What is a big word for huge

Some common synonyms of huge are colossal, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, and vast. While all these words mean “exceedingly large,” huge commonly suggests an immensity of bulk or amount.

Simply so What is the synonym enormous? Some common synonyms of enormous are colossal, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, and vast.

How do you say very large? very large

  1. colossal.
  2. considerable.
  3. enormous.
  4. gigantic.
  5. humongous.
  6. monumental.
  7. sizeable.
  8. tremendous.

also Is massive bigger than huge? As adjectives the difference between huge and massive

is that huge is very large while massive is of or pertaining to a large mass; weighty, heavy, or bulky.

What is the synonym of stone?

synonyms for stone

  • gem.
  • gravel.
  • metal.
  • mineral.
  • pebble.
  • rock.
  • boulder.
  • crag.

What is the synonym of colossal? Some common synonyms of colossal are enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, and vast.

What is the synonym of slim?

Some common synonyms of slim are slender, slight, tenuous, and thin. While all these words mean “not thick, broad, abundant, or dense,” slim applies to slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness. a slim volume of poetry. a slim chance.

How do you describe a size? Size is defined as the amount of space occupied by someone or something; it describes how large or small someone or something is.

Size Adjectives
baby illimitable scrawny
beefy immeasurable short
big immense sizable
bony infinitesimal skeletal

What is the opposite huge?

Opposite of exceedingly large in size. small. tiny. little. short.

What are two synonyms for large? synonyms for large

  • broad.
  • considerable.
  • enormous.
  • extensive.
  • full.
  • generous.
  • giant.
  • gigantic.

What is the synonyms of colossal?

Some common synonyms of colossal are enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, and vast.

What word is bigger colossal? Some common synonyms of colossal are enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, and vast.

What’s bigger enormous or gigantic?

As adjectives the difference between gigantic and enormous

is that gigantic is very large while enormous is (obsolete) deviating from the norm; unusual, extraordinary.

Is enormous bigger than colossal?

As adjectives the difference between colossal and enormous

is that colossal is extremely large or on a great scale while enormous is (obsolete) deviating from the norm; unusual, extraordinary.

What is the synonym of boulder? In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for boulder, like: stone, ledge, shakehole, , slab, rock, aven, ruckle, bouldery, outcrop and fieldstone.

What is the synonym of diamond? In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for diamond, like: crystal, gem, jewel, brilliant, rock, sparkler, glass, diamond chips or flakes, solitaire, ice and precious-stone.

What is the synonym of pebbles?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pebble, like: stone, cobble, gravel, cobblestone, drakestone, gravelstone, rock, jackstone, pebblestone, slingstone and shingle.

What is a larger than life personality? used for describing someone who seems more interesting or exciting than other people, for example because they are very talented, or because they behave in an unusual or interesting way. In American English, you can also describe them as bigger than life.

What is another word for larger than life?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for larger-than-life, like: colossal, epic, awesome, extraordinary, big, flamboyant, imposing, mighty, titanic, towering and comical.

What is another word for very tall? In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tall, like: towering, skyhigh, altitudinous, grandiloquent, marvellous, unbelievable, high, outlandish, short, improbable and elevated.

What is the synonym for fat?

big, bulging, bulky, chunky, heavy, hefty, inflated, large, meaty, obese, plump, well-fed, fatty, greasy, lucrative, flesh, grease, lard, blimp, bovine.

What do you call a thin person? Frequently Asked Questions About skinny

Some common synonyms of skinny are gaunt, lanky, lank, lean, rawboned, scrawny, and spare. While all these words mean “thin because of an absence of excess flesh,” scrawny and skinny imply an extreme leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality.

What is the comparative and superlative of huge?

(hjuːdʒ ) Word forms: comparative huger , superlative hugest.

What is the comparative for huge?

Adjective. huge (comparative huger, superlative hugest)

Is Huge correct grammar?

Those are the accepted inflected forms of the word; I’ve heard and probably used “huger” and “hugest” occasionally in informal contexts. They do sound a mite hyperbolic or more suited to the breathless utterances of an excited child.

What is the word huge?

: very large or extensive: such as. a : of great size or area huge buildings. b : great in scale or degree a huge deficit a huge undertaking They’re having a huge sale tomorrow. The crowds were huge.

