What does the word work mean to you

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Lately I’ve been listening closely to how people use the word “work.” I’ve noticed something . . .and formed a hypothesis that I’d like to test with you.

The dictionary provides a number of alternate definitions and meanings for the word. Here are some of them:

work [wurk]
1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil
2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking
3. productive or operative activity
4. employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one’s livelihood
5. one’s place of employment

My observation is that the older among us most commonly use definitions number 4 and 5 when referring to employment, while many younger workers use definitions 1, 2, and 3.

Boomers often say they go to work. Y’s more typically refer to work as something they do.

This dichotomy is reflected in a number of subtle ways in today’s work-related conversations. For example, I’ve never heard a Y complain about the intrusion of technology into their personal lives, as Boomers often do. For Y’s, technology helps them do work — anytime, anywhere. While for many Boomers, Black Berries and other mobile technologies have extended the boundaries of a place they used to go to into their personal domain.

Similarly, the quest for “work/life balance” is changing tenor. For the past decade, this odd phrase has been used to reflect a trade-off between the time spent in the office or traveling on business and time at home. Today, it often encompasses programs to provide individuals with greater flexibility to do work at times and in places that each finds most convenient.

Over the next few years, I predict we will increasingly embrace the definition of work as something we do, not a place we go. This shift will change the way we measure success as we increasingly judge performance on the quality of the output rather than the level of effort or time associated with the input. It will reflect the increasing availability of technologies that support flexibility.

Check your current speech pattern. How do you use the word “work?” And how does your definition influence your assumptions about your work environment?

Read all of Tammy Erickson’s “Across the Ages” posts.

1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. 2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking.

How do you answer what does this job mean to you?

Show your enthusiasm for the job Your answer should show that you will be able to use or learn key skills in the position that are important to you. Find a way to mention your long-term prospects at the company, and you can also quell the employer’s concerns about retention another candidate who might be a flight risk.

What work means to me and others?

Most dictionaries define work as, among other things, something that is done or made, an activity, the act of performing a task, something done for money… But it is also described in terms of physical and mental exertion, an effort, a strain, a burden… This is closer to how some people would define paid employment.

What does the slang word work mean?

verb – transitive to perform oral sex. Work me. See more words with the same meaning: oral sex, ‘go down on’.

What is the slang meaning of woke?

Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I’m woke.” ‘Woke’ is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

What does working it mean?

1. slang To dress, walk, and behave in a way that shows off one’s body or clothing in the best way possible. Often said as a compliment or encouragement. slang To be very successful and self-confident in the pursuit of one’s goals or ambitions. …

What do Am means?


What does working remotely mean?

Remote work suggests that the employee is just that—remotely located. It’s not a technical definition, but it does imply that the employee is too far away from the company to come into the office. Telecommuting, also called telework, can mean that the employee might be working on-site some of the time.

What is the definition of the working class?

“Working class” is a socioeconomic term used to describe persons in a social class marked by jobs that provide low pay, require limited skill, or physical labor. Unemployed persons or those supported by a social welfare program are often included in the working class.

Is nursing a working class job?

The majority of nurses identify themselves as being working class and the ONS categorises them below doctors and pharmacists in its social stratification. Consequently, nurses are oppressed in the same way as other working class professions as part of the economic and social structure of society.

What is the difference between middle class and working class?

They make more than the poverty line, and may even technically make enough to be earn a middle class by income, but they still live paycheck to paycheck. Working class today describes having a job but feeling poor, or making enough to get by without much else.

What are the income classes 2020?

For 2020, one major economic trend is the financial fallout caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has impacted the wealth and health of workers and businesses….What Is a Middle-Class Income?

Income group Income
Poor or near-poor $32,048 or less
Lower-middle class $32,048 – $53,413
Middle class $53,413 – $106,827

How do you define middle class?

About half of Americans, 52% of U.S. adults, are considered “middle class,” according to analysis by the Pew Research Center. Pew defines the middle class as households that have an annual pre-tax income that is at least two-thirds to double the national median. That ranged from $48,500 to $145,500 in 2018.

Does the class system still exist?

The class system in everyday life The class system is alive and kicking in the UK but in today’s society it doesn’t have the same status as it once did. Working class people can become middle and upper class by gaining a good education and going into a profession.

What were the 3 social classes of the feudal system?

Medieval writers classified people into three groups: those who fought (nobles and knights), those who prayed (men and women of the Church), and those who worked (the peasants). Social class was usually inherited.

What was the lowest class in the feudal system?

The lowest social rank in the Middle Ages were the peasants. The peasant class included Freemen, who had some rights and land, serfs, who had no rights, and slaves, who were bought and sold.

What are the three main characteristics of feudalism?

The evolution of highly diverse forms, customs, and institutions makes it almost impossible to accurately depict feudalism as a whole, but certain components of the system may be regarded as characteristic: strict division into social classes, i.e., nobility, clergy, peasantry, and, in the later Middle Ages, burgesses; …

What are the key features of feudalism?

Its four main features were:

  • The king was at the topmost level of the feudal system.
  • The serfs or the peasants occupied the lowest strata in the feudal system.
  • The Castle was the chief characteristic of feudalism.
  • The king gave lands to barons and the latter provided troops to the King.

What causes feudalism?

the central government of Europe collapsed. As the Vikings invaded western European kingdoms, local nobles took over the duty of raising armies and protecting their property. Power passed from kings to local lords, giving rise to a system known as feudalism.

What is feudalism and why is it important?

Feudalism helped protect communities from the violence and warfare that broke out after the fall of Rome and the collapse of strong central government in Western Europe. Feudalism secured Western Europe’s society and kept out powerful invaders. Feudalism helped restore trade. Lords repaired bridges and roads.

What is feudalism in your own words?

: a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return. See the full definition for feudalism in the English Language Learners Dictionary. feudalism.

What are the pros and cons of feudalism?

What Are the Pros of Feudalism?

  • It is a very self-sufficient system of governing.
  • It provided a system of co-existence.
  • It allowed for a simplistic chain of command.
  • Land management was incredibly easy.
  • It was easy to abuse the power given.
  • One bad season could end everything.
  • It was a very isolated existence.

What is work and its purpose?

