What does the word vehicle mean

Buses are a common form of vehicles used for public transport.

A vehicle (from Latin: vehiculum[1]) is a machine that transports people or cargo. Vehicles include wagons, bicycles, motor vehicles (motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses, mobility scooters for disabled people), railed vehicles (trains, trams), watercraft (ships, boats, underwater vehicles), amphibious vehicles (screw-propelled vehicles, hovercraft), aircraft (airplanes, helicopters, aerostats) and spacecraft.[2]

Land vehicles are classified broadly by what is used to apply steering and drive forces against the ground: wheeled, tracked, railed or skied. ISO 3833-1977 is the standard, also internationally used in legislation, for road vehicles types, terms and definitions.[3]


A Slavic dugout boat from the 10th century

Automobiles are among the most commonly used engine-powered vehicles

  • The oldest boats found by archaeological excavation are logboats, with the oldest logboat found, the Pesse canoe found in a bog in the Netherlands, being carbon dated to 8040 — 7510 BC, making it 9,500–10,000 years old,[4][5][6][7]
  • a 7,000-year-old seagoing boat made from reeds and tar has been found in Kuwait.[8]
  • Boats were used between 4000 -3000 BC in Sumer,[9] ancient Egypt[10] and in the Indian Ocean.[9]
  • There is evidence of camel pulled wheeled vehicles about 4000–3000 BC.[11]
  • The earliest evidence of a wagonway, a predecessor of the railway, found so far was the 6 to 8.5 km (4 to 5 mi) long Diolkos wagonway, which transported boats across the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece since around 600 BC.[12][13] Wheeled vehicles pulled by men and animals ran in grooves in limestone, which provided the track element, preventing the wagons from leaving the intended route.[13]
  • In 200 CE, Ma Jun built a south-pointing chariot, a vehicle with an early form of guidance system.[14]
  • The stagecoach, a four wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, originated in 13th century England.[15]
  • Railways began reappearing in Europe after the Dark Ages. The earliest known record of a railway in Europe from this period is a stained-glass window in the Minster of Freiburg im Breisgau dating from around 1350.[16]
  • In 1515, Cardinal Matthäus Lang wrote a description of the Reisszug, a funicular railway at the Hohensalzburg Fortress in Austria. The line originally used wooden rails and a hemp haulage rope and was operated by human or animal power, through a treadwheel.[17][18]
  • 1769 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is often credited with building the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in 1769.[19]
  • In Russia, in the 1780s, Ivan Kulibin developed a human-pedalled, three-wheeled carriage with modern features such as a flywheel, brake, gear box and bearings; however, it was not developed further.[20]
  • 1783 Montgolfier brothers first balloon vehicle
  • 1801 Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, which many believe was the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle, though it could not maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods and was of little practical use.
  • 1817 Push bikes, draisines or hobby horses were the first human means of transport to make use of the two-wheeler principle, the draisienne (or Laufmaschine, «running machine»), invented by the German Baron Karl von Drais, is regarded as the forerunner of the modern bicycle (and motorcycle). It was introduced by Drais to the public in Mannheim in summer 1817.[21]
  • 1885 Karl Benz built (and subsequently patented) the first automobile, powered by his own four-stroke cycle gasoline engine in Mannheim, Germany
  • 1885 Otto Lilienthal began experimental gliding and achieved the first sustained, controlled, reproducible flights.
  • 1903 Wright brothers flew the first controlled, powered aircraft
  • 1907 First helicopters Gyroplane no.1 (tethered) and Cornu helicopter (free flight)[22]
  • 1928 Opel RAK.1 rocket car
  • 1929 Opel RAK.1 rocket glider
  • 1961 Vostok vehicle carried the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space
  • 1969 Apollo Program first crewed vehicle landed on the moon
  • 2010 The number of road motor vehicles in operation worldwide surpassed the 1 billion mark – roughly one for every seven people.[23]

Types of vehicles[edit]

The most common model of vehicle in the world, the Flying Pigeon bicycle. (2011)

Treemap of the most common vehicles ever made, with total number made shown by size, and type/model labelled and distinguished by color. Fixed-wing airplanes, helicopters, and commercial jetliners are visible in the lower right corner at maximum zoom.

