What does the word turned on mean



turned on — одержимый жаждой приобщения ко всему новому; одержимый жаждой познания
be turned on — находиться под действием наркотиков; возбуждаться; заводиться
turned on/off — включённый-выключенный
to be turned on — находиться под действием наркотиков
turned on one’s heels — круто повернулся
she turned on the charm — она быстро пустила в ход своё обаяние
they turned on together — они вместе /одновременно/ накачались наркотиками
dog turned on me and bit me — собака набросилась и укусила меня
laser is turned on at t = 0 — лазер включается в момент времени t = 0
in his anger he turned on me — в гневе он набросился на меня

cannon were turned on the city — пушки были нацелены на город
the dog turned on me and bit me — собака набросилась и укусила меня
the bowl was turned on the lathe — кубок обточили на токарном станке
the conversation turned on literature — разговор коснулся литературы
she turned on him like a tigress at bay — она бросилась на него как загнанная тигрица
he turned on his heel and stalked stiffly — он повернулся кругом и торжественно удалился
he turned on his heel and went away in a rage — он повернулся на каблуках и ушёл разгневанный
he turned on his heel and stalked stiffly out — он повернулся кругом и торжественно удалился
he turned on his heels and went away in a rage — он повернулся на каблуках и ушёл разгневанный
he turned on his heel(s) and went away in a rage — он повернулся на каблуках и ушёл разгневанный
turn on — включать
turn-on — включающий; включение; нечто возбуждающее; некто потрясающий
turns on — поворачивается
turned-on — знающий что к чему; современный; включение
turn on/off — включить-выключить
turn on heel — повернуться на каблуках
fuel turn on — подача топлива включена
turn on time — время переключения прибора в открытое состояние; время включения
turn-on time — время переключения прибора в открытое состояние; время включения
turn back on — отвернуться

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

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Перевод по словам

turn  — повернуть, поворачиваться, поворачивать, очередь, поворот, оборот, перемена, черед
on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона


I sat down and turned on the radio.

Я сел и включил радио.

He turned on the gas and lit the stove.

Он включил газ и зажёг плиту.

Liz turned on a radio to mask the noise.

Лиз включила радио, чтобы заглушить шум.

Her opinion of him had been turned on its head.

Её мнение о нём изменилось на противоположное.

Jake turned on his computer and checked his mail.

Джейк включил компьютер и проверил почту.

She went into the bathroom and turned on the taps.

Она пошла в ванную и открыла краны.

She turned on the lights with the flip of a switch.

Она включила свет щелкнув выключателем.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

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I turned on the grill to warm it up.  

Turn on your captioning for extra help  

You’ll have to take turns on the swing.  

After mode 1 is completed mode 2 is turned on.  

The way he looked at her really turned her on.  

I just turned it on and the screen went all funny.  

When the machine is turned on, it makes a quiet buzz.  

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Asked by: Theresa Cormier V

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(65 votes)

(turn someone on) to make someone feel sexually attracted or sexually excited. He’s very nice, but he just doesn’t turn me on. Synonyms and related words. Feeling sexual excitement or desire.

What does turned on me mean?

to attack or criticize someone suddenly: He suddenly turned on me and accused me of not supporting him when he needed it.

What does it mean when someone says they are turned?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. when someone is not there, or is not paying attention. I don’t know what these kids get up to when my back is turned.

What’s another word for being turned on?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for turned-on, like: aroused, horny, worked up, stoked, high, lit, steamy, excited, fired up, doped and atingle.

What does whats your turn on mean?

You’re asking a person what makes them excited. Usually used in a sexual context. Basically, it’s what attracts you to a person.

31 related questions found

What does turning on a girl mean?

Sexual arousal, or being “turned on,” can be defined as the combination of cognitive and physical responses to an erotic stimulus, which in turn can be internal or external. One can feel aroused by appraising a picture, touching and being touched, or by one’s own thoughts or fantasies.

