What does the word my bad mean

Are you looking for a way to take the blame for something minor? If so, you could use the expression, “my bad.” Let’s unpack the meaning and origin of this expression.

The meaning of “my bad” is an apologetic reaction to someone else for your behavior. The saying has versatility in conversation and can suit minor to major transgressions resulting in adverse outcomes for other people or yourself.

For instance, you could use the saying when you’re apologizing for forgetting to take out the trash, and now the raccoons are all over everything. Or you could use it after being caught laundering millions of dollars for Chinese Triads.

Typically, the saying is an admittance of responsibility and accountability when something goes wrong. They’re letting you know that they are to blame.

Example Usage

“Oh no, that’s my bad. I don’t mean to leave the stove on, and now the whole apartment is on fire.”

“Oh no, that’s my bad; I left the TV remote in the other room last night.”

“Sorry about bumping you like that; that’s my bad.”

“I didn’t mean that, my guy, my bad, let me buy you a drink.”

“That came out wrong, my bad. Let me start again, and I’ll get it right.”

“Oh, you’re coming along? My bad, I thought you were staying here.”

“Whoops, that wasn’t supposed to be there when you got home. That’s my bad.”


The origin of the expression “my bad” comes from street slang in the 1970s. The first known use of the colloquial term dates back to the Ed Sullivan Show in 1956. The talented musician, Louis Armstrong, appeared on the show as a guest. During the engagement, he wished Ed a happy birthday and then corrected himself by saying, “Happy anniversary, my bad.”

So while there is no evidence t prove that Armstrong invented the expression, he certainly coined it in media. The term would go on to gain traction, especially in the African American community. With the rise of hip-hop music in the 90s, more people started integrating street slang into their everyday conversation around the globe.

Today, it’s common for people in all countries to use the expression “my bad” when they’re trying to take the blame for some minor indiscretion with another person.”

Phrases Similar to My Bad

  • Mea culpa.
  • That’s on me.
  • My fault.
  • Sorry about that.

Phrases Opposite to My Bad

  • That’s your fault.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • My bad.

Ways People May Say My Bad Incorrectly

Some people may use the phrase “my bad” in the wrong context for the situation. For instance, if you get in severe trouble with the police for driving too fast and endangering lives, you would say it to the officer when they pull you over. In that situation, the officers might think you are making light of your actions and intend to humiliate them.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase My Bad

You can use the expression “my bad” when you’re apologizing to someone for doing something wrong. Typically, the phrase suits minor transgressions, but you can also use it for huge problems. For instance, if you accidentally bump someone in the hallway, you could use the expression to describe your apology.

Or, if you crash the car, you could tell your dad “my bad” when he gets angry at you for causing the accident and damaging the vehicle. It suits professional and social use. You could tell your friends “my bad” when you don’t show up at the movie theatre as planned. Or you could tell your boss “my bad” when she tells you that you need to do better at your job.

my bad

That was my mistake; I admit that that was my fault. Primarily heard in US. Susan: «Jerry, I asked you to do the dishes an hour ago, and they’re still piled in the sink!» Jerry: «Oops, my bad, honey. I’ll do them right now.»

See also: bad

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

my bad


People say my bad to mean that something is their fault. Whoops! Sorry dudes! My bad!

See also: bad

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

my bad

used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake. North American informal

See also: bad

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˈmy bad

(American English, informal) used when you are admitting that something is your fault or that you have made a mistake: I’m sorry — my bad.No, it’s my bad. I’m the one that got caught taking stuff.

See also: bad

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

My bad

phr. It’s my fault and I’m sorry. My bad. It won’t happen again.

See also: bad

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

my bad


Used to acknowledge that one is at fault.

See also: bad

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

mea culpa

It’s my fault, my mistake. The term was taken over from Latin as far back as the 1200s and continues to be used in this way. Ian Rankin had it in Strip Jack (1992), “‘You haven’t had a proper lock fitted yet.’ ‘Mea culpa, Inspector. Fear not, one’s on its way.’” A newer slangy version of this ancient Latin expression is my bad, only a few decades old but ubiquitous enough to be considered a cliché. Novelist John Lescroart used it in The Hunt Club (2009): “‘Yeah, you’re right, I’m sorry. My bad.’ Juhle hung his head.”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • (one) can’t be arsed
  • can’t be arsed
  • pile on
  • pile on(to)
  • acknowledge the corn
  • beam in (one’s) eye
  • a beam in your eye
  • a bone of contention
  • bone of contention
  • contention

моя ошибка, мой недочет, моя вина; я виноват


Welcome to The English We Speak. Hello, I’m Feifei… but where is Rob?

