пережить, выживать, уцелеть, выдерживать, перенести, оставаться в живых
глагол ↓
- пережить (современников, славу и т. п.)
to survive one’s wife [one’s children] — пережить свою жену [своих детей]
she survived him by five years — она пережила его на пять лет
he is survived by his wife and daughter — после него остались жена и дочь
- остаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть
to survive an injury [a disease] — остаться в живых после ранения [болезни]
I never thought I could survive it — я никогда не думал, что сумею перенести это
he was the only one to survive the fire — он один уцелел после пожара
- продолжать существовать, сохраняться
the custom still survives — этот обычай ещё существует /сохранился/
this fact survived in my memory — этот факт остался /сохранился, запечатлелся/ в моей памяти
to survive one’s usefulness — стать бесполезным; изжить себя
Мои примеры
to survive a calamity — пережить бедствие
to study how to survive in the wilderness — учиться выживать в условиях дикой местности
to survive an accident — оставаться в живых после аварии
to survive one’s wife — пережить свою жену
to survive an injury — остаться в живых после ранения
survive a break-down — оставаться в живых после аварии
survive close competition — выдерживать упорную борьбу на соревнованиях
survive a crash — оставаться в живых после аварии
survive the duel — побеждать в состязании
ability to survive — выживаемость; живучесть
Примеры с переводом
Only his son survived him.
Только его сын пережил его.
The company survived the recession.
Компания пережила спад.
Nothing can destroy the instinct to survive.
Ничто не может разрушить инстинкт выживания.
Her body died, her fame survives.
Её тело умерло, а слава живёт и поныне.
Only cynics survive.
Выживают одни циники.
She survived five surgeries.
Ей было сделано пять операций.
It was a challenge just to survive.
Даже просто выжить было подвигом.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Could these animals survive in the wild?
Only a few written records survive from those times.
These ancient practices still survive in some regions.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
survival — выживание, выживаемость, пережиток, срок существования
survivor — оставшийся в живых, уцелевший
surviving — выживающий
survivable — способный к выживанию, к сохранению, выживание
survivance — право наследования, преемственность, живучесть
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: survive
he/she/it: survives
ing ф. (present participle): surviving
2-я ф. (past tense): survived
3-я ф. (past participle): survived
•• survive, survivor
•• Survive 1. to continue to live or exist. 2. to live or exist longer than, to remain alive or in existence after (Oxford American Dictionary).
•• Частое употребление этого слова в английских текстах наводит на следующую мысль. Язык подобен огромному складу, где на стеллажах разложены слова, обороты, фразеологические сочетания, идиомы, поговорки, цитаты и т.д. Одни стеллажи стоят ближе к входу, к ним достаточно протянуть руку. Другие – подальше, третьи – в темных углах. Особенно часто употребляемые слова можно сравнить с предметами, лежащими на ближних полках. Если надо описать какую-нибудь ситуацию, обращаются скорее всего к ним. В другом языке ту же ситуацию опишут без этих слов. Впрочем, менее образно, но, может быть, лучше и короче выразил ту же, в сущности, мысль В.Г.Гак в замечательной книге «Сопоставительная лексикология»: «Некоторые понятия либо аспекты действительности оказываются первоочередными, ближайшими для говорящих на данном языке. Слова, обозначающие эти аспекты и понятия, составляют наиболее многочисленную и детализированную группу. Они наиболее употребительны, становятся базой для обозначения других понятий, поскольку при наименовании мысль идет от более привычного и знакомого к незнакомому».
•• Возьмем слова survive и выжить, уцелеть. Русские слова явно не с ближайшей полки, и если по-английски естественно сказать: The President spoke to the survivors of the crash, то по-русски мы скажем, скорее всего, с пострадавшими. Вот предложение из International Herald Tribune: She survived five skin-replacement surgeries, but was unable to overcome the assault to her vital organs and immune system, doctors said. Дословный перевод ( Она пережила пять операций и т.д.) выглядит нелепо. По-русски журналист, видимо, описал бы эту ситуацию так: Ей было сделано пять операций по пересадке кожи. По словам врачей, смерть наступила в результате поражения жизненно важных органов и иммунной системы. (Кстати, русское пережить далеко не всегда равно to survive: разговорное Я этого не переживу по-английски будет This will kill me.) Конечно, не будет большой беды, если из-за недостатка времени устный переводчик не найдет наиболее естественного русского варианта. И все же стоит иметь наготове такие, например, слова, как преодолевать (испытания, трагедию и т.п.), сохраниться, остаться в живых. А когда о человеке говорят He is a survivor, то имеют в виду ему ничего не страшно, он непотопляем.
•• И еще одна особенность. В некрологах в английской и американской печати всегда указывается: He/she is survived by… (и дальше идет перечень членов семьи покойного). У нас давать эти сведения не принято. В переводе можно воспользоваться термином из сфер страхования и статистики пережившие родственники. Можно прибегнуть и к такому варианту: Выражаем соболезнование родным и близким покойного… (и далее перечень).
•• * Соответствие to survive – сохраниться представляется довольно устойчивым (и это полезно учитывать в переводе как с английского, так и с русского) и нередко более точным, чем сохраниться – to be preserved. Последнее – не столько сохраниться, сколько быть сохраненным – обычно в результате целенаправленных усилий.
•• Вот два интересных примера из книги Саймона Уинчестера The Professor and the Madman:
•• Few enough letters between the two men survive. – Сохранилось не так уж много писем, написанных ими друг другу. In 1897, for instance, his notes survive for a speech he was to give <…> at the Philological Society. (Синтаксис этого предложения кажется несколько странным, но так в тексте.) — Например, сохранились подготовленные им в 1897 году тезисы к выступлению в Филологическом обществе.
•• В юридических текстах (договорах, контрактах) встречается такое употребление:
•• This confidentiality clause shall survive for two years after the expiry or termination of this Agreement. – Настоящее условие о конфиденциальности сохраняет силу в течение двух лет после истечения срока или расторжения настоящего Договора.
•• Что касается причастия сохранившийся, то в переводе некоторых текстов может подойти редкое, но вполне живое прилагательное extant:
•• The oldest extant editions of the letters of St. Paul. The extant portraits of this great man. This building is no longer extant.
•• CогласноAmerican Heritage Dictionary
, extant – still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct. Другие значения этого слова устарели.
English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > survive
1) оста́ться в живы́х; продолжа́ть существова́ть; уцеле́ть;
2) пережи́ть (современников, свою славу
и т.п.
