What does the word whether mean

What does the word whether mean?

According to Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language and Cambridge English Dictionary, the word whether is a conjunction that is used as a function word to as either a direct question consisting of multiple alternatives, an indirect interrogative question, or a simple indirect question involving alternatives. This can also be used to refer to alternative conditions or possibilities. Dictionary states that it can be used as either a coordinating or a subordinating conjunction. Someone could use the word whether to describe possible variants in circumstances. For example, someone could say, “We are going shopping tomorrow whether it rains or not. I don’t want to let it wait until Sunday.” This word can also be used to present alternative possibilities from the main clause of the sentence, such as, “He was not sure whether he could attend the play or if he would have to watch his little brother that night.” The word whether is often used to create a comparative form of two possibilities. This could be a matter of judgment or opinion. The word whether can be used in both casual English and proper English, and is not considered one of many slang words that should not be used in formal settings. 

Many different languages use words that mean whether as a means of introducing indirect questions. You may notice that some of these words look very similar to one another. These are called cognates, which are words and phrases that look and sound similar while retaining the same meaning between languages. These are often formed when two words have the same root or language of origin like Latin or Greek. This list of translations for the word whether is provided by Word Sense.

  • Portuguese: se‎ (masc.)
  • Russian: ли‎ (placed after the first word in the sentence or phrase)
  • Ancient Greek: πότερον‎, πότερα‎, εἰ‎
  • Hungarian: -e‎, vajon‎
  • Esperanto: ĉu‎
  • Vietnamese: có … không‎
  • Belarusian: чы‎
  • Serbo-Croatian: da li‎
  • Japanese: かどうか‎ (…ka dō ka), か‎ (ka)
  • Dutch: of‎
  • Galician: se‎
  • Lojban: xukau‎
  • Swedish: om‎, ifall‎, huruvida‎
  • Finnish: -ko / -kö (particle appended to the verb)
  • Novial: ob‎
  • Romanian: dacă‎
  • Spanish: si‎, si … o‎
  • Occitan: se‎, si‎
  • Hebrew: האם‎ (ha`ím), אם‎ (ím)
  • Persian: آیا‎ (âyâ)
  • Bokmål: hvorvidt‎
  • Mandarin: 是否‎ (shìfǒu)
  • Pashto: که‎ (ka)
  • Bulgarian: дали‎ (dalí)
  • German: ob‎
  • Arabic: إِذَا‎, سَوَاء‎
  • Czech: zda‎, zdali‎
  • Norwegian: om‎
  • Lithuanian: ar‎
  • Icelandic: hvort‎
  • Polish: czy‎
  • French: si‎, que‎, soit‎
  • Ukrainian: чи‎
  • Macedonian: дали‎ (dáli)

How can the word whether be used in a sentence?

The word whether is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of different ways. In the below examples, the word whether will be used as a conjunction. In this first example, Trevor has been accused of cheating on a text and talks to his mother about it. 

Trevor: Mom, I promise. I did not cheat on that test.

Mom: Whether you actually cheated or not, you’re still being punished. You have betrayed my trust.

Trevor: How did I betray your trust? I didn’t do anything wrong?

In this next example, Trevor and his mom make plans for Trevor’s birthday.

Trevor: I want to go to the beach for my birthday

Mom: It’s supposed to rain on Saturday.

Trevor: I don’t care whether it rains or not, it’ll be fun.

Mom: It won’t be fun when you have to clean out muddy sand from my car.

Finally, in this example, Trevor is having problems with a friend.

Trevor: I’m not sure whether he’s avoiding me or if he really is busy, but it hurts either way.

Mom: Trevor, I think the only way for you to resolve this is to talk to him. I know that is not an easy thing to do, but I believe it will bring the both of you a lot of closure.

Trevor: You are probably right.

In all three of the previous examples, the word whether is used as a conjunction. This word is used in many different sentences and contexts in the English language, and it is a word that one will see very frequently. 

What is the origin of the word whether?

According to Etymonline, the word whether comes from the Old English hwæðer, Old English hwæther, Old English hwether or Old English hweðer. These come from the Proto-Germanic gihwatharaz, which also provides the cognates in the Old Saxon hwedar, Old Norse hvatharr or hvarr, Gothic hwathar, Old Frisian hweder, Old High German hwedar, and German weder. This is from the interrogative base khwa meaning who, from the Proto-Indo-European root kwo. This is affixed to the comparative suffix theraz which also has cognate compounds in the Sanskrit katarah, Avestan katara-, Greek poteros, Latin uter, Lithuanian katras and Old Church Slavonic koteru. This was also used in Middle English as a pronoun and adjective. The phrase whether or not has been used since the 1650s. 

What are synonyms for the word whether?

There are few different words that a person can use in place of the word whether, but usually conjunctions such as whether or other words that are used to ask questions are very specific and do not have many words that one can use in its place in the English language. This list of synonyms for the word whether is provided by Thesaurus. 

  • If
  • In case
  • Even if

Overall, the word whether is a conjunction that is used to present two or more possibilities to a statement. This word is extremely versatile and is used in many different ways. Try using this word in a sentence today!


