old English scribes, came to be commonly used in the writing of Middle English. Also the newer Latin letter ⟨w⟩ was introduced (replacing wynn). The distinct letter forms ⟨v⟩ and ⟨u⟩ came into use, but were still used interchangeably; the same applies to ⟨j⟩ and ⟨i⟩.[35] (For example, spellings such as wijf and paradijs for wife and paradise can be found in Middle English.)

The consonantal ⟨j⟩/⟨i⟩ was sometimes used to transliterate the Hebrew letter yodh, representing the palatal approximant sound /j/ (and transliterated in Greek by iota and in Latin by ⟨i⟩); words like Jerusalem, Joseph, etc. would have originally followed the Latin pronunciation beginning with /j/, that is, the sound of ⟨y⟩ in yes. In some words, however, notably from Old French, ⟨j⟩/⟨i⟩ was used for the affricate consonant /dʒ/, as in joie (modern «joy»), used in Wycliffe’s Bible.[36][37] This was similar to the geminate sound [ddʒ], which had been represented as ⟨cg⟩ in Old English. By the time of Modern English, the sound came to be written as ⟨j⟩/⟨i⟩ at the start of words (like joy), and usually as ⟨dg⟩ elsewhere (as in bridge). It could also be written, mainly in French loanwords, as ⟨g⟩, with the adoption of the soft G convention (age, page, etc.)

Other symbols[edit]

Many scribal abbreviations were also used. It was common for the Lollards to abbreviate the name of Jesus (as in Latin manuscripts) to ihc. The letters ⟨n⟩ and ⟨m⟩ were often omitted and indicated by a macron above an adjacent letter, so for example in could be written as ī. A thorn with a superscript ⟨t⟩ or ⟨e⟩ could be used for that and the; the thorn here resembled a ⟨Y⟩, giving rise to the ye of «Ye Olde». Various forms of the ampersand replaced the word and.

Numbers were still always written using Roman numerals, except for some rare occurrences of Arabic numerals during the 15th century.

Letter-to-sound correspondences[edit]

Although Middle English spelling was never fully standardised, the following table shows the pronunciations most usually represented by particular letters and digraphs towards the end of the Middle English period, using the notation given in the article on Middle English phonology.[38] As explained above, single vowel letters had alternative pronunciations depending on whether they were in a position where their sounds had been subject to lengthening. Long vowel pronunciations were in flux due to the beginnings of the Great Vowel Shift.

Symbol Description and notes
a /a/, or in lengthened positions /aː/, becoming [æː] by about 1500. Sometimes /au/ before ⟨l⟩ or nasals (see Late Middle English diphthongs).
ai, ay /ai/ (alternatively denoted by /ɛi/; see vein–vain merger).
au, aw /au/
b /b/, but in later Middle English became silent in words ending -mb (while some words that never had a /b/ sound came to be spelt -mb by analogy; see reduction of /mb/).
c /k/, but /s/ (earlier /ts/) before ⟨e⟩, ⟨i⟩, ⟨y⟩ (see C and hard and soft C for details).
ch /tʃ/
ck /k/, replaced earlier ⟨kk⟩ as the doubled form of ⟨k⟩ (for the phenomenon of doubling, see above).
d /d/
e /e/, or in lengthened positions /eː/ or sometimes /ɛː/ (see ee). For silent ⟨e⟩, see above.
ea Rare, for /ɛː/ (see ee).
ee /eː/, becoming [iː] by about 1500; or /ɛː/, becoming [eː] by about 1500. In Early Modern English the latter vowel came to be commonly written ⟨ea⟩. The two vowels later merged.
ei, ey Sometimes the same as ⟨ai⟩; sometimes /ɛː/ or /eː/ (see also fleece merger).
ew Either /ɛu/ or /iu/ (see Late Middle English diphthongs; these later merged).
f /f/
g /ɡ/, or /dʒ/ before ⟨e⟩, ⟨i⟩, ⟨y⟩ (see ⟨g⟩ for details). The ⟨g⟩ in initial gn- was still pronounced.
gh [ç] or [x], post-vowel allophones of /h/ (this was formerly one of the uses of yogh). The ⟨gh⟩ is often retained in Chancery spellings even though the sound was starting to be lost.
h /h/ (except for the allophones for which ⟨gh⟩ was used). Also used in several digraphs (⟨ch⟩, ⟨th⟩, etc.). In some French loanwords, such as horrible, the ⟨h⟩ was silent.
i, j As a vowel, /i/, or in lengthened positions /iː/, which had started to be diphthongised by about 1500. As a consonant, /dʒ/ ( (corresponding to modern ⟨j⟩); see above).
ie Used sometimes for /ɛː/ (see ee).
k /k/, used particularly in positions where ⟨c⟩ would be softened. Also used in ⟨kn⟩ at the start of words; here both consonants were still pronounced.
l /l/
m /m/
n /n/, including its allophone [ŋ] (before /k/, /g/).
o /o/, or in lengthened positions /ɔː/ or sometimes /oː/ (see oo). Sometimes /u/, as in sone (modern son); the ⟨o⟩ spelling was often used rather than ⟨u⟩ when adjacent to i, m, n, v, w for legibility, i.e. to avoid a succession of vertical strokes.[39]
oa Rare, for /ɔː/ (became commonly used in Early Modern English).
oi, oy /ɔi/ or /ui/ (see Late Middle English diphthongs; these later merged).
oo /oː/, becoming [uː] by about 1500; or /ɔː/.
ou, ow Either /uː/, which had started to be diphthongised by about 1500, or /ɔu/.
p /p/
qu /kw/
r /r/
s /s/, sometimes /z/ (formerly [z] was an allophone of /s/). Also appeared as ſ (long s).
sch, sh /ʃ/
t /t/
th /θ/ or /ð/ (which had previously been allophones of a single phoneme), replacing earlier eth and thorn, although thorn was still sometimes used.
u, v Used interchangeably. As a consonant, /v/. As a vowel, /u/, or /iu/ in «lengthened» positions (although it had generally not gone through the same lengthening process as other vowels – see history of /iu/).
w /w/ (replaced Old English wynn).
wh /hw/ (see English ⟨wh⟩).
x /ks/
y As a consonant, /j/ (earlier this was one of the uses of yogh). Sometimes also /g/. As a vowel, the same as ⟨i⟩, where ⟨y⟩ is often preferred beside letters with downstrokes.
z /z/ (in Scotland sometimes used as a substitute for yogh; see above).

Sample texts[edit]

Most of the following Modern English translations are poetic sense-for-sense translations, not word-for-word translations.

Ormulum, 12th century[edit]

This passage explains the background to the Nativity (3494–501):[40]

Forrþrihht anan se time commþatt ure Drihhtin wolldeben borenn i þiss middellærdforr all mannkinne nedehe chæs himm sone kinnessmennall swillke summ he wolldeand whær he wollde borenn benhe chæs all att hiss wille. Forthwith when the time camethat our Lord wantedbe born in this earthfor all mankind sake,He chose kinsmen for Himself,all just as he wanted,and where He would be bornHe chose exactly as He wished.

