What does this word say

Britannica Dictionary definition of SAY


to use your voice to express (something) with words

[+ object]

  • “Is anybody there?” he said.

  • “Good morning,” said the woman behind the counter.

  • I said three words before he interrupted me again.

  • I just stopped by to say hello.

  • He left without saying goodbye.

  • I wanted to say thank you for all you’ve done for me.

  • She said something about going to the store after work.

  • He said something in French.

  • Anything you say to the police can be used as evidence against you.

  • Don’t believe a word he says.

  • Please be quiet. I have something to say.

  • Listen closely, because I’m not going to say this again/twice.

  • What did you say?

  • Who shall I say is calling, Sir?

  • Did she say how to get there?

  • I said to myself, “I can do it.”

  • He said (that) he was a doctor.

  • I can honestly say (that) I had never seen that man before today.

  • I already said (that) I was sorry.

  • You know what they say, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

  • As people/they say, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

  • Her eyes are hazel, which is to say [=which means that] they are greenish brown.

  • “A word of advice: don’t mention the war.” “Say no more [=I understand you; you do not need to explain it further]—I’ll stay off the subject!”

[no object]

  • “What happened next?” “I’d rather not say.”

[+ object]


to express (an opinion)

  • She thinks I should break up with him. What do you say? [=what’s your opinion?]

  • What would/do you say to seeing a movie tonight? [=would you like to see a movie tonight?]

  • “After all, he was the last person to see her alive.” “Are you saying that (you think) he killed her?”

  • I say you’re wrong. [=my opinion is that you’re wrong]

  • I wouldn’t say (that) he’s a great guitarist [=I don’t think he’s a great guitarist]; he’s just OK.

  • They say (that) you should drink eight glasses of water a day. = It’s said that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. [=the opinion of people who know about this subject is that you should drink eight glasses of water a day]

  • New England is said to be [=many people think New England is] very beautiful in the Fall.

  • “Is the island nice?” “So they/people say.”

  • I must say it was quite a surprise to hear from him. = I have to say it was quite a surprise to hear from him.

  • I’m not saying we shouldn’t buy the car. All I’m saying is that we should think about it some more.

  • I didn’t really enjoy the movie, but that’s not to say it was bad.

  • Say what you like (about it), I thought it was a good movie.

  • Seeing your reaction, I would say that you’re jealous that he has a new girlfriend.

  • The dress seems too fancy for the party, wouldn’t you say? [=don’t you agree?; do you think the same thing?]

  • I’ll say this for him —he’s very generous with his money.

  • “She’s a great singer!” “If you say so.”


to express (a fact) with certainty

[+ object]

  • No one can say for sure whether it will happen.

  • It is hard to say what caused the injury.

  • There’s no saying [=it is impossible to know] how many people died in the earthquake.

[no object]

  • “When will you be done?” “I couldn’t/can’t say.” [=I don’t know]

◊ This sense is often used in indirect questions beginning with who to express disagreement or to say that something cannot be known for sure.

  • Who says I can’t do it? I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

  • Who’s to say they wouldn’t have won if their team was healthy?

  • Who can say what will happen? [=no one knows what will happen]


to give (an order)


to tell someone to do (something)

[+ object]

  • I said leave me alone!

  • “Why do we have to go?” “Because your father and I said so.”

  • Mom said to wait here.

  • She’s the boss. What she says goes! [=you have to do what she tells you to do]

  • “Let’s try installing the program one more time.” “Whatever you say —you’re the expert.”

  • “Don’t you ever bring that subject up again, do you hear me?!” “Okay, okay. Whatever you say.”

[no object]

  • Don’t start until I say (so/to).

[+ object]


to pronounce (a word)

  • How do you say your name?

[+ object]


to repeat or recite (something)

  • We always say our prayers before going to bed.

  • Can you say the poem from memory?

  • A new priest said Mass this morning.

[+ object]


to use written words to give (information)

  • What does the card say?

  • Does the article say how the fire happened?

  • The letter says that I’ve been accepted to the college.

  • It says here that there will be a special guest at the concert.

  • The instructions say to add two eggs.

[+ object]


to show or indicate (something) by using numbers, pictures, etc.

  • The clock says five minutes after ten.

  • The calendar says that Christmas falls on a Monday.

[+ object]


to express (a meaning, emotion, etc.) without using words

  • She likes art that really says something.

  • The kind of car you drive says a lot about the kind of person you are.

  • The look on her face said “I’m sorry.”

  • His face said it all. = His face said everything. [=his face showed how he felt]


used to suggest an example or possibility

  • Let’s pick a math problem. Say problem number 3.

  • Say you do get accepted to the college. Will you go?

  • We could leave on any day—say on Monday.

  • Let’s say you’re right, for argument’s sake.

  • Suppose you won, shall we say, one million dollars. What would you do with it?

used to suggest a possible or approximate amount, value, etc.

  • The property is worth, say, four million dollars. = The property is worth four million dollars, say. [=the property is worth about four million dollars]

can’t say fairer than that

British, informal

used to say that you cannot make a better offer than the one you have made

  • What do you think? I can’t say fairer than that, now, can I?

go without saying


to be obvious and true

  • It goes without saying that I’ll do whatever I can to help you.

have anything/something (etc.) to say about


to have an opinion to express about (something)

  • I asked what she thought about the movie, but she didn’t have anything to say about it.


to have the ability to influence (something)

  • “I’m going to the party.” “Not if I have anything/something to say about it.” [=not if I can stop you]

have something/nothing/much (etc.) to say for yourself


to be able or unable to say something that explains what you are doing, have done, etc.

  • I asked him about school, but he didn’t have much to say for himself.

  • Your teacher says you were caught cheating. What do you have to say for yourself?

having said that


that said


despite what I just said

  • Their work has been fairly good. Having said that, I still think there’s a lot of room for improvement.

  • Much of the book was very dull. That said, I have to admit that the ending was extremely clever.

if I may say so


if I might say so

used to express criticism or disagreement in a polite way

  • The whole affair—if I may say so—was a waste of time.

if I say so myself

used when you are saying something that praises your own work, skill, etc.

  • I did a fine job painting the room, if I say so myself.

  • I’m a pretty good golfer, if I say so myself.

I hear what you’re saying

see hear

used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said

  • “Isn’t it hot today!” “I’ll say (it is). It’s unbearable!”

I say

British, old-fashioned

used to express surprise, shock, etc.

  • I say! Isn’t that your friend over there?

  • I say! That’s a wonderful idea.

used to attract the attention of someone

  • I say (there). Can you help me?

never say never

see never

not to say

used to introduce a more forceful or critical way of describing someone or something

  • His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.

  • He was impolite, not to say downright rude!

say no


to say that you will not accept or agree to something

  • We requested more time, but she said no. [=she refused to allow us to have more time]

often + to

  • She said no to our request.

  • I never say no to dessert.

say something/little/a lot (etc.) for


to show that (someone or something) does or does not deserve to be praised, admired, etc.

  • It says a lot for her that she stayed in the game even though she was injured.

  • The students’ low test scores don’t say much for the education they’re receiving. [=the low test scores show/suggest that the students are not getting a good education]

used to express surprise at what someone has just said

  • “I’m moving out.” “Say what?”

say yes


to say that you accept or agree to something

often + to

  • They said yes to our plan.

that is to say

see 1that

that said

see having said that (above)

that’s not saying much

used to indicate that a fact, achievement, etc., is not unusual or impressive

  • He is a better golfer than me, but that’s not saying much (because I’m not a good golfer).

there is something/a lot/much (etc.) to be said for

used to indicate that something has advantages which deserve to be considered when you are thinking about what to do

  • There is something to be said for small weddings.

  • It is not necessary, but there is something to be said for traveling abroad to learn a language.

to say nothing of

used when referring to another thing that relates to what you have just said

  • We need more time, to say nothing of [=not to mention] money. [=we also need more money]

  • The restaurant makes its own delicious bread, to say nothing of a great spaghetti sauce.

when all is said and done

see 3all

you can say that again


used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said

  • “She’s in a bad mood.” “You can say that again.” [=she certainly is]

you don’t say

used to express surprise

  • “She ran off with another man.” “You don’t say!”

often used ironically to show that you are not at all surprised by something

  • “They lost again.” “You don’t say. What’s that, eight in a row?”

you might say

used to suggest a possible way of describing or thinking about something

  • The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future.

used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said

  • “That was a pretty selfish thing for him to do.” “You said it.”

