- man of his word
- человек слова
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Смотреть что такое «man of his word» в других словарях:
man of his word — A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises … The small dictionary of idiomes
man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ … Dictionary of American idioms
man of his word — {n. phr.} A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. * /My uncle is a man of his word./ … Dictionary of American idioms
man of his word — n. phr. A man who keeps his promises and does the things he agrees to do; a man who can be trusted. My uncle is a man of his word … Словарь американских идиом
man of his word — A man of his word is a person who does what he says and keeps his promises. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
man of his word — honest man, man who fulfills his promises … English contemporary dictionary
man of his word — idi or woman of her word, a trustworthy, reliable person … From formal English to slang
(a) man of his word — a man who tells the truth and keeps promises. He s always been a man of his word, that I must say … New idioms dictionary
Man of My Word — Single by Collin Raye from the album Extremes … Wikipedia
Man’s First Word — is a children s book illustrated by Carl Chaiet and written by Lynn Kearcher which was published in 2007. The reader follows Telford, a renowned lexicographer, and Earnest, his talking bird butler, as they travel through the Atlas Mountains of… … Wikipedia
(a) man of his word — a man/woman/of his/her/word phrase a man or woman who does what he or she promises to do Thesaurus: people or things you can rely on or trust … Useful english dictionary
a man of his word
A man who can be expected to keep or follow through with his promises or intentions; a truthful, trustworthy, or reliable person. (Feminine: «a woman of her word.») Bob, I’m a man of my word. If I tell you I’ll be at your house tomorrow morning at 10, then that’s when I’ll be there. I’ve found Martin to be a man of his word so far, so I’m confident he’ll get us the best deal possible. If Ted said that he’ll help you move, then he’ll definitely be here—he’s a man of his word.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
man of his word
A man who keeps promises, who can be trusted, as in You can count on Rudy-he’s a man of his word. This expression, which uses word in the sense of «a promise or undertaking,» was first recorded in 1542.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
a man (or woman) of his (or her) word
a person who keeps the promises that they make.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
of (one’s) word
Displaying personal dependability: a woman of her word.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- man of his word
- be a man/woman of his/her word
- man of few words
- man of few words, a
- a man of few words
- a man/woman of few words
- man of many parts
- a man/woman of the world
- a man of the world
- kept man
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Хозяин своего слова
Хозяин своего слова
[khozyain svoego slova]
— a man of his word
What it means:
A responsible person who can be trusted. A person who keeps his word and fulfils his promises.
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Idiom: a man of his word (a man of one’s word)
- a person who is honest and does what he says he will do
Example sentences
— I hated being married to my ex-husband but he is a good father and a man of his word.
— I know you think this punishment is extreme but I want you to learn how important it is to be a man of your word.
— If you were a man of your word, you would be on time.
— We’re sorry to see our property manager go because he was a man of his word.
— Don’t ask for a contract. I’ve worked with him for 35 years and he’s a man of his word.
— Don’t worry, he’ll be here by 5:00 pm. He’s a man of his word.
— What happened to you? You used to be a man of your word but nowadays I can’t trust you at all.
— You’d be wise to hire him. He’s a man of his word and a hard worker too.
- a woman of her word
- a man of honor
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- Idiom: a man of his word
man of his word — перевод на русский
— Oh, yes. He’s a man of his word.
— Да, он человек слова.
Well, I was paid to make the delivery and I’m a man of my word.
Но мне заплатили за доставку, а я человек слова.
And believe it or not, I’m a man of my word.
Хотите — верьте, хотите — нет, но я — человек слова.
He said, «But Dirk Delta is a man of his word.»
Но Дирк Дельта — человек слова.»
You see, I’m a man of my word.
Видишь, я человек слова.
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I’m a man of my word.
Я держу своё слово.
I’m a man of my word… if I feel like it.
Я держу своё слово… если мне этого хочется.
Now, these sons of bitches who are selling this stuff, they don’t know it yet, but… I’m a man of my word.
Сукины дети, что продают эту дрянь, ещё не знают, но я держу своё слово.
I promised you I’d let you know if we had anything more, and I’m a man of my word.
Я обещал держать вас в курсе, если что-то узнаю. И я держу свое слово.
I may be many things, Mitchell, but I am a man of my word.
Про меня можно разное сказать, Митчелл, но я держу слово.
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Jack is a man of his word.
Джек— хозяин своему слову.
I’m sure the gentleman is a man of his word.
Уверен, он хозяин своему слову.
Now, I am a man of my word.
Так, я хозяин своему слову.
I’m a man of my word, right?
Я хозяин своего слова, да?
-I’m a man of me word.
— Я хозяин своего слова.
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Now Coleman’s always been a man of his word, but I can guarantee you that these pictures are gonna surface whether you drop out of this race or not.
Колеман всегда держит свое слово но я гарантирую тебе, эти фотографии всплывут независимо от того, выйдешь ты из этой гонки или нет.
He promised Mike he wouldn’t tell her, and Harvey’s a man of his word.
Он пообещал Майку, что не расскажет ей, а Харви держит свое слово.
Now, I’m a man of my word.
Я держу свое слово.
Let’s see if you are a man of his word!
Сейчас увидим, как ты за свои слова ответишь.
Look, you taught me to be a man of my word.
Слушай, ты сама говорила мне отвечать за свои слова.
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I promised you’d be reunited, and I’m a man of my word.
Я обещал, что вы будете вместе, и сдержал слово.
I’m glad to see you’re a man of your word.
Рада, что ты сдержал слово.
I want you to know that I’m a man of my word.
И я сдержу свое слово.
Senor Huertavas wasn’t a man of his word.
Сеньор Хуэртавас не сдержал своего слова.
And will you be able to provide that refuge? Indeed, you are a man of your word.
Безусловно, вы сдержали слово, и я позабочусь о вашей безопасности.
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