What factors determine the place and different degree of word stress

1 page, 357 words

Phoneticians divide syllables into strong (heavy) and weak (light).

A strong syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong or a short vowel plus two consonants; syllables with a short vowel and no coda are weak ones. Only strong syllables can be stressed (although not all of them), but weak syllables are never stressed. Factors that may determine the placement of stress are: the morphological structure of the word (whether it is simple, complex or compound), its grammatical category (noun, verb, adjective, etc.

The word stress in English as well as in Russian is not only free, but it may also be shifting, thus differentiating lexical units, parts of speech and grammatical forms: ? contrast – con? trast, ? transport – trans? port, ? замок – за? мок, ? мука – му? ка) and the number of syllables in the word. Besides the stress pattern of English words can vary under the influence of some factors. First of all in the present day English stress can shift under the influence of rhythm to avoid a succession of weak syllables (stress shifts to the second syllable, or the third one from the end.

In compounds the stress on a final-stressed compound tends to move to a preceding syllable if the following word begins with a strongly stressed syllable. The stress pattern can change under the influence of tempo as well; in this case secondary stresses are dropped. It sometimes happens that a word’s stress pattern is influenced not only by rhythm, but also by the stress structure of a derivative. Some linguists also distinguish tertiary stress, which is as weak as secondary but has a different distribution: it follows the primary stress, while the secondary stress precedes it. Tertiary stress is usually found in American English.

9 pages, 4195 words

The Term Paper on Stressed Syllable Stress Words Word

Speech sounds are vibrations that travel through a medium (usually air) by displacing the molecules of this medium. Depending on the consistency of the given medium, the sounds travel at different speeds and have varying intensities. This is why we sound differently when we speak under normal circumstances from when we try to talk under water and also why it is completely impossible for speech …

Word stress can be fixed (or limited to a particular syllable – the last in French, the last but one in Polish, the first in Czech) or free (or variable).

English word-stress has many peculiarities, which make it very complicated. These peculiarities are due to the fact, that in English there are many borrowed words from different languages with various rules of syllable formation. Though stress placement in English words is free it follows certain rules.

All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

1. What factors determine the place and different degrees of word stress? Some word stress conventions in Modern English are the result of different tendencies. Illustrate:
a. the recessive tendency;
b. the rhythmical tendency;
c. the retentive tendency.
2. Give possible definition and functions of the synonym. Match the lexemes with the differences: 1) a dialect difference; 2) a stylistic difference; 3) a collocational difference; 4) a difference of emotional feeling or connotation
a) insane and loony, salt and sodium chloride
b) autumn and fall, sandwich and butty
c) rancid and rotten, butter and bacon, kingly and royal
d) youth and youngster, enough and sufficient​


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Lecture 5

Word Stress

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General Notes on Word Stress.
Types of Word Stress.
Degrees of Word Stress.
Placement of Word Stress.
Common Rules of Word Stress in English.
Functions of Word Stress.


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Слайд 3: The Nature of Word Stress

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 4: The Nature of Word Stress

Word Stress
is a greater degree of prominence of a syllable or syllables as compared to the other syllables of the word

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 5: The Nature of Word Stress

Scientists about Word Stress:
D. Jones: Word Stress is the degree of force, which is accompanied by a strong force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness.
A. C. Gimson: English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon, marked by the variations in force, pitch, quality and quantity.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 6: The Nature of Word Stress

Scientists about Word Stress:
B. A. Bogoroditsky : Stress as an increase of energy, accompanied by an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity.
S. F. Leontyeva : Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 7: The Nature of Word Stress

The effect of prominence of the stressed syllable is achieved by a number of phonetic parameters:
Vowel Quality
These 4 factors usually work together in combination, but they are not equally important. The strongest effect is produced by pitch and length.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 8: The Nature of Word Stress

In the stressed syllable:
the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;
the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of resonance cavity;
the quantity of the vowel is greater, the vowel becomes longer;
the quality of the vowel is different (in unstressed syllables it is usually narrow).