  1. https://www.etymonline.com/word/whether#etymonline_v_7947
  2. https://www.wordsense.eu/whether/
  3. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/whether
  4. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whether
  5. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/whether
  6. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/whether


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

ли, который


- (часто whether … or not; whether … or whether) вводит
- косвенный вопрос ли

he asked whether he could help — он спросил, не может ли он помочь

- подлежащные, дополнительные, атрибутивные или предикативные придаточные предложения, выражающие сомнение, неуверенность, выбор ли

I am not interested in whether you approve of it or not — меня не интересует, одобряете вы это или нет
he is in doubt whether he should wait — он сомневается, нужно ли ему ждать
I am not informed as to whether he did the work — мне неизвестно, сделал ли он эту работу
it matters little whether we go or stay — неважно, поедем мы или останемся
I wonder whether he will go himself or whether he will send you — интересно, пойдёт ли он сам или пошлёт вас
I don’t know whether it is true or not — я не знаю, правда ли это

- вводит условно-уступительные придаточные предложения или обороты ли (обыкн. whether … or no(t))

whether he comes or not, we shall leave — приедет (ли) он или нет, мы уедем
I shall go whether it is fine or not — я пойду, какая бы ни была погода
he was completely ignored, whether by accident or design — случайно это получилось или нет, но на него не обращали никакого внимания
this is what I think, whether right or wrong — правильно или нет, но таково моё мнение


- арх. А inter
- который из двух?, который из нескольких?

whether is heavier, water or oil? — что тяжелее, вода или масло?
whether of these men …? — который из них …?

- любой из двух

put the wine into glasses or pots, whether you have — налей вино в стаканы или кружки, что есть под рукой


- арх. один из двух; любой из двух

considering all the whys and whethers — принимая во внимание все вопросы и сомнения

Мои примеры


whether or not this comes to pass — суждено ли этому случиться или нет  
not to know whether one is coming or going — не знать, на каком ты свете; потерять голову; растеряться  
there is some controversy as to whether — идут споры о том  
properties of the solution depend on whether a > 0 — зависеть от того, является ли знак a положительным  
one is entitled to doubt whether — можно усомниться в том, что  
observe whether the tube filaments are lit — убедитесь, что накалы ламп светятся  
whether he is here or not — здесь он или нет  
he inquired whether he had to pay for the luggage — он справился, нужно ли ему платить за багаж  
whether of these men :? — который из них :?  
this raises the question of whether — в связи с этим возникает вопрос  

Примеры с переводом

He asked me whether I needed any help.

Он спросил меня, не нужна ли мне помощь.

I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

Я не знал, верить ли ему или нет.

I don’t know whether they were invited.

Я не знаю, были ли они приглашены.

Look, Kate, I’m calling the doctor, whether you like it or not.

Послушай, Кейт, я звоню врачу, нравится тебе это или нет.

She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.

Она была не уверена, остаться ли ей или уйти.

She was uncertain whether to go or stay.

Она была не уверена, стоит ли ей ехать или остаться.

He was sitting next to her whether by accident or on purpose.

Случайно или нарочно, но он сидел рядом с ней.

He asked the hostess whether he could stay there for some months.

Он спросил у хозяйки, можно ли ему остаться ещё на несколько месяцев.

There were times when I wondered whether or not we would get there.

Были времена, когда я сомневался, попадём мы туда или нет.

Poor farmers, whether owners or tenants, will be worst affected.

Бедные фермеры, будь то владельцы или арендаторы, пострадают больше всего.

The question arose as to whether this behaviour was unlawful.

Встал вопрос о том, было ли такое поведение незаконным.

It seemed to me that she was in trouble whether Mahoney lived or died.

Мне показалось, что у неё серьёзные неприятности, вне зависимости от того, жив Махони или умер.

Having begun to illustrate the distinction between inquiry if or whether something is and what it is with the question ˜whether there is or is not a centaur or a god™, he then characterizes the knowledge achieved as ˜knowing that it is™. ❋ Lennox, James (2006)

But when we are considering the question whether Bathurst and Lowe were needlessly strict or not, the point at issue is _whether plans of escape or rescue existed, and if so, whether they knew of them_. ❋ John Holland Rose (1898)

I ask you to consider whether, so long as the moral constitution of men’s minds shall continue to be the same, after this generation and assemblage shall sink into the grave, and another race shall arise, with the same moral and intellectual development we have, —whether, if that institution is standing in the same irritating position in which it now is, it will not continue an element of division? ❋ Unknown (1897)

This being so, if you doubt the other branch of the proposition, whether he is for you, —whether he is really for you, as I have expressed it, —I propose asking your attention for a while to a few facts. ❋ Unknown (1897)

If any person can in earnest doubt whether there be such a thing as good — will in one man towards another (for the question is not concerning either the degree or extensiveness of it, but concerning the affection itself), let it be observed that _whether man be thus_, _or otherwise constituted_, _what is the inward frame in this particular_ is a mere question of fact of natural history not provable immediately by reason. ❋ Joseph Butler (1722)

But I am now prepared to ask, with emphasis, whether an employment that has been attended with so many ills to the bodies and souls of men; with so much woe and crime; whose results are evil, and only evil continually; an employment which cannot be pursued without tending to destroy the very purposes of the organization of society; without violating the rule which requires us to render a valuable consideration in business; without violating the rule which requires a man to promote the welfare of the whole of the community; which promotes pauperism and crime, and imposes heavy burdens on your fellow-citizens; which is opposed equally to the love of man and the law of God — _whether this is a moral, or an immoral employment? ❋ American Tract Society (N/A)

(not, whether we are prophets;) _whether ministry_, (not, whether we are deacons, ministers:) and both prophecy and ministry are put in the accusative case; and both of them have relation, and are joined unto the participle of the plural number _having_, intimating that divers do share in prophecy, pastor and teacher; divers in ministry, deacon and ruling elder. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