The inferred meaning of work from this perspective is: The purpose of work is to make money. Work, besides making money, is meaningful daily life activity — making something, serving someone, providing something of worth to others (either individually or to the community in which you live [local or globally]).

What does the world of work mean?

Just like the word world, the term world of work is both simple and complex. The world of work is made up of things most of us recognize, like occupations, jobs, employers, employees, paychecks, promotions, etc. We often give these things different labels, like workers and organizations, for example.

What is my world work?

My World of Work is an all age service, designed to help build your career management skills and discover what careers match your skills, interests, education and experience. By creating an account pupils can explore their interests and strengths using the online tools.

What is work simple terms?

Work, in physics, measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.

What is energy in simple words?

The simplest definition of energy is “the ability to do work”. Energy is how things change and move. It takes energy to cook food, to drive to school, and to jump in the air. Different forms of Energy. Energy can take a number of different forms.

What is work in your own words?

Work is physical or mental effort in order to produce or accomplish something. Work is an occupation or something that someone does or has done. An example of work is a job as an accountant. An example of work is someone having plumbing done at their house.

Why do people go to work?

People work to make money. They need money for food, for rent, and to have fun with their friends and family. Independence. When you work, you are learning new things, getting more skills, and making friends with people you meet through your job.

Why do people work hard?

Hard work is one of the most important things in life as it helps us to be more confident. If you will work hard then you will be able to achieve all your goals and fulfill all your dreams. Working hard with full determination always pushes us one step ahead in life and helps us surpass our limitations.

Why is job important in our life?

Working makes you feel good Whether it’s paid or unpaid, working is vital for maintaining good health. In general, our physical and mental health improves when we work. Having a job can boost your self-esteem and confidence by giving you purpose, and it’s much easier to be happy when you feel your worth.

What is an ideal job?

A job that provides opportunity to learn, progress and contribute to the organization. A teamwork-oriented environment in a company that empowers employees to create and take initiatives. A job that my skills are utilized to the maximum and allows me to grow within the organization.

Why is US money important?

What money can do for you is what is really important. Money gives you freedom and choices. You can decide where and how you want to live when you have a good income or financial resources. On the other hand, when you do not have much money, choice may be something that you cannot afford.

What is called Money?

Money is commonly referred to as currency. Economically, each government has its own money system. Cryptocurrencies are also being developed for financing and international exchange across the world. Money is a liquid asset used in the settlement of transactions.

What are the qualities of good money?

The qualities of good money are:

  • General acceptability.
  • Portability.
  • Durability.
  • Divisibility.
  • Homogeneity.
  • Cognizability.
  • Stability.

What is acceptability of money?

General Acceptability: It is the very essence of money. Unless a person knows that the money which he accepts in exchange for his goods or services will be taken without any objection by others as well, he will not accept it. It will cease to be current.

What is an ideal currency?

Ideal Money is a theoretical notion promulgated by John Nash (Nobel Laureate in Economics) to stabilize international currencies. Nash spent 20 years giving talks, in many different nations around the world, about how Ideal Money could be brought about internationally.

What is homogeneity of money?

On the Homogeneity of Money. One of the fundamental characteristics of money is homogeneity. That essentially means each monetary unit is the same as every other unit. They are interchangeable. This concept is sometimes hard for some people to understand – especially the very young.

What is uniformity money?

Uniformity: Bills or coins of equal denomination are all alike, or nearly alike. One bill has no more or less value than any other. Acceptability: Any seller will accept money in exchange for goods or services. In the United States, sellers are required by law to accept any form of U.S. cash.

Which characteristic of money is the most important one and why?

Money as a medium of exchange is the most important characteristic of money, which will ensure its perpetual use.

What is process acceptability general?

1) General acceptability – The thing which acts as money must be easily accepted by all without hesitation for exchange. 2) Divisibility – It should be divisible into different denominations, e.g., 5 rupees, 10 rupees, 50 rupees, etc.

What are the 3 types of money?

Key Takeaways

  • Money comes in three forms: commodity money, fiat money, and fiduciary money.
  • Commodity money derives its value from the commodity of which it is made, while fiat money has value only by the order of the government.
  • Money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value.

What are the four functions of money?

whatever serves society in four functions: as a medium of exchange, a store of value, a unit of account, and a standard of deferred payment.

What is good money and bad money?

In this context, bad money refers to money which has a lower commodity value than its face value, while on the other hand, good money is money that does not differ much in its intrinsic and nominal value.

Will paper money disappear?

Although paper-based currencies are becoming less popular, they will likely stick around for the foreseeable future. Dollars and cents may become harder to use, but as with many obsolete technologies, there are enough users to ensure demand doesn’t disappear completely.

What is bad money called?

The price spread between face value and commodity value is called seigniorage. On the other hand, bad money is money that has a commodity value considerably lower than its face value and is in circulation along with good money, where both forms are required to be accepted at equal value as legal tender.

Table of Contents

  1. What does the word work mean to you?
  2. What is the best definition of work?
  3. What is work according to business?
  4. What is work in your own words?
  5. What is work simple words?
  6. What is the definition of work in?
  7. How is work done?
  8. What is the biblical meaning of work?
  9. What is the importance of work?
  10. What are three benefits of work?
  11. Why are employees so important?
  12. How is your work-life balance?
  13. Why is work/life balance so important?
  14. How do I bring balance into my life?
  15. Why is balance so important in life?
  16. What does being a balanced person mean?
  17. What does balance mean to you?
  18. What is considered a balanced life?
  19. What are the 7 aspects of life?
  20. What does the Bible say about a balanced life?
  21. What is a wheel of life?
  22. What is the wheel of life and why is it important?
  23. What are the 4 areas of life?
  24. What are the 5 areas of life?
  25. What are the 12 areas of life?
  26. How can I develop my self?
  27. What are 3 areas of improvement?
  28. What are the 3 most important areas of development for you professionally?
  29. What are the 5 areas of personal development?
  30. What areas can I improve on at work?

1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. 2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking.

What is the best definition of work?

Definition of work (Entry 2 of 3) 1 : activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something: a : activity that a person engages in regularly to earn a livelihood people looking for work. b : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity.

What is work according to business?

noun. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. productive or operative activity. employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one’s livelihood: to look for work. the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance.

What is work in your own words?

