What does the word much love mean

An acceptable, some might say endearing, valediction (farewell) used as a sign of affection between male friends (bros) without insecurities about their, or your, sexuality.

As other definitions have pointed out: women may also employ this phrase, however this is not something to scorn them for; many of us suffer from ignorance of alien-cultures.

American: It was good talking to you again broseph, much love.

British: Toodle-pip old chum; it’s been marvelous, much love to you.

Woman: Ha, ha, that is so funny, much love Jimmy; must dash.

Italian: Il nostro amore è la cosa più importantissima nella mia vita. Io brucio per amore di voi. Tu sei con me ovunque io vada. Ora e per sempre, il mio sexy maschile, molto amore.

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The phrase some females will use on guys they only consider as friends, when saying their goodbyes, thank yous, or farewells in a conversation, letter, or email.

They use this phrase because they do not want to say, «I Love you» but they do not want to look too uninterested by just saying , «Thank you» or «Sincerely»

So they go with something just in between that’ll still give them power over the guy without losing the chase.

A sly verbal tactic for females to essentially whip the males with hope and a false sense of security and attention.

by O T January 4, 2008

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«much love» or «much love for you» is a way of giving props and/or showing respect to your homies and/or family members, whether they are male or female. it does not necessarily reflect feelings of sexual desire, but expresses affection between friends.

1.) between friends: «you know your my my boy/my girl and i have much love for you»

2.) between male friends: «much love for ya, bro»

3.) or simply say «much love» at the end of a casual encounter, regardless of gender

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what does much love mean

You’ve heard the expression “much love” before, but have you ever wondered what it means? Biological models, Christian theory, and Triangular theory all point to the same thing: love is a feeling fueled by passion, commitment, and intimacy. This article will examine these elements and give you a better understanding of love. You may even find a new definition for the phrase! Continue reading to discover what it means to you!

Biological models of love

Biological models of love provide valuable insight into the mechanisms that underlie our interpersonal relationships. For example, research into the physiology of socially monogamous mammals can help us understand how humans interact in pairs. Furthermore, these studies may also provide answers to questions about human social behaviour. For example, if we look at how the human brain regulates emotion, we might find that it’s akin to the brain of a dog.

Although the chemical oxytocin is not the molecular equivalent of love, it’s a component of a complex neurochemical system that enables the body to respond to various emotional states. This complex system is based on extensive neural networks, including the autonomic nervous system, and is dynamic. It is important to note, however, that the properties of oxytocin receptors are not fixed. Rather, they are regulated by epigenetic factors and other hormones. Furthermore, the receptors themselves change with age and experiences.

Biological models of love suggest that humans love is more complex than simple feedback mechanisms, and may even create its own reality. The primitive parts of the brain that evolved before the cerebral cortex were thought to play a major role in love. Humans in love experience a flurry of sensations that are transmitted via the vagus nerve. The sensations of love are translated into emotional experiences, which are then interpreted by the modern cortex.

Biological models of love tend to see love as a mammalian drive. Helen Fisher divides the experience of love into three stages, or “phases” – lust and romantic attraction. Lust, on the other hand, exposes us to others and prompts us to focus on mating. Then comes attachment, the stage where we tolerate a partner for long enough to rear a child. This last phase of the love process is most likely the most profound.

Christian theory of love

Christians have a different conception of love than secularists. They view themselves as God’s chosen ones and scream bloody murder if not treated like royalty. In contrast, secular culture is permeated by the belief that we are the sole actors in the world. Christians, on the other hand, view themselves as otherworldly and let God do all the loving. The difference between the two views is stark. In Christian theology, love is a form of karma.

Before the world was corrupted by sin, God’s love for his creatures was gratuitous and non-sacrificial. In God’s love for us, we are able to delight in the glory of every being. The aim of our love is to embrace the entire universe, as well as the dimension of time. Love is thus an eternal goal. But how can we attain this goal? Can we really find love without loss?

The definition of love is essential for Christian contemplation. We must learn the meaning of love, and how we can apply it to our lives. Only then can we truly understand how much love we should be able to offer. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves. This responsibility is ours to fulfill, but it must be ordered. This awareness of responsibility has had relevance for the Church since its beginning. It is an essential part of our faith.

