What does the word worthless

бесполезный, никчемный, дрянной, никудышный, бесценный, матерный, херовый


- ничего не стоящий; не имеющий никакой ценности
- бесполезный
- никчёмный, никудышный, дрянной

worthless woman — пустая /ничтожная/ женщина; дрянь
worthless excuses — пустые отговорки
worthless arguments — неубедительные доводы

Мои примеры


become worthless — обесцениваться  
worthless cash — деревянные  
worthless dough — деревянные  
worthless invention — бесполезное изобретение  
worthless scrub — валежник  
worthless versifier — бездарный поэт  
be intrinsically worthless — не обладать внутренней стоимостью или ценностью  
worthless bill — вексель, не имеющий ценности  
worthless check — чек, не имеющий ценности  
light-minded / worthless person — пустельга  

Примеры с переводом

The information was worthless to me.

Эта информация была для меня бесполезной.

The house was full of worthless junk.

Дом быт набит бесполезным хламом. / В доме было полно никому не нужной рухляди.

I’m glad that Alice has finished with that worthless young man.

Я очень рад, что Алиса порвала с этим ничтожеством.

His parents had made him feel worthless.

Родители заставили его почувствовать себя бесполезным / никуда не годным.

Why did you chuck your money away on such a worthless plan?

Зачем ты потратил деньги на такое бесполезное предприятие?

She struggled to overcome her feelings of worthlessness.

Она отчаянно пыталась перебороть чувство собственной никчёмности.

This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off worthless goods.

Этот закон направлен против тех, кто пытается сбыть с рук некачественные товары.

A surprising number of people were bidding for those rather worthless things at the sale.

На аукционе оказалось на редкость много желающих приобрести эти, в общем-то, довольно бесполезные вещи.

They were bamboozled by con men into buying worthless land in the desert.

Их надули мошенники, убедив купить бросовую землю в пустыне.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boots may be nice, but they’re worthless if they don’t fit you.

She’s depressed and believes that she’s worthless.

I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

worth  — стоимость, ценность, достоинства, цена, заслуживающий, обладающий, стоящий
worthy  — достойный, заслуживающий, достойный человек, герой, особа
worthing  — Уэртинг

worthless — перевод на русский


The core is worthless.

Сердечник бесполезен.

Chou was worthless as a man.

«оу как мужчина был бесполезен.

He’s worthless, Evelyn.

Он бесполезен, Эвелин.

My entire catalogue of the planet is worthless.

Весь мой каталог этой планеты бесполезен.

You’re worthless. Less than the shit on my shoes.

Ты бесполезен, как дерьмо на моих туфлях.

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You worthless bastard, coming back here alone!

Ты, никчёмный ублюдок, вернулся один!

Fight for your wife, you worthless bastard!

Дерись за свою жену, никчёмный сукин сын!

You are a worthless piece of shit, Pyle!

Ты — никчемный кусок дерьма, Куча!

You worthless piece of slime!

Ты никчёмный кусок слизи!

You are a worthless street rat.

Ты… никчёмный оборванец.

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My book is worthless without your help.

Моя книга ничего не стоит без вашей помощи.

My word is worthless.

Моё слово ничего не стоит.

It’s worthless to anyone else, but it has great meaning to me.

Это простой камень. Он ничего не стоит для остальных, но для меня он очень много значит.

But then if you knew the ‘Venus’ was worthless, why…

Но если вы знали, что Венера ничего не стоит, почему?

The extremists have created the mystic of the people, but the people are worthless.

Экстремисты создали мистику народа. Но народ ничего не стоит.

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You are nothing, worthless, you’re powerless against me!

Ты ничто, ты ничтожество по сравнению со мной!

I’m a big, worthless nothing.

Я огромное ничтожество.

Am I worthless?

Я, что, такое ничтожество?

You worthless…

Ты ничтожество… А, это — вы?

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And then there will be no need for a worthless ruler like Sidorak, who would wash his hands of conflict rather than dirty them with it.

И тогда такой ничтожный правитель, как Сидорак, который уклоняется от сражений, желая остаться чистеньким, будет мне не нужен.

