What is a 6 word memoirs

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Six-Word Memoirs


Type of site

Online Magazine
Editors Larry Smith, Rachel Fershleiser
URL sixwordmemoirs.com
Launched 2006

Six-Word Memoirs is a project and book series created by the U.S. based online storytelling magazine Smith Magazine.


In November 2006, Smith’s editors Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser asked Smith readers to tell their life story in just six words, taking inspiration from novelist Ernest Hemingway (who, according to literary legend, was once challenged to write a short story in only six words, resulting in “For sale: baby shoes, never worn”).[1][2] Smith readers submitted their memoirs via www.smithmag.net and Smith’s Twitter account. In early 2007, Smith signed with Harper Perennial to create the Six-Word Memoir book series.

Six-Word Memoir books[edit]

The first in Smith‘s Six-Word Memoir book series, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs from Writers Famous & Obscure was released in early 2008.[3] It collected almost 1,000 memoirs, including contributions from celebrities such as Richard Ford, Deepak Chopra, and Moby. It was a New York Times bestseller, featured in many stories in The New Yorker, and was highlighted on National Public Radio’s Talk of the Nation.[4][5][6]

In early 2009, Smith released a follow-up, Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak, containing hundreds of personal stories about romance.[7] Another follow-up was released in late 2009; I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure dealt with the experiences of teenage life and as such was written by and for teens.[8] The most recent in the series, It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure, was released in early 2010 and was marketed as the general sequel to Not Quite What I Was Planning.[9]


  • Not Quite What I Was Planning was listed as a New York Times bestseller in 2008 in the «advice, how to and miscellaneous» category.[4]
  • In April 2009, The Denver Post listed Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak as the 5th bestselling non-fiction paperback in the Denver area according to sales at the Tattered Cover Book Store, Barnes & Noble in Greenwood Village, the Boulder Book Store, and Borders Books in Lone Tree.[10]


The Six-Word Memoir format has been used as a writing exercise by teachers, with examples ranging from second-grade classrooms to graduate schools; furthermore, HarperCollins created a guide to encourage the format as an instructional tool.[11][12][13] Six-Word Memoirs have seen use in hospital wards, appeared in a eulogy, and suggested as a form of prayer by a preacher in North Carolina.[14] Six-Word Memoir videos from individuals ranging from teenager Micah Gray to bestselling author Daniel Handler have been posted to YouTube.[15][16] 6 Words Minneapolis, a public art project, employed the format to build community and empathy among citizens of Minneapolis.[17]


  1. ^ «Six Words Gets to The Point». Retrieved 2022-05-13.
  2. ^
    Earle, Jamelah (21 September 2006). «For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn». Literary Kicks.
  3. ^ Smith, Larry; Fershleiser, Rachel (5 February 2008). Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. HarperCollins. ISBN 9780061374050.
  4. ^ a b «PAPERBACK BEST SELLERS: ADVICE, HOW TO AND MISCELLANEOUS: Sunday, March 16th 2008». New York Times. 16 March 2008.
  5. ^ Widdicombe, Lizzie (17 February 2008). «Say It All in Six Words». The New Yorker.
  6. ^ «Six-Word Memoirs: Life Stories Distilled». National Public Radio. 7 February 2008.
  7. ^ Smith, Larry; Fershleiser, Rachel (6 January 2009). Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak. HarperCollins. ISBN 9780061714627.
  8. ^ Smith, Larry; Fershleiser, Rachel (1 September 2009). I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure. HarperCollins. ISBN 9780061726842.
  9. ^ Smith, Larry; Fershleiser, Rachel (5 January 2010). It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure. HarperCollins. ISBN 9780061719431.
  10. ^ «Books: Local bestsellers». The Denver Post. 5 February 2009.
  11. ^ Norton, John (9 July 2008). «The Short, Happy Lives of Teachers». Education Week.
  12. ^ Smith, Larry (3 August 2008). «Mrs. Nixon’s Third-Graders’ Six-Word Storybook». Smith Magazine.
  13. ^ «Note to Teachers». Archived from the original on 17 April 2009.
  14. ^ Smith, Larry (8 October 2008). ««Fat man eats pie then farts»—Six-Words in Hospitals». Smith Magazine.
  15. ^ Gray, Micah (3 April 2008). «My Life in 6 Words». YouTube.
  16. ^ Handler, Daniel (1 February 2009). «Daniel Handler reads Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak». YouTube.
  17. ^ Lloyd, Emily (23 April 2013). «6 Words Minneapolis: a participatory public art project». Slideshare.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

In this post, we’re going to explore the sorts of examples of a six word memoir, and how you can write your own new 6 word memoirs. And, for the avoidance of doubt 2023 refers to the year, rather than the number of memoirs on offer!