There are over 1 billion bicycles in use worldwide.[24] In 2002 there were an estimated 590 million cars and 205 million motorcycles in service in the world.[25][26] At least 500 million Chinese Flying Pigeon bicycles have been made, more than any other single model of vehicle.[27][28] The most-produced model of motor vehicle is the Honda Super Cub motorcycle, having passed 60 million units in 2008.[29][30] The most-produced car model is the Toyota Corolla, with at least 35 million made by 2010.[31][32] The most common fixed-wing airplane is the Cessna 172, with about 44,000 having been made as of 2017.[33][34] The Soviet Mil Mi-8, at 17,000, is the most-produced helicopter.[35] The top commercial jet airliner is the Boeing 737, at about 10,000 in 2018.[36][37][38] At around 14,000 for both, the most produced trams are the KTM-5 and Tatra T3.[39] The most common trolleybus is ZiU-9.


Locomotion consists of a means that allows displacement with little opposition, a power source to provide the required kinetic energy and a means to control the motion, such as a brake and steering system. By far, most vehicles use wheels which employ the principle of rolling to enable displacement with very little rolling friction.

Energy source[edit]

It is essential that a vehicle have a source of energy to drive it. Energy can be extracted from external sources, as in the cases of a sailboat, a solar-powered car, or an electric streetcar that uses overhead lines. Energy can also be stored, provided it can be converted on demand and the storing medium’s energy density and power density are sufficient to meet the vehicle’s needs.

Human power is a simple source of energy that requires nothing more than humans. Despite the fact that humans cannot exceed 500 W (0.67 hp) for meaningful amounts of time,[40] the land speed record for human-powered vehicles (unpaced) is 133 km/h (83 mph), as of 2009 on a recumbent bicycle.[41]

The most common type of energy source is fuel. External combustion engines can use almost anything that burns as fuel, whilst internal combustion engines and rocket engines are designed to burn a specific fuel, typically gasoline, diesel or ethanol.

Another common medium for storing energy is batteries, which have the advantages of being responsive, useful in a wide range of power levels, environmentally friendly, efficient, simple to install, and easy to maintain. Batteries also facilitate the use of electric motors, which have their own advantages. On the other hand, batteries have low energy densities, short service life, poor performance at extreme temperatures, long charging times, and difficulties with disposal (although they can usually be recycled). Like fuel, batteries store chemical energy and can cause burns and poisoning in event of an accident.[42] Batteries also lose effectiveness with time.[43] The issue of charge time can be resolved by swapping discharged batteries with charged ones;[44] however, this incurs additional hardware costs and may be impractical for larger batteries. Moreover, there must be standard batteries for battery swapping to work at a gas station. Fuel cells are similar to batteries in that they convert from chemical to electrical energy, but have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Electrified rails and overhead cables are a common source of electrical energy on subways, railways, trams, and trolleybuses.
Solar energy is a more modern development, and several solar vehicles have been successfully built and tested, including Helios, a solar-powered aircraft.

Nuclear power is a more exclusive form of energy storage, currently limited to large ships and submarines, mostly military. Nuclear energy can be released by a nuclear reactor, nuclear battery, or repeatedly detonating nuclear bombs. There have been two experiments with nuclear-powered aircraft, the Tupolev Tu-119 and the Convair X-6.

Mechanical strain is another method of storing energy, whereby an elastic band or metal spring is deformed and releases energy as it is allowed to return to its ground state. Systems employing elastic materials suffer from hysteresis, and metal springs are too dense to be useful in many cases.[clarification needed]

Flywheels store energy in a spinning mass. Because a light and fast rotor is energetically favorable, flywheels can pose a significant safety hazard. Moreover, flywheels leak energy fairly quickly and affect a vehicle’s steering through the gyroscopic effect. They have been used experimentally in gyrobuses.

Wind energy is used by sailboats and land yachts as the primary source of energy. It is very cheap and fairly easy to use, the main issues being dependence on weather and upwind performance. Balloons also rely on the wind to move horizontally. Aircraft flying in the jet stream may get a boost from high altitude winds.

Compressed gas is currently an experimental method of storing energy. In this case, compressed gas is simply stored in a tank and released when necessary. Like elastics, they have hysteresis losses when gas heats up during compression.

Gravitational potential energy is a form of energy used in gliders, skis, bobsleds and numerous other vehicles that go down hill. Regenerative braking is an example of capturing kinetic energy where the brakes of a vehicle are augmented with a generator or other means of extracting energy.[45]

Motors and engines[edit]

When needed, the energy is taken from the source and consumed by one or more motors or engines. Sometimes there is an intermediate medium, such as the batteries of a diesel submarine.[46]

Most motor vehicles have internal combustion engines. They are fairly cheap, easy to maintain, reliable, safe and small. Since these engines burn fuel, they have long ranges but pollute the environment. A related engine is the external combustion engine. An example of this is the steam engine. Aside from fuel, steam engines also need water, making them impractical for some purposes. Steam engines also need time to warm up, whereas IC engines can usually run right after being started, although this may not be recommended in cold conditions. Steam engines burning coal release sulfur into the air, causing harmful acid rain.[47]

A modern scooter in Taiwan.

