What does the word pretty mean

pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face. (of things, places, etc.) pleasing to the eye, especially without grandeur. pleasing to the ear: a pretty tune. pleasing to the mind or aesthetic taste: He writes pretty little stories.


  • 1 Is the word pretty offensive?
  • 2 How many meanings does the word pretty have what are they?
  • 3 Why do we say pretty?
  • 4 Does pretty mean kind of?
  • 5 Is pretty same as beautiful?
  • 6 What does it mean when a boy says you look pretty?
  • 7 Can pretty be used for a boy?
  • 8 What did pretty mean in Middle English?
  • 9 Is pretty a good compliment?
  • 10 What does pretty amazing mean?
  • 11 Is pretty much meaning?
  • 12 How can I look pretty?
  • 13 What does it mean when a guy calls you pretty instead of beautiful?
  • 14 How do you respond when someone calls you pretty?
  • 15 What does it mean when a man says a woman is hot?
  • 16 Is pretty lady a compliment?
  • 17 Is pretty used to describe men?
  • 18 How do you call a guy pretty?
  • 19 What’s a better word for beautiful?
  • 20 When did people start saying pretty much?

Is the word pretty offensive?

Pretty can almost be insulting because it’s so weak, I think. If someone says “you’re pretty” (especially without a ‘really’) it’s like “Well, I don’t think you’re beautiful but I don’t want to insult you, so I’ll call you pretty instead!”

How many meanings does the word pretty have what are they?

So as we can see, the word pretty has two meanings and unfortunately they are “pretty” opposite.

Why do we say pretty?

It first appeared in Old English as “praettig,” meaning “cunning or crafty,” based on “praett,” meaning “trick.” It soon, in the 1400s, acquired the somewhat less shifty meanings of “clever, skillful and able,” which led to its use meaning “elegantly made or done; ingenious and artful.” Applied to a person, especially

Does pretty mean kind of?

attractive, beautiful, charming, cute, elegant, good-looking, graceful, handsome, lovely, neat, pleasant, a little, considerably, fairly, kind of, moderately, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat.

Is pretty same as beautiful?

Pretty is a word used for the gracefully attractive people without being truly beautiful.The word pretty can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Beautiful means something or someone who is very much attractive or good looking.

What does it mean when a boy says you look pretty?

It’s an all-encompassing compliment.
If a man calls you beautiful, it shows that he likes how you look and is in awe of your beauty. This can cover the majority of other compliments, too – beautiful is pretty all-encompassing and can also mean you’re pretty, sexy, and elegant.

Can pretty be used for a boy?

Pretty/ beautiful= Feminine. Handsome= Masculine. If a male (or anyone) dresses femininely, then it’s perfectly fine to call them pretty.

What did pretty mean in Middle English?

pretty (adj.) Middle English pratie “cunning, crafty, clever” (c.

Is pretty a good compliment?

You probably use PRETTY (pronounced “PRIH-di”) as an adjective to describe something or someone pleasing to look at; to be elegant or lovely. “Pretty” + nouns (i.e., woman, home, view, etc.) is generally a compliment, a good thing.

1 pleasing or appealing in a delicate or graceful way. 2 dainty, neat, or charming. 3 Informal, often ironic excellent, grand, or fine. here’s a pretty mess! 4 Informal lacking in masculinity; effeminate; foppish.

Is pretty much meaning?

Almost, nearly, approximately, as in Our homework was pretty much finished. This adverbial usage differs from the use of pretty for “considerable” (as in pretty penny). [

How can I look pretty?

How to look pretty: Step 1 Get the Basics Right

  1. Have Plenty of Sleep.
  2. Make Hygiene a Priority & Smell Good.
  3. Get your Skincare Right.
  4. Keep Your Hair Clean and Done.
  5. Give Yourself a Pretty Manicure.
  6. Buy Clothes in Your Actual Size.
  7. And Wear Cute Clothes.
  8. Love a little Makeup.

What does it mean when a guy calls you pretty instead of beautiful?

Pretty is someone or something that looks nice, on the outside. Beautiful is something or someone that is in every way a beauty, inside and outside.

How do you respond when someone calls you pretty?

Originally Answered: What do you say when someone say you are beautiful? Say “thank you”, smile – and if you are feeling shy or grateful enough for the compliment, or even just to be polite – you can give a compliment back too.

What does it mean when a man says a woman is hot?

A hot girl or guy is a woman or man who is considered very sexually attractive.

Is pretty lady a compliment?

Words like “beautiful,” “cute,” “pretty,” and “sexy” might be common ways to compliment a woman, but they tend to be overused. If you’re vying for the attention of a woman you like, it’s time to step up your game and compliment her in a way that’s really going to catch her attention.

Is pretty used to describe men?

Pretty can certainly be used to describe a manbut it’s a particular type of masculine beauty.

How do you call a guy pretty?


  1. attractive.
  2. bonny.
  3. comely.
  4. easy on the eyes.
  5. fine-looking.
  6. good-looking.
  7. gorgeous.
  8. handsome.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting

When did people start saying pretty much?

thanx… “Pretty much” depends somewhat on the original meaning of pretty, used adverbially to qualify an adverb or an adjective, meaning: to a considerable degree, rather. The Oxford English Dictionary gives examples from the 16th century forward.

довольно, достаточно, значительный, хорошенький, безделушка



- милый, прелестный; привлекательный

pretty garden [view] — прелестный сад [вид]

- хорошенький; симпатичный (о женщине, ребёнке)
- приятный, хороший

pretty voice — красивый /приятный/ голос
pretty stroke — хороший удар (в крикете, гольфе и т. п.)
pretty song [tune] — приятная /славная/ песенка [мелодия]
he has a pretty wit — он очень /весьма/ остроумный
he writes pretty little stories — он пишет изящные (маленькие) рассказы

- ирон. хорошенький, весёленький

a pretty business! — хорошенькое дельце!
a pretty mess you’ve made of it! — ну и кашу вы заварили!
this is a pretty state of affairs — ничего себе положеньице!
a pretty fellow, indeed! — нечего сказать, хорош гусь!

- разг. значительный, изрядный

a pretty sum — кругленькая сумма
he made a pretty pot of money — он заработал уйму денег

- шотл. храбрый, сильный


- прелесть (в обращении)

my pretty! — мой милый!; моя милая!; моя прелесть!

- обыкн. pl красивая вещь; украшение
- pl. красивая одежда; изящное бельё
- амер. безделушка; игрушка, хорошенькая вещица
- верхняя (украшенная рисунками) часть бокала или стакана
- амер. разг. сокр. от a pretty penny

I’d give a pretty to know that secret — я бы дал много, чтоб узнать этот секрет

Мои примеры


a pretty kettle of fish — довольно неприятное положение  
a pretty young lassie of 16 years — хорошенькая шестнадцатилетняя девушка  
pretty face — хорошенькая мордашка  
fine / nice / pretty fix — достаточно неприятная ситуация  
pretty seventeen-year-old girl — хорошенькая семнадцатилетняя девушка  
pretty songs — прелестные песенки  
in pretty number — в большом количестве  
just a pretty-pretty face — кукольное личико  
pretty-pretty verse — приторные стишки  
to pursue a pretty girl — преследовать хорошенькую девушку  
pretty waterside hotels — привлекательные отели, расположенные вдоль берега  
attractive / beautiful / pretty woman — привлекательная, симпатичная женщина  

Примеры с переводом

She was driving pretty fast.

Она ехала довольно быстро.

The tune is pretty.

Эта мелодия прелестна.

I have to leave pretty soon.

Довольно скоро мне придется уйти.

What a pretty little garden!

Какой прелестный садик!

The work is pretty hard.

Эта работа довольно тяжёлая.

I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.

Я вполне уверена, что он скажет «да».

She still looks pretty miserable.

Она по-прежнему выглядит довольно несчастной.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Those shoes are getting pretty ratty.

Her first apartment was pretty shabby.