I am willing and anxious that they should consider them fully; that they should turn it about and consider the importance of the question, and arrive at a just conclusion as to whether it is or is not wise in the people of this Union, in the acquisition of new territory, to consider whether it will add to the disturbance that is existing amongst us, —whether it will add to the one only danger that has ever threatened the perpetuity of the Union or our own liberties. ❋ Unknown (1897)

This network,not only should be boycotted by Democrats,but by all people who are brought to the station to be ridiculed by these pundits whether it is Cavuto,Hannity or O’Reilly for their beliefs…The Congress should examine their FCC license..whether they are serving the public or only serving one group that Rupport Mardock wants them to serve. ❋ Unknown (2007)

God: _whether you eat or whether you drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God_. [ ❋ Aquinas Thomas (1907)

But in his quest to accumulate 20 bottles, our tasting coordinator, Bernard Kirsch, ran into one of the frustrations sometimes experienced by Vouvray buyers: It’s not easy to tell by looking at the label whether wines will be dry or display some sweetness. ❋ By ERIC ASIMOV (2011)

At least some of what you suggest that he should have done was effectively barred by the «Gorelick wall» not really her fault, some say, but she’s going to be stuck with the term whether fair or not. ❋ Ann Althouse (2009)

The Impérial that’s sold in the U.S. does not say on the label whether it is Brut or Extra Dry, so be aware that it’s sweeter than Brut. ❋ Unknown (2008)

You will probably know from the title whether or not you want to read Agincourt: Henry V and the Battle that made England. ❋ Tripp (2007)

I wondered at the title whether this might be something menstrual; but in fact it’s libration. ❋ Zoe Brain (2007)

«We shall know by the amount of rubber left at the end of the term whether you have taken my valuable advice,» said Florence. ❋ Various (1897)

Ac Indicate after the title whether it is an easel-picture, fresco, statue, relief, or a part of a larger work. ❋ John Cotton Dana (1892)

Simon Cowell plans to turn the church volunteer into the next Paul Potts and will sign her to his label whether she wins or not, reports The Sun. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Boy:[how do] you spell whether?
Girl:[which one]
Boy:[u know] the one that is used to say stuff like «you WILL do this whether you like it or not»
Girl:oh W -E -T -H -E -R ❋ Jack Septic Pliers (2018)

[Mom]: Do you finally have an idea of what you’re doing this [summer]???
You: Yeah Mom, I [check] The Whether. ❋ Freckled Puma (2017)

[1SG]: «anyone taking a whether pass this weekend is gonna [get fucked] up on [Monday]!!!» ❋ Ravenflesh (2008)

She said she [would go] on the [hayride] tomorrow depending on [the whether] weather. ❋ Someonefromearth (2009)

[alan]:what is this crap we’re listening to?
rick:whether music.
alan:whether music?
rick:yeah. [it plays] whether or not we want it to.
alan: what a [gay DJ]. ❋ Tyrone Whitman (2007)

Zavala:»Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the [Cabal on Mars]. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He’s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this [beast out], and break their grip on [Freehold].» ❋ Oofpacitomos (2019)

Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the [Cabal on Mars]. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He’s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this [beast out], and break their grip on [Freehold]. ❋ Oofpacitomos (2019)

I’m not [going fishing] today it’s too [windy]. George is out fishing today tho. He is a [fair whether fisherman]. ❋ Das Miz (2019)

To [not know whether one is Arthur or Martha]
If that bloke goes anywhere near my girl, I’ll bash him so hard he won’t know if he’s [Arthur] or [Martha]! ❋ MrKapper (2006)

‘u know my [ear]? im [not sure] [whether] its bleedong any more.’ ❋ Batman (2005)

  • 1

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > whether

  • 2
    whether or no

    1) ли; или нет

    What matters whether or no I make my way in life. (W. Thackeray, ‘Henry Esmond’, part I, ch. IX) — Какое имеет значение, преуспею я в жизни или нет.

    The hall itself was almost full. No one knew whether or not there would be a meeting. (D. Carter, ‘Fatherless Sons’, part II, ch. 20) — В зале собралось много народу. Никто точно не знал, будет митинг или нет.

    2) так или иначе, во всяком случае

    Was it natural that at that instant, without any previous impulse or design, Kit should kiss Barbara? He did it, whether or no. (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’, ch. LXVIII) — А разве удивительно, что Кит, сам того не ожидая, вдруг поцеловал Барбару? Поцеловал — и все тут!

    He must do as he is told, whether or no. — Так или иначе, но ему придется сделать то, что ему говорят.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > whether or no

  • 3

    whether [ˊweðə]


    pron уст.

    кото́рый (из двух)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > whether

  • 4
    whether or no

    whether or no так или иначе; во всяком случае

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > whether or no

  • 5

    Персональный Сократ > whether

  • 6

    1. [ʹweðə]


    один из двух; любой из двух

    considering all the whys and whethers — принимая во внимание все вопросы и сомнения

    2. [ʹweðə]


    который из двух?, который из нескольких?

    whether is heavier, water or oil? — что тяжелее, вода или масло?

    whether of these men…? — который из них…?