Can you say more huge?

If you are asking if you can say “huger” or “hugest,” the answer is no. We’d say, “more huge” or “most huge” (although in reality we seldom do: typically, we say, “more enormous” or “most massive,” or various other synonyms of “big”).

What is the superlative of large?

The superlative form of large; most large.

What does superlative mean?

1 : of, relating to, or constituting the degree of grammatical comparison that denotes an extreme or unsurpassed level or extent. 2a : surpassing all others : supreme. b : of very high quality : excellent superlative work.

What word is bigger than biggest?

Biggest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for biggest?

largest greatest
better larger
bulkiest supreme
paramount top
highest best

What’s a synonym for large amount?

other words for large amount copious. manifold. many. multiple. abounding.

What word describes the largest?

Words used to describe large amounts and quantities – thesaurus

  • substantial. adjective. large in amount or degree.
  • considerable. adjective. large in size, amount, or degree.
  • extensive. adjective. very large in amount or degree.
  • enormous. adjective.
  • huge. adjective.
  • great. adjective.
  • large. adjective.
  • high. adjective.

Is huge a formal word?

Senior Member. It’s not informal. One could say it sounds more informal than enormous (which I would) but on the other hand it can be used in a formal context such as in an academic essay.

Where we can use huge?

“He made a huge breakthrough in his research.” “There is a huge bump on her head.” “That was a huge challenge.” “The museum has a huge collection of her work.”

What is the opposite word of huge?

Antonym of Huge

Word Antonym
Huge Tiny
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What’s another word for huge impact?

What is another word for huge impact?

almighty smash great crash
powerful impact serious collision

What does huge impact mean?

countable noun [usually singular] The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them.

How would you describe a big impact?

Here are some adjectives for impact: continual visual, familiar sensory, minimal ecological, single, meaty, substantial domestic, more societal, random meteoric, profoundly negative, devastating cometary, considerable beneficial, catastrophic meteoric, major beneficial, inevitable, suicidal, savage kinetic, similar …

How do you say large impact?

Synonyms for Big impact

  1. major impact. n.
  2. great impact. n.
  3. significant impact. n.
  4. huge impact. n.
  5. considerable impact. n.
  6. great influence. n.
  7. major influence. n.
  8. high impact. n.

What is the synonyms for impact?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for impact, like: influence, result, affect, repercussions, contact, strike, shock, change, reshape, collision and impression.

What is the impact of huge had?

When something happens that causes a lot of things to change, you can say that the event “had a huge impact”. For example, you could use this phrase to talk about changes in technology: The advent of the Internet has had a huge impact on every aspect of society in the last 20 years.

What is another name for impact?

What is another word for impact?

collision contact
bang bump
clash crush
hit slam
brunt shock

What is a ramification?

1a : branch, offshoot. b : a branched structure. 2a : the act or process of branching. b : arrangement of branches (as on a plant)

What does repercussion mean?

1 : reflection, reverberation. 2a : an action or effect given or exerted in return : a reciprocal action or effect. b : a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event —usually used in plural.

Is impact and effect the same meaning?

The main difference between impact and effect is that impact is the influence of an action/phenomenon on something or someone whereas effect is the consequence or outcome of an action or a phenomenon.

How do you use affect and effect in a sentence?

While affect is always a verb, effect is usually a noun. As a noun, effect means “the result,” “the change,” or “the influence.” As affect, a verb “produces a change,” effect, a noun, is the “change” or “result.” Since effect means an “influence” in this sentence, it is the correct word to use here.

How do you use the word impact?

Used with adjectives: “His speech had a powerful impact on many people.” “Our school principal made a significant impact on the school.” “We felt the full impact of the storm.” “The new teacher made an immediate impact on her students.”

Is effect positive or negative?

In our effort to clarify the difference between the most common uses of effect and affect, we can remember that the noun effect often will follow an article (“an effect,” “the effect”) or an adjective (“negative effect,” “positive effect”).

Is affect a positive word?

AFFECT does not connote either negative or positive result, “affect” merely indicates that something influenced or caused some response or change in another person/object/event. The further details you provide will “affect” or determine whether or not the import of your expression is understood as negative or positive.