3) пережи́ть, вы́держать, перенести́
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > survive
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > survive
Персональный Сократ > survive
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > survive
survive остаться в живых; продолжать существовать; уцелеть; the custom still survives этот обычай еще существует survive пережить (современников, свою славу и т. п.); he survived his wife for many years он пережил свою жену на много лет survive остаться в живых; продолжать существовать; уцелеть; the custom still survives этот обычай еще существует survive пережить, выдержать, перенести survive пережить (современников, свою славу и т. п.); he survived his wife for many years он пережил свою жену на много лет to survive one’s usefulness стать бесполезным, ненужным
English-Russian short dictionary > survive
1. пережить ()
to survive one’s wife [one’s children] — пережить свою жену [своих детей]
2. 1) остаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть
to survive an injury [a disease] — остаться в живых после ранения [болезни]
I never thought I could survive it — я никогда не думал, что сумею перенести это
2) продолжать существовать, сохраняться
the custom still survives — этот обычай ещё существует /сохранился/
this fact survived in my memory — этот факт остался /сохранился, запечатлелся/ в моей памяти
to survive one’s usefulness — стать бесполезным; изжить себя
НБАРС > survive
1. She survived five skin-replacement surgeries, but was unable to overcome the assault to her vital organs and immune system, doctors said (International Herald Tribune). — Ей было сделано пять операций по пересадке кожи. По словам врачей, смерть наступила в результате поражения жизненно важных органов и иммунной системы.
2. Не/she is survived by… — Выражаем соболезнование родным и близким покойного… ()
3. Few enough letters between the two men survive — Сохранилось не так уж много писем, написанных ими друг другу. (Simon Winchester. The Professor and the Madman.)
4. In 1897, for instance, his notes survive for a speech he was to give at the Philological Society. (Simon Winchester. The Professor and the Madman.)
This confidentiality clause shall survive for two years after the expiry or termination of this Agreement -– Настоящее условии о конфиденциальности сохраняет силу в течение двух лет после истечения срока или расторжения настоящего Договора.
The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > survive
səˈvaɪv гл.
1) пережить( современников, свою славу и т. п.) He is survived by children. ≈ Его дети его пережили.
2) а) выдержать, пережить, перенести б) остаться в живых;
продолжать существовать;
уцелеть Her body die, her fame survives. ≈ Ее тело умерло, а слава живет и поныне. пережить ( современников, славу и т. п.) — to * one’s wife пережить свою жену — she *d him by five years она пережила его на пять лет — he is *d by his wife and daughter после него остались жена и дочь остаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть — to * an injury остаться в живых после ранения — I never thought I could * it я никогда не думал, что сумею перенести это — he was the only one to * the fire он один уцелел после пожара продолжать существовать, сохраняться — the custom still *s этот обычай еще существует /сохранился/ — this fact *d in my memory этот факт остался /сохранился, запечатлелся/ в моей памяти > to * one;
s usefulness стать бесполезным;
изжить себя
survive остаться в живых;
продолжать существовать;
the custom still survives этот обычай еще существует
~ пережить (современников, свою славу и т. п.) ;
he survived his wife for many years он пережил свою жену на много лет
survive остаться в живых;
продолжать существовать;
the custom still survives этот обычай еще существует ~ пережить, выдержать, перенести ~ пережить (современников, свою славу и т. п.) ;
he survived his wife for many years он пережил свою жену на много лет
to ~ one’s usefulness стать бесполезным, ненужнымБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > survive
оставаться в живых, выживать; выдерживать, переносить; уцелеть
Politics english-russian dictionary > survive
остаться в живых, уцелеть, выжить
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > survive
«I’m terribly sorry» «I’ll survive» — «Извини, пожалуйста» — «Ничего, как-нибудь переживу»
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > survive
1) уцелеть
2) доживать
3) дожить
4) остаться в живых
5) выжить
6) пережить
7) сохраняться
– survive an accidentАнгло-русский технический словарь > survive
English-russian biological dictionary > survive
1) пережить (современников, свою славу и т. п.); he survived his wife for many years он пережил свою жену на много лет; to survive one’s usefulness стать бесполезным, ненужным
2) пережить, выдержать, перенести
3) остаться в живых; продолжать существовать; уцелеть; the custom still survives этот обычай еще существует
* * *
(v) выжить; сохранять работоспособность
* * *
пережить, выжить, остаться в живых
* * *
[sur·vive || sər’vaɪv /sə’-]
пережить, остаться в живых, выживать, выжить, уцелеть, перенести, выдерживать, выдержать, продолжать существовать* * *
* * *
1) пережить
2) а) выдержать
б) остаться в живых; продолжать существоватьНовый англо-русский словарь > survive
1) пережи́ть
2) вы́жить; оста́ться в живы́х
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > survive
3) выжить, остаться в живых; уцелеть
4) пережить; выдержать
5) сохраняться; сохраниться
English-Russian scientific dictionary > survive
1. v пережить
2. v остаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть
3. v продолжать существовать, сохраняться
Синонимический ряд:
3. last (verb) come through; endure; hold up; last; persist; pull through; resist; ride out; weather
Антонимический ряд:
die; perish; succumb
English-Russian base dictionary > survive
- оставаться в исправном состоянии
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > survive
səˈvaɪvпережить, оставаться в живых, продолжать существование, выдержать, перенести
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > survive
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
survive — sur‧vive [səˈvaɪv ǁ sər ] verb [intransitive, transitive] 1. if a business survives, it manages to continue operating, even though it is in a very difficult situation: • To survive, companies will have to focus on staff development. • The… … Financial and business terms
Survive — can refer to: *Survive (Much the Same album) The 2006 album by Much the Same. *Survive (B z album) a 1997 album by B z *Survive (David Bowie song) track from hours… album by David Bowie, 1999. *Survive, by Nuclear Assault, 1988. * Survive! , a… … Wikipedia
Survive — Survive, Kaleidoscope Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Survive, Kaleidoscope Álbum de Underoath Publicación 27 de Mayo, 2008 Grabación Octubre 2007 … Wikipedia Español
Survive — Sur*vive , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Survived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Surviving}.] [F. survivre, L. supervivere; super over + vivere to live. See {Super }, and {Victuals}.] To live beyond the life or existence of; to live longer than; to outlive; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
survive — I verb abide, be left, be spared, continue, endure, exist, last, live longer, live on, make a comeback, outlast, outlive, persevere, persist, remain, result, subsist, sustain, weather the storm associated concepts: survival of a debt, survival of … Law dictionary
survive — [sər vīv′] vt. survived, surviving [ME surviven < OFr survivre < L supervivere < super , above (see SUPER ) + vivere, to live (see BIO )] 1. to live or exist longer than or beyond the life or existence of; outlive 2. to continue to live… … English World dictionary
Survive — Sur*vive , v. i. To remain alive; to continue to live. [1913 Webster] Thy pleasure, Which, when no other enemy survives, Still conquers all the conquerors. Sir J. Denham. [1913 Webster] Alike are life and death, When life in death survives.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
survive — (v.) early 15c., act or condition of one person outliving another, originally in the legal (inheritance) sense, from Anglo Fr. survivre, O.Fr. souvivre, from L. supervivere live beyond, live longer than, from super over, beyond (see SUPER (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
survive — *outlive, outlast Analogous words: endure, *continue, persist, last: withstand, *resist, fight … New Dictionary of Synonyms
survive — [v] continue to live bear, be extant, be left, carry on, carry through, come through, cut it, endure, exist, get on, get through, go all the way*, go the limit*, handle, hold out, keep, keep afloat, last, live, live down, live on, live out, live… … New thesaurus
survive — ► VERB 1) continue to live or exist. 2) continue to live or exist in spite of (an accident or ordeal). 3) remain alive after the death of. DERIVATIVES survivable adjective. ORIGIN Old French sourvivre, from Latin super in addition + vivere live … English terms dictionary
From Anglo-Norman survivre, Old French survivre, from Late Latin supervivere (“to outlive”), from Latin super (“over”) + vivere (“to live”), akin to vita (“life”). See vivid. Compare devive, revive.
