What does the word risen mean

подниматься, повышаться, возрасти, возрастать, увеличиваться, вставать, восходить

- p. p. от rise

the loaf has risen in price — хлеб подорожал  
Christ is risen — Христос воскрес  
river had risen two feet — река поднялась на два фута  
the river had risen two feet — река поднялась на два фута  
the flood had risen two feet — река поднялась на два фута  
sugar has risen penny pound — сахар подорожал на пенни за фут  
flood had risen two feet — река поднялась на два фута  
risen space sign — указатель подъёма дороги  
well-risen bread — хлеб из теста правильной расстойки  
have fermented / risen — перебродить  

Christ is risen!

Христос воскрес!

The thermometer has risen to above 32.

Температура перевалила за плюс 32.

Prices have risen to a new level.

Цены поднялись на новый уровень.

They had risen at 5.30 to do the milking.

Они поднялись в 5.30, чтобы подоить коров.

Inflation has risen beyond the 5% level.

Уровень инфляции превысил пятипроцентный рубеж.

The quality of students has risen.

Уровень подготовки учащихся возрос.

Burglaries have risen by 5%.

Число краж со взломом увеличилось на пять процентов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Prices have risen sharply, as we know only too well.

The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozen.

Crime has risen under governments of every political complexion.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > risen

  • 2

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. extended (adj.) augmented; elevated; enhanced; extended; grown; heightened; increased; magnified; raised

    2. adjourned (verb) adjourned; dissolved; prorogued; recessed; terminated

    3. arisen (verb) arisen; ascended; aspired; get up; lifted; mounted; pile out; roll out; soared; stand up; turn out; upped

    5. happened (verb) befallen; betided; broken; chanced; come off; developed; done; fallen out; given; gone; happened; occurred; passed; transpired

    6. increased (verb) augmented; built; burgeoned; enlarged; escalated; expanded; grown; increased; multiplied; run up; snowballed; waxed

    7. intensified (verb) aggravated; deepened; enhanced; heightened; intensified; magnified; redoubled; roused

    8. lifted (verb) advanced; ascended; climbed; lifted; mounted; soared

    10. rolled out (verb) got up or gotten up; piled out; risen and shone; rolled out; stood up; turned out; uprisen

    11. sprung (verb) come; come from; derived; derived from; emanated; flowed; headed; issued; originated; proceeded; sprung; stemmed

    English-Russian base dictionary > risen

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > risen

  • 4


    risen p. p. от rise

    English-Russian short dictionary > risen

  • 5

    НБАРС > risen

  • 6

    Англо-русский технический словарь > risen

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > risen

  • 8


    повышение, возвышение, подъем

    возвышенность, холм


    подъем, восхождение

    восход, подъем

    поднятие занавеса

    поднятие; увеличение, рост, прирост; приобретение лучшего положения; повышение

    прибавка, повышение заработной платы

    вспышка гнева

    начало, исход, происхождение



    восстающая выработка; восстание

    возвышенный участок местности, возвышенность, холм

    стрела; вынос, провес


    лестничный пролет

    подниматься; вставать на ноги

    просыпаться, вставать с кровати

    становиться на дыбы

    становиться дыбом

    поднимать восстание, восставать; браться за оружие

    оказывать теплый прием, одобрять

    закрываться, прекращать работу

    снимать лагерь, осаду

    воскресать, оживать; возрождаться, возвращаться к жизни


    морально возвышаться; быть выше

    приобретать вес, влияние

    в(о)сходить, вставать, подниматься, взбираться

    увеличиваться в объеме, возрастать

    подниматься, подходить


    выходить из берегов


    издавать более высокую ноту

    происходить, случаться

    брать начало, начинаться

    иметь в качестве результата, получить в качестве результата

    быть в состоянии справиться; мобилизовать силы, усилия

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > risen

  • 9

    past participle

    of rise 2.

    * * *

    прич. прош. вр. от rise

    * * *

    прич. прош. вр. от rise

    Новый англо-русский словарь > risen

  • 10

    1) повышался; 2) поднимался

    English-Russian media dictionary > risen

  • 11

    Англо-русский современный словарь > risen

  • 12

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > risen

  • 13

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > risen

  • 14

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > risen

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > risen

  • 16
    risen pile

    risen pile

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > risen pile

  • 17
    risen pile

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > risen pile

  • 18
    risen space sign

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > risen space sign

  • 19
    risen on toes

    English-Russian sports dictionary > risen on toes

  • 20
    risen pile

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > risen pile


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Risen — Разработчик Piranha Bytes Издатель …   Википедия

  • Risen — Éditeur Deep Silver …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Risen 2 — Risen 2: Dark Waters Éditeur Deep Silver …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Risen 2 — Risen 2: Dark Waters Разработчик Piranha Bytes …   Википедия