  • “Let’s grab something to eat.” “You said it. I’m starving.”

Britannica Dictionary definition of SAY



an opportunity to express your opinion

  • Everybody had a say at the meeting.

  • We won’t make a decision until all members have had their say.


the power to decide or help decide something


  • The judge will have the final say on/over the divorce settlement.

usually + in

  • The students want a greater say in decisions that affect their education.


  • He had no/some/little say in the matter.

Britannica Dictionary definition of SAY

chiefly US, informal

used to express surprise, shock, etc.

  • Say, isn’t that your friend over there?

  • Say, that’s a wonderful idea.

used to attract the attention of someone

  • Say there. Can you help me?

  • Say, do you want to see a movie tonight?

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Then ask yourself, «What does the Word say to me?»

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What does the Word say about the «fear of the unseen»?

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What does the Word say about «Halloween»?

What does the Word say about joy?

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What does this word say?


If you said «use» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «gave» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «goes» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «warm» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «far» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «hold» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «wash» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «many» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «again» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «grow» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «long» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «much» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «write» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «those» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «laugh» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «wish» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «show» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «light» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «never» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «myself» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «done» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «small» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «upon» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «these» you are correct


What does this word say?


If you said «clean» you are correct

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говорить, сказать, утверждать, слово, мнение, высказывание, влияние


- говорить, сказать

- выражать

that was well said — это было хорошо сказано
I don’t know how to say it — я не знаю, как это сказать /выразить/
if I may say so — если можно так выразиться
he is, if I may say so, a fool — он, с позволения сказать, дурак
her eyes said more than her words — её глаза были красноречивее её слов
America, or, better said, the United States of America — Америка, или, правильнее сказать, Соединённые Штаты Америки

- обыкн. безл. говорить, утверждать (что, якобы), сообщать

people /they/ say (that) the experiment was successful — говорят /ходят слухи/, что опыт удался
it is said in the papers that the treaty was signed yesterday — в газетах сообщают, что договор был подписан вчера
he is said to be /they say he is/ a great singer — говорят, (что) он выдающийся певец
he is said to swim well — говорят, (что) он хорошо плавает
it is generally said that … — обычно утверждают /считают/, что …

- гласить; говориться

the law says … — закон гласит …, по закону …
the text of the treaty says — текст договора гласит, в тексте договора записано
the telegram says, it says /is said/ in the telegram — телеграмма гласит, в телеграмме сказано
the letter says, it says /is said/ in the letter — в письме говорится
the notice says that the show is cancelled — в объявлении сказано, что спектакль отменяется
the tower clock says ten o’clock — на башенных часах десять (часов), башенные часы показывают десять (часов)
the publisher says in the preface that … — издатель говорит в своём предисловии, что …

- иметь или высказывать мнение, считать, полагать

- приводить доводы, аргументы; свидетельствовать

- читать наизусть, декламировать

to say a poem — читать /декламировать/ стихотворение

- повторять наизусть, произносить вслух

to say a lesson — отвечать урок (учителю)
to say one’s lessons — повторять уроки
to say one’s prayers — молиться, читать молитвы
to say grace — прочесть молитву (перед трапезой)
to say mass — служить мессу /обедню/

- допускать; предполагать

let us say — скажем, например, к примеру сказать, примерно
come to see me one of these days, let us say Sunday — приходи ко мне на этих днях, скажем, в воскресенье
if fifty is too much, shall we say thirty? — если пятьдесят слишком много, то тогда, может быть, тридцать?
well, say it were true, what then? — ну, допустим, (что) это верно, что ж из того?

- уст. поэт. высказаться



- приблизительно, примерно

the property is worth, say, four million dollars — это владение стоит приблизительно четыре миллиона долларов

- например

if we compress any gas say oxygen — если мы сожмём любой газ, например /скажем, хотя бы/ кислород

Мои примеры


to have the blazing cheek to say smth. — иметь бесстыдную наглость сказать что-л.  
to give / make / pronounce / say a blessing over — благословить кого-л.  
to say ditto to smb. — поддакивать кому-л.  
to say smth. to smb.’s face — говорить что-л. (прямо) в лицо, глаза кому-л.  
to feel bound to say — быть вынужденным сказать  
to be hard up for something to say — не знать, что сказать  
just happen to say — сболтнуть, выпалить  
to say one’s lines — произносить слова роли  
to celebrate / offer / say Mass — служить обедню  
that’s nice of you to say — очень любезно с вашей стороны сказать так  

Примеры с переводом

Let’s say you are right.

Допустим, что вы правы.

What did you say to her?

Что вы ей сказали?

What does the law say?

Что говорит закон?

Say, haven’t I seen you before somewhere?

Скажите, не видел ли я вас где-то раньше?

No sooner said than done.

Сказано — сделано. / Слушаюсь. / Сию секунду будет сделано.

‘So what are your plans now?’ ‘ I’d rather not say.’

— Итак, какие сейчас у вас планы? — Я бы предпочёл об этом не говорить.

The label says to take one tablet before meals.

На этикетке написано: принимать по одной таблетке перед едой.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

saying  — поговорка, присказка, присловье

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: say
he/she/it: says
ing ф. (present participle): saying
2-я ф. (past tense): said
3-я ф. (past participle): said

    • See Also:
      • saxifrage family
      • saxitoxin
      • Saxo Grammaticus
      • Saxon
      • Saxonism
      • Saxony
      • saxony
      • Saxony-Anhalt
      • saxophone
      • saxtuba
      • say
      • say-so
      • Say’s law
      • sayable
      • Sayan Mountains
      • Sayão
      • SAYE
      • Sayers
      • sayest
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      • sayonara
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Inflections of ‘say‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

say1 /seɪ/USA pronunciation  
v., said/sɛd/USA pronunciation  say•ing, adv., n., interj. 

  1. to utter or pronounce;
    speak:[+ object]Don’t say a word.
  2. to express (something) in words;
    declare: [+ (that) clause]I wrote and said (that) I wanted to see her again.[used with quotations]«I’ll be there,» he said.[+ object]I’ve said my piece (= I’ve expressed my thoughts).
  3. to state (something) as an opinion or judgment: [+ (that) clause]I say (that) we should wait here.[no object]What should I do? I just can’t say.
  4. to recite or repeat:[+ object]said his prayers and went to bed.
  5. to express (a message, etc.), as through words, etc.:[+ object]What does this painting say to you?
  6. to indicate or show:[+ object]What does your watch say? The clock says ten-thirty.
  7. (used as a command, or as a polite command after let’s) suppose;
    imagine:[+ (that) clause]Say (that) you saw her on the street; what would you do then? Let’s say (that) I had gambled all our money away.


  1. approximately;
    about:It’s, say, 14 feet across.
  2. for example:Suppose we asked a student, say, Janette here, for her opinion.

n. [uncountable]

  1. what a person says or wishes to say;
    one’s turn to say something:She has already had her say.
  2. the right or chance to state an opinion or exercise influence:to have one’s say in a decision.


  1. (used to express surprise or to get someone’s attention):Say! That’s great; you made it!


  1. Idioms go without saying, [it/that + ~ (+ (that) clause)] to be self-evident:It goes without saying (that) you must write a thank-you note for a gift.
  2. Idioms that is to say, [no object] in other words;
    meaning (that):The judge threw the book at him; that is to say, gave him the maximum sentence.

    The verbs say and tell are sometimes confused. The verb say does not take a person as its direct object, only a word or clause:He said a few words and sat down.If a person is mentioned after say, the word to must be used before it:He said to her that he was ready.The verb tell may take a person as an object:He told her he was ready.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(sā),USA pronunciation v., said, say•ing, adv., n., interj. 

  1. to utter or pronounce;
    speak:What did you say? I said «Hello!»
  2. to express in words;
    word:Say it clearly and simply. It’s hard to know how to say this tactfully.
  3. to state as an opinion or judgment:I say her plan is the better one.
  4. to be certain, precise, or assured about;
    determine:It is hard to say what is wrong.
  5. to recite or repeat:to say one’s prayers.
  6. to report or allege;
    maintain:People say he will resign.
  7. to express (a message, viewpoint, etc.), as through a literary or other artistic medium:a writer with something to say.
  8. to indicate or show:What does your watch say?
  9. to assume as a hypothesis or estimate:Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it’s true.


  1. to speak;
    express an opinion.
  2. Idioms that is to say, that is what is meant;
    in other words:I believe his account of the story, that is to say, I have no reason to doubt it.