- (UK) IPA(key): /səˈvaɪv/, /səˈvʌɪv/
- (US) IPA(key): /sɚˈvaɪv/
- Rhymes: -aɪv
survive (third-person singular simple present survives, present participle surviving, simple past and past participle survived)
- (intransitive) Of a person, to continue to live; to remain alive.
- (intransitive) Of an object or concept, to continue to exist.
- (transitive) To live longer than; to outlive.
His children survived him; he was survived by his children.
c. 1590–1592 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Taming of the Shrew”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies […] (First Folio), London: […] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene i]:
And for that dowrie, Ile aſſure her of / Her widdow-hood, be it that ſhe ſuruiue me / In all my Lands and Leaſes whatſoeuer / Let ſpecialties be therefore drawne betweene vs, / That couenants may be kept on either hand.
1817 December 31 (indicated as 1818), [Walter Scott], Rob Roy. […], volume (please specify |volume=I, II, or III), Edinburgh: […] James Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co. […]; London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, →OCLC:
‘I am afraid, as will happen in other cases, the treaty of alliance has survived the amicable dispositions in which it had its origin.’
2020 January 22, Stuart Jeffries, “Terry Jones obituary”, in The Guardian[1]:
Jones is survived by his second wife, Anna (nee Söderström), whom he married in 2012, and their daughter, Siri; and by Bill and Sally, the children of his first marriage, to Alison Telfer, which ended in divorce.
- (transitive) To live past a life-threatening event.
He did not survive the accident.
- (transitive) To be a victim of usually non-fatal harm, to honor and empower the strength of an individual to heal, in particular a living victim of sexual abuse or assault.
- (transitive, sports) Of a team, to avoid relegation or demotion to a lower division or league.
- overlive
- (live longer than): outlive
- (live longer than): predecease
- (live longer than): postdecease
- convive
- devive
- revive
- vivid
person: continue to live
- Albanian: please add this translation if you can
- Arabic: نَجَا (najā)
- Armenian: ողջ մնալ (ołǰ mnal), կենդանի մնալ (kendani mnal), ապրել (hy) (aprel), փրկվել (hy) (pʿrkvel)
- Asturian: sobrevivir
- Belarusian: перажыва́ць impf (pjeražyvácʹ), перажы́ць pf (pjeražýcʹ)
- Bulgarian: преживя́вам (bg) impf (preživjávam), преживе́я pf (preživéja), оцеля́вам (bg) impf (oceljávam), оцеле́я pf (oceléja)
- Catalan: sobreviure (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 生存 (zh) (shēngcún), 存活 (zh) (cúnhuó)
- Czech: přežívat impf, přežít (cs) pf,
- Danish: overleve (da)
- Dutch: overleven (nl)
- Esperanto: postvivi, supervivi, transvivi
- Estonian: please add this translation if you can
- Faroese: yvirliva
- Finnish: selviytyä (fi), jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon
- French: survivre (fr)
- Galician: sobrevivir
- Georgian: სიკვდილს გადარჩენა (siḳvdils gadarčena), გადარჩენა (gadarčena)
- German: überleben (de)
- Greek: επιβιώνω (el) (epivióno)
- Ancient: διαζάω (diazáō), περιλείπομαι (perileípomai)
- Higaonon: naluwas
- Hungarian: életben marad (hu)
- Interlingua: superviver
- Irish: tar, tar slán
- Italian: sopravvivere (it)
- Indonesian: sintas (id), menyintas (id), bertahan hidup (id)
- Japanese: 生き残る (ja) (いきのこる, ikinokoru), 生き抜く (いきぬく, ikinuku), 残存する (ja) (せいぞんする, seizon suru)
- Korean: 생존하다 (ko) (saengjonhada), 살아남다 (ko) (saranamda)
- Ladino: sovrebivir
- Latin: supersum (la), vivo (la), reliquus sum, reliquus sum, vitam supero, superstitem sum, supersto
- Latvian: please add this translation if you can
- Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
- Luxembourgish: iwwerliewen
- Macedonian: преживува impf (preživuva), преживее pf (preživee)
- North Frisian: (Föhr-Amrum) auerlewe
- Norwegian: overleve (no)
- Bokmål: overleve (no)
- Occitan: subreviure (oc)
- Old English: alibban, aspedan, gedigan, nesan, oferlibban, belæfan
- Polish: przeżywać (pl) impf, przeżyć (pl) pf, przetrwać (pl)
- Portuguese: sobreviver (pt)
- Romanian: supraviețui (ro)
- Russian: выжива́ть (ru) impf (vyživátʹ), вы́жить (ru) pf (výžitʹ), пережива́ть (ru) impf (pereživátʹ), пережи́ть (ru) pf (perežítʹ), остава́ться в живы́х impf (ostavátʹsja v živýx), оста́ться в живы́х pf (ostátʹsja v živýx), уцелева́ть (ru) impf (ucelevátʹ), уцеле́ть (ru) pf (ucelétʹ)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic: преживља́вати impf, прежи́вети pf, прежи́вјети pf
- Roman: preživljávati (sh) impf, prežíveti (sh) pf, prežívjeti (sh) pf
- Slovak: prežívať impf, prežiť pf,
- Slovene: preživẹ́ti (sl) pf
- Spanish: sobrevivir (es)
- Swedish: överleva (sv)
- Turkish: hayatta kalmak
- Ukrainian: пережива́ти impf (perežyváty), пережи́ти (uk) pf (perežýty), вижива́ти impf (vyžyváty), ви́жити pf (výžyty), вцілі́ти pf (vcilíty)
- Vietnamese: sống sót (vi) (𤯨𡄰)
- Yiddish: איבערלעבן (iberlebn)
- Zazaki: weş menden
object, concept: continue to exist
- Arabic: نَجَا (najā)
- Armenian: գոյատևել (hy) (goyatewel)
- Catalan: sobreviure (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 殘存/残存 (zh) (cáncún)
- Dutch: overleven (nl)
- Finnish: selvitä (fi), selviytyä (fi), jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon
- Galician: sobrevivir
- German: überleben (de)
- Greek: επιβιώνω (el) (epivióno)
- Ancient: δῐᾰμένω (diaménō)
- Hebrew: שרד (he) (sarád)
- Hungarian: tovább él, fennmarad (hu), megmarad (hu)
- Indonesian: bertahan (id)
- Latin: supersto, supersum (la), supestitem sum, vitam supero, reliquus sum, vivo (la)
- Luxembourgish: iwwerliewen