What are women’s turn offs?

Women are turned off when men act like other things are more important or more interesting, or when they casually dismiss something that’s important to a woman. And when men show interest in the beginning of a relationship but then switch gears as things progress, a woman’s attraction for him often takes a dive too.

What does it mean when a guy says you’re turning me on?

“Turn me on” means to arouse me or to get me excited. If your boyfriend is touching you and making you feel aroused, you could say “That’s turning me on.” It can also be used more generally when talking about what you’re attracted to.

What does turn off and turn on mean?

Simply turn on means.. To spark something in you. For example when you’re on a date and the guy acts all rude then it is an utter turn off. The guy turns off the mood.

Where do men like to be touched?

1. The neck story. The neck is one mischievous part of his body that can send down shivers of ecstasy down his spine if handled correctly. The human neck has an erotically strong concentration of nerve endings, and a gentle bite or lick or just kisses can turn the whole ball game around.

How do you know if a guy is turned on by text?

How to know if a guy likes you through texting

  1. He texts back fairly quickly. …
  2. He texts you good morning. …
  3. He wants to know about you. …
  4. You joke around and share funny things together. …
  5. He tells you he would rather be with you than texting. …
  6. He flirts when texting. …
  7. He will initiate texting you. …
  8. He texts you good night.

What does being turned on feel like for a guy?

When guys are super turned on, they often get hard, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not into you if he doesn’t. «It’s also just as likely that he is nervous or tired or distracted,» Friedrichs says. Remember, guys can feel self-conscious or nervous about their bodies, too, especially when they’re hooking up.

How do you say something turns you on?

  1. excite,
  2. stimulate,
  3. arouse,
  4. move,
  5. send (slang),
  6. stir,
  7. flush,
  8. tingle,

What is turned antonym?

Antonyms. curdle nitrify empty die worsen engage stay boil reduce relax tense heat get well thin freeze alkalize better undress homogenize fall asleep demulsify acidify fill gain open be born homogenise cool close.

Is a turn off meaning?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a place where one turns off especially : exit sense 4. 2 : one that causes loss of interest or enthusiasm the music was a turnoff. 3 : a turning off.

What are signs that a girl is turned on?

The main signs of female arousal include:

  • your breasts getting fuller.
  • your nipples hardening (getting erect)
  • your heart rate and breathing getting faster.
  • swelling of your clitoris and your vagina’s inner lips (labia minora)
  • having an orgasm (climaxing)

Can guys tell when a girl is turned on?

Men can smell when a woman is turned on because of the aroma of her sweat — and they like it, according to a new study. Dudes were asked to rate women’s aromas — swabbed during various states of arousal — from hot to not, in order to determine the sexiest scent, during research conducted by Arnaud Wisman, Ph.

Is it normal to get turned on easily?

You say you are easily aroused. If you have a cooperative partner, then it is not a problem. If your arousal interferes with daily life, distresses you, or if you have no outlet, you have a problem. … If your easy arousal (or hyperlibido) is causing a problem, there may be a physical, rather than psychological, reason.

What turns a guy on while kissing?

Kissing the cheek and jaws: To take a little break from your smooch, kiss his cheeks and jawline. Kissing on the jawline is a turn on for many men. You could just move your lips and use a little bit of tongue while doing this. You can also turn on a man by licking his ears.

Is saying goodnight flirty?

The message doesn’t have to be anything flirty or racy. It just needs to be sincere. Cutely saying good night makes the recipient feel extra-special. That’s a good feeling for everyone as they rest their head on a pillow.

What types of kisses do guys like?

Types of kisses guys like

  • Lip kiss. A man and a woman kissing. …
  • Tongue or French kiss. French kissing is the perfect way to show him how passionate you are. …
  • «Sparkling» kiss. If you want to play a little with the texture, taste, and smell: …
  • Eskimos kiss. …
  • Butterfly kiss. …
  • Neck kiss. …
  • Kissing earlobes. …
  • Vampire kiss.