What is the positive and negative impact of Internet?

The positive impacts of the internet include the following: It provides effective communication using emailing and instant messaging services to any part of the world. It improves business interactions and transactions, saving on vital time. Banking and shopping online have made life less complicated.

What is a positive plus a positive equals?

If two positive numbers are multiplied together or divided, the answer is positive. If two negative numbers are multiplied together or divided, the answer is positive. If a positive and a negative number are multiplied or divided, the answer is negative.

What is a positive times a positive?

Rule 1: A positive number times a positive number equals a positive number. This is the multiplication you have been doing all along, positive numbers times positive numbers equal positive numbers. For example, 5 x 3 = 15. 5 is a positive number, 3 is a positive number and multiplying equals a positive number: 15.

Yes, huge sounds like an absolute adjective, but the following dictionary entry explicitly allows both comparative and superlative forms for huge: Huge adjective (huger, hugest) 1 Extremely large; enormous – ODO.

What adjective means extremely huge?

How is the word huge distinct from other similar adjectives? Some common synonyms of huge are colossal, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, and vast. While all these words mean “exceedingly large,” huge commonly suggests an immensity of bulk or amount.

Is the word huge an adjective?

As detailed above, ‘huge’ is an adjective. Adjective usage: The castle was huge.

What is verb form of huge?

enlarge. (transitive) To make larger. (transitive) To increase the capacity of; to expand; to give free scope or greater scope to; also, to dilate, as with joy, affection, etc. (intransitive) To speak at length upon or on (some subject)

What are some synonyms for huge?


  • colossal.
  • enormous.
  • extensive.
  • gargantuan.
  • giant.
  • gigantic.
  • great.
  • humongous.

Is huge a slang word?

adjective, hug·er, hug·est. Slang. very important, successful, popular, etc.: The show is huge in Britain.

What is the example of huge?

The definition of huge is extremely large, important or of a large amount. An example of huge is the size of an elephant compared to a mouse.

How do you use the word huge?

She is one huge and colorful woman. It’s gotta be huge to contain all those people. I predict tonight will be a huge success. He led her into a large study with a huge , brown leather couch near a dead hearth.

Is huge short for something?

By this time the sun was near setting, but quite suddenly it fell dark, something like a huge black cloud came swiftly over me, and I saw with amazement that it was a bird of extraordinary size which was hovering near….HUGE.

Acronym Definition
HUGE Horizontal Ultrathin Gel Electrophoresis (biotechnology)

What is the superlative form of huge?


What is the adverb of huge?

hugely. greatly; to a huge extent.

What is the adverb of jealous?

jealously adverb (ANGRILY) in a way that shows you are jealous (= unhappy and angry) because of something someone has got: She eyed Gwen’s engagement ring jealously.

What is the noun form of huge?

hugeness. the quality of being huge; immensity.

What is the opposite word of strong?

Opposite of capable of withstanding great physical force. vulnerable. fragile. infirm. unstable.

What is another word for resilient?

Some common synonyms of resilient are elastic, flexible, springy, and supple.

What is a very strong word?

Adjective. Overpowering, staggering, or irresistibly strong. overwhelming. intense.

What are some strong words?

The Massive 401+ List of Power Words

Happiness Indulgence Prestige
Memorability Novelty Lust
Captivate Challenge Begging
Genius Discover Crave

What is the nastiest word?

The word “gurgle” is one, as is “squirt”; indeed, both ranks high on many “grossest word” lists. But before we ask why words are gross, let’s first bathe in the sounds of what Reddit deems to be the grossest words in the English language. I guarantee you, these words will fill you with sheer revolt. Enjoy!

How is the word huge distinct from other similar adjectives?

Some common synonyms of huge are colossal, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, and vast. While all these words mean «exceedingly large,» huge commonly suggests an immensity of bulk or amount.

When would colossal be a good substitute for huge?

The words colossal and huge can be used in similar contexts, but colossal applies especially to a human creation of stupendous or incredible dimensions.

a colossal statue of Lincoln

How do enormous and immense relate to one another, in the sense of huge?

Enormous and immense both suggest an exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree, but enormous often adds an implication of abnormality or monstrousness.