- Norwegian: overleve (no)
- Polish: przeżywać (pl) impf, przeżyć (pl) pf
- Portuguese: sobreviver (pt)
- Romanian: supraviețui (ro)
- Russian: выжива́ть (ru) impf (vyživátʹ), вы́жить (ru) pf (výžitʹ), пережива́ть (ru) impf (pereživátʹ), пережи́ть (ru) pf (perežítʹ)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic: опстати
- Roman: opstati (sh)
- Slovene: preživeti (sl), obstati
- Spanish: sobrevivir (es)
- Ukrainian: вижива́ти impf (vyžyváty), ви́жити pf (výžyty)
- Yiddish: איבערלעבן (iberlebn)
live past a life-threatening event
- Arabic: نَجَا (najā)
- Asturian: sobrevivir
- Azerbaijani: sağ qalmaq (az), sağ çıxmaq
- Bulgarian: преживявам (bg) (preživjavam)
- Catalan: sobreviure (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 活下來/活下来 (huóxiàlái), 幸存 (zh) (xìngcún), 生還/生还 (zh) (shēnghuán),
- Dutch: overleven (nl)
- Esperanto: travivi (eo)
- Finnish: selviytyä (fi), jäädä henkiin, jäädä eloon
- Galician: sobrevivir
- Greek: επιζώ (el) (epizó), γλιτώνω (el) (glitóno)
- Ancient Greek: ἐπιζάω (epizáō)
- Hebrew: שרד (he) (sarád)
- Hungarian: túlél (hu)
- Italian: perdurare (it)
- Latin: supersum (la), vivo (la), supersto, superstitem sum, vitam supero, reliquus sum
- Luxembourgish: iwwerliewen
- Polish: przeżyć (pl)
- Portuguese: sobreviver (pt)
- Romanian: supraviețui (ro)
- Russian: пережива́ть (ru) impf (pereživátʹ), пережи́ть (ru) pf (perežítʹ)
- Spanish: sobrevivir (es)
- Zazaki: nêmerden
Further reading[edit]
- survive in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
- “survive”, in The Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
- viveurs
- IPA(key): /syʁ.viv/
- Homophones: survives, survivent
- first/third-person singular present subjunctive of survivre
intransitive verb
: to remain alive or in existence : live on
: to continue to function or prosper
transitive verb
: to remain alive after the death of
he is survived by his wife
: to continue to exist or live after
: to continue to function or prosper despite : withstand
they survived many hardships
Example Sentences
I don’t see how any creature can survive under those conditions.
bacteria that survive in extreme temperatures
Only a few written records survive from those times.
These ancient practices still survive in some regions.
Some of the original bridges survive.
Many businesses are struggling to survive in today’s economy.
Only his son survived him.
She survived her husband by only a few years.
He survived a political scandal and was elected to the state legislature.
The company survived the recession.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
These loans were intended to help small businesses financially survive the pandemic.
—Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023
Many pests and diseases can survive in the soil from one year to the next, plaguing the new crop.
—Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens, 23 Mar. 2023
Nie’Mae and her sister Zoryia, 16, also had been shot but would survive.
—USA Today, 23 Mar. 2023
But there’s no obvious indication of how many folding cycles its hinge is rated to survive.
—Jon Porter, The Verge, 23 Mar. 2023
Many experts remain skeptical that such a fragile object could survive the hazardous journey through the solar system, let alone form in the first place.
—Meghan Bartels, Scientific American, 22 Mar. 2023
To that end, Bergeron, who also operates the Balboa and Vogue theaters, hopes the community will rally around the 4 Star by donating to a new GoFundMe drive to help the fledgling theater survive its rocky beginning.
—Heather Knight, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Mar. 2023
One of the strangest and least-studied enigmas, though, is how tattoos survive at all.
—Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic, 22 Mar. 2023
Macron’s government is likely to survive although the anger against the reforms shows no sign of ending.
—Pierre Bairin, CNN, 20 Mar. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘survive.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English, to outlive, from Anglo-French survivre, from Latin supervivere, from super- + vivere to live — more at quick entry 1
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of survive was
in the 15th century
Dictionary Entries Near survive
Cite this Entry
“Survive.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/survive. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
26 Mar 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
v. sur·vived, sur·viv·ing, sur·vives
1. To remain alive or in existence.
2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere: families that were surviving in tents after the flood.
3. To remain functional or usable: I dropped the radio, but it survived.
1. To live longer than; outlive: She survived her husband by five years.
2. To live, persist, or remain usable through: plants that can survive frosts; a clock that survived a fall.
3. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after: survived child abuse.
[Middle English surviven, from Old French sourvivre, from Latin supervīvere : super-, super- + vīvere, to live; see gwei- in Indo-European roots.]
sur·vi′vor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (tr) to live after the death of (another): he survived his wife by 12 years.
2. to continue in existence or use after (a passage of time, an adversity, etc)
3. informal to endure (something): I don’t know how I survive such an awful job.
[C15: from Old French sourvivre, from Latin supervīvere, from super- + vīvere to live]
surˈvivable adj
surˌvivaˈbility n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
v. -vived, -viv•ing. v.i.