    любой из двух

    put the wine into glasses or pots, whether you have — налей вино в стаканы или кружки, что есть под рукой

    3. [ʹweðə]

    1. ( whether… or not; whether… or whether)

    he asked whether he could help — он спросил, не может ли он помочь

    2) ли

    I am not interested in whether you approve of it or not — меня не интересует, одобряете вы это или нет

    he is in doubt whether he should wait — он сомневается, нужно ли ему ждать

    I am not informed as to whether he did the work — мне неизвестно, сделал ли он эту работу

    it matters little whether we go or stay — неважно, поедем мы или останемся

    I wonder whether he will go himself or whether he will send you — интересно, пойдёт ли он сам или пошлёт вас

    I don’t know whether it is true or not — я не знаю, правда ли это

    2. ли (

    whether… or no(t))

    whether he comes or not, we shall leave — приедет (ли) он или нет, мы уедем

    I shall go whether it is fine or not — я пойду, какая бы ни была погода

    he was completely ignored, whether by accident or design — случайно это получилось или нет, но на него не обращали никакого внимания

    this is what I think, whether right or wrong — правильно или нет, но таково моё мнение

    whether or no — а) в любом случае, что бы ни случилось; так или иначе; I will do it, whether or no — так или иначе, я это сделаю; б) (ли)… или; whether or no it is possible, I cannot say — я не могу сказать, возможно это или нет /возможно ли это/

    whether or not = whether or no а)

    НБАРС > whether

  • 7


    whether cj ли; I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он; whether or no так или иначе; во всяком случае whether pron уст. который (из двух) whether cj ли; I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он; whether or no так или иначе; во всяком случае whether cj ли; I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он; whether or no так или иначе; во всяком случае

    English-Russian short dictionary > whether

  • 8

    1. союз ли Syn: if
    1. — whether or no
    2. мест.;
    уст. который из двух Syn: which( устаревшее) один из двух;
    любой из двух — considering all the whys and *s принимая во внимание все вопросы и сомнения (устаревшее) который из двух?, который из нескольких? — * is heavier, water or oil? что тяжелее, вода или масло? — * of these men…? который из них…? любой из двух — put the wine into glasses or pots, * you have налей вино в стаканы или кружки, что есть под рукой (часто *… or not;
    *… or *) вводит косвенный вопрос: ли — he asked * he could help он спросил, не может ли он помочь (часто *… or not;
    *… or *) вводит подлежащные, дополнительные, атрибутивные или предикативные придаточные предложения, выражающие сомнение, неуверенность, выбор: ли — I am not interested in * you approve of it or not меня не интересует, одобряете ли вы это или нет — he is in doubt * he should wait он сомневается, нужно ли ему ждать — I am not informed as to * he did the work мне неизвестно, сделал ли он эту работу — it matters little * we go or stay неважно, поедем мы или останемся — I wonder * he will go himself or * he will send you интересно, пойдет ли он сам или пошлет вас — I don’t know * it is true or not я не знаю, правда ли это (обычно *… or no(t) вводит условно-уступительные придаточные предложения или обороты;
    ли — * he comes or not, we shall leave приедет (ли) он или нет, мы уедем — I shall go * it is fine or not я пойду, какая бы ни была погода — he was completely ignored, * by accident or design случайно ли это получилось или нет, но на него не обращали никакого внимания — this is what I think, * right or wrong правильно или нет, но таково мое мнение в сочетаниях — * or no в любом случае, что бы ни случилось;
    так или иначе;
    (ли)… или — I will do it, * or no так или иначе, я это сделаю — * or no it is possible, I cannot say я не могу сказать, возможно это или нет /возможно ли это/
    ~ cj ли;
    I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он;
    whether or no так или иначе;
    во всяком случае
    whether pron уст. который (из двух) ~ cj ли;
    I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он;
    whether or no так или иначе;
    во всяком случае
    ~ cj ли;
    I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он;
    whether or no так или иначе;
    во всяком случае

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > whether

  • 9



    ли (вводит косвенный вопрос и некоторые виды придаточных предложений, выражающих неуверенность, предполагающих выбор из нескольких альтернатив)

    He couldn’t make up his mind whether to go or to stay. — Он не мог решить, пойти ему или остаться.

    He asked the hostess whether he could stay there for some months. — Он спросил у хозяйки, можно ли будет остаться там на несколько месяцев.

    He was sitting next to her whether by accident or on purpose. — Случайно или нарочно, но он сидел рядом с ней.


    (1.) Альтернативные вопросы вводятся только союзом whether. Только whether употребляется перед инфинитивом, после предлогов и после глаголов to discuss и to hesitate: I can’t say whether he is right or wrong. Я не могу сказать, прав он или нет. We hesitate whether to go there in summer. Мы сомневаемся, ехать ли туда летом. (2.) See if, cj

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > whether

  • 10

    English-Russian word troubles > whether

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    1) Общая лексика: который , ли, либо, ль, любой из двух, вводит косвенный вопрос ли, будь то… или…

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether

  • 12



    He asked the hostess whether he could stay there for some months. — Он спросил у хозяйки, можно ли ему остаться ещё на несколько месяцев.

    б) ли

    He was sitting next to her whether by accident or on purpose. — Случайно или нарочно, но он сидел рядом с ней.