While intermittent internal combustion engines were once the primary means of aircraft propulsion, they have been largely superseded by continuous internal combustion engines: gas turbines. Turbine engines are light and, particularly when used on aircraft, efficient.[citation needed] On the other hand, they cost more and require careful maintenance. They can also be damaged by ingesting foreign objects, and they produce a hot exhaust. Trains using turbines are called gas turbine-electric locomotives. Examples of surface vehicles using turbines are M1 Abrams, MTT Turbine SUPERBIKE and the Millennium. Pulse jet engines are similar in many ways to turbojets, but have almost no moving parts. For this reason, they were very appealing to vehicle designers in the past; however their noise, heat and inefficiency has led to their abandonment. A historical example of the use of a pulse jet was the V-1 flying bomb. Pulse jets are still occasionally used in amateur experiments. With the advent of modern technology, the pulse detonation engine has become practical and was successfully tested on a Rutan VariEze. While the pulse detonation engine is much more efficient than the pulse jet and even turbine engines, it still suffers from extreme noise and vibration levels. Ramjets also have few moving parts, but they only work at high speed, so that their use is restricted to tip jet helicopters and high speed aircraft such as the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.[48][49]

Rocket engines are primarily used on rockets, rocket sleds and experimental aircraft. Rocket engines are extremely powerful. The heaviest vehicle ever to leave the ground, the Saturn V rocket, was powered by five F-1 rocket engines generating a combined 180 million horsepower[50] (134.2 gigawatt). Rocket engines also have no need to «push off» anything, a fact that the New York Times denied in error. Rocket engines can be particularly simple, sometimes consisting of nothing more than a catalyst, as in the case of a hydrogen peroxide rocket.[51] This makes them an attractive option for vehicles such as jet packs. Despite their simplicity, rocket engines are often dangerous and susceptible to explosions. The fuel they run off may be flammable, poisonous, corrosive or cryogenic. They also suffer from poor efficiency. For these reasons, rocket engines are only used when absolutely necessary.[citation needed]

Electric motors are used in electric vehicles such as electric bicycles, electric scooters, small boats, subways, trains, trolleybuses, trams and experimental aircraft. Electric motors can be very efficient: over 90% efficiency is common.[52] Electric motors can also be built to be powerful, reliable, low-maintenance and of any size. Electric motors can deliver a range of speeds and torques without necessarily using a gearbox (although it may be more economical to use one). Electric motors are limited in their use chiefly by the difficulty of supplying electricity.[citation needed]

Compressed gas motors have been used on some vehicles experimentally. They are simple, efficient, safe, cheap, reliable and operate in a variety of conditions. One of the difficulties met when using gas motors is the cooling effect of expanding gas. These engines are limited by how quickly they absorb heat from their surroundings.[53] The cooling effect can, however, double as air conditioning. Compressed gas motors also lose effectiveness with falling gas pressure.[citation needed]

Ion thrusters are used on some satellites and spacecraft. They are only effective in a vacuum, which limits their use to spaceborne vehicles. Ion thrusters run primarily off electricity, but they also need a propellant such as caesium, or more recently xenon.[54][55] Ion thrusters can achieve extremely high speeds and use little propellant; however they are power-hungry.[56]

Converting energy to work[edit]

The mechanical energy that motors and engines produce must be converted to work by wheels, propellers, nozzles, or similar means.
Aside from converting mechanical energy into motion, wheels allow a vehicle to roll along a surface and, with the exception of railed vehicles, to be steered.[57] Wheels are ancient technology, with specimens being discovered from over 5000 years ago.[58] Wheels are used in a plethora of vehicles, including motor vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, amphibious vehicles, airplanes, trains, skateboards and wheelbarrows.

Nozzles are used in conjunction with almost all reaction engines.[59] Vehicles using nozzles include jet aircraft, rockets and personal watercraft. While most nozzles take the shape of a cone or bell,[59] some unorthodox designs have been created such as the aerospike. Some nozzles are intangible, such as the electromagnetic field nozzle of a vectored ion thruster.[60]

Continuous track is sometimes used instead of wheels to power land vehicles. Continuous track has the advantages of a larger contact area, easy repairs on small damage, and high maneuverability.[61] Examples of vehicles using continuous track are tanks, snowmobiles and excavators. Two continuous tracks used together allow for steering. The largest vehicle in the world,[62] the Bagger 288, is propelled by continuous tracks.