  1. approximately;
    about:It’s, say, 14 feet long.
  2. for example:If you serve, say tuna fish and potato chips, it will cost much less.


  1. what a person says or has to say.
  2. the right or opportunity to speak, decide, or exercise influence:to have one’s say in choosing the candidate.
  3. a turn to say something:It is now my say.


  1. (used to express surprise, get attention, etc.)
  • bef. 900; Middle English seyen, seggen, Old English secgan; cognate with Dutch zeggen, German sagen, Old Norse segja; akin to saw3

sayer, n. 

(sā),USA pronunciation v.t., n. [Brit. Dial.]

  1. British Termsassay.
  • Middle English sayen, aphetic variant of assayen to assay 1350–1400

(sā),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Textilesa thin silk or woolen fabric similar to serge, much used in the 16th century.
  • Gaulish
  • Latin saga, plural of sagum woolen cloak, said to be
  • Old French saie
  • Middle English 1250–1300

(sā),USA pronunciation n. 

    Jean Bap•tiste 
    (zhän ba tēst),USA pronunciation 1767–1832, French economist. Cf. Say’s law. 

  1. Biographical Thomas, 1787–1834, U.S. entomologist.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

say /seɪ/ vb (says /sɛz/, saying, said)(mainly tr)

  1. to speak, pronounce, or utter
  2. (also intr) to express (an idea) in words; tell
  3. (also intr; may take a clause as object) to state (an opinion, fact, etc) positively; declare; affirm
  4. to recite: to say grace
  5. (may take a clause as object) to report or allege: they say we shall have rain today
  6. (may take a clause as object) to take as an assumption; suppose: let us say that he is lying
  7. (may take a clause as object) to convey by means of artistic expression
  8. to make a case for
  9. go without sayingto be so obvious as to need no explanation
  10. I say!chiefly Brit informal an exclamation of surprise
  11. not to sayeven; and indeed
  12. that is to sayin other words; more explicitly
  13. to say the leastwithout the slightest exaggeration; at the very least


  1. approximately: there were, say, 20 people present
  2. for example: choose a number, say, four


  1. the right or chance to speak: let him have his say
  2. authority, esp to influence a decision: he has a lot of say in the company’s policy
  3. a statement of opinion: you’ve had your say, now let me have mine


  1. US Canadian informal an exclamation to attract attention or express surprise, etc

Etymology: Old English secgan; related to Old Norse segja, Old Saxon seggian, Old High German sagēn

ˈsayer n

say‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

< as / like > what they say
>> Topic summary: Numbers — reading, speaking, saying, writing in full [number say speak read write]
— I don’t say that it does, mind I want to know —
…but a lot, you say?
…to understand little boy say (,/:)why do you cry
…which is equivalent to say (or to saying) that…
»Heavy» as a less rude way to say «fat» / other euphemisms.
»I can’t say but I finally *cut bait* »
»If you say you’ll do something, then you have to do it»
»of saying/to say»
‘Hard to tell’ vs ‘Hard to say’
‘How do we say «Thank you very much, sir»?’ asked Donald. :Punctuation
‘I say what I mean’ vs ‘I mean what I say’
‘if you are interested’ and ‘if I may say so’
‘Say’ vs ‘ask’ vs ‘tell’
‘Say’ vs ‘reply’
‘Say’, then the failure ….
‘What is my bad Angel?’ ㅡ ‘<Say Who>’
‘An avocado in my area costs $0.85 — $1.’ – How would you say the price?
‘And say you’re glad about the child,’ she <repeated>
‘But there’s not many that’d say so nowadays.
“What did you say?” vs. “What have you said?”
“What do you say we watch a movie tonight?”
“Who is to say…?” = “Who says…?” ?
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ -George Bernard Shaw
”What it was that she feared, she would have been hard put to it to say“
(comparative) Why say «more agile» and not «agiler» ?
(That) I was going to say.
(That/it) is nice of you to say so!
[All that I say goes] or [What I say goes]?

Look up «say» at Merriam-Webster
Look up «say» at dictionary.com

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В английском языке имеется термин Phrasal Verbs (фразовые глаголы). Фразовые глаголы, не имеющие аналогов в русском языке, представляют значительные трудности ввиду большого их разнообразия, идиоматичности значений и неоднородности функционирования.

Фразовые глаголы делятся на глаголы с предлогом, наречием или предлогом и наречием одновременно, которые составляют единую семантическую и синтаксическую единицу. Примеры:

come in (войти), где частица – это наречие;

come across (найти случайно), где частица – это предлог;

put up with (терпеть), где первое – это наречие, а второе – предлог.

Цель данного пособия – научить учеников/студентов правильно понимать и употреблять основные типы глагольных словосочетаний с частицами. Частицы – это такое же эффективное средство образования новых слов, как и приставки в русском языке. По своему происхождению они являются предлогами или наречиями. Применение той или иной частицы изменяет значение основного глагола. Кроме того, глагол с одной и той же частицей может быть многозначным.

В приведённом ниже словаре-минимуме содержатся 30 наиболее употребляемых базовых глаголов, от которых с помощью частиц образуются новые глаголы. Для закрепления языкового материала даны тренировочные и тестовые упражнения с ключами.


Систематическое изучение словаря – минимума и примеров на употребление фразовых глаголов позволит вам совершенствовать навыки употребления этих глаголов в устной речи и письме. А так как очень часто значение фразового глагола кардинально отличаются от значения базового глагола, то приходиться их заучивать.

На первом этапе вы знакомитесь со списком фразовых глаголов и их значениями. На втором этапе вы запоминаете употребление этих глаголов в примерах. На третьем этаже вы заполняете пропуски в предложениях частицами.

Приведенный мини-словарь может быть использован как справочник. Ко всем базовым глаголам даётся перечень значений на русском языке. Эти значения приводятся для справки, чтобы облегчить понимание глаголов с частицами.

Мини-словарь, знакомя вас с многозначностью самых употребительных глаголов, показывает, каким мощным словообразовательным средством в английском языке являются частицы. Рекомендуется систематически прорабатывать примеры из серии упражнений, содержащие глаголы с частицами.

Phrasal Verbs: be, break

Фразовые глаголы, их значения и примеры употребления

be after — хотеть, преследовать
be against — быть против
be in for — ожидать чего-либо
be off — отсутствовать, не хотеть, уходить, быть испорченным, быть свободным
be on — идти(спектакль, фильм)
be out of — не хватать, не иметь чего-либо, заканчиваться, стать известным
be over — закончить, приходить, оставаться
be up — закончиться, встать, подняться, бодрствовать, происходить, быть причиной
break down — сломаться, не контролировать себя, сломать что-либо, прекращаться(переговоры)
break in/into – ворваться, вмешаться, прервать разговор, разразиться(слезами), броситься бежать
break off – резко замолчать, прекратить что-либо делать, отломить
break out – начаться внезапно(пожар, война), сбежать
break up – закрыться на каникулы, разделить на части, подходить к концу

Learn to use the phrasal verbs: be, break
(Учимся употреблять фразовые глаголы)

1. We broke out in the country.
2. My flat was broken out while I was away.
3. The police are after the bank robbers.
4. The washing machine has broken down. I’ll call a repairmen.
5. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
6. Many people are against the new law.
7. The school will break up for the holidays soon.
8. What’s up? Is something wrong?
9. The supermarket was out of bread, so I didn’t get any.
10. Are you up yet? I called mom early this morning.
11. Jack was out of school last week because he had the flu.
12. When she heard the bad news she broke down and cried.
13. After 3 weeks, the exams are finally over.
14. Severed prisoners broke out of prison this morning.
15. I was up all night because of my bad cough.
16. Government negotiations broke in/down last week.
17. James is against/off a new bicycle for this birthday.
18. Look at the clouds. I think we are in for bad weather today.
19. I used to love pizza, bit I’m off it now.
20. The couple broke up for a while, but then got back together.
21. There is a new play on at the Empire theatre.
22. The secretary broke into on the meeting to bring us coffee
23. The dark clouds began to break up.
24. That’s the third time our car has broken down this month.
25. It seems that the fire broke out in the kitchen.

