What expresses the notional content of a word

is a component of the word through which a concept is communicated
and giving to word the ability of denoting real affects, qualities,
actions and abstract notions. Inner form of the word, its meaning,
presents the semantic

of the word. The leading semantic component in the semantic structure
of a word is usually termed denotative
denotation. It expresses the notional content of a word and define
its main meaning. But in order to get a sufficiently clear picture of
what the word really means we must take into consideration the
additional meaning the word possesses — the connotative

or connotation which may be emotive,
evaluative (positive or negative), of duration, of cause
A word having several meanings is called polycemantic
the majority of English words are polys-c. The ability of words to
have more than one meaning is polysemy.
The wealth of expressive resources of a lang. depends on the degree
to which polysemy has developed in the it. The number of sounds
combinations that human speech organs can produce is limited and at a
certain stage of lang. development the production of new words by
morphemic means becomes limited. Here polysemy becomes increasing
important in providing the means for enriching the vocabulary. The
complicated process of polysemy development involves both the
appearance of new meanings and the loss of old ones. As a result of
polysemy there are cases of misunderstanding when a word is used in a
certain meaning but accepted by listener in another. In such way a
lot of jokes are made. Here the context
is a powerful preventative against confusion in meanings (a
dull razor, a dull student, a dull book/ bright color, bright metal,
bright face

21. Lexicology as a brunch of linguistics. A word. Main lexicological problems .

is a branch of linguistics studying the word — a unit of speech which
due to its meanings serves the purpose of human communication, it’s
the total of the sounds comprising it. Structurally the word
possesses several characteristics, such as the external and the
internal structures. By external
structure we mean its morphol. str-re. (post

str-e of the word, or its meaning, is referred to as the word’s
of denotative and connotative components.
Another structural aspect of the word is its unity.
The word has external
(or formal) and semantic
unity. The formal
unity of the word can best be illustrated by comparing a word and a
word-group with identical constituents. The difference between a

is best explained by their relationship with the grammatical system
of the language. The word redbreast,
is characterized by unity, possesses a single grammatical framing:
In the word-group a
red breast

each constituent can have grammatical forms of its own. Acc. to
unity in the word-group a
red breast
of the meaningful words conveys a separate concept, but the word
only one concept: the type of bird. Two of the main lexicological

have already been staffed. The problem of word-building
associated with processes of making new words. Semantics
is the study of meaning. Modern approaches to this problem are
characterized by two different level of study: syntagmatic
and paradigmatic.
the syntagmatic
the semantic structure of the word is analyzed in its immediate
relations with neighboring words, on the paradigmatic
level — in its relations with other words in the vocabulary system
meaning (work — labour) opposite meaning (to accept – to reject),
different characteristics (man – chap – guy
The main problems of paradigmatic studies are synonymy, antonymy and
functional styles. Phraseology
is the branch of lexicology specializing in word-group, which are
characterized by stability of structure and transferred meaning
of a feather-одного поля ягода
Also lexicology studies the vocabulary of a language as a system
(diachronically and synchronically).

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Aspects of Lexical MeaningLecture

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  • Aspects of Lexical MeaningLecture

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    Aspects of Lexical Meaning


    2 слайд


  • 1. THE DENOTATIONAL ASPECTThe denotational aspect of lexical meaning is the...

    3 слайд


    The denotational aspect of lexical meaning is the part of lexical meaning which establishes correlation between the name and the object, phenomenon, process or characteristic feature of concrete reality (or thought), which is denoted by the given word.
    e.g. booklet — ‘a small thin book that gives information about something’

  • Through the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is conveye...

    4 слайд

    Through the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is conveyed in the process of communication.
    The denotational aspect of lexical meaning:
    expresses the notional content of a word.
    is the component of the lexical meaning that makes communication possible.

  • 2. THE CONNOTATIONAL ASPECTThe connotational aspect of lexical meaning is th...

    5 слайд


    The connotational aspect of lexical meaning is the part of meaning which reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about. Connotation conveys additional information in the process of communication.

  • Connotation includes:The emotive charge is one of the objective semantic feat...

    6 слайд

    Connotation includes:
    The emotive charge is one of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic units and forms part of the connotational component of meaning, e.g. daddy as compared to father.
    a hovel – ‘a small house or cottage’ – implies a miserable dwelling place, dirty, in bad repair and in general unpleasant to live in.

  • synonyms

  • Evaluation, which may be positive or negative, e.g. 
clique (a small group of...

    8 слайд

    Evaluation, which may be positive or negative, e.g.
    clique (a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people) as compared to group (a set of people);
    celebrated (widely known for special achievement in science, art, sport, etc.) as compared to notorious (widely known for criminal act or bad traits of character).

  • Imagery: 
to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud, water or anything th...