Propellers (as well as screws, fans and rotors) are used to move through a fluid. Propellers have been used as toys since ancient times, however it was Leonardo da Vinci who devised what was one of the earliest propeller driven vehicles, the «aerial-screw».[63] In 1661, Toogood & Hays adopted the screw for use as a ship propeller.[64] Since then, the propeller has been tested on many terrestrial vehicles, including the Schienenzeppelin train and numerous cars.[65] In modern times, propellers are most prevalent on watercraft and aircraft, as well as some amphibious vehicles such as hovercraft and ground-effect vehicles. Intuitively, propellers cannot work in space as there is no working fluid, however some sources have suggested that since space is never empty, a propeller could be made to work in space.[66]

Similarly to propeller vehicles, some vehicles use wings for propulsion. Sailboats and sailplanes are propelled by the forward component of lift generated by their sails/wings.[67][68] Ornithopters also produce thrust aerodynamically. Ornithopters with large rounded leading edges produce lift by leading-edge suction forces.[69] Research at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies [70] lead to a flight with an actual ornithopter on July 31, 2010.

Paddle wheels are used on some older watercraft and their reconstructions. These ships were known as paddle steamers. Because paddle wheels simply push against the water, their design and construction is very simple. The oldest such ship in scheduled service is the Skibladner.[71] Many pedalo boats also use paddle wheels for propulsion.

Screw-propelled vehicles are propelled by auger-like cylinders fitted with helical flanges. Because they can produce thrust on both land and water, they are commonly used on all-terrain vehicles. The ZiL-2906 was a Soviet-designed screw-propelled vehicle designed to retrieve cosmonauts from the Siberian wilderness.[72]


All or almost all of the useful energy produced by the engine is usually dissipated as friction; so minimising frictional losses is very important in many vehicles. The main sources of friction are rolling friction and fluid drag (air drag or water drag).

Wheels have low bearing friction and pneumatic tyres give low rolling friction. Steel wheels on steel tracks are lower still.[73]

Aerodynamic drag can be reduced by streamlined design features.

Friction is desirable and important in supplying traction to facilitate motion on land. Most land vehicles rely on friction for accelerating, decelerating and changing direction. Sudden reductions in traction can cause loss of control and accidents.



Most vehicles, with the notable exception of railed vehicles, have at least one steering mechanism. Wheeled vehicles steer by angling their front[74] or rear[75] wheels. The B-52 Stratofortress has a special arrangement in which all four main wheels can be angled.[citation needed] Skids can also be used to steer by angling them, as in the case of a snowmobile. Ships, boats, submarines, dirigibles and aeroplanes usually have a rudder for steering. On an airplane, ailerons are used to bank the airplane for directional control, sometimes assisted by the rudder.


With no power applied, most vehicles come to a stop due to friction. But it is often required to stop a vehicle faster than by friction alone: so almost all vehicles are equipped with a braking system. Wheeled vehicles are typically equipped with friction brakes, which use the friction between brake pads (stators) and brake rotors to slow the vehicle.[45] Many airplanes have high performance versions of the same system in their landing gear for use on the ground. A Boeing 757 brake, for example, has 3 stators and 4 rotors.[76] The Space Shuttle also uses frictional brakes on its wheels.[77] As well as frictional brakes, hybrid/electric cars, trolleybuses and electric bicycles can also use regenerative brakes to recycle some of the vehicle’s potential energy.[45] High-speed trains sometimes use frictionless Eddy-current brakes; however widespread application of the technology has been limited by overheating and interference issues.[78]

Aside from landing gear brakes, most large aircraft have other ways of decelerating. In aircraft, air brakes are aerodynamic surfaces that provide braking force by increasing the frontal cross section thus aerodynamic drag of the aircraft. These are usually implemented as flaps that oppose air flow when extended and are flush with aircraft when retracted. Reverse thrust is also used in many aeroplane engines. Propeller aircraft achieve reverse thrust by reversing the pitch of the propellers, while jet aircraft do so by redirecting their engine exhaust forwards.[79] On aircraft carriers, arresting gears are used to stop an aircraft. Pilots may even apply full forward throttle on touchdown, in case the arresting gear does not catch and a go around is needed.[80]

Parachutes are used to slow down vehicles travelling very fast. Parachutes have been used in land, air and space vehicles such as the ThrustSSC, Eurofighter Typhoon and Apollo Command Module. Some older Soviet passenger jets had braking parachutes for emergency landings.[81] Boats use similar devices called sea anchors to maintain stability in rough seas.

