What if excel 2011 mac


  1. Введение в анализ «что если»
  2. Дополнительные сведения
  3. What if Excel Mac?
  4. Calculate Multiple Results by Using a Data Table in Excel for Mac
  5. What is the IF Function in Excel for Mac?
  6. Where is the IF Function in Excel?
  7. How do you Write an if Statement in Excel?
  8. How do I do a What-if Analysis in Excel?
  9. Excel if Statement on Apple
  10. Table of Contents
  11. Introduction to What-If Analysis
  12. Need more help?

Введение в анализ «что если»

С помощью средств анализа «что если» в Excel вы можете экспериментировать с различными наборами значений в одной или нескольких формулах, чтобы изучить все возможные результаты.

Например, можно выполнить анализ «что если» для формирования двух бюджетов с разными предполагаемыми уровнями дохода. Или можно указать нужный результат формулы, а затем определить, какие наборы значений позволят его получить. В Excel предлагается несколько средств для выполнения разных типов анализа.

Обратите внимание на то, что в этой статье приведен только обзор инструментов. Подробные сведения о каждом из них можно найти по ссылкам ниже.

Анализ «что если» — это процесс изменения значений в ячейках, который позволяет увидеть, как эти изменения влияют на результаты формул на листе.

В Excel предлагаются средства анализа «что если» трех типов: сценарии, таблицы данных и подбор параметров. В сценариях и таблицах данных берутся наборы входных значений и определяются возможные результаты. Таблицы данных работают только с одной или двумя переменными, но могут принимать множество различных значений для них. Сценарий может содержать несколько переменных, но допускает не более 32 значений. Подбор параметров отличается от сценариев и таблиц данных: при его использовании берется результат и определяются возможные входные значения для его получения.

Помимо этих трех средств можно установить надстройки для выполнения анализа «что если», например надстройку Поиск решения. Эта надстройка похожа на подбор параметров, но позволяет использовать больше переменных. Вы также можете создавать прогнозы, используя маркер заполнения и различные команды, встроенные в Excel.

Для более сложных моделей можно использовать надстройку Пакет анализа.

Сценарий — это набор значений, которые сохраняются в Excel и могут автоматически подставляться в ячейки на листе. Вы можете создавать и сохранять различные группы значений на листе, а затем переключиться на любой из этих новых сценариев, чтобы просмотреть другие результаты.

Предположим, у вас есть два сценария бюджета: для худшего и лучшего случаев. Вы можете с помощью диспетчера сценариев создать оба сценария на одном листе, а затем переключаться между ними. Для каждого сценария вы указываете изменяемые ячейки и значения, которые нужно использовать. При переключении между сценариями результат в ячейках изменяется, отражая различные значения изменяемых ячеек.

1. Изменяемые ячейки

2. Ячейка результата

1. Изменяемые ячейки

2. Ячейка результата

Если у нескольких человек есть конкретные данные в отдельных книгах, которые вы хотите использовать в сценариях, вы можете собрать эти книги и объединить их сценарии.

После создания или сбора всех нужных сценариев вы можете создать сводный отчет по сценариям, в который включаются данные из этих сценариев. В отчете по сценариям все данные отображаются в одной таблице на новом листе.

Примечание: В отчетах по сценариям автоматический пересчет не выполняется. Изменения значений в сценарии не будут отражается в уже существующем сводном отчете. Вам потребуется создать новый сводный отчет.

Если вы знаете нужный результат формулы, но не знаете, какое входные значения требуется для получения этого результата, используйте функцию «Поиск окна». Предположим, что вам нужно занять денег. Вы знаете, сколько вам нужно, на какой срок и сколько вы сможете выплачивать каждый месяц. С помощью средства подбора параметров вы можете определить, какая процентная ставка вам подойдет.

Ячейки B1, B2 и B3 — это значения для суммы займа, длины срока и процентной ставки.

Ячейка B4 отображает результат формулы =PMT(B3/12;B2;B1).

Примечание: В средстве поиска окна можно ввести только одно значение переменной. Если вы хотите определить несколько входных значений, например сумму займа и сумму ежемесячного платежа по кредиту, используйте надстройка «Надстройка «Найти решение». Дополнительные сведения о надстройки «Решение» см. в разделе Подготовка прогнозов и расширенных бизнес-моделей ипо ссылкам в разделе См. также.