    9 слайд

    to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud, water or anything that makes progress difficult). The figurative use of the word gives rise to another meaning, which is based on the same image as the first – to wade through a book ;

  • intensity/expressiveness, e.g. to adore – to worship – to love – to like;

    10 слайд

    intensity/expressiveness, e.g. to adore – to worship – to love – to like;
    connotation of cause, duration etc.

  • Thus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components.The given exam...

    14 слайд

    Thus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components.
    The given examples present only a few: emotive, evaluative connotations, and also connotations of duration and of cause.

  • 3. Examples of different types of ConnotationI. The connotation of degree or...

    15 слайд

    3. Examples of different types of Connotation
    I. The connotation of degree or intensity
    to surprise — to astonish — to amaze — to astound;
    to satisfy — to please — to content — to gratify — to delight — to exalt;
    to shout — to yell — to bellow — to roar; to like — to admire — to love — to adore — to worship

  • II. Connotation of durationto stare — to glare — to gaze — to glance — to pee...

    16 слайд

    II. Connotation of duration
    to stare — to glare — to gaze — to glance — to peep — to peer;
    to flash (brief) — to blaze (lasting);
    to shudder (brief) — to shiver (lasting);
    to say (brief) — to speak, to talk (lasting).

  • III. Emotive connotationsto stare — to glare — to gaze;
alone — single — lone...

    17 слайд

    III. Emotive connotations
    to stare — to glare — to gaze;
    alone — single — lonely — solitary;
    to tremble — to shiver — to shudder — to shake;
    to love — to admire — to adore — to worship;
    angry — furious — enraged;
    fear — terror — horror.

  • IV. The evaluative connotationwell-known — famous — notorious — celebrated;

    18 слайд

    IV. The evaluative connotation
    well-known — famous — notorious — celebrated;
    to produce — to create — to manufacture — to fabricate;
    to sparkle — to glitter;
    A.His (her) eyes sparkled with amusement, merriment, good humour, high spirits, happiness, etc. (positive emotions).
    B.His (her) eyes glittered with anger, rage, hatred,
    malice, etc. (negative emotions).

  • V. Causative connotationto sparkle - to glitter;

to shiver - to shudder;


    19 слайд

    V. Causative connotation
    to sparkle — to glitter;

    to shiver — to shudder;

    to blush — to redden.

  • VI. Connotation of Mannerto stroll — to stride — to trot — to pace — to swagg...

    20 слайд

    VI. Connotation of Manner
    to stroll — to stride — to trot — to pace — to swagger — to stagger — to stumble;
    to peep — to peer;
    to like — to admire — to love — to adore — to worship.

  • VII. The connotation of attendant circumstancesOne peeps at smb./smth. throug...

    21 слайд

    VII. The connotation of attendant circumstances
    One peeps at smb./smth. through a hole, crack or opening, from behind a screen, a half-closed door, a newspaper, a fan, a curtain, etc. It seems as if a whole set of scenery were built within the word’s meaning. It is not quite so, because «the set of scenery» is actually built in the context, but, as with all regular contexts, it is intimately reflected in the word’s semantic structure.

  • One peers at smb./smth. in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed glasses...

    22 слайд

    One peers at smb./smth. in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed glasses or windows, from a great distance; a short-sighted person may also peer at things. So, in the semantic structure of to peer are encoded circumstances preventing one from seeing clearly.

  • VII. Connotation of attendant featuresPretty – handsome – beautiful;

    23 слайд

    VII. Connotation of attendant features
    Pretty – handsome – beautiful;
    special types of human beauty:
    beautiful is mostly associated with classical features and a perfect figure;
    handsome with a tall stature, a certain robustness and fine proportions,
    pretty with small delicate features and a fresh complexion.

  • IX. Stylistic connotations(Meal). Snack, bite (coll.), snap (dial.), repast,...

    24 слайд

    IX. Stylistic connotations
    (Meal). Snack, bite (coll.), snap (dial.), repast, refreshment, feast (formal).
    These synonyms, besides stylistic connotations, have connotations of attendant features.
    Snack, bite, snap all denote a frugal meal taken in a hurry; refreshment is also a light meal; feast is a rich or abundant meal.
    (Girl). Girlie (coll.), lass, lassie (dial.), bird, birdie, jane, fluff, skirt (sl.), maiden (poet.), damsel (arch.).

  • Anecdote J a n e: Would you be insulted if that good-looking stranger offered...

    25 слайд

    J a n e: Would you be insulted if that good-looking stranger offered you some champagne?
    J o a n: Yes, but I’d probably swallow the insult.

  • 3. THE PRAGMATIC ASPECTThe pragmatic aspect is the part of lexical meaning th...

    26 слайд

    The pragmatic aspect is the part of lexical meaning that conveys information on the situation of communication. Like the connotational aspect, the pragmatic aspect falls into four closely linked together subsections.

  • 1. Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participantsSome...

