What does the word phrase describe

The phrase is the syntactic unit used as a notional part of a
sentence. As a level-forming unit, it is characterized by some common
and some differential features with the unit of the lower level, the
word, and the unit of the upper level, the sentence. Like the word,
the phrase is a nominative unit, but it provides a complex nomination
of the referent, a polynomination
consisting of several (at least two) nominative components,
presenting the referent as a complicated phenomenon: a
girl – a beautiful girl; a decision – his unexpected decision
Moreover, the regular free phrase does not enter speech as a
ready-made unit like the word; it is freely formed in speech, like
the sentence according to a certain grammatical pattern. The basic
difference between the phrase and the sentence is as follows: the
phrase cannot express full predication, even if it denotes a
situation. The phrase enters speech only as a constituent of a
sentence, as “a denoteme”, to be more exact, as “a
polydenoteme” as contrasted with the word, which enters a sentence
as “a monodenoteme”. The definition of the phrase is rather a
controversial issue. In Russian linguistics, the narrow approach,
which was put forward by V. V. Vinogradov, traditionally prevails:
only a combination of two notional words, one of which dominates the
other, is considered to be a word-combination. A much broader
approach was proposed by L.Bloomfield and it is shared by many modern
linguists. One of the leading specialists in this field, V. V.
Burlakova, defines
a word-combination as any syntactically organized group of
syntagmatically connected words.


are semantically independent combinations of notional words, as the
basic type of phrases. Besides notional phrases (phrases proper), two
other structural types: formative
and functional phrases
The formative phrase is a combination of a notional word with a
functional word in
a moment, without doubt
Functional phrases are combinations of functional words similar to
regular functional words, e.g.: apart
from, as soon as, must be able, etc.

Notional phrases are
subdivided into different types, which reveal various grammatical and
semantic properties of the phrase in general.

the basis of constituent rank
notional phrases are subdivided into equ`ipotent
dominational (hypotactic)

constituents of equipotent
are of equal syntactic rank; none of them modifies another: poor
but honest;his, not Mary’s
As these examples show, the syntactic connections in equipotent
phrases can be realized with the help of a coordinative conjunction
or without any connecting element. In the above examples, the phrase
constituents form logically consecutive
which are defined as “coordinative”.
Besides coordinative phrases, there are phrases in which the
sequential element, although connected by a coordinative conjunction,
is unequal to it in the character of nomination, e.g.: came,
but late; agreed, or nearly so
Such formally equipotent phrases of a non-consecutive type are
defined as “cumulative”.
Cumulative connection in writing is usually signaled by some
punctuation mark (comma/hyphen).

phrases, one word modifies another. The principal constituent, which
dominates the other constituent syntactically, is called the
kernel, the key-word, or the head word.

The subordinate (dominated) constituent, which modifies the kernel,
is called the
Dominational connection, like equipotent connection, can be both
consecutive and cumulative: definitely
off the point

(consecutive domination) – off
the point, definitely

(cumulative domination). Logically consecutive dominational
connections are defined as “subordinative”.
Dominational connection is achieved by — different forms of the word
(categorial agreement, government), — connective words (prepositions,
i.e. prepositional government), or — word order (adjoining,
enclosure). Agreement
takes place when the subordinate word assumes a form similar to the
form of the kernel: these
boys; the child plays
takes place when a certain form of adjunct is required by its
head-word, but it does not coincide with the form of the head word:
see him
involves no special formal mark of dependence between constituents;
words are combined by contact: to
go home
takes place in phrases in which the subordinate word is placed
between two parts of an analytical head-word form: to
thoroughly think over, the then governmen,

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

What does this phrase describe: «I Eat Good Chocolate»?

Что мы подразумеваем, когда говорим фразу: «Я хочу горячий шоколад»?

Другие результаты

Usually this phrase describes what happens with students during the summer.

Обычно этой фразой описывают то, что происходит со школьниками летом.

This phrase describes what may be called the rudimentary stage of opinion.

Эта фраза описывает то, что можно назвать рудиментарной ступенью мнения.

Keywords and long-tail phrases describe the products and services delivered by an e-Commerce site.

Ключевые слова и длинные фразы описывают продукты и услуги, предоставляемые сайтом электронной коммерции.

The phrase describes the shape of a TV set or program, not an actual inch measurement.

Данный формат описывает форму телевизора или программы, а не реальную величину в дюймах.

