What does this word a means b mean c meant



Вопрос по английскому языку:


Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When ___ you born?
a) do b) did c) were

2. What does this word ___?
a) means b) mean c) meant

3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.
a) at b) of c) with

4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ like them.
a) also b) too c) either

5. He never ___ lies.
a) say b) tells c) tell

6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.
a) little b) a little c) few

7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.
a) at b) in c) on

8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.
a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

9. Jim has got ___ juice than Mary.
a) little b) less c) fewer

10. I don`t care ____ soap operas.
a) for b)with c) at

(Английский язык)

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Were, mean, of, also, tells, few, at, has performed, less, for.

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Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When ___ you born?
a) do b) did c) were

2. What does this word ___?
a) means b) mean c) meant

3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.
a) at b) of c) with

4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ like them.
a) also b) too c) either

5. He never ___ lies.
a) say b) tells c) tell

6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.
a) little b) a little c) few

7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.
a) at b) in c) on

8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.
a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

9. Jim has got ___ juice than Mary.
a) little b) less c) fewer

10. I don`t care ____ soap operas.
a) for b)with c) at

(Английский язык)
Даю 20 баллов

1 ответ:



1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A

Читайте также

1) The main characters of its book were kind and brave 2) Mark Twain wrote about adventures of Thomas and his friends

Jack London (Jack London) ( 1876 — 1916) — American novelist, short story writer , essayist .

Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco . Parents divorced before the birth of the writer. Jack adopted his stepfather , a widowed farmer John London . The family was poor , labor : Jack had not finish my studies in school at an early age to earn a living . He worked at the jute and canning factories, earned as » oyster pirate ,» maritime patrol , almost half a year sailed on the schooner » Sutherland » , producing seals in the Pacific Ocean , visited Alaska as a prospector . All this rich supply of experience realized later in his stories . Jack London — the man who made himself . From childhood he loved the book reads like fiction and philosophical and sociological works . Craftsman , sailor, later a farmer who knew the severity of the physical labor , London lifetime devoured knowledge and in the early years on fire dream of becoming a writer . The first story — «For those who are on the way » , » test» in print in 1899 , which opened the door for him many publishing houses and magazines, before it is rejected. His collections of short stories , » Son of the Wolf ,» » God of his fathers ,» » Children of frost » et al., Depicting the strong-willed , courageous people in a » white silence » severe North, condemning the cowards and traitors , brought him wide recognition .

Does Tom plays basketball?
Does Tom play basketball since 8?
Does your friends goes to the park?
Does your friends goes to the park at the weekends?
Do you visit your grandma?
Do you and your parents live in London?
Do you visit you grand parents?
Do yo know Fred?
Do you watch Tv?
Do you watch Tv everyday?
Do you watch the Wild World program?

1. was built

2. were posted

3. was polluted

4. was opened

1. We shall have dinner in 20 minutes

2. The manager will explain you everything

3 Our father will take theme to the park next Sunday

4 The doctor will examine you in some minutes

5 the children will return from the summer camp next Friday

6. The mechanic will repair your car tomorrow

7 I shall find this information for tomorrow

8 People will live on other planets in future


1) Sven his first record when he was sixteen made.

2) I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word mean.

3) Do you know when he will have returned

4) Mark didn’t understand gave instructions, so he up trying to make the machine work.

5) The plane, leaves at four o’clock. We must be at the airport at 2 p.m.

6) – Where have you been born? – In London.

7) John usually will play tennis once or twice a week


1) Свен сделал свою первую запись, когда ему было шестнадцать лет.

2) Я не понимаю этого предложения. Что означает это слово?

3) Вы не знаете, когда он вернется?

4) Марк не понимал отдаваемых инструкций, поэтому он пытался заставить машину работать.

5) Самолет вылетает в четыре часа. Мы должны быть в аэропорту в два часа дня.

6) — Где ты родился? – в Лондоне.

7) Джон обычно играет в теннис один или два раза в неделю

Простите! тут возможны косяки!!!

Grammar test 11th form

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.  

11. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

21. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

22. Most of the cattle … under the trees.

a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.

23. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.

a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.

24. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,

a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.

25. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.

a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.

26. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?

a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.

27. … of the three boys got a prize,

a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.

28. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.

a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.

29. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.

a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .

30. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.

a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.

31. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.

a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.

32. Nothing is wrong,…?

a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.

33. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.

a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.

34. May I apologize … being so late?

a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.

35. All the furniture in this room … antique.

a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.

36. … traffic in the city center.

a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.

37. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.

a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.

38. She … the piano since she was ten.

a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.

39. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.

a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.

40. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.

a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.

41. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.

a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.

42. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,

a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.

43. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!

a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.

44. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”

a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.

45. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.

a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.

46. Open the window, … you?

a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.

47. You must try not to … so many mistakes.

a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.

48. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.

a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.

49. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,

a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.

50. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,

a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.

Ответы на грамматический тест по английскому языку.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d.

– Present, Past, Future Tenses
– Questions with Who, Why, How much
– Phrases with more than one meaning

1. _____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English.
A) I’m speak
B) I’m speaking
C) I speaking
D) I speak

2. Where _____ from?
A) Hans come
B) does Hans come
C) does Hans coming
D) Hans came

3. What _____ tonight?
A) do you do
B) you do
C) are you doing
D) did you do

4. “Where is George”
“He _____ a shower.”
A) has
B) will have
C) is having
D) have

5. “What _____ ?”
“I don’t know. Look it up.”
A) does this word mean
B) means this word
C) does mean this word
D) is meaning this word

6. “Do you want a cigarette?”
“No, thanks. I _____ .”
A) no smoke
B) smoke not
C) am not smoking
D) don’t smoke
7. Last year I _____ to America.
A) was go
B) go
C) was going
D) went

8. How long _____ in America?
A) you stay
B) did you stay
C) stayed you
D) you staying

9. The weekend was boring. I _____ anything.
A) don’t do
B) no do
C) didn’t do
D) wasn’t doing

10. “I’m going to university next year”
“What _____ study?”
A) you going to
B) do you
C) did you
D) are you going to
Enrique __(11)__ in Puebla, a town in Mexico. He __(12)__ medicine because he __(13)__ to be a doctor. He’s married, but he __(14)__ any children. His wife, Silvia, __(15)__ in a primary school. Enrique
__(16)__ cooking. He can make an excellent enchilada!

A) lived
B) lives
C) was living
D) live

A) studied
B) was studying
C) is studying
D) doesn’t study
A) is wanting
B) was wanting
C) will want
D) wants

A) has
B) have
C) doesn’t have
D) is going to have

A) was teaching
B) teaches
C) teach
D) thought

A) loved
B) used to love
C) loves
D) love

17. At the weekend, I usually _____ go swimming.
A) am
B) *
C) was
D) want
18. Are you _____ the party?
A) enjoy
B) enjoyed
C) enjoying
D) enjoys

19. How many sisters _____ ?
A) do you have
B) you have
C) are you have
D) do you has

20. I _____ understand what you are saying.
A) no
B) don’t
C) am not
D) didn’t

21. What time _____ home last night?
A) did you get
B) you get
C) do you get
D) did you got

22. Last weekend I _____ some friends and we _____ a meal.
A) see / having
B) saw / have
C) seeing / had
D) saw / had

23. I _____ English food. It’s wonderful!
A) am loving
B) loved
C) love
D) loves

24. Pierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.
A) is coming
B) came
C) come
D) comes

25. _____ the computer at the moment?
A) Does Mr. Taylor use
B) Is Mr. Taylor using
C) Did Mr. Taylor use
D) Will Mr. Taylor use

26. Dave _____ a student with her work now.
A) helped
B) help
C) is helping
D) helping
27. “ It’s very noisy”
“Suzy _____ to rock music.”
A) listen
B) listens
C) listened
D) is listening

28. Carol _____ hard for her exam last week.
A) didn’t study
B) isn’t studying
C) don’t study
D) aren’t study

29. Most of the students _____ these days.
A) didn’t smoke
B) aren’t smoking
C) isn’t smoking
D) don’t smoke

30. You look nice, Anne. _____ a new dress?
A) Do you wear
B) Does she wear
C) Are you wearing
D) Did you wear

31. Many birds _____ south every winter.
A) fly
B) flew
C) are flying
D) will fly

32. Usually Jim _____ to work on Saturdays.
A) is going
B) went
C) go
D) goes

33. Japan _____ many high mountains.
A) have
B) is having
C) has
D) are having

34. Cats _____ very well in darkness.
A) are seeing
B) see
C) will
D) sees

35. “What _____ ?”
“I’m studying computer science.”
A) are you studying
B) were you studying
C) was you studying
D) is she studying

