What does the word rather mean

скорее, довольно, вернее, лучше, несколько, предпочтительнее, слегка, охотнее


- лучше, скорее; охотнее, предпочтительнее

- скорее, больше; правильнее

it is rather good than bad — это скорее хороший /хорошо/, чем плохой /плохо/
derived rather from imagination than reason — это скорее плод воображения, чем логический вывод
the colour seems green rather than blue — это скорее зелёный цвет, чем синий
he relies on mere abuse rather than on argument — его метод не аргументация, а брань
I, rather than you, should take the risk — (этот) риск должен взять на себя я, а вовсе /отнюдь/ не вы

- до некоторой степени, довольно, отчасти; несколько; пожалуй

- наоборот; отнюдь не

rather, we have won — наоборот, мы победили

- а не, вместо

to elect a chairman for a year rather than a term — выбрать председателя на год, а не на семестр
this is not the result, rather it is the cause — это является причиной, а отнюдь не следствием

- вернее, правильнее; по правде говоря

we came home late last night or, rather, early this morning — мы пришли домой вчера поздно ночью, а вернее сказать, сегодня рано утром
the building is a great success, or rather a triumph, for the designer — это здание

- в грам. знач. междометия ещё бы!; ещё как!; конечно!, разумеется!

have you been here before? — Rather!
would you like to come? — Rather!
Rather! — нисколько!, вовсе нет!, отнюдь!
the rather — тем более что …, тем скорее

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

It’s rather cold.

Довольно холодно.

I would rather play tennis than watch TV.

Я бы предпочёл играть в теннис, чем смотреть телевизор.

She is rather ill.

Она серьёзно больна.

He’s a rather nice man. / He’s rather a nice man.

Он весьма приятный человек.

He is my sister’s friend really, rather than mine.

На самом деле, он скорее друг моей сестры, чем мой.

I rather doubt I’ll be able to come to your party.

Я немного сомневаюсь, что смогу прийти к тебе на вечеринку.

‘Do you want to come to see me this evening?’ ‘Rather!’

— Хочешь зайти ко мне вечером? — Да, конечно.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

rath  — быстрый
ratherish  — до некоторой степени, в некоторой мере, несколько, до известной степени


Alternative forms[edit]

  • raither (obsolete)


From Middle English rather, from Old English hraþor, comparative of hraþe (soon, early, fast), equivalent to rathe +‎ -er. More at rathe. Cognate with Dutch radder (faster), comparative of Dutch rad (fast; quick), German Low German radd, ratt (rashly; quickly; hastily), German gerade (even; straight; direct).


  • (Received Pronunciation) enPR: rä′thə(r), IPA(key): /ˈɹɑː.ðə(ɹ)/
  • (Received Pronunciation) (interjection) IPA(key): /ˌɹɑːˈðɜː(ɹ)/
  • (General American) enPR: th′ər, rä′thər, IPA(key): /ˈɹæð.ɚ/, (now rare) /ˈɹɑ.ðɚ/
  • (General Australian) enPR: rä’thə, th’ə, IPA(key): /ˈɹaː.ðə/, (uncommon) /ˈɹæ.ðə/
  • (Southern American English) enPR: rŭ’thə(r), rä’thə(r), IPA(key): /ˈɹʌ.ðə(ɹ)/, (uncommon) /ˈɹɑː.ðə(ɹ)/
  • Rhymes: -ɑːðə(ɹ), -æðə(ɹ), -ʌðə(ɹ)
  • Hyphenation: rath‧er


rather (not comparable)

  1. (obsolete) More quickly. [9th–19th c.]
    Synonyms: sooner, earlier
  2. Used to specify a choice or preference; preferably, in preference to. (Now usually followed by than) [from 9th c.]
    Synonym: (archaic) liefer

    I would rather stay in all day than go out with them.

    I would like this one rather than the other one.

    I would much rather be with you.

    • 1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, New York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, →ISBN, page vii:

      Firstly, I continue to base most species treatments on personally collected material, rather than on herbarium plants.

    • 2004, Erlend Øye; Eirik Glambek Bøe (lyrics and music), “I’d Rather Dance with You”, performed by Kings of Convenience:

      I’d rather dance with you than talk with you / So why don’t we just move into the other room

  3. (conjunctive) Used to introduce a contradiction; on the contrary. [from 14th c.]

    It wasn’t supposed to be popular; rather, it was supposed to get the job done.

    She didn’t go along, but rather went home instead.

  4. (conjunctive) Introducing a qualification or clarification; more precisely. (Now usually preceded by or.) [from 15th c.]
    • 1897 October 16, Henry James, chapter IX, in What Maisie Knew, Chicago, Ill.; New York, N.Y.: Herbert S. Stone & Co., →OCLC, page 94:

      What the pupil already knew was indeed rather taken for granted than expressed, but it performed the useful function of transcending all textbooks, and supplanting all studies.

    • 1898, J. A. Hamilton, «Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith», in Sidney Lee (Ed.), Dictionary of National Biography, Volume LIV: Stanhope–Stovin, The MacMillan Company, page 60,
      His ‘Iliad’ is spirited and polished, and, though often rather a paraphrase than a translation, is always more truly poetic than most of the best translations.
    • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XXIV, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC, pages 198–199:

      All this was extraordinarily distasteful to Churchill. [] Never before had he felt such repulsion when the vicar displayed his characteristic bluntness or coarseness of speech. In the present connection—or rather as a transition from the subject that had started their conversation—such talk had been distressingly out of place.

    I didn’t want to leave. Or rather I did, just not alone.

  5. (degree) Somewhat, fairly. [from 16th c.]
    Synonyms: somewhat, fairly, quite
    Antonym: utterly

    This melon is rather tasteless, especially compared to the one we had last time.

    We had some rather bad news today.

    We’ll be seeing rather a lot of you over the next few days.

Usage notes[edit]

  • (somewhat): This is a non-descriptive qualifier, similar to quite and fairly and somewhat. It is used where a plain adjective needs to be modified, but cannot be qualified. When spoken, the meaning can vary with the tone of voice and stress. “He was rather big” can mean anything from “not small” to “huge” (meiosis with the stress on rather).
  • (preference): When expressing preference, the expression is usually would rather or had rather, usually contracted to ‘d rather, but will rather and should rather also exist. In fact, use without any modal verb also exists in nonstandard and dialectal usage, in which rather is used as a verb (he rathers/rathered), see below.



