What does the word mean in greek

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We’ve already talked about what this word means in Greek.

Let me remind you that back then, you would look up at the night sky and the planets would move against the background stars; they would «wander», because that’s what the word means in Greek: it’s «wanderer».

Позвольте мне напомнить вам, что в те времена, посмотрев на ночное небо, вы бы подумали, что планеты движутся на фоне звезд, они словно странствовали (слово «планета» в переводе с греческого означает «странник»).

What does this word mean in Greek?

The word symphonia in Greek means only consonance.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What does it mean by deepening and widening its monitoring?



σιο του Συµφω΄νου για τη σταθερο΄τητα η Επιτροπη΄ υποστηρι



What does it mean? 99% of all businesses are now affected by this ambitious plan.



Ποιος μπορεί να αντιταχθεί σε αυτό; Τι σημαίνει; 99% όλων των επιχειρήσεων επηρεάζονται από το φιλόδοξο σχέδιο.



What does it mean by the term ‘wind farms’ as regards the number of installations and the land area involved (detailed figures please)?



κτασης επιφα΄νειας στον ο΄ρο «αιολικα΄ πα΄ρκα» (παρακαλω΄ λεπτοµερει ΄ς πληροφορι ΄ες)



The issue: what does it mean?



Το θέµα : τι σηµαίνει



That sounds good, but what does it mean in practice?



Κάτι τέτοιο ακούγεται καλό, αλλά τι σημαίνει στην πράξη



What does this mean? It means that the Europe 2020 Strategy is at risk and will be hard to achieve.



Τι σημαίνει αυτό; Η στρατηγική 2020 είναι επισφαλής· είναι δύσκολο να επιτύχει.



This is all very well, but what does it mean in practice? It means that at any given part-session there can be up to 400 cross-interpretations in this room.



λα αυτά είναι πολύ σωστά, αλλά τι σημαίνουν στην πράξη; Σημαίνουν ότι σε κάθε περίοδο συνόδου μπορεί να υπάρχουν έως 400 διασταυρούμενες διερμηνείες σε αυτήν την αίθουσα.



What does it mean when we regard deepening and enlargement as one indivisible task? It is one of which the rapporteurs have given a comprehensive and critical description, one not without criticism levelled at the Commission, the Council and Parliament itself, but they were also identical in the way they most scrupulously avoided the underlying, and very weighty, taboo issues.



Τι σημαίνει το ότι θεωρούμε την εμβάθυνση και τη διεύρυνση ως ένα αδιαίρετο καθήκον; Οι εισηγητές το περιέγραψαν διεξοδικά και με κριτικό πνεύμα, ασκώντας κριτική και στην Επιτροπή, στο Συμβούλιο και στο ίδιο το Κοινοβούλιο, όμως είναι επίσης πανομοιότυπος ο τρόπος με τον οποίο απέφυγαν συστηματικά τα πολύ σοβαρά και απαγορευμένα θέματα που κρύβονται πίσω από αυτά.



What does the Commission’s proposal mean? I would say that it means a resounding ‘yes’ to accession, and ‘yes’ to accession in 2004.



Θα έλεγα ότι σημαίνει ένα ηχηρό “ναι” στην προσχώρηση και ένα “ναι” στην προσχώρηση το 2004.



What precisely does it mean bypriority topics’ and will this make it more difficult to establish new town-twinning arrangements or to revive existing ones?



ηση πο΄λεων προ΄κειται να δηµοσιευ΄ει η Επιτροπη΄ ετησι΄ως; 3. Πω΄ς ακριβω΄ς αντιλαµβα΄νεται η Επιτροπη΄ τα «θε



What does that mean? It means that, at the very least, we are ensuring that all vessels are insured by solvent insurance companies for the damage they cause, at least within the framework of the IMO conventions.



Τι σημαίνει αυτό; Σημαίνει ότι τουλάχιστον εξασφαλίζουμε ότι όλα τα πλοία είναι ασφαλισμένα από φερέγγυες ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες για τις ζημίες που προκαλούν, τουλάχιστον στο πλαίσιο των συμβάσεων του ΔΝΟ.



What it does mean, however, is that an assessment is carried out, according to modern methods on the basis of risk analyses, to find out in what cases of expenditure ex ante control is absolutely essential.