The most worthless person in the world is someone who cannot keep a promise to oneself.

Самый ничтожный человек в этом мире тот, кто не может выполнить обещание данное себе.

Your demon’s worthless.

Ты ничтожный демон.

You fat, worthless fool.

Ты толстый, ничтожный дурак

I’ve always been proud of the fact I never resorted to violence, you worthless piece of trash.

Я всегда гордился тем, что не применял силу, ты, ничтожный кусок дерьма.

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— He’s a low worthless thief.

— Он просто жалкий вор.

Worthless fuck still owes me $20 for them lotto tickets.

Жалкий засранец должен мне $20 за те лотерейные билеты.

On top of that, when you do have that worthless baby…

И, к тому же, когда этот жалкий ребенок появится на свет,

And I will, you little worthless piece of crap.

И я расскажу о тебе, жалкий сопляк.

Your worthless god can kiss my ass.

Пусть ваш жалкий бог поцелует меня в задницу.

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You were paying Paul Linoto $500 a month for worthless trading cards.

Вы платили по $500 в месяц Полу Линото за ничего не стоящие карточки.

We do not need worthless stones.

Нам не нужны ничего не стоящие камушки.

Why would Diego plan such an elaborate robbery only to steal worthless diamonds?

Зачем Диего разрабатывать такое сложное ограбление, только для того чтобы украсть ничего не стоящие бриллианты?

Mostly worthless, except one…

В основном ничего не стоящие, кроме одного…

And all she could come up with was baseless, worthless speculation.

Но предложить прокурор могла лишь безосновательные, ничего не стоящие домыслы.

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He says that under new circumstances old schedule is worthless.

Сказал, что в нынешних обстоятельствах старый график соблюдать бессмысленно.

— This is worthless.

— Это бессмысленно.

Well, this is utterly worthless.

Да уж, теперь это бессмысленно.

It’s worthless.

Всё бессмысленно.

If it’s not finished, they’re all worthless.

Если его не закончат, все остальное бессмысленно.

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All my dark matter will be worthless.

И вся моя темная материя обесценится.

If your husband proceeds in this fashion, all you see is worthless.

Если твой муж продолжит в том же духе, все, что ты видишь, обесценится.

The denar will become obsolete, absolutely worthless.

Денар устареет и абсолютно обесценится.

And if they fail above 15%, the whole bond is worthless.

И если они упадут более чем на 15%, целый пакет обесценится.

You realize all of what you seek will be worthless once our mission is complete.

Ты должен понимать, что всё, что ты искал, обесценится, когда мы закончим нашу миссию.

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Now it’s time to go sleepy-bye you worthless piece of garbage.

Пришло время поспать, грязный кусок дерьма.

Hey, shut up, you worthless piece of shit!

Эй, а ну заткнись, говна кусок!

Worthless piece of crap.

Кусок дерьма.

Oh, I know what this is. It’s a, lemmee think — it’s a worthless piece of junk!

А, я знаю что это… сейчас вспомню, это… это кусок металлолома.

At last I’ve found you, you worthless scum.

дерьма кусок.

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Смотреть что такое «worthless» в других словарях:

  • Worthless — Worth less, a. [AS. weor[eth]le[ a]s.] Destitute of worth; having no value, virtue, excellence, dignity, or the like; undeserving; valueless; useless; vile; mean; as, a worthless garment; a worthless ship; a worthless man or woman; a worthless… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • worthless — worth‧less [ˈwɜːθləs ǁ ˈwɜːrθ ] adjective having no value or importance: • Inflation made the old Argentinian currency virtually worthless. • a completely worthless exercise * * * worthless UK US /ˈwɜːθləs/ adjective ► having no value: »The stock …   Financial and business terms

  • worthless — index barren, contemptible, delinquent (guilty of a misdeed), expendable, frivolous, futile, ignoble, immaterial …   Law dictionary

  • worthless — 1580s, from WORTH (Cf. worth) (1) + LESS (Cf. less). Related: Worthlessly; worthlessness …   Etymology dictionary

