What does the word leisure

Public parks were initially set aside for leisure, recreation and sport.

A man relaxing on a couch

Leisure time swimming at an oasis

Leisure has often been defined as a quality of experience or as free time.[1][2] Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. Leisure as an experience usually emphasizes dimensions of perceived freedom and choice. It is done for «its own sake», for the quality of experience and involvement.[1] Other classic definitions include Thorstein Veblen’s (1899) of «nonproductive consumption of time.»[3] Free time is not easy to define due to the multiplicity of approaches used to determine its essence. Different disciplines have definitions reflecting their common issues: for example, sociology on social forces and contexts and psychology as mental and emotional states and conditions. From a research perspective, these approaches have an advantage of being quantifiable and comparable over time and place.[4]

Leisure studies and sociology of leisure are the academic disciplines concerned with the study and analysis of leisure. Recreation differs from leisure in that it is a purposeful activity that includes the experience of leisure in activity contexts. Economists consider that leisure times are valuable to a person like wages that they could earn for the same time spend towards the activity. If it were not, people would have worked instead of taking leisure.[5] However, the distinction between leisure and unavoidable activities is not a rigidly defined one, e.g. people sometimes do work-oriented tasks for pleasure as well as for long-term utility.[6] A related concept is social leisure, which involves leisurely activities in social settings, such as extracurricular activities, e.g. sports, clubs. Another related concept is that of family leisure. Relationships with others is usually a major factor in both satisfaction and choice.

The concept of leisure as a human right was realised in article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Leisure has historically been the privilege of the upper class.[7] Opportunities for leisure came with more money, or organization, and less working time, rising dramatically in the mid-to-late 19th century, starting in Great Britain and spreading to other rich nations in Europe. It spread as well to the United States, although that country had a reputation in Europe for providing much less leisure despite its wealth. Immigrants to the United States discovered they had to work harder than they did in Europe.[8] Economists continue to investigate why Americans work longer hours.[9] In a recent book, Laurent Turcot argues that leisure was not created in the 19th century but is imbricated in the occidental world since the beginning of history.[10]


In Canada, leisure in the country is related to the decline in work hours and is shaped by moral values, and the ethnic-religious and gender communities. In a cold country with winter’s long nights, and summer’s extended daylight, favorite leisure activities include horse racing, team sports such as hockey, singalongs, roller skating and board games.[11][12][13] The churches tried to steer leisure activities, by preaching against drinking and scheduling annual revivals and weekly club activities.[14] By 1930 radio played a major role in uniting Canadians behind their local or regional hockey teams. Play-by-play sports coverage, especially of ice hockey, absorbed fans far more intensely than newspaper accounts the next day. Rural areas were especially influenced by sports coverage.[15]


Leisure by the mid-19th century was no longer an individualistic activity. It was increasingly organized. In the French industrial city of Lille, with a population of 80,000 in 1858, the cabarets or taverns for the working class numbered 1300, or one for every three houses. Lille counted 63 drinking and singing clubs, 37 clubs for card players, 23 for bowling, 13 for skittles, and 18 for archery. The churches likewise have their social organizations. Each club had a long roster of officers, and a busy schedule of banquets, festivals and competitions. At the turn of the century thousands of these clubs had been created.[16]

United Kingdom[edit]

A caricature of upper class Victorian tourists, 1852

As literacy, wealth, ease of travel, and a broadened sense of community grew in Britain from the mid-19th century onward, there was more time and interest in leisure activities of all sorts, on the part of all classes.[17]

Opportunities for leisure activities increased because real wages continued to grow and hours of work continued to decline. In urban Britain, the nine-hour day was increasingly the norm; the 1874 Factory Act limited the workweek to 56.5 hours. The movement toward an eight-hour day. Furthermore, system of routine annual vacations came into play, starting with white-collar workers and moving into the working-class.[18][19] Some 200 seaside resorts emerged thanks to cheap hotels and inexpensive railway fares, widespread banking holidays and the fading of many religious prohibitions against secular activities on Sundays.[20]

By the late Victorian era, the leisure industry had emerged in all British cities, and the pattern was copied across Western Europe and North America. It provided scheduled entertainment of suitable length and convenient locales at inexpensive prices. These include sporting events, music halls, and popular theater. By 1880 football was no longer the preserve of the social elite, as it attracted large working-class audiences. Average gate was 5,000 in 1905, rising to 23,000 in 1913. That amounted to 6 million paying customers with a weekly turnover of £400,000. Sports by 1900 generated some three percent of the total gross national product in Britain. Professionalization of sports was the norm, although some new activities reached an upscale amateur audience, such as lawn tennis and golf. Women were now allowed in some sports, such as archery, tennis, badminton and gymnastics.[21]

Leisure was primarily a male activity, with middle-class women allowed in at the margins. There were class differences with upper-class clubs, and working-class and middle-class pubs.[22] Heavy drinking declined; there was more betting on outcomes. Participation in sports and all sorts of leisure activities increased for average English people, and their interest in spectator sports increased dramatically.[23]

By the 1920s the cinema and radio attracted all classes, ages, and genders in very large numbers. Giant palaces were built for the huge audiences that wanted to see Hollywood films. In Liverpool 40 percent of the population attended one of the 69 cinemas once a week; 25 percent went twice. Traditionalists grumbled about the American cultural invasion, but the permanent impact was minor.[24]

The British showed a more profound interest in sports, and in greater variety, that any rival. They gave pride of place to such moral issues as sportsmanship and fair play.[17] Cricket became symbolic of the Imperial spirit throughout the Empire. Soccer proved highly attractive to the urban working classes, which introduced the rowdy spectator to the sports world. In some sports, there was significant controversy in the fight for amateur purity especially in rugby and rowing. New games became popular almost overnight, including golf, lawn tennis, cycling and hockey. Women were much more likely to enter these sports than the old established ones. The aristocracy and landed gentry, with their ironclad control over land rights, dominated hunting, shooting, fishing and horse racing.[25]

Cricket had become well-established among the English upper class in the 18th century, and was a major factor in sports competition among the public schools. Army units around the Empire had time on their hands, and encouraged the locals to learn cricket so they could have some entertaining competition. Most of the Empire embraced cricket, with the exception of Canada.[26] Cricket test matches (international) began by the 1870s; the most famous is that between Australia and Britain for «The Ashes».[27]


The range of leisure activities extends from the very informal and casual to highly organised and long-lasting activities. A significant subset of leisure activities are hobbies which are undertaken for personal satisfaction, usually on a regular basis, and often result in satisfaction through skill development or recognised achievement, sometimes in the form of a product. The list of hobbies is ever changing as society changes.

Substantial and fulfilling hobbies and pursuits are described by Sociologist Robert Stebbins[28] as serious leisure. The serious leisure perspective is a way of viewing the wide range of leisure pursuits in three main categories: casual leisure, serious leisure, and project-based leisure.[29]

Serious leisure[edit]

«Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer … that is highly substantial, interesting, and fulfilling and where … participants find a [leisure] career…».[30] For example, collecting stamps or maintaining a public wetland area.