Σημαίνει όμως ότι θα χρησιμοποιούνται σύγχρονες μέθοδοι με βάση αναλύσεις των κινδύνων για να αξιολογείται ποιες δαπάνες πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να ελέγχονται εκ των προτέρων.



The involvement of the service provider in the process by which it is entrusted with a public service task does not mean that that task does not derive from an act of public authority, even if the entrustment is issued at the request of the service provider (2 ).



Η συμμετοχή του παρόχου υπηρεσίας στη διαδικασία με την οποία του ανατίθεται αποστολή δημόσιας υπηρεσίες δεν σημαίνει ότι η εν λόγω αποστολή δεν απορρέει από πράξη δημόσιας αρχής, ακόμα και αν η ανάθεση πραγματοποιείται κατόπιν αιτήματος του παρόχου της υπηρεσίας (2 ).



What does that mean for the European Union’s activities when it comes to the ways in which we trade, create investments etc?



Τι σημαίνει αυτό για τις δραστηριότητες της Ένωσης, πώς δηλαδή δρούμε, πώς διαμορφώνουμε τις επενδύσεις μας κλπ.



When speaking of the commitment to full employment, we have to bear in mind that, these days, full employment does not mean what it meant in the era of Beveridge at the end of the Second World War, that is to say, employment for the male head of the household.



ταν μιλάμε για τη δέσμευση περί πλήρους απασχόλησης, πρέπει να ξεκινάμε από το γεγονός ότι στις μέρες μας η πλήρης απασχόληση δεν είναι πλέον όπως στην εποχή του Beveridge, στο τέλος του Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, η απασχόληση του πάτερ φαμίλια.



Should Article 859, point 5, of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 be interpreted as referring only to an unauthorised movement of goods that could have been authorised by the customs office, or does it mean any movement of goods at all?



Πρέπειτο άρθρο 859, σηµείο 5, του κανονισµού 2454/93 να ερµηνευθεί υπό την έννοια ότι καλύπτει µόνο τη µη εγκεκριµένη µετακίνηση, η οποία θα µπορούσε να εγκριθεί από την τελωνειακή αρχή, ή καλύπτειοποιαδήποτε µετακίνηση



While globalisation does mean that more and more goods and services are traded internationally, it is important to be aware that, taking the EU-25 as a single economic entity, only just over 10 % of European output is exported (or imported).



Μολονότι παγκοσµιοποίηση σηµαίνει ολοένα και περισσότερες συναλλαγές στους τοµείς των αγαθών και υπηρεσιών διεθνώς, πρέπει να γνωρίζουµε ότι στην ενιαία οικονοµική οντότητα Ευρώπη των 25, λίγο παραπάνω από 10 % της ευρωπαϊκής παραγωγής εξάγεται (ή εισάγεται).



I would therefore call upon the Tunisian authorities to think in terms of becoming a model of a secular and democratic State, that respects human rights, and to stop being a model of a secular State that does not respect human rights, and they understand perfectly well what I mean by that.



Επομένως καλώ τις αρχές της Τυνησίας να επιδιώξουν να γίνουν ένα πρότυπο λαϊκού και δημοκρατικού κράτους που σέβεται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και να σταματήσουν να είναι ένα παράδειγμα λαϊκού κράτους που δεν σέβεται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, και κατανοούν απόλυτα τι εννοώ μ’ αυτό.



With respect to Criterion 1, it has been submitted as a general comment that the theoretical possibility of state influence or state control per se does not automatically mean that there is an actual and significant state interference within the meaning of Article 2(7)(c).



Όσον αφορά το κριτήριο 1, διατυπώθηκε η γενική παρατήρηση ότι η θεωρητική πιθανότητα κρατικής επιρροής ή κρατικού ελέγχου δεν σημαίνει αυτομάτως ότι υπάρχει πραγματική και σημαντική κρατική παρέμβαση κατά την έννοια του άρθρου 2 παράγραφος 7 στοιχείο γ).



That does not mean that we should not enter into political relationships with Russia; what it does mean, and nothing else, is that we should not take things as being other than they actually are.



Αυτό δεν σημαίνει πως δεν θα πρέπει να έχουμε πολιτικές σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία, αλλά σημαίνει μόνο ότι δεν πρέπει να βλέπουμε τα πράγματα διαφορετικά από ό,τι είναι.