  • Afrikaans: liewer
  • Arabic: بِالْأَحْرَى(bi-l-ʔaḥrā)
  • Belarusian: хутчэ́й (xutčéj)
  • Bulgarian: за предпочитане (za predpočitane)
  • Catalan: preferiblement (ca), més aviat
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 比較比较 (zh) (bǐjiào), (rather than) 與其与其 (zh) (yǔqí), 寧願宁愿 (zh) (nìngyuàn)
  • Czech: raději (cs), spíš (cs), spíše (cs)
  • Danish: hellere
  • Dutch: liever (nl)
  • Estonian: ennem, pigem (et)
  • Finnish: mieluummin (fi)
  • French: plutôt (fr)
  • German: eher (de), lieber (de)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: μᾶλλον (mâllon), θᾶσσον (thâsson)
  • Hungarian: inkább (hu), szívesebben, jobban (hu)
  • Icelandic: fremur
  • Italian: preferibilmente (it), piuttosto (it)
  • Japanese: 寧ろ (ja) (むしろ, mushiro), むしろ (ja) (mushiro), 一層 (ja) (いっそ, isso)
  • Latin: potius
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: heller (no), fortrinnsvis (no), snarere
    Nynorsk: heller, fortrinnsvis
  • Old English: lēofre
  • Polish: raczej (pl)
  • Portuguese: antes (pt), preferivelmente, de preferência
  • Romanian: mai degrabă
  • Russian: лу́чше (ru) (lúčše), скоре́е (ru) (skoréje)
  • Serbo-Croatian: radije (sh)
  • Sicilian: scanciu
  • Spanish: preferiblemente
  • Swedish: hellre (sv), helst (sv), snarare (sv)
  • Turkish: daha ziyade
  • Ukrainian: ра́дше (rádše), скорі́ше (skoríše), кра́ще (krášče), шви́дше (švýdše)
  • Welsh: yn hytrach
  • Yiddish: ליבערשט(libersht)

on the contrary

  • Belarusian: хутчэ́й (xutčéj)
  • Bulgarian: по-скоро (po-skoro)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 反而 (zh) (fǎn’ér), 反倒 (zh) (fǎndào)
  • Danish: tværtimod
  • Dutch: daarentegen (nl)
  • Finnish: pikemminkin (fi), vaan (fi)
  • French: au contraire (fr)
  • German: im Gegenteil
  • Hungarian: ellenkezőleg (hu), sőt (hu)
  • Japanese: 寧ろ (ja) (む​しろ, mushiro)
  • Korean: 오히려 (ko) (ohiryeo)
  • Malayalam: മറിച്ച് (maṟiccŭ)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: snarere, tvert imot
  • Polish: raczej (pl)
  • Portuguese: ao contrário, aliás (pt)
  • Russian: скоре́е (ru) (skoréje), напро́тив (ru) (naprótiv)
  • Sicilian: scanciu
  • Spanish: más bien, al contrario
  • Swedish: snarare (sv)
  • Turkish: bilakis (tr)
  • Ukrainian: скорі́ше (skoríše), навпаки́ (uk) (navpaký)

more precisely

  • Bulgarian: по-скоро (po-skoro), по-точно (po-točno)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Danish: snarere
  • Finnish: pikemminkin (fi), tarkemmin sanottuna
  • Georgian: უფრო სწორად (upro sc̣orad)
  • German: eher (de), um genau zu sein
  • Hungarian: vagyis (hu), illetve (hu), jobban mondva, azaz (hu), azazhogy (hu), helyesebben
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: snarere, heller (no)
  • Polish: raczej (pl)
  • Portuguese: mais (pt), ou seja (pt), melhor dizendo, ou melhor (pt)
  • Russian: верне́е (ru) (vernéje)
  • Serbo-Croatian: tačnije
  • Spanish: más bien
  • Swedish: snarare (sv)
  • Ukrainian: ра́дше (rádše)

somewhat, fairly

  • Belarusian: даво́лі (davóli), до́сыць (dósycʹ)
  • Bulgarian: донякъде (bg) (donjakǎde), доста (bg) (dosta)
  • Catalan: força (ca), bastant (ca), més aviat
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 相當相当 (zh) (bǐjiào)
  • Danish: noget (da)
  • Dutch: nogal (nl), tamelijk (nl), vrij (nl), redelijk (nl), best wel
  • Faroese: nokkso, rættiliga
  • Finnish: melko (fi), aika (fi)
  • French: plutôt (fr)
  • German: eher (de), ziemlich (de), recht (de)
  • Greek: μάλλον (el) (mállon)
  • Hungarian: elég (hu), eléggé (hu), meglehetősen (hu)
  • Italian: abbastanza (it), piuttosto (it)
  • Japanese: かなり (ja) (kanari)
  • Latvian: diezgan, gluži
  • Navajo: tʼáá yédígo
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: ganske (no), nokså, temmelig (no)
    Nynorsk: ganske, nokså, temmeleg
  • Polish: dość (pl), dosyć (pl)
  • Portuguese: bastante (pt), bem (pt), um tanto (pt), meio (pt)
  • Romagnol: abastânza
  • Russian: дово́льно (ru) (dovólʹno), доста́точно (ru) (dostátočno)
  • Sicilian: bastanti (scn)
  • Spanish: algo (es), bastante (es)
  • Swedish: ganska (sv), rätt (sv), tämligen (sv)
  • Thai: ค่อนข้าง (th) (kɔ̂n-kâang)
  • Turkish: bayağı (tr)
  • Ukrainian: доста́тньо (dostátnʹo), до́сить (uk) (dósytʹ)
  • Vietnamese: khá (vi)
  • Welsh: eithaf (cy)

Translations to be checked


rather (third-person singular simple present rathers, present participle rathering, simple past and past participle rathered)

  1. (nonstandard or dialectal) To prefer; to prefer to.
    • 1984, Bruce Brooks, The Moves Make the Man:

      Until just before the pie was popped into the heat. A few of them suddenly realized who put that gorgeous hunk of crackers together, and gaped. We grinned back, but very cool. The ones who knew said nothing, rathering to die than let on they had been hustled by two negative dudes.

    • 2002, Sarah Waters, Fingersmith:

      It was a plain brown dress, more or less the colour of my hair; and the walls of our kitchen being also brown, when I came downstairs again I could hardly be seen. I should have rathered a blue gown, or a violet one []

    • 2002, Elizabeth Bowen, The Heat of the Day:
      So you must excuse my saying anything I did: all it was, that up to the very last I had understood us all to be friendly — apart, that is, from his rathering me not there. How was I to know he would flash out so wicked?
    • 2007, Mikel Schaefer, Lost in Katrina, page 323:
      «That was a killer,» said Chris. «I’d rathered die in St. Bernard than spent one minute over there. I would have rathered the storm, shaking with the wind and rain hitting in the boat for an eternity than spending any time there.


rather (not comparable)

  1. (obsolete) Prior; earlier; former.
    • 1900, John Mandeville, The Travels of Sir John Mandeville (version in modern spelling)
      Now no man dwelleth at the rather town of Damietta.



  1. (England, dated) An enthusiastic affirmation.

    Would you like some? –Rather!

    • 1919, P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves[1]:

      «Do you mean to say, young man,» she said frostily, «that you expect me to drink this stuff?» ¶ «Rather! Bucks you up, you know.»

    • 1950, C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
      «Farewell, Daughter of Eve,» said he. «Perhaps I may keep the handkerchief?»
      «Rather!» said Lucy, and then ran towards the far-off patch of daylight as quickly as her legs would carry her.
    • 1967, Peter Pook, Banker Pook Confesses[2]:

      «Some of us stupid old die-hards believe that there is yet room for pride in one’s work, Pook,» Mr Pants said with dangerous emphasis. «Oh, rather, sir. I’d much sooner walk to London Town than ride in one of those motorcars we’ve heard tell of, sir.»


  • Harter

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of rathere (more quickly)



  1. Alternative form of rathere (quicker)


: with better reason or more propriety : more properly

this you should pity rather than despiseWilliam Shakespeare


: more readily or willingly : preferably

would rather read than watch television

often used interjectionally to express affirmation


: more correctly speaking

my father, or rather my stepfather


: to the contrary : instead

was no better but rather grew worseMark 5:26 (Revised Standard Version)


: in some degree : somewhat

often used as a mild intensive

spent rather a lot of money


the rather


: the more quickly or readily


Example Sentences

The movie is a comedy, but rather a dull one.

I think the children watch rather too much television.