And don’t forget that you can enter your Six Word Memoirs into the Six Word Wonder contest.

What is the meaning of memoir?

Before we think about examples of six word memoirs, we should consider what a memoir actually is.

Memoir comes from the French word, mémoire, and back to the Latin memoria. This is the same stem as memory. 

A memoir is a personal account of their past. So, a memoir is a form of autobiography.

Wikipeida describes a memoir as “any nonfiction narrative writing based in the author’s personal memories.” Google Dictionary says a memoir is “an autobiography or a written account of one’s memory of certain events or people.”

What is a 6 Word Memoir?

A six word memoir is an autobiography of your life, told in only six words. An example of a six word memoir might be:

Dreamed of flying. Still do, inside.

Six-word memoirs can expand to an entire life or take the tiniest moment in a person’s life to illustrate a broader story. You are trying to sum up your life in a sentence.

A six word memoir should be personal, thoughtful, and honest. But remember, those 6 words don’t have to be serious. The style should represent your personality. If you are the class clown, there’s no need for a deep and severe memoir. Instead, it can be light, sharp, or funny.  The best memoirs capture the essence of a person in the magic of the language used.  

Using 6 words to describe your life

Okay, six words aren’t much. Any example of a six word memoir is only going to be an element of every breath you’ve taken. You have more toes than words allowed. But there are over 1 million words in the English language, so at least you have a few options.

The secret is to select exactly the right words, the perfect words, to describe your unique life. In combination, six words theoretically gives you 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 combinations of words. And that’s only if you don’t repeat any! Ok, so you can definitely find a combination of words that is unique to you.

Take words, play with them, and capture an essence of your life.

Are Six Word Memoirs like an obituary?

When the rich and famous die, an obituary is often written to encapsulate their life. Often the more important you were, the longest your obituary.

Some people think of their six word memoir as what they imagine, or would like, their obituary to read. 

You can also think of this as what you might like written on your gravestone.

Don’t think of this morbidly. Your obituary can be joyful, dry, or tongue-in-cheek. Whatever you feel best sums you up.

An example of a six word memoir obituary might be Eric Morecambe’s classic:

I told you I was ill.

Summarize your life, in a way that makes sense to the reader, using only six words.

This is the simple task you are challenged to follow. But to really get the best and most insightful memoir, you should:

  • think deeply about who you are – things you’ve done, your personality, your likes and dislikes
  • think about how other people see you 
  • experiment with your words, language, syntax, and punctuation.

Don’t settle for your first attempt. The secret to writing a great six word memoir is to try out many angles to home in on who you really are.

Here’s a step-by-step example of how to write a great six word memoir

  1. Find a place you won’t be disturbed for ten minutes.
  2. Take out a pen and paper, or a screen and keyboard.
  3. Do a ‘First Burst’ of ideas. Try to write as many different ideas out as possible. You’re aim here is not to reach perfection straight away. The aim is to empty your head of all your possible ideas. These don’t have to be six words in length. You could just write a single phrase, a word, or a memory.
  4. Now, add to your first burst. Now, jot down more ideas by answering these questions in just a few words:
    • What characteristics best define you?
    • What are your likes and dislikes? 
    • How would your parents describe you? Your teacher? Your boss? Your best friend? Your worst enemy? Your family?
    • What are your proudest achievements? Or your biggest failures?
    • Where’s your happy place? And where are you least comfortable?
    • What are you great at doing? What do you wish you were great at doing? 
  5. You should now have filled a page (or pages) with ideas. Now, go back through what you’ve written. Look for connections and patterns. Look for words you are drawn to. Look at what phrases trigger emotions in you.  Highlight words. Move them around. Gather together the themes and repeated tropes.
  6. Now pick a word or phrase you found most interesting, and write five six word phrases that might explain to a reader what you mean. 
  7. Edit. Cut out superfluous words. Consider alternative order. Punctation. Synonyms and different words. 
  8. Narrow down your ideas to a final shortlist of memoirs you are most happy with. The ones that speak to you, or just feel right. 
  9. Share these memoirs with people you trust. Ask for their feedback.

Why use only 6 words for my memoir?

There are examples of memoirs that run to a thousand pages. There is no real limit to how many words can be written about a person.  

Six words have been found, through a lot of trial and error, to be close to the shortest amount of words that can be used to get to the heart of someone.  

Sure, there are shorter phrases. Famously, “Jesus wept,” could be an even shorter biographical summation of His life.  But getting six words allows you to expand to this example of a six word memoir:

“Born. Preached. Inspired. Betrayed. Crucified. Resurrected.”