Work is an occupation or something that someone does or has done. An example of work is a job as an accountant. An example of work is someone having plumbing done at their house. Work is defined as to put forth effort in order to accomplish something or to have a job. An example of work is digging a ditch.

What is work simple words?

Updated April 24, 2019. In physics, work is defined as a force causing the movement—or displacement—of an object. In the case of a constant force, work is the scalar product of the force acting on an object and the displacement caused by that force.

What is the definition of work in?

transitive verb. 1 : to insert or cause to penetrate by repeated or continued effort. 2 : to interpose or insinuate gradually or unobtrusively worked in a few topical jokes.

How is work done?

Work is done when a force that is applied to an object moves that object. The work is calculated by multiplying the force by the amount of movement of an object (W = F * d). A force of 10 newtons, that moves an object 3 meters, does 30 n-m of work.

What is the biblical meaning of work?

God calls us to work with him in providing for people. As Christians we must see our work as a critical way in which God is caring for human beings and renewing his world. Work is not our salvation by giving us our worth and identity, or giving us the money to buy the things that make us happy.

What is the importance of work?

For individuals, work is an important feature in structuring: personal and social identity; family and social bonds; ways of making money, and thereby accessing a number of essential and non-essential goods, services and activities; daily routines; level of activity; physical and mental well-being; self-confidence and …

What are three benefits of work?

The most common benefits are medical, disability, and life insurance; retirement benefits; paid time off; and fringe benefits. Benefits can be quite valuable. Medical insurance alone can cost several hundred dollars a month. That’s why it’s important to consider benefits as part of your total compensation.

Why are employees so important?

Employees champion your business and determine the success or failure of it. The work they do determines what customers and partners see, so it’s important for you to treat your employees with the value they bring. Organizations need to recognize the value their employees have and praise them accordingly.

How is your work-life balance?

In short, work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life. Some of the common reasons that lead to a poor work-life balance include: Increased responsibilities at work. Working longer hours.

Why is work/life balance so important?

Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. Maintaining work-life balance helps reduce stress and helps prevent burnout in the workplace. By creating a work environment that prioritizes work-life balance, employers can save money and maintain a healthier, more productive workforce.

How do I bring balance into my life?

Follow These Six Tips To Bring More Balance Into Your Life

  1. Acknowledge and accept that you cannot do everything all the time. You only have so many resources: time, energy, money, etc.
  2. Manage yourself, not time.
  3. “Add and subtract.”
  4. Just say “No”
  5. Schedule time for yourself.
  6. Live with purpose!

Why is balance so important in life?

striking a balance helps you lead a happy and contented life, it ensures your growth as an individual and secures your mental peace and well being. Helps you dream bigger: By maintaining a healthy balance, you secure your future.

What does being a balanced person mean?

If you describe someone as well-balanced, you mean that they are sensible and do not have many emotional problems. a fun-loving, well-balanced individual. Synonyms: sensible, rational, level-headed, well-adjusted More Synonyms of well-balanced.

What does balance mean to you?

Balance is often mis-understood as making all things equal and giving equal weight to all things. According to the dictionary, balance is defined as: : a means of judging or deciding : a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence : mental and emotional steadiness.

What is considered a balanced life?

Balanced living means considering all aspects of your life: relationships, work, fitness and health, and emotional well-being. We all get bogged down with work and family responsibilities from time to time, but making time for yourself is necessary so that you can keep up with all your responsibilities.

What are the 7 aspects of life?

The Seven Dimensions include Physical, Intellectual, Environmental, Vocational, Social, Emotional and Spiritual health.

What does the Bible say about a balanced life?

When it comes to our regular lives, the Bible says we should be balanced, placing our hope fully in “God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). We should be balanced by loving God and enjoying earthly blessings while not putting any hope in them.

What is a wheel of life?

The wheel of life, also known as the life balance wheel, the coaching wheel or the life wheel, is a visual tool used to assess and understand how balanced your life currently is. Using this tool, you map out the areas of your life on a circle that resembles the spoke of a wheel, which is the reasoning for its name.

What is the wheel of life and why is it important?

The Wheel of Life is a great tool to help you improve your life balance. It helps you quickly and graphically identify the areas in your life to which you want to devote more energy, and helps you understand where you might want to cut back.

What are the 4 areas of life?

The four areas of life are:

  • Professional life: success, money, career.
  • Senses, culture and style: self-actualisation, love.
  • Body and health: nutrition, sport, relaxation.
  • Social life: friends, family, recognition.

What are the 5 areas of life?

The Five Areas to Set Goals to Attain Balance in Your Life

  • Career/Financial.
  • Developmental/Educational.
  • Physical/Health.
  • Family/Relational/Social.
  • Spiritual/Value.

What are the 12 areas of life?

The 12 Areas Of Life Balance

  • Love Relationships. This is a measure of how happy you are in your current state of relationship – whether you are single and loving it, in a relationship, dating or desiring a relationship.
  • Friendships.
  • Adventures.
  • Environment.
  • Health and Fitness.
  • Intellectual Life.
  • Skills.
  • Spiritual Life.

How can I develop my self?

That said, here are 10 things you can do in your daily life to improve your personal development.

  1. Read about what you want to improve.
  2. Find a mentor.
  3. Reflect at the end of each day.
  4. Create a strong practice regimen.
  5. Find others to push you and train with.
  6. Create a reward/punishment system.
  7. Stay honest with yourself.

What are 3 areas of improvement?

Three themes in the areas for improvement — confidence, knowledge, and communication — were in the top 10 for most of the jobs we studied. Yet the top themes for work improvement appeared to be more job specific, compared to those themes provided for the strengths.

What are the 3 most important areas of development for you professionally?

If you’re ready to pursue professional development in your career and aren’t sure where to get started, here are ten areas worth exploring:

  • Written Communication.
  • Leadership.
  • Organization.
  • Creativity.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Conflict Resolution.
  • Time Management.
  • Listening.

What are the 5 areas of personal development?

There are several different topics within the personal development world, but they all seem to fall under five major categories. The categories are mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and physical.

What areas can I improve on at work?

Areas of improvement for employees

  • Time management. The better people can multitask, meet deadlines and manage their time, the more productive they will be at work.
  • Customer service.
  • Teamwork.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Communication.
  • Writing.
  • Accepting feedback.
  • Organization.