It rather annoyed me that he was late picking me up.

Recent Examples on the Web

And writers Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have taken a rather fearless approach.

Evan Romano, Men’s Health, 13 Apr. 2023

The idea to take up a new event for her final collegiate season didn’t come from her but rather one of her coaches.

Josh Reed, Anchorage Daily News, 12 Apr. 2023

There may be structures or elements in your garden that pose a physical threat to puppies who may charge around and be rather uncoordinated at first.

Elizabeth Waddington, Treehugger, 12 Apr. 2023

Analysts don’t explicitly blame last month’s bank failures for the stricter lending conditions ahead, but rather emphasize the role banks play in facilitating commercial real estate transactions.

Alena Botros, Fortune, 12 Apr. 2023

Several female students who were identified by detectives as partaking in the fights told investigators that the fights were not random, but rather pre-planned, the affidavit said.

Gina Martinez, CBS News, 11 Apr. 2023

This all taps into the growing trend of creating opportunities for engaging in ritual within the home, tied not to religion but rather to reconnecting with a sense of self—an all-too-important concept as more people work from home all day, with the vast majority spent looking at screens.

Austa Somvichian-clausen, Robb Report, 11 Apr. 2023

Visibility Visibility, or rather invisibility, is where fluoro really shines.

Jerry Audet, Field & Stream, 11 Apr. 2023

The provision was used not to fast-track the drug’s approval, the Kaiser Family Foundation recently reported, but rather to regulate who could dispense the pills and where.

Chloe Atkins, NBC News, 11 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘rather.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Old English hrathor, comparative of hrathe quickly; akin to Old High German rado quickly, Old English hræd quick

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of rather was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near rather

Cite this Entry

“Rather.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rather. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
14 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

There are days when I just cannot have straight coffee, but rather make a *rather* chocolaty mocha. made with dark chocolate chips AH! ❋ Kludge (2007)

In the analysis of «_I had rather go_,» _had_ is the predicate verb, the infinitive _go_ is the object complement, and the adjective _rather_ completes _had_ and belongs to _go_, i.e., is objective complement. ❋ Brainerd Kellogg (N/A)

I have seen him in the streets when he would go anywhere, or turn down any passage, rather than meet me; and when compelled to meet me he would look up at the sky or survey the chimney tops _rather_ than see me. ‘ ❋ Henry Woodcock (N/A)

TRUNDLEBEN: I think it was rather — perhaps _rather_ tragic, Sir Webley. ❋ Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany (1917)

It was getting very near the holidays, already the middle of July, and though we had several times asked mamma where we were going, she had never been able to tell us, and at last she got tired of our asking, and said in her rather vexed voice — she has a vexed voice, and a _very_ vexed voice as well, but when it isn’t as bad as either of these we call it her «_rather_ vexed» voice. ❋ Mrs. Molesworth (1880)

(or rather I) who have done wrong or right, and the consequence is, that the American is _rather_ irritable on the subject, as every attack is taken as personal. ❋ Frederick Marryat (1820)

In many administrations, customer service is just a label rather than a behavior.

The earth’s shadow on the moon is poetic, a sigh between sentences, using a definition rather than the word. ❋ Robert Salley (2011)

SMAs can be good for investors because the assets are held in their name rather than comingled with other investors’ money in a fund. ❋ Mary Pilon (2011)

Flashman’s Khokandian friends seem to have used the term rather loosely, possibly because many of them were part Mongol by descent. ❋ Geoff Barbanell (2010)

His decision to use his title rather than his first name spoke volumes about the relationship between them. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Or shouldn’t the title rather be: Who loses from applied statistics? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Since I was unfamiliar with the TV show I found the title rather confusing at first but after grabbing them I can say it is a solid Earp series. ❋ Zen Tiger (2009)

Chakotay bristled internally at Cambridges use of her name rather than rank, but chose to let it pass. ❋ Kirsten Beyer (2009)

He convincingly argues that I, like many others, have been using the term rather imprecisely. ❋ John M (2009)

The term rather suggests that the people it describes are robotic shills. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A: Werent we [slaughtered] at [the cricket] yesterday?
B: [Rather]! ❋ Rob (2004)

That was [exceedingly] rather.
meaning: my mind [blows] at the [sheer] paucitude of shoddiness addended to the object or idea described as «rather» ❋ Phil Pro (2006)

we were rathering [last night], and it got [pretty] [heated]. ❋ Whoknows384728490234 (2010)

Rathers, is [your face] [okay]? ❋ Jeff’s Name Isn’t Really Jeff. (2019)

If my [cable] or [satellite] went out and I needed a [news] fix, I’d Rather not. ❋ Harry Flashman (2003)

Circa 2009 one would prefer [Dwight Howard] to [Ronny] Turiaf, but a brave soul would be [rather having] Ronny. ❋ The Gosh Dang Bruin (2018)

I can’t [belive] [Robert] [Richer] Dan Rathered me! ❋ Smb1971 (2008)

Can one peasant wearing [short pants] save [the countryside] from certain [burnination]? YOU DECIDE! ❋ SMD (2004)

What’s the [frequency], [Kenneth]? ❋ Concerned (2004)

Dan Rather needs to [wipe] his mouth [once in a while]. He drools more than [my dog]. ❋ Dylan Hamilton (2005)


 (răth′ər, rä′thər)


1. More readily; preferably: I’d rather go to the movies.

2. More exactly; more accurately: He’s my friend, or rather he was my friend.

3. To a certain extent; somewhat: It’s rather cold out. I was rather hoping you’d call.

4. On the contrary: This is not a thoughtful criticism. Rather it is an insult.

5. (ră′thûr′, rä′-) Chiefly British Most certainly. Used as an emphatic affirmative reply.

[Middle English, from Old English hrathor, comparative of hræthe, quickly, soon, from hræth, quick.]

Usage Note: In expressions of preference rather is commonly preceded by would: We would rather rent the house than buy it outright. In formal style, should is sometimes used, though this can sound pretentious in American English: I should rather go with you than stay home. Sometimes had appears in these constructions, although this use of had seems to be growing less frequent: I had rather work with Williams than work for him. This usage was once widely criticized as a mistake, but the criticism resulted from a misanalysis of the contraction in sentences such as I’d rather stay. The ‘d here is a survival of the subjunctive form had that appears in constructions like had better and had best, as in We had better leave now. This use of had goes back to Middle English and is perfectly acceptable. · Before an unmodified noun only rather a is used: It was rather a disaster. When the noun is preceded by an adjective, however, both rather a and a rather are found: It was rather a boring party. It was a rather boring party. Rather a is more typical of British English than American English. When a rather is used in this construction, rather qualifies only the adjective, whereas with rather a it qualifies either the adjective or the entire noun phrase. Thus a rather long ordeal can mean only «an ordeal that is rather long,» whereas rather a long ordeal can also mean roughly «a long process that is something of an ordeal.» Rather a is the only possible choice when the adjective itself does not permit modification: The horse was rather a long shot (not The horse was a rather long shot).

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



adv (in senses 1-4, not used with a negative)

1. relatively or fairly; somewhat: it’s rather dull.

2. to a significant or noticeable extent; quite: she’s rather pretty.

3. to a limited extent or degree: I rather thought that was the case.

4. with better or more just cause: this text is rather to be deleted than rewritten.

5. more readily or willingly; sooner: I would rather not see you tomorrow.

sentence connector

on the contrary: it’s not cold. Rather, it’s very hot indeed.

sentence substitute

an expression of strong affirmation, often in answer to a question: Is it worth seeing? Rather!.