  • worthless — [adj] of no use; without value abandoned, abject, barren, base, bogus, cheap, contemptible, counterproductive, despicable, empty, futile, good for nothing*, ignoble, inconsequential, ineffective, ineffectual, inferior, insignificant, inutile,… …   New thesaurus

  • worthless — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having no real value or use. 2) having no good qualities. DERIVATIVES worthlessly adverb worthlessness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • worthless — [wʉrth′lis] adj. without worth or merit; useless, valueless, etc. worthlessly adv. worthlessness n …   English World dictionary

  • worthless — [[t]wɜ͟ː(r)θləs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is worthless is of no real value or use. The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business… Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works. …a worthless piece of old …   English dictionary

  • worthless — worth|less [ˈwə:θləs US ˈwə:rθ ] adj 1.) something that is worthless has no value, importance, or use ≠ ↑valuable ▪ The house was full of worthless junk. ▪ The information was worthless to me. 2.) a worthless person has no good qualities or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • worthless — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, prove, seem ▪ become ▪ make sth, render sth ▪ These contradictions made his evidence …   Collocations dictionary

  • worthless — Destitute of worth, of no value or use. Spring City Foundry Co. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 292 U.S. 182, 54 S.Ct. 644, 78 L.Ed. 1200 @ worthless check A check drawn on a bank account which is no longer open or on an account with funds… …   Black’s law dictionary



: useless

worthless to continue searching


Example Sentences

The boots may be nice, but they’re worthless if they don’t fit you.

She’s depressed and believes that she’s worthless.

Recent Examples on the Web

According to one worker, Silicon Valley Bank employees received up to 50% of their annual compensation in company stock, which is now worthless.

Amber Burton, Fortune, 28 Mar. 2023

This wasn’t 2008, when obscure products at the center of a labyrinthine Wall Street derivatives market turned out to be worthless and wound up ravaging the US housing market.

Allison Morrow, CNN, 26 Mar. 2023

Not that everyone was pleased: About $17 billion of risky Credit Suisse AT1 bonds suddenly became worthless.

Steve Mollman, Fortune, 25 Mar. 2023

What air forces today view as necessary may be worthless tomorrow.

Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 24 Mar. 2023

The test isn’t worthless, though.

Erin Prater, Fortune Well, 23 Mar. 2023

Its stock is worthless, industry analysts say.

Amanda Milkovits, BostonGlobe.com, 17 Mar. 2023

The money was becoming worthless.

David S. Cloud, WSJ, 1 Mar. 2023

Land next to Snoop Dogg’s virtual mansion is scarce: A plot could cost $450,000 because The Sandbox doesn’t have P2P. But were the company to suddenly add P2P, that $450,000 investment could become nearly worthless.

Tom Boellstorff, The Conversation, 12 Aug. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘worthless.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

circa 1577, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of worthless was
circa 1577

Dictionary Entries Near worthless

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“Worthless.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/worthless. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

By tomorrow they’d be worthless plastic.

Однако со вчерашнего дня они превратились в бесполезный пластик.

So databases have to be current or they are worthless.

Поэтому ее базы данных должны быть актуальны, в противном случае они бесполезны.

You called Didi worthless and me less than worthless.

But taking care of everyone, I still feel worthless.

Но, заботясь обо всех, я все равно чувствую себя бесполезным.

They didn’t want other banks giving them worthless mortgages as collateral.

Они не хотели, чтобы другие банки предоставляли им бесполезные ипотечные кредиты в качестве обеспечения.

When you stop charging for things, it becomes worthless.

Когда вы перестаете платить за какую-нибудь вещь, то она становится бесполезной.

All you worthless writers ever do is stare into your phones.

Всё, что вы бесполезные писаки, когда-либо делаете это таращитесь в свои телефоны.

My mind keeps going over all those worthless decathlon facts.

Мой ум все еще роется в деталях всех этих бесполезных фактов олимпиады.

During financial crises many banks failed and their notes became worthless.

Во время финансовых кризисов потерпели неудачу много банков, и их примечания стали бесполезными.

They were eradicated like worthless objects.

