What does the word metro mean огэ

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1.  What should you remember to stay safe using the Metro?

2.  Which is the longest Metro train route?

3.  When did the Moscow Metro start working?

4.  What are the advantages of the Metro compared to other means of transport?

5.  How fast does the Metro system grow?

6.  What are the inconveniences of using the Metro?

7.  What materials were used to decorate the Metro stations?

A.The idea of an efficient transportation system in Moscow dates back to the time of Russian Empire. However, it was not developed into a construction plan due to World War I and the Civil War. The government of the Soviet Union got back to the idea in the 1920s, and in 1935 the Moscow Metro accepted its first passengers. The opening ceremony took place on May 15th, at 7am. The city celebrated the event with parades, concerts and performances.

B. The population of Moscow is around 12 million people. There are also a lot of people who come to the capital on business, excursions or to change plane or train, as Moscow is the main transportation centre. If there was no underground transport, it would be impossible to avoid a traffic standstill in the city. In fact, the Metro is very punctual. There are no traffic jams underground and, when taking the Metro, the passengers save time and nerves.

C. Lots of the city passengers prefer the Metro to cars and buses in spite of some discomfort caused by too many people. The problem is that the stations, the passages between them, and the railway cars get really overcrowded in rush hours. Sometimes there are lines to enter the Metro, though, fortunately, the waiting time is quite short.

D. When you travel on the Moscow Metro, long magnificent staircases get you downstairs and upstairs. They run fast and you need to be really careful to step on and off them in time. To avoid accidents, never cross the waiting line at the station until the coming train stops completely. Remember that you should never lean on the doors of the railway cars when the car is in motion  — it can be really dangerous.

E. Apart from being an efficient means of transport, the Moscow Metro is a very ambitious architectural and art project. The stations look radiant and brilliant due to marble, bronze, steel, milk glass and other luxurious interior materials. The best architects, such as L. Polyakov, K. Ruzhkov, A. Medvedev and others, worked on it. The chief lighting engineer was Abram Damsky, who cleverly used the light to highlight the beauty of the stations.

F. The first line of the Moscow Metro was 11 km long and included 13 stations. Now there more than 230 stations, most of which are underground, but there are also surface-level and elevated stations. The project that is currently in progress suggests that about 150 km of new lines are to be opened within ten years, between 2012 and 2022.

Текст A B C D E F

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1. A favourite of the film industry
2. Ideal for travelling around the city
3. Be polite on the Tube
4. Ghost stations
5. A way to save money
6. It started black and narrow
7. New design of the Underground trains
8. The diagram so as not to get lost

A. The London Underground, or the Tube, is a great means of getting around the UK capital. It is popular with locals and visitors because it is quick, easy, convenient and safe. The Tube has 11 lines and 275 stations. The walking distance between two underground stops in central London is never more than 10 minutes, sometimes less. It’s never a problem to find one. Underground trains on all lines run every few minutes between 5.30 until 00:30, Monday to Saturday, and between 7.30–23.30 on Sundays.

B. The London underground railway system was proposed by Charles Pearson in 1843. Twenty years later the first line was opened for traffic. In the early days, the trains were driven by steam locomotives which burnt coal and filled the tunnels with smoke. The tunnels of the first underground were made as narrow and low as possible in order to reduce the construction costs. The small size and the circular shape of its tunnels gave the underground the name The Tube.

C. In 1931, Harry Beck, who did some engineering jobs for the Underground, designed an unusual graphic map of the Tube. He suggested a map that displayed all the lines and stations but ignored the distances. Beck’s map looked like an electrical diagram because of the lines that went horizontally, diagonally or at different angles. Each line had a different colour. The map clearly explained how to get to the station you needed and where to change lines. City transport systems all over the world, including New York, St Petersburg, and Sydney, have used Beck’s idea to make maps of their own systems.

D. There are 275 functioning stations across the Underground network, but at least 40 overground and underground stations are no longer used for travel. If you look through the window of the train, you may notice platforms at which trains never stop and no passengers get on or off. They are not marked on the Tube map. They are like phantoms which remind us of the past history. Some of them have really interesting and scary stories to tell.

E. Aldwych, a closed station on the London Underground, is located in Central London. It is certainly the most ‘busy’ of the ghost stations of the Tube. It is used by film and television companies who find it an ideal place for shooting detective stories, thrillers and adventure films. Among the famous films that were shot at Aldwych station are Superman IV, Patriot Games, V for Vendetta, Sherlock and others.

F. The original London underground trains had three different classes. In those days they cost three, four and six pence for a single journey. Today a single journey in Zone 1 costs £4.50 if you pay cash. However, there are a lot of opportunities to get a reduced price ticket. Just buy a day travel card or avoid travelling at rush hours. If you travel regularly by the Underground, a season ticket will be the best option. Most Londoners buy weekly, monthly or annual tickets.

G. When you travel by the Underground bear in mind that it is considered impolite to stare at the other passengers. It’s rude and it may get you into trouble. Talking and laughing loudly is not encouraged either. It’s not a good idea to eat your hamburger or ice-cream on the train – you can spoil other passengers’ clothes. And it’s always a good gesture to give up your seat to an elderly passenger if necessary.