Если у вас есть формула с одной или двумя переменными либо несколько формул, в которых используется одна общая переменная, вы можете просмотреть все результаты в одной таблице данных. С помощью таблиц данных можно легко и быстро проверить несколько возможностей. Поскольку используются всего одна или две переменные, результат можно без труда прочитать или опубликовать в табличной форме. Если для книги включен автоматический пересчет, данные в таблицах данных сразу же пересчитываются, и вы всегда видите свежие данные.

Ячейка B3 содержит входные значения.
Ячейки C3, C4 и C5 являются значениями, Excel заменяются на основе значения, введенного в ячейку B3.

В таблицу данных нельзя помещать больше двух переменных. Для анализа большего количества переменных используйте сценарии. Несмотря на то что переменных не может быть больше двух, можно использовать сколько угодно различных значений переменных. В сценарии можно использовать не более 32 различных значений, зато вы можете создать сколько угодно сценариев.

При подготовке прогнозов вы можете использовать Excel для автоматической генерации будущих значений на базе существующих данных или для автоматического вычисления экстраполированных значений на основе арифметической или геометрической прогрессии.

Вы можете заполнить ряд значений, которые соответствуют простому линейному или экспоненциальному тренду роста, с помощью ручки заполнения или команды Ряд. Для расширения сложных и нелинейных данных можно использовать функции или средство регрессионного анализа надстройки «Надстройка анализа».

В средстве подбора параметров можно использовать только одну переменную, а с помощью надстройки Поиск решения вы можете создать обратную проекцию для большего количества переменных. Надстройка «Поиск решения» помогает найти оптимальное значение для формулы в одной ячейке листа, которая называется целевой.

Над решением работает группа ячеек, связанных с формулой в целевой ячейке. «Решение» изменяет значения изменяемых ячеек, которые вы указываете (регулируемые ячейки), чтобы получить результат, который вы указываете из формулы целевой ячейки. Ограничения можно применять для ограничения значений, которые можно использовать в модели, а ограничения могут ссылаться на другие ячейки, влияющие на формулу целевой ячейки.

Дополнительные сведения

Вы всегда можете задать вопрос специалисту Excel Tech Community или попросить помощи в сообществе Answers community.


What if Excel Mac?

Posted in mac | 2022-03-20

Calculate Multiple Results by Using a Data Table in Excel for Mac

In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > What-if Analysis > Data Table. In Excel for Mac 2011: On the Data tab, under Analysis, click What-If, and then click Data Table. In the Row input cell box, enter the reference to the input cell for the input values in the row. Type B4 in the Row input cell box.

What is the IF Function in Excel for Mac?

The IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if True or False. So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False.

Where is the IF Function in Excel?

Click the spreadsheet cell where you wish to use the Excel formula. From the Formulas tab, click Insert function … In the Insert Function dialog text box , type “if”.

How do you Write an if Statement in Excel?

The OR function is a logical function to test multiple conditions at the same time. OR returns either TRUE or FALSE. For example, to test A1 for either «x» or «y», use =OR (A1=»x»,A1=»y»).

How do I do a What-if Analysis in Excel?

Select the cell containing the value you want to change.
From the Data tab, click the WhatIf Analysis command, then select Goal Seek from the dropdown menu.
A dialog box will appear with three fields: .
When youre done, click OK.
The dialog box will tell you if Goal Seek was able to find a solution.

Excel if Statement on Apple

Table of Contents

Calculate Multiple Results by Using a Data Table in Excel for Mac


Introduction to What-If Analysis

By using What-If Analysis tools in Excel, you can use several different sets of values in one or more formulas to explore all the various results.

For example, you can do What-If Analysis to build two budgets that each assumes a certain level of revenue. Or, you can specify a result that you want a formula to produce, and then determine what sets of values will produce that result. Excel provides several different tools to help you perform the type of analysis that fits your needs.

Note that this is just an overview of those tools. There are links to help topics for each one specifically.

What-If Analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet.