Now, we’re getting some real detail and evolution in the story of the son of God.

By setting a fixed allotment of six words, it really forces you to think and challenge yourself. Also, for the reader, it keeps things pithy and to the point. It is very difficult to waffle on or ramble with only six words to play with.

Do you have to be old to write six word memoirs?

Now, you don’t need to have lived a long life to write a 6 word memoir. Anyone can do it. Whether you are a middle-grader or an octogenarian, you have a deep well of experience to draw from. Your personality change over time and so may the story of your life.

What’s the difference between a Six Word Memoir and a Six Word Poem, Story, or Joke?

Six Word Wonders is the phrase we use to cover all the different types of messages that can be communicated in just six words.

Many people get confused about the difference between a memoir and some of the other major forms of six word phrases, like poems, stories or jokes.

The reality is, the different varieties of six word wonder overlap. A six word memoir may also be poetic, or tell a story, or sometimes have a punchline like a joke. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, a hybrid of styles can make memoirs more interesting and engaging.

You know the truth of whether a six word memoir reflects your personal history and reality. Your reader can’t read your mind, so they can’t be certain if what you’ve written truly reflects your truth. 

Example of a six word memoir that is also a story

“Desired. Hired. Eventually tired, then retired.”

Six word stories tell a narrative, taking readers on a journey from one place to another.  Here we see the main character initially wanted, eventually grows old, and ends work. Hopefully, retirement is a happy ending!

Example of a six word memoir that is also poetry

“You, became we, became a family.”

Six word poetry communicates feelings and ideas with a special intensity, with a distinctive style and rhythm.  In the above example, an individual memoir becomes poetry thanks to the rhythm of the words, of the structure moving from one word, to two, to three as the family grows. There is also an internal rhyme between “we” and “family”.

Example of a six word memoir that is also a joke

“Well, I thought I was funny.” – Stephen Colbert

Six word jokes are intended to make you laugh. Colbert’s meta-memoir-joke hybrid reflects his own sense of irony. His memoir reads like something that might be chiseled on his gravestone.

Can a Six Word Memoir be about another person?

Many memoirs are personal and autobiographical.  But, it is also quite possible and interesting to write someone else’s biography as a six word memoir.

Pick a famous or infamous person or event. Put yourself in their shoes, and see if you can write a memoir from their perspective.

Example of Six Word Memoirs as biography

“Painted sunflowers. Severed ear. Died alone.”

In this example of a six word memoir of Vincent Van Gogh you only see a high-level selection of moments from his life. Of course, a mere 6 words can’t capture everything. But maybe in these words, there is an essence of truth hidden here.

“Tasted the apple. . . then got naked.”

Even fictional characters like Adam and Eve can get their own biography. This story is obviously being playful about the fun to be had in the garden of Eden.

“Ted. Underestimated. Celebrated. Elevated. Venerated. Assassinated.”

This story of Ted Kennedy uses six punchy words to take you step by step through periods of his life. With the added bonus of a strong word structure and rhyme.

More examples of six word memoirs

Here, each sample of a six word memoir is intended to start your imagination to come up with your own. Consider the form of the memoirs. Are they one sentence or several? Do they include elements of poetry, or story, or jokes, or all three? Do you know what the writer means? What message they are trying to get across? Do you think each example of a six word memoir was successful? Why or why not?

“Voice of angel. Face of snail.”

“Under the make-up, I was beautiful.”

“No morning aches? Check my pulse!”

“I learned to love, too late”

“Made it all afternoon without snoozing.”

“Only my son still remembers me.”

“We danced from dusk to daylight.”

“Nightmares came. I welcomed them in.”

“Met boy. Slapped boy. Left boy.”

“Realised life should just be kittens.”

“If that was love, I’m sorry.”

“My Miami Vices: burgers and fries.”

“First test I ever failed: Covid.”

“New clothes. New body. Same halitosis.”

“Last words: Is the iron unplugged?”

“With every word, I understood less.”

“Wanted to end, but held on.”

“Alone, in bed, I hear breathing.”

“My life is laundry. Rinsed. Repeat.”

“…Woke. Washed. Worked. Went out. Woke…”

Examples of Six-Word Memoirs from Reddit

You can find lots of six word memoirs and stories on Reddit’s forum.  Here’s a selection of the best

Is For Sale: Baby Shoes: Never Worn an example of a six-word memoir?

Many people’s first introduction to the six word format is the famous newspaper add (or is it Ebay these days)

“For Sale: Baby Shoes: Never Worn”

But is it a memoir? Maybe. When we read the story we get a dramatic vision of who the person selling the booties might be, why they were never worn, and why the author might be selling them.