36. “ _____ born?”
“I was born in London.”
A) When did you
B) Where were you
C) Where are you
D) Where do you

37. “Are _____?”
“No, I’m single.”
A) he marries
B) you married
C) you marry
D) she married

38. “ _____ a job ?”
“No, I don’t. I’m a student.”
A) Did you have
B) Do you have
C) Have you had
D) Are you having
39. “_____ Liverpool?”
“It’s in the north west of England.”
A) Where were
B) Where are
C) Where is
D) When was

40. “What _____?”
“My name’s Ben.”
A) was your name
B) were your name
C) is your name
D) is his name
41. “Are _____ your course?”
“Yes, I’m enjoying it very much.”
A) you enjoying
B) they enjoying
C) they enjoyed
D) enjoying

42. “Do _____ clubs?”
“I go sometimes.”
A) you do
B) you go to
C) you usually go
D) you do go to

43. “What_____ doing in you free time?”
“I like watching sport on TV.”
A) are you
B) sport are you
C) do you like
D) would you like to

44. “ _____”
“Yes, can I help you?”
A) Thank you!
B) Cheers!
C) Excuse me!
D) Nothing much.

45. “What are you doing this weekend?”
A) Nothing much
B) Not at all. Don’t mention it
C) Cheers
D) Bye for now

46. “Make your self at home.”
“ _____ .”
A) Sleep well
B) Thank you
C) Thanks. Same to you
D) Excuse me
47. “Thank you so much for helping.”
“ _____ .”
A) Nothing much
B) Cheers
C) Not at all. Don’t mention it
D) Sleep well

48. “Good morning!”
“ _____”
A) Good morning!
B) Thank you!
C) Cheers!
D) Sleep well!

49. “See you next week.”
“ ___________. “
A) Cheers
B) Thank you
C) Good morning
D) Bye for now

50. “Have a nice day!”
“ _____.”
A) Thanks. Same to you
B) Not at all. Don’t mention it.
C) Nothing much
D) Sleep well

51. A- Where _____ from?
B- _____ am from Milano.
A) are you / I
B) are / you
C) are they / they
D) you / I

52. A- _____ Leo eat Chinese food?
B- Yes, he _____ it _____ he was 10.
A) Did / eaten / when
B) Does / ate / what
C) Did / ate / when
D) Do / eat / what

53. What _____ they going _____ do?
A) are / too
B) are / to
C) is / to
D) is / too
54. A- How _____ languages can your son speak?
B- Three _____.
A) much / languages
B) many / language
C) many / languages
D) much / language

55. A- When _____ it _____ raining?
B- Yesterday.
A) Did / started
B) Does / start
C) Does / starts
D) Did / start

56. _____ kind _____ music do you like?
A) What / *
B) How / of
C) What / of
D) What / *

57. A- Good night!
B – _____!
A) Sleep well
B) Cheers
C) Fine, thanks
D) Bye

58. Oh! Welcome, Jack! __________.
A) Pleased to meet you
B) That’s very kind
C) Make yourself at home
D) Same to you

59. Customer: _______________!
Shop assistant: _______________?
A) Good morning / Good morning
B) Excuse me / Yes, can I help you
C) Bless you / Thank you
D) How do you do / How do you do

60. A- Thank you very much!
B- ___________.
A) Same to you
B) Thanks
C) Bye
D) Not at all

61. Mobile phones, televisions, and radios are a means of _____.
A) communication
B) transport
C) media
D) civilization

62. Romans _____ a unique system of the Roman alphabet.
A) improved
B) developed
C) persuaded
D) exchanged

63. Nowadays media has a huge influence on the _____.
A) neighbors
B) society
C) printing pressing
D) Greeks

64. We send _____ through the internet.
A) a letter
B) a fax
C) mail
D) an e-mail

65. Romans, Greek and Egyptians are all _____ nations.
A) ancient
B) old
C) dated
D) modern


1-D 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-B

9-C 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-C

17-B 18-C 19-A 20-B 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D

25-B 26-C 27-D 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-A 32-D

33-C 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-B 38-B 39-C 40-C

41-A 42-B 43-C 44-C 45-A 46-B 47-C 48-A

49-D 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-C 55-D 56-C

57-A 58-C 59-B 60-D 61-A 62-B 63-B 64-D


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