Are you respecting who makes you work?

“Work makes you free” someone, unfortunately, used to say some decades ago. And it actually does, though in a very, very different way. And you may say that work also means strain, growth, self-sufficiency. But what it means to me is a slightly different thing, which includes most of the others.

Work = Respect

You may say:

Work to be respected (as human being)

Work to be respectable

Work to be respectful

Well, yes! All of those. But not only.

To me the reasons why “work” equals (look: not just “means”, “equals”! Exactly!) “respect” are many. Many more than I myself could imagine as I started reasoning about it.

Work means respect for those you work for: because your boss, your company are not your counterparties, they are parts of a complex system you are part of as well. And in such a system no part has value in itself, but as it fits with each other in the system.

Respect for those working for you: because it’s not them depending on you, it’s (the success of) your business that depends on (the success and well-being of) them.

Respect for those you work with: because, remember, a poor quality of your work will cause someone else to work more to perform its work and additionally fix the inaccuracy of what you’ve done. Being late at work will mean that you don’t care about other colleagues being on time and forced to wait for you: would you like it were you to wait? Treat your colleagues the way you want to be treated!

Respect for your clients, either internal or external: because they are giving you trust, attention, most importantly they are (giving) the reason and the resources why your business exists and grows! No accuracy and timeliness in your work, no money you may ask for your work will pay them back completely for their trust and for the prosperity you gain, thanks to them.

Respect for your suppliers, either internal or external: because… let me ask you this: have you ever thought what’d happen if all of a sudden you were forced to do without them? Without accounting and legal advice, without hardware, software, furniture, paper, printer ink, courier services, etc.? Would your business exist any longer? Would businesses exist any longer?

Respect for all of your stakeholders, either internal or external. Because it’s not only matter of your community’s people who buy your product or services, who provide the talents you hire, who supply the goods you need in your production cycle.

It’s also because of the hospitals that look after you, the transportation networks that carry you to your facility, the schools that nurture future talents you may want to hire, the city council who takes care of maintaining the roads and cleaning the city so that your clients will enjoy coming visit your company, your competitors who make the race tougher and tougher as days go by so that every day your company is better and stronger than it was the day before, it’s also because of all of what I mentioned above and much more that your company can exist and grow.

It’s also because of the environment that lets you eat and drink and breathe without getting sick, the facility, plants, machines, tools that you use at work without getting or doing harm, the laws and rules of the game you keep on playing, it’s only because you respect all of that and many other things that you can live and grow and prosper… 

…and manage your company!

Presentation on theme: «Bell Ringer What does the word work mean to you?»— Presentation transcript:


Bell Ringer What does the word work mean to you?
What are three examples of work? 1 2 3


Work Work is done only when force is applied to an object and the object moves in the same direction as the applied force. If the object doesn’t move, then no work is happening.


Work SI Unit for work is the Joule (J)
The equation for work is: W=F x d W= Work F= Force (N) d= distance (m)


Power Power measures the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. Power Equation P=W t P= Power W= Work t= Time


Power The SI Unit for power is the watt (W).
Warning- The symbol for work is “W.” The symbol for watt is “W.” Don’t get them confused.


Machines Machines help people do work by changing the size of an input force, the direction of the force, or both. Changing the direction, or size of input force is called multiplying the force. Machines don’t change the amount of work being done, just the force required to do the work.


Mechanical Advantage Some machines like ramps make work easier by multiplying the force that is applied. Mechanical Advantage is the ratio between the input force and the output force. Pushing a box up a ramp and into a truck requires less force than lifting it into the truck. The same amount of work is done either way.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. worknoun

    activity directed toward making or doing something

    «she checked several points needing further work»

  2. work, piece of worknoun

    a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing

    «it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works»; «the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work»; «he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey»; «the work of an active imagination»; «erosion is the work of wind or water over time»

  3. employment, worknoun

    the occupation for which you are paid

    «he is looking for employment»; «a lot of people are out of work»

  4. study, worknoun

    applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)

    «mastering a second language requires a lot of work»; «no schools offer graduate study in interior design»

  5. worknoun

    (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force

    «work equals force times distance»

  6. workplace, worknoun

    a place where work is done

    «he arrived at work early today»

  7. oeuvre, work, body of workverb

    the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)

    «he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre»; «Picasso’s work can be divided into periods»

  8. workverb

    exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity

    «I will work hard to improve my grades»; «she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor»

  9. work, do workverb

    be employed

    «Is your husband working again?»; «My wife never worked»; «Do you want to work after the age of 60?»; «She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money»; «She works as a waitress to put herself through college»

  10. work, actverb

    have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected

    «The voting process doesn’t work as well as people thought»; «How does your idea work in practice?»; «This method doesn’t work»; «The breaks of my new car act quickly»; «The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water»

  11. function, work, operate, go, runverb

    perform as expected when applied

    «The washing machine won’t go unless it’s plugged in»; «Does this old car still run well?»; «This old radio doesn’t work anymore»

  12. work, work on, processverb

    shape, form, or improve a material

    «work stone into tools»; «process iron»; «work the metal»

  13. exercise, work, work outverb

    give a workout to

    «Some parents exercise their infants»; «My personal trainer works me hard»; «work one’s muscles»; «this puzzle will exercise your mind»

  14. make, workverb

    proceed along a path

    «work one’s way through the crowd»; «make one’s way into the forest»

  15. workverb

    operate in a certain place, area, or specialty

    «She works the night clubs»; «The salesman works the Midwest»; «This artist works mostly in acrylics»

  16. workverb

    proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity

    «work your way through every problem or task»; «She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived»; «Start from the bottom and work towards the top»

  17. workverb

    move in an agitated manner

    «His fingers worked with tension»

  18. bring, work, play, wreak, make forverb

    cause to happen or to occur as a consequence

    «I cannot work a miracle»; «wreak havoc»; «bring comments»; «play a joke»; «The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area»

  19. work, put to workverb

    cause to work

    «he is working his servants hard»

  20. cultivate, crop, workverb

    prepare for crops

    «Work the soil»; «cultivate the land»

  21. workverb

    behave in a certain way when handled

    «This dough does not work easily»; «The soft metal works well»

  22. influence, act upon, workverb

    have and exert influence or effect

    «The artist’s work influenced the young painter»; «She worked on her friends to support the political candidate»

  23. workverb

    operate in or through

    «Work the phones»

  24. workverb

    cause to operate or function

    «This pilot works the controls»; «Can you work an electric drill?»