What does this position mean? As they did not sign up to the Rome Statute, the United States consider themselves free to conclude immunity agreements, particularly in view of the considerable number of American soldiers deployed in the four corners of the globe.



Τι σημαίνει αυτή η θέση; Μην έχοντας υπογράψει το Καταστατικό της Ρώμης, οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες θεωρούν ότι μπορούν ελεύθερα να συνάπτουν συμφωνίες ασυλίας, ιδίως λόγω του σημαντικού αριθμού αμερικανών στρατιωτών που αναπτύσσουν σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.



What I mean is that, if we look at competences and powers within the European Union, they are teratoid, they do not divide into regular geometrical shapes and we can only hope that we shall be able to divide them, even if it takes years of reform, and that both will survive without the need for the services of American doctors.



Θέλω να πω ότι αν δούμε τις αρμοδιότητες και τις εξουσίες μέσα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, έχουν μια τερατομορφία σε σχέση με την κατανομή τους, δεν είναι ομαλά γεωμετρικά σχήματα, και ας ευχηθούμε να χωριστούν, έστω και μέσα από δεκαετίες αναθεωρήσεων, να επιβιώσουν και τα δύο και να μη χρειαστούν αμερικανοί γιατροί.



I shall end with something that an African politician said to us: ‘This world does not inspire enthusiasm, in fact it often causes disgust, but it is terrifying to think what it would be if Europe were not operating as a force for rationality, balance, a degree of coherence and, at times, solidarity’.



Θα τελειώσω με κάτι που μας είπε ένας αφρικανός πολιτικός: «Αυτός ο κόσμος δεν εμπνέει ενθουσιασμό, στην πραγματικότητα συχνά προκαλεί αηδία, αλλά είναι τρομακτικό να σκεφτόμαστε πώς θα ήταν, αν η Ευρώπη δεν λειτουργούσε σαν μια δύναμη λογικής, ισορροπίας, συνοχής ως ένα βαθμό και, μερικές φορές, αλληλεγγύης».



It could mean using existing information on the best in the currently available class27 or it could seek to go beyond what is currently available.



Αυτό θα µπορούσε να σηµαίνει αξιοποίηση των ήδη υφιστάµενων πληροφοριών σχετικά µε τα βέλτιστα ήδη διαθέσιµα αποτελέσµατα27 ή θα µπορούσε να σηµαίνει ότι θα επιδιωχθεί υπέρβαση των ήδη διαθέσιµων.



Moreover, evaluations of Community policies, programmes and instruments carried out over recent years have pointed to the need for the Commission to focus its energies and resources on what it does best, i.e., the preparation of strategies and programmes, together with strategic evaluation, and ensuring overall policy coherence and donors co-ordination.



Περαιτέρω, αξιολογήσεις πολιτικών, προγραµµάτων και µέσων της Κοινότητας που πραγµατοποιήθηκαν τα τελευταία χρόνια επισηµαίνουν την ανάγκη η Επιτροπή να εστιάσει τις ενέργειες και τους πόρους της σε αυτό το οποίο κάνει καλύτερα, δηλ. στην ετοιµασία στρατηγικών και προγραµµάτων, µαζί µε στρατηγική αξιολόγηση, και τη διασφάλιση της γενικής συνοχής των πολιτικών και του συντονισµού των χορηγών.



The Court of Justice of the European Communities has recently ruled (2 ) that Article 86(2) is to be interpreted as meaning that it does not cover a public aid enjoyed by undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest (3 ) in so far as that advantage exceeds the additional costs of performing the public service.



Το ∆ικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων απεφάνθη πρόσφατα (2 ) ότι το άρθρο 86 παράγραφος 2 θα πρέπει να ερµηνευτεί κατά την έννοια ότι δεν καλύπτει τις κρατικές ενισχύσεις που λαµβάνουν οι επιχειρήσεις που είναι επιφορτισµένες µε τη διαχείριση µιας υπηρεσίας γενικού οικονοµικού ενδιαφέροντος (3 ) στο βαθµό που το πλεονέκτηµα υπερβαίνει το κόστος της δηµόσιας υπηρεσίας.



Although I must congratulate the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs for their work, what I mean to say is that it is ambiguous.



Αν και συγχαίρω τον εισηγητή και τους σκιώδεις εισηγητές για το έργο τους, το σχόλιό μου είναι ότι το κείμενο της έκθεσης είναι ασαφές.