Phrasal verbs: bring, call, carry

bring about – вызывать, быть причиной
bring down – свалить, сломать, подстрелить(птицу), навлечь(гнев)
bring forward – предложить(идею), перенести на более ранний срок
bring in – вводить(обычаи), внести(на рассмотрение)
bring off – спасать, успешно выполнять
bring on – вызывать, быть причиной, навлекать
bring out – опубликовать, издать, высказывать мнение
bring round – привести в чувство, убедить, доставлять
bring up – воспитывать, растить, поднимать(вопрос), вынести на обсуждение
call back – отзывать, перезвонить, вспомнить что-либо
call for – зайти за кем-либо, требовать, быть нужным
call down – делать выговор
call in – приглашать, требовать назад(долг)
call off – отзывать, отменить, отвлекать(внимание), откладывать
call on – навещать
call out – закричать, вскрикнуть, вызывать(откуда-либо)
call up – звонить, пригласить подняться, будить
be carried away – увлекать, охватывать(о чувстве), уносить
carry off – увести, унести, похитить
carry on – продолжить заниматься чем-либо
carry out –доводить до конца, завершить, выполнить

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : bring, call, carry

1. When the noise stopped, she carried on as if nothing had happened.
2. It is difficult to bring up children alone.
3. The heavy rains brought on severe flooding.
4. My favourite singer has just brought out a new record.
5. Paul carried off his plan successfully.
6. I’m busy now, so I’ll call you back later.
7. Some excellent ideas were brought forward at the meeting.
8. Scientists carried out experiments in their laboratories.
9. I’m trying to bring my father round/over to my ideas.
10. This job calls for knowledge of a foreign language.
11. The audience was carried away by the singer’s performance.
12. Janet’s asthma attack was brought on/about by the smoky atmosphere.
13. When their son was ill, they called for the doctor.
14. The children carried off their tasks quickly and quietly.
15. Having fallen in the river, the woman called out for help.
16. Dad brought up the subject of holidays during dinner.
17. The football match was called off due to bad weather.
18. The nurse used smelling salts to bring the patient round.
19. The government are planning to bring in a law banning hunting.
20. I hope they don’t call the concert off because of the rain.
21. Mary called up to invite us to her party.
22. Being out in the fog always brings on my asthma.
23. The farmers are calling for assistance from the government.
24. Because of recent events the meeting has been brought forward to the 29th.
25. Our representative in London must be called back.

Phrasal verbs: come, cut

come across – встретить, найти случайно, натолкнуть
come along – торопиться, появиться случайно, идти вдоль
come about – происходить, случаться
come by – проходить мимо, приобрести, достать, заходить
come down with – приболеть
come down – спуститься, снижаться(цены)
come forward – выйти вперёд, выступить(с предложением), предложить услуги
come in – входить, прибывать, вступить(в должность)
come into – унаследовать
come off – преуспеть, сходить, слезть, выйти
come out – выходить, появляться, стать известным
come on – наступать, надвигаться, натыкаться, делать успехи
come over – приходить, посещать, переходить(на чью-либо сторону)
come round – зайти случайно, объехать, обойти, измениться к лучшему, выздоравливать, поправляться, приходить в себя
come up – подниматься, идти вверх, подходить, появиться на поверхности, представить, появиться
come up with – думать, обдумывать(план, идею)
cut down – сократить, уменьшить, рубить(деревья)
cut down on – сократить потребление
cut off – отрезать, отрубить, разъединять, выключать(газ, электричество)
cut into – вмешиваться, прерывать
cut out – вырезать, вычеркнуть, исключить, редактировать
to be cut out for – быть созданным для чего-либо

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : come cut

1. The truth came out when the police started investigation.
2. I came across my old school books yesterday when I was tidying the attic.
3. My house has a beautiful garden, why don’t you come along and see it?
4. I’m sorry to cut into your conversation, but I’d like to ask a question.
5. The private detective came off the case, when he couldn’t solve it.
6. I don’t think Alison is cut out for to be a nurse. She faints at the sight of blood.
7. I was waiting for the bus when Emma came across. It was a lovely surprise to see her.
8. Ellen is in bed. She’s come down with flu.
9. The boys came across a brilliant idea for raising money.
10. They decided to cut down some of the text to make it shorter.
11. You ought to cut down on the amount of sugar you eat.
12. Come along, boys; Let’s get going.
13. The electricity was cut off when they didn’t pay the electricity bill.
14. I wish Dad would come round to the fact that I’m not a child any more.
15. How did you come across that beautiful necklace?
16. His new novel has just come out, and it is bound to be a bestseller.
17. The village was cut off during the heavy snowstorm.
18. A few problems came up during the course of the project.
19. He came into a fortune when his father died.
20. The patient slowly came round after his operation.
21. The builders came by some problems when they were laying the foundations.
22. Two witnesses have come forward with information.
23. What time does the train comes in?
24. That quiz show you wanted to watch comes on in half an hour.
25. I can’t wait until the next Harry Potter book comes out.

Phrasal Verbs: do, fall, draw

do away with – покончить, положить конец чему-либо, убить
do up – починить, покрасить, улучшить, украсить, завернуть
do with – желать, нуждаться
do without – жить, продолжать(без чего-либо, что не можешь себе позволить)
fall apart – разбиться на части, потерпеть неудачу
fall back on – обратиться за помощью(при неудаче)
fall behind – отставать, задерживать(оплату)
fall for – влюбиться, быть обманутым
fall in with – ладить
fall out(with) – ссориться, выпадать
draw in – сбавлять скорость, привлекать, ловить
draw up – составлять(документ), останавливать

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : do, draw fall

1. We could do with a new washing machine. This one is very old.
2. This book is so old that it is falling apart.
3. I think Kate and Pete have fallen out. They aren’t speaking to each other.
4. The car drew up next to me, and the driver asked for directions.
5. The slowest runner fell behind very quickly after the race had started.
6. It’s about time the government did away with housing tax.
7. We bought a new house last year and now we are doing it up.
8. Mike was so handsome and charming that Sarah fell for him immediately.
9. The train drew in to the station exactly on time.
10. The politician thought that someone was trying to do away with him, so he hired a bodyguard.
11. Lots of people fell back on conman’s tricks before he was caught by the police.
12. The landlord drew up a contract for the new tenant.
13. Until you can afford to buy a car, you’ll have to do without one.
14. Don’t forget to do up your shoe laces or you’ll trip over them.
15. Despite months of preparation, their plans fell apart at the last minute.
16. Jenny’s doing herself up at the moment because she’s going to a party tonight.
17. If you fall behind with the payments we may take legal action.
18. The parcel that was delivered to my house was done up with string.
19. You can always fall apart your skills as a teacher if you don’t make it as an artist.
20. I’ll fall in with whatever you plan for the weekend.
21. You should have your house done up before you sell it.
22. If there is one thing I could never do without, it’s my mobile phone.
23. I told Sam that we had the day off school, and he fell for it.
24. The lawyers will draw all the official documents up next week.
25. The architect started to draw up the plans for the new house.

Phrasal Verbs: get

get across – чётко объяснить, изложить мысль
get along with – уживаться, ладить с кем-либо
get at – пытаться понять, дотянуться
get away – избежать(наказания), удрать, уезжать
get away from – сбежать, избежать, уехать
get away with – удрать с добычей
get by – удаваться(финансово), сдавать(экзамен), удаётся пережить
get down(to) – начать заниматься чем-либо серьёзно, терять надежду, печалиться
get off – сойти( с поезда, автобуса), снимать(одежду), уезжать, взлететь
get off with – не быть наказанным, обращаться снисходительно
get on – сесть на транспорт, делать успехи, приблизиться, ладить с людьми
get on with – быть в хороших отношениях, продолжить(после остановки)
get over – преодолеть, справиться с чем-то, выздороветь
get round – распространять
get out – выйти наружу, стать известным, выходить(газета)
get through – кончить, выживать, дозвониться, употреблять
got to – дойти(до понимания)

Learn to use the phrasal verb : get

1. I generally get on with my boss, although we disagree sometimes.
2. You really must get down to work. The exams start next week.
3. The teacher tried to get off early to get to London on time.
4. I earn enough money to get by, but I haven’t managed to save lately.
5. I haven’t got through ironing those clothes yet. I have been very busy.
6. The teacher tried to get across the main ideas of the theory to her class without confusing them.
7. We get through two loaves of bread a day.
8. I don’t understand what you are getting across. Can you explain what you want?
9. After the phone call, I got through my work.
10. Because it was his first offence, he got off with a warning from the judge.
11. There’s no getting away from paying taxes.
12. What he said really got to her, and she started to cry.
13. Despite the cold, they got by the winter without too many problems.
14. Bill got over his illness quickly and returned to work.
15. By the time we got home, it was getting on for midnight.
16. The burglars got away with the money.
17. After severed attempts, I finally got through the radio station.
18. No one should get away with breaking the law.
19. The news got round the city fast.
20. No problem is too big to get over.
21. The thieves managed to get away even though the police were looking for them.
22. I can’t get at that box because the shelf it is on is too high.
23. Susan got through the work quickly, so she was able to leave early.
24. It took Mary a long time to get over her illness.
25. The rainy weather really gets me down.

