What does the word quality mean to you

It is incredibly difficult to define quality, but surprisingly easy to recognize it. If you experience a quality stuff–be it a product you try, service someone delivers to you, or even a person you meet, you will immediately know it. You will say: “This was amazing stuff”, or “This product has an excellent quality”. But how to elaborate on such statements?

The struggles we have with defining quality make this interview question difficult to answer for almost everyone. But luckily you landed on InterviewPenguin.com website, and I will show you 7 good answers to this tricky interview question. Once you read the answers, do not forget to check also the notes below them, because they will help you to understand how to prepare a perfect and genuine answer for your interview.

7 sample answers to “What does quality mean to you” interview question

  1. A quality product or service is the one that satisfies the needs of a customer, that meets their expectations or even exceeds them. When you receive quality, in whatever form, you are eager to get more. You want to come back and make another purchase, you refer the product to your friends and connections, you have a tendency to talk about it in public. Quality is what we should aim for if we want to have returning customers and a strong brand as a company.
  2. Quality means to me a pursuit of perfection. To always try to deliver as much as we can, to improve this and that detail, to be the best version of our selves, and to constantly evolve as people and trade professionals. It’s a journey that has no end, and one I incredibly enjoy being on. I try to give the quality to wherever I do in my life. I may succeed at times and fail at other times, but I will continue trying. Because in my opinion it makes no sense to do something without 100% effort and commitment.
  3. Your brand Apple is the synonym of quality to me. I cannot clearly explain why, it’s just the connection I make in my mind immediately. Maybe because your products are perfect both design wise and functionality wise, and I cannot imagine switching them for some products of your competitors. It is a actually one of the reasons why I want to work for you. I’d love to participate on creating amazing products of great quality.
  4. What does quality mean to me? I cannot really say, but I know when I get it. Maybe it’s the extra touch, the extra one percent some creators add to their works of arts, the one percent that distinguishes their work from anything else their competitors do and produce. Or it is in the ingredients of the food, the special touch of the experienced cook, the love they expressed in their culinary creation… Honestly, I cannot define it, but I can recognize it, and if possible I’d love to participate on creating quality stuff in my work.
  5. Quality is something that is missing in the local market of webdesign services. The websites local companies build are outdated, and do not follow the modern design trends. What’s more, they are hard to use for end users and load slowly on both desktop and mobile devices. Quality is missing here, and I am applying with you for a job of a web designer, to bring some quality to your customers. Let’s change the rules, let’s take things to another level, let’s become the best web design agency in the city. I am sure we can do it together.
  6. In my opinion, to live a quality life means to give your best in all roles you have in this world. Be it the role of a son, sister, mother, employee, business owner, believer, or any other role you may have. When you approach all your daily duties, even the seemingly insignificant one, with precision, dedication, and love, whatever arises from your activity will have attributes of quality. And people will know it, they will feel it in their interactions with you. This is actually my goal, to live a quality life. I am still far away from achieving it, but step by step I am on my way.
  7. Quality is in the present moment. How we experience life, people, and things around us, whether we recognize the uniqueness of each living creature and each moment, depends on our ability to live in the present. If we are slaves to our own thoughts, imprisoned by fear, anxiety, hate, doubts, and other emotions, we won’t recognize this secret quality. Only when we manage to break the chains, to liberate ourselves from all useless thoughts and formulas of thinking, we will be able to recognize quality, and also to create quality stuff. That’s why I always try to stay in the moment, to focus on the task at hand only, and not think about anything else while working. That’s my way of creating quality stuff.

Describe the quality indirectly, praise their brand

If you cannot define quality directly, you can at least explain what a quality product means for a customer, and to what actions it motivates them. In the 1st sample answer, job candidate refers to returning customers and positive reviews. Each employer will love to hear about such things in your interview answer.

In the 3rd answer, the job applicant defines quality with the help of a brand of their prospective employer, in this case Apple. Needless to say, each employer will love such comparison, because companies are proud of their products, and typically consider them superior to the products of their competitors. Of course they can be wrong with their observations, but it doesn’t matter for you in an interview. Once you praise their brand, they will be happy.

Regardless of your definition of quality, ensure your interviewers that you want to deliver it

Maybe you cannot exactly define what quality means to you–just like most people cannot. But you can certainly say whether there is quality in the local market of any given product (see sample answer no.5), and you can also always say that you want to produce some quality in your job.

Remember that your attitude is the most important thing for the hiring managers. Once they see that you try to pursue perfection with your work, that you are ready to sacrifice something for the employer, that instead of mediocrity you aim for excellence, in whatever you do, they will be more than happy with your interview answer to a question about quality.

* Special Tip: It is hard to convince them about your desire to deliver quality, unless you come up with quality answers in your interview, when facing tough questions about prioritization, dealing with pressure, dealing with ambiguity, and about other tricky situations that happen in the workplace. If you want to make sure that you stand out with your answers and outclass your competitors, have a look at our Interview Success Package. Up to 10 premium answers to 31 tricky scenario based questions (+ more) will help you streamline your interview preparation, and show real quality in your interview. It can be the last part of the puzzle you are missing on your way to success…

Try to stand out with a philosophical answer

Job interview is not a meeting of aspiring philosophers. However, if you apply for a job for which you compete with many other people (that’s the case for almost all managerial jobs, well-paid entry level jobs in big corporations, and many other popular occupations in both public and private sector), it’s important to try to stand out with your interview answers.

