What does word team means

A team is a group of individuals (human or non-human) working together to achieve their goal.

As defined by Professor Leigh Thompson of the Kellogg School of Management, «[a] team is a group of people who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, knowledge and skills and who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal».[1]

A group does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills[2]
and generate synergy[3]
through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Naresh Jain (2009) claims:

Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.[4]

While academic research on teams and teamwork has grown consistently and has shown a sharp increase over the past recent 40 years, the societal diffusion of teams and teamwork actually followed a volatile trend in the 20th century.[5] The concept was introduced into business in the late 20th century, which was followed by a popularization of the concept of constructing teams. Differing opinions exist on the efficacy of this new management fad.[6]
Some see «team» as a four-letter word: overused and under-useful.[7]

Others see it as a panacea that realizes the Human Relations Movement’s desire to integrate what that movement perceives as best for workers and as best for managers.[8]

Many people believe in the effectiveness of teams, but also see them as dangerous because of the potential for exploiting workers — in that team effectiveness can rely on peer pressure and peer surveillance.[9]
However, Hackman sees team effectiveness not only in terms of performance: a truly effective team will contribute to the personal well-being and adaptive growth of its members.[10]

English-speakers commonly use the word «team» in today’s society to characterise many types of groups. Peter Guy Northouse’s book Leadership: theory and practice[11]
discusses teams from a leadership perspective. According to the team approach to leadership, a team is a type of organizational group of people that are members.[citation needed] A team is composed of members who are dependent on each other, work towards interchangeable achievements, and share common attainments. A team works as a whole together to achieve certain things. A team is usually located in the same setting as it is normally connected to a kind of organization, company, or community. Teams can meet in-person (directly face-to-face) or virtually when practicing their values and activities or duties. A team’s communication is significantly important to their relationship.[citation needed] Ergo, communication is frequent and persistent, and as well are the meetings.[citation needed] The definition of team as an organizational group is not completely set in stone, as organizations have confronted a myriad[quantify] of new forms of contemporary collaboration. Teams usually have strong organizational structured platforms and respond quickly and efficiently to challenges as they have skills and the capability to do so.[citation needed] An effective organizational team leads to greater productivity, more effective implementation of resources, better decisions and problem-solving, better-quality products/service, and greater innovation and originality.[citation needed]

Alongside the concept of a team, compare the more structured/skilled concept of a crew, the advantages of formal and informal partnerships, or the well-defined – but time-limited – existence of task forces.

A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.[12]

Thus teams of game players can form (and re-form) to practise their craft/sport. Transport logistics executives can select teams of horses, dogs, or oxen for the purpose of conveying passengers or goods.


Of particular importance is the concept of different types of teams.[citation needed]

Categories by subject[edit]

Although the concept of a team is relatively simple, social scientists have identified many different types of teams. In general, teams either act as information processors, or take on a more active role in the task and actually perform activities. Common categories and subtypes of teams include:

Action teams[edit]

An action team is a group of people with leadership skills. It devises strategies, analyze situations and execute needed actions.

Advisory teams[edit]

Advisory teams make suggestions about a final product (Devine, 2002). For instance, a quality-control group on an assembly line would be an example of an advisory team: they may examine the products produced and make suggestions about how to improve the quality of the items being made. A product reaches the final stage and is put for sales after getting approved by the advisory teams. The advisory team consists of experts who possess extraordinary skills.

Command team[edit]

The goal of the command team is to combine instructions and to coordinate action among management. In other words, command teams serve as the «middle man» in tasks (Devine, 2002). For instance, messengers on a construction site, conveying instructions from the executive team to the builders, would be an example of a command team.[clarification needed]

Executive team[edit]

An executive team is a management team that draws up plans for activities and then directs these activities (Devine, 2002). An example of an executive team would be a construction team designing blueprints for a new building, and then guiding the construction of the building using these blueprints.

Project teams[edit]

A team used only for a defined period of time and for a separate, concretely definable purpose, often[quantify] becomes known as a project team. This category of team includes negotiation-, commission- and design-team subtypes. In general, these types of teams are multi-talented and composed of individuals with expertise in many different areas. Members of these teams might belong to different groups, but receive assignment to activities for the same project, thereby allowing outsiders to view them as a single unit. In this way, setting up a team allegedly facilitates the creation, tracking and assignment of a group of people based on the project in hand.[citation needed] The use of the «team» label in this instance often has no relationship to whether the employees work as a team.

Lundin and Soderholm define project teams as a special case in the more general category of temporary organizations which also includes task forces, program committees, and action groups. All of these are formed to «make things happen«. This emphasis on action leads to a demarcation between the temporary organization and its environment. The demarcation is driven by four interrelated concepts (the four T’s):

  1. Time – the time horizons and limits are crucial to the existence of temporary organizations «whose very existence helps spread a sense of urgency«.
  2. Task – the raison d` ètre for the temporary organization; no other party is attending to the same task at the same time in the same way
  3. Team – provides the human resources to accomplish the task in the time available
  4. Transition – an accomplishment or some sort of qualitative difference is expected after the time horizon

«The concepts also differ from the crucial concepts that define the permanent organization. Permanent organizations are more naturally defined by goals (rather than tasks), survival (rather than time), working organization (rather than team) and production processes and continual development (rather than transition)»

Sports teams[edit]

A sports team is a group of people which play sports (often team sports) together. Members include all players (even those who are waiting their turn to play), as well as support members such as a team manager or coach.

Virtual teams[edit]

Developments in information and communications technology have seen the emergence of the virtual work-team. A virtual team is a group of people who work interdependently and with shared purpose across space, time, and organisational boundaries using technology to communicate and collaborate. Virtual team members can be located across a country or across the world, rarely meet face-to-face, and include members from different cultures.[14]

In their 2009 literature-review paper, Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S. and Taha, Z. added two key issues to definition of a virtual team: «as small temporary groups of geographically, organizationally and/ or time dispersed knowledge workers who coordinate their work predominantly with electronic information and communication technologies in order to accomplish one or more organization tasks».[15] Many virtual teams are solving customer problems or generating new work processes.

Work teams[edit]

Work teams are responsible for the actual act of creating tangible products and services (Devine, 2002). The actual workers on an assembly line would be an example of a production team, whereas waiters and waitresses at a diner would be an example of a service team.

Interdependent and independent[edit]

One common distinction is drawn between interdependent and independent teams.[16] The difference is determined by the actions that the team members take while working.

Interdependent teams[edit]

A rugby team provides a clear example of an interdependent team:

  • no significant task can be accomplished without the help and cooperation of every member;
  • within their team members typically specialize in different tasks (r.r the ball, goal kicking and scrum feeding), and
  • the success of every individual is inextricably bound to the success of the whole team. No rugby player, no matter how talented, has ever won a game by playing alone.

Independent teams[edit]

On the other hand, a track-and-field team is a classic example of an independent team:[17]

  • races are run, or points are scored, by individuals or by partners
  • every person in a given job performs basically the same actions
  • how one player performs has no direct effect on the performance of the next player

If all team members each perform the same basic tasks, such as students working problems in a maths class, or outside sales employees making phone calls, then it is likely that this team is an independent team. They may be able to help each other—perhaps by offering advice or practice time, by providing moral support, or by helping in the background during a busy time—but each individual’s success is primarily due to each individual’s own efforts. Runners do not win their own races merely because the rest of their teammates did, and maths students do not pass tests merely because their neighbours know how to solve equations.

In the business environment, sales teams and traditional professionals (such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers), work in independent teams.[16] Most teams in a business setting are independent teams.[16]

Coaching differences between interdependent and independent teams[edit]

Coaching an interdependent team like a football team necessarily requires a different approach from coaching an independent team like a gymnastics team, because the costs and benefits to individual team members—and therefore the intrinsic incentives for positive team behaviors—differ markedly. An interdependent team benefits from members getting to know the other team members socially, from developing trust in each other, and from conquering artificial collective challenges (such as those offered in outdoors ropes courses)[citation needed]. Interdependent teams respond well to collective rewards, and independent teams perform better with individual rewards.[18]

Hybrid teams and hybrid rewards, which try to combine characteristics of both, are sometimes created in the hope of getting the best of both types. However, instead, they tend instead to produce the negative features of each and none of the benefits, and consequently under-perform.[18][need quotation to verify]

Pressuring teams to become independent or interdependent, on the grounds that management has decided that one type is intrinsically better than the other, results in failure.[17] The nature of the team is defined by the type of work that is done, and not by management’s wishes or by the fashions of the latest management fad.

Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary[edit]

Teams in areas of work or study such as in the medical field, may be multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary.[19]

Multidisciplinary teams involve several professionals who independently treat various issues a patient may have, focusing on the issues in which they specialise. The problems that are being treated may or may not relate to other issues being addressed by individual team members.