Phrasal Verbs: give, go

give away – дарить, раздавать, жертвовать, уступать, проговориться, подвести
give in – уступать, сдаваться, подавать, вручать, признавать, соглашаться
give off – испускать, выделять, прекратить
give out – издавать, распределять, раздавать, объявлять, выделять
give up – сдаться, отступить, отказаться, оставить, бросить(привычку)
go ahead – двигаться вперёд, продолжать
go along(with) – развиваться, продвигаться, сопровождаться чем-либо, уходить, соглашаться
go back(on) – возвращаться, ухудшаться, обмануть, подвести, нарушить данное слово
go by – быть упущенным(шанс), проходить(время)
go down – спускаться, затонуть, уменьшаться, падать, остаться в памяти, войти в историю, стихать(ветер), запоминаться
go down with – заболеть
go in for – заниматься(спортом), принимать участие, увлекаться, сдавать экзамен
go into – расследовать
go off – взорваться, воспламениться, портиться(продукты), засыпать, исчезать, выключаться, сойти, выстрелить(оружие)
go on – продолжать, случаться, происходить, выходить, быть впору
go out – выходить куда-либо, издаваться, передавать(по радио), выходить из моды, кончаться, истекать, гаснуть, наняться на работу
go over – опрокинуться, повторить, исследовать детали, приходить в негодность
go round – приходить в гости(запросто), вращаться, оглядываться, распространять(новости)
go through – пройти через(сквозь), быть принятым, исследовать, переживать(трудности), быть изданным
go through with – справиться с задачей, повышаться(цена/температура)
go up – расти(цены), идти, ехать, увеличиваться, изменить место, «повисеть на трубке»
go without – терпеть, выдерживать, длиться

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : give, go

1. They went through the survey results carefully.
2. The price of petrol has gone up again; the cost of running a car is increasing.
3. You must give in your assignments at the end of the week.
4. Let’s sit and watch the sun go down from the balcony
5. The candle went out when a gust of wind blew through the window.
6. Pam isn’t in today. She’s gone down with the flu.
7. When their supplies gave out the team decided to abandon their trip.
8. She has gone through some difficult periods this year.
9. They had a difficult childhood – they often had to go without things they needed.
10. Please could you go over what you said again.
11. My alarm went off at 6 o’clock this morning.
12. The robbers are going into/through the matter thoroughly.
13. Robert has decided to go over/through his plan to change jobs this year.
14. Things are going along fine at the moment. There are no problems.
15. House prices are going down which is good news for buyers.
16. Someone is giving away secret information.
17. Did you go in for the poetry competition?
18. Go ahead with the project since you have already started it.
19. This fire gives off a lot of heat, doesn’t it?
20. Time goes by very quickly when you are enjoying yourself.
21. The electricity went off when there was a power cut this afternoon.
22. Is there enough coffee to go round, or shall I make some more?
23. She gave by her chances of promotion when she shouted at her boss.
24. The thieves gave themselves up and were taken to prison.
25. The records in the office go round 10 years. 

Phrasal Verbs: hold, keep, let

hold back – сдерживать, удерживать, тянуть, уклоняться, медлить, хранить секрет, скрывать
hold in – сдерживать, контролировать, молчать
hold on – держаться(за что-либо), упорствовать, ждать, прикреплять, продолжать, целиться
hold out – протягивать, подавать, предлагать, выдерживать, держаться, не сдаваться
hold up – поддерживать, выставлять, задерживать, останавливать, грабить
keep away – держаться в отдалении
keep back – скрывать, утаивать, держаться сзади, удерживать, задерживать, теснить
keep behind – удерживать позади
keep from – удерживать(от чего-либо), избегать
keep off – не приближаться, держаться в отдалении
keep on – продолжать, не снимать, говорить в раздражённой манере
keep out of – держаться в стороне
keep up – держаться на прежнем уровне, не опускать, продолжаться, держать в должном порядке, быть в курсе, знать, поддерживать связь
keep up with – не отставать, держаться, поспевать
let down – разочаровывать, подводить, удлинять
let off – выстрелить, взорвать, простить, отпустить без наказания, помиловать
let out – выпустить, освободить, проболтаться, расширить

Learn to use phrasal verbs : hold, keep, let

1. The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up.
2. You shouldn’t hold in your anger. It will only make you worse.
3. I’m keeping off chocolate for a while in an attempt to lose a little weight.
4. I didn’t mean to let the secret out. It was an accident.
5. We were held out in traffic. That’s why we arrived late.
6. Our business is holding in quite well, despite the economic crisis.
7. The young man was let off because he had never been in trouble before.
8. The secretary asked me to hold on until Mrs. Harris was ready to take my call.
9. Kate is trying to keep her grades up at the same level.
10. The jury thought that one of the witnesses was keeping some important information back.
11. The joke was so funny that Jake couldn’t hold back his laughter.
12. Sam buys a newspaper every day to keep in the news.
13. You mustn’t hold back secrets if there is something I ought to know.
14. I’ve had a few problems, but I’m going to keep on trying until I succeed.
15. This skirt is too short, I’ll let it down a bit.
16. I think our water supplies will hold out for another four days.
17. Simon held back because he wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do.
18. You have put on weight! I’ll have to let out the waist of your trousers for you.
19. When Jane had measles, her mother kept her off school for 2 weeks.
20. The demonstrators held out for 3 weeks before ending their protest outside the factory.
21. I’m counting on you. Please don’t let me out.
22. Don’t walk so fast. I can’t keep up with you.
23. George keeps on watering the tree in the garden, but I’m sure it is dead.
24. The noise from the party kept me from sleeping until the early hours in the morning.
25. While we are away, please try to keep out of trouble.

Phrasal Verbs : look, make, pass

look after – заботиться, присматривать
look down on – смотреть свысока, презирать
look for – искать
look forward to – предчувствовать, ожидать чего-либо
look into – расследовать
look on(upon) – наблюдать, считать
look out(for) – выглядывать, высовываться, быть настороже, быть обращённым, подыскивать
look over – осмотреть тщательно, просмотреть быстро, пролистать, пропустить быстро
look round – обследовать(место, территорию), оглядываться, осмотреться, обдумать
look through – просмотреть быстро, пронизывать взглядом
look up(to) – искать информацию, поднять глаза, смотреть почтительно на кого-либо, навестить кого-либо
make for – двигаться к чему-либо, пробираться
make off – убегать, удирать
make out – составлять(документ), выписывать(чек), разобрать, увидеть, различить, понять
make up – помириться, гримировать, возмещать, выдумывать, составлять, собирать
pass away – исчезать, прекращаться, умереть
pass off – постепенно прекращаться, проходить(о дожде), оставлять без внимания, сдать экзамен
pass on – проходить дальше, переходить(к другому вопросу), вынести решение
pass out – потерять сознание, успешно пройти(учёбу), продать(товар), разобрать, понять

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : look, make, pass

1. They looked round the village before setting off down the mountain.
2. Fred passes out at the sight of blood.
3. The actress made herself up before she went on stage.
4. Nurses look after patients in hospital.
5. Look for the turning, I don’t want to miss it.
6. Two members of staff and eight parents make up the school committee.
7. What does this word say? I can’t make out the handwriting.
8. He looks down on people who are less priviliged.
9. Jane looked through the book quickly in the shop before she bought it.
10. Sadly, the chairman of the club passed away last week.
11. I looked for your telephone number in the telephone book.
12. This school is looked on/upon as being one of the best in the area.
13. The doctor looked over the patient carefully before giving his diagnosis.
14. The shoplifter was making for the door when the security stopped him.
15. They gave him a free meal to make up the bad service he received.
16. I’ll make up the checcue to you, shall I?
17. We are really looking forward to your birthday party.
18. Clive made up an excuse for his being late.
19. I’m looking for a new house at the moment.
20. Most of her clothes are passed on from her older sister.
21. Look through the contract before you sign it.
22. The man made off with money from the till, but was caught by the police a short time later.
23. The crowd looked on as the athlete finished the race in record time.
24. The police are looking into the burglary.
25. They had an argument yesterday, but I think they have made off now.