[Old English hrathor comparative of hræth ready, quick; related to Old Norse hrathr]

Usage: Both would and had are used with rather in sentences such as I would rather (or had rather) go to the film than to the play. Had rather is less common and is now widely regarded as slightly old-fashioned

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈræð ər, ˈrɑ ðər)


1. to some extent: rather good.

2. in some degree: I rather expect you’ll regret it.

3. more properly or justly: The contrary is rather to be supposed.

4. sooner: to die rather than yield.

5. more truly: He is a painter or, rather, a watercolorist.

6. on the contrary: It’s not generosity, rather self-interest.


had or would rather, to prefer that or to: I had much rather we not stay.

[before 900; Middle English; Old English hrathor, comp. of hræth quick, rathe]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used as adverb of degree

Rather means ‘to a small extent’.

It’s a rather sad story.

You can use rather in front of like when you are using like as a preposition.

This animal looks and behaves rather like a squirrel.

She imagined a life rather like that of the Kennedys.

Rather in this sense is mainly used in writing. In conversation you would normally use a bit.

I’m a bit confused

It tastes a bit like a tomato.

Several words and expressions can be used to say that something is the case to a smaller or greater extent.

Rather is also used to soften the effect of the word or expression that follows it. For example, if someone asks you to do something, you might say ‘I’m rather busy’. You mean that you are busy, but rather makes your reply seem more polite.

I’m rather puzzled by this question.

He did it rather badly.

Rather is more common in British than American English in the above senses.

2. ‘would rather’

If you say that you would rather do something, you mean that you would prefer to do it. In speech, would rather is usually contracted to ‘d rather. If you write down what someone says, you usually write ‘d rather.

I’ll order tea. Or perhaps you‘d rather have coffee.

‘What was all that about?’ – ‘I’m sorry, I‘d rather not say.’

In sentences like these you use an infinitive without to after would rather.

You can also use would rather followed by a clause to say that you would prefer something to happen or be done. In the clause you use the past simple.

Would you rather she came to see me?

‘May I go on?’ – ‘I‘d rather you didn’t.’

3. ‘rather than’

Rather than is used to link words or expressions of the same type. You use rather than when you have said what is true and you want to compare it with what is not true.

I have used familiar English names rather than scientific Latin ones.

It made him frightened rather than angry.

4. correcting a mistake

You can also use rather when you are correcting a mistake you have made, or when you think of a better word than the one you have just used.

There’d been a message, or rather a series of messages, on Dalziel’s answering machine.

He explained what the Crux is, or rather, what it was.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adv. 1. rather — on the contrary; «rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left»; «he didn’t call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter»; «used English terms instead of Latin ones»


2. rather — to some (great or small) extent; «it was rather cold»; «the party was rather nice»; «the knife is rather dull»; «I rather regret that I cannot attend»; «He’s rather good at playing the cello»; «he is kind of shy»

kind of, kinda, sort of

3. rather — more readily or willingly; «clean it well, preferably with warm water»; «I’d rather be in Philadelphia»; «I’d sooner die than give up»

preferably, sooner

4. rather — to a degree (not used with a negative); «quite tasty»; «quite soon»; «quite ill»; «quite rich»


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. instead of, as opposed to She made students think for themselves, rather than telling them what to think.


1. preferably, sooner, instead, more readily, more willingly I’d rather stay at home than fight against the holiday crowds.

2. to some extent, quite, sort of (informal), kind of (informal), a little, a bit, pretty (informal), fairly, relatively, somewhat, slightly, moderately, to some degree I’m afraid it’s rather a long story.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إلى حَدٍ مابَلْعلى الأصَحيُفَضِّل


hellerei stedet forretsnarere endtemmelig





frekar, fremurfremur, frekarfremur/heldur/frekar en




greičiautikriautiksliau sakant

diezgandrīzāklabākprecīzāk sakotvisai




oldukçaaz çokbirazdaha doğrusudemek daha iyi olacak





1. (preference) we decided to camp, rather than stay at a hoteldecidimos acampar, en lugar de quedarnos en un hotel
I’ll stay rather than go aloneprefiero quedarme a ir solo
I’d rather have this one than thatprefiero éste a aquél
«would you like a sweet?» — «I’d rather have an apple»-¿quieres un caramelo? -preferiría una manzana
would you rather stay here?¿prefieres quedarte?
I’d rather stay in tonightpreferiría no salir esta noche
I’d rather he didn’t come to the partypreferiría que no viniera a la fiesta
anything rather than that! (hum) → ¡cualquier cosa menos eso!
play anything rather than thattoca cualquier cosa que no sea eso
I’d rather notprefiero no hacerlo
I’d rather not sayprefiero no decirlo
«I’m going to have it out with the boss» — «rather you than me!»-voy a planteárselo al jefe -¡allá tú!

3. (= quite) → bastante
it’s a rather difficult task; it’s rather a difficult taskes una tarea bastante difícil
we were rather tiredestábamos bastante cansados
I was rather disappointedquedé bastante decepcionado
he did rather well in the examle fue bastante bien en el examen
«isn’t she pretty?» — «yes, she is rather»-¿es guapa, eh? -sí, bastante
«are you keen to go?» — «yes, I am rather»-¿tienes ganas de ir? -sí que quiero
there’s rather a lothay bastante
£20! that’s rather a lot!¡20 libras! ¡es bastante caro!
I’ve got rather a lot of homework to dotengo muchos deberes que hacer
it’s rather a pityes una pena or lástima

B. EXCL (o.f.) → ¡ya lo creo!, ¡cómo no! (LAm)
«would you like some?» — «rather¿quieres algo de esto? — ¡ya lo creo! or ¡por supuesto!

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈrɑːðər] adv

(expressing an opinion, one’s feelings) I rather think (that) … → je crois bien que …
I rather think he won’t come → Je crois bien qu’il ne viendra pas.
I was rather hoping (that) … → j’espérais bien que …

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. adv

c. or rather (more accurately) → anzi, per essere (più) precisi

2. excleccome!

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈraːθə) adverb

1. to a certain extent; slightly; a little. He’s rather nice; That’s a rather silly question / rather a silly question; I’ve eaten rather more than I should have.

2. more willingly; preferably. I’d rather do it now than later; Can we do it now rather than tomorrow?; I’d rather not do it at all; I would/had rather you didn’t do that; Wouldn’t you rather have this one?; I’d resign rather than do that.

3. more exactly; more correctly. He agreed, or rather he didn’t disagree; One could say he was foolish rather than wicked.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَلْ poněkud hellere ziemlich μάλλον algo aika plutôt poprilično piuttosto かなり 상당히 ietwat heller raczej bastante, um tanto скорее hellre ค่อนข้าง oldukça khá 倒是

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adv. algo, un tanto; bastante; más bien.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I’d rather (US)
    I prefer to … (UK)
  • I’d rather have an earlier flight (US)
    I would prefer an earlier flight (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • 1

    1) скоре́е, предпочти́тельно, лу́чше, охо́тнее;

    2) верне́е, скоре́е, пра́вильнее;

    this is not the result, rather it is the cause э́то не результа́т, а скоре́е ( или верне́е) причи́на


    3) до не́которой сте́пени, слегка́, не́сколько, пожа́луй, дово́льно;



    (в ответ на вопрос, предположение) коне́чно, да; ещё бы!;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > rather

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > rather

  • 3


    1) лучше, скорее; охотнее, предпочтительнее

    anything rather than… — что угодно, лишь бы не…

    I had rather, I would rather, I’d rather — я предпочёл бы…; лучше уж я…; я бы охотнее…

    I would rather go — я лучше уйду, я предпочитаю уйти

    I’d rather people didn’t know about it — я хотел бы, чтобы об этом не знали

    I’d rather you came tomorrow — меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра

    he resigned rather than stifle his conscience — не желая действовать против совести, он вышел в отставку

    they determined to die rather than surrender — они решили умереть, но не сдаваться

    would you rather take tea or coffee? — что вы предпочитаете, чай или кофе?