HEAD-TO-HEAD — This phrase describes the correct placement of spray heads and stream rotors.

Головка-к-головке — это понятие описывает правильное размещение распылителей и роторных дождевателей.

what two-word phrase describes this cartoon?

This phrase describes the two key facets of every experience

There are certain nuances in terms of the filling that there is very abstruse phrases describes a particular place to fill, said Parasyuk.

Есть определенные нюансы в плане заполнения, что там очень заумными фразами описывается та или иная строчка для заполнения , — сказал Парасюк.

This phrase describes very well the essence of transpersonal psychology, which in their studies of the human psyche is drawn to the religious and spiritual practices that have been known to mankind for many millennia.

Эта фраза очень хорошо описывает суть трансперсональной психологии, которая в своих исследованиях человеческой психеи обращается к религиозно-духовным практикам, которые были известны человечеству уже много тысячелетий.

This phrase describes «Skins.»

A popularly repeated theory is that this phrase describes a condition caused by a rare genetic defect that is carried by the royal families of Europe, due to their habit of only ever marrying other members of European royal families.

Существует миф, что эта фраза описывает состояние, вызванное редким генетическим дефектом, который присущ королевским семьям Европы, из-за их привычки жениться и выходить замуж только за членов других европейских знатных семей.

First think of all phrases that describe your project better.

Write short phrases that describe what you did and illustrate each skill.

Используйте короткие фразы для того, чтобы описать, чем Вы занимались, и проиллюстрировать все Ваши навыки.

From each pair, choose the phrase that describes you best.

Из каждой пары слов выберите одно слово, которое в наибольшей степени соответствует Вам.

Name three words or phrases that best describe you.

Сделайте список из десяти слов или фраз, наилучшим способом вас описывающих.

Naturally, you use the phrase to describe your emotional landscape at any given moment.

Пожалуйста, используйте эту главу для определения своего эмоционального состояния в каждый конкретный момент.

Which of these phrases best describes your hopes&expectations for next 12 months?

Какие из этих фраз лучше всего описывают ваши надежды и ожидания в следующие 12 месяцев?

This phrase amply describes its position regarding the prospects of monetary policy.

Эта фраза обстоятельно описывает его позицию относительно перспектив денежно-кредитной политики.

Just write down 5-10 phrases that describe your product, service or topic.

Просто запишите 5-10 фраз, которые описывают ваш продукт, услугу или тему.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 616. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 312 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

describe — перевод на русский


There are no words that could describe it.

что бы описать это.

And lights… Sorry, this just my … vocabulary ? I can’t describe it.

Ц ќ да. я вижу, как бы это выразитьс€, градации цвета и эти огни… простите, оп€ть словарный запас, € не могу это описать.

Uh, can you describe this shirt?

— Можете ли вы описать свою рубашку?

I sure wish that watchman could describe the guy he almost caught.

Как бы я хотел, чтобы сторож смог описать человека, которого почти поймал.

I can describe your charming companion.

Могу даже описать твою очаровательную спутницу.

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Hidden in the library of the Harvard Divinity School and kept for 2 decades under lock and key here is a doctoral thesis describing a research project unthinkable today: an experiment to discover the effect of psychedelic drugs on the religious experience of student priests.

—пр€танна€ в библиотеке √арвардской Ўколы Ѕогослови€ и остававша€с€ два дес€тилети€ под замком, эта докторска€ диссертаци€ описывает исследовательский проект немыслимый сегодн€: эксперимент исследующий эффект психоделических наркотиков на религиозный опыт студентов-св€щеннослужителей.

But it’s the only one that describes the work at hand.

Но это единственное слово, которое описывает предстоящую работу.

The sun describes an arc about him:

Солнце описывает дугу над ним.

describing its details, and finds pleasure in that description, which he begins to notice and worry about.

Он детально описывает его и от этого описания испытывает истинное наслаждение. Наслаждение, которое он более или менее понимает,..

A closed meeting of doctors listens… as Dr. Fletcher describes Zelig as a human chameleon.

Закрытое собрание врачей слушает… как д-р Флетчер описывает Зелига в качестве человека-хамелеона.

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No pregnancy was ever exactly like the ones described in the books.

Редко у кого беременность протекает так, как описано в книгах.

The Holy Grail’s final resting place described in detail.

Место хранения Грааля описано подробно.