Nietzsche argues that the Christian faith is about perfidious love. The weakling self is frustrated with its inability to achieve its goals and invents an inflated version of love. This love is then used to manipulate those opposed to it. Christianity is itself violence. So, how can we be a Christian and love our neighbor? This is the question that must be answered by Christians today. And how do we practice the Christian theory of much love?

Triangular theory of love

The Triangular Theory of Love describes love as a triangular pattern of three underlying components: commitment, passion, and intimacy. These components combine to produce consummate love. It was developed by Robert Sternberg in 1986, 12 years before cell phones and dating apps were common. Research on over seven thousand people in 25 countries proves that the model is universal, and the different combinations of these components produce different kinds of love.

Intimacy is a quality that stems from a feeling of closeness and connection with another person. It is associated with the ability to trust a partner and to rely on that person in times of need. The Triangular Theory of Love emphasizes the importance of commitment, since intimacy alone cannot sustain a relationship. A commitment without intimacy may lead to empty love. This type of relationship is typically the result of a failed relationship.

Sternberg’s theory of love also includes a theory of emotional stability. Relationships can be repaired by making strong and honest communication. Intimacy is a more difficult quality to control. But passion can be controlled by strong communication. This model of love has a lot of benefits. Intimacy and passion are the two areas where couples often have difficulties resolving their issues. This theory also considers the possibility of marriage.

Sternberg’s “triangular theory” of love requires that all three components exist in a relationship. The theory does not specify the exact amount of each component, but a balanced relationship would contain roughly equal amounts of each. It also emphasizes the importance of expressing love consistently to a partner. In practice, a relationship will not have an exact “equal” triangle. If one of the three components is lacking, the other two will fall.

Intimacy, passion and commitment are core components of love

Sternberg defined three key components of love: commitment, passion and intimacy. According to his theory, these three components generate eight different types of love: passionate, passive and committed. Considering the different characteristics of each component, you can determine if your current romantic relationship is meeting these criteria. If it is not, you may want to consider making changes. Listed below are some tips on how to improve your relationship.

Intimacy and passion are the building blocks of romantic love. If you know someone well, you will develop a deep level of intimacy and passion. Passion will come naturally to you once you become aware of their personality and interests. However, some individuals may develop romantic feelings without a commitment. One example is the shipboard romance. Although there may be no serious intention to marry, a relationship that is based on physical attraction and intense passion is likely to last forever.

Companionate love follows passionate love and involves mutual understanding, care, and knowledge. In this type of love, both partners still remain friends. But they are not as emotionally attached as they once were. A consummate love is a union of commitment, intimacy and passion. The latter is harder to sustain than the former. Further, a commitment to the relationship requires behavior that is both authentic and self-expressive.

These three components are interrelated and interact. Moreover, the importance of each component varies from one relationship to the next. Each of the three can be isolated or combined, depending on how important they are in the relationship. Further, different types of love are created by limiting the number of these three components. However, this is not a complete list of all the components that make up a love.

Being motivated to be the best version of yourself

Self-love is important when we are trying to be the best version of ourselves. We have our own values and standards that guide us, and we must not use another person’s path as the measure of our own success. It is impossible to become someone else without understanding what it means to love yourself. We can learn to love ourselves by loving ourselves. Creating self-love practices in our daily lives will help us stay motivated.

One of the most important aspects of self-love is taking care of your mental health. It is imperative to keep your mind healthy to be happy and to live your best life. Therapy can help you identify areas in your life where you can improve and help you grow as a person. The key to self-love is to love yourself and accept your shortcomings. Once you accept yourself, you can always fall back a few steps if you’re not in the right place. Just be sure to acknowledge where you fell down and offer supportive thoughts.

Table of contents:

  1. What does much love mean from a girl?
  2. What are the five magical words?
  3. What does Abracadabra stand for?
  4. What rhymes with abracadabra?
  5. Is Abracadabra a spell in Harry Potter?
  6. What spell killed Bellatrix?
  7. Why can’t Harry use Avada Kedavra?
  8. What is the counter curse to Avada Kedavra?
  9. Who survived the killing curse?
  10. Did Harry Potter ever use an Unforgivable Curse?
  11. Can you block the Avada Kedavra?
  12. What spell killed Snape?
  13. Can Avada Kedavra kill a dragon?
  14. How old is Voldemort when he dies?