    27 слайд

    1. Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participants

    Some information which specifies different parameters of communication may be conveyed not only with the help of grammatical means (tense forms, personal pronouns, etc), but through the meaning of the word.
    E.g. come and go can indicate the location of the speaker who is usually taken as the zero point in the description of the situation of communication

  • The time element is fixed indirectly. Indirect reference to time implies that...

    28 слайд

    The time element is fixed indirectly. Indirect reference to time implies that the frequency of occurrence of words may change with time and in extreme cases words may be out of use or become obsolete.
    E.g.the word behold – ‘take notice, see (smth unusual)’ as well as the noun beholder – ‘spectator’ are out of use now but were widely used in the 17th century.

  • 2. Information on the participants and the given language community;The lang...

    29 слайд

    2. Information on the participants and the given language community;

    The language used may be indicative of the social status of a person, his education, profession, etc.
    The pragmatic aspect of the word may convey information about the social system of the given language community, its ideology, religion, system of norms and customs.
    a) They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.
    b) After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

  • 3. Information on the tenor of discourseThe tenors of discourse reflect how...

    30 слайд

    3. Information on the tenor of discourse

    The tenors of discourse reflect how the addresser (the speaker or the writer) interacts with the addressee (the listener or reader).
    Tenors are based on social or family roles of the participants of communication.
    1. Don’t interrupt when your mother is speaking (family roles).
    2. There is an awful man in the front row, who butts in whenever you pause (social roles).

  • 4. Information on the register of communication    The conditions of communi...

    31 слайд

    4. Information on the register of communication

    The conditions of communication form another important group of factors. The register defines the general type of the situation of communication grading the situations in formality. Three main types of the situations of communication: formal, neutral and informal.
    I’m sorry if upset you, dear. I certainly didn’t mean to (informal).
    There are certain qualities in his works that I greatly admire (formal).
    Who is the girl I saw you with yesterday? (neutral).

Denotational   Connotational       Pragmatic aspect...

    32 слайд

    Denotational Connotational Pragmatic aspect aspect aspect

    Emotive charge
    Information on the
    ‘time and space’
    Information on the participants and
    the givenlanguage community
    Information on the tenor of discourse
    Information on the register of communication

  • IV. Componential analysis = semantic decomposition 
rests upon the thesis tha...

    33 слайд

    IV. Componential analysis = semantic decomposition

    rests upon the thesis that the sense of every lexeme can be analyzed in terms of a set of more general sense components or semantic features, some or all of which will be common to several different lexemes in the vocabulary.

  • Componential analysis attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ oppo...

    34 слайд

    Componential analysis
    attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ opposition:
    male/ female,
    animate/ inanimate,
    adult/ non-adult,
    human/ non-human.
    The sense of man might be held to combine the concepts (male, adult, human).
    The sense of woman might be held to differ from man in that it combines (female (not male), adult, human).

  • Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes. 

    35 слайд

    Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes.
    man and boy (human, male),
    man and woman (human, adult).
    There are certain verbs, such as marry, argue, that are found with subjects that are [+human]. Moreover, within the English pronoun system, he is used to refer to [human] entities that are [+male] while she is used for [human] entities that are [not male].

  • Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’According to the dictionary it ha...

    36 слайд

    Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’
    According to the dictionary it has 4 meanings:

    a man who has never married (холостяк);
    a young knight (рыцарь);
    someone with a first degree (бакалавр);
    a young male unmated fur seal (морской котик) during the mating season.

  • Bachelor...

    37 слайд



    (Human) (Animal)

    (Male) [who has the first of (Male)
    lowest academic degree]

    [who has [young knight serving [young fur seal when
    never married] under the standard of without a mate during
    another knight] the breeding time]

     [who has never [young knight serving [young fur seal when
    married] under the standard of without a mate during
    another knight] the breeding time]

  • The old bachelor finally died.  ‘Bachelor’ is not the fur seal (they are youn...

    38 слайд

    The old bachelor finally died.
    ‘Bachelor’ is not the fur seal (they are young).
    (young) => is a marker not the distinguisher.
    Theoretically there is no limit to the number of markers.
    Markers refer to the features which the lexeme has in common with other lexical items,
    a distinguisher differentiates it from all other items.
    Distinguishers can be regarded as providing a denotational distinction, while semantic markers represent conceptual components of the meaning of lexical items.

  • Componential analysis 
  gives its most important results in the study of ver...

    39 слайд

    Componential analysis
    gives its most important results in the study of verb meaning, it is an attractive way of handling semantic relations. It is currently combined with other linguistic procedures used for the investigation of meaning.

  • References:Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М.: Академи...

    40 слайд

    Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М.: Академия, 2006. – С.- 18-21.
    Гинзбург Р.З. Лексикология английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1979. – С.- 20-22.
    Бабич Н.Г. Лексикология английского языка. Екатеринбург-Москва. 2006. – С.- 61- 62.
    Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. М.; Дрофа, 2006. С. — 136-142.