With regard to Turkey, our opinion is that the European Council should mean what it says, in other words, that the same criteria should apply to Turkey as with the other countries that have been accorded candidate status.



Σε ό,τι αφορά την Τουρκία προϋποθέτουμε ότι το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο εννοεί αυτά τα οποία δηλώνει, ότι δηλαδή ισχύουν τα ίδια κριτήρια για την Τουρκία όπως και για τις υπόλοιπες χώρες που έχουν λάβει το καθεστώς υποψήφιας προς ένταξη χώρας.



I simply wish to emphasise the need for open and democratic discussion, and to stress that a failure to adopt the Constitution is not a disaster, nor does it mean an end to the process of integration in Europe.



Θέλω απλώς να τονίσω την ανάγκη για ανοιχτή και δημοκρατική συζήτηση, και να υπογραμμίσω ότι η αποτυχία έγκρισης του Συντάγματος δεν αποτελεί καταστροφή, ούτε σημαίνει το τέλος της διαδικασίας ολοκλήρωσης στην Ευρώπη.



the fact that a piece of infrastructure would be designated as ECI, does not mean that it would necessarily require any additional protection measures.



Το γεγονός ότι ένα έργο υποδοµής χαρακτηρίζεται ΚΥΖΣ δεν σηµαίνει ότι θα απαιτήσει οπωσδήποτε πρόσθετα µέτρα προστασίας.



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The English » in » translates to the Greek » σε «.

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In the New Testament, we are taught the importance of edification. But what does it mean to edify one another? I feel like this is a word we’ve lost in language progression. Yet, it’s a very important one to understand. Therefore, let’s look at what the word ‘edify’ means in Greek.

First off, let’s look at the definition from the 1828 Websters Dictionary.

“Edifying- Building up in christian knowledge; instructing; improving the mind.”

All scriptures are taken from NKJV unless otherwise marked.

What Does The Word ‘Edify’ Mean In Greek?

oikodomeo- to contruct, edify.

oikodome- edification.

Both of these words have the same meaning – construct or confirm.

Oikodomeo as a verb literally means to build a house. (Oikos – a house | domeo – to build) This word is used meaning “to build” in the following scriptures:

  • Matthew 7:24
  • Luke 4:29
  • Luke 6:48
  • John 2:20

 “Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?”

– John 2:20

Luke 6:48

It can also be used as a noun to mean “the builders” or “the ones building” It’s found in these scriptures:

  • Matthew 21:42
  • Mark 12:10
  • Luke 20:17
  • Acts 4:11
  • 1 Peter 2:7

“This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’”

– Acts 4:11

Edifying is also used in the spiritual sense, promoting spiritual growth and the development of the character of believers. This can be done by example or by teaching, which means it’s something that comes in time with work. In Acts 9:31 and 1 Corinthians 14:4, it’s used in regard to the local churches.

However, it can also be used to describe the actions of believers to one another (1 Corinthians 8:1 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Plus, this word can be used in speaking of one believer who builds himself up.


Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

– 1 Peter 2:4-5

Edifying and edification is a good thing. Yet, in today’s world, if you try to correct someone or call out their sin, they hide behind an insult known as, “Judger”. They try to paint Christians as being evil because we want people to come out of their sin and find everlasting life and joy in Jesus Christ.

If you’re correcting someone in love (especially a believer) and they try to tell you to “stop judging” them, kindly remind them that the Bible calls us to build up one another. What benefit do we gain by tearing down our brothers and sisters in Christ? Nevertheless, always use love and wisdom when speaking with someone about sin. If we aren’t careful, we can turn people away from Christ even further and that is not the goal.

That’s what the word ‘edify’ means in Greek. Please share any thoughts or comments below. Feel free to share this content and thanks for reading!

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What does the word 'edify' mean in Greek?

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en- 2. a prefix meaning “within, in,” occurring in loanwords from Greek: energy; enthusiasm.

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The name Kyria means Lady, Womanly and is of Greek origin.

What is the English translation for Kalo Taxidi?

Καλό ταξίδι (Kalo Taxidi) (English translation) one night you died away like a star.

What does kiria mean in Greek?

Kiria as a girl’s name has Greek origins. The meaning of Kiria is «lord».

What does Kyra mean?

Meaning:lord. Kyra as a girl’s name is of Greek origin meaning «lord». It derives from the male name Kyros and the Persian and Egyptian word for «like Ra, the sun».