    I had rather not, I would rather not, I’d rather not — мне не хочется; нет, спасибо; пожалуй, не стоит ()

    2) скорее, больше; правильнее

    it is rather good than bad — это скорее хороший /хорошо/, чем плохой /плохо/

    derived rather from imagination than reason — это скорее плод воображения, чем логический вывод

    the colour seems green rather than blue — это скорее зелёный цвет, чем синий

    he relies on mere abuse rather than on argument — его метод не аргументация, а брань

    I, rather than you, should take the risk — (этот) риск должен взять на себя я, а вовсе /отнюдь/ не вы

    2. до некоторой степени, довольно, отчасти; несколько; пожалуй

    rather dull [interesting, dark, lengthy] — довольно скучный [интересный, тёмный, долгий]

    rather a lot — пожалуй, слишком много /многовато/

    I rather like him — мне он, пожалуй /скорее/, нравится

    he felt rather tired — он немного устал, он чувствовал некоторую усталость

    I rather think you know him — мне думается, вы его знаете

    they rather expected to win — они, в известной мере, рассчитывали на победу

    I am rather inclined to agree with you — я, пожалуй, склонен с вами согласиться

    do I look ill? — Well, you do rather — я плохо выгляжу? — Пожалуй, да /Да, неважно/

    3. 1) наоборот; отнюдь не

    rather, we have won — наоборот, мы победили

    2) а не, вместо

    to elect a chairman for a year rather than a term — выбрать председателя на год, а не на семестр

    this is not the result, rather it is the cause — это является причиной, а отнюдь не следствием

    3) вернее, правильнее; по правде говоря

    we came home late last night or, rather, early this morning — мы пришли домой вчера поздно ночью, а вернее сказать, сегодня рано утром

    the building is a great success, or rather a triumph, for the designer — это здание — большой успех, а точнее, триумф архитектора

    4. ещё бы!; ещё как!; конечно!, разумеется!

    have you been here before? — Rather! — вы здесь раньше бывали? — Ещё бы!

    would you like to come? — Rather! — вы хотите прийти? — Конечно /Разумеется, что за вопрос/!

    Rather! — нисколько!, вовсе нет!, отнюдь!

    the rather — тем более что…, тем скорее

    НБАРС > rather

  • 4

    1. до некоторой степени, довольно, несколько; 2. would rather — лучше бы, охотнее бы, скорее бы
    (1). Наречие rather относится к группе наречий степени, таких, как fairly, quite, very, обозначающих смягчение или уменьшение степени качества. Все наречия этой группы употребляются, как правило, с градуальными прилагательными и наречиями:

    rather/fairly/quite warm (well, easy, etc.).

    В отличие от вышеупомянутых наречий, только rather может употребляться с прилагательными в сравнительной степени: rather older, rather hotter. Rather может относиться к глаголам и к именам существительным; в последнем случае оно может стоять как перед артиклем так и после него:

    It is a rather good idea или It is rather a good idea — Довольно неплохая мысль.

    That’s rather the impression I wanted to give — Это, пожалуй, как раз то впечатление, которое я и хотел создать.

    (2). Rather указывает на высокую степень качества; very — на несколько низшую степень, но большую, чем quite. Наречие rather подразумевает больше, чем обычно, больше, чем ожидалось или нужно:

    The film is rather good (означает, что фильм лучше многих других фильмов).

    It is rather difficult (означает, что это более трудно, чем я ожидал, трудновато, довольно трудно).

    I rather think so (означает, что я почти уверен, что это так).

    (3). Rather или оборот or rather употребляются для уточнения того, что было сказано:

    Late at night, or rather, early in the morning — Поздно ночью или скорее рано утром.

    It is rather a question of money — Это скорее вопрос денег.

    (4). Наречие rather образует модальные обороты would rather (‘d rather) и rather than. Would rather с последующим инфинитивом без частицы to обозначает предпочтение:

    Would you rather stay or go home? — I’d rather stay.

    Оборот would rather с последующим дополнительным придаточным обозначает нереальное желание, причем глагол придаточного стоит в форме Subjunctive.

    I’d rather you went home — Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты пошел домой.

    Rather than обычно употребляется, когда есть сопоставление двух прилагательных или наречий, двух существительных, двух инфинитивов или двух идеальных форм:

    I’d rather call it brown than black — Я бы скорее назвал это коричневым, а не черным.

    I’d rather prefer starting early than leaving everything to the last moment — Я бы предпочел начать раньше, а не оставлять все на последнюю минуту.

    I decided to write rather than phone — Я предпочел бы написать, а не звонить.

    English-Russian word troubles > rather

  • 5



    1) до некоторой степени, довольно, несколько

    I know him rather well. — Я знаю его довольно хорошо.

    be rather tired

    — it is rather late

    2) лучше бы, охотнее бы, скорее бы

    I would rather do it myself. — Я бы лучше сделал это сам.

    I would rather not speak of it. — Я бы предпочел об этом не говорить.


    (1.) Наречие rather относится к группе наречий степени, таких, как fairly, quite, very, обозначающих смягчение или уменьшение степени качества. Все наречия этой группы употребляются, как правило, с градуальными прилагательными и наречиями: rather/fairly/quite warm (well, easy, etc). В отличие от вышеупомянутых наречий, только rather может употребляться с прилагательными в сравнительной степени: rather older, rather hotter. Rather может относиться к глаголам и к именам существительным; в последнем случае оно может стоять как перед артиклем, так и после него: It is a rather good idea/It is rather a good idea. Довольно неплохая мысль. That’s rather the impression I wanted to give. Это, пожалуй, как раз то впечатление, которое я и хотел создать. (2.) Rather указывает на высокую степень качества; very — на несколько низшую степень, но большую, чем quite. Наречие rather подразумевает больше, чем обычно; больше, чем ожидалось или нужно: The film is rather good — означает, что фильм лучше многих других фильмов; It is rather difficult — означает, что это более трудно, чем я ожидал, трудновато, довольно трудно; I rather think so — означает, что я почти уверен, что это так. (3.) Rather или оборот or rather употребляются для уточнения того, что было сказано: Late at night, or rather, early in the morning. Поздно ночью или скорее рано утром. It is rather a question of money. Это скорее вопрос денег. (4.) Наречие rather 2. образует модальные обороты would rather (‘d rather) и rather than. Would rather с последующим инфинитивом без частицы to обозначает предпочтение: Would you rather stay or go to the hotel? — I’d rather stay. Что бы вы предпочли — остаться или переехать в отель? — Я бы лучше остался. Оборот would rather с последующим дополнительным придаточным обозначает нереальное желание, причем глагол придаточного предложения стоит в форме Subjunctive: I’d rather you went home. Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты пошел домой. Rather than обычно употребляется, когда есть сопоставление двух прилагательных или наречий, двух существительных, двух инфинитивов или двух герундиальных форм: I’d rather call it brown than black. Я бы скорее назвал это коричневым, а не черным. I’d rather prefer starting early than leaving everything to the last moment. Я бы предпочел начать раньше, а не оставлять все на последнюю минуту. I decided to write rather than phone. Я решил лучше написать, а не звонить. (5.) See fairly, adv