  25. workverb

    provoke or excite

    «The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy»

  26. workverb

    gratify and charm, usually in order to influence

    «the political candidate worked the crowds»

  27. shape, form, work, mold, mould, forgeverb

    make something, usually for a specific function

    «She molded the rice balls carefully»; «Form cylinders from the dough»; «shape a figure»; «Work the metal into a sword»

  28. workverb

    move into or onto

    «work the raisins into the dough»; «the student worked a few jokes into his presentation»; «work the body onto the flatbed truck»

  29. knead, workverb

    make uniform

    «knead dough»; «work the clay until it is soft»

  30. exploit, workverb

    use or manipulate to one’s advantage

    «He exploit the new taxation system»; «She knows how to work the system»; «he works his parents for sympathy»

  31. solve, work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick, workverb

    find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

    «did you solve the problem?»; «Work out your problems with the boss»; «this unpleasant situation isn’t going to work itself out»; «did you get it?»; «Did you get my meaning?»; «He could not work the math problem»

  32. ferment, workverb

    cause to undergo fermentation

    «We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content»; «The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats»

  33. sour, turn, ferment, workverb

    go sour or spoil

    «The milk has soured»; «The wine worked»; «The cream has turned—we have to throw it out»

  34. workverb

    arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion

    «The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times»

WiktionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. worknoun

    Plural form of workman.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Worknoun

    Etymology: weorc , Saxon; work, Dutch

    1. Toil; labour; employment.

    Bread, correction, and work for a servant.
    Ecclus. xxxiii.

    In the bottom of some mines in Germany there grow vegetables, which the work-folks say have magical virtue.
    Francis Bacon.

    The ground, unbid, gives more than we can ask;
    But work is pleasure, when we chuse our task.

    2. A state of labour.

    All the world is perpetually at work, only that our poor mortal lives should pass the happier for that little time we possess them, or else end the better when we lose them: upon this occasion riches came to be coveted, honours esteemed, friendship pursued, and virtues admired.
    William Temple.

    3. Bungling attempt.

    It is pleasant to see what work our adversaries make with this innocent canon: sometimes ’tis a mere forgery of hereticks, and sometimes the bishops that met there were not so wise as they should have been.
    Edward Stillingfleet.

    4. Flowers or embroidery of the needle.

    Round her work she did empale,
    With a fair border wrought of sundry flowers,
    Inwoven with an ivy-winding trail.
    Edmund Spenser.

    That handkerchief, you gave me: I must take out the work: a likely piece of work, that you should find it in your chamber, and know not who left it there. This is some minx’s token, and I must take out the work? There, give it your hobbyhorse: wheresoever you had it, I’ll take out no work on’t.
    William Shakespeare, Othello.

    5. Any fabrick or compages of art.

    Nor was the work impair’d by storms alone,
    But felt th’ approaches of too warm a sun.
    Alexander Pope.

    6. Action; feat; deed.

    The instrumentalness of riches to works of charity, have rendered it necessary in every Christian commonwealth by laws to secure propriety.
    Henry Hammond.

    As to the composition or dissolution of mixt bodies, which is the chief work of elements, and requires an intire application of the agents, water hath the principality and excess over earth.

    Nothing lovelier can be found in woman,
    Than good works in her husband to promote.
    John Milton.

    While as the works of bloody Mars employ’d,
    The wanton youth inglorious peace enjoy’d.
    Alexander Pope.

    7. Any thing made.

    Where is that holy fire, which verse is said
    To have? Is that enchanting force decay’d?
    Verse, that draws nature’s works from nature’s law,
    Thee, her best work, to her work cannot draw.
    John Donne.

    O fairest of creation! last and best
    Of all God’s works! creature, in whom excels
    Whatever can to sight or thought be form’d;
    Holy, divine, good, amiable, or sweet,
    How art thou lost!
    John Milton, Paradise Lost.

    8. Management; treatment.

    Let him alone; I’ll go another way to work with him.
    William Shakespeare.

    9. To set on Work. To employ; to engage.

    It setteth those wits on work in better things, which would be else employed in worse.
    Richard Hooker.

  2. To Workverb

    1. To make by degrees.

    Sidelong he works his way.
    John Milton.

    Through winds, and waves, and storms he works his way,
    Impatient for the battle: one day more
    Will set the victor thundering at our gates.

    2. To labour; to manufacture.

    He could have told them of two or three gold mines, and a silver mine, and given the reason why they forbare to work them at that time, and when they left off from working them.
    Walter Raleigh, Apology.

    The chaos, by the Divine Power, was wrought from one form into another, ’till it settled into an habitable earth.

    This mint is to work off part of the metals found in the neighbouring mountains.

    The young men acknowledged in love-letters, sealed with a particular wax, with certain enchanting words wrought upon the seals, that they died for her.

    They now begin to work the wond’rous frame,
    To shape the parts, and raise the vital flame.
    Richard Blackmore.

    The industry of the people works up all their native commodities to the last degree of manufacture.
    Jonathan Swift.

    3. To bring by action into any state.

    So the pure limpid stream, when foul with stains
    Of rushing torrents and descending rains,
    Works itself clear, and, as it runs, refines,
    ’Till by degrees the floating mirrour shines.
    Joseph Addison, Cato.

    4. To influence by successive impulses.

    If you would work any man, know his nature and fashions, and so lead him.
    Francis Bacon.

    To hasten his destruction, come yourself,
    And work your royal father to his ruin.
    Ambrose Philips.

    5. To produce; to effect.

    Fly the dreadful war,
    That in thyself thy lesser parts do move,
    Outrageous anger, and woe-working jar.
    Fairy Queen.

    Love worketh no ill to his neighbour.
    Rom. xiii. 10.

    Our light affliction for a moment worketh for us a far more eternal weight of glory.
    2 Cor. iv. 18.

    We might work any effect, not holpen by the co-operation of spirits, but only by the unity of nature.
    Francis Bacon.

    Moisture, although it doth not pass through bodies without communication of some substance, as heat and cold do, yet it worketh effects by qualifying of the heat and cold.
    Francis Bacon.