Epitaph of John the smyth, died 1371[edit]

An epitaph from a monumental brass in an Oxfordshire parish church:[41][42]

Original text Word-for-word translation into Modern English Translation by Patricia Utechin[42]
man com & se how schal alle dede li: wen þow comes bad & barenoth hab ven ve awaẏ fare: All ẏs wermēs þt ve for care:—bot þt ve do for godẏs luf ve haue nothyng yare:hundyr þis graue lẏs John þe smẏth god yif his soule heuen grit Man, come and see how shall all dead lie: when thou comes bad and barenaught have we away fare: all is worms that we for care:—but that we do for God’s love, we have nothing ready:under this grave lies John the smith, God give his soul heaven great Man, come and see how all dead men shall lie: when that comes bad and bare,we have nothing when we away fare: all that we care for is worms:—except for that which we do for God’s sake, we have nothing ready:under this grave lies John the smith, God give his soul heavenly peace

Wycliffe’s Bible, 1384[edit]

From the Wycliffe’s Bible, (1384):

Luke 8:1-3

First version Second version Translation
1And it was don aftirward, and Jhesu made iorney by citees and castelis, prechinge and euangelysinge þe rewme of God, 2and twelue wiþ him; and summe wymmen þat weren heelid of wickide spiritis and syknessis, Marie, þat is clepid Mawdeleyn, of whom seuene deuelis wenten 3 out, and Jone, þe wyf of Chuse, procuratour of Eroude, and Susanne, and manye oþere, whiche mynystriden to him of her riches. 1And it was don aftirward, and Jhesus made iourney bi citees and castels, prechynge and euangelisynge þe rewme of 2God, and twelue wiþ hym; and sum wymmen þat weren heelid of wickid spiritis and sijknessis, Marie, þat is clepid Maudeleyn, of whom seuene deuelis 3wenten out, and Joone, þe wijf of Chuse, þe procuratoure of Eroude, and Susanne, and many oþir, þat mynystriden to hym of her ritchesse. 1And it happened afterwards, that Jesus made a journey through cities and settlements, preaching and evangelising the realm of 2God: and with him The Twelve; and some women that were healed of wicked spirits and sicknesses; Mary who is called Magdalen, from whom 3seven devils went out; and Joanna the wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod; and Susanna, and many others, who administered to Him out of their own means.

Chaucer, 1390s[edit]

The following is the very beginning of the General Prologue from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. The text was written in a dialect associated with London and spellings associated with the then-emergent Chancery Standard.

First 18 lines of the General Prologue

Original in Middle English Word-for-word translation into Modern English[43] Translation into Modern U.K. English prose[44]
Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote When [that] April with his showers sweet When April with its sweet showers
The droȝte of March hath perced to the roote The drought of March has pierced to the root has drenched March’s drought to the roots,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour, And bathed every vein in such liquor, filling every capillary with nourishing sap
Of which vertu engendred is the flour; From which goodness is engendered the flower; prompting the flowers to grow,
Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth When Zephyrus even with his sweet breath and when Zephyrus with his sweet breath
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth Inspired has in every holt and heath has coaxed in every wood and dale, to sprout
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne The tender crops; and the young sun the tender plants, as the springtime sun
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne, Has in the Ram his half-course run, passes halfway through the sign of Aries,
And smale foweles maken melodye, And small birds make melodies, and small birds that chirp melodies,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye That sleep all night with open eyes sleep all night with half-open eyes
(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages); (So Nature prompts them in their boldness); their spirits thus aroused by Nature;
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages Then folk long to go on pilgrimages. it is at these times that people desire to go on pilgrimages
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes And pilgrims (palmers) [for] to seek new strands and pilgrims (palmers) seek new shores
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes; To far-off shrines (hallows), respected in sundry lands; and distant shrines venerated in other places.
And specially from every shires ende And specially from every shire’s end Particularly from every county
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende, Of England, to Canterbury they wend, of England, they go to Canterbury,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke The holy blissful martyr [for] to seek, in order to visit the holy blessed martyr,
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke. That has helped them, when [that] they were sick. who has helped them when they were unwell.

Gower, 1390[edit]

The following is the beginning of the Prologue from Confessio Amantis by John Gower.

Original in Middle English Near word-for-word translation into Modern English: Translation into Modern English: (by Richard Brodie)[45]
Of hem that written ous tofore
The bokes duelle, and we therfore
Ben tawht of that was write tho:
Forthi good is that we also
In oure tyme among ous hiere
Do wryte of newe som matiere,
Essampled of these olde wyse
So that it myhte in such a wyse,
Whan we ben dede and elleswhere,
Beleve to the worldes eere
In tyme comende after this.
Bot for men sein, and soth it is,
That who that al of wisdom writ
It dulleth ofte a mannes wit
To him that schal it aldai rede,
For thilke cause, if that ye rede,
I wolde go the middel weie
And wryte a bok betwen the tweie,
Somwhat of lust, somewhat of lore,
That of the lasse or of the more
Som man mai lyke of that I wryte:
Of them that wrote us before
The books dwell, and we therefore
Been taught of that was written then:
For it is good that we also
In our time among us here
Do write some new matter,
Exemplified by these old ways
So that it might in such a way,
When we be dead and elsewhere,
Be left to the world’s ear
In time coming after this.
But for men say, and so it is,
That who that all of wisdom writes
It dulls often a man’s wit
To him that shall it every day read,
For that like cause, if that you read,
I would go the middle way
And write a book between the two,
Somewhat of lust, somewhat of lore,
That of the less or of the more
Some man may like of that I write:
Of those who wrote before our lives
Their precious legacy survives;
From what was written then, we learn,
And so it’s well that we in turn,
In our allotted time on earth
Do write anew some things of worth,
Like those we from these sages cite,
So that such in like manner might,
When we have left this mortal sphere,
Remain for all the world to hear
In ages following our own.
But it is so that men are prone
To say that when one only reads
Of wisdom all day long, one breeds
A paucity of wit, and so
If you agree I’ll choose to go
Along a kind of middle ground
Sometimes I’ll write of things profound,
And sometimes for amusement’s sake
A lighter path of pleasure take
So all can something pleasing find.

Translation in Modern English: (by J. Dow)

Of those who wrote before we were born, books survive,

So we are taught what was written by them when they were alive.
So it’s good that we, in our times here on earth, write of new matters –
Following the example of our forefathers –
So that, in such a way, we may leave our knowledge to the world after we are dead and gone.
But it’s said, and it is true, that if one only reads of wisdom all day long
It often dulls one’s brains. So, if it’s alright with you,
I’ll take the middle route and write a book between the two –
Somewhat of amusement, and somewhat of fact.

In that way, somebody might, more or less, like that.

