What is a big word for yesterday

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

Английский язык, 4 класс.

Урок № 6. All your yesterdays! (раздел Где ты был?)

Цели урока:

Познакомиться с временем Past Simple, с прилагательными чувств человека, порядковыми числительными и наречиями времени.

Задачи урока:

Научиться говорить о событиях, происходящих в прошлом, используя время Past Simple с глаголом to be и наречиями времени. Научиться рассказывать о чувствах и эмоциях человека. Повторить порядковые числительные. Закрепить лексические единицы по теме урока. Развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.


Рассказ о событиях, происходящих в прошлом, с использованием наречий времени. Сообщение о чувствах и эмоциях человека. Употребление порядковых числительных. Лексические единицы по теме урока.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Мы узнаем принцип образования Past Simple и сможем использовать данное время совместно с наречиями времени в речи. Мы научимся употреблять прилагательные чувств человека и порядковые числительные в речи.

Учебник: (учебник, которому соответствует урок):

Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2018. — (Английский в фокусе)

In this lesson

  • You will listen, read, and speak about things that were in the past.
  • You will learn to describe feelings and emotions.
  • You will use the adverbs of time.
  • You will learn to use ordinal numbers.
  • Ключевые слова: was/were, wasn’t/weren’t. Happy, scared, tired, bored, angry, hungry, sad. Ago, last, yesterday. 8th September/the eighth of September.

Блок 3. Тестовые вопросы.

Task 1. Match the parts to make the sentences. (Подбор подписей к картинкам).


Слова: tired, scared, bored, happy, hungry, sad, angry


  1. happy
  2. scared
  3. tired
  4. bored
  5. angry
  6. hungry
  7. sad

Task 2. Write the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)















Task 3. Tick the answer. (единичный выбор)

  1. The film wasn’t interesting and Mary was _____________.



  1. Tim was late. The teacher was _____________.



  1. The boy has got bad mark at the English lesson. He is _____________.



  1. I see a big angry wolf. I am _____________.



  1. It’s lunch. He isn’t eating. He isn’t _____________.




  1. bored
  2. angry
  3. sad
  4. scared
  5. hungry

Task 4. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)









Task 5. Choose the correct answer. (выбор ответа из выпадающего списка)

  1. The children was/were in the park yesterday.
  2. I was/were at the shops with my mum yesterday.
  3. Dennis was/were on holidays a month ago.
  4. My friends was/were at the cinema yesterday.
  5. The teacher and the class was/were at the museum two weeks ago.


  1. were
  2. was
  3. was
  4. were
  5. were

Task 6. Match the numbers and words. (ребус-соответствие).




















1 — first

8 — eighth

30 — thirtieth

2 — second

5 — fifth

4 — fourth

7 — seventh

10 — tenth

Task 7. Put the words in the correct order. (восстановление последовательности)

  1. ago/The boys/two days/were/angry
  2. at/bored/Jean/the opera/was/yesterday
  3. last/Simon/after/Wednesday/tired/was/after
  4. Spain/my friends/in/were/I/last/and/year
  5. the theatre/last/was/at/class/last/My/Friday


  1. The boys were angry two days ago.
  2. Jean was bored at the opera yesterday.
  3. My friends and I were in Spain last year.
  4. Bill was tired after school last Wednesday.
  5. My class was at the theatre last Friday.

Task 8. Fill in the crossword. (английский кроссворд)

По горизонтали

3. испуганный

4. восьмой

6. злой

7. первый

9. второй

По вертикали

1. скучающий

2. тридцатый

5. голодный

7. пятый

8. уставший


По горизонтали

3. scared

4. eighth

6. angry

7. first

9. second

По вертикали

1. bored

2. thirtieth

5. hungry

7. fifth

8. tired

Task 9. Fill in wasn’t or weren’t. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте).

  1. My mum _____ at the museum yesterday.
  2. The films on TV _____ funny.
  3. My birthday _____ last Saturday.
  4. The pupils _____ bored three hours ago.
  5. The cat _____ scared two days ago.


  1. wasn’t
  2. weren’t
  3. wasn’t
  4. weren’t
  5. wasn’t

Task 10. Match. (установление соответствий).

  1. Were you scared or bored yesterday at the museum?
  2. Were the pupils angry or hungry at the cinema two days ago?
  3. Was the teacher tired last week?
  4. Was it warm in the swimming pool yesterday?
  5. Was it interesting at the party last Sunday?
  6. Yes, it was.
  7. No, she wasn’t.
  8. Yes, it was interesting last Sunday.
  9. They were hungry two days ago.
  10. Yesterday I was scared.


1 e

2 d

3 b

4 a

5 c

Task 11. Complete the questions. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. _________ 5 minutes ago? – No, Ben and Jenny weren’t hungry 5 minutes ago.
  2. _________ last Saturday? – No, it wasn’t warm last Saturday.
  3. _________ yesterday? –Yes, my dogs were sad yesterday.
  4. _________ last Tuesday? – Yes, it was a funny book last Tuesday.
  5. _________ last week? – No, it wasn’t a boring film last week.


  1. Were Ben and Jenny hungry
  2. Was it warm
  3. Were my dogs sad
  4. Was it a funny book
  5. Was it a boring film

Task 12. Cross the extra word out. (зачеркивание элемента)

  1. Dennis was at home last night ago.
  2. I wasn’t not bored yesterday.
  3. Where was the Sam last Saturday?
  4. Peter was angry the last night.
  5. His birthday is on the ninth of May ago.

Ответы: должны быть зачеркнуты слова:

  1. ago
  2. not
  3. the
  4. the
  5. ago

Task 13. Write the date. (ввод текста с клавиатуры)

  1. October 10 _________________ of October
  2. September 25 _________________ of September
  3. April 19 _________________ of April
  4. November 20 _________________ of November
  5. July 31 _________________ of July


  1. The tenth
  2. The twenty-fifth
  3. The nineteenth
  4. The twentieth
  5. The thirty-first

Task 14. Write the sentences in English.

  1. Я был в зоопарке 31 августа.
  2. Ты был в кино в воскресенье?
  3. Мы были на вечеринке два дня назад.
  4. Мне было скучно вчера вечером.
  5. Вчера было тепло? Нет.


  1. I was at the zoo on the thirty-first of August.
  2. Were you at the cinema on Sunday?
  3. We were at the party two days ago.
  4. I was bored last night.
  5. Was it warm yesterday? No, it wasn’t.

Блок 4. Контрольный модуль.

Вариант 1

Task 1. Write the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)












Task 2. Choose the correct answer. (выбор ответа из выпадающего списка)

  1. Ben, Sam and Tim was/were at the office yesterday.
  2. My sister was/were in Greece last year.
  3. His mum and dad was/were at the theatre last night.
  4. I was/were at the shops with my mum yesterday.
  5. The teacher and the class was/were at the zoo four days ago.


  1. were
  2. was
  3. were
  4. was
  5. were

Task 3. Fill in wasn’t or weren’t. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте)

  1. I _____ at school last Sunday.
  2. The books from the library _____ funny.
  3. My pet _____ at the theatre yesterday.
  4. My dad _____ bored at the cinema last week.
  5. The children _____ hungry one hour ago.


  1. wasn’t
  2. weren’t
  3. wasn’t
  4. wasn’t
  5. weren’t

Вариант 2

Task 1. Write the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)












Task 2. Fill in wasn’t or weren’t. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте).

  1. The teacher _____ scared yesterday.
  2. My birthday _____ last Wednesday.
  3. We _____ in Australia three days ago.
  4. It _____ cold and windy last summer.
  5. The boys from my class _____ at work yesterday.


  1. wasn’t
  2. wasn’t
  3. weren’t
  4. wasn’t
  5. weren’t

Task 3. Complete the questions. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. _________ two hours ago? – Yes, my parents were angry two hours ago.
  2. _________ yesterday? –Yes, my cats were sad yesterday.
  3. _________ last week? – No, it wasn’t a boring book last week.
  4. _________ last Tuesday? – Yes, it was a funny film last Tuesday.
  5. _________ a week ago? – No, Polly wasn’t scared a week ago.


  1. Were my parents
  2. Were my cats sad
  3. Was it a boring book
  4. Was it a funny film
  5. Was Polly scared

1. Complete the adjectives that describe the weather in the pictures.

It’s 1thundery and 2c___________.

It’s 3s___________ and 4f___________.

It’s 5f___________ and 6i___________.

It’s 7s___________ and 8w___________.

It’s hot and 9s___________.

It’s cold and 10r___________.


2 cloudy   3 snowy   4 frosty   5 foggy   6 icy

7 stormy   8 windy   9 sunny   10 rainy

2. Write the nouns for the adjectives in exercise 1.

1   thunder

2   …………………………….

3   …………………………….

4   …………………………….

5   …………………………….

6   …………………………….

7   …………………………….

8   …………………………….

9   …………………………….

10   …………………………….


2 cloud   3 snow   4 frost   5 fog   6 ice   7 storm

8 wind   9 sun   10 rain

3. Complete the text with the words below.

blow      claps      flashes      raindrops      storm clouds

sunshine      thunderstorm

There was a terrible 1………………………… yesterday evening. We saw big, dark grey 2………………………… in the distance. Then a strong wind started to 3………………………… and it began to rain heavily – huge 4………………………… fell from the sky. We got incredibly wet! There were 5………………………… of lightning and loud 6………………………… of thunder. It was quite scary. But then the storm passed and there was bright 7…………………………!


1 thunderstorm   2 storm clouds   3 blow

4 raindrops   5 flashes   6 claps   7 sunshine

4. Number the adjectives in order from hottest (1) to coldest (7).

cold        hot        sweltering        cool

mild       warm         freezing


1 sweltering   2 hot   3 warm   4 mild   5 cool

6 cold   7 freezing

5. Write the temperatures in words.

1   -5°       It’s minus five.

2   26°C    It’s twenty-six degrees Celsius.

3   -15°C   …………………………………………..

4   14°C    …………………………………………..

5   -7°C     …………………………………………..

6   32°       …………………………………………..


3   It’s minus fifteen.

 It’s fourteen degrees (Celsius).

5   It’s minus seven.

 It’s thirty-two degrees (Celsius).

6. Listen to people describing the weather. Complete each sentence with one word from exercises 1, 2 or 3.

1   a   It was rainy all morning.

     b   It was …………………………… in the afternoon.

2   a   There was thick ……………………………

     b   There was …………………………… on the road.

3   a   Most of the day the sky was ……………………………

     b   It was mild and ……………………………

4   a   There was …………………………… on the grass.

     b   In the afternoon it was …………………………… and ……………………………


1 b sunny   2 a fog b ice   3 a cloudy b thundery

4 a frost b windy, snowy


1   Yesterday morning the weather was terrible. It started to rain just after breakfast and it only stopped at about one o’clock. But then the sun came out and we spent the afternoon sunbathing in the park.

2   When we drove to school this morning, it was really foggy. It was so thick that we could only see about 20 metres ahead. Not only that, the road was really icy and slippery because the temperature in the night was about minus ten degrees Celsius. The bus driver had to drive really slowly and carefully.

3   It was school sports day yesterday. Unfortunately the sky was quite cloudy for most of the day and the sun didn’t shine at all. It was quite mild and we heard some crashes of thunder, but luckily it didn’t rain.

4   I went to play football in the park with some friends on Sunday morning. It was a lovely clear day but it was freezing cold and very frosty. There wasn’t any snow but the grass was completely white! Then in the afternoon the weather changed. The wind started to blow and it snowed quite heavily. By the evening there was about 10 centimetres of snow on the ground.

7. Write a paragraph describing the weather one day last week. Write 15-30 words.









Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the correct words related to the words in bold.

1   The sky is full of clouds. It’s very cloudy.

2   It’s snowing! Did you know that every ……………………….. is a different shape and pattern?

3   It’s a frosty morning. There’s ……………………….. all over the car.

4   There were showers yesterday. It was a ……………………….. day.

5   This is a sunny climate. The sun ……………………….. every day.

6   I like ……………………….. weather. Things look pretty in the mist.

7   What a thunderstorm! Did you hear that big ……………………….. of thunder?

8   This is a windy area. The ……………………….. blows all the time.

9   There was a hailstorm this morning and now there is ……………………….. on the ground.

10   It’s very foggy this morning. Be careful – ……………………….. is really dangerous when you’re driving.

11   It’s icy today. There’s a lot of ……………………….. on the roads.


1 cloudy   2 frost   3 showery   4 snowflake   5 shines

6 misty   7 crash / clap   8 wind   9 hail   10 fog   11 ice

2. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once.

cold      cool      freezing      hot      mild      sweltering

1   The temperature was -20°C. It was ………………………..!

2   San Diego has a ……………………….. climate. The average temperature is 23°C.

3   It was a ……………………….. day, it was so hot we couldn’t go out.

4   The city is warm in the summer, but it’s always pleasantly ……………………….. by the sea.

5   It’s too ……………………….. in this house. It’s only 10°C!

6   It’s a bit ……………………….. in the classroom. Let’s open the window.


1 freezing   2 mild   3 sweltering   4 cool   5 cold   6 hot

3. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1   We gave money to a charity to provide food during the ………………………..

     a   hurricane        b   famine        c   mudslide

2   After the dry summer, heavy rain caused ……………………….. in the mountains.

     a   mudslides        b   eruptions        c   epidemics

3   I was on the twentieth floor during the ……………………….. . The whole building was shaking!

     a   tsunami        b   famine        c   earthquake

4   After a year with no rain, there was a serious ………………………..

     a   drought        b   tsunami        c   flood

5   Mount Vesuvius is famous for its many ………………………..

     a   epidemics        b   forest fires        c   volcanic eruptions

6   We can’t control this ……………………….. without medicine.

     a   forest fire        b   epidemic        c   avalanche


1 b   2 a   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b

4. Complete the texts with the words below.

approached      headed      landed      reach      spun      took off

A   The plane 1……………………….. from the airport and rose into the air. A few minutes later, the pilot noticed a problem with one of the engines. He turned round and 2……………………….. back to the airport. Luckily, the plane 3……………………….. safely on the ground.