    Such power, being above all that the understanding of man can conceive, may well work such wonders.
    William Drummond.

    God, only wise, to punish pride of wit,
    Among mens wits hath this confusion wrought;
    As the proud tow’r, whose points the clouds did hit,
    By tongues confusion was to ruin brought.

    Of the tree,
    Which, tasted, works knowledge of good and evil,
    Thou may’st not: in the day thou eat’st, thou dy’st.
    John Milton.

    6. To manage.

    Mere personal valour could not supply want of knowledge in building and working ships.

    7. To put to labour; to exert.

    Now, Marcus, thy virtue’s on the proof;
    Put forth thy utmost strength, work every nerve,
    And call up all thy father in thy soul.
    Joseph Addison, Cato.

    8. To embroider with a needle.9. ToWork out. To effect by toil.

    Not only every society, but every single person has enough to do to work out his own salvation.
    Decay of Piety.

    The mind takes the hint from the poet, and works out the rest by the strength of her own faculties.

    10. ToWork out. To eraze; to efface.

    Tears of joy for your returning spilt,
    Work out and expiate our former guilt.

    11. ToWork up. To raise.

    That which is wanting to work up the pity to a greater height, was not afforded me by the story.

    This lake resembles a sea, when worked up by storms.

    The sun, that rolls his chariot o’er their heads,
    Works up more fire and colour in their cheeks.
    Joseph Addison, Cato.

    We should inure ourselves to such thoughts, ’till they have worked up our souls into filial awe and love of him.
    Francis Atterbury.

  3. To WORKverb

    pret. worked, or wrought.

    Etymology: weorcan , Saxon; werken, Dutch.

    1. To labour; to travail; to toil.

    Good Kent, how shall I live and work
    To match thy goodness? life will be too short.
    William Shakespeare.

    Go and work; for no straw shall be given you.
    Ex. v. 18.

    Whether we work or play, or sleep or wake,
    Our life doth pass, and with time’s wings doth fly.

    2. To be in action; to be in motion.

    Glory grows guilty of detested crimes,
    When for fame’s sake
    We bend to that the working of the heart.
    William Shakespeare.

    In Morat your hopes a crown design’d,
    And all the woman work’d within your mind.

    3. To act; to carry on operations.

    May be the Lord will work for us.
    1 Sa. xiv. 6.

    Our better part remains
    To work in close design.
    John Milton.

    4. To act as a manufacturer.

    They that work in fine flax.
    Is. xix. 9.

    5. To ferment.

    Into wine and strong beer put some like substances, while they work, which may make them fume and inflame less.
    Francis Bacon.

    Try the force of imagination upon staying the working of beer, when the barm is put in.
    Francis Bacon.

    If in the wort of beer, while it worketh, before it be tunned, the burrage be often changed with fresh, it will make a sovereign drink for melancholy.
    Francis Bacon, Natural History.

    6. To operate; to have effect.

    With some other business put the king
    From these sad thoughts that work too much upon him.
    William Shakespeare.

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    Rom. viii. 28.

    Gravity worketh weakly, both far from the earth, and also within the earth.
    Francis Bacon.

    Although the same tribute laid by consent, or by imposing, be all one to the purse, yet it works diversely on the courage: no people overcharged with tribute is fit for empire.
    Francis Bacon.

    These positive undertakings wrought upon many to think that this opportunity should not be lost.
    Edward Hyde.

    Nor number, nor example with him wrought
    To swerve from truth, or change his constant mind.
    John Milton.

    We see the workings of gratitude in the Israelites.

    Objects of pity, when the cause is new,
    Would work too fiercely on the giddy crowd.

    Poison will work against the stars: beware,
    For ev’ry meal an antidote prepare.
    John Dryden, Juvenal.

    When this reverence begins to work in him, next consider his temper of mind.
    John Locke.

    This so wrought upon the child, that afterwards he desired to be taught.
    John Locke.

    Humours and manners work more in the meaner sort than with the nobility.
    Joseph Addison, on Italy.

    The ibibaboca is a foot round, and three yards and a half long: his colours are white, black, and red: of all serpents his bite is the most pernicious, yet worketh the slowest.
    Nehemiah Grew.

    7. To obtain by diligence.

    Without the king’s assent
    You wrought to be a legate.
    William Shakespeare, Henry VIII.

    He hath wrought with God this day.
    1 Sa. xiv. 45.

    8. To act internally; to operate as a purge, or other physick.

    Work on,
    My medicine, work! thus credulous fools are caught.
    William Shakespeare.

    I should have doubted the operations of antimony, where such a potion could not work.
    Thomas Browne, Vulgar Errours.

    It is benign, nor far from the nature of aliment, into which, upon defect of working, it is oft times converted.

    Most purges heat a little; and all of them work best, that is, cause the blood so to do, as do fermenting liquors, in warm weather, or in a warm room.
    Nehemiah Grew, Cosmol.

    9. To act as on an object.

    Let it be pain of body, or distress of mind, there’s matter yet left for philosophy and constancy to work upon.
    Roger L’Estrange.

    Natural philosophy has sensible objects to work upon; but then it often puzzles the reader with the intricacy of its notions.

    The predictions Bickerstaff published, relating to his death, too much affected and worked on his imagination.
    Jonathan Swift.

    10. To make way.

    Body shall up to spirit work.
    John Milton.

    Who would trust chance, since all men have the seeds
    Of good and ill, which should work upward first?