When is gigantic a more appropriate choice than huge?

The synonyms gigantic and huge are sometimes interchangeable, but gigantic stresses the contrast with the size of others of the same kind.

a gigantic sports stadium

When can mammoth be used instead of huge?

The meanings of mammoth and huge largely overlap; however, mammoth suggests both hugeness and ponderousness of bulk.

Where would vast be a reasonable alternative to huge?

In some situations, the words vast and huge are roughly equivalent. However, vast usually suggests immensity of extent.

What is another word for Huge?

  • colossal, extremely large

  • colossal, extremely large

  • colossal, extremely large

  • bountiful, large and clumsy

Use filters to view other words, we have 856 synonyms for huge.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ hyooj or, often, yooj ]

/ hyudʒ or, often, yudʒ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, hug·er, hug·est.

extraordinarily large in bulk, quantity, or extent: a huge ship; a huge portion of ice cream.

of unbounded extent, scope, or character; limitless: the huge genius of Mozart.

Slang. very important, successful, popular, etc.: The show is huge in Britain.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of huge

First recorded in 1225–75; Middle English huge, hoge from Old French ahuge, ahoge “enormous,” equivalent to a- a-5 + hoge “height” from Germanic; compare Old Norse haugr “hill” (see high)

synonym study for huge

1. Huge, enormous, immense, tremendous imply great magnitude. Huge implies massiveness, bulkiness, or even shapelessness: a huge mass of rock; a huge collection of antiques. Enormous, literally out of the norm, applies to what exceeds in extent, magnitude, or degree, a norm or standard: an enormous iceberg. Tremendous, in informal use, applies to anything so huge as to be astonishing or to inspire awe: a tremendous amount of equipment. Immense, literally not measurable, is particularly applicable to what is exceedingly great, without reference to a standard: immense buildings. All are used figuratively: a huge success; enormous curiosity; tremendous effort; immense joy.

how to pronounce huge


hugely, adverbhugeness, nouno·ver·huge, adjectiveo·ver·huge·ly, adverb

o·ver·huge·ness, noun

Words nearby huge

huffing, huffish, huffy, Hufuf, hug, huge, Hügel, hugely, hugeous, huggable, hugger-mugger

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to huge

colossal, enormous, extensive, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, great, humongous, immense, magnificent, mammoth, massive, monstrous, monumental, towering, tremendous, vast, bulky, cyclopean, elephantine

How to use huge in a sentence

  • Rather than fretting about infinites, they should have focused on connecting tiny with huge.

  • To their astonishment, they found that the huge difference in the mantled clones was the result of a single, tiny epigenetic change.

  • The “Top Stories” SERP feature, however, was a huge benefit to using an AMP for any news agency with a website, and it’s easy to understand why.

  • First, Apple was supplying a base of huge, though slowly growing profits, and Google and Facebook provided earnings that were both increasingly big, and racing ahead.

  • Being in the Midwest, “there are just a limited number of funds and angel investors, which have huge concentrations on the coast,” says Candice Matthews Brackeen, founder and CEO of Cincinnati-based Lightship Capital.

  • Music is a huge part of the tone of Black Dynamite overall—going back to the original 2009 movie on which the series is based.

  • And, as Gow adds wryly from his own personal experience, “To a huge extent they achieved that aim very well.”

  • Last March they gave Airbus a huge piece of new business, ordering 169 A320s and 65 of the slightly larger A321.

  • In doing so he exposed the failure of other airlines in the region to see the huge pent-up demand for cheap travel.

  • Beyond the huge American flag that hung over the street, the mile-long mass of cops ended.

  • Only the petrol tins they took for water right and left of their pathway up the cliff; huge diamonds in the evening sun.

  • Two huge steam engines had snorted and puffed for three whole years.

  • Well, the pudding moment arrived, and a huge slice almost obscured from sight the plate before us.

  • Nothing doubtful or «reputed» ever arrived in the huge packing-cases consigned to Walls End Castle.

  • Thus among the huge mass of accumulated commodities the simplest wants would go unsatisfied.