See also[edit]

  • Medulla Grammatice (collection of glossaries)
  • Middle English creole hypothesis
  • Middle English Dictionary
  • Middle English literature
  • A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English


  1. ^ Simon Horobin, Introduction to Middle English, Edinburgh 2016, s. 1.1.
  2. ^ a b c Durkin, Philip (2012-08-16). «Middle English–an overview». Oxford English Dictionary. Archived from the original on Jun 17, 2018. Retrieved 2016-01-04.
  3. ^ Carlson, David. (2004). «The Chronology of Lydgate’s Chaucer References». The Chaucer Review. 38 (3): 246–254. CiteSeerX doi:10.1353/cr.2004.0003.
  4. ^ The name «tales of Canterbury» appears within the surviving texts of Chaucer’s work.[3]
  5. ^ a b c d e Baugh, Albert (1951). A History of the English Language. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 110–130 (Danelaw), 131–132 (Normans).
  6. ^ a b c Jespersen, Otto (1919). Growth and Structure of the English Language. Leipzig, Germany: B. G. Teubner. pp. 58–82.
  7. ^ Crystal, David (1995). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 32. ISBN 9780521401791.
  8. ^ a b McCrum, Robert (1987). The Story of English. London: Faber and Faber. pp. 70–71.
  9. ^ BBC (27 December 2014). «[BBC World News] BBC Documentary English Birth of a Language — 35:00 to 37:20». YouTube. BBC. Archived from the original on 31 January 2016. Retrieved 12 January 2016.
  10. ^ Potter, Simeon (1950). Our Language. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin. pp. 33.
  11. ^ Faarlund, Jan Terje, and Joseph E. Emonds. «English as North Germanic». Language Dynamics and Change 6.1 (2016): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1163/22105832-00601002 Web.
  12. ^ Lohmeier, Charlene (28 October 2012). «121028 Charlene Lohmeier «Evolution of the English Language» — 23:40 — 25:00; 30:20 — 30:45; 45:00 — 46:00″. YouTube. Dutch Lichliter. Retrieved 12 January 2016.
  13. ^ Fuster-Márquez, Miguel; Calvo García de Leonardo, Juan José (2011). A Practical Introduction to the History of English. [València]: Universitat de València. p. 21. ISBN 9788437083216. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  14. ^ McWhorter, Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue, 2008, pp. 89–136.
  15. ^ Burchfield, Robert W. (1987). «Ormulum». In Strayer, Joseph R. (ed.). Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Vol. 9. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. p. 280. ISBN 978-0-684-18275-9., p. 280
  16. ^ «Making Early Middle English: About the Conference». hcmc.uvic.ca.
  17. ^ a b Wright, L. (2012). «About the evolution of Standard English». Studies in English Language and Literature. Routledge. p. 99ff. ISBN 978-1138006935.
  18. ^ Franklin, James (1983). «Mental furniture from the philosophers» (PDF). Et Cetera. 40: 177–191. Retrieved 29 June 2021.
  19. ^ cf. ‘Sawles Warde’ (The protection of the soul)
  20. ^ cf. ‘Sawles Warde’ (The protection of the soul)
  21. ^ cf. ‘Ancrene Wisse’ (The Anchoresses Guide)
  22. ^ Fischer, O., van Kemenade, A., Koopman, W., van der Wurff, W., The Syntax of Early English, CUP 2000, p. 72.
  23. ^ a b Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, p. 23
  24. ^ Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, p. 38
  25. ^ Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, pp. 27–28
  26. ^ a b Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, p. 28
  27. ^ Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, pp. 28–29
  28. ^ a b c d e Burrow & Turville-Petre 2005, p. 29
  29. ^ Fulk, R.D., An Introduction to Middle English, Broadview Press, 2012, p. 65.
  30. ^ See Stratmann, Francis Henry (1891). A Middle-English dictionary. London: Oxford University Press. OL 7114246M. and Mayhew, AL; Skeat, Walter W (1888). A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from A.D. 1150 to 1580. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  31. ^ Booth, David (1831). The Principles of English Composition. Cochrane and Pickersgill.
  32. ^ Horobin, Simon (9 September 2016). Introduction to Middle English. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474408462.
  33. ^ Ward, AW; Waller, AR (1907–21). «The Cambridge History of English and American Literature». Bartleby. Retrieved Oct 4, 2011.
  34. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, ye[2] retrieved February 1, 2009
  35. ^ Salmon, V., (in) Lass, R. (ed.), The Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol. III, CUP 2000, p. 39.
  36. ^ «J», Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition (1989)
  37. ^ «J» and «jay», Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (1993)
  38. ^ For certain details, see «Chancery Standard spelling» in Upward, C., Davidson, G., The History of English Spelling, Wiley 2011.
  39. ^ Algeo, J., Butcher, C., The Origins and Development of the English Language, Cengage Learning 2013, p. 128.
  40. ^ Holt, Robert, ed. (1878). The Ormulum: with the notes and glossary of Dr R. M. White. Two vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Internet Archive: Volume 1; Volume 2.
  41. ^ Bertram, Jerome (2003). «Medieval Inscriptions in Oxfordshire» (PDF). Oxoniensia. LXVVIII: 30. ISSN 0308-5562.
  42. ^ a b Utechin, Patricia (1990) [1980]. Epitaphs from Oxfordshire (2nd ed.). Oxford: Robert Dugdale. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-946976-04-1.
  43. ^ This Wikipedia translation closely mirrors the translation found here: Canterbury Tales (selected). Translated by Vincent Foster Hopper (revised ed.). Barron’s Educational Series. 1970. p. 2. ISBN 9780812000399. when april, with his.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  44. ^ Sweet, Henry (d. 1912) (2005). First Middle English Primer (updated). Evolution Publishing: Bristol, Pennsylvania. ISBN 978-1-889758-70-1.
  45. ^ Brodie, Richard (2005). «John Gower’s ‘Confessio Amantis’ Modern English Version». Prologue. Retrieved March 15, 2012.
  • Brunner, Karl (1962) Abriss der mittelenglischen Grammatik; 5. Auflage. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (1st ed. Halle (Saale): M. Niemeyer, 1938)
  • Brunner, Karl (1963) An Outline of Middle English Grammar; translated by Grahame Johnston. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Burrow, J. A.; Turville-Petre, Thorlac (2005). A Book of Middle English (3 ed.). Blackwell.
  • Mustanoja, Tauno (1960) «A Middle English Syntax. 1. Parts of Speech». Helsinki : Société néophilologique.

External links[edit]

  • A. L. Mayhew and Walter William Skeat. A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from A.D. 1150 to 1580
  • Middle English Glossary (archived 22 February 2012)
  • Oliver Farrar Emerson, ed. (1915). A Middle English Reader. Internet Archive. Macmillan. With grammatical introduction, notes, and glossary.
  • Middle English encyclopedia on Miraheze

General characteristics

analysis of the vocabulary in the Middle English period shows great
instability and constant and rapid change. Many words became
obsolete, and if preserved, then only in some dialects: many more
appeared in the rapidly developing language to reflect the
ever-changing life of the speakers and under the influence of
contacts with other nations.

Means of enriching vocabulary in Middle English

Internal means of enriching vocabulary

the majority of Old English suffixes are still preserved in Middle
English, they becoming less productive, and words formed by means of
word-derivation in Old English can be treated as such only

by means of word-composition in Old English, in Middle English are
often understood as derived words.

External means of enriching vocabulary

principal means of enriching vocabulary in Middle English are not
internal, but external borrowings. Two languages in succession
enriched the vocabulary English of that period – the Scandinavian
language and the French language, the nature of the borrowings and
their amount reflecting the conditions of the contacts between the
English and these languages.

  • Scandinavian

Scandinavian invasion and the subsequent settlement of the
Scandinavians on the territory of England, the constant contacts and
intermixture of the English and Scandinavians brought about many
changes in different spheres of the English language: word-stock,
grammar and phonetics. The relative ease of the mutual penetration of
the languages was conditioned by the circumstances of the
Anglo-Scandinavians contacts.

to contacts between the Scandinavians and the English people many
words were borrowed from the Scandinavian language, for example:

law, fellow, sky, skirt, skill, egg, anger, awe, bloom, knife, root,
bull, cake, husband, leg, wing, guest, loan, race

weak, wrong, ugly, twin

cast, take, happen, scare, hail, want, bask, gape, kindle


they, them, their

conditions and the consequences of various borrowings were different.