Phrasal Verbs: pay, put

pay back – выплачивать, оплачивать
pay for – оплачивать, окупать, поплатиться
pull down – разрушать, сносить(здание), понижать(цены), ослаблять
pull in – прибывать(на станцию), зарабатывать, сдерживать себя, остановиться(у обочины)
pull through – выжить, спастись
pull up – останавливаться, сдерживаться, делать выговор
put aside/by – отстранять, откладывать(в сторону), отводить(довод), копить(деньги)
put away – убирать, прятать, избавляться, помещать(в тюрьму, больницу)
put back – ставить на место, задерживать, отложить, перенести, вернуть на место
put down – записывать, класть, опускать, ругать, заготавливать(еду), оплатить долги
put down to – приписывать(что-либо чему-то ещё), совершить посадку
put off – откладывать, отвлекать, отделываться, вызывать отвращение, отключать(электричество)
put on – надевать(одежду), нанести(косметику), притвориться, включить(электричество), храбриться, прибавить(в весе)
put out – причинять неудобства, смущать, выводить из себя, издавать, погасить
put through – связаться по телефону, выполнить, закончить(работу), создать проблему
put up – поднимать, строить, обеспечивать средствами, повышать(цены), убирать, консервировать, давать приют гостям
put up with – терпеть, мириться(с чем-либо)

Learn to use the phrasal verbs: pay, pull, put

1. The train pulled in at the station and hundreds of people got off.
2. The taxi pulled up outside my house. I paid the driver and got out.
3. Put your ideas down on paper and I’ll look at them later.
4. I’ll put you through to the correct department, madam.
5. Put on your gloves. It’s very cold outside.
6. Walter’s parents tried to put him off becoming an artist.
7. She put her tiredness down to the fact that she had been working very hard.
8. Ignore James. He is not really ill, he’s just putting it on.
9. That shop has put up its prices again.
10. Kate is trying to put aside some money every week for her summer holidays.
11. The fireman put the fire out very quickly.
12. You’ll just have to put through the noise until the repairs are finished, I’m afraid.
13. The snowstorm caused the team’s expedition to be put off a few days.
14. Gordon vowed to pay Steve back for what he had done for him.
15. We put off going on holidays because I was very busy at work.
16. Alice said to Jane, “You’ll pay for this one day”.
17. The drama group are putting on their first performance next month.
18. The young soldiers were put through strict training in the first few days.
19. His house was put up for sale after he lost his job.
20. He put down a deposit of $100 when he booked the holidays.
21. He borrowed $20 from me but he still hasn’t paid it back.
22. I’ll put you up for the night if you can’t find a hotel.
23. It was a serious operation, but the patient pulled through.
24. If you don’t stop eating sweets, you’ll put on.
25. I don’t want to put you out, but could you babysit for me tonight, please?

Phrasal Verbs: run, see

run across – встретиться случайно, натолкнуться
run away – убежать, увиливать
run away with – сбежать, потерять самообладание, увлечься(мыслью)
run down – останавливаться(о машине), съездить ненадолго, столкнуться, сбить
run into – столкнуться, случайно встретить, впадать в, столкнуться(с проблемой)
run out(of) – истощать запас, выбегать, вытекать, истекать(о времени)
run over – переехать, задавить, повторять, просматривать(бегло), окинуть взглядом
run through – бегло прочитывать, зачеркнуть написанное, прокалывать
run up – быстро расти, увеличиваться, подниматься, доходить до
run up against – столкнуться(с трудностями)
see about – позаботиться, проследить(за чем-либо), подумать
see after – провожать
see off – смотреть, следить(за чем-то), присмотреть(за багажом)
see out – проводить(до двери), досидеть до конца, доводить до конца
see through – видеть насквозь, доводить до конца, помогать(в чём-то)
see to – присматривать за, заботиться

Learn to use the phrasal verbs: run, see

1. I ran into an old teacher of mine last weekend at the supermarket.
2. Be careful crossing that road. I don’t want you to get run down over.
3. The bath water ran over because Dean forgot to turn off the taps.
4. «The baby’s crying again». «Don’t worry, I’ll see to him this time».
5. Henry ran up a huge telephone bill and then he couldn’t afford to pay it.
6. You’ll never guess what I ran across at a car boot sale yesterday.
7. The garage roof is leaking. I must see about getting it fixed.
8. The actor ran through his lines once more on the night of the opening performance.
9. One of the employees ran away with the money from the bank.
10. The alarm clock isn’t working. I think the batteries must have run down.
11. The politician ran into great opposition in his election campaign, but he still managed to win.
12. He’s going to see the rest of his contract out and then leave the company.
13. They ran up against some difficulties when the jeep got a flat tire while they were on safari.
14. We saw Linda off at the airport and then went home.
15. Neil ran away from home when he was 17,but regretted it when he saw how hard life could be.
16. We’ve run out of milk again. I’ll go and buy some more.
17. It isn’t nice to run people down all the time. You ought to be more tolerant.
18. Lucy saw through the man’s tricks immediately.
19. He lost control of the car and ran into a tree.
20. The farmer saw the boys off his land and told them not to come back.
21. His parents saw him through the difficult year, and gave him all the support they could.
22. You’ll never guess who I ran into in town this afternoon!
23. Could you answer the phone while I see to the baby?
24. They have enough fuel to see the winter out. 25. Be careful not to run into debt.

Phrasal Verbs : set, stand

set about – приняться за что-то, начать что-то делать, начать драку, распространять(слухи)
set against – противопоставлять, восстанавливать против кого-то
set aside – откладывать, отвергать, оставлять без внимания
set back – препятствовать, задерживать
set by – откладывать, приберегать
set down – положить, бросить(на землю), отложить, записывать, письменно излагать
set in – начинать, устанавливаться(погода)
set off – отмечать, размечать, отправлять, откладывать, выделять
set out – помещать, выставлять, отправляться(в путешествие), излагать
set to – браться(за работу, дело)
set up – основывать, открывать(дело), снабжать, обеспечивать, причинять(боль), поднимать(шум)
stand by – присутствовать, быть безучастным зрителем, защищать, помогать, поддерживать
stand for – поддерживать, стоять за, означать, терпеть, выносить
stand in(for) – замещать(на работе), быть в хороших отношениях, поддерживать, помогать
stand out – выделяться, выступать, не сдаваться
stand up – вставать, оказываться прочным, заслужить доверие
stand up for – защищать, отстаивать, поддерживать
stand up to – перечить, смело встречать, быть на высоте, защищать(кого-либо без страха)

Learn to use the phrasal verbs: set, stand

1. Tom set off/out on his voyage, full of excitement.
2. Nick’s wife stood by/stood up for him when he lost his job two months ago
3. Once the cold weather sets in, we’ll be glad of the fire in the living-room.
4. The chef set aside some strawberries to put on top of the cake.
5. The letters UN stand for United Nations.
6. The group set out on their journey, wondering what adventures lay ahead.
7. Of all the essays, that one stands out because it is very well-written.
8. He stood up to last night, so I’m very angry with him.
9. By end of the day, Jack had done everything he set out to do.
10. You ought to stand up for your boss. I’m sure he will respect you for it.
11. Ann was recently set up her own accountancy business.
12. You ought to stand up to yourself. Don’t let anyone intimidate you.
13. I don’t know how to set about it.
14. BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation.
15. Mr. Howard will be standing in for Mrs. O’Connel while she is ill.
16. Many birds fly south before winter sets in.
17. In the beginning , we set out to build a successful company.
18. Molly has bright red hair, so she always stands out in a crowd.
19. I know that my best friend will always stand up for me.
20. She set about complaining as soon as she arrived.
21. She set aside a little money each week.
22. How can you stand by and watch the country go to ruin?
23. You must stand up for your rights.
24. Winter sets in early in the north.
25. The bad weather will set back our building plans.