Добро пожаловать в программу «Английский язык, на котором мы говорим». Привет, я Фейфей… а где Роб?


Oh! Hi, Feifei, you’re nice and early – can’t wait to get started, hey?

О! Привет, Фейфей, ты выглядишь элегантно и пришла рано — не можешь дождаться, чтобы начать, а?


I’m not early – you are late!

Не я пришла рано – ты опоздал!


Late? No, no, no, no – we said we’d start at half past ten… didn’t we?

Опоздал? Нет, нет, нет, нет, мы договорились, что начнем в половине одиннадцатого… не так ли?


No – ten o’clock, Rob. Look at this text message: «Can we start earlier at ten, please?» and you replied «sure».

Нет – в десять часов, Роб. Взгляни на это текстовое сообщение: «Мы можем начать пораньше, в десять?» и ты ответил: «Конечно».


Oh! My bad!

Ох! Это моя вина!


Your back? Don’t start complaining about your back just to avoid apologising.

Твоя спина? Не начинай жаловаться на свою спину только для того, чтобы не извиняться.


No, not my back – my bad! I am apologising – that’s what «my bad» means – it’s an American English phrase that we use sometimes to mean we accept responsibility for a mistake.

Нет, не моя спина – моя вина! Я извиняюсь – вот что означает «my bad» – это выражение из американского английского, которое мы иногда используем, чтобы дать понять, что мы признаем свою ошибку.


Well, that’s good to know. So you’re really saying «sorry»?

Хорошо, это полезно знать. Значит, на самом деле ты говоришь «извини»?


Well, not exactly. Let’s hear some more examples of using «my bad»…

Ну, не совсем. Давай послушаем еще несколько примеров использования выражения «my bad»…

  • My bad! It was me who put my pink socks in with the white washing – oops!
  • Я виноват! Это я положил свои розовые носки с белым бельем для стирки – ох!
  • My friend knocked a glass of red wine over me and all he could say was «my bad» – I don’t think he was that bothered!
  • Мой друг опрокинул на меня бокал с красным вином, и все, что он смог сказать, было «я виноват» – я не думаю, что его это сильно обеспокоило!
  • It was me who lost the car keys – my bad – I’m sure they’ll turn up somewhere.
  • Это я потерял ключи от машины – моя вина – я уверен, что они где-нибудь отыщутся.


This is The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, and we’re finding out about the phrase «my bad» which is slang for saying «my fault, my mistake, I’m to blame» – but Rob just can’t bring himself to say «sorry»! I’m sensing «my bad» is a way of apologising without actually saying sorry.

Это программа «Английский язык, на котором мы говорим» на BBC Learning English, и мы выясняем значение выражения «my bad» – сленгового выражения, которое используется, чтобы сказать: «Моя вина, моя ошибка, я виноват», — но Роб просто не может заставить себя произнести «извини»! Я подозреваю, что «my bad» – это способ извиниться, не произнося слов извинения.


Yes, I suppose so – but I’ll say «sorry» if that helps. You know I can’t be perfect all the time!

Да, я думаю также, но я скажу «извини», если это поможет. Ты знаешь, я не могу быть совершенным все время!


That’s true.

Это правда.


Anyway, why are you so keen to start early today?

Тем не менее, зачем ты так хотела начать пораньше сегодня?


Oh! My bad — I forgot to tell you it’s Neil’s birthday and we’re leaving early to go and celebrate at the pub.

Ой! Это моя вина — я забыла сказать тебе, что сегодня день рождения Нила, и мы уходим раньше, чтобы отпраздновать в пабе.


That is bad – that wasn’t a mistake: you did that on purpose.

Это плохо – это не было ошибкой: ты сделала это нарочно.


Why would I do that? Come on, Rob, I’m sure you can join us – just don’t forget your wallet.

Зачем мне это делать? Пойдем, Роб, я уверена, что ты сможешь присоединиться к нам – просто не забудь свой кошелек.


OK. Bye.

Хорошо. Пока.




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The slang phrase “my bad” is fairly common in English. It would help you to know more about it and whether we can define it as proper English or whether it’s strictly a slang phrase. This article will look into it and include alternatives that are better to say.

Is “My Bad” Grammatically Correct?