    Англо-русский современный словарь > whether

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > whether

  • 14

    ли; I don’t know whether he is here я не знаю, здесь ли он

    whether or no так или иначе; во всяком случае

    который (из двух)

    * * *

    * * *

    ли; или

    * * *

    [wheth·er || ‘hweðə(r) /’w-]

    * * *





    * * *

    1. союз
    2. мест.; устар.
    1) который из двух
    2) устар. любой из двух

    Новый англо-русский словарь > whether

  • 15


    ли (whether, if)


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > whether

  • 16
    whether or no

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > whether or no

  • 17

    n арх. один из двух; любой из двух

    Синонимический ряд:

    in any case (other) certainly; even if; in any case; one way or the other; positively; regardless of whether; whether or not; whichever; yes or no

    English-Russian base dictionary > whether

  • 18

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > whether

  • 19

    будь то… или…

    every A, whether it be В, С, or D каждый А, будь то В, С или D

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > whether

  • 20
    whether or no

    так или иначе, в любом случае

    It’s quite true, whether or no. — Так или иначе, это абсолютно верно.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > whether or no

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • whether — 1. For the choice between if and whether, see if 2. 2. When the alternative to the whether clause is a simple negative, this can take several forms, but whether or not is now more usual than whether or no: • I brooded all the way whether or not I …   Modern English usage

    • Whether — Wheth er, conj. In case; if; used to introduce the first or two or more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple negative of the first it is sometimes only …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Whether or no — Whether Wheth er, conj. In case; if; used to introduce the first or two or more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple negative of the first it is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • whether — [hweth′ər, weth′ər] conj. [ME < OE hwæther (akin to Ger weder, neither) < IE * kwotero , which (of two) < base * kwo , who (> WHAT) + compar. suffix] 1. if it be the case or fact that: used to introduce an indirect question [ask… …   English World dictionary

    • Whether — Wheth er, pron. [OE. whether, AS. hw[ae]?er; akin to OS. hwe?ar, OFries. hweder, OHG. hwedar, wedar, G. weder, conj., neither, Icel. hv[=a]rr whether, Goth. hwa?ar, Lith. katras, L. uter, Gr. ?, ?, Skr. katara, from the interrogatively pronoun,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • whether — or — • whether or • whether or whether 1. coord. conj. Used to introduce an indirect question. You must decide whether you should go or stay. I don t know whether Jack or Bill is a better player. Compare: either or 2. Used to show a choice of things,… …   Словарь американских идиом

    • whether — O.E. hwæðer, hweðer which of two, whether, from P.Gmc. *khwatharaz (Cf. O.S. hwedar, O.N. hvarr, Goth. huaþar, O.H.G. hwedar which of the two, Ger. weder neither ), from interrogative base *khwa who (see WHO (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

    • whether — ► CONJUNCTION 1) expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives. 2) expressing an enquiry or investigation. 3) indicating that a statement applies whichever of the alternatives mentioned is the case. USAGE Whether and if are more or less… …   English terms dictionary

    • whether */*/*/ — UK [ˈweðə(r)] / US [ˈweðər] / US [ˈhweðər] conjunction Collocations: Both whether and if can be used to introduce indirect questions of the type that expect a yes/no answer: She asked if/whether I liked jazz. Use whether, but not if, before an… …   English dictionary

    • whether — conjunction 1 used when talking about a choice you have to make or about two different possibilities: He asked me whether she was coming. | The decision whether to see her was mine alone. | whether or not: I coudn t decide whether or not to go to …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • whether — wheth|er [ weðər, hweðər ] conjunction *** 1. ) used when someone does not know which of two possibilities is true: They asked us whether we were married. There is some doubt as to whether the illness is infectious. whether…or: She doesn t even …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    used as a function word usually with correlative or or with or whether to indicate (1) until the early 19th century a direct question involving alternatives; (2) an indirect question involving stated or implied alternatives

    decide whether he should agree or raise objectionswondered whether to stay

    ; (3) alternative conditions or possibilities

    see me no more, whether he be dead or noWilliam Shakespeareseated him next to her whether by accident or design



    : which one of the two


    whether or no

    or whether or not

    : in any case

    they’ve only been married a very few weeks, whether or noThomas Hardy

    Example Sentences


    That supposes I would have the wisdom to decide what is in fact right and what is wrong, and the humility to consider whether any action I could take would make things better or worse.

    P. D. James, The Private Patient, 2008

    In his later years, Turing turned to the question of whether machines could be made to think the central question of artificial intelligence.

    Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe, 15 Jan. 2006

    If you tell me that something is a pleasure, I do not know whether it is more like revenge, or buttered toast, or success, or adoration, or relief from danger, or a good scratch.

    C. S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism, 1961

    I don’t know whether they were invited.

    She was uncertain whether to go or stay.


    … we did not indeed know where it was, and so we might get a great deal, or a little, we did not know whether;  …

    Daniel Defoe, The Adventures of Captain Singleton, 1720

    See More

    Recent Examples on the Web

    At the conclusion of the hearing, slated to last three days, Judge Lisa Novak will determine whether there is enough evidence for Li and Bayat to stand trial before a jury.

    Aaron Kinney, The Mercury News, 23 Feb. 2017

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘whether.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    Pronoun and Conjunction

    Middle English, from Old English hwæther, hwether; akin to Old High German hwedar which of two, Latin uter, Greek poteros, Old English hwā who — more at who

    First Known Use


    before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above


    before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of whether was
    before the 12th century

    Dictionary Entries Near whether

    Cite this Entry

    “Whether.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whether. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    wheth•er /ˈhwɛðɚ, ˈwɛð-/USA pronunciation  

    1. (used to introduce the first of two or more choices or possibilities;
      the second one is preceded by the word or :) I don’t care whether we go or stay.
    2. (used to introduce a single choice, while the second choice is understood or implied, to be the negation of the first):See whether she has come.


    1. whether or not or whether or no, under whatever circumstances;
      in any case;
      regardless:He tends to insist on his views whether or not the facts support them.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (hweᵺər, weᵺ-),USA pronunciation conj. 