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Aspects of Lexical Meaning Lecture Aspects of Lexical Meaning Lecture


1. THE DENOTATIONAL ASPECT The denotational aspect  of of lexical meaning is the part of1. THE DENOTATIONAL ASPECT The denotational aspect of of lexical meaning is the part of lexical meaning which establishes correlation between the name and the object, phenomenon, process or characteristic feature of concrete reality (or thought), which is denoted by the given word. e. g. booklet — — ‘‘ a small thin book that gives information about something’

Through the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is conveyed in the process ofThrough the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is conveyed in the process of communication. The denotational aspect of lexical meaning: 1. 1. expresses the notional content of a word. 2. 2. is the component of the lexical meaning that makes communication possible.

2. THE CONNOTATIONAL ASPECT The connotational aspect  of lexical meaning is the part of meaning2. THE CONNOTATIONAL ASPECT The connotational aspect of lexical meaning is the part of meaning which reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about. Connotation conveys additional information in the process of communication.

Connotation includes: 1. 1. The emotive charge  is one of the objective semantic features properConnotation includes: 1. 1. The emotive charge is one of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic units and forms part of the connotational component of meaning, e. g. daddy as compared to to father. . a hovel – – ‘a small house or cottage’ – implies a miserable dwelling place, dirty, in bad repair and in general unpleasant to live in.

synonyms large big tremendous like love worship girlie dearie synonyms large big tremendous like love worship girlie dearie

2)2) EE valuation , which may be positive or negative, e. g.  • clique (a2)2) EE valuation , which may be positive or negative, e. g. • clique (a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people) as compared to group (a set of people); • celebrated (widely known for special achievement in science, art, sport, etc. ) as compared to notorious (widely known for criminal act or bad traits of character).

3. 3. Imagery : : • to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud,3. 3. Imagery : : • to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud, water or anything that makes progress difficult). The figurative use of the word gives rise to another meaning, which is based on the same image as the first – to to wade through a book ; ;

4)4) intensity/expressiveness , e. g.  to to adore – to worship – to love –4)4) intensity/expressiveness , e. g. to to adore – to worship – to love – to like ; ; 5)5) connotation of cause, duration etc.

Word+part of speech Denotational component Connotational component Type of connotation Lonely  adj.  Alone, Word+part of speech Denotational component Connotational component Type of connotation Lonely adj. Alone, without company‘ Melancholy, sadsad Emotive Notorious adj. Widely known For criminal act or bad traits of character Evaluative, negative Celebrate dd adj. Widely known For special achievement in science, art, etc. Evaluative, positive

To glare  adj. to look  1. steadily, lastingly  Connotation of duration  2.To glare adj. to look 1. steadily, lastingly Connotation of duration 2. in anger, rage, etcetc Emotive connotation Connotation of cause To glance v. v. to look Briefly, passingly Connotation of duration To gaze v. v. to look Steadily, lastingly in tenderness, admiration Emotive connotation. Word+part of speech Denotational component Connotational component Type of connotation

Word+p art of speech Denotatio nal componen tt Connotational component Type of connotation To To shiverWord+p art of speech Denotatio nal componen tt Connotational component Type of connotation To To shiver vv. . to tremble 1. lastingly Connotation of duration 2. usu with the cold Connotation of cause To To shudder v. v. to tremble 1. briefly Connotation of duration 2. with horror, disgust, etc. Connotation of cause Emotive connotation

Thus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components. The given examples present only aThus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components. The given examples present only a few: emotive, evaluative connotations, and also connotations of duration and of cause.

3. Examples of different types of Connotation II. .  The connotation of degree or intensity3. Examples of different types of Connotation II. . The connotation of degree or intensity to surprise — — to astonish — — to amaze — — to to astound; to satisfy — — to please — — to content — — to to gratify — — to delight — — to exalt; to shout — — to yell — — to bellow — — to roar; to like — — to admire — — to love — — to adore — — to to worship

II. Connotation of duration to stare — — to glare — — to gaze — —II. Connotation of duration to stare — — to glare — — to gaze — — to glance — — to peep — — to peer; to flash (brief) — — to blaze (lasting); to shudder (brief) — — to shiver (lasting); to say (brief) — — to speak, to talk (lasting).

III. E motive connotations to stare — — to glare — — to gaze;  aloneIII. E motive connotations to stare — — to glare — — to gaze; alone — — single — — lonely — — solitary; to tremble — — to shiver — — to shudder — — to to shake; to love — — to admire — — to adore — — to to worship; angry — — furious — — enraged; fear — — terror — — horror.

IV. The evaluative connotation well-known — — famous — — notorious — — celebrated;  toIV. The evaluative connotation well-known — — famous — — notorious — — celebrated; to produce — — to create — — to manufacture — — to to fabricate; to sparkle — to glitter; A. A. His (her) eyes sparkled with amusement, merriment, good humour, high spirits, happiness, etc. (positive emotions). B. B. His (her) eyes glittered with anger, rage, hatred, malice, etc. ( negative emotions).