The interdisciplinary team approach involves all members of the team working together towards the same goal. In an interdisciplinary team approach, members of the core team will often rôle-blend, taking on tasks usually filled by people in different roles on the team.[19]

Self-directing or self-designing teams[edit]

These types of teams result in the highest potential for innovative work and motivation among its members. Team members determine the team’s objectives and the means to achieve them. The management’s only responsibility among self-directing teams is the creating the team’s organizational context.[20] Self-directed teams offer the most potential for innovation, enhance goal commitment and motivation, and provide opportunity for organizational learning and change.[20]

Team size, composition, and formation[edit]

Team size and team composition affect team processes and team outcomes. The optimal size (and composition) of teams is debated[21] and will vary depending on the task at hand. At least one study of problem-solving in groups showed an optimal size of groups at four members. Other works estimate the optimal size between 5–12 members or a number of members that can consume two pizzas.[21][22] The following extract is taken from Chong (2007):[23]

The interest in teams gained momentum in the 1980s with the publication of Belbin’s (1981)[24] work on successful teams. The research into teams and teamwork followed two lines of inquiry. Writers such as Belbin (1981, 1993),[24][25] Woodcock (1989),[26] Margerison and McCann (1990),[27] Davis et al. (1992),[28] Parker (1990),[29] and Spencer and Pruss (1992)[30] focused on team roles and how these affected team performance. These studies suggested that team performance was a function of the number and type of roles team members played. The number of roles for optimal performance varied from 15 (Davis et al., 1992)[28] to four (Parker, 1990).[29] This variation has been attributed to how roles were defined. Lindgren (1997)[31] believed that, in a social psychological sense, ‘roles’ were behaviours one exhibited within the constraints assigned by the outside world to one’s occupational position e.g. leader, manager, supervisor, worker etc. Personality traits, on the other hand, were internally driven and relatively stable over time and across situations. These traits affected behavioural patterns in predictable ways (Pervin, 1989)[32] and, in varying degrees, become part of the ‘role’ definition as well.
The other line of inquiry focused on measuring the ‘effectiveness’ of teams. Writers such as Deihl and Stroebe (1987),[33] Gersik (1988),[34] Evenden and Anderson (1992),[35] Furnham et al. (1993),[36] Cohen and Ledford (1994)[37] and Katzenbach (1998)[38] were concerned with high performing teams and the objective measurement of their effectiveness. McFadzean (2002)[39] believed that the appearance of a number of models of team effectiveness was indicative of a variety of variables such as personality, group size, work norms, status relationships, group structure etc. that can impact on team ‘effectiveness’ and its measurement.

David Cooperrider suggests that the larger the group, the better. This is because a larger group is able to address concerns of the whole system. So while a large team may be ineffective at performing a given task, Cooperider says that the relevance of that task should be considered, because determining whether the team is effective first requires identifying what needs to be accomplished.

A team of oxen yoked together

Regarding composition, all teams will have an element of homogeneity and heterogeneity. The more homogeneous the group, the more cohesive it will be. The more heterogeneous the group, the greater the differences in perspective and increased potential for creativity, but also the greater potential for conflict.

Team members normally have different roles, like team leader and agents. Large teams can divide into subteams according to need.

Many teams go through a life-cycle of stages, identified by Bruce Tuckman as: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

Team cognition[edit]

Team cognition has been defined as an «emergent state that refers to the manner in which knowledge important to team functioning is organized, represented, and distributed within team.»[40] This emergent state can manifest in two ways. Compositional emergence occurs when individual level cognition is similar in form and function to its manifestation at team-level. Compilational emergence, on the other hand, represents a greater degree of synergy among team members and represents a new-team level construct. As such, higher degrees of compilational emergence are more closely related to team process and performance than is compositional emergence.

Research into team cognition has focused on how teams develop mental models and transactive memory systems. Mental models refer to the degree in which team members have similar cognitive understanding of the situation and performance goals which include shared representations of the task. Transactive memory systems relate to how knowledge is distributed among team members and retrieved in a coordinated fashion, the way that team member rely on knowledge that is possessed by other members and how knowledge sets are differentiated within a team. The emergence of team cognition is thought to impact team effectiveness because it can positively affect a team’s behavioural process, motivational states, and performance.

Team cognition consists of two broad types of content. Task related models are related to knowledge of the major duties and resources possessed by the team. Team-related models refer to interactions and interdependence among the team members.

Team effectiveness[edit]

When companies are in trouble, they often restructure into teams. However, putting people into teams does not solve problems; if not done thoughtfully, this may even cause more problems.[20] The formation of teams is most appropriate for tasks that are difficult, complex and important. These types of tasks are often beyond the skills and abilities of any single individual. However, the formation of a team to complete such tasks does not guarantee success. Rather, the proper implementation of teams is positively related to both member satisfaction and increased effectiveness. Organizations who want to receive the benefits afforded by teams need to carefully consider how teams are built and implemented. Often, teams are created without providing members any training to develop the skills necessary to perform well in a team setting. This is critical, because teamwork can be cognitively and interpersonally demanding. Even when a team consists of talented individuals, these individuals must learn to coordinate their actions and develop functional interpersonal interactions.[41] In their review of the relevant scientific literature, Kozlowski and Ilgen demonstrated that such training can greatly benefit team effectiveness.[42] Finally, teams are more likely to be successful when they are fully supported by the organization. Take for example New United Motor Manufacturing Inc (NUMMI). Originally it was a General Motors automotive manufacturing plant that had to close due to numerous issues, causing it to be the worst performing GM plant. NUMMI was the collaborative creation of General Motors and Toyota. These two companies took most of the same work force and created one of the most productive automotive plants, producing high quality cars. They did this by implementing a new team structure, where management and the company was more supportive of the union workforce.[43]

Not all groups are teams[edit]

Some people use the word «team» when they mean «employees». A «sales team» is a common example of this loose or perhaps euphemistic usage, though inter-dependencies exist in organisations, and a sales group can be let down by poor performance in other parts of the organisation upon which sales depend, like delivery, after-sales service, etc. However «sales staff» is a more accurate description of the typical arrangement.

Groups develop into teams in four stages:[44]

  1. dependency and inclusion
  2. counter dependency and fighting
  3. trust and structure
  4. work

In the first stage, group development is characterized by members’ dependency on the designated leader (identical to ‘Forming’ in Tuckman’s model). In the second stage, the group seeks to free itself from its dependence on the leader and groups have conflicts about goals and procedures (identical to ‘Storming’ in Tuckman’s model). In the third stage, the group manages to work through the conflicts (identical to ‘Norming’ in Tuckman’s model). And in the last stage, groups focus on team productivity (identical to ‘Performing’ in Tuckman’s model).[clarification needed]

One aspect of teams that can set them apart from other groups is their level of autonomy. Hackman developed a hierarchical model of team autonomy which consists of four levels of team self-management. It is imagined along a continuum, starting with a manager-led team in which team members complete the required tasks but someone outside the team performs the executive functions. As the person’s job it is who performs the executive functions is to define the goals and methods for the team, the team itself holds the sole responsibility of the execution of the work that needs to be performed.[45] Next in the hierarchy are self-managing teams, followed by self-designing teams. Finally, at the top of the hierarchy, come self-governing teams. The model describes four different types of control that fully self-governing teams can possess. These include control over the execution of the task, monitoring and managing work processes, control over the design and performance of a team, and setting the overall direction of the team.[41]

To understand how teams deliver extra performance, we need to distinguish between teams and working groups. A working group’s performance is made up of the individual results of all its individual members. A team’s performance is made up of both individual results and collective results. Teams produce work products/results though the joint contributions of team members. This is what makes the team’s collective performance greater than the sum of all individual members’ best performance. In short, a team is more than the sum of its parts.[46]


The “team” portion of team leadership is based on individuals and how each share the work between one another. First, individuals must see that they are a team, not simply a group. Each member takes on a portion of the group’s leadership and responsibility. Each member helps other members to see their strengths and how they complement each other.

Second, the team sets result driven goals. To achieve this, the designated leader guides the team based decision making process. The team clarifies or agrees on attainable goals. Additionally, they agree on steps to obtain them. Furthermore, the team determines if they need to take an immediate action, or if they can simply watch a situation for a period of time.

Third, if the team decides to take an action, it may be something they change internally, such as clarifying their goals, receiving training, collaborating, or building commitment as a team. If not internally, this action can be something they will act on outside of the team, such as networking with others or negotiating for support.

Lastly, the team’s leader will contribute by finding ways to improve team work. This may be done through questionnaires given to the team. These can address any problems, or seek avenues the team would like to see improved. A strength of the team is its continuous stride for improvement and openness to interventional assistance.

In Leadership – Theory and Practice 7th Edition by Peter G. Northouse, he states that, “A team is a type of organizational group that is composed of members who are interdependent, who share common goals, and who must coordinate their activities to accomplish these goals,” (Northouse, 363). Overall, the team will lead each other to bring forth their own individual ideas and strengths, which create opportunities for great success.

A common myth is that to function effectively, teams need a strong, powerful, and charismatic leader. In general, leaders who control all the details, manage alle the key relationships in the team, have all the good ideas, and use the team to execute their «vision» are usually overworked and underproductive.[20]

Teams are in need of transformational leaders not more managers, with the important caveat that the world does not function well without managers. Transformational leaders engage in the following behaviors:[47]

  • Idealized Influence: The ability to engage other people by your actions. They like the way that you do things, they like the way the you treat people, and they like your approach to problems. Charisma is often associated with idealized influence.
  • Inspirational Motivation: The ability to inspire others with your vision. Those who lead with inspirational motivation will enable their followers to achieve things they did not believe were possible.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: The ability to stimulate others to be creative and challenge preconceptions they possess. This behavior enables a leader to tap into creativity as a competitive advantage.
  • Individualized Consideration: The ability to truly know those that you wish to lead. This behavior enables leaders to realize and draw out the full potential of others.

See also[edit]

Look up teem or team in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to teams.