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > rather

  • 6


    rather разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да; еще бы!; do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно I’d rather you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра; he would rather die than comply он скорее умрет, чем согласится I feel rather better today мне сегодня, пожалуй, лучше; I know him rather well я его довольно хорошо знаю I feel rather better today мне сегодня, пожалуй, лучше; I know him rather well я его довольно хорошо знаю I’d rather you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра; he would rather die than comply он скорее умрет, чем согласится late last night or rather early this morning вчера поздно ночью или, правильнее сказать, сегодня рано утром rather вернее, скорее, правильнее; this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина rather до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно; a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат rather до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно; a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат rather разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да; еще бы!; do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно rather разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да; еще бы!; do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно rather скорее, предпочтительно, лучше, охотнее; would you rather take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? rather вернее, скорее, правильнее; this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина rather до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно; a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат rather вернее, скорее, правильнее; this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина rather скорее, предпочтительно, лучше, охотнее; would you rather take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе?

    English-Russian short dictionary > rather

  • 7

    ˈrɑ:ðə нареч.
    1) лучше, охотнее, предпочтительнее She would rather play tennis than watch TV. ≈ Она лучше будет играть в теннис, чем смотреть телевизор. Rather you than me. ≈ Хорошо, что это не меня касается, что это относится не ко мне.
    2) скорее, точнее, вернее He is my sister’s friend really, rather than mine. ≈Он, скорее, друг моей сестры, чем мой.
    3) до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно It’s rather cold. ≈ Довольно холодно. I rather doubt I’ll be able to come to your party. ≈ Я немного сомневаюсь, смогу ли я придти к тебе на вечер.
    4) очень, весьма;
    в значительной степени She is rather ill. ≈ Она серьезно больна. He’s a rather nice man./He’s rather a nice man. ≈ Он очень приятный человек.
    5) разг.;
    брит. конечно, да;
    еще бы! (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) Do you want to come to see me this evening? Rather! ≈ Ты хочешь сегодня вечером зайти ко мне? Да, конечно.
    (обыкн. * than) лучше, скорее, охотнее, предпочтительнее — anything * than… что угодно, лишь бы не… — I had *, I would *, I’d * я предпочел бы…;
    лучже уж я…;
    я бы охотнее… — I had * start at once я предпочел бы выехать немедленно — I would * go я лучше уйду, я предпочитаю уйти — I’d * people didn’t know about it я хотел бы, чтобы об этом не знали — I’d you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра — he resigned * than stifle his conscience не желая действовать против совести, он вышел в отставку — they determined to die * than surrender они решили умереть, но не сдаваться — would you * take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете, чай или кофе? — I had * not, I would * not, I’d * not (разговорное) мне не хочется;
    нет, спасибо;
    пожалуй, не стоит (формула отказа от предложения и т. п.) (обыкн. * than) скорее, больше;
    правильнее — it is * good that bad это скорее хороший /хорошо/, чем плохой /плохо/ — derived * from imagination than reason это скорее плод воображения, чем логический вывод — the colour seems green * than blue это скорее зеленый цвет, чем синий — he relies on mere abuse * than on argument его метод не аргументация, а брань — I, * than you, should take the risk (этот) риск должен взять на себя я, а вовсе /отнюдь/ не вы до некоторой степени, довольно, отчасти;
    пожалуй — * dull довольно скучный — * more немного больше — * more detailed несколько более подробный — * a lot пожалуй, слишком много /многовато/ — I * like him мне он, пожалуй /скорее/, нравится — he felt * tired он немного устал, он чувствовал некоторую усталость — the performance was * a failure спектакль был довольно неудачный — I * think you know him мне думается, вы его знаете — she is * good-looking она недурна собой — our company numbered * over forty нас было сорок с чем-то человек — they * expected to win они, в известной мере, рассчитывали на победу — I am * inclined to agree with you я, пожалуй, склонен с вами согласиться — do I look ill? — Well, you do * (разговорное) я плохо выгляжу? — Пожалуй, да /Да, неважно/ наоборот;
    отнюдь не — *, we have won наоборот, мы победили а не, вместо — to elect a chairman for a year * than a term выбрать председателя на год, а не на семестр — this is not the result, * it is the cause это является причиной, а отнюдь не следствием вернее, правильнее;
    по правде говоря — we came home late last night or, *, early this morning мы пришли домой вчера поздно ночью, а вернее сказать, сегодня рано утром — the building is a great success, or * a triumph, for the designer это здание — большой успех, а точнее, триумф архитектора в грам. знач. междометия еще бы!;
    еще как!;
    конечно!, разумеется! — have you been here before? — R.! вы здесь раньше бывали? — Еще бы! — would you like to come? — R.! вы хотите прийти? — Конечно /Разумеется, что за вопрос/! — R.! нисколько!, вовсе нет!, отнюдь! > the * тем более, что…, тем скорее
    ~ разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да;
    еще бы!;
    do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно
    I’d ~ you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра;
    he would rather die than comply он скорее умрет, чем согласится
    I feel ~ better today мне сегодня, пожалуй, лучше;
    I know him rather well я его довольно хорошо знаю
    I feel ~ better today мне сегодня, пожалуй, лучше;
    I know him rather well я его довольно хорошо знаю
    I’d ~ you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра;
    he would rather die than comply он скорее умрет, чем согласится
    late last night or ~ early this morning вчера поздно ночью или, правильнее сказать, сегодня рано утром
    rather вернее, скорее, правильнее;
    this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее ( или вернее) причина ~ до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно;
    a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат ~ до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно;
    a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат ~ разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да;
    еще бы!;
    do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно ~ разг. (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да;
    еще бы!;
    do you know him? — Rather! вы его знаете?- Да, конечно ~ скорее, предпочтительно, лучше, охотнее;
    would you rather take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе?
    rather вернее, скорее, правильнее;
    this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина
    ~ до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно;
    a rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат
    rather вернее, скорее, правильнее;
    this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина
    ~ скорее, предпочтительно, лучше, охотнее;
    would you rather take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rather

  • 8

    1. adv лучше, скорее; охотнее, предпочтительнее

    anything rather than … — что угодно, лишь бы не …

    2. adv скорее, больше; правильнее

    3. adv до некоторой степени, довольно, отчасти; несколько; пожалуй

    4. adv наоборот; отнюдь не

    rather, we have won — наоборот, мы победили

    5. adv а не, вместо

    6. adv вернее, правильнее; по правде говоря

    we came home late last night or, rather, early this morning — мы пришли домой вчера поздно ночью, а вернее сказать, сегодня рано утром

    7. adv ещё бы!; ещё как!; конечно!, разумеется!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. a bit (adj.) a bit; fairly; pretty; quite; slightly; very

    2. by all means (other) and how; but of course; by all means; I should say so; indeed; most certainly; no doubt about it; quite right; right on

    3. enough (other) averagely; enough; fairly; moderately; passably; so-so; tolerably

    4. instead (other) alternately; alternatively; as an alternative; in lieu; instead; sooner

    5. more willingly (other) by preference; just as soon; more accurately; more readily; more willingly; more wisely; preferably; willingly