    1. (used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives, and sometimes repeated before the second or later alternative, usually with the correlative or):It matters little whether we go or stay. Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same.
    2. (used to introduce a single alternative, the other being implied or understood, or some clause or element not involving alternatives):See whether or not she has come. I doubt whether we can do any better.
    3. [Archaic.](used to introduce a question presenting alternatives, usually with the correlative or).
    4. whether or no, under whatever circumstances;
      regardless:He threatens to go whether or no.

    pron. Archaic.

    1. which or whichever (of two)?
    • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English hwether, hwæther, equivalent. to hwe- (base of hwā who) + -ther comparative suffix; cognate with Old Norse hvatharr, Gothic hwathar

      See if. 

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    whether /ˈwɛðə/ conj

    1. (subordinating) used to introduce an indirect question or a clause after a verb expressing or implying doubt or choice in order to indicate two or more alternatives, the second or last of which is introduced by or or or whether: he doesn’t know whether she’s in Britain or whether she’s gone to France
    2. (coordinating)
      another word for either: any man, whether liberal or conservative, would agree with me
    3. whether or no
      used as a conjunction as a variant of whether
    4. under any circumstances: he will be here tomorrow, whether or no
    5. whether…or, whether…or whetherif on the one hand…or even if on the other hand: you’ll eat that, whether you like it or not

    Etymology: Old English hwæther, hwether; related to Old Frisian hweder, hoder, Old High German hwedar, Old Norse hvatharr, hvarr, Gothic hwathar

    whether‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

    whether — перевод на русский


    You don’t care whether they stop.

    Тебе не важно, остановятся они, или нет.

    It doesn’t matter to me whether you go or stay.

    Мне безразлично,.. …останешься ты или нет.

    — I’ve been wondering whether I’d like it.

    — Было интересно, понравится или нет.

    But it isn’t just a question of whether he’s a gardener.

    Но дело не только в том, садовник он или нет.

    We can’t leave it up to the men to decide whether an order is possible.

    Не солдатам решать, выполним приказ или нет.

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    I suppose I must regard what you did as an effort to save my life, Dr. Turner… and whether or not I regard you as a meddling trespasser, I suppose I must thank you.

    Полагаю, мне стоит расценивать это, как попытку спасти мою жизнь, доктор Тернер. И независимо от того, что я считаю вас назойливым незваным гостем, полагаю, что должен поблагодарить Вас.

    Whether she wants to or not!

    Независимо от того, захочет она того или нет!

    It blooms there unseen whether we’re here or not.

    Он цветет независимо от того, есть мы или нет.

    But whether there are only a few advanced galactic civilizations or millions shouldn’t some of them have voyaged to Earth?

    Но независимо от того, существуют ли единицы продвинутых галактических цивилизаций или миллионы, почему же ни одна из них не достигла Земли?

    Light from a moving object travels at the same speed no matter whether the object is at rest or in motion.

    Свет от движущегося тела летит с одинаковой скоростью, независимо от того, движется ли тело или покоится.

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    I don’t know whether I’ve grown rose-colored glasses or —

    Согласен. Не знаю, может быть у меня появились розовые очки, или…

    Whether or not you murdered a middle-aged widow, you certainly saved the life of an elderly barrister.

    Молодой человек, может вы и убили вдову средних лет, но точно спасли жизнь пожилому адвокату.

    I, uh, sometimes wonder whether it’s necessary… to talk so furiously at them though.

    Хотя я… иногда думаю, может быть не стОит говорить так неистово.

    You know, I have examined myself very honestly, trying to figure out whether I am suspicious… because I’m genuinely concerned or, you know, a little jealous.

    Я искренне пыталась разобраться в своих чувствах, стараясь понять, может я слишком подозрительна? .. Потому что я действительно волнуюсь и, вы знаете, немножко ревную.

    Feel helpless whether you feel that this idea is not good or not you can open our car to continue to complete to compete this time

    Я мало что могу сделать. Может, у вас, парни, есть идея? Вы можете оставить её здесь и взять нашу машину.

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    I’ll see you get safely to the Wizard, whether I get a brain or not!

    Я провожу тебя до замка волшебника, и неважно, получу ли я там мозги!

    I’ll see you reach the Wizard, whether I get a heart or not. Beehive! Bah!

    Я провожу тебя до замка волшебника, и неважно, получу ли я там сердце. ((Гвозди)), ха!

    It was dynamite, whether it was true or not.

    Это был динамит, неважно, правда всё или нет.

    On the Reeperbahn at half past midnight whether you’ve got a girl or not you enjoy yourself, it will sort itself out on the Reeperbahn at half past midnight!

    На Репербане в половине первого ночи, неважно, есть у тебя девушка или нет, ты xорошо проведешь время, потому что это просто на Репербане в половине первого ночи.

    Whether he meant it or not, I don’t know why she died.

    Неважно. Я не знаю, почему она умерла.

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    There is a special law which says assistance must be given to every mother who needs help, whether they are married or not.

    Существует особый закон, по которому содействие должно быть оказано всякой матери, которой нужна помощь, Будь она замужем или нет.

    Let him promise justice to each man whether he be Saxon or Norman or Jew for justice belongs to all men or it belongs to none.

    …справедливость — любому человеку, …будь он саксонцем, норманном или евреем… Или мир принадлежит всем, …или он не принадлежит никому.

    Your name is abominated in every civilised world, whether that name be Set, Satan, Sados…

    Твое имя ненавидят в каждом цивилизованном мире, будь то имя Сет, Сатана, Садос…

    Whether, say, I have a garage.

    Будь, мол, у меня гараж.

    Whether he was a lord or a commoner.

    Будь он боярином или простолюдином.