If you talk about living in a present moment and dedicating 100% of your attention to a task at hand, keeping your mind quiet and letting higher intelligence to lead your hands (7th sample answer), you will certainly say something nobody else will say in the interviews.

Interviewers will remember your words, they may even touch them somehow in the depths of their being, and all of this can help you stand out from the pack of your competitors in the interviews.

Having said that, interview questions about quality are very difficult, and most people won’t have any answer ready… Sometimes just answering the question will make you stand out :).

Ready to answer this one? Check also sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Tell me about a time you had to comply with a policy you didn’t agree with.
  • What does integrity mean to you?
  • What does diversity mean to you?
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Matthew Chulaw

Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. He helps job seekers from all walks of life to pursue their career goals, and to prepare for their interviews. He is the founder of InterviewPenguin.com website.

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What does quality mean to you - interview question and answers

You’re likely to hear the interview question “What does quality mean to you?” when interviewing for a variety of roles.

As a former recruiter, I’m going to show you how to define quality and give a great interview answer to help you win the job.

I’ll also share multiple word-for-word sample answers for everything from customer service roles to software development positions, so you can make sure your response sounds right.

Let’s get started…

Why Companies Ask What Quality Means to You

To start, let’s define quality.

In business, quality means the standard of a product or service when compared to other products or services of a similar kind.

You can think of quality as being a measure of the degree of excellence of something.

Employers ask interview questions about what quality means to you to ensure that you’ll keep their company’s and client’s best interests in mind if hired.

The interviewer wants to ensure that you believe in delivering high-quality work and also that you know what high-quality work entails.

They also want to ensure that you define quality in the same way that they do, more or less, to ensure you’re a fit for their company culture.

For example, imagine you’re interviewing for a customer service role and the prospective employer believes that excellent customer service means always making the customers feel like they’re the top priority.

Now, if you say in the interview that the customer’s purpose is just to support the company, and they’re not a top priority, then that could be a red flag to the hiring manager.

Examples of What Quality Means in the Workplace

Depending on your role and industry, quality will refer to different things. Here are examples of what excellent quality may look like in various industries:

  • Delivering exceptional service to customers, going above and beyond what they expect
  • Performing rigorous testing on each finished product before delivering it to customers, to ensure that no quality issues occur after purchase
  • Creating a measurable performance standard that employees, services, or products must meet
  • Developing a robust quality assurance program to avoid product defects
  • Investing time and money into creating high-quality design specifications for products, to ensure that the result is a quality product that outperforms competitors’ products
  • Using better raw materials to create a higher-quality end product with high reliability
  • Following up with each customer to ensure they’re satisfied after a purchase
  • Offering a better warranty than competitors in your industry
  • Offering a similar product to competitors but at a better price, giving more value to your customers

The definition of quality in each organization will vary.

Some companies produce goods, others offer services, and still others offer a combination.

And there isn’t one single way that every business goes about achieving or measuring quality standards.

So before you answer an interview question about what quality means, or how you define quality, make sure you understand how quality relates to the job you are interviewing for.

Coming up, we’ll look at some sample interview answers that you can adapt to your industry/job.

Example Answers to “What Does Quality Mean to You?”

Sample Answer 1:

As a customer support representative, I believe quality means going above and beyond what the customer expects to ensure that they’re satisfied.

I also believe that quality means delivering a consistent experience to customers. Customers should be able to predict the quality of help they’re going to get every time they interact with a business and be able to count on that. It’s better to have a consistent and reliable process so that customers don’t experience variability. To me, consistency is a part of quality.

Sample Answer 2:

Since I design products for a living, I think of quality in terms of how I design and create any given product.

To me, quality means delivering a product that exceeds expectations both in terms of functionality and reliability. Those two factors are essential in a product’s success and can be the difference between failure and success in a business, so they’re a couple of the first factors that come to mind when I hear someone mention quality.

And in terms of my individual work, I think there are many different ways quality comes into play. I think quality work involves high effort and focus, consistency, being open to feedback, having strong communication with management, and being an upfront and accountable employee.

Sample Answer 3:

As a software developer, I think quality means delivering products with great usability and features, and creating tools that efficiently solve problems for the users.

It also means having a thorough quality assurance and software testing process and weighing user feedback throughout the product’s life cycle to continuously improve. The best digital products improve over time.

Sample Answer 4:

In my work, I think that quality means bringing my best effort, always looking for ways to improve and grow, and delivering consistent, productive work that management can count on.

And in terms of a business’s products, I think quality means delivering value beyond what customers expect.

This includes great product design, reliability, service excellence, and even pricing.

As a manufacturing manager, I work across my current organization to improve the quality and reliability of our products and also streamline our manufacturing processes to save the company money on each manufacturing run.

This allowed us to lower some product prices last year to be more competitive and offer more value to customers.

The result was a boost in sales resulting in 32% higher revenue.