What does much love mean from a girl?

much love! or. a plain ol’ LOVE! to us……it means that you have a love in your heart for that person but you don’t say ‘i love you’ to them, even a friend because, well, you just don’t lol.

What are the five magical words?



What does Abracadabra stand for?

magical charm

What rhymes with abracadabra?

Near rhymes with Abracadabra

1 candelabra Definition
2 niagara Definition
3 sabra Definition
4 accra Definition

Is Abracadabra a spell in Harry Potter?

The spells at Hogwarts It is an ancient spell in Aramaic, and it is the original of abracadabra, which means ‘let the thing be destroyed. ‘ Originally, it was used to cure illness and the ‘thing’ was the illness, but I decided to make it the ‘thing’ as in the person standing in front of me.

What spell killed Bellatrix?

Avada Kedavra … the killing curse. ‘ Molly used Petrificus Totalus, the body binder spell, hence the fact Bellatrix was frozen, then she used a strong exploding spell, probably Reducto or Diffindo, whch destroyed Bellatrix.

Why can’t Harry use Avada Kedavra?

Harry is incapable of using an Unforgivable Curse, as seen in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. UsingAvada Kedavra” needs a special kind of magic. It needs a lot of power. Not just anyone can whip out their wands and kill people with it.

What is the counter curse to Avada Kedavra?

The Killing Curse is a spell that causes instantaneous death and is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. Its incantation is Avada Kedavra. The only known counterspell is sacrificial protection, which uses the magic of love. However, one may dodge the green bolt or block it with a physical barrier.

Who survived the killing curse?

There is only one person ever to have survived the Killing Curse: Harry Potter. This was due to the sacrifice of his mother, Lily Evans. The magic was an ancient one, strong enough to cause the spell to rebound on Tom Marvolo Riddle. However, due to Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Voldemort survived.

Did Harry Potter ever use an Unforgivable Curse?

Harry makes use of two of the Unforgivable Curses in the books. … And when he is breaking into Gringotts, he uses the Imperius curse to control Travers, who has entered the bank with them, and Bogrod, the goblin who is ushering them down to Bellatrix’ vault.

Can you block the Avada Kedavra?

There is no counter curse to the Avada Kedavra (Expelliarmus only worked for Harry because his wand was twined with Voldemort’s and could not be forced to do battle with each other). … Avada Kedavra can be dodged. It can be blocked physically or with spells. But once it hits you, you can‘t stop yourself from dying.

What spell killed Snape?

Voldemort makes the bubble encase Snape to his shoulders and orders Nigini to kill Snape. So Voldemort never actually used a spell on Snape other than to make Nigini’s magical bubble cage capture and hold him while Nigini bit Snape in the neck.

Can Avada Kedavra kill a dragon?

Does Avada Kedavra kill a dragon or are they immune ? Dragon hide is resistant to the spells cast by a single, average wizard, as revealed in «The Goblet of Fire.» A dragon can be killed by Avada Kedavra, but it would take multiple wizards or an especially powerful wizard to work.

How old is Voldemort when he dies?




  • #1

Hi all! I’m a newbie and am excited to have found this site. I’ve read a few posts and hope you can provide me with some insight as you have with others. So…

I’m 36 (going thru a separation) and he’s 25. We met while I was on vacation and had an incredible vibe and chemistry instantly — and have been emailing since I got home. Thought we were just being friends with him supporting me and encouraging me to find myself. Then one day, he signed his email with a «much love».

I’m confused. What does that mean? Is he just being really friendly? I’m thinking that guys don’t typically sign anything with «love» unless they mean it, right? Does that mean that I should sign off the same way? If I don’t, how will he react? But I don’t want to push him away either — I’m willing to explore if there’s something real there. To me… it feels like love but it my head tells me that it’s too soon to call it love. Or maybe I’m a little scared… I’ve never had or know of any friends that have dated YM.

Your thoughts and comments would be great! Thanks :confused:

  • #2

my runnin’ buddy’s ie: all my friends….. and i said this all the time.

when one of us is leaving the presence of another or getting off the phone or sigining off im’s……

cya! much love!


a plain ol’ LOVE!

to us……it means that you have a love in your heart for that person but you don’t say ‘i love you’ to them, even a friend because, well, you just don’t lol. i only have 5 friends i tell ‘i love you’ to.

but ALL of my friends get the ‘much love’ or ‘LOVE’

so, hmmm, i see it maybe 2 ways?