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 9: The Nature of Word Stress

Word Stress
is singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound, which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 10: Types of Word Stress

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 11: Types of Word Stress

We distinguish the following types of Word Stress:
dynamic (force) stress is achieved by greater force with which the syllable is pronounced (Russian, English, French, German);
musical (tonic) stress is achieved through the change of pitch/musical tone (Japanese, Korean);
quantitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables (Russian);
qualitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel (Russian).

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 12: Types of Word Stress

English Word Stress
is traditionally defined as dynamic, but in fact, the special prominence of the stressed syllables is manifested not only through the increase of intensity, but also through the changes in the vowel quantity, consonant and vowel quality and pitch of the voice.

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 13: Degrees of Word Stress

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 14: Degrees of Word Stress

The syllables in a word are characterized by different degrees of prominence. There are as many degrees of stress in a word as there are syllables.
In English there are 3 degrees of stress :
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 15: Degrees of Word Stress

In American English there are 4 degrees of stress :
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
tertiary (on the last but one syllable in the words with suffixes -ary, -ory, -ony : ´ dictio ˏ nary.
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 16: Degrees of Word Stress

In transcription stress is indicated by placing the stress mark before the symbol of the first sound of the stressed syllable.
Primary stress is marked by a raised short vertical stroke and secondary stress is marked by a lowered one:
examination [ɪg ˏ zᴂmɪ ´ neɪʃ(ǝ)n]

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 17: Placement of Word Stress

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 18: Placement of Word Stress

According to its placement in a word,
stress can be:

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 19: Placement of Word Stress

(the position of the word stress is always the same,
it is restricted to a particular syllable):
in French (the last syllable),
in Finnish and Czech (the first syllable),
in Polish (the last but one syllable).

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 20: Placement of Word Stress

(the location of the word stress is not
confined to a specific position,
it can fall on any syllable of the word):
English, Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, etc.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 21: Placement of Word Stress

(the word stress can change
its position in different forms
of the word and its derivatives):
´ music — mu ´ sician

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 22: Placement of Word Stress

To define the position of word stress
it is necessary to take into account
a number of factors :
phonological structure of the syllable;
the number of syllables in a word;
morphological factor;
the part of speech the word belongs to;
the semantic factor.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 23: Placement of Word Stress

The phonological structure of the syllable is related to the status of a particular syllables in terms of the degree of sonority.
The sounds that possess a greater degree of sonority contribute to the greater prominence of the syllable. A syllable is strong when it contains a long vowel or a diphthong or a short vowel followed by two consonants:
a ´ rrive — de ´ velop

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 24: Placement of Word Stress

The number of syllables in a word influences the number of stresses and the position of stress.
There are stress patterns typical of two-syllable words, three-syllable words and so on.
In multi-syllable words there appears secondary stress.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 25: Placement of Word Stress

Morphological factor shows that in complex words the placement of stress depends on the type of suffix.
Suffixes are divided into:
stress-neutral (which do not affect the stress placement in the stem);
stress-fixing (which influence stress in the stem);
stress-attracting (which carry stress themselves).

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 26: Placement of Word Stress

stress-neutral (-al, -able, -en, — ful, — ing, — ish, -less, — ness, — ly, — ment ):
´ comfort – ´ comfortable ;
stress-fixing (-ion, — ic, — ity, — ial, — ive ):
´ curious — curi ´ osity ;
stress-attracting (- ade, — eer, — ee, — esque, — ette, — ain ) :
ˏ refu ´ gee, ˏ ciga ´ rette.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 27: Placement of Word Stress

The grammatical category the word belongs to:
´contrast – to con´trast
´habit – ha´bitual
´music – mu´sician
´insult – to in´sult
´record – to re´cord
´present – to pre´sent

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 28: Placement of Word Stress

The semantic factor (for compound words and words with the so-called separable prefixes).
The majority of such words have two equally strong stresses, both stressed parts are considered to be of equal semantic importance:
compound adjectives: ´ hard- ´ working, ´ blue- ´ eyed,
verbs with post positions : ´ sit ´ down, ´ take ´ off,
numerals from 13 to 19: ´ four ´ teen, ´ six ´ teen.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 29: Common Rules of Word Stress