She’s nowhere near as pretty as you are.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

prettify  — украшать, принаряжать
prettily  — красиво, привлекательно
pretty-pretty  — слащаво красивый
prettiness  — привлекательность, миловидность, приятность
pretest  — предварительное обследование, предварительное испытание, предварительный экзамен
prettyism  — красивость, нарочитая утонченность, изящество
unpretty  — некрасивый, предосудительный, заслуживающий порицания

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): prettier
прев. степ. (superlative): prettiest

Pretty and Beautiful often go in the same direction in expressing appreciation thus making it difficult to state the difference between them. In the English language, there are many other words too for the purpose of expressing appreciation. It is difficult to state the difference of one from another as the boundaries of them are rather overlapping.  When speaking of the two words beautiful and pretty the same rules apply. However, in order to identify the differences one can refer to beautiful as pleasing the senses whereas pretty refers to attractive in a delicate or endearing way. This article attempts to highlight the difference between the two words through a description of the words. Both pretty and beautiful are adjectives.

What does Beautiful mean?

Beautiful can be defined as pleasing the sense or else excellent. We often associate the word beautiful not only for people but also for objects as well. When speaking of individuals, we use it for women and also for girls. For example:

She looks absolutely beautiful in that dress.

This suggests that the woman is very attractive and pleasant to look at. It also suggests a sense of beauty that transcends mere physicality and even includes the woman’s personality. However, it is also interesting to bear in mind that we rarely use beautiful for men. Instead of the word beautiful we tend to use the word handsome when referring to men.

The word beautiful is also used to refer to other objects to express that it is pleasant. For example, when we say, the scenery looks breathtakingly beautiful, this once again highlight s that it pleases the sense and is wonderful to look at. If we say ‘her performance was beautiful’ this suggests that the performance was very good or else excellent. So the word beautiful can be used in different situations to refer to different objects and people.

Difference Between Pretty and Beautiful

“A Beautiful Scenery”

What does Pretty mean?

Just as the word beautiful, the word pretty is also used to appreciate the beauty of someone or something. It can be defined as attractive in a delicate way. We tend to use the word pretty mostly with young girls and babies, rather than with women. For an example:

Have you seen that girl? She looks really pretty.

This suggests that the person looks attractive but unlike in the case of beautiful, it is more delicate and does not capture the real essence of beauty. If the word pretty is used for a woman, this suggests that she is attractive but cannot be considered as truly beautiful.

We also use the word pretty for accessories and similar objects. For example, if some one says:

That blue necklace is really pretty.

This suggests that it looks nice. We can also use the word pretty for other accessories such as bangles, earrings, etc.

Difference Between Pretty and Beautiful_Pretty-Example

“This blue necklace is really pretty”

What is the difference between Pretty and Beautiful?

• The word beautiful can be defined as pleasing the sense or else excellent.

• The word pretty can be defined as attractive in a delicate way.

• The difference is that while beautiful captures the meaning of beauty not only in terms of physical appearance but an overall sense of pleasing nature, the word pretty suggests a sense of attractiveness, which is rather delicate and not to the same degree as in beautiful.

Images Courtesy: 

  1. Beautiful scenery by Emily Ami Anita Mu (CC BY 2.0)
  2. Blue Necklace by Etsy
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  • 1

    pretty [ˊprɪtɪ]

    1) хоро́шенький, преле́стный, милови́дный

    2) прия́тный; хоро́ший (

    тж. ирон.




    значи́тельный, изря́дный;




    краси́вые ве́щи, пла́тья



    безделу́шка, хоро́шенькая вещи́ца


    adv разг.

    дово́льно, доста́точно, в значи́тельной сте́пени (







    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > pretty

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > pretty

  • 3
    pretty up

    Персональный Сократ > pretty up

  • 4

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > pretty

  • 5

    1. прил.
    1) а) миловидный, прелестный, хорошенький;
    симпатичный, приятный;
    привлекательный( о человеке;
    обык. о женщине или ребенке) Syn: beautiful, nice, lovely б) приятный;
    хороший тж. ирон. (о вещах) pretty songs ≈ прелестные песенки pretty box ≈ хорошенькая коробка That’s a pretty hat you are wearing. ≈ У тебя прелестная шляпка. a pretty business! ≈ хорошенькое дело! Things are at a pretty pass when a referee can no longer be trusted. ≈ Дела плохи, раз судье нельзя больше доверять.
    2) разг. значительный, изрядный They have pigs also in pretty number. ≈ Свиньи у них тоже есть в большом количестве. With a pretty strength press the middle of your work. ≈ С большой силой нажмите на среднюю часть вашей работы. You must have paid for your coat a pretty penny. ≈ Ты должно быть заплатила за пальто уйму денег.
    2. сущ.
    1) а) прелестное существо б) прелесть (в обращении) my pretty! ≈ моя прелесть!
    2) мн. красивые вещи;
    красивая одежда
    3) амер. безделушка, хорошенькая вещица
    4) часть бокала или стакана, украшенная орнаментом
    3. нареч.;
    разг. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.;
    употребляется для усиления) I feel pretty sick about it ≈ мне это порядком надоело I’m pretty sure I recognized her voice. ≈ Я вполне уверен, что узнал ее голос. I’ve pretty nearly finished packing now. ≈ Я почти закончил упаковывать вещи. sit pretty be sitting pretty pretty much pretty nearly pretty well
    4. гл.;
    1) (up) прихорашивать, наряжать, украшать( кого-л., что-л.) They prettied the children up for the photograph. ≈ Они приодели детей, чтобы фотографироваться. Every town is specially prettied up for a visit by the Queen. ≈ Каждый город украшают по-особенному к приезду королевы.
    2) прихорашиваться, наряжаться She was gone a week and came back all prettied up. ≈ Она уехала на неделю и вернулась вся расфуфыренная. Elsie’s still prettying herself. ≈ Элси все еще прихорашивается.
    прелесть (в обращении) — my *! мой милый!, моя милая!, моя прелесть! красивая вещь;
    украшение красивая одежда;
    изящное белье (американизм) безделушка;
    игрушка, хорошенькая вещица верхняя ( украшенная рисунками) часть бокала или стакана (американизм) (разговорное) сокр. от a pretty penny кругленькая сумма — I’d give a * to know that secret я бы дал много, чтобы узнать этот секрет милый, прелестный, привлекательный — * garden прелестный сад хорошенький;
    симпатичный (о женщине, ребенке) — (as) * as a picture /as a painting/ хороша как картинка приятный, хороший — * voice прелестный голос — * stroke хороший удар( в крикете) — * song приятная /славная/ песенка — he has a * wit он очень /весьма/ остроумен — he writes * little stories он пишет изящные (маленькие) рассказы (ироничное) хорошенький, веселенький — * business! хорошенькое дело! — a * mess you’ve made of it! ну и кашу вы заварили! — this is a * state of affairs ничего себе положеньице! — a * fellow indeed! нечего сказать, хорош гусь! значительный, изрядный — a * sum кругленькая сумма — a * penny кругленькая сумма > he made a * pot of money он заработал уйму денег (шотландское) храбрый, сильный довольно, достаточно;
    в значительной степени — * much очень, в значительной степени;
    почти — to feel * well чувствовать себя вполне прилично — that is * much /nearly, well/ the same thing это почти то же самое — he does it * well он делает это довольно хорошо — he’s * well tired of the whole business ему все это порядком надоело — you had better do it * quick лучше сделайте это поскорее > sitting * в выгодном положении;
    ловко устроился;
    не нуждающийся в деньгах
    ~ разг. значительный, изрядный;
    a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма;
    to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться
    I feel ~ sick about it мне это очень надоело
    I’m feeling ~ well я вполне прилично себя чувствую;
    that is pretty much the same thing это почти то же самое
    my ~! моя прелесть! (в обращении)
    pretty амер. безделушка, хорошенькая вещица ~ разг. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.) ;
    pretty much очень, в большой степени ~ разг. значительный, изрядный;
    a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма;
    to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться ~ pl красивые вещи, платья ~ приятный;
    хороший (тж. ирон.) ;
    a pretty business! хорошенькое дело! ~ хорошенький, прелестный, миловидный
    ~ приятный;
    хороший (тж. ирон.) ;
    a pretty business! хорошенькое дело!
    ~ разг. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.) ;
    pretty much очень, в большой степени
    ~ разг. значительный, изрядный;
    a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма;
    to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться
    I’m feeling ~ well я вполне прилично себя чувствую;
    that is pretty much the same thing это почти то же самое

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > pretty

  • 6

    1. [ʹprıtı]

    my pretty! — мой милый!; моя милая!; моя прелесть!