Three kinds of What-If Analysis tools come with Excel: Scenarios, Goal Seek, and Data Tables. Scenarios and Data tables take sets of input values and determine possible results. A Data Table works with only one or two variables, but it can accept many different values for those variables. A Scenario can have multiple variables, but it can only accommodate up to 32 values. Goal Seek works differently from Scenarios and Data Tables in that it takes a result and determines possible input values that produce that result.

In addition to these three tools, you can install add-ins that help you perform What-If Analysis, such as the Solver add-in. The Solver add-in is similar to Goal Seek, but it can accommodate more variables. You can also create forecasts by using the fill handle and various commands that are built into Excel.

For more advanced models, you can use the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

A Scenario is a set of values that Excel saves and can substitute automatically in cells on a worksheet. You can create and save different groups of values on a worksheet and then switch to any of these new scenarios to view different results.

For example, suppose you have two budget scenarios: a worst case and a best case. You can use the Scenario Manager to create both scenarios on the same worksheet, and then switch between them. For each scenario, you specify the cells that change and the values to use for that scenario. When you switch between scenarios, the result cell changes to reflect the different changing cell values.

1. Changing cells

1. Changing cells

If several people have specific information in separate workbooks that you want to use in scenarios, you can collect those workbooks and merge their scenarios.

After you have created or gathered all the scenarios that you need, you can create a Scenario Summary Report that incorporates information from those scenarios. A scenario report displays all the scenario information in one table on a new worksheet.

Note: Scenario reports are not automatically recalculated. If you change the values of a scenario, those changes will not show up in an existing summary report. Instead, you must create a new summary report.

If you know the result that you want from a formula, but you’re not sure what input value the formula requires to get that result, you can use the Goal Seek feature. For example, suppose that you need to borrow some money. You know how much money you want, how long a period you want in which to pay off the loan, and how much you can afford to pay each month. You can use Goal Seek to determine what interest rate you must secure in order to meet your loan goal.

Cells B1, B2, and B3 are the values for the loan amount, term length, and interest rate.

Cell B4 displays the result of the formula =PMT(B3/12,B2,B1).

Note: Goal Seek works with only one variable input value. If you want to determine more than one input value, for example, the loan amount and the monthly payment amount for a loan, you should instead use the Solver add-in. For more information about the Solver add-in, see the section Prepare forecasts and advanced business models, and follow the links in the See Also section.

If you have a formula that uses one or two variables, or multiple formulas that all use one common variable, you can use a Data Table to see all the outcomes in one place. Using Data Tables makes it easy to examine a range of possibilities at a glance. Because you focus on only one or two variables, results are easy to read and share in tabular form. If automatic recalculation is enabled for the workbook, the data in Data Tables immediately recalculates; as a result, you always have fresh data.

Cell B3 contains the input value.
Cells C3, C4, and C5 are values Excel substitutes based on the value entered in B3.

A Data Table cannot accommodate more than two variables. If you want to analyze more than two variables, you can use Scenarios. Although it is limited to only one or two variables, a Data Table can use as many different variable values as you want. A Scenario can have a maximum of 32 different values, but you can create as many scenarios as you want.

If you want to prepare forecasts, you can use Excel to automatically generate future values that are based on existing data, or to automatically generate extrapolated values that are based on linear trend or growth trend calculations.

You can fill in a series of values that fit a simple linear trend or an exponential growth trend by using the fill handle or the Series command. To extend complex and nonlinear data, you can use worksheet functions or the regression analysis tool in the Analysis ToolPak Add-in.

Although Goal Seek can accommodate only one variable, you can project backward for more variables by using the Solver add-in. By using Solver, you can find an optimal value for a formula in one cell—called the target cell—on a worksheet.

Solver works with a group of cells that are related to the formula in the target cell. Solver adjusts the values in the changing cells that you specify—called the adjustable cells—to produce the result that you specify from the target cell formula. You can apply constraints to restrict the values that Solver can use in the model, and the constraints can refer to other cells that affect the target cell formula.

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You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or get support in the Answers community.


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By using What-If Analysis tools in Excel, you can use several different sets of values in one or more formulas to explore all the various results.

For example, you can do What-If Analysis to build two budgets that each assumes a certain level of revenue. Or, you can specify a result that you want a formula to produce, and then determine what sets of values will produce that result. Excel provides several different tools to help you perform the type of analysis that fits your needs.