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    I don’t know whether love is proof of God’s existence, or if love is God.

    Не знаю, является ли любовь доказательством существования Бога, или же она и есть Бог.

    Whether it’s 3 days or 5 months, it’s all the same.

    Является ли это 3 дня или 5 месяцев, это все равно.

    That everything should be subservient to the production of children, and whether or not a child is a child of true love is of no importance.

    Что все должно быть подчинено производству детей и является ли ребенок плодом настоящей любви — не имеет значения.

    Right now, we don’t know whether the Utah death penalty statute is or is not in contravention to the U.S. Constitution, since it hasn’t been examined by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    На данный момент, мы не знаем, является ли пункт о смертной казни в уставе штата Юта нарушением Конституции США, так как он не рассматривался Верховным судом США.

    Objection. Can we clarify whether the witness is stating opinion or fact?

    Нельзя ли уточнить, является ли это мнением свидетеля или фактом?

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    I don’t know whether I’d like it very much being seen around with an angel without any wings.

    знаю, понравилось бы мне разгуливать по городу в компании бескрылого ангела.

    Whether he is or not, he looks fairly harmless to me.

    Не знаю, но по мне он довольно безобиден.

    I wonder whether…

    Честно говоря, не знаю, что это было.

    I don’t know whether it’s occurred to you, Doctor, but this means this place is inhabited.

    Не знаю, как думаете вы, Доктор, но это значит, что данное место обитаемо.

    I don’t know whether it’s exciting or not. But there’s a powerful sage here, he’s said to possess magical powers, his name is Machlibaba!

    Ну не знаю, что вы имеете ввиду под захватывающими, но недавно сюда прибыл какой-то крутой мудрец.

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    So I’ve gotta make up my mind whether to hold the body still and unscrew the cap… or hold the cap still and unscrew the body.

    Так что мне нужно решить, как быть: держать корпус и откручивать крышку или держать крышку и откручивать корпус.

    I can never decide whether Howard’s wife is a saint or just not very bright.

    Никогда не могла решить — жена Говарда святая или просто слишком невзрачная.

    And it is your charge to say, having heard the evidence, whether he be guilty or not.

    Выслушав показания, вам предстоит решить, виновен он или нет.

    I can’t decide whether you’re a rogue or a half-wit or both.

    Я никак не могу решить, вы негодяй, слабоумный, или то и другое.

    He never could make up his mind whether to call us in or not.

    Он никак не может решить, позвать нас или нет.

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    I’m going with you, Jake, whether you go on the drive or not.

    Я буду с тобой, Джейк, не важно поедешь ты с ними или нет.

    Never mind whether it’s heroism or baseness.

    Не важно, героизм это или низость.

    I don’t want you to take it whether I live or die.

    Я не хочу, чтобы ты их принимал — не важно, жив я, или мёртв.

    Son, whether you want to win a girl or crack a nut, the key is persistence.

    Сын, не важно, хочешь ты завоевать сердце девушки или расколоть орех, главное — это настойчивость.

    Now, whether or not what we experienced… was an according-to-Hoyle miracle is insignificant.

    И не важно, что мы пережили… это не очень то значительно.

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    In that case someone else will question you, but I doubt whether that’ll be easier.

    В этом случае кто-нибудь другой будет задавать вам вопросы, но я сомневаюсь, что это будет легче.

    Frankly, I doubt whether your Lieutenant what’s-his-name…

    Честно говоря, я сомневаюсь, что этот ваш лейтенант, как там его…

    ‘In view of the singular lack of appreciation you have encountered, ‘I am led seriously to doubt whether you and industry are compatible.

    Ввиду отсутствия хотя бы одного благоприятного отзыва о вас, я серьезно сомневаюсь в том, что вы и промышленность совместимы.

    I doubt very much whether we’ll be here that long.

    Я очень сомневаюсь, что мы ещё долго здесь пробудем.

    I doubt very much whether the computers will be inhabited by more than a group of figures for a while.

    Сомневаюсь, что в компьютере уживется что-то еще, кроме чисел еще какое-то время.

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    used to introduce the first of two or more alternative conditions: I haven’t decided whether to go or stay.

    Not to be confused with:

    weather – meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; face or endure: I can weather the storm.

    Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


     (wĕth′ər, hwĕth′-)


    1. Used in indirect questions to introduce one alternative: We should find out whether the museum is open. See Usage Notes at doubt, if.

    2. Used to introduce alternative possibilities: Whether she wins or whether she loses, this is her last tournament.

    3. Either: He passed the test, whether by skill or luck.

    pron. Archaic

    Which: «We came in full View of a great Island or Continent, (for we knew not whether)» (Jonathan Swift).


    whether or no

    Regardless of circumstances.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




    1. (subordinating) used to introduce an indirect question or a clause after a verb expressing or implying doubt or choice in order to indicate two or more alternatives, the second or last of which is introduced by or or or whether: he doesn’t know whether she’s in Britain or whether she’s gone to France.

    2. (often foll by: or not) used to introduce any indirect question: he was not certain whether his friend was there or not.

    3. (coordinating) another word for either3: any man, whether liberal or conservative, would agree with me.

    4. (coordinating) archaic used to introduce a direct question consisting of two alternatives, the second of which is introduced by or or or whether: whether does he live at home or abroad.

    5. whether or no

    a. used as a conjunction as a variant of whether1

    b. under any circumstances: he will be here tomorrow, whether or no.