B   As the car 4……………………….. the red traffic light, it slowed down. But there was ice on the road and it 5……………………….. round and round. We were standing on the pavement nearby, but luckily the car didn’t 6……………………….. us – it stopped just two metres away.


1 took off   2 headed   3 landed   4 approached

5 spun   6 reach

5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 The road sign / pedestrian crossing informed us that we were near a school and should drive slowly.

 I saw a billboard / shop sign advertising a pop concert.

 The fire hydrant / lamp post outside my flat shines light into my sitting room.

 It’s a good idea not to drive to town this week because of the pedestrian crossing / road works.

 For some reason, the drivers often pass this traffic light / bus stop without picking up passengers.

 It’s annoying when people ride their bikes on the pavement / street corner.


1 road sign   2 billboard   3 lamp post

4 road works   5 bus stop   6 pavement

Страница 66

9b. Let’s go! — Давай пойдем!

1. Match the definitions to the words. — Соедините определения и слова

  1. An area where there is fun based on films or cartoons. — Adventure park — Территория, где есть развлечения, основанные на фильмах или мультфильмах — Приключенческий парк
  2. A building where you can see paintings. — Art gallery — Здание, где ты можешь увидеть картины — Картинная галерея
  3. An area where you can see wild animals. — Zoo — Территория, где ты можешь увидеть диких животных — Зоопарк
  4. A place where you can see a play. — Theatre — Место, где ты можешь посмотреть пьесы. — Театр
  5. A building where you see people who sing or play music. — Concert hall — Здание, где ты видишь людей, которые поют или играют музыку.
  6. A place where there are collections of things to see. — Museum — Место, где можно посмотреть коллекции различных предметов — Музей.

2. Write the past simple of the verbs. — Напишите прошедшее время глаголов

  1. walk — walked — ходить — ходил
  2. live — lived — жить — жил
  3. cry — cried — плакать — плакал
  4. visit — visited — посещать — посетил
  5. stop — stopped — останавливаться — остановился
  6. study — studied — учиться — учился
  7. play — played — играть — играл
  8. try — tried — пытаться — пытался
  9. drop — dropped — падать — падал
  10. wash — washed — мыть — мыл.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. — Поставьте глаголы в скобочка в простое прошедшее время.

  1. Linda and Paul watched a play at the theatre last week. — Линда и Пауль смотрели пьесу в театре на прошлой неделе.
  2. What did Kate study yesterday afternoon? — Что Катя изучала вчера днем?
  3. Did you tidy your room yesterday? — Ты вычистил свою комнату вчера?
  4. didn’t enjoy the film at all. It was really boring! — Я совсем не получила удовольствия от этого фильма. Он был реально скучный!
  5. Sue cooked spaghetti last night. — Сью приготовила спагетти прошлым вечером.
  6. We played football in the park yesterday. — Мы играли в футбол в парке вчера.
  7. When did they reach Spain? — Когда они достигнут Испании?
  8. The Browns travelled to Rome last year. — Брауны ездили в Рим в прошлом году.

4. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. Did they travel to Portugal last year? — Они путешествовали в Португалию прошлым летом?
  2. I did not watch TV yeaterday. — Я не смотрел телевизор вчера.
  3. Sean and Mae travelled to London three days ago. — Шон и Мэй путешествовали в Лондон три дня назад.
  4. Did Sarah visit her cousins yesterday morning?  — Сара навещала своих кузенов вчера утром?
  5. Stella enjoyed the party last week. — Стелла насладилась вечеринкой на прошлой неделе.

5. Listen and complete the missing information. — Послушайте и дополните пропущенную информацию

Terrific Toys

Good afternoon everybody. We welcome you to our toy shop to celebrate its 10th birthday. Before you go and have some fun, I’d like to tell you about the interesting toys we have for you. On the ground floor, we have lots of computer games and Lego. You can make anything you like out of Lego. We have the latest computer games and they are very exciting. On the first floor, there are the board games. You can play with these for hours with your friends. On the second floor, there are all the toys for young children. Come and buy something for your baby brother or sister. We have a special magazine. This costs £5.00. You can look at the toys when you go home. We are open until eight thirty today so you have lots of time. Enjoy your visit.

Потрясающие игрушки

Всем добрый день. Мы приветствуем вас в нашем магазине игрушек, чтобы отпраздновать наше 10-летие. Перед тем как вы пойдете развлекаться, я хотел бы рассказать вам о интересных игрушках, которые у нас есть для вас. На первом (наземном) этаже у нас много компьютерных игр и Лего. Вы можете сделать все, что угодно с конструкторами Лего. У нас есть все последние компьютерные игры и они очень захватывающие. На втором (первом) этаже расположены настольные игры. Вы можете играть в них со своими друзьями часами. На третьем (втором) этаже вы найдете все игрушки для маленьких. Приходите и купите что-нибудь для вашего маленького брата или сестрички. У нас есть специальный журнал. Он стоит 5 фунтов. Вы можете посмотреть на игрушки по дороге домой. Мы открыты до восьми тридцати сегодня, так что у вас много времени. Наслаждайтесь.


To celebrate the shop’s 10th 0) birthday — Празднование  десятилетия магазина

You can see — Ты можешь увидеть
On the ground floor 1) computer games — На первом (наземном) этаже — компьютерные игры
On the first floor 2) board games — На втором этаже — настольные игры
On the second floor 3) toys for young children — На третьем этаже — игрушки для детей

Price of the special magazine 4) 5 pounds — Цена в специальном магазине — 5 фунтов

Shop closes at 5) 8:30 — Магазин закрывается в 8:30


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a.  It is time to go to
bed. —  
 Is it time to go to bed?
1. My flat is fine.
2.  They are late.
3.  It is a nice day.
4. You are pale.
5. They are clever.
bBill / Scottish —    
 Is Bill Scottish?
1. Marie / from Paris
2.  We / very late
3.  John / in bed
4. The boss / in Japan
5.  His car / fast

1. a job ?
2. a bicycle –
3. a car +
4. a house ?
5. a girlfriend ?
6. old clothes —
7. a suit +
8. a guitar ?
9. lots of friends ?
10. a mobile telephone ?

dogs +
2. a dictionary —
3. any horses ?
4. a good job +
5. long hair — 
6. a big garden ?
7. a plane —
8. any children —
9. two sisters +
10. a nice suit +

3.     Translate.
1. — Вы заняты сегодня вечером?
— Нет.
2. — Есть ли у вас новый учебник французского языка?
— Нет. А у вас?
— Есть. Это очень хороший учебник.
. — У него большая семья?
— Нет. У него не очень большая семья. У него жена и двое детей.
4. — Сколько у тебя братьев и сестер?
У меня двое братьев.
5. — Твой дядя бизнесмен?
Да. У него своя фирма.

4.     Put in
a suitable affirmative or negative form of “to be” or “to have”.

Helen 1____fourteen. She 2____at a very nice school; she 3____interested in the
lessons – there 4 _____ only two teachers that she doesn’t like – and she 5
_____ got lots of friends.

Two years ago she 6 _____ at a
different school; the lessons 7 _____ very good, and she 8 ______ many friends,
so she 9 _____ very unhappy.

The school 10 ______ twenty kilometers
from Helen’s house, so she gets up early. She 11 _____ a quick wash, and then
she 12 ____ breakfast – cereal and fruit juice if she 13 _____ hungry. There 14
_____ a school bus, but if it is 15 _____ very cold her mother takes her by
car. In the evenings she 16 ______school work; she 17 _____ much difficulty
with this, so she usually finishes quickly. Then she 18 _____ supper. At ten
o’clock she 19 ______ a bath and goes to bed. On Saturdays and Sundays she gets
up at 12.00, 20 ______ a quick lunch and goes straight to her computer games.

There + to be

There is,   there are

There is                             
There are

Is there..?                           Are there..?

1.    Put in is, are.

      There ___ some new letters in the mail.

      There are some new letters in the mail.

      __ there any students in the classroom?

      Are there any students in the classroom?

1.     There ___
a telegram on the table.

2.     ___ there
a flight for Moscow tomorrow?  —  Yes, there ___ .

3.     There ___
many places of interest in London.

4.     ___  there
any telegrams from Berlin?  —  Yes, there ___.

5.     There ___
a chair and two armchairs in the room.

6.     There ___
two sofas and one armchair in the room.

7.     ___ there
a lamp over the table?  —  No, there ___ .

8.     There ___
a lot of stars and planets in space.

9.     ___ there
a lift in this building?  — Yes, there ___ .

10. ___ there anything interesting in
today’s mail?  —  No, there ___ .

There is
There are not

 There is no                             There are

2.    Make negative sentences.

       There are a lot of  trees in our street.   There
are not any trees in our street.

There are no trees in our street.

1.     There is
some butter on the table.

2.     There are
a lot of  pictures in this book.

3.     There is a
carpet in our bedroom.

4.     There are
some magazines on the shelf.

5.     There is
somebody in the office now.

6.     Look!
There is something strange there.

7.     There are
English books in our library.

8.     There are
two interesting museums in our city.

9.     There is a
telephone in our flat.

10. There is a lift in this building.

There was,   there were

There was                            
There were

Was there..?                          Were there..?

3.  Put in  was,  were.

There __ much snow in Moscow last winter.

There was much snow in Moscow last  winter.

__ there many mistakes in your dictation?  

Were there many mistakes in your dictation? 

1.     There ___
a storm yesterday.

2.     ___ there
much water in the jug? 

3.     There____
no daughters in the family.

4.     There ___
many cups on the table.

5.     ___ there
much food in the fridge?

6.     There ___
no maps on the wall.

7.      There ___
two children in the family.

8.     ___ there
much or little money in the purse?

9.     There ___
many mistakes in her dictation.

10. ___ there any chalk on the

There was
There were not

There was no                              There were

4.  Make negative sentences.

     There was a key in his pocket.   There wasn’t any
key in his pocket.

was no key in his pocket.

1.     There were
many photos in this album.

2.     There was
a lot of fruit in the basket.

3.     There was
some clean paper on the desk.

4.      There
were a lot of people in the hall.

5.     There was
somebody at home.

6.     There were
two sandwiches in her bag.

7.     There were
many students in the lab.

8.     There was
a lawn in front of the house.

9.     There were
many forks and spoons on the table.

10. There was a black cat in the

There will be

There will be                         
There will not be

Will there be                          There will be

5.   Change the sentences as in the example.

          There are some new letters in the mail.

There will
be some new letters in the
mail.                                                          Will there be
any new letters in the
mail?                                                           There won’t be
any letters in the mail.

1.     There is a
telegram on the table.

2.     There is a
flight for Moscow tomorrow.

3.     There are
a lot of stars and planets in space.

4.     There is a
lift in this building.

5.     There are
some lamps over the table.

6.     There is
something interesting in today’s mail.

7.     There is a
chair and two armchairs in the room.

8.     There are
some English books in our library.

9.     There is a
telephone in our flat.

10. There are some interesting facts
in the article.

6. Make up questions to underlined words.

      There is a cup on the shelf.    What is
there on the shelf?

1.     There is beer
in my refrigerator.

2.     There are
ancient buildings in Rome.

3.     There was
much snow last winter.

4.     There were
a lot of people in the streets on the 1st of May.

5.     There will
be good weather the day after tomorrow.

6.     There will
be a new hospital near my house next year.

7. Make present or past questions with there is.

Any fruit juice in the fridge (present) 

Is there any fruit juice in the fridge?

Any letters for me (past)

Were there any letters for me?

How many people / in your family (present)

How many people are there in your family?

1.     a doctor
here (present)

2.     any trains
to London this evening (present)

3.     much money
in your bank account (present)

4.     how many
students / in your class

5.     a special
price for students (past)

6.     any
mistakes in my letter (past)

7.     many
children at the swimming pool (past)

8.     how many
people / at the party (past)


Test yourself

1. Use the correct form:
there is, there are, there was, there were, and there will be.

1.     ___ a pen
and two pencils on the desk.

2.     ___ a lot
of snow in the streets.

3.     ___ no
sunshine tomorrow.

4.     ___ twelve
chairs and a table in the room.

5.     ___ much
snow in Moscow last winter.

6.     ___ much
money in the purse.

7.     How many
pages ___ in the book?

8.     ___ much
food in the fridge yesterday?

9.     Please, be
quiet. ___ much noise in the classroom.

10. ___ a key in his pocket?

11. ___ no people in the hall.

12. ___ some interesting programmes 
on TV tomorrow.

13. ___ a lot of people at the stadium

14. ___ many photos in this album?

15. ___ anything in your hand?

2. Translate.

1.     В этом журнале есть несколько интересных рассказов.

2.     Сколько гостей будет на обеде?

3.     В этой группе мало студентов.

4.     В холодильнике есть масло, молоко, сыр, но нет мяса.

5.     В комнате были стол, два стула и диван, больше ничего не было.

6.     Сколько
экзаменов будет зимой?

7.     После собрания был концерт?

8.     Утром было много облаков.

9.     Рядом с моим домом есть хороший бассейн.

10. Я думаю, что завтра будет хороший фильм по телевизору.