V. Causative connotation to sparkle -  to glitter;  to shiver -  to shudder;V. Causative connotation to sparkle — to glitter; to shiver — to shudder; to blush — to redden.

VI. Connotation of Manner to stroll — — to stride — — to trot — —VI. Connotation of Manner to stroll — — to stride — — to trot — — to pace — — to swagger — — to stagger — — to stumble; to peep — to peer; to like — — to admire — — to love — — to adore — — to worship.

VII. The connotation of attendant circumstances One peeps at smb. /smth. through a hole,  crackVII. The connotation of attendant circumstances One peeps at smb. /smth. through a hole, crack or opening, from behind a screen, a half-closed door, a newspaper, a fan, a curtain, etc. It seems as if a whole set of scenery were built within the word’s meaning. It is not quite so, because «the set of scenery» is actually built in the context, but, as with all regular contexts, it is intimately reflected in the word’s semantic structure.

 One peers  at smb. /smth. in darkness,  through the fog, through dimmed glasses One peers at smb. /smth. in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed glasses or windows, from a great distance; a short-sighted person may also peer at things. So, in the semantic structure of to peer are encoded circumstances preventing one from seeing clearly.

VII. Connotation of attendant features Pretty – handsome – beautiful; special types of human beauty: VII. Connotation of attendant features Pretty – handsome – beautiful; special types of human beauty: beautiful is mostly associated with classical features and a perfect figure; handsome with a tall stature, a certain robustness and fine proportions, pretty with small delicate features and a fresh complexion.

IX. Stylistic connotations (Meal).  Snack, bite (coll. ),  snap (dial. ),  repast, IX. Stylistic connotations (Meal). Snack, bite (coll. ), snap (dial. ), repast, refreshment, feast (formal). These synonyms, besides stylistic connotations, have connotations of attendant features. Snack, bite, snap all denote a frugal meal taken in a hurry; refreshment is also a light meal; feast is a rich or abundant meal. (Girl). Girlie (coll. ), lass, lassie (dial. ), bird, birdie, jane, fluff, skirt (sl. ), maiden (poet. ), damsel (arch. ).

Anecdote  J a n e : Would you be insulted  if that good-looking strangerAnecdote J a n e : Would you be insulted if that good-looking stranger offered you some champagne? J o a n : Yes, but I’d probably swallow the insult.

3. THE PRAGMATIC ASPECT The pragmatic aspect  is is the part of lexical meaning that3. THE PRAGMATIC ASPECT The pragmatic aspect is is the part of lexical meaning that conveys information on the situation of communication. Like the connotational aspect, the pragmatic aspect falls into four closely linked together subsections.

1. 1.  Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participants Some information which1. 1. Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participants Some information which specifies different parameters of communication may be conveyed not only with the help of grammatical means (tense forms, personal pronouns, etc), but through the meaning of the word. E. g. come and gogo can indicate the location of of the speaker who is usually taken as the zero point in the description of the situation of communication

 The time element is fixed indirectly.  Indirect reference to time implies that the frequency The time element is fixed indirectly. Indirect reference to time implies that the frequency of occurrence of words may change with time and in extreme cases words may be out of use or become obsolete. E. g. the word behold – ‘take notice, see (smth unusual)’ as well as the noun beholder – ‘spectator’ are out of use now but were widely used in the 17 thth century.

2. Information on the participants and the given language community ; ; The language used may2. Information on the participants and the given language community ; ; The language used may be indicative of the social status of a person, his education, profession, etc. The pragmatic aspect of the word may convey information about the social system of the given language community, its ideology, religion, system of norms and customs. a) a) They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot. b) b) After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

3. Information on the tenor of discourse The tenors of discourse reflect how the addresser (the3. Information on the tenor of discourse The tenors of discourse reflect how the addresser (the speaker or the writer) interacts with the addressee (the listener or reader). Tenors are based on social or or family roles of the participants of communication. 1. 1. Don’t i nterrupt when your mother is speaking (family roles). 2. There is an awful man in the front row, who butts in whenever you pause (social roles). .

4. Information on the register of communication The conditions of communication form another important group of4. Information on the register of communication The conditions of communication form another important group of factors. The register defines the general type of the situation of communication grading the situations in formality. Three main types of the situations of communication : : formal, neutral andand informal. . 1. 1. I’m sorry if upset you, dear. I certainly didn’t mean to (informal). 2. 2. There are certain qualities in his works that I greatly admire (formal). 3. 3. Who is the girl I saw you with yesterday? (neutral). .

LEXICAL MEANING Denotational  Connotational  Pragmatic aspectaspect       aspect LEXICAL MEANING Denotational Connotational Pragmatic aspectaspect aspect Emotive charge Evaluation Imagery Intensity Connotation Information on the ‘ time and space ’’ Information on the participants and the givenlanguage community Information on the tenor of discourse Information on the register of communication

IV.  Componential analysis = semantic decomposition rests upon the thesis that the sense of everyIV. Componential analysis = semantic decomposition rests upon the thesis that the sense of every lexeme can be analyzed in terms of a set of more general sense components or semantic features, some or all of which will be common to several different lexemes in the vocabulary.

