What is a better word for nice

It’s hard to think of a more overused, vanilla word than nice. Not that there’s anything wrong with vanilla, especially if sprinkles are involved! But when there’s a whole world of other choices, it’s good to have some options in your vocabulary—some may even be twice as nice. 

Also, it’s worth considering that when we describe someone or something as nice, that’s not exactly what we mean. We may be hedging around our real feelings or mean something else entirely. 

The not-so-nice origins of the word

An adjective, nice is defined as “pleasing; agreeable; delightful.” All of which are great synonyms for the word. The funny thing is that the word’s origins aren’t all that nice at all. 

Nice, it turns out, began as a negative term derived from the Latin nescius, meaning “unaware, ignorant.” This sense of “ignorant” was carried over into English when the word was first borrowed (via French) in the early 1300s. And for almost a century, nice was used to characterize a “stupid, ignorant, or foolish” person.

However, by the 1400s, a new, more neutral sense of nice was emerging. Nice began to refer to “a person who was finely dressed, someone who was scrupulous, or something that was precise or fussy.”

By the late 1500s, nice was further softening, describing something as “refined, culture,” especially used of polite society. And from there, nice evolved into our go-to, catch-all term for anything, well, nice.

Let’s turn our attention back to synonyms: what other choices do you have that may be nicer than nice? Let’s take a look. 


Instead of teaching our kids to be nice, what we really want to teach them is to be kind. Kind is different than nice because it involves empathy and caring about others. It’s not just about being polite, but it’s having “a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person.” 

This is an old word, with first evidence of it appearing before the year 900. It stems from the Old English word gecynde, meaning “natural, genial.”


Being polite is about following etiquette rules (saying “please,” “thank you,” and “yes, ma’am”) and not being rude. And while you may come off as nice, being polite isn’t always an indicator of someone’s actual nature. Take Eddie Haskell from the ’50s sitcom Leave It to Beaver. He was as polite and nice as could be on the surface, but a troublemaker when no one was looking. Or if that’s way before your time, and you’re thinking “Eddie, who?!,” think about it this way: you may force yourself to be polite to your annoying, brown-nosing coworker when you really feel like stomping on their toes. (Not nice!)

The word is found around 1400–50 and is derived from the Latin word pol?re, meaning “to polish.”


Sometimes when we’re trying to be polite, we describe someone or something as “nice” to avoid saying something is not blowing our socks off or it’s mundane. We can’t think of anything nice to say, so we say … “nice.” 

Mundane is defined as “common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.” So, while you probably don’t want to tell Grandma Gertie you find the gift she gave you “mundane,” if someone’s asking you for a recommendation about a restaurant you recently visited, this word will give them a better idea of what they might expect than “nice.” 

Mundane is first recorded around 1425–75 and stems from the Latin word mundus (“world“).


Often when we say something or someone is “nice,” a better word might be nondescript, which means “of no recognized, definite, or particular type or kind.” It means we’re not sure how to categorize them, that there’s nothing that really stands out about that person or thing. Being nondescript is a good thing if you’re a private eye, but probably not so much if the word is being used to describe a piece of art or person you just met. 

Nondescript is ultimately derived from the Latin word d?scr?bere. It is found in English around 1675–85. 


If you’re in a new or uncomfortable situation, it’s always nice to see a friendly face. Someone who is friendly does more than just make polite conversation; they act like they want to be your friend. A friend is defined as “a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.”  

Friendly is first recorded before the year 900, making it one of our oldest words. It comes from the Old English word fr?ondl?c. (Fr?ond meant “friend, lover, relative” back then.) Fun fact: the words friend and fiend are just one letter apart, but what a difference one letter makes when it comes to who you want by your side!


If you want to get a little fancier, you can throw out the word copacetic. It’s a slang term that means “fine; completely satisfactory; OK.” When you hear chaos coming from upstairs where your teen is gathered with their friends, they may reassure you that everything is “copacetic.” Whether it is or not is up to you to determine.  

It’s a relatively new word with first evidence of it dating back to around 1915–20. It’s an Americanism, but beyond that, its origin is unknown. 


This is why being a “nice guy” is often the kiss of death. When we describe someone as “nice”—especially if there’s a long pause before—what we probably mean is boring. It is first recorded in 1835–45 and stems from the word bore, which when used as a noun is defined as “a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.” 


If you don’t want to be quite as blunt as boring, you could choose to use the word prosaic to describe something without much of a wow factor. Its definition is similar (“commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative”), but it has more of a formal flair. For example, if you’re discussing an opera you just saw that was a bit of a snooze-fest, you might say it was “prosaic” rather than “nice.” 


Hearing someone say that they had a lovely time at your dinner party feels much more genuine than hearing that they had a nice time. And there’s sure to be a little more pep in your step if someone tells you that you look ”lovely” instead of just “nice.” It packs more of an emotional punch and feels more intimate. 

First evidence of this word goes back to before the year 900. It stems from the Old English word lufl?c, which meansamiable.” 


Your trip to the Grand Canyon, that date that went just right, or a special afternoon with your grandma—all these things may be nice, but memorable might be a better word to describe them. Of course, memorable isn’t always a positive thing (you’ll likely never forget the time you got food poisoning from that hole-in-the-wall restaurant), but it’s more specific than nice.