  1. Sometimes
    the English language borrowed a word which it had no synonym. These
    words were simply added top the vocabulary. Examples: law, fellow

  2. The
    English synonym was ousted by the borrowing. Scandinavian Taken

    and callen

    ousted the English synonyms niman

  3. Both
    the words, the English and the corresponding Scandinavian, are
    preserved, but they became different in meaning. Compare Modern
    English native words and Scandinavian borrowings:

Scandinavian borrowing



  1. Sometimes
    a borrowed word and an English word are etymologically doublets, as
    words originating from the same source in Common Germanic.

Scandinavian borrowing





  1. Sometimes
    an English word and its Scandinavian doublet were the same in
    meaning but slightly different phonetically, and the phonetic form
    of the Scandinavian borrowing is preserved in English, having ousted
    the English counterpart. For example, modern English to

    come from the Scandinavian gefa,
    this ousted the English giefan
    and gietan,
    respectively. Similar English words: gift, forget, guild, gate,

  2. There
    may be a shift of meaning. Thus, the word dream
    meant “joy, pleasure”; under the influence of the related
    Scandinavian word it developed its modern meaning.

  • French

stands to reason that the Norman Conquest and the subsequent history
left deep traces in the English language, mainly in the form of
borrowings in words connected with such spheres of social and
political activity where French-speaking Normans had occupied for a
long time all places of importance. For example:

  • Government
    and legislature:

noble, baron, prince, duke, court, justice, judge, crime, prison,
condemn, sentence, parliament, etc.

  • military

battle, peace, banner, victory, general, colonel, lieutenant, major,

  • religion:

sermon, prey, saint, charity, etc.

  • city

tailor, carpenter, etc. (but
country occupations remained English: shepherd, smith, etc.)

  • pleasure
    and entertainment:

art, feast, pleasure, leisure, supper, dinner, pork, beef, mutton,
etc. (but
the corresponding names of domestic animals remained English: pig,
cow, sheep)

  • words
    of everyday life:

place, river, large, age, boil, branch, brush, catch, change, chain,
chair, table, choice, cry, cost, etc.

  • relationship:

uncle, nephew, cousin.

place of the French borrowings within the English language was

  1. A
    word may be borrowed from the French language to denote notions
    unknown to the English up to the time:

parliament, general, colonel, etc.

  1. The
    English synonym is ousted by the French borrowing:





  1. Both
    the words are preserved, but they are stylistically different:


begin to commence

work to labour

leave to abandon




we see, the French borrowings are generally more literary or even
bookish, the English word – a common one; but sometimes the English
word is more literary. Compare:


– enemy (French

  1. Sometimes
    the English language borrowed many words with the same word-building
    affix. The meaning of the affix in this case became clear to the
    English-speaking people, and they began to add it to the English
    words, thus forming word-hybrids. For instance: the suffix –ment
    entered the language within such words as “government”,
    “parliament”, “agreement”, but later there appeared such
    English-French hybrids, such as fulfillment,

suffix –ance/-ence, which was an element of such borrowed words as
“ignorance”, “repentance”,

now also forms words-hybrids, such as hindrance

similar thing: French borrowings “admirable”, “tolerable”,
“reasonable”, but also:

eatable, unbearable.

  1. One
    of the consequences of the borrowings from French was the appearance
    of the etymological doublets.

from the Common Indoeuropean:



from the Common Germanic:





from Latin:


English borrowing) (Middle English borrowing)



  1. Due
    to the great number of French borrowings these appeared in the
    English language such families of words, which though similar in
    their root meaning, are different in origin:





  1. There
    are calques on the French phrase:

no doubt Se n’est doute

doubt Sans doubte

of doubt Hors de doute

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Middle English was the language spoken in England from about 1100 to 1500. Five major dialects of Middle English have been identified (Northern, East Midlands, West Midlands, Southern, and Kentish), but the «research of Angus McIntosh and others… supports the claim that this period of the language was rich in dialect diversity» (Barbara A. Fennell, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach, 2001).

Major literary works written in Middle English include Havelok the Dane, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Piers Plowman, and Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The form of Middle English that’s most familiar to modern readers is the London dialect, which was the dialect of Chaucer and the basis of what would eventually become standard English.

Middle English in Academics

Academicians and others have explained the use of Middle English in everything from its importance in English grammar, and modern English in general, to fatherhood, as the following quotes demonstrate.

Jeremy J. Smith

«[T]he transition from Middle to early modern English is above all the period of the elaboration of the English language. Between the late 14th and 16th centuries, the English language began increasingly to take on more functions. These changes in function had, it is argued here, a major effect on the form of English: so major, indeed, that the old distinction between ‘Middle’ and ‘modern’ retains considerable validity, although the boundary between these two linguistic epochs was obviously a fuzzy one.»
(«From Middle to Early Modern English.» The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford University Press, 2006)

Rachel E. Moss

«Middle English varied enormously over time and by region; Angus McIntosh notes that there are over a thousand ‘dialectically differentiated’ varieties of Middle English. Indeed, some scholars go so far as to say that Middle English is ‘not… a language at all but rather something of a scholarly fiction, an amalgam of forms and sounds, writers and manuscripts, famous works and little-known ephemera.’ This is a little extreme, but certainly prior to the later fourteenth century Middle English was primarily a spoken rather than a written language, and did not have official administrative functions in either a secular or religious context. This has resulted in a critical tendency to place English at the bottom of the linguistic hierarchy of medieval England, with Latin and French as the dominant languages of discourse, instead of seeing the symbiotic relationship between English, French, and Latin…
«By the fifteenth century Middle English was extensively used in the written documentation of business, civic government, Parliament, and the royal household.»
(Fatherhood and Its Representations in Middle English Texts. D.S. Brewer, 2013)

Evelyn Rothstein and Andrew S. Rothstein

— «In 1066, William the Conqueror led the Norman invasion of England, marking the beginning of the Middle English period. This invasion brought a major influence to English from Latin and French. As is often the case with invasions, the conquerors dominated the major political and economic life in England. While this invasion had some influence on English grammar, the most powerful impact was on vocabulary.»
(English Grammar Instruction That Works! Corwin, 2009)

Seth Lerer

— «The core vocabulary of [Middle] English comprised the monosyllabic words for basic concepts, bodily functions, and body parts inherited from Old English and shared with the other Germanic languages. These words include: God, man, tin, iron, life, death, limb, nose, ear, foot, mother, father, brother, earth, sea, horse, cow, lamb.
«Words from French are often polysyllabic terms for the institutions of the Conquest (church, administration, law), for things imported with the Conquest (castles, courts, prisons), and terms of high culture and social status (cuisine, fashion, literature, art, decoration).»
(Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language. Columbia University Press, 2007)

A. C. Baugh and T. Cable

— «From 1150 to 1500 the language is known as Middle English. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down during the end of the Old English period, become greatly reduced…
«By making English the language mainly of uneducated people, the Norman Conquest [in 1066] made it easier for grammatical changes to go forward unchecked.
«French influence is much more direct and observable upon the vocabulary. Where two languages exist side by side for a long time and the relations between the people speaking them are as intimate as they were in England, a considerable transference of words from one language to the other is inevitable…
«When we study the French words appearing in English before 1250, roughly 900 in number, we find that many of them were such as the lower classes would become familiar with through contact with a French-speaking nobility: (baron, noble, dame, servant, messenger, feast, minstrel, juggler, largess)… In the period after 1250,… the upper classes carried over into English an astonishing number of common French words. In changing from French to English, they transferred much of their governmental and administrative vocabulary, their ecclesiastical, legal, and military terms, their familiar words of fashion, food, and social life, the vocabulary of art, learning, and medicine.»
(A History of the English Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978)