    2. 1)

    pl красивая вещь; украшение


    красивая одежда; изящное бельё


    безделушка; игрушка, хорошенькая вещица

    4. верхняя (украшенная рисунками) часть бокала стакана


    разг. сокр. от a pretty penny [

    penny I


    I’d give a pretty to know that secret — я бы дал много, чтоб узнать этот секрет

    2. [ʹprıtı]

    1. милый, прелестный; привлекательный

    pretty garden [view] — прелестный сад [вид]

    2. хорошенький; симпатичный ()

    (as) pretty as a picture /as a painting/ — хороша как картинка

    3. приятный, хороший

    pretty voice — красивый /приятный/ голос

    pretty song [tune] — приятная /славная/ песенка [мелодия]

    he has a pretty wit — он очень /весьма/ остроумный


    хорошенький, весёленький

    a pretty business! — хорошенькое дело!

    a pretty mess you’ve made of it! — ну и кашу вы заварили!

    this is a pretty state of affairs — ничего себе положеньице!

    a pretty fellow, indeed! — нечего сказать, хорош гусь!


    значительный, изрядный

    3. [ʹprıtı]

    довольно, достаточно; в значительной степени

    pretty much — очень, в значительной степени; почти

    that is pretty much /nearly, well/ the same thing — это почти то же самое

    he does it pretty well [badly] — он делает это довольно хорошо [плохо]

    he’s pretty well tired of the whole business — ему всё это порядком надоело

    sitting pretty — а) в выгодном положении; ≅ ловко устроился; б) зажиточный; не нуждающийся в деньгах

    НБАРС > pretty

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    pretty разг. значительный, изрядный; a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма; to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться I feel pretty sick about it мне это очень надоело I’m feeling pretty well я вполне прилично себя чувствую; that is pretty much the same thing это почти то же самое my pretty! моя прелесть! (в обращении) pretty амер. безделушка, хорошенькая вещица pretty разг. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.); pretty much очень, в большой степени pretty разг. значительный, изрядный; a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма; to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться pretty pl красивые вещи, платья pretty приятный; хороший (тж. ирон.); a pretty business! хорошенькое дело! pretty хорошенький, прелестный, миловидный pretty приятный; хороший (тж. ирон.); a pretty business! хорошенькое дело! pretty разг. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.); pretty much очень, в большой степени pretty разг. значительный, изрядный; a pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма; to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться I’m feeling pretty well я вполне прилично себя чувствую; that is pretty much the same thing это почти то же самое

    English-Russian short dictionary > pretty

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    1. n прелесть

    my pretty! — мой милый!; моя милая!; моя прелесть!

    2. n обыкн. красивая вещь; украшение

    3. n красивая одежда; изящное бельё

    4. n амер. безделушка; игрушка, хорошенькая вещица

    to be sure, she is pretty — она, конечно, хорошенькая

    5. n верхняя часть бокала или стакана

    6. a милый, прелестный; привлекательный

    7. a хорошенький; симпатичный

    8. a приятный, хороший

    9. a ирон. хорошенький, весёленький

    10. a разг. значительный, изрядный

    11. a шотл. храбрый, сильный

    12. adv довольно, достаточно; в значительной степени

    pretty much — очень, в значительной степени; почти

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. appealing (adj.) alluring; appealing; bewitching; captivating; charming; enchanting; engaging; enticing; entrancing; fascinating; fetching; magnetic; prepossessing; sweet; tempting; winning

    2. beautiful (adj.) attractive; beauteous; beautiful; comely; good-looking; gorgeous; handsome; lovely; pulchritudinous; ravishing; stunning; well-favored; winsome

    3. bonny (adj.) bonny; cute; fair

    4. considerable (adj.) ample; considerable; large; notable; sizeable

    5. fairly (adj.) fairly; moderately; rather; somewhat; tolerably

    6. pleasant (adj.) cheerful; delightful; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; pleasing; splendid

    7. quite (adj.) quite; really; very

    8. skillful (adj.) adroit; clever; good; skillful; wicked; workmanlike; workmanly

    9. somewhat (other) acceptably; adequately; fairly; kind of; moderately; more or less; passably; rather; ratherish; some; something; somewhat; sort of; to some extent; tolerably

    Антонимический ряд:

    completely; grotesque; plain; ugly; unpleasant

    English-Russian base dictionary > pretty

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    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > pretty

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    I [‘prɪtɪ]


    хорошенький, милый, прелестный

    It is very pretty in theory, but what about the practical side of the matter? — В теории это очень красиво, а как это выглядит на практике?

    pretty girl

    — pretty doll
    — pretty tune
    — pretty dress
    — become pretty


    (1.) Прилагательное pretty характеризует обычно внешность и относится, главным образом, к юным женщинам и детям; если речь идет о вещах, pretty употребляется гораздо чаще, чем beautiful. (2.) See beautiful, adj

    II [‘prɪtɪ]


    вполне, совсем, довольно, довольно-таки, весьма

    It will cost you pretty much. — Это будет вам стоить довольно дорого. /Это обойдется вам в копеечку.

    — pretty well


    Наречие pretty употребляется главным образом в неофициальной, разговорной речи: pretty well совсем неплохо; pretty much the same thing это почти одно и то же

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > pretty

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    1) милый, прелестный

    That’s a pretty hat you are wearing. — У тебя прелестная шляпка.


    2) миловидный, хорошенький, симпатичный

    3) приятный; хороший



    хорошенький, тот ещё, ничего себе

    Things are at a pretty pass when a referee can no longer be trusted. — Дела плохи, раз судье нельзя больше доверять.



    значительный, изрядный

    You must have paid for your coat a pretty penny. — Ты, должно быть, заплатила за пальто уйму денег.




    2) красивые вещи; красивая одежда



    безделушка, хорошенькая вещица




    довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени

    pretty much / nearly / well — очень, в большой степени; почти совсем

    I feel pretty sick about it. — Мне это порядком надоело.

    I’m pretty sure I recognized her voice. — Я вполне уверен, что узнал её голос.

    I’ve pretty nearly finished packing now. — Я почти закончил упаковывать вещи.





    ; = pretty up

    прихорашивать, наряжать, украшать

    They prettied the children up for the photograph. — Они приодели детей для фотографирования.

    Every town is specially prettied up for a visit by the Queen. — Каждый город украшают по-особенному к приезду королевы.

    She was gone a week and came back all prettied up. — Она уехала на неделю и вернулась вся расфуфыренная.

    Elsie’s still prettying herself. — Элси всё ещё прихорашивается.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > pretty

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    This work of yours is pretty poor effort. You’d better do it again — Эта работа никуда не годится. Ты должен ее переделать

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > pretty

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    1) хорошенький, прелестный, миловидный

    2) приятный; хороший (


    ирон.); а pretty business! хорошенькое дело!