Note in the last sample answer above, you’re concluding by sharing specific metrics of what you achieved recently. It’s always a great idea to include this type of info in your job interview, if possible.

When you talk about past performance, it gives the hiring manager a clear picture of what you could likely achieve for them if they hire you.

Review Your Industry’s Quality Standards Before Your Job Interview

Quality refers to different things in different industries.

The sample answers above are a good guideline and general starting point for how to define quality and deliver a good interview answer, but in certain industries, you’ll want to be more specific.

Look up industry guidelines, quality certifications, and general standards to help you sound more knowledgeable and prepared when you define quality in your interview.

For example, in the manufacturing of food and pharmaceuticals, there are specific certifications of cleanliness and sterile environments for product quality.

You may see pharmaceutical companies mention GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).

Some service-based businesses will utilize quality frameworks like Service Process Design.

And in a customer support role, quality will be measured in terms of customer satisfaction and delivering a great customer experience.

So the way you measure quality will depend on your role, and ideally, you want to give an interview answer that’s tailored to the type of job you’re applying for.

Keep this in mind as you describe quality in your job interview, and you’ll make a far better impression on any hiring manager.

Conclusion: Answering “What Does Quality Mean to You?”

In today’s world, with the rise of online reviews and social media, one bad customer experience can lead to hundreds of people hearing negative comments about your organization.

Therefore, quality is more important than ever to a business.

A company’s management is going to care about quality in all aspects of the business and be more likely to ask what it means to you in the job interview.

If you’ve read the info above, you know how to define quality in your interview and how to relate it to a specific company’s product or service.

As a final step, practice your answer at home — both the definition and any follow-up points you want to talk about (such as an example of how you approached quality in your current/last position and what result you were able to achieve for the company).

The bottom line is: You’re going to be make a better impression when answering “What does quality mean to you?” if you prepare ahead of time instead of making up a response in the moment.

Related interview questions:

  • Describe your work ethic
  • Describe your work style
  • Are you detail-oriented?
  • What does integrity mean to you?

“What does quality mean to you?”

In a job interview, this opinion question doesn’t come up very often, but when it does, it can be difficult to answer. Since quality will mean different things in different jobs, it’s tricky to know what makes an effective response.

Don’t worry: In this article, we’re going to review how to answer this question using an easy 3-step formula.

Variations of This Question

Employers may not always directly ask “what does quality mean to you?” But they may find a different way to ask the same question:

  • What is quality?
  • How would you define quality?
  • What does a ‘quality product’ mean to you?
  • What does a ‘quality service’ mean to you?
  • What does ‘quality performance’ mean to you?

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

Regardless of how they ask this question, they want to learn more about your attitude toward work and what “doing a good job” means to you.

They’re looking for someone who knows what quality looks like and is capable of maintaining high standards. After all, if you don’t know what makes a quality product or service, how will you know if those standards are met?

They also want to know if you’re a reflective person who is capable of improving themselves based on previous experiences.

This is important to employers because they want workers who can grow and develop in their roles. Employees who can reflect on their own actions, strengths, and weaknesses are generally more willing to improve.

1. Start With Your Own Definition of Quality

Start with some characteristics that often attribute to quality.

Mentioning traits that lend themselves to quality makes it clear to the interviewer you have a firm grasp of what that actually means.

Quality may mean something different for every industry, so think about when you’ve experienced high-quality service, products, or performance in the industry you’re interviewing for, and what characteristics were present.

Some of these might include:

  • Services: Promptness, depth of knowledge, or attention to detail.
  • Products: Consistency, durability, or design.
  • Performance: Honesty, integrity, or communication.

Here’s an example:

“To me, quality is about having and maintaining high standards for yourself and doing more than what’s expected of you. It means putting in that extra ten percent when nobody else is willing to.”

2. Explain Why Quality is Important

Outline why quality matters in the workplace.

This is important because it shows the interviewer you can “connect the dots” between providing good quality and achieving a positive result.

Think about what the result of providing high-quality workmanship, customer service, or performance might be.

Positive outcomes might include:

  • A happy customer
  • A glowing product review
  • Word-of-mouth referrals
  • More sales
  • Better search engine rankings

Here’s an example:

“This is what leads to great reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations from customers, who will often return for more work and refer their friends. I know much of this company’s success stems from referrals.”

3. Finish with an Industry-Relevant Example

Finally, talk about a time when you either provided or experienced quality in a relevant industry.

Providing a real-world example demonstrates you know how quality translates into the industry or position you’re interviewing for.

In terms of what example to give, think about the role and what the critical tasks are likely to be—whether it’s service, product, or performance-driven—and talk about a similar scenario you faced.

To give you some industry-specific ideas:

  • For a sales role, think quality communication.
  • For a design role, think quality products.
  • For a customer-facing role, think quality service.
  • For a back-end role, think quality documentation.
  • For a specialized trade, think quality technical work.

If you don’t have your own experience to draw from, you can use a hypothetical example. Remember to keep it brief and not to give out any personal or identifying details about anyone.

Here’s an example:

“In my last job, I often followed up with customers who experienced frequent issues. One woman needed help linking her security system to a phone app, so I took the initiative to send her an email with detailed instructions in case they became unlinked again. The customer later referred her sister to us.”