Memorable is recorded in English around 1400–1450. It is derived from the Latin word memor?re (“to bring to mind”).

No need to nix nice all the time

Sometimes, nice will suffice just fine. It’s a perfectly fine word (don’t get us started on fine!), and we’ll take nice over mean any day. But there are also a whole lot of other wonderful words out there to spice up your vocabulary and more accurately convey your emotions. Now, isn’t that nice (great/helpful/awesome/exciting/enlightening)?

The word ‘nice’ is a versatile English adjective. It can be used to describe almost anything – physical objects, people, experiences, smells, sounds, ideas… No wonder there are so many synonyms for nice out there!

But its versatility can also be its downfall. You may find yourself using the word ‘nice’ too often, making your vocabulary repetitive. Or, you might end up sounding boring or non-descriptive because you describe something as ‘nice’ when another word would give much more meaning.

So, here we will look at some better words for nice which you can use in different circumstances, depending on the thing you wish to describe.

Synonyms – words that have the same or a similar meaning – can make your vocabulary much richer and more nuanced. However, it’s important to learn the proper meaning of each word to be sure you’re using it correctly. Just because two words are synonyms of nice, it does not mean they are necessarily interchangeable.

Synonyms for nice

So, how do you go about finding another word for nice that is suitable to use in a particular context? You should certainly look in a thesaurus. However, as mentioned above, not every word that is listed as a synonym for nice will be appropriate to use in your sentence.

For example, we could describe a ‘nice view’ as ‘spectacular’ and a ‘nice person’ as ‘friendly’. But you wouldn’t talk about a ‘friendly view’ or a ‘spectacular person’.

This is why it is important to not only learn different words for nice, but also know when it’s appropriate to use them.

More descriptive words for nice

Another reason why you should consider using synonyms for nice is that they will add more description and meaning to what you say.

Consider this conversation:

James: Hi Paul, did you have a good holiday?
Paul: Yes thanks, it was really nice.

What does this mean?

Paul may have spent a week relaxing on a beach or he may have been trekking through a jungle. ‘Nice’ just doesn’t give James enough information. A more descriptive word such as ‘relaxing’ or ‘fun’ would at least give James some idea of what the holiday was like.

The use of the word ‘nice’ in this kind of context can also suggest a lack of enthusiasm. James might think that perhaps Paul didn’t enjoy his holiday all that much.

Or how about this:

Sonia: What did you do last night?
Lizzie: We went to see a nice show at the theater.

Again, there could be a better word for nice which describes what the show was like. Was it funny? Moving? Dramatic?

Next time you find yourself wanting to use ‘nice’ to describe something, pause for a moment and see if you can think of a different word that would express your thoughts in a more descriptive way.

How to find a better word for nice

Here is an exercise you can try to help expand your vocabulary and avoid saying ‘nice’ too much.

1. Think of five things that you could describe as nice

For example:

  • A cake
  • A house
  • A friend
  • A vacation
  • A song

Try to make the five things as different as possible.

2. Think of alternative adjectives for these things

For each of the five things, think of five different adjectives for nice which are more descriptive. You can look up synonyms for nice in a thesaurus to get you started.

Continuing from the words above, we could have the following alternative words for nice:

  • Cake: delicious, tasty, lovely, pretty, yummy
  • House: beautiful, cosy, spacious, lovely, homey
  • Friend: kind, friendly, considerate, polite, sweet
  • Vacation: relaxing, restful, fun, wonderful, enjoyable
  • Song: pleasant, tuneful, melodious, calming, catchy

There’s no need to stop at five adjectives if you can think of more than that.

So, you can see that the word ‘nice’ can be interpreted in so many different ways. Additionally, one person’s idea of whether something is nice may be different to another’s.

Nice and …

There are a couple of occasions where we use ‘nice’ in a fixed expression in English. In this case it is ‘nice and …’ followed by an adjective. For example:

  • Your bedroom is nice and clean, thank you for tidying it.
  • That sweatshirt looks nice and comfy.
  • This tea is nice and hot.

In all of these examples, you are saying that the subject is nice, pleasant, enjoyable because of the adjective that follows. I.e. the sweatshirt looks like it is nice because it is comfortable. You consider the tea to be nice because you like hot tea.

Nice as an exclamation

Finally, you may hear ‘nice’ used as an exclamation of approval or congratulation, for example:

Jo: I came top of my class in the science test!
Dad: Nice!

Chris: I just got a new company car; it’s the latest model with all the extra features.
Steve: Nice!

In this case, there is no need to really search for synonyms of nice. Although quite informal, it shows that you appreciate the achievement or accomplishment the person has just told you about.

Final thoughts

If you’re worried about repetitive or lackluster adjectives in your writing, ‘nice’ is definitely a good word to target. Although there is nothing wrong with it in certain situations, there is usually a better word for nice that would convey your meaning more effectively.

You can start by finding synonyms for nice in a thesaurus, but do always be careful that the alternative adjective you select is appropriate for the context.

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What is another word for Nice?

  • likable, likable or likeable

  • likable, likable or likeable

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Synonyms for nice

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How is the word nice different from other adjectives like it?

Some common synonyms of nice are accurate, correct, exact, precise, and right. While all these words mean «conforming to fact, standard, or truth,» nice stresses great precision and delicacy of adjustment or discrimination.

When can accurate be used instead of nice?