Simon Horobin

— «French continued to occupy a prestigious place in English society, especially the Central French dialect spoken in Paris. This prompted an increase in the numbers of French words borrowed, especially those relating to French society and culture. As a consequence, English words concerned with scholarship, fashion, the arts, and food—such as college, robe, verse, beef—are often drawn from French (even if their ultimate origins lie in Latin). The higher status of French in this [late Middle English] period continues to influence the associations of pairs of synonyms in Modern English, such as begin-commence, look-regard, stench-odour. In each of these pairs, the French borrowing is of a higher register than the word inherited from Old English.»
(How English Became English. Oxford University Press, 2016)

Chaucer and Middle English

Probably the most famous author who wrote during the Middle English period was Geoffrey Chaucer, who penned the classic 14th-century work, «The Canterbury Tales,» but also other works, which present fine examples of how the language was used in the same time period. The modern-English translation is presented in brackets following the Middle English passage.

Canterbury Tales

«Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour…»
[«When the sweet showers of April have pierced
The drought of March, and pierced it to the root
And every vein is bathed in that moisture
Whose quickening force will engender the flower…»]
(General Prologue. Translation by David Wright. Oxford University Press, 2008)

«Troilus and Criseyde»

«Ye knowe ek that in forme of speeche is chaunge
Withinne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem, and yet thei spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do;
Ek for to wynnen love in sondry ages,
In sondry londes, sondry ben usages.»
[«You know also that in (the) form of speech (there) is change
Within a thousand years, and words then
That had value, now wonderfully curious and strange
(To) us they seem, and yet they spoke them so,
And succeeded as well in love as men now do;
Also to win love in sundry ages,
In sundry lands, (there) are many usages.»]
(Translation by Roger Lass in «Phonology and Morphology.» A History of the English Language, edited by Richard M. Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Presentation on theme: «The Middle English Vocabulary»— Presentation transcript:


The Middle English Vocabulary


Borrowings came mostly from two sources:Scandinavian And French
Scandinavian borrowings were not so great, but they were mostly everyday words of very high frequency. There were such borrowings as bag anger skin happy take call window fog ugly


Apart from many place names (over1400)in – by, -thorpe and -thwaite some personal pronouns were borrowed as well. The Scandinavian forms þeir(they), þeim (them) and þeirra (their) ousted the OE. forms hie, him, hira. In some cases only the meaning of a word, not its form was changed. For example, ME word bloom has not only the meaning of ‘‘flower’’ but also ‘‘the technical meaning ‘‘of a thick bar or iron’’ The OE word bloma had only the second meaning. The first was borrowed from the Scandinavian word blom. The OE dream meant ‘‘joy’’ .Its present meaning came with the Scandinavians.


The number of French borrowings was much greater than the Scandinavian loan words
There were 2 stages of borrowing. During the 1st one words connected with titles of respect (E. sir, madam), ranks( prince, duke, noble). During the 2nd one words connected with administration and government (E. parliament, crown, reign) war (E. enemy, battle, war, victory, defence) religion ( pray, saint, miracle) art ( painting, colour, beauty, romance, sculpture, )


The relation between the English people and the French aristocracy is also reflected in the semantic correlation of some English words. As Walter Scott pointed out in ‘‘Ivanhoe’’, the domestic animals kept their English names while the English were looking after them in the fields (E. ox, cow, sheep), but were given French names when they appeared on the Norman lord’s table( E. veal, beef, mutton)


It is necessary to remember that there were 2 varieties of French borrowings Norman French (NF) and Central French (CF). Up to the 13th century French borrowings were mostly from NF. Later the overwhelming majority of French loan-words came from CF. It often happened that a word was borrowed twice and new doublets were formed (canal (NF) and channel (CF)).


The word building in Middle English
There were 2 types of word derivation: 1)based on native elements 2)based on the mixture of elements Native affixes + borrowed words. The English suffixes(- ful,-less,-hood,-like and –ship )were added to French words. For example, unfaithful, beautiful, courtship. The same situation with compounding.Gentle(1225) + woman=gentlewoman(1230).


Middle English borrowed a lot of foreign elements and with
the help of them new words were formed. For example, such morphemes as –able, dis- and –re were used with words of French origin. So we have enter-reenter, write- rewrite, blame-blamable. Some of them were used with native Germanic roots as well:eatable, readable, bearable, misdo.


chance –to chance account-to account.
One of the most important innovations was the development of conversion. Owing to the levelling of endings and the loss of –n in unstressed syllables this way of word formation gains importance. As a result of conversion a lot of new nouns from verbs and vice versa were formed: smile-to smile comfort-to comfort, annoy-to annoy chance –to chance account-to account.


One of the main languages around the globe- English has many classifications. This global language is spoken mostly throughout the world, and many people even claim English to be their native language.

But, the English which you hear around you now is also termed as Modern English. This is not something that was used in the old days too.

The English back then was completely different from what is spoken now! The English language has an enriched cultural past of almost 1700 years for which it is also divided into Old English and Middle English other than Modern English.

Quite a long interesting journey tells us the story of how the English Language has changed through these hundreds of years. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Old English and Middle English are two historical stages of the English language, with Old English predating Middle English.
  2. Old English is characterized by its Germanic roots, while Middle English reflects the influence of French and Latin.
  3. While Old English is largely unintelligible to modern English speakers, Middle English is more recognizable but differs significantly from contemporary English.

Old English, also known as Anglo-Saxon, was spoken from the 5th to the 11th centuries AD in what is now England. It is characterized by a highly inflected grammar and a vocabulary heavily influenced. Middle English was spoken in England from the 11th to the late 15th centuries AD, following the Norman Conquest of 1066. Middle English saw the introduction of many French and Latin loanwords.

Old English vs Middle English

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Old English Middle English
Classification Old English can further be classified into three more sub-divisions- Prehistoric, Early Old England, and Late Old English.  Having developed from Late Old English, Middle English grew popular and soon people started to compose in Middle English. Later the Late Middle English came to be known as Early Modern English. 
Period It is recorded in history that Old English was spoken from about the 5th century till around the 12th century.  Middle English came into being from the second half of the 11th century while the Old English was still in use till the last parts of the 15th century. 
Origin Old English is the earliest language recorded in history books to be ever spoken. We are still not sure how it came into being.  Middle English came into being from the Late Old English after the occurrence of the conquest of the Normans. 
Word order The word order of Old English was not fixed  The word order of Middle English was almost fixed
Standardization  Old English has never been standardized.  Middle English was standardized ages after its existence. 

What is Old English?

Old English is technically the oldest form of English we have ever come across in history. It was predominant in all of England throughout this time period. It was also spoken in Scotland for a vast period of time.

The Anglo Saxons brought this language along with them. It was, in fact, a combination of different dialects used in different tribes at that time.  Having further three classifications, the language had its initial influence from the Latin language.

However, we do see a lot of German words in their everyday use. Prehistoric, Middle Old English, and Late Old English are the three classifications. From the Late Old English, Middle English was developed. 

When the Vikings started attacking the English, their Norse and Celtic languages also became a part of Old English. It is very difficult for Modern English readers to be able to read a piece of Old English.