  • Air-defense experiments
  • Coalition
  • Community
  • Driving (horse)
  • Forming-storming-norming-performing
  • Group (sociology)
  • Groups of people
  • Judge–advisor system
  • Multiteam system
  • Player
  • Super-team
  • Team building
  • Team composition
  • Team management
  • Teamwork
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team


  1. ^ Thompson, Leigh (2008). Making the team : a guide for managers (3rd ed.). Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780131861350.
  2. ^
    Melsa, James L. (2009). «7: Total Quality Management». In Sage, Andrew P.; Rouse, William B. (eds.). Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management. Wiley series in systems engineering and management (2 ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. p. 347. ISBN 9780470083536. Teams must develop the right mix of skills, that is, each of the complementary skills necessary to do the team’s job.
  3. ^ Beatty, Carol A.; Barker Scott, Brenda (2004). «3: Ream Problem Solving for Pros». Building Smart Teams: A Roadmap to High Performance. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. p. 65. ISBN 9780761929567. Synergy occurs when the team’s combined output is greater than the sum of the individual inputs. Synergy creates an excess of resources.
  4. ^
    Jain, Naresh (2009). «Run marathons, not sprints». In Davis, Barbee (ed.). 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts. O’Reilly Media, Inc. p. 96. ISBN 9781449379568. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations.
  5. ^ Weiss, M. & Hoegl, M. (2015). The History of Teamwork’s Societal Diffusion: A Multi-Method Review. Small Group Research, Vol. 46(6) 589–622.
  6. ^
    Cleland, David I. (1996). Strategic Management of Teams. John Wiley & Sons. p. 132. ISBN 9780471120582. Retrieved 2014-05-05. Managers may believe that the current use of teams is a management fad that will go away in time, and the traditional vertical organizational design will once again hold forth.
  7. ^
    Compare: Marquardt, Michael J. (2011). Leading with Questions: How Leaders Find the Right Solutions By Knowing What To Ask. J-B US non-Franchise Leadership. Vol. 180. John Wiley & Sons. p. 133. ISBN 9781118046784. Retrieved 2016-03-23. Margaret Wheatley (2002) observes that in too many organizations team is a four-letter word.
  8. ^
    Compare:Dunphy, Dexter; Bryant, Ben (1996-05-01). «Teams: Panaceas or Prescriptions for Improved Performance?». Human Relations. 49 (5): 677–699. doi:10.1177/001872679604900507. S2CID 146423108.
  9. ^
    Compare:Blyton, Paul; Jenkins, Jean (2007). «Teamworking». Key Concepts in Work. SAGE Key Concepts series. London: SAGE. p. 206. ISBN 9781848607415. Retrieved 2019-02-04. In this view, teams represent the latest means of controlling the worker, where peer pressure from fellow team members adds to other managerial controls to increase the level of work intensification. […] For this view, therefore, teamworking has a ‘dark side’ of surveillance, peer pressure and self-exploitation, which augments broader management controls of work behaviour.
  10. ^
    Hackman, J. Richard (2002). «1: The Challenge». Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press. p. 29. ISBN 9781633691216. Retrieved 2019-02-04. […] I […] do not count as effective any team for which the impact of the group experience on members’ learning and well-being is more negative than positive.
  11. ^
    Northouse, Peter Guy (1997). Leadership: theory and practice. Sage Publications. p. 160. ISBN 9780803957688. Retrieved 2019-02-04. The failures of teams have also been very dramatic and visible, however, making the need for information about and understanding of team effectiveness and team leadership essential for today’s organizations […].
  12. ^ «Transforming to Transform – Preconditions to Launching as a Team».
  13. ^ Lundin, R. A.; Soderholm, A. (1995). «A Theory of the Temporary Organization». Scandinavian Journal of Management. 11 (4): 437–455. doi:10.1016/0956-5221(95)00036-U.
  14. ^ Kimble et al. (2000) Effective Virtual Teams through Communities of Practice (Department of Management Science Research Paper Series, 00/9), University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde, UK, 2000.
  15. ^ Taha, Zahari; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2009-12-21). «Virtual R& Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review». Social Science Research Network. SSRN 1530904.
  16. ^ a b c Brounstein, Marty. «Differences between Work Groups and Teams – For Dummies». www.dummies.com. Retrieved 2015-09-10. Independent-level work groups are the most common form of work groups on the business scene… staff members work on their own assignments with general direction and minimal supervision. Sales representatives, research scientists, accountants, lawyers, police officers, librarians, and teachers are among the professionals who tend to work in this fashion. People in those occupations come together in one department because they serve a common overall function, but almost everyone in the group works fairly independently. […] Members of an interdependent-level work group rely on each other to get the work done. Sometimes members have their own roles and at other times they share responsibilities. Yet, in either case, they coordinate with one another to produce an overall product or set of outcomes.
  17. ^ a b Eikenberry, Kevin (2011-02-17). Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 147–148. ISBN 9781118047552.
  18. ^ a b Gratton, Lynda (2015-01-15). The Key: How Corporations Succeed by Solving the World’s Toughest Problems (in Dutch). HarperCollins Publishers India. pp. 40–41. ISBN 9789351770220.
  19. ^ a b Ferrell, Betty; Nessa Coyle (2006). Textbook of Palliative Nursing (2 ed.). Oxford University Press US. p. 35. ISBN 978-0-19-517549-3.
  20. ^ a b c d Thompson, Leigh (2017-01-03). Making the team : a guide for managers (Sixth ed.). ISBN 978-0134484204.
  21. ^ a b «Is Your Team Too Big? Too Small? What’s the Right Number?». Knowledge@Wharton. University of Pennsylvania. 14 June 2006. Retrieved 22 November 2014.
  22. ^ Business Insider «The ‘Two Pizza Rule’ Is Jeff Bezos’ Secret To Productive Meetings» [1]
  23. ^ Chong, Eric (2007). «Role balance and team development: A study of team role characteristics underlying high and low performing teams» (PDF). Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management, Victoria University of Wellington. Retrieved 22 November 2014.
  24. ^ a b Belbin, R. M. (1981). Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  25. ^ Belbin, R. M. (1993). Team Roles at Work. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  26. ^ Woodcock, M. (1989). Team Development Manual. Gower: Aldershot.
  27. ^ Margerison, C.; McCann, D. (1990). Team Management. London: W. H. Allan.
  28. ^ a b Davis, J.; Millburn, P.; Murphy, T.; Woodhouse, M. (1992). Successful Team Building: How to Create Teams that Really Work. London: Kogan Page.
  29. ^ a b Parker, G. M. (1990). Team Players and Teamwork: The Competitive Business Strategy. Oxford: Jossey-Bass.
  30. ^ Spencer, J.; Pruss, A. (1992). Managing your team. London: Piatkus.
  31. ^ Lindgren, R. (1997). R Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles Viewed from the Perspective of the Big 5: A Content Validation. Oslo: University of Oslo.
  32. ^ Pervin, L. (1989). Personality: Theory and Research (5th ed.). New York: Wiley.
  33. ^ Deihl, M.; Stroebe, W. (1987). «Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: towards the solution of a riddle». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 53 (3): 497–509. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.53.3.497.
  34. ^ Gersick, C. J. G. (1988). «Time and transition in work teams: toward a new model of group development». Academy of Management Journal. 31 (1): 9–41. doi:10.2307/256496. JSTOR 256496.
  35. ^ Evenden, R.; Anderson, G. (1992). Making the Most of People. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  36. ^ Furnham, A.; Steele, H.; Pendleton, D. (1993). «A psychometric assessment of the Belbin team role self-perception inventory». Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 66 (3): 245–257. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8325.1993.tb00535.x.
  37. ^ Cohen, S. G.; Ledford, G. E. Jr. (1994). «The effectiveness of self-managing teams: A quasi-experiment». Human Relations. 47: 13–43. doi:10.1177/001872679404700102. S2CID 145643669.
  38. ^ Katzenbach, J. R. (1998). Teams at the Top: Unleashing the Potential of Both Teams and Individual Leaders. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  39. ^ McFadzean, E. (2002). «Developing and supporting creative problem-solving teams: Part 1 – a conceptual model». Management Decision. 40 (5/6): 463–476. doi:10.1108/00251740210430443.
  40. ^ DeChurch, L.A.; Mesmer-Magnus, J.R. (2010). «The cognitive underpinnings of effective teamwork: a meta-analysis». Journal of Applied Psychology. 95 (1): 32–53. doi:10.1037/a0017328. PMID 20085405.
  41. ^ a b Forsyth, D. R. (2006). Teams. In Forsyth, D. R., Group Dynamics (5th Ed.) (P. 351-377). Belmont: CA, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
  42. ^ Kozlowski, S. W. J.; Ilgen, D. R. (2006). «Enhancing the effectiveness of work groups and teams». Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 7 (3): 77–124. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1529-1006.2006.00030.x. PMID 26158912. S2CID 20030504.
  43. ^ O’Reilly III, Charles; Pfeffer, Jeffrey (2000). Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press. pp. 175–200. ISBN 9780875848983.
  44. ^
    Wheelan, S. (2010). Creating Effective Teams: a team for 5 to 6 naks
  45. ^ Thompson, Chao-Ying Wang Maurice. Making the Team: a Guide for Managers. Prentice-Hall, 2004.
  46. ^ Group vs Team
  47. ^ Bass, Bernard M.; Riggio, Ronald E. (2006-08-15). Transformational Leadership. BMJ: British Medical Journal. Vol. 331. p. 560. doi:10.4324/9781410617095. ISBN 9781410617095. PMC 1200593.
  • Devine, D. J. (2002). A review and integration of classification systems relevant to teams in organizations. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6, 291–310.
  • Forsyth, D. R. (2006). Teams. In Forsyth, D. R., Group Dynamics (5th Ed.) (P. 351-377). Belmont: CA, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest: a football team.

a number of persons associated in some joint action: a team of advisers.

two or more horses, oxen, or other animals harnessed together to draw a vehicle, plow, or the like.

one or more draft animals together with the harness and vehicle drawn.

a family of young animals, especially ducks or pigs.

