What health problems do these children have choose the correct word nick has the flu

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    What health problems do these children have?

    Choose the correct word.

    1 I have eaten much jam.

    Now I have headache / earache / stomachache.

    2 Ruth has got toothache.

    She should go to the pediatrician / dentist / surgeon.

    3 I didn‟t go to school because I had cold / a cold.

    4 Jack has a sore throat.

    He must use a plaster / put ice / put a warm compress.

    5 Joe‟s cat has broken its leg.

    Joe should take him to the surgeon / vet / pediatrician.

    Вы зашли на страницу вопроса What health problems do these children have?, который относится к
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    работа по английскому языку   6 класс

    теме  «Твое здоровье зависит от тебя?»


    1. Reading

    is a story from the book «Charlie and the Chocolate Factory» by R.


    cruel weather went on and on. 

    every day, Charlie Bucket grew thinner and thinner. His face became
    frighteningly white. The skin was drawn so tightly over the cheeks that you
    could see the shapes of the bones underneath. It seemed doubtful whether he
    could go on much longer like this without becoming dangerously ill. 

    now, very calmly, he began to make little changes here and there in some of the
    things that he did, so as to save his strength. In the mornings, he left the
    house ten minutes earlier so that he could walk slowly to school, without ever
    having to run. He sat quietly in the classroom during break, resting himself,
    while the others rushed outdoors and threw snowballs and wrestled in the snow.
    Everything he did now, he did slowly and carefully.

    Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

    Charlie Bucket looked like a skeleton. ___

    2. The boy began
    to save his strength. ___

    3. Charlie  Bucket
    didn’t go to school. ___

    4. Charlie had a
    rest during the break. ___

    5. During the
    break Charlie  played snowballs in the street. ___

    2. Vocabulary


    1. What time is
    it when you should  go to the dentist?

    a. in an ambulance

    2. How does a
    very sick man go to hospital?

    b. a cold

    3.What can go up
    and come down without moving?

    c. toothache

    4. What can you
    catch but not throw?

    d. laughter

    5. What is the
    best medicine?

    e. the

    3. Grammar

    Use should or shouldn’t:

    You ___ clean your teeth every day.

    You ___  run in corridor.

    You ___ have a medical check.

    You ___ take care of yourself.

    You ___ play computer games much.

    Translate into English:

    a. Ты уже помыл руки?

    b. Мы
    только что позвонили доктору.

    c. Сегодня
    я приехал в школу на велосипеде.

    d. Он уже
    был на медосмотре в этом году.

    e. Она еще
    не посоветовалась с врачом.

    работа по английскому языку   6 класс

    теме  «Твое здоровье зависит от тебя?»



    Francesco came to
    hospital with his parents.

    What happened in
    the hospital?

         Francesco said
    goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other
    boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an
    operation this morning, and so he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had
    an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils out (
    удалят гланды) tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill
    had his appendix taken out.

         When Rubin woke
    up, the three boys talked for a while. Bill remembered something and pushed his
    button to call the nurse.

         “Have you
    forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom came to the doorway.

         “The doctor said
    you shouldn’t have one tonight,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?”

         “No,” said Bill.

         In a few
    minutes, Bill was asleep. Francesco missed his parents. But it was good to know
    that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was
    glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him.

         “And tomorrow
    I’ll meet some more new friends,” he thought, and then he fell asleep.

    “The Young Children’s Encyclopedia”)

    1. The information
    is true or false

        a) Mrs Bloom had
    .                                   c) Rubin will
    have an operation

        b) Francesco works
    in the hospital
    .                              d) Bill has had the
    operation on his tonsils


    1. If you don’t
    want to have the flu you should follow some advice.

    Fill in the gaps
    with MUST, MUSTN’T and SHOULDN’T.

    0 You shouldn’t
    put ice in your juice.

    1 You ___ visit a

    2 You ___ go to

    3 You ___ go
    without a warm sweater.

    4 You ___ stay in

    5 You ___ spend
    much time in shops.

    2. Here is the
    doctor’s report about Jane’s visit.

    Fill in the doctor’s

       Jane (0) has never had (have) toothache. She (1) ___ never ___ (break) her arms. But she (2) ___ (break) her leg last year. She (3) ___ already ___ (go) to the hospital this year and (4) ___ just ___ (have) a medical check. She (5) ___ (be) an absolutely healthy girl.

    4. What health
    problems do these children have?

    Choose the correct

    0 Nick doesn’t
    feel bad/  well    and he has gone to the doctor’s.

    1 I have eaten
    much jam. Now I have headache/earache/stomachache.

    2 Ruth has got
    toothache. She should go to the pediatrician/dentist/surgeon.

    3 I didn’t go to
    school because I had cold/a cold.

    4 Jack has a sore
    throat. He must use a plaster/put ice/put a warm compress.

    5 Joe’s cat has
    broken its leg. Joe should take him to the surgeon/vet/pediatrician.


    How well do you
    know British and American culture?

    Mark the
    statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.

    1. 16.00 is
      fourteen o’clock. ___
    2. Your medical
      history is notes about your health. ___
    3. Maize is an
      animal. ___
    4. Turtles
      usually have elephantlike legs. ___
    5. A general
      practitioner is a family doctor. ___


    Вариант — 1

    1. Reading

    1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F

    2. Vocabulary

    1.c; 2. a; 3. e;
    4. b; 5.d


    1. a.
    should; b. shouldn’t; c. should; d. should; e. shouldn’t.

    a. Have you already washed your hands.

    We have just phoned the doctor.

    c. I
    have ridden a bike to school today.

    He has already had a medical check this year.

    She has not consulted the doctor yet.

    Вариант 2

    What health problems do these children have?

    Choose the correct word.

    1 I have eaten much jam. Now I have headache/earache/stomachache.

    2 Ruth has got toothache. She should go to the pediatrician/dentist/surgeon.

    3 I didn‟ t go to school because I had cold/a cold.

    4 Jack has a sore throat. He must use a plaster/put ice/put a warm compress.

    5 Joe‟ s cat has broken its leg. Joe should take him to the surgeon/vet/pediatrician

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    Главная » Английский язык » What health problems do these children have? Choose the correct word. 1 I have eaten much jam. Now I have headache/earache/stomachache. 2 Ruth has got toothache. She should go to the pediatrician/dentist/surgeon.

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