1. to remain alive, as after the death of another or the occurrence of some event; continue to live.
2. to remain or continue in existence or use.
3. to continue to function or manage in spite of some adverse circumstance or hardship; hold up; endure.
4. to continue to live or exist after the death, cessation, or occurrence of.
5. to endure or live through (an affliction, adversity, misery, etc.): She’s survived two divorces.
[1425–75; late Middle English < Middle French survivre < Latin supervīvere=super- super- + vīvere to live; see sur-1, vivid]
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: survived
Gerund: surviving
Imperative |
survive |
survive |
Present |
I survive |
you survive |
he/she/it survives |
we survive |
you survive |
they survive |
Preterite |
I survived |
you survived |
he/she/it survived |
we survived |
you survived |
they survived |
Present Continuous |
I am surviving |
you are surviving |
he/she/it is surviving |
we are surviving |
you are surviving |
they are surviving |
Present Perfect |
I have survived |
you have survived |
he/she/it has survived |
we have survived |
you have survived |
they have survived |
Past Continuous |
I was surviving |
you were surviving |
he/she/it was surviving |
we were surviving |
you were surviving |
they were surviving |
Past Perfect |
I had survived |
you had survived |
he/she/it had survived |
we had survived |
you had survived |
they had survived |
Future |
I will survive |
you will survive |
he/she/it will survive |
we will survive |
you will survive |
they will survive |
Future Perfect |
I will have survived |
you will have survived |
he/she/it will have survived |
we will have survived |
you will have survived |
they will have survived |
Future Continuous |
I will be surviving |
you will be surviving |
he/she/it will be surviving |
we will be surviving |
you will be surviving |
they will be surviving |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been surviving |
you have been surviving |
he/she/it has been surviving |
we have been surviving |
you have been surviving |
they have been surviving |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been surviving |
you will have been surviving |
he/she/it will have been surviving |
we will have been surviving |
you will have been surviving |
they will have been surviving |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been surviving |
you had been surviving |
he/she/it had been surviving |
we had been surviving |
you had been surviving |
they had been surviving |
Conditional |
I would survive |
you would survive |
he/she/it would survive |
we would survive |
you would survive |
they would survive |
Past Conditional |
I would have survived |
you would have survived |
he/she/it would have survived |
we would have survived |
you would have survived |
they would have survived |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb | 1. | survive — continue to live through hardship or adversity; «We went without water and food for 3 days»; «These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America»; «The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents»; «how long can a person last without food and water?»
live on, last, live, endure, hold out, hold up, go live, be — have life, be alive; «Our great leader is no more»; «My grandfather lived until the end of war» subsist, exist, survive, live — support oneself; «he could barely exist on such a low wage»; «Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?»; «Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day» hold water, stand up, hold up — resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; «Her shoes won’t hold up»; «This theory won’t hold water» perennate — survive from season to season, of plants live out — live out one’s life; live to the end |
2. | make it, pull round, pull through, come through defeat, get the better of, overcome — win a victory over; «You must overcome all difficulties»; «defeat your enemies»; «He overcame his shyness»; «He overcame his infirmity»; «Her anger got the better of her and she blew up» succumb, yield — be fatally overwhelmed |
3. | survive — support oneself; «he could barely exist on such a low wage»; «Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?»; «Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day»
subsist, exist, live breathe — be alive; «Every creature that breathes» freewheel, drift — live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely; «My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school» live on, survive, last, live, endure, hold out, hold up, go — continue to live through hardship or adversity; «We went without water and food for 3 days»; «These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America»; «The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents»; «how long can a person last without food and water?» |
4. | survive — live longer than; «She outlived her husband by many years»
outlast, outlive |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. remain alive, live, pull through, last, exist, live on, endure, hold out, subsist, keep body and soul together (informal), be extant, fight for your life, keep your head above water Drugs that dissolve blood clots can help heart-attack victims survive.
3. live longer than, outlive, outlast, live on after, remain alive after Most women will survive their spouses.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. To exist in spite of adversity:
2. To live, exist, or remain longer than:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَبْقى حَيّا بَعْد كارِثَه، يَنْجويَحْيَايَعيشُ بَعْدَ
jäädä eloon
életben maradtúlél
lifa e-nlifa/komast af
išlikęs gyvasišlikęs gyvas žmogusišlikimas gyvampergyventi
dzīvot ilgāk nekāizdzīvotpārdzīvot
-den daha uzun yaşamakhayatta kalmahayatta/sağ kalmak
sống sót
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= continue to live) [person, species] → survivre
(= continue to exist) [institution, company] → survivre; [custom, belief] → survivre
[+ accident, crash, illness, attack, bad experience] → survivre à
(= live longer than) [+ person] → survivre à
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(səˈvaiv) verb
1. to remain alive in spite of (a disaster etc). Few birds managed to survive the bad winter; He didn’t survive long after the accident.
2. to live longer than. He died in 1940 but his wife survived him by another twenty years; He is survived by his wife and two sons.
surˈvival noun
the state of surviving. the problem of survival in sub-zero temperatures; (also adjective) survival equipment.
surˈviving adjective
remaining alive. She has no surviving relatives.
surˈvivor noun
a person who survives a disaster etc. There were no survivors of the air crash.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَحْيَا přežít overleve überleben επιβιώνω sobrevivir jäädä eloon survivre preživjeti sopravvivere 生き残る 살아남다 overleven overleve przetrwać sobreviver выживать överleva มีชีวิตรอด hayatta kalma sống sót 存活
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
vt, vi sobrevivir
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
What are examples of surviving?
Survive is defined as to live beyond or remain alive in spite of something. An example of survive is someone living through a major plane crash. To live persist or remain usable through. Plants that can survive frosts a clock that survived a fall.
What does it mean for something to survive?
1 : to remain alive or in existence : live on. 2 : to continue to function or prosper. transitive verb. 1 : to remain alive after the death of he is survived by his wife.
What is the true meaning of survival?
Definition of survival
1a : the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing. b : the continuation of life or existence problems of survival in arctic conditions. 2 : one that survives.
What does survival mean example?
Survival is the act of living through something life threatening. An example of survival is someone beating cancer.
What’s another word for survival?
In this page you can discover 44 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for survive like: endure keep afloat persevere succumb live-on withstand last live get-through remain and outlast.
What is the root for Survive?
You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.” The word surviving is the adjectival form of the verb survive which comes from the Latin vivere “to live ” plus the prefix super- “over beyond.” The surviving person is the one who manages to go on living after another’s death.