Where do you hold a boy when kissing?

You could put your hands on his face, run your fingers through his hair, or place one hand on his shoulder. You could also wrap your arms around him or put your hands on his waist.

What are some turn offs?

Here are some of the most commonly mentioned turn-offs we found.

  • When someone has bad breath. …
  • When a person smokes. …
  • When the other person is just not that into it. …
  • When there is a lack of respect for boundaries. …
  • When a person’s fingernails need trimming. …
  • When someone has poor hygiene. …
  • When someone can’t get a word in.

What’s your biggest turn off in a guy?

15 Women Share The Biggest Turnoffs In A Guy

  • Slobs. …
  • Smelly guys. …
  • Guys who can’t communicate. …
  • Insecure guys. …
  • Lazy guys. …
  • Bullies. “A guy who thinks it’s cool to make fun of people. …
  • Guys in general. “Everything turns me off… …
  • 50 Things Women *Think* Men Love But They Secretly Cannot Stand.

Can a turned-on robot turn off his human insticnts and still get down to earth? … ❋ Michael Stevens (2010)

Cleverly, I wrapped an empty poop bag around the newly turned-on drinking fountain (lest he see the spouting water and run) and pulled a well-earned drink. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Read this when I was a young guy in the Navy, and probably stoned, but I seem to recall getting turned-on to literature through him. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Seeing her hard nipples straining against the fabric, she felt the pull of a turned-on clit and broke into laughter. ❋ Elle (2011)

That makes for a certain lack of perspective, and watching others having a great time isn’t necessarily the same as having one, but the contrast between these turned-on teens and square 60s America is often hilarious. ❋ Unknown (2011)

His bangs had swung to one side, revealing wide, brown pupils; they glimmered, electric, turned-on. ❋ Stephen Marlowe (2011)

Secondly, what do you think I’m doing here behind a desk with a bunch of papers and a turned-on computer? ❋ Nathreee (2009)

She later reveals her anger-management issues to a slightly confused, slightly turned-on Nick. ❋ Unknown (2012)

The action begins on 25 June 1967, the day the two turned-on 19-year-old students on their first summer holiday from Oxford meet; she dumps his too-straight brother for him to the sound of the Beatles ‘»All You Need Is Love». ❋ Clare Brennan (2010)

He follows her to the bar where she plays with a purple liquid in zero gravity, and he finds himself totally turned-on. ❋ ____Maggie (2008)

The premiere introduces Kesha, who admits to eating a half a roll of toilet paper every day, and Lori, a 31-year-old who cannot sleep without a turned-on blow dryer on her bed, despite the risk of burning herself or, even worse, burning down her house. — Karen Kelty ❋ Unknown (2010)

Thanks to the graft, the turned-on gene emits light, which can be measured. ❋ Unknown (2010)

His “yeah” was one of those gruff, turned-on under-statements he made during sex. ❋ Carole Nelson Douglas (2010)

… Ho loves Reagan, they share the same game consciousness, and they share the same game consciousness and they both avoid the bright, far-seeing eyes of their turned-on teen-agers. ❋ JERRY DOYLE (2010)

But what sweeps you up are the sweet, ascending verses, the rolling chorus and the Danger Mouse touches: analog-synth swirls, slo-mo kick drums, a melancholy bass line — hip-hop for turned-on shut-ins. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Our prime minister, Kevin Rudd, is pretty turned-on as far as the networking media go. ❋ Mikandra (2009)

The heartwarmer (winner of both the Audience and Filmmakers awards) was «Something Within Me,» which takes us inside St. Augustine’s School of the Arts in the south Bronx, where dedicated teachers and turned-on students flourish against the brutal odds of inner-city life by making music. ❋ Unknown (2008)