People undertaking serious leisure can be categorised as amateurs, volunteers or hobbyists. Their engagement is distinguished from casual leisure by a high level of perseverance, effort, knowledge and training required and durable benefits and the sense that one can create in effect a leisure career through such activity.[28]

The range of serious leisure activities is growing rapidly in modern times[28] with developed societies having greater leisure time, longevity and prosperity. The Internet is providing increased support for amateurs and hobbyists to communicate, display and share products.


As literacy and leisure time expanded after 1900, reading became a popular pastime. New additions to adult fiction doubled during the 1920s, reaching 2800 new books a year by 1935. Libraries tripled their stocks, and saw heavy demand for new fiction.[31] A dramatic innovation was the inexpensive paperback, pioneered by Allen Lane (1902–70) at Penguin Books in 1935. The first titles included novels by Ernest Hemingway and Agatha Christie. They were sold cheap (usually sixpence) in a wide variety of inexpensive stores such as Woolworth’s. Penguin aimed at an educated middle class «middlebrow» audience. It avoided the downscale image of American paperbacks. The line signaled cultural self-improvement and political education. The more polemical Penguin Specials, typically with a leftist orientation for Labour readers, were widely distributed during World War II.[32] However the war years caused a shortage of staff for publishers and book stores, and a severe shortage of rationed paper, worsened by the air raid on Paternoster Square in 1940 that burned 5 million books in warehouses.[33]

Romantic fiction was especially popular, with Mills and Boon the leading publisher.[34] Romantic encounters were embodied in a principle of sexual purity that demonstrated not only social conservatism, but also how heroines could control their personal autonomy.[35][36] Adventure magazines became quite popular, especially those published by DC Thomson; the publisher sent observers around the country to talk to boys and learn what they wanted to read about. The story line in magazines and cinema that most appealed to boys was the glamorous heroism of British soldiers fighting wars that were perceived as exciting and just.[37]

Casual leisure[edit]

«Casual leisure is immediately, intrinsically rewarding; and it is a relatively short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no special training to enjoy it.»[30] For example, watching TV or going for a swim.

Project-based leisure[edit]

«Project-based leisure is a short-term, moderately complicated, either one-shot or occasional, though infrequent, creative undertaking carried out in free time.»[30] For example, working on a single Wikipedia article or building a garden feature.

Cultural differences[edit]

Time available for leisure varies from one society to the next, although anthropologists have found that hunter-gatherers tend to have significantly more leisure time than people in more complex societies.[38] As a result, band societies such as the Shoshone of the Great Basin came across as extraordinarily lazy to European colonialists.[39]

Workaholics, less common than the social myths, are those who work compulsively at the expense of other activities. They prefer to work rather than spend time socializing and engaging in other leisure activities.

European and American men statistically have more leisure time than women, due to both household and parenting responsibilities and increasing participation in the paid employment. In Europe and the United States, adult men usually have between one and nine hours more leisure time than women do each week.[40]

Family leisure[edit]

Family leisure is defined as time that parents, children and siblings spend together in free time or recreational activities,[41] and it can be expanded to address intergenerational family leisure as time that grandparents, parents, and grandchildren spend together in free time or recreational activities.[42] Leisure can become a central place for the development of emotional closeness and strong family bonds. Contexts such as urban/rural shape the perspectives, meanings, and experiences of family leisure. For example, leisure moments are part of work in rural areas, and the rural idyll is enacted by urban families on weekends, but both urban and rural families somehow romanticize rural contexts as ideal spaces for family making (connection to nature, slower and more intimate space, notion of a caring social fabric, tranquillity, etc.).[42][43] Also, much «family leisure» requires tasks that are most often assigned to women. Family leisure also includes playing together with family members on the weekend day.


Leisure is important across the lifespan and can facilitate a sense of control and self-worth.[44] Older adults, specifically, can benefit from physical, social, emotional, cultural, and spiritual aspects of leisure. Leisure engagement and relationships are commonly central to «successful» and satisfying aging.[45] For example, engaging in leisure with grandchildren can enhance feelings of generativity, whereby older adults can achieve well-being by leaving a legacy beyond themselves for future generations.[46]

See also[edit]

  • Conspicuous consumption
  • Conspicuous leisure
  • Entertainment
  • Labour economics
  • Leisure satisfaction
  • Lifestyle (sociology)
  • List of hobbies
  • Money-rich, time-poor
  • Recreation
  • The Theory of the Leisure Class
  • Travel + Leisure
  • Waiting for the Weekend
  • Work-leisure dichotomy
  • Work-life balance