So the six-worder undoubtedly tells the reader a narrative story.  The distinction for a memoir here is whether it’s autobiographical, a memory, or whether this is the truth one person has used to summarize their life.

Nobody has definitively proved who originally wrote Baby Shoes. Although the rumour the Ernst Hemmingway wrote it have been debunked. As a result, we will probably never know for certain if this was really a true memoir, a fictional memoir, or simply a fascinating story. 

If you think it does a job of summing up a person’s life, then it has done its job as a memoir.

Example of a six word memoir – TL/DR

Your life-story in 6 words.

Where to find more examples of Six Word Memoirs?

Hopefully, each example of a six word memoir included here has given you ideas of writing your own. One of the best ways to learn more about these little life stories is to read about them. As part of the Six Word Wonder series, we now have three books including six word stories, poems, jokes, and importantly, memoirs.

 Six Word Wonder, Six Word Story, and Six Word Stories are all available on Amazon.

I’ve written my own six word memoir. Now what?

If you have written a six word memoir you are proud of, share it with the world. Show it to your family and friends. Blog about it. Tweet it. Make it an Instagram. Add it to a six word memoir or stories Reddit board.

And why not enter it in the Six Word Wonder contest? Its free to enter, and gives you the chance to get recognition and even publication of your mini-autobiography.

Six Word Wonder Contest

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

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Six-Word Memoirs is a project founded by the U.S.-based online storytelling magazine Smith Magazine. Like that publication, Six-Word Memoirs seek to provide a platform for storytelling in all its forms.

What is the point of a 6 word memoir?

The purpose of the activity is to tell a story of your life in just 6 words. What does it mean to leave a legacy? It could mean transferring knowledge, passing on values and life lessons, or simply leaving a lasting impression for stories to be told and memories to be shared about you.

What is an example of a 6 word memoir?

For example, Stephen Colbert’s six-word memoir is “Well, I thought it was funny.” Another: “Found true love, married someone else.” There were several gems ones at the business conference I attended today. Here are a few of my favorites (all penned by people who had about five minutes to think and write.)

What is a six-word memoir for kids?

Writer and journalist Larry Smith asks an interesting question: “Can you describe your life story in six words?” He leads a project called Six-Word Memoirs. A memoir is a story about the writer’s experiences. The project allows people of all ages to share their story.

What is an example of memoir?

Common Examples of Memoir

Here are some of the most famous memoir examples that have become part of cultural consciousness: Henry David Thoreau’s Walden. Elie Wiesel’s Night. Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love.

25 related questions found

How do you start a memoir?

10 Tips for Starting a Memoir

  1. Engage the reader from the first word. A great memoir draws the reader in from the start. …
  2. Build trust with the reader. …
  3. Bring emotions out of the reader. …
  4. Lead with a laugh. …
  5. Think like a fiction writer. …
  6. Keep it relevant. …
  7. Write for the reader as well as yourself. …
  8. Be honest.

Who came up with the six-word memoir?

So below, we asked Larry Smith all about how Six-Word Memoirs came to be. How did the idea for Six-Word emoirs come about? There’s a legend that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. He wrote: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” I was inspired by that.

What is a mini memoir?

A mini memoir provides a brief snapshot of who you are, using just a small number of stories from your life so far. … Unlike a full memoir (which can be novel-length), a mini memoir is short – in most cases between 2000 and 5000 words in length.

What is the shortest story ever written?

Ernest Hemingway—perhaps at Harry’s Bar, perhaps at Luchow’s—once bet a bunch of fellows he could make them cry with a short story six words long. If he won the bet each guy would have to fork over 10 bucks. Hemingway’s six-word story was, “For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” He won the bet.

What is a six-word synthesis?

Similar to the six-word story from the flash fiction genre, the Six-Word Memoir is a writing genre for telling a personal story in six-words. … The idea was presented by Smith Magazine as a challenge, “Can you tell your life story in six words?” For example, “cursed with cancer, blessed with friends.”

How do you write a short memoir?

How to Write a Short Memoir in 6 Steps

  1. Find your theme. …
  2. Start in the action. …
  3. Use relevant anecdotes. …
  4. Apply fiction-writing strategies. …
  5. Be honest with your audience. …
  6. Edit your work.

What makes a good 6 word memoir?

What is the six-word memoir, exactly? It’s a story told in only six words, of course! This activity requires writers to boil a story down to its core, then summarize it in half a dozen words. Most writers home in on a deep topic or pivotal experience, but existential themes aren’t a requirement.

What is a six-word story examples?

The most famous example of a six-word story is frequently credited to Ernest Hemingway (though there’s little evidence that he actually wrote it): “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” In six simple words, a heartbreaking narrative is told—from the few words but also from what is left out.