    значительный, изрядный; а pretty penny (или sum) кругленькая сумма

    to be sitting pretty ловко, хорошо устроиться



    1) my pretty! моя прелесть! (в обращении)

    2) (


    ) красивые вещи, платья



    безделушка, хорошенькая вещица

    довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.); pretty much очень, в большой степени; I feel pretty sick about it мне это очень надоело; I’m feeling pretty well я вполне прилично себя чувствую; that is pretty much the same thing это почти то же самое

    * * *

    1 (a) хорошенький

    2 (d) довольно

    * * *

    хорошенький, привлекательный

    * * *

    [pret·ty || ‘prɪtɪ]
    прелестный, привлекательный, миловидный; хорошенький, смазливый, миленький; значительный, изрядный
    довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени, вполне

    * * *




































    * * *

    1. прил.
    1) а) миловидный, прелестный, хорошенький; симпатичный, приятный; привлекательный
    б) приятный; хороший тж. ирон. (о вещах)
    2) разг. значительный
    2. сущ.
    1) а) прелестное существо
    б) прелесть (в обращении)
    2) мн. красивые вещи; красивая одежда
    3. нареч.; разг.
    довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени
    4. гл.; разг.
    1) (up) прихорашивать, наряжать, украшать (кого-л., что-л.)
    2) прихорашиваться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > pretty

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    1) Общая лексика: верхняя (украшенная рисунками) часть бокала, верхняя ( украшенная рисунками) часть стакана, значительный, изящное бельё, красивый , мелодичный, миловидный, милый, недурной, почти, прелестный, прелесть , привлекательный, приятный, украшение, хорошенький, хороший , симпатичный , симпатичный, довольно , довольно-таки , очень , смазливый

    2) Компьютерная техника: красивый

    6) Сленг: порядком, «маленький», изрядно, спокойный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pretty

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    English-Russian word troubles > pretty

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    хорошенький, милый

    разг. довольно

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > pretty

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > pretty

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > pretty

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    I’m pretty sure… — Я готов спорить,…

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > pretty

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    достаточно, прилично: — It’s pretty cold outside!— На улице достаточно холодно!

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > pretty


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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  • 6
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Pretty — Pret ty, a. [Compar. {Prettier}; superl. {Prettiest}.] [OE. prati, AS. pr[ae]ttig, pr[ae]tig, crafty, sly, akin to pr[ae]t, pr[ae]tt, deceit, trickery, Icel. prettugr tricky, prettr a trick; probably fr. Latin, perhaps through Celtic; cf. W.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretty — [prit′ē] adj. prettier, prettiest [ME prati < OE prættig, crafty < prætt, craft, trick] 1. pleasing or attractive in a dainty, delicate, or graceful way rather than through striking beauty, elegance, grandeur, or stateliness 2. a) fine;… …   English World dictionary

  • pretty — 1. Pretty is used as an adverb with the meaning ‘fairly, moderately’, as in The performance was pretty good / He did pretty much as he liked. The adverb corresponding to the usual meaning of pretty is prettily: She always dresses so prettily. 2.… …   Modern English usage

  • pretty — ► ADJECTIVE (prettier, prettiest) 1) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful. 2) informal used ironically to express displeasure: he led me a pretty dance. ► ADVERB informal ▪ to a moderately high degree; fairly. ► NOUN (pl …   English terms dictionary

  • Pretty — Pret ty, adv. In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact; pretty cold weather. [1913 Webster] Pretty plainly professes himself a sincere Christian. Atterbury. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretty — [adj] attractive appealing, beauteous, beautiful, boss*, charming, cheerful, cher*, comely, cute, dainty, darling, delicate, delightful, dishy*, dreamboat*, elegant, eyeful*, fair, fine, foxy*, good looking, graceful, handsome, looker, lovely,… …   New thesaurus

  • pretty — index attractive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pretty — bonny, comely, fair, *beautiful, lovely, handsome, good looking, beauteous, pulchritudinous Analogous words: charming, attractive, alluring (see under ATTRACT): dainty, delicate, exquisite (see CHOICE adj) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • pretty — 1 / prIti/ adverb (+ adj/adv) spoken 1 fairly, though not completely: I m pretty sure he ll say yes. | Life on the farm was pretty tough. see rather 2 very: It s pretty hard to see how we ll manage. 3 pretty well also pretty much very nearly;… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pretty — pret|ty1 W3S2 [ˈprıti] adv [+ adjective/adverb] spoken 1.) fairly or more than a little ▪ I m pretty sure he ll say yes. ▪ She still looks pretty miserable. see usage note ↑rather 2.) very ▪ Dinner at Luigi s sounds pretty good to me …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pretty — pret|ty1 [ prıti ] adverb MAINLY SPOKEN *** 1. ) fairly: My TV s getting pretty old now. Todd looks pretty tired. 2. ) very: The weather is pretty awful, isn t it? pretty good: I can see they ve done a pretty good job of it. pretty much/well/near …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Wow..so this is the first time that I found your site..pretty said considering I thought I was pretty smart! ❋ Unknown (2008)

If you talk of bathing, they will advise you to _dook oonder_; and should a mother present her baby to you she will call it her _smook barn_, her pretty bairn or child, _smook_ being the Norse word for _pretty_. ❋ Unknown (1859)

_Singing, Laughing all, Singing Laughing all, like pretty pretty_ Poll. ❋ Thomas D’Urfey (1688)

T. e of the pretty O F E N G L A N D* 245 pretty dairy plats that belonged — to the abbot; we take with us Darelbury, a pretty* parifti — church, and by the fide of it a fair houfe and de — mefnc of a long continued dcfcent of the Daniels, and now Mr. Daniel’s -, and Prefton, called Pref — ton on the Hill. ❋ Unknown (1778)

II. iii.28 (195,3) _With, every thing that pretty bin_] is very properly restored by Hanmer, for _pretty is_; but he too grammatically reads, ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

The title pretty much says it all but be prepared for a lot of twists and turns in the storyline; surprise elements that only a talented voice such as Cairo could come up with. ❋ Cairo (2011)

Like, his word pretty much determines the course of our lives. ❋ Sophia Hollander (2011)

The title pretty much sums up the goal of the book: guilt by association. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And the title pretty much confirms it all, when you know how to read between the lines. ❋ Chris Benson (2010)

The title pretty much gives away the entire film–a lone ballerina, off dancing in a field, runs afoul of a member of the walking dead gnawing on a head. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I’m one of the people who defends Haute Tension as much as I can the ending is forgiven by the title pretty much describing the entire film, and I know Aja has had a few hits and a miss. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The label pretty much let us have our way but when they got serious about making their quota, they would sometimes push Flipmode to the side. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I would explain the plot but the title pretty much does it for me. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The label pretty much makes its money solely on the premise that if teenagers like to see rubbish actors in movies, they will LOVE hearing them sing. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This episode is the follow-up to «Goodbye, Johnny,» and the title pretty much removes any suspense about whether he was going to come back to the station. ❋ Jaime J. Weinman (2009)

Red said the title pretty much indicated why the professor didn’t want to read it himself. ❋ Unknown (2008)

And Rush has the term pretty well locked down, which he defines as meaning you’re a fan of the show and you appreciate having someone on the radio who agrees with your worldview. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Consider This: Despite its Hindi origin, this name has an unflattering downhome image, because “purdy” is an exaggerated way to pronounce the word pretty with a Southern accent. ❋ Bruce Lansky (2008)

[you are] [vv] pretty ❋ Besties?? (2019)

She is [so pretty] [i love her] eyes.
[I like] the way she thinks it makes her look so pretty. ❋ NARKILLA03 (2004)

you: who’s [the most] pretty [person] [you know]?
me: you :) ❋ BiggestCutieOutThere (2018)

Dude, that [new girl] you [met], she’s got such a pretty [face]! ❋ Snowflakels373737 (2011)

[shes] [so pretty] and [nice] ❋ Roxii (2006)

She’s [so pretty]! [Her eyes] are [gorgeous]! ❋ A Thiele (2006)

I [fix] my [eyes] on the pretty [flowers]. ❋ Jolin Ll (2009)

[Rose]…she is pretty, but [not fit] ❋ Dan (2005)

1. I think this is a [pretty good] example.
2. The [layout] of [Urban Dictionary] is kind of pretty. ❋ Joey ‘word’ Smith (2011)

my [cats] [name] is pretty ❋ N2005 (2020)


Alternative forms[edit]

  • pooty, purdy (nonstandard)
  • purty (informal)
  • pratty (dialectal)
  • prettie, pretie (obsolete)


From Middle English prety, preti, praty, prati, from Old English prættiġ (tricky, crafty, sly, cunning, wily, astute), from Proto-Germanic *prattugaz (boastful, sly, slick, deceitful, tricky, cunning), corresponding to prat (trick) +‎ -y. Cognate with Dutch prettig (nice, pleasant), Low German prettig (funny), Icelandic prettugur (deceitful, tricky). For the semantic development, compare canny, clever, cute.