  1. ^ a b Kelly, John (1996). Leisure (3rd ed.). Boston and London: Allyn and Bacon. pp. 17–27. ISBN 978-0-13-110561-4.
  2. ^ Neulinger, John (1981). To Leisure: An Introduction. Ann Arbor, MI: Allyn and Bacon. pp. 10–26. ISBN 978-0-20-506936-1.
  3. ^ Veblen, Thorstein (1953). The Theory of the Leisure Class. New York: New American Library. p. 46.
  4. ^ Laurent Turcot, «The origins of leisure», International Innovation, April 2016, [1]
  5. ^ Michael Parkin; Robin Bade (2018). Macroeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment. Pearson Canada. p. 485. ISBN 978-0-13-468683-7.
  6. ^ Goodin, Robert E.; Rice, James Mahmud; Bittman, Michael; & Saunders, Peter. (2005). «The time-pressure illusion: Discretionary time vs free time». Social Indicators Research 73(1), 43–70. (JamesMahmudRice.info, «Time pressure» (PDF))
  7. ^ Peter N. Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of European social history from 1350 to 2000 (2001) 5:3-261.
  8. ^ Mark Wyman (1993). Round-trip to America: The Immigrants Return to Europe, 1880-1930. Cornell University Press. p. 53. ISBN 978-0801481123.
  9. ^ Edward C. Prescott, «Why do Americans work so much more than Europeans?» (No. w10316. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004) online.
  10. ^ Laurent Turcot, Sports et Loisirs. Une histoire des origines à nos jours. Paris, Gallimard, 2016.
  11. ^ Suzanne Morton, «Leisure,» Oxford Companion to Canadian History (2006) pp 355-56.
  12. ^ George Karlis, Leisure and recreation in Canadian society: An introduction (2011).
  13. ^ Gerald Redmond, «Some Aspects of Organized Sport and Leisure in Nineteenth-Century Canada.» Loisir et société/Society and Leisure 2#1 (1979): 71-100.
  14. ^ Lynne Sorrel Marks (1996). Revivals and Roller Rinks: Religion, Leisure, and Identity in Late-nineteenth-century Small-town Ontario. ISBN 9780802078001.
  15. ^ Lorenz, Stacy L. (2000). «A Lively Interest on the Prairies»: Western Canada, the Mass Media, and a ‘World of Sport,’ 1870-1939″. Journal of Sport History. 27 (2): 195–227.
  16. ^ Theodore Zeldin, France, 1848-1945, vol. 2, Intellect, Taste and Anxiety This made many people happy as now they could spend more time together.
    (1977) pp 2:270-71.
  17. ^ a b Peter J. Beck, «Leisure and Sport in Britain.» in Chris Wrigley, ed., A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain (2008): 453-69.
  18. ^ G. R. Searle, A New England?: Peace and War, 1886-1918 (Oxford University Press, 2004), 529-70.
  19. ^ Hugh Cunningham, Time, work and leisure: Life changes in England since 1700 (2014)
  20. ^ John K. Walton, The English seaside resort. A social history 1750-1914 (1983).
  21. ^ Searle, A New England? pp 547-53
  22. ^ Peter Haydon, The English pub: a history (1994).
  23. ^ John K. Walton, Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939 (1983).
  24. ^ Charles Loch Mowat, Britain between the Wars 1918-1940 (1955) pp 246-50
  25. ^ Derek Birley, Land of sport and glory: Sport and British society, 1887-1910 (1995)
  26. ^ Cooper, David (1999). «Canadians Declare ‘It Isn’t Cricket’: A Century of Rejection of the Imperial Game, 1860-1960». Journal of Sport History. 26: 51–81.
  27. ^ Derek Birley, A Social History of English Cricket (1999) excerpt
  28. ^ a b c Stebbins, Robert (2015). Serious Leisure — A Perspective for Out Time. New Brunswick USA: Transaction Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7658-0363-4.
  29. ^ «The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP)». The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP). Retrieved 18 February 2016.
  30. ^ a b c «Concepts». The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP). Retrieved 18 February 2016.
  31. ^ Cottle, Basil (1978). «Popular Reading And Our Public Libraries: The Abjured Prescription». Library Review. 27 (4): 222–227. doi:10.1108/eb012677.
  32. ^ Nicholas Joicey, «A Paperback Guide to Progress: Penguin Books 1935–c. 1951.» Twentieth Century British History 4#1 (1993): 25-56. online
  33. ^ Joseph McAleer, Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain: 1914-1950 (1992).
  34. ^ Joseph McAleer, Passion’s fortune: the story of Mills & Boon (1999).
  35. ^ Nicola Humble, The Feminine Middlebrow Novel, 1920s to 1950s: Class, Domesticity, and Bohemianism (2001).
  36. ^ Alison Light, Forever England: femininity, literature and conservatism between the wars (1991).
  37. ^ Ernest Sackville Turner, Boys Will Be Boys: The Story of Sweeney Todd, Deadwood Dick, Sexton Blake, Billy Bunter, Dick Barton et al. (3rd ed. 1975).
  38. ^ Just, Peter (1980). «Time and Leisure in the Elaboration of Culture». Journal of Anthropological Research. 36 (1): 105–115. doi:10.1086/jar.36.1.3629555. JSTOR 3629555. S2CID 152360790.
  39. ^ Farb, Peter (1968). Man’s Rise to Civilization As Shown by the Indians of North America from Primeval Times to the Coming of the Industrial State. New York City: E.P. Dutton. pp. 28. LCC E77.F36. Most people assume that the members of the Shoshone band worked ceaselessly in an unremitting search for sustenance. Such a dramatic picture might appear confirmed by an erroneous theory almost everyone recalls from schooldays: A high culture emerges only when the people have the leisure to build pyramids or to create art. The fact is that high civilization is hectic, and that primitive hunters and collectors of wild food, like the Shoshone, are among the most leisured people on earth.
  40. ^ Society at a Glance 2009: OE. OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. See image at dx.doi.org
  41. ^ Shaw, S. M. (1997). «Controversies and contradictions in family leisure: An analysis of conflicting paradigms». Journal of Leisure Research. 29 (1): 98–112. doi:10.1080/00222216.1997.11949785. S2CID 141509996.
  42. ^ a b Hebblethwaite, Shannon (2014). «Grannie’s got to go fishing»: meanings and experiences of family leisure for three-generation families in rural and urban settings». World Leisure Journal. 56 (1): 42–61. doi:10.1080/04419057.2013.876588. S2CID 143743562.
  43. ^ Rye, J (2006). «Rural youths’ images of the rural». Journal of Rural Studies. 22 (4): 409–421. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2006.01.005.
  44. ^ Kleiber, D. A., Walker, G. J., & Mannell, R. C. (2011). A social psychology of leisure. Venture Pub., Incorporated.
  45. ^ Kelly, John, ed. (1993). Activity and Aging. Newbury Park and London: Sage. pp. 125–145. ISBN 978-0-8039-5273-7.
  46. ^ Hebblethwaite, S.; Norris, J. (2011). «Expressions of generativity through family leisure: Experiences of grandparents and adult grandchildren». Family Relations. 60 (1): 121–133. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2010.00637.x.

Further reading[edit]

  • Cross, Gary S. Encyclopedia of recreation and leisure in America. (2004).
  • Harris, David. Key concepts in leisure studies. (Sage, 2005)
  • Hunnicutt, Benjamin Kline. Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream. (Temple University Press, 2013).
  • Ibrahim, Hilmi. Leisure and society: a comparative approach (1991).
  • Jenkins, John M., and J.J.J. Pigram. Encyclopedia of leisure and outdoor recreation. (Routledge, 2003). ISBN 0-415-25226-1.
  • Kostas Kalimtzis. An Inquiry into the Philosophical Concept of Scholê: Leisure As a Political End. London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2017.
  • Rojek, Chris, Susan M. Shaw, and A.J. Veal, eds/ A Handbook of Leisure Studies. (2006).

History of leisure[edit]

  • Abrams, Lynn. Workers’ culture in imperial Germany: leisure and recreation in the Rhineland and Westphalia (2002).
  • Beck, Peter J. «Leisure and Sport in Britain.» in Chris Wrigley, ed., A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain (2008): 453–69.
  • Borsay, Peter. A History of Leisure: The British Experience since 1500 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).
  • Burke, Peter. «The Invention of Leisure in Early Modern Europe». In: Past and Present 146 (1995), p. 136-150.
  • Cross, Gary. A social history of leisure since 1600 (1990).
  • De Grazia, Victoria. The culture of consent: mass organisation of leisure in fascist Italy (2002).
  • Hatcher, John. «Labour, Leisure and Economic Thought before the Nineteenth Century». In: Past and Present 160 (1998), p. 64-115.
  • Koshar, Rudy. Histories of Leisure (2002).
  • Levinson, David, and Karen Christensen. Encyclopedia of world sport: from ancient times to the present (Oxford UP, 1999).
  • Marrus, Michael R. The Emergence of Leisure. New York 1974
  • Poser, Stefan: Leisure Time and Technology, European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2011, retrieved: 25 October 2011.
  • Stearns, Peter N. ed. Encyclopedia of European social history from 1350 to 2000 (2001) 5:3-261; 18 essays by experts
  • Struna, Nancy L. People of Prowess Sport Leisure and Labor in Early Anglo-America (1996) excerpt
  • Towner, John, and Geoffrey Wall. «History and tourism.» Annals of Tourism Research 18.1 (1991): 71–84. online
  • Towner, John. «The Grand Tour: a key phase in the history of tourism.» Annals of tourism research 12#3 (1985): 297–333.
  • Turcot, Laurent Sports et Loisirs. Une histoire des origines à nos jours, Paris, Gallimard, 2016.
  • Turcot, Laurent «The origins of Leisure», International Innovation, April 2016 [2]
  • Walton, John K. Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939 (1983).
  • Withey, Lynne. Grand Tours and Cook’s Tours: A history of leisure travel, 1750 to 1915 (1997).