To further increase the rate of deceleration or where the brakes have failed, several mechanisms can be used to stop a vehicle. Cars and rolling stock usually have hand brakes that, while designed to secure an already parked vehicle, can provide limited braking should the primary brakes fail. A secondary procedure called forward-slip is sometimes used to slow airplanes by flying at an angle, causing more drag.


Motor vehicle and trailer categories are defined according to the following international classification:[82]

  • Category M: passenger vehicles.
  • Category N: motor vehicles for the carriage of goods.
  • Category O: trailers and semi-trailers.

European Union[edit]

In the European Union the classifications for vehicle types are defined by:[83]

  • Commission Directive 2001/116/EC of 20 December 2001, adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70/156/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers[84][85]
  • Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three wheeled motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92/61/EEC

European Community, is based on the Community’s WVTA (whole vehicle type-approval) system. Under this system, manufacturers can obtain certification for a vehicle type in one Member State if it meets the EC technical requirements and then market it EU-wide with no need for further tests. Total technical harmonization already has been achieved in three vehicle categories (passenger cars, motorcycles, and tractors) and soon will extend to other vehicle categories (coaches and utility vehicles). It is essential that European car manufacturers be ensured access to as large a market as possible.

While the Community type-approval system allows manufacturers to benefit fully from internal market opportunities, worldwide technical harmonization in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) offers a market beyond European borders.


In many cases, it is unlawful to operate a vehicle without a license or certification. The least strict form of regulation usually limits what passengers the driver may carry or prohibits them completely (e.g., a Canadian ultra-light license without endorsements).[86] The next level of licensing may allow passengers, but without any form of compensation or payment. A private driver’s license usually has these conditions. Commercial licenses that allow the transport of passengers and cargo are more tightly regulated. The most strict form of licensing is generally reserved for school buses, hazardous materials transports and emergency vehicles.

The driver of a motor vehicle is typically required to hold a valid driver’s license while driving on public lands, whereas the pilot of an aircraft must have a license at all times, regardless of where in the jurisdiction the aircraft is flying.


Vehicles are often required to be registered. Registration may be for purely legal reasons, for insurance reasons or to help law enforcement recover stolen vehicles. Toronto Police Service, for example, offers free and optional bicycle registration online.[87] On motor vehicles, registration often takes the form of a vehicle registration plate, which makes it easy to identify a vehicle. In Russia, trucks and buses have their licence plate numbers repeated in large black letters on the back.[citation needed] On aircraft, a similar system is used where a tail number is painted on various surfaces. Like motor vehicles and aircraft, watercraft also have registration numbers in most jurisdictions, however the vessel name is still the primary means of identification as has been the case since ancient times. For this reason, duplicate registration names are generally rejected. In Canada, boats with an engine power of 10 hp (7.5 kW) or greater require registration,[88] leading to the ubiquitous «9.9 hp (7.4 kW)» engine.

Registration may be conditional on the vehicle being approved for use on public highways, as in the case of the UK[89] and Ontario.[90] Many US states also have requirements for vehicles operating on public highways.[91] Aircraft have more stringent requirements, as they pose a high risk of damage to people and property in event of an accident. In the US, the FAA requires aircraft to have an airworthiness certificate.[92][93] Because US aircraft must be flown for some time before they are certified,[94] there is a provision for an experimental airworthiness certificate.[95] FAA experimental aircraft are restricted in operation, including no overflights of populated areas, in busy airspace or with unessential passengers.[94] Materials and parts used in FAA certified aircraft must meet the criteria set forth by the technical standard orders.[96]

Mandatory safety equipment[edit]

In many jurisdictions, the operator of a vehicle is legally obligated to carry safety equipment with or on them. Common examples include seat belts in cars, helmets on motorcycles and bicycles, fire extinguishers on boats, buses and airplanes and life jackets on boats and commercial aircraft. Passenger aircraft carry a great deal of safety equipment including inflatable slides are rafts, oxygen masks, oxygen tanks, life jackets, satellite beacons and first aid kits. Some equipment such as life jackets has led to debate regarding their usefulness. In the case of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961, the life jackets saved many people but also led to many deaths when passengers inflated their vests prematurely.