IN THAT turned-on, tuned-out decade, the pharmacopeia of mind-altering drugs was about as subtle as a sledgehammer-uppers replaced sleep, downers offered calm, hallucinogens projected visions of marmalade skies into the brain. ❋ Unknown (2008)

«God, I made a FOOL out of myself last night and [trashed] the [Camaro], but , what the hell, I was turning, so, [it was fun]…I think…» ❋ BIGFOOT (2003)

i’m just gonna go [turn on] the [lights] and grab my [bible] ❋ Srleady (2020)

[John]: «I’m gonna go turn in.»
[Robert]: «[Good night]!» ❋ Turnturnturn (2010)

[Moaning] is [such a] turn on. ❋ Kees_Chick (2005)

[I’ll bet] he was turned on when he saw her with her [pants down]. We all know he is [a pervert]. ❋ Light Joker (2005)

Turn in your [assignments]. ❋ Shantothegreat (2018)

the turning: there are many examples, though all are different a little. some [sources say] it’s done 72 hours after the feeding on a human, others tell the [human’s] blood is drained and than fed by [the vampire’s] blood.. the truth is not public though. ❋ [Sanguine] (2006)

«[Alright]! Let’s turn to.» ❋ Acemery (2005)

Sally showed Dan her boobs, which was a [turn-on], and he [taped] [dat ass] all night long ❋ AlleF (2007)

man did you see [the way] she was [lookin]?
i got [sooo] turned on ❋ Jack (2003)

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(something) turns (one) on

slang Something increases one’s sexual interest or excitement. I know it’s clichéd, but expensive cars and nice suits really turn me on. A sense of humor turns me on more than anything, honestly. Wow, seeing you in that skimpy dress really turns me on. Can we skip our dinner reservation and just stay home?

turn on

1. verb To enable, connect, or start the function of something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «turn» and «on.» Would you turn on the water heater for me, please? I need to turn on the lights to see properly.

2. verb To start, become active, or begin functioning, as of a machine or device. A: «My computer isn’t turning on for some reason.» B: «Are you sure it’s plugged in?» The lights in the house are scheduled to turn on at dusk while we’re away.

3. verb To suddenly attack, berate, or show hostility toward someone, especially after previously having been loyal or amiable. I know he seems friendly, but he’ll turn on you in an instant if you disagree with him. The dog turned on its owner, biting him in the leg.

4. verb To shift or direct the focus of something onto someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «turn» and «on.» Then the reporter turned the camera on me and started asking me about my involvement. Can you turn the lights on lead actor, please?

5. verb To depend on or center around someone or something. Our entire plan turns on them accepting this offer. The plot of the books turns on two brothers during the civil war.

6. verb, slang To increase someone’s sexual interest or excitement. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «turn» and «on.» I know it’s clichéd, but expensive cars and nice suits really turn me on. A: «All I need to do to turn on the ladies is just flex my guns.» B: «I think I just threw up a little.»

7. noun, slang Something that increases someone’s sexual interest or excitement. As a noun, the phrase is usually hyphenated. It’s a big turn-on when a guy is a good listener.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

turned on

1. mod. made alert to what is new and exciting. I want to hire someone who’s really turned on—a real comer. A young, turned on MBA would be just right.

2. mod. drug intoxicated. (Drugs.) Jerry’s turned on by noon—every day. The kid over there looks sort of turned on. Let’s go talk to him a bit.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (something) turns (one) on
  • turn on
  • turn someone on
  • not in my back yard
  • Not in my backyard!
  • ripple of excitement
  • geek out
  • geek out about (someone or something)
  • geek out over (someone or something)

(turn someone on) to make someone feel sexually attracted or sexually excited. He’s very nice but he just doesn’t turn me on. Synonyms and related words. Feeling sexual excitement or desire.

Whats the definition of being turned on?

adjective Slang. lively and chic switched-on. full of or characterized by excitement. under the influence of a narcotic or hallucinogen as marijuana. sexually aroused.