Componential analysis attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ opposition:  male/ female,  animate/ inanimate,Componential analysis attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ opposition: male/ female, animate/ inanimate, adult/ non-adult, human/ non-human. The sense of manman might be held to combine the concepts ( male, adult, human ). ). The sense of woman might be held to differ from man in that it combines ( female (not male), adult, human ). ).

Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes.  manman and boyboy (human, male),Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes. manman and boyboy (human, male), manman and woman (human, adult). There are certain verbs, such as marry, argue , that are found with subjects that are [+human]. Moreover, within the English pronoun system, hehe is used to refer to [human] entities that are [+male] while sheshe is used for [human] entities that are [not male].

Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’ According to the dictionary it has 4 meanings: 1. 1.Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’ According to the dictionary it has 4 meanings: 1. 1. a man who has never married ( холостяк ); ); 2. 2. a young knight ( рыцарь ); ); 3. 3. someone with a first degree ( бакалавр ); ); 4. 4. a young male unmated fur seal ( морской котик ) during the mating season.

Bachelor      Noun        (Human) Bachelor Noun (Human) (Animal) (Male) [who has the first of (Male) lowest academic degree ]] [who has [young knight serving [young fur seal when never married] under the standard of without a mate during another knight] the breeding time] [who has never [young knight serving [young fur seal when married] under the standard of without a mate during another knight] the breeding time]

The old bachelor finally died. .  ‘ ‘ Bachelor’ is not the fur seal (theyThe old bachelor finally died. . ‘ ‘ Bachelor’ is not the fur seal (they are young). (( young ) => is a marker not the distinguisher. Theoretically there is no limit to the number of markers. Markers refer to the features which the lexeme has in common with other lexical items, a distinguisher differentiates it from all other items. Distinguishers can be regarded as providing a denotational distinction, while semantic markers represent conceptual components of the meaning of lexical items.

Componential analysis   gives its most important results in the study of verb meaning, itComponential analysis gives its most important results in the study of verb meaning, it is an attractive way of handling semantic relations. It is currently combined with other linguistic procedures used for the investigation of meaning.

References: 1. 1. Зыкова И. В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М. : Академия, 2006. – С.References: 1. 1. Зыкова И. В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М. : Академия, 2006. – С. — 18 -21. 2. 2. Гинзбург Р. З. Лексикология английского языка. М. : Высшая школа, 1979. – С. — 20 -22. 3. 3. Бабич Н. Г. Лексикология английского языка. Екатеринбург-Москва. 2006. – С. — 61 — 62. 4. 4. Антрушина Г. Б. , Афанасьева О. В. , Морозова Н. Н. Лексикология английского языка. М. ; Дрофа, 2006. С. — 136 -142.

Слайд 1Aspects of Lexical Meaning

Aspects of Lexical Meaning Lecture




The denotational aspect of lexical meaning is the

part of lexical meaning which establishes correlation between the name and the object, phenomenon, process or characteristic feature of concrete reality (or thought), which is denoted by the given word.
e.g. booklet — ‘a small thin book that gives information about something’

  The denotational aspect of lexical meaning is the part of lexical meaning

Слайд 4Through the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is

conveyed in the process of communication.
The denotational aspect of lexical meaning:
expresses the notional content of a word.
is the component of the lexical meaning that makes communication possible.

Through the denotational aspect of meaning the bulk of information is conveyed in the process of communication.


The connotational aspect of lexical meaning is the

part of meaning which reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about. Connotation conveys additional information in the process of communication.

  The connotational aspect of lexical meaning is the part of meaning which

Слайд 6Connotation includes:
The emotive charge is one of the objective semantic features

proper to words as linguistic units and forms part of the connotational component of meaning, e.g. daddy as compared to father.
a hovel – ‘a small house or cottage’ – implies a miserable dwelling place, dirty, in bad repair and in general unpleasant to live in.

Connotation includes: The emotive charge is one of the objective semantic features proper to words as linguistic

Слайд 8Evaluation, which may be positive or negative, e.g.
clique (a small

group of people who seem unfriendly to other people) as compared to group (a set of people);
celebrated (widely known for special achievement in science, art, sport, etc.) as compared to notorious (widely known for criminal act or bad traits of character).

Evaluation, which may be positive or negative, e.g.  clique (a small group of people who seem

Слайд 9Imagery:
to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud,

water or anything that makes progress difficult). The figurative use of the word gives rise to another meaning, which is based on the same image as the first – to wade through a book ;

Imagery:  to wade – to walk with an effort (through mud, water or anything that makes

Слайд 10intensity/expressiveness, e.g. to adore – to worship – to love –

to like;
connotation of cause, duration etc.

intensity/expressiveness, e.g. to adore – to worship – to love – to like; connotation of cause, duration

Слайд 14Thus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components.
The given

examples present only a few: emotive, evaluative connotations, and also connotations of duration and of cause.