  • Risen — bezeichnet: Risen (Lund), Naturreservat in der südschwedischen Gemeinde Lund Risen (Computerspiel), ein Computerspiel aus dem Jahr 2009 Risen (Film), ein US amerikanischer Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2008 Risen ist der Familienname folgender Personen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Risen — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Risen es un videojuego de rol creado por la compañía alemana Piranha Bytes y coproducido por Deep Silver. Argumento El juego se basa en una historia ficticia fantástica relacionada con la magia, los dioses y los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Risen — Ris en 1. p. p. & a. from {Rise}. Her risen Son and Lord. Keble. [1913 Webster] 2. (Obs.) imp. pl. of {Rise}. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • risen — risen; un·risen; …   English syllables

  • Risen — Infobox VG bgcolour = #FF974D title = Risen caption = developer = Piranha Bytes publisher = Deep Silver distributor = engine = released = 2009cite web |title=Games Convention 2008 photograph |url=http://worldofrisen.de/?section=gallery detail=306 …   Wikipedia

  • Risen — Rise Rise (r[imac]z), v. i. [imp. {Rose} (r[=o]z); p. p. {Risen}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rising}.] [AS. r[=i]san; akin to OS. r[=i]san, D. rijzen, OHG. r[=i]san to rise, fall, Icel. r[=i]sa, Goth. urreisan, G. reise journey. CF. {Arise}, {Raise},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Risen — Listed in the English section of the International Genealogical Index under a wide range of spellings including Risen, Rissen, Rison, Risson, Reyson, Ryson, Rissoan, Reisin, Reisen, Rizon, Risien and others, this is a surname of some complexity.… …   Surnames reference



v. rose (rōz), ris·en (rĭz′ən), ris·ing, ris·es


1. To assume a standing position after lying, sitting, or kneeling.

2. To get out of bed: rose at dawn.

3. To move from a lower to a higher position; ascend: Hot air rises.

4. To increase in size, volume, or level: The river rises every spring.

5. To increase in number, amount, or value: Prices are rising.

6. To increase in intensity, force, or speed: The wind has risen.

7. To increase in pitch or volume: The sound of their voices rose and fell.

8. To ascend above the horizon: The moon rose an hour after sunset.

9. To extend upward; be prominent: The tower rose above the hill.

10. To slant or slope upward: Denali rises to nearly 6,200 meters.

11. To come into existence; originate: bitterness that rose from hard experience.

12. To be erected: New buildings are rising in the city.

13. To appear at the surface of the water or the earth; emerge.

14. To puff up or become larger; swell up: The bread dough should rise to double its original size.

15. To become stiff and erect: The hair rose on the cat’s neck.

16. To attain a higher status: an officer who rose through the ranks.

17. To become apparent to the mind or senses: Old fears rose to haunt me.

18. To uplift oneself to meet a demand or challenge: She rose to the occasion and won the election.

19. To return to life: rose from the dead.

20. To rebel: «the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government» (Abraham Lincoln).

21. To close a session of an official assembly; adjourn.


1. To cause to rise: The dogs will rise the pheasants.

2. To cause (a distant object at sea) to become visible above the horizon by advancing closer.


1. The act of rising; an ascent.

2. The degree of elevation or ascent.

3. The first appearance of a celestial object as it ascends above the horizon.

4. An increase in height, as of the level of water.

5. A gently sloped hill.

6. A long broad elevation that slopes gently from the earth’s surface or the ocean floor.

7. An origin, beginning, or source: the rise of the novel.

8. Occasion or opportunity: facts that give rise to doubts about her motives.

9. The emergence of a fish seeking food or bait at the water’s surface.

10. An increase in price, worth, quantity, or degree.

11. An increase in intensity, volume, or pitch.

12. Elevation in status, prosperity, or importance: the family’s rise in New York society.

13. The height of a flight of stairs or of a single riser.

14. Chiefly British An increase in salary or wages; a raise.

15. Informal An angry or irritated reaction: finally got a rise out of her.

16. The distance between the crotch and waistband in pants, shorts, or underwear.

Synonyms: rise, ascend, climb, soar, mount1
These verbs mean to move upward from a lower to a higher elevation, position, or amount. Rise has the widest range of application: The sun rises early in the summer. Prices rise and fall. Ascend frequently suggests a gradual but persistent rise: The plane ascended steadily until it was out of sight. She ascended through the ranks to become CEO. Similarly, climb connotes steady, often effortful progress, as against gravity: «You climb up through the little grades and then get to the top» (John Updike).
Soar implies effortless and usually rapid ascent to a great height or noteworthiness: The fly ball soared out of the ballpark. The band’s popularity soared after the release of the album. Mount connotes a progressive increase to a higher level: Our expenses mounted fearfully. See Also Synonyms at beginning, stem1.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




the past participle of rise


(Theology) restored from death; ascended into glory: the risen Christ.

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Smoke was rising into the air.

Bubbles rose to the surface of water.

The tide rose and fell.

The land rises as you move away from the coast.

a tower rising above the little town

a politician who rose to fame very quickly

The book has risen to the top of best-seller lists.

People are angry about rising gasoline prices.

The market is continuing to rise.

The wind rose in the afternoon.


We watched the rise and fall of the waves.

The book describes the empire’s rise and fall.

the meteoric rise of the Internet

a politician’s rise to fame

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Wisconsin’s income tax rates start at 3.54% and rise to 7.65%.