What is it called when someone turns on you?

They turn the story around to make it seem like you are at fault deflecting attention and blame away from them to make you feel guilty. This type of emotional manipulation is called gaslighting. … Gaslighting can come from a romantic partner a boss a friend or anyone else.

What does it mean to be turned out?

(sex transitive prison slang) To rape to coerce an otherwise heterosexual individual into performing a homosexual role.

What’s a word for making someone feel guilty?

What is another word for make someone feel ashamed?

shame humble
disgrace mortify
debase abase
chagrin cheapen
degrade demean

What is the meaning of turned against?

1 : to stop supporting or being friendly to (someone or something) The senator eventually turned against the war. She turned against her best friend. 2 : to cause (someone) to stop being friendly toward (someone) He tried to turn our friends against us.

What does I wanna turn you out mean?

To evict someone expel someone: The landlord turned out the tenants.

What does turn up mean slang?

Turn up in case you didn’t know is slang the kids use these days a verb meaning get loose get wild etc. (No it’s cool I had to Urban Dictionary it.) She theorizes: Turn up is both a moment and a call both a verb and a noun. It is both anticipatory and complete.

How do you use turn out?

The factory turns out 900 cars a week. The school has turned out some first-rate students.

turn out

  1. turn out that… It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.
  2. turn out to be/have something The job turned out to be harder than we thought.
  3. The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.

See also what is the difference between an astronaut and a cosmonaut

How do you make a guy feel bad?

Go to a concert a club or a theme park. Let him see you having fun and enjoying yourself without him. If he sees how happy you can be without him he may feel sorry for doing what he did to lose you. Don’t sulk when you are not around him.

What is it called when you talk down to someone?

Condescension is an insulting way of talking to other people as if they were stupid or ignorant. Condescension is rude and patronizing. Treating someone with condescension is the opposite of treating them with respect.

How do you make someone feel sorry for you?

Cry yell stomp around whatever you feel like doing—eventually they’ll probably be so desperate to calm you down that they’ll say whatever you want to hear. Play on the other person’s emotions as well. Use words like “disappointed ” “selfish ” and “ashamed” to fuel their internal guilt.

What to do when someone is turning people against you?

While there’s no excuse for turning everyone else against you her actions may come from a place of sadness or hurt. Before you throw in the towel try talking to him and offering an apology. Clearly and sincerely tell him that you’re sorry. Express regret and acknowledge that you wronged him.

What do you do when everyone turns against you?

Mend the friendship if you want.

  1. Let your friend know that you do not take forgiveness lightly. Say something like “I forgive you and want to move on from this situation. …
  2. Set clear boundaries with your friend so he or she understands why you are putting whatever happened behind you.

What turn back means?

1a : to go in the reverse direction. b : to stop going forward. 2 : to refer to an earlier time or place. transitive verb. 1 : to drive back or away.

What does turning me on mean?

(turn someone on) to make someone feel sexually attracted or sexually excited. He’s very nice but he just doesn’t turn me on. Synonyms and related words. Feeling sexual excitement or desire.

Can Tune Out Loud noises meaning?

: to dissociate oneself from what is happening or one’s surroundings.

How do you spell turned out?

  1. 1 : to put out by or as if by turning a switch turn out the lights.
  2. 2 : to produce often rapidly or regularly by or as if by machine a writer turning out stories.
  3. 5 : to equip dress or finish in a careful or elaborate way.
  4. 6 : to call (a guard a company etc.) out from rest or shelter and into formation.

See also what is the difference between the north and south pole

What does wanna vent mean?

: to express (a strong emotion such as anger) in a forceful and open way He gave vent to his annoyance. She didn’t want to give full vent to her feelings.

What does Loaded mean slang?

3 chiefly US slang : intoxicated by alcohol or drugs especially : drunk They got loaded at the party. …

What means put off?

to delay doing something especially because you do not want to do it. I was trying to put off the moment when I would have to leave.