Obsolete. offspring or progeny; lineage or stock.

verb (used with object)

to join together in a team.

Chiefly Northern U.S. Older Use. to convey or transport by means of a team; haul.

verb (used without object)

to drive a team.

to gather or join in a team, a band, or a cooperative effort (usually followed by up, together, etc.).


of, relating to, or performed by a team: a team sport; team effort.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of team

First recorded before 900; Middle English teme (noun), Old English tēam “child-bearing, brood, offspring, set of draft beasts”; cognate with Dutch toom “bridle, reins,” German Zaum, Old Norse taumr

grammar notes for team


in·ter·team, adjectiveun·der·teamed, adjectiveun·teamed, adjective

Words nearby team

tea lady, tea lead, tea leaf, tea-length, tea light, team, tea maker, teamer, team foul, team handball, teammate

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does team mean?

A team is a group of people who work together in a joint action, as in Our Academic Decathlon team was made up of some of the smartest kids in our school.

A team is also a group of people on one side of a contest or game, such as a soccer team or a trivia team.

A team is also two or more draft animals, such as horses, harnessed together to pull something, like a plow or a cart.

To team up is to form a group to work together, as in Miles and Lex teamed up to study for the big science test next month.

Example: My team is working hard on these software solutions for streaming platforms.

Where does team come from?

The first records of the term team come from before the 900s. It comes from the Old English tēam, meaning “a set of animals used to pull a load.” As time went on, the term for a group of animals was eventually expanded to also mean a group of people.

The most common use of team describes one side of a competition or sport, such as a football team or soccer team. Similarly, team can be used as an adjective as in team sport or team project.

When referring to draft animals, to team means to harness the animals together or drive them, as in When her tractor broke down, the farmer teamed her two horses to pull an old-fashioned plow in order to get the work done.

Did you know … ?

How is team used in real life?

Team is a commonly used word to describe two or more people who are working together or playing on the same side of a game.

In team vote, vast majority of Nationals players voted against going to Miami for three-game series this weekend, sources tell The Athletic. Decision will rest with MLB.

— Ken Rosenthal (@Ken_Rosenthal) July 28, 2020

2K Community 🗣

Although many of the issues seen after launch have been fixed, we know there are still others we need to resolve. Our Dev team is working around the clock to prepare an upcoming patch that will address other significant issues

Thanks for your patience 🙏

— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) September 11, 2019

Ya’ll are my support team and I love you so much for being there. Thank you.

— Stephen Ford (@StephenSeanFord) April 22, 2020

Try using team!

Which of the following is NOT a synonym for team?

A. squad
B. group
C. individual
D. crew

Words related to team

club, company, lineup, organization, party, side, squad, unit, aggregation, band, body, bunch, contingent, duo, faction, foursome, gang, outfit, pair, partners

How to use team in a sentence

  • Crover is still quite a small team, with six full-time and one part-time employee, but the company is poised to start growing after two years.

  • The team who won the league is the team who won the final game.

  • The team took the frog and beetle duo into a lab setting to observe them more closely.

  • The entire team went cold from deep in Game 7, missing all 12 of its corner 3-point tries after hitting them consistently in the first round and Games 1 through 6 of the second.

  • On weekends, the team would run up and down stairs along the city’s River Valley area.

  • But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.

  • Weeks retained an unparalleled legal team, which included bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr.

  • But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.

  • The following page details a tribute gag the Simpsons team inserted into the background of a scene.

  • Alpha Team was killed, Faal told the FBI, while the Bravo members who were not gunned down fled.

  • Accordingly, she had the boys to hitch a team to a buggy and took him driving over the great estate.

  • Well, from what little I’ve seen and heard of him, he’d be a whole team if he’s willing to throw in with us and take a chance.

  • You had better go to him, Dolly, and bid him good bye, before he takes the team to the field.

  • And the team moved on, and poor Dolly, more ashamed of her errand than ever, went into the house.

  • They booked their places and paid their money, and were proud to sit behind their friend with such a splendid team.

British Dictionary definitions for team

noun (sometimes functioning as plural)

a group of people organized to work together

a group of players forming one of the sides in a sporting contest

two or more animals working together to pull a vehicle or agricultural implement

such animals and the vehiclethe coachman riding his team

dialect a flock, herd, or brood

obsolete ancestry


(when intr, often foll by up) to make or cause to make a teamhe teamed George with Robert

(tr) US and Canadian to drag or transport in or by a team

(intr) US and Canadian to drive a team

Word Origin for team

Old English team offspring; related to Old Frisian tām bridle, Old Norse taumr chain yoking animals together, Old High German zoum bridle

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Meaning team

What does team mean? Here you find 42 meanings of the word team. You can also add a definition of team yourself




A group of users who share and collaborate on business records. A team can consist of members who all report to one business unit or members who report to different business units.





A group of individuals organized to work together to accomplish a specific objective.





Old English team «descendant, family, race, line; child-bearing, brood; company, band; set of draft animals yoked together,» from Proto-Germanic *tau(h)maz (source also of Old Norse taumr, O [..]





1550s, «to harness beasts in a team,» from team (n.). From 1841 as «drive a team.» The meaning «to come together as a team» (usually with up) is attested from 1932. Trans [..]





/ˈtiːm/ noun plural teams 1 team /ˈtiːm/ noun plural teams Learner's definition of TEAM [count] 1  : a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group a doubles [..]





A team is an organizational device bringing together persons with different skills to work toward a goal as defined by the manager appointing the team. The manager may be a working member of the team or the team may work on its own, selecting its leader from within the team. The manager, in either case, is responsible for monitoring progress of the [..]





A group whose members have complementary skills and are committed to a common purpose or set of performance goals for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. [GB] A special form of group that [..]





Two or more people working interdependently toward a common goal and a shared reward. [D02000]





A team is a group of people focused upon a particular task or goal. Typically team members have complementary expertise, co-operate with each other, and are collectively accountable for results.  Man [..]





A team of stakeholders from different functions who are brought together to achieve a common goal.  In procurement projects, cross-functional teams engage stakeholders and allow consultation and deci [..]





a cooperative unit (especially in sports) form a team; "We teamed up for this new project" two or more draft animals that work together to pull something a group of elite sol [..]





Together Everyone Accomplishes More





a group of people all helping each other in a job or game





A small, cross-functional collection of diverse, collaborating people who are aligned to a common purpose and goal. Team members trust each other and work together to achieve the goal, holding thems [..]





TEAM is an acronym for Together Empowering Al-Anon Members. For more information. Traditions





Lower case: youth offending team, Behavioural Insights team.





A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task job or project. For example:nNot whole of organisation (e.g. not all of Deakin).nCommunity of practice (shared professional interest often constructed around a single subject matter eg. knowledge management; low carb high fat nutrition science; etc)










(n) a cooperative unit (especially in sports)(n) two or more draft animals that work together to pull something(v) form a team





The European Anti-Maastricht Alliance founded during the European Summit in Edinburgh, December 1992. The organisation's name has since been changed to "European Alliance of EU-criti [..]





A number of persons associated together in work or activity. A team of health care professionals pools the talents of individuals to help the patient or client achieve the best result. [Click Here To [..]





A type of team functioning in which the persons representing each discipline (field of study) have a voice in establishing priorities for the goals to be undertaken by members of the team. [Click Here [..]





A type of team functioning in which the persons representing each discipline (field of study) set their own goals for evaluating and treating the patient/client and inform other team members of the re [..]





A type of team functioning in which the persons representing each discipline (field of study) are encouraged to deal with problems or issues as they occur during daily interactions with the patient or [..]





FTA Recipient Identification Number





in education, a group of individuals associated in some sort of joint action. It may be on a permanent basis or set up for some specific time and purpose.





Usually, four dogs exhibited by one handler.





Team of Hospital doctors and Nurses who respond immediately to Patients Suffering Cardiac Arrest.





Administrator-selected management groups who are responsible for making decisions pertaining to the provision of integrated direction for various institutional functions.





Care of Patients by a multidisciplinary team usually organized under the Leadership of a Physician; each member of the team has specific responsibilities and the whole team contributes to the care of [..]





Four players competing together. A team may include a fifth player (to act as an alternate) and a coach. Mixed Doubles have one male and one female player, and may include a coach.





Usually, four dogs exhibited by one handler.





«Team» means a Hydroelectric Application Review Team established pursuant to ORS 543A.035 (Reauthorization application and public comment), 543A.075 (Notice of intent to apply for reauthoriz [..]





In agile software development, the team refers to the cross-functional group of people that have made a collective commitment to work together to produce the work product and improve their performance over time. In addition to software development and test roles, the team may include any skill set necessary to deliver the work product.





Four, five or six players competing as a unit in bridge tournaments.





See Club.