The words accurate and nice can be used in similar contexts, but accurate implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercise of care.

When is it sensible to use correct instead of nice?

While the synonyms correct and nice are close in meaning, correct usually implies freedom from fault or error.

Where would exact be a reasonable alternative to nice?

While in some cases nearly identical to nice, exact stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth.

How do precise and exact relate to one another, in the sense of nice?

Precise adds to exact an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation.

How are the words right and correct related as synonyms of nice?

Right is close to correct but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault.

Sometimes a single word just doesn’t capture the feelings associated with something. When you come across an item or situation that inspires pleasant feelings, you may be searching for other words to describe it better.

Instead of reaching for minor descriptors such as “nice” or “beautiful,” try using some of these more sophisticated and evocative alternatives – synonyms to give your writing more power and make vivid pictures in readers’ heads! Read on to discover several useful options: other words for nice looking and synonyms for “nice” that can help elevate your communication beyond ordinary language.

Synonyms For Nice Looking

1- Handsome

2- Attractive

3- Beautiful

4- Cute

5- Lovely

6- Gorgeous

7- Pretty

8- Charming

9- Good

10- Stunning

11- Elegant

12- Sexy

13- Comely

14- Delightful

15- Ravishing

16- Likely

17- Beauteous

18- Aesthetic

19- Perfect

20- Fetching

Other Words For Nice Looking

1- Hot

2- Knockout

3- Glorious

4- Seemly

5- Fascinating

6- Flawless

7- Goodly

8- Taking

9- Magnificent

10- Fair

11- Sightly

12- Pleasant

13- Well-favored

14- Desirable

15- Superb

16- Appealing

17- Drop-dead

18- Alluring

19- Exquisite

20- Glamorous

21- Lovesome

22- Prepossessing

23- Engaging

24- Cunning

25- Splendid

26- Aesthetical

27- Esthetic

28- Statuesque

29- Esthetical

30- Seductive

31- Delicate

32- Radiant

33- Presentable

34- Bonnie

35- Resplendent

36- Sublime

37- Dainty

38- Glossy

39- Hunky

40- Glamourous

41- Foxy

42- Snazzy

43- Flashy

44- Showy

45- Slick

46- Luscious

47- Nubile

48- Striking

49- Photogenic

50- Toothsome

51- Flamboyant

52- Dishy

53- Studly

54- Arresting

55- Junoesque

56- Pulchritudinous

57- Eye-catching

58- Splashy

59- Prettyish

60- Telegenic

61- Dollish

62- Chocolate-box

63- Zingy

64- Showstopping

65- Delightful

66- Long

67- Nicer

68- Cushy

69- Nice little

70- Mild

71- Fashionable

72- Good-looking

73- Wonderful

74- Couth

75- Topping

76- Sexy

77- Kissable

78- Nice-looking

79- Gentle

80- Prettier

81- Fresh

82- Alright

83- Cutest

84- Amiable

85- Wally

86- Kindly

87- Amicable

88- Glad

89- Rigorous

90- Cleanly

91- Many

92- Sexy

93- Pleasanter

94- Charming

95- Good-humored

96- Superb

97- Mannerly

98- Mellifluous

99- Obliging

100- Dashing

101- Sweet

102- Favorable

103- Good-hearted

104- Minute

105- Blissful

106- Real

107- Beauteous

108- Neat

109- Incredible

110- Spectacular

111- Boon

112- Funnier

113- Just

114- Bright

115- Conscientious

116- Redolent

117- Best

118- Fantastic

119- Pleasant

120- Good-tempered

121- Straitlaced

122- Splendid

123- Thrilled

124- Deft

125- Good

126- Cuddly

127- Careful

128- Prettiest

129- Exact

130- Perfect

131- Stunning

132- Small

133- Polite

134- Cheery

135- Respectable

136- Wealthy

137- Ladylike

138- Yummy

139- Beaut

140- Rewarding

141- Next

142- Methodical

143- Magnificent

144- Enjoyable

145- Congenial

146- Rough

147- Tactful

148- Snazzy

149- Okay

150- Happy

151- Hot

152- Sweet-tempered

153- Friendly

154- Winsome

155- Cloudless

156- Sympathizing

157- Sugarcoated

158- Marvelous

159- Smooth

160- Boa

161- Divine

162- Luscious

163- Pretty

164- Cuddlesome

165- Diverting

166- Ambrosial

167- Lovable

168- Dear

169- Pleasurable

170- Delighted

171- Close

172- Jocund

173- Amazing

174- Handsom

175- To one’s liking

176- Engaging

177- Funny

178- Fly

179- Bonnie

180- Painstaking

181- Mathematical

182- Warm-hearted

183- Very good

184- Elegant

185- Appealing

186- Excellent

187- Considerate

188- Brilliant

189- Simpatico

190- Downy

191- Well-mannered

192- Personable

193- Awesome

194- Cooler

195- Mellow

196- Warm

197- Bonny

198- Beautiful

199- Clear

200- Sage

201- Understanding

202- Ultra-fine

203- Clean

204- Detailed

205- Posh

206- Genial

207- Seemly

208- Bonny

209- Smart

210- Amusing

211- Comfortable

212- Sweetheart

213- Happier

214- Praiseworthy

215- Virtuous

216- Helpful

217- Better

218- Enchanter

219- Good-natured

220- Strict

221- Sure

222- Canny

223- Lovely