British Dictionary definitions for huge


extremely large in size, amount, or scopeArchaic form: hugeous

Derived forms of huge

hugeness, noun

Word Origin for huge

C13: from Old French ahuge, of uncertain origin

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

huge — перевод на русский


There was a huge-— there was a huge tiger there.

Тут был огромный… Огромный тигр тут был.

It looks huge.

Какой он здесь огромный!

But it’s huge!

Он огромный!

A huge city.

Огромный город.

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I’m a huge fan.

Я ваш большой фанат.

The bullet size was huge.

Размер пули был большой.

I only said, that the ship is huge.

Я только сказала, что корабль большой.

Then whoever finds it will get a huge surprise.

Тогда того, кто найдёт её, ожидает большой сюрприз.

My huge angry man.

Мой большой грозный мужчина.

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There’ll be a huge implosion with you at the centre!

Будет гигантский взрыв с вами в эпицентре!

-It’s a huge brain.

— Это гигантский мозг.

«Huge submerged object detected off Ki’i peninsula.

«Около полуострова Кии обнаружен гигантский подводный объект.

It’s huge.

Он гигантский.

Just like that huge mushroom in my shower.

Прямо как гигантский гриб в моём душе.

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What happened? We were attacked by huge fucking howling things!

Какие-то громадные чудовища, вот что!

All these huge mountains around you, big mountain walls.

Громадные горы вокруг, громады скальных стен.

And they’re huge and they make very good building blocks.

И они громадные, и из них получаются очень хорошие строительные блоки.

One more word, I’m taking my dirty drug money and I’m buying myself huge diamond earrings and a gold tooth. — Mom!

Еще одно слово, и я куплю себе на свои грязные наркоденьги громадные бриллиантовые серьги и вставлю золотые зубы.

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The local supermarket, you know; the hypermarket, they’re big, fuckoff, huge, big as a village these days,

Местный супермаркет охрененно большой. Здоровый, как целая деревня.

It’s huge!

Какой здоровый!

It’s huge.

Какой здоровый.

It’s a huge roach!

Какой здоровый таракан!

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..has operated successfully for so long because he gives huge kickbacks to the American security services.

так долго успешно вёл свои дела лишь потому, что очень щедро делился с американскими спецслужбами.

What the hell? Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I was just trying to pass by, but this huge car suddenly zipped by me.

Что за…? что я почти подпрыгнула от испуга… я очень извиняюсь!

Like, we’re huge in Europe right now.

Например сейчас мы очень известны в Европе.

Well, it’s not that huge of a…

Ладно, не то чтобы очень, но…

I did not come back empty-handed. I came back with two huge handfuls.

А я вернулся не с пустыми, обе они были очень полными!

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This is huge.

Это грандиозно!

No, it’s not huge.

Нет, не грандиозно.

People thinking it’s huge has led Monica to believe we’re stealing her thunder, which we aren’t.

Из-за тех, кто полагает, что это грандиозно, Моника считает что мы крадём её звёздный час, хотя мы этого не делаем.

This is huge.


-This is so huge.

— Это же грандиозно.

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It was huge for him to ask this girl, and this is so important.

Он с трудом решился пригласить эту девушку, и это так важно для него.

It’s too huge.

Это слишком важно.

You kept saying how huge this all is.

Ты всё время говорила, как это всё важно.

But it is huge.

Но это действительно важно.

But I was just thinking about how huge it was for me.

Но я всё думала, насколько это важно для меня.

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Huge and impossible to say.

Так много, что даже сказать страшно.

It also gives off huge fogs

Работы предстоит, конечно, много.

They’re getting huge.

У нас слишком много жизни, они становятся огромными.

But then I saw, this wasn’t someone’s home, it was a school toilet. Walking to the playground, I saw huge swarms of girls, so many, and the smell…

А потом я увидел, что это не чей-то дом, а школьный туалет, и там я увидел много девочек, которые то играли на площадке, то ходили в туалет.

It takes a huge amount of planning and organization.

Нужно много спланировать и организовать.

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Drive a huge harley.

Водить здоровенный харлей.

look at that huge bug.

Смотри, какой здоровенный таракан.

Wow, that lady’s got a huge ass!

Ух-ты, у этой тетки здоровенный зад!

He opens the coffin and takes out a huge machine gun with revolving barrel and hand-crank. He mounts it on a grave and waits for the Mexicans to arrive.