There are specific real-estate arrangements made to allow vehicles to travel from one place to another. The most common arrangements are public highways, where appropriately licensed vehicles can navigate without hindrance. These highways are on public land and are maintained by the government. Similarly, toll routes are open to the public after paying a toll. These routes and the land they rest on may be government or privately owned or a combination of both. Some routes are privately owned but grant access to the public. These routes often have a warning sign stating that the government does not maintain the way. An example of this are byways in England and Wales. In Scotland, land is open to un-motorised vehicles if the land meets certain criteria. Public land is sometimes open to use by off-road vehicles. On US public land, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decides where vehicles may be used. Railways often pass over land not owned by the railway company. The right to this land is granted to the railway company through mechanisms such as easement. Watercraft are generally allowed to navigate public waters without restriction as long as they do not cause a disturbance. Passing through a lock, however, may require paying a toll. Despite the common law tradition Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos of owning all the air above one’s property, the US Supreme Court ruled that aircraft in the US have the right to use air above someone else’s property without their consent. While the same rule generally applies in all jurisdictions, some countries such as Cuba and Russia have taken advantage of air rights on a national level to earn money.[97] There are some areas that aircraft are barred from overflying. This is called prohibited airspace. Prohibited airspace is usually strictly enforced due to potential damage from espionage or attack. In the case of Korean Air Lines Flight 007, the airliner entered prohibited airspace over Soviet territory and was shot down as it was leaving.[citation needed]


For a comparison of air transportation fatality rates, see air safety statistics.

Several different metrics used to compare and evaluate the safety of different vehicles. The main three are deaths per billion passenger-journeys, deaths per billion passenger-hours and deaths per billion passenger-kilometers.

See also[edit]

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  • Automotive acronyms and abbreviations
  • ISIRI 6924
  • Narrow-track vehicle
  • Outline of vehicles
  • Personal transporter
  • Propulsion
  • Single-track vehicle
  • Vehicular dynamics
  • Vehicular metrics


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What does the word vehicle mean?

1 : a means of carrying or transporting something planes, trains, and other vehicles : such as. a : motor vehicle.

Is Irishman a true story?

‘The Irishman’ is a fictionalized true crime story about the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, a mystery that still hasn’t been solved. Long-time International Brotherhood of Teamsters boss, James “Jimmy” Hoffa, went missing in 1975.

Who is the little guy in the Irishman?

The best of the lot, though, is the film’s most degrading: The Little Guy! That’s what Al Pacino’s Jimmy Hoffa not-so-lovingly calls Anthony ‘Tony Pro’ Provenzano, played by Stephen Graham in the film.

Is Frank Sheeran real?

Francis Joseph Sheeran (October 25, 1920 – December 14, 2003), also known as “The Irishman”, was an American labor union official who was accused of having links to the Bufalino crime family in his capacity as a high-ranking official in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), the president of Local 326.

Why is it called the Irishman?

Robert De Niro will play the title character in Martin Scorsese’s new Netflix movie, but who exactly is The Irishman? Sheeran, born in New Jersey and raised in Pennsylvania, came from a strict Irish Catholic background, hence him later earning the nickname ‘The Irishman’.

Does Scorsese appear in Irishman?

However what you might not have noticed is that Martin Scorsese had one of those blink-and-you-miss-it cameos in the film. At exactly 14 minutes and 55 seconds into THE IRISHMAN you can clearly hear Scorsese say “All rise, court is in session.”

What is an Irishman?

1 : a native or inhabitant of Ireland. 2 : a person who is of Irish descent.

Is the Irishman worth watching?

The Irishman is nominated for 9 Oscars for a reason – it is extremely well acted and tells an interesting story. Regardless, the acting in this was top notch, and I was thoroughly impressed with Pecino’s portrayal of Jimmy Hoffa and think he has a much stronger claim for an Oscar as Supporting Actor than Pesci.

Is Irishman slow?

Rishi Kapoor is unimpressed by Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, calls it ‘Painfully slow and boring’ The film has a 96% score on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, with praise going to the performances of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci, and to Scorsese’s direction. IRISHMAN. Painfully slow and boring.

What do we mean by vehicle?

A device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance. noun

A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle. noun

A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished. noun

The concrete or specific word or phrase that is applied to the tenor of a metaphor and gives the metaphor its figurative power, as walking shadow in noun

A play, role, or piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company. noun

An inactive substance that is combined with an active medication to facilitate administration. noun

A substance, such as oil, in which paint pigments are mixed for application. noun

To convey in or apply or impart by means of a vehicle.