Они были просто уничтожены, как бесполезные предметы.

Information which is stored but never used is worthless.

Знания, которые только хранятся, но не применяются, бесполезны.

Tools are worthless without the person behind them.

Но сами инструменты будут бесполезны без людей, стоящих за ними.

A beautifully crafted but half-finished script is largely worthless.

Зато гениально написанный, но лишь наполовину готовый текст по большей части бесполезен.

Others have conditions and exclusions that make them almost worthless.

Ведь есть у прибора и отрицательные стороны, которые делают его практически бесполезным.

Perhaps to limit exhaustion were too worthless food for bacteria.

Возможно, до предела истощенные организмы были слишком бесполезной пищей для бактерий.

They told me it’s worthless.

There are numerous useless and worthless contents online.

Одним словом множество полезного и бесполезного контента есть в Интернете.

It is important to make sure worthless securities are indeed totally worthless before attempting to use them to declare any type of capital loss.

Важно убедиться, что бесполезные ценные бумаги действительно бесполезны, прежде чем пытаться использовать их для объявления любых видов потерь капитала.

I tried a newspaper ad but it seemed worthless.

Я пробовал использовать контекстную рекламу, но она показалась мне неэффективной.

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worthless — бесполезный, никчемный

Перевод слова worthless

worthless excuses — пустые отговорки
worthless arguments — неубедительные доводы
worthless versifier — бездарный поэт

I’m glad that Alice has finished with that worthless young man.
Я очень рад, что Алиса порвала с этим ничтожеством.

The house was full of worthless junk.
Дом быт набит бесполезным хламом.

Why did you chuck your money away on such a worthless plan?
Зачем ты потратил деньги на такое бесполезное предприятие?

Происхождение слова worthless

Образовано от слова worth (ценность, важность, значение, стоимость) с помощью суффикса -less, который означает отсутствие либо нехватку чего-либо.

Схожие слова

useless — бесполезный, никуда не годный
a useless gadget — негодные приспособления

riffraff — никчемный, никудышный, отброс общества
associate with riff-raff — якшаться со шпаной

What does the word worthless mean?

1a : lacking worth : valueless worthless currency. b : useless worthless to continue searching. 2 : contemptible, despicable a worthless criminal.

Is wintry a verb or adjective?

“Wintry” is an adjective we use to describe something that relates to winter or is chilly or frigid.

Is Worthless a synonym or antonym?

In this page you can discover 84 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for worthless, like: not worth a damn, ineffectual, profitless, counterproductive, trumpery, no-good, inconsequential, sterile, unprofitable, unproductive and trivial.

What is another word for worthless?

other words for worthless

  • bogus.
  • inconsequential.
  • ineffective.
  • insignificant.
  • meaningless.
  • unimportant.
  • unproductive.
  • unusable.

What is a worthless person called?

other words for worthless person black sheep. corrupt person. evildoer. miscreant. reprobate.

What’s the word for feeling useless?

unavailing. Useless, fruitless, futile.

What’s the opposite of useless?

What is the opposite of useless?

useful effective
usable useable
beneficial helpful
valuable appropriate
handy meaningful

What is a word for a worthless person?

What is the adjective for peril?

The adjective perilous comes from the Latin word periculum, meaning dangerous. Words from the same root include peril, a noun meaning a dangerous situation, and imperil, a verb meaning to put in danger.

What is the verb for anger?

angered; angering ˈaŋ-​g(ə-​)riŋ Definition of anger (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : to make (someone) angry He was angered by the decision.

Where is word apparently used?

You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. Oil prices fell this week, apparently because of over-production. You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not.

What is the verb of the word power?

powered; powering; powers. Definition of power (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to supply with power and especially motive power. 2 : to give impetus to.

How do you say underprivileged in a nice way?

Some Alternatives Of The Word “UNDERPRIVILEGED” : Deprived ; Disadvantaged ; Impoverished ; Socially Marginalized ; Borderliners ; Edged , etc.

What is a nice way to say low income?

Having little income or money. poor. destitute. impoverished. broke.