Он открывает гроб, достаёт оттуда здоровенный пулемёт с рукояткой и этими вращающимися штуками, ставит его на какую-то могилу и ждёт, пока придут мексиканцы.

It’s like a huge sapphire.

Он же как здоровенный сапфир.

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big word for

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большое слово для

огромное слово для

That’s a big word for such a small man.

I’m… lying is a big word for me.

What a big word for a little mongrel like you.

That must be a big word for you.

That is called kinesiology, a big word for something very simple.

Happy is a big word for a small word.

«Ilk» was a big word for him.

Speculation is just a big word for «guess.»

I know that «happy» is a big word for many people, but not for me.

It is impossible — it’s just a big word for little people who are hiding.

«Bad» is… It’s such a big word for being such a small word.

«Transformation» is a big word for big change.

Love is a big word for it.

There’s a big word for you.

That’s a big word for a fisherman.

That’s a big word for a little girl.

That’s a big word for such a little man.

FYI, Carlos, «goo» is a big word for «icky stuff.»

Для сведения, Карлос, «слизь» это, проще говоря, гнусно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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вес и размер на английском языке

Одни из самых употребительных прилагательных — это слова, описывающие вес и размер на английском языке. В этой подборке приведены основные слова на эту тему, а также комментарии к ним, касающиеся многозначности и особенностей употребления.
Читайте также: Геометрические термины на английском языке.

Вес и размер на английском языке

big [bɪg] большой
large, great, huge, enormous [lɑːʤ], [greɪt], [hjuːʤ], [ɪˈnɔːməs] большой, огромный
small [smɔːl] маленький
little [ˈlɪtl]  маленький
tiny [ˈtaɪni] крошечный
long [lɒŋ] длинный, долгий
tall [tɔːl] высокий
high [haɪ] высокий
short [ʃɔːt] короткий
thin [θɪn] тонкий
thick [θɪk] толстый
wide, broad [waɪd] [brɔːd] широкий
narrow [ˈnærəʊ] узкий
heavy [ˈhɛvi] тяжелый (о весе)
light, lightweight [laɪt], [ˈlaɪtweɪt] легкий (о весе)


В примерах приведены не все возможные значения слов, а только одно-два основных, относящихся к данной части речи и теме. Если вы хотите узнать больше значений и примеров, воспользуйтесь онлайн-словарями и переводчиками.

  • big – большой

San-Francisco is a big city. – Сан-Франциско – большой город.

We are going to need a bigger boat. – Нам понадобится лодка побольше.

  • large, great, huge, enormous — большой, огромный

The Great Lakes are really great. – Великие озера действительно великие.

Pinocchio has a huge nose. – У Пиноккио огромный нос.

Godzilla is an enormous lizard. – Годзилла – это огромная ящерица.

He was wearing large boots. – Он носил огромные ботинки.

  • small – маленький

You have a small chance to win. – У тебя маленький шанс на победу.

She moved from the capital city to a small town. – Она переехала из столицы в маленький городок.

  • little – маленький

The little girl said that she got lost. – Маленькая девочка сказала, что потерялась.

  • tiny – крошечный

The coins are so tiny, it’s hard to find them on the sand. – Монетки такие крошечные, трудно найти их на песке.

  • long — длинный, долгий

The fisher had a very long pole. – У рыбака была очень длинная удочка.

I’ve been waiting for too long. – Я ждал слишком долго.

  • tall – высокий

Emma is the tallest girl in the school. – Эмма – самая высокая девочка в школе.

He was standing on the roof of a very tall building. – Он стоял на крыше очень высокого здания.

  • high – высокий

The door knob was too high for the girl, she couldn’t reach it. – Дверная ручка была слишком высоко для девочки, она не могла до нее дотянуться.

There are two high mountains and a lower one. – Здесь две большие (высокие) горы и одна гора поменьше.

  • short – короткий

The distance is too short for a plane. – Расстояние слишком короткое для самолета.

Let me tell you a story, don’t worry, it’s short. – Позвольте, я расскажу вам историю, не беспокойтесь, она короткая.

  • thin – тонкий

The walls are tall and thin. – Стены высокие и тонкие.