It describes how the eye changes its shape when looking at great distances, and how laughter changes the face. it explains how ideas chase one another in the memory and where thought goes when it is finished with.

В ней описано, как меняется форма глаза, когда он смотрит вдаль, как смех меняет черты лица, как образы в памяти преследуют друг друга и куда исчезает мысль, когда она додумана до конца.

I’d have to be pretty stupid to write a book about killing… and then kill somebody the way I described it in my book.

Было бы очень глупо написать роман об убийстве, а потом кого-то убить точно как описано в книге.

No one could sleep who’d done what was described there.

Никто не смог бы уснуть, совершив то, что там описано.

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Driver of the getaway car escaped, described as follows.

Водитель украденной машины сбежал, описание следующее.

Father Diego La Matina of Ragalbuto, who came from his hometown, to describe how this friar was condemned to the stake, for having asked for and wanted justice, and to he p us understand how these customs have been continuously recurring overthe centuries.

Дано описание, как этого монаха сожгли на костре за его вопросы и стремление к правосудию… чтобы дать нам понять, как подобные случаи повторяются из века в век.

Here on the 242 is perfectly described rape.

Здесь на странице 242 есть прекрасное описание изнасилования.

This is just speculation. But what if the note described the assassination attempt on JFK?

А что, если в записке было описание покушения на Кеннеди?

The spheres described an ancient power struggle that destroyed a race called the Saltah’na.

Сферы содержали описание борьбы за власть, произошедшей в древности и уничтожившей расу Салтах’нa.

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Now would you describe the contrast, if any, after the coming to power of National Socialism in 1933?

Не могли бы вы теперь рассказать, что изменилось после прихода к власти в 1933 году национал-социалистов?

I shall also describe my own life and what occurred within me after the act and where I have been since the crime until my arrest, and also the resolutions I made.

Я должна также рассказать и о моей собственной жизни, о том, что произошло во мне после этого деяния, и где я был до моего ареста, а также резолюции, которые я сделал.

This man was more like a resistance fighter than a god and most of his miracles may be the result of the imagination of those who couldn’t find words to describe his courage.

Этот человек был больше похож на бунтаря, чем на Бога. Часть его чудес, скорее всего, является лишь плодом воображения тех, кому не хватило слов, рассказать о его мужестве.

Can you describe what you’re seeing?

ћожешь рассказать, что ты видишь?

So I could describe you all for the benefit of my audience.

Я мог бы вам всё рассказать для удовольствия моих слушателей.

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There’s no other way to describe him.

Иначе его назвать нельзя. Это был сумасшедший.

Scarcely had I let my head fall back when there flashed upon my mind what I cannot better describe than as the unformed half of that idea of deliverance, and of which only a moiety had floated indeterminately through my brain when I had noticed the dish.

≈два успел € снова опустить голову, и в мозгу моем пронеслось то, что лучше всего назвать недостающей половиной идеи об избавлении, перва€ часть которой лишь смутно промелькнула в моем уме, когда € смотрел на миску.

Such an attack, using weapons of one megaton, could be described as minimal because it’s now more than possible that missile warheads or free-falling bombs of between five to ten times that power would be used instead.

Нападение с использованием боеголовок мощностью в одну мегатонну можно назвать минимальным, потому что сейчас более чем возможно использование боеголовок в пять-десять раз мощнее этих.

Well the best way to describe her would be to call her our librarian.

Лучше всего назвать ее нашим библиотекарем.

And last but not least, except in stature our young David, who slew the Goliath of Blackfarm, if I may so describe it.

И последний, никому не уступающий, разве что в росте… наш молодой Давид, который сразил Голиафа с Черной фермы, если я могу так его назвать.

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But you are exactly as Roger described you.

Вы точно такая, как говорил Роджер.

You’re exactly the way Allen described.

Теперь понятно, почему Аллен говорил:

This is just how you described it.

Ты говорил как раз о таком моменте.

He described the idea that lions have an impressive roar as mere majestic twaddle and said that they sounded identical to ostriches. So let’s demonstrate that.

А еще говорил, что разговоры о величественном рёве льва – величайшая болтовня, и лев рычит так же как страус.

I mean, hitler… hitler described her as the most dangerous woman in europe.

Ведь Гитлер говорил про нее: «самая опасная женщина в Европе.»

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You could describe the work as a social function

…функция, можно сказать, общественная.

Can you describe whatever it is that I’m doing?