  • (UK, US) IPA(key): /ˈpɹɪti/
  • (US, dialectal) IPA(key): /ˈpɝti/
  • (US, rare) IPA(key): /ˈpɹʊti/
  • Rhymes: -ɪti


pretty (comparative prettier, superlative prettiest)

  1. Pleasant to the sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children. [from 15th c.]
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 17, in The China Governess[1]:

      The face which emerged was not reassuring. […]. He was not a mongol but there was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically long elf-locks and oiled black curls.

    • 2010, Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 4 Feb 2010:
      To escape a violent beating from sailors to whom he has sold a non-functioning car, Jerry takes his stepfamily for a holiday in a trailer park miles away, where, miraculously, young Nick meets a very pretty young woman called Sheeni, played by Portia Doubleday.
  2. Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing. [from 15th c.]
    • 2010, Lia Leendertz, The Guardian, 13 Feb 2010:
      ‘Petit Posy’ brassicas [] are a cross between kale and brussels sprouts, and are really very pretty with a mild, sweet taste.
  3. (often derogatory) Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance; see petty. [from 15th c.]
    • 1962, «New Life for the Liberals», Time, 28 Sep 1962:
      Damned by the Socialists as «traitors to the working class,» its leaders were decried by Tories as «faceless peddlers of politics with a pretty little trinket for every taste.»
  4. Cunning; clever, skilful. [from 9th c.]
    • 1877, George Hesekiel and Bayard Taylor, Bismarck his Authentic Biography, page 380:

      In the end, however, it was a very pretty shot, right across the chasm; killed first fire, and the brute fell headlong into the brook [] .

  5. (dated) Moderately large; considerable. [from 15th c.]
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition I, section 2, member 4, subsection vii:

      they flung all the goods in the house out at the windows into the street, or into the sea, as they supposed; thus they continued mad a pretty season […].

    • 2004, «Because They’re Worth it», Time, 26 Jan 04:
      «What did you do to your hair?» The answer could be worth a pretty penny for L’Oreal.
  6. (dated) Excellent, commendable, pleasing; fitting or proper (of actions, thoughts etc.). [from 16th c.]
    • 1815 December (indicated as 1816), [Jane Austen], Emma: [], volume (please specify |volume=I, II or III), London: [] [Charles Roworth and James Moyes] for John Murray, →OCLC:

      Some people are surprised, I believe, that that the eldest was not [named after his father], but Isabella would have him named Henry, which I thought very pretty of her.

    • 1919, Saki, ‘The Oversight’, The Toys of Peace:
      ‘This new fashion of introducing the candidate’s children into an election contest is a pretty one,’ said Mrs. Panstreppon; ‘it takes away something from the acerbity of party warfare, and it makes an interesting experience for the children to look back on in after years.’
    • 1926, Ernest Hemingway, The sun also rises, page 251:
      «Oh, Jake.» Brett said, «we could have had such a damned good time together.» Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly pressing Brett against me. «Yes», I said. «Isn’t it pretty to think so?»
  7. (ironic) Awkward, unpleasant. [from 16th c.]
    • 1839, The Cottager’s Monthly Visitor (volume 19, page 270)
      «Nay, not I; it is a pretty thing to expect me to wash them; you may take them back again, and say, as Sally had them before, she may wash them now, for me; I am not going to be ‘Jack at a pinch,’ I can tell you.»
    • 1877, Anna Sewell, Black Beauty
      A pretty thing it would be if a man of business had to examine every cab-horse before he hired it
    • 1931, «Done to a Turn», Time, 26 Jan 1931:
      His sadistic self-torturings finally landed him in a pretty mess: still completely married, practically sure he was in love with Tillie, he made dishonorable proposals of marriage to two other women.
    • 1995, Les Standiford, Deal to die for, page 123:

      « [] you can still see where the kid’s face is swollen up from this talk: couple of black eyes, lip all busted up, nose over sideways,» Driscoll shook his head again, «just a real pretty picture.»


  • ugly

Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from pretty (adjective)


  • Japanese: プリティー (puritī), プリティ (puriti), プリチー (purichī)


especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive

  • Albanian: i bukur
  • Apache:
    Western Apache: ba’olníí
  • Arabic: جَمِيل (ar) (jamīl), لَطِيف(laṭīf)
  • Armenian: սիրուն (hy) (sirun)
  • Asturian: guapu, preciosu
  • Atayal: betunux
  • Azerbaijani: göyçək
  • Basque: polit
  • Belarusian: прыго́жы (pryhóžy)
  • Bulgarian: хубав (bg) (hubav), привлекателен (bg) (privlekatelen)
  • Burmese: လှ (my) (hla.)
  • Catalan: bonic (ca)
  • Cherokee: please add this translation if you can
  • Chichewa: please add this translation if you can
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (leng3)
    Mandarin: 漂亮 (zh) (piàoliang), 秀麗秀丽 (zh) (xiùlì), 標緻标致 (zh) (biāozhi), 好看 (zh) (hǎokàn)
    Min Nan:  (zh-min-nan) (súi)
    Teochew: (ngia2)
  • Czech: hezký (cs)
  • Dutch: mooi (nl)
  • Esperanto: beleta
  • Estonian: ilus (et)
  • Ewe: please add this translation if you can
  • Extremaduran: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: sievä (fi), viehättävä (fi)
  • French: joli (fr)
  • Friulian: please add this translation if you can
  • Georgian: სანდომიანი (sandomiani)
  • German: anmutig (de), attraktiv (de), charmant (de), hübsch (de), nett (de), niedlich (de), schön (de)
  • Greek: χαριτωμένος (el) m (charitoménos)
  • Guaraní: porã (gn)
  • Hebrew: יָפֶה (he) m (yafé), יָפָה (he) f (yafá)
  • Hindi: सुंदर (hi) (sundar), ख़ूबसूरत (xūbsūrat)
  • Hungarian: csinos (hu)
  • Ido: bela (io), beleta (io), jolia (io)
  • Igbo: imma
  • Indonesian: cantik (id)
  • Interlingua: please add this translation if you can
  • Irish: deas
  • Italian: grazioso (it), carino (it)
  • Japanese: 綺麗な (ja) (きれいな, kirei-na), プリティ (puriti), 可愛い (ja) (かわいい, kawaii)
  • Kannada: please add this translation if you can
  • Kapampangan: malagu
  • Khmer: ល្អ (km) (l’ɑɑ)
  • Korean: (attributive) 예쁜 (ko) (yeppeun), (predicative) 예쁘다 (ko) (yeppeuda), 아름답다 (ko) (areumdapda)
  • Lao: please add this translation if you can
  • Latin: pulcher, scitulus
  • Latvian: glīts, skaists
  • Lithuanian: gražus (lt) m
  • Louisiana Creole French: bèl, bo, joli, vayan
  • Luganda: please add this translation if you can
  • Luxembourgish: flott
  • Malay: cantik (ms), jelita
  • Malayalam: please add this translation if you can
  • Marathi: सुंदर (sundar)
  • Mirandese: guapo, pimpon, galano, galan
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian: pen (no), vakker (no)
  • Paiwan: samiyan
  • Pashto: please add this translation if you can
  • Persian: قشنگ (fa) (qašang), زیبا (fa) (zibâ), خوشگل (fa) (xošgel)
  • Plautdietsch: schmock
  • Polish: ładny (pl)
  • Portuguese: bonito (pt)
  • Punjabi: please add this translation if you can (sohniya?)
  • Quechua: sumag, şumag
  • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
  • Romanian: drăguț (ro) m, drăguță (ro) f
  • Russian: хоро́шенький (ru) m (xoróšenʹkij), ми́лый (ru) m (mílyj), милови́дный (ru) m (milovídnyj), ми́ленький (ru) m (mílenʹkij), привлека́тельный (ru) m (privlekátelʹnyj), симпати́чный (ru) m (simpatíčnyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: snog
  • Slovene: lep (sl)
  • Spanish: guapo (es), bonito (es), lindo (es)
  • Swedish: vacker (sv), fin (sv), skön (sv) (older form), snygg (sv), söt (sv) (especially of children)
  • Tagalog: maganda (tl)
  • Telugu: అందమైన (te) (andamaina)
  • Thai: น่ารัก (th) (nâa-rák), สวย (th) (sǔai)
  • Tibetan: སྙིང་རྗེ་པོ (snying rje po)
  • Turkish: güzel (tr)
  • Ukrainian: га́рний (uk) m (hárnyj), гарненький (harnenʹkyj), миленький m (mylenʹkyj)
  • Urdu: خوبصورت(xūbsūrat), سندر(sundar)
  • Vietnamese: xinh xắn (vi), xinh (vi)
  • Volapük: plitülik (vo)
  • Yiddish: שיין(sheyn), פֿײַן(fayn)