3. Put in am, is, are, have,
have got, there is, there are.

                                       MY HOME   TOWN.

I’d like to tell you about my home town. I live in Tver.
It____ an old Russian

town near Moscow. _____ many places of interest in the
central part: a

theatre, two museums, several beautiful churches, some old

_____ a new district in the suburbs of the town. The houses
_____ modern 

and comfortable, and the flats ___ larger than in the old
houses. But ____ not

many shops and cinemas there.

My parents ____ a flat in the new district. _____a
living-room, a bedroom,

a kitchen  and a bathroom in their flat. The living-room ___
larger than the

bedroom. It ___a nice and comfortable room, it ___ light and
airy. ____ beautiful

curtains on the windows. ____ a table and four chairs, a
sofa and two armchairs

there too.  ____ a colour TV-set  in the corner of the 
room.  ____ a nice green carpet

on the floor. My parents ____ a lot of Russian and English
books. They ____ in the

bookcase and on the shelves.

The bedroom ___ smaller than the living-room.  ____ not much
furniture there.

____ two beds, a dressing-table and a wardrobe in the

The kitchen ___ not very large.  _____ a kitchen-table, two
chairs, a cupboard and a big

fridge in it.

I like to go to my home town when I ___ on holiday. My
parents ___ always happy

to see me.

                                        QUEEN   VICTORIA   MARKET 

     The biggest and the most culturally diverse market in
all of Australia ___ the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne. Dating from 1878,
it is spread out over two main sites; the lower market and the upper market.

     In the lower market you will find the Meat Hall that
houses 23 butchers and 11 fishmongers.  ___ also the Food Court that seats over
400 people and is good for every taste with dishes from all around the world.
The aromatic smells that come from the Food Court ___ so delicious your mouth
will water. Then,  ___ the Deli Hall that contains 17 delicatessens offering
cuisine from many countries including France, Italy, Greece, Japan and Poland
as well as a range of other shops selling cakes, bread, coffee and pasta.

     The upper market sells a great variety of fresh fruit
and vegetables. There you can also find clothes, leather goods, flowers,
fabric, jewellery, handicrafts and souvenirs.

     Queen Victoria Market
___ the perfect place to shop, and  ___ many thing to be found.  ___ so much
competition that you are guaranteed the widest range, the highest quality and
the most competitive prices that you will find anywhere. It  ___ impossible to
visit Queen Victoria Market  and come away empty- handed. With over 600 traders
in the market itself as well as the speciality shops and boutiques in the
surrounding streets,  ___ something for everyone.        

           Present Simple

   I/ You/ We/ They/        
He/ She/ It                     works

1. Choose the correct answers.

c. Where / she live?  Where
does she live?

   I/ You/ We/ They         
do not work / don’t  work
He/ She/ It               does not work / doesn’t  work

3. Make negative sentences.
I play chess. (cards) I do not play cards.   or  I
don’t play cards.
1.  The train stops at Bristol. (Cardiff)
2. The children play football on Mondays. (hockey)
3. Bill plays the piano very well. (guitar)
4. Barbara works in London. (live)
5. Peter remembers names very well. (faces)
6. George speaks Arabic. (You)
7. My father writes novels (poetry).
8. Alan and John live near me. (Andrew)
9. I like jazz. (Alice)
10. Henry likes old books. (parties)

4. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place.
You must brush your teeth twice a day. (always)
You must always brush your teeth twice a day.
1. Paul doesn’t listen to music in the evening. (usually)
2. The children help with the housework. (rarely)
3. Must you play your music so loud? (always)
4. Sheila can park her car properly. (never)
5. Do you go to the cinema at the weekend? (often)

5. Put the words in the correct order.
eats  dog  too  your  much        Your dog eats too much.
1. live  I  that  house  in
2. bank  John  in  a  works
3. badly  violin  plays  the  very  Susan
4. Scotland  those  from  children  come
5. young  very  look  you
6. teach  only  does  French  she?
7. rain  in  does  autumn  ever  it?
8. not  women  does  believe  he
9. tells us  never  about  childhood  she  her
10. gets  newspaper  he  a  us  sometimes  for

6. Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
1. — ____ live in Madrid? – No, I ____.
2. — ____ Tim like watching TV? – Yes, he ____.
3. — ____ they live in a flat? Yes, they ____.
4. — ____ Mary work in a hospital? – No, she ____.
5. — ____ she like playing tennis? – Yes, she ____.
6. — ____ they go fishing on Sundays? – No, they ____.
7. — ____ he work in a school? – No, he ____.
8. — ____ you get up late on Sundays? – Yes, we ____.
9. — ____ they like playing football? – Yes, they ____.
10. — ____she like listening to jazz music? – No, she ____.

7. Choose the correct variant.
1. Where do / does your sister live?
2. My cat / My cats don’t like fish.
3. This car don’t / doesn’t go very fast.
4. This train stop / stops at every station.
5. Why do English people / English people do drink so much tea?
6. The post office doesn’t open / opens on Sundays.
7. When does your holiday start / start your holiday?
8. My parents both play / plays golf.
9. That cafe / Those cafes stays open all night.
10. Her letters don’t say / to say very much.

8. Make sentences.
Andrew (live) in Birmingham  +   Andrew lives in Birmingham
you (speak) Chinese  ?
  Do you speak Chinese?
Sarah (like) classical music   Sarah doesn’t like classical
1. I (like) getting up early 
2. you (want) something to drink ?
3. Joe (play) football on Saturdays +
4. you (remember)  her phone number ?
5. that clock (work)
6. she often (fly) to Paris on business +
7. it (rain) much here in summer
8. elephants (eat) meat ?
9. you (think) he
can sing ?
we (need) a new car +

9. Translate
1. – Когда Вы начинаете работать? – В 8 часов утра.
2. – У вас бывают вечерние занятия. – Да, раз в неделю.
3. – Вы часто обедаете в ресторане? – Очень редко. Я не люблю рестораны.
4. – Этот автобус идет до вокзала? – Нет, он никогда там не останавливается.
5. – Куда Вы предпочитаете ездить на отдых? – Иногда я провожу отпуск на море,
а обычно я живу за городом и занимаюсь садом.

10. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple.
Don’t pay attention to the gaps.

Life In The Day Of Jackie Willis

day usually (start) at 7.30 a.m. when I get out of bed, have a shower, put on
my uniform, take a quick glass of orange juice and get a taxi to the hotel.      I
never (wear) much make-up during the day.

    I work a
six-day week at the hotel. The first shift is the busiest. At the desk in the
hotel I answer questions and solve any problems. 1_________________ but if
things seem quiet I leave a note and go into the restaurant for a cup of coffee
and a roll.

    The second
shift (run) from 12.30 but you can still get away for lunch. 2_____________ . 
Sometimes I have a free afternoon and I often think about lying on the beach,
but usually I go home for siesta. I don’t think much about trying to get a tan.
I do my sunbathing during my holiday.

evening shift is the easiest. After dinner I leave a note on the desk and go
into the bar to chat with the clients and hear about their day.

    I hardly
cook at all during the season. I don’t enjoy it much – except for frying bacon!
But I do manage to eat quite a lot – all my meals (seem) to come at the end of
the day. And there are some English foods that I really prefer, such as  bacon,
cheese, and, most of all, Marks and Spencer cakes.

usually pretty tired by the end of the day. The day ( end)  with a good talk
with my friends.

    My day off
is very important for me. Usually I try to get up about 9.30, have a leisurely
breakfast and then go off to another resort for the day.

If there are no magazines to read then I switch the light out straight away and

a. Put the
words in the correct order and choose from these sentences the one that best
fits each gap (1-4) to complete the text.

1. altogether 
I    breakfast   often    miss.

2. lunchtime 
water   just  I  drink  always  at.

3. I 
sometimes  I   bed read   go   to   when  a   bit   for.

I  minutes   within  am  asleep.

Make 5 questions in Present Simple about the text.

     c. Find
and write out sentences with markers of Present Simple.

                        Present Progressive

+                   I am
working              you are (you’re) working  

                     he/she/it is
working        we/they are (‘re) working

1.      Make
present progressive positive (+) sentences

The lesson
____ now. (start +) – The lesson is starting now.

1.     You
_____ too fast. (talk +)

2.     Bill
_____ dinner now. (cook +)

3.     I
______ a good book. (read +)

4.     We
______ a bit of English. (learn +)

5.     I
_______ very happy today. (feel +)

Put the verbs in brackets into the present progressive.

Four people 1)
______ (sit) at a table. They are in a restaurant. They 2) ______ (have)
dinner. They 3) _______ (wear) smart clothes. The man 4) _______ (wear) a suit.
The parents 5) _______ (smile) at each other and they 6) _______ (talk). The
children 7) _______ (listen). The girl 8) _______ (drink) some wine. The boy 9)
_______ (eat) some bread. They 10) _______ (enjoy) their meal.

?    Am I working ?    Are
you working ? 

     Is he/she/it
working ?  Are we/they working ?   

3.     a.
Make questions.

me? – Is everybody listening to me

1.     you
/ wait / for somebody?

2.     your
boyfriend / enjoy /the concert?

3.     those
men / take /our car?

4.     you
/ talk / to me?

5.     it
/ snow?

6.     we
/ go / too fast?

7.     the
boy / eat / some ice-cream?

8.     the
parents / wear / sports clothes?

9.     they
/ tidy / the garden?

10. dad / paint /
the living-room?

            b. Complete
the questions.

           Those people aren’t
speaking English. What language _______? –

            Those people
aren’t speaking English. What language are they speaking?

1.     Bill’s
writing something on the wall. I can’t see – what _______?

2.     The
train’s stopping! Why _______?

3.     They’re
eating now. What _______?

4.     They’re
playing a game. What game ______?

5.     I’m
going now. Goodbye. Wait! Where ______?

—        I am not(I’m not)
working              you are not (you aren’t) working  

         he/she/it is not
working        we/they are not (aren’t) working

a. Make present progressive negative (-) sentences.

Joan ______
today. (work -) – Joan is not working today.

1.     I
______ this party. (enjoy -)

2.     It
_____ now. (rain -)

3.     You
______ to me. (listen -)

4.     Peter
_____ to school this week. (go -)

5.     You
______ much these days. (eat -)

b. Make present progressive negative (-) sentences. Use short forms.

 I / not
ask for / a lot of money. – I’m not asking a lot of money.

1.     He
/ not listen / to me.

2.     They
/ not learn / very much.

3.     We
/ not enjoy / this film.

4.     She
/ not wear / a coat.

5.     He
/ not read / a magazine right now.

5 Put the
words in the correct order.

President and his wife / are / staying / where / ? –

          Where are the
President and his wife staying?

          those people over
there / French / are / speaking / ?-

          Are those people
over there speaking French?

1.     laughing
/ why / all those people / are / ?

2.     is
/ eating / that big black dog / what / ?

3.     going
/ everybody in your family / to Scotland / for Christmas / is / ?

4.     what
game / those children / playing / are / ?

5.     Ann 
and her friends / studying / are / where / ?

6.  Make
present progressive sentences.

the station
/ I / look for /  (+) – I’m looking for the station.

you /
tonight / work / (?) – Are you working tonight?

 rain / it
/ (-) – It isn’t raining.

1.     try
/ Peter /  save money / to / (+)

2.     cry
/ those children / why / (?)

3.     afternoon
/ all your friends / this / play football / (?)

4.     look
/ she / very well / today / (-)

5.     a
big mistake / I think / make / she / (+)

6.     your
usual glasses / wear / you / (-)

7.     a
new job / get / I / to / hope / (+)

8.     today
/ the 10.15 train / run / from London to Edinburgh / (?)

9.     for
you / I / this / cook / (+)

10. I / fast / talk
/ too / (-)

Translate into English.

Куда ты идешь?

     — В кино. Мой
друг ждет меня возле кинотеатра.

– С кем она разговаривает?

— Со своими родителями.

– Что ты слушаешь?

— Я слушаю джаз.

– О чем ты думаешь?

— Я думаю о каникулах.

– Почему ты смеешься?

    — Том рассказывает смешные истории.


know                         believe

think                          love

understand                 prefer          want

remember                   like

forget                          hate

8. Put the
verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Progressive.

1.     What
______about? “Life.” (you / think)

2.     I
_____ she’s Italian (think)

3.     Are
you doing anything tomorrow evening? – Yes. I _____ Jack at nine o’clock. (see)

4.     I
can ______ an aero plane in the sky. (see)

5.     I
_____ that she doesn’t like me. (feel)

6.     Jill
_____ her son’s forehead. (feel)

7.     She
______ tired. (look)

8.     Susan
_____ at some photos. (look)

9.     The
soup _____ awful. (taste)

10. She ______ the
cake. (taste)

Present Simple / Present Progressive

     1. Underline
the correct tense

1.     Vicky
looks/ is looking for a new flat at the moment.

2.     I
am going/ go to the gym this afternoon.

3.     Kelly
goes/ is going to Rome every year.

4.     She
wants/ is wanting to decorate the kitchen this week.

5.     We
look for/ are looking for Amy’s purse. She can’t find it anywhere.

6.     Be
quiet, please. I listen/ am listening a concert on the radio.

7.     The
bus comes/ is coming every ten minutes.

8.     Water
freezes/ is freezing at 0 C.

9.     My
parents spend/ are spending most of the day by the sea when they go on holiday.

10. Sam is at the
library. He writes/ is writing a composition.

Complete the following dialogues using Present Simple or Present

1. — Ron,
_____ (be) this your hat?

    — No. It
_____ (belong, not) to me. Maybe it _____ (belong) to Kevin. Why _____ (you,
not, ask) him?