Putting It All Together (Example Answers)

Sample Answer #1: Quality Product

“When it comes to a quality product, I’d say the most important factor is consistency. The product needs to work the same way each time so consumers can come to depend on that particular brand.

It’s important to me to catch any possible errors or defects before the product ever gets to the consumer. Meticulous checking at each stage of the development and production processes leads to a consistent product, and that leads to more sales.

At my last company, I found a small defect in the end development phase of an aftermarket car product. It was time-consuming to trace back and fix, but putting out a low-quality product wasn’t an option. Today, the product maintains an impressive 4.9 stars review score.”

Sample Answer #2: Quality Service

“When I think about the kind of quality that’s most important to me as a consumer, it has to be customer service. If someone greets me warmly and remembers the details I share about my issue without me having to repeat myself, I consider that high-quality service.

I know this is a very customer-centric position and with that the importance of making each customer feel special. I know they aren’t just looking to buy something and go home — they want an experience that makes them feel valued.

I’m careful to listen to customers as they tell me what they need. When I recently addressed a customer concern, I asked clarifying questions and jotted down their answers so I didn’t have to ask again. When I escalated to a supervisor, I shared these details so the customer knew they were heard and valued.”

Sample Answer #3: Quality Performance

“Quality to me often comes down to performance. It means taking initiative and bringing new ideas to the table. It also means having integrity and doing the right thing even when nobody’s supervising.

In the workplace, every task fits together to improve the company as a whole, so it’s important to suggest better ideas as they come up. It’s also vital to complete tasks even if they seem unimportant at the time, as they can lead to better results later on.

In my current role, I monitor how our clients’ websites are ranking. When a ranking went down recently, I took the initiative to update their meta titles and descriptions based on current search engine best practices. I suggested the practice to the rest of the team when their ranking went back up.”

How NOT to Answer

Don’t Brag About Yourself

When talking about the products you make, the service you provide, or your performance as an employee, don’t derail the question by making it all about you.

Bragging doesn’t demonstrate an objective understanding of quality. It also paints you as someone who might think too highly of yourself. This type of personality can be difficult for others to work with.

Instead, focus on things you do or characteristics you have that make it possible to provide good quality. Including an example of when you experienced quality also allows you to speak objectively.

Don’t Be Vague In Your Definition

Don’t give vague answers or speak in generalities. For example, don’t say that quality is “good customer service” or “a valuable product.”

Interviewers don’t appreciate indirect answers to their questions, especially because these questions are meant to help them learn more about you. It can also give the impression you don’t understand what quality is or why it’s important.

Instead, give concrete examples when discussing quality in general and your experiences and observations in particular.

Don’t Get Discouraged

This type of question is difficult to answer, so don’t get flustered or worried if you aren’t sure which direction to go in with your answer.

The interviewer knows this isn’t a simple question and not one you’ve likely prepared for.

Take a moment to compose your thoughts and follow the three steps above. If the interviewer has asked the same question of others, your calm response might be what sets you apart.


  • Understand the different variations of the question
  • Provide your definition of quality
  • Explain why quality is important to this industry
  • Discuss an example relevant to the position
  • Don’t use this as an excuse to brag about yourself
  • Don’t be vague when giving your answer
  • Don’t get flustered if you stumble 

Quality refers to how good something is compared to other similar things. In other words, its degree of excellence. When used to describe people, it refers to a distinctive characteristic or attribute that they possess. In this sense, we can also use the term for things. If I think that Mary’s best attribute is her honesty, I can say “Mary’s best quality is her honesty.”

When we refer to ‘people of quality’ we usually mean people of high social standing. However, the term, with this meaning, is less common today than in the past.

In business, especially manufacturing, it is a measure of excellence. In this context, it can also refer to a state of being defect-free.

The ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as:

“The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.”

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, an international standard-setting body. ISO consists of representatives from several national standards organizations.

The term contrasts with the word ‘quantity.’  When somebody says ‘how much,’ we think about quantity. If they say ‘how good,’ on the other hand, we think about quality.

Quality in business

In business, manufacturing, and engineering, the term has a pragmatic interpretation as the superiority or non-inferiority of something. It also refers to a product as ‘fit for purpose,’ while at the same time satisfying consumer expectations.

Quality is mostly a subjective and perceptual attribute. Different people may not have the same understanding of the meaning of the term.

Product quality

In a SlideShare presentation, Arpan Garg says: “The Importance of product quality can be seen through two sides: 1. For companies: This is because, bad quality products will affect the consumer’s confidence, image and sales of the company. It may even affect the survival of the company. 2. For consumers: They are ready to pay high prices, but in return, they expect best-quality products. If they are not satisfied, they will purchase from the competitors.” (Image data: slideshare.net/gargarpan/)

Customer’s and producer’s interpretation

Wikipedia says the following regarding customers’ and producers’ perception of the word:

Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace.”

Producers might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced correctly. Support personnel may measure quality in the degree that a product is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable.”

In this context, the word ‘consumer‘ means the same as ‘customer‘ (this is not always the case).