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The Moscow metro carries more passengers than the New York subway.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moscow government preferred trams to underground transport.
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2) False
3) Not stated

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The first metro stations were designed by Russian, English and American architects.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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The colours of the lines on the metro map are connected with the technical characteristics of the line.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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According to legend, the original plan of the Moscow metro included the circle line.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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There is a special rule when male and female voices are used to announce the metro stations.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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It was the initiative of Moscow students to make the Internet accessible in the metro.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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‘Music in the Metro’ is the name of a new popular musical.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

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The Moscow metro
The Moscow metro is very important as a means of transport in the Russian capital, in particular during rush hours. It has more metro visitors than the New York subway and London underground put together! The Moscow metro works efficiently and the trains run very frequently and very fast. The Moscow metro is one of the most beautiful subways in the world. 44 of the stations are listed as cultural heritage sites.
The first plans for a metro system in Moscow date back to the times of the Russian Empire. One such project was actively discussed in 1902, but at that time the local government declined it in favor of trams. Indeed trams in those days were very popular and brought lots of money into the city’s budget.
Then the plans for the construction of a metro system in Moscow were postponed by World War I and the October Revolution. As a result, the construction of the metro was only started in 1931 after the Soviet Union was established. The first 13 stations opened on May 15th, 1935. They were wonders of engineering and design.
Now, the Moscow Metro has 13 lines and more than 200 stations. Each line has a name, a number and a colour that identifies it. The Moscow metro has a circular line that links all metro lines. There is a legend concerning the appearance of the circle line, which had not been planned in the original project. The legend says that at a meeting devoted to metro construction Joseph Stalin put his cup of coffee on the metro map. It left a brown circle around the city centre. Joseph Stalin showed the circle to the builders and ordered the construction of such a line. It was how the circle line appeared and it explains why it has a brown colour on the metro map.
While travelling on the radial lines of the Moscow Metro to the centre, the stations are announced by men’s voices and while going from the centre, women announce them. On the circle line men’s voices announce the stations when going in the clockwise direction, while women’s voices are used when going counterclockwise. This is done to make navigation simpler for blind people in the metro.
The Moscow metro carries almost seven million people daily. The people who work there use every effort to ensure the comfort of the passengers. All trains have free wireless internet access, so that the passengers can read their emails or chat with their friends on their way to work.
Recently the ‘Music in the Metro’ project has started. 30 talented and well-trained musicians give different concerts to the metro passengers. All concerts are held from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (apart from rush hours) absolutely free. There is no special stage –the musicians perform in different stations of the metro. Muscovites really like the concerts, and ‘Music in the Metro’ has become a regular event in the Moscow metro. Sometimes, walking through the metro, you can listen to a top-quality concert.
11) The Moscow metro carries more passengers than the New York subway.

1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

12) At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moscow government preferred trams to underground transport.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

13) The first metro stations were designed by Russian, English and American architects.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

14) The colours of the lines on the metro map are connected with the technical characteristics of the line.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

15) According to legend, the original plan of the Moscow metro included the circle line.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

16) There is a special rule when male and female voices are used to announce the metro stations.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

17) It was the initiative of Moscow students to make the Internet accessible in the metro.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

18) ‘Music in the Metro’ is the name of a new popular musical.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated


Updated on

8 Feb 2022

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  • English (US)

In this sense, Metro stands for Metropolitan. Maybe they mean «This is the Metropolitan Police Department» or something like that. Metro can also mean a region of a city, as in «The New York metro area». Maybe getting reassigned is not how things are done in metro. I can’t be sure without more context, but it sounds like this is someone that works for public service or city government, or in the metro area, and there are rules against just getting to swap your reassignment.

  • English (US)

@MetRon is correct.

Since there’s a higher population or more crime in those city areas most of the time, working in the Metro police is sometimes seen as «less desirable» so they have less employees available for him to switch cases with.

  • Japanese

Thank you for your answer:) Metropolitan, I couldn’t think of it. I thought metro means subway so I’ve got confused.

You are right about the context. They are police force in a big city and A wants to be reassigned from the case because it seems be done by a total psycho. I’m currently learning English with the movie but Brad Pitt speaks so fast and unclear to me….

  • English (US)

You are correct that metro means subway in some cities, but it is short for «metropolitan railroad», so metropolitan still comes into use.

  • Japanese

I see. I didn’t know working in a metro police sometimes seen like that because American movies I can watch in here describes polices or armies kind of cool. Real life is real life. Thank you the information!

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What's the meaning of "Metro"? I saw this word in a line out of a movie "seven" and the Japanese subtitle was like “this is a branch” but I didn’t find that kind of meaning in a dictionary. 

Context is like this;
A: I’d like to be reassigned.
B: Well, I don’t have anyone else to put on this case and you know it. This is Metro. You don’t just get to swap.

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What does Metro Mean?


Definition as Noun
  • an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city)


  • tube, underground, subway system, subway


  • «in Paris the subway system is called the `metro‘ and in London it is called the `tube’ or the `underground'»

Part of Speech



  • Metro vs tube
  • Metro vs underground
  • Metro vs subway system
  • Metro vs subway

See also

Sentences with the word Metro?

What is another word for Metro?

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