224- Scrupulous

225- Opposite

226- Interesting

227- Ingratiating

228- Rose colored

229- Delightsome

230- Good as gold

231- Baby

232- Goodly

233- Terrific

234- Cultivated

235- Straight

236- Genteel

237- Good looking

238- Worthy

239- Gratifying

240- Bonne

241- Prissy

242- Mincing

243- Endearing

244- Sweeter

245- Affable

246- Appropriate

247- Decent

248- Excited

249- Honest

250- Attractive

251- Meticulous

252- Delicate

253- Darling

254- Selective

255- Nice as pie

256- Pleasing

257- Aright

258- Prettily

259- Sympathetic

260- Glorious

261- Accurate

262- Gentlemanly

263- Sharp

264- Fragrant

265- Enjoyable

266- Finest

267- Merry

268- Copasetic

269- Entertaining

270- Pleased

271- Delicious

272- Tasty

273- All heart

274- Fabulous

275- Laudable

276- Content

277- Well-bred

278- Overnice

279- Quaint

280- Well-dressed

281- Discriminate

282- Great

283- Rich

284- Enchanting

285- Skillful

286- Worthwhile

287- Sleek

288- Sunny

289- Classy

290- Fine

291- Cheerful

292- Entrancing

293- Looker

294- Belle

295- Easy

296- Exact

297- Compassionate

298- Refined

299- Positive

300- Goody-goody

301- Bon

302- Precise

303- Balmy

304- Nice synonyms

305- Tidy

306- Acceptable

307- Comely

308- Weal

309- Nicest

310- Genuine

311- Successful

312- Exquisite

313- Outstanding

314- Sweet-natured

315- Correct

316- Cute

317- Kind

318- Rigid

319- Congenial

320- Swell

321- Silky

322- Winning

323- Effective

324- Satisfying

325- Coolest

326- Prepossessing

327- Mooi

328- Welcome

329- Well-pleasing

330- Right

331- Fair

332- Fussy

333- Nutty

334- Gratifying

335- Heartwarming

336- Little

337- Sound

338- Brought up

339- Gorgeous

340- Educated

341- Lucky

342- Wise

343- Grateful

344- Fastidious

345- Plummy

346- Dainty

347- Dreamy

348- Lekker

349- Sweetest

350- Benignant

351- Soft

352- Fancy

353- Fine and dandy

354- Gentlest

355- Sweet tempered

356- Agreeable

357- Proper

358- Thorough

359- Well

360- Kind-hearted

361- All right

362- Couthy

363- Stylish

364- Marvelous

365- Precious

366- Quite

367- Cool

368- Subtle

369- Chic

370- Likable

Other Words Nice Looking With Example Sentences

1- Junoesque: The supermodel had a Junoesque figure that was admired by many.

2- Sexy: The lingerie had a sexy and alluring design.

3- Wally: The comedian was known for his wally and humorous personality.

4- Nice-looking: The car was a nice-looking and stylish model.

5- Glad: He was glad and relieved to hear the good news.

6- Pulchritudinous: The actress had a pulchritudinous face that was breathtaking.

7- Cutest: The puppy was the cutest and most adorable thing ever.

8- Seemly: Her outfit was very seemly for the occasion.

9- Cleanly: The kitchen was kept very cleanly and organized.

10- Glossy: The car had a glossy finish that shone in the sunlight.

11- Eye-catching: The billboard had an eye-catching design that stood out.

12- Nice little: The café had a nice little patio area for customers to sit outside.

13- Dainty: The tea set had dainty floral patterns that were very elegant.

14- Prettier: Her makeup made her look even prettier than usual.

15- Radiant: The bride was radiant on her wedding day.

16- Many: The grocery store had many different types of fruits and vegetables.

17- Kissable: The baby’s chubby cheeks were very kissable and cute.

18- Magnificent: The castle was a magnificent piece of architecture.

19- Splashy: The advertising campaign was very splashy and attention-grabbing.

20- Drop-dead: She was a drop-dead gorgeous woman.

21- Superb: The chef’s cooking was superb and flavorful.

22- Goodly: He had a goodly amount of wealth to live comfortably.

23- Kindly: The teacher spoke kindly to the students and was very patient.

24- Engaging: The speaker was very engaging and kept the audience interested.

25- Seductive: Her perfume had a seductive aroma that caught everyone’s attention.

26- Well-favored: The actor was well-favored by many fans.

27- Luscious: The fruit was ripe and luscious, bursting with flavor.

28- Fresh: The produce at the farmers’ market was very fresh and flavorful.

29- Zingy: The salsa had a zingy and spicy taste that was very flavorful.

30- Striking: The abstract painting had a striking

31- Hot: She looked hot in that red dress.

32- Delightful: The park was a delightful place to spend a sunny afternoon.

33- Fair: The fair weather made for a perfect day at the park.

34- Dishy: The actor was known for his dishy looks and charming personality.

35- Photogenic: The landscape was very photogenic and picturesque.

36- Aesthetical: The art museum showcased many aesthetical pieces.

37- Alluring: The music had an alluring quality that drew in the crowd.

38- Presentable: His business attire made him look presentable for the meeting.

39- Studly: The athlete had a studly and muscular physique.