Can you tell your life story in exactly six words?

Once asked to write a full story in six words, legend has it that novelist Ernest Hemingway responded: «For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.» In this spirit, Smith Magazine invited writers «famous and obscure» to distill their own life stories into exactly six words.

What are the Bluecoats 6 words?

Located on her wrist, the tattoo reads “six words.” Those six words are “you are not better than me.” “It is a constant reminder to always strive for more and to never quit no matter the circumstances.

Who first introduced the 6 word story a minimalistic style in writing?

Ernest Hemingway’s Six-Word Sequels. Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway won a bet by writing the six-word story “For sale: baby shoes.

Where does the word memoirs come from?

A memoir (/ˈmɛmwɑːr/; from French: mémoire: memoria, meaning memory or reminiscence) is any nonfiction narrative writing based in the author’s personal memories.

How long is a memoir?

Memoir word count tends to be right there in the same range as novel word count, or 60,000 to 80,000 words. Shorter than that, and you may not have enough substance to truly excite readers, you may not be going deeply enough into your story, or telling enough of it.

What makes a good memoir?

A good memoir has universality while being truthfully original. A good memoir is novelistic, with an unfolding story line, or plot, and scenes intermixed with narrative. … Different from fiction, memoir is a true story, it is your story, not the story of someone you know or characters you have created for the page.

Can you start a memoir with dialogue?

The short answer is yes, starting your novel with dialogue is a viable option. There are many ways to open a story, and that’s one of them. But you want to do it in a way that helps the reader understand the story and its characters. You want to do it for the right reasons.

What are the important guidelines to consider in selecting a topic for memoir writing?

Memoir Topics

  • Your favorite place.
  • Your best or worst day(s)
  • Your most memorable teacher(s)
  • Your most prized possession.
  • Someone you will always remember.
  • Something about your life or yourself you wish you could change.
  • Your proudest moment.
  • Winter/summer/fall.

What is a good memoir title?

You will want a memoir title that is specific, not general – one that fits with your particular story of surviving the worst, living fully, being a child prodigy, and so on. … Think of a powerful image from your story that serves as a symbol or metaphor for what your story is all about.

What are 3 features of a memoir?

Characteristics of a Memoir

  • #1. It has a specific focus. …
  • #2. It makes the subject come alive. …
  • #3. There must be an ABC story arc. …
  • #4. Memoirs are often limited in nature. …
  • #5. The story is more important than 100% accuracy. …
  • #6. The writing of a memoir is deliberate in nature. …
  • #7. …
  • #8.


  • 1 What is an example of a 6 word memoir?
  • 2 How do you write a 6 word memoir?
  • 3 What is the point of a 6 word memoir?
  • 4 What is a 6 word story example?
  • 5 What is a six word memoir for kids?
  • 6 What is a 6 word essay?
  • 7 Can you tell your story in exactly six words?
  • 8 How would you describe yourself in 6 words?
  • 9 Can a six word memoir be a question?
  • 10 What is a memoir example?
  • 11 How did 6 Word Memoirs originate?
  • 12 Who started 6 word memoir?
  • 13 What is the purpose of a 6 word story?
  • 14 What is a 6 word story called?
  • 15 Where can I submit a 6 word story?
  • 16 How do you write a memoir book?
  • 17 What is the shortest story ever written?
  • 18 Is 1000 words a short story?
  • 19 How many words should be counted so it can be considered as flash fiction?
  • 20 What was the first book ever written?
  • 21 What book has least words?
  • 22 How many pages should your first book be?

What is an example of a 6 word memoir?

For example, Stephen Colbert’s six-word memoir is “Well, I thought it was funny.” Another: “Found true love, married someone else.” There were several gems ones at the business conference I attended today. Here are a few of my favorites (all penned by people who had about five minutes to think and write.)

How do you write a 6 word memoir?

What is the point of a 6 word memoir?

The purpose of the activity is to tell a story of your life in just 6 words. What does it mean to leave a legacy? It could mean transferring knowledge, passing on values and life lessons, or simply leaving a lasting impression for stories to be told and memories to be shared about you.

What is a 6 word story example?

The most famous example of a six-word story is frequently credited to Ernest Hemingway (though there’s little evidence that he actually wrote it): “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” In six simple words, a heartbreaking narrative is told—from the few words but also from what is left out.

What is a six word memoir for kids?

Writer and journalist Larry Smith asks an interesting question: “Can you describe your life story in six words?” He leads a project called Six-Word Memoirs. A memoir is a story about the writer’s experiences. The project allows people of all ages to share their story.