How do you use turn on in a sentence?

Examples of ‘turn on’ in a sentence turn on

  1. Sometime after eight o’clock I forced myself to get up and turn on some lights. …
  2. Sister Felicity’s disillusioned fans would turn on her like avenging Furies. …
  3. As she passed through the hall she pressed the switches to turn on the outside lights.

How do you use turn into in a sentence?

1) Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly. 2) I saw him turn into the library. 3) I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so thatto warm your heart. 4) We can’t turn into those people who work and work just to pay their bill [http://sentencedict.com/turn into.

Is it turnout or turn out?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Roadsturn‧out turn-out /ˈtɜːnaʊt $ ˈtɜːrn-/ ●○○ noun 1 [singular] the number of people who vote in an electionhigh/low turnout the low turn-out of 54 percent in the March elections → turn out2 [singular] the number of people who go to a party meeting or …

How make him want more?

Useful Tips That Will Help You To Make Him Want You

  1. Feed His Ego.
  2. Send Him A Picture.
  3. Dress Up.
  4. Use Body Language To Entice Him.
  5. Show Genuine Interest In His Hobbies.
  6. Wear Some Perfume.
  7. Play Hard To Get.
  8. Send Him Little Treats.

What should you not tell your boyfriend?

10 things to never say to your boyfriend

  • #1 “I hate my ex” …
  • #2 “Be a man” …
  • #3 “Your friend is kinda hot!” …
  • #4 “Prove how much you love me” …
  • #5 “I can help you shop!” …
  • #6 “Sometimes you tend to remind me of my ex” …
  • #7 “Your friends or me?” …
  • #8 “You’re going grey or you’ve gained weight”

See also where it is located

How do you make him want to chase you?

15 Ways To Get A Man To Chase You

  1. Be a woman of substance. …
  2. Never judge a man by his looks. …
  3. Try keeping your emotions in check. …
  4. Make him chase you not ‘use’ you. …
  5. Stop chasing him if you want him to chase you. …
  6. Always keep some sense of mystery. …
  7. Make him pine for you. …
  8. Make him feel you care too.

What it called when someone treats you like a child?

infantilize. verb. to treat someone like a child.

What does it mean when a person is pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors caring too much about minor details or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What do you do when a guy talks down to you?

  1. Don’t take it personally (even when it’s meant to be personal).
  2. Expect it and ignore it.
  3. Be upfront and call them out.
  4. Invoke their empathy.
  5. Acknowledge where they’re right and add something to it.
  6. Excuse yourself.
  7. Walk away and find someone who talks to you with respect.
  8. Practice active listening.

How do you make a girl feel bad?

Be assertive and confront her directly.

  1. Avoid victimizing or feeling sorry for yourself. The goal is to gain her understanding not her pity.
  2. Keep an open posture. Stand straight with your arms at your sides. Don’t cross your arms over your chest as this is commonly interpreted as a defensive stance.

What to say to someone who has hurt you deeply?

First objectively summarize the situation that hurt you. Then identify the feeling it triggered in you. Finally explain your thoughts about the feeling. So for example you might try “Yesterday you gave me a lot of unsolicited advice about a problem I’m having at work.

When someone hurts you what should you do?

When someone says or does something that hurts you you may feel angry sad embarrassed or even scared. While it may be tempting to lash out in return sometimes the best thing you can do is put on a calm face and ignore the hurtful behavior. After the hurtful event give yourself some time to feel upset.

What does narcissism mean?

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance a deep need for excessive attention and admiration troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others.

What Happens To Your Brain When You Are Turned On?

9 TURN Phrasal Verbs: turn on turn off turn over turn around turn out…

10 ‘TURN’ PHRASAL VERBS – turn in turn on turn off turn into turn up turn out

What Did A Friend Do That Accidentally Turned You On? (Reddit – r/AskReddit)

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