40- Desirable: The beach house was a very desirable property.

41- Mild: The weather was mild and pleasant, not too hot or cold.

42- Sublime: The orchestra’s performance was a sublime experience.

43- Fashionable: The new clothing line was very fashionable and trendy.

44- Knockout: The new model was a knockout in the fashion show.

45- Glorious: The sunset was a glorious sight to behold.

46- Gentle: The horse had a gentle and calm disposition.

47- Flashy: The performer’s flashy costume was a showstopper.

48- Lovesome: The puppy’s lovable and cute nature won over everyone’s hearts.

49- Statuesque: The model was very statuesque and had a commanding presence.

50- Flamboyant: The dancer’s costume was flamboyant and colorful.

51- Flawless: Her makeup was flawless for her wedding day.

52- Dollish: The little girl’s dress was very dollish and cute.

53- Cunning: The fox was a cunning and intelligent animal.

54- Appealing: The new product had an appealing design and features.

55- Prettyish: The flowers in the garden had a prettyish color scheme.

56- Pleasant: The gentle breeze made for a pleasant walk outside.

57- Couth: The new employee had a couth and polite demeanor.

58- Fascinating: The documentary was fascinating to watch.

59- Showy: The peacock’s feathers were very showy and colorful.

60- Good-looking: The actor was very good-looking and had many admirers.

61- Bonnie: The Scottish countryside was filled with bonnie landscapes.

62- Long: Her hair was long and flowing, cascading down her back.

63- Exquisite: The jewelry was an exquisite work of art.

64- Amicable: The couple had an amicable and friendly divorce.

65- Slick: The salesman had a slick and persuasive way of talking.

66- Hunky: The fitness model had a hunky physique that many admired.

67- Rigorous: The training program was very rigorous and demanding.

68- Cushy: The job had a cushy and comfortable work environment.

69- Chocolate-box: The small town had a chocolate-box charm that was very quaint.

70- Amiable: The neighbor was very amiable and friendly.

71- Nubile: The young woman had a nubile and attractive figure.

72- Esthetic: The architecture of the building had an esthetic appeal.

73- Resplendent: The ballroom was resplendent with golden decorations.

74- Taking: Her smile was taking and lit up the room.

75- Snazzy: His new watch was very snazzy and stylish.

76- Foxy: The actress played a foxy and seductive character in the movie.

77- Toothsome: The dessert was toothsome and delicious.

78- Nicer: The second dress was even nicer than the first one.

79- Prepossessing: Her prepossessing smile made everyone feel at ease.

80- Showstopping: The Broadway performance had many showstopping moments.

81- Arresting: The headline was very arresting and caught people’s attention.

82- Splendid: The fireworks show was a splendid display of colors and lights.

83- Topping: The pizza had a topping of melted cheese and pepperoni.

84- Delicate: The fragile vase required delicate handling.

85- Alright: The movie was alright, not great but not terrible.

86- Wonderful: The vacation was a wonderful and memorable experience.

87- Glamorous: The Hollywood actress was known for her glamorous lifestyle.

88- Sightly: The sightly garden was a peaceful place to relax.

Synonyms for nice

Other Words for nice looking Other Words for nice looking in english Other Words for nice looking 3 Other Words for nice looking 4

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What is a stronger word for nice?

adj.likable, agreeable. adj.precise, neat, refined.

What word can I use instead of nice?

  • pleasant,
  • pleasing,
  • satisfying,
  • acceptable,
  • delightful,
  • enjoyable,
  • pleasurable,
  • congenial,

What word means nice?

pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.

Whats a word for being nice and mean?

amiable. The definition of amiable is a person, place, or thing that is likeable or a person who is kind and good-natured.

What are the best three words to describe someone?

Explore the Words

  • adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use.
  • adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises.
  • affectionate. having or displaying warmth or fondness.
  • ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  • amiable.
  • compassionate.
  • considerate.
  • courageous.

What to say about myself?

  • 15 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Yourself.
  • I followed my heart.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I live by high standards.
  • I treat others the way I want to be treated.
  • I understand how precious time is.
  • I look for positivity in all things.
  • I trust my intuition.

Why do we hire you best answer?

“Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. I’m pretty confident that I am the best candidate for this job role. It’s not just my background in the past projects, but also my people skills, which will be applicable in this position.

Why do u want this job?

Remember that you are simply giving the reasons why you want the job and why you would be a good fit for the company. ‘This opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to…’ ‘I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as…’

Why should we hire you for this job?

You can do the work and deliver exceptional results. You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team. You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out. Hiring you will make him look smart and make his life easier.

Which is an example of a soft skill?

Here are 15 soft skills examples that are essential traits among employees:

  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Time management.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Decision-making.
  • Organizational.
  • Stress management.

What are the 10 soft skills?

Top 10 Soft Skills List & Examples

  • Communication. Communication skills are the effective oral or written ways you express yourself in the workplace.
  • Teamwork.
  • Adaptability.
  • Problem-Solving.
  • Creativity.
  • Work Ethic.
  • Interpersonal Skills.
  • Time Management.

What is the best word to replace Nice?


  • pleasing,
  • satisfying,
  • acceptable,
  • delightful,
  • enjoyable,
  • pleasurable,
  • congenial,
  • What is an adjective for nice?

    adjective, nic·er, nic·est. pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit. amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers. characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.