What is the sentence of survive?
Survive sentence example. She’ll be lucky if I let her survive the day. The nurse was right: he wouldn’t survive if something else went wrong. Assuming you survive what he does to you.
How do you use survive?
1[intransitive] to continue to live or exist She was the last surviving member of the family. Of the six people injured in the crash only two survived. The children had to survive by begging and stealing. (humorous) “How are you these days?” “Oh surviving.” Don’t worry it’s only a scratch—you’ll survive.
What you need to survive?
Everything else aside there are 4 things the human body must have to survive: water food oxygen and a functioning nervous system. Humans can last a little while without food or water but life would immediately be over without oxygen or a working nervous system.
Why is survival so important?
Survival depends a great deal on a person’s ability to withstand stress in emergency situations. Your brain is without doubt your best survival tool. It is your most valuable asset in a survival situation. … Mental skills are much more important than physical skills in survival situations.
What does the word survival suggest to you?
If you refer to the survival of a person or living thing you mean that they live through a dangerous situation in which it was possible that they might die. If cancers are spotted early there’s a high chance of survival. Synonyms: staying alive existence being alive viability More Synonyms of survival.
What do you call a person that survived?
A survivor of a disaster accident or illness is someone who continues to live afterwards in spite of coming close to death. … A person’s survivors are the members of their family who continue to live after they have died.
What do you call things you need to survive?
1 compulsory de rigueur essential imperative indispensable mandatory needed needful obligatory required requisite vital.
What is the opposite of survive?
survive. Antonyms: cease decease decline depart die expire fade perish wither. Synonyms: be born be immortal begin come into being come to life exist flourish grow live rise again rise from the dead.
What is the term for survival of the fittest?
“Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. … Darwin has called ‘natural selection’ or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.”
How do you make a sentence for Survive?
- [S] [T] Love will survive. ( Spamster)
- [S] [T] They will survive. ( Spamster)
- [S] [T] He survived his wife. ( CM)
- [S] [T] Your cat will survive. ( Spamster)
- [S] [T] He survived the accident. ( CK)
- [S] [T] How many people survived? ( CK)
- [S] [T] We survived by sheer luck. ( U2FS)
- [S] [T] I’m just trying to survive. (
See also how did industrialization impact the nineteenth-century world economy?
What is the verb for survival?
survive. (intransitive) Of a person to continue to live to remain alive. (intransitive) Of an object or concept to continue to exist. (transitive) To live longer than to outlive.
What is the most important thing to survive?
The four basic needs of nearly all survival situations are shelter water fire and food. The following gear assists with meeting the needs of these four priorities.
How do you survive everyday?
Here are some tools and reminders to help us not just survive but thrive in everyday life.
- Believe that anything is possible. “Things that have never happened before happen all the time ” (Sagan 120). …
- Stay humble. …
- Be aware. …
- Be adaptable. …
- Stay calm. …
- Take care of yourself first. …
- Listen to your gut. …
- Use your emotions.
What 5 things do you need to survive?
The truth is there are only five basic needs Clean Air Water Nutrients Shelter and Sleep. Beyond our health the simple fact is that our entire society is based primarily on the existence and leveraging of these five factors. They are the basis for concepts like family wealth health and at times governments.
What is a survival mindset?
For instance survival mindset is mental stability under pressure handling situations with strength and intelligence and making good tactical decisions. In addition when properly trained our brain can adapt to almost any circumstance.
to continue to live after someone especially a member of your family has died: He is survived by his wife and four children.
What does to keep body and soul together means?
Definition of keep body and soul together
See also where can plains be found
: to have or get enough food and money to survive She kept body and soul together by working two jobs.
What are the 3 things you need to survive?
“Survive is our need for food water and shelter ” says Andreatta. “The survive instinct can get triggered around our paycheck because that’s how we buy food water and shelter.”
What are 7 things you need to survive?
These 7 components are: food water first aid warmth & shelter sanitation & hygiene lighting & communication and other survival gear.
What are the 4 basic elements we need to survive?
The four basic elements of life are: Oxygen hydrogen nitrogen and phosphorus. These four elements are found in abundance in both the human body and in animals.
What is the noun form of survive?
survival. The fact or act of surviving continued existence or life. (modifier) Of relating to or aiding survival.
What is your understanding about survival of the fittest give some situations or examples that you observe in your surroundings?
When we say survival of the fittest we can exemplify the following: 1. Two or more dogs surround a piece of meat the strongest in the group will fight for the meat and threaten the others thus getting its reward as the piece of meat. Thus the chance of survival of the strongest dog is more than the others.
How does survival of the fittest apply to humans?
Taken from Darwin’s theory of evolution survival of the fittest is often conceptualized as the advantage that accrues with certain traits allowing an individual to both thrive and survive in their environment by out-competing for limited resources.
See also how long does it take for gasoline to evaporate
What is an example of struggle for existence?
These included “dependence of one being on another ” animals that “struggle with each other” over limited food resources plants that “struggle for life against the drought” and that “struggle with other fruit-bearing plants in order to tempt birds to devour and thus disseminate its seeds.”
How do you save sentences in Word?
- Click FILE > Save pick or browse to a folder type a name for your document in the File name box and click Save.
- Save your work as you go – hit Ctrl+S often.
- To print click the FILE tab and then click Print.
How do you use cope with?
satisfy or fulfill.
- Will she be able to cope with the work?
- They have to cope with a mountain of problems.
- I cannot cope with that boy he is stubborn.
- I am afraid I cannot cope with this.
- No one can cope with her in English.
- She’s struggling to cope with the heavy workload .
How can I use make in a sentence?
Make sentence example
- Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
- That does make sense. …
- You make a difference. …
- Did you make any real progress? …
- They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
- It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted. …
- I always make it a rule to speak out.
Is life a survival?
survival: The fact or act of surviving continued existence or life.
Survival Of The Fittest — What does it REALLY mean?
Survive | Meaning of survive
19 Years After Columbine: What Does It Mean To Survive?
Survive | Meaning of survive
Table of Contents
- What is the opposite of survival mode?
- What’s a synonym for survival?
- What is example of survive?
- How do I survive life?
- What is ability to survive?
- What are the 5 most important survival skills?
- What is Kanya-kanya syndrome?
- What are basic survival skills?
- What are the six basic survival skills?
- What are the best survival tools?
- What is the best survival tip you can get?
- How do you survive an emergency?
- Can a human survive in the wild?
- How do you survive a zombie apocalypse?
- What is the zombie virus called?
- What are zombies afraid of?