Thus, a meaning can have two or more connotational components.
 The given examples present only a few:

Слайд 153. Examples of different types of Connotation
I. The connotation of degree

or intensity
to surprise — to astonish — to amaze — to astound;
to satisfy — to please — to content — to gratify — to delight — to exalt;
to shout — to yell — to bellow — to roar; to like — to admire — to love — to adore — to worship

3. Examples of different types of Connotation I. The connotation of degree or intensity to surprise —

Слайд 16II. Connotation of duration
to stare — to glare — to gaze

— to glance — to peep — to peer;
to flash (brief) — to blaze (lasting);
to shudder (brief) — to shiver (lasting);
to say (brief) — to speak, to talk (lasting).

II. Connotation of duration to stare — to glare — to gaze — to glance — to

Слайд 17III. Emotive connotations
to stare — to glare — to gaze;
alone —

single — lonely — solitary;
to tremble — to shiver — to shudder — to shake;
to love — to admire — to adore — to worship;
angry — furious — enraged;
fear — terror — horror.

III. Emotive connotations to stare — to glare — to gaze; alone — single — lonely —

Слайд 18IV. The evaluative connotation
well-known — famous — notorious — celebrated;
to produce

— to create — to manufacture — to fabricate;
to sparkle — to glitter;
A. His (her) eyes sparkled with amusement, merriment, good humour, high spirits, happiness, etc. (positive emotions).
B. His (her) eyes glittered with anger, rage, hatred,
malice, etc. (negative emotions).

IV. The evaluative connotation well-known — famous — notorious — celebrated; to produce — to create —

Слайд 19V. Causative connotation
to sparkle — to glitter;

to shiver — to shudder;


blush — to redden.

V. Causative connotation to sparkle - to glitter;  to shiver - to shudder;  to blush

Слайд 20VI. Connotation of Manner
to stroll — to stride — to trot

— to pace — to swagger — to stagger — to stumble;
to peep — to peer;
to like — to admire — to love — to adore — to worship.

VI. Connotation of Manner to stroll — to stride — to trot — to pace — to

Слайд 21VII. The connotation of attendant circumstances
One peeps at smb./smth. through a

hole, crack or opening, from behind a screen, a half-closed door, a newspaper, a fan, a curtain, etc. It seems as if a whole set of scenery were built within the word’s meaning. It is not quite so, because «the set of scenery» is actually built in the context, but, as with all regular contexts, it is intimately reflected in the word’s semantic structure.

VII. The connotation of attendant circumstances One peeps at smb./smth. through a hole, crack or opening, from

Слайд 22One peers at smb./smth. in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed

glasses or windows, from a great distance; a short-sighted person may also peer at things. So, in the semantic structure of to peer are encoded circumstances preventing one from seeing clearly.

One peers at smb./smth. in darkness, through the fog, through dimmed glasses or windows, from a great

Слайд 23VII. Connotation of attendant features
Pretty – handsome – beautiful;
special types

of human beauty:
beautiful is mostly associated with classical features and a perfect figure;
handsome with a tall stature, a certain robustness and fine proportions,
pretty with small delicate features and a fresh complexion.

VII. Connotation of attendant features Pretty – handsome – beautiful;  special types of human beauty:

Слайд 24IX. Stylistic connotations
(Meal). Snack, bite (coll.), snap (dial.), repast, refreshment, feast

These synonyms, besides stylistic connotations, have connotations of attendant features.
Snack, bite, snap all denote a frugal meal taken in a hurry; refreshment is also a light meal; feast is a rich or abundant meal.
(Girl). Girlie (coll.), lass, lassie (dial.), bird, birdie, jane, fluff, skirt (sl.), maiden (poet.), damsel (arch.).

IX. Stylistic connotations (Meal). Snack, bite (coll.), snap (dial.), repast, refreshment, feast (formal). These synonyms, besides stylistic

Слайд 25Anecdote
J a n e: Would you be insulted if that

good-looking stranger offered you some champagne?
J o a n: Yes, but I’d probably swallow the insult.

Anecdote  J a n e: Would you be insulted if that good-looking stranger offered you some

The pragmatic aspect is the part of lexical

meaning that conveys information on the situation of communication. Like the connotational aspect, the pragmatic aspect falls into four closely linked together subsections.