    What is another word for very nice?

    What is another word for very nice?

    beautiful divine
    delectable enchanting
    agreeable amiable
    enjoyable captivating
    sublime gratifying

    What can I say instead of nice picture?

    What can I say instead of nice picture?

    • good photo. n.
    • nice picture. n.
    • good picture. n.
    • beautiful picture. n.
    • great picture. n.
    • great shot. n.
    • pretty picture. n.
    • great photo. n.

      How many words can you write to replace the word said?

      272 Words to Use Instead of “Said”

      How do you say very nice picture?

      Synonyms for Nice photo

      1. nice picture. n.
      2. good photo. n.
      3. good picture. n.
      4. beautiful picture. n.
      5. great picture. n.
      6. great shot. n.
      7. pretty picture. n.
      8. great photo. n.

      Are there any other words for the word nice?

      We are here to help. We will teach you not 1, not 2 but 50 other words for ‘nice’. Learn how to impress your friends, family, teacher or boss, and add delicious flavor to your words. One of the biggest challenges in language learning is how to avoid repetition.

      Which is the best adjective for a color?

      colorful. Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs color, colorize, colour, colourise, colourish, colourize and encolour which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. Having a color. Having a particular color or kind of color. Having prominent colors; colorful.

      Why do people use the words good and Nice?

      The two speakers used “good” and “nice” in indirect expressions because they are considered to be more polite. Susan Conrad and Douglas Biber are experts on English grammar. They say English speakers often use “good” and “nice” for social reasons. They use these words to give praise, express approval, and show appreciation.

      Which is an example of an adjective used before a noun?

      In the examples, the adjectives “good” and “nice” come before a noun – the words “person” and “man.” These are pleasant, respectful ways to describe people. Americans use the adjectives “good” and “nice” in other ways. They use them in a few common expressions.

      We are here to help. We will teach you not 1, not 2 but 50 other words for ‘nice’. Learn how to impress your friends, family, teacher or boss, and add delicious flavor to your words. One of the biggest challenges in language learning is how to avoid repetition.

      What to use instead of very English synonyms?

      Words to Use Instead of VERY Synonyms, Vocabulary Words to Use Instead of VERY englishstudy3 years ago6 Comments Facebook Prev ArticleNext Article Follow the list for detailed list; Instead of Say Instead of Say very afraid terrified very angry furious very bad atrocious

      What’s the opposite of’nice-looking’in a sentence?

      “First they had someone design a nice-looking label for the bottle they were going to use.” Find more words! What is the opposite of nice-looking? Video Player is loading.

      What’s the best word to describe a color?

      Use the following list of words to make your descriptive writing more colorful. Writers can add more creativity and uniqueness in their writings by adding these unique colorful words. 1. Ablaze – Radiant with bright color

      What to say other than that’s nice?

      “Superlative!” “Great!” “Great job!” “That’s impressive!” “I’m impressed.”

      Synonyms for Nice photo

      • nice picture. n.
      • good photo. n.
      • good picture. n.
      • beautiful picture. n.
      • great picture. n.
      • great shot. n.
      • pretty picture. n.
      • great photo. n.

        What can I say instead of nice over text?


        • admirable.
        • alluring.
        • angelic.
        • appealing.
        • beauteous.
        • bewitching.
        • charming.
        • classy.

    WiktionaryRate these synonyms:4.3 / 7 votes

    1. niceadjective

      friendly, delightful, lovely, sweet, pleasant, kind, charming

      nasty, horrible, horrid

    2. niceadjective

      tasty, moreish, appetizing, delicious, appetising, scrummy, scrumptious

      putrid, disgusting, rank, foul, distasteful, horrible, horrid, nauseating, gross, nasty, rancid, sickening, awful, unsatisfactory

    3. niceadjective

      Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle.

      subtle, fine

    4. niceadjective

      What is a nice person like you doing in a place like this?


    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. nice

      Fine (Latin finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified, clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline; hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty, delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions. As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight, minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy, tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen, sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.

      beautiful, clarified, clear, comminuted, dainty, delicate, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fine, gauzy, handsome, keen, minute, polished, pure, refined, sensitive, sharp, slender, slight, small, smooth, splendid, subtile, subtle, tenuous, thin

      big, blunt, clumsy, coarse, great, heavy, huge, immense, large, rude, stout, thick

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

    1. nice

      fastidious, scrupulous, accurate, neat, discerning, dainty, pleasant, agreeable, exact, fine, finished, particular

      coarse, unscrupulous, inaccurate, rude, rough, undiscriminating, nasty, nauseous, disagreeable

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.8 / 5 votes

    1. Niceadjective

      a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera

      unfastidious, unrespectable, nasty, mean, imprecise, awful, filthy, hateful, impolite, grotty, lousy, dirty

    2. niceadjective

      pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance

      «what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty»- George Meredith; «nice manners»; «a nice dress»; «a nice face»; «a nice day»; «had a nice time at the party»; «the corn and tomatoes are nice today»

      dainty, courteous, overnice, gracious, squeamish, skillful, prissy, decent

      mean, hateful, nasty, lousy, awful, unrespectable, filthy, grotty, impolite, unfastidious, imprecise, dirty