Is Kyra in the Bible?

The meaning of Kyra is ‘far-sighted; throne; sun’. It is a biblical name derived from khuru which means ‘throne’ ; khur ‘sun’. The generic name has been used in the Old Testament of the Bible. Kyra is the feminine equivalent of the English and Iranian Cyrus.

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▼ as a girls’ name has its roots in Irish and Greek, and Keira means «black; lord». Keira is a version of Ciara (Irish, Gaelic). Keira is also a derivative of Kiara (Irish). Keira is also used as a variation of Kyra (Greek).

What does Kira mean in Greek?

Etymology & Historical Origin of the Baby Name Kira Secondly, Kira is also considered the Russian feminine form of Cyrus, from the Greek (kyrios) meaning ‘lord’ therefore giving Kira the meaning ‘mistress, ruler’. … In Greek, the word “κυρία” (Kyria) translates to ‘lady’ providing another possible origin.

Does Kira mean killer?

Kira is a Japanese Romanization of the English word ‘Killer‘. When said with a Japanese accent, out-loud, the word sounds like ‘Killer‘. … KIRA (キラ)meanskiller‘ in Japanese. This name was given to the person who was killing off criminals(Light Yagami), to spread Justice.

How many did Kira kill?

250,937 people

Who killed Kira?

Jeff Trevino

Who is the 4th Kira?

Teru Mikami (魅上 照, Mikami Teru) is a criminal prosecutor chosen as the Hand of Kira by Light Yagami. Mikami takes ownership of Gelus’s Death Note after Light falls under suspicion of being Kira again, and needs someone to act as Kira without being given every order.

Did Misa kill herself Death Note?

Although she fails to kill Ryuzaki (whose name was written on a Death Note prior similar to L), she commits suicide by writing her own name, scribbled «Misa Amane dies in Light Yagami’s hands».

Can a human become a shinigami?

No. The only human closest to the concept of a shinigami is misa.

How does Kira die in Death Note?


Did light really love Misa?

No, Light Yagami never loved Misa. The creator of Death Note said in a interview that Light could never love a woman.

How old is misa?

Misa Amane
Age 19-24
Birthday Octo
Sex Female
Height 152cm (5’0″)

Is L dead in Death Note?

Twenty-three days after writing his name in the Death Note, and after burning all the remaining Death Notes and having a conversation with Soichiro Yagami, L dies peacefully while eating a chocolate bar, with a picture of Watari lying right beside him.

La prayer in greek old: concept. … The sentence it is the syntactic coding of an illocution or speech act by means of a predicative structure. It is structured in levels which have their own syntactic characteristics and which correspond to different types of information.

What is Proseuchomai?

2 Teach us to pray proseuchomai = pray, ask

3 Luke 11: 1 «It happened that Jesus was praying in a place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him: Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.»

What does Etymologically mean to pray?

The word pray comes from the Latin orare (to speak, speak publicly or aloud, express oneself, also beg, request, give a speech, pray). … From this Latin verb we also get: Adorar — Render worship to God, formed of ad- (towards) and pray.

What is prayer in religious terms?

Prayer(religion): Action by which the believer develops his communication with God, either to make a request, express his concerns, thoughts and emotions, or simply to offer homage. The sentence it is a dialogue between God and men.

What is the correct way to pray according to the Bible?

The way correct to pray, is expressing what is in your heart to God. Sitting, standing, or kneeling; with open or closed hands; eyes open or closed; in the temple, at home, or outdoors; in the morning or in the evening. All these forms, are backed by the Word of God.

How do you make a prayer to God?

La sentence it can be done out loud or mentally. You can talk to God as you do with other people. Your words don’t have to be eloquent or memorized. It is more important that you open your heart.

What does the Bible say about the power of prayer?

We all need sentence. Therefore, the Lord makes it, not an option, but an ordinance for our own benefit (1 Chronicles 16:11). In Matthew 7: 7, the Lord speech de pray with perseverance. … Having that faith makes the sentence be warm and personal.

What is the etymology of the example words?

Is named etymology to the study of the origin of individual words, their chronology, their incorporation into a language, as well as the source and details of their changes in form and meaning.

What is the suffix in a sentence?

El suffix it is the part of a word that is at the end of the word. The suffixes They help us find the meaning of words that we do not know. For example, him suffix -ito, -ita is added to words to indicate decrease in size.