The pronouns, nouns, and verbs are completely different and the sentences are complex. They used many versions of pronouns for a single pronoun. Old English was not standardized. However, we do find some writings which were written on runes. 

old english

What is Middle English? 

Middle English started developing from the Late Old English and derives its influence from French words. It initially had no standardization, but as time went on it slowly became the language in which the poets wrote. 

It is way more simple than Old English and is quite similar to modern English too. The prepositional construction, verb forms, and pronouns are quite simple like Modern English.

We get examples of various writings in Middle English from the verses of Chaucer. 

middle english

Main Differences Between Old English and Middle English

  1. The main difference between Old English and Middle English lies in their different influence. Latin, Celtic, and Norse were the three languages that heavily influenced Old English. However, Middle English was influenced by the French language. 
  2.  Old English was in no way of what you’d call a monolithic language- the language had vast variations depending on the different regions it spread to. However, the four main variations were West Saxon, Kentish, Northumbrian, and Mercian. On the other hand, Middle English, in the beginning, had its share of different dialects. But, after a while, it became the language in which the artists composed, and hence got standardized. 
  3. Old English was way more complex as compared to Middle English. The verbs and nouns in Old English had many forms which became unnecessary complex for people. However, Middle English was simpler in comparison to Old English. 
  4. Old English had very little or no resemblance to Modern English, but Middle English resembled Modern English to a great extent. 
  5. The vocabulary of Old English had many German and Latin words in it, but the Middle English vocabulary mainly had French words, and concepts and terms like law and religion came into being. 
  6. There were a lot of silent letters in the alphabet system of Old English. In the case of Middle English, the language at first had no silent letters, but later on, the ‘e’ became silent in some situations. 
  7. The cases were mainly instrumental in Old English. In Middle English, we see a shift towards different prepositional constructions. 


  1. https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1773&context=pwpl

Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

Middle English was the form of English spoken in England and Lowland Scotland between 1150 and 1500 C.E.. The aim of this page is to standardise the layout of Middle English entries and explain the rationale behind that standardisation.



Although diacritics usually appeared in many Middle English dictionaries to indicate the length and stress of vowel sounds, they were not widely used in Middle English writing to distinguish between short and long vowels. Such marks are modern additions used in dictionaries and textbooks – that is why some editors use macrons (¯), while others use acute accents (´), circumflexes (ˆ), overdots (˙), and/or breves (˘). Consequently, Middle English entries here should be without diacritical marks in the page title. Within the entry itself, optional marks can be used with the word as given under the part-of-speech heading. The custom here is to forgo using diacritics for Middle English altogether. Otherwise, in links, these marks can be piped in, e.g. [[gliden|glīden]].

Th, Þ, Ð and Y[edit]

In early Middle English, as in Old English, the letters thorn (þ) and eth (ð) were largely interchangeable: the use of one over the other being more a matter of preference than of orthography. Oftentimes it was customary to use þ at the beginning and medial positions of a word, and ð at the end. By the end of the Early Middle English period, þ began to replace ð in all positions; it is the form most often seen in Middle English dictionaries. The combination th was also in use, however, in foreign words (often borrowed from Latin or Greek), it often represented /t/. In later Middle English, the form of thorn coalesced with that of y; this can still be seen in archaic spellings such as Ye Olde Schoppe (= The Olde Schoppe). For consistency, entries here are usually given with th (except in certain function words; see below). There is no reason why entries using þ, ð and y should not exist as well; there is a lot of work waiting for someone if they want to start creating triplicate entries with thorns, eths and y’s.


As in the case with þ and ð, Middle English yogh (ȝ) has counterparts in consonantal y (/j/), gh (velar fricatives /ɣ/ and /x/), and w. During the late Middle English period, the use of yogh increasingly fell away; where it was still in use, its form tended to coalesce with that of z. Again, for the sake of ease, entries here are usually given with y, gh and w, but there is no reason why entries using ȝ should not exist.


As with yogh, ash (æ) was used very early in the Middle English period. Words using æ usually have later counterparts with a or e.

I/J and U/V[edit]

During the Middle English period, i/j and u/v were considered variants of the same letter; the choice between them often depended on the surrounding letter, if they were even distinguished at all. At Wiktionary, the convention is to employ i and u for the vowel sounds, while using j and v for the consonant sounds, even if that is at variance with the forms which are actually found in the original text; i.e. love, not loue (an alternate-form entry for the original manuscript form can be created using {{alternative typography of}}). There are exceptions; for instance, the digraph ij for /iː/ is never written as ii at Wiktionary, so lijf is preferred over liif.

Long S (ſ) etc.[edit]

ſ (long s), r rotunda, and similar letter variants should be substituted with s, r, etc. in the names of entries, as they lack any phonetic significance and are usually absent from modern editions of Middle English texts. However, it is acceptable to include them in quotes.



Forms, terms or senses specific to a period can be placed in one of the following categories:

  • Early Middle English: the language from 1150-1300; there is a subcategory for terms and forms exclusively found in the Ormulum.
  • Late Middle English: the language from 1400-1500.

Anything from before 1150 or after 1500 is not considered Middle English on Wiktionary.


Middle English is conventionally divided into five major dialectal groups; categories exist for forms, terms, and senses specific to them:

  • East Midland Middle English (Category:East Midland Middle English): the variety of Middle English spoken in the East Midlands.
  • Kentish Middle English (Category:Kentish Middle English): the variety of Middle English spoken in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.
  • Northern Middle English (Category:Northern Middle English): the variety of Middle English spoken in Northern England; probably the most distinct dialectal grouping.
  • Southwestern Middle English (Category:Southern Middle English): the variety of Middle English spoken in the remainder of southern England.
  • West Midland Middle English (Category:West Midland Middle English): the variety of Middle English spoken in the West Midlands.

Additionally, categories exist for more peripheral varieties:

  • Category:Cornish Middle English: for terms, forms and senses specific to Middle English spoken in Cornwall.
  • Category:East Anglian Middle English: for terms, forms and senses specific to Middle English spoken in East Anglia.
  • Category:Early Scots: for terms, forms and senses specific to Early Scots, the variety of Middle English spoken in Scotland and the ancestor of modern Scots.

East Midland Middle English is the dialect typically used for main entries at Wiktionary.

Alternative forms[edit]

To avoid duplication of content, information about a word (pronunciation, meanings, declension) should be centralised at one entry (lemma); alternate forms should be connected to it with a template like {{alternative form of}}. While some Middle English words have a single form that clearly predominates, oftentimes it is not clear what form should be the primary form. There are no hard and fast rules; instead, a decision must be made based on the following criteria (in rough order of priority):

  • Convention: Ideally, words should use th, gh, y rather than þ, ð and ȝ. Infinitives should end with -en rather than -e, and forms like hevy are preferred to heuy.
  • Consistency: Spellings should match those of related words as closely as possible; suffixes and prefixes should ideally only be spelled in one way.
  • Frequency: common spellings should be prioritised over rare ones. The more common spelling should be chosen if multiple spellings are otherwise equally suitable.
  • Standardisation: the spellings used should be typical of London Middle English of the late 1300s and the early 1400s; i.e. the forms that Chaucer would use.

Note that some sources (such as the MED) tend to replace vocalic y with i; this should be avoided unless the form with i is the form which best fulfills the above criteria.
Exceptionally, pronouns, conjunctions, and certain prepositions are given with þ rather than th, as for these words, forms with þ are vastly more common in actual usage.