    3. decent, niceadjective

      socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous

      «from a decent family»; «a nice girl»

      comme il faut, courteous, overnice, adequate, decorous, comely, becoming, squeamish, gracious, dainty, enough, skillful, prissy, seemly, decent

      impolite, hateful, filthy, imprecise, dirty, unfastidious, awful, grotty, unrespectable, lousy, nasty, mean

    4. nice, skillfuladjective

      done with delicacy and skill

      «a nice bit of craft»; «a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer»; «a nice shot»

      dainty, courteous, skilful, overnice, proficient, good, gracious, squeamish, practiced, adept, skillful, prissy, expert, decent

      dirty, lousy, unrespectable, awful, mean, grotty, hateful, unfastidious, nasty, impolite, filthy, imprecise

    5. dainty, nice, overnice, prissy, squeamishadjective

      excessively fastidious and easily disgusted

      «too nice about his food to take to camp cooking»; «so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow»

      mincing, straitlaced, prissy, squeamish, decent, dainty, puritanical, straightlaced, priggish, overnice, skillful, straight-laced, gracious, tight-laced, strait-laced, niminy-piminy, courteous, prudish, victorian, prim, exquisite, twee, square-toed

      imprecise, lousy, grotty, unrespectable, awful, unfastidious, nasty, mean, hateful, impolite, dirty, filthy

    6. courteous, gracious, niceadjective

      exhibiting courtesy and politeness

      «a nice gesture»

      courteous, overnice, squeamish, gracious, dainty, benignant, prissy, skillful, decent

      grotty, unfastidious, lousy, impolite, hateful, dirty, filthy, awful, mean, imprecise, nasty, unrespectable

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. niceadjective

      exact, accurate, precise, critical, definite, strict, rigorous

    2. niceadjective

      fastidious, dainty, squeamish, punctilious, finical, difficult, over-scrupulous, exacting, hard to please, very particular

    3. niceadjective

      subtile, fine, refined, minute

    4. niceadjective

      delicate, dainty, luscious, soft, tender, savory, delicious, palatable

    5. niceadjective

      [Colloquial.] pleasant, agreeable, delightful, good

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

    1. niceadjective

      fastidious, exacting, particular, punctilious, queasy, finical, difficult, squeamish, dainty, delicate, refined, dainty, discriminating, scrupulous, precise, discerning, subtle, exquisite, agreeable, pleasant, enjoyable, gratifying, fine, neat, finished

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 2 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «nice»:

      beautiful, pretty, sweet, lovely, pleasant, good, cute, handsome, fun, cool, belle, fine, enjoyable, gentle, good-looking, bel, happy, beau, charming, well, owl, neat, joli, great, sympathetic, agreeable, pleased, gentil, kind, jolie, chouette, jamil, delighted, -nice, beautifui, nice-looking, ravi, super, wonderful, fancy, pleasure, gorgeous

    Suggested Resources

    1. nice

      Song lyrics by nice — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by nice on the Lyrics.com website.

    2. NICE

      What does NICE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the NICE acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

    How to pronounce nice?

    How to say nice in sign language?

    How to use nice in a sentence?

    1. Donald Trump:

      I can’t show you the letter obviously, but it was a very personal, very warm, very nice letter.

    2. Jeff Bezos:

      Any astronauts on board would have had a very nice journey into space and a smooth return.

    3. Cheyenne Amber West:

      I am just trying to get gifts for my son that I cannot afford, the computer is for my husband. Since he just got me a Coach purse, I figured he deserved something nice, as well.

    4. Ramit Sethi:

      Yes, I want to go on vacation. Yes, I like nice clothes. Yes, I’m going to spend on these things guilt-free. I’m also going to invest, save, and make sure I can cover my rent.

    5. Nick Bosa:

      I told Dee, I wish I could scare people with my presence like you do, i mean, when a guard sees Dee Ford on them, their mind is racing, theyre thinking about what hes about to do, whatever it is. Just having his presence and his pass-rush ability, his knowledge and communication, hes a true vet. Its nice to have him out there.

    Translations for nice

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • عَطِر, لطيف, عَطِرة, حسن, طيبة, طيبArabic
    • pěkný, příjemný, milý, krásný, hezký, pěkněCzech
    • pænDanish
    • hübsch, super, nett, freundlich, wunderbar, angenehm, toll, lieb, schön, geil, lecker, sympathischGerman
    • ωραίας, καλός, νόστιμοςGreek
    • belaEsperanto
    • simpático, bueno, agradable, bello, bonito, rico, lindo, amableSpanish
    • maitsev, meeldiv, kenaEstonian
    • atseginBasque
    • دلپذیر, ناز, پسندیده, خوشبو, خوشمزهPersian
    • mukavaFinnish
    • bon, belle, jolie, joli, bonne, beauFrench
    • deasIrish
    • laghach, snogScottish Gaelic
    • יפה, נעה, נחמד, נעימה, נחמדה, נעיםHebrew
    • अच्छाHindi
    • szép, kellemesHungarian
    • buono, gentile, bella, bello, buona, simpaticoItalian
    • 快い, 可愛い, 良いJapanese
    • 좋은Korean
    • lepidusLatin
    • aantrekkelijke, mooi, knappe, fijn, aangenaam, fijne, lekker, aangename, aantrekkelijk, mooie, lekkere, leuk, knap, netjes, goed zoDutch
    • pen, fin, hyggelig, sympatiskNorwegian
    • miły, przyjemnyPolish
    • bonito, agradável, bom, simpático, beleza, ótimoPortuguese
    • милый, приятный, симпатичный, тонкий, вкусный, хорошийRussian
    • krásny, pekný, príjemný, milýSlovak
    • fin, smaklig, vacker, läcker, vänlig, sympatisk, god, najs, snyggSwedish
    • nzuriSwahili
    • ఆకర్షణీయమైన, పసందైనTelugu
    • ดีThai
    • iyi, hoş, güzelTurkish
    • اچھاUrdu
    • đẹpVietnamese
    • 不错Chinese