Note that this is just an overview of those tools. There are links to help topics for each one specifically.

What-If Analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet.

Three kinds of What-If Analysis tools come with Excel: Scenarios, Goal Seek, and Data Tables. Scenarios and Data tables take sets of input values and determine possible results. A Data Table works with only one or two variables, but it can accept many different values for those variables. A Scenario can have multiple variables, but it can only accommodate up to 32 values. Goal Seek works differently from Scenarios and Data Tables in that it takes a result and determines possible input values that produce that result.

In addition to these three tools, you can install add-ins that help you perform What-If Analysis, such as the Solver add-in. The Solver add-in is similar to Goal Seek, but it can accommodate more variables. You can also create forecasts by using the fill handle and various commands that are built into Excel.

For more advanced models, you can use the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

A Scenario is a set of values that Excel saves and can substitute automatically in cells on a worksheet. You can create and save different groups of values on a worksheet and then switch to any of these new scenarios to view different results.

For example, suppose you have two budget scenarios: a worst case and a best case. You can use the Scenario Manager to create both scenarios on the same worksheet, and then switch between them. For each scenario, you specify the cells that change and the values to use for that scenario. When you switch between scenarios, the result cell changes to reflect the different changing cell values.

worst case scenario

1. Changing cells

2. Result cell

best case scenario

1. Changing cells

2. Result cell

If several people have specific information in separate workbooks that you want to use in scenarios, you can collect those workbooks and merge their scenarios.

After you have created or gathered all the scenarios that you need, you can create a Scenario Summary Report that incorporates information from those scenarios. A scenario report displays all the scenario information in one table on a new worksheet.

excel scenario summary report

Note: Scenario reports are not automatically recalculated. If you change the values of a scenario, those changes will not show up in an existing summary report. Instead, you must create a new summary report.

If you know the result that you want from a formula, but you’re not sure what input value the formula requires to get that result, you can use the Goal Seek feature. For example, suppose that you need to borrow some money. You know how much money you want, how long a period you want in which to pay off the loan, and how much you can afford to pay each month. You can use Goal Seek to determine what interest rate you must secure in order to meet your loan goal.

Goal Seek

Cells B1, B2, and B3 are the values for the loan amount, term length, and interest rate.

Cell B4 displays the result of the formula =PMT(B3/12,B2,B1).

Note: Goal Seek works with only one variable input value. If you want to determine more than one input value, for example, the loan amount and the monthly payment amount for a loan, you should instead use the Solver add-in. For more information about the Solver add-in, see the section Prepare forecasts and advanced business models, and follow the links in the See Also section.

If you have a formula that uses one or two variables, or multiple formulas that all use one common variable, you can use a Data Table to see all the outcomes in one place. Using Data Tables makes it easy to examine a range of possibilities at a glance. Because you focus on only one or two variables, results are easy to read and share in tabular form. If automatic recalculation is enabled for the workbook, the data in Data Tables immediately recalculates; as a result, you always have fresh data.

Mortgage Loan Analysis

Cell B3 contains the input value. 
Cells C3, C4, and C5 are values Excel substitutes based on the value entered in B3.

A Data Table cannot accommodate more than two variables. If you want to analyze more than two variables, you can use Scenarios. Although it is limited to only one or two variables, a Data Table can use as many different variable values as you want. A Scenario can have a maximum of 32 different values, but you can create as many scenarios as you want.

If you want to prepare forecasts, you can use Excel to automatically generate future values that are based on existing data, or to automatically generate extrapolated values that are based on linear trend or growth trend calculations.

You can fill in a series of values that fit a simple linear trend or an exponential growth trend by using the fill handle or the Series command. To extend complex and nonlinear data, you can use worksheet functions or the regression analysis tool in the Analysis ToolPak Add-in.

Although Goal Seek can accommodate only one variable, you can project backward for more variables by using the Solver add-in. By using Solver, you can find an optimal value for a formula in one cell—called the target cell—on a worksheet.