Laura Schulte, Journal Sentinel, 7 Apr. 2023

The remodeled house on a 7,405-square-foot lot has glass walls that rise 14 feet to the ceilings.

Jeastman, oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

This includes efforts to generate ongoing revenues, such as regional tax measures, but also the questions of what areas to tackle first so that wealthy communities don’t shift the brunt of sea level rise to less-privileged neighbors.

John King, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 Apr. 2023

The act rises to a felony when the inaccurate record is entered as part of an effort to commit a different, underlying crime, the attorneys said.

Max Zahn, ABC News, 7 Apr. 2023

The result is a bare-knuckles portrait of a player who as a teenager rose to the pinnacle of his sport and peak celebrity in Germany, his home country.

Matthew Futterman, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

Overall money-fund assets hit a new record last week, rising to $5.25 trillion, boosted by the flight of bank depositors.

Eric Wallerstein, WSJ, 7 Apr. 2023

Historians disagree about whether the Hyksos came to Egypt as invaders or gradually settled in the Nile Delta before rising to power.

Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 7 Apr. 2023

The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, which has caused the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere to rise to levels that cannot be explained by natural causes, scientists say.

Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

Yet the rise in Black employment also reflects key pandemic-era changes in the labor market.

Lauren Kaori Gurley, Abha Bhattarai And Naomi Nix, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Apr. 2023

Besides the overall rise in fraudulent activity, several factors could be behind the increase in filings — more alerts from government officials tipping off banks to specific activities, increasingly sophisticated technologies to detect them and more regulatory scrutiny.

Ron Lieber, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Officials projected a rise in freshman applicants this year, but as decision day nears, that window is narrowing.

Rebecca Griesbach | , al, 7 Apr. 2023

Federal regulators called on railroads Friday to reevaluate their placement of rail cars and locomotives, particularly in long trains, citing a rise in derailments in which the makeup of the train is a leading cause or a contributing factor.

Luz Lazo, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023

Yet the rise in Black employment also reflects key pandemic-era changes in the labor market.

Naomi Nix, Washington Post, 7 Apr. 2023

The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid was higher over the past few months than the government had initially reported, reflecting a modest rise in layoffs as the economy has slowed in the face of higher interest rates.

Matt Ott, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

Even by the light-speed standard of social media, Olaplex had a fast rise—and suffered an even quicker backlash.

Chavie Lieber, wsj.com, 6 Apr. 2023

The rise in digital nomadism helps.

Kathleen Wong, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘rise.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



Morphologically rise +‎ -n.


  • IPA(key): /ˈɹɪzən/
  • Rhymes: -ɪzən



  1. past participle of rise


  • ESRIN, Isner, Neris, Reins, Rines, Siner, Siren, reins, resin, rines, rinse, serin, siren



risen f

  1. singulative of ris (rice)
  2. grain of rice



This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!


risen c

  1. definite singular of ris

Middle Dutch[edit]


From Old Dutch *rīsan, from Proto-Germanic *rīsaną.


  • IPA(key): /ˈriːzən/



  1. to rise, to go up
  2. to arise, to appear


Strong class 1
Infinitive risen
3rd sg. past rêes
3rd pl. past rēsen
Past participle gerēsen
Infinitive risen
In genitive risens
In dative risene
Indicative Present Past
1st singular rise rêes
2nd singular rijs, rises rēes, rēses
3rd singular rijst, riset rêes
1st plural risen rēsen
2nd plural rijst, riset rēest, rēset
3rd plural risen rēsen
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular rise rēse
2nd singular rijs, rises rēses
3rd singular rise rēse
1st plural risen rēsen
2nd plural rijst, riset rēset
3rd plural risen rēsen
Imperative Present
Singular rijs, rise
Plural rijst, riset
Present Past
Participle risende gerēsen

Derived terms[edit]

  • errisen


  • Dutch: rijzen
  • Limburgish: rieze

Further reading[edit]

  • “risen (II)”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek, 2000
  • Verwijs, E.; Verdam, J. (1885–1929), “risen”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, →ISBN

Middle English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • rysen, resen


From Old English rīsan, from Proto-West Germanic *rīsan, from Proto-Germanic *rīsaną.


  • IPA(key): /ˈriːzən/



  1. to rise


infinitive (to) risen, rise
present tense past tense
1st-person singular rise ros
2nd-person singular risest rise, rose, ros
3rd-person singular riseth ros
subjunctive singular rise rise1, rose1
imperative singular
plural2 risen, rise risen, rise, rosen, rose
imperative plural riseth, rise
participles risynge, risende risen, rise, yrisen, yrise

1Replaced by the indicative in later Middle English.
2Sometimes used as a formal 2nd-person singular.


  • English: rise
  • Yola: rize


  • “rīsen, v.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]


This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!


risen m

  1. definite singular of ris

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]

Etymology 1[edit]


  • IPA(key): /ˈriːsn̩/


risen m

  1. definite singular of ris

Etymology 2[edit]


  • IPA(key): /²riːsn̩/


risen m

  1. definite singular of rise

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