    Get even more translations for nice »


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    Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

    Are we missing a good synonym for nice?

    caring compassionate
    ———– ————-
    friendly generous
    humane loving
    nice selfless
    sympathetic tolerant

    SYNONYMS. pleasant, likeable, agreeable, personable, charming, delightful, amiable, affable, friendly, kindly, genial, congenial, good-natured, engaging, gracious, sympathetic, understanding, compassionate, good.

    Subsequently, What word can I use instead of nice?

    – pleasant,
    – pleasing,
    – satisfying,
    – acceptable,
    – delightful,
    – enjoyable,
    – pleasurable,
    – congenial,

    Also, What can I say instead of nice picture?

    – agreeable, amiable, attractive, charming, commendable, courteous, delightful, friendly, good, kind, likable or likeable, pleasant, pleasurable, polite, prepossessing, refined, well-mannered.
    – dainty, fine, neat, tidy, trim.

    What is another word for nice person?

    gentleperson aristocrat
    ———— ———–
    patrician noble
    gentle brick
    scholar blue blood
    good egg good person

    Last Review : 15 days ago.

    Related Contents

    • 1 What is a better word than nice?
    • 2 What is another way to say one of a kind?
    • 3 What can I use instead of nice?
    • 4 What can I say instead of nice?
    • 5 What is the synonym and antonym of Nice?
    • 6 What is a word for a nice person?
    • 7 What is the synonym of Nice?
    • 8 How do you describe something nice?
    • 9 How do you compliment a picture?
    • 10 What are 5 good synonyms?
    • 11 How do you describe someone who is one of a kind?
    • 12 What are the antonyms?
    • 13 How do you describe something really good?
    • 14 What’s a better word for kind hearted?
    • 15 What do you call one of a kind?

    What is a better word than nice?

    SYNONYMS. pleasant, likeable, agreeable, personable, charming, delightful, amiable, affable, friendly, kindly, genial, congenial, good-natured, engaging, gracious, sympathetic, understanding, compassionate, good.

    What is another way to say one of a kind?

    In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for one-of-a-kind, like: unique, unparalleled, special, in a class by itself, unprecedented, distinctive, rare, original, covetable and null.

    What can I use instead of nice?

    – admirable.
    – alluring.
    – angelic.
    – appealing.
    – beauteous.
    – bewitching.
    – charming.
    – classy.

    What can I say instead of nice?

    – pleasant,
    – pleasing,
    – satisfying,
    – acceptable,
    – delightful,
    – enjoyable,
    – pleasurable,
    – congenial,

    What is the synonym and antonym of Nice?

    lovely, sweet, pleasant, kind, charming, delightful, friendly. nice(adjective) Antonyms: gross, disgusting, rank, putrid, distasteful, horrible, horrid, nauseating, foul, nasty, rancid, sickening, awful, unsatisfactory.

    What is a word for a nice person?

    1 agreeable, amiable, attractive, charming, commendable, courteous, delightful, friendly, good, kind, likable or likeable, pleasant, pleasurable, polite, prepossessing, refined, well-mannered.

    What is the synonym of Nice?

    SYNONYMS. pleasant, likeable, agreeable, personable, charming, delightful, amiable, affable, friendly, kindly, genial, congenial, good-natured, engaging, gracious, sympathetic, understanding, compassionate, good.

    How do you describe something nice?

    An adjective, nice is defined as “pleasing; agreeable; delightful.” All of which are great synonyms for the word. The funny thing is that the word’s origins aren’t all that nice at all.

    How do you compliment a picture?

    – When complementing a photo, always pick something that you like about that person and use it to compliment the person.
    – Point out something in the picture that you like.
    – Compliment the colors in the photo.
    – If you are complimenting on friends you can opt to make a joke.

    What are 5 good synonyms?

    – adj.pleasant, fine.
    – adj.moral, virtuous.
    – adj.competent, skilled.
    – adj.useful, adequate.
    – adj.reliable; untainted.
    – adj.kind, giving.
    – adj.authentic, real.
    – adj.well-behaved.

    How do you describe someone who is one of a kind?

    If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them. She’s a very unusual woman, one of a kind.

    What are the antonyms?

    Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings. Like so much of the English language, “antonym” is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means opposite, while onym means name.

    How do you describe something really good?

    Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent.

    What’s a better word for kind hearted?

    In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for kindhearted, like: merciful, humane, altruistic, compassionate, generous, good, benign, goodhearted, kind, benevolent and benignant.

    What do you call one of a kind?

    In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for one-of-a-kind, like: unique, unparalleled, special, in a class by itself, unprecedented, distinctive, rare, original, covetable and null.

    • Reference 1
    • Reference 2
    • Reference 3

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