1. he has love in his heart for you because he thinks that you’re a great friend and he wants to convey that to you.

2. he has what he feels may be the BEGINING of feeling’s of ‘love’ and this is his way of testing the waters.

but! if you are going thru a seperation, you are more suseptible to trying to figure out if a guy ‘means something’ when they in any way, shape, form or fashion drop the ‘L’ bomb.

i mean, you’re not seperated because you were a happy couple, ya dig? lol

just take things slow, listen to what your friend SAYS and don’t try to figure out if he MEANS something else.

get matters taken care of first with your current situation before you blast off into something else, however tempting that may be

welcome, and the best of thoughts sent your way :D




  • #3

My experience with men is that their actions speak louder than their words. I believe «it», whatever «it» is, when he backs his words up with his actions.

  • #4

To me it means ‘affection’ and ‘endearment’. I wouldn’t over analyze it. Just see what happens in the next month. Good luck! :)



  • #5


This can mean…..there Isn’t much love to go round….but, He thinks there ‘IS’ because he says ‘Much Love’…..It means he is Optimistic about Love, because he believes there is ‘Much’ of it…..He «Isn’t»…IN Love Yet, but he knows he has ‘Much Love’ ……How much he really will give…, is up to him— I guess…, but trying to ‘Get’ ….’Much Love’ will probably leave you with ‘Less’ of it…..

Ending with ‘Much Love’…..means there could be opportunities there for the taking…..but dont ‘take’…..for this will only push them far away….

Hardly anyone has ‘enough’ love these days…..(no not you thesedays!!!)

…..so when you meet someone with ‘much love’…….be thankful……for there are not many of them around…..;)



  • #6

reeces said:

Hi all! I’m a newbie and am excited to have found this site. I’ve read a few posts and hope you can provide me with some insight as you have with others. So…

I’m 36 (going thru a separation) and he’s 25. We met while I was on vacation and had an incredible vibe and chemistry instantly — and have been emailing since I got home. Thought we were just being friends with him supporting me and encouraging me to find myself. Then one day, he signed his email with a «much love».

I’m confused. What does that mean? Is he just being really friendly? I’m thinking that guys don’t typically sign anything with «love» unless they mean it, right? Does that mean that I should sign off the same way? If I don’t, how will he react? But I don’t want to push him away either — I’m willing to explore if there’s something real there. To me… it feels like love but it my head tells me that it’s too soon to call it love. Or maybe I’m a little scared… I’ve never had or know of any friends that have dated YM.

Your thoughts and comments would be great! Thanks :confused:

It’s probably best to give yourself time after a separation or divorce before jumping into another relationship…this little quote sums up my feelings on this pretty well…we believe what we want to believe for the most part…I wish you luck…and hope that you will take things slowly and not rush into another relationship without alot of thought ….

«Nothing is so easy as to deceive oneself; for what we wish,
we readily believe.»


  • #7

He’s probably communicating that he cares about you but I wouldn’t read too much into it (or try to analyze it too much).

If it is growing into more than friendship, I agree with Deb.

deb100855 said:

My experience with men is that their actions speak louder than their words. I believe «it», whatever «it» is, when he backs his words up with his actions.



  • #8

I think «much love» is a friendly sort of thing, not to be overanalyzed! :)



  • #9

LOL its just a hop hop term that originated in jamaica. It can mean good luck or I wish you the best. Lol Im laughing because thats like normal talk depending where you are from lol. :cool:



  • #10

LOL. Ok ok. Maybe I am being too sensitive and over-analyzing things. I needed a good laugh — thanks y’all!

But… what about when you combine that with (1) him suggesting more than once that I should really consider coming down to visit him, and (2) that he would love to see me again, and (3) that he hopes to see and hear my voice soon… ? Would you still consider his sign-off to be just a friendly spreading the love thing?

I sign off with love to my close friends too but not to any of my guys friends (and they don’t do it back either). In this case I’m worried that if I signed off the same way that he may want to escalate things too fast for me. What’s another way I can sign off without sounding too lovey or cutey or cold and professional — just sincere? I know that this is a silly question — and I understand that I may be over-analyzing again (LOL) but my head is too tired to think straight.

Thanks again for all your help!



  • #11

Yup!! This is just slang….he probably says it to male and female friends alike. :D

  • #12

Would you still consider his sign-off to be just a friendly spreading the love thing?