“My bad” is grammatically correct and recognized by many English dictionaries. However, it is recognized as slang and is an informal phrase in both UK and US English. It is not considered “proper” English, meaning it doesn’t work well in formal situations.

Is "My Bad" Grammatically Correct?

The definition of “my bad,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “used for saying that you accept that you are wrong or that something is your fault.”

We can use the dictionary page above to show that “my bad” is “US informal.” That means we can only use it in informal situations. We can use it when we want to accept that we’re wrong about something, but we typically should avoid it in more formal situations.

What Does “My Bad” Mean?

“My bad” means that we acknowledge and accept that we were wrong about something. We can say it when someone proves us wrong or when we realize that our actions were poor and led to discourse.

Some people believe “my bad” to be incorrect because we usually don’t include the possessive pronoun “my” with an adjective (like “bad”). In this way, it’s incorrect, but we can ignore certain rules like this when we’re working with slang terms.

For example, “my bad” is written to mean something more like this:

  • I own this “bad” thing that I did.

“My” is a possessive pronoun and, as such, “bad” becomes the possessed object of the sentence. Since it’s not a noun, we have to cut a few corners (which we’re allowed to do for slang terms). Now, “bad” is the object, and we own it.

As we’ve stated, “my bad” is slang and not proper English. There are very few instances where it will be acceptable in formal speech or writing. However, it’s widely recognized by native speakers, so it can work in certain formalities.

It’s a very popular slang phrase (perhaps one of the most popular ones out there). Many English speakers know exactly what it means and when to use it, which works well when we want to try and use it in slightly less informal situations.

Of course, the context of when you say it is what’s most important, and you should pay close attention to it. We encourage you to never use the phrase when you’re talking directly to an employer or boss of some kind (unless you know they won’t mind it).

Examples Of How To Use “My Bad” In A Sentence

It might help you to understand how “my bad” is used by looking through some examples. We believe that examples are the best ways to learn how new phrases work in actual contexts.

We can use “my bad” when we want to accept fault or error for some reason. It can relate to a mistake that we’ve made or something that we did that wasn’t very good to do.

  1. My bad! I didn’t mean to offend you, and it won’t happen again.
  2. My bad! I didn’t realize there were other people around here.
  3. Oops, my bad, sorry! I thought I was alone.
  4. My bad! It won’t happen again; I promise you that!
  5. Oh, my bad! I thought you said something else.
  6. My bad! Sorry about that; I wasn’t thinking straight!
  7. That was really dumb of me. My bad.
  8. Oops, my bad! I shouldn’t have done that, and I’ll make it right.
  9. My bad! I could have sworn he said six and not eight!
  10. My bad! I should have paid closer attention to what the text said.

As you can see, we use “my bad” when we want to claim responsibility for a mistake we’ve made.

We typically only use the phrase with the pronoun “my” because it means we’re accepting responsibility. Changing the pronoun isn’t common practice. For example:

  • Your bad
  • His bad
  • Her bad

None of these possessive pronouns are correct to use. It’s rude to force somebody else to take the blame for something or use “your bad” to tell them they were wrong.

Sometimes, you might also come across:

  • Our bad

We can use the possessive pronoun “our” (to refer to more than one person in the second person form). “Our” means that more than one people admit that they were wrong about something.

What Is The Origin Of “My Bad”?

The origin of “my bad” seems to be closely related to sports. We can go further and say that it may well have been basketball that started it.

“My bad” originates from pick-up basketball, where young players would use it to admit an error or fault in the game. It first started becoming common practice in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

It was also nominated for “word of the year” (even though it’s a phrase) in 1999. At the time, it was believed to be at least twenty years older than that.

When Did “My Bad” Become Popular?

If you look at this graph, it gives you a pretty clear idea of when “my bad” became as popular as it is today.

When Did "My Bad" Become Popular?

“My bad” became popular in the late 1990s (perhaps linked to the time it was added as “word of the year”). Since then, it has grown exponentially in the 2000s and 2010s.

We can use this graph to see exactly how popular the phrase is in recent times. It’s also interesting to see that the phrase was used in the 1800s as well (though nowhere near as popular).

The earliest recorded usage of the modern slang phrase “my bad” was in the late 1970s. Of course, that means that the iteration of “my bad” used in this graph during the 1800s and early 1900s didn’t mean the same thing.

4 Better Ways To Apologize

There are better ways to apologize (and more formal ways at that). We thought we’d include some of the best ones for you to help you replace “my bad” when you need to.