Is it OK to say underprivileged?

People should be referred to as underprivileged only if they’re the ones who are calling themselves that. Misfortune, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It’s not appropriate to slap labels on people that they might not like or even agree with.

Is it OK to say poor?

Poor is a perfectly suitable word to describe someone of limited financial means. Society would benefit from more clarity and less dilution and distraction in our daily language.




1. Lacking worth; of no use or value.

2. Low; despicable: that worthless friend of his.

worth′less·ly adv.

worth′less·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. without practical value or usefulness

2. without merit; good-for-nothing

ˈworthlessly adv

ˈworthlessness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwɜrθ lɪs)


without worth; of no use, importance, or value.


worth′less•ly, adv.

worth′less•ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. worthless — lacking in usefulness or value; «a worthless idler»

unworthy — lacking in value or merit; «dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy»; «unworthy of forgiveness»

valuable — having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange; «a valuable diamond»

2. worthless — morally reprehensible; «would do something as despicable as murder»; «ugly crimes»; «the vile development of slavery appalled them»; «a slimy little liar»

evil — morally bad or wrong; «evil purposes»; «an evil influence»; «evil deeds»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. valueless, poor, miserable, trivial, trifling, paltry, trashy, measly, wretched, two a penny (informal), rubbishy, poxy (slang), nickel-and-dime (U.S. slang), wanky (taboo slang), a dime a dozen, nugatory, chickenshit (U.S. slang), negligible This piece of old junk is totally worthless.
valueless valuable, precious, profitable

2. useless, meaningless, pointless, futile, no use, insignificant, unimportant, ineffectual, unusable, unavailing, not much cop (Brit. slang), inutile, not worth a hill of beans (chiefly U.S.), negligible, pants (slang) Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works.
useless important, significant, effective, useful, valuable, profitable, productive, worthwhile, fruitful, consequential

3. good-for-nothing, base, abandoned, useless, vile, abject, despicable, depraved, contemptible, ignoble Murphy was an evil, worthless man.
good-for-nothing decent, worthy, noble, upright, honourable

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Lacking all worth and value:

2. Having no useful purpose:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.






einskis virîi


가치 없는




không có giá trị

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈwɜːrθləs] adj

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wəːθ) noun

value. These books are of little or no worth; She sold fifty dollars’ worth of tickets.


1. equal in value to. Each of these stamps is worth a cent.

2. good enough for. His suggestion is worth considering: The exhibition is well worth a visit.

ˈworthless adjective

of no value. worthless old coins.

ˈworthlessly adverbˈworthlessness nounˈworthy (-ði) adjective

1. good and deserving. I willingly give money to a worthy cause.

2. (with of) deserving. She was not worthy of the honour given to her.

3. (with of) typical of, suited to, or in keeping with. a performance worthy of a champion.

4. of great enough importance etc. She was not thought worthy to be presented to the king.

nounplural ˈworthies

a highly respected person.

ˈworthily adverbˈworthiness noun-worthy

1. deserving; fit for. a blameworthy act.

2. fit for its appropriate use. a seaworthy ship.

worthˈwhile adjective

deserving attention, time and effort etc. a worthwhile cause; It isn’t worthwhile to ask him – he’ll only refuse.

for all one is worth

using all one’s efforts, strength etc. He swam for all he was worth towards the shore.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَدِيـمُ القِيمَة bezcenný værdiløs wertlos τιποτένιος sin valor arvoton qui ne vaut rien bezvrijedan senza valore 価値のない 가치 없는 waardeloos verdiløs bezwartościowy sem valor бесполезный värdelös ที่ไม่มีคุณค่า değersiz không có giá trị 无价值的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


Alternative forms[edit]

  • worthlesse (obsolete)


From Middle English *worthles, from Old English weorþlēas (worthless), equivalent to worth +‎ -less. Cognate with Dutch waardeloos (worthless), German wertlos (worthless), Swedish värdelös (worthless).


