What follows after word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

And we all know what follows after

Out of the chaos and uncertainty will come changes that will set the scene for what follows after Ascension.

Из хаоса и неопределенности придут перемены, которые подготовят почву для того, что последует за Вознесением.

Although they have never been able to capture the action from the very beginning, as well is very interesting that, what follows after they terminated their activity.

Хотя они никогда не смогли захватить действие с самого начала, это очень интересно и то, что следует после того, как они прекращают свою деятельность.

Whether or not it lives up to that hype will largely be determined by what follows after the historic meeting in Singapore in the coming weeks and months.

Действительно ли это оправдывает, что ажиотаж во многом будет определяться тем, что следует после исторической встречи в Сингапуре в ближайшие недели и месяцы.

Unfortunately for her, the step-brother wakes up, catching her red-handed… what follows after that will be more than surprising!

К сожалению для нее, брат просыпается, ловя ее с поличным… что следует после, что будет дальше!

So what follows after the Easter festival?

Texts by Holy Fathers, modern elders, priests, orthodox psychologists about spiritual delusion and related topics: what is pride and vainglory, which Saints to pray to be cured from spiritual delusion, what follows after concealment of sins.

Тексты святых отцов, современных старцев, священников, православных психологов о духовной прелести и связанных с этим вопросах: что такое гордость и тщеславие, смирение и послушание, каким святым молиться об исцелении от прелести, к чему приводит утаивание грехов на исповеди.

«I believe we have a better chance of getting to the nuclear problem with North Korea if we first come to an agreement with China about what follows after the collapse of the North Korean regime,» Mr. Kissinger said.

«Я верю, что у нас есть лучшие шансы для того, чтобы решить ядерные проблемы с Северной Кореей, если мы первыми придем к соглашению с Китаем о том, что же будет вместо коллапса корейского режима», — заявил Киссинджер.

The story revolves around Kyo Kusanagi one of Japan’s team when they reach the end of the King of Fighters ’95 tournament and what follows after they get back to Japan.

История вращается вокгруг Кё Кусанаги — одного из команды Японии -, во время того как они закончили турнир Король Бойцов ’95 и после того, как они вернулись в Японию.возможн

What follows after that is that they even stop developing themselves.

Это в конце концов приводит к тому, что они перестают быть самими собой.

What follows after that could vary.

What follows after this «virtual» first contact is…

What follows after the First Resurrection?

What follows after repentance?

What follows after the taking of the pledge?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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I have a string that contains the following :

a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)

and i want to search for Test and get what it follows after it.

i tried string.includes("Test") but it only returns true or false

asked Mar 13, 2019 at 13:35

brxnzaz's user avatar


You could match the wanted word and take all characters after.

var string = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)',
    part = string.match(/Test(.*$)/)[1];

If the string is likely not to match, you could add a default array for a null value and get undefied instead of a nonmatched part.

var string = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)',
    part = (string.match(/TestX(.*$)/) || [])[1];

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 13:38

Nina Scholz's user avatar

Nina ScholzNina Scholz

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A simple way to do this is to split() the Sting on the text you want and the result[1] will be the text after the splitting string.


var s = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)';
var splitText = 'Test'
var result = s.split(splitText)[1];

Hope that helps.

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 13:41

user3094755's user avatar


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You may use a capture group inside a regular expression to capture everything after the matched pattern (your string). Below tests if you found it, if you did the value will be stored in the $1 of the RegExp object.

const str = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)'

if ( /Test(.*)$/.test(str) )

Here is another way to functionalize the above:

const text = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)'
console.log( trailing(text, 'Test') )

function trailing(str, pattern){
  const re = new RegExp(`${pattern}(.*)$`)
  if ( re.test(str) )
    return RegExp.$1.toString()
  return '' // false and default condition

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 13:51

Mike's user avatar


1,2797 silver badges18 bronze badges


You can get the index of word and then get the substring.

let str = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)',
    word = 'Test',
    substring = '';
if(str.indexOf(word) > -1) {
    substring = str.substr(str.indexOf(word) + word.length);

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 13:41

Hassan Imam's user avatar

Hassan ImamHassan Imam

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I believe lastIndexOf and substr is a easy fit for your case:

let text = 'a test here as well .... Test: 1- (link) 2- (link)'
let position = text.lastIndexOf('Test: ')
let result = position > -1 ? text.substr(position + 6) : ''

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 13:43

Erick Petrucelli's user avatar

Erick PetrucelliErick Petrucelli

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  • First you need to get index of the element that you searched: indexOf
  • After that you can get extracted text that includes your keyword using slice method.