А ты можешь сказать, что я делаю?

How can I describe it?

Как бы сказать попроще?

He never forgets to describe how things taste.

Он никогда не забывает сказать, какие вещи на вкус.

Just gotta drop this stuff off, and then I would describe myself as expendable.

Только заброшу это фигню, и можно сказать я… готов к употреблению.

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Perhaps I haven’t learned enough to express myself clearly, but I’ll attempt to describe it.

Быть может, я еще просто не научился правильно выражать свои мысли, но всё же я хочу попытаться объяснить.

I wish I could describe to you what a thrill it is to be here.

Мне хотелось бы объяснить Вам, какой трепет я испытываю, находясь здесь.

But I am unable to accurately describe for you how or why.

Но я не могу Вам точно объяснить какая и зачем.

I was describing it in simple terms.

Я хотел объяснить все простыми словами.

Let me describe it to you as I see it.

Позвольте объяснить, как я себе это представляю.

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The victim, described by police as young and attractive, was brutally, sadistically murdered. According to Chief of Detectives John Halliday.

По словам шефа полиции Джона Холидея, полиция была направлена на место захоронения женщины по наводке Линды Карсон, 22 года, уроженка Эйван-Гроув

This sound like a long term case to me, the way you described it.

Это похоже на глубокую травму, по твоим словам.

The guy that you described, the student, he was Haitian.

По твоим словам, тот парень, студент.

The neighbors describe the victim as a loner.

По словам соседей, она была одиночкой.

The murder weapon, as described by Cam and Angela, could very well be a sharpened screwdriver tipped with a bone-eating fungus.

По словам Кэм и Анджелы, орудием убийства могла быть заточенная отвертка с грибком на наконечнике.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jared Schuppe I

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(74 votes)

A definition is a statement of the meaning of a term. Definitions can be classified into two large categories, intensional definitions and extensional definitions. Another important category of definitions is the class of ostensive definitions, which convey the meaning of a term by pointing out examples.

What is this word describe?

verb (used with object), de·scribed, de·scrib·ing. to tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account of: He described the accident very carefully. to pronounce, as by a designating term, phrase, or the like; label: There are few people who may be described as geniuses.

What is an example of describe?

Describe is defined as to give details about something to someone. An example of describe is someone giving the police details about how their attacker looked. verb. 8. 1.

How do you explain what describe means?

To describe is to give an account of something and any details pertaining to that something. To explain is to give an account of something and any details pertaining to that something with the goal of clarifying it to someone, or making something easier to understand, or making some concept known.

What does it mean to describe for kids?

Kids Definition of describe

1 : to write or tell about Describe what you saw. 2 : to draw the outline of First, describe a circle.

39 related questions found

How do you use describe?

Describe sentence example

  1. I can’t describe how helpless I felt. …
  2. I can’t describe how strange this is, Father. …
  3. She wanted to express her feelings for him, but mere words could not describe them. …
  4. I can only describe the mood of our return trip as pensive. …
  5. All the historians describe the affair as follows:

What is another word for explaining?

Some common synonyms of explain are elucidate, explicate, expound, and interpret. While all these words mean «to make something clear or understandable,» explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

Can you describe yourself?

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, I was promoted three times in less than two years.”

What is the purpose of describe?

Describe is a creative and interesting tool used to engage people and understand their unique perspectives. … Adjectives (words that describe people,places, or things) are incredibly important when it comes to understanding how we view our world.

How do you explain difference?

The result of subtracting one number from another. How much one number differs from another. Example: The difference between 8 and 3 is 5.

How do you describe a good sentence?

A good sentence is a complete sentence.

A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause. … For example: “Parents worry about their children.” This sentence is complete, and conveys a clear idea.

How do you describe a good person in a sentence?

Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to. Amiable — He’s friendly and nice. Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him. Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.

What are three synonyms?

synonyms for describe

  • chronicle.
  • depict.
  • illustrate.
  • outline.
  • portray.
  • represent.
  • specify.
  • term.

What is the goal of descriptive writing?

The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader’s mind.

What is the full meaning of purpose?

1a : something set up as an object or end to be attained : intention. b : resolution, determination. 2 : a subject under discussion or an action in course of execution.

What are 3 words to describe yourself?