3. THE PRAGMATIC ASPECT The pragmatic aspect is the part of lexical meaning that conveys information on

Слайд 27
1. Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participants


information which specifies different parameters of communication may be conveyed not only with the help of grammatical means (tense forms, personal pronouns, etc), but through the meaning of the word.
E.g. come and go can indicate the location of the speaker who is usually taken as the zero point in the description of the situation of communication

1. Information on the ‘time and space’ relationship of the participants
  Some information which specifies

Слайд 28The time element is fixed indirectly. Indirect reference to time implies

that the frequency of occurrence of words may change with time and in extreme cases words may be out of use or become obsolete.
E.g.the word behold – ‘take notice, see (smth unusual)’ as well as the noun beholder – ‘spectator’ are out of use now but were widely used in the 17th century.

The time element is fixed indirectly. Indirect reference to time implies that the frequency of occurrence of

Слайд 292. Information on the participants and the given language community;

The language

used may be indicative of the social status of a person, his education, profession, etc.
The pragmatic aspect of the word may convey information about the social system of the given language community, its ideology, religion, system of norms and customs.
a) They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.
b) After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

2. Information on the participants and the given language community;
  The language used may be indicative

Слайд 303. Information on the tenor of discourse

The tenors of discourse reflect

how the addresser (the speaker or the writer) interacts with the addressee (the listener or reader).
Tenors are based on social or family roles of the participants of communication.
1. Don’t interrupt when your mother is speaking (family roles).
2. There is an awful man in the front row, who butts in whenever you pause (social roles).

3. Information on the tenor of discourse
  The tenors of discourse reflect how the addresser (the

Слайд 314. Information on the register of communication

The conditions of

communication form another important group of factors. The register defines the general type of the situation of communication grading the situations in formality. Three main types of the situations of communication: formal, neutral and informal.
I’m sorry if upset you, dear. I certainly didn’t mean to (informal).
There are certain qualities in his works that I greatly admire (formal).
Who is the girl I saw you with yesterday? (neutral).

4. Information on the register of communication  
  The conditions of communication form another important

Denotational Connotational Pragmatic aspect

aspect aspect

Emotive charge
Information on the
‘time and space’
Information on the participants and
the givenlanguage community
Information on the tenor of discourse
Information on the register of communication

LEXICAL MEANING Denotational  Connotational    Pragmatic aspect       aspect

Слайд 33IV. Componential analysis = semantic decomposition

rests upon the thesis that

the sense of every lexeme can be analyzed in terms of a set of more general sense components or semantic features, some or all of which will be common to several different lexemes in the vocabulary.

IV. Componential analysis = semantic decomposition   rests upon the thesis that the sense of every

Слайд 34Componential analysis
attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ opposition:

animate/ inanimate,
adult/ non-adult,
human/ non-human.
The sense of man might be held to combine the concepts (male, adult, human).
The sense of woman might be held to differ from man in that it combines (female (not male), adult, human).

Componential analysis  attempts to treat components according to ‘binary’ opposition:  male/ female,  animate/ inanimate,

Слайд 35Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes.

and boy (human, male),
man and woman (human, adult).
There are certain verbs, such as marry, argue, that are found with subjects that are [+human]. Moreover, within the English pronoun system, he is used to refer to [human] entities that are [+male] while she is used for [human] entities that are [not male].

Componential analysis allows us to group entities into natural classes.  man and boy (human, male),

Слайд 36Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’
According to the dictionary it has

4 meanings:

a man who has never married (холостяк);
a young knight (рыцарь);
someone with a first degree (бакалавр);
a young male unmated fur seal (морской котик) during the mating season.

Componential analysis of the word ‘bachelor’ According to the dictionary it has 4 meanings:  a man

Слайд 37Bachelor


(Human) (Animal)

(Male) [who has the first of (Male)
lowest academic degree]

[who has [young knight serving [young fur seal when
never married] under the standard of without a mate during
another knight] the breeding time]

 [who has never [young knight serving [young fur seal when
married] under the standard of without a mate during
another knight] the breeding time]


Слайд 38The old bachelor finally died.
‘Bachelor’ is not the fur

seal (they are young).
(young) => is a marker not the distinguisher.
Theoretically there is no limit to the number of markers.
Markers refer to the features which the lexeme has in common with other lexical items,
a distinguisher differentiates it from all other items.
Distinguishers can be regarded as providing a denotational distinction, while semantic markers represent conceptual components of the meaning of lexical items.

The old bachelor finally died.   ‘Bachelor’ is not the fur seal (they are young).

Слайд 39Componential analysis
gives its most important results in the study

of verb meaning, it is an attractive way of handling semantic relations. It is currently combined with other linguistic procedures used for the investigation of meaning.

Componential analysis   gives its most important results in the study of verb meaning, it is

Слайд 40References:
Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М.: Академия, 2006. – С.-

Гинзбург Р.З. Лексикология английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1979. – С.- 20-22.
Бабич Н.Г. Лексикология английского языка. Екатеринбург-Москва. 2006. – С.- 61- 62.
Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. М.; Дрофа, 2006. С. — 136-142.

References: Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии. М.: Академия, 2006. – С.- 18-21. Гинзбург Р.З. Лексикология английского

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