In chem., a liquid used to carry sensitive salts for coating glass or paper for use in photography. noun

Any carriage moving on land, either on wheels or on runners; a conveyance. noun

That which is used as an instrument of conveyance, transmission, or communication. noun

Specifically— In pharmacy, a substance, usually fluid, possessing little or no medicinal action, used as a medium for the administration of active remedies; an excipient. noun

In painting, any liquid, whether water, as in water-color painting, or oil, as in oil-color painting, which is used to render colors, varnishes, etc., manageable and fit for use. noun

One of two enduements, the one more spiritual than the other, with which the soul is clothed, according to the Platonists. One corresponds to vital power, the other to spirit. noun

That in or on which any person or thing is, or may be, carried, as a coach, carriage, wagon, cart, car, sleigh, bicycle, etc.; a means of conveyance; specifically, a means of conveyance upon land. noun

That which is used as the instrument of conveyance or communication. noun

A substance in which medicine is taken. noun

Any liquid with which a pigment is applied, including whatever gum, wax, or glutinous or adhesive substance is combined with it. noun

A liquid used to spread sensitive salts upon glass and paper for use in photography. noun

A conveyance; a device for carrying or transporting substances, objects or individuals.

A medium for expression of talent or views.

A liquid content (e.g. oil) which acts as a binding and drying agent in paint. (FM 55-501).

(pharmaceuticals) The main excipient (such as an oil or gel) that conveys the active ingredient of a drug.

An entity to achieve an end.

A mode or method of spiritual practice; a yana.

An animal or (rarely) a plant on which a Hindu deity rides or sits

A movie, particularly one made and promoted to advance the career of a specific actor or actrress Urban Dictionary

A thing ridden on or inside of that requires great amount of energy it can be substituted easily for ‘penis’ and related terms Urban Dictionary

Shoes Sneakers any footwear Urban Dictionary

A derogatory gaming term, used to describe FPS players, mainly Battlefield players, who (almost) strictly play with vehicles, such as planes, jets, tanks, helicopters, and such.
These players tend to sit in the deploy menu or sit somewhere on the map, waiting for their favorite vehicle to be available. Urban Dictionary

Intentionally douching the car behind you with windshield wiper fluid. Urban Dictionary

When you drive a car off a cliff or off a road by an «accident» during a race, especially in a video game. Urban Dictionary

(BUSINESS) in a hostile takeover, the business entity that will be the new owner. Usually a takeover vehicle is a corporation in an industry related to that of the target company.
In cases where the takeover is not NECESSARILY hostile, the term «acquisition vehicle» is used. Urban Dictionary

Someone, while playing Halo-like games, who constantly uses vehicles to run around the map, but never really fights like a real man. Urban Dictionary

When your cars tires yeet off the street and you go spinning through the rain. Urban Dictionary

A performance vehicle is any automobile that was built from the factory with speed(performance) in mind. The object of the vehicle is to be quick/fast. Price or where the vehicle was made does not matter only the vehicle’s goal is in question. Urban Dictionary


: a means of carrying or transporting something

planes, trains, and other vehicles

: such as


: a piece of mechanized equipment


: an agent of transmission : carrier


: a medium through which something is expressed, achieved, or displayed


: a work created especially to display the talents of a particular performer



: an inert medium (such as a syrup) in which a medicinally active agent is administered


: any of various media acting usually as solvents, carriers, or binders for active ingredients or pigments


Example Sentences

cars, trucks, and other vehicles

The vehicle’s driver was severely injured in the crash.

Have you seen his new car? It’s a fine-looking vehicle.

Water and insects can be vehicles of infection.

art as a vehicle for self-expression

Words and pictures are vehicles of communication.

These big-budget movies are star vehicles for well-known actors.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Law enforcement arrested Andrews on suspicion of kidnapping, vehicle theft and reckless endangerment.

oregonlive, 10 Apr. 2023

The San Bruno Fire Department was called to eastbound I-380, near the El Camino Real exit, at about 3:13 a.m. for a report of pedestrian and vehicle crash, said CHP spokesperson Mark Andrews.

Jessica Flores, San Francisco Chronicle, 9 Apr. 2023

As officers chased the suspect through multiple cities in Los Angeles County, the small pup was placed in a designer bag and tossed from the suspect’s moving vehicle, police said.