Quality management

In business, there are many aspects to quality. It may refer either to goods or services. The key aspects of how good or ‘fit for purpose’ goods are, are rooted in the concept of quality management, which covers four areas:

1. Quality planning

This is a means of developing the goods, systems, and processes required to meet consumer expectations. In many cases, the producer tries to exceed them.

2. Quality assurance or QA

QA is a program for the systematic monitoring of all aspects of production, a project, or a service. The aim is to make sure that the producer and what the producer makes meet the required standards.

Quality control or QA

QC is a system in manufacturing of maintaining standards. Here, the focus is on the finished product, i.e., making sure it is defect-free and meets specifications and standards.

While QC focuses on what happens after the producer makes the product, QC focuses on what happens before completion.

Quality improvement or QI

QI is the systematic approach to the elimination of waste and losses in the production process. Sometimes, it also includes the reduction of waste and losses. QI involves weeding out what is not working properly, and either improving it or getting rid of it.

Quality means “Performance upon expectations” and “fit for functions.”

A product is said to be of good quality if it satisfies the customer requirements in terms of performance, grade, durability, appearance and intended use/purpose, etc.

Quality Definitions | Meaning

The word “Quality” has a variety of meanings and definitions which are mentioned below:

Fitness for use/purpose: The component is said to possess good quality if it works well in the equipment for which it is meant. In other words, the product should be suitable for the intended use/purpose. Thus it is defined as fitness for purpose.

For example, a gear utilized in a sugarcane juice extracting machine might not possess a good quality surface finish, tolerance, and accuracy as compared with the gear utilized in the top stock of a lathe.

But still, it may be considered of good quality if it works satisfactorily in the juice extracting machine. Therefore, quality is defined as “the fitness for use/purpose” at the foremost economical level.

Conformance to requirements: It is the ability of the material/component to perform satisfactorily in the application for which it is intended by the user. Quality of a product, thus, means conformance to customer’s requirements. This is a Manufacturing-based definition.

Grade: It is a distinguishing feature or grade of the product in appearance, performance, life, reliability, taste, and maintainability, etc. This is generally called quality characteristics.

Degree of Excellence: It is a measure of a degree of excellence at a suitable price and control of variability at a suitable cost. this is often a Value-based definition.

Degree of preference: It is the degree to which a particular product is preferred over competing products of similar grade, supported comparative test by customers, normally called as customer’s preference.

Measure of the fulfillment of promises: The Quality of a product may be a measure of the fulfillment of the guarantees made to the purchasers/users.

British Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel : Quality is conformance to specifications.

Definition by ISO: The totality of features and characteristics of product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs revolving around the customer.

Quality Definitions by “QUALITY GURUS”

Quality Definitions | Quality Meaning

Quality Definitions | Quality Meaning  | Quality Gurus

For better clarity of “Quality” term, we must learn and understand the concept/ meaning of the following topics:

Quality Assurance

QA contains all those planned and systematic actions necessary to supply adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy/fulfill given requirements for Quality.

QA includes QC, but it emphasizes quality in the design of products and processes.

Quality Control

QC is the process through which we measure the actual quality performance and compare it with the set standards.

And if there is a deviation then we take corrective actions.

The typically quality control program is based on the periodic inspection, followed by feedback of the results and change or adjustment whenever required.

Quality System

A Quality System is the company-wide and plant-wide operating work structure, responsibilities, procedures, and processes for guiding the coordinated actions of the workforce, the machines, and the information of the organization in the best and most practical ways to assure customer satisfaction. Quality Assurance and Quality Control both are part of the quality system.

Total Quality Management – TQM

It basically aims to involve every person from every function or department of an organization working together to eliminate defects/errors and prevent 3M Waste from the manufacturing process.

Six Sigma Quality

Six Sigma is a quality management concept/philosophy and a methodology that emphasizes on variation reduction, defects elimination, and improving the process and product quality, and services. Six Sigma is also defined as a methodology for quality problem solving. A product is said to be of 6sigma (6σ) quality if there are no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities(DPMO) at the part and process step level.

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Quality Management System Standards

The quality system standards define the method of managing quality in a company to ensure that products conform to the set quality level.

A company is free to set the quality standard or level for its products on the basis of marketing considerations and customer requirements.

Seven Basic Quality Tools

Also known as 7 QC Tools of problem-solving. These are graphical and statistical tools that are widely used to analyze and solve work-related problems.

Quality Circle

Originally known as Quality Control Circle. QCC’s objective is to get associates involved in the improvement process and problem-solving.

QCC is a group of employees whose assignment is to identify problems, formulate solutions, and present their results to management with suggestions for implementation.

Statistical Quality Control-SQC

Use of statistical techniques (like SPC, MSA, Gage R &R, Quality Control tools, Control Charts etc.) in controlling product and process quality.

Statistical Process Control-SPC

SPC technique is used to measure the Process Capability of the production process. This technique is widely applied in the Automotive, Engineering, and Manufacturing industries to monitor and control the manufacturing process and eliminate the Common cause and Special cause of variations.

Quality Audit

A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements or defined standard operating procedures.

> Explore System Audit, Process and Product Audit

Quality Characteristics

An element that makes the product fit for use is the quality characteristics.