The most famous Greek swear word is malákas. But there are many more. Warning: This article contains foul language, in both Greek and English. Read (and use) at your discretion!

Modern Greek swear words

If you’re looking to add a bit of “color” to your Greek vocabulary, or just want to know how to swear like a Greek, then this guide is just for you!

As I don’t use too many of these words, because I’m a little angel, writing this guide was a challenge, but also a lot of fun! Not to mention that, once again, I discovered that British English and American English are two entirely different languages! And they say that Greek is difficult…. 

Vanessa from Real Greek Experiences

So, Greeks are very creative when it comes to swear words and phrases. As you will see, many of them have to do with sex, genitals and bodily functions. 

We can probably trace this back to Ancient Greece. Aristophanes, the great comedy writer, was well-known for his profane language. He used it alongside refined and sophisticated phrases, to make the audience laugh.

Greek swear words have their roots in ancient theatre

So, here are the top 20 modern Greek curse words and insults. I’ve included translations, pronunciations and some examples in real-life situations.

1. Malákas (Μαλάκας) – Jerk / Asshole

If you only know one Greek curse word, it’s probably the famous Greek malákas. Its literal translation is “wanker”, or “a man who masturbates”.

Technically, malákas is a curse word, similar to “jerk”, or “asshole”. However, it’s actually a really versatile and common word. You can use it as an insult, but also as a term of affection, similar to “bro”, “mate” or “dude”. Some people just use it for added emphasis.

When you are addressing someone, you need to drop the end -s. So, you would call someone maláka instead of malákas. If you are into grammar, this is because Greek has four cases: nominative, genitive, accusative and vocative.


A) You are crossing the street on foot, and the pedestrian traffic light is green. All of a sudden, a car driver speeds up and almost runs you over. You have every right to call them maláka, followed by a rude gesture for extra emphasis.

B) Let’s imagine this other context: you are inviting a friend to a party, but he / she says he’s got too much work to catch up with. You can say “Oh come on, maláka, it will be fun“.

Note: Even though the word is technically used for a guy, you will often hear women use it as well. Seriously, it can be part of every basic Greek conversation! And if you ever go to Malaysia, you’ll love this city 🙂

Famous Greek Malakas is also a city in Malaysia

2. Malakía (Μαλακία) – Bullshit

The relevant noun to malákas is malakía. Literally translating to “masturbation”, its meaning is more similar to “bullshit”. You can also use it to indicate a mistake someone made, or something that went wrong.

Example: I made a malakía… I accidentally deleted everything from the USB stick. I hope I can retrieve it.

3. Gamóto (Γαμώτο) – Oh shit / Oh fuck / Damn / Dammit!

If you visit Greece, a word that you are very likely to hear is gamóto. Literally translating to “fuck it”, it is used to express anger, frustration or disappointment. It’s similar to “oh shit” or “damn” in English.

Example: Gamóto, I forgot my phone at the office.

Note: The word gamóto goes back to Ancient Greece. It comes from the verb γαμώ, which means “to get married”. These days, the same verb is the Greek equivalent of “having sex” – and it’s considered quite vulgar.

4. Áde gamísou (Άντε γαμήσου) – Fuck you

This is another all-time-classic Greek swear expression. It translates to “fuck you”, and is often used during a heated argument, or in anger.

Generally speaking, it’s not something you would want to say to your parents or your boss.

Example: If you are driving in Greece and cut someone off, they are very likely to shout áde gamísou to you, often followed by maláka.

Note: The word gamísou has the same root with the word gamóto. Besides those, there are numerous more expressions based on the verb γαμώ – just like in many other languages.

Statues of Hera and Zeus

After all, don’t forget that Greek mythology is full of stories related to sex. And no, it wasn’t always consensual. For instance, the almighty God Zeus is well-known for taking whatever he wanted, any way he wanted… No wonder Hera was so jealous.

5. Ái sto diáolo (Άει στο διάολο) – Go to hell

This phrase literally translates to “go to the devil”. It’s maybe a little old-fashioned, and not as a strong curse phrase as the previous expression.

Yet, considering the cultural importance of religion in Greece, Ái sto diáolo is still considered rude.

Related fact: In Greek it is illegal, and therefore punishable by law, to use curse phrases against God, Jesus or the Virgin. Regardless, there are several such offensive expressions. You are likely to hear many of them if you go to watch a football match.