      — Ok.

2. — Johnny,
_____ (you, listen) to me?

    — Of
course, Mum. You _____ (want) me to take out the garbage. Right?

     — Right!
And right now.

 3. — _____
(you, see) that man over there?

     — Which
man? The man in the brown jacket?

         — No, I ____ (talk)
about the man who _____ (wear) the blue shirt.

     — Oh,
that man.

     — ______
(you, know) him?

    — No,
I____( think, not) so.

    — I _____
(know, not) him either.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present

Charlie Foster 1) works
(work) at a bakery. He 2) _______ (always/ get up) very early because he 3)
______ (start) work at four o’clock every morning. Charlie 4) _______ (not/ be)
at work this morning. At the moment he 5) _______ (pack) a suitcase because he
6) _______ (go) on holiday today. Charlie 7) ________ (sing) to himself. He’s
very happy. Right now he 8) _______ (look for) his airplane tickets. Where are
they? He can’t find them. There they are; under his bed! Charlie 9) _______
(call) a taxi now. His plane 10) _______ (leave) in an hour. Where 11) ________
(Charlie/ go)? To Hawaii!

4. Translate
into English.

1. – Что ты делаешь завтра?

    —  Я обновляю свою комнату. Я думаю, это займет весь день.

2. – Поторопись! Мы тебя ждем.

    — Хорошо. Я иду.

3. – Ты часто пишешь своим родителям?

    — Каждую неделю.

4. – Я совсем не понимаю этот курс. Он действительно трудный.

   — Почему бы тебе не попросить помощи?

5. – Что ты читаешь?

   — Макбет. Мне нравится Макбет и мы изучаем это произведение на
уроках английского языка.



REGULAR VERBS                                                     IRREGULAR

+ I/ You/
We/ They have worked                            I/ You/ We/ They have

She/ It has worked                                                   He/
She/ It has seen

1. Write positive (+) Present Perfect sentences.

I (speak +) to the boss. – I
have spoken to the boss.

(forget+) my address.

2.     I (make+)
a mistake.

3.      Alan
(work +) very hard.

4.     We
(remember+) Ann’s birthday.

5.     The rain
(stop +).

VERBS                                                           IRREGULAR VERBS

You/ We/ They have not/ haven’t worked I/ You/ We/ They have not/
haven’t seen

She/ It has not/ hasn’t worked                     He/ She/ It has/
hasn’t seen

2.     Write
negative (-) Present Perfect sentences.

They (eat -) anything. – They
have not eaten anything

1. You (shut -) the door.

2. I (hear -) from Mary.

3. John (learn -) anything.

4. I (see -) a newspaper today.

5. I (break -) a cup.

VERBS                                                           IRREGULAR VERBS

?   Have
I/ you/ we/ they worked?                            Have I/ you/
we/ they seen?

he/ she/ it worked?                                                Has
he/ she/ it seen?

3. Make
Present Perfect questions.

leave? – Has John left?

1. We/ pay?

2. Bill/ phone?

3. The dogs/ come back?

4. The Sunday newspapers/ arrive?

     4. Make Present Perfect

Why/ Mary/
go home? – Why has Mary gone home?

1.Where/ you/ put the keys?

2.What/ Barbara tell the police?

3.Why/ Andy and Sarah/ bring the

4.What/ you/ say to Mike?

5.Where/ the family in the
upstairs flat/ go?

5.  Fill in for or since.

I have lived in this village
_____ I was born. – I have lived in this village since I was born.

1. It has been raining ______
hours. I wish it would stop.

2. My father has been the manager
of this firm _____ ten years.

3. ______ I
moved to York, I have been much happier.

4. Have you
been waiting ______ a long time?

5. I have been
waiting for you ______ four o’clock.

6. She hasn’t
bought a new coat _____ three years.

7. Karen has
been on the phone _____ ages!

8. I have
known Neil ______ 1994.

9. Jane has
been my best friend ______ many years.

10. I have
known Jack _______ five years.

Fill in the gaps with recently, yet, always, ever,
already, never, just.

A: Has Tom finished his exams

B: No. He finishes them next
Thursday. –

 A: Has Tom finished his exams

 B: No. He finishes them next

1.  A: Is John
at home, please?

B: No, I’m
afraid he’s ______ gone out.

2.  A: Has
Martin ______ been to Spain?

B: No, I don’t
think so.

3.   A: Have
you spoken to Matthew _____?

B: Yes. I
phoned him last night.

4.   A: Lucy
has ______ been musical, hasn’t she?

B: Yes, she
started playing the piano when she was five years old.

5.   A: Shall
we go to that new restaurant tonight?

B: Yes. I have
______ been there. It’s really nice.

6.   A: Have
you finished reading that book yet?

B: No, I’ve
______ started it.

7.   A: Can
you do the washing-up for me, please?

B: Don’t
worry. Mike has _____ done it.

8.   A: He
eats a lot of vegetables, doesn’t he?

B: Yes. He’s
______ liked vegetables.

9.   A: 
Jonathan has moved house ______.

B:  What’s his
new address?

10. A:  I
can’t phone you. I haven’t got a phone _____.

B:  Well, I’ll
come to your house instead.

In pairs, ask each other questions to find out if your partner
has ever done these things.

 ride a
motorbike. – Have you ever ridden a motorbike?                                               
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. I have never ridden a motorbike

1. stay in an
expensive hotel.

2. have an
embarrassing moment.

3. have a
really bad argument with someone.

4. do really
well in an exam.

5. win a

6. do
something really stupid.

7. feel really

8. go to Spain.

9. see anyone
eat a whole chicken before.

10. give an

8.  a.Fill
in the gaps with have/has been (to) or have/has gone (to).

 “Where are
Tom and Lucy?”  “They ______ the theatre.”-

 “Where are
Tom and Lucy?”  “They have gone to the theatre.”

1.     I
don’t live in London. I ______ only ______ there once.

2.     I
am alone in the house. My parents ______ on holiday.

3.     “Is
Philip at home?” “No, he _______ work.”

4.     Anita
has just come home. She ______ the theatre.

5.     My
friend wants us to go on holiday to Madrid this summer, but I ____ already ____

b. Fill in the gaps
with have/has been (to) or have/has gone (to)

 Jack: Hi, Jill. Where’s Paul?

  Jill:    Oh, he ______ London
for a few days. –

  Jack: Hi, Jill. Where’s

   Jill:    Oh, he has gone to
London for a few days

Jack: Really!
I 1)_______ London recently. I came back yesterday. 2)______ you_____ there?

Jill:    No, I
haven’t. Paul 3)_______ twice before, though. Where’s Sarah?

Jack:  She
4)______ Spain for two weeks with her parents. They 5)______ there to visit
some friends.

When is she coming back?

They’ll all be back next weekend.

c. A: Hi, Roger! Where is
everybody? The house is very quiet.

    B:  Well, Mum 1)_____ the
cinema with Mavis.

    A:   How about your sister?

    B:   She’s having a shower
right now because she 2______ the gym.

    A:   I 3) _____ the gym twice
this week. It’s really exhausting.

    B:   As for Dad, he 4)_____
the library to get some books.

    A:   So, how about going to
that new café that’s just opened near the park?

    B:    Oh, I 5)_____ there. It
isn’t that great. Why don’t we call Steve and go to the basketball 


    A:    OK, let’s do that

9. Translate
into English.

1.– Ты видела Боба сегодня?

— Нет еще.

      2. – Вы когда-нибудь бывали здесь раньше?

          – Никогда.

 3.– Сколько
человек вы пригласили?

— Мы еще не
составили список.

     4. – Как долго ты его знаешь?

         — Я знаю его много лет.

     5. – Ты не знаешь, они уже сдали

— Они только что
сдали последний экзамен.

Present Perfect Progressive


Test yourself (Present))

                  1. Underline the correct tense.

Liz and I
are good friends. We know/have known each other for four years. –

 Liz and I
are good friends. We know/have known each other for four years.

1.     Sarah
is very tired. She has been working/is working hard all day.

2.          2.
“Where is John?” “He’s upstairs. He does/is doing his homework”

3.         3.
Claire’s train arrives/has arrived at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the

4.     We
are moving/have moved house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

5.     Jane
has finished/is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her

6.     I
can’t go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving/have been leaving for Spain
on Friday night.

7.     I
didn’t recognize Tom. He looks/is looking so different in a suit.

8.     Ian
has been talking/is talking to his boss for an hour now.

9.     I
don’t need to wash my car. Jim washes/has washed it for me already.

    10. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking/speaks seven
different languages.

    2. a. Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct present tense.
1. — We ____ (have) dinner at Gianni’s tonight. Would you like to come?
    — Sorry, but I ____ (visit) Sally.
2. — Is Jane ____ (still/look) for a job?
    — Yes, unfortunately, she ____ (not/find) one yet.
3. – Where _____ (you/be) all morning?
    — I ____ (clean) my house.
4. — ____ (you/be) for a walk?
    — Yes/ I often ____ (go) for walks in the evenings.
5. – Where ____ (you/go)?
    — John’s train _____ (arrive) at 2 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the

b. – Hi Peter. I 1)_____ (not/see) you for a long time.
— Hi Molly. I 2)____ (travel) for the past two months.
— Really? I 3)____ (plan) a trip at the moment. I 4)____ (leave) next month for
— That’s great. 5)____ (you/arrange) a place to stay once you get there?
— Yes, a campsite. It 6)____ (be) a very nice place.
— And 7)____ (you/buy) your ticket yet?
— No, not yet. Actually, I 8)____ (go) to the travel agent’s this afternoon to
buy it.
— Oh. I 9)____ (go) into town later today. You can come with me in my car.
— Thanks. I 10)____ (meet) my brother for lunch at 1 o’clock, so I’ll come to
your house at 2 o’clock.
— Great! See you then.

        3. Put
the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect  Progressive.

Dear Connie,

     I hope
you are enjoying yourself at university. I’m sure you 1)______ (study) hard.
Everything is fine here at home. Billy 2)______ (just/receive) his school
report. It was bad, as usual. He 3)______ (decide) to leave school next year
and find a job. Fiona 4) ______ (go) to the gym every day for the past two
weeks. She 5) ______ (try) to get in shape for the summer. She 6) _____
(already/plan) her holiday in the sun. Your farther 7) ______ (sell) the old
car and he 8) ______ (buy) a new one. It’s lovely – much nicer than the old

write soon.



4. Put the
verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


Harrington is eighteen and in his final year at school. He _____(take) three
‘A’ levels this summer in Maths, Physics and Computer Studies.

he _____not, work) very hard and his teachers are not happy with his progress.
They think he is spending too much time playing his guitar and reading music

supposed to spend every evening and weekend revising for exams but I can’t be
bothered. I hate revising. It’s so boring. I’ll be glad to see the last of my
physics textbook. I’m sorry I didn’t take music instead for ‘A’ level.”

he claims that he can’t sing very well, Nick is quite a talented musician and
______(play)  the piano as well as the guitar. ”One thing which impresses
people is that I can listen to something and then just play it. I’m lucky, I
suppose. I’ve got a good ear for music.”

     In his
spare time he plays in a band. They usually ______(play)  together three
evenings a week. He ______(give) a few concerts at school but he’s not allowed
to give any public performances in town. He would like someone important in the
music business to “discover” him but he knows that is easier said than done.

     Nick goes
to an expensive private boarding school called Eton, where he lives during the
term. His friends at home who go to the local state school sometimes
_____(tease) him about going to a private school. Nick doesn’t care too much
about what they say. “School’s only a small part of your life. In some ways it
doesn’t really matter where you go. It’s the future that’s important. The best
part of this year is that I ______(leave) school at the end of term!”

Past Simple

               regular verbs


I/you/he/she/it/we/they worked

I/you/he/she/it/we/they went

 1.   Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of
the past simple.

       Mother_____ the windows twice last week ( clean ).

       Mother cleaned the windows twice last week.

1.     They ____
on holiday ( go ).

2.     Tina ____
in the school concert yesterday ( sing ).

3.     Paul often
____ with his brother when they were young ( fight ).

4.     Mother
Teresa ____ the poor people of India ( help ).

5.     Her sister
____ this beautiful cake on Monday ( bake ).

6.     Sam ____
his trip to Wales last weekend ( enjoy ).

7.     John ____
and ____ his knee ( fall, hurt ).

8.     Last
spring we ____ to visit Spain ( want ).

9.     They ____
school in 2002 ( leave ).

10. When my parents____ young, they
____ a lot ( be, travel).

               regular verbs

             irregular verbs

 I/you/he… did not work/
didn’t work

I/you/he… did not
go/ didn’t go

2.   Make simple past negative sentences.

a. I played hockey ( football ). I didn’t play

1.     We spoke
Spanish together ( Arabic ).

2.     My uncle
taught mathematics ( science ).

3.     Bill
cooked the potatoes ( the fish ).

4.     I took my
mother to the mountains ( my father ).

5.     We told
our parents everything ( the police ).

6.     I wrote to
my sister ( my brother ).

7.     I liked
the party ( the music ).

8.     We knew
her address ( phone number ).

9.     I
understood the task ( the text ).

10. We heard the knock at the door (
the telephone ).

b. Choose the correct form.

        I break / broke a cup yesterday. Ann
didn’t play / played tennis this morning.