  • Akyeampong, Emmanuel, and Charles Ambler. «Leisure in African history: An introduction.» International journal of African historical studies 35#1 (2002): 1-16.
  • Mommaas, Hans, et al. Leisure research in Europe: methods and traditions (Cab international, 1996), on France, Poland, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, and the UK.
  • Ritter, Gerhard A (1978). «Workers’ culture in Imperial Germany: problems and points of departure for research». Journal of Contemporary History. 13 (2): 165–189. doi:10.1177/002200947801300201. JSTOR 260112. S2CID 144905527.
  • Schiller, Kay; Young, Christopher (2009). «The history and historiography of sport in Germany: Social, cultural and political perspectives». German History. 27 (3): 313–330. doi:10.1093/gerhis/ghp029.

External links[edit]

Look up leisure in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Leisure.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Leisure.

  • Leisure
  • Peter Burke, The invention of leisure in early modern Europe, Past & Present, February 1995
  • The Development of Leisure Amongst the Social Classes During the Industrial Revolution
  • «The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP)». The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP). Retrieved 17 February 2016.
  • «Leisure Perspective». My Nephew’s Take on Leisure (SMD). Retrieved 19 September 2016.

досуг, свободное время, свободный


Мои примеры


to be at leisure — быть свободным, незанятым  
do it at your leisure — сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно  
leisure centre — центр досуга  
leisure-time activity — деятельность в свободное от работы время  
to intrude upon smb.’s leisure — нарушать чей-л. покой  
leisure time — свободное время  
labour-leisure choice — выбор «труд–досуг»  
right to rest and leisure — право на отдых  
to snatch a moment’s leisure — урвать свободную минуту  
leisure pursuits — занятия на досуге; досуг  

Примеры с переводом

How do you spend your leisure?

Как вы проводите свободное время?

Do it at your leisure.

Сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно.

I don’t have much time for leisure.

У меня не так много времени для досуга.

Watching television is now the nation’s most popular leisure activity.

Сейчас просмотр телевизора является наиболее популярным видом проведения досуга в стране.

Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time.

Сейчас у многих людей есть возможность наслаждаться сокращенным рабочим днём и большим количеством свободного времени.

Football occupies most of my leisure time.

Футбол занимает большую часть моего свободного времени /досуга/.

The hotel offers various leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna.

Гостям отеля предлагаются различные возможности для отдыха, такие как плавательный бассейн и сауна.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

So you’re a lady of leisure now that the kids are at school?

This follows private negotiations between the landowner, and the leisure centre.

…upon retiring, the elderly couple looked forward to a life of well-deserved leisure…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

leisured  — праздный, досужий, неторопливый
leisurely  — неторопливый, медленный, досужий, спокойно, не спеша
leisurable  — неторопливый, досужий
leisureless  — не знающий отдыха, досуга, не имеющий отдыха

  • 1

    1) досу́г, свобо́дное вре́мя;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > leisure

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > leisure

  • 3

    1. сущ. досуг, свободное время at leisure ≈ на досуге;
    не спеша to be at leisure ≈ быть свободным, незанятым do it at your leisure ≈ сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно leisure time ≈ свободное время Syn: comfort
    2. прил. свободный leisure center ≈ центр досуга leisure time ≈ свободное время
    досуг — * hours часы досуга — life of * праздная жизнь — at * на досуге — to be at one’s * быть свободным /незанятым/ — I am seldom at * я почти всегда занят свободное время — at one’s * когда есть свободное время;
    когда удобно — please look at this papers at your * пожалуйста, просмотрите эти бумаги на досуге — I asked him to give me an appointment at his * я просил его принять меня в удобное для него время — to wait smb.’s *, to wait till smb. has * ждать, пока кто-л. освободится;
    выжидать (удобный) момент;
    дожидаться случая — to have little * for reading /to read/ иметь мало /почти не иметь/ возможности читать /времени для чтения/
    leisure досуг, свободное время;
    at leisure на досуге;
    не спеша;
    to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым;
    do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно
    leisure досуг, свободное время;
    at leisure на досуге;
    не спеша;
    to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым;
    do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно
    leisure досуг, свободное время;
    at leisure на досуге;
    не спеша;
    to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым;
    do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно ~ attr. свободный;
    leisure time свободное время
    ~ attr. свободный;
    leisure time свободное время time: leisure ~ свободное время, досуг leisure ~ свободное время

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > leisure

  • 4


    leisure досуг, свободное время; at leisure на досуге; не спеша; to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым; do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно leisure досуг, свободное время; at leisure на досуге; не спеша; to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым; do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно leisure досуг, свободное время; at leisure на досуге; не спеша; to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым; do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно leisure attr. свободный; leisure time свободное время leisure attr. свободный; leisure time свободное время time: leisure leisure свободное время, досуг leisure leisure свободное время

    English-Russian short dictionary > leisure

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    1) досуг

    to be at one’s leisure — быть свободным /незанятым/

    2) свободное время

    at one’s leisure — а) когда есть свободное время; please look at this papers at your leisure — пожалуйста, просмотрите эти бумаги на досуге; б) когда удобно

    I asked him to give me an appointment at his leisure — я просил его принять меня в удобное для него время

    to wait smb.’s leisure, to wait till smb. has leisure — а) ждать, пока кто-л. освободится; б) выжидать (удобный) момент; дожидаться случая

    to have little leisure for reading /to read/ — иметь мало /почти не иметь/ возможности читать /времени для чтения/

    НБАРС > leisure

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    досуг, отдых, свободное время

    Do it at your leisure. — Сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно.