- What virus can cause zombie?
- When was the first zombie apocalypse?
- Where did the zombie virus come from?
- Is Pithovirus dangerous?
- What is the oldest virus ever?
- What is the largest virus?
- What is the giant zombie virus?
- What are the signs of a zombie apocalypse?
- Was there a zombie apocalypse in 1599?
- Does the CDC really have a zombie plan?
- What is the CDC in America?
1 : to remain alive or in existence : live on. 2 : to continue to function or prosper. transitive verb. 1 : to remain alive after the death of he is survived by his wife.
What is the opposite of survival mode?
Okay, okay so thrival is not actually a real word, but it capably illustrates the opposite of survival. Thrival mode is how you climb out of that limiting space your challenges and trauma have caged you. Thrival mode is what happens when we operate from a place of self-acceptance, courage, and drive.
What’s a synonym for survival?
the condition of having survived something. An animal’s sense of smell is crucial to its survival. Synonyms. staying alive. existence.
What is example of survive?
Survive is defined as to live beyond or remain alive in spite of something. An example of survive is someone living through a major plane crash. To live, persist, or remain usable through. Plants that can survive frosts; a clock that survived a fall.
How do I survive life?
63 Steps to Survive the Worst Moments of Your Life
- Step 1: Slap yourself in the face.
- Step 2: Don’t compare your suffering to others.
- Step 3: Identify the feeling.
- Step 4: Don’t repress it.
- Step 5: Go ahead and cry if you need to.
- Step 6: Seriously.
- Step 7: See, doesn’t that feel nice?
What is ability to survive?
Ability Survive. Filipinos have an ability to survive, which is manifested in our capacity for endurance despite difficult times in our ability to get by on so very little. It is manifested in the millions of Filipinos who bravely live through the harshest economic and social circumstances.
What are the 5 most important survival skills?
5 Basic Survival Skills
- Basic Survival Skill 1: Fire. Fire is the king of survival techniques!
- Basic Survival Skill 2: Shelter.
- Basic Survival Skill 3: Signaling.
- Basic Survival Skill 4: Food & Water.
- Basic Survival Skill 5: First Aid.
What is Kanya-kanya syndrome?
Kanya-Kanya Syndrome. Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others, particularly one’s peers, who seem to have gained some status or prestige. There is a tendency in the Filipino to be superficial and even somewhat flighty.
What are basic survival skills?
8 Basic Survival Skills You Can Learn in Your Own Backyard
- Building a Fire. A fire can keep you warm, ward off predators, and provide heat for cooking.
- Creating Potable Water.
- Foraging for Food.
- Tying Knots.
- Making a Weapon.
- Building a Shelter.
- Basic First Aid.
- Fishing and Trapping.
What are the six basic survival skills?
Six Basic Survival Skills:
- Number 1: Attitude. More than any other skill, your attitude determines how successful you are in a survival situation.
- Stop. Plan.
- Number 2: Shelter.
- Number 3: Water.
- Number 4: Fire.
- Number 5: Food.
- Number 6: Naturalist Skills.
- Related Courses.
12 Best Survival Tools And Gear You Should Have For SHTF
- Solar hand crank battery operated portable radio/weather alert with compass.
- Portable pocket multi-tool.
- Hand cranking solar powered rechargeable flashlight.
- Survival hatchet.
- Hyperwhistle.
- Tactical self-defense pen.
- Water filter bottle.
- Pocket knife sharpener.
What is the best survival tip you can get?
Here are the top 10 survival tips every outdoors person should know:
- Master your attitude. A survival situation is not the time to panic.
- Make an insulated shelter.
- Make a shade shelter.
- Find clean water.
- Find other water sources.
- Collect water from vegetation.
- Light a fire.
- Build a fire.
How do you survive an emergency?
10 Emergency Preparedness Survival Tips
- Be mindful of the different kinds of disasters so that you can always be prepared.
- Try not to panic.
- Know your limits.
- Act: Physically prepare and rehearse your plan; and don’t be afraid to modify it as your needs change.
- Learn how to do more with less.
- Keep it simple.
Can a human survive in the wild?
Homo sapiens haven’t even inhabited the Americas for more than ~20,000 years. Removing that requirement modern humans absolutely can and still do live “in the wild.” There are tribes that live more or less like our paleolithic ancestors.
How do you survive a zombie apocalypse?
12 tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse
- Separate friends from foes. You can’t survive an apocalypse alone.
- Set up a base. This is very important!
- Make hunting for supplies a priority.
- Don’t drink the water.
- Pull your weight.
- Eliminate the weakest link.
- Find the perfect zombie-fighting ensemble.
- Just because you have shelter doesn’t mean you’re safe.
What is the zombie virus called?
(The scientists named the virus Pithovirus sibericum because its shape resembled the ancient Greek wine jars called “pithos.”) Fortunately, it appears that the primary threat that this zombie virus poses is to the microscopic amoeba population.
What are zombies afraid of?
Zombies are afraid of fire, so you will definitely want some fireworks with you. Incendiary grenades, smoke grenades and thermites all sound like a great idea. They will produce lots of bang and fizzle, allowing you to escape.
What virus can cause zombie?
But there is also a specific psychiatric disorder called Cotard’s syndrome that can cause people to act like zombies….Other viral diseases include:
- COVID-19.
- smallpox.
- the common cold.
- different types of flu.
- measles.
- mumps.
- rubella.
- chickenpox.
When was the first zombie apocalypse?
Where did the zombie virus come from?
On Sunday’s episode, a marine tells his comrades he heard the zombie virus was started because of a space spore. Creator Robert Kirkman joked in January that the virus was started by the very same thing.
Is Pithovirus dangerous?
Although the virus is harmless to humans, its viability after being frozen for millennia raised concerns that global climate change and tundra drilling operations could lead to potentially dangerous viruses being unearthed. Other scientists deny that this poses a real threat.
What is the oldest virus ever?
Smallpox and measles viruses are among the oldest that infect humans. Having evolved from viruses that infected other animals, they first appeared in humans in Europe and North Africa thousands of years ago.
What is the largest virus?
The physically largest virus is Pithovirus sibericum, at 1.5 microns (or 1,500 nanometers) in length [2]. Though that might seem tiny, it is larger than some bacteria, and approximately half the width of a strand of spider web silk [3].
What is the giant zombie virus?
Pithovirus, first described in a 2014 paper, is a genus of giant virus known from two species, Pithovirus sibericum, which infects amoebas and Pithovirus massiliensis. It is a double-stranded DNA virus, and is a member of the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses clade.