1.     Harry work
/ worked last Sunday.

2.     I didn’t know
/ knew where I was.

3.     Ann come /
came to see us at the weekend.

4.     My mother
didn’t feel / felt well last night.

5.      I didn’t
see / saw Bill at the party.

6.     Peter
didn’t write / wrote to me for a long time.

7.     The train
didn’t arrive / arrived on time.

8.     I study /
studied Psychology last year.

9.     We didn’t
like / liked the TV show.

10. Mary look / looked really tired 

               regular verbs

             irregular verbs

         Did I/you/he…

           Did I/you/he…

3.       Make
simple past questions.

a.   She found the key in its usual place.  Did
she find the key in its usual place?

1.     Jim began
to run.

2.     Kate
walked slowly home.

3.     In three
days Mr. Riggles received an answer.

4.     Last
August we found a nest.

5.     Two months
ago our friends moved to London.

b.   Jake and his wife went to Moscow.  Where did
Jake and his wife go?

1.     Mrs.
Potter’s two boys played football yesterday. When ____ ?

2.     All the
people in the class felt tired. Why ____ ?

3.     They went
to Italy. Where ____ ?

4.     They
reserved two tables for us. How many ____ ?

5.     The people
who were sitting at the back of the bus started to sing. Why ____ ?

c.   Jane phoned.  Who phoned?   Something nice
happened. What happened?

1.     Somebody
wrote to me.

2.     Something
broke the window.

3.     Something
fell off the table.

4.     Somebody

5.     Somebody
heard me.

6.     John
wanted to help me.

7.     Something
made that noise.

8.     She asked
him about his work.

9.     Something
fell out of your bag.

10. He put the salt in the soup.

4.     Put
the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple.

            A:  What ____ last summer ( you/do )? What
did you do last summer?

            B:  I ____ in a fast food restaurant ( work ).

            A:  What kind of work ____ ( you/do ) ?

            B:  I ____ orders from customers ( take ).

            A:   ____ much money ( you/earn ) ?

            B:  Yes, but I ____ most of it ( spend ).

            A:  What ____ it on ( you/ spend )?

            B:  I ____ on holiday to the Greek island ( go

            A:   ____ a good time ( you/have ) ?

            B:  Yes, it ____ wonderful ( be )!

I/you/he… used to
Did I/you/he… use to travel?       
I/you/he… did not/didn’t use to travel

5.      Complete
the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets.

a.   I ____ ( not/watch ) the news, but now I
watch it every day.

        I didn’t use to watch the news, but now I watch
it every day.

1.     My aunt
____ ( drink ) a lot of coffee, but now she prefers to drink tea.

2.     We ____ (
live ) in a flat, but we live in a big house now.

3.     ____ (
you/go ) to school on foot?

4.     We ____ (
not/like ) each other, but now we’re good friends.

5.     I ____ (
not/eat ) vegetables. Now I eat them every day.

6.     My sister
____ ( play ) the piano, but now she doesn’t.

7.     They ____
(spend ) their weekends in the countryside. They don’t any more.

b. Ask and answer questions using the prompts as
in the example.

           Did you use to play with your friends when you
were five?

Yes, I did. /  No, I didn’t.

1.     play with
your friends?                     6.   listen to fairy tales?

2.     watch many
cartoons?                       7.   have a bath every day?

3.     go to bed
late?                                   8.   drink milk?

4.     cry a
lot?                                            9.   dress yourself?

5.     make your
bed?                                 10.  get pocket money?

c. Rewrite using used to  or didn’t use to

             – I don’t walk to work any more.  I used to
walk to work.

I’ve got a dog now.

I don’t eat junk food any more.

I go to the gym every night now.

I’m not shy any more.

I live in a big house now.

I haven’t got long hair any more.

I eat lots of vegetables now.

6.     Translate
the dialogues.

1.     — Где ты был вчера? Я тебе звонил, но тебя не было дома.

— Я был на стадионе
с Петром. Мы смотрели очень интересный матч.

2.     – Ты смотрел вчера телевизор?

— Нет, я вчера
ходил в кино. Показывали очень смешной фильм.

     3.   – Когда ты был в отпуске последний

           — Прошлой зимой.        

           — Как ты его провел?

           — Прекрасно. Ходил на лыжах,
катался на коньках.

     4.   – Кто обучал вас английскому языку?

           — Моя мама.

 5.   – Она
заходила к вам вчера? 

Нет, она уехала в Москву несколько дней назад.

7.      Put
the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

          a.  Lesley ___ ( buy ) her house two months
ago. It is a beautiful cottage in the countryside. However, when Lesley ___ (
decide ) to buy it, it ___ ( need ) a lot of work.

      First, she ___ ( decorate ) all the rooms. Then, she
___ ( plant ) lots of flowers in the garden. After that, she ___ ( make ) new
curtains for all the windows. When it was ready, she ___ ( move ) in. That was
last week. Now, Lesley is very happy. 

            b. He ___ outside her door for a long
time ( stand ). Then he ___ her footsteps inside the house ( hear ). She ___
the door and ___ out ( open, come ). At first she ___ him, but then she ___ ‘
Oh, hello, Harold’ ( not see, say ). He ___ a paper out of his pocket and ___
it to her ( take, give ). She ___ it in one hand, but ___ it ( hold, not read
). ‘ Listen’, he ___( say ). She ___ ( not speak ). ‘ I ___ you this letter
because …‘ ( write ).  She ___ back into the house ( run ).  He ___ and walked
slowly down the street ( turn ).

Present Prefect / Past Simple

1.     Put in
the correct form (one word).
I have just____ to my sister. (write) — I have just written to my
1. The lessons_____ last week. (begin)
2. You’ve ____ three cups today. (break)
3. Why have you ____ home early? (come)
4. Who has_____ my coffee? (drink)
5. We _____too much last night. (eat)
6. John ____ off his bicycle yesterday. (fall)
7. I am sorry,  I’ve____ your name. (forget)
8. I’ve ____ my address to the police. (give)
9. We ____ what they wanted. (know)
10. Somebody has_____ my umbrella. (take)

2.     Надпись: not be    happen     have    lose    not pass     spend       Надпись: be     buy      change        have         open         passPut
the verbs from the boxes (past simple or present perfect)

Last year 1)_____ a good year for Pete and Sonia. Pete 2)_____ a car accident
and 3) _____ a month in hospital, Sonia 4)______ her job, the children 5)______
their school exams, and a lot of other bad things 6)______.

This year 7)_____ much better. Pete 8)_____ his job, and is making much more
money. They 9)_____ a new house. Sonia 10)_____ a small restaurant, and it’s
going very well. They 11)_____ a baby. And the other children 12)_____ all
their exams this time.

3.     Put the
verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.
1. — _____(you/write) to Simon lately?
    — Yes, I_____ (write) him a letter last week.
2. I_____ (not/see) Sam for a long time.
    — Really? I_____ (see) him yesterday at the swimming pool.
3. — ______ (you/ever/play) rugby?
    — Yes, I have. I_____ (play) for the first time last week.
4. — James _____ (write) a new book last year.
    — I know. I ____ (read) some great reviews about it in the newspaper.
5. – How long ____ (you/be) married?
    — Only for six months. I _____ (get) married last December.

4.     Put the
verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.

— Hello, Billy. I 1)_____ (not/see) you for a long time.
— Yes, I 2)_____ (be) very busy recently.
— Really? Tell me what  you 3)_____ (do) since we last 4)_____ (see) each
— Well, I 5)___ (get) my degree last month and then I 6)____ (move) house.
— When 7)____ (you/move)?
— Last week, but I 8)_____ (not/unpack) everything yet.
— I 9)____ (phone) you on Tuesday but there 10)____ (be) no answer.
— I 11)_____ (be) very busy at my new house then.
— Never mind, I only 12)_____ (want) to invite you to a party next week at my
— Great! Thank you. 

5.     Choose
the correct answer.
I 1) know/have known Adrian for a very long time – we 2) are/
have been
friends since our first day at school, thirty years 3)
. He 4) came/has come round to see me last night to
ask for my advice. His company 5) did well/ has done well for the last
few years, and the 6) opened/ have opened several new offices. They 7)
just asked/ have just asked
Adrian to move to Scotland, to run an office
there. He 8) didn’t decide/ hasn’t decided  what to do yet. He doesn’t
really want to move: he 9) never lived/ has never lived outside Manchester, and he 10) bought / has bought a new house there last year. But the new
job would be interesting, and very well paid. We 11) talked/ have talked
about it for a long time last night, but of course I couldn’t tell him what to

1. Ты видела сегодня Боба? Когда ты его видела?
2. Это было давным-давно. Я давно знаю об этом.
3. – Вы смотрели этот фильм? – Да, я смотрел его несколько раз.
4. Я видела этот спектакль, когда мне было 15 лет. С тех пор я его не видела.
5. Они встретились много лет назад. Это была их единственная встреча. С тех пор
они больше не встречались.
6. Где Ваш брат? Я давно не вижу его. – Он сейчас живет во Франции. Они
эмигрировали 3 года назад.
7. Вы бывали здесь раньше? – Да, я провел здесь свой отпуск.
8. Ты видела сегодня Роберта? – Да, он недавно приходил сюда и вскоре ушел.
9. Я потерял ключи. Вы их не видели?
10. Вы когда-либо бывали в Вашингтоне? – Да, я ездил туда пять лет назад.Past Progressive

I / He / She / It        was     
You / We / They    were     working

1. Say what David did

First, David had breakfast. (7.15-7.30) – David was having breakfast from
7.15 till 7.30.
1. Then, David drove to work. – 7.45-8.30
2. Next, he talked to some clients. – 11 00- 1.00 p.m.
3. After that, he had a lunch break. – 1.30 p.m.-2.00 p.m.
4. Then, he prepared a speech. – 4.00 p.m.-5 p.m.
5. Finally, he drove to have some meetings. – 5.30 p.m.-6.30 p.m.

       Was   I / he /
she / it   working?                Were     you / we / they  

I / He / She / It  was not / wasn’t working   
You / We / They  were not / weren’t working

2. Write questions.
At 10.00 I was reading (a newspaper) – Were you reading a newspaper?
1. When I went into Pat’s office, she was writing. (letters)
2.  At lunchtime Joe was shopping. (where)
3. At 8.30 Ann was cooking. (what)
4. When I arrived, all the children were crying. (why)
5. At midnight, Mary and Jack were driving. (to Scotland).
3. Write negative sentences.
At 9.15 Sarah was playing cards.At 9.15 Sarah wasn’t
playing cards
1. At 10.30 Fred and Alice were dancing.
2. At 8.20 Keith was cooking supper.
3. At 7.50 Mary was driving home.
4. At 11.00 Oliver wasn’t watching TV.
5. At 8.00 t was waiting for the train.

Past Simple / Past Progressive

1. Past Simple or Past
Sue lived/ was living in France when her uncle died. — Sue was living in France
when her uncle died.
1. At 6.15, when you phoned, I had/ was having a shower.
2. We watched/ were watching TV all evening.
3. Bill watched/was watching TV when Ann came in.
4. My father worked/ was working hard all his life.
5. Yesterday we drove/ were driving from Oxford to Edinburgh and back.
6. It was a nice evening, so she walked/was walking home from work.
7. He waited/was waiting for her for an hour, but she never came.
8. I saw/ was seeing Jamie at the party last night.
9. Sandra finally passed/ was passing her exams.
10. We wrote/ were writing a test from two till four.

Put  the verbs in Past Simple or Past Progressive.

          1. — What _____ he ____
when you _____? (do, come)

    — He ____ over the phone.

2. — Who _____ to you when I ____
you at the bus stop? (talk, see)

     — I _____ to a friend I
haven’t seen for a long time. (talk)

3. — What ____ you ____ the whole
evening last Wednesday? (do)

     — We _____ cards. (play)

4. — Why___ you___ the whole day
yesterday? (not work). When I _____, you_____ on the sofa. (come, sleep).
    — I_____ very tired. (be)
5. — Who ____ to the tape-recorder yesterday? (listen)
    — I don’t know, but I think it ____ my brother. (be)

3. Put the verbs in brackets
into the past simple or the past progressive.

a. In prehistoric times, people 1)_____ (live) in caves. They 2)_____
(hunt) animals which they then 3)_____ (use) for food and clothing. They 4)_____
(make) everything by themselves and they 5) _____ (have) very simple lives.
 The boys 1)_____ (play) football on the river bank while the girls 2)_____
(talk). Everyone 3)_____ (enjoy) the picnic when suddenly they 4) _____ (hear)
loud cry from further up the river. The all 5)_____ (rush) to see what was
b. Put verbs from the box (simple past or past progressive) into the text.

drive    open    pass   
pull    run     shine     sing     start     turn     wait

It was a beautiful morning. The sun 1)_____ and the birds 2)______.About five
thousand people 3)______ in front of the palace. At 10.00, the guards 4)_____
the Palace gates, and the President’s car 5)______ out and 6)______ left into Democracy Street. The crowds 7)______ to sing the National Anthem. Then suddenly, just as the
President’s car 8)_____ the Ritz Hotel, a man 9)______ out in front of it and
10)_____ a gun from his pocket.

4. Translate.
1. Вчера вечером шел сильный дождь, и мы не пошли на стадион.
2. Я ждал его у здания университета, а он в это время ждал меня на улице.
3. Когда ты позвонил, я был занят.
4. Стоял прекрасный летний день. Светило солнце и пели птицы.
5. Когда он вернулся из Лондона? – Неделю назад.
6. Где ты встретил Марию? Я встретил ее около библиотеки, когда возвращался
7. Прошлую субботу мой отец ходил на рыбалку и поймал много рыбы.
8. Почему ты мне не позвонил? – Я вернулся домой слишком поздно.
9. Мы ужинали, когда старшая сестра вернулась из университета.
10 Когда часы пробили двенадцать, мы пошли спать.Past

+ I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they had worked

? Had I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they worked?