Just because he wants to see you doesn’t mean he is ‘falling in love’.

I don’t mean to sound negative, but it sounds like you haven’t dated a lot. He seems like he likes you and would like to see you IF you take the time and expense to go see HIM.

  • #13

yellowrose said:

Just because he wants to see you doesn’t mean he is ‘falling in love’.

I don’t mean to sound negative, but it sounds like you haven’t dated a lot. He seems like he likes you and would like to see you IF you take the time and expense to go see HIM.

I’m not sure about the dating a lot thing but, yeah, if he wants to see you it seems to me that he’d make the effort to go to you instead of telling you how much he’d like you to put out the effort.



  • #14

lol — no, I guess I haven’t dated much. I didn’t start dating until I was 18 — and before I met my guy of 14 years, I had only dated 3 other people, of which one was a 3 yr relationship. I’m thinking now that I was needy.

And to add to my story… I’m the one leaving my husband (another story). So, yeah, I’m a little nervous and may over-think things but confident at the opportunities that lay ahead. It’s me time! Of course, I might wake up one day in a cold sweat and panic that I have just done the biggest mistake of my life. But hey — time will tell.

Overall, I really appreciate everyone’s feedback. It’s all good.

«Much love» ;)



  • #15

Thanks SoraNoYume! I am taking time out for me — to find my own personal journey and the extraordinary life meant for me. It’s been stressful and I expect it to continue for awhile. Closing that chapter and healing will come in time I’m sure. It’s just hard to explain that to my husband (because he is loving and giving person) that I’ve changed or ‘grown’ differently. *sigh*

My ‘friend’ is just supporting me — he understands what I’m doing. And to be clear, he’s not the reason why I left my husband. We were ‘done’ a long time ago. I just don’t have much experience with men — and certainly don’t want to get into anything that might mess up my focus. I do have a strong and practical mind so I’m trusting that it will lead me on the right path. If anything, my ‘friend’ has given me hope that there are other people out there that might be more compatible for me and share the same passions. But like you said… I need to be alone — and I’m actually looking forward to it. There’s sooo much I want to do. I feel so free!

Thanks again!!

  • #16

Hey! There is nothing wrong with being in new again in the dating game. In fact, I think it is great that you have a good attitude. Don’t be embarassed to ask all the ‘dating’ questions you like. You will get a lot of different answers sometimes, but it is all good to learn from.

Just take a LOT of TIME in getting to know guys. There are some people unfortunately that will take advantage of your naivite’, so to speak. It is ACTIONS that speak more than the words do.

You are right, this is a great time to explore who you are and where you want to go in life. Do you have any single girlfriends locally?



  • #17

Thanks YellowRose! Everyone has been so great here.

I’ll really take to heart — as I’ve heard it more than once — that actions speak louder than words. I’ll definitely keep watch for that as I’m a sucker for romance.

As for single girlfriends… I have only one — and she has been truly helpful but she away for 3 wks — and she has a network of single girlfriends that I’m just beginning to get to know. They’ve been super (and funny) in giving me the run down.

Ciao for now!



  • #18

for once, an easy question

«Much love» means he is feeling closer to you all the time, yet like most males, is wary of commitment.

It also means he is worried he feels more for you than you for him, and is afraid of expressing it.

If you are in love, be yourself and express your feelings. If he is not mature enough to reciprocate, it doesn’t diminish you, it diminishes him. I think he’ll be better than that.

  • #19

yet like most males, is wary of commitment.

Uh, I don’t think that this is necessarily true. We women usually want a commitment at 4 to 8 months, where as the more level-headed guy is ready at 14-18 months (according to some studies that I have read).

It also means he is worried he feels more for you than you for him, and is afraid of expressing it.

I am not sure at how you arrived at that conclusion. I don’t see any «worrying» in «much love».

Interesting perspective though. Just shows how many different people have different interpetations. Bottom line… maybe ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Right? :)



  • #20

much love is like…..there is this fragile little possibility of a something starting in his mind and you need to NOT SMOTHER IT!!

It may just be some offhand comment, then again it may mean more.

However, whatever it is, the best deal is IGNORE IT and be yourself, dont rush, by overanalyzing already you may very well end up pushing him away.

My 2 cents.

When he says ‘Im falling in love with you», then youve got something real to analyze and whatnot.

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