of objects: nice-looking

  • Bulgarian: красив (bg) (krasiv)
  • Finnish: sievä (fi), viehättävä (fi)
  • Greek: όμορφος (el) (ómorfos)
  • Kapampangan: masanting
  • Khmer: ល្អ (km) (l’ɑɑ)
  • Latvian: glīts, skaists
  • Maore Comorian: -zuri
  • Mirandese: guapo
  • Persian: قشنگ (fa) (qašang), زیبا (fa) (zibâ), خوشگل (fa) (xošgel)
  • Plautdietsch: schmock
  • Portuguese: bonito (pt), belo (pt)
  • Scottish Gaelic: snog
  • Spanish: bonito (es)
  • Volapük: jönik (vo)

dated: excellent, pleasing

  • Finnish: kiva (fi)

ironic: awkward, unpleasant

Further reading[edit]

  • Pretty in the Encyclopædia Britannica (11th edition, 1911)


pretty (not comparable)

  1. Somewhat, fairly, quite; sometimes also (by meiosis) very.
    • 1723, Charles Walker, Memoirs of Sally Salisbury, V:
      By the Sheets you have sent me to peruse, the Account you have given of her Birth and Parentage is pretty exact […].
    • 1741, [Pierre] Bayle, “A Dissertation Concerning the Hippomanes”, in John Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockman [et al.], transl., A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical: [], volume X, London: [] James Bettenham, for G[eorge] Strahan, J. Clarke, [], →OCLC, page 361:

      Pauſanias’s account is related pretty faithfully there, if we except two errors, one, that Arcas an Olympian mixed ſome Hippomanes with the brazen ſtatue, the other that he caſt a mare.

    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal’lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned, and, the first thing I knew, made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn.

    • 2002, Colin Jones, The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, page 539:
      The Revolutionary decade was a pretty challenging time for business.
  2. (dialect) Prettily, in a pretty manner.
    • 1861, George Eliot, Silas Marner, London: Penguin Books, published 1967, page 139:

      ‘The boy sings pretty, don’t he, Master Marner?’

Usage notes[edit]

  • When particularly stressed, the adverb pretty serves almost to diminish the adjective or adverb that it modifies, by emphasizing that there are greater levels of intensity.

Derived terms[edit]

  • pretty much
  • pretty well



  • Bulgarian: доста (bg) (dosta)
  • Catalan: força (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin:  (zh) (tǐng)
  • Dutch: tamelijk (nl), nogal (nl), aardig (nl)
  • Finnish: aika (fi), melko (fi), ihan (fi), varsin (fi), sangen (fi)
  • French: assez (fr), pas mal (fr), plutôt (fr)
  • German: ziemlich (de), leidlich (de), einigermaßen (de)
  • Italian: piuttosto (it), abbastanza (it), tutto sommato (it)
  • Lithuanian: pakankamai
  • Macedonian: прилично (prilično), доста (dosta)
  • Polish: całkiem (pl)
  • Portuguese: meio (pt) (somewhat), bem (pt), bastante (pt) (fairly)
  • Romanian: cam (ro), destul de
  • Russian: дово́льно (ru) (dovólʹno), вполне́ (ru) (vpolné), доста́точно (ru) (dostátočno)
  • Spanish: bastante (es), bien (es)
  • Swedish: rätt (sv), ganska (sv)
  • Thai: ค่อนข้าง (th) (kɔ̂n-kâang)
  • Vietnamese: khá (vi)
  • Welsh: go (cy)


pretty (plural pretties)

  1. A pretty person; a term of address to a pretty person.
    • 1939, Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf, The Wizard of Oz
      I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!
  2. Something that is pretty.
    We’ll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.


pretty (third-person singular simple present pretties, present participle prettying, simple past and past participle prettied)

  1. To make pretty; to beautify
    • 2007, Eric Knight, Lassie Come-Home[2], →ISBN, page 29:

      He sat on the hearth rug and began prettying the dog’s coat.

Derived terms[edit]

  • pretty up


  • Pettry

Table of Contents

  1. How many meanings does the word pretty have what are they how is that meaning different from todays use?
  2. What are the two meanings of pretty?
  3. Does pretty mean very?
  4. What is a pretty lady?
  5. What does it mean if a guy calls you pretty lady?
  6. What does it mean when a guy calls you a pretty lady?
  7. How can a girl be pretty?
  8. Is it OK to tell a woman she is beautiful?
  9. Who is most beautiful woman in the world ever?
  10. Who is the world Beautiful Girl 2020?
  11. Which type of girl is best in bed?
  12. Which part of female body attracts the most?
  13. How do you tell if a girl is secretly a freak?
  14. How do you know if a girl is experienced in bed?
  15. What does it mean if a girl is freaky?
  16. How do you tell if he’s a freak in bed?
  17. How do you tell if a man is a dominant?
  18. How do you know if you’re a freak?
  19. Is freak an insult?
  20. What is control freak in bed?
  21. Why do I attract control freaks?
  22. How do you outsmart a control freak?
  23. What are the signs of a controlling woman?
  24. Which zodiac sign is a control freak?
  25. What zodiac signs are jealous?

If you describe someone as pretty, you mean that they are attractive. She’s a very charming and very pretty girl. Synonyms: attractive, appealing, beautiful, sweet More Synonyms of pretty. prettily (prɪtɪli ) adverb.

How many meanings does the word pretty have what are they how is that meaning different from todays use?

Attractive, lovely, good-looking, nice-looking, personable, fetching, prepossessing,appealing, charming, delightful, cute. Today the meaning of pretty is different to everyone.

What are the two meanings of pretty?

1a : artful, clever. b : pat, apt. 2a : pleasing by delicacy or grace. b : having conventionally accepted elements of beauty. c : appearing or sounding pleasant or nice but lacking strength, force, manliness, purpose, or intensity pretty words that make no sense— Elizabeth B.

Does pretty mean very?

We can use pretty as an adverb, before an adjective or another adverb, meaning ‘quite, but not extremely’.

What is a pretty lady?

1 pleasing or appealing in a delicate or graceful way. 2 dainty, neat, or charming. 3 Informal, often ironic excellent, grand, or fine. here’s a pretty mess! 4 Informal lacking in masculinity; effeminate; foppish.

What does it mean if a guy calls you pretty lady?

When a guy calls you pretty, it means he finds you attractive and sweet. You are cute, and you know it, he is just telling you that he appreciates you. MEANING: When a guy calls you pretty, he is expressing his admiration for your appearance.

What does it mean when a guy calls you a pretty lady?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a guy calls a girl “pretty lady”? If he is a friend, he is acknowledging that she is pretty but in an affectionate or casual way like how he would respond to his sister or a friend who he is comfortable with and vice versa.