— I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they had not worked

1. Use Past Perfect of the
verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences.

 When John and I got to the
river, the boat race (start already). — When John and I got to the river, the
boat race had already started.

1.   She felt tired because
she (walk a lot/that day).

2.     I didn’t
know what to do when they (show/ me/ the picture).

3.      She went
for a holiday after she (pass the exams).

4.     He didn’t
start speaking until the children (leave/ the room).

5.     He
understood the book only after he (read it/ again).

2.     Make
sentences in Past Perfect using the words in brackets.

 Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an
airplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they (fly)
before. — Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an airplane. They were very nervous as the
plane took off because they had never flown before.

1. The woman was a complete
stranger to me. I (see) before.

2. The local cinema was no longer
open. It (close) down.

3. I didn’t recognize Mrs.
Johnson. She (change) a lot.

4. Margaret was late for work.
Her boss was very surprised. She (be/ late).

5. I was very pleased to see Nora
again after such a long time. (not see) her for five years.

Test yourself (Past)

          1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple,
Past Progressive or Past


 1. When I called at his house, they told me that he
_____(leave) an hour before.

 2. He wanted to visit the place where he _____(live) in his

 3. When I ______(come) home, the children _______(eat) the
soup which she _____(cook) in the morning.

 4. The telegram _____(come) some minutes after he _____(

 5.  She looked very tired as she ______(work) hard.

 6. When I ____( see) Ann, she _____(plant) the flowers.

 7. When the rain _____(stop) I ______(look) out of the
window and _____(see) John who _____(stand) under a tree waiting for me.

 8.  By two o’clock the teacher ______(examine) all the

 9. He ______(study) French before he _____(enter) the

 10. Suddenly he _____(remember) that he ______(not, ring)
her up in the morning.

2. Put the verbs in brackets
into Past Simple or Past Progressive.
It 1)____ (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her father 2)____
(decide) to visit Seaton Castle. The sun 3)____ (shine) and the birds
4)_____(sing). Emma 5)____ (feel) very excited. The castle 6)_____ (be) very
old and made of stone. They 7)_____ (climb) the steps to the top of the tower.
While they 8)_____ (admire) the view, they 9)_____ (hear) some noises. They
10)_____ (look) around but they 11)_____ (not/see) anybody. «That’s funny,»
said Emma. «I 12)_____ (think) I 13)______ (see) someone standing over
there.» After a while they 14)____ (decide) to visit the cellar of the
castle. Emma 15)_____ (examine) an old barrel when she 16)_____ (hear) the door
of the cellar close behind them. «Dad,» she 17)_____ (say), »
don’t close the door!» «But, I 18)_____ (not/ close) it, dear,»
her father said. Emma 19)_____ (turn) around and 20)_____ (see) a shadow on the
wall. She 21)____ (know) then that the ghost of Seaton Castle 22)_____ ( watch)



+ I/ You / He/ She/ It/ They will
work    I’ll work

? Will I/ you /he … work?

— I/ you /he… will not work                     I won’t

1.   Put the words in the correct order.

      Here George tomorrow  be will     George will be
here tomorrow

1.   begin class will  at 9.30

2.   be they’ll home  soon

3.   examination will the difficult be I think

4.   walk we’ll party the to

      5.   her not speak will I

2.   Make negatives.

        ‘ I … this work today.’ ( finish )    ‘I won’t
finish this work today.’

          1.     ‘ Annie … here
at ten.’  ( be )

2.     ‘ I … time for lunch.’ ( have )

3.     ‘ You … any pens in there.’ ( find )

4.     ‘ The children … to school in September.’ ( go )

5.   ‘ Bob … much money if he sells that car.’ ( get )

3.     Make questions with will.

       you and your mother / be / here tomorrow? Will you
and your mother be here tomorrow?

1.    what time / tomorrow evening’s concert / start?

2.    when / you and the family / get back from Paris? 

3.    the children / have enough money / for the journey?

4.    how soon / you know / the answer?

5.    where / you / be / this evening?


4. Shall I / we … ?

The garden is very untidy.

( I / cut / the grass )  
Shall I cut the grass?

1.     It’s a
lovely evening. ( we/ go/ for a walk )

2.     I need a
hot drink. ( I/ make/ some tea )

3.     It’s very
quiet here. ( I/ turn on/ the radio )

4.     The Smiths
are back. ( we/ visit/ them )

5.     I’ve cut
my finger. ( I/ get/ a plaster )


5. What do you think will happen? Make your own
predictions, with I think or  I don’t think.

…  it … tomorrow. ( rain )   
I think it will rain tomorrow.

I don’t think it’ll rain tomorrow.

1.    … it … tomorrow.  ( snow )

2     … I … a letter from America tomorrow.  ( get )

   3.    … I …famous in ten
years. ( be )

4.    … people … English everywhere in the year 2100. (
speak )

5.    … she … late.  (be)


6.    Will you…, please?

       Will you open the door, please?

1.    post these letters for me

2.    take out the rubbish

3.    wait here until he comes

4.    clean the blackboard

5.    turn down the music


7.    Put in words from the box with ‘ll or won’t.

go shopping      stop      
do          wash             start

       I’m tired. I think I … .    I think I’ll go to

       I don’t know what he wants. He … us.    He won’t 
tell us.

1.    I … the cups; can you dry them?

2.   ‘Can somebody post my letters?’   ‘ I … it’.                       

3.    ‘My motorbike … ‘   ‘No petrol?’

4.     The baby … crying. Can you sing to her?

   5.    ‘There’s no food in the
house.’   ‘I …  ‘.

8.   Open the brackets. Put ‘ll with the verbs in

      Dear Pamela and Simon,

      To find the house: when you get to Llanbrig, drive
through the town and take   the road for Caernarvon. After about 6
km, you (pass) an old house on the left.

      Immediately after that, you (come to)  a bridge. Turn
left after the bridge; very soon you (come to)  a crossroads. Go left again,
and you (see) our house on the right in about 300
m. You (recognize)  it because it’s got a green door and four  apple trees.
You (find)  the key under a mat outside the back door.

      Enjoy your holiday. I’m sure you (have) a great time.




9.   Make questions with going to.

      You / cook supper       Are you going to cook

      When / your brothers / be here    When are your
brothers going to be here?

1.     Ann / change her school

2.     where / you / put that

3.     what / you / buy for
Bill’s birthday

4.     Eric / play football /

5.     when / you / stop smoking

10. Fill in the gaps with shall, will or the
correct form of be going to.

      A:  The shops are closed

      B:  I … buy bread and
milk today then. I’ll buy bread and milk today then.

 1.  A:  … we tell Mr. Peck
about the accident?

      B:  That’s a good idea.
Maybe he can help.

 2.  A:  It’s too dark here to

      B:  Is it? I .. turn on the

 3.  A:  Please, come and see us.

      B:  We … visit you soon,
that’s a promise.

 4.  A:  … I wear a jumper or a

      B:  It’s very cold. Take
your coat.

 5.  A:  Can we go out to play,

      B:  No, we … have dinner

11. Fill in the gaps with shall/will or the
correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets.

      A:  (we / go) to the football match on Saturday?
Shall we go to the football   match on Saturday?

      B:  I can’t.   … (I / help) my sister.

      A:  Oh, yes. She is moving house, isn’t she?

      B:  That’s right. … (you / help) us?

      A:  Yes, I’d love to. What time … (I / come) to your

      B:   I’m not sure yet. … (probably / phone) you on
Friday to tell you. Is that alright?

      A:   Yes. I think I … (be) in then.

      B:   OK. … (we / go) for a walk now?

      A:   I’d rather not. Look at those black clouds. It
… (rain). Let’s stay in and watch

            a video.

      B:   Great idea.

PROGRESSIVE for future

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

      Our train (leave) at 8.10.  Our train leaves at

      I (meet) Pat at the theater at 8.00.  I’m meeting
Pat at 8.00. 

1.   He (fly) to Turkey next month.    

2.   Sarah (start) University on September 17th.

3.   This train (stop) at Reading.

4.   Melanie (get married) at 3 this afternoon.

5.   This term (end) on March 12th.

6.   They (leave) for Mexico tomorrow.

7.   What time you (arrive) in Rome?

8.   The Browns (move) to their new house this weekend.

9.   The banks (close) at 3.00 tomorrow.

10. The next lesson (start) at 2.00.

13. Complete the dialogue using the verbs in brackets and
the correct form of will,  going to or the present progressive.

                                           I’m going to Miami

       John:   You (take) the next English course, aren’t

       Mike:  Yes, I think so.

       John:   What (you/do) during school break?

       Mike:   I (go) to Miami. I (leave) on Saturday.

       John:   What (you/do) there?

       Mike:   I (visit) friends. We probably just (go) to
the beach and relax.

       John:   That sounds good. When (you/be) back?

       Mike:  In a week.

       John:   (you/ send) me a postcard?

       Mike:  Sure.Future Progressive


+     I/ You / He/ She/ It/ They will

?      Will I/ you /he be working?

—      I/ you /he… will not be working

1.   Use the verbs in Future progressive.

      At this time tomorrow we (to have) an English

      At this time tomorrow we will be having an English

      1.  Don’t worry! I (to write) letters to you

      2.  When you come they (to train) in the gym.

      3.  Don’t wait for me. I (to work) for some time.

      4.  As far as I know you (to join) us in Kiev

      5.  While you are away we (to look after) your

      6.  Don’t leave. We (to have) tea in a few minutes.

      7.  Let’s hurry! The film (to start) in a few minutes.

 2.   Put the verbs in brackets into the future
progressive or the future simple.

      1.  I’ll call for her at 7. —  No, don’t; she still
… (have) breakfast then.

      2. You’ve just missed the last train! — Never mind. I
… (walk).

      3.  He says he … (meet) us at the bus stop, but I’m
sure he … (forget) to do it.

4.  You … (have) lunch
with me on the 24th? — I’d love to, but I’m afraid I …

            (do) my exam then.  

      5.   I … (work) for Mr. Pitt next week as his own
secretary …(be) away.

      6.  Why did you take his razor? He … (look) for it
everywhere tomorrow.

      7.  You’ve left the light on. — Oh, so I have. I …
(go) and turn it off.

      8.   This time next Monday I … (sit) in a Paris
cafe reading Le Figaro.

           — You   … (not read). You … (look) at all the
pretty girls.

      9.   Come on deck; we … (enter) harbour in a few

      10. Waiter, this plate is dirty. — I’m sorry, sir. I
… (bring) you another. 

Future Perfect

    I/ You / He/ She/ It/ They will

1.   Open the brackets using the future perfect.

      By the end of this year I (to read) all the books
of this writer.

      By the end of this year I will have read all the
books of this writer.

      1.  When the father returns from his round the world
trip his son (to become)

             a grown-up man.

       2.  If you come late, the party …(to end).

       3.  When you come she .. (to leave).

       4.  By the end of July you .. (to pass) your last
entrance exam.

       5.  I’m not sure if I … (to translate) this text by

       6.  By the time they return from the honeymoon trip
we … (to rebuilt)

            the house for them.

       7.  You … (to finish) typing my papers by this

       8.   I hope by the end of the winter I … (to learn)
to ski.

2.    Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple,
future progressive or future perfect.

        By Monday morning, Kelly will have written
(write) her History essay.

        Kelly can’t come with us on Sunday because she
will be writing (write) her

        History essay.

        1.  a   I’m sure we … (win) the match this

             b   If we do, then we … (win) our last five

        2.  a    He ….(work) all day on Saturday.

             b.   By January he … (work) there for three

        3.  a    She … (clean) the house before Jack and
Sally arrive.

             b   She … (clean) for ages because it’s
really untidy.

        4.  a    If Angela can get some time off work, we
… (fly) to Paris for the


             b   If Angela gets time off work, at this time
on Friday we … (fly) to


        5.  a    Do you think we … (finish) the report

             b   Definitely, if we work hard we … (finish) it by three
o’clock.    TEST   YOURSELF  (Future)

   1.      Choose the best form. Use will, going to, or
Present Progressive.

   1.     Ann is going to /  will have a baby.

   2.     Perhaps I will see  /  am seeing you again one

   3.     ‘There’s someone at the door.’ ‘I go.’ /  ‘I’ll

   4.     I promise I tell  / I’ll tell you tomorrow.

   5.     I will see  /  am seeing the doctor tomorrow at

   6.     Look – Joe is going to  /  will show us something

   7.     ‘I don’t want to drive.’ ‘OK. I’m going to  / 
I’ll drive.’

   8.     ‘Shall we go out?’ ‘No, I’ll  /  I’m going to wash
my clothes.’

   9.     I think I’m taking  /  I’ll take guitar lessons
one day.

   10.   I’ve decided. I’m going to / I’ll stop smoking.

    2.     Choose the best form. Use Future Simple,
Future Progressive or Future Perfect.

1.     — Why must
I take a book and a packed lunch? — You’ll sit/ be sitting on the train for

2.     Will you
have arranged/ be arranging everything by tomorrow?

3.     Where and
when will I see/ will I be seeing you again?

4.     We’ll be
arriving/ ‘ll have arrived at Miami airport at exactly this time tomorrow

5.     By the
time my parents get back home I will have cleaned/ will clean the house from
top to bottom.

3.     Put the
verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. – Do you think we ____ (finish) the report today?
 — Definitely, if we work hard we ____ (finish) it by three o’clock.
2. – What ____ (you/plan) to do this summer?
 — I _____ (spend) a few weeks with my cousins. I have already arranged it with
3. – Excuse me, what time _____ (the bus/ arrive)?
 — It _____ (arrive) at 11 o’clock.
4. — _____ (Jerry/come) to the theatre with us next week?
 — I don’t know, but I _____ (see) him at football practice tomorrow. I ____
(ask) him then.
5. – Are you excited about your trip?
 — Yes. This time tomorrow I ____ (sit) on the plane.