6. Reh (Ρε) – For extra rudeness

The short Greek slang word Reh is often added to the beginning or the end of a sentence to add an element of rudeness, or aggression. It’s not exactly a vulgar word, but it’s definitely impolite.

Example: What do you want reh maláka?

The word Reh comes from the ancient Greek word Μωρός > Μωρέ, which means “stupid”. In fact, this is where the English word “moron” comes from. So, technically, it is an insult – though many Greeks are unaware of that.

Fun fact: The Greek word for “baby”, μωρό, comes from the exact same word. 

7. Skatá (Σκατά ) – Shit

This is one of the easiest Greek swear words to remember and pronounce, and it means “shit”.

You can use it when something goes wrong instead of gamóto as is less vulgar. Still, it’s an impolite word that you want to avoid when talking to people you don’t know very well.

Example: Skatá, I got locked out of my hotel room.

8. Hése mas (Χέσε μας) – Bite me / Fuck off

Literally translating to “shit on us”, this somewhat funny expression is the equivalent of “bite me” in American slang, or the more offensive “fuck off”. It is used to express annoyance, or anger.


  • You are never going to make it in time!
  • Hése mas, I’m sure I’ll manage!

9. Héstika (Χέστηκα) – I don’t give a shit / I don’t care

This word, which comes from the same verb as hése mas, literally means “I shat myself”. Amusingly, it best translates to “I don’t give a shit”, and is used to express “I don’t care”.


  • Don’t go out, it’s raining.
  • Héstika, I’ll take an umbrella. 

10. Kólos (Κώλος) – Ass

The meaning of the word kólos is “ass”. As in many languages around the world, it’s an impolite word. Greeks often add kólos to another word as a first component, to imply something bad / in a bad state.

Example: A common word to describe bad weather is kolókeros – Ass weather.

Fun fact: This is where the word “colon” comes from.

11. Arhídeea (Αρχίδια) – Balls / Bollocks

This part of the male anatomy is a very common and versatile Greek swear word. You can use it in several circumstances, for instance to indicate a bad situation, or to insult someone.

Best curse words in Greek

There are several expressions using the word arhídeea, or its singular form, arhídee. If, like many foreigners, you find it difficult to pronounce, it’s best to find another Greek word to express your frustration, or you are running the risk to sound amusing.


A) When used as a standalone expression, the word indicates a failure, or something that didn’t go to plan.

  • How did your exam go?
  • Arhídeea, I didn’t do well.

B) A common expression is “Páreh t’arhídeea mou”. It literally translates to “Take my balls”, but it’s closer to “Suck my dick”.

C) You can use it as a curse word. It’s similar to malákas but a bit stronger. Again, if a car driver almost runs into you, you could comfortably say “reh arhídee, look where you are going”!

12. Papária (Παπάρια) – Balls / Testicles

Another word for the same part of the male anatomy is papária. It’s maybe a little less offensive than arhídeea, but it’s still a word you should avoid using in most circumstances.

It’s most commonly used to indicate failure, or something that didn’t go to plan. Bonus: It’s easier to pronounce than arhídeea.


  • How did your exam go?
  • Papária, I think I’ve failed.

13. Pútsos (Πούτσος) – Cock / Dick

Oh dear. Where do we start and end with the words that are used to describe the part of the male anatomy that most men seem to be fixated on.

There are so many Greek slang words to describe a penis. One of the most common words is pútsos, which is a masculine word. Somewhat ironically, it has a feminine form as well, pútsa.

Other widely used synonyms are kavlí and psolí. Not to be confused with psomí, which means “bread”. (I’ve got an expat friend who once asked for a kilo of psolí at the bakery. Please don’t make the same mistake).

How to swear in Greek - A Greek statue of God Zeus / Poseidon

Incidentally… you may have noticed that Ancient Greek statues are not exactly very well-endowed. In Ancient Greece, a large penis was considered a sign of someone being boorish, unrefined and lacking self-control, in other words a barbarian.

Note: The English word “cocksucker” doesn’t really have an equivalent in Greek.

14. Pústis (Πούστης) – Fag / faggot / homo

This politically incorrect word is used to describe a homosexual male in a derogatory manner. It’s similar to the English word “faggot”, “fag” or “homo”.