Guidelines for adding IPA to Middle English words are located at Appendix:Middle English pronunciation; it may also useful to look at Middle English entries that already have IPA may be so one can acquire familiarity with the conventions used. The orthographic form of a word often does not suffice for determining the pronunciation of a word, so one must have recourse to Old English, (modern) English, and a word’s alternative forms.

The noun[edit]


{{enm-noun}} is the headword-line template for Middle English nouns; because of its insufficiency, constructing a custom headword line with {{head}} may sometimes be preferable. There is a declension template ({{enm-decl-noun}}), but it is rarely needed, due to the breakdown of the declensional system in Middle English.

Grammatical gender[edit]

The normal progression of Middle English was toward simplification. This was especially true for the grammatical gender of nouns. Although grammatical gender continued for some time into the Middle English period, surviving longest in Southern dialects, entries here should be given without reference to grammatical gender. This helps in cases where there are conflicting genders for the same word, and for words where the gender is not precisely known.

Noun declension[edit]

During the Middle English period, we see the coalescence of the majority of Old English noun classes into just two: a strong class with plurals in -(e)s and weak class with plurals in -(e)n. Additionally, Middle English retains a small number of irregular plurals: i-mutation plurals (mous, mice), plurals in -ere (child, childere), static plurals (swine, swine) and double plurals (lamb, lambren).

Strong declension[edit]

Case Singular Plural
nominative ston stones
accusative ston stones
genitive stones stone
dative stone stonen

Weak declension[edit]

Case Singular Plural
nominative name namen
accusative name namen
genitive namen namene
dative name(n) namen

In the latter part of the Middle English period, the paradigm above degrades further, resulting in a mere dialectal preference of one plural form over the other, with -s plurals predominating in the North and Midlands, and -n plurals in the South. We also see the complete abandonment of the case system leading to a situation quite similar to what we have in Modern English today.

The verb[edit]

The headword form of a verb should be the infinitive (even if no infinitive is attested for that verb). Because the conjugation of Middle English verbs is highly variable, it is wise to consult a dictionary rather than blindly inserting templates. Extrapolating from earlier or later forms of the language is also not recommended.


The headword-line template used for Middle English verbs is {{enm-verb}}; unless the verb is totally regular, it must be manually filled out with the requisite forms.

Because of the complexity of Middle English conjugation, it is conventional to use a conjugation template on verb entries. There are three Middle English conjugation templates:

  • {{enm-conj-wk}}: for weak verbs (verbs with a past in -d- or -t-). Most Middle English verbs are weak.
  • {{enm-conj-st}}: for strong verbs (verbs that form their past by modifying their stem vowel)
  • {{enm-conj-irr}}: for irregular and preterite-present verbs.

The template {{enm-conj}} should not be used, as it is deprecated.

Unlike with Old English, the convention for Middle English is to leave alternative forms without templates (so quaken should have a conjugation template, but quakiȝen should not). Instead, alternate forms of non-lemma forms should ideally be linked from the page of each verbal non-lemma form; as many lemmas still await creation, this is but a distant ideal.


The standard verbal infinitive marker used for the Middle English verb is -en (e.g. singen), or -n for verbs with monosyllablic infinitives (e.g. don). Verb entries should be lemmatised at the infinitive in even if the infinitive is not attested for that verb. Similarly, verb lemmas should end in -en or -n even if that specific form of the infinitive is not attested, unless it is clear that the infinitive wouldn’t have taken that form (e.g. if the verb is only found in Northern Middle English, where the -n was dropped at an early stage).

Present participles[edit]

Several endings were utilised to mark the present participles of verbs; they varied according to location and date. The most common were -ende (Midlands), -and (Northern), and -inde (Southern). These later developed into -inge/-ynge in the Midlands and South, giving rise to our Modern English present participle in -ing (Northern -and survives in altered form in a few words like blatant, flippant, and wanion). Consequently, -ynge is the default used by the {{enm-verb|stem=}} template.


Many browsers’ default fonts render Middle English diacritics and other special characters poorly. On Wiktionary, text marked as Middle English therefore uses the special «Latinx» script code, which helps browsers choose the best font. {{lang}} tags text as Middle English and applies this script formatting. It can be as a wrapper around Middle English text:

#* 1340, Dan Michel, ''Ayenbyte of Inwit'':
#*: {{lang|enm|Nou ich wille þet ye ywite hou hit is ywent}}
#*: {{lang|enm|þet þis boc is ywrite mid Engliss of Kent.}}
#*: {{lang|enm|Þis boc is ymad vor lewede men}}
#*: {{lang|enm|Vor vader and vor moder and vor oþer ken}}
#*: {{lang|enm|ham vor to berȝe vram alle manyere zen}}
#*: {{lang|enm|þet ine hare inwytte ne bleve no voul wen.}}
#*: {{lang|enm|'Huo ase god' in his name yzed,}}
#*: {{lang|enm|Þet þis boc made god him yeve þet bread,}}
#*: {{lang|enm|Of angles of hevene, and þerto his red,}}
#*: {{lang|enm|And ondervonge his zaule huanne þet he is dyad. Amen.}}
#*:: Now I will have you know how it has come about,
#*:: That this book is written in the English of Kent,
#*:: This book is made for laymen,
#*:: For father and for mother and for other kin,
#*:: To save them from all manner of sin,
#*:: So that in their consciences would remain no foul blemish,
#*:: 'Who like God' in His name said,
#*:: That this book made God give him that bread,
#*:: By angels of heaven, and also his council,
#*:: And to receive his soul up once he has died. Amen 
    • 1340, Dan Michel, Ayenbyte of Inwit:
      Nou ich wille þet ye ywite hou hit is ywent
      þet þis boc is ywrite mid Engliss of Kent.
      Þis boc is ymad vor lewede men
      Vor vader and vor moder and vor oþer ken
      ham vor to berȝe vram alle manyere zen
      þet ine hare inwytte ne bleve no voul wen.
      ‘Huo ase god’ in his name yzed,
      Þet þis boc made god him yeve þet bread,
      Of angles of hevene, and þerto his red,
      And ondervonge his zaule huanne þet he is dyad. Amen.

      Now I will have you know how it has come about,
      That this book is written in the English of Kent,
      This book is made for laymen,
      For father and for mother and for other kin,
      To save them from all manner of sin,
      So that in their consciences would remain no foul blemish,
      ‘Who like God’ in His name said,
      That this book made God give him that bread,
      By angels of heaven, and also his council,
      And to receive his soul up once he has died. Amen

Any template that requires a language code will apply the appropriate formatting to the text given to it automatically. This includes basic and widely-used templates like {{l}}, {{m}}, {{t}}, {{head}} and so on.



* Middle English: {{t|enm|forbusne}}
  • Middle English: forbusne

See also[edit]

  • Wiktionary:About Old English
  • Wiktionary:English entry guidelines

External links[edit]

  • Middle English Dictionary (Wikipedia article)

English has evolved over thousands of years, changing and adapting to suit the needs of the people who speak it. Someone alive twenty generations ago would have spoken a completely different version of English to the one we use today.

Let’s go back to where it all started.

Short history of English language

You might be thinking ‘English has been around a long time, how can its history possibly be short?‘, and you’d be 100% right. The history of English is anything but short, but for the purposes of this article, we’ll try to keep it as brief as possible. In the next few sections, we’ll be looking at the evolution of the English language from time period to time period.