I have also created a demo that helps you to understand.

const getAfterText = (allText, keyword) => {
  return allText.slice(allText.indexOf(keyword));

answered Mar 13, 2019 at 14:04

Halit Ogunc's user avatar


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the first one is grammatically incorrect and the second one says what comes after this word

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    1st: what does it imply, what does it suggest. 2nd: what does it mean

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    «What does this mean?» is natural! «What this is mean» is not natural.

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    both are slangs that generally mean the same thing. They can be used interchangeably.

    same as what’s up? OR what’s happening?

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    «What means this word» is not grammatical. «What does this word mean?» is the correct way to say this.

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The Wikipedia article: Colon_(punctuation) gives (reformatted; I’ve italicised the most relevant comments) a good overview of the uses and conditions of use of the colon:

The most common use of the colon is to inform the reader that what
follows the colon proves, explains, defines, describes, or lists
elements of what preceded it. [It elaborates on what comes before the colon.]
In modern American English usage, a complete sentence precedes a colon, while a list, description, explanation, or definition follows
it. The elements which follow the colon may or may not be a complete
sentence: since the colon is preceded by a sentence, it is [conventionally regarded as] a complete
sentence whether what follows the colon is another sentence or not.
While it is acceptable to capitalize the first letter after the colon
in American English, [this] is not [usually considered to be] the case in British English.

colon used before list

Williams was so hungry he ate everything in the house: chips, cold
pizza, pretzels and dip, hot dogs, peanut butter and candy.

colon used before a description

Jane is so desperate that she’ll date anyone, even Tom: he’s uglier
than a squashed toad on the highway, and that’s on his good days.

colon before definition

For years while I was reading Shakespeare’s Othello and criticism on
it, I had to constantly look up the word «egregious» since the villain
uses that word: outstandingly bad or shocking.

colon before explanation

I had a rough weekend: I had chest pain and spent all Saturday and
Sunday in the emergency room.

Some writers use fragments (incomplete sentences) before a colon for emphasis or stylistic preferences (to show a character’s voice in
literature), as in this example:

Dinner: chips and juice. What a well-rounded diet I have.

I’m sure that all the (four) listed types of use here have been used in at least less formal writing, for dramatic effect or conciseness.

The colon is also used in what The Punctuation Guide (J.R.’s link above) calls ‘non-grammatical’ ways (in registers where insistance on formal grammar would be silly), which include:

The colon is frequently used in business and personal correspondence.

Dear Ms. Smith:

cc: Tom Smith

Attention: Accounts Payable

Don’t forget your swimsuit.

But ‘non-grammatical’ doesn’t mean ungrammatical / unacceptable.


What follows after the word “any” ? Plural nouns of singular? Like Do you have any siblings? I wonder whether it always follows with the plural nouns?

Câu trả lời · 6

Any is followed by

Plural countable nouns or uncountable nouns.

This is in questions and negatives but not positive statements.

For example:

Do you have ANY siblings or money?

I don’t have ANY siblings or money.

It doesn’t always need a plural. For example:
Do you have any interest in history?
Do you have any time to discuss this?
Do you have any sense of humour?
Has there been any trouble here?
Why can’t we have any peace in the world?
That dog will eat any flavour of pizza.

As Andrew Wright says, «any» is followed by either a plural noun or an «uncountable» (non-count) noun. All of the examples that Richard London gave are non-count nouns, which is why they are not plural.

Some nouns can be either countable or uncountable, depending on the context. For example:

«Do you have any INTEREST in history?» (uncountable)
«Do you and your brother have any INTERESTS in common?» (countable, plural)

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