Sometimes, you may hear the word pústis being used between male friends, as a sign of intimacy and affection. Still, you won’t hear it as often as malákas.

The expression reh pústi is often used to express anger and frustration, often followed by the word mou

Example: Reh pústi mou, the internet is off again! 

15. Putána (Πουτάνα) – Bitch / Whore

This word, which comes from the Italian puttana, is one of the most versatile curse words used in the Greek language. Originally, the word is used to indicate a female prostitute, or a wife who is not faithful to her husband.

By extension, it is often used as a vulgar / derogatory term for a promiscuous woman. Note that there is no equivalent swear word in Greek for a man who has many partners…

Finally, putána can also indicate an evil woman, or also a smart, cunning woman, but still in a derogatory manner. And there are many more meanings! A common slang expression is Ginete tis putánas > It is very crowded.

Note: The word putána is not only vulgar and offensive, but also sexist. Yes, Greeks are still rather puritan…

16. Burdélo (Μπουρδέλο) – Brothel

The literal meaning of the word burdélo is a brothel. And while “brothel” is not really a curse word, Greeks use the word burdélo to indicate a messed-up situation, or a very untidy room / house.

Example: I’ve been waiting for a half hour to talk to someone, and the lines are still busy! It’s such a burdélo!

17. Mouní (Μουνί) – Pussy / Cunt

In Greek, mouní is a vulgar way to describe the female vulva. It’s also a super vulgar word to describe an attractive woman. Remember the macho culture in Greece.

Unlike in English, you can’t use mouní to refer to a person who is a pussy, as in too scared to do something. You can use it, however, as a derogatory term for a man, as in “cunt”. It’s much worse than malákas.

There are numerous composite words and expressions with the word mouní. One that you might come across is ta ekanes mouní, best translated as you made a mess”. 

How to swear in Greek

18. Kariólis (Καριόλης) – Douche / Mofo

The word kariólis is probably one of the most offensive Greek words to use. We could best translate it as douche or mofo. The female version, karióla, is used to describe a prostitute, and by extension a woman with low morals.

Example: Look at the way this kariólis is driving!!

The word comes from the Italian word carriola, which roughly translates to a low bed, or a wheelbarrow. 

19. Ilíthios (Ηλίθιος) – Idiot

This word is not nearly as vulgar as the others mentioned here so far. However, it’s an interesting word to analyze.

The English word “idiot” comes from the word ιδιώτης, which was used in Greece in ancient times. This word indicated a person who was not interested in common affairs and public life, and was considered to be an insult.

In Greek, the word ilíthios is an adjective, and has three genders. So, you would call a man ilíthios, and a woman ilíthia.

20. Vlákas (Βλάκας) – Stupid

Hardly a swear word these days, the word vlákas is a noun indicating a stupid person.

Interestingly, it rhymes with the word malákas, so it’s a good alternative, as it’s not as vulgar. This also comes from an ancient word, βλάξ.

FAQs about Greek bad words

Here are some answers to FAQs:

What is a Greek swear word?

The most famous Greek curse word is malákas, wanker.

What is héstika Greek?

This rude Greek expression best translates to I don’t care – but it literally I shat myself.

What does re mean in Greece?

Re, or reh, is a Greek slang word used for emphasis. It comes from the ancient Greek word μωρός > moron.

What does vláka mean in Greek?

In Greek, the word vlákas means stupid. These days, it’s not a very strong swear word.

Does maláka mean friend?

The Greek word maláka is technically rude, and means a wanker. However, it is often used between close friends. In this case, its meaning is dude, or mate.

More guides about the Greek language and culture

Apart from the above words, there are literally hundreds more that you can use to offend someone in Greek. Many of them are sexist, racist, homophobic, shameful, or just over the top. Depending on where you are from, you may find them very politically incorrect. I certainly do – to be honest, I don’t use many of the above words either.

If you prefer to learn Greek vocabulary that won’t offend anyone, have a look at these other articles:

  • The Greek alphabet and 20 Greek words
  • More useful Greek words and basic phrases

And here are a few more articles on Greek culture:

  • Things you should know about Greece
  • Ancient Greek theatres
  • The Gods of Mt Olympus

Vanessa from Real Greek Experiences

Hi! I’m Vanessa from Athens. I hope you had fun reading this guide! Follow me on FB and Instagram for more Greek-related facts and photos.

Popular rude words in Greek

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