    11. To be tossed or agitated.

    Vex’d by wint’ry storms, Benacus raves,
    Confus’d with working sands and rolling waves.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Worknoun

    exertion of strength or faculties; physical or intellectual effort directed to an end; industrial activity; toil; employment; sometimes, specifically, physically labor

  2. Worknoun

    the matter on which one is at work; that upon which one spends labor; material for working upon; subject of exertion; the thing occupying one; business; duty; as, to take up one’s work; to drop one’s work

  3. Worknoun

    that which is produced as the result of labor; anything accomplished by exertion or toil; product; performance; fabric; manufacture; in a more general sense, act, deed, service, effect, result, achievement, feat

  4. Worknoun

    specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor; a composition; a book; as, a work, or the works, of Addison. (b) Flowers, figures, or the like, wrought with the needle; embroidery

  5. Worknoun

    structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like; also, the structures and grounds of a manufacturing establishment; as, iron works; locomotive works; gas works

  6. Worknoun

    the moving parts of a mechanism; as, the works of a watch

  7. Worknoun

    manner of working; management; treatment; as, unskillful work spoiled the effect

  8. Worknoun

    the causing of motion against a resisting force. The amount of work is proportioned to, and is measured by, the product of the force into the amount of motion along the direction of the force. See Conservation of energy, under Conservation, Unit of work, under Unit, also Foot pound, Horse power, Poundal, and Erg

  9. Worknoun

    ore before it is dressed

  10. Worknoun

    performance of moral duties; righteous conduct

  11. Worknoun

    to exert one’s self for a purpose; to put forth effort for the attainment of an object; to labor; to be engaged in the performance of a task, a duty, or the like

  12. Worknoun

    hence, in a general sense, to operate; to act; to perform; as, a machine works well

  13. Worknoun

    hence, figuratively, to be effective; to have effect or influence; to conduce

  14. Worknoun

    to carry on business; to be engaged or employed customarily; to perform the part of a laborer; to labor; to toil

  15. Worknoun

    to be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a state; to be tossed or agitated; to move heavily; to strain; to labor; as, a ship works in a heavy sea

  16. Worknoun

    to make one’s way slowly and with difficulty; to move or penetrate laboriously; to proceed with effort; — with a following preposition, as down, out, into, up, through, and the like; as, scheme works out by degrees; to work into the earth

  17. Worknoun

    to ferment, as a liquid

  18. Worknoun

    to act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a cathartic

  19. Workverb

    to labor or operate upon; to give exertion and effort to; to prepare for use, or to utilize, by labor

  20. Workverb

    to produce or form by labor; to bring forth by exertion or toil; to accomplish; to originate; to effect; as, to work wood or iron into a form desired, or into a utensil; to work cotton or wool into cloth

  21. Workverb

    to produce by slow degrees, or as if laboriously; to bring gradually into any state by action or motion

  22. Workverb

    to influence by acting upon; to prevail upon; to manage; to lead

  23. Workverb

    to form with a needle and thread or yarn; especially, to embroider; as, to work muslin

  24. Workverb

    to set in motion or action; to direct the action of; to keep at work; to govern; to manage; as, to work a machine

  25. Workverb

    to cause to ferment, as liquor

  26. Etymology: [OE. work, werk, weorc, AS. weorc, worc; akin to OFries. werk, wirk, OS., D., & G. werk, OHG. werc, werah, Icel. & Sw. verk, Dan. vrk, Goth. gawarki, Gr. ‘e`rgon, e`rgon, work, «re`zein to do, ‘o`rganon an instrument, ‘o`rgia secret rites, Zend verez to work. 145. Cf. Bulwark, Energy, Erg, Georgic, Liturgy, Metallurgy, Organ, Orgy, Surgeon, Wright.]

FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Work

    In physics, a force is said to do work when it acts on a body so that there is a displacement of the point of application, however small, in the direction of the force. Thus a force does work when it results in movement.
    The term work was introduced in 1826 by the French mathematician Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis as «weight lifted through a height», which is based on the use of early steam engines to lift buckets of water out of flooded ore mines. The SI unit of work is the newton-metre or joule.
    The work done by a constant force of magnitude F on a point that moves a displacement d in the direction of the force is the product,
    For example, if a force of 10 newton acts along point that travels 2 metres, then it does the work W = = 20 N m = 20 J. This is approximately the work done lifting a 1 kg weight from ground to over a person’s head against the force of gravity. Notice that the work is doubled either by lifting twice the weight the same distance or by lifting the same weight twice the distance.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Work

    wurk, n. effort directed to an end: employment: the result of work: that on which one works: anything made or done: embroidery: deed: effect: a literary composition: a book: management: an establishment for any manufacture, a factory (gener. in pl.): (physics) the product of a force by the component displacement of its point and application in the direction of the force: (pl.), (fort.) walls, trenches, &c.: (theol.) acts performed in obedience to the Divine law: a manufactory, workshop, place of work (esp. in pl.): mechanism—e.g. of a watch.—v.i. to make efforts to attain anything: to perform: to be in action: to be occupied in business or labour: to produce effects, to make progress with difficulty, to strain or labour: to ferment: to be agitated, to seethe: to embroider.—v.t. to make by labour: to bring into any state by action: to effect: to carry on operations in: to put in motion: to purge: to influence: to manage: to solve: to achieve: to cause to ferment: to provoke, agitate: to keep employed: to embroider:—pa.t. and pa.p. worked or wrought (rawt).—ns. Workabil′ity, Work′ableness.—adjs. Work′able, that may be worked; Work′aday, work-day, toiling, plodding.—ns. Work′-bag, -bas′ket, a bag, basket, for holding materials for work, esp. needlework; Work′-box, a lady’s box for holding materials for work; Work′-day, a day for work: a week-day.—adj. pertaining to a work-day.—ns. Work′er, a toiler, performer: among insects, the neuter or undeveloped female; Work′-fell′ow, one who is engaged in the same work with another.—ns.pl. Work′folk, Work′folks, persons engaged in manual labour.—adj. Work′ful, industrious.—ns. Work′girl, a girl or young woman employed in some manual labour; Work′house, a house where any work or manufacture is carried on: a house of shelter for the poor, who are made to work; Work′ing, action, operation: fermentation: (pl.) the parts of a mine, &c., where actual operations are in hand.—adj. active: labouring: connected with labour.—ns. Work′ing-beam, the oscillating lever of a steam-engine connecting the piston-rod and the crank-shaft, a walking-beam; Work′ing-class, manual labourers (often in pl.); Wor′king-day, a day on which work is done, as distinguished from the Sabbath and holidays: the period of actual work each day.—adj. laborious: plodding.—ns. Work′ing-draw′ing, a drawing of the details of a building by which the builders are guided in their work; Work′ing-house (Shak.), workshop; Work′ing-par′ty, a group of persons who do some work in common, or who meet periodically for such a purpose; Work′man, Work′ing-man, a man who works or labours, esp. manually: a skilful artificer.—adjs. Work′man-like, like a workman: becoming a skilful workman: well performed; Work′manly, becoming a skilful workman.—adv. in a manner becoming a skilful workman.—ns. Work′manship, the skill of a workman: manner of making: work done; Work′-mas′ter, a skilled or directing workman, esp. in some great undertaking.—n.pl. Work′-peo′ple, people engaged in labour.—ns. Work′room, a room for working in; Work′shop, a shop where work is done.—adj. Work′some, industrious.—ns. Work′-tā′ble, a small table used by ladies at their needlework; Work′-woman, a woman who makes her living by some manual labour.—Work of art, a production in one of the fine arts; Work double tides, to work through continuous tides, night and day; Work in, to intermix, to make to penetrate; Work into, to make way gradually into: to change, alter; Work off, to separate and throw off, to get rid of, circulate: to produce as by work, esp. to print; Work on, or upon, to act or operate upon, to influence; Work one’s passage, to give one’s work on board in place of passage-money; Work out, to effect by continued labour: to expiate: to exhaust: to solve or study anything fully out; Work up, to excite, rouse: to create by slow degrees, to expand, elaborate: to use up, as material: (naut.) to set at an irksome or needless task; Work with, to strive to influence by appeals, &c.—Board of Works, the body which has the management and control of public works and buildings, of which the expenses are defrayed from the crown revenues or parliamentary grants; Have one’s work cut out, to have one’s work prescribed: to have a difficult task before one; Make short work of (see Short); Out of work, out of working order: without employment; Set to work, to employ in some work: to engage in some work; Seven Works of Corporal Mercy, to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, visit prisoners, visit the sick, harbour strangers, bury the dead—of Spiritual Mercy, to convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, console the afflicted, bear wrongs patiently, forgive injuries, pray for the living and the dead. [A.S. weorc; Ice. verk, Ger. werk; further conn. with Gr. ergon.]