By Jessica Orquina. Have you heard of six-word essays or flash fiction? It’s a unique genre of writing that focuses on sharing a meaningful story or idea in just six words. The idea of very short stories began before the digital age, but has begun to thrive recently as people share their stories via social networks.

Can you tell your story in exactly six words?

Once asked to write a full story in six words, legend has it that novelist Ernest Hemingway responded: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.” In this spirit, Smith Magazine invited writers “famous and obscure” to distill their own life stories into exactly six words.

How would you describe yourself in 6 words?

Good Words to Describe Yourself (+ Example Answers)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable. I am always the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them. …
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary. …
  • Motivated / Ambitious / Leader. …
  • Honest / Ethical / Conscientious. …
  • Friendly / Personable / Extrovert.

Can a six word memoir be a question?

This is the place to pose a question to the Six Word community. Engage, comment, question, and answer.

What is a memoir example?

Common Examples of Memoir

Here are some of the most famous memoir examples that have become part of cultural consciousness: Henry David Thoreau’s Walden. Elie Wiesel’s Night. Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love.

How did 6 Word Memoirs originate?

There’s a legend that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. He wrote: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” I was inspired by that. … The idea is as simple as it sounds: tell the story of your life in exactly six words. Those six words can be an attempt to sum up your whole life.

Who started 6 word memoir?

LARRY SMITH is the founder and editor of SMITH Magazine, best known for launching the Six-Word Memoir® project. Six Words is a bestselling books series, live events program, board game, and form of self-expression employed to spark self-expression and hone missions in classrooms, boardrooms and corporate retreats.

What is the purpose of a 6 word story?

A Six-Word Story should provide a movement of conflict, action, and resolution that gives the sense of a complete story transpiring in a moment’s reading.

What is a 6 word story called?

A six-word story or memoir is just that—a story written in six words or less. Occasionally, you’ll find some “six-word stories” that are longer than six words.

Where can I submit a 6 word story?

In six words, write a story about your next-generation pet. Submit stories on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or email us at mail@wired.com. We’ll choose one to illustrate.

How do you write a memoir book?

How to write a memoir

  1. Narrow your focus. …
  2. Include more than just your story. …
  3. Tell the truth. …
  4. Put your readers in your shoes. …
  5. Employ elements of fiction to bring your story to life. …
  6. Create an emotional journey. …
  7. Showcase your personal growth.

What is the shortest story ever written?

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” is a six-word story, generally attributed to Ernest Hemingway, although the link to him is unsubstantiated.

Is 1000 words a short story?

How Long Should a Short Story Be? The average short story should run anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 words, but they can be anything above 1,000 words.

How many words should be counted so it can be considered as flash fiction?

There is no defined word count for flash fiction, but some commonly used word limits in flash fiction range from just six words on the short end to around 1,000 words on the longer end. A complete plot. A flash fiction story is indeed a story, with a beginning, middle, and end.

What was the first book ever written?

The first ever books

The first book ever written that we know of is The Epic of Gilgamesh: a mythical retelling of an important political figure from history.

What book has least words?

1. “Baby Shoes” by Hemingway. This is 20th-century American author Ernest Hemingway’s famous six-word story.

How many pages should your first book be?

Number of pages in a book for a first-time author

For a first release, 200 pages are enough. One can also look at authors like Chetan Bhagat, who even today continue to release books well below the 300-page mark.

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Six-word stories are more than just a buzzword or internet craze. With one of the most popular examples penned by Ernest Hemingway himself, six-word stories are a unique take on memoirs. How do you want to write your life story?

Jump ahead to these sections: 

  • What’s a Six-Word Story or Memoir?
  • Steps for Writing a Six-Word Story
  • Example Six-Word Stories

A six-word story is exactly what it sounds like: six words that say something powerful, express a feeling, or share something intimate about your life. They’re a form of legacy, emphasizing the way that words have power and meaning. You don’t need a long-winded narrative to find meaning in your words (or story). 

Whether you’re looking to write a memoir, learn from the master writers, or just practice with a fun writing exercise, six-word stories are a great place to start. In this guide, we’ll share how to write great six-word stories or memoirs as well as some examples for inspiration. 

What’s a Six-Word Story or Memoir?

What’s a Six-Word Story or Memoir?

Six-word stories rest on one key concept: brevity is a virtue. Sure, you could wax poetic about your memories and how you want to be remembered, but there’s power in getting to the point.

A six-word story or memoir is just that—a story written in six words or less. Occasionally, you’ll find some “six-word stories” that are longer than six words. This isn’t a hard-and-fast rule by any means. The foundation of this writing exercise is to simply say more with less. 