Good Words to Describe Yourself (+ Example Answers)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable. I am always the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them. …
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary. …
  • Motivated / Ambitious / Leader. …
  • Honest / Ethical / Conscientious. …
  • Friendly / Personable / Extrovert.

What to say about myself?

12 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Yourself

  • I am following my heart and intuition. …
  • I am proud of myself. …
  • I am making a difference. …
  • I am happy and grateful. …
  • I am growing into the best version of me. …
  • I am making my time count. …
  • I am honest with myself. …
  • I am good to those I care about.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Sample Answer #1:

“If I have to describe myself in 5 words I would say I am attentive, reliable, able, creative, and hardworking.

What’s a better word for said?

Babbled, beamed, blurted, broadcasted, burst, cheered, chortled, chuckled, cried out, crooned, crowed, declared, emitted, exclaimed, giggled, hollered, howled, interjected, jabbered, laughed, praised, preached, presented, proclaimed, professed, promulgated, quaked, ranted, rejoiced, roared, screamed, shouted, shrieked, …

What is the word for explain further?

1 clarify, clear up, define, demonstrate, describe, disclose, elucidate, explicate (formal) expound, illustrate, interpret, make clear or plain, resolve, solve, teach, unfold. 2 account for, excuse, give an explanation for, give a reason for, justify.

What is a thesaurus explain?

A thesaurus (plural thesauri or thesauruses) or synonym dictionary is a reference work for finding synonyms and sometimes antonyms of words. They are often used by writers to help find the best word to express an idea: …to find the word, or words, by which [an] idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed.

Is describe the same as define?

Define means to state exactly the nature, scope, or meaning. Describe means to give a detailed verbal ..

What do you say when describing someone?

Adjectives for Personality: Positive

  1. Affectionate.
  2. Ambitious.
  3. Witty.
  4. Thoughtful.
  5. Brave.
  6. Bright.
  7. Sensible.
  8. Charming.

Is describable a word?

de·scrib′a·ble adj. de·scrib′er n.

Have you ever wondered why we use particular words to communicate things and how we make them make sense? Grammar refers to the structure of a language, particularly how words are put together in different ways to express meaning. Words don’t stand alone; they are combined to form phrases (then clauses and then sentences). But what are the different types of phrases?

Types of phrases Image of the word grammar StudySmarterFig 1. Types of phrases are an important part of English grammar

Types of phrases in grammar

There are several types of phrases in English grammar. A phrase is a group of words that form what the dictionary calls ‘a conceptual unit’ (an idea contained in a few words). Phrases normally form parts of clauses. A phrase is not a sentence on its own. The important thing to not is that phrases do not make sense on their own as they do not have a subject and predicate.

What are the different types of phrases?

Some different types of grammatical phrases are as follows:

  • Noun phrase

  • Adjective phrase

  • Adverb phrase

  • Verb phrase

  • Prepositional phrase

It is helpful to remember that phrases can include other phrases within them. There can also be more than one of the same phrases in a single sentence.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these types of phrases. But, before we do that, and in case you need a reminder…

A noun = a word that is used to name something, such as an object, place, person, idea etc. For example, ‘desk’, ‘city’, ‘woman’, ‘love’.

An adjective = a word that describes a noun or pronoun. For example, in the sentence “the cat is grey”, the adjective is ‘grey’ and it is used to describe the noun (the cat).

A verb = a word that describes an action or state. For example, in the sentence “the teacher writes on the board” the verb is ‘writes’ as it indicates the action. In the sentence “the ball is rolling down the hill”, the auxiliary verb ‘is’ indicates the tense of the sentence, and the main verb ‘rolling’ expresses the action.

An adverb = a word that describes a verb, adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence. For example, in the sentence “she walks slowly” the adverb is ‘slowly’ as it adds information about the verb. In the sentence “he is really tall”, the adverb is ‘really’ as it adds information about the adjective.

A preposition = a word or group of words that indicate where things are in relation to one another. This can refer to direction, time, location and spatial relationships. For example, words like ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘under’, ‘over’, ‘before’, ‘after’.

Okay, let’s continue to look at the different types of phrases…

Examples of the different types of phrases

Below you will see some examples along with the different types of phrases so you can easily make sense of a sentence in the future.

Noun phrase

A noun phrase is a group of words that consists of a noun (or pronoun eg. he, she, it) and other words that modify the noun. Modifiers can refer to articles (a/an/the), quantifiers (some, a lot, a little), demonstratives (this, that, those), possessives (his, her, their), adjectives or adverbs.