Solver works with a group of cells that are related to the formula in the target cell. Solver adjusts the values in the changing cells that you specify—called the adjustable cells—to produce the result that you specify from the target cell formula. You can apply constraints to restrict the values that Solver can use in the model, and the constraints can refer to other cells that affect the target cell formula.

Need more help?

You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or get support in the Answers community.

See Also


Goal Seek

Data Tables

Using Solver for capital budgeting

Using Solver to determine the optimal product mix

Define and solve a problem by using Solver

Analysis ToolPak Add-in

Overview of formulas in Excel

How to avoid broken formulas

Detect errors in formulas

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Excel functions (alphabetical)

Excel functions (by category)

Need more help?

In Excel 2016 for Mac: Click Data > What-if Analysis > Data Table. In Excel for Mac 2011: On the Data tab, under Analysis, click What-If, and then click Data Table. In the Row input cell box, enter the reference to the input cell for the input values in the row. Type B4 in the Row input cell box.


  • 1 Where is the what-if analysis in Excel?
  • 2 How do I add add-ins in Excel for Mac?
  • 3 How do I turn on data analysis in Excel?
  • 4 Why is what if analysis not working in Excel?
  • 5 What are examples of if scenarios?
  • 6 Why is a sensitivity analysis important?
  • 7 How do you do a what-if analysis data table?
  • 8 Why should a financial analyst conduct a sensitivity analysis?
  • 9 How do I get Data Analysis on Excel for Mac?
  • 10 How do I use analysis ToolPak in Excel for Mac?
  • 11 Can I use Excel on Macbook Pro?
  • 12 What is Data Analysis on Excel?
  • 13 How does Microsoft Excel help analyze statistical data?
  • 14 Do tables make Excel slower?
  • 15 Which tab holds the what if analysis option?
  • 16 Do what if analysis with Goal Seek?
  • 17 What are the disadvantages of what if analysis?
  • 18 How do I do a what if analysis Goal Seek in Excel?
  • 19 What is the difference between sensitivity analysis and what if analysis?
  • 20 What are the limitations of sensitivity analysis?

Where is the what-if analysis in Excel?

On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click What-If Analysis. 2. Click Scenario Manager. The Scenario Manager dialog box appears.

How do I add add-ins in Excel for Mac?

To install the add-in, follow these simple steps.

  1. Open Excel.
  2. From the top-level Mac menubar, click the Tools menu and select Excel Add-ins… to open the Add-ins dialog.
  3. If the Add-In is listed, simply check it in the list.
  4. If the Add-In is not listed, use Browse to select it, and click Open.
  5. Press OK.
  6. Done!

How do I turn on data analysis in Excel?

Click the File tab, click Options, and then click the Add-Ins category. In the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins and then click Go. In the Add-Ins box, check the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK.

Why is what if analysis not working in Excel?

If it looks as though your data table is not working, try hitting “F9” to recalculate the entire worksheet. You can also adjust how Excel is set up by hitting Alt-T-O and then going to the “Calculations” tab in Excel 2003 or the “Formulas” section in Excel 2007.

What are examples of if scenarios?

An example of what-if analysis would be to ask: what would happen to my revenue if I charged more for each loaf of bread? In the simple case, where the volume of bread sold doesn’t depend on the price of the bread, the analysis is very easy. An X% rise in the price per loaf will lead to an X% increase in sales.

Why is a sensitivity analysis important?

Conducting sensitivity analysis provides a number of benefits for decision-makers. First, it acts as an in-depth study of all the variables. Because it’s more in-depth, the predictions may be far more reliable. Secondly, It allows decision-makers to identify where they can make improvements in the future.

How do you do a what-if analysis data table?

Do the analysis with the What-If Analysis Tool Data Table

  1. Select the range of cells that contains the formula and the two sets of values that you want to substitute, i.e. select the range – F2:L13.
  2. Click the DATA tab on the Ribbon.
  3. Click What-if Analysis in the Data Tools group.
  4. Select Data Table from the dropdown list.

Why should a financial analyst conduct a sensitivity analysis?

Sensitivity analysis helps one make informed choices. Decision-makers use the model to understand how responsive the output is to changes in certain variables. Thus, the analyst can be helpful in deriving tangible conclusions and be instrumental in making optimal decisions.

How do I get Data Analysis on Excel for Mac?