William Faulkner, one of the greatest southern writers, put this feeling into words with his infamous quote. He says, “In writing, you must kill all your darlings.” 

This doesn’t mean to strip away everything that has meaning to you. On the contrary, this is a way to get to the heart of the matter. When you “kill your darlings,” you’re getting rid of everything unnecessary, all the flowery language that simply obstructs the view of the true core of your message. 

In creative writing, you can’t afford to get too attached to the characters, language, or plot lines. Everything is dispensable when it comes to the overall story. Sometimes that means making hard choices, stripping away everything extra, and going back to the basics. 

This is true of some of the greatest writing of all time. The best memoirs all rely on this idea of stripping away the unnecessary. It’s impossible to put someone’s entire story into words.

This would take years and wouldn’t even be interesting to read. Instead, writers craft the full narrative into something easier, something meaningful. This is the heart of the six-word story or memoir. 

Steps for Writing a Six-Word Story

Steps for Writing a Six-Word Story

Anyone can write a six-word story, regardless of experience or skill. Because they’re so short, they’re perfect for artist statements, writing exercises, and even complex jumping-off points for larger retellings.

Here are the steps to follow if you want to write your own six-word story or memoir. 

Step 1: Create a clear story

To begin, you’ll need a storyline. Though six-word stories are short, they still follow the same general rules as traditional narratives. This means they have a beginning, middle, and end. More particularly, they have a movement of conflict, action, and resolution.

These are the elements that make a story more than just a statement. There is a real feeling, and it’s easy to get a clear picture of the six-words in your mind. 

This is easier said than done, but consider some different conflicts. To make this relevant to your own life like a memoir, what are some obstacles you’ve overcome? Where do they begin and where do they end? Journaling or talking with a friend can help with this process.

Step 2: Start writing

Next, start jotting down ideas. You don’t need to limit yourself to six-words (yet). We’ll get to that later. To start, write your story as you would if you had no restrictions. Use symbols, imagery, and add characters as needed. 

Get a feel for the setting and place of your story. Step inside it and see it for what it is. Six-word stories commonly rely on imagery or symbolism to make an impact. Try to identify which symbols or images relate the most to what you’ve written so far. 

Remember, symbols come in all shapes and sizes. Small symbols often convey large concepts. The fewer words you need to express these symbols, the better. 

» MORE: Grief can be lonely. Create space for your community to share memories and tributes with a free online memorial from Cake.

Step 3: Find your punchline

Your punchline is the “a-ha” moment. It’s that “oh, now I get it” realization that all six-word stories have in common. This is when there’s a real turning point in the narrative. You can think of this as a plot twist, moment of emotional realization, or anything that makes sense to you. 

How does the punchline appear in your story? What’s your big reveal? It’s common to start with context or place, followed by the punchline. The story might end here, or there might be some form of resolution. It’s not uncommon for these six-word stories or memoirs to be left unresolved. Consider what it is your readers should feel and work to craft that feeling. 

Step 4: Kill your darlings

Last but not least, kill your darlings. As Faulkner said, this is an essential part of the writing process. Take what you’ve written thus far and strip it to the bare bones. What do you have left?

What’s the most powerful part of your story? What makes the ready go “a-ha!” with a moment of epiphany, for better or worse. If you can’t bring it down to six words, don’t stress yourself. Let it sit for a while and return later, seeing if there’s anything else that doesn’t need to be there. 

Writing is an evolution. There’s no such thing as “perfect,” though there is such a thing as “done.” Sometimes the latter is better than the former, so know when it’s time to walk away and call your work a finished masterpiece. 

Tip: Aside from writing about someone’s memory, a great way to capture what they mean to you is with a memorial diamond from Eterneva or a custom urn from Foreverence. Everyone wants to be remembered when they’re gone. 

Example Six-Word Stories

Six-word stories grapple with a lot of different themes and concepts. They’re often highly personal, and they rely on small and large symbols to make a powerful impact. Some are memoirs included in obituaries, and others are purely fictional. 

These stories supposedly began as Ernest Hemingway’s response to a bet that it wasn’t possible to write a story in six words. Though this has since been debunked, it is true that Hemingway proved his point. 

Let’s look at some examples so you can understand how six-word stories work in action. As you’ll quickly discover, it is possible to sum up an entire novel of feelings in just a few words.

For more six-word story inspiration, visit Six Word Stories to submit your own and browse categories. 

» MORE: An online memorial is a perfect ending to honor and celebrate someone’s life. Create one for free.

Funny six-word story examples

“I’m beside myself; cloning machine works.” 
«I leave. Dog panics. Furniture shopping.” 
“Coffee before art? Goodbye straight lines.” 
“‘Reading for Dummies,’ somehow, never sold.” 