Noun phrases are used to give more information about a noun. They can function as the subject, object or complement of a sentence.

Noun phrase examples

Here are some examples of the types of phrases known as noun phrases.

In the sentence:

“Your black cat is always outside.”

The noun phrase is

Your black cat.”

It is used to add detail to the sentence, by indicating the subject (cat) and describing it (a cat that is black and belongs to someone).

In the sentence:

“I saw a scary movie at midnight.”

The noun phrase is:

A scary movie.”

It is used to indicate the object of the sentence (a movie) and provide a description of it (scary).

It has been argued that a noun phrase CAN consist of only one word, which would be either a noun or pronoun.

Beth is walking home from school”.

Here, Beth is the only noun in the sentence, so it can be considered a one-word noun phrase.

Adjective phrase

An adjective phrase (also known as an adjectival phrase) is a type of phrase which is a group of words that consists of an adjective and other words that modify or complement it. Adjective phrases have the purpose of an adjective and are used to describe or add more detail to a noun/pronoun. They can come before or after a noun.

Adjective phrase examples

Here are some examples of adjective phrases.

In the sentence

“The man with short hair is running in the park.”

The adjective phrase is

Short hair.

It appears after the noun and is used to provide more detail about the noun (the man).

In the sentence:

“I ate some sugar-coated


The adjective phrase is:


It appears before the noun and is used to provide more information about the noun (doughnut) — it describes what they were like (sugar-coated).

Adverb phrase

An adverb phrase (also known as an adverbial phrase) is a group of words that consists of an adverb and often other modifiers. They have the function of an adverb in a sentence and are used to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. They can appear before or after the elements they modify.

Adverb phrase examples

Here are some examples of adverb phrases.

In the sentence:

“I go to the gym every weekend.”

The adverb phrase is:

Every weekend.

It gives more information about how often the action takes place.

In the sentence:

“He very carefully lifted the trophy.”

The adverb phrase is:

Very carefully.

It gives more detail about how the action (lifted) is carried out.

Verb phrase

A verb phrase is a group of words that consists of a head (main) verb and other verbs such as copular verbs (verbs that join the subject to the subject complement ie., seems, appears, tastes) and auxiliaries (helping verbs ie., be, do, have). It can also include other modifiers. A verb phrase has the function of a verb in a sentence.

Verb phrase examples

Here are some examples of verb phrases.

In the sentence:

“Dave was walking his dog.”

The verb phrase is:

Was walking.

It consists of the auxiliary verb ‘was’, which indicates the tense of the sentence, and the main verb ‘walking’, which indicates the action.

In the sentence:

“She will go to the party tonight.”

The verb phrase is:

Will go.

It consists of the modal verb ‘will’, which indicates a degree of certainty, and the main verb ‘go’ which indicates the future action.

Types of phrases Image of woman at a party StudysmarterFig 2. ‘She will go to the party’ contains the verb phrase ‘will go’

Prepositional phrase

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that consists of a preposition and an object. It can also include other modifiers, but these are not essential. A prepositional phrase can either act as an adjective or adverb in a sentence. It is used to modify nouns and verbs and gives information about the relationships between subjects and verbs.

Prepositional phrase examples

Here are some examples of prepositional phrases.

In the sentence:

“The rat runs into the box.”

The prepositional phrase is:

Into the box.”

It gives information about where the subject (the rat) goes.

In the sentence:

“The cut on my leg is painful.”

The prepositional phrase is:

On my leg.”

It gives information about where the subject (the cut) is situated.

Types of Phrases — Key takeaways

  • A phrase is a group of words that add meaning to a sentence. The different types of phrases include: noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, verb phrase, and prepositional phrase.
  • A noun phrase is a group of words that consists of a noun (or pronoun) and other words that modify the noun. It adds information about the noun.
  • An adjective phrase is a group of words that consists of an adjective and other words that modify or complement it. It is used to add detail to a noun.
  • An adverb phrase is a group of words that consists of an adverb and often its modifiers. It functions as an adverb in a sentence, with the purpose of modifying verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
  • A verb phrase is a group of words that consists of the main verb and other verbs (such as copulas and auxiliaries). It can also include other modifiers.
  • A prepositional phrase is a group of words that acts as either an adjective or adverb in a sentence. It consists of a preposition and an object, and can also include other modifiers.

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