What are the signs of a zombie apocalypse?
Being aware of these infectious diseases may just help you to avoid your own personal zombie apocalypse….Symptoms usually progress quickly and may be difficult to diagnose right away:
- Muscle soreness.
- Warm and red/purplish or black-spotted skin.
- Ulcers and blisters that erupt on the skin.
- Fever.
- Extreme tiredness.
- Vomiting.
Was there a zombie apocalypse in 1599?
Romero-style zombie apocalypse happened in 1599, the night Shakespeare’s Henry V opened — and builds from there.
Does the CDC really have a zombie plan?
Yes, the CDC really does offer survival tips for a zombie pandemic. You may have noticed the chatter about the US Centers for Disease Control’s online zombie preparedness guide.
What is the CDC in America?
As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise.
survive — перевод на русский
I have to know what’s out there in order to protect myself and survive.
Должна понимать что там чтобы защитить себя и выжить
How can such a civilization survive… which permits their women to put things like that on their heads?
Каким образом надеется выжить цивилизация… которая позволяет своим женщинам носить на голове такое?
It’s give and take if we are to survive.
Чтобы выжить, мы меняемся.
we are all here working in order to simply survive and now we substituted
мы все здесь работаем для того, чтобы просто выжить и теперь нас подставили
We need to steal to survive.
Нам нужно красть, чтобы выжить.
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Then why did you let me survive the shame of my defeat?
Тогда почему ты дал мне пережить стыд моего поражения?
No, I wouldn’t survive it!
Нет, этого не пережить…
Some very hard times which, if we’ll survive them guarantee our staying in history.
Но если тебе удастся его пережить, не исключено, что ты попадешь в историю
And you will manage to survive without me tonight?
Ты сможешь пережить без меня сегодняшний вечер?
If you hadn’t been able to slow the heart rate, the patient could not have survived an operation so close to the heart.
Если бы Вы не сумели замедлить ритм сердцебиения, пациент мог бы не пережить операцию так близко от сердца.
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Oh. You’ll survive.
— О, жить будешь.
Do you think I could survive being separated from you?
Ты думаешь, я смогу жить без тебя?
You do not need much to survive.
Человеку немного нужно, чтобы жить.
He wants to survive.
Он ведь хочет жить.
This Earth woman we must trust for she can show us how to exist without wings, to survive and flourish.
Это земной женщине мы можем довериться, она может научить нас существовать без крыльев, жить и процветать.
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I’m teaching you how to survive!
Я учу вас выживать!
They struggle to survive, just like us.
Им приходится выживать также как и нам.
Our task is to discover in what way life is able to survive and flourish there.
Наша задача — узнать особенности жизни, способной выживать и процветать там.
Your political activism is funded by us peasants, but ordinary people like us have to survive on our wits.
Ваша политическая деятельность живёт за счёт нас, крестьян, а мы, в свою очередь, должны выживать за свой счёт.
— I’m trying to survive.
— Я умею выживать.
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That’s your best chance of surviving.
Это ваш лучший шанс на выживание.
So, what are my chances of surviving this?
Так каковы мои шансы на выживание?
Miserable life, always fighting to survive.
— Несчастная жизнь, в борьбе за выживание.
You have lost your right to survive.
Вы утратили свое право на выживание.
We are programmed to survive.
Мы запрограммированы на выживание.
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Two days after the attack, the military authorities, to stop the possible spreading of disease, seal off two square miles of the damaged area that had been Rochester and arm the surviving police, determined to prevent by force if necessary relatives of the dead removing bodies before the process of burning.
Спустя два дня после нападения, военные власти, чтобы предотвратить возможное распространение болезней, окружили две квадратных мили пострадавшей области, которая была Рочестером и вооружили выживших полицейских, чтобы не пустить в случае необходимости с применением силы родственников погибших к местам сожжения тел.
Human beings who’d survived with dignity and bravery.
людей, выживших с достоинством и отвагой.
The other two of us that survived.
Там еще двое выживших.
We’re the only surviving battlestar.
Наш корабль единственный из выживших этого класса.
And one of our surviving film producers rescued a camera from the wreckage.
И один из выживших режиссеров нашел под обломками камеру.
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The planet I am from wants to help Earth survive.
Планета, с которой я прибыл, хочет помочь Земле уцелеть.
It is the clear duty of those of us chosen to survive.
Это первейший долг тех, кто был избран, чтобы уцелеть.
They had to, in order to survive.
Им пришлось, чтобы уцелеть.
It is your killer instinct that must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat.
Твой инстинкт убийцы, вот что ты должен развивать если ты надеешься уцелеть в бою.
The reason we know so much about dinosaurs is that many were very big, with tough bones that could survive being washed down by the rivers and buried in the deposits of the delta.
Причины, по которым нам так много известно о динозаврах — их крупные размеры и крепкие кости, которые могли уцелеть, если их смывало речным потоком и погребало в дельтовых отложениях.
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Well…my uncle cannot survive as a masterless samurai he’s being pressured by his creditors and he’s talking of suicide
Мой дядя не может прожить на довольствие самурая кредиторы давят на него и он поговаривает о самоубийстве.
How should I survive even a few hours?
Как мне несколько часов прожить?
A thousand people could survive a year on the water it takes to keep this place a month.
На той воде, которая уходит в месяц на содержание… этой часовни, тысяча человек могла бы прожить год.
I would survive anywhere.
Я мог бы прожить где угодно и уцелел бы!
What are you talking about? Well, what you just said—that you could survive down here… without using any of your resources for 30 days. If you do it, you get my half of the property.
— Но ты только, что сказал, что смог бы прожить там внизу, на этих улицах, без всяких своих ресурсов — денег, карточек, документов в течение 30 дней.
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He’ll never survive.
Он этого не выдержит!
Those who might survive!
Если кто-то выдержит!
— cannot survive the excesses of the human race.
— о том, что наша планета не выдержит перенаселения.
Kai will survive!
Кай выдержит!
If the princess survives the com-shuk then you may have her head, Barshon.
Если принцесса выдержит Ком-шак тогда ты получишь ее голову, Баршон.
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He lined up 3 1 buses. If he’d left it at 30, maybe he would have survived.
Может, если бы их было только 30, он остался жив.
It’s the reason he survived.
Вот почему он остался жив.
I don’t mind him being a little retarded as long as he survives.
Пусть будет ненормальным, лишь бы остался жив.
Am I at fault for having survived?
Виновен ли я в том, что остался жив?
I don’t know how he survived.
Не знаю даже, как он остался жив.
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