  • Sorry
  • My apologies
  • It won’t happen again
  • I didn’t mean to do that

The preferred version is “sorry” because it works in any situation and every native English speaker knows what it means. It’s also a universal word that many languages understand (even without knowing English).


“Sorry” is the best alternative to using “my bad.” It admits a fault or error that we’ve made and allows us to accept full responsibility for our actions. We also say “sorry” to accept whatever consequences come from our actions.

“Sorry” is a universal word that is recognized globally. It’s good to have in your vocabulary and works in both formal and informal situations.

  • I’m really sorry I did that!
  • I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do!
  • I’m so sorry! Can you forgive me?

My Apologies

“My apologies” is the best formal alternative to using “my bad.” It uses “my” as the possessive pronoun, but this time we use an actual noun, “apologies,” to own something and admit our mistake.

“My apologies” works best in formal situations. You’ll rarely hear someone using it in casual situations unless they’re doing it sarcastically or pretending as if they’re posh.

  • My apologies. I didn’t see you there.
  • My apologies, sir. It won’t happen again.
  • My apologies and I’ll make sure to make it up to you.

It Won’t Happen Again

“It won’t happen again” is a good way to admit you made a mistake and that you’re willing to learn from it. Saying “it won’t happen again” means you’ll actively try to avoid any situation which might allow you to make the same mistake.

Generally, we use “it won’t happen again” in all situations. It works casually with friends just as well as it does when you want to admit a fault to your boss and let them know you won’t make the same mistake again.

  • It won’t happen again, sir! I’m very sorry about it.
  • It won’t happen again. I’ll make sure of that.
  • Don’t worry. It won’t happen again.

I Didn’t Mean To Do That

“I didn’t mean to do that” is another way to admit we made a mistake or error. The only difference is that we don’t often take full responsibility for whatever action we took (since we say “we didn’t mean it”).

Saying “I didn’t mean it” typically means we’re not willing to own up to the mistake, even if it’s very clear that we made it.

  • I didn’t mean to do that. Sorry.
  • I didn’t mean to do that, and it won’t happen again!
  • I didn’t mean to do that! That was silly.

What Should I Reply To “My Bad”?

When someone says “my bad,” it’s best to reply with an equal slang response. You can say something like “no problem” or “no worries” if you want to keep your response simple.

Some other responses that you might want to use are:

  • No problem
  • No worries
  • Not a problem
  • Don’t worry about it
  • It’s okay
  • Move on
  • Forget about it

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. My Bed

    My Bed is a work by the English artist Tracey Emin. First created in 1998, it was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999 as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in a dishevelled state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted. It was sold at auction by Christie’s in July 2014 for £2,546,500.

FreebaseRate this definition:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. My Bed

    My Bed is a work by the British artist Tracey Emin. First created in 1998, it was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999 as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in an abject state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted.
    The artwork generated considerable media furore, particularly over the fact that the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist’s room. The bed was presented in the state that Emin claimed it had been when she said she had not got up from it for several days due to suicidal depression brought on by relationship difficulties.
    Two performance artists, Yuan Chai and Jian Jun Xi, jumped on the bed with bare torsos in order to improve the work, which they thought had not gone far enough. They called their performance Two Naked Men Jump into Tracey’s Bed. The men also had a pillow fight on the bed for around fifteen minutes, to applause from the crowd, before being removed by security guards. The artists were detained but no further action was taken. Prior to its Tate Gallery showing, the work had appeared elsewhere, including Japan, where there were variant surroundings, including at one stage a hangman’s noose hanging over the bed. This was not present when it was displayed at the Tate.

How to pronounce my bed?

How to say my bed in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of my bed in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of my bed in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of my bed in a Sentence

  1. Mark Duffy:

    I could not lose unless I was caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.

  2. Scott Lindquist:

    I have got to be honest — last thing I think about before I go to bed are the variants and the first thing I think about in the morning are the variants.

  3. Adam Nadelson:

    We feel that patients deserve the best treatment and so, how can u leave your bed if you’re just feeling horrible?

  4. Seb Lyall:

    When you get a chance, you take your clothes off, when you get in bed, you take your clothes off. When you go to the beach or a sauna, you take your clothes off. It’s natural.

  5. Harriet Isaac-Cole:

    Ask yourself, ‘How soft or layered do I want the texture and pile of the carpet to be? How do I want it to feel underfoot when I step out of bed?’ for versatility, the best carpet shades for most schemes are charcoal, taupe and sand.


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