How can a girl be pretty?

So read on and you’ll know how to become an attractive woman in no time.

  1. Dare to be Different.
  2. Accept your Flaws and Embrace You.
  3. Stand for What you Believe in.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. Smile!
  6. Learn to have Fun and Celebrate Life.
  7. See the Good in Others and Be Positive.
  8. Be Spontaneous!

Is it OK to tell a woman she is beautiful?

Telling a woman she’s beautiful will usually be well-received, but it can be such a generic compliment that it occasionally comes across as a bit disingenuous. Complimenting a woman on her skin, hair or nails, especially if they are particularly clear, glossy and strong respectively, can be a good move, too. …

Who is most beautiful woman in the world ever?

The Top Ten Most Beautiful Women Of ALL Time

  • Kate Moss.
  • Jean Shrimpton.
  • Brigitte Bardot.
  • Beyonce.
  • Sophia Loren.
  • Grace Kelly.
  • Marilyn Monroe.
  • Audrey Hepburn. Accepting the gold crown however, and swooping into first place, it’s classic Hollywood icon and word renown beauty Audrey Hepburn.

Who is the world Beautiful Girl 2020?

Yael Shelbia, 19, has landed atop the annual “Most Beautiful Girl in the World” list for 2020.

Which type of girl is best in bed?

13 things that make a woman good in bed

  • Don’t make fun of his buddy down below.
  • Get good at oral sex.
  • Be confident.
  • Drink those fancy drinks.
  • Revel in the taste of food.
  • Enjoy those flavors.
  • Exercise. If a woman takes care of her body, she is usually quite confident about it.
  • Practice your kissing skills. This is a big one.

Which part of female body attracts the most?

Unlike the men, women do indeed find the chest to be the body part that makes a most attractive, with 24 percent selecting a man’s pecs as their top choice.

How do you tell if a girl is secretly a freak?

15 Obvious Signs She’s A Little “Freaky”

  1. Her “casual style” is “burning-hot”
  2. She’s kind of like you.
  3. She’s touchy-feely.
  4. She can’t stop staring at you.
  5. Oh, that devilish smile!
  6. She enjoys teasing you.
  7. Her jokes are so daring!
  8. She’s just so… enticing!

How do you know if a girl is experienced in bed?

9 signs you’re good in bed, according to experts. Enjoying sex and being open-minded are signs you might be good in bed. Feeling confident, attentive, and eager to please your partner are also good signs. You might also be good in bed if you know what needs to be done to reach your peak.

What does it mean if a girl is freaky?

freaky. adj. freaky means odd, strange, unusual. woo-girl. n.

How do you tell if he’s a freak in bed?

7 Signs He Is A Freak In The Sheets

  1. He knows how to dance well.
  2. He has had many partners.
  3. He touches you.
  4. He likes going to the gym.
  5. He has scratches on his body.
  6. He makes strong eye contact.
  7. He knows how to make you laugh.
  8. 11 Signs Your Partner Is A Control Freak.

How do you tell if a man is a dominant?

11 Signs of a Dominant Man

  1. He exhibits self-control and self-discipline.
  2. He knows (and uses) the power of body language.
  3. He knows he’s a work in progress, and he does the work.
  4. He doesn’t waste time or energy complaining.
  5. He knows what he wants.
  6. He’s patient but relentless.
  7. He leads by example.
  8. He takes risks.

How do you know if you’re a freak?


  1. They have a tendency to correct people.
  2. They are judgmental and critical about other people.
  3. They are not at all team players.
  4. They do not like to share credit for their success.
  5. They refuse to admit when they are wrong.
  6. They believe that they know what is best for any situation.

Is freak an insult?

The term’s original neutral connotation became entirely negative during the 20th century; therefore, freak with the meaning of “abnormally developed individual” is viewed as a pejorative. The term is also recently used to refer to someone’s obsessive or abnormal behavior.

What is control freak in bed?

A control freak is going to want sex when he or she wants it, not when you’re in the mood. Sure, even control freaks can put down their guards and let you lead in bed but it won’t happen too often. 9. Control freaks might withhold sex and affection from you. They might cancel dates or do things to make you jealous.

Why do I attract control freaks?

Control freaks are usually drawn to people with a victim mentality or a low self-esteem, according to an article by psychiatrist Judith Orloff. This is because the control freak knows that he or she will be able to exercise control over such people, who usually have problems setting up and maintaining boundaries.

How do you outsmart a control freak?

We can spot a control freak in every walk of life, it’s about how to deal with them.

  1. Spend as little time with them as possible. Firstly, get away from them.
  2. Use strong body language.
  3. Remember why they are controlling.
  4. Practice saying NO.
  5. Find an ally and sounding board.
  6. Work on your own self esteem and confidence.

What are the signs of a controlling woman?

Signs Of A Controlling Woman

  • #1 Isolation. Does your girlfriend try to isolate you from friends and family?
  • #2 Frequent Criticism.
  • #3 Threats And Ultimatums.
  • #4 Making Acceptance And Love Conditional.
  • #5 She Keeps Score-And Uses It.
  • #6 Uses Guilt Against You.
  • #7 Creating A Debt-And Making You Pay It.

Which zodiac sign is a control freak?


What zodiac signs are jealous?

These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Known for Their Jealousy (But Here’s How They Can Use It as a Superpower)

  • Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19) Why They’re Jealous:
  • Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) Why They’re Jealous:
  • Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Why They’re Jealous:
  • Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Why They’re Jealous:

  • Top Definitions
  • Synonyms
  • Quiz
  • Related Content
  • When To Use
  • Examples
  • British
  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, pret·ti·er, pret·ti·est.

pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face.

(of things, places, etc.) pleasing to the eye, especially without grandeur.

pleasing to the ear: a pretty tune.

pleasing to the mind or aesthetic taste: He writes pretty little stories.

(often used ironically) fine; grand: This is a pretty mess!

Informal. considerable; fairly great: This accident will cost him a pretty sum.

Archaic or Scot. brave; hardy.

noun, plural pret·ties.

Usually pretties. pretty ornaments, clothes, etc.

a pretty person: Sit down, my pretty.


fairly or moderately: Her work was pretty good.

quite; very: The wind blew pretty hard.

verb (used with object), pret·tied, pret·ty·ing.

to make pretty; improve the appearance of (sometimes followed by up): to pretty oneself for a party; to pretty up a room.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about pretty

    sitting pretty, Informal.

    1. in an advantageous position.
    2. well-to-do; successful.

Origin of pretty

before 1000; Middle English prati(e), pratte, prettie cunning, gallant, fine, handsome, pretty; Old English prættig, prettī cunning, derivative of prǣtt a trick, wile (cognate with Dutch part, pret trick, prank, Old Norse prettr trick, prettugr tricky)

usage note for pretty

The qualifying adverb pretty, meaning “fairly or moderately” has been in general use since the late 16th century. Although most common in informal speech and writing, it is far from restricted to them, and often is less stilted than alternatives such as relatively, moderately, and quite.


pret·ti·ly, adverbpret·ti·ness, nounpret·ty·ish, adjectiveun·pret·ti·ly, adverb

un·pret·ti·ness, nounun·pret·ty, adjective

Words nearby pretty

Pretoria, Pretorius, pretreat, pretrial, prettify, pretty, pretty as a picture, pretty much, pretty-pretty, pretypify, pretzel

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What are other ways to say pretty?

Something or someone that is pretty is pleasing to the eye. But calling someone pretty isn’t quite the same as calling them beautiful, handsome, or lovely. Find out why on Thesaurus.com.

Words related to pretty

attractive, beautiful, charming, cute, elegant, good-looking, graceful, handsome, lovely, neat, pleasant, a little, considerably, fairly, kind of, moderately, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat

How to use pretty in a sentence

  • In the seeding games, the rate of calls receiving each of those designations was pretty similar to where it was during the regular season.

  • That’s a pretty huge step for anybody trying to accrue as many SERP features as they can, and, in particular, for news websites.