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 30: Common Rules of Word Stress

Two-syllable words (verbs, adjectives, adverbs):
the second syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant: a ´ pply, a ´ ssist. But! ´ hone st.
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and one (or no) final consonant: ´ enter, ´ open.
Two-syllable words (nouns):
the first syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a short vowel: ´ money ;
the second syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong : es ´ tate.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 31: Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (verbs):
the last but one syllable is stressed if the last syllable contains a short vowel and ends with one consonant: de ´ termine.
the final syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or ends with more than one consonant: enter´tain.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 32: Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (nouns, adjectives):
the middle syllable is stressed if the syllable preceding the final syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant:
di ´ saster ;
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and the middle syllable contains a short vowel and ends with not more than one consonant:
´ cinema

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 33: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with prefixes:
in words with prefixes the primary stress typically falls on the syllable following the prefix:
im ´ possible, re ´ call ;
in words with prefixes with their own meaning, the place of secondary stress is on the prefix:
ˏ ex- ´ minister.
in prefixal verbs which are distinguished from similarly spelt nouns and adjectives, the second syllable is stressed:
to in ´ crease – ´ increase.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 34: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with suffixes:
suffixes -esce, -esque, -ate, -ize, -fy, -ette, -ique, -ee, -eer, — ade have stress on themselves or the preceding syllable:
ˏ mari ´ nade, ˏ specia ´ lize ;
suffixes -ical, -ic, -ion, -ity, -ial, -cient, -iency, -eous,-ual, -uous, -ety, -itous, -ive, -ative, -itude, -ident, -inal, -wards have stress on the preceding syllable:
eco ´ nomic, ma ´ jority.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 35: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words of 4 or more syllables:
The stress is on the antepenultimate syllable (third from the end):
e ´ mergency
his ´ torical

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 36: Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed when:
Compounds are written as one word : ´ bedroom.
Nouns are compounded of a verb and an adv.: ´ make-up.
The second element is stressed when:
Food items have the first element which is of a material used in manufacturing the whole : ˏ apple ´ tart.
Parts of the house are implied : ˏ front ´ door.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 37: Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed when:
Adjectives with past participle characterize people :
ˏ thick- ´ skinned.
Nouns ending in -er, -ing are followed by adverbs :
ˏ passer ´ by.
The first element of compounds is a number:
second- ´ class, three — ´ wheeler.
Compound function as an adverb :
head- ´ first.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 38: Common Rules of Word Stress

The most common types of English stress pattern
´_ _ (´after)
_´_ (be´fore)
´_ _ _ (´family)
_´_ _ (im´portance)
Some words have 2 variants of stress:
ki ´ lometer – ´ kilometer

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 39: Functions of Word Stress

Functions of Word Stress

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Word Stress

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Слайд 41: Functions of Word Stress

The constitutive function:
word stress organizes the syllables into a word
The recognitive ( identicatory ) function:
word stress makes it possible to identify and recognize a word in the chain of speech.
The distinctive function:
word stress is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms: ´ import — im ´ port.

Functions of Word Stress

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What types of word stress do you know?
How does stress perform constitutive, distinctive and recognitive function?
What is the terminology suggested by different authors to distinguish between different degrees of word stress?
What factors determine the place of word stress?


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Леонтьева С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка (на англ. яз.) /С.Ф. Леонтьева.- М., 2002. – 336 с.
Соколова М.А. Практическая фонетика английского языка /М.А. Соколова. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1997. – 384 с.
O’Connor L.D. Phonetics /L.D. O’Connor. Penguin, 1977.
Sokolova M.A. English Phonetics. A theoretical course /M.A. Sokolova. M., 1996. – 286 p.
Vassilyev V.A. English Phonetics: A theoretical Course /V.A. Vassilyev. M., 1980. – 323 p.


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