Phrasal Verbs: take

take after – быть похожим, быть в кого-то
take away – удалять, вычитать, отнимать, уносить
take back – возвращать
to take aback – захватить, врасплох
take down – разбирать на части, снимать(со стены), записывать, снижать(цену)
take in – ушивать одежду, принимать гостя, получать, занимать(территорию), поверить(обману)
take off – снимать(одежду), взлететь, удалять, вычитать, уменьшать, сбавлять(цену), губить
take on – принимать(на работу), браться(за дело), иметь успех, полнеть
take out – вынимать, выводить(пятна), выводить(на прогулку), пригласить куда-либо
take over – контролировать, занять должность, овладеть, перевозить(на другой берег)
take to – приобрести привычку, привязаться к кому-либо, прибегнуть к чему-либо
take up – начать(заниматься хобби), обсуждать(план), занимать, принимать, браться за что-либо, заниматься чем-либо
take up on – принять(предложение, приглашение)
be taken aback – сильно удивиться, захватить врасплох
be taken in – быть обманутым

Learn to use the phrasal verbs : take

1. The dentist took out one of my teeth last month.
2. Mike takes after his mother. They’ve both got brown hair and green eyes.
3. Lesley’s business is really taking off. She has had lots of orders.
4. I have decided to take up aerobics because I want to get fit.
5. I’m sorry, I take back everything I said about this restaurant. The meal was delicious.
6. The teacher took away the boy’s football and put it in the cupboard.
7. No one was taken aback/in by her clever lies.
8. I took him up on his dinner invitation and we went to a lovely restaurant.
9. When their camping trip was over, the girls took out their tent and put it away carefully.
10. The factory is taking on more employees at the moment.
11. Work takes up most of my time these days.
12. I bought this skirt but it’s too wide. Could you take it in a little bit, please?
13. My husband took me out for a meal last night to celebrate our anniversary.
14. I took off my jacket and hung it in the wardrobe.
15. The company is being taken over by a very large firm.
16. I’m taking some time off next month. I need a holiday.
17. Alex was taken aback when he heard the news.
18. If you have finished lunch, I’ll take your plate away.
19. The plane sped along the runway and took off.
20. I have taken to going for a five-mile run every day.
21. Why don’t you take up a hobby, like collecting something?
22. George really takes after his grandfather, doesn’t he?
23. The man at the door said to be a policemen, but we were not taken in.
24. He can’t help; he is too taken up with his own problems.
25. The shop will take the toy back if it breaks.

Phrasal Verbs: turn, wear, work

turn away – отворачиваться, прогонять, не пропускать, повернуть назад, обернуться
turn down – убавить(громкость), отвергать, отказывать, загнуть, отогнуть
turn somebody in – сдать(в полицию, власть), зайти мимоходом, возвращать, лечь спать
turn into – изменять, изменять(кого-либо в кого-либо)
turn off – закрыть(кран), выключить(свет), увольнять, отвлекать внимание, быстро сделать, повесить
turn on – включить(свет), открыть(кран), зависеть(от), наказать
turn out – выпускать(изделия), выгонять, выворачивать(карманы), украшать, прибыть
turn over – перевернуться, опрокидывать, передать другому, обдумывать, переключить(TV-канал)
turn somebody over to – доставить, поместить(кого-либо в полицию)
turn to – приняться за работу, обратиться(к кому-либо), превратиться, окончиться, быть результатом
turn up – появиться(неожиданно), подниматься, случаться, отказаться, копать, открыть(карту), увеличить(звук, давление)
wear down – утомлять, изнашиваться, преодолевать, опровергать
wear off – стираться, смягчаться, проходить, перестать действовать(лекарство)
wear out – изнашиваться, истощаться, состарить, изнурить, утомить
work on – продолжить работу, воздействовать
work out – решать(задачу), разрабатывать(план), заниматься спортом, составлять(документ), истощать
work up – развивать, увеличивать, вызывать, возбуждать, действовать, собирать сведения

Learn to use the phrasal verbs: turn, wear, work

1. I’m worn out. I’ve been working hard all day long.
2. We turned on the heater because the room was cold.
3. The policeman asked him to turn out his pocket so he could examine the contents.
4. The effects of the anesthetic the dentist gave me are gradually wearing off.
5. He had to work up his courage before asking for a pay rise.
6. They turned in/over the burglar to the police when they caught him in their house.
7. I’ve got a problem and I don’t know who to turn to for help.
8. Ann was offered the job, but she turned it down.
9. It turned out to be the wrong road, so we had no idea where we were.
10. The class was silently trying to work out the solution to the math’s problem.
11. I can’t hear the news. Please turn on the volume on the TV.
12. Our neighbours have turned their garage into a study.
13. This washing powder doesn’t work on grass stains. You have to use something stronger.
14. Sam turned up on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
15. The old lady turned over the thief she had caught to the police.
16. We turn away out about 10 thousand of these cars every month.
17. The family were turned out of their flat by the landlord when they couldn’t pay the rent.
18. The tennis player gradually wore down out his opponent, until he finally won the match.
19. This music is very loud. Could you turn the volume off, please?
20. The children were turned out from the cinema because there were no tickets left.
21. Turn over the page and look at exercise ten.
22. The vacuum cleaner is worn out. We need to buy a new one.
23. I wanted to join the Air Force, but they turned me out because of my eyesight.
24. My arm started to hurt again as the effects of the pain-killer wore off.
25. If you look at the context, maybe you can work out what the word means.

Тестовые задания

Keys (ключи)

Список использованной литературы

  1. ISBN :
    019 431 5509
    A.S. Hornby
    Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English
  2. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Grammar and Vocabulary
    ISBN : 960-6620-56-5
  3. Martin Hewings Advanced Grammar in Use
    ISBN 0-521-49868-6
  4. ББК 81.2 Англ – 926
    Поуви Д. Английские фразовые глаголы и их употребление: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Высш. шк., 1990 – 176с.
    ISBN 5-06-001575-0
  5. УДК 373.167.1:811.111
    ББК 81.2 Англ – 922
    КТК 441
    Меттус И.О.
    Фразовые глаголы современного английского языка: учеб. пособие/Ч.О. Меттус. – Изд. 3-е – Ростов н/Д: Феникс,2014 – 96с.
  • 1













    что э́то (тако́е)? — what is this?

    что зна́чит э́то сло́во? — what does this word mean?

    он не зна́ет, что э́то зна́чит — he does not know what this means

    что (вы сказа́ли)? — what did you say?

    что е́сли он не придёт? — what if he does not come?

    что де́лать? — what is to be done?

    для чего́ э́то употребля́ется / слу́жит? — what is it (used) for?

    что он из себя́ представля́ет? — what kind of person is he?

    2) which

    он пришёл по́здно, что бы́ло необы́чно — he came late, which was unusual

    3) that, which;

    (та) кни́га, что на столе́ — the book that / which is on the table

    (та) кни́га, что он дал ей — the book (that) he gave her

    э́то всё, что там напи́сано — that is all that is written there

    всё, что он знал — all he knew

    э́то та са́мая кни́га, что он дал ей — this is the very book he gave her

    да́йте ему́ не э́то письмо́, а то, что она́ принесла́ вчера́ — don’t give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday

    е́сли что случи́тся — if anything happens


    что… что (одно… другое) — this… that; some… other

    что оста́вил, что взял с собо́й — this [some things] he left, that [other things] he took with him


    что вы! (нет, не верно) — no!, by no means!, far from it!

    что до — as for; with regard to, concerning

    что до него́, он согла́сен — as to / for him, he agrees

    что до меня́ — as for me; as far as I am concerned

    что ему́ до э́того — what does he care for / about it; what does it matter to him

    что ж, он сде́лает э́то сам — well [all right], he will do it himself

    что ж(е) из э́того?, ну и что ж(е)? — well, what of that?; so what does it mean?

    (ну и) что ж(е), что… — what does it matter if…

    ну и что ж, что он не умён — what does it matter if he is not too bright

    что за, что… за разг. (при вопросе: какой) — what; what kind / sort of; what

    что за кни́ги там?, что там за кни́ги? — what books are those?

    что э́то за де́рево? — what kind of tree is it?

    что и говори́ть вводн. сл. разг. — there is no denying; it has to be admitted; let’s face it

    что к чему́ — what is what

    не понима́ть, что к чему́ — not know what is what

    знать, что к чему́ — know the how and why of things; know a thing or two

    что ли разг. — perhaps, may be

    оста́вить э́то здесь, что ли? — shall I perhaps leave it here?

    что ни день, пого́да меня́ется — the weather changes every day

    что он ни ска́жет, интере́сно — whatever he says is interesting

    что бы ни случи́лось — whatever happens

    что по́льзы / про́ку / то́лку разг. — what is the use / sense

    что с ва́ми? — what is the matter with you?

    что тут тако́го? — what’s wrong with that?

    в чём де́ло?, что случи́лось? — what is the matter?