A physical or chemical property, a dimension, appearance, temperature, pressure, taste, smell, or any other requirements used to define the nature of the product or service is a Quality Characteristic.

Cost of Quality

COQ is a measure of the cost to the firm for a lack of quality.

COQ is divided into two main categories – Cost of conformance and Cost of Non-conformance.

Cost of conformance is that the cost of providing products or services as per the specified standards. This can be termed as a good amount spent and is categorize into Prevention & Appraisal costs.

On the other hand, the Cost of non-conformance is the failure cost associated with a process not being operated as per the requirements. This can be termed as the unnecessary amount spent and is categorized into Internal & External failure costs.

Quality Function Deployment

Helps to ensure that customer needs are translated into both the design of the product and the design of the process. QFD is a systematic strategy that employs seven management and planning tools to rapidly and efficiently identify and prioritize customer expectations.

Quality Policy

It refers to the basic principles which are used to guide the actions of the organization, in order to meet the quality objectives and to achieve the company’s goals or mission.

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She enters the school-room makes a few criticisms, asks a blessing at the table; occasionally a misdemeanor is reported to her, when the offender is cited to the august presence, and duly reprimanded, not according to the quality of the offense, but, in an inverse proportion, to the _quality_ of the offender. ❋ Various (N/A)

Now it is evident that the first two sciences presuppose that which forms the exclusive object of the third, namely, quality; for all quantity in nature is either itself derived, or at least derives its powers from some _quality_, as that of weight, specific cohesion, hardness, &c. ❋ Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1803)

Gende® €quality: Europes quality? was an international seminar organised by JEF-Europe and ❋ Unknown (2010)

Gende® €quality: Europes quality? was an international seminar organised by JEF-Europe and JEF-Slovakia in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia from ❋ Unknown (2010)

High quality of UE «MZOR» products is awarded with: In 2007: — «Award of Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus in the field of quality» In 2008: — «Best goods of the Republic of ❋ Unknown (2010)

Andrea Zopp: You’ve used the term «quality seat» repeatedly today. ❋ Matt Farmer (2011)

This season’s scripted finales were a mixed bag, ranging in quality from the intentional hilarity of CBS ‘Big Bang Theory (the Penny/Sheldon knocking duet) to the unintentional hilarity of ABC’s Life on Mars. ❋ Unknown (2009)

My degree was 50% online with a huge difference in quality from the for-profits. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hayate praises the theme park and comments that the Sanzenin quality is incomparable to others. ❋ Unknown (2007)

It does vary in quality though, so be sure to go after the lunch rush as they seem to not put as much cheese on it and the overall quality is much better. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Get to the new wing, where the curators ‘choices are on display, and the drop-off in quality is palpable. ❋ Frank Wilson (2006)

The movies range in quality from a good copy made from a master print to shaky versions filmed in a theater with a moviegoer’s head silhouetted in front of the screen. ❋ Unknown (2006)

I’m very impressed with all of the Clone Wars novels, although I think that the one that lacks the most in quality is Jedi Trial, one that I’ve been anticipating all year, which was a little of a disapointment. ❋ Andrew (2004)

After all, it only took two or three shootings for the D.C. sniper to make national headlines. “Jeepers Creepers 2” is a decidedly sharp drop in quality from the first film. ❋ Unknown (2003)

Man 1: Hey, have you seen [Donnie Darko]?
Man 2: Yeah, man. [Quality] [movie]. ❋ Payinginpalaver (2011)

she is ‘quality‘,that [car] is ‘quality‘,that [lesson] was ‘quality ❋ Nina Ellis-feather (2006)

That [bud] was quality ❋ D Bob (2003)

I [smoked] some mad quality [reefer]. Then i watched a mad quality movie!!! Then i drank and got [ferjunked] ❋ Garemy String (2005)

that was one [dope ass] quality [chris]
i know [will it] was so good ❋ Scottthedon (2009)

«dude, [thats] quality. [i would] [do you] myself if you werent you.» ❋ Kat (2004)

«your woman [that works] down in peter marks, ye know, that wears the [rec] [coat], shes a fucking quality bird» ❋ Chomskola (2006)

«Did you watch [Ali G] last night?»
«[Yeah mate], it was [quality ❋ Louie Kay (2007)

[Rupert] that [stamp collection] is [quality]. ❋ TrevDawg (2003)

Wow, [last night’s] [episode] of x had some major QUALITY. [Fail]. ❋ IndexAnna (2010)

What is Quality? Quality is the degree to which a commodity meets the requirements of the customer at the start of its life. (As defined in ISO 9000)

Quality does not come from using a ISO 9001 quality management system. The ISO9001 standard is not designed to create quality. ISO 9001 is just a “bookshelf” to store and manage your quality creation processes and procedures.

The Effects of Quality are experienced by the customer. Product quality perception comes from your design specifications and the manufacture standards achieved. Service quality perception comes from your service process design and standard of delivery.

After being an ISO 9001 consultant to many companies I saw that nearly every operation I had worked with misunderstood what is quality. They thought that by getting an ISO 9001 quality management system (QMS) they would become a quality-driven company. No, that is totally wrong! ISO9001 cannot create quality. ISO 9001 certification is not a solution to becoming a quality company. Or to getting quality into your products and services.