Nicholas Rice, Peoplemag, 9 Apr. 2023

The Pioneer Trail where Heikka’s vehicle was found is near the South Tomoka Wildlife Management Area, about six miles from the missing teacher’s Port Orange neighborhood.

Stephen Sorace, Fox News, 9 Apr. 2023

Trujillo then drove off, striking another vehicle, officials said.

Melissa Gomez, Los Angeles Times, 9 Apr. 2023

The Biden administration will soon unveil stringent limits on auto tailpipe pollution, aiming to ensure that as many as two-thirds of all new passenger vehicle sales are electric by 2032, according to three people briefed on the proposal.

Timothy Puko, Washington Post, 9 Apr. 2023

One of the biggest is the need for millions of electric vehicle charging stations.

Coral Davenport, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Japan is beginning work on new, larger rocket motors designed to power a hypersonic-glide-vehicle interceptor, according to the newspaper Nikkei.

Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 8 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘vehicle.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from French & Latin; French véhicule, going back to Middle French, borrowed from Medieval Latin vehiculum «medium, agent of transmission,» going back to Latin, «wheeled vehicle, means of transport,» from vehere «to carry, convey» + -culum, instrumental suffix (going back to Indo-European *-tlom) — more at way entry 1

First Known Use

1612, in the meaning defined at sense 4a

Time Traveler

The first known use of vehicle was
in 1612

Dictionary Entries Near vehicle

Cite this Entry

“Vehicle.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vehicle. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on vehicle

Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

автомобиль, транспортное средство, транспортировать


- сухопутное средство передвижения или перевозки (автомобиль, велосипед, повозка, сани и т. п.)
- автомобиль, автотранспортное средство
- средство доставки (оружия); носитель

waterborne vehicle — плавсредство
nuclear [conventional] weapon delivery vehicle — средство доставки ядерного [обычного] оружия

- десантно-высадочное средство
- летательный аппарат

space vehicle — космический летательный аппарат

- (for, of) средство или орудие (выражения, распространения); проводник (идей)

vehicle for /of/ propaganda — орудие пропаганды
Language is the vehicle for conveying ideas. — Язык — средство передачи мыслей.
the newspaper as a vehicle for advertising — газета как средство рекламы

- иск. форма воплощения; художественный приём

a form of verse as a vehicle in poetry — форма стиха как поэтический приём

- преим. театр. средство проявления способностей

a starring vehicle for an actress — фильм /пьеса/ для актрисы-звезды
a piano concerto composed as a vehicle for a virtuoso — фортепьянный концерт, написанный для исполнителя-виртуоза
an excellent vehicle for the genius of N. — пьеса, в которой N. мог полностью проявить свой талант

- поэт. оболочка

souls divested of their grosser vehicles — души, освобождённые от своей грубой оболочки

- проводник (звука, света и т. п.)
- хим. растворитель; связующее вещество
- среда для лекарства
- носитель

vehicle of disease — носитель /передатчик/ инфекции


- редк. перевозить; транспортировать

Мои примеры


art as a vehicle for self-expression — искусство как средство для самовыражения  
a license to operate a motor vehicle — лицензия на вождение автотранспортных средств  
manned underwater vehicle / submersible — подводный аппарат с командой на борту  
to put a vehicle to an all-out test — поставить транспортное средство на полный осмотр  
an overage vehicle — устаревшее транспортное средство  
private vehicle — частный, личный автомобиль  
steering wheel of a motor vehicle — руль автомашины  
to drive / operate a vehicle — управлять каким-л. транспортным средством  
all-purpose vehicle — универсальное средство передвижения  
hired / rented / self-drive vehicle — арендуемый транспорт  
five-passenger vehicle — пятиместное транспортное средство  
a vehicle for spreading propaganda — средство пропаганды  

Примеры с переводом

Do I need to take out insurance on my vehicle?

Нужно ли мне приобретать страховку на мой автомобиль?

Damage to the vehicle was considerable.

Повреждение транспортного средства было значительным.

Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.

Их машину раздавил боевой танк.

Air is the usual vehicle of sound.

Воздух — обычный проводник звука.

Have you locked your vehicle?

Ты запер свою машину?

Someone is hounding down at me in a vehicle.

Кто-то преследует меня на машине.

The play was just a vehicle to display her talents.

Этот спектакль был всего лишь средством, с помощью которого она могла продемонстрировать свои способности.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Have you seen his new car? It’s a fine-looking vehicle.

The vehicle’s driver was severely injured in the crash.

She walked into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): vehicle
мн. ч.(plural): vehicles

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