    6. quite (other) by a long chalk (British, colloquial); by a long shot; by a long way; by far; considerably; far; far and away; quite; significantly; well

    7. somewhat (other) kind of; more or less; not terribly; pretty; ratherish; reasonably; some; something; somewhat; sort of; to some extent

    8. very (other) awful; awfully; enormously; especially; exceedingly; exceptionally; extra; extraordinarily; extremely; highly; immensely; jolly; mighty; particularly; really; remarkably; specially; too; tremendously; very

    English-Russian base dictionary > rather

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > rather

  • 10


    1) скорее, предпочтительно, лучше, охотнее; would you rather take tea or coffee? что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе?; I’d rather you came tomorrow меня больше устроило бы, если бы вы пришли завтра; he would rather die than comply он скорее умрет, чем согласится

    2) вернее, скорее, правильнее; this is not the result, rather it is the cause это не результат, а скорее (или вернее) причина; late last night or rather early this morning вчера поздно ночью или, правильнее сказать, сегодня рано утром

    3) до некоторой степени, слегка, несколько, пожалуй, довольно; а rather (или rather а) surprising result довольно неожиданный результат; I feel rather better today мне сегодня, пожалуй, лучше; I know him rather well я его довольно хорошо знаю



    (в ответ на вопрос, предложение) конечно, да; еще бы!; do you know him? Rather! вы его знаете? Да, конечно

    * * *

    (d) довольно; достаточно

    * * *

    1) скорее, лучше 2) слегка, несколько

    * * *

    [rath·er || ‘ræðə(r) /’rɑː-]
    лучше; скорее, охотнее; предпочтительнее; правильнее; до некоторой степени, довольно, несколько, пожалуй; слегка; вернее, конечно

    * * *




















    * * *

    1) лучше
    2) скорее
    3) до некоторой степени, слегка

    Новый англо-русский словарь > rather

  • 11


    Fairly и rather имеют значение ‘до некоторой степени, довольно’ и часто взаимозаменяются, однако несколько отличаются друг от друга по употреблению. Fairly и rather могут взаимозаменяться в тех случаях, когда говорящий утверждает что-л. положительное или приятное. Rather наряду с этим может иметь в виду что-л. отрицательное или нейтральное. Fairly обычно выражает приближение к желаемому, rather – часто отдаление от него. Fairly ближе к enough ‘достаточно’, rather – к too ‘слишком’. Ср. he is fairly well и he is rather ill. В предложении Mary is rather tall for her age, в отличие от Mary is fairly tall for her age, может не просто констатироваться факт, но может высказываться неодобрение, недовольство. Ср. I hope this exercise will be fairly easy и I am afraid this exercise will be rather difficult; your homework is fairly good и your homework is rather bad.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > rather

  • 12



    1) лучше, охотнее, предпочтительнее

    I would rather play tennis than watch TV. — Я бы предпочёл играть в теннис, чем смотреть телевизор.

    2) скорее, точнее, вернее

    He is my sister’s friend really, rather than mine. —Он скорее друг моей сестры, чем мой.

    3) до некоторой степени, слегка, довольно; несколько, пожалуй

    It’s rather cold. — Довольно холодно.

    I rather doubt I’ll be able to come to your party. — Я немного сомневаюсь, смогу ли я прийти к тебе на вечеринку.

    4) весьма, в значительной степени

    She is rather ill. — Она серьёзно больна.

    He’s a rather nice man. / He’s rather a nice man. — Он весьма приятный человек.

    You think she’s snobbish? Rather, I’d say she’s shy. — Ты считаешь, что она высокомерна? Наоборот, она застенчива.




    конечно!, да!; ещё бы!


    Rather you than me. — Чур меня! Только бы это не случилось со мной!

    Англо-русский современный словарь > rather

  • 13

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > rather

  • 14


    1) Общая лексика: до некоторой степени, до некоторой степени ещё бы, довольно, конечно , лучше, немного, несколько, охотнее , пожалуй, порядком, правильнее , скорее, слегка, ещё бы , вернее, не без, предпочтительнее, предпочтительно, то есть , изрядно, вместо

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rather

  • 15



    1) скорее, лучше бы, предпочтительно

    2) слегка, довольно, до некоторой степени

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > rather

  • 16

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Rather!

  • 17

    1) скоре́е, лу́чше

    2) слегка́, не́сколько

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > rather

  • 18

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > rather

  • 19

    1) вернее

    2) довольно
    3) скорее
    4) правильнее
    5) до некоторой степени
    6) несколько

    Англо-русский технический словарь > rather

  • 20

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Rather!

  • Use rather to specify a preference for one thing over another. Wouldn’t you rather go to the movies than stay home and clean the house?

    Rather can also be used to mean «on the contrary,» or to introduce a contradiction. You didn’t believe in ghosts — rather thinking there was a scientific explanation for any ghostly appearances — until you saw a ghost yourself. The adverb rather also means «to a certain degree.» You might grudgingly admit that your mom’s strange-sounding chocolate-avocado pudding was actually rather tasty.

    Definitions of rather

    1. adverb

      more readily or willingly

      rather be in Philadelphia”


      preferably, sooner

    2. adverb

      to some (great or small) extent

      “it was
      rather cold”

      “the party was
      rather nice”

      “the knife is
      rather dull”

      rather regret that I cannot attend”

      rather good at playing the cello”


      kind of, kinda, sort of

    3. adverb

      to a degree (not used with a negative)

    4. rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left”

      “he didn’t call;
      rather, he wrote her a letter”



    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘rather’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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    Britannica Dictionary definition of RATHER


    to some degree or extent

    • Yesterday was a rather [=fairly] hot day.

    • That sounded rather [=quite a bit] like thunder.

    • a rather [=quite] common flower

    • It’s getting rather [=pretty] late. We’d better get to bed.

    • The movie is a comedy, but rather a dull one.

    • a rather [=somewhat] serious condition

    • I think the children watch rather too much television.

    • It rather annoyed me that he was late picking me up.

    often used to make a statement less forceful

    • He has been spending rather a lot of money lately.

    • She rather likes chocolate.

    • To tell you the truth, I rather think you are wrong.

    • You’re driving rather fast, don’t you think?

    used to introduce a statement that indicates what is true after you have said what is not true

    • I don’t like chocolate—rather, I love chocolate.

    • What matters is not how often you call, but rather what you say.

    • It wasn’t red but rather a shade of bright orange.

    used to introduce a statement that corrects what you have just said

    • We can take the car, or rather, the van.

    • My father, or rather, my stepfather, will be visiting soon.

    British, old-fashioned

    used to express agreement

    • “Wasn’t the show fantastic?” “Rather!”

    rather than


    in place of (something or someone)


    instead of (something or someone)

    • He writes at a table rather than a desk.

    • Why do one thing rather than another?

    • Rather than using dried herbs, he picked fresh ones from the garden.


    and not

    • She reacted by laughing rather than by getting upset.

    • He was happy rather than sad.

    used to say what is not chosen or done because something else is chosen or done instead

    • Rather than continue the argument, she walked away.

    • I chose to sing rather than play an instrument.

    would rather

    used to indicate what you want or prefer to do, have, etc.

    • She would rather drive than take the train.

    • I would rather you didn’t tell them. [=I would prefer it if you didn’t tell them]

    • We‘d rather go somewhere warm. [=we’d prefer to go somewhere warm]

    • “If you’d rather, we can go outside.” “No, thanks—I’d rather not.”