In a chouette





four players (occasionally more, as in team-of-six) competing as a unit; See: Team-of-four





If a Game has more than two Players, they may decide to make an alliance where some Players





A team on the court has 4 players maximum and 2 players minimum with each player throwing 2 balls. A team may have one or more substitute (alternate) players on the team.





Includes an applicant (principal investigator / project director) and/or one or more co-applicants (co-investigators) or collaborators. In the case of an institutional application, the organization’s designated contact person is part of the team.





A group of individuals coming together through consensus to achieve agreed upon objectives or results. Teams may be comprised of employees of USAID and — or other Federal agencies, partners, customers [..]

Dictionary.university is a dictionary written by people like you and me.
Please help and add a word. All sort of words are welcome!

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«I’ve said to Ryan, we’ll do a tag team thing,» Deeley said deviously. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Like a tag team in a pro-wrestling match, Rep. Darrell Issa R-Calif. took over Chaffetz’s line of pointed questions and assertions after a break for a vote on the House floor. ❋ Unknown (2011)

If you are into the YA genre check out the Casts, and if you are an adult who likes racy check out J.R. Ward (not that the entire admin team is plotting to attend a J.R. Ward signing or anything like that.) ❋ Unknown (2009)

According to Claudio Luti, President of Kartell, “The Kartell-Tokujin team is founded on the creativity of both partners, on the brandʼs expertise and on the designerʼs poetry which goes far beyond technical brilliance.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

Successful producers who have remixed tunes for artists including John Legend, 50 Cent, and Kid Cudi, the tag team are busy these days on their own material. ❋ Jon Chattman (2011)

So I was arranging a tag team of three back-up sitters—not a simple logistical dance. ❋ Katherine Rosman (2011)

«Especially in these early weeks, the public will bet the name team over the small team,» said Jeff Stoneback, the Mirage’s sports-book manager. ❋ Unknown (2011)

On the night after WrestleMania, HBK turned on his partner, tossing him out of the ring during a tag team battle royal, thus ending their run with the titles. ❋ Kevin Sullivan (2010)

During a tag team encounter with the Twin Towers, a fed-up Savage slapped Hulk Hogan across the face before ultimately walking out of the match, effectively ending their nearly year-long union. ❋ Kevin Sullivan (2010)

With Rocky III costar Mr. T as his tag team partner, Hogan was able to send the sellout MSG crowd home happy by defeating “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff. ❋ Kevin Sullivan (2010)

Six days before their scheduled showdown, emotions reached a boiling point when HBK inexplicably flattened his partner with Sweet Chin Music during a tag team match. ❋ Kevin Sullivan (2010)

Their tag team approach was evident and formidable to many in the room. ❋ Bob Woodward (2010)

The McCain team is looking at the same numbers that we all are looking at. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In fact, one of the negative associations with the word team comes from agricultural farming. ❋ Adrian Gostick (2010)

The tag team of fat and protein keeps you from feeling deprived. ❋ Dr. Eric C. Westman (2010)

Here’s an example [email] text:
[I need you] to do x.» ❋ Burned_by_team (2009)

[im rollin] deep to the club [wit] [my team] ❋ A Cizzle (2005)

there is no «I» in team, but there is an «I» in «[pie]», and there is an «I» in «[meat pie]» so techniqly there is an «I» ❋ Shaun Gardner (2006)

❋ C-Lo (2003)

she’s [part] of [the team]. ❋ Daznconfused (2004)

Guy in bar: [Hey bitch] [yo’] team is looking fine tonight.
Girl in Bar: You fuckin [pig]. ❋ Alex, Dana, Aaron, Laura (2004)

I’m [rooting] for [the Golden State] [Warriors] basketball team to win! ❋ Queen/Cupcakes/Sister (2017)

«Wait here for a second, here comes [Jesse] and Jake» «Hey, Team [Thomson], [over here].» ❋ Greenvilles Own Donkey (2006)

[Look at that] team. they [work] [together] well! ❋ Llggl (2009)

[the team] will [fuck you up]. and they’ll be [drunk]. ❋ Tannerrrr (2005)

Definition : A team is a group of people with distinct skillsets and abilities. People work together as team members follow an organizational culture to achieve a common goal or objective via mutual support.

Different types of teams like self-managed teams, cross-functional teams, work teams, or process improvement teams work together to get the team work done decided in a decision making process of the team members.

What is a team?

The word “team” talks about the collective effort of a group of people who work together to achieve a particular solution.

In simple words, it is where a group of individuals come together pooling aside their individual opinions and differences to accomplish a specific team goal.

The individuals who form the team have to have a standard set of objectives and goals while maintaining the same level and line of thinking.

Compatibility is a fundamental concept in a team, and every individual has to be compatible to work together to achieve the group’s common goal.

Difference between a Team & Group

Though a team is a group of people, a group is not essentially a team.

A group can have individuals of different inclinations, attitudes, interests, and thought processes, but it is not essential that all group members will have any common goal. While on the other hand, team members have a common goal.

Why use a Team?

Teams are a very valuable addition to an organization today. Working collectively in a team brings many advantages to the table, even on an individual basis.

Some of the team’s benefits and values that are brought to the table are given below as follows.

There are several reasons discussed above that show the value and need for good teams.

Following are some reasons why an organization should adopt teams for their work towards maximum productivity:

  • There is an effective flow of information across all sectors of the team.
  • With a collective effort, a greater proportion of skill and knowledge is presented to solve the problem.
  • Better decisions are made than those made individually.
  • The problems to be encountered are defined and cleared sooner in comparison.
  • Team members learn and gain experience from the functioning of their co-members
  • The overall effort promotes a collective sense of belonging to the organization, and there is an increased cohesion as time passes.
  • The overall morale of the team improves with time.
  • In comparison to individual efforts, much more is achieved collectively in a team.
  • By the elimination of effort duplication, there is lesser wastage of time and resources.
  • There is a reduction in missing deadlines and absenteeism, plus the management work is shared.
  • In comparison to individual work, the team pools in a collective effort to achieve tougher goals.
  • It also encourages members and the entire team to take risks together and it relieves stress for all individuals.
  • There is a faster learning curve when different people are involved, plus team culture leads to an increased sense of motivation and morale of employees.

Types of Teams

Types of Teams

The modern concepts of teams rose from employment initiatives and quality circles in the United States in the 1970s.

These are not seen in integration with such activities today, rather seen as normal activities at work. The following are the types of teams usually are found within the business environment:

1. Work Groups or Natural Teams

These are also known as natural teams and are responsible for particular processes. These work collectively towards the completion of a task in a participative environment. There, however, is a varying degree of autonomy and authority exercised either relatively or entirely.

2. Project Teams

Project teams refer to the types of teams in which groups of employees work collectively toward a shared goal. Such teams let team leaders structure work in a specific, time-constrained, and measurable manner.

3. Self-Managed Teams

These are the teams that are predominantly in charge of their respective departments or processes’ day-to-day operations. They have to make decisions on various issues like quality, safety, personnel, scheduling, and maintenance. Managers generally see their responsibilities, as the resolution of conflicts, assignment allocation, and goal-setting.

4. Functional Teams

When it comes to what is a team, then understanding functional and cross-functional teams are the most common team concepts. Such teams are permanent and always incorporate the members of one department. In this type of team, line management does effective decision making.

5. Cross-Functional Teams

A cross-functional team is made up of members from different departments. Such types of teams tackle specific tasks that require a wide variety of inputs and expertise. Such teams offer greater speed of task completion.

6. Process Improvement Teams

These are the “project teams” that focus on the development or improvement of certain business processes. They are pooled together towards achieving a common goal and have to follow a well-prepared project plan, with a decided beginning and end.

7. Matrix Teams

Such types of teams are also understood as a “two-boss system” in which a team member reports to a different manager for the distinct aspect of his or her work. Such teams are an integral part of the Matrix management approach.

8. Contract Teams

Contract teams refer to the outsourced teams that are associated with a contract. Such types of teams are contracted for completing any specific part of a project. Once the contract ends, the client would cut all ties with the contract team.

9. Virtual Teams

Such types of teams are made up of people who work from different physical locations. Virtual work teams function mainly via some sorts of collaboration tools to get things done together. Working together virtually offers a better life-work balance.

10. Operational Teams

Such sorts of teams are designed for supporting other types of team members. Operation teams are made to making sure that all the sorts of back-office processes occur in a hassle-free manner.

Here is a video by Marketing91 on Teams.

Characteristics of Successful Teams

A group can involve people who have varied interests, inclinations, and goals, and a team has to have people looking for the same direction of purpose.

In reality, the organization has to be very careful with the alignment and direction of teams. Some different individuals and teams have to link with other teams while maintaining a good understanding and coordination.

The value of a team can be shown only when interrelationships exist between the process and individual, organizational units, and these have a fair amount of impact on the cost, productivity, and quality of the team.

Following are the common characteristics that are found, ineffective teams:

  • There is an open and direct mode of communication.
  • The team supports and values good leadership.
  • There are good knowledge, understanding, and support surrounding the primary mission and objective of the team.
  • The extent of the excellent performance of the team is given as part of a regular view.
  • There is an excellent and collective organization of the team.
  • The team’s functioning, performance, budgets, skills, and facilities are given enough resources.
  • With the use of a collective sense of synergy, the team’s collective performance outweighs that of individual members.

Wrapping Up!