    Англо-русский экономический словарь > leisure

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    1) досуг, свободное время; at leisure на досуге; не спеша; to be at leisure быть свободным, незанятым; do it at your leisure сделайте это, когда вам будет удобно

    2) (


    ) свободный; leisure time свободное время



    * * *

    (n) досуг; отдых

    * * *

    * * *

    [lei·sure || ‘lɪːʒər /’leʒə]
    досуг, свободное время

    * * *







    * * *

    1. сущ.
    досуг, свободное время
    2. прил.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > leisure

  • 8



    досуг, свободное время




    Англо-русский современный словарь > leisure

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    имя существительное:

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > leisure

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    1. n досуг

    2. n свободное время

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. extra (adj.) extra; free; spare; unrestricted

    2. convenience (noun) chance; circumstances; convenience; occasion; opportunity; place

    3. free time (noun) ease; free time; freedom; holiday; recess; recreation; relaxation; repose; requiescence; respite; rest; spare time

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > leisure

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > leisure

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    1) Общая лексика: досуг, незанятый , свободный, свободное время, досуговый , рекреационный

    2) Юридический термин: отдых

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > leisure

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > leisure

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    ˈleʒəдосуг, свободное время

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > leisure

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    1. часть нерабочего времени, используемая для удовлетворения естественных и социальных потребностей людей;

    2. свободное время.

    * * *


    1) часть нерабочего времени, используемая для удовлетворения естественных и социальных потребностей людей;

    2) свободное время.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > leisure

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    Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > leisure

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    досуг, свободное время


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > leisure

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    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > leisure

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    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > leisure

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    English-Russian smart dictionary > leisure


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Leisure 17 — Segelzeichen Technische Daten (Überblick) Schiffstyp: Segelyacht Länge (ü.a.): 5,18 m Breite (ü.a.): 2,13 m Tiefgang: 0,65/1,00 m …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • leisure — lei‧sure [ˈleʒə ǁ ˈliːʒər] noun [uncountable] time when you are not working and can relax and do things you enjoy: • The recession and worries about unemployment have hurt spending on leisure activities. * * * leisure UK US /ˈleʒər/ US  /ˈliːʒər/ …   Financial and business terms

  • Leisure — Альбом Blur …   Википедия

  • leisure — [lē′zhər, lezh′ər] n. [ME leiser < OFr leisir, substantive use of inf., to be permitted < L licere < IE base * leik , to offer for sale, bargain] free, unoccupied time during which a person may indulge in rest, recreation, etc. adj. 1.… …   English World dictionary

  • Leisure — Album par Blur Sortie Le 27 août 1991 Enregistrement novembre 1989 février 1991 Durée 50 13 (UK version) 47 45 (US version) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • leisure — ► NOUN ▪ time spent in or free for relaxation or enjoyment. ● at leisure Cf. ↑at leisure ● at one s leisure Cf. ↑at one s leisure DERIVATIVES leisured adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • Leisure — Lei sure (l[=e] zh[ u]r; 135), n. [OE. leisere, leiser, OF. leisir, F. loisir, orig., permission, fr. L. licere to be permitted. See {License}.] 1. Freedom from occupation or business; vacant time; time free from employment. [1913 Webster] The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Leisure — ist der Titel von: Leisure (Album), Debütalbum der Band Blur Leisure (Film), australischer Kurzfilm aus dem Jahr 1976 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriff …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • leisure — (n.) early 14c., leisir, opportunity to do something (as in phrase at (one s) leisure), also time at one s disposal, from O.Fr. leisir (Mod.Fr. loisir) capacity; permission; leisure, spare time; free will; idleness, inactivity, noun use of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Leisure — Lei sure, a. Unemployed; as, leisure hours. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • leisure — index furlough, holiday, leave (absence) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

— ‘And surely,’ he continues, ‘if the purpose be in good earnest, _not to write at leisure that which men may read at leisure_’ — note it — that which men may read at leisure — ‘but really to ❋ Delia Bacon (1835)

On all sides they trip along, buoyed up by animal spirits, and seemingly so void of care that often, when I am walking on the Boulevards, it occurs to me that they alone understand the full import of the term leisure; and they trifle their time away with such an air of contentment, I know not how to wish them wiser at the expense of gayety. ❋ Elizabeth Robins Pennell (1895)

On all sides they trip along, buoyed up by animal spirits, and seemingly so void of care, that often, when I am walking on the _Boulevards_, it occurs to me, that they alone understand the full import of the term leisure; and they trifle their time away with such an air of contentment, I know not how to wish them wiser at the expence of their gaiety. ❋ Mary Wollstonecraft (1778)

After his retirement from business, Franklin enjoyed seven years of what he called leisure, but they were years of study and application; years of happiness and sweet content, but years of aspiration and an earnest looking into the future. ❋ Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915 (1916)

Bejing — BAY-jing (there is no sounds such as found in ‘leisure‘ in Chinese) ❋ Newmania (2007)

It’s a wider societal issue, where leisure is very much valued and work habits are not necessarily reinforced in the way that they were in the past. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hours of leisure is a real metric, and all those ‘lousy gadgets’ have freed people up from hundreds of hours of scrubbing pots, washing clothes, hanging linen, watching the stove, typing letters, etc. ❋ Unknown (2010)

To sin in haste and repent at leisure is not a privilege available to the public servant. ❋ Unknown (2009)

To make hippocras: Take a gallon of claret of white wine, and put therein four ounces of ginger, an ounce and a half of nutmegs, of cloves one quarter, of sugar four pound; let all this stand together in a pot at least twelve hours, then take it, and put it into a clean bag made for the purpose, so that the wine may come with good leisure from the spices. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In that light, the performance of France (and of the European Union in general) does not look so bad: A much higher rate of growth of productivity than the U.S., and, as one might expect given that leisure is a normal good, the allocation of part of that increase to increased income, and part to increased leisure. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We’ve converged upon log-utility and rational choice as the explanation for the observed variations in leisure ❋ Unknown (2009)

It does not mean they need to work all the time, but that even in leisure, there has to be a value to it. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This re-evaluation of the time I spend on the journal was prompted by word of a new study regarding the amount of time that Americans spend «working» vs. «playing,» which shows a substantial drop in leisure time since 1973. ❋ Greygirlbeast (2008)

Time spent on research is time not spent in leisure reading, and since, as we’ve already established, I have a limited amount of time to begin with, that often means that pleasure reading simply doesn’t make the cut. ❋ Prof. De Breeze (2008)

Luke: *lying on couch*
[Calum]: Oh looks like we’ve caught Luke in his Leisure time.
Luke: I’m just [Leisuring] out.
[5sos] fan: *lies on couch with feet in air*
Person: What are you doing?
5sos fan: oh, you know, just [leisuring] ❋ Can’t Think Of A Name (2013)

[I like] taking leisurely [walks] in [the park]. ❋ Gamer911 (2019)

«If everyone would put [leisurism] into their life, the world would be [in a better place] and people would be less angry and upset and more happy and relaxed.
see [Leisurist] ❋ ChristheProfessor (2012)

I saw Leisure open for [cKy] in [Dallas] Texas, they [rocked the house]. ❋ Jeffgw0 (2003)

Guy 1: «[Did that] guy just say ‘You’re probably [my new best friend]?'»
Guy 2: «Yes he did.»
Guy 1: «That’s a [leisure sentence].» ❋ Jamal Rakens (2010)