Sad six-word story examples

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” 
“‘I’ll be back tomorrow.’ Years ago.” 
“Selling parachute: never opened, slightly stained.” 
“The smallest coffins are the heaviest.” 
“Imagined adulthood. Gained adulthood. Lost imagination.” 

Love-related six-word story examples

“Left handed woman seeks Mr. Right.” 
“Rainy evening, two strangers, one umbrella.” 
“They lived happily ever after. Separately.”
“He loves her, they’re ‘just friends.’”
“Best weekend ever. He never called.” 

Say More With Less: Six-Word Stories

Storytelling takes many forms, but six-word stories are one of the shortest and most unique. You’ve likely encountered six-word stories or memoirs in your own life, but have you ever written one yourself? Though this is quite the creative writing challenge, it’s also an opportunity to put into words the feelings that are hard to capture. 

Whether these six-word stories help you understand feelings of grief, loss, or even joy, they’re a unique way to see the world. Words are their own form of art. They’re a legacy we leave of the stories we’ve told. Though six-word stories might be short, they’re worth so much more than the number of characters on the page. 


“Six Word Stories.” Six Word Stories. SixWordStories.net



Six-Word Memoirs are life stories conveyed in six words. Since being introduced by the online literary magazine Smith Magazine in November 2006, this extremely concise narrative form has been adapted into writing exercises in classrooms, #sixwords messages on Twitter, as well as some short-form monologue videos on YouTube.


In November 2006, Smith Magazine[3], an online literary magazine founded by Larry Smith in January that year, asked its readers to submit six-word memoirs via Twitter using the hashtag #sixwords.[4] A small selection of the entries were then compiled and published into a book titled «Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure» on February 5th, 2008.[1] According to the publisher’s description, the project was inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s classic six word flash fiction, “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”[6] On April 3rd, 2008, YouTuber micahsamaniac uploaded a video titled «My Life in 6 Words,» in which he sums up his life story as «a roller coaster ride of unbelievable events» and instructs the viewers to share their own six-word memoirs.


Smith Magazine compiled several more six word memoir collections including «I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets» (2009), «Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak» (2009), and «It All Changed in an Instant.» (2010). The #sixwords hashtag continues to be popular on Twitter, with over 3,000 tweets using the hashtag in February 2014 alone.[5]

Notable Examples

Tweets about «#sixwords»

Search Interest

External References

Legend has it that Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” In November 2006, SMITH Magazine re-ignited the recountre by asking our readers for their own Six-Word Memoirs. They sent in short life stories in droves, from the bittersweet (“Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends”) and poignant (“I still make coffee for two”) to the inspirational (“Business school? Bah! Pop music? Hurrah”) and hilarious (“I like big butts, can’t lie”).

Since then, Six-Word Memoir project has become a global phenomenon and a bestselling book series. Six-Word Memoirs have been featured in hundreds of media outlets from NPR to The New Yorker, covered on tens of thousands of blogs, and, as of Summer 2010, can be found inside 1 million Honest Tea bottle caps.

Hundreds of thousands of people have shared their own short life story at smithmag.net, as well as in classrooms, churches, and at live Six-Word “slams” across the world. The Six-Word Memoir exemplifies the best of SMITH Magazine’s storytelling mission: populist, participatory, inspirational, and addictive. From speed dating to parlor games, to conferences and staff retreats, Six-Word Memoirs have become a powerful tool to inspire conversation around a big idea, and a simple way for individuals to break the ice.

Anticipating the microblogging explosion, SMITH originally launched Six-Word Memoirs in November 2006 as a simple online challenge asking:
“Can you tell your life story in six words?”

In a partnership with Twitter (among the company’s first outside projects), SMITH’s followers were sent one six-word story a day. Within weeks, the blogosphere was buzzing about the challenge. The rest is history…

Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure was published on Feb. 5, 2008, making The New York Times bestseller list, and named one of Amazon’s Top 100 books of 2008.

• NPR’s 12-minute “Talk of the Nation” segment on the book was the No. 1 most e-mailed piece on all of NPR.org for three straight weeks.

• With 950 credited contributors, Not Quite What I Was Planning may be the most “crowdsourced” book in publishing history. Each contributor received a copy of the book and a promotion kit. Hundreds spread the word.

• In May 2008, Harper Perennial signed SMITH to a five-book deal, including Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak, Six-Word Memoirs by Teens (Sept. 2009), and, most recently. It All Changed in An Instant:More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure (Jan. 2010).

Everyone has a six-word story. What’s yours? We hope you’re become a part of SMITH Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir project, one which gets better and better with each contribution.

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