Successful teams have trust among all team members regardless of the underlying situation, and collaboration among all members for specific tasks and goals.

Working together alleviates the completion of tasks. An effective team has a specific and well-defined set of rules and responsibilities for different team members.

How effective do you find team members in completing an organizational goal in comparison to an individual effort?

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Table of Contents

  1. Where did the term team come from?
  2. When was the word team first used?
  3. Who came up with there’s no I in team?
  4. What’s the meaning of There’s no I in team?
  5. Is there an I in the word team?
  6. How teamwork is important?
  7. Where is the I in team work?
  8. What is the lack of teamwork?
  9. What is not team work?
  10. What can go wrong in teamwork?
  11. What is a good teamwork?
  12. How do you fix bad teamwork?
  13. What three factors improve teamwork and success?
  14. How do you address a dysfunctional team?
  15. How do you handle a toxic team member?
  16. What are the signs of a toxic employee?
  17. Can toxic employees change?
  18. What is unacceptable behavior at work?
  19. What are the six employee behaviors?
  20. What is unprofessional behavior?
  21. What are the unacceptable behaviors?
  22. What is an example of inappropriate Behaviour?
  23. What is acceptable Behaviour from teachers?
  24. What behaviors should teachers avoid?
  25. Why are teachers called professionals?
  26. What are the quality of good teachers?
  27. Who is a perfect teacher?

A team is a group of individuals (human or non-human) working together to achieve their goal. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

Where did the term team come from?

Old English team “descendant, family, race, line; child-bearing, brood; company, band; set of draft animals yoked together,” from Proto-Germanic *tau(h)maz (source also of Old Norse taumr, Old Frisian tam “bridle; progeny, line of descent,” Dutch toom, Old High German zoum, German Zaum “bridle”), probably literally ” …

When was the word team first used?

The first known use of team was before the 12th century The masses want to know.

Who came up with there’s no I in team?

Peter Drucker

What’s the meaning of There’s no I in team?

there’s no “I” in “team”: teamwork involves thinking of others, not just oneself. This idiom plays on both the literal sense (the letter “i” is not present in the word “team”) and the figurative (team members should not focus on “I”, meaning that they should not be individualistic).

Is there an I in the word team?

Yes, for grammar dictators and spelling-bee champs, there’s no ‘I’ in the word TEAM. But in terms of managing your team, there will always be an ‘I’ in the word team.

How teamwork is important?

Teamwork helps solve problems. Collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming is a good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things. By working together, teams can find the solutions that work best.

Where is the I in team work?

Contrary to popular expression, there is an “I” in teamwork. In fact, there are multiple of them. They can be found in the individuals who contribute their unique strengths and abilities to the mission of the team and who are essential to its success.

What is the lack of teamwork?

When a team fails, falling into factions and division, everyone loses. The employees, managers, and the company lose both financially and in well-being. With these possible consequences, we can see that teamwork is more than a nice idea; it’s essential.

What is not team work?

Signs that a group of employees is NOT working as a team: Inefficient use of meeting time and not having an established and clear meeting purpose (people are chronically late, missing, and/or unprepared). Lack of consistent communication among managers. Uncertainly about who “owns” a decision in the organization.

What can go wrong in teamwork?

10 Reasons Why Teamwork Fails

  • A lack of leadership.
  • The presence of disruptive personalities.
  • Lack of proper training.
  • Lack of defined goals.
  • Lack of incentive.
  • Teammates strengths and weaknesses are not taken into account.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Not enough team meetings.

What is a good teamwork?

Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal. Teamwork maximises the individual strengths of team members to bring out their best.

How do you fix bad teamwork?

When Good Teamwork Goes Bad—and How to Fix It

  1. There Is an “I” in Team—Be on the Lookout for It.
  2. Begin with the End in Mind.
  3. Take Your Front Lines with You.
  4. Evaluate Employees Based on Individual and Collaborative Efforts.
  5. Empower Your Teams.
  6. Have Fun!
  7. Weed Out Those Who Do Not Fit the Team.

What three factors improve teamwork and success?

Collaboration, cooperation, and competition work together to improve teamwork, and as we improve in one area, it can lead to benefits in another, creating a momentum which will lead us to optimal performance.

How do you address a dysfunctional team?

10 ways to deal with a dysfunctional team when you’re not the…

  1. Know yourself and the role you play best.
  2. Know what good teams look like.
  3. Step up.
  4. Build appreciation and rapport.
  5. Listen.
  6. Ask good questions.
  7. Develop shared language.
  8. Embrace productive conflict.

How do you handle a toxic team member?

Here are five steps to get your team out of this highly dysfunctional place:

  1. Own it. If you don’t take full ownership for fixing your team, it won’t get better!
  2. Study the facts and seek out the truth.
  3. Set new standards of behavior and make tough decisions.
  4. Get the team on board.
  5. Don’t give up.

What are the signs of a toxic employee?

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Toxic Employee

  • A general negative attitude: Unhappy employees exude negativity, and many times you can’t correct the situation to make them happy.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility: This often reveals itself in backstabbing and blaming others.
  • Gossip.
  • Sabotage and insubordination.

Can toxic employees change?

When toxic behaviors add up and the person appears unwilling (or unable) to change, move on. Why invest energy into a negative person when you could give all that attention to positive people who want to improve?

What is unacceptable behavior at work?

Generally, unacceptable behaviour can be defined as behaviour that creates, or has the potential to create, risk to the business or the health and safety of employees. It can include: Bullying. Harassment. Coercion and/or discrimination.

What are the six employee behaviors?

The six important employee behaviors are employee productivity, absenteeism, turnover, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, and workplace misbehavior.

What is unprofessional behavior?

Any behavior or conduct that adversely affects the ideal functioning of teams is considered to be unprofessional. The common unprofessional conducts in the workplace are as follows: 1. Intimidation or bullying. 2.

What are the unacceptable behaviors?

Unacceptable behaviour (including bullying, harassment and victimisation), may involve actions, words or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person’s distress or discomfort. Bullying or harassment may be by an individual against an individual or involve groups of people.

What is an example of inappropriate Behaviour?

Behaviours that are considered to be inappropriate, concerning or threatening include: angry, aggressive communications (verbal or written) stalking (repeated attempts to impose unwanted communication or contact) …

What is acceptable Behaviour from teachers?

treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position. having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions.

What behaviors should teachers avoid?

Here are some common mistakes teachers make early on that can lead to trouble down the road.

  • Not Communicating Expectations Clearly.
  • Being Inconsistent.
  • Not Creating an Action Plan.
  • Waiting Too Long to Intervene.
  • Going Big Too Quickly.
  • Not Following Through.
  • Failing to Triage an Issue.
  • Not Establishing Relationships.

Why are teachers called professionals?

For educational communities, understanding that teachers and school leaders are recognised as “professionals” means having high expectations of them. Teachers and school leaders need the support of educational communities in order to succeed at their work.

What are the quality of good teachers?

So what makes a good teacher?

  • Good Teachers Are Strong Communicators.
  • Good Teachers Listen Well.
  • Good Teachers Focus on Collaboration.
  • Good Teachers Are Adaptable.
  • Good Teachers Are Engaging.
  • Good Teachers Show Empathy.
  • Good Teachers Have Patience.
  • Good Teachers Share Best Practices.

Who is a perfect teacher?

A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:2.7 / 6 votes

  1. team, squadnoun

    a cooperative unit (especially in sports)

  2. teamverb

    two or more draft animals that work together to pull something

  3. team, team upverb

    form a team

    «We teamed up for this new project»

WiktionaryRate this definition:2.2 / 5 votes

  1. teamnoun

    A set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage.

  2. teamnoun

    Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially referring to sports and work.

  3. teamverb

    To form a group, as for sports or work.

    They teamed to complete the project.

  4. Etymology: From teme, from team, from taumaz, from taugijanan, from dewk-. Cognate with toom, Zaum, tømme, töm. More at tie, tow.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Teamnoun

    Etymology: temo, the team of a carriage, Latin; tyme , Saxon, a yoke.

    1. A number of horses or oxen drawing at once the same carriage.

    Thee a ploughman all unweeting sound,
    As he his toilsome team that way did guide,
    And brought thee up in ploughman’s state to bide.
    F. Qu.

    We fairies that do run
    By the triple Hecate’s team,
    From the presence of the sun,
    Following darkness like a dream,
    Now are frolick.
    William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream.

    Making such difference betwixt wake and sleep,
    As is the diff’rence betwixt day and night,
    The hour before the heav’nly harness’d team
    Begins his golden progress in the East.
    William Shakespeare, Henry IV.

    I am in love; but a team of horse shall not pluck that from me, nor who ’tis I love.
    William Shakespeare.

    After the declining sun
    Had chang’d the shadows, and their task was done,
    Home with their weary team they took their way.
    Wentworth Dillon.

    He heav’d with more than human force to move
    A weighty stone, the labour of a team.

    In stiff clays they may plow one acre of wheat with a team of horse.
    John Mortimer, Husb.