Example: [CONSUMER] ALERT: Are our [Christmas Time] Suicide [Balloons] safe? ❋ JerGoertz (2004)

«Should I pick up a [six pack] of [Natty] on the way over?» «Nah bro, plenty of leisure beer [in the fridge]» ❋ Wordzmithz (2016)

[I’m a lady] of [leisure] this week; [I don’t need to] be back at work until Monday. ❋ Time4tea (2017)

[Can I] [leisure centre] you?
Yes [pls]! ❋ CubicAtom (2023)

After making rediculous amounts of money by selling his design to a large company, Tom now [fancies] himself a [gentleman of leisure]. He spends most days hanging around the pool reading The Wall Street Journal, and spends his nights at the club either drinking with ladies or playing high [stakes] poker in the back room. ❋ ALWXXX (2011)


Florence Bailey

Date Of Creation:

20 March 2021

Update Date:

11 April 2023

What is LEISURE? What does LEISURE mean? LEISURE meaning & explanation - How to pronounce LEISURE

Video: What is LEISURE? What does LEISURE mean? LEISURE meaning & explanation — How to pronounce LEISURE


  • What is Leisure:
  • Leisure and free time
  • Creative leisure

What is Leisure:

Leisure is he a person’s time to rest and take advantage of it in activities that are not merely work, It is a time to do everything that the individual likes and enjoys. The word leisure is of Latin origin «Otium» What does it mean «repose».

Leisure is represented on vacations or at the end of work, studies, at this time you can perform activities such as: sports, walks, activities that the human being has a vocation, for example: playing an instrument, painting, among others. Leisure is a time of recreation, essential to obtain a better performance at work or studies as it allows us to recharge the energy used in daily obligations.

As such, leisure are all those activities that the individual performs voluntarily to free himself from his family, professional (work or study) and social obligations in order to relax and rest, since mental rest is essential for the health and well-being of man.

The term idle is an adjective that is used to indicate to the person to be without doing anything or without work, that is, except for some obligation. Leisure is known as a state of physical or intellectual inertia essential for the person who works or studies.

The synonyms for leisure are: recreation, fun, party, entertainment, etc. However, the antonyms are: activity, diligence, action, industriousness.

Leisure and free time

There is a difference between leisure and free time since the latter is characterized by the fact that the individual performs activities that are not within the scope of work but are compulsory, such as: household chores. Instead, leisure man performs activities that are rewarding for him, such as a sport.

Creative leisure

Creative leisure, developed by the Italian sociologist Domenico De Masi, stipulates that the individual must reconcile work with leisure time, that is, carry out activities that help the individual to rest and release stress as a result of their obligations as this increases creativity, learning and, therefore, the company for which he works will increase its efficiency.

leisure — перевод на русский


How could such easily fatigued people find themselves in any better position, amid the incessant cacophony of so many simultaneous commercial and political messages, through the crude sophisms designed to make them accept their work and their leisure, or the wisdom of President Giscard, or the taste of food additives?

Как столь легко утомляемые люди могли оказаться в сколь-нибудь лучшем положении, среди непрерывной какофонии бесконечных коммерческих и политических сообщений, видеть сквозь примитивные софизмы, созданные, чтобы заставить их принять свою работу и свой досуг, или мудрость президента Жискара, или вкус пищевых добавок?

Of course. ‘Variety,’ the Arts and Leisure section of the ‘Times’…

Конечно. «Разное» «Искусство» «Досуг»

Hi, friends, The latest update from Lunar Leisure Living,

Привет друзья, Последние новости из «Жизнь и досуг на луне»

The latest update from Lunar Leisure Living.

Последние новости из «Жизнь и досуг на луне»(Lunar Leisure Living).

We shall make our leisures to fit in with yours.

Досуг ваш мы делить готовы с вами.

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It’s my leisure time.

У меня время отдыха. Голова пухнет.

But when it comes, we won’t know what leisure is.

Говорят о цивилизации развлечений. Когда мы её достигнем, мы потеряем смысл отдыха.

Mr Michael Corleone of Nevada representing our associates in tourism and leisure activities.

мистер Корлеоне из Невады … представляющий нашу сферу отдыха и туризма;

I recommended a day of leisure, but who takes a doctor’s advice?

Утром я назначил пациенту день отдыха. Но что ему советы специалиста?

The entire leisure market in the Uttoxeter catchment area goes to the winner.

Победитель получит контроль над всей индустрией отдыха в Уттоксетере.

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My household effects, my shares in Wheal Leisure…

Мое поместье, акции Уил-Лежер…

Wheal Leisure is his one real asset.

Уил-Лежер — его единственный реальный актив.

To Truro, for the Wheal Leisure shareholders’ meeting.

В Труро, на собрание акционеров Уил-Лежер.

Gentlemen, welcome to the quarterly meeting of the Wheal Leisure shareholders.

Господа, добро пожаловать на квартальное заседание акционеров Уил-Лежер.

Gentlemen, it’s been four years since we opened Wheal Leisure.

Господа, вот уже четыре года, как мы открыли Уил-Лежер.

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It means she spends her leisure time reading, not listening.

Это значит, что она проводит своё свободное время читая, а, не слушая музыку.

Mrs Brown, am I right in thinking that as you are not teaching Sydney today, you are at leisure?

Миссис Браун, раз сегодня вы не даёте уроков Сидни, — то у вас есть свободное время, я права?

We spend our leisure time in the mathematics museum.

Мы проводим свободное время в музее математики.

See, my daughter chooses to spend her leisure time in your questionable establishment, putting herself in harm’s way.

Видишь ли, моя дочь предпочитает проводит свободное время в вашем сомнительном заведении, нанося вред себе и своей репутации.

No, although the limits on those guys’ leisure time is a shock to the conscience.

Нет, хотя время, отведенное им на свободное время просто шокирует.

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I’m a fighting man by profession, and in my leisure moments it amuses me to train fighting men.

По профессии я военный, а в свободное время я люблю обмениваться гладиаторами.

Torture me with the various leisure activities

Замучать меня различными делами в свободное время?

And in your leisure moments, you Facebook and tweet.

А все свободное время ты тратишь на Facebook и Twitter.

I can take my leisure then.

Я использую своё свободное время.

They were two young people very much in love, just starting out in life, when he kidnapped them, murdered Joel, so that he could rape and torture Tiffany at his leisure.

Это были двое молодых людей, влюбленных друг в друга, только начинающих жить, когда он похитил их и убил Джоэля, чтобы без помех насиловать и пытать Тиффани в свое свободное время.

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Damn it backwards into a narrow space, Peter. This is set to change the face of Uttoxeter service and leisure industry forever.

Жариться мне на чертовой сковородке, Питер, если это навеки не изменит всю индустрию развлечений в

And the interiors of these cars… the interiors of these cars shall be hot and sweaty and bad-tempered, for the queue to the family-entertainment leisure hychrodrome shall be thousands of miles long.