4.     Choose
the correct tense.
a) Next Monday, Amanda 1) will be starting/ is starting work. She 2)
is going to work / will work
for a large company in the city centre. By the
end of next week, she 3) will be finishing/ will have finished her

b) This year we 1) are planning/ will plan to spend Christmas in England.
We 2) are staying/ will be staying with Diana at her house in the Yorkshire dales. Andrew and I 3)are looking/look forward  and the children are
excited.  They are hoping it 4) snow/will snow so that they can go
sledging with their father. And their mother 5) is going to show /will show
them the city.Test Yourself (Present, Past, Future)

      1. Write the correct
form of the verbs, choosing from all the tenses which you know.

Mark Pringle   is (be) two years older than his cousin Nick.
After he left school, he _______ (get) a job with a music magazine. For the
last two years he _______ (work) as a general reporter. “I _______ (like) the
work”, he says. “Next year, I ________ (probably go) to New York to work as the
American correspondent”.

Like Nick, Mark _______ (go) to a public school – Charterhouse – and he
________ (not like) it, either. “I ________ (be) very pleased when I ________
(leave) two years ago. If I have any children, I ________ (not send) them to a
public school, I _______ (send) them to a state school”.

Mark didn’t go to University. “I ________ (not get) very good grades in
my “A” Levels,” he says, but that’s O.K., because I _______ (not need) good “A”
Level grades to do this job”.

At the moment, he ________ (study) Spanish and Portuguese. “A lot of
good music _______ (come) from South America, and after New York, I ________
(want) to go and live there for a few years”.

2. Write
the correct form of the verbs.

I’m going to have a very unusual holiday this year. I’m going to
photograph elephants in Africa. If you want to do the same, you’d better book
your ticket soon. There ______(not be) any wild elephants in twenty years’
time. They’ll all be dead, except maybe for a few in nature reserves.

An elephant is a walking bank as far as hunters are concerned. The
reason is the price of ivory, which _____(be) $5 a kilogram in the 1960s but
_____(be) $ 50 a kilogram now. As the price went up, the killings started.
Elephant populations in eastern Africa _____(start) falling and now the total
African population is declining fast.

The largest estimate says that there ______(be) about 800,000 African
elephants. In ten years’ time, this figure will be halved if hunting continues
as it is now. Another ten years, and the wild elephant______(exist) no longer.

Sixteen of the thirty-five African countries which have elephants are
going to restrict trade in elephant products and some of these are going to
start special nature reserves, where elephants are protected. But it may be too
late. If the hunting continues on its present scale, the elephant will soon be
a thing of the past.

Modal Verbs


Can I use your phone?    Joe
can’t swim.        Could you help me?      I am able to run very fast.

1. Choose the correct answer.

Can you play/ to play
the guitar?

1.     Could
you pass/ to pass the orange juice?

2.     Bill
can swim/ to swim.

3.     Can
she speak/ to speak Chinese?

4.     Robert
can’t play/ to play the piano.

5.     Could
I speak/ to speak to you for a moment, please?

    2. Fill in can, can’t
or could.

 _______ I go camping with my
friends at the weekend? — Can I go camping with my friends at the weekends?

       1. — It’s raining, so we
_______ go out tonight.

           — Well, we’ll stay in then.

           — But I want to do something nice. I’m bored.

           — We ______ play chess.

       2. — Excuse me?

           — Yes.

           — ______ you tell me the time, please?

           — Yes, it’s almost two o’clock.

       3. — What skills do you have?

           — Well, I _______ use computers and I _______
speak two foreign  


       4. — I’m going to the shops. I won’t be long.

           — Alright.

           — Do you want anything?

           — Yes. ______you get me a magazine?

       5. — It’s hot in here. ______you open the window,

           — Of course.

       6. — My mum always said
that I was a clever child.

           — What do you mean?

           — Well, I ______ read and write when I was four
years old.

       7. — If you are not feeling well, you ______ stay at

       8. — ______you call Greg and tell him I’ll be late?

       9. — Sir, I need to leave work early if that’s

           — You ______ leave early if you finish all your
work first.

      10. — What shall we buy Mum for her birthday?

            — We ______ get a big box of chocolates.

3. Fill in the form of be able to.

Sam ______ enjoy some peace
and quiet.– Sam is able to enjoy some peace and quiet.

 1. People _______ eat a lot of
food and not get fat.

2. Susan and Berth _______ do lots of sports.

3. It is a very tricky question,
but Paul _______ answer it.

4. Although it is difficult, the children ________ build a
tree house.

5. Everybody here _______ remember these thing clearly.


May I go
out? – Yes you may.        I may change my job.       Take an umbrella. It
might rain                                                 

4.Translate the following

1.May I have
your name, please, sir?

2.You may
open your books now.

3.May I use
the phone, please, Mrs. Roberts?

4.John may
ask questions after the lesson.

5.Mother may cook something special tonight. It’s my birthday.

A teacher is telling her class what to do. Complete the text with may
and the verbs from the box.

do         leave       not leave        take         talk               not
talk           use           use

Please work in groups. You may
in your group, but please talk quietly. You 1______to another
group, and you 2______the room. You 3 ______ your dictionaries. If you want to
use other books, you 4______ them from the shelf; but only one person 5 ______
the group at a time. Each group 6 ______ the computer for twenty minutes; I
will tell you when it is your turn. If you finish before the time is up, you 7
______ other work, but please work quietly.

Make the sentences with may.

   Perhaps Sarah’s ill. –
Sarah may be ill.

   Perhaps we’ll go out. – We
may go out.

1. Perhaps
we’ll buy a car.

2. Perhaps
she’s married.

3. Perhaps the
baby’s hungry.

4. Perhaps it
won’t rain.

5. Perhaps
I’ll change my job

John has no money. He is thinking about things that might happen.
Put the verbs from the box with might.

buy       fall           
find          make        send     win

       I ________ a lot of money in the lottery. — I might
a lot of money in the lottery.

       Or I 1_______  some money
in the street. Or Uncle Max 2 _________ me $ 1,000. Or a rich woman 3 ________ 
in love with me. Or the bank 4 _________ a mistake. Or somebody 5 _________ my
old car.


You must fill in this form.

8.  A new student is asking
some questions about next week’s exam. Complete the questions. Use Must I….
? and verbs from the box.

answer            bring          come              pay            sit         

________ any paper? – Must I bring any paper?

1. _________ any money?

2. _________ 
to this room?

3. _________
in my usual place?

4. _________
every question?

5. _________
if I finish early?

You mustn’t smoke here.

We needn’t hurry – we’re early.

9.  Put in mustn’t or needn’t.

 We _________ hurry – we’ll
get too tired. – We mustn’t hurry – we’ll get too tired.                  We
_________ hurry – we’re early. – We needn’t hurry – we’re early.

1. You
_________ stay up late – you’ve got school tomorrow morning.

2. You _________
stay up late to wash the dishes – I’ll wash them in the morning.

3. We
__________ leave the door open – the rain will come in.

4. We
__________ leave the door open – Peter has got the key.

5. You
_________ write to John about this – I’ve already written to him.

6. You
_________ write John about this – if you do, he’ll tell everybody.

7. You
_________ drive so fast- the police will stop you.

8. You
_________ drive so fast – we’ve got a lot of time.

9. I _________
look in the cupboard again – I’ve looked in there twice.

10. I
_________ look in the cupboard – Ann has put my birthday present in there.


You have to drive on the left in Britain.

My sister has to work on Saturdays.

your children have to take lunches to school?

You don’t have to phone her.

+   I/you/we/they have to
go               he/she/it has to go

?    Do I/ you/we/they have
to go?      Does he/she/it have to go?

—    I/you/we/they do not
have to go    he/she/it does not have to go

10.  Complete the sentences with has to and
expressions from the box.

be     be  carry     have    wear

An accountant __________ good
with numbers. – An accountant has to be good with numbers.

1.     A
cook ________ very clean hands.

2.     An
army officer ________ a uniform.

3.     A
politician ________ good at speaking.

4.     A
builder _________ heavy things.

5.     A
secretary ________ good at spelling.

11.  Complete
the sentences with don’t/doesn’t have to and the verbs from the box.

arrive      close    give    go   post   speak    water       

You ________ any food to the fish; they only eat in the
morning. – You don’t have to give any food to the fish; they only eat in the

1. You ________ the windows; I’ll
close them later.

2. Emma ________ the flowers; I
watered them earlier.

3. Alice _________ those letters;
Cathy’s going to the post office.

4. You __________ by train;
Marianne will drive you.

5. You __________ French;
everyone here understands English.

12.  Make questions with Do …
have to?   Does…. Have to?

You/pay for the lessons. – Do
you have to pay for the lessons?

1. John/take an exam.

2. They/ work next Saturday.

3. You/ drive your brother to the

4. Ann/ take an aspirin.

5. They/ work very long hours.

                      My mum
had to leave school at sixteen.

you have to tell Jo?

didn’t have to pay.

I/you/we/they had to go              

?    Did I/ you/we/they have to go?     

—    I/you/we/they did not have to go   

13.Make positives (+),
questions (?) and negatives (-).

French (+) – He had to learn French.

           She/play tennis (-) – She didn’t have to play

     Annie/ work last
Saturday (?) – Did Annie have to work last Saturday?

1. John/ pay
for his lessons (?).

2. Peter/
write poems (-).

3. You/ show
your passport at the airport (?).

4. Sue/ learn
music (+).

5. Joe/ write
stories (+).

6. The
children/ walk home (?).

7. Cara/ learn
maths (-).

8. Bob/ take
an exam last year (?)

9.  learn
Russian (-).

10. My
friends/ wait for a long time for the train (?).

Alice will have to start school next September.

Al won’t have to come.

Will you have to work extra hours?

I/you/we/they will have to go              

?    Will I/ you/we/they have to go?     

—    I/you/we/they will not/won’t have to go   

14. Complete
the sentences. Use will have to, will… have to? or won’t have to
with the verbs in the box.

ask    get    get    go    learn    play    study    work

Cara wants
to be a doctor. She ________hard. – Cara wants to be a doctor. She will have to
study hard.

1.     Ann
needs a new passport. She _________ a form from the post office.

2.     Bob’s
got a new car, so he __________ to work by bus.

3.     ‘I’ve
got a job with a Spanish company.’  ‘__________ you__________ Spanish?’

4.     ‘John
wants to be a pianist.’ ‘He __________ for hours every day.’

Can I go home early?’ ‘I don’t know. You _________ the boss.’


You should be more careful.

Should I wear a tie?

People shouldn’t drive fast in the rain.

15.  Complete
the sentences with should and shouldn’t and the verbs in italics.     

If someone
doesn’t speak your language very well, you___________ fast; you__________
slowly and carefully. (speak; speak). —  If someone doesn’t speak your language
very well, you shouldn’t speak fast; you should speak slowly and carefully.

1. If you need
a pen, you ________, ‘Give me that pen’; you ________, ‘Could 2. I borrow your
pen, please?’ (say; say)

3. If people
want to live until they’re very old, they ________ a lot of fruit and
vegetables; they ________ a lot of cakes and chocolate. (eat; eat)

In a big city, you ________ careful with your money; you ________ your bag on
a chair in a restaurant. (be; leave)

5. When you’re
driving, you ________ for hours and hours without stopping; you ________ and
walk round every two hours. (drive; stop)

6. When people
are traveling by plane, they _________ lots of water; they ________
uncomfortable shoes. (drink; wear)

16.  Make
questions with should I and the question words and verbs from the box.

WORDS:    What    What   What time    Where   Where   Who

arrive   put     phone   sit    tell        wear

’_________ John?’ ‘Tell him I left early.’ – ‘What should
I tell John?’ ‘Tell him I left early.’

1.     _________.
‘At about 7.00.’

2.     ‘________
first?’ ‘Mr. Andrews.’

3.     _________.
‘Your blue dress.’

4.     _________.
‘At the end of the table.’

5.     ‘________
this box?’ ‘On the shelf.’


1.  Choose the correct answer.

Can/ Should /Mustn’t I help
you? – Can I help you?

1.     If
you travel to Morania you can/ should /must have a visa.

2.     You
shouldn’t/ don’t have to/ couldn’t laugh at old people.

3.     Passengers
must/ must not/ should not smoke in the toilets.

4.     I
think you should/ must/ may eat less and take more exercise.

5.     You
mustn’t/ may not/ needn’t tell me if you don’t want to.

6.     You
may/ have to/ must not drive on the left in Britain.

7.     I
don’t have to/ needn’t/ must remember to go to the bank. I haven’t got any

8.     Can/ 
Should/ May  you ride a bicycle?

9.     Steven
must/ could/ couldn’t read and write until he was seven years old.

10. Mustn’t/ Must/
May I take your order, please?

2. Underline
the correct item.

Dear Henry,

writing to you because I need some advice. 1) Can/ Should you help me, please?
My boss offered me a job in Italy and I 2) could/ must make a decision about it
soon. I’ve been thinking about it since last week but I 3) might/ wasn’t able
to decide! I’m a bit worried that I 4) needn’t/ may not enjoy living in another
country. I 5) might/ must find it difficult to learn Italian. However, I 6)
won’t have to/ mustn’t stay there if I don’t like it. What do you think? 7)
Should/ Can I move to Italy or 8) could/ should I stay here? 9) Could/ May you
write to me and tell me what you think?