This misunderstanding is why ISO 9001 has such a poor reputation for delivering the customer perception improvements that senior management wanted by adopting ISO 9001—the ISO 9001 standard does not tell you HOW to design and create quality in your products and services.

When you put a ISO 9001 quality management system into your business it cannot give you product and work quality and reliability. ISO 9001 gives you a management framework. Think of it as like a set of empty bookshelves with a document tracking system but no books. It is up to you to design and build the ideal processes and products that make your customers satisfied. ISO 9001 can never do that for you, it only stores your QMS documents on its shelves.

So, what is quality? Quality is delivered when you achieve the minimum requirement of a specified performance standard. Quality is a specified performance range. Get into the range of required performance and you have ‘quality’. Both a basic Toyota Corolla and a top-of-the-line Mercedes Benz are quality cars. They each have specific engineering design standards to meet and once those standards are satisfied then quality is delivered.

To help executives, managers and supervisors understand what is quality, how to create quality, and how to embed quality into their workplace I wrote an explanatory ebook with a simple, structured methodology. I called this approach to work quality control and quality assurance the Accuracy Controlled Enterprise (ACE). The couple of images below try to summarize the purpose and use of the ACE 3T approach of quality control and quality assurance. If you want more information on the ACE 3T methodology you can follow the web links at the end of this page.

Accuracy Controlled Enterprise ACE 3T for Mistake Proofing an SOP, i.e. standard operating procedure

Accuracy Controlled Enterprise ACE 3T Quality Tells You Where Excellence Is

The late American Management guru Peter F. Drucker said, “Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for.” It might be true that customers decide if they got quality results, but in the practical business world you have to embed quality into products and services so that customers can then experience it.

In the business world, quality is indeed what the supplier puts in. It is always the designer who set the quality and the manufacturer who instills quality, or they leave it lacking. The designer engineers-in-quality and the manufacturer builds the quality into the product. A customer can only experience the effects of past quality choices and actions.

Customers may judge quality through their perceptions, but customer opinion is not what quality is. Customer satisfaction is the after-effect of quality. Because customers cannot clearly specify in measurable engineering values what makes them satisfied, quality improvement becomes an iterative process of trial, testing and feedback on performance when used by the customer.

Over the years business has had to find a way to define and measure quality so that companies can make products and deliver services to definable performance standards their customers will experience and either accept or reject.

Measuring Quality:

  1. Quality is specification driven – does it meet the set performance requirements
  2. Quality is measured at start of life – percent passing specification acceptance
  3. Quality effectiveness is observable by number of rejects from customers

The quality characteristics of a product or service are known as the ‘Determinants of Quality’. These are the attributes customers look for to decide if it is a quality product or service.

Definitions of Quality:

People have found many ways to describe quality. Some of the most popular definitions for quality are listed below.

  1. A degree of excellence
  2. Conformance to requirements
  3. Totality of characteristics which act to satisfy a need
  4. Fitness for use
  5. Fitness for purpose
  6. Freedom from defects
  7. Delighting customers

All of the above gauges of quality are useful, as they each contain elements of what quality means to users of products and services. However, for quality to be embedded in a product or service there must be a set of measurable performance standards, which when achieved will guarantee the desired level of quality.

Definition of Reliability:

Reliability is the probability an item will function correctly when needed, for the period required, in the specified environment. An all encompassing definition for reliability is ‘the chance of success’. With success defined by whatever measure you wish to use that tells you when success is achieved.

Reliability comes from achieving quality standards. This means the level of quality produces its equivalent reliability.

In a manufactured product, the reliability comes from its inherent design, materials-of-construction, precision of manufacture, and the operating stresses received when used in-service. In the service industry, reliability come from robustness of service process design, strength of client support, follow-through on your promises, and staying in business over the years.

The, “What is quality?” question has many implications that flow across your business and throughout the lifetime of your company, its offerings, and its clients. Quality is valuable, because when you have it, it brings success to the customer, and consequentially, to the business the customer buys from.

Measuring Reliability:

  1. Reliability is customer satisfaction driven—the User was successful when they used the commodity
  2. Reliability is measured at end of life—it functioned as required for the periods of time it was needed by the User
  3. Reliability is observable by number of past customers that return, and the number of service call-outs from users

Value of a Quality Management System:

You need to purposely design business systems and processes that will deliver all the quality and reliability intentions your customers want. Service and product success is decided by its Users’ satisfaction.

That is why you need a Quality Management System, so you have the organisation structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement the design, creation and management of quality in your company. ISO 9001 gives you a framework to hold your business processes, methods and solutions and helps you improve them. But that is all ISO 9001 can do for you.

So when you decide to adopt a ISO 9001 quality management system be sure that FIRST you design and build the ideal quality-creation processes, products and services that are sure to make your customers satisfied. ISO 9001 will only keep you making the same quality and reliability that you engineer into your business offerings and customer solutions.

Work Quality Control and Work Quality Assurance With An Accuracy Controlled Enterprise:

ISO 9001 is not the answer to the question, What is Quality? You can’t use ISO 9001 to design the processes that create and embed quality and reliability into your products and services. To design and build the company processes that actually put quality into your goods, products and services needs business process design techniques and tools.