    6. whether…or whether…or whether if on the one hand…or even if on the other hand: you’ll eat that, whether you like it or not.

    determiner, pron

    obsolete which (of two): used in direct or indirect questions

    [Old English hwæther, hwether; related to Old Frisian hweder, hoder, Old High German hwedar, Old Norse hvatharr, hvarr, Gothic hwathar]

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


    (ˈʰwɛð ər, ˈwɛð-)


    1. (used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives, and sometimes repeated before the second or later alternative, usu. with the correlative or): It matters little whether we go or stay. Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same.

    2. (used to introduce a single alternative, the other being implied or understood, or some clause or element not involving alternatives): See whether she has come. I doubt whether we can do anything now.

    3. Archaic. (used to introduce a question presenting alternatives, usu. with the correlative or).

    pron. Archaic.

    4. which or whichever (of two)?


    whether or no, under whatever circumstances; regardless: He threatens to go whether or no.

    [before 900; Middle English; Old English hwether, hwæther=hwe- (akin to hwā who) + -ther comp. suffix; c. Old High German (h)wedar, Old Norse hvatharr, Gothic hwathar]

    usage: See if.

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



    1. ‘weather’

    If you are talking about the weather, you are saying, for example, that it is raining, cloudy, sunny, hot, or cold.

    The weather was good for the time of year.

    The trip was cancelled because of bad weather conditions.

    Be Careful!
    Weather is an uncountable noun. Don’t use ‘a’ with it. Don’t say, for example, ‘We are expecting a bad weather‘. Say ‘We are expecting bad weather‘.

    They completed the climb despite appalling weather.

    The wedding took place in perfect May weather.

    Don’t tell someone what the weather is like by saying, for example, ‘It’s lovely weather‘. Say ‘The weather is lovely‘.

    The weather was awful. It hardly ever stopped raining.

    2. ‘whether’

    Do not confuse weather with whether. You use whether when you are talking about two or more alternatives.

    I don’t know whether to go out or stay at home.

    She asked whether I wanted more coffee.

    See whether


    Whether is used in reported clauses and conditional clauses.

    1. used in reported clauses

    You can use a clause beginning with whether after a reporting verb such as know, ask, or wonder. You use whether when you are mentioning two or more alternatives. You put whether in front of the first alternative, and or in front of the second one.

    I don’t know whether he’s in or out.

    I was asked whether I wanted to stay at a hotel or at his home.

    When the two alternatives are opposites, you don’t need to mention both of them. For example, instead of saying ‘I don’t know whether he’s in or out’, you can simply say ‘I don’t know whether he’s in‘.

    Lucy wondered whether Rita had been happy.

    I asked Professor Gupta whether he agreed.

    2. ‘whether…or not’

    You can also mention the second alternative using or not. You put or not either at the end of the sentence or immediately after whether.

    I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

    She didn’t ask whether or not we wanted to come.

    3. ‘if’

    If can be used instead of ‘whether’, especially when the second alternative is not mentioned.

    I asked her if I could help her

    I rang up to see if I could get seats.

    4. reporting uncertainty

    If someone is uncertain about doing a particular thing, or uncertain how to respond to a situation, you can report this using a clause consisting of whether and a to-infinitive.

    I’ve been wondering whether to look for another job.

    He didn’t know whether to feel glad or sorry that she was leaving.

    5. used in conditional clauses

    You can add a clause containing whether and or not to a sentence to indicate that something is true in any of the circumstances you mention.

    He’s going to buy a house whether he gets married or not.

    6. ‘weather’

    Do not confuse whether with weather, which is pronounced the same way. If you say that it is raining, windy, hot, or cold, you are talking about the weather.

    The wet weather lasted all weekend.

    Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012





    hoće li



    …인지 어떤지

    arar… ar






    được hay không


    [ˈweðəʳ] CONJsi
    I don’t know whetherno sé si …
    I doubt whetherdudo que + subjun
    I am not certain whether he’ll come (or not)no estoy seguro de que venga
    whether it is … or notsea … o no (sea)
    whether you like it or nottanto si quieres como si no
    whether they come or notvengan o no (vengan)

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


    hwɛðər] conjsi
    I don’t know whether to accept or not → Je ne sais pas si je dois accepter ou non.
    He didn’t know whether to accept her gift or not → Il ne savait pas s’il devait ou non accepter son cadeau.
    They now have two weeks to decide whether or not to buy
    BUT Ils ont maintenant deux semaines pour décider d’acheter ou non.
    whether you go or not → que vous y alliez ou non
    whether we like it or not → que cela nous plaise ou non
    it’s doubtful whether (= unlikely) → il est peu probable que

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


    [ˈwɛðəʳ] conj (if) → se; (no matter whether) → che + sub
    whether you want to or not → che tu voglia o no
    whether it’s sunny or not → che ci sia il sole o no
    I am not certain whether he’ll come (or not) → non so con certezza se verrà (o no), non sono sicuro che venga
    whether they come or not → che vengano o meno
    I don’t know whether you know … → non so se lo sai…
    I doubt whether that’s true → dubito che sia vero
    I don’t know whether to accept or not → non so se accettare o no
    it’s doubtful whether → è poco probabile che

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (ˈweðə) conjunction

    if. I don’t know whether it’s possible.

    whether … or

    introducing alternatives. He can’t decide whether to go or not / whether or not to go; Whether you like the idea or not, I’m going ahead with it; Decide whether you’re going or staying.

    see also weather.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    سَوَاء jestli om ob κατά πόσον si joko si hoće li se ・・・かどうか …인지 어떤지 of hvorvidt czy se ли om ไม่ว่าจะ….หรือไม่ eğer được hay không 是否

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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