    не что ино́е как — nothing other than, nothing less than, nothing short of

    ни за что — 1) not for anything in the world 2) for nothing at all

    оста́ться ни при чём — get nothing for one’s pains

    с чего́ бы э́то вдруг? — what’s the cause?, now, why?

    то, что — what

    он по́мнит то, что она́ сказа́ла — he remembers what she said

    э́то не то, что он ду́мал — it is not what he thought

    э́то не то, чего́ он ожида́л — it is not what he expected

    уйти́ ни с чем — go away empty-handed; get nothing for one’s pains

    чего́ бы… не — what… wouldn’t

    чего́ бы он не дал за э́то! — what wouldn’t he give for that!

    чего́ до́брого разг. — may… for all I know

    он чего́ до́брого опозда́ет — he may be late for all I know

    чего́ сто́ит…! — см. стоить

    чего́ там разгова́ривать — what is the use of talking

    чего́ то́лько… не — what… not

    чего́ то́лько он не ви́дел! — what hasn’t he seen!, the things he has seen!; there’s precious [‘pre-] little he hasn’t seen!



    он сказа́л, что она́ придёт — he said (that) she would come

    э́то так про́сто, что ка́ждый поймёт — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    э́то тако́е тру́дное сло́во, что он не мо́жет его́ запо́мнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что — (the fact) that

    то, что он э́то сде́лал, их удиви́ло — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узна́л о том, что она́ уе́хала — he learnt that she had left

    они́ узна́ли [ду́мали, вообража́ли, предполага́ли], что он у́мный челове́к — they knew [thought, imagined, supposed] him to be a clever man

    они́ ожида́ли, что он придёт — they expected him to come


    что… что (как… так и) — whether… or

    он всегда́ мра́чный — что до́ма, что на рабо́те — he is always gloomy, whether at home or at work


    потому́… что — см. потому I



    что ты не ложи́шься спать? — why aren’t you going to bed?

    что же ты молча́ла? — why didn’t you say anything?

    что так? — why so?, why is that?; why not?

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > что

  • 2



    1) what

    он не знает, что это значит — he does not know what this means

    2) which

    он пришел поздно, что не было обычно — he came late, which was not usual

    3) that

    та книга, что на столе — the book that is on the table

    (та) книга, что он дал ей — the book that he gave her; the book he gave her

    это все, что там написано — that is all that is written there

    все, что он знал — all he knew

    дайте ему не это письмо, а то, что она принесла вчера — do not give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday


    к чему — what for, what’s the use of

    не за что — don’t mention it, no problem

    не к чему — there is no sense/point in doing

    не что иное как — nothing but, nothing else than, nothing more nor less than

    ни к чему — разг. it is of no use to smb.; there is no need to do smth.

    что к чему — what’s what, what it’s all about

    что ли — разг. perhaps, maybe, or something

    уйти ни с чем — to go away empty-handed, to go away having achieved nothing; to get nothing for one’s pains

    что ни слово, то ложь — every word is a lie



    то, что — (the fact) that

    он сказал, что она придет — he said (that) she would come

    это так просто, что каждый поймет — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    это такое трудное слово, что он не может его запомнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что он это сделал, их удивило — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узнал о том, что она уехала — he learnt that she had left

    они думали, что он умный человек — they thought him to be a clever man

    они ожидали, что он придет — they expected him to come

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > что

  • 3


    (рд. чего, дт. чему, вн. что, тв. чем, пр. чём)

    он не знает, что это значит — he does not know what this means

    для чего это употребляется, служит? — what is that used for?

    что он, она из себя представляет? — what is he, she, ., like?

    2. () which

    он пришёл поздно, что не было обычно — he came late, which was not usual

    (та) книга, что на столе — the book that is on the table

    (та) книга, что он дал ей — the book that he gave her; the book he gave her

    это всё, что там написано — that is all that is written there

    всё, что он знал — all he knew

    тот самый…, что — the same… that

    это та самая книга, что он дал ей — this is the very book that he gave her

    дайте ему не это письмо, а то, что она принесла вчера — do not give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday

    то, что — what

    он помнит то, что она сказала — he remembers what she said

    это не то, что он думал — it is not what he thought

    это не то, чего он ожидал — it is not what he expected


    что… что () — this… that:

    что оставил, что взял с собой — this he left, that he took with him


    что за, что… за — () what; () what kind / sort of; () what (+ a an)

    что за книги там?, что там за книги? — what are those books over there?

    что до — with regard to, concerning

    что до него, он согласен — as to / for him, he agrees

    что до меня… — as far as I am concerned…

    что ему до этого — what does he, ., care for / about it; what does it matter to him, .

    что ж, он сделает это см — why, he will do it himself

    оставить это здесь, что ли? — perhaps leave it here; leave* it here, eh?

    что ни день, погода меняется — the weather changes every day

    что он ни скажет, интересно — whatever he says is interesting

    что пользы, что толку — what is the use / sense

    не что иное как — nothing other than, nothing less than, nothing short of

    хоть бы что — (; ) nothing (to); () make* nothing of (+ ); (; + ) think* nothing (+ ; of )

    в чём дело?, что случилось? — what is the matter?

    что и говорить — there is no denying, it cannot be denied

    не понимать, что к чему — not know* what is what

    знать, что к чему — know* the how and why of things

    уйти ни с чем — go* away empty-handed, having achieved nothing; get* nothing for one’s pains


    он сказал, что она придёт — he said (that) she would come

    это так просто, что каждый поймёт — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    это такое трудное слово, что он не может его запомнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что — (the fact) that

    то, что он это сделал, их удивило — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узнал о том, что она уехала — he learnt that she had left

    они узнали, думали, воображали, предполагали , что он умный человек — they knew, thought, imagined, supposed, ., him to be a clever man*

    они ожидали, что он придёт — they expected him to come

    потому… что потому I




    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > что

  • 4


    mean, signify

    что означа́ет э́то сло́во? — what does this word mean?

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > означать

  • 5
    Что означает это слово?

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Что означает это слово?

  • 6

    to mean, to signify

    что э́то зна́чит? — what does it mean?, what’s all this about?

    что зна́чит э́то сло́во? — what’s the meaning of this word?

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > значить

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mean — The expected value of a random variable. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. mean mean 1 [miːn] adjective [only before a noun] STATISTICS average: • Analysts mean estimate is for earnings of 33 cents a share.   [m0] …   Financial and business terms

  • mean — The expected value of a random variable. Arithmetic average of a sample. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. mean mean 1 [miːn] adjective [only before a noun] STATISTICS average: • Analysts mean estimate is for earnings of 33 cents a share …   Financial and business terms

  • what — [ wat, hwat ] function word *** What can be used in the following ways: as a question pronoun (introducing a direct or indirect question): What do you want? Tell me what happened. as a relative pronoun (starting a relative clause that is subject …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mean — I [[t]mi͟ːn[/t]] VERB USES ♦ means, meaning, meant (Please look at category 19 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) VERB: no cont If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you… …   English dictionary

  • mean — I UK [miːn] / US [mɪn] verb [transitive] Word forms mean : present tense I/you/we/they mean he/she/it means present participle meaning past tense meant UK [ment] / US past participle meant *** Get it right: mean: When you want to say what… …   English dictionary

  • mean — mean1 W1S1 [mi:n] v [T] past tense and past participle meant [ment] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(have a particular meaning)¦ 2¦(intend to say something)¦ 3¦(intend to do something)¦ 4¦(result in something)¦ 5¦(be familiar)¦ 6¦(say something seriously)¦ 7¦(how… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • word — word1 W1S1 [wə:d US wə:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(unit of language)¦ 2 somebody s words 3 have a word 4 want a word 5 not hear/understand/believe a word 6 without (saying) a word 7 say a word/say a few words 8 a word of warning/caution/advice/thanks etc 9… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Word of Wisdom — For the Pentecostal usage of this term, see Word of wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is the common name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, [In the edition published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, it is… …   Wikipedia

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • mean# — mean adj Mean, ignoble, abject, sordid can all be applied to persons, their behavior, or the conditions in which they live with the meaning so low as to be out of keeping with human dignity or generally acceptable standards of human life or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • What Is to Be Done? — This article is about Lenin s pamphlet. For other uses, see What Is to Be Done? (disambiguation). What to do? Burning Questions of Our Movement (Russian: Что делать? Shto delat’?) is a political pamphlet written by the Russian revolutionary… …   Wikipedia

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