Ссалоны этих машин впитают в себя пот и грязь и раздражение своих владельцев, ведь до долгожданных семейных развлечений еще ехать и ехать!

The smelting plant was transformed into a unique leisure park.

Плавильный завод был преобразован в уникальный парк развлечений.

A farmer today can work 5 times the land his father worked, and still have time for leisure that his father never knew.

Сегодняшний фермер может работать на размерах земли в пять раз больше чем его отец и при этом он имеет время для развлечений, которые его отец никогда не знал.

‘Real freedom means good wages, short hours, security and employment, ‘good houses, opportunity for leisure and recreation with family and friends.

‘Настоящая свобода означает хорошие зарплаты, меньше рабочих часов, стабильность и работу, ‘хорошие дома, возможность развлечений и отдыха с семьей и друзьями.

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Breakfast at your leisure and then come to the library.

Завтракайте в своё удовольствие, а затем приходите в библиотеку.

Like, my pleasure in other people’s leisure.

Типа, мое удовольствие, доставлять другим людям удовольствие.

The boys at forensics can take it apart at their leisure.

Ребята из ученого отдела могут его разбирать в свое удовольствие.

I just go to the cubicle where I can shut the door and I can lock it and I can do things at my own leisure.

Я просто иду в кабинку, где могу закрыть дверь и заперев ее, делать всё в своё удовольствие.

Knock them senseless at your leisure?

Избивать их до потери сознания в своё удовольствие?

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It seems they work in shifts on the computer. Yes, our night people have more leisure after eleven.

Ночью у нас времени побольше, после одиннадцати вам здесь все покажут.

— I’m afraid I’m not at leisure… this precise moment.

— Боюсь, у меня нет времени в настоящий момент.

I understood too well that great lovers were always men of leisure.

Я хорошо понимал, что великим любовником можно быть только если у тебя полно времени.

And soon I’ll have the leisure of time to indulge repayment.

И вскоре у меня будет достаточно времени, чтобы тебе отплатить.

You should keep it sir, till we have more leisure to do it justice.

— Вам следует приберечь ее до тех пор, пока у нас появится больше времени, чтобы по достоинству оценить ее.

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Suppose you drop me off somewhere and you go leisurely home… and I’ll pick up the car later.

Предположим, ты высадишь меня где-нибудь, и затем не спеша поедешь домой. А я заберу машину позже.

Examine it at your leisure.

Смотрите не спеша.

Winnie-Pooh was leisurely strolling with his friend Piglet, Composing a new ditty (little song).

Винни Пух не спеша прогуливался со своим другом Пятачком и сочинял новую песенку.»

One of the earliest carnivores, we now know Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus… a beautiful but deadly addition… to Jurassic Park.

[ Экскурсовод ] Одни из первых представителей семейства плотоядных, мы знаем, что диплодоки ядовитые животные, выделяя яд, они вызывают кровотечение и паралич конечностей, что позволяет ему доедать пищу не спеша.

So we’re just going to work at a nice, leisurely pace, right?

Мы будем работать в приятном темпе, не спеша, так?

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We’re sailing leisurely Through the Gulf of Corinth

Мы неторопливо идем через Коринфский залив,

Thieves leisurely walk in and lift 40 grand’s worth of material.

Воры неторопливо вошли и вынесли 40 тонн ценного материала

The hostess at Quattro confirms that Ricky Perez had a lovely, leisurely meal with his new manager, Paul Sanders.

Менеджер Куатро подтвердила, что Рикки Перес с удовольствием, неторопливо ел со своим менеджером, Полом Сандерсом.

And in a very leisurely manoeuvre. They may not be aware of us.

И это был очень неторопливый маневр.

That’s why I’m taking you to a long, deep, leisurely lunch.

Поэтому я беру тебя на долгий, глубокий, неторопливый обед.

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: freedom provided by the cessation of activities


: time free from work or duties

increase of leisure, diminution of hustle are the ends to be sought Bertrand Russell


at leisure

or at one’s leisure

: in one’s leisure time : at one’s convenience

read the book at her leisure


Example Sentences

I don’t have much time for leisure.

upon retiring, the elderly couple looked forward to a life of well-deserved leisure

Recent Examples on the Web

Overall, employers in leisure and hospitality remain 2.2 percent below their prepandemic staffing levels; a full recovery may be a long way off.

Lydia Depillis, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

The leisure and hospitality sectors, which were some of the hardest-hit at the peak of the pandemic, added the most jobs in March as businesses begin to recover.

Tori Otten, The New Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Overall, employers in leisure and hospitality remain 2.2 percent below their pre-pandemic staffing levels; a full recovery may be a long way off.

Lydia Depillis, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023

The New York Times reported in March that remote and hybrid staffers are boosting daytime workout, leisure, and haircut businesses.

Austin Fuller, Orlando Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2023

That’s enabled some Americans to emulate their European counterparts and spend more time on leisure and other activities.

Rich Miller, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Apr. 2023

The group says over 493,000 recreational vehicles were shipped nationwide last year and nearly 67 million American leisure travelers are planning RV trips this year.

Lucy Ladis, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

At the start of this year, more than half of Americans had plans to travel in the next six months, according to the U.S. Travel Association, and a third of leisure travelers are planning to travel more this year than last.

Harriet Baskas, NBC News, 31 Mar. 2023

Cities like Miami and Las Vegas have been known as hotspots for travel and leisure—think spring breaks and birthday bashes.

Prarthana Prakash, Fortune, 14 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘leisure.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English leiser, from Anglo-French leisir, from leisir to be permitted, from Latin licēre — see license entry 1

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of leisure was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near leisure

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“Leisure.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/leisure. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
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Exercising is something most people do during their leisure or free time. Others exercise because it gives them pleasure. And several people derive «pleasure» from watching TV or browsing the Internet during their «leisure» hours.

«Leisure» means «doing nothing at all» or «resorting to fun, non-strenuous activities when free». «Pleasure» is «any activity or thing that invokes happiness or a sense of content». One can be at «leisure» or do nothing and still feel good. The feeling of gratification will, however, be missing.

«Leisure» and «pleasure» overlap each other in a few ways but are significantly different words altogether. Read on to learn more about the two terms, besides a host of additional information related to them, so you have a clear understanding of what the two truly denote.

leisure definition on dictionary some blur

What is «Leisure»?

The word «leisure» means «free time». It also means «doing things unhurriedly». Some of the words/phrases related to or synonymous with «leisure» include:

  • Recreation
  • Relaxation
  • Spare time
  • Idle hours
  • Time off
  • Vacant hour

Though the term «leisure» is primarily identified with «doing nothing at all», it could also mean doing things that are enjoyable – for instance, any kind of recreational activity.

The objective behind «being at leisure» is escaping responsibilities by doing nothing at all or doing things that are not related to work or what you do for a living. It’s disconnecting from everything, keeping both your professional and personal worries at bay momentarily. The activity is invariably more desirable than «work» as there’s no real effort involved.