Solver and Data Analysis Add-ins for Excel for Mac 2019

  1. Open Excel for Mac 2019.
  2. Go to the Tools menu, select “Add-ins”
  3. Check “Solver Add-in” and “Analysis ToolPak” then click OK.
  4. Select the “Data” tab, then select “Solver” or “Data Analysis”.

How do I use analysis ToolPak in Excel for Mac?

Click the File tab, click Options, and then click the Add-Ins category. In the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins and then click Go. If you’re using Excel for Mac, in the file menu go to Tools > Excel Add-ins. In the Add-Ins box, check the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK.

Can I use Excel on Macbook Pro?

Fun fact: There’s a version of Microsoft Office written just for Mac. So you can use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on a Mac just like on a PC.So you can use all the apps you love on your Mac, and have access to your mail, contacts, and calendar from the office, all at the same time.

What is Data Analysis on Excel?

Data Analysis with Excel is a comprehensive tutorial that provides a good insight into the latest and advanced features available in Microsoft Excel. It explains in detail how to perform various data analysis functions using the features available in MS-Excel.

How does Microsoft Excel help analyze statistical data?

Excel can help you by recommending, and then, automatically creating PivotTables, which are a great way to summarize, analyze, explore, and present your data. A pivot table may be used as an interactive data summarization tool to automatically condense large datasets into a separate, concise table.

Do tables make Excel slower?

If you have a large set data than you should avoid using excel data tables. They use a lot of computer resources and can slow down the performance of Excel file. So, if it is not necessary, avoid using Data table for faster calculation of formulas. This will increase formula calculation speed.

Which tab holds the what if analysis option?

From the Data tab, click the What-If Analysis command, then select Goal Seek from the drop-down menu.

Do what if analysis with Goal Seek?

The Goal Seek Excel function (often referred to as What-if-Analysis) is a method of solving for a desired output by changing an assumption that drives it. The function essentially uses a trial and error approach to back-solving the problem by plugging in guesses until it arrives at the answer.

What are the disadvantages of what if analysis?

However, “What If” technique also shows one major drawback; there is a high risk of missing hazards when this technique is used by non expert personnel.This result in the hazard review being simultaneously shorter, more efficient, and better documented.

How do I do a what if analysis Goal Seek in Excel?

Go to the Data tab > Forecast group, click the What if Analysis button, and select Goal Seek… In the Goal Seek dialog box, define the cells/values to test and click OK: Set cell – the reference to the cell containing the formula (B5). To value – the formula result you are trying to achieve (1000).

What is the difference between sensitivity analysis and what if analysis?

So “What If?” analysis is used broadly for techniques that help decision makers assess the consequences of changes in models and situations. Sensitivity analysis is a more specific and technical term generally used for assessing the systematic results from changing input variables across a reasonable range in a model.

What are the limitations of sensitivity analysis?

Weaknesses of sensitivity analysis

  • It assumes that changes to variables can be made independently, e.g. material prices will change independently of other variables.
  • It only identifies how far a variable needs to change; it does not look at the probability of such a change.

In B1 enter:


and in C1 enter:


enter image description here


To cover the case in which the data cell does not contain either A or B or 0, use these formulas in B1 and C1:




If you can guarantee that A1 contains either A or B or 0, then you don’t need a complex If structure. You can use:


enter image description here

  1. 01-25-2015, 11:52 PM


    Bell82 is offline

    Registered User

    Formula for an IF statement on a MAC excel 2011 version


    I need urgent help putting together what i think will be an»IF» statement together.


    I have 2 sheet’s «Raw Data» and «Summary» within the the same file

    I want to Auto fill some text into cell A1 in the «Summary» tab from A1 to A6 in the «Raw Data» tab but only list the result once. (So if I had «Builder» listed three times between A1 and A6 in «Raw Data» tab it would still only show once in the «Summary» Tab.

    Then I would like another calculation for the B column where the system is to add all the «builder» values up and total them for me.

    See attached examples


  2. 01-26-2015, 03:57 AM


    rabbita is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Formula for an IF statement on a MAC excel 2011 version


    I think the best option here is to use a pivot table — I enclosed the example file below. Hope it helps.



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