    • Which beach would you rather [=would you like to] go to?

    Table of Contents

    1. What does mean rather?
    2. What is another word for Rather?
    3. What does but rather mean?
    4. What is the opposite of Rather?
    5. What is another word for Although?
    6. How do you use the word although in a sentence?
    7. Where is although used?
    8. Do you put a comma after although?
    9. How do you punctuate whereas in a sentence?
    10. How do you use the word although and however in a sentence?
    11. How do you use commas in a sentence?
    12. Can you have 2 commas in a sentence?
    13. Do simple sentences have commas?
    14. What is the 10 rules on subject verb agreement?
    15. Can there be two nouns in a sentence?

    1 : with better reason or more propriety : more properly this you should pity rather than despise— William Shakespeare. 2 : more readily or willingly : preferably I’d rather not go would rather read than watch television —often used interjectionally to express affirmation.

    What is another word for Rather?

    What is another word for rather?

    quite fairly
    relatively pretty
    somewhat moderately
    reasonably slightly
    comparatively sort of

    What does but rather mean?

    on the other hand

    What is the opposite of Rather?

    What is the opposite of rather?

    extremely insignificantly
    generally usually
    commonly normally
    not just
    narrowly not very

    What is another word for Although?

    What is another word for although?

    but albeit
    if only
    though even if
    notwithstanding yet
    even though whereas

    How do you use the word although in a sentence?

    Since “although” is a conjunction, place a comma before it when it is in the middle of a sentence. For example, in the sentence, “We had a great time at the park, although it rained,” the comma comes before “although.” This creates a pause that makes the sentence flow more smoothly.

    Where is although used?

    Although, even though, in spite of and despite are all used to link two contrasting ideas or show that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can all be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival. We enjoyed the festival, despite the rain.

    Do you put a comma after although?

    Generally, no commas are required directly before or after subordinating conjunctions like although.

    How do you punctuate whereas in a sentence?

    The rule of thumb is: When you contrast two things, use a comma. “Whereas” is typically used to contrast two things: correct I am very tall, whereas my wife is quite short. wrong I am very tall whereas my wife is quite short.

    How do you use the word although and however in a sentence?

    Although takes a finite clause, a mini-sentence, as a complement….It can appear in different places in the sentence, at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

    1. However, she can jump very far indeed.
    2. She can jump very far indeed, however.
    3. She can, however, jump very far indeed.

    How do you use commas in a sentence?

    Commas (Eight Basic Uses)

    1. Use a comma to separate independent clauses. …
    2. Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase. …
    3. Use a comma between all items in a series. …
    4. Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses. …
    5. Use a comma to set off appositives. …
    6. Use a comma to indicate direct address. …
    7. Use commas to set off direct quotations.

    Can you have 2 commas in a sentence?

    Last but not least, use a comma to separate three or more items. You can use two commas for three items, or if youre like me you obsess over the Oxford Comma.

    Do simple sentences have commas?

    Simple sentences A simple sentence contains only one independent clause and no dependent clauses. … With a simple sentence, however, the general rule is to omit the comma.

    What is the 10 rules on subject verb agreement?

    Here is a brief list of 10 suggestions for subject-verb agreement. A subject made up of nouns joined by and takes a plural subject, unless that subject’s intended sense is singular. She and I run every day. When a subject is made up of nouns joined by or, the verb agrees with the last noun.

    Can there be two nouns in a sentence?

    In this sentence, as it often is, the subject of the sentence is the noun that performs the action of the verb. Here, the noun ‘girl’ is the subject of the sentence, as the girl is performing the action, or the verb, ‘threw. … There are two nouns in this sentence: ‘student’ and ‘test.

    These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


    This has nothing to do with Islamic jurisprudence but rather originated from rather unhealthy norms prevailing in society .

    Это никак не связано с исламской юриспруденцией и скорее обусловлено теми нездоровыми нормами, которые господствуют в обществе .

    Kiev is a very green and rather interesting historical city.

    Киев — очень зеленый и довольно интересный с исторической точки зрениия город.

    However, they still exist in rather large amounts.

    Все же и сейчас еще они сохранились в довольно большом количестве.

    Once you have that capacity, the ability to produce language comes rather naturally and rather freely.

    Когда наконец вырабатывается это умение, способность производить язык приходит достаточно легко.

    So we have a rather crude approach.

    С одной стороны, у нас достаточно строгий подход.

    The leave was rather long — 45 days.

    Впереди нас ждал довольно продолжительный отпуск — сорок пять суток.

    Despite a rather impressive view, the entrance to the building, probably due to strategic considerations, is rather inconscicuous.

    Несмотря на довольно внушительный вид, вход в здание, вероятно из-за стратегических соображений, довольно неприметный.

    However, it is rather a forecast based on a number of leaks of rather doubtful reliability.

    Впрочем, это скорее прогноз, основанный на ряде утечек довольно сомнительной достоверности.

    Despite the rather frightening appearance, sand tiger has a rather peaceful character and attack humans only in self-defense.

    Несмотря на довольно устрашающий вид, песчаные тигры отличается довольно миролюбивым характером и атакуют людей только в целях самообороны.

    Reorganization and liquidation of legal entities are rather complicated procedures and it is rather hard to carry out such a procedure without assistance of professionals.

    Реорганизация и ликвидация юридических лиц представляют собой довольно сложную процедуру, провести которую без помощи специалистов достаточно трудно.

    In some places the plot is rather banal and rather even reminiscent of old superhero cartoons than modern serials.

    Местами сюжет является довольно банальным и скорее даже напоминает старые супергеройские мультики, чем современные сериалы.

    She didn’t come out bright, rather the opposite, rather scandalous and having «dirty colors» work.

    Она не вышла светлой, скорее наоборот, достаточно скандальной и имеющей «грязные цвета» работой.

    The art market is a rather archaic structure, and using blockchain requires a rather advanced level of digital literacy.

    Арт-рынок в целом довольно архаичная структура, а для использования блокчейна необходимо обладать довольно продвинутым уровнем цифровой грамотности.

    Minecraft does not have an open finale that stimulates creative thinking, but rather implies a rather monotonous design of endless buildings.

    Исследователи считают, что игра Minecraft не имеет открытого финала, который стимулирует творческое мышление, а скорее предполагает достаточно однообразную разработку бесконечных зданий.

    Here the participants believe that Propecia is rather a means of prevention, since its effect is rather weak.

    Здесь участницы считают, что Ринфолтил является скорее средством профилактики, так как его действие довольно слабое.

    In short, the Message Hypothesis is rather weak, since it violates, or rather, ignores the implications of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.

    Другими словами, гипотеза послания довольно слаба, поскольку нарушает или, скорее, игнорирует следствия теоремы Геделя о неполноте.

    Since the Association Agreement provided for certain rather tight deadlines for satisfying certain requirements, the involved State authorities acted rather quickly.

    Поскольку Соглашением предусматривались определенные, довольно сжатые сроки, когда те или иные его требования должны быть воплощены в жизнь, привлеченные государственные органы двигались достаточно оперативно.

    The answer may seem rather paradoxical.

    Ответ, с моей точки зрения, может выглядеть достаточно парадоксальным.

    Its actually a rather tough sport to photograph.

    Во-вторых — это достаточно опасный вид спорта для проведения фотосъемки.

    In it he made some rather frightening predictions.

    Причем, в связи с ней у него сделано достаточно мрачное предсказание.

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