A «leisure activity» is usually not physically or mentally taxing, but it is also not gratifying. It can be enjoyable, but it doesn’t afford a sense of «accomplishment». For example, watching TV is not real work, and it also does not evoke the perception of having completed a «task». But it’s certainly enjoyable.

There are exceptions to this rule, however. You can derive a sense of «attainment» out of leisure time, but that’s contingent on your interests or hobbies. For example, if you like to read books during your free time, the activity can be both enjoyable and give you the feeling of having done something useful.

How Long Can You Be at «Leisure»?

There is no set rule or time limits for being «leisurely». Some people may spend a few minutes or hours doing nothing, and there are others who could spend the entire day lying on their bed or couch. The actual time spent leisurely could depend on how physically and/or mentally stressed you feel.

Also, the more time you spend at leisure doesn’t directly translate as more enjoyment and gratification. It depends on the activities you indulge in. You may enjoy watching TV or listening to music during the initial hour or two. But if the activity extends, it may get monotonous and not be fun anymore. Similar is the case with reading a book, cooking or doing anything considered as «productive».

In short, the length at which you can be at leisure and enjoy the same depends on how long it takes you to breach your «pleasure» threshold. If you play casual video games throughout your free time, you may not be able to pull that off for very long – maybe an hour or two.

Benefits of Being «Leisurely»

There are multiple benefits attached to doing nothing at all or doing something fun in your free time. They include:

  • Reduced stress and feelings of depression as your mind is relatively free or cut off from quotidian life.
  • Physical leisure activities, such as playing an outdoor sport or walking on the beach, can improve your mental and physical health.
  • A clear and calm mind will make you more efficient and productive when you get back to work.

Overall, taking time out from the humdrum now and again helps you feel a lot more connected to yourself, both emotionally and physically.

Using «Leisure» in Texts

The word «leisure» is a noun, but it can also be used as an adjective in texts. «Leisure hours», «leisure class», «a leisure jacket», etc., are some phrases that use the term as an adjective. The following are sentences using «leisure» as a noun:

  • Polo is primarily a leisure sport.
  • We earlier had a debate over the usage of leisure facilities.

Leisure is also used in idioms, such as «at leisure», which means «with unhinged or free time» or «slowly». For example:

  • Due to his start-up failing, he is currently at leisure.
  • Read the book at leisure.

The term «leisure» is invariably used in texts when referring to activities such as:

  • Attending auctions
  • Bicycling
  • Bird watching
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Driving

There, however, is no hard and fast rule associated with using «leisure» in writings. If you feel the word fits in well in a given context, go ahead and use the term.

pleasure word in dictionary

What is «Pleasure»?

«Pleasure» is «the feeling or state of being happy or pleased». It also denotes «a state of gratification».

People derive pleasure by indulging in activities they like. The pastime could be anything as simple as eating a bucket of their favorite fried chicken or something as far-fetched as mountain-climbing. The words «delight», «enjoyment», «joy», etc., are comparable to the term «pleasure».

«Delight» denotes «heightened pleasure». When a person is «delighted», they are usually expressive. However, an individual who is «pleased» is more likely to keep those feelings to themselves. The term «enjoyment» denotes «pleasurable satisfaction». The word coincides with «pleasure» more than most other synonyms of «pleasure». The feeling derived from finding shade on a sunny day can be either described as «pleasurable» or «enjoyable».

«Joy», on the other hand, is a feeling that’s beyond the state of delight. When a person is feeling joyful, they express it spontaneously or radiate with happiness. In other words, upon receiving a promotion at work, people are not «pleased» but feel «joyous».

Using the Word «Pleasure» in Texts

Generally, activities that most people resort to during their «leisure» hours offer «pleasure». However, there are specific activities that you could be sure of finding pleasure in. Those activities/things include:

  • Watching your favorite sports team playing in the finale
  • Taking a sip of coffee first thing in the morning (if you’re a coffee person)
  • Spending time with a good friend after a break
  • Traveling to your favorite destination
  • Being super-productive at work or something you’re passionate about
  • Hugging a kid
  • Going on a drive with a loved one
  • Having a wonderful meal

If you use the word «pleasure» to denote or describe an activity, make sure the endeavor or interest is «pleasurable» enough to qualify for the term. As mentioned above, «exercise» may afford some people pleasure, but it may be a chore or even a stress-inducing task for quite a few.

Comparing «Leisure» and «Pleasure»

As mentioned before, the words «leisure» and «pleasure» overlap each other quite a bit. However, there are a few differences between the two.

For starters, «leisure» denotes «not doing anything» or «being free». The word «pleasure» has no such connotations. In other words, «pleasure» doesn’t imply «taking time off». People can derive «pleasure» from their work, but they cannot or usually do not work during «leisure» time.

Also, as mentioned above, «pleasure» goes hand in hand with «gratification». The same cannot be said of «leisure». «Leisure» activities offer «frivolous amusement» or do not offer any value or have any serious purpose.

As far as similarities go, a «leisure» activity can make you feel good or not feel any strain. If «leisure» time is used productively or to serve one’s interests, the period can be stimulating and also «pleasurable».

Example Sentences with the Term «Leisure»

The following is a list of sentences that incorporate the term «leisure»:

  • She pursued her interests during her leisure in the evenings.
  • Leisure or vacation-related travel is usually considered non-essential.
  • For the voter turnout to be substantial, it’s imperative the elections are conducted when the citizens are at leisure.
  • The ban on leisure activities carried out indoors in public places is yet to be lifted.
  • That guy, who is currently at leisure, is highly skilled and has loads of experience behind him.
  • I do not have much leisure time at my disposal.
  • Most people in the city spend most of their leisure hours shopping.
  • He is looking forward to a leisure-filled life after he retires.
  • She wrote that book during her leisure time.
  • Is this dress casual enough to be worn during leisure?
  • Unfortunately, most people spend the majority of their leisure hours on their phones or browsing the Internet.
  • Only a wise person can use their leisure time, «productively».

Example Sentences with the Word «Pleasure»

Here are sentences using the word «pleasure» and some of its inflections:

  • Hosting the Queen was our pleasure!
  • I was pleased to meet him during a video call.
  • I am sure you were pleased to learn that she felt attracted to you.
  • Painting offers me pleasure.
  • Tim’s parents were immensely pleased to see their son graduate from law school.
  • Impulsive shopping offers me a feeling of high and pleasure that’s hard to explain.
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • His only pleasure activity was listening to music.
  • People who live in cities and towns do not know how pleasurable country life can be.
  • The pleasure was ours!
  • Dinner with you is always a pleasure.


woman carefree leaps in the beach

Unlike homonyms, «pleasure» and «leisure» have a reasonably distinct spelling and sound to them when pronounced. But because their meanings are similar or overlap each other, confusions may arise. This in-depth comparison hopefully helped you demarcate the two a lot more clearly and convincingly.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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