    2. Any number passing in a line.

    Like a long team of snowy swans on high,
    Which clap their wings, and cleave the liquid sky.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Team

    A team is a group of individuals (human or non-human) working together to achieve their goal.
    As defined by Professor Leigh Thompson of the Kellogg School of Management, «[a] team is a group of people who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, knowledge and skills and who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal».A group does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills
    and generate synergy
    through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:2.5 / 2 votes

  1. Teamnoun

    a group of young animals, especially of young ducks; a brood; a litter

  2. Teamnoun

    hence, a number of animals moving together

  3. Teamnoun

    two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, wagon, sled, or the like

  4. Teamnoun

    a number of persons associated together in any work; a gang; especially, a number of persons selected to contend on one side in a match, or a series of matches, in a cricket, football, rowing, etc

  5. Teamnoun

    a flock of wild ducks

  6. Teamnoun

    a royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto

  7. Teamverb

    to engage in the occupation of driving a team of horses, cattle, or the like, as in conveying or hauling lumber, goods, etc.; to be a teamster

  8. Teamverb

    to convey or haul with a team; as, to team lumber

FreebaseRate this definition:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. Team

    A team comprises a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.
    A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his/her strengths and minimize his/her weaknesses. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.
    Thus teams of game players can form to practise their craft. Transport logistics executives can select teams of horses, dogs or oxen for the purpose of conveying goods.
    Theorists in business in the late 20th century popularised the concept of constructing teams. Differing opinions exist on the efficacy of this new management fad. Some see «team» as a four-letter word: overused and under-useful. Others see it as a panacea that finally realizes the human relations movement’s desire to integrate what that movement perceives as best for workers and as best for managers. Still others believe in the effectiveness of teams, but also see them as dangerous because of the potential for exploiting workers — in that team effectiveness can rely on peer pressure and peer surveillance.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Team

    tēm, n. a number of animals moving together or in order: two or more oxen or other animals harnessed to the same vehicle; a number of persons associated for doing anything conjointly, playing a game, &c.—v.t. to join together in a team: to give work to a gang under a sub-contractor.—adj. Teamed (Spens.), arranged in a team.—n. Team′ster, one who drives a team.—adv. Team′wise, like a team, harnessed together. [A.S. teám, offspring; prob. teón, to draw.]

Dictionary of Nautical TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. team

    Ships blockading a port, being generally formed in a line, are
    said to be «in the team.»

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. team

    A group of people focused on a specific goal, task or project.

    The team were so inspiring and focused

    Submitted by MaryC on February 18, 2020  

  2. team

    A group of people who play a form of sport together as a united group of people.

    The team love to play together and ensure the money they earn a percentage is shared with other football clubs.

    Submitted by MaryC on August 13, 2020  

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. TEAM

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Team is ranked #116201 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Team surname appeared 150 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 0 would have the surname Team.

    77.3% or 116 total occurrences were White.
    8% or 12 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    6.6% or 10 total occurrences were Asian.
    4.6% or 7 total occurrences were Black.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘team’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #489

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘team’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #866

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘team’ in Nouns Frequency: #146

How to pronounce team?

How to say team in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of team in Chaldean Numerology is: 5

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of team in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3

Examples of team in a Sentence

  1. Thomas Frieden:

    But our team was not particularly welcome there, it was not a very comfortable situation.

  2. Margarita Louis-Dreyfus:

    This is an important step in the transition project we launched in June 2013 to further reinforce our management structure and governance model, (Schmidt’s) broad and global experience in the food industry, combined with his leadership skills, entrepreneurial attitude, strong business ethics and team-oriented mindset make him the best person for the job.

  3. Kurt Hinish:

    It was in this team’s best interest, we felt that way from top to bottom. It’s nice to see the results that we wanted. He( Marcus Freeman) cares for you more as a person than he does as a player.

  4. Michelle Wie:

    Oh, yeah, I was actually in Copenhagen with the golf committee… people associated with the golf associations and we worked hard to get golf into the Olympics and we were very successful, so since then, I’ve been working really hard and it’s definitely a big goal of mine to make the U.S. Team.

  5. Eugene Fidell:

    There has been a pattern here that is so extensive that it has certainly raised in the mind of the defense team whether Sergeant Bergdahl’s right to a fair trial has been irreparably compromised by Mr. Trump’s comments.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for team

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • الفريق, فريقArabic
  • equipCatalan, Valencian
  • týmCzech
  • tîmWelsh
  • holdDanish
  • Mannschaft, TeamGerman
  • ομάδα, ζευγάριGreek
  • teamoEsperanto
  • equipo, tiro, cuadrilla, yuntaSpanish
  • taldeBasque
  • تیم, گروهPersian
  • tiimi, valjakko, talli, miehistö, joukkueFinnish
  • lið, toymiFaroese
  • équipeFrench
  • foireannIrish
  • equipoGalician
  • נבחרתHebrew
  • टीमHindi
  • csapatHungarian
  • թիմArmenian
  • timIndonesian
  • squadraItalian
  • קְבוּצָהHebrew
  • チーム, 隊Japanese
  • Korean
  • iugum, Team, manipulus, turmaLatin
  • tīmaMāori
  • pasukanMalay
  • ploegDutch
  • spann, lagNorwegian
  • zespół, ekipa, zaprzęgPolish
  • equipePortuguese
  • echipăRomanian
  • экипаж, упря́жка, брига́да, кома́нда, арте́ль, группаRussian
  • tim, тимSerbo-Croatian
  • stall, lag, teamSwedish
  • timuSwahili
  • அணிTamil
  • బృందంTelugu
  • ทีมThai
  • ekip, takımTurkish
  • командаUkrainian
  • קאָלעקטיווYiddish
  • 球队Chinese

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a club/team record

▪ Irvin holds a team record with 111 catches this season.

a cricket team

▪ the Australian cricket team

a football team

▪ Which football team do you support?

a joint/team effort (=involving a group or team of people)

▪ We had many fine individual performances, but the win was a real team effort.

a rescue team

▪ He was still conscious when the rescue team arrived.

a research team

▪ The professor will head a research team working on the effects of climatic change on agriculture.

a rival team

▪ The rival team’s fans were in the other part of the ground.

a sports team

▪ A lot of schools have their own sports teams.

a team game

▪ I wasn’t very good at team games when I was at school.

a team sport

▪ I liked playing team sports such as football and rugby.

a team/group/project etc leader

▪ Ask your team leader for advice.

a team/panel of experts

▪ You can get advice from our panel of gardening experts.

an inspection team

▪ The inspection team described the 1,688 pupil school as ‘outstanding’.

award/give (a team) a penalty

▪ The referee awarded Bradford a penalty in the final minute.

bomb disposal experts/team/squad/unit

▪ The device, which contained 400lbs of explosive, was made safe by army bomb disposal experts.

class/team/work etc mate

▪ Dad’s office mates are throwing a party for him.


▪ We fielded a team of highly talented basketball players.

home team/game/crowd/club etc

▪ The home team took the lead after 25 minutes.

ladies’ team/champion/championship etc

▪ the ladies’ darts team

pick the team

▪ Who’s going to pick the team for the match on Saturday?

rapid-response forces/team/unit etc

staff/team morale

▪ Positive feedback is good for staff morale.

SWAT team

team captain

▪ The Blackhawks’ team captain was the first to score.

team mascot

▪ Rocky the Raccoon, the team mascot

team player

▪ He was a good businessman, but never a team player.

team spirit


▪ Which team do you support?

the team coach

▪ He’s the youth team coach.




▪ Confidence is one of the key qualities you acquire from being on a national team.

▪ Several more emerging players joined the national team as the year progressed.

▪ That 10-year agreement is worth about $ 105m, and covers all the country’s national teams, including junior and women.

▪ Coach Tara VanDerveer left to coach the national and Olympic teams.

▪ Only once since 1988 has the national team gone so long between matches.


▪ Britain’s Olympic team returning from Los Angeles with five gold medals, 11 silver and 21 bronze.

▪ If we lose, people will say we lost to their Olympic team.

▪ They are among the national squad scullers competing who are seeking a place in the Olympic team.

▪ He was a kid of 18 when he made his first Olympic team in 1980.

▪ The delegation is essentially the San Francisco area Olympic team.

▪ Bailey, 24, still could only dream about making his first Olympic team.

▪ By making the Olympic team, Lewis is eligible for relay duty in the 4×100.

▪ Evans, 24, made the Olympic team with a second-place finish.



▪ Oxford University also has a womens’ basketball team.

▪ The junior girls’ basketball team, with Amelia watching over them, came out first in their local contest.

▪ Is it possible the Cal basketball team is better when it starts less talented players?

▪ The men’s basketball team is the Boomers, and the women are the Opals.

▪ One of my newspaper database searches turned up Jerry Tonelli, star player of the Toronto Spitfires, a wheelchair basketball team.

▪ This led to a full-time position as coach of the Girls’ varsity basketball team.

▪ And a newspaper clip turned up a Tonelli who plays for the Toronto Spitfires, a wheelchair basketball team.

▪ Such a move could enhance the UMass image in academia much as its basketball team has done in the sports arena.


▪ It was like a football team on a losing streak.

▪ I think he knows more about running a football team than any other owner.

▪ The Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team reportedly is considering a move to one of several cities, including Orlando.

▪ The village elders wouldn’t like it, said Monique, though the football team might.

▪ I think there is talent on this football team.

▪ But he also coaches a football team and his secret for teamwork is this.

▪ The people of Tampa are going to build a new stadium for their perennially-dismal pro football team.


▪ This was, after all, supposed to be a glorious day and a kickoff event that belonged to the home team.

▪ You have some one else on your home team.

▪ The home team was being booed off the court.

▪ The home team was not quite as productive.

▪ The home team has not beaten the Scarlets for some dozen matches and should still have their work cut out to win.