The Roycroft DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. work

    1. That which keeps us out of trouble. 2. A plan of God to circumvent the Devil.

U.S. National Library of MedicineRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Work

    Productive or purposeful activities.

The Standard Electrical DictionaryRate this definition:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. Work

    When a force acts upon a body and the body moves in the direction of the force, the force does work. Hence, work is the action of a force through space against resistance. It is generally expressed in compound units of length and weight, as foot-pounds, meaning a pound raised one foot.

Rap DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. workverb

    a woman who is selling her goodies/sex/soul for cash

  2. worknoun


Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. work

    Paid employment or self-employment.

    The work we do effects our perception of life.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 25, 2020  

  2. work

    The transfer of energy from a system to a specfic place.

    In physics work is expressed in units.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 25, 2020  

  3. work

    To function according to the creation or design.

    The computers do work every day and make life so easy.

    Submitted by MaryC on January 25, 2020  

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. work

    The work symbol — In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the work symbol and its characteristic.

  2. WORK

    What does WORK stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the WORK acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. WORK

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Work is ranked #8599 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Work surname appeared 3,828 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Work.

    91% or 3,484 total occurrences were White.
    2.9% or 114 total occurrences were Black.
    2% or 77 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    1.9% or 76 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    1.1% or 45 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    0.8% or 32 total occurrences were Asian.

Matched Categories

    • Activity
    • Be
    • Become
    • Change State
    • Convert
    • Create From Raw Material
    • Enchant
    • Energy
    • Excite
    • Farming
    • Geographic Point
    • Learning
    • Manage
    • Manipulate
    • Move
    • Operate
    • Pass
    • Physics
    • Prepare
    • Proceed
    • Use
    • Work

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘work’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #127

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘work’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #196

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘work’ in Nouns Frequency: #11

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘work’ in Verbs Frequency: #30

How to pronounce work?

How to say work in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of work in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of work in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of work in a Sentence

  1. Mike Pompeo:

    If North Korea takes bold action to quickly denuclearize, the United States is prepared to work with North Korea to achieve prosperity on the par with our South Korean friends, if Chairman Kim chooses the right path, there is a future brimming with peace and prosperity for the North Korean people.

  2. Russian President Vladimir Putin:

    She set the tone for some opposition activists, gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work.

  3. Colleague Jim Swift:

    John. as a former staffer myself, this must be a really depressing job. Ideally, young people go to work in Congress because they want to make a difference.

  4. Laura Cavanaugh/Getty Images:

    I needed to take a break, we worked hard for 10 years. Im the executive producer of my show so I produce the show, shoot the show, work onthe show and we only work with my construction guys and one cameraman so its not like we got this huge production.

  5. Isaac Herzog:

    I believe in a certain type of leadership that is not always customary in this region. I’m not a general. I don’t give orders. I know how to work together.

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Are we missing a good definition for work? Don’t keep it to yourself…

Yes, you can use the word work to mean is well-suited for some particular use.

Likewise, you can use the phrase will work best to mean will work better than the other options that we have.

Here are some examples:

We are going to my cousin’s wedding in two months. I booked us a room at the Holiday Inn.
That will work.

In that example, «That will work» means, «That will be an acceptable lodging arrangement.»

We are going to need some beer for the golf tournament next weekend. I bought six cases of Heineken and six cases of Molson.
That works for me.

In that example, «That works for me» means, «I don’t have any objections to what you bought.»

You look thirsty, so I just ordered you a beer.
Sorry, I’m the designated driver tonight. That’s not going to work.

In that example, «That’s not going to work» means, «I’m not going to drink the beer you ordered [because I’m not drinking any beer tonight].»

You look thirsty, so I just ordered you a Pepsi.
That works.

In that example, «That works» means, «Thanks, I’ll be happy to drink a Pepsi.»

As for works best, that works when the context provides some options to choose from:

We can keep Mickey in public school, or we can move him to private school next year.
I think private school would work best.

In that example, «would work best» means, «is the better option [between those two].»

So, I probably wouldn’t use work to mean best-selling or best-tasting, although these might factor in on why something might «work.» For example, going back to the golf tournament:

We need some beer for the golf tournament, so I bought six cases of Heineken and six cases of Molson.
I think that will work; those are pretty popular beers.

meaning, «It’s unlikely the golfers will grumble about those two choices.»


We need some beer for the golf tournament, so I bought six cases of Heineken and six cases of Molson.
I hope that will work; it might have been better to buy three cases of each and offer more variety.

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