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈwɝθləs/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈwɜːθləs/


worthless (comparative more worthless or worthlesser, superlative most worthless or worthlessest)

  1. Having no worth or use; without value.
    Synonyms: miserable, useless, valueless, inconsequential; see also Thesaurus:worthless
    Antonyms: precious, useful, valuable, worthful, worthy

    Lies are as important as truth, for without lies, the truth is worthless.

    The committee’s decision is worthless and not going to be acted upon.

    Don’t be a worthless slouch! Go get yourself a job.

Derived terms[edit]

  • worthlessly
  • worthlessness


not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential

  • Arabic: لَا قِيمَةَ لَهُ(lā qimata lahu)
  • Bulgarian: непотребен (bg) (nepotreben), без стойност (bez stojnost)
  • Catalan: inútil (ca) m or f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 沒價值没价值 (méijiàzhí), 不值錢不值钱 (zh) (bùzhíqián), 無用无用 (zh) (wúyòng)
  • Czech: bezcenný (cs)
  • Danish: tarvelig, ubrugelig (da), værdiløs (da)
  • Dutch: waardeloos (nl)
  • Esperanto: senvalora (eo), aĉa (eo), senutila
  • Estonian: väärtusetu
  • Finnish: arvoton (fi), hyödytön (fi), turha (fi)
  • French: sans valeur (fr), ne vaut rien, misérable (fr), nul (fr)
  • Georgian: უსარგებლო (usargeblo)
  • German: wertlos (de), nutzlos (de), nichtsnutzig (de)
  • Greek: άχρηστος (el) (áchristos), τιποτένιος (el) (tipoténios), ανάξιος (el) (anáxios)
    Ancient: μάταιος (mátaios), οὐτιδανός (outidanós)
  • Hausa: marasa amfani
  • Hebrew: (without value) חסר ערך(ḥɑsɑr ereḥ), (without use) חסר תועלת(ḥɑsɑr toʿelet), עלוב (he) (ʿɑluv)
  • Hindi: असार (hi) (asār), बेकार (hi) (bekār)
  • Hungarian: értéktelen (hu)
  • Ido: senvalora (io)
  • Igbo: abaghi uru
  • Interlingua: sin valor
  • Irish: galair
  • Italian: inutile (it), insignificante (it), senza valore
  • Japanese: 詰まらない (ja) (つまらない, tsumaranai), 無価値な (ja) (mukachi na), 軽賎な (keisen na)
  • Kazakh: бағаламадың (bağalamadyñ), құндылығы жоқ (qūndylyğy joq)
  • Korean: 가치없는 (gachieomneun), 보잘것없는 (ko) (bojalgeodeomneun)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھیچوپوچ(hîçupuç)
  • Latin: inūtilis, nēquam
  • Lithuanian: bevertis
  • Luxembourgish: wäertlos
  • Macedonian: беско́рисен (beskórisen), бе́звреден (bézvreden)
  • Maori: hakihakiā, taitāhae
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: verdiløs (no), verdilaus, ubrukelig
    Nynorsk: verdilaus, verdlaus
  • Pashto: بې کاره (ps) (be kâra)
  • Polish: bezwartościowy (pl)
  • Portuguese: sem valor, inútil (pt)
  • Russian: ничего́ не сто́я́щий (ničevó ne stójáščij), бесполе́зный (ru) (bespoléznyj), никчёмный (ru) (nikčómnyj), никуды́шный (ru) (nikudýšnyj)
  • Sanskrit: असार (sa) (asār)
  • Scots: guidless
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: бе̏звриједан
    Roman: bȅzvrijedan (sh)
  • Spanish: sin valor, inútil (es) m or f, intrascendente (es) m or f
  • Sundanese: teu aya hargana
  • Swedish: värdelös (sv)
  • Tagalog: walang kwenta
  • Telugu: విలువ లేని (viluva lēni), కొరగాని (te) (koragāni)
  • Turkish: değersiz (tr), kıymetsiz (tr), naçiz (tr)
  • Vietnamese: vô giá trị (無價值)
  • Yiddish: אָן אַ ווערט(on a vert), ווערטלאָז(vertloz) (Germanism)
  • Yoruba: aláìníláárí


  • Strehlows

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