▪ One moderator will be the team leader and will co-ordinate the work of the team.

▪ Personnel wishing to discuss team placement should first consult their team leader.

▪ There needed to be a team leader and five other lawyers.

▪ He alone stood by his team leader.

▪ Like consultants, social services’ team leaders run teams of frequently changing staff.

▪ But the top men, the team leaders, will be thinking of the coming team time trial at Libourne.

▪ The team leader and his fourth dealer went on to be stockbrokers.

▪ Sustaining commitment is a key task for the head, senior staff and team leaders.


▪ A paper suggested that, in keeping with the selection of the management team, Mickey Mouse should be adopted as the official mascot.

▪ Francis noted that strong profit margins and a committed, rock-solid management team were the key elements for a successful start-up.

▪ Its secret is quite simple — it has a clear strategy, effectively implemented by a quality management team.

▪ Manion and the rest of the management team were still gathering up their materials when Katherine reentered the boardroom.

▪ He will audit his management team.

▪ Viacom has named seven executives to the management team.

▪ Why can we not have achievement rises as management teams do.

▪ She reported sternly to a meeting of the management team that word-of-mouth recruitment might be taking place.


▪ And when that didn’t work, he had an animated discussion with team manager Maurizio Mancini before stamping off.

▪ A stronger team manager would have dealt quickly with what was obviously becoming an increasingly aggravating situation.

▪ The team manager was well aware of it, knew that it was coming to a head, but took no action.

▪ Bracknell reserve team manager Martin Benford has taken over first-team duties until the end of the season.

▪ What assistance and support in managerial and professional terms can you expect from your neighbourhood nursing team manager?

▪ So Rudd was appointed team manager and chief engineer for the season.

▪ Glen Ball, the Neath coach and team manager, is to stand down at the end of the season.


▪ Her team mate Karen Bleakley won the B event.

▪ Sinnott’s Liverpool team mate Pat Taylor looked good when she won her heat of the under-15 sprint hurdles in 11.7 seconds.

▪ At eight o’clock he and his team mates were walking through Cheltenham.

▪ Better news of his team mate, Ari Vatanen.


▪ The rest continued, although unable to win with less than all five team members.

▪ She then opens the floor to any team members who would like to recognize some one.

▪ If any team member is at all suspect, the coach should put them into third position.

▪ The review team member usually reads it first to gain a perspective on the study.

▪ The team member on duty who had completed the initial referral form was also responsible for completing the pre-coded questionnaire.

▪ They were asking other news team members to try it and report how it tastes.

▪ Funding allows team members to attend training courses and to maintain appropriate stocks of equipment such as literally vital ropes and harnesses and so on.

▪ We were able to instill that same attitude in every team member, leading to pride and professionalism in that respect also.


▪ No doubt the team spirit was enhanced.

▪ Good team spirit was built up during lunch before heading out to the second round.

▪ They argue that a balance must be struck between team spirit and individual rewards.

▪ This creates a good working team spirit and everyone helps everyone else out.

▪ It’s due to this team spirit and thoughtfulness that I would like to thank everyone.

▪ It stems from the top — every Manager needs to be prepared to wholeheartedly embrace this team spirit.

▪ It also promotes team spirit, raises thousands for well deserving causes and, above all, is fun!



▪ Alan Russell was the next partner to join the Balbirnie team.

▪ When the reply came it was to ask us to consider joining the team in September 1992!

▪ He is scheduled to join the team in Calgary late today if his back is feeling up to it.

▪ It was not until two years later, however, that Clark accepted Chapman’s offer to join the team.

▪ Shortly after joining his or her team, our new employee will experience the first of many team meetings.

▪ He joined the team at Bury in 1982 as administration manager.

▪ Professor M. joined the team.


▪ Joseph lead the team towards the children’s section and as they were passing through a second explosion was felt.

▪ As a junior, she led her team to the state championships.

▪ Alec Stewart will lead the team in Hussain’s absence.

▪ Davis led the team with 22 passes defended, and the heir apparent is third-year man Tyronne Drakeford.

▪ It was Schmerhom, however, who was despatched to lead a negotiating team to meet the Republican leaders.

▪ The underwriter led the team and was charged with full authority to approve or disapprove applications.

▪ Reliever Shigetoshi Hasegawa led the team with 10 wins. 2B Adam Kennedy has to rebound from a.243 second half.


▪ He was not attempting to pick the team for tonight’s First Division match against Wimbledon.

▪ Within a month, the committee had picked eight teams to tackle the first round of breakthroughs.

▪ So nobody’s singled out — I don’t pick out one team.

▪ The bus driver was late picking up the team from the hotel.

▪ Once again, Gould’s ability to pick his team was to prove invaluable.

▪ So we picked quality for the teams to work on.

▪ But again they picked a team of boys, as they did in the last two World Cups.

▪ There are extremely simple ones: Pick a team out of a hat.


▪ I am doing what I love and I am playing for a team I always dreamed about.

▪ Hopefully, mine will turn out like hers, although just playing on another championship team and contributing would be enough.

▪ Only Sidey had ever played in the first team.

▪ No idea how to play as a team or to think of other people.

▪ The fact that he has played for three teams might indicate his problem.

▪ By an unfortunate twist of fate, Sunderland were to experience the full might of the cousins playing in the same team.

▪ Now, we play like a crazy team.


▪ Young people are placed in open employment and trained and supported by social service teams.

▪ Lanier said he thought he had Adams’ support to attract a team.

▪ Oxford United’s fans, more than fifteen hundred of them made the long journey to Tranmere on Saturday to support their team.

▪ For the most part, that community supported that team when it was fairly competitive.

▪ They’re supported by teams of physiologists and laboratory researchers.

▪ They support their local baseball team, the Hanshin Tigers.

▪ General practitioners work mainly as individuals supported by primary care teams.

▪ Twelve staff, working in six shifts are supported by a team of engineers and administrative personnel.


▪ Ironically, his father was a member of St Helens’ 1956 Cup winning team at Wembley.

▪ She had been associated with winning teams eight out of the twelve years she played or coached.

▪ A former captain of a winning Blues polo team, he still retains some of the rivalry with Oxford.

▪ I really want us to win as a team.

▪ It is the third time in four weeks that Colchester ladies have won team medals.

▪ When was the last winning 49er team that you would hang that label on?

▪ Graham knows his defender should be learning his trade by the occasional appearance in a winning team to breed confidence.

▪ One reason for the 49ers’ success, as with any winning team, is that they play as a team.


advance party/team

▪ Dawson felt as if he were the advance party for a dawn raid.

▪ Fields was wearing a set of the new jungle fatigues and boots that the advance party had picked up for him.

▪ Henkel made the change-and that resulted in an unusual problem for the advance team.

▪ I had flown out to Novosibirsk with the advance party at the beginning of September.

▪ In this they had the enthusiastic collaboration of professional media advance teams from both governments.

▪ One of Isambard’s advance party, and by the cut of him a man of importance.

▪ Our advance party had done a big job.

▪ Some advance party with orders in preparation for Isambard’s reception.

counter-terrorist operation/team/unit etc

team/community/public etc spirit

▪ Good team spirit was built up during lunch before heading out to the second round.

▪ No doubt the team spirit was enhanced.

▪ The specials certainly show the kind of public spirit and professionalism of the Territorials.

▪ These accomplishments, and their new-found team spirit, were celebrated with social play in the evening.

▪ This community spirit even extends beyond Silver Lake proper.

▪ This creates a good working team spirit and everyone helps everyone else out.

▪ This obviated the problem of building team spirit or involvement among the area staff.

▪ Workers’ distress can be reduced by adequate and effective reward systems and attention to maintaining a cooperative team spirit.


▪ a football team.

▪ Both teams are looking tired now.

▪ Dr Gaultier and his medical team worked in the refugee camps for over a year.

▪ I think the Yankees are one of the coolest baseball teams around.

▪ If you want to be on the team, you have to turn up for regular training.

▪ Nasser Hussain, the England team captain, was injured in the game against the West Indies.

▪ Peterson earned a place on the U.S. Olympic speedskating team.

▪ Pub quiz teams often have really silly names.

▪ The coins were discovered by a team of archaeologists.

▪ The Prime Minister works closely with a team of unelected advisers.

▪ The women’s team were beaten 6-2.

▪ There will be a meeting for all members of the team next Wednesday.

▪ They wouldn’t let me play in the village under-12 team because I’m a girl.

▪ Tim played for the national youth team but never became a professional.

▪ Walsh coached the team to two Super Bowl championships.

▪ Which football team do you support?

▪ You’re the best person on the team.


▪ And that will have a huge impact on this team.

▪ But the pre admission briefing means the medical team can get an early look at her … and she at them!

▪ He had a hand-picked team whose sole function was to do just that.

▪ Once you signed with a major league team, you were theirs in perpetuity to do with as they saw fit.

▪ Over the past season, six teams have been knocked out of the No. 1 spot, North Carolina repeatedly.

▪ Some of the team also had to play a couple of games up on stage.





▪ Fancy teaming up to shoot a few goals in a dynamic, fast growing team sport?

▪ Compaq and Fisher-Price announced last summer they were teaming up on products aimed at three-to seven-year olds.

▪ Dwina’s next effort is a joint effort teaming up with Robin.

▪ What capacity do you and they have for teaming up?

▪ After teaming up with Phillips, he never would be the same again.

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