     I hope to
hear from you soon.

                                       Best wishes,



Am I?                 Have
you?        Can she?         Do you?         Does he?

The taxi is here.       Ann has arrived.         The
train will be late.

Is the taxi here?       Has Ann arrived?        Will the
train be late?

1.     Put
the words in the right order to make questions.

                  you ready are     Are you ready?     

                  telephoned she has Mary     Has she
telephoned Mary?

                  swim your brother can      Can your
brother swim?

     1.   tired are you

     2.   he at is home

     3.   go must now you

     4.   Spanish they speak can

     5.   tomorrow you be here

     6.   she will arrive by

     7.   forgotten her keys she

     8.   your sister is playing

     9.   you written have
address my

     10. I use can your phone

2.  Make questions with you.

     understands    Do you

     called you     Did you
call me?

     1.  drinks coffee

      2.  likes jazz

      3.  knew Andrew

      4.  went skiing last summer

      5.  works in London

3.   Make questions with he.

      You want to know if

       plays football    Does
he play foofball?

      1.  speaks Arabic

      2.  works at home

      3.  knows Mr. Peters

      4.  lived in Birmingham

      5.  went home last week

             4.  Make questions with the words in the

when        where    why

                 you staying?  ‘Where are you staying?’ 
‘At the Park Hotel.’

                  1.  you arrive?               ‘Last

                  2.  you here?                  ‘To see Scotland.’

                  3.  you been today?        ‘To Edinburgh.’

                  4.  you going to Glasgow?   ‘Next

                  5.  you like Scotland?           ‘It’s great!’

                  6.  you come here?         ‘By car.’ 

                  7.  you live?                    ‘In Germany.’ 

                  8.  you leaving?              ‘Next

                  9.  we see you again?     ‘I’ll be back
next summer.’

                  10.you come by car?     ‘I like driving.’

              5.  Here are some common expressions with how.
Use them to     complete the questions.

How old …?      How far…?    
How long…?     How tall…?    How big…?

 How fast…?     How often…?  How well…?

                   ‘How old are you?’  ’37 next

                   1.  ‘……….  your house from here?’ 
‘About 5 km.’

                   2.  ‘……….  John?’   ‘Very tall –
nearly two metres.’

                   3.  ‘……….  she driving?’  ‘The
police say she was doing 160 km/h.’

                   4.  ‘……….  see your parents?’ 
‘Every week.’

       5.  ‘……….  Ann’s
flat?’  ‘Very small – just one room and a bathroom.’

       6.  ‘……….  stay in China?’ 
‘I was there for six months.’

       7.  ‘……….  speak
Spanish?’  ‘Not very well.’

 6.  Choose the correct form.

                  Who lives / does live in that

                  1.  What happened / did happen to Joe?

                  2.  Who plays / does play the piano?

                  3.  What made / did make that noise?

                  4.  Who married she?/ did she marry?

                  5.  What means this word? / does this word

                  6.  Who told / did tell you?

             7.  Write questions to which the words in
bold are the answers.

                  Who works with Kent?

      Larry works with Kent.

      1.  Paul met George.

      2.  James is seeing the

      3.  Peter has found
a new job.

      4.  Mum is cooking lunch.

      5.  Sarah phoned

      6.  She is reading a

      7.  They are building a

      8.  Helen likes Ron.

      9.  Jenny invited
Bill to the party.

      10. Peter was
looking for Jane.

  8.  Fill in the gaps with how
or what.

       How old are your

       1.  …  number did
you dial?

       2.  …  are you?

       3.  …  can I do to help

       4.  …  many people were
at the wedding?

       5.  …  long is she going
to stay here?

        6.  …  colour hair has
Jane got?

        7.  …  can I get to the

        8.  …  do you like it?

              9.   Complete the questions.

                    ‘I saw some dogs.’  ‘How many
……’   ‘How many dogs did you see?’

                    1.  ‘One of those cars belongs to
Mary.’  ‘Which car ……..’

                    2.  ‘A lot of people came to her
party.’  ‘How many people …….’   

                    3.  ‘Peter caught a train.’  ‘Which
train …….’

                    4.  ‘One of those buses goes to the
station.’  ‘Which bus ……’

                    5.  ‘Douglas speaks a lot of
languages.’  ‘How many languages …….’

                    6.  ‘Alice likes music.’  ‘What sort of
music …….’

10. Make these questions more

Why is it not ready yet?     Why
isn’t it ready yet?

Does she not know?                 Doesn’t she know?

                    Are you not well?   Aren’t you well? 

                    1.  Can you not swim?

                    2.  Do you not speak Spanish?

                    3.  Were the shops not open?

                    4.  Has Ann not arrived?

                    5.  Did she not know him?

                    6.  Why are you not working?

              11. Make exclamations.

                    It’s surprising.  Isn’t it

                    1.  They are late.                         
4.  It’s hot.

                    2.  She looks tired.          5.  John
works hard.

                    3.  That child is dirty.                6. 
They dance well.

               12. Fill in the correct questions tags.

                     Helen works for Infotec, doesn’she?

                     Felix doesn’t like classical music,
does he?

                     1.  Let’s go for a walk, … ?

                     2.  This is your newspaper, … ?

                     3.  The children are very quiet today,
… ?

                     4.  Tony loves Italian food, … ?

                     5.  He is a good cook, … ?

                     6.  You haven’t finished your homework,
… ?

                     7.  You will come to the party, … ?

                     8.  Let’s go for a walk, … ?

                     9.  She never watches TV, … ?

                     10. I am invited to the party, …

 Test yourself (Questions)   

                   1.  Make questions with she.

                       1.  live in England?

                       2.  been to America?

                       3.  like dancing?

                       4.  can swim?

                       5.  be here tomorrow?

                       6.  watch TV yesterday?

                   2.  Ask about the words in italics.

                        1.  She said something.  

                        2.  She said something.

                        3.  Julia cooked dinner.

                        4.  Julia cooked eggs.

                        5.  The ball hit Joe.

                        6.  The ball hit Joe.

                        7.  Ann plays the guitar.

                        8.  Ann plays the guitar.

                     3. Correct the mistakes.

                          1. Did she returned from her trip
to Paris?

                          2. What one do you like best?

                          3. What did phone last night?

                          4.  Did not they enjoy their

                          5.  You never drive at night,
don’t you?

                          6.  Let’s go shopping, will we?

                          7.  There are a lot of flowers,
aren’t they?

                          8.  Do he know the answer?

                          9. Who are you going?

                         10. Who do you with live?Appendix


1.          S,    ES

1.1     I believe —    he believes

1.2     I kiss  —        he kisses

     I do  —         he does



1.3        I fly  —       he flies

1.4        I play  —     he plays

2.          ING

2.1         leave  —  leaving

      but   see  —     seeing

2.2         put  —      putting

              open  —   opening

2.3         travel  —  travelling

2.4         lie  —       lying

3.           ED

3.1          believe  —  believed

3.2          fry  —         fried

3.3          play  —       played

3.4          ban  —        banned

       but   open  —      opened

3.5          quarrel  —  

2. List  of irregular verbs


past simple 

past participle














































































































































































































































































































Test Yourself (to be/ to have)

1. is
2. is
3. is
4. are
5. has
6. was
7. were not
8.  did not have
9. was
10. is
11. has
12. has.
13. is

12. is

13. is

14. is

15. has

16. does not have

17. has

18. has

19. has

     Test yourself  (there + be)


      1. there is

      2. there is

      3.  there will be

      4.  there are

      5.  there was

      6.  there is

      7.  are there

      8.  was there

      9.  there is

      10. is there

      11. there are

      12. there will be

      13. were there

      14. are there

      15. is there


     1. There are
some interesting stories in this magazine.

     2. How many
guests will there be for lunch?

     3. There are
few students in this group.

     4. There is
butter, milk, cheese in the fridge, but there is no meat.

     5. There was a
table, two chairs and a sofa in the room, there was


     6.   How many exams will there be in winter?

     7.   Was there a concert after the meeting?

     8.   There were many clouds in the morning.

     9.   There is a good swimming pool near my house.

     10.  I think there will be a good film on TV tomorrow.


1.  is                               13.there

2.  are                             14.there

3.  there is                       15.have

4.  are                             16.are

5.  are                             17.is

6.  there are                     18.there

7.  have, there is              19.there

8.  is                               20.is

9.  is                               21.there

10.is                               22.there

11.there are                     23.am

12.there is                       24.are

1. is

2. there is

3. is

4. there is

5. is

6. there are

7. there is

8. is

9. there is

      Test yourself (Future)


      1. is going

      2. will see

      3. I’ll go

      4. I’ll tell

      5. am seeing

      6. is going

      7. I’ll drive

      8. am going

      9. I’ll take



     1. You’ll be sitting

     2. will you have arranged

     3. will I see

     4. will have arrived

     5. I will have cleaned


     1.  will finish

          will have finished

     2.  are you planning

           I’ll spend

     3.  does the bus arrive


     4.  Is Jerry coming

          am seeing 

          I’ll ask

     5.  I’ll be sitting


     1.  is starting

     2.  is going to work

     3.  will have finished

     Test yourself (Questions)     


     1. Does she live in England?

     2. Has she been to America?

     3. Does she like dancing?

     4. Can she swim?

     5. Will she be here tomorrow?

     6. Did she watch TV yesterday?


     1. Who said it?

     2. What did she say?

     3. Who cooked dinner?

     4. What did Julia cook?

     5. What hit Joe?

     6. Whom did the ball hit?

     7. What does Ann play?

      8. Who plays the guitar?

     1. Did she return from her trip to Paris?

     2. Which one do you like best?

     3. Who phoned last night?

     4. Did they enjoy their journey?

     5. You never drive at night, do you?

     6. Let’s go shopping, shall we?

     7. There are a lot of flowers, aren’t there?

     8. Does he know the answer?

     9. Where are you going?

     10. Who do you live with ?

Официальный сайт автора данного курса лекций: https://eng-professor.ru/

181-й диктант: 

1. «I (to play) computer games yesterday – Я вчера играл в компьютерные игры»: «I played…» — Past Indefinite Tense. 

2. «I (to play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday – Я вчера в пять часов играл в компьютерные игры»: «I was playing…» — Past Continuous Tense, потому что указано точное время (five o’clock). ; 

3. «He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday – Он вчера играл в компьютерные игры с двух до трех»: «… was playing…», потому что классика (с двух до трех). 

4. «We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday – Вчера мы целый вечер играли в компьютерные игры»: «… were playing…» — тоже Past Continuous, the whole потому что есть. 

5. «What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? – Что делал Ник, когда вы пришли к нему домой?»: «What was Nick doing when…?». 

6. «What you (to do) when I rang you up? – Что ты делал, когда я звонил тебе?»: «What were you doing…?» — опять ключевой образ, контрольное действие rang

7. «I (not to sleep) at nine o’clock yesterday – Я не спал вчера в девять часов»: «I was not sleeping…». 

8. «What he (to do) yesterday? – Что он делал вчера?»: «What did he do yesterday?».

«- He (to read) a book – Он читал книгу»: «He read [red] a book». Оба действия в Past Indefinite.   

9. «What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? – Что он делал вчера весь вечер?»: «What was he doing…?». Видите, добавилось the whole evening к предыдущему, и мы из Past Indefinite мгновенно перешли в Past Continuous.

«– He (to read) a book – Он читал книгу»: «He was reading a book». 

10. «She (to sleep) when you came home? – Она спала, когда ты пришел домой?»: «Was she sleeping when you…?». 

11. «My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday – Мой брат не играл в теннис вчера»: «My brother did not play…».

«He (to play) tennis the day be­fore yesterday – Он играл в теннис позавчера»: «He played…». Оба действия в Past Indefinite, потому что нету уточнения.   

12. «My sister (not to play) the pi­ano at four o’clock yesterday – Моя сестра не играла на пианино вчера в четыре часа»: «My sister was not playing…» — указание на точное время, значит это Past Continuous.

«She (to play) the piano the whole evening – Она играла на пианино весь вечер»: «She was playing…». 

13. «When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook) – Когда я зашел на кухню, мать готовила»: «…, mother was cooking». 

14. «She (to cook) the whole day yesterday – Она готовила вчера целый день»: «She was cooking…». 

15. «We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday – Вчера мы мыли пол в нашей квартире»: «We washed…». 

16. «We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday – Вчера мы мыли пол в нашей квартире с трех до четырех часов»: «We were washing…». Всё же очень просто, если знаешь как. 

17. «You (to do) your homework yesterday? – Ты вчера делал домашнее задание?»: «Did you do your…?» — general question (общий вопрос). 

18. «You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? – Ты вчера делал домашнее задание с восьми до десяти?»: «Were you doing your…?», потому что указан отрезок времени. 

19. «Why she (to sleep) at seven o’clock yesterday? – Почему она вчера спала в семь часов?»: «Why was she sleeping…?». 

20. «He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday – Он сидел за столом вчера весь вечер»: «He was sitting…» — Past Continuous Tense

Не беда, если вы что-то еще не понимаете. Это абсолютно нормально. Беда для вас придет, когда вы не поняли и промолчали. 


Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 go/he/to/town/did/yesterday? 2. she/from/did /France/come? 3. rucksack/her/was/red. 4. they/yesterday/left/home. 5. Peter/in/did /Scotland/live? 6. granny/to/the/listened last night /radio. 7. swam/in/my/big/swimming pool/brother/thes 8. attend/you/that/did/school?​

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