  • thick – толстый

This is a very thick fabric. – Это очень толстая ткань.

  • wide, broad – широкий

This used to be the broadest (widest) street in the city. – Раньше это была самая широкая улица в городе.

  • narrow – узкий

The rabbit hole was too narrow for Alice. – Кроличья нора была слишком узкой для Алисы.

  • heavy – тяжелый (о весе)

The boy was wearing heavy boots. – Мальчик носил тяжелые ботинки.

Don’t lift anything heavy. – Не поднимайте ничего тяжелого.

  • light, lightweight – легкий (о весе)

The fabric is as light as web. – Ткань легкая, как паутина.

Синонимы слова big: large, great, huge, enormous

Слова big, large, great, huge, enormous схожи по значению, но употребляются по-разному, их нельзя точно перевести на русский вне контекста.

Big — это большой в общем смысле, не только о размере, но и масштабности чего-то, даже весе.

a big house — большой дом.

a big baby — крупный ребенок.

a big business — большое дело (масштабное).

Также big может использоваться в составе сложных слов, например: big-hearted — великодушный (букв.: человек с большим сердцем).

Large — это примерно то же, что и big, обычно применительно к размеру, вместительности или количеству:

We need a larger cup. — Нам нужна чашка побольше (вместительнее).

I wear large size clothing. — Я ношу одежду большого размера.

a large room — большая комната (просторная, вместительная).

a large amount of something — большое количество чего-то.

Разница между big и large может присутствовать, но она трудноуловима и сильно зависит от контекста, как, например, разница между русскими словами «большой» и «крупный».

Также есть разница в сочетаемости слов, например large amount (большое количество) — это устойчивое сочетание. Big amount — по смыслу понятно, но так не говорят. Big-hearted person — это великодушный, добрый человек, а large-hearted person — это, видимо, человек, нуждающийся в медицинской помощи из-за проблем с сердцем.

Great — чаще используется в значении «великий», «отличный» по отношению к качествам чего-то или применительно к заслугам человека, иногда может относиться к физическому размеру.

He is a great warrior. — Он великий воин.

Lucy is a great musician. — Люси — великолепный музыкант.

Ben achieved a great success. — Бен добился огромного успеха.

The Great Lakes — Великие озера.

Huge, enormous — огромный, выдающихся размеров. Могут использоваться в буквальном смысле, но часто употребляются ка фигура речи, преувеличение. Также может использоваться в переносном смысле о выдающихся качествах.

He’s got a huge nose! — У него огромный нос!

Nowadays you can store huge amount of data on a tiny device. — В наше время ты можешь хранить огромное количество информации на крошечном устройстве.

I’m not afraid of dogs, but this one is enormous! — Я не боюсь собак, но эта собака — огромная!

Being a parent is enormous responsibility. — Быть родителем — это огромная ответственность.

Разница между tall и high

Слова tall и high оба имеют значение «высокий» (физически), но употребляются в разных случаях.

High говорят об объектах, предметах, находящихся высоко от земли:

Put the book on the high shelf. — Положи книгу на верхнюю полку (находится высоко от пола).

The light switch is too high for a child to use. — Выключатель слишком высоко, чтобы ребенок мог им пользоваться.

О горах тоже принято говорить high: This is a high mountain. — Это высокая гора.

Tall говорят о людях высокого роста, о высоких зданиях, предметах.

My sister is taller than you. — Моя сестра выше тебя.

You are not so tall. — Ты не такой высокий.

The building is very tall. — Здание очень высокое.

О человеке высокого роста никогда не говорят high, только tall. Сленговое выражение to be high значит «быть под кайфом», под воздействием наркотиков.

You are so tall. — Ты такой высокий.

Are you high? — Ты что, под кайфом?

Разницу между tall и high можно легко понять на примере с окном:

High window. — Окно, расположенное высоко от пола.

Tall window. — Высокое окно (о размере самого окна).

Употребление слов short, long

Прилагательные short и long удобны тем, что могут употребляться и по отношению к физической длине предмета, и по отношению к отрезку времени:

a shortlong period of time — короткийдолгий период времени.

a short skirt and a long jacket — короткая юбка и длинный пиджак.


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