  • You should be pretty freaking complete by the time you come together, join together with another person.

  • As for the towers I built, the difference looked pretty obvious.

  • This is a pretty standard speed bump for the bread-and-butter iPad.

  • I think the response of the French government so far has been pretty appropriate in that regard.

  • I gotta say—I think this past year was pretty bad for music.

  • “Jeffrey wanted me to tell you that you looked so pretty,” the female voice said into my disbelieving ear.

  • The clichés about football-obsessed husbands and frustrated wives are pretty heavy-handed.

  • Early on, the sexual protagonist complains that her Molson-drinking husband is pretty much an incompetent Neanderthal.

  • Yet if there is a measure of untruth in such pretty flatteries, one needs to be superhuman in order to condemn them harshly.

  • As company after company appeared, we were able to form a pretty exact estimate of their numbers.

  • He glanced aside, and saw an exceedingly pretty, dark face, which looked vaguely familiar.

  • Pretty women without religion are like flowers without perfume.

  • Blanche stood an instant looking into the lighted room and hesitating—flushed a little, smiling, extremely pretty.

British Dictionary definitions for pretty

adjective -tier or -tiest

pleasing or appealing in a delicate or graceful way

dainty, neat, or charming

commendable; good of its kindhe replied with a pretty wit

informal, often ironic excellent, grand, or finehere’s a pretty mess!

informal lacking in masculinity; effeminate; foppish

Scot vigorous or brave

a pretty penny informal a large sum of money

sitting pretty informal well placed or established financially, socially, etc

noun plural -ties


informal fairly or moderately; somewhat

informal quite or very

verb -ties, -tying or -tied

(tr often foll by up) to make pretty; adorn

Derived forms of pretty

prettily, adverbprettiness, noun

Word Origin for pretty

Old English prættig clever; related to Middle Low German prattich obstinate, Dutch prettig glad, Old Norse prettugr cunning

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with pretty

In addition to the idioms beginning with pretty

  • pretty as a picture
  • pretty much
  • pretty penny, a

also see:

  • in a fix (pretty pickle)
  • kettle of fish, pretty
  • sitting pretty

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

adjective. If you describe someone as pretty, you mean that they are attractive. She’s a very charming and very pretty girl. Synonyms: attractive, appealing, beautiful, sweet More Synonyms of pretty. prettily (pru026atu026ali ) adverb.

Simply so When did pretty become an adverb? The qualifying adverb pretty, meaning u201cfairly or moderatelyu201d has been in general use since the late 16th century. Although most common in informal speech and writing, it is far from restricted to them, and often is less stilted than alternatives such as relatively, moderately, and quite.

What’s a better word than pretty? attractive, lovely, good-looking, nice-looking, fetching, prepossessing, appealing, charming, delightful, nice, engaging, pleasing. darling, sweet, dear, adorable, lovable. winning, winsome, cute, as pretty as a picture, dainty, graceful.

also Is pretty an adjective or adverb? We can use pretty as an adverb, before an adjective or another adverb, meaning ‘quite, but not extremely’.

Does pretty mean very?

These are all common in American English, but we don’t only use “pretty” to mean “very” “quite” or “a lot of”. Pretty is most often used for something that exists to some degree, but is not extremely or completely true of that thing.

Can pretty be used for male? Pretty/beautiful when applied to humans have been traditionally associated with feminine aesthetics. You can sort of get away with calling a man beautiful, but you can only call young boys pretty.

Is pretty a compliment?

Beautiful is the greater compliment. “Pretty” refers only to pleasant facial features, while “beatiful” can refer to inner unseen qualities. Nobody ever says “she has a pretty soul”. Beautiful.

What makes a girl pretty? There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with passion. A girl who gets excited about things, lives for things and holds things close to her heart is a girl worth knowing. … Because passion is contagious and watching someone get excited about something is the most beautiful quality you can find in someone.

Why do people use pretty?

The word “pretty” here is used to say “somewhat,” “considerably/rather,” or something along those lines (if a little stronger).

Is pretty an insult? Pretty can almost be insulting because it’s so weak, I think. If someone says “you’re pretty” (especially without a ‘really’) it’s like “Well, I don’t think you’re beautiful but I don’t want to insult you, so I’ll call you pretty instead!”

Is it weird to call a guy pretty?

Originally Answered: Is it ok to call men pretty or beautiful in the English Language? Pretty/ beautiful= Feminine. Handsome= Masculine. If a male (or anyone) dresses femininely, then it’s perfectly fine to call them pretty.

Is pretty or cute better? Pretty is an adverb, adjective as well as a verb. Cute gives a sense of innocence, smallness and something to which we are not vulnerable. So,a cute baby seems more apt than a cute woman. Pretty (adjective) means beautiful but soothing to the eyes.

Is it better to be pretty or beautiful?

Pretty is considered to be a weaker term of the adjective as compared to beautiful. Beautiful is considered to be a stronger term of the adjective as compared to pretty. Being pretty means being more general, as their looks can attract many people.

What does it mean when guy calls you pretty?

Pretty means just acknowledging that you have good looks without any personal attachment.

What makes a woman pretty to a man? Generally, men prefer women with full breasts, lips, symmetrical face, big smile, wider waist-hip ratio, healthy hair, high-pitched voice, clear skin, and big eyes are the morphological features in female bodies that men find attractive.

Why do pretty faces always win? New research suggests that our brain rewards us for looking at pretty faces. Few visual impressions can be compared to humans’ interest for faces. New research suggests that our brain rewards us for looking at pretty faces. A quick glimpse of a face provides us with rich information about the person in front of us.

How do I become pretty?

How to look pretty: Step 1 Get the Basics Right

  1. Have Plenty of Sleep.
  2. Make Hygiene a Priority & Smell Good.
  3. Get your Skincare Right.
  4. Keep Your Hair Clean and Done.
  5. Give Yourself a Pretty Manicure.
  6. Buy Clothes in Your Actual Size.
  7. And Wear Cute Clothes.
  8. Love a little Makeup.

What is the difference between beauty and pretty? Beautiful is considered to be a stronger term of the adjective as compared to pretty. Being pretty means being more general, as their looks can attract many people. Being beautiful means being unique; a person is a person who is beautiful by the inside too. It has some quality of beauty.

Is pretty the same as attractive?

The main difference is that while the word pretty is used to describe the outward appearance of a person, the word attractive has a wider scope, which ranges from appearance to personality. Also, while the word pretty suggests appeal in a delicate manner, attractive suggests appeal in a sexual manner.

Is pretty same as beautiful? There’s a difference between pretty and beautiful. When someone is pretty, the person has a good appearance, but when someone is beautiful, the person shines on the inside and out. The words “beautiful”, “pretty” and “handsome” all describe something which looks good.

Is Beautiful More than pretty?

Beautiful is considered to be a stronger term of the adjective as compared to pretty. Being pretty means being more general, as their looks can attract many people. Being beautiful means being unique; a person is a person who is beautiful by the inside too. It has some quality of beauty.

What is the male version of Pretty? Male equivalent of ‘pretty’ is definitely ‘attractive‘ but that is more appropriate for female.

Is pretty a feminine word?

Pretty/ beautiful= Feminine. Handsome= Masculine. If a male (or anyone) dresses femininely, then it’s perfectly fine to call them pretty.

What do you call a guy when flirting? 75 Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend

  • Darling.
  • Stud Muffin.
  • Boo Bear.
  • Mister Man.
  • Baby.
  • Sweets.
  • Bubba.
  • Captain.

What does it mean when girls call a guy pretty?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a girl calls you pretty and I’m a guy? Pretty is just a word to describe beauty. Culture has made this word synonymous and exclusive with femininity, but that’s not what it means. Men and boys have beauty.

How do I call a boy pretty?


  1. attractive.
  2. bonny.
  3. comely.
  4. easy on the eyes.
  5. fine-looking.
  6. good-looking.
  7. gorgeous.
  8. handsome.

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