The History of English Language History of English StudySmarterFig. 1 — The history of English is a long and rich one, and the language has changed dramatically over the centuries.

Here we go!

Evolution of English language

Each of the following sections will briefly map the evolution of the English language, as well as the different factors that would have influenced these changes.

Old English (5th-11th century)

English was originally a group of West-Germanic dialects (or ‘Anglo-Frisian’) spoken by the Anglo-Saxons, who had invaded Britain in around 5AD. Their language (‘Old English’) is the earliest form of the language we call English today.

Literature was written during this period, including the well-known poems ‘Beowulf’ (a story of a monster-slaying hero) and the Exeter Book (a collection of riddles). These have allowed linguists to develop an understanding of how Old English looked and how it was used.

Features of Old English include the use of grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter genders, as in German) and the use of four cases (nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. Again, like modern-day German!). There were also a lot more inflectional endings, meaning that word order was much freer.

FUN FACT: Many Old English place names have survived up to the present day such as ‘Plymouth’ meaning the mouth of the River Plym and ‘Oxford’ meaning a ‘ford for Oxen’. England itself is named after the Angles (ie. ‘Land of the Angles’) as well as the area of ‘East-Anglia’!

Middle English (ca. 11th-15th century)

Fast forward to 1066 and Britain is experiencing another invasion, this time from the Normans. This marks the beginning of a new era of language called Early Middle English.

During this time, English was briefly replaced by Anglo-Norman French. This was mostly used by the upper classes, while regional varieties of English were still being used by ordinary people. Due to the occupation of the Anglo-Normans and the use of French in writing, not much Early Middle English literature has survived.

Many of the Old English grammatical features were lost or simplified. For example, grammatical case endings and other inflections disappeared. This led to sentence structures (or ‘syntax’) becoming more complex and word order becoming more important. Early Middle English also adopted plenty of Anglo-Norman French vocabulary, particularly in areas such as the church, law, politics, and the arts (ie. the areas occupied mainly by the upper-class population).

FUN FACT: We still see the remains of the Old English plural inflection -en in words such as ‘oxen’ and ‘children’!

Going into the Late Middle English period (ca. 14th-15th century), English saw further changes. This included a push for standardisation, changes in our writing system, and changes in pronunciation, which is part of the reason modern-day spellings are so irregular!

The most famous surviving piece of literature from this period is ‘The Canterbury Tales’, written by Chaucer in the 1390s. Chaucer’s writing was mostly based on the East-Midlands dialect, a dialect which was also used in the Chancery Standard. It was this Chancery Standard that William Caxton used when he introduced the printing press to Britain in 1476. This helped to stabilise the English language and drive standardisation.

The History of English Language Middle English StudySmarterFig. 2 — If you’ve studied English Literature too, you’ll probably be familiar with some of Chaucer’s work.

Early Modern English (ca. 15th-18th century)

The 15th century marks the beginning of Early Modern English. A key event during this time was the Great Vowel Shift, an event true to its name. Over the course of around 300 years, the pronunciation of long vowels shifted ‘upwards’ to a shorter version of the vowel (either raised vowels or diphthongs).

The Middle English words ‘weef’ and ‘heer’ are now the words ‘wife’ and ‘her’. Try saying the Middle English word then the current word — notice how the vowels change from a lower position to higher up in the mouth.

The push for standardisation continued during this time, particularly in the spelling system. It was the London-based dialect that was seen as the standard, which led to the recognition of other ‘accents’ and ‘dialects’ (new terms acquired to describe regional variations). The use of the printing press was a way of establishing spelling conventions (ie. the ‘correct’ way of spelling words). The first English dictionary, called ‘A Table Alphabeticall’ was released in 1604 and, not soon after, the King James Bible was published, in 1611. However, standardisation was still a work in progress, so there were still many inconsistencies in spelling during this time.

The Early Modern English period was also the time of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), who is regarded as the greatest writer in the history of English. Shakespeare introduced over 1,700 words to the English language, including the words ‘lonely’, ‘fashionable’, and ‘swagger’. Pretty impressive stuff!

By the end of the 16th century, English was seen as of equal importance in learning to the classical languages, such as French and Latin. However, it was still seen as inelegant by some.

Late modern English (ca. 18th-Present)

The Late Modern English period saw the rise of the British Empire, as well as the industrial revolution. Modern English remained pretty much the same in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and spelling; however, a lot of new vocabulary was introduced.

The industrial revolution was a time of innovation, and new words were needed to name the inventions. New means of transportation, machinery, materials, and techniques were all being developed and many of these were of British origin. English became the common language of science and technology with many scientific publications being written in English.

The History of English Language Evolution of English StudySmarterFig. 3 — The Industrial Revolution brought about much language change.

FUN FACT: The words ‘spinning wheel’ and ‘steam engine’ were coined during the industrial revolution.

Colonialism and the growth of the British Empire in the 16th century meant that English was adopted in regions across the world, including North America, Australia, New Zealand, India (and surrounding areas), and Africa.

Many countries in these areas have developed their own dialects of English over the years, which are now recognised as their own varieties and called ‘New Englishes’. Examples of ‘New Englishes’ include American English, Indian English, Caribbean English, and Singaporean English (sometimes called ‘Singlish’).

FUN FACT: New words and expressions were adopted into English from many different countries, such as the word ‘pyjamas’ deriving from the Hindi word ‘payjamah’.

In more recent times, we’ve seen the rising influence of American culture and American English. Throughout the 20th century, American influences such as big American corporations, Hollywood, pop songs, fast food, and fast fashion were distributed around the world. People were therefore listening to music, watching films, and buying products that were all written in the English language.

FUN FACT: The menu items of American fast-food chains often remain the same to give the full American experience. For example, in France, you’ll find ‘Big Mac’ and ‘McChicken’ written on the menu.

With over 1.35 billion speakers, English has become one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Today’s version of English is very different from the Old English spoken by our ancestors. English is still evolving and will continue to adapt to the linguistic needs of its speakers. The recent development of technology and text speak (e.g. ‘thank u, c u l8r’) is a prime example of this.

So what does the future hold for the English language? Well, according to linguist David Crystal, English is one of the most ‘desirable Lingua Franca[s]’ worldwide (Crystal 1999). It exists in many different varieties, from British English to Indian English to Singaporean English, and we expect to see these varieties develop even further as time goes on.

English Language family

Like people, languages can be related to each other. Countries in the same family usually have a common linguistic ancestry (ie. derive from the same language).

The English language belongs to the Indo-European language family (which consists of most languages in Europe and European settlement). The Indo-European family can then be split further into groups (eg. the Romance languages and Germanic languages). English is part of the West-Germanic family, along with German and Dutch. You can see the language groups as siblings — they share common parents but still have their differences!

The History of English Language — Key takeaways

  • The English language belongs to the Indo-European language family and originated as a West-Germanic dialect.
  • Old English (5th-11th century) was brought to Britain by the Anglo-Saxons in 5AD Britain and was very different to what we know today.
  • The Middle English period (11th-15th century) began when the Normans invaded Britain in 1066 bringing Anglo-Norman French. During this period there was a push for standardisation and the printing press was established.
  • The Early Modern English period (15th-18th century) saw the Great Vowel Shift and was the time of William Shakespeare.
  • The Late Modern English period (18th-Present) saw the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the British Empire. There has also been the influence of American culture and English has become one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.


  1. Crystal, D. ‘The future of Englishes’, English Today, 1999, 15 (2), 10-20.

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