A powerful methodology to ensure work quality control and work quality assurance is the Accuracy Controlled Enterprise (ACE). You can read how ACE delivers work quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) by following the link to the webpage.

If work QC/QA is important to you, a comprehensive manual on writing standard operating procedures (SOP) using the Accuracy Controlled Enterprise (ACE) approach for designing business processes that ensure outstanding work quality results is now available. You can read information about the method and the manual at the online store webpage: Write SOPs with Accuracy Controlled Enterprise 3T (Target Tolerance Test) method.

All the Very best to you,

Mike Sondalini
Managing Director
Lifetime Reliability Solutions HQ

An interview is a session of some inter-related questions with an aim to test your attitude, perception, approach, and your overall performance. This question lays stress on “quality”, which is a highly ambiguous and undefined term, having the capability of getting interpreted in hundreds of ways. This vagueness is what makes this interview question a hot and favorite for the interviewers.

What Does Quality Mean To You

What Is The Requirement?

Through this question, an interviewer wants to know, what is the best effort, or what in your opinion is the supreme performance. This is a highly subjective question and is majorly influenced by your own attitude and behavior, ruling out all the possibilities of giving a generic answer.

Read this article for some expert tips and also find ten unique sample answers, making your thinking sharper and giving you several options to choose from.

Two Best Tips To Boost Your Performance

1. Stick To The Workplace

The nature of this question is such that there can be possibly several answers to it. However, we recommend, since this is a professional interview that would fetch you a job, just stick to the workplace. Your answer must be confined, crisp, and strictly corporate-friendly. You are advised to answer from the perspective of a corporate organization.

2. Share Your Genuine Response

Whatever you feel from the perspective of a workplace is quality to you, just share it with your employer. This is a general question, and though tricky, requires a genuine response, instead of a generic reply.

Ten Best Sample Answers To Study

Sample Answer One

Sir, Quality for me is the best ever performance in each and every task executed by us working professionals. Quality work is the one that completely meets as well as satisfies the expectations of the customers of the organization. I focus on the customers because these are the ones for whom an organization thrives and survives, making them the very basic reason for its existence.

Sample Answer Two

A task executed in a manner that serves as well as meets all the general requirements and specifications is a quality task in my opinion. This would not only help an organization to meet its goals and objectives but also meet the client requirements.

Sample Answer Three

Every business organization in this world exists to generate profits. It will not be wrong to say that almost all the business activities are specifically aimed at profit earning, thus I would base my answer on the same. Sir, in my opinion, each and every business task must contribute towards the profit earning capacity of the organization, and in my opinion, that is quality. Every task, that generates profits, is a quality task for me.

Sample Answer Four

It is common for business organizations to divide several tasks into smaller fragments and pieces. Often a collection of these tasks is known as a project, and in my opinion, as long as a project, achieves the desired results and goals, that is meets the requirements of the organization, it is on the path of quality.

Sample Answer Five

Sir, almost all the employees at their workplaces work really hard with high levels of concentration and focus, to achieve their goals in a time-bound manner. However, in the pursuit of doing the tasks quickly, they lose track of maintaining quality. Hence, in my opinion, every task which is perfect and achieves so-called perfection is a quality task for me.

Sample Answer Six

Sir, quality is achieved when a person works as per the requirements and expectations of their business organization. There are usually strict rules in place, to execute the business tasks. It should be the duty of every employee to focus as well as follow those rules, which would improve the performance as well as working efficiency of the employees.

Sample Answer Seven

Sir, in my humble opinion, when an employee puts in extra effort or additional labor at the time of execution of his tasks at his workplace, the final outcome which comes after the successful execution is quality for me. Thus, putting one’s best foot forward and working to the best of one’s ability leads to efficient as well as perfect execution of tasks.

Sample Answer Eight

Sir, I believe, quality is achieved when an individual works as per the manuals designed and tries to meet the customer expectations to perfection. The tasks executed must be free of bugs or errors, and must strictly adhere to the real expectations of a customer. This way, an employee can achieve perfection in his or her work and thus give a quality output.

Sample Answer Nine

Sir, quality is when the brand of an organization is popular among the general public and is perceived as a mark of durability and resilience. This is possible only due to the sustained and diligent efforts of the employees of the organization. Thus, the entire workforce must work to the best of their ability, considering each workday as a special day, and give efforts which would help them to achieve the goals and objectives with ease.

Sample Answer Ten

Sir, I believe quality is achieved when the employees of an organization, aims for excellence and gives a performance that is both well directed and persistent. This would enable the organization to promote itself to the general public and establish goodwill, which would certainly help the organization’s cause in the times to come.


  1. https://academic.oup.com/poq/article-abstract/64/1/1/1818224
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1166(199909)14:9%3C776::AID-GPS13%3E3.0.CO;2-C

Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari is the founder of PrepMyCareer.com website.

I am a full-time professional blogger, a digital marketer, and a trainer. I love anything related to the Web, and I try to learn new technologies every day.

All the team management, content creation, and monetization tasks are handled by me. Together with the team at PrepMyCareer, the aim is to provide useful and engaging content to our readers.

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